
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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We’re Kitting! But… Should We Kit More?


Amazon Books

Here in the wilds of the Kansas cornfields, we are kitting. We’ve been kitting all summer long.

Recently, we’ve kitted Stitch Snippet kits, we’ve kitted the Leafy Tree project, we’ve tentatively kitted (most of) Jacobean Sea and Goldwork Rose, we’ve kitted thread packs… and we’re almost kitted out.

But we have a few more kits to put together – and these are kits that we plan to use this autumn and pre-holiday season for a couple local workshops and for some local retail events associated with town festivals and whatnot.

Christmas embroidery kits

This is what we’re doing for these local events:

We selected four of our Christmas towels – Merry Christmas from the Christmas Cheer set; the small Let it Snow from the Let It Snow set; Joy to the world from the Glad Tidings set, and the medium Holly & Evergreen from the Holly & Evergreen set.

We made color lists for each towel in DMC threads and ordered those threads in bulk, so that each pre-printed towel would be accompanied by a full skein of each color that we used on the samples.

We made needle packets for each towel, with appropriate embroidery & tapestry needles.

And finally, I’ve been formatting instructional enclosures for each towel style, that we will have printed. The enclosure includes all the pertinent information for stitching the towel: color guide, stitch layout guide, and stitch diagrams, plus a few stitching tips.

And we ordered appropriate packaging.

Each kit includes a pre-printed towel, full skeins of all the colors required to stitch the towel, needles, and instructions, all packaged up tidily.

For workshops, pre-assembled kits make preparation a breeze. For local event sales, nicely packaged kits with everything self-contained are always appealing.

But Anna Says…

… that our online audience might find these self-contained kits appealing, too, on two accounts:

1. They would make terrific Christmas gifts for children, grandchildren, friends and family, stitching groups, Kris Kringle gift exchanges, and the like; and

2. They’d be excellent for stitchers who just want everything in one package – and who would enjoy stitching one towel, but not necessarily three (which is how the towel sets come). It could also give them a taster, so they’d know whether or not they’d like to work a whole three-towel set.

On the one hand, I am inclined to agree with her.

On the other hand, I’m not inclined to disagree – I’m just sort of flailing the other hand around, uncertain.

Opinion, Please?

With all this in mind, I decided to approach the “hive mind” – that’s all of you – to see what you think.

Does such a kit sound appealing to you? Would you purchase one? What are your thoughts?

Feel free to weigh in with an opinion in the comment form on the website. If you follow the link, it will take you directly to the comment form. You can also drop me an email if you prefer.

We’d both love to hear from you!


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(212) Comments

  1. Yes, I would buy one (the evergreen set, in particular). I LOVE reading your site, but I’m not an avid enough embroiderer to want to commit to three towels, or to chase around after supplies.

  2. I think kitting one towel is a good idea. I agree that sometimes you don’t want to do three and the option of having one is appealing.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. I think these kits are a great online offering and, depending on price point, I would be inclined to purchase both!

  4. I do think the one towel kits with stitching guides are a good idea. I have bought the sets of three several times, but I usually burn out after I complete the first one!

  5. Those Christmas towel kits sound like a marvelous idea! With 13 granddaughters and 3 daughters and 3 daughters-in-law sounds like a great solution to stocking preasants

  6. I really like this idea and give it a BIG THUMBS UP. And hopefully having the funds to order some to complete for myself and to give to my crafty friends and family.

  7. Yes, I would definitely purchase a set to stitch. Most likely a set of 3 if available to make the most of the postage fee. I have not stitched a towel but have wanted to. This would be a welcomed opportunity!

  8. Hi Mary, Thank you for all that you do. Personally, I would not buy a towel kit as you’ve described. I’m sure there are plenty of people who would, but not me.

  9. I think an individual towel kits with threads, instructions, etc. would make a great gift item, if not too expensive, thinking I would be willing to spend in the $15 range or little more.

  10. Yes, for all the stated reasons. Even as a retiree, my life is busy. A kit is just right there, ready to go; no scrounging around. And as I’m new to surface embroidery, I would love to have the instructions. I have purchased almost all the pre ious towel sets, but have yet o stitch one, because I didn’t know how to start. I didn’t know what to do on back. I’m hoping these instructions will give me the impetus I need. So my answer is pretty muc always YES to the kit. At least the ones that you and Anna put together.

  11. I like kits and will certainly order a 3 or 4 towel selection. I purchased your kits before they are great quality and. Implement in every detail!

  12. I think having it available both ways – set of three as well as singles – is a wonderful idea! There are many reasons a person might only want to do one, not the least of which is the teaser. I, for one, have an elderly mom who would love one, as a gift, but has no need or desire for a set, because she’s trying to downsize. I have more towels and decorations than I know what to do with, and can’t think of anyone else to gift more to.

  13. I would love to get some iron on transfers of your patterns. I have linens and floss so don’t need a kit for some but I would love to transfer the patterns.

  14. I have made many very large pieces in my day! But now that I’m an octogenarian, I prefer small projects. Is it that I want to be sure to finish one before I breathe my last? Nope! I have decided at my memorial service I want tables filled with things I have made. And I want the friends who came to my sendoff to take one of those as a keepsake from their old friend!

    1. Karen, what a lovely idea for a memorial service – I think I’m going to steal that idea!
      And it certainly would make me feel better about doing more embroidery pieces!

  15. I say give it a try. Maybe do a limited number and see how it works out. They would make great as gifts or if someone just wanted a particular towel, but not the whole set. Good luck with this.

  16. I think it’s a good idea. I would definitely consider buying such a kit (as a sampler, a try-out). It’s a great kit for people who haven’t done this type of craft before as it’s not as much of a commitment as a 3-towel kit. The fact that everything is included makes it a great gift (for oneself or) for a beginner but also for a more experienced stitcher who doesn’t want to bother with the search for the threads, needles, etc. (as not everyone has a stitch/craft store nearby).

  17. I think the Holiday kit set is a fantastic idea! I am a beginner embroiderer, so having four different towels in a kit that has all the things I would need is supers inch I don’t have much of a stash of threads like that. (Other fiber stashes I do have …. another rabbit hole to jump down!) An opportunity to do different stitches and the joy of having four different lovely towels! I will buy the kit for sure!
    I hope you do it….

  18. I would buy one kit for one towel. Just to try it. I think all of your kits are wonderful, but sometimes it nice to have something you finish up in a day or two.

  19. Many people will love those kits. They will make fine gifts.
    Personally, I have so much thread of different sorts, that I tend to use dish towels as an opportunity to use them up.
    I’m not a big fan of holiday themed towels, either, which makes me an outlier, I know.
    I have, however, enjoyed stitching many of your floral printed dish towels for myself and for gifts. Thank you for your lovely designs.

  20. I like the idea of having the entire kit made available to customers. The kit itself would be a nice gift to give and/ or take one on vacation for relaxation.
    Yes, I will order the kits. Thank you.

  21. Yes, yes, yes. The kits would make a great gift for friends and family who are too far away for me to help. The quality of what you do assures me that the materials themselves would not makes learning harder than it needs to be. I know assembly is a lot of hard work, but I taught myself from kits in the sixties and it’s a great way to get started. But the lack of quality in most kits today is a real problem. Thank you!

  22. I would definitely buy this kit, just a fun thing to stitch knowing you have everything to hand. I’d buy lots of your kits, books, supplies etc – if only you shipped to the UK !

    I’ve been following you for simply ages and every time something new appears I’m disappointed all over again!

    Oh well, I’ll keep looking and following – and feeling sad! But I’m sure lots of people would buy.

    Kind regards,

  23. I think it would be wonderful to be able to purchase one of your kits as a “single.” I know that would be a lot more work for you, but well worth it, I think.

  24. OK- I am ready to pre-order, how is that? I do like the idea. I have a daughter that moved across the country from me last November and I am already having holiday separation anxiety. I would love to buy several of these kits (either single or in a group) for her. If they were packaged as usual without thread, needles, or most importantly instructions she most likely would not do. She is a newer stitcher and I try to send her something simple and complete every couple of months. Myself on the other hand would like some of these towels – either way.

  25. I love the idea of kits for all the reasons you specified! I don’t have a local needlework store and love the ease of purchasing a kit with everything I need. I REALLY love Needle ‘n Thread kits because the presentation is so lovely. Those are some of the reasons I would probably purchase a kit.

  26. Yes please make extra Christmas towel kits available for you online audience. I would especially like to order your Christmas Cheer towel kit


  27. Maybe you might make an exception to your policy against pre-orders, as all the components for the embroidered tea towels seem readily available (knock wood). If you took paid orders in advance, you would have a very good idea of how many kits to assemble. Good luck with all your workshops, and thank you for your marvelous blog.

  28. My vote on the kits is: one project towel with thread and instructions per kit. I love the preprinted towels and bought the fall and Christmas ones in the past. However, 3 towels are more than I needed in both occasions. I’ve sewn for gifts while others are still waiting to be embroidered.

  29. Hi Mary, I would love to purchase a single towel kit complete with threads. This is a great idea!

    Best wishes,

  30. I think yes.
    Small get kits with a smaller price tag would also be appealing. Gifts for Embroidering friends! Less pricey but still beautiful projects!

  31. Great idea. All set and ready to go and a single project to finish. A single finished towel would also make greatf a great gift wrap.

  32. One more reason: I first started embroidery using a purchased kit. It had all the floss and directions and needles that one would need to finish it. I think many kits out there are packaged the same. If I bought a “kit” and it did not contain everything, I’d feel like I got ripped off.

    Just sayin’.

  33. I am in favor of the “one towel” package. I have all of the 3 towel sets and find myself overwhelmed. I would not call myself an experienced embroiderer but a very slow stitcher with an essential tremor and 0ld eyes. I like doing it tho, in short stages. I vote for the “one towel” package. Great idea.

  34. I would most definitely purchase both the holiday towels as gifts for my crafting friends and my granddaughter. The towels are very appealing to me as a stitcher as well. I have two residences and would love to have a fully contained kit available at the get-away residence.

  35. Hi Mary – I would definitely love it kitted up with the thread, instructions et al.

    I do it myself (and throw in a hoop) for my friends as a gift and they love it. It makes it super easy for them to start, we usually take them on a girl’s weekend, I don’t have to remember to bring extra stuff, etc. But of course it takes time to gather the thread, print out the instructions, etc.

    Especially for Christmas – what a wonderful idea.


  36. Regarding the kitted towels referenced in today’s email, I would absolutely love to order a few for gifts and even for myself. What a wonderful idea for those interested enough to try embroidery without having to purchase all the bits.

  37. I am new to embroidery and I love your kits as they take the guess work out the creation process. Plus, instructions and everything needed to complete the project is at your fingertips. Quality every step of the project.

  38. I would LOVE to purchase a kit with either one towel, or three towels depending on the cost, and more importantly for me, the cost of shipping to New Zealand.
    I love learning to embroider new stitches, and to continue to the back of my work as neat as possible. I love following the blog, as well as the amazingly clear video tutorials.

  39. It appears my earlier response didn’t go thru but I vote for the “one towel” package. I have all of the 3 towel sets and feel overwhelmed to get them finished. I am not an experienced embroider; very slow stitcher with an essential tremor and old eyes.

  40. I would love the Merry Christmas towel set, but since I have needles and I prefer to stitch with DMC sold only in the European Union, I would like the option to buy just the towel and instructions. Could that be an option? O would that be too much trouble?

    1. I hadn’t thought about that, but I too have a lot of thread and I prefer using perle cotton vs floss. I like the ease of stitching with it and the way it lays vs floss.

  41. I like the idea of just having one towel in a set. It would make a great gift for the young girls in my life who occasionally stitch, but probably wouldn’t do a set of three. I would buy the one towel kits. Probably, I would buy two or three one-towel sets for gifts. It would be nice to have different designs, so that there is an opportunity to put together a mixed set, too. That’s my two cents! I don’t get to embroider much anymore, but I love your blog and website. You do beautiful work!

  42. I would definitely be interested in one towel Christmas theme kit. I completely agree with Anna, I would like to stitch just one towel instead of three. If I so decide, I could also buy one of each kit for a nice mix.

  43. Yes, I would buy a kit like that , especially for the holidays. Having it all together would make things convenient and easy to access.

  44. A varied kit would be wonderful to share with varied friends! Everyone likes something different about Christmas and the holiday season. How about an assortment of cookies sometime?

  45. I like your kit ideas. Please make them available online. Great gift to get daughters and granddaughters to start learning the art in a short simple form. Love that they are pre printed. I would buy some of the kits online. Candy Brotherson Morton, Illinois

  46. I’d love the snow ones! I make pillowcases in pairs. I’ve 3 sisters though!! However, I probably wouldn’t buy six thread kits.

  47. I am interested in your kits and have purchased some of these type of kits. The one called “Glad Tidings” is of interest to me. Ellen

  48. I would be interested in purchasing one of each of the kits, if you decide to make them available. They would make great Christmas gifts!

  49. Yes, I’d purchase one! –even though I already have the 3-towel sets. I love giving them as gifts, sometimes already stitched, sometimes ready for the recipient to stitch. Thanks for the idea, Anna!

  50. I would love the kits and would appreciate having you select the threads and including them. I do these usually on winter evenings, and it would be nice to just pick it up and start instead of searching through my colors to find, or not find, what I need.

  51. Would love to have kits – super gift ideas! These would make a perfect hostess gift for a creative person, rather than bring a candle or bottle of wine.

    I’ve ordered your kits before – they’re beautifully packaged.

  52. I think the idea of kitting one towel + threads + needle, etc., is a great idea. I’d love to give one (or several) as a gift.

  53. Fabulous idea for a single towel kit. Great for gift giving. Maybe for girl scout troop to earn embroidery badge. Go for it!

  54. Yes, I think this is a great idea! Especially the one kit. Good way to sample the project without getting over committed — we all probably have too many things going at once. I would definitely purchase one.

  55. Regarding the kit quetion: I often like kits, particularly when they contain a lot of specialty fibers and/or beads. But, I prefer just patterns when the item is made from DMC or similar cotton floss because I already have all of the DMC colors. Getting another full skein of a color that I already have is too much. But that is just me. What I DO like, since I am new to embroidery, is getting the fabric required; I am still in a very steep learning curve there.
    Jan in Maine

  56. Bravo Anna… excellent idea!
    Yes, I would indeed purchase a kit. It would be a gift to my sister for Christmas; she’s a newbie to the world of embroidery and I have been urging her to take the leap but she is hesitant because she is so busy (work wise). This towel project “Let it Snow” would be perfect for her. For years I’ve been sending her Christmas decorations with the “snow” theme as she lives where no snow hardly ever falls. ;o(
    So, YES, Mary — please make it so!

  57. Mary and Anna,
    What a grand idea to offer single Christmas towel kits! Especially with the thread and instructions. While towels aren’t my “thing”, I would buy one or two depending on the price and how soon they would be available. I have 2 kits I’m working on and one on the way! I am very thankful to have found your site. Your products are the highest quality, so lovely and useful, and the detailed instructions are the clearest I have ever encountered. Thank you for your dedication to your calling!
    God bless,

  58. I agree 100% with her. Not every one wants to have three towels in one theme eg. Christmas or Winter and she has a valid point of someone wanting to stitch only one to see if they like embroidery work and also a child would be able to do one but three would be over whelming. I am in the embroidery stitching mood recently and am almost done with my fall towel and will move on to my winter piece that I plan on being a picture.

  59. I think the kits are a great idea! Sometimes it’s nice to have the option of doing a project where most of the thinking & planning is done for you, especially if you need a quick gift.
    I’m not sure I personally would purchase this particular kit, but only because I don’t usually stitch holiday- specific items. I do think they are adorable.

  60. Thanks for asking about kitted towels, I prefer one towel from the let it snow set, being more inclined to enjoy a secular winter holiday season.

    And I think a one-towel kit would be a nice gift.

  61. I really like to see three towels in a set. They’re so nice to stitch, and handy to have on hand for quick holiday gifts for friends and neighbors. I like to gift a hand embroidered towel with something special I’ve baked for the holidays.

  62. I love the sets! I would buy them even though I have all of the individual materials it’s so nice to have them packaged in one place, the materials gathered together for me, and with the design on the towels already. The prep work is done! I think sets of two might be nice. One towel to keep and one to gift.

  63. these kits do sound appealing for me and for several granddaughters. If given as a Christmas present, it might be nice to include one that could be more winter themed than Christmas themed, but of course it could always work for next year.

  64. I prefer to gather my own supplies. I probably have many of the floss colors in my stash and a full array of needles. I can always buy one or two colors of floss I may still need. So selling the printed towels separately would appeal to me.

  65. I add my vote to thinking that kitting one towel would be great. Perfect for a quick stitch, “dipping-your-toes” into embroidery, quick gift etc. I understand that kitting for one towel might cost time- which is always valuable- but I think it is worth a yry!

  66. I love your site but being in the UK we can’t get the kits. You are very kind and name the linen or towels that you use but they are not available to us either. I know that it would be too much work to expect you to research but if people know of UK or European alternatives could you maybe publicise them. Thank you again for your wonderful site

  67. I would absolutely get one or more of these kits! One of my daughters has started doing embroidery recently and these would make a great gift for her.

  68. Yes, please. The kits will make lovely gifts. I’d buy them locally but I won’t be in Kansas at the right time.

    I enjoy your column.

  69. I would purchase the kits individually. And I think maybe offer one more “just winter” and not Christmas, or even a Hanukkah one?
    If I received a kit for Christmas, I would rather work on a winter scene.

  70. I like the idea of buying one towel kit. When I get multiples of the same thing I may get 1 or 2 done and the rest get done “at a later time “ maybe.
    Happy stitching,

  71. Yes! I would purchase them for gifts and for my own stitching pleasure! I’ve stitched your towel kits several times and always wished I had your eye for color! Including DMC thread and some instructions would be perfect!

  72. Yes, I would be more interested in one towel kit than a multiple. Sometimes I am just in love with one pattern and not so in love with another.

  73. I love kits complete with instructions! Your designs and colors always look so cute. When left to my own devices, not so much.

    Sounds like a hybrid is in the future. Kits to get started, then the 3 packs for those who want more.

    I give the completed towels as gifts. Specific holiday or just because. . . Whenever I want to! Just love it!


  74. Fall is the time of year I traditionally bite off more than I can do so the idea of one towel is tremendously appealing.

  75. Oh Mary! Kits for the Jacobean Sea! I’m so excited! And yes, I think you should totally offer the “local” kits to your on-line enthusiasts! I would love to tell my local embroidery group about them in case they may want to try one. Most of my local group are beginners and it would be a perfect “package” for them to try and see if they would like to do more. My recommendation? I think Anna is right!

  76. Good idea Anna! One towel is enough, love the variety idea. Give discounted price for a packet of all four, just sayin.

  77. I for one would be happy to buy a one-towel kit (or 2)! The Let It Snow would be perfect for me where winter is never ending in central New York state! I can think of other kits that would make great gifts.
    The one-towel kit description makes it sound like a do-able project. I also think you should consider this format in other designs.

  78. I would LOVE to be able to purchase a kit for one towel—either one (I love them both). As a beginning embroiderer (at the tender age of 73), I’m reluctant to order a set of three, afraid that I couldn’t do a good job on them . . . but one is definitely manageable.

  79. Would I buy one of those two kits? yes
    As a general response, I am really glad for projects where the design has already been transferred and for kits that have harder to get materials (for me that includes floche). If it is just DMC floss it’s not as strong a draw, but certainly gets me going sooner

  80. I would love them all! What nice gifts they would make! Yes I would be interested in them as a whole set or a single set. Nice love them! Thanks for sharing! Kathy Baker

  81. I’m going to side with Anna —

    Example: I’ve wanted to stitch one design from the Holly set, but I didn’t want to purchase three towels.

    Sounds like a good plan to me. 🙂

  82. I would absolutely love the individual towel kits!! My life is so hectic right now as I’m sure other’s lives are too. My mother broke her hip and my husband has three surgeries lined up! I would love to have all the pieces together in a time-saving package to grab and go. Please consider putting more kits together!! Thank you!!

  83. I think that is an awesome idea about making kits. I bought some of your towels and was able to get them as Christmas gifts. And yes I would be interested in purchasing your let it snow Christmas towel kit.

  84. Mary, I love your kits and towels. they save me lots of time in prep, i can just stitch when i get a minute or two. it’s time to start my Christmas gift list! I have all the DMC thread i could use but I know that’s not everyone.

  85. I already purchased the 3 towel Glad Tidings set, but would definitely purchase the single Joy to the World kit to give as a gift. Hope you will have more needle minders before Christmas.

  86. Dear Mary, Your kits are so lovely. In particular, I love the Stitch Snippets kits which are one off and about learning skills new to me. It is terrific that they include generous amounts of thread and all the other bits needed. That is what I’m looking for in a kit. Your kits allow me to try a new technique, and I don’t have to shop all over the Internet to find the high quality bits and bobs required. I’d say more please, but I suspect that might not be humanly possible unless you hired more people and did only the designing yourself. But if that’s a possibility, then More Please of the Stitch Snippet style project kits.

    I hope this helps in your kit decision making.

  87. I like the idea of the one towel kit. It certainly is perfect for someone who would like to try embroidery. I think the price point for one towel kit would be appealing as well. For young stitchers, or new stitchers, it would not feel overwhelming with one towel vs three.

  88. The Christmas kits sound like a great idea. I’d be very kenn to purchase but wonder if you mail to Australia?
    Or if not, how I might go about putting something simple together on this side of the world for my granddaughters.
    Love the blog and grateful ful your suggestions
    Helen Stephens

  89. Yes, I would purchase the kits especially for the individual towels. I like having everything together, and I like your thread selections. YES to kits!

  90. Heck Mary, I have thread of every color. And sure don’t need more skeins of thread. But you know what, I dislike cotton towels. Except for the ones I weave myself. If I am going to embroider towels or give them as gifts, they have to be linen. I’m willing to pay more and buy more, but they have to be linen. I’m even willing to buy transfers from you.

  91. For those of us who live in small towns, kits for 1 or 3 to towels with thread and instructions would be a delight. It is not always easy to find specific colors of thread without online ordering and the amount of thread for a towel (or 3) would never meet the minimums for shipping and handling. And having the instructions, with photos or other illustrations readily at hand would be amazing.

  92. The one towel kit is a brilliant idea. M daughter is learning to embroider, we zoom once a week and embroider together – this would be a perfect project, all the bits and not to overwhelming.

  93. Yes, please to kits for your online customers. These would make great gifts either already worked up or as a kit.
    Huzzah to Anna for the excellent suggestion 🙂
    And a Very Big Thank You for all the great products and Stellar Newsletters!!

  94. I was reading the article, looking at the towels, and trying to decide which to order!! I would definitely love to get one of these kits!

  95. I think a two towel kit would be perfect. Yes, include the colored threads.
    I hope I understood what you were asking.


  96. I would absolutly love a kit to go with any on line class. I can’t always find the fabrics or certain threads . Also the kit would save time and that saves money.

  97. I would LOVE to purchase a single towel in a kit! I have absolutely NO imagination when it comes to colors, stitches, etc. I hold you in awe for your creativity and color sense and always enjoy your stories. A single complete towel kit would allow me to try one, as I have not bought the three pack as I have no idea what to do with them.
    I would also be happy with a pdf offering where I could trace out the pattern on my own towel that comes with complete directions and color chart.
    Thanks for asking!

  98. I would definitely consider buying a towel kit! I love the convenience of having everything I need from the start of the project!

  99. Yes, the individual kits would be welcomed for gifts! I have had many people mention they don’t know how to get started but would love to try a small project.

  100. I like the idea of the one towel kit. I also would appreciate the Christmas towels (not a kit) to be available to be purchased separately, hopefully at a more affordable price. $25.00 is just too much. Do love your designs so much! Thank you for your website and projects!

    1. What would you consider a reasonable price point? Consider that most of the kits would have around 12 whole skeins of floss, a towel that has been prepared and the design transferred (and the overhead and supplies needed to accomplish that), needle packets that have been prepared, the instructional booklet, and of course, all the packaging time. Consider retail value + labor + design / instructions when figuring pricing. What do you think a reasonable price point would be?

  101. I think they are beautiful and would love to stitch one or two for a friend for Christmas. Your designs are perfect! I would be more interested in being able to just purchase the towels as I have many, many threads begging to be used. Thank you for sharing your talent Mary. I have learned so much from you

  102. I think this would make a great gift for my 8 year old granddaughter who is learning to stitch. Make extras please!

  103. I would order a couple of the single kits to give as gifts. Thanks for the opportunity to give my opinion.

  104. I’d love to see the caravan camper as a kit AND the bicycle – which I’m thinking we never got a pattern for? I could be wrong.

  105. Hello Mary,
    Kits are good to have . My husband died in January and I have turned to the kits I have to help restart my life. Everything is there. I just have to pick up the threads, needles, and material and get busy. Thank you for all you do for us.

  106. Yes! I adore kits! I really like having all the necessities in one place so I don’t have to try to source them myself, and a stitch guide is such a nice bonus.

  107. Love the idea of kits. but I all ready have so much embroidery floss. How about just making PDF patterns only of these. Of course including a list of colors to use.
    Thank You

  108. I have a different question about Maguerite. I received my kit and I’m behind on reading emails due to a death in the family. I looked at some today and Aug 22, it said you put out a PDF for Patreon members. I cannot find that email/pdf. I don’t even know how to go on patreon to find past emails that are for us exclusively. I can go through all the blogs if I can’t get the pdf now but I would like to learn how to search via Patreon if it’s possible. Can you help a girl out? Thanks

    1. Hi, Sandra – on the Needle ‘n Thread community page at Patreon, which is here: https://www.patreon.com/marycorbet, the posts show up just like blog posts, so the most recent article is at the top of the article list, and as you scroll down the page, you’re scroll past the titles of each article from newest to oldest. You will see that the Marguerite articles are all towards the top, because they are the most recent. Click on the article title to get to the article (just like you would on the website here) and at the end of the article, you’ll find the PDF attachment. You have to be logged in on Patreon to see the article content, so just make sure when you visit the page that you are logged in. Hope that helps!

    2. Thank you Mary. I never made a Patreon account but it’s definitely a starting point. You’re the only account I have on Patreon due to being a senior on a fixed income and occasionally I love to buy a kit to have something to do. As far as kits, I won’t be buying towels because I wouldn’t use them after putting all that handwork into them. I do more mug rugs, table toppers, small quilts, pincushions and such. I bought Marguerite and the Christmas stocking from you. I hope to see BeesWax Petites back on your site soon because I hate the hard stuff too. I don’t think you’re charging too much as one follower said. There’s a lot to gathering supplies, some are hard to find and inflation/shipping is making everything cost more. Thanks again.

  109. Kitting each towel individually is a great idea. If anyone wants all three, they can purchase all three kits individually.
    This is the best of both worlds.

  110. Many do really like getting an all in one kit, that just has everything to get going. I think the Towels would be great presents as kits.

  111. I am interested in any or all of these kits! I’m one of the all-things-in-one-spot kind of person. But I’d also use as a gift to family members who want to learn to stitch, and for exchange gifts. Oh heck, I’m addicted – I’ll go for anything!

  112. I think the Christmas kits would be a great idea. I hope you decide to make them. I will order one as soon as they are available. Ann Allison, Louisiana

  113. Mary, I’m inclined to say put out more kits for 2 reasons.
    1. Very often i’ve tried to order your wonderful kits only to find there are no more available.
    2. The kits are an excellent way of giving your precious kits to those i care about.
    I guess there is a No. 3…..keep a kit or 2 or 3 or ….. for myself!
    Wishing you God speed!!!
    Jo in Port Royal, SC

  114. I would love access to these kits! Sounds like great Christmas gifts for members of my family that are beginning embroiderers!! Thanks Mary!

  115. Yes, I would definitely buy singles, especially since the 3-pack of the Christmas Cheer Set is now sold out. Specifically, especially love the Merry Christmas! and Let it Snow!

    If there was a process to pre-order so you definitely knew the singles were going to be sold, I would go that route. Thanks!

  116. I love the idea of a kit, especially with quality threads and fabric. I am not good at choosing colors for a project so having that done for me is a real plus. I also like the idea of giving them as gifts for kids. When my granddaughter gets older (she is 4 now) I would like to start her on embroidery. One of these kits would be great for her.

    My vote it keep it up!

  117. I ADORE the kits, especially because I get behind due to ‘getting older” issues. Alot of work for you , and I am so grateful. If you can please continue. Love

  118. I’ll be of little help on this I fear.
    I do like the single towel kit option. As you say, as smaller start to see if you like embroidery. Good for giving to people you hope to lure into embroidery.

    OTOH, if I did like embroidery, I’m not sure I’d like buying the set of 3 and getting “only” 2 new designs. Though the duplicate could be gifted, and towels DO wear out and get tatty.

    And it’s great news that your house is back together and solid now. Fantastic feeling to be back home again!

  119. I have purchased many of your towels to embroider through the years and would definitely purchase your kits as well. Thank you for considering making it available to your online followers.

    1. Hi, Chris – Thanks for asking about the “Let it Snow” kits and when they will be available. We are working on kits for individual pre-transferred towels right now and hope to have something available by November.

  120. Since I know i won’t be able to attend any of your local events, I’d love to be able to purchase one of the Christmas kits. …and I’d really love it if you made enough that when I actually get to the website there was 1 to purchase. I am one of the unlucky that get there too late.

  121. I really want more tea towel kits – the winter ones! Every time I check, they are sold out. I’m also looking for a nice stamped pattern for young beginners. My favorite Christmas was when my grandmother gifted my cousins and I our very own embroidery boxes complete with some easy projects. I was six. I still have the box (she covered one of my grandpa’s cigar boxes) and I’m sure she had no idea how special to me it would become.

    I really love your work and your ability to present and share your skills so beautifully.

  122. Anna is smart 😉 I think yes, too! I’d love to get a couple for Christmas gifts. Especially if they include instructions. Three towels is a little much, especially for a beginner, or someone who just wants to dabble in a handy project.

  123. I personally love kits. Often I like something exactly as presented and sometimes it’s hard to find the exact materials. Yes, I would buy one!

  124. Hello There, Mary, I purchased the Stitch Sampler Apha on September 6th from your website but have not received an email with the link to access it. I have sent you two messages but have not heard from you. Should I contact PayPal and have them stop payment for this ebook?

    Why are you not responding?

    1. Hi, Katherine – I do not have any emails from you. Did you email me directly or use the comment form on the website? I’m just wondering what’s glitching, that I’m not getting your incoming messages. I will email you directly after replying to this comment. Sometimes, the auto-generated links end up getting filtered automatically to spam by email service providers, or blocked altogether. Gmail is notorious for this. So that could be why you didn’t receive the initial download email right after making your purchase. As for your incoming messages, I don’t know why they aren’t coming through, but I will look it into! Thanks!

  125. Yes to kits. To make your life more complicated, I would love thread and instruction kits for the 3 pack sets, or at least one towel sets (without the towels as I already have plenty, but need a kickstart that it would afford me). If that doesn’t happen, I would even buy the one towel kits to help me move on…..

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