Lately, I’ve been sharing with you some treasures from old ecclesiastical embroidery, cleaned up into patterns and print-ready. Today’s hand embroidery pattern is another such piece, with lots of possibilities for embroidery, whether secular or ecclesiastical.
I suppose one reason I’m sharing the patterns – besides wanting you to enjoy them, too – is because I’ve had such little time to embroider lately, and I’m hoping Someone Out There is having more luck putting needle and thread to fabric and producing something! Since I can’t seem to do all the things I’d like to be able to do right now, maybe someone else can!

This is a design I’d really like to work! I’ve got ideas for it – ideas that involve silk and gold. The design is beckoning me, whispering the whole time, “Silk and Gold, Silk and Gold, Silk and Gold!”
With the Tudor-type rose motif, the design has a historical flavor that I really like. The quatrefoil frame is perfect for goldwork, and the roses and leaves would look nice interpreted in silks, with a touch of gold.
Alternately, you could play around with the design. I’m pretty sure all you creative people out there can come up with myriad ways to interpret the pattern, in different colors, different threads, for different purposes.
As for me, for now, it’s simply a member of The-List-of-Things-I’d-Like-to-Do-Someday. You know that list? Do you have one, too?!
Here’s the PDF, if you’re interested in a 6″ x 6″ printable version:
Quatrefoiled Rose (PDF)
If you’re looking for more embroidery patterns, feel free to check out the list of free hand embroidery patterns here on Needle ‘n Thread. (I finally updated it!)
PS…. Following up on last week’s pattern, did you notice I came up with a name on my own? And there’s no “thingy” in the title! See how much I learn from you??!
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We acknowledge your appellative accomplishment with approbation and accolades.
Thanks for your comments, everyone!
Irene – I didn’t actually settle on one. I did receive a neat suggestion via e-mail that I really liked. It’s from a reader in Switzerland, who used the term “rundummeli,” which is somewhat idiomatic, and translates into “a little round thing” or a little circular thing. But there were so many good ideas that I can’t decide!!
Red and gold, Anja, is exactly what I had in mind, too!!
Cynthia, I keep telling myself Christmas is months away…. only to keep me from panic mode.
Love the alliteration, there, Valerie! Thanks for the laugh!
Hope everyone’s having a terrific Wednesday! I’m glad it’s almost half way through the work week, which I can’t officially claim until 12:30. Today, I’m cleaning up my work room! Yippee! That generally leads to more productive endeavors – we’ll see! I’m debating about posting “before and after” photos, but it’s in such a disgraceful state, that I think I couldn’t handle the embarrassment!
I really like this pattern, thanks so much for sharing! This is so very generous of you to spend so much time cleaning up patterns to post for us. I’m printing it now as I write this.
I feel your pain about not having time to stitch. Christmas is coming! I have to get busy!
To me it whisperes “red and gold” – thanks for the pdf! I will try red and gold!
Oh no! I looked through the long list of suggestions and there were so many wonderful names. And you liked so many of them as well. But I can’t find your final decision. This is like a treasure hunt. 🙂
Thank you so much for the ecclesiastical designs. I have to stitch six palls for the church and have already done the one with the vine leaves. Lilies are next and then this one. Bless you.
This is a great pattern. As one who does various Tudor related activities, I only suggest adding another flower petal layer to make it into a more common Tudor rose, as those are red on the outside petals, and white on the inside petals, but the pattern looks easy enough to modify to that style.
Thank you for providing this pattern for us. I will be downloading it in just a bit, and hope to make this into a nice little bag, similar to a sweet bag, to use when I’m in character at a Tudor renaissance faire. Silk & gold is just what I’m looking to make next.
I apprecaiate that this is not relevant to this subject although I love the picture. I know that you can remove this and do not know how else to contact you.
I wish to thank you for the inspiration of your lovely pomeganate design. You may have noticed that I entered a version of it in Trish Burr’s recent Flower competition. I did acknowledge your design as my inspiration as did not know how to ask for your permission.
I enjoy your letter everyday, even though I cannot access the videos. With thanks and appreciation. Tricia from Cape Town.
Hi, Tricia – I’m so glad you found use for the pattern!! I’m sorry you can’t access the videos. Is there anything I can do to help with that, or is it a computer issue on your end? Let me know!
I am teaching myself Romanian Point Lace. I’ve learned the “hard” part, and have crocheted several sizes of the braid. I needed patterns, or at least inspiration, and you have provided both on your site. Thank you! When I have something worth sharing, I will send a photo.
Would you happen to remember where you pulled this idea from? What was the original inspiration for this lovely design?
It’s from an ecclesiastical design folio.