Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the 8th installment of this year’s Stitcher’s Christmas!
Today, it’s all about thread again, because … well, who doesn’t like thread?
In particular, it’s a thread pack full of vibrant colors of floche, for a project that I’ll be releasing in the first part of 2022 (finally!). The project is called Key to My Heart, which I showed you here. And here. And even a little bit here.
You can, of course, use the floche for any project you want. The colors are particularly bright and happy, and they’ll be a perfect antidote for the winter doldrums after Christmas (if you’re in a wintery climate).
Before we get on with today’s give-away, though, let’s wrap up Wednesday’s, which showcased two lovely needlework book collections from Search Press North America!
The first collection of books – featuring four of the newly reformatted RSN Essential Stitch Guides – is going to Barbara Jeff. The second – featuring five special technique & project books – is going to Eunice Hayes. I will email you this morning, ladies! Please keep an eye out!
Floche Thread Pack
The floche pack that I’ve put together for the 2022 release of Key to my Heart includes 20 colors of DMC cotton floche, put up in twists of approximately 50 yards each, or one-third of a hank. There’s enough floche there to work several designs, whether you’ll want to stitch Key to my Heart in 2022, or maybe a voided monogram like this one (which uses the same colors), or anything else that floats your boat!
If you’re not familiar with floche, you can read about this thread here and here.
If you’ve never tried it, I think you’ll find it delightful! It is by far my favorite cotton embroidery thread!
Give-Away Guidelines
This give-away has ended. Thanks to all who participated!
If you’d like to participate in today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines, including answering the question posed in #6.
1. Leave a comment on this article, on Needle ‘n Thread. You can reach the comment form for this article by following this link. Your comment must be left on the website. Comments received via email are not eligible.
2. Please do not use the “reply” feature in the comment area to reply to someone else’s comment. Replies in the comments are not counted in the drawing.
3. Please leave a recognizable name in the “Name” line on your comment. If your name is Mary, for example, you might qualify it with a last initial or a nickname, so that, when the winner is announced, you recognize your name, and other people with the same first name aren’t confused when the winners are announced.
4. Please make certain your email address is entered on the comment form in the “email” line only. Do not include personal information like mailing addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses in the large comment box! Leaving public information on any website is a good way to end up with a lot of spam.
5. Please leave the website line on the comment form blank.
6. In your comment, please answer the following:
Pick a thread, any thread! What’s YOUR all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, and why?
7. This give-away ends on Monday, December 20, 2021, at 5:00 am Central Time. The winner will be randomly drawn that morning and announced in the give-away for that day. The winner will also receive a notification via email. If your name is drawn for the give-away, you’ll need to reply to my email within three days (72 hrs). If I don’t hear from you within that time frame, I’ll draw for another name.
The give-away is open to anyone, anywhere. The prizes will be shipped from the business offering them. Please understand that any additional fees or import taxes or anything similar are the responsibility of the winner. Needle ‘n Thread is not responsible for lost or damaged packages. Winners should be aware that shipping may be delayed, and that there’s no guaranteed arrival time frame. Some prizes in this series will probably not arrive before the end of the year.
When you leave your comment on the website, it may not appear right away. Comments are moderated to avoid spam on the website. This means that I manually approve each comment before it is posted. Never fear! It will show up eventually!
Floche is great for satin stitch and I enjoy using it, but I also love the beautiful sheen of silk. I am looking forward to the Key to My Heart project release!
My favorite thread is DMC floss. I always have it on hand and it can be used for most projects. Thank you for the chance to win. This is very generous of you! Happy Holidays!!
DMC for the availability
I would love to crest with such delicious colours!
My all time favorite hand stitching thread is Weeks Dye Works. The colors, the variety, and the quality of the staple combine to make a beautiful thread that makes my stitched pieces sparkle.
I love floche, and have built up a small collection even though it is very hard to find here in the UK 🙁 – but is it my favourite thread? That’s a pretty impossible question to answer when there are so many beautiful ones, but if I really had to pick one I think I would go with Rainbow Gallery’s Splendor silk, which I have used for many different types of project (Heathway Milano crewel wool comes a very very close second!)
Dear Mary —- my favorite thread is floche! I’m using it now for the very first time – French knots are extra beautiful in floche. I do not know why it has taken me so long to try it — so winning this colorful collection would be amazing!! Thank you for teaching me so much about embroidery!!
When I’m working on a project, my favorite thread is the one that looks right in the place I’m working on, hopefully without a lot of fuss and do-overs beforehand.
ooh, I used a blood-red pure silk (Au Ver a Soie) recently and now I never want to stitch with anything else!
My favorite thread is normal boring DMC floss because that’s what I first stitched with and what seems most natural to me.
My favorites are Chameleon – any and all – I love the soft variegated colorways. thanks for the chance to win
I haven’t used floche yet and am planning on buying your key to my heart kit as a way to try it. So far my favorite is silk perle in a size 8. I do a lot of crazy quilting and I love the sheen of this thread. My favorites are variegated colors with short color changes. Judith Baker Montano has some lovely color selections.
The colors are amazing And looks so soft
My favourite embroidery thread is the tested and true DMC floss, but I would love to try silk threads next.
I’m a sucker for shiny things. Maybe I was a magpie in an earlier life. Anyway, my favorite threads are anything that shines a little. Silk threads are great, as well as the rayon threads that you use for Brazilian embroidery.
Ohhhh that’s beautiful!!!! I *need* those threads!
I would love a chance to try these threads. Thanks for the giveaway, Mary!
Pick a thread, any thread! What’s YOU’RE all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, and why? – Any brand of silk, particularly if it is an overdyed one.
I really love working with Perle.
My favorite thread is Au Ver A Soie because it is so luscious!
My favorite embroidery thread is cloche. It makes a beautiful satin stitch and I love it’s sheen on other stitches.
There is nothing better than the basic and best — cotton floss. DMC with its hundreds of colors often is my first choice. If I am planning to do a large piece such as a Quaker design, I will buy overdyed floss from Colour Complements. It gives a flow of colors or shades in one skein, and it is nice to use these and not need to change threads at all.
I have to go with DMC only because it is more readily available and has so many colors. Do love working with other threads for variety when I can find them.
Lovely floche threads! The colors, the texture, what fun!
My favorite thread is Soie d’Alger because I feel fancy when I use it, which isn’t very often. I first learned of it from Shepherd’s Bush cross stitch kits and fell it love with it because it’s soft and has that sheen that’s so pretty.
Such beautiful colors and choices. I love your newsletters.
My all time favorite thread is pretty much anything with variegated color. As I become a better embroiderer, I am learning more about the different brands, styles, thicknesses, etc. But honestly, a couple of months I found a thread from a billion years ago (yes, I’m an older person!) and who knows where it came from, but it was the most beautiful combination of blues…I just kept making little strips of bullion stitches to see it change…
I am really a thread addicted! I love most of them! I do use a lot of silk threads. I like the feel and the coverage it provides,
I love Gloriana threads. They are very nice to stitch with and I love the range of colours. It is a treat to use them when stitching. Thanks
My favorite thread is Silk and Ivory. It has a beautiful sheen and is sturdy. I also like floche and have used it. Thank you for the chance. My stitching is primarily cross stitch and canvas work, so I don’t have experience working with a great variety of thread types.
Lucious colors. Makes me want to get out a spoon or needle
I guess my favorite is good old fashioned 6 strand embroidery floss. Especially now that I learned how to separate it using a fishing spinner!!
My favorite thread is hand dyed threads. They are one of a kind and give a great look to your embroidery. Some dyers do a range in different thicknesses, which is convenient. It works well for improvisational stitching, especially if it is variegated in color.
My favorite thread is the Sol d’alger silk floss. I used it when I did your snowflakes because they called for it and I wanted to try it. They were a great excuse to get some!
What a treat! So easy to use and beautiful stitched up!
I ended up buying a bunch more so thanks for that!
Your website has encourage me to break out of the 6 stranded cotton mold and I would love to try the Floche! Thanks for all your teaching!
My always favorite thread is the OVER DYED cotton or silk variety. It’s so exciting to watch the colors change as I stitch along and plus the added surprises that come with each design as it is completed.
1 of my favorites is Au Ver a Soie metallics sz 4. Adding this selecyively to embroideries can really make a pop of color. It’s easy to work with too.
I love Thread Gatherer’s Silken Perle 5. I know that’s a much thicker thread than many folk use, but I do a lot of my stitching on wool and the weight and the luster make it really stand out. Also, it behaves, mostly 🙂
I love wool threads and adore the range of colors that Appletons offers. It is difficult to chose one tread Mary!
I would love to try this thread- colors are so vibrant. The only kind I’ve used is DMC.
I’ve loved working with pearl cotton. Not only does it add more dimension than the 6 strand thread, there’s a different personality to my stitching! Go figure!
I’ve yet to use the floche threads and looking forward to trying them. Thanks for the giveaway, Mary. Sharing your expertise is really helpful to me.
Decades ago my mom, while visiting her hometown, came across a needlework store that was closing. She brought me a HUGE stash of DMC Pearl Cotton. I’m still using it for embroidery, tatting, mending, cord making, macrame…. 🙂
Who can choose? I love the gentle Arts threadworx. And DMC!
This is a fun giveaway. This one made my heart beat a bit faster. Due to the cost of the thread and the difficulty finding it, I have only used DMC thread. But I must admit that I daydream about trying other kinds and drool over photos regularly. Here’s to hoping I get picked! 😉
Thank you for the giveaway opp! Merry Christmas
Melody Bryan in sunny Florida
I love working with Sashiko thread.
My favourite thread (it’s so hard to choose) is Threadworx overdyed floss. I love their colours and the thread is so smooth to stitch with. Using a laying tool it is just smooth and wonderful.
I most always reach for the DMC floss because of its wide variety of color, shades and ease of use!
I have many threads I love working with, but my favorites are always varigated threads. I love what they bring to my needlework.
So far I’ve mostly been sticking with the reliable and not too expensive DMC floss but I’d love to expand my horizons.
My favorite embroidery thread is the DMC 6 stranded cotton thread. It’s my favorite because much of what I have belonged to my grandmother Ava whom I adored. Also because I’m not an expert embroiderer I just dabble and it’s the only thread I’ve ever tried. 🙂 I do love the huge variety of colors, I love pulling out a single thread which seems sort of magical and it is soft and runs through the fabric with ease.
Although I’m building quite a stash of thread variety, I usually use good old DMC. I just have to get adventurous. Husband bought me a lorna bateman kit for Christmas, so will get to use some of those beautiful threads.
I love pearle cotton size 5. I love that it is bold and shiny! I also love DMC’s color variations in this thread, mixing all the pretty colors together!
To be frank I always gravitate back to good old DMC stranded cottons. Although that’s not to say I haven’t had very enjoyable flirtations with many other brands of cottons…. and silk threads such as Au Ver a Soie, Colour Streams, Stef Francis and the like when certain projects have called for the lusciousness of silk. But for colour fastness, a hugh colour range and an always dependable quality well, DMC does it! Mind you, since your recommendation of the qualities of floche I’ve ‘dipped my toe in the water’ and agree, but, I find the large hanks cumbersome to break down into manageable lengths. So far! (but I’m willing to persevere should I be fortunate enough to win )
My favorite thread is floche
I love working with the Valdani 6 strand embroidery thread as the colour changes are so subtle – usually with other threads the colour changes are more marked and obvious!
Threads will always be welcome in my home! You can never have enough threads in your stash.
I love DMC pearl cotton. It’s one strand so it seems to flow through the fabric. The colors are intense yet blend. I can use it on so many different types of embroidery which includes hardanger, white or black work done in color, crosstitch, etc. And
I can crochet with it.
Hi Mary and thanks for offering all those gifts to your fans.
I chose the thread according with the project.
I must say that floche is a pleasure to work with when one is doing satin stitch.
This year I stitched a sampler designed by Amy Mitten of Fibers to Dye For, all done with her hand-dyed silk thread, and it’s the nicest thread I’ve ever used. I just recently started stitching with silk, and now I understand why stitchers love it. The sampler was the first project I’ve done completely with silk, and with a variety of stitches. There was something about this thread–the vibrancy of the colour, the way it handled with all the different stitches, and just the sheer silkiness of it–that I loved.
I’m excited about this floche giveaway, because I’ve only used it once in a small whitework project, and I’d love to have more experience with it. Unfortunately I missed the book giveaway, distracted by a mini-crisis in the family, but I’m glad I tuned back in in time for this. Thank you for all this, and for all the information you give us all during the year.
I don’t have that much experience with different types of embroidery thread – mainly embroidery floss, perle and some goldwork threads. I do love perle though, it’s so shiny.
My favorite thread is any thread from my grandmother’s box. The box was full of various amounts of threads – I assume most were leftover from some project. None had labels on them. However, when I use them to stitch, I get to think of her. They are used for special projects only!
Favorite thread, That’s hard. I love opening a new thread! But also enjoy revisiting an old friend that’s been used in a different project. Silk was a challenge for me , so I usually reach for a regular DMC cotton.
My favorite thread is floche thread. When I first started embroidery about 5 years ago I read one of your posts on Floche, and why you liked it. I ordered some on Etsy and I have used it on so many projects. Thanks for introducing it to me, and I hope I win !
Silks. I discovered them recently and love how they feel and look.
My favorite embroidery thread is floche…I love working with it because of its
spreadable characteristics and how pretty it makes my stitching look.
That is a really hard question, I love them all! I have to control myself in the LNS not to touch all of them. Truly if I had to pick one it would be Flouche. Not because of this article either. I joined a stitchers challenge in 2020 and randomly ordered threads. I liked trying the same stitch with different threads and Flouche usually was my preference. It lays beautifully, the sheen and depth speak to my heart. I can’t wait to see the project in 2022!
I’m a thread addict, but I’d have to say that A Ver a Soie silk is my favorite for the beautiful sheen and colors.
I enjoy working with silk and wool, I like the smooth feel of the thread and the vibrant color that the silk gives a crewel project. Carolyn J
I’ve never used anything but DMC, but I would LOVE to experiment with something new. The colors look fabulous!
My favorite embroidery thread is DMC because of the variety of colors.
As a novice, the only thread I have used is cotton floss. I would like the opportunity to expand my horizons in the world of thread!
I am a new to embroidery so all I know so far is DMC, so that’s my favorite.
I’m going to say that needlepoint is a style of hand embroidery so that I can support my statement of a favored thread! In the hand I really love Silk and Ivory thread. Simply because as a tactile experience it just Feels Good as the thread runs through your fingers!
My favorite thread is none-other than … standard DMC cotton floss. No, it’s not the most exuberant thread, but it’s what I have the most of. So when I go looking for a color for some new project, that’s where I find it. Plus it’s like taking a walk down memory lane. “Oh, that’s the blue I used to make my fleur-de-lis bed pillows … three decoration schemes ago.” And so it goes.
But it would be great to have a pile of floche to experiment with. 🙂
Good morning, I love to work with Soie deParis, but I would have to say my favorite would be plain old 6 strand DMC. It is so easy to get and the cost good and it comes in so many colors.
I love to embroider, but it’s one of a handful of crafts that I enjoy dabbling in. I haven’t used many types of thread. My favorite go-to thread is DMC embroidery floss. This brand offers so many gorgeous colors and shades and is readily available. So pretty, so fun to use!
Thanks, Mary!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Friday, I would have to say my favorite color of thread would have to be purple or the various Shades that purple comes in. It also depends what I’m embroidering and for whom its for.
I love metallic thread. The effect it gives is so worth all the trouble it causes..
My all time favorite embroidery thread is handspun silk. It’s not always easy to work with, but the silk is just so beautiful. And when I’ve spun it myself, it adds an extra layer of satisfaction. Thanks.
So happy to learn more about using threads other than crewe l wool and floss.
Pat R.
While I do like the luxurious feel of silk threads, plain ol’ DMC cotton is probably my favorite. It’s easy to find, affordable, has almost any color one can need. I just used DMC floche for the first time last month and it is definitely something I’ll use again (unlike DMC satin!). Thank you for such generous giveaways, Mary!
I’ve only ever worked with the stranded cotton both DMC and Madeira brands, so that is my current favorite but I want to try out others and maybe have a new favorite one day.
I don’t know many thread companies so I guess I’ll say DMC.
I have some favorite little spools of silk thread. I did a repair for a friend on a very delicate piece of fabric and this silk thread had just the right colors and sheen for that repair to be completely disguised. My friend was amazed and to tell you the truth, so was I!
I guess my favorite thread is DMC stranded cotton, because it’s really all I’ve ever used. I have some silk, but I’m afraid to use it!
Although I love so many different threads for different reasons I believe Belle Soie is my very favorite in silks. But, if we are talking cotton floss then Classic Colorworks is my favorite. They both have such an array of colors. They both seem to knot less often than others and I love the feel of them going through my fingers.
I favorite thread is DMC stranded floss. So many colors, so versatile, you can use 1 strand or 20.
My favorite embroidery thread is the basic DMC 6 strand cotton. It is just so versatile and there are so many colors.
I’ve used many threads but have to say DMC is my favorite thread for hand embroidery. Love the way it looks and for tea towels it’s the best!
My favorite thread is DMC floss. It is so versatile, so many colors, so readily available and reasonably priced. I love that the color is consistent from one lot to another.
I enjoy stitching with Laura Wasilowski’s hand dyed pearl cotton size 8. I like the feel of the floss as well as the color changes. It seems not to twist on me as much as others.
My all time favorite would be DMC Cotton Embroidery thread especially the the 6 strand floss. It is widely available and there is a huge range of colors. DMC’s thread color cards are well worth having for reference and trying too find the exact match you are looking for. It helps so much because of the thread samples. Not every color is over-the -counter available but you can find it on line.
Ummm…the one I’m using (because I stop using ones that vex me!)? Of course there are the typical go-to favorites. But at the moment I am having a great time using Silk and Ivory, a 50/50 blend of silk and wool. I am working a large wool project of my own creation involving both applique and embroidery. It is on very thick, felted wool , but the S&I just glides through, stays intact without fuzzing, and is a pleasure in every way. It comes in a great range of colors, and I am so pleased to have happened upon it!
I do have a modest collection of floche skeins, but would be enchanted to widen my selection. I often gaze longingly at the skeins and colors online. Sigh…
Thanks, Mary for this opportunity,
Silk! The colors are saturated and brilliant, and the sheen is luscious.
Oh my word! I am SO excited about thread – the colors are gorgeous. I’ve mostly worked with floss but have recently started leaning towards pearl cotton. I’d not used it before joining my local chapter of the Embroiderer’s Guild of America and have completed several projects with it. It has fooled me into thinking the projects complete faster but that’s only because they are usually smaller than those I do with floss. I don’t think I have worked with floche to this point so am anxious to try it. As much as I admire the Key to my Heart project, I have been smitten with the voided monogram since first sight!
Favorite thread – DMC floss. As a “beginner”, this is the only thread I have used❤️
All time favourite thread….actually it’s anything that will go through my needle’s eye! I will stitch with just about anything! As long as it is somewhat spun and I can thread it through, it can make beautiful designs on fabric.
My favorite thread is an overdyed one, particularly silk.
The color variation gives do much dimension and the silk leaves such a loustrous effect.
I totally agree with you that floche is absolutely the most wonderful embroidery thread…and usually, impossible to use up, because so much is in the hank…so I would LOVE to win this one, to use the variety of colors; it would make my day!
I really do appreciate your messages; you are an excellent writer (and I know where of I speak, because I am a professional editor!!)…I learn something every time…don’t always have time to use your tutorials, but I remember them…
My all time favorite embroidery thread is #12 perle cotton. I use it for blackwork, specialty stitches, needle weaving in hardanger, and for working 4 sided stitch over 2 on biscornu edges and nun stitch on ornament edges.
Floche is my favorite. I do a lot of smocking and it looks so pretty.
I don’t have experience with many types of thread. I have only used skeins of basic embroidery thread but I loved stitching with it. I would really enjoy trying new types of embroidery threads.
I love any hand-dyed, variegated thread size 12 Perle Cotton!
My favorite threads are DMC of any kind. Readily available locally, the basics of so many patterns and all around quality are the reasons I’d prefer DMC.
Without question I prefer cotton floche! It’s easy to stitch with, great colours, nice gleam, affordable. I like that I don’t have to separate the strands and I can use it for cross stitch and embroidery.
I started stitching again during a medical downtime. Finished an older project, and then, thanks to finding your blog (recommended by my MIL), decided to try floche. What a wonderful difference to use a user friendly thread. I had to watch the twist at first but that was an easy adjustment.
In spite of having hand tremors I can still make beautiful pieces in my own time. That’s happiness.
My favorite thread is DMC 6 strand – I can always find it locally! I would love to try floche.
My favorite thread? I do love me some over-dyes! But, I can tell you my LEAST favorite! DMC linen! Ugh!
Thanks, Mary for always giving stitchers this opportunity to receive lovely things!
I happen to love DMC if using a cotton thread that is not variegated. It’s colors are consistent from skein to skein. For silk thread I love au ver a Soie d’Alger 100/3. It rolls off the spool and is also consistent in color.
I have been organizing my sewing room and it appears that gold thread is my favorite. I very often find a way to work it into my embroidery and in quilting. I don’t have a favorite. I buy whatever sparkles at the sewing store.
DMC floss – colour variety, availability, affordability, quality and consistency. Sure other threads shine brightly, however, you can’t beat DMC for every day type stitching which is mostly what I do. Thanks for another lovely giveaway Mary.
Boring DMC embroidery thread is what I use most often. Its readily available, lots of colors, and inexpensive. Merry Christmas to all.
I love floche. It’s very versatile and can be used for so many different types of techniques.
I use DMC because it is readily available, you can determine the exact color since you usually buy it in person, and its price is by far the best deal (especially with shipping costs as high as they are which is unfortunate for shops depending on internet sales).
I think my favorite embroidery thread has to be cotton perle. It is so easy to stitch with and makes great bullion knots, of which I am very fond of using in my embroidery projects.
I love to embroider with silk. It has such a beautiful finish!
That’s a tough question because there are so many good choices and it depends on what material I’m using. Overall I prefer 1-stranded such as Perle cottons so I would say Sue Spargo’s Eleganza threads.
My favourite embroidery thread is Au Ver a Soie, but I have not yet tried floche, so perhaps that could become my new favourite, should I win.
I’ve only been doing hand embroidery for a couple of years and have primarily used DMC floss. I used it for many years when I was smocking clothing for my daughter. It’s easy to find and the color selection is great! That said, my goal for 2022 is to experiment with some new threads, and floche looks like a wonderful place to begin!
I’ve been using DMC embroidery floss my whole life, until Mary Corbet – you opened up my world to all these other gorgeous options!!! I do love varigated and hand dyed threads and how they give such a soft look to the stitching! I’ve also become a fan of varigated pearle cotton!!!
I like peril cotton as I like to work on wool.
Right now my favorite Thread is all embroidery threads. Each give different looks and textures.
To be honest, I have only used DMC embroidery thread.
The humble DMC cotton floss is my favorite, because it is readily available, affordable, and comes in SO MANY COLORS.
I have been looking for an opportunity to buy and try Floche. Thank you, Mary, for your inspirational blogs, the resources you provide on your website, and these amazing Holiday give aways!
How could I possibly pick just one thread?! I love the smoothness of floss, the bling of metallic, the shine of rayon thread, the colour movement in variegated thread. Okay, then, if I must pick one, I’ll choose white cotton a broder size 16, since I love whitework, and I can always colour it if needed. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely floche thread. Merry Christmas!
DMC threads are by default my favorite because until recently they have been the most readily available. However internet shopping is expanding the access to other possibilities.
It is dmc floss, hands down. The easy availability, the range of colors, the face that is what my grandmother started me with, the reliable quality, the versatility of the plies all combine. That does not mean I don’t love stitching with luscious silks, lovely died variegated threads, floche, flower thread and assorted other’s.
I love the control and colors of Appleton. I learned with them and return frequently.
My favorite thrrad is DMC embroidery floss. I find it to be versatile, easily available and comes in so many shades.
I love SOIE d’alger silk because it is so smooth when embroidered. I also like FLoche but the silk thread my favorite.
I am just getting back into needlework after a many year hiatus and have not experimented with all the wonderful choices out there yet. I have to say that DMC is my go to first choice but I love the floche sheen. For me it is about making the choice of thread suit the subject. The way the thread choice does or does not complement the finished product can almost make me forget whether it was easy or difficult to work with.
Oh dear!! Choose an “all time favorite thread” . . . that’s HARD! I do lots of different forms of hand embroidery and have ‘favorite threads’ for all of them. But my all time favorite I *think* is Gloriana silk floss. I LOVE their colors, and I adore stitching with silks. Gloriana also offers silk ribbons and different weights of silk threads, all hand dyed in their color range. So, I can do counted work – even on really high count linens, or mix raised work, ribbon embroidery, counted work and other techniques in one piece, and still be using those “Glorious” colors!
I tend towards perle cotton – no laying tool or stripping needed!
Enjoying your holiday giveaways, keeping my fingers crossed.
Merry Christmas
My favorite embroidery thread is DMC cotton, the only one I knew about when I first started many years ago. Hoping to try something new, though. Good luck everyone and Merry Christmas!
Peau de soie! Peau de soie!
The floche in your “Key to My Heart” look gorgeous- fab colors.
Thanks for the give-away- – and Merry Christmas.
Regards- Sunnie
This is the hardest question! I’m choosing the one I use the most as that must be my favorite! Years ago I bought a huge box of Perle Cotton #8 from Thread Art. It’s my go to for its wonderful selection of colors, nice boldness in the stitch making a statement on CQ, and it doesn’t separate like multiple strands of regular floss.
Thanks for this wonderful holiday activity. My favorite cotton thread would probably be floche but I am not sure because I have never used it before. You say such good things about it so I am sure it is wonderful.
My favorite thread is probably DMC floss.
It is the most often used and is pretty.
Silk threads are my favorite, for the lovely sheen that varies in different lights. But floche! I really want to try that.
You consistently task us with the impossible! I reach for silks as I love the look on samplers, but floche is by far the most obedient cotton, and stunning for bargello work. My diplomatic answer for favorite thread has to be one that suits the project best for the coverage/color/durability you need.
Gentle Arts Sampler Threads are my favorite. The nearly solid colors, especially the blacks, make great monochromatic samplers.
I’ve lived a sheltered life with thread… my grandmother taught me so many years ago and all I knew was DMC. And up until a few years ago, that’s all I thought you COULD use (grandma’s rules run deep… small even stitches, no knots, back is as nice as front, you know, or you tear it out and do it again). I’ve recently used Valdani and like it fine, using Sulky on a quilt project now and I’m still waiting to find my absolute fave.
My all time favorite embroidery thread is Splendor by Rainbow Gallery. The 12-ply silk gives me a whole range of stitching options! Fat, chunky french knots or delicate wisps for whiskers on kittens. Thanks for all you do, Mary!
I just started a sampler using Au Ver a Soie 100/3 and like it a lot – works right off the spool and has a lovely sheen. I’d LOVE to try floche but hesitate because of the HUGE hanks you said it comes in and I haven’t picked a project to use it in. So I’m hoping my number pops up!
I’d have to settle on 6 strand cotton embroidery thread because there are so many colors and it is so versatile.
Unfortunately I don’t have a favourite thread as I have only used embroidery cotton and perle cotton. But I am dying to try the floche!
I absolutely love working with bright, shiny colors when I can. When I look at my finished work, I see lots and lots of color. The cloche pack would be a great gift for me to win since a name will be drawn on my birthday and I hope it will be mine.
I enjoy using Rainbow Gallery’s wide variety of threads. There is such a huge choice to pick from and, of course, they look great in my stitching projects.
I love silks of all kinds- my favorite is classic colorworks silks but I also love dinky dyes. The feel of the silk just makes stitching so much more enjoyable.
I’ve mainly used stranded cotton but I’m keen to expand my experience.
Up until now, my favourite thread has been stranded DMC cotton. I’ve used it forever, has always been easily available even in rural areas, and the colors – oh my. Now I’m experimenting so, who knows, I may have a new favourite next year.
I don’t have an all time favorite thread. I just love them all. I especially like to stitch with blended threads and see how they enhance a project.
I use DMC floss most often because it is easier to find. I do love working with silks, but don’t have an easy access to them. Thank you for the wonderful gifts you are offering for Christmas drawings.
DMC is my all-time favourite embroidery thread because it’s readily available in most stores. So if I run out, it’s a quick fix to get more. It’s also very easy to work with and is often listed as the thread used in a lot of projects. It comes in a very nice range of colours, so lots of choice. For all these reasons, it’s often my “go-to” thread.
The Gentle Art threads are my favourite. I love the gentle flow of colour change throughout, so soft and subtle.
My favorite hand embroidery thread is #8. It works so well in many places. Because it is a smaller thread I feel it is more versatile than other threads. You can also combine it nicely with metallic threads. Thanks again Mary. Nona
I like plain old DMC stranded cotton. Partly because it’s the most accessible to me and partly because it’s one of the only threads I’ve used extensively so far!
I do not have much experience yet with embroidery threads, having only used 6 strand cotton floss, metallic thread, and perle cotton. But I am eager to learn more.
Silk thread is my favorite for most projects for color and ease of movement through fabric. However, I recently used Mettler Stopt+Stickgarn mercerized cotton thread. Too fine for many projects, but moves smoothly through fabric without stress. Fiber “fluffs” quickly so I needed to trim end every time I threaded needle, but very easy to use.
Merry Christmas and happy new year.
I enjoy embroidery using a thinner thread like Presencia thread in a #16 or #12. I use #16 most of the time and mix in some #12 to add some attention to a particular stitch or piece of the embroidery. I always go back to it. Enjoying the Christmas games.
My all-time favorite thread depends upon what I’m stitching. For smocking floche is preferred hands-down. For Hardanger I use perle cotton. And for everything else I prefer stranded cottons because that’s what I keep on hand in every color. After reading this blog for several months I am looking forward to branching out and trying lots of different fibers!
I enjoy DMC Variations in some of my pieces.
The unpredictable way they appear in an object
in the piece is always fun to see.
My all time favorite threads are good old DMC. I think the Perl cotton version is the best for long lasting projects. Merry Christmas!
Perle, any weight, any fiber, any color. I love that corded twist.
My favorite thread is strandable silk. But I’m a thread slut & love all threads, especially those in yummy colors like your floche pack.
I have never tried floche but have wanted to since reading what you had to say about it. The favorite thread I have tried is Gloriana pearle silk. I bought some when my local needlework store closed and I really enjoyed using it for a crazy quilt project I am doing.
DMC is my favorite thread for cross stitching. I have been embroidering since I was 5. I still have some of the items in a pasley tin.
I would use a tracing material and copy pictures out of my coloring books and then stitch them.
I love the look of silk or rayon fibers in embroidered projects, but to be truthful, I haven’t found a thread I didn’t like.
I embroider a lot of Crab Apple Hill Designs and they call for Cosmo floss. I really like the way the floss glides thru the fabric and lies neatly on top. They have beautiful colors too.
I took a Brazilian Embroidery class and the threads we were given to use were just spectacular.
Bev H
I have to pick DMC Six-Strand embroidery thread. I have used it since childhood and it is my go-to for everything because I am the most comfortable with it. I have slooowly expanded to other threads after discovering Needle n’ Thread but 6 strand remains my mainstay for relaxed stitching and faster results!
I love working with silk threads, especially Soie d’Alger. It has a subtle sheen and just feels good going through the fabric.
Variegated waterlilies is one of my favourite threads.
I also enjoy working with floche and have used it for Trish Burr’s design, gives lots of coverage and colour range is superb.
My favorite floss is DMC six strand floss. I use fir almost everything. It is tried and true friend that never fails.
This one is easy! First, I love a variety of embroidery threads out there. However, my all time favorite is still any threads DMC. Main reason is that it was the first thread I was introduced to, as a child, by my grandmother, from whom I learned embroidery and everything sewing. There is always a “warm and fuzzy” feeling when I use these threads, not to mention the color selection is huge!!
My all time favourite thread for embroidery is silk because it’s available in so many different colours. I like to use RG Splendor or Needlepoint Inc, flat silk. I even have a couple of no name lots of silk from China that I use because the colours are so bright.
I have not had the honor of trying Floche – my current favorites are Appleton Tapestry Wool, and Gloriana Silk.
Thats a difficult question. Silk thread is superb to work with and liking gold work have to choose that colour gold.
Purl cotton is my favorite thread. I like the colors, stitch coverage to complete various stitches
DMC is my favorite. . .just because it is what I used when I first learned embroidery stitches. I worked on pillow cases. . .ahh. . .the memories!
Well I had no idea there was any other embroidery floss out there besides DMC or Anchor and I only use DMC because that’s what my Mom used. So I would be excited to try any other kind of floss!
My favorite thread is ordinary DMC floss. Because of the range of colors, because it behaves itself usually, because it is easy to get, because it doesn’t cost a fortune.
This may be an outlier choice .. but I have to say, danish flower thread! It is thin but strong, comes in wonderful colours, and makes me think of antique samplers. I cherish my supply!
I am really curious about floche .. have never used it.
My favorite floss is from Sublime Stitching! She has great colors of floss for projects!!
My favorite is still good old DMC. Readily available, lots of colors, easy to work with.
I have always enjoyed using valdani thread for embroidery but am willing to try out something new!
My favorite thread is the German floss that was included with the miniature tree kit. Floche? I’ve only ever heard of it here, and it looks beautiful! I’ve tried searching on line but It’s too expensive for this senior. I’m sure whoever is selected will be thrilled! Beautiful spring colors too! Thank you for all you do
I am sorry to say that the only embroidery thread I am familiar with is DMC 6 strand. I would love to try something else.
I dont normally use too many different threads when doing my emroidery. I started using Cosmo a couple of years ago and really like it. It doesn’t tangle a nt knot up or spread as much as other threads.
I have learned so much from you this year!
Merry Christmas
I love learning from you! Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
Watercolors! Just love them
All I have ever used is DMC !
I know not a lot of verity in my stash there but in my defense I am new to the more complicated forms of embrodery…. thats why I am now on your mailing list!
The only thread I’ve ever used is the standard DMC — which makes me extremely interested in trying floche!
Good morning Mary
I too like floche thread a lot. I have worked so much with cotton I think that means
it must be my favourite. I have a bit of floche and it really is a joy to work with.
Every day I love your e mail and I read every word. You are a great writer as well as
a great stitcher.
DMC Floss is my go to thread. I like it because it is readily available and the color range is fantastic.
I love stitching with Gloriana over dyed silk threads! The colors are gorgeous and the threads are a joy to stitch with – they just glide through the linen fabric.
My favourite thread to use is the old discontinued Pipers Silks.
The colours are so beautiful and the thread is a dream to use and they are truly colourfast.
Hmmm, my favorite thread? Silk. Any silk. All silk. Bonus points for being dyed in variegated colors because why not go all in?
That said, I’ve never tried cotton floche, and I really should. There needs to be more than 24 hours in a day.
Good ol’ DMC 6 strand cotton floss works well for me but I would love to try floche!
I was introduced to Cosmos embroidery thread while doing a Christmas Quilt and found it very smooth going thru the cotton fabric. I would say that I found it a favorite .
Good old dmc. I have most of the colors and a color chart with actual thread. I can match anything or choose anything. I have mostly stranded cotton, but am collecting pearl cotton as well.
Dmc floss cotton would be my favorite. Easy to work with and reliable.
I haven’t used floche but would love to! And your Key to My Heart design is so pretty. Mary, thanks for your talent and inspiration. You are a treasure!
My favorite embroidery thread (so far) is pearl cotton, but I’ve only used floss tapestry wool, and embroidery floss.
What embroiderer doesn’t love thread? My favorite thread is hand-dyed anything, either cotton or silk with subtle color changes. I’ve always, always wanted to try floche and this would be an excellent opportunity. Thank you for your holiday giveaways. They bring joy!
When it comes to thread, it is hard for me to choose a favorite. It depends on what I am stitching, but I really enjoy trying out the possibilities of different threads and combinations of threads.
My favorite thread is Caron’s Waterlilies. It is an overdue silk so selecting one gives me a nice launching point for choosing other colors for a project.
My loyalty to DMC 6-strand floss remains steadfast. I appreciate its range of colors, versatility, and handling qualities. Plus, its price makes any project – or experimentation – affordable.
I have had a hard time choosing my favorite thread! But I would have to
say I truly enjoy using River Silk ribbons in my embroidery and needlepoint. They are always a highlight of any piece and the gloss of the silk brings me such joy, not only while I am stitching, but after when it is finished or gifted.
My favorite embroidery thread is DMC embroidery floss. While I have used other threads I don’t feel like I have enough experience with other threads to pick one as a favorite.
I love you package of floche of different colours. If I don’t win it, I would like to buy it. You always have interesting information on embroidery. When we have a problem with our stitches, we only have to go on your site and the problem is resolved.
Have a nice day.
So far I’ve only stuck to DMC embroidery gloss. I love going to my local craft or fabric store and seeing the wide selection of colors to pick from – so fun! But I’m ready to branch out and try new things in my embroidery, like floche! Those colors are gorgeous!
I love stitching with Floche because its as smooth as silk and comes in such beautiful colors.
Picking one favorite thread is like picking one piece of Christmas music: since I love a variety of stitching styles, my favorite thread goes with the style I am enjoying at the moment. But pushed to choose just one, I would say for all around versatility in colors, sizes, and variegations, I would choose the pearl cottons as a group. I use them for hardanger and other cut thread pieces, for primitives of all sorts, for applique and embellished quilting, and so many other styles I love. The Valdanis are special favorites in pearl cottons.
I love floche! It’s so nice to work with, and you can have a thicker thread without worrying about laying 2 strands of floss. But that’s not the question. My favorite thread to stitch with is Silk. Oh, wait, that’s not very specific. I mostly needlepoint, so my favorite, favorite silks are Vineyard Silk, Silk and Ivory, or Au Ver a Soie floss, depending on what kind of thread I need.
My very favorite embroidery thread is the Au Ver a Soie metallic braids. The colors are numerous and gorgeous, and offer just the right sparkle for specific embroidery projects! These silk metallic threads are so nice to stitch with, too!
Hands down, my all-time favorite go-to thread for crazy quilt embellishing is DMC pearl cotton in size 8. The colors are consistent from one ball to the next, and they are soft and beautifully easy to work with. I recently invested in bunch of variegated Anchor pearl cotton, and I’m very pleased with it too.
I’d never used anything but your typical DMC six-strand cotton until I received the Kreinik bag o bits, so it was super exciting to use those metallic threads. And I loved ribbon embroidery, even though I only had regular fabric store ribbon. So, I’m ready to expand my thread horizons. 🙂
Happy Friday, everyone!
Very velvet. It is difficult to thread but so nice to work with. It adds a small amount of texture and lies very nicely on your project
Silk! I love silk so much I own a silk yarn company
Up until I retired, I never knew there were other types, except Rayon. Rayon had such a bad reputation for slipping and coming loose from the project. So I have to say plain old cotton is my favorite. DMC, of course, is the most available and most commonly used in patterns.
My favorite thread is DMC stranded floss. I haven’t ventured out into a lot of different embroidery skills, mostly cross stitch and black work, so DMC is what I use. I love all the different colors. Floche is one of the threads I want to try out this year.
Hi Mary,
I love just regular 6 strands cotton floss.
Have a nice weekend.
My all-time favorite thread is Silken Pearl by the Thread Gatherer. This is a rather heavy thread it comes in 5 and 10 weight. I love it for embellishing wool applique. The shimmer of the silk again the textural wool is amazing. The heavier weight makes stitches like boullion knots and Palestrina knots “pop”
I do not have a favorite thread, because I like trying different threads. I’m like a kid in a candy store when trying to pick a thread.
I love “silk” threads. The projects are so beautiful and have a great sheen.
My favorite embroidery thread up til now has been DMC cotton floss—love a thread with a subtle sheen—but you’ve got me lusting after the cotton floche! The projects you’ve shown using it are absolutely swoony!
My favorite thread is old DMC Flower thread. I like the matte and old look
Right now, doing some redwork. I’m using Petites by Sulky. Them are 12 Wt. cotton thread. No taking a part to get two strands like DMC.
I’ve never used floche before, but I’d love to try it. My favorite of the threads I’ve worked with is pearl cotton. I like the sheen, and it makes such crisp stitches that really show detail. Even the humble (and ubiquitous) stem stitch is beautiful with pearl cotton.
I have not tried too many kinds of threads. I just use DMC AND I BOUGHT SOME SILK THREADS AT THE THRIFT STORE I HAVE TRIED.
Love Crewel Embroidery Wool for Jacobean designs. These Floche threads look amazing. Would love to try.
Thanks for the giveaways
I LOVE Floche – and that’s why I’d LOVE to win!!! 🙂 I love the way it feels in hand the effect it brings to my projects and the colors are beautiful! Thank you Mary!
Embroidery always brings me to a fun and relaxing place! I have only used a few various threads but I really like the feel and result of the Madeira silk threads. It lays nicely, the coverage is beautiful. I love a thread that pulls smoothly through the fabric without dragging. I haven’t yet used the Floche Cotton, but have always wanted to do a project with it. It looks to be soft and the colors are so vibrant! I have the Key to My Heart and Needlebook in my want to do list!
I’d have to say my favorite is DMC’s standard floss. Not for any particular reason but other than availability and cost.
I love floche! I only have a few colors, but I have used them on the scrolly towel set and other projects. It is SO soft and smooth and just luscious to touch.
I have to agree with you about the loveliness and workability of floche. I discovered it on one of my favorite floss tuber’s videos in which she tested various brands of white cotton floss. Floche won the coverage test and when I bought mine and tried it myself, I had to agree! I’m currently using B5200 floche in a Mirabilia and a Prairie Schooler design – 28 ct and 32 ct respectively). I really like the coverage and ease of use. I’m very slowly building my collection – starting with the darker colors, so the bright ones would be a very welcome addition. Happy holidays and, of course, happy stitching!
DMC – Cotton Embroidery Floss. I’ve been Stitching for 60yrs and it has always been my go to. I have tried others, even silk. I like silk but it is not always appropriate. I have some Floche and my next project includes it.
I love stitching with floche. The colors are vibrant and beautiful!
I LOVE any of the Treenway silks for the glorious colors and the quality threads.
Right you are! Who doesn’t love thread that does hand embroidery? My all time favorite thread is floche. Oh, it’s sheen and ease in stitching is wonderful. The finished look is fabulous.
Thank you again for hosting the give away for your contributions to our passion for stitching.
My favorite is Perle cotton. I’ve never tried Floche, but will follow your links to learn more about it.
I love to stitch Christmas items, especially Santa’s coats with Petite velvet.
Pearl cotton. I love the sheen and the variety of weights to stitch with
I love stitching with floche. The colors are vibrant and beautiful! But I love the shimmer of Weeks Dye Works threads so hey would be my favorite.
My favorite thread is DMC embroidery thread because of it’s large color range which is widely available and always consistent in it’s hue and shade of each color from year to year. This thread is very versatile in that it can be used embroidering an item, as well as making a decorative rope to outline and finish a project.
I have to say my favorite embroidery thread is pearl cotton. I use it in my hardanger and I love the twist & sheen & its ease of laying. I have a project I bought floche for many years ago but never got around to stitching with it. I heard is nice to work with and at the time there were not as many colors to choose from as there are now.
For hand embroidery I like DMC brand of thread. Lots of color choices, usually readily available, works a smooth line. Main reasons.
As always, very informative and I first heard about floche from you and I like it very much. I’m using it in a project, so right now floche is my favorite along with my go to embroidery thread DMC!
It is a toss up between my favorite embroidery threads. I love the feel of both silk threads and floche. They are so smooth and soft to the touch. And while there is a beautiful sheen to a finished project using floche, it seems to be even more pronounced with silk.
My favourite hand embroidery thread (so far) would have to be the AVAS metallics – who doesn’t love some bling on a project!
Thank you for all the work you do putting these together (and for introducing me to floche, which is my second favourite thread).
My favorite thread to stitch with is Splendor. The richness of colors and the luxuriousness of the silk make it a dream to work with.
Thanks Mary.
I love Floche, but as a needle pointer, I also love petite Silk Lame. I love all silks as well. We are blessed with such a bevy of threads!
I’m afraid my favorite is good old DMC Floss and DMC Etoile which I combine for also all projects these days. I love sparkles and bling. It’s easy to find in my small town and inexpensive
Aside from DMC stranded cotton, which I mostly use, I love Gloriana silk threads. I used it for the first time during a class with Alison Cole, and was struck by how beautiful it is, and how smoothly it handles.
We have always lived in small towns and before the Internet came along we had to settle with what we could get, DMC six stranded floss. It is easy to find and the colors are consistant. So, maybe at the age of 74 years young it is time I try something new. Floche sounds very interesting and looks yummy. Merry Christmas to you.
My favorite is DMC.It is easy to work with, comes in so many colors, is readily available and is affordable. Have never used floche
I had only used floche in bobbin lace, and after stitching with it, it is definitely my favorite thread! I love the sheen and coverage. Next to that is Piper’s silk.
Choice of thread really depends on the project and technique, but I like pearl cotton and flower thread. I have a large stash of DMC flower thread and a complete set of the Ginnie Thompson flower thread. There’s not a large choice or range of colors but I use them for cross stitch whenever I can because I can then stitch with 1 strand instead of having to deal with 2 plies of floss. I have stitched with floche and like it also but again not a wide choice of colors.
DMC thread has a nice sheen to it and is usually available in a variety of colors. It can usually be found about anywhere. I like sticking to cotton in anything I am choosing.
My all time favorite thread is DMC 6 ply. I’ve used other brands and I’ve used DMC Pearl as well as some specialty metallics. I always go back to DMC! I didn’t even know about Floche thread until I started following your site. I’ve never tried it but I sure would if I had some!
A pearl cotton thread because the colors can be so deep and rich.
DMC stranded embroidery cotton for its wonderful colour range, availability and versatility. From softly blended needle painting to chunky folk embroidery, it does it all magnificently!
AVAS Silk. It is easy to handle and picks up the light beautifully no mater what stitch you are doing.
So enjoy your lessons and education. Happy Holidays.
My favorite is simply DMC floss. You can find almost any shade you want, and if you can’t, you can mix it with DMC Variations or the overdyed Classic Colorworks, which used DMC floss as it’s base.
Floche for satin stitch, DMC for everything else. All the colors. And I trust it. That being said, I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to try other threads, so I can be persuaded to change my mind, I’m sure.
My favorite DMC thread is the Etoile series. I love being able to add just a little sparkle to projects. So far I have used it to add sparkle to Christmas ornaments and a Hogwarts SAL. It’s much easier to use than metallic floss and adds just a little shine. I wish it came in more colors!
I find embroidery work is very relaxing and satisfying. I remember my grandmother doing chicken scratch when I was a child and I think that is where I got my love for embroidery from as no one else in my family does it. I have only used dmc thread so I guess it is my favorite brand. Merry Christmas to you and your family and Scooter to. So glad you are back.
I can’t choose just one, but I am a DMC as a standard but love touching and the sensory feel of silks Caron watercolor is great I love variegated threads!! Too many to choose just one but DMC is what I have the most of
To pick one is very hard, but I was given one Floche Floss from a friend and I really liked the smoothness of stitching it gave me. It is for surely a top notch thread. The colors are just yummy.
I love to embellish wool applique with embroidery stitches. I love the shine of Eleganza threads. The shine just brings to life the stitches on the mat finish of the wool.
Silk is my all time favorite embroidery thread.
Floche is my favorite. I’m a tactile person so the feel of floche and the sheen of the threads as it runs through my fingers is quite lovely. Even more so to stitch with, it is like butter and we all know you can’t go wrong with butter!
These colors are so lovely!! I’d really like to try this new-to-me thread!!
I’ve only ever embroidered with DMC cotton floss and with certain metallics. I definitely prefer the DMC to untangling my needle every 2nd stitch!
I just don’t think you can beat Floche for all types of needle work.
My latest go to thread for the projects I am working on is Sulky 12 wt cotton thread, love the colors and sheen of it.
Thanks Mary for such great give aways.
Jean B
Kent WA
After learning to use silk floss or “flat silk” I don’t want to use anything else. I get large hanks from China and braid them, then pull out one strand at a time.
My favorite thread has to be any floss that is hand over dyed/varigated. Great for surface embroidery which is my main focus. I learned about floche from Mary and have used it a few times. I enjoy using too. Well at least once the thread is organized and not in a big knot. Thanks for the hints on that Mary!
I love stitching with silk threads! While I’ve only had the opportunity to stitch with a few of the brands of silk threads available, of those I’ve used my favorite is Gloriana silks. The colors are beautiful and they stitch so “smoothly”. Silk threads offer a beautiful sheen to my stitching. I feel “rich” when I can stitch with silk threads. I haven’t seen or stitched with Floche, but would love to try it. You make it sound very appealing.
I try to stick with DMC because of the easy availability.
I like perle cotton because you can use it on so many different fabrics and canvas
My favorite thread is probably DMC floss. Because I am probably able to find it locally and see the color in person because it is widely carried. I groan & shy away from projects because I am not comfortable with ordering it – unknown thread from unknown place. But, I love some silk I got my hands on once for a stump work project. I don’t remember Andy thing about it, but it was lovely to work with and had a nice sheen on the finished work.
My all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, well since I am a fairly inexperienced embroider I use what ever I can get my hands on. Anything that is shinny I love. Maybe as I get more experience I will learn what I like best. I am thankful for everything I learn from you. Thankyou
I haven’t tried Cloche yet, but don’t really have a favorite. I like to stitch with weeks dye works, silk, pearl cotton and others.
I’ve only ever used DMC 6 strand embroidery floss as I’m an embroidery novice but am excited to try other threads. Have learned so much from your website!
I would love to try floche!
I`ve always kept embroidery simple. It`s DMC or a good crewel yarn for my projects. But, I`ve often been tempted to get off the simple and try something really lovely to look at and try. Merry Christmas Mary!
Karole King
Love “buttery soft” flèche. Need more colors
My all time favorite is silk. I love the feel of it and how it glides into the fabric. Then the sheen it produces especially in a satin stitch design. Delightful really! Seems at least one other contributor before me feels the same. I just noticed it
right now, my favorite thread is soie d’alger silk, as I am working on a linen biscornu using said threads;) red cardinals, green branches, white snow, on an ivory linen background . . .
I don’t have one because there are so many I haven’t tried yet. I have wanted to do your voided monogram ever since I first saw it, so a floche kit would be perfect
I mostly use DMC stranded cotton since it’s cheap and easy to find. I’d love to branch out and try silk. Sometimes I use a stronger sewing thread when I do beadwork.
House of embroidery. Love the colours both in stranded and perle. They stitch beautifully.
I’m so excited for this next project! I’ve been playing with my own version for a year or so (!) now – whenever I’m not working on another deadline-dependent project. My favorite thread is the one I haven’t worked with yet! 😉 Honestly, I’m still learning and exploring and trying new stuff. I have recently bought a bunch of fun colors of allure silk threads, so I need to play with those! 😀
My favorite hand embroidery thread is DMC cotton floss. It is a good quality thread, affordable, and comes in hundreds of colors. DMC floss can be used to create embroidery art equal to silk, metallic, and other more expensive threads.
I enjoy using Watercolours by Caren, the variety of the colors are amazing.
I love the feel of the variety of soft woolen threads and the way the little fibers blend. Wool is complemented by minor design details that are worked in silk. Both wool and silk are available in twist and ply that provide
a beautiful stitching experience.
Tudor Silks on 52 count linen!
I love working with Weeks Dye Works thread. The variegated thread softly meshes the colours together. There is a gentle grading that is very pleasing. These threads also have a nice sheen.
What a gorgeous prize! Well, I don’t have much experience with floche so far. Maybe it will become my new favorite thread if I win! But for years now, my favorite thread has been DMC pearl cotton. I especially love using the #3 size to add texture and dimension to my work.
My all-time favorite is DMC cotton floss because I have the most of that thread and a lot of its colors. Plus it is easily available. And it is very nice thread.
I went to an embroidery shop years ago and bought a bunch of sample packets of different threads which I am still using! My favorite though is variegated thread – seeing the colors change and mix is delightful
Stranded embroidery floss, boring as it may sound lol.
I love how versatile it is 🙂
I love floche (even before I knew it was floche). My grandma gave me a box of skeins for my 12th birthday and I’ve loved it ever since.
Trebizond silk! Probably because it was the first silk I used on my first large canvas project.
I never met a thread I didn’t like, but I must confess that I like DMC for the simple fact that I can count on the quality and find it wherever I may roam.
My go to thread is cotton, usually DMC, but liking the Anchor threads I picked up in Rome.
Silk is fussy, Linen breaks to easy and Wool can’t be washed. So Cotton it is!
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!
Hi and Merry Christmas.
Easily my favorite threads to use are silk. I used to be afraid that I would make a mess since they are different from cotton threads but once I tried them I was sold. I love the sparkle and shine they give to a project.
Because it is so versatile and a kind of ‘go to thread’ DMC Cotton but I really like smoothness of silks
My favorite thread is yet to be. I use pearl cotton the most but use all the different types of thread equally, including Floche. Thank you to Mary for introducing me to it. I’m lucky to be close enough to Needle in a Haystack so I can drop in there to pick up something new to try every once in a while.
Thanks for sharing your wealth of kmowledge!
Favourite Thread? I am continuing to have a serious passion for linen thread (in spite of its impracticality….}
For its versatility, ubiquity and vast range of colors I guess DMC floss wins, although I must admit I haven’t had an opportunity to try a vast array of floss types. I do like floche because it needn’t be stripped and gives a beautiful luster to satin stitch, but I have found that it frays more easily, the color range is limited and it has to be ordered and then awaited as it wends its way through the mails. Waiting is hard when there’s embroidery to be done…
Ah – threads….do I really HAVE to pick a favourite? Currently I love all the variegated pearl cottons by Valdani. I have to say the bright happy colours in today’s giveaway just might make me switch favourites!
i suppose for me it would just be DMC. i use it for threadpainting and it just has so many colours to chose from that you can pretty well always find one that works.
I just completed an “E” initial pillow for my granddaughter for Christmas. I used DMC cotton embroidery thread and was happy with the result. Being a novice embroiderer I’ve only used the 6 stranded cotton, Perle cotton and DMC single strand floche. I love them all and look forward to learning crewel embroidery with wool thread.
I too like floche. However I find that I do more stitching with Splendor than any other thread. I love how it lays so very nicely when it is stranded and a laying tool is used. The colors are so very vibrant and the variety is unbelievable. I am able to finish the projects with ease. Floche is saved for the very special stitching like gifts, donations to charity, etc. So it is Splendor for me. It is also a little easier on my pocketbook.
A little
I’m afraid that I don’t really have a favourite type of thread. I use all kinds in my embroidery, often in the same piece. Silks, though, do have a lovely sheen to them. I also like metal threads, as I do love bling.
Heather M. in Canada
I love working with Gloriana 12-strand silks. Easy to stitch with and the range of colors is fabulous. Plus, Ann the owner of Gloriana is a lovely , nice person.
My favorite embroidery thread (s) are anything sparkly or shiny. Looking at them always seems to lift my spirits and I can work on them forever.
Au Ver a Soie because it not only looks beautiful, but feels wonderful while you are stitching.
Wow, since my fingers are too rough now in the AZ dryness to stitch with silk, my favorite pick is actually floche! I loved using it in smocking because it is so easy to lay stitches precisely. And not fight the twists in floss, although DMC would be my second bet. Thank you for the chance to win some of my favorite threads, and I’m looking forward to the key to my heart pattern – guess when my birthday is! Merry Christmas!
I have to say that floche is my preferred thread to stitch. I am new embroiderer (2 1/2 years) and I started like most people with DMC stranded cotton. Inexpensive, lots of colours and readily available. When I started to work on Trish Burr designs, she uses white floche 35 for satin stitch. But to my surprise, I did not know there were different sizes of floche and colours!!!
My favorite thread is DMC floss because that is what I learned with when my grandmother taught me to embroider.
I normally avoid heart-shaped designs as I consider them overused; however, the designs you are currently working on attract me and I want to stitch them! As for my favorite embroidery thread, it’s variegated pearl cotton, size 12. I like to work it on a plain neutral-colored ground fabric as I want to see the stitch texture and structure.
I’ve only ever used DMC; so if I got the floche, I would be very curious to feel in hand why Mary values it so highly!
My all-time favorite thread for needlework is pearl cotton, because it is so versatile. It can be used for every type of embroidery including hardanger, pulled thread, needlepoint, and also tatting, crochet, knitting, needlelace, bobbin lace, punch needle, quilting, wool applique…
My favorite thread? Oh my! I like so many, coton a broder, silk, perle cotton, specialty decorative threads. But I have to say I always go back (eventually) to good ole DMC floss. Why? There are so many beautiful colors, and I use my real thread color chart to make my selections. One thread I have yet to try is floche, so your beautiful heart is a great way to try it out. Thanks, as always, to broadening my stitching experience. And Merry Christmas!
How to pick one type of thread !?! One of my first sewing kits was ordered in 1965 was from Women’s Day Magazine. It was a series on state flowers. The thread was Danish Flower thread. The single ply and muted colors made for a beautiful piece on even weave linen. At the time, it was easier to work with than embroidery floss, which my 13 year-old hands were struggling with.
I have to say my favorite thread is DMC floss as it is so readily available, comes in a wide color spectrum, is inexpensive, and is versatile since it can produce a thin or thicker line.
Presencia. I like the feel, the colors, and the different thicknesses.
I love Caron watercolors. I add it to almost everything. I like how it adds to the combination of colors!
My favorite embroidery thread is Floche. Thank you!
I just love perle cotton, preferably #8 or #12. And if it’s a handdyed variegated perle cotton, how inspired I feel.
I find I’m usually drawn to Valdani #5, #8 and #12 threads, but when I walk up to any display of threads, I buy whatever strikes me at the moment…..I just love color and texture.
I have always liked DMC. I have never tried Floche, but I would like to!
I absolutely adore the Gloriana silks. They glide so effortlessly through the fabrics and have the most beautiful glossy “glow”
DMC. Colorfast and always consistent. Plus easy to find and replace
My favorite thread is Floche! I use it for everything embroidery. I love the feel of it gliding through the fabric and the way it snuggles up next to the threads surrounding each stitch. It achieves the most beautiful satin stitches and long & short as well as combined lines of embroidery stitches.
I guess I’m a thread addict because when a new thread comes out I have to try it. Love all the silks and variegated ones. Their color and look is so special. Takes me forever to decide on a thread for a project as I visualize them all first . Have used floche before but not that often so dont have much in my stash to draw from.
I do mostly counted cross stitch, so the thread I’ve worked with most is DMC’s cotton floss. I’ve started doing a few hardanger pieces and have used perle cotton. I’ve also worked with tapestry yarn in a few crewel pieces. I do love the Kreinik metallic and holographic threads to add a bit of sparkle in my pieces.
Floche has actually become my new favorite embroidery thread! I only wish now that I had tried it sooner!
Silks from Au Ver a Soie are wonderful, but I also like Aurifil’s new floss on spools!
Would love to try the floche as I’ve never used it before.
My favorite would have to be DMC floss. When I tried embroidery as a youngster, it was so frustrating because the thread would knot up so easily. When I discovered DMC as an adult, it was a revelation.
I love a cotton thread for hand embroidery. It can be hand dyed or sometimes varigated to give a less solid colour, or solid colour for the more ‘positive’ areas. I find it also very agreable when couching, no fraying.
Thank you for a wonderful start to the build up to Christmas.
I’m not sure it is a favorite, but the stranded threads, cotton or silk, are so useful and are available in such large ranges of color, that they become one of my most used threads. By using multiple strands, they also allow a good variation in weights. I have not much experience with floche, but hope that might change in the near future.
My favorite thread is silk (soie d’alger) from Ver a soie and also the metallic from ver a soie too as this is the only metallic thread that is workable.
Well there’s only one thread that I familiar with and of course that is DMC. It’s been around as long as I have (65 years). And mom taught me with it.
I can’t say I have a favorite thread per se, but I like working with cotton of various types. I especially love overdyeds but the solids you show in the Floche are amazing. I would love to give them a try, I can just imagine the softness and how it would work up. Please, pick me pick me!
I enjoy embroidering with sulky threads. I like that I don’t have to separate the strands and I really love the blendables with the variations.
I like DMC thread and I have way too much of it! This would give me some variety.
That’s an easy question for me as I’ve used only 2 – Appleton Crewel & DMC floss. I prefer the wool. But I am hoping for a chance to use the Floche. Thanks.
My favorite thread is DMC pearl cotton for Hardanger embroidery. It’s sheen is understated and elegant. Great colors and long strands hold up well to the pulling and pushing through linen!
It depends on the project. I guess the threads I use the most are the standards, cotton floss and perle cotton.
Have not used a lot of different embroidery threads, but did enjoy using the Mouline by Maderia that was in the tree embroidery last year. I would love to try the Floche, it look delicious?
I like stitching with floche, lovely thread for needle painting.
My favorite thread to stitch with is crewel wool. I like the thickness and feel of it.
No fair making me pick ONE thread!!! I do love floche! And I do love Soie D’Alger! And there is Soie Perlee, Goeblin, Ovale, and Trebizond! Ack!!! If I had to pick one that would stretch across the broadest scope of projects, D’Alger I guess……
I love Valdani hand dyed threads, they are colorfast and the variegated threads are coordinated with solids that can really increase the uses. However, floche is my very favorite type of thread. The coverage it gives, the feel in the hand, and the look of it when used.
DMC 6 strand embroidery thread. So versatile and so many shades to work with. Also a shade card for reference and easy to acquire.
I love Valdani because of the beautiful, variegated colors. I also like Cosmos. The colors seem clear and true to me. My friend also does an amazing job hand- dying floche.
I actually love floche! I love it warm shine. I use it in embroidery but also in weaving tapestry.
Oh and dmc 6 strand floss love tgat too
I like regular DMC embroidery thread for the basic embroidery I do, though I have some lovely silk Au Ver a Soie floss that I’m saving to use when my skills improve.
Favourite thread – DMC floss for it’s availability and colours.
Floche is my favorite embroidery thread. I think I have all the colors now. I stumbled upon floche when I bought a lot of thread off Ebay and later when I purchased a linen cutwork table cloth that had been started but not finished. It came with floche but not enough and of course that is when I found out how hard it is to get here in the states. The table cloth ended up costing me over $100 because the color of the floche used was not the same as what I had.
I ended up taking out all the original work and starting over with new floche.
I would love to win this Christmas give-away!
I really like working with pearl cotton threads, especially skeins that have gradient color variations throughout. Thank you for offering this great giveaway!
DMC thread is my go to thread. But, would really like to get into using other types.
Valdani floss
I’ve used only DMC 6 strand and DMC Perle, and after reading your comments over the years, I’d love to try the floche. And the colors in today’s post are gorgeous!
Oh, such lovely threads! I love to work with real silk (Au Ver au Soie) because it is so luxurious and makes me feel, ya know, fancy! I have never worked with floche and I am anxious to try it out- especially for monograms.
Thanks for the giveaway, Mary!
My favorite thread is #12 DMC perle cotton.
I love floche! No hassles separating strands or laying multiples.
When I saw the picture of the floche, my mouth started watering … so beautiful and such glorious colors!!! YUM!!!
Confession of a thread addict I haven’t tried DMC floche yet. It’s embarrassing since DMC floss is my favorite because of all the rich colors.
My New Years resolution is a project with floche and what would be more perfect than The Key to My Heart. It’s such a beautiful needle book. It’s hard to believe but I’ve been sewing since age 6, just turned 75 and have never had a needle book.
For cotton I also really like floche! I did one of your flower towels in floche early in the pandemic and I’m very happy with it.
Stranded silk floss is also so lovely and soft.
I love variegated floss from Colourworks.
My favorite hand embroidery thread is Floche. No separating threads! And it is just beautiful and feels so nice!
I am new to embroidery and have tried only a few threads. The one that gets least tangled for me is DMC Mouline 6 strand. I would love to try some others!
Hi, Mary,
My all-time favorite thread is perle cotton because I can find a weight that suits the larger scale/larger proportion designs I like.
Beth B in Charlottesville, VA
I favourite thread of all time is wonderfil eleganza #8 cotton perle thread yes for the colours and smoothness but it seems that all my favourite projects just somehow have ended up being stitched in this thread
Wow to pick a favorite thread is difficult, but I do use Auv Soie 100.3 whenever possible. The convenience of one strand without separating, less chance for tangles, and the large color selection.
I LOVE Valdani thread! So many colors, with lovely, variegated shades! It’s especially nice on wool applique projects.
When I saw the picture of the floche, my mouth started watering … so beautiful and such glorious colors!!! YUM!!! My favorite thread is Perle Cotton #8. I love the twist that gives it such a special shine. DMC seems to have the largest number of colors but I also like Finca Presencia.
So many wonderful threads. Depends on my mood – if I am tired I needlepoint a painted canvas – then it is DMC for small ones or Silk and Ivory for large ones. If
Feeling calm it is Devere Silks and gold passing for favorite mixed projects. If it is
To become calmer it is forgiving Appleton wool for crewel work. If I could have only one thread I would pick AVS SOIE for its versatility on any fabric medium.
My favorite thread for hand embroidery is Needlepoint Inc. stranded silk.
I haven’t used flosses other than the DMC. They are the most easily found where I live. Don’t really like buying online as the colors may not be accurate to the actual thread.
My favorite embroidery thread is silk – I especially like the little wooden spools of Belding Corticelli. I love the sheen of silk and when I am working a detailed motif, I can separate the plies of this thread and iron out the twist.
Sticking with dmc, having lived in 4 different countries, it’s the easiest to get my hands on.
I have to admit that my favorite is DMC floss because I have never had access to any others until now. I have not ordered anything online until this year. I have projects for the new year and once colors are decided I will have some real fun buying threads. I found you thru Pinterest and thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have learned so much although other crafts have kept me from putting them into practice. 2022 is the year for embroidery!
Silk, because I love blackwork.
My most favorite thread is medici. Used for 18th C repros. The Key to My Heart project looks wonderful. I can’t wait to start this project
My favorite embroidery thread is actually not one made specifically for embroidery. I love Sulky 12 weight thread. It is a tight thread used in machine sewing but makes a wonderful line in embroidery, especially when working stitches such as stem stitch and the many buttonhole variations. It’s also great for needle weaving. I comes in a nice selection of solid colors and variated. It can be bought directly from Sulky and is reasonably priced. Altogether a good thread I enjoy.
Hi Mary
My favorite thread is DMC pearl cotton. I’d love to try your giveaway thread.
Merry Christmas!
my all time favorite thread is probably good old DMC cotton floss for its good (enough) quality and wide availability!
DMC floss, of course. It was what I used when I started to stitch. It’s an all-around thread and it’s always available.
I really like DMC cotton thread, it’s just so versatile
I use a variety of different threads in my stitching. It’s hard to decide which I like best.
My all time favorite floss is Missus Sedus silk floss used on a Long Dog Sampler.
My utility floss has always been DMC. It would be lovely to try another type.
Good old DMC stranded. Versatile, strong, dye fast, reliable, great range of colours.
I haven’t worked with many types so, I have to say DMC for embroidery and good ol’ Perle Cotton for Hardanger. Sigh, I’m so boring!
My favorite hand embroidery floss is regular cotton floss. It’s what I started on because it was readily available, and at first I didn’t know what else was out there. There was a lot less 20+ years ago than now. I’m sad to say that I have never used silk although I have some. And you have described floche as wonderful, so I am anxious to try it soon.
I’ve only used DMC regular embroidery cotton most of my needlework life. It’s about time I branched out to new and lovely threads.
My favorite all time embroidery thread has been DMC stranded cotton. Why? It was the only one available locally for many years. Now, with access to the internet, we are exposed to so many more options! I am starting new projects with Au ver a soie, Color Streams silken strands and others!! DMC perle cotton, too!
My favorite thread is DMC. Why? Because, it was the only kind available until the last few years. I made a point of getting every color back in the 1990s. That way, when I found a pattern I liked, I could start on it right away.
Because I mostly smock and do hand embroidery on christening gowns and other children’s clothes, floche is my favorite thread. I also prefer Anchor and Cosmo stranded floss to all others! However, give me any thread in a needle with leisurely time to stitch, and I won’t complain.
Haven’t had the chance to try Floche, but would love to try!!!
I like using pearle cotton, but I’d love to try floche. Thanks for the opportunity!
I am becoming a floche convert. It is so pretty and sews beautifully and you do not have to separate it. Which is great!
I use DMC as it is readily available and easy to work with.
My favorite thread is DMC because of the wonderful variety of colors, many of them coordinated. It is smooth with no slubs and strong. I do not, however, use their metallic thread. Instead, I use Cosmo Sparkling Embroidery Thread which I bought many years ago from anitalittlestitches.com. I recently embroidered the bride and groom’s names on my mask for their wedding – it was lovely! (The mask and the wedding..)
I usually use DMC because its readily available, but I’ve enjoyed using floche before too — and these colors are gorgeous!!
I recently participated in a mindful stitching retreat with friends from my surface design group. I had some linen thread in bright colors that I had never used, so I decided to try it. I really enjoyed stitching with this thread, I think because of the body that this thread has. It is robust & has a very nice texture. I was stitching on a sandwich of bubble gauze-bamboo batting-bubble gauze so the whole piece had a lot of texture.
I would love to win the floche pack because I have never stitched with floche & you always speak so highly of it!
Hi, Mary — the floche pack looks lovely! I’ll keep my eye out for this project.
My favorite embroidery thread — tough to pick just one. I love Caron’s Waterlilies, because 1) silk is luscious, 2) the color combinations appeal to me, and 3) it coordinates across the Caron Collection line and associated solids such as Soie Cristale. –Joanne
DMC, because I can go to a local store to buy it. A like to see colors in in person. It’s affordable and the shade stays the same. I would love to go to a local stitchery but they are all gone now.
I love wool thread the most.
I love cloche so much – have been a fan for years – Santa baby put a little gift under the tree – for me
Dear Mary,
I love the colours in the Keys to my Heart Floche pack. They are so vibrant and bright.
I’ve never used Floche and would really like to. Winning your Giveaway and using such lovely colours in the long drag from Christmas to spring will be a great booster in the dark winter days of 2022.
The thread I love to embroider with is Soie D’Alger. I always enjoy using it. It has such a lovely sheen and I always like the finished work even if I can see mistakes.
Thank you so much for all you do to encourage all us newby embroiderers. Your site is my go to information source for all my needlework questions.
Good ole DMC 6-strand floss. But I really did enjoying working your tree kit with the lovely threads you supplied. The results were impressive—I should experiment more!
My favorite threads are the old Gütermann silk spools, and I also love my WDW, DMC and Glorianas ❤️❤️❤️
> Pick a thread, any thread! What’s YOUR all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, and why?
That’s an impossible question to answer! Today my favourite is Heathway crewel wool because I’m working on a crewel project. (Gumnuts Daisies is a fabulous crewel wool as well.) For thread painting I like DMC or Anchor cotton floss….or AVAS soie d’alger. Soie d’alger might be my favourite general purpose silk, but there’s also Piper’s, antique filo, Silk Mill, etc. For decorative stitching cotton floche and perle 12 are lovely to embroider with. There are also some wonderful variegated threads.
I guess I have many favourite threads depending upon the project I’m working on.
I like Wildflowers because of the color gradations best.
FLOCHE – for delicate, soft baby items 🙂
I love any variegated thread. The extra dimension it adds to the embroidery is lovely.
I guess I would have to say that DMC is my favorite hand stitching thread. It was I have used since I learned to embroider when I was a little girl. I think I have every color they have ever made.
DMC baby! That’s my go to for color and availability. But I like to sneak in the silk when I make a fancy gift
I love how metallic thread enhances a project. In particular, I love Japan Gold. It gives a very smooth finish. An outline shines. A grid work is prefect and pretty. It enhances a flower when used sparingly. It doesn’t knot often. Other metallics don’t have the smooth finish that Japan Gold has.
I guess I’m stuck in a rut. I really don’t have an all time favorite thread because I just use DMC floss (easy to get at my local craft store).
My all-time favorite embroidery thread is DMC floss and perle coton as I have used nothing else. I am anxious to try the floche because it looks so vibrant in your wonderful designs.
What lovely colors and the shine is so beautiful just what I need for my next project
my favorite floss always seems to go back to the 6-stranded DMC floss. Although I love the others, it is the fine one-strand work that I most enjoy!
I’m a simple gal and I like my DMC!
I really enjoy working with Kreinik metallic threads. They add so much excitement and sparkle to any embroidery design and create truly special finished projects.
Hello Everyone. My favorite is Appleton’s crewel wool. It is so fluffy and soft and full. Thank you, Mary, for this opportunity to win.
White snowy Christmas and silk thread!! Silk as it’s smooth, rarely tangles, glides through all fabric, and looks beautiful when embroidered. And I like the feel of it.
I love working with Au Ver à Soie silks, it’s soft and the choice of colors is astonoshing
Dear Mary,
Thank you again for arranging these amazing, drool inducing giveaways.
My favourite thread type has to be silk perle, dyed by Lorraine at Colour Complements. I love the way it glides through the fabrics and makes a thick, soft cushion of slightly fuzzy colour heaven.
The short answer would be “whatever thread I have in my needle.” However, there is just a bit more joy when I stitch with silk embroidery thread. It glide through the fabric easily, and its sheen makes every color special.
Oh Mary! Those threads are lovely! My favorite thread is DMC cotton. So many colors and the thread has a lovely slight sheen. And of course the best part is it’s available and very affordable so I can indulge in all sorts of colors!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have not used floche thread before. Reading this article and the other linked articles have introduced me to floche and I can’t wait to use it. Often wondered how people were able to get such great coverage filling large spaces, perhaps this is one way.
What a burst of delight, I will be looking out for Floche and starting to build my supplies of this thread. Thankyou for all the wonderful information you share so readily. I just completed a Christmas challenge a stitched handkerchief and I adapeted some of Strawberries 5 ways into Shakespeare’s Othello tribute.
Have a great Christmas everyone.
Meri Kirihimete (Maori for Merry Christmas)
Chris Cheesman love from New Zealand.
My favourite thread was some hand spun, home dyed wool an aunt made me. It was from leftover wool and she’d played with natural dyes from onion skins and eucalyptus leaves… It was thick and uneven, but I used it to decorate market bags and it was absolutely beautiful.
DMC is my favorite. Price, availability and colors are the best.
I like the sulky thread, the 12 petite. I like it because one strand is like 2 of the regular 6 strand cotton. It doesn’t tangle easily either.
I have used several types of thread and the floche looks very interesting. I love you news letters and ideas. I have done a project similar to your new heart one coming up.
1. Renaissance Crewel Wool
I turn to it over and over again.
2. Silk! Harmony from Treenway Silks or Valdani (wash fast!)
3. Floche
4. Valdani Perle or Finca Perle
99. DMC 6 strand embroidery thread.
Honestly, I love all types of thread. It depends on the project I’m working on as to what thread I will use, however, I like using Floche for flowers.
My all time embroidery thread would be DMC. Its easy to find for a reasonable price, has many colors and shades of those colors and doesn’t fade.
Thank you Mary for this beautiful gift of Floche thread. If I could only pick one thread, I love Au Ver a Soie- Soie Ovale. The sheen and the smoothness of the thread, the multitude of colors. It is so opulent!
I would have to say DMC. It has a wide array of colours and it is readily available. I recently purchased a variety pack from Colours Complement of different types of thread ranging from floss to ribbon. They were a lot of fun to experiment with on a wool appliqué project.
My favorite embroidery thread is DMC floss. The colors are wonderful and more keep being added. I don’t mind stranding it and it performs well in all of the embroidery and needlepoint that I have stitched over the years.
I have used floche recently and it is wonderful!
It has to be the old favourite: six stranded mercerised embroidery floss. Without it, where would we be?
I love lots of different types of thread so choosing just one is hard, but probably dmc stranded because it is the most usable across different types of embroidery and has a wide range of colours.
I have So many threads it’s hard to pick just one. I am partial to the threads from Color Compliments and have many of them. Silken purl, #5 floss are two of my favorites.
I love Au Ver a Soie Soie d’Alger, but really, nothing beats DMC stranded for versatility. It’s very hard to get floche in Australia, so I have only stitched with white, which was a dream
Favourite threads is Gumnuts Stars – it’s a variegated silk thread that is scrummy to stitch with.
I love Gloriana Silk Floss. This is a gorgeous hand dyed, 12 strand silk thread. The colours are just wonderful, and there is a wide range of colours available. It stitches beautifully as well.
Please, please, please pick me! I love floche thread, it’s my favorite, but it comes in such huge shanks, so I don’t have much. I can hardly wait for your assortment to be available. Other than floche, I am partial to #8 and #12 perle cotton, and the larger sizes for woven stitches. Of course I use DMC 6 strand floss often. Thank you, Mary
I once had a small chunk of GumNuts silk floss and I convinced myself that it was the best ever. But I’ve never had any more, so I’m reluctant to campaign for it.
I would really like to try floche though – in some manageable quantity. Thanks!
Actually, my favorite embroidery thread is floche! It works up so beautifully. I just wish that it came in all the DMC colors and would be more easily available. I’ve used it for everything from tablecloths to counted cross stitch- it’s all good!!
I would love to win the floche threads. I’ve never tried them and the bright colors are so fantastic! I love color!!!
My all-time favorite hand embroidery threads are the Gilt Sylke Twist threads produced for Thistle Threads. They are designed to look like thread that was used in 16th and 17th C fine embroidery for caskets and jackets, to name a few. It is silk thread that is wrapped with thin gold thread to add sparkle to what you embroider. It is SO beautiful, but expensive, but worth it! My most recent project used this thread to make stumpwork flowers.
Hi, my favorite embroidery thread is perle cotton because I enjoy combining the different weights when embellishing coarse feed/seed sacks. The textures make me happy.
Be merry, Mary
Favorite thread/floss is silk. Its depth of color, the way it lays, having to have smooth hands, its durability over the centuries – has to be silk.
I am just experimenting with floché but is it smoooooothhhhh
I love all threads and I really love dusty pinks, blues, greens and mauves. I love embroidering flowers and these are my favourite colours that work well with flowers.
Having never been brave enough to use anything else I must say DMC Mouliné embroidery thread is my favorite! I own only about 200 different colors but haven’t had the chance to use all of them yet. I keep a list of what I have so when I am fortunate enough to be near a store that carries it I buy more colors! So many colors, so little time!
Ooooooh, I really want to try floche so I hope I win it!
My default is plain old DMC, but I’ve recently been discovering the joys of the fancier hand-dyes, like Weeks Works and so on. However, I think I have to go with Danish Flower Thread (blomstergarn). I have a special fondness for this matte thread with its somewhat muted colors. I lived in DK for a while in high school, and learned to cross-stitch in hand there. I love stitching an old-school pattern with blomstergarn, it just feels like home!
That is almost an impossible question to come up with an answer to ! After much thought I have come up with 2, and really decide which is #1.They are Water Lilies by Caron because of the beautiful color combinations, and Silk Lame by Rainbow Gallery because of the gentle bling it gives a piece.
I don’t think I have a specific favorite thread. I generally use what the pattern calls for. Recently I did make a change, which was to use flat silk rather than Au Vers a Soie for Melinda Sherbourne’s More than a Rose, but she did say it was an alternative, and when I submitted it to her, she said it was actually more appropriate for the period. I used it because I inherited a large quantity of it from my mother, and once I figured out what it was worth, I decided to use it wherever I can! What I do love about threads is having lots of colors. Also, in the case of this drawing, I have never used floche before, so it would be fun to win some and try it.
I prefer floche because of its sheen, stitches well, easy to work with. Beautiful in all applications, especially white work.
my favorite thread is blanc Floche…smooth, soft and very tactile
I love over-dyed threads and silks and all, but can rarely afford them. Thank heaven for DMC, Anchor, and Craftways! Their floss is readily available, not too expensive, and come in a myriad of wonderful colors.
My favorite thread is pearl cotton that I dye myself, so that I can get exactly the color/value that I want. And this way, I can also choose the weight of thread that I want, for the specific project.
DMC as it is the most easily available thread. Most projects give the numbers, so it is easy to get organized. I mostly use the 6 stranded cotton. I have never tried the floche, it would be nice to give it a try.
I actually love some antique rayon-looking threads I found in a sewing kit from my late grandmother. I have no idea what they are, since they didn’t have a label, but they’re wonderfully shiny. I made several Christmas ornament clothespin dolls using them, including one that recreated my wedding dress! I don’t know if floche is anything like that, but I’d love to try it.
Love floche and the bright colors!
I haven’t used that many threads, many floss and perle cotton, but been wanting to try Floche as it is hard to come by and sounds lovely to work with. Would love to give it a try!!!! Thanks so much for all you do Mary and Merry Christmas!!!
My favourite thread of all time is Cosmo thread.
Where do I start when each thread is special
For a long time I only stitched with cotton floss and out of several brands or no names I found DMC better than others with ease of many colors and feel; but having tried Au ver a soie – Soie d’Alger well that was it! I love these silks how they feel, how they look!…
Merry Christmas!
Well I am sorry to say the only floss I have ever used is DMC. It would be a pleasure to try something new. Maybe on my next embroidery project!
I love to stitch with silk floss. Even though the colors are not as bright as cotton floss, the feel of the thread as it passes through the fabric is delicious, and the stitches are so defined and beautiful. It makes my heart happy.
I love crewel work, so Appleton’s thread for me.
Until I met you, Mary, I only knew of DMC thread so that has to be my favorite. I’ve been embroidering with it off and on since I was 7 and my grandmother taught me. My interest lapsed then came the ’70’s and I embroidered jeans and shirts. Another lull while I started quilting. The past couple of years I have come back to embroidery via crazy quilting. I still mostly use DMC because that is what is available in my country county!! (We have Walmart and not much else).
Silk thread is my favourite thread to date. Both for its lovely sheen as well as for the beautiful colours it comes in.
Silk! Anything silk, although I just did a wool applique using floche and loved using it for that. Just the right thickness and sheen. It just might become a new favorite.
My all time favorite thread is floche. I love the colors and softness of the thread. I’ve used it for smocking and just recently learned some stitchers use it for Japanese temari balls. This would be a wonerful assortment for stitching temari balls.
Oh wow, that’s a tough question. How do I choose? But I really like Gloriana silks; the colors are so wonderful!
My favorite embroidery floss is Soie 100/3 from Au ver a Soie. I love the spoils it comes on, and I love the way it holds up even for unpicking. I’ve used floche on one project and I enjoyed it as well, and would love to be able to use it again.
Having primarily used DMC I’d have to say that’s my favorite so far mainly because it’s so readily available. I have dabbled a little with sampler threads and some variegated threads and a little bit of silk but never floche. I’d love to try.
There are so many threads from which to choose a favorite. I love working with silk. So, I always lean towards using Au Ver A Soie, Soie D’alger. The thread is smooth to “lay” and comes in a wide variety of colors with many shades per color. Of course, if I choose to use cotton, I seek out Floche. It makes me feel like I’m working with silk.
Thanks for considering me!
Pick a thread, any thread! What’s YOUR all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, and why?
I liked using pearl cotton #8 on a witches’ house I did. It was easy to work with and did not have to pull strands out.
My favourite floss is DMC. Before the internet shopping made pretty much everything available, I lived in small towns, and DMC was the only floss available. I love using it for cross stitch, as the variety of colours is fabulous.
There are a several threads I have liked using , Perle cotton, some silks and I have used Floche which is lovely .
Thanks and Happy Stitching.
So I’m super basic and DMC mainly because I’ve never been disappointed with color fastness, matching, and durability
I really enjoy working with 6 stranded silk threads. I’ve only done this a few times to be honest, using stranded embroidery cottons mostly. But there is nothing like the beautiful soft feeling of silk on the fingers especially when combined with a beautiful soft linen to work on. Bliss!
My all-time favourite thread is Au Ver à Soie Soie d’Algers. It is so smooth to stitch with and has a lovely sheen that allows a wonderful play of light.
Well, that’s kind of a hard question…I use so many threads…when I use regular cotton, I like 3 strands; but I find myself using Pearle Cottons, solids and variegated, the most. I love the thickness of the thread. But I love using Rayon & Satin threads for the sheen factor! and of course, I love silks.
I haven’t used much Floche so that is going to be new territory for me!! Will have to give them a try!!!!
I love silk and Metal threads but use mostly DMC 6 strand floss because of availability and cost.
I love floche and am so glad that you are designing with it!
My all time favorite hand embroidery thread is dmc 6 strand cotton. The variety of colors, shades and hues is phenomenal, the quality is consistently excellent. Some might think it is the industry standard. It has never served me wrong.
What a lovely collection of floche! I haven’t used that many types of thread, but my all-time favorite is still DMC 6-stranded floss – just because it comes in soooo many colors, is affordable, consistent in quality, readily available (excepting perhaps during global pandemics), and can give a different look depending on how many strands I use.
Floche! It looks beautiful in stitching; easy to use (no dividing threads). Can’t wait until your next pattern! Happy Holidays
I haven’t been embroidering enough to branch out and explore other threads than DMC floss (other than wool thread — of which Appleton is my choice). You’ve put it in my thinking to try one of those ‘fancy’ threads!
I prefer DMC for the range — and subtle gradations — of colors.
My favorite thread for embroidery is KNK Silk buttonhole twist, (partly thanks to Beatrix Potter’s “The Tailor of Gloucester,” and the “No more twist!” note left by the mice) because I love its sheen, the range of colors, and it makes my fingers happy when I stitch with it.
I will have to say DMC floss, as that is what is available locally. I have used some other threads so many years ago when there was a local shop, that I don’t remember the name.
Well, I’ve only ever used cotton floss to date, but I have projects kitted up with rayon and the different kinds of silks. Love to try some floche!
My favourite thread is Gumnut Yarns Blossoms wool and Stars silk – feel lovely, a great colour range and look fantastic stitched up!
By default it’s the standard DMC 6-strand cotton embroidery floss. All the COLORS! So enticing. I’ve just bought my first floche and look forward to experimenting with its soft coverage.
I love the range of colors of DMC, but am looking forward to working with floche. Merry Christmas!
I love working with silks. So pretty and add a nice shine to any project.
I’m “new” to embroidery and creative original stitching, so I’ve only used a large collection of DMC floss that was left in a bag from mid-1980’s counted cross stitch projects. I look forward to trying other types of thread being recommended by current stitchers!
Floche is sooo wonderful! Only used it a couple of times as only white and sometimes black is available in UK. Luscious. Such beautiful shades too!
The thread I use the most is DMC embroidery floss – mainly because I do a lot of cross-stitch. My favorite thread for lace making is Finca Presencia – it comes in gorgeous colors and is easy to work with.
I’m a DMC gal. It’s mainly what I have used most of my 60 years of stitching, but would definitely like to try Floche. It’s been on my Christmas Wish List, but my kids have yet to be able to find it locally. Maybe this next year when things calm down a little. Thank you.
I am not experienced with too many kinds of thread, but kits I have worked with silk yarn threads have been amazing. Gamnut threads come to mind as particularly lovely.
The original Anchor threads, old numbering system because they are mercerised. The modern numbers are mercerised in a different way and don’t feel the same or have the same sheen.
Dear Mary,
Congratulations to Barbara and Eunice! Oh what a wonderful Christmas gift to have won such beautiful books.
Mary I like to have lots of colour choice so DMC wins, but silk feels lovely. Have never stitched with floche.
Love everything that you do, and especially look forward to your new project in 2022.
Best regards
DMC is my fave because it’s the only brand I have ever used. It’s time to explore!
I’ve only used 6 strand embroidery floss from Walmart! I’m a newbie! I forgot the brand name.
DMC since 1968 when at age 8 learn embroidery in elementary school. In my late 40s bought silk thread but DMC remains favorite and easy to use.
My favorite embroidery thread is DMC. So many wonderful colors and it always stitches so beautifully.
It is from Mary’s newsletters that I started using the various sizes of metalic threads from Au Ver A Soie. I love them as they bring a little twinkle to wherever I use them.
One of my favourite threads is Silk Perle thread but I do really like a lot of different threads but silk threads are always top of my list.
I love Floche, it is lovely to work with!
Another hard question…so hard to just choose one favourite. I really love stitching with silk and my favourite depends on the project. I love Gumnut silks because they are affordable here in Australia and come in a fabulous range of colours. I love Beautiful Stitches silks, which run through the fabric like butter and are so vibrant. For shiny results I do like Silk Mill silks which are also affordable (especially as they come from Europe to us – very reasonable postage costs) and come in a huge number of shades. In stranded cotton my current favourite is Sajou’s Retors du Nord – I love the crispness of it and the way it sits on the fabric – and it’s not ‘furry’ like some threads.
Such yummy colors! I can see a flight of butterflies swarming over a field of wild flowers!
My go-to is DMC embroidery floss, because it is so readily available. I love patterns with shine and sparkle though, as annoying as those threads are to actually work with.
Oh those colours! I would love to win the thread pack and would love even more to use them on the Key to My Heart project. Thank you for the opportunity
I love silk thread -I love the vibrant colors- I love the sheen and I love the touch of it.
A great prize, Floche threads. So silky. The colours for your project ‘Key to my Heart’ are so vibrant.
My favourite thread is Cottage Garden Threads. A beautiful variegated thread in stranded cotton and perle 8 & 12. The variegation is so natural, no harsh breaks in colour. Over 200 colour ways inspired by nature. I can always find a colour choice to use in every project.
I once used a hot pink, very untwisted 6 strand thread from a kit that I liked. No idea the brand but I loved how bright it was!
My favorite thread is Perle Cotton. I love the way it handles, the shine of the thread, the coverage and the wide range and variety of colors. By chosing different sizes, I can
illustrate just the right effect I am looking to acheive.
Oops don’t know whether my first email got through????.
I have tried a few Floche cotton threads and they really lovely to work with – less tangles and glorious colours. I do stumpwork and they give wonderful shadowing too in the raised bits. The Floche pack sounds delightful and would be well utilised in my embroidery.
I will always love DMC!
My favorite thread is silk floss by Gloriana. So beautiful and the owner is delightful!
Oops! This is my second go at this competition because I didn’t answer the question first time around! My favourite thread is Gumnut Yarn’s Perle. I would love to use floche all the time as well, but can really only easily get white or grey here in Oz. The colours in the thread pack are amazing, wouldn’t it be great to win them?
My favorite embroidery thread is eleganza perle cotton. The colors are beautiful.
Pick a thread, any thread! What’s YOU’RE all-time favorite hand embroidery thread, and why?
My favourite thread depends on what I’m using! For silk it’s Au ver a Soie, for wool it’s Gumnut Yarns.
Never having tried Floche,
my favoriye would have to be
DMC for its versatility!
Have to say DMC cotton floss. The color range is incredible.
That is near impossible to answer, but the thread I have used the most in my life so far is embroidery floss. Many wonderful colors and easy to use for so many projects and easy to find. But there are so many other great threads to try. Floche looks wonderful. Love the bright colors.
I have only been stitching for a year and have learned SO MUCH from you & your site. I LOVE floche — it has a wonderful hand feel and, because I use it whole, I don’t make a mess separating strands so can spend more time stitching!
My favorite thread is DMC stranded cotton for so many reasons – it is so versatile, economical and locally available and used in so many types of embroidery and patterns.
But what I really love is the color range, the shades within a color, having a real thread color chart and the beautiful sheen and quality. The fact that Tanja Berlin creates beautiful lifelike art pictures of flowers, birds and animals with it and that other designers use it to create delightful stumpwork and pretty country floral embroidery with bullion and cast-on roses and Hazel Blomkamp uses it in her modern Jacobean with bead designs makes this the queen of thread for me. I would be just as happy with Anchor stranded cotton which has some lovely colors but it is not locally available.
I would love to try stitching with floche from reading your posts, Mary and seeing your beautiful stitching in your photos.
I love to stich with floche because its smooth and has a beautiful shine ,i have only been able to get white in Australia .Have a few projects that would look beautiful in a shiny thread and i would love to do the key to my heart too
Favorite is DMC cotton floche!
I love Appletons wool the most for my crewel stitching but I am intrigued by the DMC cotton cloche and would love to try it on some cross stitch or surface embroidery.
I love stitching with silk as it gives a special sheen. Having said that, whatever thread that creates the effect I’m seeking is the thread of the day.
I LOVE stitching with silk. The feel of stitching with it is out of this world. I just wish I could buy it in person ( not in my town ). I prefer being to see and touch before buying.
I have only used floche a little, but it is becoming a favorite! very excited about the release of the project!
My favourite thread so far is Colour Streams Ophir. I’d love to try floche but haven’t found any at the shops I’ve been to yet.
I have always used six strand cotton floss. I’ve tried other things, but the floss (usually DMC) is my default choice. I would love to try something else, like this floche. I love the colors; they’re so bright and happy!!
My favorite right now is DMC 6 strand cotton. which is about all i’ve used, other than unknown brands from kits.
I can’t go past DMC stranded. So versatile, and so many different colours.
I love, love Weeks Dye Works threads. The colors provide every range imaginable using both subtle and bold to wonderful effect.
Any variegated and shaded thread I love the most and if it is silk or rayon much better for the sheen.
I like to embroider with Floche because it has soft sheen and I can use straight from the skein without separating the floss.
It would have to be DMC. It’s what I have the most of on hand & there’s np problem getting the replacement when I run out. It’s dependable & beautiful.
It makes me happy to receive your newsletter. So full of knowledge. My favorite thread?? Hard choice love so many. I like perle… au ver a soie is my favorite. The choice of colors and the shine of the thread is marvelous.
It would be easier to tell what threads I don’t like to stitch with!! Those ones that come apart or fray. I do like floche for thread painting. It blends so well.
Floche because of it’s versatility. It can be used for cross stitch, needlepoint, blackwork, pulled thread, drawn thread, specialty stitches in hardanger, etc.
My all time favorite thread remains DMC stranded cotton. It is so versatile. Of course, silks are wonderful to stitch with. The end result isn’t really all that much different from cotton, (except for the luxurious feel of it) so you get more bang for your buck with cotton.
I’ve only used DMC because it is what I can find locally,but would would like to try something new and do some art pictures.
I guess my favourite embroidery thread is good old 6-strand DMC – because I’ve hardly used anything else, it’s easy to find and it has all the colours! I would love to try floche, after reading about it here. And I do like sewing with 12-weight perle cotton from Colour Complements. Thank you for the giveaway!
My all-time favorite hand embroidery thread is cotton floss. It can be used for many different techniques, comes in so many different colors, is widely available and not expensive. Also good brands like DMC and Anchor are color fast.
Thank you Mary for this generous opportunity
My favorite thread really depends on what I am stitching. I love the look and feel of floche when I am doing things like satin stitch when I really want a smooth and even surface, I love silk when I want something that has a bit of sheen, bamboo is so sturdy for working on something that will get a lot of wear, and I love Appleton wools for doing crewel work…so I’m sorry – I can’t pick just one!
DMC floss because it’s easily available, inexpensive and easy to work with. However, I’d love to try Floche.
Floche. Hands down favorite.
I love Colour Complements threads. The colors are vibrant, the thread stays nice while stitching and Lorraine is wonderful!
I must choose Perle cotton. I really like not having to bother with the strands and there’s such a nice sheen to it. When using it on wool applique projects it stands up to the wool and shows the stitches well.
Thank you!
My all time favorite is pipers silk. However I really like floche and would love to win this collection.
The old standby: DMC standard 6-strand cotton floss. Versatile, readily available, nearly 500 shades, reliable… what more can you say? It’s the workhorse of the embroidery world. Sure, there are lots of wonderful threads and yarns out there (Caron has gorgeous over-dyed threads), but DMC is always there, ready to tackle many forms of embroidery.
My favourite thread is stranded silk – lovely to stitch with and looks so gorgeous!
Perle cotton. It’s what my mom taught me to do Hardanger with.
…silk thread since it is sensual to touch, and its colours often seem more vibrant than other threads
I’ve used stranded silk for the first time this year and have fallen in love with it.
Hard to say, but since I must — Watercolors because I like the colors
My all time favorite thread to work with is Ed-Mar threads. It comes in variety of sizes, colors, variegated colors and it glides through fabric with a fluidity. Plus it has a beautiful shine! If there’s anything else like it, please let me know. Happy holidays!
I have used DMC in everything I have done but when my mother in-law passed away I inherited her needle accessories. I found she had some Bucilla embroidery thread and fell very much in love with it. I wish they still manufactured it. It’s soft, the dry feeling that I sometime find with DMC, and sews great. What I have is very old and very limited in colors.
I’m a sucker for Valdani perle cotton, size 12!
I am super new to embroidery! My favorite thread is a blue variegated one I bought on Etsy. Sadly I can’t find it in my purchases to be able to give the shop credit or buy it again…
I just love floche thread from DMC! I have gotten some in previous times from a good friend, and thought I would just die until I got something made.
My fav is DMC, it’s available almost everywhere and has a really good color range.
Oh boy, this is a hard one. I’ve tried everything! From cottons to Metallica to rayon (ick) to silk and everything in between. I guess I have to say that overdyed cottons are my faves. I have worked with floche, on a whitework piece I designed, and definitely fell in love with it. The glory of needleworking, for me, is working with the amazing variety of threads that are out there in the world!
I smock mostly and use DMC floss. Would love to know more about flouche and if I can use to smock with. I do some hand embroidery on heirloom garments, baby day gowns and such.
How can anyone have a favorite, there are so many nice silk threads, but I would have to say DMC because I use it the most.
I love floche for smocking and madeira embroidery, but silk just glides thru the fabric.
Hi- I use regular DMC floss. I have been using it since I was first taught to stitch. I would love to try floche.
I love working with Perle cotton, especially the variegated ones produced by House of Embroidery of South Africa. But who knows – I’ve never used Floche before. If I am lucky enough to win, I might just have a change of heart.
My favourite is Au Ver a Soie I love the way It looks the sheen to it and the softness of it. Plus so many lovely colours.
I have for the most part used DMC ( its readily available and reasonable) and I was gifted some Aurifil and love it ! Thank you!
My favorite thread is Soie d’Alger from Au Ver A Soie. It is so buttery soft compared to other silks. The colors are gorgeous and the sheen of the silk is mesmerizing.
I love exploring any new thread, but for richness of color and sheen, I especially like Valdani threads.
My favorite is just the regular DMC six-strand floss. You can find almost any shade, or you can mix it with DMC Variations or Classic Colorworks to create your own shade.
I really love au ver a soie threads. They are lovely to work with. I haven’t tried floche yet but I have been wanting to for a long time!
I have always used DMC threads and have only recently started playing with other threads. So for now my favorite thread to stitch with is DMC. I know you stitch a lot wit Floche and I would love to try it.
My favorite has got to be Lorraine’s ColourCompliments threads….any one of them. When starting a new project I always go to that stash first and build from there. I just love her color combinations.
I’ve never embroidered with anything but regular DMC type cotton thread & a few cheaper metallic ones. Guess I would have to say using variegated threads is fun for the thrill of unexpected colour combinations. Would love to expand my skills & try new threads! Thanks for the chance.
Oh any kind really but floche is super nice for the extra coverage it gives!
I love the feel of Petite velvet. It makes my canvas work look luxurious
Hola Srta. Cobert, mi hilo favorito siempre ha sido DMC, tanto el Perle como las Madejas Mouline No. 25, que es lo que hay en mi País, tengo algunos de Anchor pero, recordará que le comenté que me es difícil conseguir hilos, por todos sus comentarios que he leído del Floche, me encantaría probarlo. Aprovecho para darle las gracias por compartir sus conocimientos de Bordados, Telas, Libros, hilos, ect., y desearle a Usted y su familia, muy felices Fiestas de Navidad y de Fin de Año, que siga cosechando éxitos y Bendiciones en el 2022.
DMC stranded cotton is my favourite thread because it is easily available to buy and it is not expensive. I would love to try the Floche threads, thank you for this offer.
Recently l picked up some Cosmo thread and it’s lovely to stitch with, but DMC is the majority of my collection and has so many colors. DMC would be my go to, so I guess my favorite.
I have not had a chance to use many types of thread
So I guess cosmos is my favorite
Out of the treads I have used, I like Appleton wool. I have never used Floche. They sure are beautiful!
I guess my favorite is DMC 6 srand floss. It’s also the only kind I’ve used. I’m planning to get some of that wonderful silk and try that. I’m still a newbie in embroidery because I do a lot of other things as well – quilting, crazy quilting (that involves a lot of embroidery), thread crochet, and tatting – both of which use size 80 cotton thread. I am finding I’m leaning towards embroidery mostly. Very rewarding even though I can’t yet do anything terribly intricate.
Oh, those colors are so Spring! And I do want to embroider that voided-initial needlebook.
Favorite thread? I’ve only ever used acrylic yarn for a “crewel” kit (at about age 9; I think it was the kind you saved box-tops for) and 6-strand cotton floss, altho some time back I purchased some silk floss, and eventually will get around to using it. I *infinitely* prefer the floss!
My go to thread is DMC. In so saying I purchased some hand dyed silk threads in the UK I am looking for the perfect project to use them on.
I’m a DMC floss girl – the six strand. Recently I became a big fan of the now defunct DMC flower thread, oh the ease of one simple strand, muted, calm. Floche – thank you – never knew it existed, on the to do list to find this, thanks for presenting this. It looks full of life and happy brilliant colors. Im not one for overdyes.
DMC is my favorite so far. I’m new to embroidery and haven’t tried many other types of thread yet. I read some of your articles on floche – sounds like a lot of fun to stitch with!
My favorite thread is the basic DMC floss. The reason is simple,it is economical and easy to find at garage sales. Having only used one other thread I know the DMC floss is adequate for all I stitch. Should I find something better I may need to take another job in order to afford it.
My all-time favourite embroidery thread is Gumnuts Stars Silk Stranded. It is beautiful to handle, never snags, has a lovely lustre, and is easy to split into any number of threads. It is especially nice to use for thread-painting, and comes in a large number of colours.
I am something of an amateur when it comes to embroidery floss. My tried and true is the DMC coton a border… would love to try out the Floche on the project you are proposing!!
my favorite thread is cotton perle #8, easy to use on project that ask for some texture, easy to use for knots and lots of colors available
I still love DMC. It is consistent and reliable and the colors stay true. I like silk, but it is not always colorfast. I learned that the hard way!
I don’t have much experience with any type of thread other than stranded cotton. I haven’t cared much for the metallics I’ve worked with. So…I’d have to say that stranded cotton is my favorite thread. Thanks for all of the give-aways!!
I don’t have a favorite thread. Basically I like whatever is working for me at the time. I have used floche for a number of projects and have enjoyed using it.
My favourite thread is wool as it is so forgiving, however any overdyed thread is also a favourite. My name is Karen and I’m a thread addict so going to my LNS is like a child in a candy store. So many glorious threads, so much choice!
I’ve never entered one of these before so here it goes…..
After reading the information in your article [ email] about Flotche, I followed your links to re educate myself with it as I haven’t used it before. I looked at some of your stitch outs with Flotche and I am so impressed with how it looks. You can tell it has nice coverage and a really nice shine too it. I also like that you stated it’s easy to use! Can’t beat the price either with the amount of yardage you get. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that maybe I’ll win! And if not I’ll be happy for those that do and I’ll just have to buy some from your store!
My all-time favorite embroidery thread to stitch with is silk! The reason is because of the beautiful sheen to it and it slides through fabric like butter. Thank you for another great giveaway!
I think my favorite thread is DMC because it is readily available and there are hundreds of colors. With that said I do like the over dyed floss as well.
Teri F
I love the incredible range of colours that DMC comes in, and that it is so readily available…. but I also really like overdyed threads by colour complements.
Lately my go-to has been Appleton’s or Renaissance wool, but I have a couple projects coming up next year and floche would be perfect for them!!
My all time favorite is good ol’ DMC. I love all the colors available and I have most of them. . .makes me feel invincible. 🙂
The only thread I have any real experience with is DMC. I , along with half the world, did a lot of counted cross stitch in the 80’s and 90’s. The chart books always called for two strands of DMC. I have quite the collection of floss, carefully wrapped onto little cardboard cards…In time, my eyesight grew worse and I could no longer read a chart comfortably. I assumed my stitching days were done. The one day, quite by chance, I ran across something called Chicken Scratch, which through Pinterest, took me to Needle ‘n Thread. Suddenly, a new door of creativity was opened. I carefully watched all the videos, and happily doodled away. Reading your blog has given me many happy hours. Thank you, Mary, for all you do. And thanks to all the wonderful stitchers in the Facebook group, for all the encouragement they give to one another.
So, back to the original question, I still really only have a lot of DMC, but I have started new collections of Pearl #8, and more recently Pearl #5. Currently the Pearl #8 is winning. I have grand hopes to try other threads however, so I hope my name gets randomly drawn.
Happy Christmas to All!
I like plain old cotton floss best. Perle cotton is great for certain things, but I really like the sheen of floss, and how easy it is to work with. Other than floss, perle, and silk, I haven’t had much experience with other types.
Probably stranded cotton, either Madeira or Anchor. This would be favourite because it is more versatile than pearl cotton and I have almost no experience with anything else which might compete. Aside from canvas threads, I’ve used a couple of Madeira metallics, which I do like – especially the holographic one, a bunch of brands of stranded cotton and size 60 coton a broder in a single colour. Given the variety of threads other people use, that’s just not much competition.
Would particularly like to try floche which is unavailable in Europe.
I like to embroider with Aurifil floss.
I love the feel of silk. It’s so light and the sheen is so beautiful. I love the play of light on silk and the way it looks different in different light directions. And the rich colors that it comes in. Love color! I’m excited for the release of the Key to my Heart project. So colorful and happy!
I haven’t used lots of different threads, but I’m currently working with perle cotton on a bargello piece, and I like it because of its coverage and lack of tangling.
My favorite thread is Cosmos embroidery thread. Although DMC Pearle Cotton #5 is a close second. I tend to favor bright colors of both.
My favorite thread is made from silk fibers, especially Gumnut’s silks and the Japanese flat silks. I love the feel and shine they have.
My favorite thread is silk…by The Thread Gatherer, or Gloriana, or AVAS, or NPI. I just love silk. It is so soft and buttery to stitch with! And luxurious to use and enjoy.
DMC cotton floss. When you lay it well, the satin satin stitch is beautiful to behold. I would love the opportunity to try floche. I am not familiar with it.
My favorite floss is the old standby, regular cotton floss. It’s readily available and inexpensive. I would love to try floche though.
My favorite thread is any of the overdyed stranded silks – Gloriana, Waterlilies, Silk ‘n’ Colors – but of course my stash includes plenty of others : )
My go to is DMC 6 strand….easily available and comes in a multitude of colors. I enjoy silks, rayon, blending filaments and floche….but somehow there always is a need for good old DMC cotton floss
I’ve not yet tried cloche and would love the opportunity to play with this lovely assortment of colors!
My all-time favorite thread I’ve ever worked with was a silk chenille. It was so … silky …both while working with it and in the finished stitching.
Anchor stranded cotton. I like the feel of it in my fingers better than other cottons and also the depth and richness of the colors.
My all time favorite thread is linen thread. Why? Because of the way it seems to just flow through the needle and then it lays neatly on the material. I also like the softer, more subtle shades that my linen threads have.
I love crewel work, so tapestry wool for me!
The Thread Gatherer Silken Pearl – it makes the most beautiful bullion knots.
My favourite thread? Well, there are so many, and each is exciting to use for tbe first time. I do like the subtlety of the sparkle.
DMC Cotton Embroidery Floss – so easy to use, and such a glorious, seemingly endless, range of colours.
My favorite thread to stitch with is silk. I love how it feels in my fingers and also how it looks—when I’m able to control it correctly.
G’day Mary, and thank you for this giveaway.
DMC 6 strand is what I use the most so I guess it’s my favourite. It’s universal across stitches and I know how it’s going to behave with certain needles and fabric etc.
Cheers, Kath
I love to sew with Japanese/Chinese silk thread because the result is so beautiful and flowers so realistic but I have been trying to buy Floche for some time and not successfully here in England so this prize would be wonderful and set the inspiration going.
Well my favourite is DMC ….my only experience….I read lots about different threads on your newsletters, and am very intrigued……one day 🙂
My favorite thread so far is valdani. So many colors and shades. I’ve never tried Floche but I guess I’m going to have to now. Looks beautiful
I enjoy working with DMC floss primarily because it is readily available. No waiting for orders to come in.
Wool, especially in darkish red, rich pink and warm brown shades. There’s just something about the way wool feels that makes stitching with it so deeply satisfying.
I use Anchor Thread most of the time, because it’s available in my hometown and I always got the colours I needed.
Hi Mary,
My favorite hand embroidery thread has to be Caron’s wildflowers. I’ve made some very pretty Christmas ornaments with blackwork designs using their Holiday thread.
Love using floche!! Beautiful colors.
I have to go with the old standby, DMC embroidery floss. It’s what my mom taught me with, it comes in a million easy-to-find colors, the skein size and put-up are familiar to me, and I never have twist problems like I do with the rayon thread for Brazilian embroidery.
My all time favorite hand embroidery thread has to be regular DMC. It’s what I have used for years and I have created beautiful projects with it and it has not disappointed.
Why, it’s floche! I don’t have the grammar to explain in details, but I like the way it feels and looks, both while working, and when finished.
Hi Mary!
I do not have experience with too many of the wonderful threads out there, as I am a beginner. Right now, I’d have to say my favorite thread is COSMO Seasons 6-strand floss. I love varigated floss, and the color combinations they have created are wonderful! I like to use them to minutely blanket-stitch the edge my applique. I never tire of seeing the colors change as I stitch along the fabric.
My favorite thread is silk, because of its incredible sheen. I don’t use it much because my hands are often too rough, but I love to look at it. My next favorite is floche, which I really wish came in more colors.
I love stitching with silks. I have a small stash and have decided I will use them for anything and everything until they are depleted. I have been saving them for … who knows!?
I have not tried floche but would love to!
Thanks Mary.
I would have to say DMC #310 cotton floss because it is so very versatile and so darned handy!
I have no difficulties choosing my favorite. It’s DMC stranded floss. (For the majority of my projects.) I can easily choose the thickness I need and the quality of the thread is maintained over time. Also there is an almost unlimited supply of colors available! Thank you for all your great gifts during this time of the year.
So, my favorite thread, so far, has been Perl cotton. I’m still exploring threads.
My favorite thread….the one I am currently using! As a beginner, I try different brands and very few have disappointed me.
This answer will not be very exciting: DMC cotton floss, the mouliné special. Maybe it’s my favorite just because it is not all that exciting. I love DMC floss because it is so completely reliable, so easy to stitch with and so widely available – a pleasure I can count on.
Nothing terribly exotic here, but my all time favorite embroidery thread is DMC perle cotton #8, with #’s 5 and 3 as runner’s up. I love the sheen of perle cotton and the ease with which it stitches. I also love the texture that can be achieved when using it, especially with stitches like palestrina. Just spectacular!
I’m relatively new at embroidery and have been using DMC thread — so I guess that is favorite by default for now until I get to experiment more. I love the colors in your Floche pack.
DMC cotton has always been my “default” thread, but a year ago I started using silks, and like them a lot – except for the price! On your recommendation, however, I’ve recently started using floche, and I think it’s fast becoming my favorite – to the point where I’m going to have to restock a few colors.
DMC cotton – in purple
Favorite threads are anything from Threadgatherer…I use many of the threads they create but Siken Pearl is my go to for many of the pieces I make. Great color selections and it stitches up beautifully.
I really don’t have a favorite thread because I love thread! All kinds of thread. I do use different threads depending on what I am sewing but if I had to pick one it is probably wool thread on wool. So beautiful but then all kinds of thread can make your project sing!
My favourite embroidery thread is Perle size 12. For me this thread approximates 3 strands of ordinary floss. There is no need to separate strands and I think Perle is much stronger.
Au Ver a Soie is my all time favorite but DMC is my workhorse thread-easier and faster to stitch with. Those silks still have my heart when it comes time to stitch my liturgical symbol ornaments!
I really like the Madeira threads. They have packaged them in these fancy packets which means they don’t tangle and they stay clean and you only pull out as much as you want. It makes them so easy to use which is always a consideration when your projects may last for years.
I have only used regular DMC cotton floss and silk ribbon in my embroidery. From what I’ve read in your columns, I suspect that I would enjoy the results of satin stitch embroidery (which I seem to avoid) far more with the floche. One of these days, most likely once I retire, I’ll have to make that leap.
My favorite embroidery floss is DMC. The colors are almost endless, and I can create my own variegated colors.
I don’t actually have a favorite embroidery thread. However I do have a favorite disliked thread!!!! I have never had success stitching with metallic thread. Just can’t get it to sit right, so I no longer if try !
Thanks for having these giveaways!
Floche is my favorite. I love the feel and wonderful way floche covers a design. I haven’t used a lot of silk which is lovely, but so far floche still wins.
My favorite thread is Eleganza by Sue Spargo. Great variety of colors, thickness and doesn’t untwist or fray.
I’ve not tried floche yet.
I know this does not quite answer the question, but I love silence;early morning with tea, no traffic, only the soft sounds of nature. Then the day in Seattle begins.
Oops, I answered the wrong question! My favorite thread has to be DMC cotton which I first used as a child, 70 or so years ago. Of course I have moved to other threads, but still smile when I think of those embroidered handkerchiefs.
I enjoy embroidering with pearl cotton. I like using different sizes and getting texture into my work.
Mary, You’ve converted me! I’m now a floche advocate lol. It just looks and feels so nice while working with it. For some reason, it seems to flow better than regular DMC cotton floss. .
I like Valendi.
I love a lot of different brands and types of threads (not a floss snob here!). I’ve got to say however, that when my hands touch the Cosmo brand threads, I smile a bit more!
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity!
I must admit that I am biased – I love DMC 6-strand floss! All those colors, easy for us who are so far from expert, price is right, … All the good things! But, you see, the only other threads I’ve ever used are some wools for a few kits (40+ years ago!) and Diamant very briefly. So, I would dearly love to try some new threads, especially ones so highly recommended by my favorite embroidery expert!
Please take care, EE 1ST Class (Embroidery Expert 1st Class) Mary, and all readers!
I think DMC cotton floss is my go to thread. The thickness can be controlled and it has a lovely sheen. I have been curious about floche and would love to win in order to try it out. Thank you for the opportunity.
I would so like to try the variety of threads out there! However I must be content with DMC as that is all that is readily available in my area. I do try to try some of the threads that is recommended when I order a project and that does make me want to try more.
My favorite embroidery thread is Soie d’ alger. When I get to use it I love the way it gives character to a piece.
I like the variegated floss. I’m always a bit surprise how the design works out using these colors
“Aurifil” no40 pour le twist et la douceur du fil. Pour les miniatures sur la gase de soie, c’est fantastique. Ce fil ne s’effiloche pas comme le mouliné DMC. Cela fait de beaux projets micro broderie.
Joyeux noel
You’re absolutely right about using floche-it’s a wonderful thread to use; however my all time favorite to work with is silk-it has a lovely sheen and a luxurious hand. You can’t beat it when stitching intricate embroidery and all of the available colors are just glorious.
Due to limited experience, I must say 6 stranded cotton floss. Perhaps this give-away will change that.
I love DMC stranded. Lots of colors and can be divided.
DMC floss is my favorite, mostly for the large selection of color choices.
Just ONE? I collect thread like others collect baseball cards. At the moment I’m enjoying using 1 thread for cross stitch rather than 2, so my favorite is Au Ver a Soie silk. Otherwise I’m a big fan of DMC for the price point and color options. I’ve been wanting to try Floche, which may offer the best of both worlds!
Happy holidays,
Well I wish I could use silk thread regularly!
But for sheer color selection, availability and cost there is absolutely nothing that can beat DMC! My go to all time favorite!
My favourite threads to stitch with are the Gumnut silk threads made in Australia They have Gumnut Stars stranded silk and Gumnut Buds Perle silk both of which are hand dyed and have gentle varigated appearance
I have only worked with DMC cotton thread – I do have some satin thread but have not found the right project yet. Thanks for all the wonderful giveaways!
Most of the time, it is whatever thread I’m working with. There are some that are more difficult than others to work with, but the final effect is almost always worth. Silk is lovely and DMC floss is so ubiquitous, but I just love the diversity!
Unfortunately, most of my experience is limited to the ubiquitous DMC floss. Would love to try floche!!
Carrie G PlaneNut
DMC Floss is my favorite. It is inexpensive,versatile and easy to find.
My favourite thread is silk. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive.
I enjoy your voice of experience so much, Mary! I benefit by continuing to learn from your wonderful tutorials and articles. Please keep them coming! I was taught to do surface embroidery as a young child by a dear elderly neighbor. She used DMC 6 strand and taught me using that thread. It is currently my favorite, because it’s all I’ve ever used. Perhaps not the best reason, but the truth. I would love to try other threads, and floche sounds especially intriguing. Thank you for the opportunity with this contest!
Actually I haven’t experimented with threads much but I love the availability and vast choice of colours/shades that DMC cotton has to offer.
I love the embroidery threads used for Brazilian stitches. The rayon sheen is pretty and the textures are expressive.
My favourite thread is the regular stranded cotton. It’s the one I have the most experience with because it’s the most available.
My favorite threads are all overdyed, particularly those from Weeks Dye Works and the Gentle Art. I just love the way they give soft, subtle shading to many of my projects.
Silk n Colors from Thread Gatherer is my favourite thread – even though it is tricky to get hold of here in the U.K. It is so soft and the colour variations are so beautiful. I have been lucky enough to buy a couple of batches from de-stash sites and spend time just admiring them!
My all-time favourite hand embroidery thread are the Au ver a Soie threads. I love the feel when stitching with them and the way they work with fabrics. I love their sheen and the variety in colours but also in types of threads – endless possibilities!
I can’t pick. I love silk, variegated cottons and all around wonderful DMC.
DMC stranded cotton is my ‘go to’ for the sheer range of colours and affordability. Floche is hard to get in UK. But for luxury, I love both Devere and Pipers silk.
I have only ever worked with dmc cotton, so I would love to try something new!
My favorite hand embroidery thread…can I say I love them all?! I’m a thread junkie, don’t think I could ever pick just one favorite…cotton, silk, wool, blends…my heart flutters just thinking about all the choices…
I love to stitch with Trebizond because it stitches smoothly, sits proud of the fabric like perle cotton, and has the beautiful sheen of silk.
I love Threadworxx watercolors. The variation in hues and tones excite me.
Thank you for your informative emails
Haven’t been embroidering long enough to have huge experience with a wide variety of threads but but think thread is like chocolate – the better the thread, the better the experience. I had never heard of floche until I read about it on your website and now I fully understand your love for it! And the colours are sumptuous!
Since I’m relatively new to embroidery, my favorite thread is DMC. It’s easy to work with and comes in a wide range of colors.
I love variegated colored threads. My favorite color is DMC shades of blue. I finish off mug rug edges in blanket stitch with it and the results are lovely.
DMC 6 stranded cotton, so many colors. (I haven’t tried anything else…)
I have only done one needlepoint project in my life: a new top for the seat cushion of an oak Mission chair I was lucky enough to acquire about fifty years ago. I copied the pattern of a Persian rug that had been in my husband’s family for who knows how long. I was able to match the rug’s beautiful colors pretty perfectly with Paternayan wool. I took my needle point and the chair to a local upholsterer who did a beautiful job. After more than forty year of being sat on almost everyday, the chair and the needlepoint are in perfect condition. Paternayan seems to have disappeared years ago, so I treasure the bits that were left from my project and use them very sparingly. We will move that chair to the sun room this week, because it’s corner is where the Christmas tree always goes.
I love all sorts of threads, it just depends on the project. I use mostly DMC floss and perle but I like silk, Weeks Dye Works, etc. etc. etc. That’s why it’s so great to be an embroiderer in todays world. There are so many options. I love trying out new threads.
The only floss I really use is dmc. I definitely prefer it over the no name floss, it doesn’t break even half as much.
My favorite embroidery thread has to be flower thread which is very hard to come by these days. So, floche is a close runner up. It is a dream to stitch with and doesn’t have a real shine to it which I love. It looks vintage and well worn even when new. I love the look in projects that I’ve used it.
Perle cotton #12 works great for redwork/blackwork
To me, the best thing about this article is the content of all the reference sources! They give such full explanation and great visuals about the projected project. I have used floche many years ago and I haven’t given it much thought since. Your interest in floche in this article has sparked my interest and I am so looking forward to the heart project coming soon. Thanks for your in depth work in embroidery.
Mary Beth
The Caron Collection are my favorite threads; the colors (and color combinations) are gorgeous. But I don’t know that I can decide between waterlilies, wildflowers, and watercolors ….
I haven’t found a wonderful thread yet. I just got an order of DMC floche that I can’t wait to try. Unfortunately, it has to until I have my daughter’s Christmas present finished. Pa
It’s hard to pick a favorite thread, I’m still getting immersed in the range of thread choices, and I’m loving different qualities for different purposes. For the sake of this comment and the request to pick ONE all time favorite, I will pick perle cotton #8. I love the width, more substantial weight than embroidery floss strands, and the sheen, particularly for Hardanger work. A favorite Hardanger project made use of perle size 8 for the satin stitch kloster blocks and size 12 for the thread wraps on a 28 count Cashel linen ground. The texture is marvelous with beautiful smooth coverage for the satin stitch blocks. I’ve also used size 8 perle thread for creating lantern stitches, so beautiful.
I mostly work with regular stranded DMC, but it’s fun to work with Appleton crewel wool because it’s so fluffy and forgiving in comparison to DMC. It makes a project go so fast!
I don’t have a single favourite thread but love all kinds of threads. I especially like variegated threads and anything shiny or glitzy. For cross-stitch, I use DMC. I have all the colours as well as all of the variations, including linen thread and flower thread which is now discontinued. I have quite a large collection of different brands of threads, but no floche. I would love to try it.
My favorite hand embroidery thread is LCA. She has embroidered most of my embroidery projects and has excellent quality. In addition, it can be embroidered with a cross and other techniques. I try other threads, compare them with LCA and always come back to them.
PS Thank you for the New Year’s atmosphere and puzzles. While I was sick and could not embroider your interesting puzzles entertained and delighted me.
Oh, not LSA, but DMC. I used a translator and he made a mistake with the translation.
Mary, thank you for all your wonderful guidance! You’ve inspired me to try things I didn’t think I’d do well or enjoy much–and I’ve loved the results! Now I just need more time, haha!
I’ve never actually gotten to try floche. I’d love to. My favorite embroidery thread is probably good ol’ six-stranded cotton floss.
My most used thread is good old pearl cotton. It is a work horse and never disappoints. I do admit to loving the feel of silk though. Makes me purr!
DMC floss, it come in a wide range of colors, it’s inexpensive and versatile.
Any thread that you are having fun with is always the best thread. I love how silk feels but sometimes its too slippery. I like tapestry wool as well, but cotton DMC is probably the best all around.
I love six-stranded DMC, and my favorite color is 762, which is a very light gray. Something about the subtlety of it and the shade of gray just makes me happy to stitch with it.
Favorite thread by ownership is DMC floss. By coolness: variegated Default color choice: solid – purple, mixed – Christmas Hated but like the effects: metallic
My favorite thread is anything silk!
first- congratulations Euny on winning that great project book!
second- I think my favorite thread is Edmar Thread’s Glory. It’s a fine weight rayon z-twist which I have used for smocking and surface embroidery. Unlike a lot of other rayons, it doesnt knot up quickly, and it produces a lovely stitch with just the right amount of sheen for silk dupione and silk batiste fabrics. another bonus: the z-twist means that I don’t have to do bullion or other wrapped stitches “backwards” since I’m a lefty.
Floche is my favorite! I love the feel and it works so easily!
Anchor 6 stranded thread was the only embroidery thread I used because it’s the only one I knew until I found your site about a year ago. Now it’s perle cotton, cotton a broder, mercerised or matt, flat silk, twisted silk, gilt twisted silk, s twist, z twist. Such an amount of learning and so much more to do!! Thank you for all you do, demonstrate and share.
How can you go past DMC for its availability, consistent quality and colour choice. But… I do love experimenting with different threads -currently attempting to use Chinese silk threads which is not for the faint hearted!
Merry Xmas, Ros
I’ve only every embroidered with DMC floss, so I would love to be able to try the floche!
My favorite brand is DMC because I grew up using it with my grandmother and mother. 70 years ago.
I have not tried floche thread yet and would love to find out if it is my new favourite thing!!
I do love silk threads for the beautiful sheen, but my favourite thread is DMC. I have all the colours and use it for most projects.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
I like floche quite a lot, too. It has such a nice weight, feel, and look to it.
Hi all! I had been using Floche for some time on needlepoint projects,
But had never seen it used on surface embroidery until I read about it
On your blog. It happens to be my favorite because it is easy to handle and
Gives a nice finish in most applications. I also us it on counted thread
Projects on 28 or 32 count linen over 2 and it looks really nice.
Floche is a very under rated thread in my opinion. Sue in Bermuda
My favorite thread remains the work-horse of the embroidery world: DMC stranded floss. I love that it’s inexpensive and available everywhere in hundreds (?) of colors all nicely organized by families. It’s generally colorfast (except for some of those pesky reds) and thus can be used on clothing which you will wash and wear. Each color is numbered, so if you run out of floss on vacation, you can be reasonably sure that the same color number purchased on Maui will match the one bought in Syracuse NY. Finally, because each length has 6 strands you can easily vary the thickness of thread to match the fiber on which you are stitching.
Hello Mary; Because I mostly do counted thread and needle weaving, my favorite thread is Perle cotton especially sizes 8 and 12. Have a wonderful Christmas. Joy
These vibrant floche threads look like fun! My favorite embroidery thread is the only kind I have ever used: DMC stranded cotton. However, I would welcome any opportunity to try something different, like floche or cotton a border. Maybe one day I’ll even get to try silk threads!
My favorite thread is DMC floss. I like it most because its accessible and easy to find, has an assortment of colors and is a dream to work with.
The only thread I have used for embroidery so far is DMC. I have an Au Ver a Soie discovery pack in silk thread that I would like to try on a project next to see if I like those.
My favourite embroidery thread so far, is the DMC 6 stranded embroidery floss. I love its quality. Although having read such wonderful things about floche on your website, I’ve really looking forward to trying it too.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this gorgeous collection!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I actually really love silk thread Au Ver a Soie. I was terrified to use it at first as I had read it was difficult and the fine silk would catch on the dry bits on your hand. I always have dry bits on my hands. But once i started using it and seeing how lusterous it was, Id just love to use it all the time. The way the light catches it is quite lovely. The thread itself wasnt anywhere near as difficult as I had been lead to believe and performs nicely.
Handdyed wool is my favorite. I love the fluffyness of the wool, the fact that it’s colour is so lively.
But I also like to combine different kind of threads so that you can get a certain amount of texture.
My absolute favourite thread is Paterna wool. I love the colours, the silkiness and the easy splitting into 3 strands.
My favourite thread is DMC stranded . Reason – can do nearly everything with this thread 1 strand to 6 strands. blend different colours. Lots of texture and lots of fun.
My favourite thread is DMC stranded . Reason – can do nearly everything with this thread 1 strand to 6 strands. blend different colours. Lots of texture and lots of fun. Looking forward to the design. coming out.