
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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La Dolce Vita… with Needlework! (and a Giveaway)


Amazon Books

Buongiorno (and howdy, too!) from frozen Kansas. Whoooooeeeee – it’s cold here! Time to take advantage of inside activities like embroidery and … embroidery … with a little hot-tea-drinking thrown in for good measure.

Yesterday morning things went a bit awry on my end. And then in the afternoon, we went into conservation mode, utilities-wise. I’m sorry I didn’t get this post out to you as intended first thing in the morning! I was probably daydreaming about sunny Italy. I think it’s time to read Enchanted April again!

Italy has a gloriously rich tradition in the needle arts, from far back into the ages of the early Roman emperors, right on up into our modern era. I’ve written before about a relatively new embroidery magazine on the market called Giuliana Ricama, and today, I want to remind you about it, and also offer a little give-away of some recent editions.

Giuliana Ricama embroidery magazine

Today’s giveaway includes the most recent six issues of the magazine, in English. Nicoletta has always been very gracious to send me at least two copies of each issue as they are published, and today, I want to pass the extras on to someone I know will treasure them and enjoy them!

So, that’s what the give-away is about, and you can read below for the particulars.

Right now, I just want to highlight the most recent edition.

Giuliana Ricama embroidery magazine

On the cover of the most recent edition of the magazine – I think it is issue 38? – sits a wonderfully colorful griffin. And it’s this mythical bird-beast that grabbed my attention and pulled me in.

There’s a griffin table runner in this edition, and there are four designs for griffins available in the back of the magazine. I love them! Griffins were a very popular decorative motif in Mediterranean lands since ancient times, and they show up in many types of Italian and Greek art. In Italian needlework, they are often depicted in Assisi work and in needle lace.

But oh, I love to see these little embroidered griffins! They are magnifico!

I don’t necessarily want to do a whole table runner with griffins on it, but I sure would like just one little griffin hanging about my studio. I have duly put “Griffin” on my To-Do List.

Giuliana Ricama embroidery magazine

There are many other beautiful projects in the magazine, along with several tutorials. The projects range from quite simple, beginner projects to more complex projects for advanced stitchers, so there’s definitely something for everyone.

Giuliana Ricama embroidery magazine

Ah – romantic, exuberant crewel!

There’s quite a range of techniques covered in each magazine, too. You’ll find needle lace, counted work, crewel work, whitework, goldwork, blackwork, and general surface embroidery all addressed in the various issues.

You’ll also find lots of human interest stories about stitchers around the globe, about needlework groups and guilds, and so forth.

So, if you’re looking for another good needlework magazine, this is definitely one to put on your list! You can find information about subscribing to Giuliana Ricama here, as well as information on how to purchase single issues.

The Give-Away

This give-away has ended. Please see the article on February 22 for the winner.

If you’d like to see the six latest issues of Giuliana Ricama land in your mailbox all at one time (just perfect for a little self-indulgent browsing through a whole stack of them!), then feel free to join in today’s give-away, following the guidelines below:

1. Leave your comment on the comment form on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. If you’re not sure how to get to the comment form, just follow this link. If you’re reading this on the website, scroll down to the end of the article and you’ll find the comment form!

2. In the comment form, please leave a name and your email (which won’t be visible and is only used for notifying you, should you win) on the appropriate lines on the comment form, along with your comment answering this question: What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?

3. Leave your comment by 5:00 AM (that’s morning) Central Standard Time on Monday, February 22, and I’ll announce the winner that day. I’ll also contact the winner by email, so please make certain you fill out the comment form correctly. Thanks!

Stay Warm!

We’re in a fairly deep freeze here in the Midwest, which keeps me focused on work, because let’s face it: who wants to go out of the house in sub-zero temperatures? Not to mention the wind chill. And the snow. Brrrrrr.

On Thursday, we’ll do the last installment on Five Ways to Embroider Wheat. I’ll try to keep you updated on my Stitch Fun 2021 sampler over on Instagram this week, too.

And I’m just about finished with the Sea Monogram from Elisabetta Sforza’s Sea to Stitch book, reviewed here. I’ll be sharing that with you soon! I had the Most Fun Ever this weekend with one of the seashells, and I can’t wait to share the results!

Have a great week! Stay Warm! … Unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere… in which case, stay cool!


(1,023) Comments

  1. I’m working on Colly Birds from mmmcrafts 12 days of Christmas ornament series. I think I am doing about a dozen, each is different. I go free form with my embroidery.

  2. I am currently working on 2 projects – one a Margaret Light crewel piece and the other is an my original design of a seascape – I hand painted the background fabric and am now embroidering it. Thanks for the chance to win – I love the idea of creating griffins!

  3. Now i’m preparing myself to begin embroidering the face of a little crocheted doll. I want her eyes to be the most natural-looking I can get.

  4. I am working on “Nigel”, the flamingo. It is somewhat challenging but fun. A griffon looks like fun to do.

  5. Hi Mary, What a beautiful looking magazine! I’m not sure if you post to the UK for the giveaway, but obviously if not just discount this entry! What I’m playing with, stitch-wise, at the moment is goldwork beetles – I have the delightful book by Jane Nicholas and I’m putting my own spin on some of these. It’s great fun.

  6. I’d love to win the magazine giveaway. I’m about to start Coming to America , The Women of the Mayflower and I’m also working on a Cross Stitch Guild piece – a little book – in blues ,can’t remember the name but it’s mixed stitches and appliqué

  7. I am stitching a bird sampler. I am attaching felt birds to a plain background but what makes it interesting is that each bird is attached with different stitches – many of which I have not tried out before. Slow and steady and practising before I do the real thing. Will I ever be able to do a bullion know without revisiting the “how to”?

  8. We have a snow day today, so no work to interrupt stitching time. Yay! Right now, I have two reproduction sampler stitch-a-long projects in progress. Switching between the two is keeping me on my toes!

  9. Right now I’m finishing the swan etui by Betsy Morgan and I’m starting the blue ribbon blanket by Carolyn Pearce and I love both!!!!

  10. The magazine looks fabulous. I am learning tambour work and working with the tambour is both great and frustrating as well

  11. I have been trying to learn more stitches to improve my embroidery.I think these from the magazine would be very helpful as no one in my area does this kind of stitching so there is no one to learn from.
    I took the pattern Baltimore Beauty and turned it into a wool project instead of applique for a table runner.

    1. Hi Mary, you mentioned Enchanted April. Just the right book on a bleak and cold winter’s day, I agree. Did you know that the book has been made into a film and a radio drama? Both can be found on Youtube. Have a pelasant day indoors with your embroidery, tea and a good book. What more does one need?

  12. Sea to sttich book just arrived yesterday – takes my breath away – it is so beautiful. cannt wait to get started. thx

  13. Just discovered couching! Really excited about all the different ways it can used, such a versatile stitch!

  14. I got the Sea to Sea book and really want to do a one letter monogram from it. I’m working on getting the colors together now.

  15. I am getting very excited to start working on projects for my artisan level of EMBII for the Smocking Arts Guild of American. The planning phase is underway!

  16. Spending time stitching Toni Gerdes Kimono. Wonderful way to learn new stitches and dream about traveling to Japan.

  17. Right now I’m most excited about two projects: a void monogram for my grandson Ilan, with the background filled with beetles and insects, and a large embroidery and mixed-media arts project centering on an embroidered hippocampus that’s about trauma and resilience. They’re so different from each other and going back and forth between them is sometimes startling and sometimes just crazy fun.

  18. Haha! As if I were only working on one project! Current projects are two samplers from Hands Across the Seas – larger one at home, smaller one for travels; a canvaswork piece from Merrilyn Heazlewood stitched during zoom calls; a GCC blackwork piece Princess and the Pea from Marion Scoular; a weekly blackwork SAL from Peppermint Purple; and a monthly Talavera mystery SAL from Fox and Rabbit. I also have a few stitches in And They Sinned, and I will get back to it when I’m finished with the larger HATS sampler.

  19. i have a dear friend who moved to CA from MN in order to get away from winter. So I am almost finished with another of Mary’s dishtowels that says “Let it Snow” on it. I know she will love getting this and I can almost hear her response when she opens the gift……

  20. I am currently working on a Crewel piece entitled Cardinals in Dogwood. It has been in my stash for a while and I decided to finally pull in out! It is a pleasure to stitch. Would love to win the Giuliana Ricama magazines to get more inspiration!!

  21. I am working on Christmas Blue Dove from Mill Hill, TAST sampler, and a monthly stitch along of Talavera tiles from Linen and Threads. Hoping to get my dove finished soon so I can start the purple one.

  22. I am working on your wheat stitch-along, which has been fun, plus an ecclesiastical piece. Thank you for the chance to win, this looks like a lovely magazine!

  23. I am currently working on a Kay Stanis silk and metalwork piece. It also has some stump work. It will be my first try at this technique. I love the way it is turning out.

  24. My most recent project is an Asian styled round pillow I am making for my future daughter in law. She and my son have a passion for all that is Asian! I also have a companion pillow I am stitching for them. I find my projects go a lot faster when I am doing them as a gift! Thanks for the giveaway

  25. I have never seen Italian embroidery magazines before, so winning these would be very exciting.

    Sending you some warm AZ sunshine.

  26. I’m currently working on Thistle Threads Harmony With Nature Casket. It’s quite a challenge for me, as it’s first time doing stumpwork. Not everything is coming out as perfectly as I’d like, but I’m so glad I’ve decided to expand my needlework horizons and learn new things!

  27. I’m trying to learn some stump work and am interested in doing crewel. This magazine looks great. Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in the give away. Love your emails.

  28. I’m working on backstitching “Glory in the Morning” by Crossed Wing Collections, but I’m also kitting up the supplies to start “Scarlet Sails” in Crewel Embroidery by Tatiana Popova.

  29. I am waiting to receive my Sea to Stitch Book. I am excited to start stitching the monograms as gifts for my nieces

  30. I am currently working on my very first piece of Jacobean and goldwork. It is a pattern called ‘Jacobean Fantasy’, very pretty, I’m learning so much. I didn’t realise how addictive goldwork is, I see more in my future, lols. =)

  31. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to peruse these magazines. I am finishing the construction of an embroidered box. I made it using the instructions from the RSN book by Heather Lewis. I was hesitant at first but the instructions are so well done that constructing the box has been a breeze.

  32. I am getting ready to do silk and gold embroidery on a small bag. The pattern is from inspirations magazine

  33. I’m working on Peppermint Purple’s 2021 SAL and a surface embroidery piece that I designed myself.

    I’m formerly from Nebraska so I know how brutal the winters can be in the Midwest. Stay warm and safe!

  34. I’m currently going back and forth between two projects: a Teresa Wentzler counted cross stitch pillow, which is on 11 count fabric, giving my eyes a break from the 32 count linen for the embroidered casket I’m making for my daughter and that consumes most of my time with not only the stitching, but working out the designs of things meaningful to her.

  35. I am working on a project called Noshi Ribbons by Tony Minieri. It is counted canvas on 22 ct black congress cloth so is a perfect project for winter as it requires a lot of concentration. I am also doing a beaded Noshi Ribbons by Judy Soulitis to complement and they will be displayed in my great room when done.

  36. I’m planning embroidery Christmas presents for my grandchildren, the youngest of whom is GRIFFIN!
    Every year I make them something. Griffin’s gift is usually finished first because it must go to Canada, where he is in college.

  37. I want to embroider the hem of a skirt or dress similar to Jill Biden’s dress and coat at the Inauguration . I think it would be very pretty on a linen sheath dress for summer.


  38. I am learning how to make Dorset buttons and working on an embroidery/cross stitch sampler which is bars depicting the Great Lakes lowlands.

  39. I’ve been so busy helping people with Zoom, that a lot of my stitching has taken a back seat. So what would I love to start working on? I would love to start a bit of reticella. I have done some, but want to do more!

  40. I am working on two blackwork SALs that are available online. This whole concept is new to me and I’m finding it really fun and relaxing, plus interesting as new designs are released each week. I can sympathize about the cold you are experiencing as I live in Canada and the cold is a part of life for several months each year. Stay safe and warm!

    Nancy from Ottawa, Canada

  41. I am so excited to be working on embroidering our road trips on a map of the United States. We love our adventures and its a fun way to incorporate my hobbies into one beautiful project!

  42. Mary, I’d love to receive the Giuliana Ricama magazines! I’ve just completed 3 projects- two Guild projects (a fabric covered box with embroideries I turned into a sewing box, and a photo challenge to stitch a postcard) and an embroidery of my own design. There are several other projects in progress I could return to, but I’m itching to get back to an embroidered, crazy quilt Christmas tree skirt I first began in 2014. Hopefully, it’ll be completed before December of this year. Thanks for the chance to win.

  43. I loved Giuliana Ricama magazine, its beautiful, I’ve purchased one copy. Nicoletta was so friendly..
    My project I’m just about to start is, Trish Burr’s, Tudor Rose.
    Best Wishes
    Kathyk x

  44. Hi Mary,
    Until I read your email this morning, I didn’t realize that you are in Kansas. Don’t know how I missed that. We are in Kansas too but east of Topeka.

    I’ve been doing a bit of counted cross stitch, but enjoy your emails on all things embroidery, threads and needles.

    Keep safe and warm

  45. I’ve been working on our wheat project. I’ve drawn five separate bundles, working each bundle in the stitches you’ve given us. When complete it will be a lovely autumnal pillow for my sofa. I’m playing with the idea of possibly doing a poppy border around the entire piece. We shall see. Really having fun with this project!

  46. Good frozen day, Mary!
    This is certainly a delightful little offer–thanks to both of you. After a long break I am returning to my Home Sweet Home project, and also working on my “floral bear.” I have always wished to cuddle with a huge warm Kodiak bear. Since that is unlikely (and dangerous!), I have cut out a bearskin rug-sized wool bear shape to be covered in embroidery and wool applique. He will more likely live strewn across a bed than on the floor, but he is just a little fun whimsy for these weary times. And…just to keep things interesting I am about to begin Colleen Goy’s “Carousel.” THAT deserves a thank you to you, Mary, for one of your videos that helped me to brush up on a rarely used stitch I needed to practice. So I have a lot in my work baskets; I don’t usually carry on multiple projects at the same time. We shall see…
    Enjoy your tea and stitches!

  47. I am currently doing a Hardanger-along doily with Nina from Stitching with a Smile. My boss bought me a Hardanger book (Yvette Stanton’s), so I want to become skilled enough to actually make a runner!

  48. At the moment I am working on a canvas work piece called Ambrosia Honey,it was in the EGA magazine a few years ago and a friend form the US sent me her copy when I admired her finished piece.
    Then I am going to stitch Audrey the Ostrich from Hazel Blomcamp if I don’t get distracted by something new.


  49. I have just finished applying a stencil design to a piece of 20”x20” hand dyed fabric. I have the stencil design painted with Shiva Oil Paintstiks and will now add extensive embroidery. Last evening I went through many of your PDF books I have purchased from you to choose many embroidery stitches,
    Looking forward to an exciting stitching journey.

  50. Well of course, it’s never just one project. I’m actively working on the Lion in underside couching on Jessica Grimm’s Medieval Goldwork class. I haven’t done pricking and pouncing before so that will be a skill to gain and he’s not so big, so won’t take forever to do. The second and not the last project is the flower basket for the inside of a couple casket from Thistle Threads. I love the way I can work on one flower at a time and get a real sense of accomplishment. It makes me happy when I look at my projects and just can’t wait to start stitching.

  51. I am working on the Windows Challenge from the French embroidery teacher facilececile and you can follow on Instagram and her blog. 52 weeks !!! Thanks for the giveaway.

  52. Learning and practicing different embroidery stitches to embellish crazy quilt blocks…oh and a red work sweetheart embroidery project…and an English paper piecing project started in 2019- I’m bound and determined to complete it this year!

  53. At this time I am working on the crewel firescreen from The Crewelwork company. I have been using all this stay at home time to work on kits that I purchased but hadn’t finished. After that I move to my Jenny Aidin Christie bird kits. So very happy to such a variety of projects waiting for me.
    Stay warm and stay safe. Thanks.

  54. Right now, I’m working on 8 projects. I have a Christmas lap quilt waiting for the binding to be sewn, a crewel cat pillow waiting for a backing, a crewel Christmas stocking waiting for a name and backing, a Valentine (will be for 2022!) quilt in the frame almost 3/4 quilted, and 4 different lap quilts in different stages of embroidery since I got bored just doing one and all the others were screaming and yelling for me to pick them next.

  55. The needlework project that I am presently working on is 17 Century Whitework Samplers from Thistle Threads
    and enjoying the challenge

  56. Good morning! I’m working on a Charley Harper needlepoint, the squirrel and cardinal. I am a great fan of his. Love his designs! I am still embroidering the many dish towels I bought from you at Christmas time. And I just signed up for the Inspirations magazine.
    Griffins? Yes! Anything mythical is fabulous!

  57. I am working on the little book of embroidery by Trish Burr.
    I am also trying to design a little leprechaun with a crazy patchwork top hat for a challenge at our embroidery guild to be finished by April.
    We too are in a frigid weather pattern with a big snow storm last night.

  58. I am working on several projects, as is my habit, each a different technique and framing. 1. Crewel – a crewel work kit from Crewel work company. 2. Cross stitch – 2 projects, one large on a hoop and stand and second for travel to doctor appts and such. 3. Starting a large goldwork Celtic Cross. Still gathering supplies, but hope to start in March.
    Thank you for offering this magazine.
    Stay warm!

  59. The Deep South is frozen too!!! Enjoyed needlework in front of a cozy fire yesterday. Plan to do the same today. Thanks for sharing.

  60. I am excited to say I am about to embark on my first needle painting project, with the help of instructions by Trish Burr. I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I bought her transfer patterns, so I’m off and running. I also live in the northern midwest where we are about to begin warming up after days of negative temps.

  61. I am currently doing pillow cases using the lazy Daisy Stitch. These books look absolutely lovely and full of inspirational ideas for future projects. Thank you so much for sharing.

  62. Interesting that you should mention griffins. A Catholic boys’ high school near me has as their mascot a Griffin. I must read more about this mythical creature.
    As to embroidery projects, I have been following your 5 ways to do wheat. Most of the time, at my age, I just sit and admire your work.
    Wind chill here in St Louis at -19 so I am betting colder where you are.
    Be warm. Always enjoy your writings and examples.

  63. Right now I am working on a set of letters that I embroider with different stiches, it is nice and I am improving the width and the quality of my stiches. These looks like a lot of inspiration! thank you for sharing

  64. I am just finishing up on Jenny Adin Christie’s Peacock etui. I am usually a counted thread stitcher so this has been quite the learning experience for me, both with techniques & threads! With Jenny’s excellent kit & instructions I was able to finish the project with no problem. Next I want to do the mossy hillock that Jenny has designed for the peacock to stand on. I would love to sample the Giulliana magazines– they look enchanting! Thanks for the chance to win them!

  65. The embroidery project I’m working on now is a Crewel Embroidery piece called, “The Mellerstain Firescreen” stitched with a variety of crewel wools.

  66. Thanks for your generosity! Guiliana Ricama is a wonderful magazine!

    I’m working on two stitch-alongs, one for my Embroiderer’s Guild of America chapter on congress cloth and one for my American Needlepoint Guild chapter on 18 count canvas. Both are “stash busters” and it has been fun to pull threads and beads.

  67. As a result of the virus and dealing with all that I had put down my needle for some time. Then I read about working wheat in 5 different ways and picked up my needle. I’m back in the groove so that’s what I’m working on now.

  68. Oh my, that is a beautiful magazine, I would love to win this give away. Those griffins! Thank you so much for giving me this chance. Right now I am working on a very small x-stitch piece for a gift.

  69. What beautiful magazines! I’d love to win. I’m working on a huuuuge cross stitch piece that is a copy of a vintage Portuguese rug. The design is similar to Berlin woolwork, with roses and other flowers set amidst lush foliage. I had to chart it myself, which took over a year, but it’s been worth it!

  70. I recently took out a large complicated cross stitch piece that I started 17 years ago! I am determined to finish it and hang it in my new sewing room.

  71. I consider myself an intermediate beginner in hand embroidery. . I’m currently working on a candle mat- I purchased the kit several years ago. But I have 2 gorgeous kits for small table runners that I haven’t even started because I don’t want to mess them up.
    Thank you for the email photos of your beautiful work.

  72. I work on numerous projects at once – overindulging on some, ignoring others. But they are all about me in my room. The one I’m most interested to finish is your series on how to embroider wheat. I love the way you are teaching me different stitches to create various effects on the wheat berries (and, btw, I didn’t know wheat had beards!) I had purchased a pack of flour sack towels to embroider motifs on for gifts but didn’t know where to start. I’ve pulled one towel out to be my practice piece – wheat, monograms, Christmas trees, maybe even a seashell. This will give me confidence to move forward with my embroidery projects for others. And if I win the magazines, I’ll share them with my stitching friends so we can all enjoy them!

  73. I am currently working on Christmas ornaments! I set a goal of two ornaments per month, so by Christmas, I will have ornaments for family and friends!

  74. I am making dollhouse mini crazy quilts and putting embroidery on the blocks. I would love to win those mags and be able to put the designs on quilts in mini stitching. It would make my tiny quilts so special! Thank you for offering these. I am in love with those griffons!

  75. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?

    I’m currently finishing a small cross stitch sampler and I’m excited to start working on my brand new embroidery kit.

  76. I have just started to learn crazy quilting which has so many different forms of needlework involved with it. I am left-handed and have found a book for left-handed stitchers. I have been a weaver and a rug hooker. This stitching makes me feel so feminine and using threads and ribbons the color combos are limitless.

    Would love to have these magazines for enjoyment and knowledge.

  77. Right now working on a sampler and some beaded embroidery necklaces. Would love to be inspired by this magazine.

  78. Currently working on a crossstitch project. Looking forward to making Christmas stocking ornaments later in the year.

  79. That looks absolutely scrumptious. I am currently working on some wool applique where I am planning to add more embroidered critters critters too with all the new stitches I have learned.

  80. I am working on an embroidered and quilted jacket. It is a layered creation of tea dyed linen, thin silk batting and linen gauze. The embroidery has been a stitch as I go, expression of my faith, largely inspired by the dye patterns in the fabric. It’s kind of like a graffiti wall! The thread I am using is Valdani perle cotton.
    I am already giving thought to another vest. Still in the thought stages.
    Love the magazine photos! Yum!

  81. Hi Mary. Glad to see you’re staying cozy. We’re in the midst of a winter storm here in SW Ontario Canada too, a wonderful day to stay home and stitch.

    Right now I’m finishing up a SAL with group I belong to from a few years ago (I can’t remember what year, lol) But I really want to work on a pin cushion from Embroidered Country Gardens by Lorna Bateman. I bought the book when it came out, and then she had a sale on threads so I bought the thread and silk ribbon packs. That will be my next WIP.

    Thank you for the chance to win such a lovely prize. Stay warm and safe 🙂

  82. I am working on a wool penny rug that I plan to heavily embellish with embroidery. I love combining the the wool and different threads that can bring detail and interest to my piece.

  83. I am working on my first ever self-designed piece of crewel embroidery. It’s for a footstool. I am really enjoying seeing how the colours work together as it develops and I’m learning such a lot as I go, it’s a lot of fun.

  84. Hello Mary and team!
    I love your blog. I devour the writing each time it lands in my inbox.

    I am currently working on three embroideries, one is a repair (of a 9X30″ nude figure in cotton DMC), and two are attaching an embroidered appliqué to garments (one is a 9X8″ contemporary look at St. Agnes in cotton DMC and the other is a 8X8″ silk embroidery of two simple flowers (I had to try this to get the feel of silk, which I’ve never used before! Lovely!)).

    Fingers crossed with best wishes to the winner!
    Kindest regards,

  85. Oh my to be able to learn this, to experience the stitching .
    I’ve seen them in Italy .
    Thanks keep warm
    Katalin Bognar

  86. I am currently working on an embroidered in black thread architectural drawing of a building in Paris. It is a smaller size than what is comfortable for me to work on, and I am wishing I would have enlarged it. It is my first time doing such a project. The verdict is still out on whether or not I like doing this.

  87. Would love to have the opportunity to sit down with this beautiful magazine! Thank you! I’m thinking about starting (finally ) your holly leaf towels! I’ve been procrastinating but this is my year to work from my stash in all my different avocations!

  88. Thank you, Mary, what an amazing give-a-way! My next project, after completing the background on an Ehrman needlepoint, is Jenny McWhinney’s “Woodlands” kit, full of charming animals, plants, and flowers. Her work is enchanting.

  89. I recently purchased Trish Burr’s Kew Garden Book, and it was a beauty!!! The works were done in AVAS and the colors popped out of the page. I was so excited and chose to start on her Irises. Since AVAS is soo expensive, i did mine with
    DMC( so good of her to give us the choice). I finished it with regret, but knowing that other gorgeous are waiting to be worked on.

  90. I am cuurently working on Hazel Bloomkamp’s “Nigel” which is a beautiful image of a flamingo surrounded by filagree stitching. I am close to finishing Nigel then will start on the filagree work. When I finish this piece I am looking forward to Jenny Aiden Christie’s “Hampton Court Palace”. I am also talking part in a hardunger stitch along class to create a stitched box, waiting for lesson 2 to arrive.

  91. Of course I need a distraction and these magazines would be great for that. It has been a l-o-n-g winter.

  92. I am beginning work on a Christmas Quilt that has 12 embroidered squares. The designs are done in red and green. There are patchwork squares too. Should be fun

  93. I am currently working on a crewel embroidery through the EGA. This is my first time with crewel (I’m a counted cross stitch person) and I am enjoying it tremendously! I look forward every day to working on the project and learning new stitches. It is rather liberating not to have to refer to a pattern constantly. Your website has been very helpful in demonstrating how to work these unfamiliar stitches.

  94. This week I will finally receive my linen for the reproduction sampler, Dorcas Haynes, and the last silks for Ann Morison. Then the decision – which one to start first?

  95. Thanks for your generous giveaway, Mary. I hope the weather improves and power issues resolve soon.

    I am working on an online course offered by a virtual chapter of the embroiderers association of Canada. It is a sewing box that incorporates machine (free form) embroidery techniques with hand embellishments. It is designed by talented textile artist Judy Cooper. There are many techniques new to me so that is both fun and challenging! I can’t believe that people actually write their names in free form machine embroidery. So far my name is “squiggle-clump-gap-mishmash-squiggle.”

  96. At this moment I am working on the Spanish Lace blackwork pillow from Inspirations Studios, makers of the incredible Inspirations magazine. I don’t do a lot of embroidery in person, I do it more as a voyeur looking at magazines, newsletters, blogs, etc. But, I love doing this pillow — I like handwork and I love geometric symmetry; this project has it all.

  97. I am taking an on line course with a A Russian gold work master. On pintrist she is known as submarina107 her work is amazing i am working on a galdfish.

  98. I am ready to start stitching the “Bird Teapot Cozy” designed by Helene le Berre and Lisa Dugua for The French Needle. This is my first experience stitching on a prefabricated item. It is a gift for a dear friend who gives great tea parties!

  99. I’m working on a goldwork project with green Asian beetlewings. The wings are a new challenge for me and have turned out to be not as tricky as I feared – like lots of things I see in pictures of embroidery and take a lesson for later on! Many thanks to the Embroidery Guild of America for all their seminars and web classes.

  100. I have several HAED cross stitch projects in rotation which I likely won’t complete in my lifetime! But I’m most excited about a new project I just purchased from Trish Burr – a monochrome rose. I recently tried out needlepainting and loved it, but there just are not enough hours in the day, what with my pesky job taking up a good chunk of my time.

  101. Right now I am embroidering a collar to a denim jacket I am making. I also am stitching the rose box from “A Passion for Needlework “. Thank you for sharing the magazine’s with your followers In this manner. You are most gracious.

  102. I’ve been working on a fabric panel that’s printed with flowers of the month . Bought it from a quilt shop long ago & have been filling it in as I try to use various embroidery stitches . A good way to learn stitches ! I know this will be ongoing project , so in the meantime I have been working on a multi- coloured multi- patterned doxie cross stitch . I got it from a freebie on the Pinterest & am using leftover dmc floss ( my scrappy pile ) . Fun trying to put the colours together for it ! Thanks , Mary , so much for your newsletters ❤️. I am currently just using a tablet & don’t cross over to FB . Look forward to each newsletter with anticipation . Stay warm , stay safe . God bless .

  103. Being Portuguese I always love to embroider our typical types of hand embroidery. At the moment I have two projects on the going: the Castelo Branco embroidery, using silks and and an Arraiolos rug, using 100% wool. I invite you all to have a look of these two traditional Portuguese types of embroidery.

  104. What a wonderful giveaway, Mary, to a very lucky winner. Even if Giuliana’s magazines had been in italian, I would have appreciated being the recipient. Her embroidery is absolutely breathtaking.

  105. There is always something challenging, encouraging and beautiful on needlenthread.com. I always look forward to reading Mary’s comments and recommendations.
    Lifts the heart

  106. Rather than one person receiving the six issues of “Giuliana Ricama” magazine, I would donate them to our Embroidery Guild Library so that everyone had a chance to look at them, as well as stitch a Giffen. What a magnificent magazine, and should be shared with many.

  107. What a lovely giveaway! Right now, I’m working on “Snow Much Fun” by Cathy at Victoria Sampler. It is a small cross stitch of two children sledding. I have finished the main part of the design and an working on the solid blue border that gets white snowflakes in various specialty stitches (the reward for stitching all that solid background).

  108. I think that who ever gets the magazine will have reading for a long time as for me. I am working on crazy quilting beginners square should have been done but I fell and needed ore time as I cut open right arm and could not quilt. I am now working on the prettiest stitches to apply to square. Please be careful I moved to Washington
    State we had first part of winter snow then ice storm snow then what is called ice storm biggest in 50 plus years then the net day we got more snow I think snow was 2 feet at the end plus the
    Boat houses are covered with snow are tipping into the river and boats under covers of metal sunk and took boats down with them. No people were killed.

  109. Hmmm…. not working on anything. Just looking through embroidery books and drooling over the projects I COULD be working on!

  110. I just finished a massive free form sampler (dropcloth sampler style – just trying out every stitch I could find and not worrying about it being perfect) and am now working on a cross-stitch band sampler (much more neat and geometric).

  111. Looks like a beauty of a magazine 🙂 I am doing a bit of cross stitch right now in between doll clothes

  112. Right now, I’m knitting a sweater. I am 73 years old, have been knitting since my teens and have made many dozens of sweaters, but I have never made a successful sweater for myself. In this frigid winter, I’m excited about having a warm wooly sweater.

  113. My next project is a basket of fruit, done in crewelwork on a hand-painted canvas. Can’t wait to choose all those glorious shades of green, red, purple, and blue…

  114. Right now I have started work on Trish Burr’s Partridge in a Pear Tree whitework with color. I just finished her blue and gold Christmas tree design, which turned out to be the project I have most enjoyed both embroidering AND looking at afterwards.

  115. Working on a Christmas Saint Nichlaus…hope to have it done for next Christmas! Motivation? I have been working on this for several years. I haven’t given up, but I want to work on something new!

  116. I am presently working on a square in a square quilt with embroidery in the squares. I love combining more then one type of needlework and think the quilt will be really pretty. Lynn Knight

  117. I’m currently working on a Christmas ornament for my nephew and his wife. I’m thinking that if I start ornaments now, I’ll actually get some done before Christmas!!

    Thank you for this giveaway!!

  118. I am currently finishing up a wool Applique by Sue Spargo with lots of embellishments. In the que is a stitch sampler on linen that will represent as many stitches and combinations that I can work into a stitch book.

  119. I’m an out of work costumer thanks to Covid 19. I have a lovely stash of assorted linen and want to make pincushions, needle books, and scissor fobs for my friends. Looking for some designs and inspiration.

  120. I am currently working on a Needle Delights canvas project, but I’m looking forward to starting a new sampler. I found this in an older EGA Needlearts book and was lucky to find someone who was willing to part with their pattern book for it. It’s The Elizabeth Muir Sampler. There are many different stitches incorporated within the sampler and it looks to be fun to do. I picked my linen and will be using silk threads to stitch it. It’ll be a beautiful piece to add to my collection.

  121. Good Morning Mary,
    We are freezing right now in Virginia too only not as much as in Kansas!
    Right now I am working on a Elsa Williams crewel piece. I haven’t done crewel in many years and find I am enjoying it very much. I am also working on the Helena Gum Moth featured in the latest issue of Inspirations. But wait…. I also have a Wooly Lady piece going. I would dearly love to receive Giuliano Ricama and one day hope to subscribe to it.
    Keeping my fingers crossed!


  122. I am currently working on the “cinnabar” project from Trish Burr’s book White Work with Color.

    I am excited to start a new color wheel black work kit recently purchased from Jen Goodwin. I am also thinking about entering the SF School of Needlework challenge for the first time but am a little intimidated at designing my own piece from scratch.

  123. Right now I’m working on a face mask and the outer layer is natural linen and I’m using your sampler heart as inspiration!

    Cheers! I’m really enjoying your letters and work!!

    1. Embroidering a face mask is a delightful thought! You could do so much with that! Love the thought! I haven’t made one face mask but your comment may have just changed my mind! I can see “A Sea to Stitch” on one! Thanks for commented Lisa!

    2. Mary, please change “commented” to “commenting” in last line of reply. I didn’t catch until it was to late to change. Thank you, Jennifer

  124. I wish I could write of some amazing project I was working on or planning to do. But, reality is that the last year has been mentally tough and I can’t find my mojo. I keep thinking something will be the thjng to get me out of this funk but so far no go. Someday….

    1. I’ve had the same problem myself, just now beginning to do more than look at other’s works in designing CQ blocks for a challenge. A year of total isolation is difficult! Take heart, this too shall pass.

  125. Just now I’ve been working on the Four Seasons Band Sampler from Just Cross Stitch magazine. The design was published over four issues in 2011. There is cross stitch over two and over one, satin stitches, eyelet stitches, Smyrna crosses rice stitch, etc. Enough variety to keep it interesting!

  126. I am currently working on two different projects, one is your Leafy Tree and the other is a Crabapple Hill BOM.

  127. I’m currently finishing up one of Mill Hill’s little Magi ornaments – a quick interlude until I dig into “your” lovely sampler stockings, which are all framed up and ready to go. Can’t wait!

  128. I am working on an EGA needlepoint project “STITCH” by Debbie Stiehler
    Hopefully finishing this week!

  129. Lovely giveaway for a snowy day! I’m working on a piece that I designed for myself featuring an image of a Chartres labyrinth. I am a labyrinth facilitator, and love them equally to needlework 🙂

  130. I am stitching The Kiss by Klimt. The 20”x28” needlepoint is on13 count canvas. Needless to say it has been lovingly stitched for 19 months with dedicated hope of completion in March 1921.
    I enjoy the art work of Klimt plus I had great pleasure reading the book “The Painted Kiss” .

  131. I am just about finished with the 12 Days of Christmas by Thea Dueck, a lovely bell pull with cross stitch, specialty stitches, Hardanger, Bargello and even some beads. I have also just begun Betsy Morgan’s Christmas Spirit project from Inspirations Magazine as part of a Challenge. Tomorrow I am off to the thread shop to purchase the last of the threads I will need to do Hazel Blomkamp’s Jacobean Tangle in her book Crewel Twists. I bought some of the needed threads from a friend’s stash and will hopefully find the rest at Stitchville USA. Thanks for all the wonderful advice and learning you have passed on to us. It has given me confidence to try these more complex projects.

  132. I am currently working on some kitchen towels, in a small design of my own, which, honestly, isn’t very good. *sigh* I very much like the idea of a House Griffin, so I really truly hope to win!!

  133. I am gathering the thread and material to begin “Maureen” — the owl from Hazel Blomkamp’s “Crewel Creatures.” It’ll be the largest piece I’ve ever attempted! I love owls and this piece looks amazing. Hope to learn lots of new techniques as I go…

  134. What a beautiful needlework magazine! It has been below zero fir over 2 weeks now and we rarely see the sun so yesterday I started a mini thread painting that is a landscape, Hawaiian style -a volacanic crater, lush greenery a beautiful beach, waves and a sunset sky.

  135. I am working on a large (20”x 24”) design for my daughter and son-in-law’s 20th wedding anniversary!

  136. Years ago I bought a pattern of Celtic Christmas by Lavender and Lace for 30 pence (42 cents) from the WI shop! I’ve struggled with deciding on what colour linen to use. I’ve now chosen, so time to take up needle and thread and begin!

  137. I am presently working a counted thread sampler. I look forward to embroidering three kits I have preserved from Inspirations. It will be fun to embroider again versus counted thread.

  138. Il fait aussi tres frois chez moi, -40C alors j’ai besoin de réconfort. De me blotir au chaud avec un café et une gâterie. Je termine un projet ruban “Automn harvest” de Helen Erickson et un sampler sur la ville de montreal créé par Jeannette Douglas.
    Merci pour les cadeaux, quelles belles publications.

  139. I’m working on my husband’s family crest and absolutely loving every stitch. I look forward every afternoon to a quiet hour of stitching this intricate and challenging piece.
    Years ago I had painted it in oil and my husband proudly hung it on his office wall. Unfortunately during a move, it was somehow lost.
    While he since passed away, I’m during it in his memory.

  140. Hi, Mary, currently I have two projects in the works. One is “Memories of Central
    Park” a stumpwork project by Alison Cole. It is orange poppies and purple nepeta with a painted background of grasses. The other project is a sampler type heart for EGA’s Hearts for Hospice.

  141. Another lovely giveaway – these would be perfect for whiling away the rest of the cold winter and help dreams of spring. What am I enthused about needlework wise at the moment? I am still working on Hazel Blomkampf’s “Nigel” – a lovely flamingo just the right bright and cheery fellow to keep company with.

  142. Oh what a delightful giveaway! We’re also extremely cold here in Oklahoma, never seen anything quite like it, but luckily we haven’t lost power yet.

    The needlepoint project I’m most excited about is a large wall hanging piece I’m doing right now experimenting with Bottensom.

  143. After having had to cancel a two month trip to Florence & Southern Italy in 2020 I was inspired to embroider a jean jacket with the Duomo of Florence. Working on the jacket has brought me back to the streets of Florence and I can’t wait to be able to wear the jacket once we can travel again.

  144. Hi Mary! I would LOVE to browse through these issues – the pictures on your post have me drooling! Currently I’m finishing up an older Gay Ann Rogers pattern that I’ve adapted and then starting in on her Tudor Rose II – which will be hugely challenging! I have a rule that I won’t start a new project until the current one is finished. The rule has exceptions for traveling hand work, etc., of course :). Really hoping I get lucky with this one!


  145. Currently I’ve been knitting some socks, but after this, I plan to work on a little needle book I have inprogress. Thank you for all of your inspiration!

  146. I am currently working on a reproduction French Sampler called Louisa Barney 1892 by Reflets de Soie. It’s a beautiful sampler and I’m about a third done!

  147. My niece asked if I could make a t-shirt with a image she drew. I am excited to start on this project with her.

  148. In addition to crocheting some adorable amigurumi ‘dumpling cats’ and knitting a cardigan, I am also working on a cross-stitch of Hiroshige’s Great Wave, embellishing a face mask with surface embroidery doodles, and keeping up with a Blackwork Stitch-a-Long! Yes, it is a beautiful winter season in upstate New York to enjoy some quality indoor embroidery time! Love it:)

  149. I so enjoy reading and being inspired by your wonderful newsletters and learning of new things,….including the wonderful illustrations in the new Italian publications you mention today. This is such a great opportunity to say thank you for the companionship and education that your newsletters bring regularly to my email in box!

    My current stitchery is a Crewel Work Company piece by Philippa using her wonderful shades and tones of Lake District crewel wool on her beautiful linen fabric of a bird sitting under a bower like rainbow of blues and greens. ……….However I have been inspired by your ears of corn embroidery, which I hope to attempt as a memory of my childhood growing up on a farm in the English countryside, and as a tribute to my father whose anniversary of his passing was recent. I feel creating those glorious golden stems would offer me some reflective comfort and be a reminder of a wonderful childhood.

    Your emails never fail to introduce me to new ideas and aspirations, although I recognise my limitations in my own skills in approaching some of your suggested and shared work!

    Thank you so much for all the effort and time you put into preparing and sending your messages and in sharing your amazing knowledge.
    Kind regards

  150. Was so excited to enter for a chance to win thiese gorgeous magazines that I didn’t read the whole section as to what we are supposed to answer….fingers and toes are crossed…what a fabulous gift!!

  151. How beautiful! I have just recently retired and am becoming re acquainted with embroidery and heirloom sewing. Just spent 5 days embroidering the front of a day gown for my newest granddaughter due any day! These publications would much appreciated by my girls and of course myself.

  152. I really enjoyed reading the comments attached to this give-away. If only I could see some of the pieces your readers are working on!
    Anyway, thanks for the give-away- – I am learning lace and working on a Margaret Light project. Stay warm!


  153. I am working on a set of 5 cq blocks with silkies of vintage Art Deco coffee poster ads. Its so nice be able to stitch again – had a dry spell for the last couple of years.

  154. I’m presently working on a large c/s project that’s been taking a year or so but every few months I take some time off to work on something different so I don’t lose my mind. My next plan is to take a step into pattern transferring (which has always intimidated me) and do a small Trish Burr to get me out of my comfort zone. Your FB group is so inspiring and tempts me to take a walk on the wild side…

  155. I started embroidering again because of COVID and I have become addicted. I have been embroidering Calaveras (Mexican Day of the Dead sugar skulls). The first one was a sampler of TAST stitches.

  156. Hi, Mary! I’m just about finished with a tiny good work Christmas tree ornament. Hurray! And I’ve finally gotten together all the components to start my Pandemic sampler created by Long Dog. I got it when it was first released as a freebie but due to linen scarcity, thread scarcity, and the fact that until recently face masks were the only thing I was making, I’m just now able to work on this gargantuan project!!! But after making over 1000 face masks this will be a breeze! Whoohoo!!!

  157. Hi Mary and all fellow stitchers! I’m working on #3 of 4 Inga Palmgren cross stitch designs – all red thread on white linen (a request from a relative) – pretty but ready to move on to the “Stitch Fun” and “Wheat” tutorial. I prefer doing the embroidery as it allows for so much creativity and keeps me learning new things. I’m trying to locate an appropriate piece of fabric for the Stitch a Day (cause I’m already behind!) which caused me to rummage and neaten my stash which is a good thing! I LOVE using up bits and pieces. Thanks Mary for inspiring us all and keeping us connected.

  158. Working on a fall table runner of bittersweet branches, I’m wanting to expand my stitching to more intricate levels

  159. I am still working on the layout of my “Twain Corbies” tryptich. I have the crow designed but not yet the lettering for the quotation.

  160. I’m struggling through designing a sampler, the final step for a correspondence class through EGA. I’m beginning to get excited about it even though it won’t be near a professional level: I’ve been using software to chart the design, getting a bit more proficient at it as I correct counting mistakes, and including motifs that with personal meaning.

  161. Good morning Mary! Currently I am working on a Betsy Morgan “Tooth Fairy” box for my granddaughter. The cross stitching is complete and construction of the box and drawer is left to finish. As I work, my mind wanders through all the projects I have waiting for me. I am leaning towards some 1/12th scale Christmas stockings in petit point to add to my miniature needlework shop. I would love to win the magazines as I have been thinking of subscribing. Thanks for offering the prize!

  162. I recently bought Trish Buyer’s new book with iron on transfers and can’t wait to start one of those darling little birds.

  163. Thank you Mary! I’m currently working on Hampton Court by Jenny Adin-Christie, a challenging piece.


  164. I am excited about starting the wheat embroidery that you are showing stitches for at the moment.

  165. Enjoy your needle comments every time. Your words invite participation and the range of topics never bores. Thank you for sharing a great site!

  166. Oh, Mary. When we woke up to all the snow and cold and then opening your newsletter was just such a boon. Can only dream of the Amalfi coastnin Italy and dreaming of the sun and sea, while sitting under a shady tree stitching away, outdoors. Alas, we are stuck up north with cold and snow, brrr…

  167. I am working on a leaf sampler with new stitches and getting ready to teach shadow work to a group of ladies. I love shadow work and cannot wait to teach it.

  168. I am cross stitching The Last Supper. I have it set up in my sewing room so I can work on it most days for an hour or two. I’m also stitching a crewel piece that I have in the family room. I stitch on that while watching TV

  169. I am working on a Monet-inspired painting of a Lily pond. Using needle paint and stem stitch, lots of different colored silk threads. My goal is to do Starry Night at some point. This is more of a practice run.

  170. I’m working Super Heroes emblems (Superman, Batman and Spiderman) for the grandson. Also attempting to tame the craft room supplies now that we’re frozen in.

  171. I am actually not working on any embroidery at the moment. I need to finish altering and hemming 8 pairs of curtains. Once finished I hope to get started on several embroidered pillows I have sitting waiting for me to finish designing. Would love some new inspiration! 🙂

  172. Working on the Four Seasons from Lanarte, it is a cross stitch piece. Finished the winter part yesterday. Now Fall/Autumn is calling widths squirrels and fall leaves…

  173. Hi Mary,
    Ooh what lovely magazines! I am preparing to start 2 projects which are both new techniques for me. ‘Tumbling Feathers’, is a beginners crewel pillow from the Crewel Work Company’, and next is a needle painting flower from Trish Burr’s book, ‘The Kew Book of Embroidered Flowers’. I am looking forward to learning new stitches and styles!

  174. I’m starting a set of Christmas ornaments. I’m hoping if I start now I’ll have them finished by December. (she says optimistically…)

  175. I have recently been given printed dishcloths. I have never stitched a complete weekly dishcloth project. I am looking forward to the finished projects

  176. I’m trying to work on pillowcases I found on clearance, excellent quality fabric. However, we have rolling power outages in Austin, TX, so too cold when the power is out. Excited to have the weather days as I work full time, and enjoy having the time for fun!

  177. Your site was a life saver for me as I learned new stitches for my new granddaughters day gown. She is due any day.

  178. My Christmas gift to myself was the RSN Introduction to Crewel. So, right now, I’m working at rearranging my play room so I can use my laptop screen AND embroidery stand & light at the same time. So there’s destashing happening as well as choosing what will be stored in the basement.

    That is my excitement these days…. and I cannot wait until I can actually start!

  179. I am currently working on a white work tulip. I found the pattern on line. I would love to see these magazines. I have drooled over them often, but not yet bought one. I also follow them on FaceBook. No matter who wins, please tell Nicoletta thank you!

  180. Last night I finished a series of embroidered precious small baskets filled with lovely flowers. These “lovelies” have given me much joy these dark days of semi-isolation!
    I am working on quilting by hand a quilt I made many years ago. But that is not “bringing me joy” at the moment. I think today I will prepare to make a Hawaiian applique quilt block that will eventually probably be a pillow…

  181. I am currently working on an ANG correspondence class that a number of people in my local group are doing. It is a group of 20 bargello designs on a heart ornament. Having fun!

  182. I am working on crazy patch ribbons for a year round wreath I made. I can just change out the ribbon for each holiday or season. I am so blessed to have my embroidery to brighten these cold days. Thank you Mary for bringing a little sunshine to our lives as well.

  183. I really love Helen M Stevens designs and today I received my copy of the latest Inspirations magazine which has featured a most beautiful embroidery design called Aetna’s Bouquet. It has everything I adore, wild flowers, butterflies, gold and silver threads and beads. Hopefully, this will be my next very enjoyable project.

  184. I ordered a beaded embroidered icon kit from the Ukraine and can’t wait to start it. It will be good challenge.

  185. I just completed an 8″ embroidery for my daughter to place in her remodeled home once she is able to move back in. My plan is to embroider an owl since owls have always been appealing to me, my mother and my daughter. I would be so happy to peruse the 6 issues of Giuliana Ricama as my grandparents were immigrants from Italy in the 1920s and I was named for my grandmother.

  186. I am currently working on a form of Italian embroidery, a Casalguidi project, called Mythical Mrytle designed by Barbara Kershaw. Lots of fun.

  187. I’m working on a Trish Burr dragonfly project as well as a SAL of blackwork flowers in a formal garden layout. Next up will be a hardanger mat from Inspiration Magazine. Can’t wait!!! I am so grateful to you for all you do to promote stitching and have bought so many things you’ve recommended and used many tips. You’re a gem!

  188. I have done a designed a picture of my dog walking in winter woods that I am going to put into stitch. The colours in the griffin are amazing!

  189. I am working on an Icelandic sampler that my sister brought me from Iceland. It a bright snowy day in Ohio, perfect day to stay inside and stitch.

  190. I have just started the Dragon by Roseworks of South Africa, I have drooled over it for a number of years and purchased it when we were in our first Covid lockdown . I’m so excited to be finally starting to stitch it .

  191. Where I work we receive fresh oysters with an approximately 8″ x 12″ hessian bag. It was being thrown out and not used a as display. The company name is on the bag. There is also an oyster printed on the bag. I have stitched over the name with french knots, hopefully looking like sand. I have then stitched fish and sea shells separately using DMC cotton, cut them out and stitched on the bag. The bag has been lined and a shoulder strap added. Perfect for the sun glasses, book, suntan lotion, etc. for the pool or beach. Turned out quite well and RECYCLED product.

  192. I am working on the tent stitch embroidered casket panels from Thistle Threads. I have always wanted one so was thrilled to find in a past newsletter here that I could get one.

  193. Love her book! I got it after your review and used it to make an initialed pillow for my grandbaby. Beautiful! I’m currently working on your Party in Provence project from a couple years ago… Almost to the bead section! And next I want to figure out how to design a small landscape gift to commemorate my next grandbaby’s birth… She’s named after where get parents got engaged in Ireland, do I would like a design that reflects “Isla Adare’. I would LOVE these magazines!! I didn’t know they existed. Thanks for the work you do on your blog and for introducing us to new resources.

  194. Mary,
    Thanks again for the giveaways.
    I’m in the middle of putting away all the threads from projects that have been finished and the threads still in the bags. So far it’s taking a whole day.
    My next project is ornaments for next Christmas.

  195. I read the first tutorial of Needlenthread’s “Wheat Five Ways” and got inspired to attempt this project. While waiting for the threads/chosen fabric to come through the post to do this, I thought I would start working on a Hannah Burbury heart design which incorporates stem stitch, french knots, satin stitch and detached chain stitch. Spring hopefully starts next month and the design had lots of flowers and leaves. I watched Mary’s tutorial on stem stitch for the technique and what a great stitch it is. French knots, I thought I would not be any good at but they look great and they are fun to do.

  196. I’m making a cushion cover by Krista West entitled Byzantine Rondel that I’m enjoying, but I want to make your How to Embroider Wheat. I can’t get the DMC variegated threads, as our stores are in lockdown.

  197. What a wonderful opportunity to view these magazines…thanks for this give-away!
    I am currently working on designing a sampler using a Celtic alphabet and incorporating some iconic Irish motifs.
    I want to use a 40 ct. linen for the first time, so all new territory to explore.

  198. I have just started the wheat stalk pattern of yours. Want to try all five ways to do the wheat berries. Not sure what I will do with it once it is finished though.

  199. I am currently mainly crocheting doll blankets for my granddaughter. (She thinks each of her multitude of baby dolls needs their own blanket.) I am also working on your Thousand Flowers smalls (but slowly since my eyes give out) and a needlepoint picture I am making of my grandparent’s farm. (To me, the farm is heaven on earth. It is located all by itself in an isolated valley in the middle of the Green Mountains in Vermont.)

  200. These magazines look lovely! I am feeling bereft as out local needlework shop has closed permanently (and by local I mean it was about an hour and a half away). So, some inspiration would be great.
    I am currently working on a counted canvas design – From Nancy’s Needle -called “Windmills and Whirligigs” and my seemingly 10 year project is a fractal counted cross stitch design.

  201. I’m working on a project to put several Picasso and Matisse line drawings on tea towels. I’m on #2 now, but I’ve been slow to really get rolling on it.

  202. Hi Mary! Those magazines look lovely. I’m working on a needlepoint canvas with all basketweave. I’m most looking forward to your bright and beautiful embroidered heart, just waiting for you to say when to order the kit with all the threads too! Stay warm!

  203. Hi Mary,
    I’m just about to start work on a dragon which I have drawn onto some linen fabric. I’m thinking of using crewel wool and DMC threads and will also use some beadwork…looking forward to getting started.

  204. I love Italian needlework magazines. I have some Ricamo Italiano and Rakam magazines which I managed to pick up when on holidays in Italy. I would love to see these Giuliana Ricama magazines as they are in english and mine are all Italian.
    I ordered the Sea to Stitch book after seeing your review and have just started on some shells.

  205. Hi Mary,

    I hope this email finds you well and warm!

    For years I have wanted to complete the seat of an fancy antique child’s chair I own. I don’t know why I keep putting it off; however, thanks to you prompting me on, I said “Now is the time!” Perhaps I will find a great suggestion in one of the magazines 🙂

    Thank you for your wonderful blog, it is a constant source of entertainment and knowledge. I look forward to every posting.

    Best Regards,
    Mary Ann

  206. I am working on 3 projects right now. Lol. Monogrammed pillow cases from the Sea to Stitch book I purchased from you. I love it! My ocean quilt and a very fun project with my sisters. Mom passed away and left a lot of partial projects. We are taking turns working on them. Every 2 weeks we trade pieces and see how much we can do. The finished piece will be then passed on to one of her Grandchildren. Just this past weekend we gave a very cute sampler to one and she was so surprised and burst into tears. She just told us she was pregnant, first one. We all miss Mom, very talented and taught us so much. My 3 sisters and I are having a wonderful time working on her projects. Your website has been great for leaning new stitches and adding to all my projects. Saluti!! Val

  207. The Giulama Ricama magazines are beautiful – such sophisticated and elegant designs. I am smocking a baby dress and surface embroidering a daygown for a granddaughter due the end of May. It’s fun to embroider such tiny garments.

  208. I’m working on a table runner of stylized flowers for a friends 70th birthday. I’ve decided to make gifts for all of my friends that are turning 70.

  209. I am currently excited to get back to a stumpwork of an organism under a microscope. I have to finish another big project first, but after that, one celled life..in stumpwork.

  210. Having roots in Zimbabwe, Southern Africa, I have been working on my “Zimbabwe Box” which is a project undertaken by the members of our Embroiderers’ Guild of Peterborough, Ontario. The colour palette was inspired by (a) a scrap of wallpaper and (b) the tidying up of my husband’s sock drawer which produced sentimental WW2 memorabilia, coins, stamps and a small brass Zimbabwe bird ornament. This symbolic bird became the focus and was stitched on to the lid (cotton floss, perle cotton and beads on a linen background), a clasp of an orphaned earring, and a handmade cord around the lid. I am presently embroidering individual items to contain the ephemera – a mini stamp-album, a coin purse and and a small concertina book of handpainted Zimbabwe indigenous flowers.
    I would love to share the winning editions of that beautiful magazine with our Embroiderers’ Guild .

  211. I love the looks of this new magazine! I am currently working on a Quaker Huswife by Chessie and Me. I am getting close to the end, yeah!

  212. I am currently working on a very detailed counted cross stitch of a cardinal — a birthday gift for my bff. It is her favorite bird.

  213. I’ve just discovered needle painting or thread painting, and just love the results…At the moment I only know of Trish Burr and some projects from Inspirations magazines. I would love to win these magazines. Please!

  214. I so enjoy your posts and newsletters Mary. You inspire me and it is always a joy to spend time with you online.

    I am excited to start working on a free-form piece that incorporates Ribbon Embroidery, and 3 dimensional stitches. I will use Art Inspirations & Elegant Stitches, both books by Judith Baker Montano, Ribbon Embroidery & Stumpwork by Di van Nierkerk and Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery by Sharon Boggen for inspiration.

  215. Love your suggested books and reading material and have purchased several you have mentioned. Would love the issues of the magazine you posted about today!

    Thank you, Mary!

  216. I have been working on Fresh Cut by Sue Spargo for about 3 years. Finished the final block last week. Now to assemble and complete the final touches with a few bugs and birds.
    Next project will be something less intensive, thinking a wool project with buttonhole stitch …ready for an embellishment break.

  217. I´m still working on my ten-years-project (third year now) with The Book of Jonah, that is to stitch the entire text in 60 pieces with different technique in each part. And now “When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” (But in Swedish, because I live in Sweden!) This part includes goldwork and pearls and the whole sky and a rainbow and … I haven´t got that far yet. I still struggle with the letters.
    And where I live, it is the coldest winter this millennium, so far. Love your blog, Mary!

  218. Hi, right now I am working on 2 main projects. One is the SAL Ann Morison, for Traditional Stitches 20th anniversary. The second is a reproduction sampler that was to have been the trip project for a needlework tour in Germany that was cancelled last year.

  219. I am working on a HUGE cross stitch project. It is a still life by Joseph Nigg. I am working it on black fabric. It will be so beautiful if I ever get it finished.

  220. What delicious sewing magazines these look like. I am certainly going to look into investing in a subscription to Giuliana Ricama.
    I am currently working on a Luna Lapin rabbity hare for a friends newborn grandchild, I have just finished embroidering a Kaleidoscope/Mandala Seventh Heaven on a cotton fabric shopping bag that I got from your heavenly website and I have just finished several needlework kits from Sue Hawkins, a Hippie Campervan and a Moroccan Pansie Pincushion
    Sharon xx Jersey Channel Islands UK.

  221. Right now I am working on finishing a sampler from an EGA class I took in 2019. I have decided to finish many of my Works in Progress in 2021; I’m using my Pandemic time to erase the guilt caused by staring at languishing projects!

  222. A good friend asked me to make her a quilted cross-body purse with a square of embroidery on the front. So I embroidered daises, her favorite flower.

  223. My project is an embroidered/embellished “pouch” that’s practice for an online class I’m very excited about!

  224. Right now working on some tea towels for my sister with summer motifs of margaritas and mojitos! Ready for summer

  225. I’m chomping at the bit to start on a Ribbon Embroidery Flower picture! Wished that RE would come back in style on clothing !

  226. I just started an embroidery “Spring Has Sprung” by Kathy Schmitz. While simple in style, it is the perfect choice to be included in a series of seasonal quilts that I am just beginning. I plan to combine hand and machine techniques in the Spring quilt to include one other hand embroidery (a bird’s nest), English Paper Piecing (hand work), applique (applique – a little by hand, a little by machine) and machine piecing for the remainder of the quilt (some pieced basket patterns and others). No idea how big or small this quilt will finish. Should be fun!

  227. I am presently working on a lovely large heart design in Hardanger with a double border of Kloster blocks. The outside blocks are edged with buttonhole edging. Inside the heart are two double rows of Kloster blocks on the diagonal with Algerian Eye stitches in the centers. Between the double rows are a design of Woven Bars and the Dove’s Eye pattern. There are three satin ship designs on the side and several satin hearts. Complimenting the total design is a heart done in cross stitch and a diagonal design of flowers also in cross stitch.

  228. I am working on a silk project, a pear, from Susan O’Connor and also working on “A Partridge in a Pear Tree.” Both projects are with our Magnolia EGA.
    After your introduction to these magazines, I have looked at each magazine on line and know how exquisite the work is. There was a special project in the first English magazine that I would love to work on it and expand my skills. Thank you.

  229. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on? I have a very sweet little cross stitch teddy bear birth name, date, etc. I don’t think this would be called a sampler, not sure what to call it! It will be for my son’s Godson. I am TRYING to get started on a “stitch journal” which will be my first attempt at free-form embroidery. I follwed your instructions for adding a “lining” as the ground cotton was thin. It is pie-shaped, about 10″ round in a 12″ hoop. All I have done so far is the demark between Jan/Feb, and “January” in script. My husband asked me if I had spelled January wrong. I said no, it is spelled correctly, it is just that my stitching is wonky! LOL! I need to populate January and now, most of February, too, with the journal entries I have been collecting! Daunting!!!

  230. Not started yet due to grey winter sky as soon as daylight is good a pretty roses pattern from DMC.

  231. I’ve been looking through Elisabetta Sforza’s A Sea to Stitch and reading your posts and am finally in the middle of materials gathering to start the letter “E”. I would love to add this collection of magazines to my stash.
    Thank you.
    Eileen Gualberto

  232. I’m working on three projects:
    1) a funny morel house (yeah, the mushroom as a house for various critters ;)), which I designed myself,
    2) your Long-and-Short-Stitch tutorial (finally got to it!), where I’m currently stitching the triangles,
    3) a blackwork fill-in sampler from Lesley Wilkins’ book.
    I would be so happy to announce project no. 4: the RSN online video course in blackwork … but as it seems, there are payment issues, because they seem to accept credit cards only … :'( Now I’m waiting for their reply. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

  233. Would love to win those beautiful magazines!! I quilt a lot but I also do cross stitch and embroidery. Currently I am working on a quilting/applique project I call “Crazy Daises”. The petals (each one a different fabric) I applique on a neutral block of fabric and I embroider something in each center.

  234. I would love to see these magnificent magazines. I’m currently beginning a snowflake heart in all pink threads and beads.

  235. Do I have to only name one? Lol
    I have many works in progress but the one I am focusing on today is Death by Cross Stitch by Long Dog Samplers. Very cold here in Canada today so looking forward to curling up by the fire and getting lots of stitchy time in.

  236. Working on 2 full coverage cross stitch, 2 large samplers, several smaller pieces, and a needlepoint stocking. I have a Zecca canvas that I am excited to start – but I need a finish first. Thank you for the chance.

  237. I’m trying to stay warm but it’s been snowing since Saturday and not exected to let up until Thursday. I love your blog. It’s one of the top 10 embroidery reference sites on the web. Thank you for all your work on this site.

  238. I’m getting excited to start working on a needlepoint kimono. We have no internet and sporadic electricity and would love to snuggle up and peruse these lively magazines!

  239. My current passion is needlepoint. I’m making 6 Elizabeth Bradley pieces that will become a carpet. I love it so much I can hardly put it down!

  240. Im working a simple bird & nest embroidery now. Really like learning from your blog & would enjoy more inspiration from the magazine give-away.

  241. I’m working on a few projects right now 🙂 Cynthia Jackson’s goldwork compass and I’m also taking two other classes, one on Korean embroidery and the other is Japanese bead embroidery.

  242. In 1477, Bishop Agli was buried in Impruneta, Italy with an intricately pieced pillow. I’m working on a quilt based on the pattern.

  243. I am in the planning/dreaming stage currently. But while I am doing that I am catching up on the fall tea towel set. Plan to try several of your wheat stitch ideas. Thanks

  244. Everything is so delicious I can’t wait to start some of the sea life items for my new home. Moving has been topsoil turvy so it’s been great to rediscover all my fabric and embroidery projects again!
    Thanks for a very practical, useful, and inspiring blog. I always look forward to reading.

  245. Thank you for this wonderful give away, Mary! My project at the moment is a large beaded image, my first project of this type. I’ll take a break soon to do a fun little project of matching mermaid t shirts for my 2 adorable little granddaughters. Next? So many in queue! Perhaps the Trish Burr European BeeEater kit I purchased months ago!

  246. I have been practicing my stitches by drawing out a shape (for example, a heart) and then filling it with various stitches using various colors and types of thread. This is so much fun.

  247. I’m still on my two projects that I alternate – hand quilting a Baltimore Album quilt & embroidering a center piece for Crabapple Hill’s Hocuspocusville. I am not starting anything else, till these are done.

  248. I am working on several projects right now. I have 4 SAL’s- counted canvas, cross stitch and blackwork. I am also finishing up several small counted projects. I am about to start on a new sampler- love them!

  249. I just finished Elisabetta Sforga’s “Waiting On 2021” and this past weekend I dyed gradations of wool in rose pinks and olive greens to either crazy quilt or apple core with seam treatments for a bag to carry my tools and floss. I also have rec’d my threads to do my initial from Elizabetta’s book, “A Sea to Stitch”.

    I also have my threads to do your “Long and Short Stitch Lessons”, which I’m really looking forward to. I so admire the long and short stitch! I only need to transfer the design to fabric to get started.

    But, the big project is a 70″ x 90″ piece that I am designing to cover my shelves of home canned goods to protect from sun and heat. I have already covered it with a heavy drapery flannel and velcro, but this will hang by magnets and stainless steel strips. It will be stitched on linen and will begin at the top with sky and an island with grass huts, palm trees, surf boards, people & beach. Middle section will be water with surfers with embroidered hair and clothes, with sea creatures popping up here and there. Bottom section will be the deep sea, with coral and sea life. It will be a delightful practice piece, using Inktense pencils and bars, paints and stumpwork. I’m excited to finish the drawing. I will probably set up a site for this project.

  250. I have several small projects I am currently working on and as I finish them I am most looking forward to putting together a stitch book that I bought the most beautiful linen for.

  251. Have several issues of Giuliana Ricama in Italian. Use google translate to try to use the patterns– not easy but the are so beautiful! Would love to have issues in English! I’m current working on a set of Mary’s towels for my niece’s new apartment.

  252. I am working on a floral bouquet for a pillow where I am using embroidery and crayon
    painting techniques. When I am done with it I plan to work on your Wheat project.
    Thank you for challenging us with this instructional wheat project.

  253. I am working on some little embroidered items for a gift basket in honor of a friend’s birthday. It is fun to personalize store bought items with a little lace, ribbon or a touch of embroidery.

    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  254. I’m working on La Serenissima by Talliaferro and am loving it! It’s the first one I’ve done where I had to transfer the pattern myself so not sure if the final result will be what I’m hoping for.

  255. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?
    I’m decorating a wool applique quilt, from Calico Patch Designs called Gingerbread Stitches, with lots of different embroidery stitches.

  256. Currently I’m working on towels for Easter presents then on to a project by Hazel Blomkamp, Colin the Rooster.

  257. I always have a cutwork napkin or such in progress, as well as my own hexie project – a Grandmother’s Flower Garden charm quilt. I just pulled back out a major cross stitch project – a Scarlet Quince rendition of a Bierstadt painting of Niagara Falls. It’s one of my “decade at a glance” projects – it was it’s turn.

    Thanks for your blog – it’s a highlight of the day whenever it hits my inbox!

  258. Hi from Burgundy ! After specializing in cross stitch for many long years, I have now begun to train myself in needle painting, mostly using Trish Burr ‘s books and videos and doing small projects to improve my technique – little embroidered bags which make great presents for my friends- , and will shortly embark on this project : decorating a dark blue silk kimono with my favourite flowers in long and short stitch : irises, magnolias, waterlilies and chrysanthemum… I am really looking forward to this

  259. I have just finished 3 quilts for grandchildren on the west coast, I’m in Tennessee, and awaiting the spring thaw so I can ship them. We are iced over right now. Since it has been depressing having the pandemic, I just want to work on anything colorful and optimistic.

  260. My New Years resolution was to learn something new! My embroidery stitches are simple and I would like to start improving those stitches by including beadwork. Your designs and workmanship is simply exquisite and although I will never get to that level, I’d like to lean in that direction 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration to improve my handiwork, Bev.

  261. Bellissima! Per favore, I would really welcome and enjoy the beautiful Italian magazine. Grazie

  262. I am working on the Treasured Friends sampler. It’s a long time work in progress and I would like to get it done in the first half of this year.

  263. Hi Mary,
    I’m in Vermont, cold here too! I am just gathering materials for the mmm crafts Twelve Days of Christmas, which I am going to sew onto a Christmas tree skirt I have been planning since my boys were little. They are now in their thirties!
    Can’t wait to start, love your blog, Best, Betsy

  264. I’m working on a wool applique / hand embroidery from Sue Spargo – Squash Squad, a nine week project. Getting ready to do the border with vines and leaves. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway.

  265. I sent away for the magnificent goldwork Turtle kit from Inspirations and also the Creamery Volume in which appear the instructions. The Turtle will be magnificent and the book is definitely a coffee table edition. He took what seemed forever to arrive, and, according to my cousin, must have been swimming the whole way. He has only recently arrived. I cannot wait to get started!

  266. Currently, I’m finishing a project started with my quilt guild, Legacy, in San diego. We are working with antique quilt basket blocks, adding raw-edge applique flowers, embellishments, and hand embroidery as desired. Two of our members offered the workshop via Zoom. Lots of fun and my first Zoom class!

  267. I’m working on an embroidery project using handspun wool thread made by my friend Amy, who died from cancer last year. It was 10 days from diagnosis to her death. She had back issues for a long time. Her doctor told her to lose weight, and gave her pain pills. The pain became unbearable. She finally went to the hospital, where the cancer was diagnosed. She had a rigorous treatment schedule planned when she was diagnosed. It turned out the cancer was too far advanced and had metastasized.

    Amy was an amazing, kind, generous, creative person. She always had at least 5 things to work on wherever she went. I picture her smile and laughter while using the fiber she turned into thread . It is a comfort.

  268. Thank you for the chance to receive these beautiful magazines. I am working on learning my stitches doing slow stitch. So no pattern

  269. I am excited to be creating a stumpwork wedding piece commemorating our son’s upcoming marriage.

  270. I’m just starting work on Tanja Berlin’s Acorn Woodpecker, hoping to finally master thread painting. Why is this technique so difficult for me? Love all things Italian, especially the lace of Burano, so it would be a huge treat to have these lovely magazines.

  271. My current project is pillowcases! I’m embroidering butterflies and sweet pink flowers. Thank you for your stitching tutorials, as I’ve learned so much from them.

  272. Beautiful and inspiring. Just beginning to explore these stunning techniques. This magazine is definitely a keeper! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the giveaway, too.

  273. While I am new to embroidery, I am practicing everyday. My mother, my grandmothers and my mother in law, all did simple but beautiful embroidery. I hope to put all of their pieces and some of mine together to make a very special heirloom quilt for my granddaughter.

    I’m excited to receive these emails and referrer to the website regularly. I hope that someday, with more practice, some of my pieces will be as beautiful as those I see on this website.

  274. I am presently working on a modified version of Saving Grace from the Canadian designer
    Barbara Kershaw. Her design for a placemat was presented in issue 99 of Inspirations magazine. I enlarged the piece the do a table runner out of it, using the design at both extremities and modifying it for the middle part.
    Talking about the weather here in Montréal, Québec, Canada, it is well lower than 0 Fahrenheit, which quite normal for the season. And I am very happy because by the end of the day, we will have had almost a foot of snowfall. Good for cross-country skying!
    Hope to win and which you all a nice day.

  275. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?

    I’m working on a toddler’s fairy tale sampler with dragons, mermaids, fairies, a beaded rainbow and a glittery star. The colors and fantasy elements are so fun to work in and remind me the joys of childhood.

  276. Having just finished my 10- 1/2 month needlepoint project, I am just working on your Five Ways to Embroider Wheat. I’m enjoying learning the new stitches!

  277. I am looking forward to starting a cross stitch by Heaven and Earth of the Nativity. Hope to spend the entire summer on just that. I am presently working on Christmas ornaments for my local embroidery club.

  278. I love your wheat project and it has inspired me to try to free hand a design of my own and incorporate some new stitches!!!

  279. I am currently working on a crazy quilted cover for a family recipe book for my 13 year old grandson. I made his older brother one a few years ago and he is turning out to be a wonderful cook! I also made one for my youngest daughter, so this one is #3. It is a small 3-ring binder type book and came with pages printed just for recipes and dividers for categories. All three that I have done are things I’ve found in thrift stores, unused. I’ll be keeping my eyes out for more, when I get back into thrift shopping. Haven’t been in a thrift store since last March. Sigh…

  280. Working on Toni Gerdes piece Copper Moon. As per usual whenever I decide to take a class, my husband ends up in the hospital. It is always something, isn’t it? Actually that works out well…not only are her directions fabulous but it allows me to tweak the instructions to make the piece my own. I never saw a piece I couldn’t tweak!

    Been stitching since 1985…FINALLY, decided that I should make my husband and I Christmas stockings, before we pass on into the next world. Will do something simple – Shepherd’s Bush patterns for both of us. I have only had the chart and materials for 20 years!

  281. I am working on the last of three dish towels that I will give to friends as Happy 2021 gifts.

  282. At the moment I am working on a textile project “Rococo meets Modernism” (my own design).

  283. Would love to see some lovely Italian needlework–it will give me sometime to aspire to with my needle and thread. P.S. I so enjoy your newsletters.

  284. I’ve got a couple of things going. I managed to get a copy of A Sea to Stitch and of course I want to do my initial in every colorway (choices, choices and it’s devilishly hard to choose). The other thing I’ve got in planning stages in a variant of a circular plimstav (thanks for that idea as I saw in a post on this blog). Right now I’ve put embroidery aside to sew my mom a tea cozy and pillowcases on the new sewing machine I treated myself to.

  285. Good morning Mary – I always have a multitude of needlework projects going at any time. Currently, I’m working on baby/kids quilts, felted wool angels, “knitted knockers” for a local charity and a wool sweater for myself.
    Best wishes and keep warm. We’re experiencing a tough winter here in central NJ as well.

  286. I am one of the few lucky students of Dr. Jessica Grimm’s “Medieval Goldwork” course. This week we are on lesson 3 (of 10) lessons. My task this week is to stich a wee lion in underside couching!

  287. I am currently well into stitching Marian Scoular’s The Princess and the Pea blackwork piece. Yesterday, I visited the stitching shop to purchase linen for stitching my granddaughter’s stocking. I’ve graphed out her name, have the chart and most of threads pulled out, but I really should finish the Princess first!!!

  288. I’m working on the EGA’s Technique Basics: Crewel and Surface Embroidery piece and am excited to learn how to begin this type of work and a variety of stitches. I am especially happy to be learning the long and short stitch. I’ve never really understood how to judge the length or placement of the stitches. Judy Jeroy wrote the document and is an expert in crewel work but I must admit that I’ve supplemented the written instructions with looking at videos including your own.
    Thank you for your blogs and videos. They’ve helped me see a broader range of needlework, threads and materials and what books are good to own.

  289. I am currently working on a wool BOM and I would be thrilled to receive just one of these magazines. Looks like many, many hours of browsing as well as stitching. Thank you for all you do to help people learn. I love your website.

  290. I woke up to ice-covered everything today, so don’t feel like you’re alone, Mary.

    I’m currently meandering through some lovely tea towels I got from … you. Flowers are perfect during ice storms, and don’t require a lot of heavy-duty thought. So while I work on these, my brain is designing a huge, new sampler. Built around a tree of life, it’s going to be a conglomeration of blessings I’ve had over the years, including family members, ten cats, four dogs, three houses, favorite sayings and scriptures and flowers, and a million other little things tossed in. I might finish all your tea towels before I finish the design!

    But I would love to have some new embroidery reading to give my mind a break. Thanks for all you do, Mary. You help keep us all going.

  291. I’m working on an embroidery inspired by one of my favorite artists, Tim Horn. It’s one of his plein air paintings of an adobe style house.

  292. Hi,
    I’m working on the mini Christmas stockings you made. Really like that they’re a sampler style and enjoy choosing the stitches and colors. Not sure I’m talented enough for the bead work on the seams but we’ll see. I’ll search for a video soon.

  293. I am getting geared up to try my hand at a pattern from Hazel Blomkamp’s book-Late Harvest. I’m looking forward to learning many new techniques!

  294. I am working on a William Morris style peacock in needlepoint – beautiful, AND time-consuming!

  295. I have a bunch of projects in process, but the one I am really looking forward to working on and finishing is a handmade linen book of surface embellishments dedicated to memories that are significant to my life and my mentors.

  296. Working on a huge petit point cross stitch project – called Dire Snow by Heaven and Earth Designs….my son has already claimed this project and tells me he will hang this finished picture above his fireplace!

  297. What a lovely magazine.

    I am working on five different projects. I’m stitching my sister’s Christmas ornament: Gay Ann Rogers’ “Purple Mountains Majesty”. I have my ANG chapter’s year-long project from 2020 almost finished: Carole Higginbotham’s “Softly Feathered”. I’m in the middle of the 2020 PSR gift to its members, a sampler by Chottie Alderson, called “Historic 1”. I have completed most of the Nun Stitch on Gay Ann’s “Pride and Prejudice Needle Case: and am working on the lettering. I’m also working on an EGA Group Correspondence Course sponsored by PSR: Mythical Myrtle by Barbara Kershaw. I have no idea which one will be finished first. If I had to make a bet it would be the Christmas ornament. I have more waiting to take its place.

  298. My son gave me a pile of Trish Burr books for Christmas, so I am working on every project in her needlepainting book…and am on #9 of 15. Never having done needlepainting before, this is a kick up for me. Loving it!

  299. Oh dear here i am and my mojo has deserted me – lots of time stuck indoors and dont feel like doing anything crafty at all – i really need some inspiration and wow that magazine looks fantastic – could so do with a kick up the rear to get me going again.

  300. Most importantly Mary, thank you so much for always being there for me when I need help. Your true dedication to helping us all with our stitching is amazing. I am glad that I did not throw in the towel and not submit an entry because ‘I will never win’, because it is high time that I just write you and thank you for your never endless help, education and support to all is us.
    I have stopped ‘production’ on all new projects and will not pick up a new exciting project until my 3 unfinished projects are done. These projects are: a sampler in commemoration of my cousin who passed away at 52 years old, a fabulous little pin cushion and our 40th anniversary commemorative Goldwork piece. But, once those are done, I look forward to an exciting project with Natalie Dupuis in a very intensive class on color. She is a fabulous teacher and a wonderful lady. And then I have a white work project from Jenny Adin Christie to learn a brand new technique. So many wonderful stitching techniques to learn!
    Thank you, Beth

  301. I love your emails and have found so much inspiration from your book! I have family in Wamego so I know how frozen y’all are!
    Stay warm & stay safe!

  302. I’m currently working on a giant cross stitch of the “New Geographic and Hydrographic Map of the Whole World”. I really want to get to a place I can take a break and start working on DK Designs “Box of Chocolates”! I’d love to check these magazines out!

  303. I’m working on a 12 month pinwheel. Each segment will have small motifs in different stitches and done in colours to do with that months weather here in Yorkshire.

  304. I am working on a large counted cross stitch snowman project given to me for my birthday. It’s on 11-ct Aida using 4 strands, so I’m getting lots of practice using my trolley needle!

  305. I have three projects I’m working on. My problem is I want to work on all three at the very same time! Two are cross stitch: “Death By Cross Stitch” by Long Dog, and “A Fish Tale Has Nothing On A Salty Yarn” by Hands On Design. The third is a counted canvas project by DebBee’s Designs called “Mostly Amadeus.”

  306. Next project will be Blackwork. Think a stitch sampler would provide stitch practice and a satisfying end result.

  307. I’m gathering things to make an embroidered book of my favorite sayings. Some are from famous people, but most are from family❤️
    I’m pretty sure that griffin needs to be on my son’s page

  308. I have just traced off Mandela Musings by Hazel Blomkamp from Inspirations #93. Now to dig out supplies from my stash.

  309. I have just gotten started back with my embroidery. I am working on a kit called “vintage ornament #14. The ornament is a sitting cat so cute.
    The kit is by chickadee hollow designs.

  310. Currently stitching Pandemic from Long Dog Samplers. Only project I have been stitching since early July, 2020. Stitching over 1 on 28 ct. Love this project. Hope to complete by late March 2021.

  311. I am working on a candlewicking embroidery of sea shells. I want to embellish a few of the smaller shells and am interested in your current project…

  312. My latest project is Glitz and Glamour Morgan by DeeBee Design. I like it first because it is purple and second because it has a lot of different stitches and third because it is a small project. I am taking a break from my big project of the Casket with Trish at Thistle Treads.

  313. About to start an Elizabethan Sweet Bag for my daughter’s 35th birthday, and I’m quite excited about it. The front will be embellished with her four favorite herbs and the body will be made of home spun and woven linen done by our family friend years ago.

  314. I’m so very excited to continue studying with Natalie DuPuis! We begin the ten week course “Humbly Magnificent Couching Stitch” on Thursday. I have loved learning goldwork, and really look forward to the use of all of these stitches. Should be a blast!

  315. Right now I am adding some embroidery to some quilt blocks, It would be such fun to win these magazines and share the with my sewing circle of embroiderers and appliquers. Glenna Denman gdquilts@msn.

  316. I am working right now on Roses with Carol Algie Higginbotham. Using the Blackwork method, the piece is worked in black and gray to give some contrast and interest to the piece. The use of gold for the enhancement of the piece echoes the historic use of gold.

    I am extremely excited to start the Kimono Revisited with John Waddell class in March. This will be my first needlepoint piece.

    I also wanted to thank you for all your helpful videos that saved me during these past 12 months. I cannot count the number of times I got “stuck” on a project and unable to ask my guild friends. Thank you Mary!

  317. So many embroidery projects are on my list to accomplish! What’s not to love…I spent the last half of horrible 2020 cross stitching the French Garden by Samplers Not Forgotten and am currently seeking to fit in one portion I want to replace from the original pattern. What I am looking forward to: turning to Phillipa Turnbull’s Wemyss Lion. The lion’s smile has made me smile each time I’ve seen the kit so I finally indulged myself and purchased one of the last boxes. Can’t wait to create this guy!

  318. I have been working along with the wheat postings and I bought Elizabetta’s book that you reviewed ,In a Wheat Field. I really like the wild flowers in the book. Thanks for sharing that and for all the videos on your website. Now I am anxious to purchase some new threads.

  319. Ooh la la! You are so inspiring and these mags from Giuliana likewise. I’ve been dipping my needles into more embroidery projects lately and stretching myself.. I’ve done numerous cross stitch and wool embroidery projects and consider myself to be an advanced beginner. My latest projects have been patterns from Sue Spargo and Kerry Green.

  320. Hi, I am presently working on a quilt project that involves using embroidery as part of the decoration on the surface of the piece. Thanks for this giveaway!!

  321. We don’t have the snow but we’ve had rain for weeks, so working on a sunny beach scene has been a good escape. Sand dunes, sea grass, weathered fence, and of course the water. Maybe this will make summer come faster.

  322. I’m working on a cover for my Kindle. It’s a little bit like the Stitch Fun 2021 in that I’m stitching whatever I’m inspired to stitch at the moment. However, I did create some boundaries. I’m using 4 colors of felt (fuschia, pink, orange, yellow) and 4 matching colors of thread (although thread type can vary; I’m using a mix of perle, silk, floche, and cotton a broder) against a contrasting color (deep blue) felt background. I’m about 80% done and I love it! I can’t wait to see it everyday when I use my Kindle.

  323. I’m working on two samplers with one more waiting. One of the samplers is called the travel sampler because I work on it when I’m travelling and it’s interesting what happens when we hit a bump or rough weather or roads. It’s by no means perfect (or close to) but it will be fun to see how it turns out. Quite primitive I think. I’m not correcting any errors, just letting it travel it’s own road.

  324. Hi Mary, I have just completed a small piece of goldwork but the project that I am really excited about starting an embroidered covering for a casket. I have already done a small trinket box with illuminated manuscripts as the theme, so you can probably tell that I just love fantastical beasts such as griffins as these feature heavily in the manuscripts. I am still working on designs for my casket but I already know that the techniques will incorporate silk shading, goldwork and needlelace, and it seems that all of these feature in the magazines. Thank you for this chance to win them, I will be keeping my fingers crossed. Barbara

  325. I purchased two of your Mini Sampler Stockings kits. I would like to work on them during the year and have them finished to give as gifts before Christmas. I am dealing with a torn rotator cuff and am having surgery on February 25th. I know that there is a lot of painful therapy to get through afterwards. Hopefully, that will go smoothly and I can get back to crafting.

  326. I am working on towels right now, kitchen towels that I ordered from Mary. I got the lovely flowers and am really enjoying using all my colors of floss to brighten up these dreary winter days!

  327. I am new to surface embroidery, but always looked up at my mother’s work. And so I am just learning it at 70. Never too late to enjoy some fine embroideries. And so I have purchased Trish Burr book and have been stitching her designs for a while. And for a change, I am now working on embroidering a mandala. Not quite as exciting I find.

    I would love these magazines to learn about the different techniques of needlework. Would treasure these for sure!

    I live in the suburbs of Ottawa in Canada and we have received 20 cm (more or less 8 inches) of snow overnight and we are now sitting at -7 with a windchill of -17.

  328. My current project is Nicola Jarvis’s Starling, a wonderful crewel work piece with a goldwork crown. I’m learning a lot as I go along and loving every minute of it!

  329. I’m currently working on catching up on my Take A Stitch Tuesday sampler; I injured my wrist, and had to take some time off handiwork. I’m also currently drafting my entry for the SNAD stitch from home challenge: I’m very new to embroidery, so this is a bit of reach for me! But I’m excited about it.

  330. As usual, I’m working on many projects at a time. Currently, aside from a small quilt, my main focus is on some crazy quilt blocks for my daughter, using velvet, Chinese brocade, and metallic fabrics and lots of embroidery. I just stitched a spider web on one with a very fine silver thread. My goal is to use all of the TAST stitches on it somewhere.

  331. Beautiful magazines ! ! My best friend’s last name is Griffin…how cool it would be to make this for her.
    Thank you for sharing and please stay safe and warm.

  332. Having finished Cynthia Jackson’s Mariners’ Compass I am excited to begin the Jewel of the Sea from Inspirations III.

  333. Betsy Morgan’s Toy Chest Etui is my new project. All the outlining is done and I’ve started on the design cross stitching. I’ve never used Gloriana silk threads before and love their feel.

  334. While riding out the winter storms and pandemic, I’m currently working on Woolylady Jewel-Tone Geranium Pillow. It has bright red flowers that truly cure the winter dull drums along with a hot beverage! A lot of other projects lined up as well.

  335. I am currently working on my own design of a peacock feather. Eventually it will go on the face of a pillow. My daughter-in-law requested it for their new home. A challenge for sure but I am enjoying it. Thanks for your website that answers questions that help me through the tough spots.

  336. Like most American girls, I learned four or five stitches when I was a child. With COVID forcing me to stay home, my embroidery history prompted me to buy a beautiful book on the topic that was connected to the Royal School of Needlework. I first taught myself the long and short, then videos and the book pushed me into hemstitching and before I out down the checkbook I’d read your essays on handkerchiefs and there it was–my real passion, Christmas and 25 small but beautiful remembrances for friends. Those hankies and a dozen tea towels took me back to my
    grandmother’s time. I loved it and haven’t been bored. Thanks a lot.

  337. Oh, what lovely magazines!
    Well, I feel a little guilty, not suffering from the cold in the Central Valley of California, ( the only white we see now is from acres of blooming almond trees!), but those magazines would be fine reading and inspiration in the evening, anyway!
    Having just finished making embroidered lavender sachets for my sisters for valentines, I’m ready to take an online class from the London School of Embroidery, a gold work pear. Can’t wait!

  338. Oh, Mary, Looks like a wonderful magazine, but a bit out of my price range with shipping costs added. Please show us your griffin when you’ve stitched it. What am I working on? Several projects, as always — canvas class on Shining Needle Society: Debbie Rowley’s Mostly Amadeus; a painted canvas with stitch guide – ANG chapter I joined recently is giving me feedback; little sled ornaments (Foxwood Crossing); and a ‘strawberry’ based on the Delaware Valley Historic Sampler Guild – designed by Linda Stolz of Erica Michaels — we had a Zoom class on finishing and embellishing these. And more things getting lined up behind these, of course.

  339. I am working on “A Dusting of Snow” by Gail Stafford. This is my winter project and I am enjoying working on it.

  340. Currently I’m working on a couple cross stitching projects. Going back and forth between them, one was a freebie from LDS for a while and now is for sale, the other one is also from their website and sorta goes hand and hand with the first one! I just adore these two charts so I went over to cross stitch and I’m doing them!

  341. I was able to acquire a couple of Stitchin Stuff angels on E-Bay. I love doing them – even if I don’t always follow Joan Thomason’s stitch guides – as Christmas presents for friends and family. Her canvases are small but beautifully painted and really fun to stitch.

  342. Currently working on Twelve little Christmas Trees. Started with these during the summer hoping I would have them done by Christmas. Didn’t happen. But what I love is that I am learning so much! Small stitches and patience. I have the Leafy Tree lined up to do next and the 12 trees were such a great starting point. I will feel much more confident to start that project.

  343. I’m working on 3 projects at the moment: a koi fish from the Stitchcraft book, a Love themed SAL, and a lovely Sarah K Benning pattern of a dog sleeping on a rug <3

    I'd love to win this, my birthday is this weekend and I live in the arctic and my septic system keeps freezing, it's been a week of sundays let me tell you.

  344. I am working on the wonderful project “O Tannenbaum” in the Inspirations Magazine Issue #108. It is whitework in color by Trish Burr. I’m a great fan of her work and love doing surface and needlepainting even tho I am in my early 90’s!! Will keep stitching as long as my eyes and hands (and brain) hold up. Embroidery has been my life time passion and keep learning with each new challenge. Each time I see a design that entices me I say “I have to do that” but who knows when it will come about. I enjoy your newsletters and again keep learning when I read them. Thanks.

  345. I’m slowly putting Clive the Chameleon by Hazel Blomkamp on my faded denim jacket.
    it’s taking alot of time but I’m really enjoying it.

  346. Working on a wool Halloween Quilt with decorative stitching. Thanks for the contest, magazines look luscious!

  347. I leading the May program for Cyberpointers (the online American Needlepoint Guild chapter) of Orchid Lady, which is a 4 way bargello. (Shameless plug — check out the design!) I’m not letting myself start anything new until I finish that. Then I will probably start the ANG stitch of the month for 2021 and also a large Debbie Rowley design that I have had sitting around for a while.

  348. Griffin is my favorite number one son-in-law’s name! (He is only s-i-l). I am
    delighted to see this posting about Griffins and can imagine doing this as
    pocket decor on a shirt or even a tie motif for him. Thank you for making us
    aware of something new in our currently doldrum life with COVID and cold.

  349. I have been working on a redwork alphabet quilt. It’s time to get those blocks out and finish some more letters. They are nothing as elaborate as your projects but they are always fun to work on. Here in southern MN it was -24 this morning.

  350. I’m working on a pillow cover currently that is all done with rust colored wool thread. It’s called the “Rust Butterfly Pillow” and it’s my first time ever doing a project like this but I’m really enjoying it. I got this kit on a whim while doing some ebay shopping and bought a Lot of old kits. This is one of 2 pillows so I guess I’ll see how this first one comes out, wish me luck!

  351. I enjoy the refreshers that you have available and seeing your current project.
    I’m currently working on a garden themed sampler using cotton threads on linen.
    My friend is the librarian of our local embroiderers guild and when I’m finished with the magazines, I’ll pass them on so they can be enjoyed by many.

  352. I am 3/4 through a counted cross stitch piece titled Warbler by Needle Treasures. Loving stitching the lush greenery and the hits of sunny yellow! A very pretty design. I am hunkered down too with the cold and snow here in Ontario Canada. Only we are used to it and our utilities are all humming along. I feel for our southern neighbours who are unaccustomed to the spin offs of a polar vortex!

  353. I am working on a small motif I found in a book called Turkish Embroidery by Gulseren Ramazanoglu. I saw this book in the 1970’s and loved the little flower tucked on to a sort of paisley design with leaves. I copied the design before returning the book to the library but lost it during a move. What do you know, I found the book this last year in a used book store. I worked until my 70’s and during my work years simply felt I did not have time for needlework. But I kept checking your site and it began to peak my interest bit by bit over time and now I am picking up the needle and thread again and find I love working with lots of vivid color. I am not using the Turkish techniques from the book, but just long and short and satin stitches. Lighting and magnification are an issue, but I am working on that. Love the griffin!

  354. I have been interested in goldwork embroidery for some time, and recently purchased Georgina Bellamy’s video for her little bee. I’ve ordered the necessary materials, and cannot wait until they arrive!

  355. Presently, I am enjoying working on an embroidery sampler and a small patchwork pillow top with old and new stitches which is an enjoyable challenge. Your videos and tutorials make this project even more enjoyable as they are very informative, have ideas that inspire me and that I had never thought of.
    It is a joy to receive your messages.

  356. Right now I am working on doing fine detail embroidery on a design I created with an American Eagle in the center and a swag border of poppies and ribbon. I absolutely love the combination of applique and embroidery, especially with silk threads. My upcoming “casual project” will be some motifs from Tulips and Tweets incorporated into a pieced table runner.

  357. Presently, I am enjoying working on two projects; an embroidery sampler and a small patchwork pillow top with old and new stitches which is an enjoyable challenge. Your videos and tutorials make this project even more enjoyable as they are very informative, have ideas that inspire me and that I had never thought of.
    It is a joy to receive your messages.

  358. I’m working on a red work quilt that is abc of winter for my grandsons. Also a crazy quilt in red and black.

  359. In honor of Darlene O’Steen and her recent passing, I have started the Proper Stitch Sampler from her book, The Proper Stitch. What a way to learn stitches just in the first section of motifs!

  360. I am working on a monogram to frame for my daughter’s birthday in March.
    Have looked at Mary’s monogram examples and some old ones from internet archives

  361. I’m working on the Long Dog Sampler’s Pandemic sampler. Never have had so much fun deciding on color choices and adding different motifs as I stitch. The best part is reading about how others around the world are stitching their Pandemic sampler and how people help others with their stitching questions and concerns about their own sampler.

  362. My current needlework excitement centers on a year long class on stumpwork. Each lesson takes me deeper into this type of embroidery and I’m loving every minute of it.

  363. I have just started a really old Jeannette Douglas sampler of the Canadian city of Hamilton. I spent the COVID year of 2020 doing the entire series of 8 band samplers in her Canadian journey series and I was lucky to find a couple of the cities too.


  364. I’m looking forward to designing and stitching a piece for the current San Francisco School of Needlework & Design Stitch-At-Home challenge. The theme is “When This You See, Remember Me.”

  365. Currently working on a small piece . Just random flowers and vines. Its a throw back to my hippie youth. In those days I embroidered everything!
    Next will be one of the sea and shell monograms. Such a beautiful book

  366. These magazines look wonderful. I’ve never come across them when hunting down magazines on embroidery. It’s so sad we have so few here in the states now. They are now on my search list. Thank you for the chance to win some.

    As for what I’m working on, it’s a lot of projects. I jump from one to another depending on my mood and the amount of time I have to embroidery. I’m doing TAST again and will be attaching my samples to playing cards that I’ll punch a hole in so they can be put on book rings. Last year I did a small scroll of stitches. I also have 7 projects I’m working on. I’m making some bunting, a purse, 2 wall hangings, some smaller projects all with embroidery, and I’m working on the wheat embroideries you are sharing. Way too many going at once but it’s what happens when I get so many ideas and have to start them. We missed the snow here in western PA. but have lots of ice so maybe I can finish some of my UFOs. 🙂

  367. Working on Hester’s Needle beautiful Deer in the Woods sampler. I am EXCITED to get through the eyelet alphabet that is taking f.o.r.e.v.e.r………

  368. Beyond the at least 10 projects that I am in the middle of, I am looking forward to starting a “Welcome” wall hanging in wool applique for a dear friend of mine moving into a new home!

  369. I am waiting for a shipment from Victoria Sampler of the Bumblebee leaflet pinkeep, pincushion, and scissor fob in preparation for Diana Gabaldon’s 9th book in the Outlander series, “Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone”. I love and appreciate Thea’s designs which aren’t outrageously complex for me but still are a challenge. This will be 5th or 6th for me in her patterns. This one should whip up fairly quickly and look great in my “nest”. Rock Chalk.

  370. I’m currently working on a crewel piece called Glamis Rose, Crown, and Thistle. This magazine looks delightful!

  371. Hello Mary and I hope you warm up soon.
    I am working on Hazel Blomkamp’s Clive the Chameleon from Inspirations magazine, and loving the free embroidery and bead embroidery as well as the fiddly detached beaded flowers which have been perfect to work on during lockdown.
    I’m also enjoying working on one of her Jacobean pieces for a cushion having recently finished Jenny Adin-Christie’s The Owl and the Pussycat, which required months of concentration.

  372. Hi Mary,

    The project I’m currently working on is Trish Burr’s Embroidery Journal Project. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to finally finish it. It’s taking me some time.

    Stay safe.

  373. I am working on a jacket for my granddaughter with flowers and vines embroidered around the bottom. I’m also working on a silk ribbon pin cushion.

  374. I live in Philadelphia and I’m currently working on a counted cross stitch of the Philadelphia skyline. The pattern was purchased on Etsy and has been so much fun! I am recently retired and love to stitch. My goal is to eventually tackle some stump work embroidery. I so enjoy your posts!!

  375. Working on a mono chromatic cross stitch with cats. Next up is floral crewel piece with lots of thread painting and color blending!!

    Thanks from chilly Boston!

  376. Mary, I have started a sampler for 2021 as you suggested. I plan to decorate the date with stems, leaves and flowers . Next, I want to do that Lattice Jumble but I may interject a few Tast stitches along the way. I have a plethora of small motifs to add as my fancy strikes me.

    I am really looking forward to the year with this no pressure, just pleasure, year in embroidery. I would love to have the new magazine for added inspiration. A few griffins would be an added bonus for my sampler.

  377. I’m working on Susan O’Connors “centaurea” from Inspirations #65. I took the class from her at a SAGA National Convention where we started the scissor case which I just finished. I’ve started on the matching pinball which has twice the embroidery. Never made a pinball before: it should be really interesting!!

  378. Morning Mary
    What has me most excited at present? Sis and I are participating in a gift tag a week started by Anne Brook over in England. Each week she will provide a prompt for you to include in making the tag, The first was ‘all white’! I’m not a scrap booker or slow stitcher so I’ve decided to make a hexagon quilt instead.
    Those Griffin in the magazine are wonderful and I’d love to put them on my honey-do list also.
    Stay warm and safe please, enjoy your hot tea and thank you for a blog cram packed with eye-candy today.

  379. Hi,
    I have just finished one of Trish Burr’s free covid lockdown projects – the bee and am in the process of mounting it for a hexagonal box… seemed appropriate!
    My next project is some monograms in goldwork, my ‘newest’ embroidery form. A bit of bling in this cold weather is always cheering.

  380. Beautiful magazines! Right now I’m embroidering greeting cards to have on hand when the need arises. It’s much easier and more enjoyable to make then in advance than it is to work under pressure to get a card out in the mail! Thank you for your wonderful articles and e-mails!

  381. Yikes. Which ONE am I working on?!? There are at least 15!! A few I am working on are a cross stitch little boys alphabet which I will make into a quilt for my grandson; some redwork hand towels; a banner of your Christmas tree patterns; a needlepoint stocking for my DIL; finishing up “Treasures from the Lake,” an EGA course taken at seminar year before last; and I am wildly excited about starting Hazel Blomkamp’s “Brian the Bee” in April.

    I would SO love to win those magazines. I came very close to giving myself a year’s subscription for Christmas, but the postage was just too offputting. I have been enamored of all Italian embroidery since you reviewed Ricamo Estense…if I am spelling it right.

    Hope all is well with you, Mary.

  382. Right now I’m working on a cross stitch Russian nesting doll. All the instructions are in Russian so it’s good that color choices are in symbols. Readable in any language!

  383. Hi, Mary,

    I am working on TAST from Sharon B’s Pintagle website. Each stitch goes in a little sqaure to make a sampler.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway.

    Stay warm everybody!


  384. Recently I have added punchneedle to my repertoire so I have been working on a design by Kelly Kanyok of Orphaned Wool. On the docket is the Peace Dove by Cynthia Jackson offered through Inspirations.

  385. I am currently working on a “small” that will eventually find a home in my Cabinet of Curiosity. It is a kit from Amy Mitten- a lute made from a walnut shell.

  386. Right now I am doing two TAST projects…1) a hoop that I’m hoping will be a nice nature themed picture to hang in my craft room & 2) tags for each stitch. I’m also doing a cross stitch kit that was gifted to me. It’s a cardinal & chickadee that came with a frame. I plan to display it with my Christmas decor once it’s finished.

  387. I’m working on the 12 Days of Christmas set by mmmcrafts, but I’m also gathering the supplies for an embroidered apron that I hope to start soon!

  388. I adore griffins! I have an antique bench in my bedroom with carved griffins protecting two girls from a demon/Satan who is in the middle. I would be thrilled to get the six copies of Guiliana Ricama!

    Please include me in the drawing for the six magazines!

    1. I failed to include what I am currently working on in my response. My latest project is a Double Pocket Chatelaine designed by Susan Greening Davis.
      I would be thrilled to stitch the griffins in the latest volume of the magazines! Thanks for the opportunity to receive the last six editions!

  389. One of my goals for this year is to learn Schwalm embroidery. I recently received Luzine Happel’s Schwalm Whitework lesson #1. I am so looking forward to creating this beautiful embriodery

  390. These magazines look amazing!
    After many years embroidering with cotton, and doing a Japanese silk embroidery course, I have just returned to my first love of Crewel. I am doing Talliaferro’s Serenissima and loving it.

  391. I am working on two personalized pillowcases for a friend’s daugters. I can not visit them so I work on those gifts instead. Thank you for this give-away! Have a good day!

  392. I am excited to get started on Mary Corbet’s mini stocking kit next. It will be great to have my main xmas project done first this year.

  393. I am currently working on a monogram from the Sea to Stitch book,
    while the stitches aren’t hard, it is a bit tedious getting all the colors right.
    I love a challenge and this is definitely one for me

  394. I am currently working on a field of daisies project. It is quite large and detailed but I am very much enjoying it.

  395. I’m working on a cross stitch design of St Basil’s cathedral. I love all things Russia. The kit came with a kind of thin crewel wool rather than cotton, so it’s very fuzzy!

  396. I have almost finished a small piece that my late mother started, and when I finish that, I want to do a letter from Ms Sforza’s A Sea to Stitch. Big questions are which fabric (antique handkerchief or almost as old linen sheet) and which letter (my “K” or “S” for a good friend who walks the Maine beach regularly, even when it is really cold!

  397. I’m working on a needlepoint carpet. I started it long ago and may not finish it before I die [age 76]. I took the picture from a brochure I picked up in a Russian berioshka. I scanned it into my computer which had a program for transforming pics into needlepoint graphs. My intention was to use 5 colors….my computer picked up over 50. So square by square I changed the colors. It would be made of 48 pieces. I started stitching before I completed the computer work. At one point I pushed a new button on the program and discovered the pattern did not have the correct number of stitches…they were all different. So as I put them together [adding every few pieces] I use my imagination and hope it will look ok.

  398. As is usual for me, I’m working on several projects at once! I’m just finishing off applying the beads to a lovely mermaid cross-stitch, lacing a glorious canvas-work piece that I finished over a year ago, creating some small, embroidered felt pockets to put gift cards in, and thread painting a sunflower that will hang in my office. I am easily distracted by new projects, have tucked away several so I get these ones done!
    The joys of learning new techniques and practising tried and true ones have captured me since I was a small child! Now that my kids have grown and moved away, I have fewer distractions and my stitches are really improving. If only my eye sight was getting better too!

  399. I would LOVE to receive a copy of Giuliani. I’m sure that there would be so many projects and techniques that could be shared with my embroiderer guild.
    A huge thank you for your generous spirit that gives us all SO much information and encouragement to keep stitching
    Thank you

  400. I am working on a Korean quilting technque called Saeksilnubi (“colored thread quilting”) which I have learned from Youngmin Lee, a wonderful local ( Northern California) needlework instructor who teaches many kinds of Korean embroidery and quilting styles. I first learned “Bojagi” (a piecing technique) from her and now this newest padded quilting style. I’m waiting for the correct thread to arrive…I used all of mine up in the first week!

  401. I am working on a swirly design in a circle. My plan is to do the design twice – once in outline stitch and once in stem stitch. This exercise will highlight the difference and will help me work on curves.

  402. I am currently working on a Palestinian Thobe (traditional, embroidered dress) and this is taking up most of my free time.

  403. I’m finishing up a cross stitch Noah’s Arc crib blanket. My mother started it a long time ago and I’m finishing it for her. I found it in her UFO bin.

  404. I’ve been a little consumed in learning smocking techniques of late. I love the three dimensionality of it.

  405. And buon giorno to you, too! Thank you for this tantalizing giveaway. I am currently stitching my first goldwork project, the hellebore in Becky Hogg’s Royal School of Needlework online course. It’s fun if sometimes a little nervewracking, and it’s extremely satisfying to learn something new.

  406. I’m currently working on a black work design from the old west Never tried black work until now but it’s going well. thank you

  407. Mary, that Griffin certainly is eye catching – so colorful! After a year of working on gift projects I am finishing a cross stitch of The Twelve Days of Christmas. I am torn between several projects next: a labyrinth based on Chartres cathedral or a fun black Labrador. Stay warm!

  408. Hello Mary!
    First I love your blog/emails! So inspirational! So informative and cheery! I look forward to reading all of them and I have used your specific informative articles many times even though I’ve been embroidering for decades. There is always something new thing to learn.

    I’m starting a new embroidery/handwork project that I found in a children’s book. The book is ‘Hortense and the Shadow’ by Natalia and Lauren O’Hara. It based on fairy tales from their Polish grandmother that were told to them on snowy nights when they were young girls. The book itself is all black and white with greys and very little color. It’s about Hortense being afraid of her shadow until it rescues her in the end from the lurking bandits. The end flaps though have this remarkable scene of a moon shining over a barren night winter landscape of just narrow tree trunks and their shadows. It has a wonderful perspective and is deceptively simple with a high visual impact. That’s my new project. This winter night landscape and I’m calling it ‘The Moon For Comfort’. (You see, I’m a night owl and have always loved the night snd the moon!) It’s all in black and white and various greys only which are colors I haven’t used before. I’ve found some exquisite fabrics with textures and patterns that will work right in. I’ll be doing it completely by hand and will have the embroidery included in the overall design. I’ve been working towards this for 6 weeks gathering materials and threads. Can’t wait to start!!

    Thanks so much for reading this and doing all the hard work you do for us out here in ‘Internet-land’! You’re truly a remarkable and talented woman helping many of us with our artistic endeavors!!

    Blessings and joy

  409. Oooo, I would love to have these magazines! Last Sunday I watched the first episode of “Searching for Italy” with Stanley Tucci on CNN. He explores the cultures and delicious foods of each region, and it had me drooling, both for the food, and for the country! Right now I am working on a pincushion/scissor case set from the Raspberry Rabbit, and am not thrilled. The instructions are not that good, and the items included in the kit do not match the finished photo. Fortunately I have been stitching for a lot of years, and can make adjustments to make it work.

  410. Giuliana’s publications look beautiful! Right now I’m working on butterflies. I’m trying some from Helen M. Stevens’ butterfly book, but it’s not clear what fiber she uses. It must be silk, as my butterflies in cotton floss do not look so smooth as hers. Also, I am starting a monarch butterfly from an Emillie Ferris online course offered through Domestika (highly recommend). I just wish I could go into a shop and LOOK at the colors to be sure I get the effect I want, Maybe soon.

  411. A dear friend made me a 6 inch doily in tatting. I want to mount it on a circle of dark brown wool and do an embroidery stitching around the edge of the wool. Not a big project on my part but to highlight her tatting. Thank you, Mary , for the charming, lovely, and so informative work you do. Always a joy to read and see. Bonita

  412. Current project(s)… I have started the Thistle Thread Whitework course, so started the first project-sampler. Not sure I think of it as “fun” — but a challenge to learn! The Fun project is a joint effort with my grandson, “decorating” a white coat (his mom is a pediatrician) to wear at work. (She has others I have made her in the past.) This one’s theme is “cows in space”! Silly stuff. Fun for the young patients. And a shared project with my grandson (14).

  413. I take coloring book pictures and embroider them with whatever colors and stiches i choose . Its fun to experment .

  414. I have been working on a Scandinavian Christmas bell pull in counted cross stitch with a great deal of back stitch and beading, about half way, I think.

  415. Hi Mary ! At this moment I am working on a cross stitch embroidery on a towel, it is a personalized gift for a friend.

  416. I bought myself two Christmas presents this year, and I’m excited about both of them – hard to tell which will be most challenging and fun! One is the Nasturtiums kit by Vine Embroidery on Etsy. Nasturtiums flowers, of course, done in a Jacobean embroidery style at an intermediate skill level, and with Appleton wool thread. I’ve not used that brand before, and I love it! The other is a pair of ebooks by Follow the White Rabbit on Etsy, with very clear instructions on how to needlepaint a portrait of a cat from a photo – including tips on how to take good photos, which is wonderful as cats do so love to move away just as you’re pointing… I hope to do an embroidered portrait of my daughter’s cat for her. This loved cat disappeared 18 months ago and my daughter still grieves for what was much more than just a pet. That project will be sad and happy at the same time.


  417. I recently joined a SAL where we read a book and there is a project to go along with it. Two of my favorite pastimes together. What could be more fun? There will also be a discussion about the book along the way with several parts to the project.

  418. I am working on on a suite of embroidered needlework accessories featuring hares designed by Jenny McWhinney called ‘Queen Anne’s Lace’. There are six different hares across the various accessories and they are a delight to work on.

  419. Currently, I am working on a Group Correspondence Class, The Princess and the Pea, with my EGA chapter. We meet via Zoom to discuss the project and stitch together. It’s fun and keeps us in touch with one another. The project is counted thread embroidery, which is a challenge for me as I usually prefer surface embroidery, but it’s always good to try new things. The project is cute and will make a nice present for a family princess.

  420. I do love to have a cup of tea and read through beautiful stitching magazines. I’m always looking for my next project too.

  421. I’m working on a large abstract piece in memory of my mother, long wavy lines of crewel yarn, in colors that remind me of her.

  422. I’d love to get these magazines and I’m always looking for my next challenging project.
    Kathy Bartlett

  423. I have gotten back into cross stitch by way of historic samplers. We had a presentation about samplers at our EGA meeting and it piqued my interest. I’ve got two samplers started with a list of many more to work on! Cross stitch today is quite different than what I did back in the 70’s and 80’s.

  424. I enjoy your site so much and such a great resource. Each issue when it comes into my mailbox, I spend time reading the articles. This article I found so informative with the showing of a new magazine and it even being written in English also. The Griffins I think would be nice to do and pass on to a student from Italy that lived with me studying.
    At the moment I am working on three projects. I am working on one of your free designs called Seventh Heaven, a kaleidoscope in teal blue, magenta colours and using bead work to embellish it. I plan on making it into a round purse with vinyl over the front. I enjoyed so much looking up different stitches and incorporating those into the project.
    The second project is a sketch of my granddaughter which is embroidered with her holding a bouquet of red tulips.
    My third project is the Lady Slipper stump work. Since being born in Prince Edward Island I was excited to do the province emblem flower and also be able to pass this piece to a relative for them to enjoy.

  425. In my hoop right now is an Inspirations magazine project of a butterfly and a chrysalis on milkweed. I can’t wait, though, to start my Elizabeta Sforza initial from the Sea book. I LOVE the colors and just looking through the book makes me happy!

  426. I am making a birthday card for my sister,using a design from Embroidered Country Gardens by Lorna Bateman.

  427. Currently working on a design from the 70s. It is a winter village scene, very quaint. I swapped all the wool threads for embroidery floss, changed colors to suit, and am having a fun time using different stitches and making it mine! Thanks for the opportunity to win the stitchery magazines!

  428. Hello Mary, I have been toying with purchasing this magazine.. I always see it on The French Needle website. Stay warm. See you on facebook. Frances

  429. I am currently working on the Carolyn Pearce Home Sweet Home embroidered needlework box. It is a embroidered, covered box where the lid lifts and stores the additional embroidered accessories. I have almost finished one wall, 2 pincushions and a needle case. I am also working on Natures Naturalist by Sandra Leichner. It is an appliqued and embroidered quilt of birds. This has been a long term project. I am almost finished with A to Z Snowmen by Crabapple Hill. It is an embroidered quilt of Snowmen depicting the alphabet in different scenes. I have 5 more blocks to complete and hope to finish it by December 2021. I have recently finished Larissal Holland 12 Days of Christmas felt ornaments for myself and my mom. My biggest triumph was the Crazy Quilt I finished years ago. All of the embroidery detail was. by hand, and took several years to finish. I hope to make another one day. Thank you for all of your embroidery knowledge and opinion. I look forward to your columns.

  430. You’ve been having a lovely Italian time, best thing when you can’t actually travel. Would love to see these magazines.

  431. I am cross stitching a very detailed pic called “Hidden Harbor”. It has a lot of confetti stitching on it. Yikes!
    I want to finish an alphabet series I am making with fabric and then I stitch around the pieces. We are really cold here in Iowa too but we are still blessed to not have any electricity problems. Praying that you will stay warm.
    Thanks for all you do!! I enjoy it very much!!

  432. Good morning Mary!
    I would love to win the magazines. I am currently working on your Holly and Evergreen dish towels. I am hoping to give seasonal sets to family for Christmas, so after I finish the winter-themed ones I’ll be starting on some springy towels. The fall themed ones are already done. I love your designs!

  433. I was lucky enough to participate in two workshops our embroidery guild sponsored with teacher Lorna Bateman. She was a guest at my home during her stay. As a gift to me she gave me one of her projects, the pencil case. I’m going start working on it tonight. It has a scattering of all different kinds of flowers on it. Just right for trying out different surface embroidery techniques for a stitcher like me who usually does counted thread work.

  434. Hello there! I’m currently working on making some wrist and finger pincushions for me to use while stitching. Ideally, so I’ll stop putting the needle down in an “obvious place that I’ll definitely remember”, followed by worried searching of the bedspread and my clothing. Sigh.

  435. I am getting ready to start a small buck and doe that will be inserted in a Sudberry box for my 24 year old son’s Christmas present. I somehow managed to do a box for my 5 nieces before doing one for him. Oops!

  436. Right now, I just started Phillippa Turnbull’s Aesop’s Fables which is crewel work. I haven’t done crewel work for quite some time so this is a beautiful piece. I first saw the project almost a year ago in an announcement for an international needlework convention and luckily the project arrived just before Christmas. I’m exciting about learning about needlework traditions across the world so I can incorporate them into a travel schedule which I hope will open soon.

  437. I am currently working on a Colcha embroidery project. I am making a blouse out of linen and embroidering colorful flowers in the Colcha stitch onto the fabric. So much fun and so relaxing.

  438. I’m just beginning to think about blackwork—I really really like blackwork. A blackwork griffin might be nice.

  439. I am currently working on a vintage pillow cover that my mother started when she was a girl. The cover commemorates the Royal visit to Canada in 1939. I would love to share these lovely magazines with two of my nieces who have taken up stitching since the start of the pandemic.

  440. What a treat it would be to read Giuliana Ricama’s magazines. I surely will be looking for them if we EVER get to travel to Italy again. Right now I am smocking a bishop dress for my brand new granddaughter.

  441. The past several years I have done mostly canvas stitching , but now have a renewed interest in linen work , white work, hardanger, and more advanced
    cross stitching. This past year I have taken several classes from ANG, EGA and SNS which offered more on line classes . Took a class by Terri Barr which spurred this renewed interest. Right now I am stitching on a cross stitch pattern by William Morris . I am very interested in the new magazine Giuliano Ricama.
    Thank you for all the information you give in your newsletter.

  442. I am currently completing a large picture of Santa Claus for my grandson. He thought it was beautiful when he first saw me working on it and has saked if it can be his and hang in his room. How could I say no?

  443. Hello! I am making cross stitch mushroom brooches. I would love to make a colorful griffin as my next project, they look so beautiful. It would be great to learn how to “paint” with embroidery thread like the amazing griffins in the photo. Does the magazine explain how to do that technique? Have a great week!

  444. I’m contemplating making fabric house shoes and decorating them with embroidery.
    Kindest regards from Holland

  445. I am working on an embroidery sampler from a class at the RSN that I took for a cockerel. As well, I am working on a project ( much more ambitious than I ever thought!) of our local garden in Wimbledon. I am very excited with the Giuliana Ricama magazines – they look lovely.

  446. I just completed the annual challenge piece for the Northwest Sampler Guild, which for this year was to stitch a band sampler. I used a hand-dyed Gloriana silk which was lovely to stitch with!

  447. Hello Mary,
    I’m excited to start a kit called Rowan Tree from The CrewelWork Company. It’s been on my to-do list for a couple of years. I love the Mountain Ash or Rowan tree and the kit will help me learn some new embroidery stitches!

  448. I am very excited to learn of “Giuliana Ricamma.” My family emmigrated from the Italian-speaking canton of Switerland and northern Italy at the turn of the 20th century. My great-grandmother created georgeous embroidered and cutwork pieces that I am still fortunate to have (I have photos if you are interested). My grandmother taught me how to embroider when I was 9. I would love a chance to explore Italian needlework traditions. I went to the magazine’s website and unfortuately it is beyond my budget right now as I am retired and have exhorbant medical bills.

    I thoroughly enjoy these emails and your YouTube videos are the best on explaining and teaching technique. Thank you. Ciao, Diana Cooper

  449. Oh my…I have been working on NOTHING for several weeks which kills me because ordinarily I have needle & thread in my hand every day. But for some reason both my fibromyalgia & arthritis have decided to have a major flareup at the same time. So here I am after a week On Prednisone just beginning to feel better. I have another week to go & hopefully I can stitch. That beautiful crewel flower in your picture of the magazine would be wonderful to try. I would absolutely LOVE TO RECEIVE THEM (the magazines). Might be the boost I need

  450. I’m in the middle of the floral corner in your pre-printed towel set, working with very pretty, desaturated colors.

  451. Currently, I have about a dozen in progress, but my favorites have to be Life After “Death” by Long Dog Samplers, New Life by Gecko Rouge, and Alphabet Song by the Courtney Collection.

  452. Right now I am working on a x-stitch pattern of a Navaho blanket. Also I have started an Art Deco design for my daughter. Seeing these magazines of designs make my fingers itch!

  453. I’ve never heard of the magazine, but it looks wonderfully colorful and creative. I’d love to have copies.

  454. The project I am working on is a big picture of cats with cross-stitch on a one-on-one thread with one strand of DMC. It is caller Kuddlekats from Heaven and Earth Designs. I started it 5 years ago. One day, I will finish it… sometimes, I let it beside to work on smallest projects and change my mind. These msgazines look so nice. I would like to win…

  455. Forgot to mention in my other comment that I am currently working on a kit I ordered from England – embroidery on white linen with a bicycle and hollyhocks.

  456. I haven’t seen this magazine at bookstores or sewing stores (like Joann’s) either. I would love to look over the magazine since it’s hard to find. And I think the griffins are quite cool. I’d love to make them. I hope I’m a winner!

  457. I am at present working on a Halloween cross stitch project and smocking wee care gowns for a local hospital. I just received my copy of “A sea to stitch” and am looking forward to stitching a welcome banner since I live near the ocean

  458. I am excited and working on mill hill winter scenes to make a Christmas village. But I really want to start my peacock embroidery asap! It looks like so much fun!

  459. Starting to embroider tiny animal faces to turn into 3-d stuffed “worry dolls “.
    Your website and posts add joy to many lives. Thanks so much!

  460. I am working on a project as a gift to a niece. It will either be a pillow or a wall hanging. I’m not sure yet. It’s a Celtic pattern about 18”square that I’m working 100% stem stitch with two different bright primary colored variegated silk threads. On of the threads has a bit of metallic in it for a nice sparkle.
    I just received some of your recommended spool thread hugger thingies and I am happy to say that they hold my fabric out of the way just as you described!
    We are in the deep freeze in south central Texas with the added “pleasure” of rolling blackouts.

  461. Currently working on “Perfect Pansies” from Passion for Needlework , Blakiston Creamery. I finished the needle book and scissor keep and now working on the pin cushion. It’s not in my budget to get a Giuliana Ricama magazine subscriptiion and I’d love to have a few magazines to work with.

  462. Currently I’m taking a class in chicken scratch, so I’m working on a chicken scratch block for a quilt. So far, I’m loving it!

  463. I’m finally getting back to my first crazy quilt. I have the blocks finished and I’m furiously working on embroidering seams! Every now and then I have to take a break and try some different embroidery. I’m a beginner working my way to intermediate. I’d love to have some issues of an embroidery magazine for more inspiration! Thanks!

  464. I am working on/finishing up many projects as usual. Seems I like (enjoy) hopping from one to the next. Got my wool stitched Valentines finished and mailed and now back to the blocks for a quilt that includes stitching and applique and oh there is that cross stitch one next to my chair!
    Would love to have the magazines and start to learn more.

  465. What I’m actually working on today is a knitted hat for myself. It’s cold here in Seattle. Several needle projects waiting in the background.

  466. I am trying my hand….and needle….on blackwork. Starting small with a bookmark and I will give it to a friend.

  467. Ooohh! The reticella you show on your blog is gorgeous! Right now the needlework project that has me the most excited is my M.A.P. from Ink Circles. Alas, I’ve been swamped with work lately and I need to get back to laying out my motifs. 🙂

  468. I love that Griffin! Right now I am working on a smaller project of blackwork that has snow drop flowers in it!

  469. Good morning from the West Coast/Best Coast – yes it’s still morning here and what a literally lovely surprise to find a post from Ms Mary Corbet in my inbox!
    Project(s): just finished the last of my fall/Christmas/winter lavender sachet project using the lavender pattern from Ms Corbet’s patreon site. Unfortunately, I ran out of lavender with two sachets still unfilled. Will need to be more mindful of flower production next growing season! This pattern is perfect for little muslin sachets. I did decide to use DMC variegated thread (52 – Violet) instead of the recommended two violet shades. It was fun watching the colors emerge from the variegated thread! However, they were not necessarily as pretty as the original color scheme.
    I will go back to my grocery produce bag project with one currently in progress; a fig pattern from DMC’s free patterns with some of the same violet/lavender family colors. This one will be on much sturdier higher thread count muslin than my previous bags – it was time to switch with a pattern that will take longer and require a little more skill than many of my previous bag patterns.
    I would love to receive the Giuliana Ricama magazines! Have seen them also recommended on Elizabetta Sforza’s site. Thank you so much for your generosity and willingness to share!
    Thank you even more for your ongoing inspiration!

  470. I am currently working on an Anni Downs quilt. I am helping each of my three sisters with their first quilts. We are all doing the Anni Downs quilt called “My Favorite Things”. It has a lot of embroidery on it (and I am adding even more) because embroidery is one of my favorite things. 🙂

  471. Right now I’m having fun working on a little cross stitch pincushion piece for a friend. It says, I Wish You Lived Next Door.
    I recently finished an embroidered Christmas stocking of my own design for my daughter that took three years to complete-way too long.
    I love to peruse needlework magazines and dream of new projects. The Griffin looks wonderful…a little gargoyle would be fun too.
    Thank you for the give away.

  472. Right now I am finishing up a crewelwork project full of hummingbirds and fuchsia plants. I am so ready for spring!

    The next project, which I am really excited to start, is a large colorful floral bouquet pattern that I am going to embroider from one of the first embroidery books I ever bought— Embroidery by Karen Elder. The pattern is shown on a tea cozy, but I can’t wait to embroider it the back of my jean jacket!

  473. I am working my way through the wheat tutorial, getting my hands limbered up to start a project of embroidering large napkins with various designs. Maybe wheat, maybe pine cones, spring flowers, what ever comes to mind. When you can’t be outside and spring is on the distant horizon you can bring the beauty indoors.

  474. What a great offer. They look like wonderful magazines. I am working right now on a map and, afterwards, I have ideas for some 17th century things.

    Heather M. in BC

  475. My current needlework project is monogramming a set of 15 damask napkins ( I am on number 14 today) for my life long friend. She inherited these napkins from her mother and recently decided she is “through with setting formal tables!”. She has asked me to hand embroider her last initial in a variety of fonts, colors and stitches. It is such fun.

  476. My daughter and I love decorated tea towels, so I decided to make a set for her for Christmas.When it came down to it, she said she’d really like a set with my cartoon character, Chamois, on it. So that’s my focus these days: taking my greeting cards and embroidering them onto tea towels.
    Finding good tea towels has been difficult!
    I started with the Costco ones and they are awful! It’s like stitching on gauze. There went $20+.
    Then I got some that are 130 tpi, with a loop. I think they’re Lito. These are the ones I’m stitching, but they won’t iron flat! I put them in the fridge, wet, and did everything I could think of. There went another $25.
    I don’t know how much money I can spend trying to find good tea towels. Stock was limited when I was shopping—everyone was sold out of recommended brands.

  477. Just last night, completed and presented my next-door neighbor with a surprise gift; a shadowbox-framed Crazy Quilt square to memorialize Hailey, his recently killed terrier. I used her name tag and a transfer photo of her in happier times. All silk fabrics, lace, silk ribbon bouquet and beaded seam embroidery. It was a moving visit.

  478. What a wonderful way to use these stay home frigid days at home, perusing these wonderful magazines!

  479. This magazine looks very interesting with different types of embroidery for everyone to try and I would love to receive these magazines to explore more embroidery techniques.
    I took a photo of a really lovely pansy in my garden last year and am preparing to replicate it in silk shading. It’s a technique that I have recently learned in the first lockdown last year and would like to pursue, so thought that I would like to design my own piece.
    I really enjoy your weekly newsletter Mary. I learn a lot from your work.x

  480. I am working on the Hazel Blomkamp tassel in collaboration with three friends. This design was in an Inspirations magazine. These magazines would be a great gift to warm a cold Canadian evening.

  481. WOW… those magazine photos stir the creative juices. Right now, I’m finishing up an apron that I intend to wear during herb gardening season. It has been tea dyed and overly flourished with pots of herbs, flowers and buzzing bees. Simple but needed and has been a delight to complete. Many more projects awaiting in the wings. In regards to the weather… Kentucky is unusually cold as well BUT the cold is killing bugs in their hiding places, the snow will provide free nitrogen for the gardens and lawn and the snow is breathtakingly beautiful… spring will come. Thank you for a lovely website and your inspiration.

  482. I am almost finished my current UFO, a large canvaswork piece called Curios by Kathy Rees. It involved new stitches and stitch combinations. I expect to finish it this month and am really happy with the way it has turned out!

  483. I’m currently all about Girl Scout cookies because I’m the cookie mom (=manager for my kid’s troop). But I have an embroidery kit I bought in Hawaii two years ago that I’m excited to work on when cookie season is over.

  484. I have quite a few counted thread projects kitted up, but I am most excited to start the Limonera Pear from Inspirations. I finally received my kit and the supplies are beautiful!

  485. Oh dear, what am I working on…a simple cross stitch that I complicated by deciding to use rayon thread to make some snowflakes shimmer. Ha! When I can’t go out for a manicure? That was not a good idea. I drool over the Giuliana Ricama magazines, but they are not in my budget.

  486. I love being on your email list!
    Guilana Ricana is on my bucket list, however, not in my budget!
    I was able to review an article in the September October 2020 issue by Gilda Grasso, Childhood ShPes and Colors. This article is inspiring me to do my own designs!
    Happy Stitching and have a great year!

  487. Thank you for this beautiful magazine. You are blessed. Definitely will put this on my gift wish list and hopefully get to enjoy them soon.

    Thanks for the opportunity to see them sooner.

    I’m finishing up a medium size project and then will be starting Christmas projects. Then a bird by Trish Burr.

  488. Thank you Mary, for the chance to win these lovely magazines – its very generous of you. I am, right now (literally) working on a goldwork fish which is the subject of an online class by the lovely Marina – its Russian goldwork and a new technique to me – I’ve nearly finished, and hope to complete it this weekend. The class is filled with people from all over the world – a couple of them are from England, like me, and there are also Americans, Germans, a lady from Denmark, some from the Netherlands, an Australian and a lady from Spain – all of us joined by our love of embroidery.

  489. I am a new subscriber to your blog, and am so enjoying it. Thank you for your expertise, and for sharing both it, your thoughts and creativity with all of us. Many years ago, I worked as a professional embroiderer, and loved it so. Then financial concerns and life in general intervened and I haven’t embroidered for most of the time in between. Recently, a friend has re-inspired me and I have been looking at new projects. I am enjoying the exploration of new products, and re-energizing my collection of materials. I love counted work, and have been inspired by some of the modern blackwork (which often is not black), and want to take on that challenge. Some of the shading with blackwork patterns is amazing.

  490. I currently have two projects going .. The first is Blue Flower’s NIGHT WALKED DOWN. I absolutely love the purples in this one. I hate putting it down. The other one is Long Dog’s PANDEMIC which I am doing in DMC 943.llLove the design, but 3 pages in have decided I’m not as crazy about the color as I could be.

  491. I am anxious to start my Maniturgium that I purchased at Thread and Roses. I was moved to do this for a new priest!

  492. My excitement is for the wheat tutorial you have shared with us. I am excited to explore all the different stitches. I plan to make it into a bag to hold a current needle work project. I am also working on a project: Caterine de’Medici embroidery from Inspirations Magazine. My interest in Italian needlework began with a cloth of my Italian grandmother and continued in my travels to Italy. I am excited for this project as there isn’t many projects that reference Italian stitches and ideas.

  493. I would love to get my hands on this gorgeous magazine!
    My next project is going to be embroidering “Nevertheless she persisted” with a (probably) floral border. This is my favorite phrase, and gives me comfort in these trying times.

  494. This magazine looks enchanting! I am currently working on a counted cross stitch project from Dyeing to Stitch purchased a few years ago. Not my usual type of embroidery….much more of a surface embroidery person, but this is interesting to watch it take shape. Love your blog and instagram page, Mary.

  495. Good Afternoon Mary!

    Each time I come online, the first thing I look for is my “Mary Cobert’s Needle ‘n Thread” email. I’m always eager to read what you’re up to & what you’re offering us, your faithful readers. Though I have to admit, I’ve been out snowshoeing more than normal this winter so I’ve yet to start a new embroidery project. But with my cracked toes & bruised arch I’m now in a walking cast & confined to my easy chair. I would love nothing more than to have Guiliana Ricama books (in English) come my way!

    ps; My injury didn’t happen while snowshoeing (though that would be a better story), it was a 2 liter bottle of my husband’s diet cola in the pantry that fell smack on my toes & arch! lol

  496. What a lovely give-away, Mary! Should I win, I’ll drool over the lovely projects (and
    might pick one favorite to add to my intended list), and then will give the magazines to my LNS to give one each to their favorite customers. I know I have more projects lined than I’m likely to be able to stitch in my remaining years.
    The project I’m most excited to start on (once I finish a couple in progress) is Carolyn Pearce’s “Home Sweet Home.” I’ve secured the fabric and board and also the charms/buttons/etc. listed, along with some others I couldn’t resist. I’ve not gathered the specified threads, as I intend to use what I have already accumulated unless I don’t seem to have an appropriate substitute. It should be GREAT FUN!

  497. I am working on a cushion cover using Wessex Stitchery. It consists of 25 squares all different patterns and colours. I am on square 9 so a while to go. Have just finished a fuschia from Trish Burr. Those magazines are making me drool!

  498. Looks like a great magazine.
    Right now I am working on some boarder designs (geometric) for the back of a short jacket I am sewing
    Thanks for the opportunity

  499. I’m working on a goldwork kit from Becky Hogg, her heron design – it’s beautiful but this is my first time with goldwork, I’m finding plunging the ends pretty challenging!

  500. I am working on your printed fall dish towels. Enjoying picking the colors and practicing different stitches with your stitch guide. Love that they are perfectly printed. I took them on a trip to northern California and got snowed in, which was fun, but very happy to have my stitching with me!!!
    Thank you,

  501. Anxiously waiting for my new needlepoint canvas to arrive. It’s handpainted , so there is a delay. The words are my new motto…
    ‘In My Defense there was a full moon and I was left unsupervised”.

  502. I’m working primarily on Winter Quakers by Rosewood Manor and and the Interchangeable Diamond Series – Advanced Level by Terri Bay. I want to get back to Summer Serenade by Celeste Chalasani. I enjoy trying different techniques and this magazine looks enticing. Thank you for sharing.

  503. A pair of pillow cases. This is a project that I will finish and use immediately because it is one of love. I have been thinking a lot about my great-grandmother this winter. I have several pieces of her handwork, all for her family or for her home and all amazing.

  504. I am still working on new grandsons sampler. Of course not done when he was born, but his first birthday is in April. I have high hopes, getting closer and closer! For some reason the pandemic has put a damper on my stitching. I have heard I am not alone. Starting to feel the excitement of it all again!!!! Yay

  505. Oh my, the magazine looks as appetizing as Italian food! I would love to browse even one of them – but six would be wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize. All of your shops, book and magazine reviews are great and I see your name referred to over and over again. No wonder they send you extras – it is their gain.

  506. I’m excited about starting work on a crazy quilt wall hanging for my sister. All the fabrics are pressed and all the trims sorted. I chose thread colors and some embellishments, too. Can’t wait to get started.

  507. 26221 Thistle Glen
    Lake Forest, Ca.

    I am currently working on your squiggly pillow cases. I love the blues with the yellow.

  508. I am two thirds the way through a rather large Hazel Bleomkamp crewel design – Pertinacity. I am loving doing it – she has very good instructions and I have learnt a lot. I love her colour combinations.

  509. I’m currently working on a smocked dress for my grand daughter. I’ve had this project in my stash for a few years now…waiting for a grand daughter. As the pandemic prevents “hands-on” visits with her, I feel a little closer to her by working on this project.

  510. I am enjoying the Blue Bead by Tatiana Popova right now. The colors and textures are wonderful. I am a novice and learning so much!

  511. I have always been a Lizzie Kate fan, I love her cute simple charts.
    I have a couple of Easter ones I’m anxious to start. I’m in the mist of a large cross stitch that is 200 x 300 stitches that I really want to finish.

  512. I like the multiple techniques covered by the magazine. Currently, I am doing a lot of cross-stitch, something I don’t usually do. In waiting are several pulled thread pieces that are already prepped. The needlelace projects will certainly be of interest. Thanks for sharing the opportunity to own these magazins.

  513. I discovered Blackwork during lockdown, and a wonderful online SAL, with weekly posts. I didn’t start until December, so am just finishing it up – and have already found a 2021 Blackwork SAL featuring flowers! It’s so much fun!

  514. I absolutely adore your articles. I am completely overwhelmed with all the embroidery ideas, suggestions and advice. I do not know which to begin next as I am a tad late for the 2021 sampler but seeing your brilliant one in progress I need to catch up. Have asked my husband to make two spools for each end and I have not begun it yet! That is without the excitement of the seascape, shells etc and the wheat. Now the prospect of another fabulous magazine with all the wonderful looking projects. I am an older person (late seventies) so I shall have to stay in good health as I am sure all these wonderful projects will need me to stay alive for a long time. What excitement.

  515. I am gathering supplies and floss to begin a beautiful Paula Vaughan cross-stitch piece. I’ve done several of hers, and I love them!

  516. I’m just starting a block of the month quilt that has 5 large Embroidery blocks. I am combining my embroidery with painting for the first time. So excited.

  517. Currently I am piecing together by hand individual 9” blocks for a pattern called “Alaska Rainbow” by Laundry Basket Quilts. I am on block 46 of 49 and I can’t wait to see what they look like all sewn together. I also can’t wait to start on another stitching project. My Mother taught me how to embroider when I was 6 years old and I am now 70. I treasure the gift of stitching that she gave to me and it has been a great love of mine for nearly my entire life. My fingers are itching to start some embroidery and my eye is on a crewel project or a needlepoint floral pillow stitched with wool. I end each day with 3 to 4 hours of stitching and each evening renews my love for all things stitching.

  518. I have 2 Hardanger projects going, one with cross stitch, but I design filet crochet mostly related
    to hearts an flowers. So I have about 5 designs; one started, one finished; one small heart lace, one large heart lace, 2 free stand hearts; one a bookmark, the other a lavendar sachet.

  519. Right now I am flipping between “Coming to America” a sampler and “Flanders Fields Biscornu. Both of these pieces are backed by history and are absolutely lovely and most enjoyable.

  520. I am currently going between two pieces. One is a rose garden – mostly made up of cross stitch. The other is a canvas work piece of hummingbirds. Both a bright, summery pieces to help me think warm thoughts! Thank you for the chance at the gorgeous give away

  521. I am working on 2 large projects at the moment. One is a cross stitch lap quilt, and the other is an large embroideried tablecloth. I live in southeast Missouri and haven’t seen the freezing mark for 11 days, with more snow coming. Thank goodness for embroidery.

  522. Embroidery is something I am passionate about. That there is a magazine devoted to it is both a surprise and a motivation. I hope I win so I can continue to grow. My present project is your tutor on wheat.

  523. I have just started a counted sampler which was originally stitched in about 1680 – love the historical connection as well as the intricate stitches (and short row lengths!).

  524. I just finished a Floral Swirl kit by Tanja Berlin, changing the blues to grays which is harder to do in DMC than you would think. It came out so well that I’ve started the Wild Rose in Needle Painting Embroidery by Trish Burr. It seems to be a bit harder because there is less direction but I should be able to make it come out because I did your needle painting tutorial ages ago!

  525. I am working on a gold work butterfly piece that is an online class through the RSN. I love learning new techniques.

  526. At the present I am stitching on two different Wedding Samplers. I have two grandsons being married in June and September. The Bridal Showers are usually a month or so ahead of time, and I usually present it to the Bride at that time. I have done two of them in the past two years, all different .I may have to do more in advance, and leave the names and dates blank, as I have 19 grands, which means I have a lot to go.

  527. I am finishing up last year’s Peppermint Purple blackwork stitch along and the Coming to America Sampler which I love as both my husband and I have female ancestors on it.

  528. I have putting together scrap bundles using my many scraps, bits of lace and buttons. I am putting them in a little fabric book using different stitches.

  529. I’m about to start on a table runner with Lily of the Valley. I’m from Wisconsin and moved to North Carolina a couple of years ago. I love Lily of the Valley and found out you can’t grow them in NC! I’m missing them! So, I found some outlines of the flower and plan on embroidering them on a table runner. Thank you, Linda

  530. The magazines look amazing. Italian embroidery is amazing. My project at the moment is embroidering a sampler which includes Blackwork, Assisi, Drawn and Pulled Thread, Reticella embroidery. It is fun to try different techniques.

  531. Currently, I’m helping my daughter with her first embroidery project and simultaneously working on an embroidered, wool applique table runner.

  532. I am just finishing up a card I am embroidering for out little grandson’s 1st Communion. For special occasions I embroider a card on felt and sometimes add charms and other embellishments of beads.
    In the last couple of weeks I embroidered 2 ornaments for our granddaughter who graduated from high school of her in her gown and I added nurse charms as she just became a CNA and is now working full-time. For my sister who is having a birthday soon I embroidered a Pebbles Flintstone as that’s her favorite from when she was a little girl. She has her original Pebbles doll and I wanted to create something special for her.
    When I’m done with our grandson’s card I want to make some more masks for myself to wear. I embroider pictures and put them on the masks and make my masks really unique and artsy. It’s fun for a time of pandemic! I just finished a flamingo that I’m going to attach to a mask with flamingos on the fabric.
    Life is short and I have fun creating.
    I would love to go to Italy via these magazines and experience their needlework ideas.

  533. I finished my silk-thread painting of Ecce Homo for a Christmas present, so now I’ve started that stitching everyday for 2021 until I find something exciting to pique my creativity. I love looking at this magazine website, but I cannot afford the subscription.

  534. I love magazines like Guiliano Ricama because I love reading about other forms of embroidery and lace work. I am currently working on a Jacobean pillow cover I took over for a friend who decided it was too much for her. Well, it is a challenge! I am doing stitches I have not done with previous kits (eg coral stitch, seed stitch, buttonhole stitch). I also am finding myself changing the thread colors for different flowers, leaves, etc. I have not done that before either. I am exercising artistic license!

  535. I am busy setting up pilot classes for several EGA and ANG courses to be taught at 2021 national seminars. Teachers pilot these classes to work out problems and timing, usually in person, but now held as Groups io or ZOOM classes during the shutdown. This keeps me and a lot of stitchers busy doing a variety of needlework from canvas to surface and counted. It stretches everyone to help the teacher and learn new techniques.

  536. I am in love with the Giuliana Ricama publications and have been trying to convince my husband that I need some more embroidery reading materials!! Winning them would solve the problem as then he can’t say that I am spending funds unnecessarily!!
    I am currently finishing up my “Ode to the Palette” piece from my course with Natalie Dupuis (Sew by Hand) and have three other projects on my “to start next” list – Passiflora (Jenny Aden-Christie), Trio of Alliums (Anne Brooke), and Taking my Time: Metalwork Steampunk Snail (Natalie Dupuis).

  537. I have been sourcing materials for a Jeanette Douglas sampler. It has been a bear due to the pandemic, but I am so close. Very excited to start because there is such a variety of speciality stitches.

  538. Am currently working on Mindy canvas involving water, leaves and mazes, with everything outlined in gold. It will have a dragonfly charm hovering over the water when done. Am looking forward to stitching the dress and apron for a pin doll soon.

  539. I love the griffins in the picture. I am redecorating my house to be a medieval theme, and the griffons would be a perfect addition !

  540. Hi there
    I am currently finishing up a wall hanging project that has Applique and embroidery. Looking forward to actually completing this project to hang above my bed. Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazines!

  541. I am currently working on a Lorna Bateman needle book with her garden design. I love the playfulness of her designs!

  542. Buenas tardes…
    Me encanta tu página, muy bella y con fotos fabulosas, a pesar que se muy poco de inglés trato de entender y en ultimas uso el traductor para poder aprender y leer los artículos que publicas.
    Siempre espero con entusiasmo que nuevo tema nos traes y veo con mucho interés las fotos explicativas.
    Felicitaciones por tu página y gracias por tu generosidad al compartir tus conocimientos.
    Yo vivo en Colombia y el clima aquí está bárbaro… super caliente
    Espero ser una de las ganadoras.
    Feliz semana!

  543. I would love, love, love to own these magazines!!!!
    Currently working on “Sea View” by Jo Butcher. It’s a little more difficult than I anticipated with the very long grass stitch. Next up is ” A Sea To Stitch”. I’d like to see your shells.

    Thank you Mary, your email brightens my day!

    Cindy P.

  544. I am currently researching and learning Sashiko. It is a Japanese embroidery technique they used to repair clothing but is currently experiencing a resurgence.

  545. My current project being worked in Periwinkle Fairy, designed by Di van Niekerk. I think silk ribbon is my favorite technique so I am really enjoying being able (and committed) to working on it. Seems like forever since I have finished something – I hope this changes my track record.

    And I would absolutely love to receive this new magazine ! Thanks you for making someone very happy ! ,

  546. I am working on Jenny McWhinney’s Designs (thebobbintree.com.au) of thread painted bunnies. I purchased kits for the pinwheel, scissor case, project bag & traveling workstation. This is my first attempt at thread painting & I am loving it. The bunnies are stitched on the pinwheel & scissor case. I am working on the project bag then will move on to the traveling workstation. Once all the embroidery is completed I will begin the finishing. I usually work in counted thread but wanted to try something different for a change.

  547. What I’m excited about/working on – well there are a few irons in the pot… I am working on my first Brazillian piece after completing a sampler through EGA, waiting on wool for a blending class I took online that is a planetary system, doing a bit of cross-stitch via google meet with my cousin who is states away, and looking forward to the heart you’ve shown with those voided monograms – of course if I win the magazines I’m sure the list will enlarge :o)

  548. I’m currently working on two doodle projects – one with DMC Pearl Cotton in a floral design, and one with standard embroidery floss in more of a whitework style (red thread on a leftover piece of red cotton). I’m finding that I don’t like embroidery without an end pattern – it feels too never-ending.

    When I have free hoops again, I have an embroidered Christmas stocking that is all planned out, transferred, and ready to begin, and huge sampler piece from Tatiana Popova that is both exciting and more than a bit intimidating.

  549. HelloMary, thank you for all your newsletters. I really look forward to reading them. I am currently working on the heart box top from Victoria Sampler’s Heirloom Wedding Sampler pattern for my Sister- in – law. I must like the finished design since this is the 3 rd time I am stitching it!

  550. Thank you Mary,

    I live alone, since the restrictions because of the covid I keep myself busy with embroderies. I have 3 years or Inspirations magazine that are print in my memories. Would love to have Italian inspirations to look at.

    Ginette, St-Jerome

  551. I am currently working on phase X of the Japanese Embroidery curriculum. It uses all 96 techniques of Japanese embroidery and I am really enjoying revisiting each technique and finding that, yes, I have improved from the first go around. There are a couple of techniques I haven’t done before as they are rarely used but they are fun too. I almost don’t want it to end.

  552. I am just starting Natalie Dupius’ course, The Humble Couching Stitch. Her work is beautiful and I am excited to learn from her.

  553. At the moment I am working on a project that Sue Spargo developed last year called Squash Squad. It has been a fantastic project to work on. Sue presented nine small pumpkin/squash blocks that are heavily embellished with a huge range of embroidery stitches and threads. I developed three extra blocks to make the small wall hanging 3 x 4. I am currently working on the borders. I will be sad when I have finished as it has been a fantastic journey. I have used some of your videos to learn some of the different stitches. Thank you for your great newsletters. They are a joy to read.
    I live in Australia so we are cooking down here whilst you are freezing. Keep warm and safe.
    Kerry Gadd

  554. currently I’m endeavouring to replicate my 3great grandmother’s sampler which unfortunately has been badly damaged. I’m using au ver soie silks.

  555. Stupid idea – New Years rule to finish something (UFO) before I can start something else. I don’t WANT to work on UFOs. Trying out new migraine Rx (s) so, that has not been fun either. Maybe a doodle cloth doesn’t count as a new project(?) & when I can focus again, I’ll try out some wheat or flowers or something – just need to actually DO some stitching.

  556. I am working on one of your pre-printed towels, trying out some new stitches while I am at it.

  557. I’m enjoying stitching Jenny McWhinney’s red work Partridge in a Pear Tree. It is a tiny design that could have multiple uses. As a Christmas tragic I’m sure mine will end up on my Christmas tree.

    Thanks for the opportunity to take part in this give away Mary. Stay safe.

  558. I work on several different pieces at a time. The one I’m presently enjoying is Jewel, a baby asleep under the moon which will be a birth sampler for my granddaughter who picked it out. She is 8 years old and has taken some stitches on it also.

  559. I am currently working on a rather non traditional hardanger piece, in that the fabric is definitely not even weave.
    My squares come out as diamonds and I am trying to make that a feature. I am also very much using Yvette Stanton’s book of Early Style Hardanger. I hope she doesn’t mind me using her traditional techniques for something less so. I love all types of White Work. There are not enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to try, but I certainly wouldn’t mind more inspiration in the form of those magazines!

  560. I am slowly working on Shirley the Elephant from Hazel Blomkamp and thoroughly enjoying the needlework and learning the stitches. Here it is a lovely summer day on the North Island of New Zealand

  561. Hi Mary
    Thanks for doing this giveaway. I am currently working on 3 patterns by Wolfratsen – Kaleidoscope, Masti and Rhombus, Love all of her lovely geometric designs and the gorgeous colours.
    Stay out of the cold and keep stitching!

  562. I am currently working on a beautiful dragonfly silk shading design by Anna Scott after a class at my local embroidery guild. I have learnt at lot and can’t wait to s it finished.

  563. Hi Mary,
    What gorgeous magazines!!! Total eye candy.
    I’m currently stitching a button etui designed by Denise Pratt. It is my first counted thread piece and I’m having a great time with it! Plus I will get to add lots of vintage buttons from my collection.
    Best –

  564. My latest needlework projects are 2 counted cross stitch samplers. Both are baby birth record samplers, one for a recently born grandniece and the other for my first granddaughter, due in April.

  565. I’ve finished a design for a dragon, still just working out the color scheme. I think it would be great framed next to a griffin!

  566. After Christmas I started working on replenishing my stock of Christmas ornaments, so I’ll have enough to give away this year. I’m doing Mill Hill kits this year, and I think I’ve finished ten of them since Christmas.

    But then at the start of February I began work on the Four Seasons double casket from Thistle Threads. I’ve been signed up for it since September but hadn’t started on it yet because I was finishing up some other projects in the fall. (And then I kept putting it off because I didn’t feel up to ironing the fabric, tracing the designs, and dressing the slate frame.) Now that I’ve finally started I’m having a blast. It’s a lot of fun learning the various ways one can use silk-wrapped purl!

    The casket project will take a few years to finish. I’m already planning out other things to do in between casket lessons. (The other two dozen Christmas ornaments I need to make this year will occupy a lot of those slots.)

  567. Carol,

    I love your daily emails. What a talent you are. I think I found you through Jean Farish. Stay warm!

  568. I am working on Faby Reilly’s floral calendar as a book with a floral page and a wordplay page for each month. As I am learning Italian, the wordplay and the names of the month are in Italian. It is a gorgeous project.

  569. I’m working on a vintage crewel design of a Tree of Life–an old Elsa Williams kit that has been (ahem) maturing in my stash for years and years. There is something very peaceful about plying the wool through the linen (and realizing that wool covers a multitude of sins!).

  570. Right now I’m closing in on the final part of a smoyg runner done in wools that I love. Just about four more stripes to go, so it’s exciting!

    Yesterday I marked out fabric for a Quaker ball, which I have no business whatsoever starting up; I have too many projects ongoing already, all of which are tempting. I will probably work on a book cover next — it’s already underway — but I think it might be a loss because the fabric isn’t much good. I thought I could cover it up with stitching but I suspect that I will just have to find different fabric.

  571. What a wonderful surprise this would be!

    I am working on a fabric book consisting of embroidering my drawn designs of flora of the Southeast USA. Each page is two layers, one of lawn, and the top of organza, with inked and embroidery on both layers. Each page is a different season, and I am currently finishing the fall layers.

  572. I’m finishing up a folk style embroidery design from Nancy Nicholson which is so cute. But now I want to embroider griffins!!!

    Thank you!

  573. I am working on a cross-stitch project for my son who is a PhD student at Clemson University. He is a biology major and this cross-stitch picture is a nature scene with butterflies, tree branches, and some other nature items featured. I can’t wait to finish it and take it to him. Once this project is done, I am going to start an embroidery project along with finishing a cross-stitch project my mothr had started and did not finish before she passed away.

  574. I am working on a Crewel Work Company kit – Aesops Fables, quite a challenge for a beginner, but love it.

  575. The project I am working on right now (in fact just sewed the last stitches!) is a historical design on a pouch. Based of embroidery from the Turkic areas from the 13th century.

    Lots of silk split stitch and gold couching.

  576. I currently am working on a memorial placque for friends who recently lost their beloved dachshund.

  577. Hi Mary! I have just finished a Heart for Hospice needlepoint project. I at taking a shop class currently for the first of four Christmas cottages – this one is a snow factory with a snow globe perched on the rooftop. Very clever.
    I currently get Inspirations magazine and look forward to exploring this magazine! Diana

  578. What I’m working on right now are small embroideries of people, birds, flowers, animals, objects, etc that fit into the windows of a full size cathedral windows quilt which I’m hand stitching together.

  579. I have just finished embroidering an Australian blue wren sitting on a branch of flannel flowers which are native to Australia too. This is a 21st birthday gift for one of my granddaughters. Now I must go back to the panel from the Bayeux tapestry which has to be framed up to work the Bayeux stitch.

  580. I am in a dilemma because I have just recently purchased the latest Inspirations magazine and also Marg Light’s latest book and both books are jam-packed with things I want to embroider. From Inspirations I would like to embroider the design on the front cover and in Marg’s book I would like to embroider the ‘delft’ item.

  581. My current project is teaching a family of young ladies (5 years old, 8 years old, 10 years old and 12 years old) to embroider. We have started with the basic stitches and next week will work start simple projects.

  582. I have several “current” projects (doesn’t every stitcher?), but the one that excites me the most at this particular moment is a special one for our home-away-from-home – our 8’x19′ RV. We have mounted several of my smaller needlework pieces in our camper and enjoy being surrounded by them. Currently, I’m working on a “gold” canvas piece based on Toni Gerdes’ KLIMT KIMONO. I call it my “Klimt Mini” as it is 3″x18″ in size. The trunk of the Klimt tree spans most of the height with couched gold-gimp “curly” Klimt branches. Two other motifs of the gold gimp echo the branches and are surrounded by multiple small rectangles of various sizes and threads (many in shades of gold). I eagerly await the day my Klimt Mini is finished and hanging near the door of our RV for us to enjoy as we travel the countryside or bask in the loveliness of a wooded or lake-front campground.

  583. I am excited to be starting another beautiful SRE Monogram! Di Niekirk’s book really has inspired me! As do the beautiful magazines you are gifting! They look so elegant!
    Thank you for the opportunity. Mary! Stay safe and warm!

  584. I am currently working on a Sue Spargo wool block of the month embellished with embroidery stitches. I am also working on a simple redwork picture. I am constantly doing hand embroidery. I love it!

  585. I would loveto recieve these magazines. I have been doing dragons and the griffin would make a fantastic companion piece.

  586. Hello,
    I have crocheted few white eggs and I need to embroider flowers on them. So far I did one and I should have plenty of time and finish them all by Easter.
    Best regards,

  587. Good morning Mary ‍♀️,
    Waking up to find this beautiful give-away opportunity…… oh bliss!
    I’m stitching a beautiful hexagonal sewing box using Japanese kimono silk fabrics and silk threads designed by Diane Magro from the NSW Embroiderers Guild. Diane was inspired by a 19th sewing box held in the Guild’s Collection and gave it her own touch. It’s beautiful.
    Should I be lucky enough to win (!), I would be more than happy to pay those awful postage costs!!.

  588. This magazine has me drooling! Pick me! Pick me!

    Currently I am working on your scroll-y towels for a friend, and (very slowly) learning to hem stitch.

  589. I’m excited to start the embroidered stumpwork casket from the RSN Embroidered Boxes book.

  590. I am making a cute cross stitch of a bicycle with small suitcases on the back tire rack and flowers in a basket on the front handlebars. It says” Enjoy the Ride”

    I am an avid bike rider in Texas. It is fun way to exercise. I feel free when I bike.

  591. I am currently working on embroidering a chalice pall with an image of the Sacred Heart pierced. It is part of a linen set to be given as an ordination gift. It is only cross-stitch mind, but it is on very fine linen (78 count) so that it doesn’t look quite so cross-stitchy – at least from a distance! Thank you for your generosity in offering these magazines as a giveaway!

  592. I’m working on a mini sampler of violets with a verse from Across the Sea Samplers (name not quite right). I’ve been trying to finish some of my UFOs but decided I needed a break and chose this small piece to do for it. The violets remind me of spring which I hope comes soon. I’m tired of snow storms every week

  593. My son is a beekeeper, and inspired by “The Embroidered Art of Chloe Giordano” I am working on a sketch of a queen bee that I will stitch on some lovely oatmeal colored linen that I just bought. I will add some honeycombs around it and the words “God Save” above the bee and “The Queen” below the bee. I plan to have it done in time to give it to him in the fall.

  594. I’m working on my first Jacobean project and am trying my hand at my first small blackwork project

  595. Goodness me I amreally drooling at the thought of those wonderful books ! Not too good for the embroidery though.

  596. I am planning a piece called In a Collier’s garden. This will include my grandpa in his garden where he grew vegetables for the table, and also (his one indulgence) roses.

  597. Thank you for introducing this magazine…it’s new to me and I can’t wait to check it out! The project I’m SO excited to start is my crewelwork piece for my first RSN module! We’re almost to the stitching phase and I’m so excited (but also really nervous!). I’ve never been so happy to have started something!

  598. I have been stitching on flour sack towels. Very relaxing to do and wonderful to dry the dishes with. They also cheer up the kitchen!

  599. I just finished a small linen sampler by Sheepish Designs and am working on some “Gingerbread cupcakes” Christmas ornaments by The Victoria Sampler. A small linen circle is stitched with Hardanger stitches and the embellished with buttons and beads. They are finally mounted in silicon cupcake forms to hang on the tree. Both of these have been sitting in my stash for years. It’s nice to have them see the light of day and a nice break from the next large project.

  600. Nothing at the moment, as we’re in the process of planning my daughter’s wedding. But was inspired to buy “A sea to stitch”. Seeing the photos of what you have achieved makes me look forward to a time of future stitching. We live on the coast in rural Western Australia and the sea is integral to our lives as my husband is a surfer so was wonderful to find this book. Thanks again for all the inspiration you give with your blog.

  601. I have started a 2021 sampler. Also, I am in the midst of a free form driftwood/sea debris piece. Thanks for the opportunity – those magazines look beautiful!

  602. I received a ghost beetle kit from MotherEagle and am excited to try some different stitching methods.

  603. My next project is a kit from Trish Burr. Its a single rose bud in just black, gray and white, part of her white work with color. Anxious for the work week to end so I can start.

  604. I am very new to embroidery and am excited to begin my second embroidery project, roses on a pillowcase. I started hand embroidering because I love the look of vintage hand embroidered linens.

  605. I am working on a surface embroidery sampler I designed myself to commemorate my Mother’s teaching career. She began her teaching in a one room schoolhouse in North Dakota and continued teaching for 30 years. Thanks for sharing bits of this magazine with us and your extra copies.

  606. I am finally finishing a Sesame Street quilt that I started so long ago, the original recipient probably has grandchildren by now.

  607. I am doing a major overhaul and cataloging of my needlework books, kits, and supplies. I am eager to start many kits but I probably better finish some I’ve worked on. There’s a southwestern style one with colorful pots and cacti. I really should finish that! I’m so close! But what is by my stitching chair is some pulled thread designs that are almost done. I should finish that! And so on, and so on…

  608. I’d love that magazine with my name on it!!

    Mary I’m presently finishing off a Boro table runner and after that I’ll fish out a project from my
    “projects basket”. I’ll just close my eyes and pick out one of the mesh bags in which I store each project (following your suggestion of a few years back) and I’m almost sure it will be a crewel embroidery as I have more of those on the go than any other type.

    Oh I do hope I win

  609. Have barely started an EGA Correspondence course “Desert Strands” by Becky Audrey, a 9×9 Russian drawn thread project.

  610. I am currently working on a counted cross-stitch in a folk-art style and all in one colour (just to give my brain a rest). However, I am both excited and trepidatious to start my very first Crewel project – The Mellerstain Stag from The Crewel Work Company! I do love Griffins – how wonderful they look!

  611. Previously I have done crewel and cross stitch. I have just discovered the wonderful textures available in modern canvaswork stitches (as opposed to old fashioned needlepoint) and I want to do an ambitious project. Thank you Mary for all you teach us, especially about tools and threads

  612. Right now I’m working on designing a fabric book with the pages embroidered with Bible verses and various flowers and the like to accompany each verse. I’m also designing and working on scissor sheaths.

  613. Mama Mia! Hi Mary, I am so glad that they publish the magazines in English. I just received the Spring Variety Towel Set today, so I am going to start on them tomorrow. My current project was Taxes and they are finished. Now for the fun things. Thanks Mary for the chance to win the Giuliana magazines.

  614. Super excited to start on Brian the Bee, Hazel Blomkamp’s design for the EGA, in April. I would love it to have these magazines! Thank you for the opportunity!

  615. I am currently working on 2 projects. One is long term and that would be my gold work bee (it’s about 8” inches wide and 10” inches tall) and the other is more of a “quickie” which is my paisley pattern. I actually love them both because one gives me blasts of color and the other gives me shimmer! Best of both worlds!!

  616. I just finished doing a runner in Myreschka technique with leaves. I had the fabric and design for some time but only recently (due to Covid) have I had the time to do it. I have just started a Christmas stocking for my son-in-law. I am in the process of making a cross-stitch stocking for each member of my immediate family. The goal is to have one stocking completed each year. Thank you for your website. I read it every day!

  617. At this time I am working on several projects. One is called the Pandemic. This project is huge. The other project that’s a SAL that is blackwork designed by Clare from the UK. She puts out 1 design per week and it covers all 52 weeks.

  618. I am just starting my first Jacobean crewel work – Meadow Bloom by Anna Scott. It will be a good learning experience.

  619. Great! Just what I need, another magazine to spend all my money and time on, just like the Inspirations magazine!!! 🙂

  620. I received a sugar skull pumpkin embroidery pattern from a friend at Christmas so decided to start working on it now, so for once will finish a project in advance of the holiday. Maybe I’ll start working on the mini sampler stockings next!

  621. At the moment I have just started a very sweet needlepoint scissor fob, featuring 18 century roses, in tent and double running stitch.

  622. I have started 3 new projects for 2021 so far – all of which I’m pretty obsessed with! In bobbin lace I am working on a hexagonal Bucks Point edging and am on the last side of it so almost done. For stitching I am taking part in 2 SALs: Eliza Johnson 1828 sampler coordinated by A Stitch in Time in Hobart, and the Long Time Gone Stitching BOM counted canvaswork piece from Ann-Marie Anderson-Mayes at Beautiful Stitches. I am lucky enough to be in Perth (and not currently in lockdown) so can physically attend a canvaswork class once a month to work on this piece. I am seriously obsessed with all of my 2021 projects so far and the housework / other parts of life have been decidedly abandoned lol.

  623. I’m presently working on a butterfly project to make a cover for my needle book. Hoping to be able to check out the magazine! Looks exciting!

  624. The needlework piece I’m working on is a design from Inspiration’s magazine. It features several blossoms and a pomegranate. We are in rolling power-grid disruptions (all over Texas) and I’m to warm and cozy to go find the edition number!

  625. I’m excited to get back to doing crewel, which I haven’t done in over 40 years. There are so many beautiful new yarns out and patterns!

  626. I do enjoy your website, and I learn many things from it! I am currently stitching a dollhouse rug in petit point and am about 2/3 of the way done. I am using Valdani threads. I have mounted another canvas for another rug in petit point, and it will be worked using wool.

  627. I’m working on a small blue jay which is made into a stuffed item when finished . I’m learning the arrowhead stitch for the tail feathers.

  628. Oh Nary, I have been wanting to have a look at this Magazine ever since you first mentioned that it was now available in english.

  629. A few months ago I purchased a pack of templates for sashiko embroidery, I traced them out and have been slowly making each one. I decided that I didn’t want to make them all the same, so changed the embroidery stitch to chain stitch and various colors (who knows what stitch I’ll choose next). I love it and whenever I start to have a panic attack or depression starts to eat up my life, I quickly grab my embroidery and after 15 minutes my heart rate is back to normal and I can see light at the end of the tunnel. These projects have kept me sane and able to cope with life as it happens. Thank you for this opportunity.

    1. Sorry! Forgot to say I’m finishing up a Christmas piece. I must finish this before moving on to something new.

  630. These look gorgeous!
    I am making a cute butterfly pillow cover for my niece’s birthday next month. Monarchs are her favorite right now.

  631. Since I finished my holiday presents and finally finished another holiday project for myself that I had to put on the side, I’m ready to start a crewel embroidery kit that I bought as a present to myself.

  632. The priority at the moment is “The Peace Sampler” by Emie Bishop which is destined to be a wedding present.

  633. I have re-hooped a small fish that started some time ago. The weather makes me want to finish up the projects that have been put aside.

  634. I am working on several WIPs…counted thread, mixed media , and then there is a piece with Japanese beading that needs to be worked on. I just want to keep making progress.

  635. Just finishing a quilt for my niece. I machine stitched the top, had my friendly longarm expert quilt it, machine stitched the binding to the quilt sandwich, and am now sewing the binding down by hand. Long way to go, just starting my way around. I am always amazed at how often I have to re-thread the needle!

  636. The Italian magazine looks very interesting with many suggestions of possible projects.
    I especially like the bundle of flowers shown on one of the pages. The foreign published
    magazines are always very interdating with beautiful projects. I always like them very
    much. Jean

  637. I have just prepped a year long project of making colorful wool strawberries in a different color for each month…..on each strawberry I intend to embroider a different flower that is special for that month. By the end of the year, I will have a beautiful bowl of wool strawberries…..I can’t wait!!!!

  638. Right now I am working on Phase 1 of Japanese beading taught by Cecilia Roger of Switzerland via zoom. Lots of fun!

  639. Estoy atrasada, ya que estoy haciendo un muestrario de sus Puntadas que saco en Youtube, y he descargado sus consejos sobre telas e hilos, lastimosamente en mi país de los hilos de DMC. No. 25 no pasamos, y me encantaría poder comprar las revistas de Giuliana Ricama y el Libro de Elizabetta, tengo tantos deseos de hacer la E, inicial de mi nombre, pero mi presupuesto no es para esa clase de revistas, demasiado caro para mi, a si que seguiré viendo su blog, muchas gracias por compartir y enseñar. Bendiciones. Feliz frío y costura.

  640. I purchased the book “A sea to stitch” after seeing it on your website. I fell in love with the seashell designs and I am planning multiple projects using the seashells to decorate my bedroom and bathroom, already boasting a seashell decor! I will stitch a tissue box cover with my initial M and shells on one side and scatter more shells across each panel and the spread the ropes and swirls from each panel across the top. I plan to use shells from my collection to get the most natural colors that will blend with my draperies and bedspread and pillows, etc! I can’t wait to start!

  641. I have a long term crazy quilt project. Plus I am working on some applique quilting where I will be incorporating some stitching to embellish.

  642. I know it’s not polite to drool, but in the privacy of my home, was very close to needing a tissue whilst browsing through your article on Giuliana Ricama. The standout for me was the griffins. It will be only the 2nd time I will stitch more than one of a particular design. The other was a wonderful dragon that I spent 100’s of hours stitching on silk for my very special grandson, but ended up wanting to keep it! and so began almost immediately on a second for myself. Finished, framed, hung and loved, but now sadly in storage, I do miss him! Our life has gone into limbo, with a serious cancer diagnosis for my husband amidst planning the big downsize. I find that stitching is the thing that helps calm and sooth me when we hit the too frequent rough rides right now. It must be to do with my fascination of mythical creatures, I now literally yearn to create my very own griffin (or 2!) that could grace the wall of our wee annexe while dragon is ‘resting’.

  643. I am very interested in Italian needlework ever since I took a class in Castelguidi at an EGA Seminar awhile ago. I started learning as much as I could about it, but not much was being published in the US about it.
    Now, with this new Magazine, I am encouraged that there will be more sent here. I greatly treasure the Magazine and hope to get the copies from you.
    Nancy Shelton

  644. I just started stitching on paper. I am actually stitching in the center of some beautiful spring paper plates. They are really pretty.

  645. Thanks for the giveaway! My current project is in the imagination stage. I just used a Christmas gift card toward a set of Inktense pencils. I am just dreaming as to what type of needlework project will be best. I want to create a background on the fabric and then stitch a foreground design. Mary, you always keep me inspired and dreaming!

  646. I absolutely love this magazine you are giving away!!! It is so hard t find here in the USA. Thank you for providing this opportunity.

    In addition, I regularly read your posts and love all that you do for the needleworkers. Thanks!

  647. I’m working on Mary’s wheat tutorial. Trying to learn my first bullion stitch. Working on scrap fabric till I get the hang of it.

  648. I am gathering supplies to try out your little needle book from the Lavender-Honey-Things e-book. I’m very excited to dip my toes into embroidery. I’m working to retire in a couple years and and trying to decide on just a couple of hobbies with time to dedicate to building skills. I’ve embroidered haphazardly sine I was a kid. I was the blue jean decorator in our little hippie group 🙂

    Thank you for all that you share. I am greatly inspired by your blog.

    Those magazines look divine- a very special giveaway!

  649. The needlework project I am working on now is actually a rotation of Rosewood Manor’s Spring Quaker, Summer Quaker, Autumn Quaker’ and Winter Quaker. I have been working on these for a few years but have decided I would spend much more time with them this year. Every month I will switch out which one I am working on. So far this is working for me, seeing much more stitching progress these first two months.

  650. I am working on my first silk shading, a kit from Laurelin Designs in the UK. But I’m REALLY EXCITED (sorry) about ‘The Stumpwork Goldwork and Surface Embroidery Beetle Collection’ by Jane Nicholas, which arrived today. Amazing ideas!

  651. Right now I am attempting an Elizabethan style design in silk threads on a black background. The design features New Zealand flora and fauna [Kowhai] with one of our small indigenous lizards [Turatara] and a Tui [Bird]. It will have needle weaving, braid stitches in a copper thread, and gold thread outlines. It will challenge me visually and my patience but am looking forward to this extended embroidery experience. I am a pensioner living in a lifestyle village in Auckland NZ .

  652. Believe it or not, I am beginning to embroider a vintage linen tablecloth with wheat and your wheat posts couldn’t be more timely. They are wonderful to see and learn how to embroider. Thank you!

    The magazines look wonderful and would be a treasure to browse through, especially with this very cold and dreary weather we’re having.

  653. I love all of your beautiful work. Not sure if I will ever get to your level, but I am trying.

  654. I am working on two projects at this time. I am doing a cross stitch picture off my husbands mother. Only because I love him very much. I am also working on a thread painting of roses, which I have to admit, I am enjoying a lot more..

  655. I made some large hexagons for a centerpiece for my dining room table and am embroidering flora on each one with delicate colors. Beautiful.

  656. Hello. I am currently working on the Lady Anne’s Flowers kit from the Crewel Work Company and enjoying it immensely. I love the deep colors and the soft fluffiness of the wool. Thank you, Mary, for the opportunity to win these magazines.

  657. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?

    Still working on the first of a set of pillowcases. Bu I’m close enough to finishing the 1st one that I’m eager to begin the second one. It should go much faster since I can copy colors from the first one. HALELUJAH!

  658. I’m working on a chatelaine from a class by Susan O’Conner of AU. Took it about 3 years ago and am determined to finish this year.

  659. I love reading your newsletters Mary even though I am very inexperienced as an embroiderer. I learn so many fascinating things from your posts. I am currently stitching a traveller’s blanket following online classes with Dijanne Cevaal and I am also enjoying experimenting with new stitches thanks to Sharon Boggon and TAST. The Italian embroidery magazines look fantastic.

  660. In planning stage for next blackwork. Wondering about skipping that and going straight for a griffin just survived 2days plus without electricity and heat during ice storm, rare in Portland Oregon area

  661. I’m doing something on canvas at the moment. Right now, it is canvas stitches on the main panel with embroidered stuff on top, with couched thread-wrapping and cord-making. The left panel is currently similar but the right is mostly couching and embroidery right now, while what I’ve done of the top is just bullion knots. I have no idea what I’m going to do about the bottom yet. It’s mostly ‘proper’ threads, but not entirely … there’s a bit of twine from a sauce bottle I used as the base of a tree (you can’t see the twine) and some yarn I couched down on the right panel. I don’t know what that is – knitting yarn of some kind, I assume, probably from my grandmother. Not sure if the main panel is finished, but the rest has a long ways to go, though the panels are pretty skinny.

    It’s warmed up here so now it is just miserable and wet. Also, we got the boiler fixed yesterday just as the cold spell ended. (Not cold like PA does cold, but cold for here.)

  662. The next project I’m looking forward to is the Wedding Sampler I’m going to do for my nephew and his bride using their wedding color’s.
    LA from NZ

  663. I am about to embark on a wonderful Australian project embroidering a possum hanging from a flowering Eucalyptus tree. I just love combining embroidery with our weird and wonderful flora and fauna. The excitement of discovering an embroidery magazine from a far away place is intangible. Thank you for this opportunity.

  664. What a nice way to end a full day of training via Zoom meeting! I saved your email until tonight so I could relax and enjoy it. Ah, Italy….thank you for the reminder of sunny Italy. I was supposed to go there last year until COVID scuttled those plans. But staying home has allowed me more time to explore embroidery. Thank you for brightening my day with your brief description of the magazine Giuliana Ricama. Stay warm.

  665. I just rediscovered the metal thread I bought when I travelled Tiawan back in 2008. I visited a leading thread guru while I was there and he didn’t speak a word of English and unfortunately I did speak his language either. I went back for 4 days in a row and watched him pad his work and then embroider – I was enthralled with his couching stitch. I managed to buy red, blue and gold thread. He showed me how to break a chopstick and insert it into a plastic bobin to roll the thread. It is amazing how you can “talk” to each other through the medium of art and not have to use words. Needless to say I am now thrilled to try my hand at this new form of embroidery (for me).

  666. Since I didn’t have any UFOs (rolling on the floor laughing), I let my sister talk me into signing up for Sue Spargo’s 2021 block of the month “lite” project. It’s wool appliqué with lots of embroidery embellishment – I’ve just done my first 75 bullion stitches!

  667. We are having rolling power outages here.
    Just heard from ONG that gas pipelines in Kansas are frozen! Just can’t get settled down. Will try some ancient UFO tomorrow maybe.

  668. I am currently looking for inspiration for my next project. I have both the sea book and the wheat book but can’t decide which project would be best. I want something smallish but colorful because I feel I could use some color in my life right now.

  669. Thanks so much for doing this giveaway.

    I just finished today my first biscornu. I wasn’t sure how I’d do stitching it together but it all worked out well and I’m very pleased. It’s such a cute, perky little thing. It was something new, as I’m trying to keep my brain active during these locked down times and to keep learning new skills.

    Not sure what I’m going to stitch now, perhaps an old, OOP Rainforest afghan pattern. It’s got bright, tropical colours in it, good for this time of year when everything is kind of drab and grey.

  670. Hello Mary :
    I am writing from British Columbia Canada where we have just passed thru the extreme cold weather (-minus the snow) you are experiencing now. I feel for you Mary. At present I am embroidering a beautiful picture of a lady in a long white dress. Flowing from the waist of the dress are multi-colored flowers (the dress is outlined in blue ).Her hair strands consist of long flowing multi- colored flowers also–her one arm is extending upward holding outward a bouquet of wild flowers while the other arm extends outward behind her also holding a smaller bouquet of wild flowers. I have chosen pinks, oranges, yellows and purples for the flowers. When complete it will be framed and hung in our guest bedroom. This is the largest project for me to date but am really enjoying being able to use many of the stitches you have generously shared with us !
    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter this contest.
    Keep warm & Stay Safe.

  671. I am excited to start on a new embroidery adventure with a stitch journal, trying out new stitches and formats.

  672. Hi Mary,
    I am currently doing a Blackwork SAL, which is a new technique for me, and really enjoying it. The patterns created each week are beautiful, and so far each one looks quite different. I am also starting a set of animal embroideries in crewel work, which should be a lot of fun, as well as a learning experience. The Italian griffins look gorgeous, and just what I need to add to my life.

  673. At this time I am working on several samplers and several quilts. One of which is applique. I have recently became intrigued with reproduction samplers. It is amazing what those young girls could do.

  674. I am currently trying to make progress on a fine whitework design by Jenny Adin-Christie called Cornfield- it’s a challenge! But I figure any progress is better than none.

  675. excited to hear about this magazine, Beautiful patterns! Next I am working on architectural embroidery and interior designs

  676. I am currently working on a small crewel embroidery sampler to share with my EGA chapter and learning a new hardanger stitch for a sweet doily. And several ufos are waiting in the wings!!

  677. I’m finishing up a series of “pages” of handwork techniques; quilting, whitework, blackwork, embroidery, counted cross stitch, sashiko and more. The pages will be made into a cloth book. It’s important to me that handwork continues to inspire future generations.

  678. I am crazy excited about a slow stitching background, crazy patchwork inspired piece, which I believe will have dimensional flowers of various materials, which was going to be an iPad case but I have now decided to make myself a handbag. This piece continues to morph and bring unexpected delight. As I’ve never attempted to do anything like this before I would love to receive these magazines to gain even more inspiration from. I believe a Griffin might feel right at home on my piece.
    Thank you for so much inspiration and encouragement

  679. I just finished a blackwork “Study in Pistachio” from Peppermint Purple and trying my first stitch-a-long. I’m really enjoying this. Now looking at a mini Mackintosh Rose with blackwork and Cross Stitch. I love learning and practicing new techniques

  680. Oh dear, I’m working hard (infrequently) on a big cross stitch sampler project from (Long Dog Samplers), I have a very small corner to finish – which I will do – but I have currently lost my mojo to work on it. The images of griffin’s you have just shown me are very, very tempting, so if I was to be lucky enough to win I think I might just have to do a little griffin picture.

  681. I’m currently between big projects… having a hard time deciding what to start.. so in the mean time I’m working on a 15 sided biscornu as an SAL with my embroidery guild, we’re doing 1 side a week,(2″square) which is just a little bit of stitching 🙂 and it’s fun seeing the adaptations everyone is making, none of them are identical 🙂

  682. I’m currently working (with a team) on a Bayeux-style ‘tapestry’ for the city museum to display when they open the Keep as a 12th century palace..! Enjoying working with others and I’m about to join together two of the panels, so that the ‘join’ can be embroidered over by one of the team members.

  683. Please to win six latest issues of Giuliana Ricama

    Elizabeth Nolfe
    17 Stoughton Drive
    Ticonderoga. NY 12883

  684. six latest issues of Giuliana Ricama to win please
    Elizabeth Nolfe
    17 Stoughton Drive
    Ticonderoga. NY 12883
    I am working on an owl needlepoint canvas by Elizabeth Turner now the Meredith Collected

  685. I just finished Mariner’s Compass a virtual class by Cynthia Jackson. It was wonderful. i am now working on a previously started project of Janet Zickler Casey call Witches Hat.

  686. Inspirations and Piecework have always been favored magazines for me. This looks like one that could join that group. Thank you for sharing information about it. I am making a reproduction of a christening gown that was made for my grandfather and worn by his children and great grandchildren for one of the great great grandchildren.

  687. Currently, I am only doing cross stitch but I am retiring in June. As a young girl, I was taught how to do embroidery and would embellish my clothes and any fabric I could get my hands on. The plan is to return to my love of needlework when the pace slows down and my time is my own.

  688. I am getting ready to monogram some white linen napkins using white floche. I’m using your ebook for the font. That’s a great ebook and I’ve used it numerous times since I downloaded it! Thanks!

  689. Right now, I’m working on assorted smalls, but the project that has me REALLY excited are the two I signed up for as part of the Royal School of Needlework’s 2021 International Summer School. I wanted to attend when they planned to come to Kentucky last year, but COVID caused it to be cancelled. I couldn’t afford to sign up 3 years ago.

  690. I’m working on Victoria Samplers Pumpkin Patch Farm. I don’t have many fall pieces and love this one.

  691. I’m working a counted cross stitch with very tiny spacing. It is a beautiful pink flower. Need magnifying glasses.

  692. I make a pincushion: Down- and upside 2 octagons, connected with 16 squares. It’s a cross-stitch-work.

  693. I am continuing to work on my late mother’s candlewicking project and have been inspired by some of your posts to add my own embellishments to it. Hope you are safe and warm!

  694. I’m working on the first assignment of the EGA máster in craftsmanship in Needlework design. I’ve already made the design and I just started with the embroidery itself in goldwork. Will see how it goes! I’m really excited about it

  695. Mary, you will be proud of me—I’m working on my PhD! One of my lace designs was giving me fits so I rebooted by searching in my bin of “Projects Half Done”. Marie Campbell’s “Garden Path” was near the top of the pile, a charming bead embroidered name tag. Ah—instant gratification & I can hardly wait to finish!

  696. I am working on a Wendy Williams quilt called Hooterville. It’s wool appliqué with lots of embroidery. It has lots of owls, birds, flowers and leaves. I love working on wool because it feels so great and doesn’t require a hoop. It’s also very portable. I use the stitches from your ebooks and blog to embellish the wool. Love your website — it’s such a wealth of information and inspiration.

  697. I have seen some wonderful crewelwork recently, and have fallen in love with the design textures, and the materials. I am a complete beginner but I am excited about learning! Meanwhile, a cross-stitch map is consuming me…

  698. Right now I’m working on a counted cross stitch piece from the Avlea site that is full of geometric shapes. It will be a small table runner in my living room. I’m enjoying it so much because I just got finished with a rather complicated piece and I need some down time!

  699. I am currently working on collage/tapestry of goblins. As you can see above my name is the english version of Dolci and I would love to follow the sweet way of these magazines.

  700. I just finished a padded goldwork acorn!! It’s my first time working with gold and with felt padding – so cute and fun! I think I’ll turn it into a pin cushion.

  701. My son and future daughter-in-law have asked me to make their chuppah for their wedding. It is a combination of surface and silk ribbon embroidery.

  702. I am working on the Gold Embroidery/Silk Shading course with the RSN and a Raymond Crawford Broadway needlepoint piece of South Pacific.

  703. Hi Mary,

    I received a set of your tea towels (spring variety) yesterday. I’m looking forward to start them today – a breath of spring during this cold winter.


    Marion McCann

  704. I am working on embroidering a swan on the pocket of a dress for my little Canadian niece. For her first birthday. Looking forward to the day I can be with her in person, pouring my love into it while I stitch.

  705. I love reading your articles. I am working on a series of embroidery and bead work pictures for my bedroom which I just redecorated. I hope to do six, one for each of my grandchildren to inherit.

  706. I have been working off and on for about 3 years on a wall art piece. It has a lady in the middle that I appliqued a necklace on to her and and her headpiece and a flower I made of ribbon and appliqued it. I pick up ribbon and lace and add color to the piece and appliqued things I bought at quilt shows along the way. It is original and I could quit any time but haven’t so far but I think it is time to conclude. I have embroidery and beads and anything that catches my fancy. It has been fun and relaxing . The Griffin you showed is beautiful and so colorful. Thanks for the opportunity today. Best wishes and good luck to someone.

  707. What an inspiration! I am currently doing a beach scene to keep warm. I copied it from an old watercolor textbook but it is easy really. Colorful, warm…

  708. My next project is a small cross stitch kit. It is a cover for you to put your small embroidery scissors in. I can see more than one of these in my future as I have a pair of scissors in with each project I have on the go!

  709. Right now I’m working on Mary’s tulips and tweets, the 2021 stitch fun sampler, and a Christmas scene Torchon “Cristal” by Les Brodeuses Parisiennes, the latter a devilishly difficult counted crossstitch.

  710. Right now I’m working on Mary’s tulips and tweets, the 2021 stitch fun sampler, a Christmas scene Torchon “Cristal” by Les Brodeuses Parisiennes, the latter a devilishly difficult counted crossstitch. Also Mary’s the needle painting sampler.

  711. Have written family memories and currently trying to create a specific binding for my project. Would like to include some Hardanger or thread paintings I have accumulated over the years. Wish me luck ! Could I find suggestions in the magasines you offer as a give-away…

  712. Working on pilot class project for future EGA National Seminar. Sometimes the challenge is to actually read the instructions and look at the photos to catch any errors or problems. The simple part is say how thread and other supplies were used. The hardest part for me is the assembly or sewing part!!

  713. I’m currently working on Kurdy Biggs Elegance Cubed. I’m almost done the beading. I’m also working another ornament on the same fabric so as to not waste it and have 4 of the 6 frames done.

  714. My current project is a collaboration between me and my grandson. We eat dinner together every Sunday. We freehanded a great portrait of my daughter, grandson, me and the dog onto a round hoop. Around us is the title “Sunday Evening Supper Club. “ my job to stitch it to hang in their kitchen.

  715. These are beautiful magazines anyone would be happy to own. I have been keeping up with your wheat blog and following along with some stitching also. I am also embroidering some cute lady bug tea towels and a couple of hand towels for Easter. I usually am working on 2-3 projects at a time. Your blog has taught me many new stitches for which I thank you.

  716. I’m currently working on two projects for people I love. One is a floral wool applique/embroidered table runner for my dear daughter currently living in LA (far away from me in FL). She always appreciates, and often asks for, my creations.

    The second project is a pair of monogramed pillow cases for my nephew’s wedding. He is a professional soccer player with the New England Revolution so I have created a design with subtle soccer balls in a Celtic design with their initials (two S’s) on either side.

  717. I’m excited to start work on a fused quilt to use as a background to some of my wool applique, embroidery and punch needle items. I saw the technique in an art quilt book last week and now I can’t wait to try it. But I’m forcing myself to finish my Valentine’s applique (I know – so very late!) before starting anything new.

  718. I love your website and all the help i get. I’m a beginner but Im’ very unsure of myself. I have a plan to purchase your snowflake designs which are beautiful!

  719. I never win anything but i’m going to keep trying here. I really enjoy being here. I have saved all the newsletters in a file to reference over and over. Thank you.

  720. I’m just starting a basic crazy quilt class online with ShawklDesigns (BCQC-101). It’s a free class and I’m excited to begin the embroidery stitches and embellishments!

  721. I am working on two projects one is a lap quilt different butterflies 2 embroidery. The second one is a pair of pillowcases that have butterflies on them.

  722. I am currently working on a Trish Burr design that will enhance a needle case that I am making.
    Next will be a monogram from A Sea to Stitch.

    Linda from Nova Scotia

  723. Oh My, that would be wonderful to find them in my mailbox. I am working on Captured by Flora, Designed by Tatiana Popova. It is a car with large Crewel flowers around it.

  724. Those magazines look so neat! I’m a-good-portion Italian (specifically Sicilian) so it’s especially cool to think about learning a bit more about the current embroidery tradition from Italy. I’m currently working on some linen bookmarks as gifts for some best friends, with their state flower and initials on them! This is my first ‘real’ embroidery project so I’m a very new very baby stitcher but I’m having so much fun!

  725. Currently I am alternating between “Spring Logs” by Kathy Rees of Needle Delights Originals and “Ann Morison c. 1830” from Hands Across the Sea Samplers. The “Spring Logs” is being stitched along with several members of my local ANG chapter. “Ann Morison “ is a stitch-a-long with Traditional Stitches. I have never participated in a stitch-a-long before but I’m happy to say that I been able to finish the first three parts on time.

  726. I just purchased my first online pattern. It’s called ” Allotment a Bird’s Eye View. It’s a charming community garden scene that I am starting today. My ‘Covid garden project’ .

  727. I am presently working on your The Leafy Tree. This I my first venture into embroidery in a long time and is building my confidence to carry on with embroidery.

  728. I’m working on three wool Blocks of the month, one is wool on linen. Both have many embroidery stitches and I keep adding more. Just can’t help myself. I look forward to my mail hoping it has my latest kit.

  729. I have a number of things I’m working on at the minute, like most embroiders I expect. I’m a member of the Guild here in South Australia and we have an exhibition coming up which all members can exhibit their work in. I’m working towards as really hope I get it finished in time a stumpwork piece by Alison Cole. I’m also working towards achieving a certificate in embroidery with any fabric perforated techniques. I’m learning so much and I love drawn thread work and cut work and all the variations that go with it; i.e. Hardanger, Reticella and many others. I’m really hoping Giuliana Ricama has some cool ideas for projects.

  730. I am currently working a piece called Peacock and Pomegranates and having great fun with it. I have done all the foliage in silk and now I am doing the bird entirely in metallics and it is coming out spectacular!

  731. I am excited to try thread painting! I have a large stash of embroidery thread given to me as a gift from a friend clearing out an estate. It’s time to take my embroidery to another level!!

  732. I am working on the next SNAD challenge, “When this you see, remember me.”

    It has wheat and forget me nots. It’s a difficult challenge for me because it has bling. Right now I’m struggling with the background fabric.

  733. My on-going project is hexies forever – it seems. I keep finding wonderful combinations of colors and prints. I guess I don’t want to do too many of the same thing in a row, but I kind of have quite a few different combinations for coasters. How did that happen? I’m still wanting to get going on the beaded stocking ornaments, but the sea themed monograms from A Sea to Stitch are calling me forward to the warmer seasons.

  734. I’m working on a cross stitch SAL – kind of! I have technically finished the piece but decided to add a drawn thread surround which is taking a long time. Worth it though! I have long wished I could afford to subscribe to this magazine, it’s so expensive to have it shipped here. Thank you for another lovely giveaway!

  735. I’m embroidering kurti with beads and sparcle stones with aari work and another project on my hand has hand embroidery with ribbon work . enjoying …

  736. Currently working on Doorway from WitchyKitt Designs. Its a Hobbit inspired design that appeals to my fondness of Tolkien’s Middle Earth tales.

  737. I’m embroidering kurti with beads and sparcle stones with aari work and another project on my hand has hand embroidery with ribbon work . enjoying …
    I’m conducting classes for girls and ladies and teaching crewel embroidery, embroidery art with aari,zardosi, ribbon and crochet and sewing since 15years .
    Awaiting for new projects

  738. Right now I’m finishing up some UFOs. I needed something easy to work on when I have some (very little) down time while helping with my grandchildren. It’s always a great feeling to get UFOs off the to-do list!

  739. I’m working on a very three dimensional piece which is a hand painted canvas. It will have dragonfly wings cut out of copper mesh wire. A first time attempt but I’m excited to try this new technique.

  740. I am working on a mystery sampler on linen with a variety of stitches: hardanger, bargello, pulled thread, cross stitch, eyelets, satin stitches. We’re receiving two lessons per month, so I’m not sure how much further we have to go.

  741. My hubby grew up in Africa & is having a milestone birthday, I am stitching a pictorial map of Tanzania, with all the animals and places of significance to his childhood. I am stitching this on 40 count linen and the colour is called “Safari”. My inspiration came from an old spot sampler.

  742. I love crewel embroidery. I am working on a crewel project from Tapis-Tree. It’s six bunnies to along with her two large rabbits. Next I will be working on a crewel Feather pillow from The Crewel Company in England. I love the texture of the different stitches and the rich colors of crewel.

  743. In response to your question “What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on”? I’m getting ready to start a free form/sampler project on my new, beautiful Hardwicke Manor Hoop!

  744. Currently I am working on two different projects. One is in beading and this is for a gift. The other is a needlepoint from MyBeautifulStitches. I signed up for this project through ANG and was very excited to start it. Lots of bright beautiful colors. Colorful projects always catch my eye and reach out to me for stitching.

  745. I have just rediscovered embroidery that my mother taught me as a child. I’m working on a shamrock decoration on a dress for my one year old granddaughter! I’d love to look through the Giuliana Ricama magazines. If they’re half as inspiring as Needle N Thread, it’ll be exciting.

  746. Right now I am working on a replica of a classic Romanian peasant blouse from a famous collection by Elisa Bratianu. It is worked with a dark red silk thread on 40 count linen. I first worked a version of this when I was 14, after seeing a fuzzy black and white photo in a book from the library. Then I did it with DMC on unbleached muslin (only $.33 a yard!) and not knowing any better, used twisted chain and laisy daisy. A few years ago I got to meet with Ioana Corduneanu, who has totally reinvigorated the embroidering of blouses in Romania, and consulted with her on which should have been the correct stitches. This project has been a long time in the conception (I am now 66), but I am just as excited about it now as I was when I was 14.

  747. I’m working on a pelican picture, based on the wonderful paintings by Sister Concepta Lynch in the Oratory of the Sacred Heart in Dun Laoghaire, just outside Dublin in Ireland. It will be part (if it’s good enough) of an exhibition of work at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, based on the 19th Century Celtic Revival in the UK.

  748. I am currently working on the Jacobean Stag from The Crewel Work Company. I really enjoy doing Crewel, especially Jacobean. I would be thrilled to win this prize.

  749. Thank you Mary for such a great opportunity.

    I am currently working on a goldwork piece for my brother & sister-in-law’s golden wedding anniversary. I have not done much goldwork, but rapidly falling in love with the style.

  750. I’m excited to start working on a set of Harry Potter bookmarks using cross-stich technique. I also have a large stack of tea towels that I’m going to personalize as house-warming gifts for a number of friends.

  751. After a few years of not doing very much needlework, my goal is to get back into trying different types of needlework during the year. I’m ripping out a project that was not feeling the love. It’s 16-inch square fabric, so I want to use it for something else. I’m working on a daily project, which is charting the high temperature for the day. It’s 15 minutes a day, and a nice way to wind down at the end of the day, even if there isn’t time for other needlework. I’m also working on a couple of WIPs – from more years ago than I can remember!

  752. Beautiful Patterns.. Right now ,I’m between projects, & doing a small Crosstitch project (shhhhhsh ,just need a little variation)

  753. I’m excited about finishing my French General Sampler it came with 5 Cosmos skeins. I started the sampler in the early 2018 winter and I hope to finish this sampler by the end of March. The reason why it is taking so long to finish this sampler is that: I embroider only in the evening and some evenings I am too tired to do anything. I have enjoyed stitching with only five colors. Deciding what colors look best together is a challenge and it is fun for me to try out different color combinations. I also enjoy trying out new stitches on this sampler. I am looking forward to finishing this sampler and then framing it and hanging it up on a wall in my house.

  754. I just finished (& framed) Trish Burr’s Black & white with color “Kat”.
    It is soooo beautiful.

  755. It’s been several years since I’ve purchases a needlework magazine and I miss them! As for what I’m working on right now – today I was drawing up my plan for adding embroidery to my latest fabric landscape and I’m dreaming about getting my cataracts fixed (two weeks!!) so I can see well enough to cross stitch some little Christmas designs to make advent calendars for my grandsons.

  756. Hi there….not working on anything right now.
    Just haven’t felt like stitching for awhile….I need some motivation!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win

  757. We have been looking at images of a frozen America. These magazines would be perfect for a frozen day or in my case a day so hot indoors is the best place to be.

  758. After six months or so of learning stitches and following others’ beautiful designs, like your amazing tree, I am so excited to try my hand at creating a design. The first is a butterfly done in rainbow colors; the second is a grouping of sanderlings, little birds that scurry around on our Oregon beaches. The butterfly is almost complete, but the sanderlings are a challenge. I have embroidered three of them on throw-away fabric so I can work out the proper stiches and colors. I am getting closer to something I think I will be happy with in the next three iterations. I visit your site all the time. I’ve purchased two of your designs and following your instructions has been so beneficial in helping me get past beginner blues, to joyous intermediate. Thank you!

  759. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on? I am currently embroidering a doodle note that my granddaughter made for me. I plan to make it into a bookmark. And I am trying to finish a Biscornu pincushion and I want to do the wheat but with hundreds of embroidery thread I don’t have the the two varigated ones I need and I would love to make one of the key fobs pictured in the Giuliana Ricama magazine. They look like lots of fun. And many other projects. Thank You.

  760. Hi Mary! It’s currently 9 degrees Fahrenheit where I am in Ohio, and I understand why you are staying inside and working on your embroidery! Right now I am working on a collapsible ort box with some of my fellow EGA local guild members, and I have one more of your Festive Fall dishtowels that I am finishing. I have also been busy knitting away on a pair of woolen socks which should feel pretty good on my feet with our weather currently! I LOVE the Giuliana Ricama magazines and would be so very pleased to have some to peruse with a nice cup of tea while the weather is so frigid outside.

  761. I would like to attempt one of the beautiful projects from the book A Fine Tradition. I would also like to attempt the three dimensional poppy in the latest Inspirations magazine.

    1. I’m doing a lot of cross stitch right now. Just finished a country cottage needleworks winter house.

  762. I am currently working on “Once in a Blue Moon” designed by Heather Lynn Gitlin from the September 2020 issue of EGA’s Needle Arts magazine.

  763. The crewel needlework I’m most excited to get started on is a project I started about 20 years ago and want to finish this year. I have a renewed interest in crewel needlework and this is the time to get that project finished!

  764. I have just started an Italian counted work – Catherine de’ Medici or punto madama embroidery – and am finding it a fascinating change as it uses an open weave linen and thicker cotton thread. The result is a somewhat naive or rough looking pattern which I think looks quite modern. This has sparked an interest in specific Italian embroidery and I am keen to explore more of their embroidery techniques. This is the first time I have heard of this magazine so will certainly look to obtain copies.

  765. I’m still working on a monochrome pandemic stitch that wanted to be completed a month ago. Lined up and waiting is one of the gorgeous Chatelaine mandalas, Desert; the colors call and taunt me. I do have several issues of Inspirations and Giuliana ricama calling with fabulous projects, too. There is no shortage of project line-up here, so many fun choices… Stay warm and well!

  766. I’m working on several projects: a work bag adorned with too many shisha mirrors (I was overly ambitious). A crewelwork kit for a pillow cover for a small bench and a practice sampler. I like the variety.

  767. I am working on a gift for my sister. She and dad use to have a saying “Good Morning Glory ” it was a contest between them to see who said it first. I am working on the letter O intwined with blue morning glories. This will go into a wall hanging sized crazy quilt. I still have a lot to do, but it is under way.

  768. Hi Mary,
    I’m currently working on some dish towels with simple designs and stitches. So easy to pick up and stitch; not much thinking involved. I’m looking forward to starting a small little wool lamb from Laura Wasilowski at Artfabrik. It’s the first time I’ve ordered her hand dyed threads and they are lovely! I can’t wait to start using them.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  769. I am currently working on several pieces of embroidery that will be made into doll clothing. I have drawn my own designs and transferred and now am having great fun doing the embroider. Because the designs are small I am always challenging myself to work different stitches into my designs despite the small elements.

  770. Using surface embroidery and needlepoint techniques I am stitching a canvas of three animals and there umbrellas. I have changed some if the colours so that it will be a much brighter piece- purple elephant rather than dignified grey. I love the colours and the mixed media, glorious fibres. It makes me smile just thinking of it.

  771. Yes, it’s cold here as well! I’m working on a free form forest floor piece, I’m putting together the background from hand-dyed fabrics and the embroidery work will go on top. I’m happy to have a project calling to me right now, as the pandemic has been a real downer for creative interests.

  772. I’ve just begun a crewel piece featuring fuchsias. I love doing crewel because it works up more quickly than cross stitch. Not that I don’t like cross stitch—-that will be the next project after the crewel piece.

  773. I’m about to start on a Hardanger piece celebrating the arrival of my beautiful grand niece two weeks ago.
    Grandma will arrange for the framing and Great Grandma will witness the giving. Five years I made the happy parents two tiny Hardanger pincushions as ring pillows and a large Hardanger Wedding Sampler as a wedding gift.

  774. I am working on a candle screen from Trish Burr, and am very pleasantly surprised at the quantity and variety of stitches and thread combinations. Who said that a ‘old stitcher’ cant learn new techniques?

  775. I have never seen the magazine’s here in New Zealand, but just looking at the covers and checking them on line they look amazing.

  776. I am halfway through Georgina Bellamy’s Turtle, Jewel of the Sea. It’s a change from the usual type of embroidery I do. Nicely presented kit, clear instructions and very enjoyable project. It’s a very sweet little turtle.

  777. I finally have some time to work on the floral towel set I ordered from you some time back!! Maybe I’ll have them finished to give as gifts soon 🙂

  778. I’m learning Inkscape so I can design a scroll pattern to embroider on a t-shirt my mom gave me for my birthday. I’ve got some Coloris thread and plan to use mostly stem stitch. I’ve only played with Inkscape a little so far, but I love how easy it is to make beautiful curly designs.

  779. Mary, I want to take this opportunity to not only enter the giveaway, but to also thank you for your expert guidance in all things embroidery! I could not have mastered the French knot without your training video! I currently want to learn counted cross-stitch, and I know it is more than just making little x’s. Do you have a recommendation for a good instructional book? I will be doing some searching on your blog after I leave this comment, and will also check your affiliate pages. Thanks again!

  780. I am stitching up some heart sachets for small Valentine gifts. They will be late due to unforeseen circumstances that kept me away from stitching. I have decided to declare February as Valentines MONTH! I hope my friends will still enjoy them, even though they may be given around Presidents’ Day.

    Sending warm good wishes to you, Mary. You are always an inspiration – thank you.

  781. Thank you. I love the Italian magazines with English translations. I especially love and have done Punto Antico stitching. I’ll have to subscribe to this series.
    Stay safe and warm!

  782. I have just received The Owl and the Pussycat from Jenny Adin Christie and I am so looking forward to starting it.

  783. I am currently working on a very complicated cross stitch pattern for my second granddaughter. It’s a Christmas stocking that I started in January 2020 that, despite my best efforts, didn’t get completed for her first Christmas. I’m determined to have it ready for Christmas 2021 so it’s head down and stitch, stitch, stitch. Would love to say I’m enjoying it but when I see other beautiful needlework projects (not to mention all my other unfinished stitching items waiting for attention), I can’t wait to have it completed.

  784. I’m currently working on the 5 ways to stitch Wheat as one of your Patreon participants but I’m a bit further behind than probably the rest of the group. I’m really excited about it as I want to use the motif and techniques to make keepsakes for my daughter’s First Communion this year.

  785. I haven’t been working on much lately, but to be honest I’m excited to start working on a colourful griffin after seeing the ones in those books! I’ve never seen an embroidery like that and would love to make that my next project

  786. I’ve always had an interest in crafts and sewing but I only started embroidering quite recently, and I love it! I think I’m addicted to it! Your website is great, full of beautiful projects and interesting information. These magazines seem amazing too. Thank you for the giveaway competition, I hope I’ll be lucky! 🙂

  787. I just finished all the stitching for the Terri Bay Nine Patch tray and will be putting it together tomorrow. This project is Ukrainian white work, learned a lot!

  788. I’m currently working on trying to finish up two older projects I’ve had going, an embroidery farm scene and a Jenny McWhinney children’s embroidery that will be blocks incorporated into a quilt.

  789. At present I am working on pictures from the life of Jesus, printed on cloth. I am embellishing it with metallic treads in suitable colours. It is for our altar which is made up of 10 panels. Five of them will have this picture.The Good Samaritan, The disciples of Emmaus, The Table at Bethany etc. All this is for my Golden Jubilee. I intend to do a lot more. Altar cloth pall, vestments . All in goldwork. I am excited
    sr. Therese.

  790. I am working on a wheel of the year embroidery a.t.m. It’s based on a medieval calendar illustration and shows the rural activities associated to each month and the corresponding zodiac signs. I use mostly cloister stitch to fill the designs and some split stitch for outlines.

  791. A project organized through our guild on schwalm. In monthly installments. But truthfully a few other projects as well!! By the way I love the griffin, look forward to seeing him done.
    Keep warm and thank you

  792. I have just finished an embroidery of Historical stitches, two classes online, one via the RSN the other by Embroidery News.
    Oh online classes have been real fun, but for my next embroidery I would like to use the Griffin either as a silk shading project or in a fine coloured needlelace!
    Oh I would love to win the magazines, love Italian embroideries and laces. Hopefully in the not too distant future we can visit Italy again.

  793. I am currently working on a vintage Jane Rainbow crewel work bell pull. I love crewel and particularly Jacobean Crewel work.

  794. I am beginning work on my first ever cross stitch piece from golden kite Madonna and Child. The best part is gathering all the materials needed!

  795. What a beautiful magazine. I am currently working on a project way out of my safe zone using many complicated embroidery stitches. I have been using a scrap piece of linen to practice on. I have watched the videos on your site for a few. Thank You!!

  796. how long I’ve admired this magazine! How exciting it would be to win a giveaway, too 🙂 Please stay warm and safe. Let’s pray Spring gets here soon!

  797. Well where shall I start. I have several on the go at the moment – who hasn’t but what has really sparked my interest at the moment is the age old skill of Stumpwork. Beautiful indeed. I have purchased several books already and just waiting now for the postman to delivery some wire and I will be starting, and I cannot wait.

  798. I’d love to be able to look through a collection of these magazines, and take as much time with them as I wanted!!!!

    I’m currently stitching the Home Sweet Home workbox by Carolyn Pearce, not quite halfway through and still enjoying the challenge (most of the time). I’m also working on a cross-stitch piece called Four Seasons based on a Marjolein Bastin design, in colours I love. And I’m looking forward to a workshop the end April doing an Amy Mitten sampler that’s mostly counted but incorporates surface embroidery stitches into the design, and is stitched completely in silk. I’ll have to put aside the cross-stitch for the sampler, but I’ll be ready for a break from it by then.

  799. I am currently working on a thread painting of my daughter’s adorable miniature golden doodle named Benny. I had the cutest picture of him as a puppy and created a sketch that I transferred to fabric. It is coming along nicely!

  800. I have decided to do a sampler band. Every month for this year l am doing a band using things that happen or l see in the particular month.
    At end of year l will put them all together to have a personal history of 2021.

  801. I am currently working on embroidering the second of 6 linen squares to be used for a quilt once all are done. Each square is surface embroidery of a different flower. I found the book during a little garage-sale in the neighbourhood years ago. It’s all in Russian and I can’t read a word of it, but I can look at the pictures and just about find where the number of the DMC yarns used is mentioned!

  802. I have always loved hand embroidery since I was a little kid, and have never made my own monogram…plenty for others. So that being said, I traced a floral monogram for myself on linen, and will begin that this weekend. It will be a fun project!

  803. I’m currently really enjoying a little hoop pattern I’m working on from Lolly and grace, which is the first I’ve done incorporating felt pieces something I will definitely do in future!

  804. Thank you, Mary, for the giveaway!
    Right now I am working on two projects:
    – A “Woodlands” crewel work piece, from a cruise class on the Mekong with Jenny McWhinney, and
    – An Elizabethan silk shading mirror from a class with Susan O’Connor.
    I hope to FINALLY finish both!

  805. yummy magazines! I so enjoy your reviews. You never know for sure what you will find in books and magazines without seeing them first. You help us get a better view. Thank you! I have learned so much from you!

  806. Just starting my monogram from Elisabetta Sforza’s Sea to Stitch. Am also hoping to start the pear from Blakeston Creamery. But there are so many exciting things to try so if I won this prize I would also embroidery a couple of those cute griffins from the magazine

  807. I have been turning old wool sweaters into felt by putting them in the washing machine in a lingerie bag with a hot wash, woolite, and tennis balls. Then I embroider pieces of the felt with a mix of perle cotton, odd ends of wool yarn, embroidery floss and beads. I build a picture on the pattern of the wool. I have a set of three “far north” scenes on the remains of an old sweater from Norway and I am working on a representation of row crops on a striped pattern.

    I have been enjoying your posts for several years now and I am awed by the pictures from Giuliana Ricama

  808. I am currently working on two projects: a Jacobean design stitched in DMC, au Ver à Soie, and metallic threads; and my second phase of Japanese embroidery — a beautiful fan stitched in purple, blue, and silver silk and metal threads.

  809. I’m excited to be wrapping up a few gift projects so I can start to embroider a pillow cover for an existing pillow in our bedroom. I found a pattern for “JOY” in a Christmas pillow booklet that I’ve resized to fit the pillow. It’s much easier to store a cover for an existing pillow than making all these holiday pillows and having to find a place to store them the rest of the year! No time crunch so I can work at my leisure which I’m happy about.
    Thank you Mary!

  810. I would love to receive the 6 issues by Guiliana Ricama! Presently, I am working on a heart pattern of hand embroidery. I have worked crewel embroidery with wool in the past and loved the process and final outcome.

  811. Right now I am working on a small needlepoint project. The design is an amaryllis, and I am using silk threads which I have not used before. The color and texture of the threads is a real treat for me. The next project I am looking forward to doing is a needlebook. Another small project that will be very useful.

  812. Enticing doesn’t begin to describe the Giuliana Ricama magazine. I’m currently stitching a few of the illustrations from a book, “How Does Your Garden Grow”, by Mary Hilliard Jackson. It is a charming book with sweet illustrations and amusing puns. I just finished the Burdibush from the Egginestia family. It is a bush with little yellow singing birds as the blossoms. Next up is Frideggia from the Spatulate family. A delicious little plant with five fried egg blossoms.

  813. Just finishing off the “toy chest” in “Willing Hands” before I start on another etui for my niece for her 21st birthday.

  814. This is a great magazine! In one of the issues (in your photo it is first on the left) there is my article and a master class on Hungarian embroidery “Hövej needlelace”. It is a great honor for me to tell embroiderers all over the world about this Hungarian embroidery for the first time.

    And now I am working on two projects at the same time6
    1. Japanese satin stitch embroidery design by Sadako Totsuka
    2. I am developing my own design for a Hevei needle lace, which I hope to show at an exhibition in Italy.

  815. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on? – I have a beading class that I am doing the prework on now. I am also doing two year long stitch a longs – The Stead Thread Flower Garden (new flower each week) and the Linen and Threads Talavera sampler (new part each month)

  816. I am finishing a vintage needlework kit “Winter’s Delight”. It’s turned out much better than I anticipated. Also, I love those griffins too!

  817. I am working on a Christmas ornament by Kurdy Biggs. It’s called Elegance cubed. I am working on the beaded tassels and a hanger for it to hang on the tree. I have made 2 of them-varying the colour scheme. With the threat of Covid, stitching has been a lifeline to sanity. Also a lot of time to go through my stash to see what project is next in line. Stay safe!

  818. I’m in Canada, so not sure if I can enter, but..
    I am not stitching anything at the moment, but am getting ready to embroider a towel to put in an Easter basket.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  819. My current project is Fair Linens for my church Altar. I just completed the Fair linen for the Altar Table hem stitched with drawn threads and IHS monogram from a graphite rubbing of the credence shelf Cross. I am now working on the corporal to cover the bread. The previous Fair Linen I completed for used an IHS from
    Mary Corbett’s “Church Patterns”.

  820. Right now I am working on 2 of Amy Mittens samplers, her England and Russia samplers to be precise. I also have many many projects that excite me and that I am looking forward to doing.

  821. G’day there Mary,
    My heart is full of a number of things but is harking back to the roots of stitching learning just now with Counted Cross Stitch, albeit an abstract self designed, A5 size and colourful.

  822. I’m close to finishing my lace sampler done in cross-stitch. I must add that the griffin patterns are fab!!

  823. Oh Mary! What a fabulous giveaway! I’m doing stumpwork succulents at the moment from the Blakiston Creamery Inspirations book. I’m doing these because my children grow them and because I had all the makings in my stash and so they are inexpensive. So much fun and I can’t wait to cut out the leaves and discover how soft the are, because they’re worked on felt. I think I may also be avoiding my ufos.

  824. Hahaha…the project I’m most excited about starting is also the one I’m most worried about messing up…creating an embroidered ‘wedding story’ about my son and new DIL’s nuptials last summer. Wish me luck!

  825. What a beautiful magazine! I would love to see a copy! (or 6 😉 I’ve just begun my first voided monogram! I’m excited about seeing what becomes of it, kind of like starting a mystery.

  826. I pulled out a table runner I had out away years ago. All that’s left to finish were the satin stitches for the leaves and I froze at that step. After being inspired by your wonderful emails and instructions I got over my fear! I’m almost finished! Love these Italian magazines!

  827. Right now I’m working on two projects: (1) a large-scale cross-stitch landscape of Portofino, Italy, with a color palette I picked out myself, and which is going quite quickly now that I am stitching in hand, and (2) my first foray into silk embroidery with a sketch of a blue jay that was living in my front yard last summer. I’ve done most of the tailfeathers and belly so far. I’m a surgical resident and my sister likes to tease that I stitch all day at work and then stitch at home to relax 🙂

  828. Dear Mary!!

    Currently I am working on a Monarch Butterfly in Needlelace!! This class is being offered from the Lace Museum in Sunnydale, California! I am thoroughly enjoying the class offered through Zoom! Take a peek at the website for lots of beautiful things to simply DROOL over!! (I am eclectic, I jump from technique to technique!!)
    Thanks for the chance Mary!!
    Linda Mc L in NC

  829. I love making ornaments with felt (sometime homemade) and embroidery and beads.
    I was working on a new flower ornament from a picture of a flower that I took last year.
    So enjoyable after making 13 quilt tops (not really my thing)

  830. At the moment I’m working on a stumpwork owl to finish an embroidery picture I’ve been working on for a few years, I’m almost done and can then move onto something else. I want to finish projects that I’ve been working on for a while before starting something new,

  831. I am delighted to be almost finished with Mary’s voided monogram pattern that I am making into a needlebook for a friend.

  832. I have worked diligently, but slowly, on a quilt for a few years and am now on the final step….BEADING! The quilt label was done in thread painting and hand embroidered scalloped edge. I’m reasonably happy with the results and am thinking of designing a next project with both beading and thread painting.

  833. Hi Mary, How are you.
    I’m excited to start the Secret Garden Hummingbirds project I saw on your website. It looks challenging and I love challenges. It wasn’t easy to transfer the design to fabric but it took me 3 days. Now I’m getting my color threads to start. I can’t wait!

  834. I’ve just started a Hardanger project with a friend, it’s exciting to have a stitch along with a Buddy!

  835. I am stitching 2 Hardanger cushion covers to go on my bed at the moment and about to commence your stitch sampler. Great way to use bits and pieces of thread, thank you for the ideas.
    Happy Stitching 🙂

  836. I am currently working on a baby blanket for a baby due in May. The pattern I am using is “YOU ARE LOVED”, from Trish Burr. This is adapted from artist Alex Cook of Stonebalancer. A most beautiful design, and I have found some cotton to sew it on which has pale stars which match the stronger colours used in the YOU ARE LOVED words. Such great fun!

  837. I am in my seventies and have embroidered since I was a small child, however I never managed to do long and short stitch, always using come other stitch, however on Pinterest I came across Trish Burrs work, bought a book and have now managed a few of her designs. I am now just going to start on one of her birds a Lilac-breasted Roller and I am so pleased I have at last managed this technique.

  838. Thank you for Sharing All the Wonderful resources. But most importantly the teaching and free lessons you share. Grateful to you. I’m 65, disabled and on a very limited income. You have inspired me to renew my embroidery skills I have not used in over 30 years. Reminding me of skills I thought I lost & forgot. My Gratitude to you

  839. I’m getting ready to start a gold work bee as soon as I finished up the blanket I’m making for my daughter who is coming home on leave from the Navy. I haven’t seen her in 3 years.
    Thanks for doing these giveaways.

  840. I’ve been working on Kathy Schmitz’s Snowdrift. It’s a felted wool and embroiderer table runner. It has a series of stacked circles embroider to resemble snowflakes. It is available from her blog. I’ve enjoyed working the various designs and should have it finished this weekend. It turns out, I had all the supplies in my stash. Any project that puts a dent in my stash is a bonus!

    Next I’m going to return to some some larger unfinished projects–inspired by a friend who plans to finish 50 projects this year in honor of her 50th birthday.

  841. My goal this year is to focus on stumpwork. So, naturally I am very excited to start a project by Jane Nicholas! There is butterfly project I have been salivating over forever. I need to prep my fabric, frame it up, and pull the threads I need. Then I can begin!

  842. I am currently working on Examplarary’s Loara Standish. This is a challenging sampler and would like to start a new project so that I can alernate between the two.

  843. I am working on the wheat 5ways!! So fun. Since I decided to stitch on a kitchen towel I am taking it slowly so that the back doesn’t look too crazy!! Loving the lessons. Thank you Mary.

  844. I’m working on two yards of a band pattern that will hopefully turn into suspenders. I’m excited to be making something for someone to wear for sure, and I’m curious about whether the design will have the right impact when the suspenders are finally made up. but I’m also really fascinated to see how these stitches wear and hold up over time.

  845. Hi Mary! Right now I’m doing a few embroidered tote bags for friends. I love them! An eco and elegant solution

  846. Hi, Mary!

    I am taking a break from mini stocking ornaments (I finished 24 fronts) to work on Bargello on Aida. I have finished 4 pillow fronts. Currently, I am working on one in Valentine colors. Next, I will start a wedding sampler for my eldest nephew.

    I love Enchanted April! The movie is wonderful and faithful to the book. Your mention makes we want to watch it again….

    Thanks for the give-away. It looks wonderful!

    P.S. do you have anything suitable for a wedding sampler in any of your books?


  847. I’m working on the Save-the-Stitches blackwork. Almost finished with the black floss. Next is the metallics and then the beads. Can’t wait to finish it but don’t want it to end. I’m also working on Lorraine’s (from Colour Compliments) needlepoint owls. They are super cute and a lot of fun.

  848. I’m torn between two projects:

    (1) “Notorious RGB”, a portrait in of the late Justice Ginsberg in green and blue on red, because that’s how I misread her initials for the longest time. Currently stuck on transferring image to ground, or if I should just try to stitch from the makeshift chart I made.

    (2) a sensory sampler for my niece — basically a sensory board in thread and fabric. This one is currently stuck in the planning stages because: How small can I get away with? How can I make it sturdy enough to stand up to a toddler? Does it need an overall design, or is a plain band sampler enough? Plus deciding on stitches, colors, and threads, of course.

  849. I’m currently working on the “Morning Glory Needlefold from A FINE TRADITION, the embroidery of Margaret Light. I’m doing 4 individual pieces instead of the needlefold. Will hang in frames or create pillows. It’s been a little challenging just because some of the stitches are worked very small. But loving it!

  850. I’m excited to start working on a Bargello Chess board in black and white using a flame stitch pattern over 2 squares. My other half would be over the moon as he loves that game of strategy.

  851. Still recovering from painful fall, but think I may do the prep part of a Louisville, KY MJ Kinman 17 inch Sapphire gemstone as I anticipate recovery. I’ve seen a couple of this Italian magazine and know that it would motivate and plunge my recticella and cutwork embroidery skills to become more active. Thanks!

  852. I am working on a collage quilt of a giraffe for my granddaughter. I have never done any quilting and it is a fairly large project so it is intimidating for me but I am happy with how it looks so far.

  853. Dear Mary,
    Trust you are staying cosily warm with lots of hot tea.
    Deciding what to embroider is always difficult. How I wish there were many more hours in a day and that I had infinite energy! I love everything Mediterranean. The sun, the landscape, the food, the culture, and the colour. Giuliana Ricama ……. Congratulations Nicoletta they are all absolutely magnifico!
    I am excited about all my planned projects and this leaves me undecided about which one to work on next. At the moment, I am trying to decide the best way to embroider ladies faces without them looking severe.
    Thank you Mary for the chance to win six beautiful copies of Giuliana Ricama.

  854. I am working on a project called Trevelyon’s Pocket by Kathy Andrews of With Threaded Needle. It will be a gift for my daughter’s 31st birthday in June. There have been several interruptions over the past 6 months since I began so I will be thrilled when it is completed, wrapped and sent to my Katy!

  855. I’m working on a stumpwork rose from Inspirations magazine… My first attempt at anything like this… And it’s even going well!!

  856. (Correction to first comment ) am working on a few projects right now.
    Most recently I’ve been practicing my Portuguese Knotted Stem Stitch on a sampler with a sort of pseudo-Native American motif, your videos have been an eminence help as I increase my embroidery skills.

    Now I’m excited to wade into crewel work because I love the aesthetic and the cultural history behind the art from.

  857. I want to try as many embroidery types as possible while I am still able. I really like flowers, and I like olde-worlde styles of embroidery, so perhaps I will find a perfect flower project in Giuliana Ricama.

  858. I am currently rotating through a pile of unfinished stitching projects, promising myself that if I just buckle down and *finish* them, then I can reward myself with Gay Ann Roger’s portrait of Elizabeth I: she’s in a box, all kitted up, just waiting for me to get on with things!

  859. Good morning from the Washington rainforest! I would love to be considered for the giveaway—what a lovely, generous offer. The magazine is absolutely gorgeous, and I will be looking forward to subscribing. I’m currently in the process of finishing a fabric book of embroidery/appliqué/EPP projects that I worked on last year. The finishing part is not nearly so fun as the stitchery part, so I’m looking forward to moving onto something new!

  860. How fun! I just finished a bit of embroidery for a baby dress, and I’m planning to do my dish towels next.

  861. Frankly I am out of gas. I can’t seem to settle on a new project sooooooo….I have decided to learn some new stitches by watching the video. I have books but seeing the stitches in progress really helps – thank you Mary!

  862. What needlework project are you working on right now, or has you excited to start working on?
    I am working on a needle painting project by Jen Goodwin called leaf.
    It is such fun to stitch

  863. I’m currently working on my first monogram/blackwork piece. I’m using 28pt fabric and it’s tedious because the holes are very small, but it’s going to be beautiful when it’s finished, I think.

  864. I’m just starting on a wool applique’ piece called “Signs of Spring;” it seems necessary!

  865. I am working on ‘The Fruit of Plenty’ pattern, designed by Jacob de Graaf of modernfolkembroidery.com. It is 2021 monthy SAL. I am thoroughly enjoying it.


  866. So fun! And what better time to be thinking about griffins and warm weather than when there’s snow all around?
    I’m currently working (very slowly!) On a thread painted barred owl on a black work ground. I’m making it all up as I go along, and it’s so much fun!

  867. Right now I’m working on a kind of sashiko like project putting together a curtain for my bedroom in the mountains.

  868. I have many unfinished projects to work on. I would like to finish a simple tree of life cross stitch project I have done in southwest style with little birds first. Then figure out what to do next. So many possibilities that sometimes I end up just looking at beautiful designs in magazines or books and dreaming about what I will do someday.

  869. It’s been a bit since I could find time to work on it but I’m itching to get back to work on embroidering a Christmas stocking for my daughter.

  870. I am working on a Stitcher’s Hussif from the Cross Stitch Guild. The colours are beautiful and it is inspired by the William Morris pattern ‘The Strawberry Thief”. It will be like a sampler and I am still just doing the borders which surround the 9 panels

  871. I have done a number of embroidered/appliqued prairie landscapes that are usually 8″ x 10″ finished size. I am now attempting a landscape that is 5″ x 7″ finished. Scaling down the size does produce some adjustments in design and a challenge as to how to adjust to that. But that is what makes the whole process so interesting.

  872. At the moment I am doing counted thread embroidery, Hardanger , white on white. I am planning to do some colourful embroidery next.

  873. I’m not working on anything at the moment myself, but several of my daughters have decided they want to learn to cross stitch, so I have been showing them how to do that.

  874. The magazines look absolutely fantastic, very inspiring. I love that they cover a range of techniques, because I’m exploring all the different forms of embroidery to expand my horizons!

  875. Lucy Calcutt 1825 a reproduction by Just Stitching Along is my current piece of needlework inspires me to complete its airy spacing and beautiful colors. Stitching has been such a help during these difficult times.

  876. I am working on the Home Sweet Home project and have just started embroidering the box front design. I’ve been stitching the accessories off and on over the last three years, in between other projects. I’ve got a new burst of motivation now that I’m finally able to start the box sonI’m making the most of it while the mood lasts! But of course I have half an eye on future projects (what embroiderer doesn’t!) and I’ve kitted up the materials to work the design for the Gold Work Craftsy class you recommended a while ago. That’s my carrot for making headway with my current project.

  877. I’m working on a bag, which is covered in circles with a few wavy lines, using threads from my advent calendar.

  878. I just got home from a warming shelter with my cat, Miss Lemon. Lost electricity in my neighborhood and was there 3 days. It was nice to meet new people but I am very happy to be home.
    Years ago I used to get Manni de Fata (Magic Hands) magazine from Italy. It is very similar to Julianna Ricama’s so naturally I am interested. I like a variety of needlework and the quality of the handwork featured was very skilled and beautiful. So you are right to say Magnifico!
    Now that I am warm again, I too can think of sunny Italy!

  879. I am now working on a counted piece called “Sleeping Bee”. It is a pattern that is circular in design so as to fit in the top of an 8 inch shaker sewing box. Not only is the pattern lovely, but the sleeping bee reminds us that spring is on the way.

  880. I’m working on a cross-stitched Halloween design that is taking me a few years. I have several projects lined up that are to be worked on even weave fabrics and they include several Hardanger pieces.

    A friend of mine told me of your web site. It is without a doubt the most wonderful site for embroidery that I’ve visited. The site is so thorough and your work is exquisite!

  881. I am working on Bianca, by Patricia Girolami Inspirations magazine. It took me a few months to grid the fabric, and left a bit overwhlmed at first, buy now I love it. It is very relaxing.
    Briar Rose – Margaret Light, I took a workshop with Margaret, she is a lovely person and this has so many techniques, a challenge piece.

  882. Hi Mary, I am presently working on your tutorial, Five Ways to Embroidery Wheat.” Today is Sunday, and I am working on the third way. This project is part of the fan embroidery pillow I am creating. The pillow has seven panels. Each panel is a new stitch I have learned.

    Your website is very important to me because I am eager to learn embroidery. Thank you!

  883. What a generous giveaway! I’m working on a medieval-style goat. I’m going to practice French knots for the field of flowers he’ll be lying in.

  884. I am planning on starting my sampler of Sarah Borton from Hands across the sea. I am excited. I purchased the pattern twice as my Grandmother`s last name was Borton. I kept walking by it at the needlework store and it calling out to me. It has counted work and Embroidery so it is something different as I am not as accomplished in Embroidery as counted work. I would love it as it might be very helpful. Thanks for letting me compete for this gift. Judy

  885. Oo what a lovely giveaway. I’m currently stitching “Tendres Moments” by Tamar Nahir-Yanai, it’s a sweet design of a girl with her cat all surrounded by plants!

  886. I have several projects going at the moment. I’m finishing December in the Linen and Threads SAL, Turkish Tiles by Peppermint Purple and am about to start Long Time Gone SAL with Ann-Marie of Beautiful Stitches.

  887. I am currently working on a small hardanger mat from an old issue of Special Burda Hardanger magazine. Soon I hope to return to stitching The Bluebird Trail by Crossed Wing Collection which I began last year.

  888. Buenos días desde el sur de España. Ayer 26ºC y un sol maravilloso. Hoy llega polvo del desierto del Sahara y tendremos un día poco soleado.

    El proyecto en el que trabajo actualmente y me tiene enamorada es “sublime stitches” de Elizabeth Almond. Ella nos ayuda en nuestro grupo de facebookv”bordados con el alma” (yo he hecho traducción de los patrones al español para el grupo) y al llegar a la puntada 25 que no sabía hacer Elizabeth dice “Cable chain stitch takes practice. The chains are linked to each other by a cable instead of being directly
    linked to the next chain. Follow the diagram or watch Mary Corbet’s excellent video on YouTube and work
    along with her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v_r-beCyEM” y así es como he llegado a su página.

    He hecho suscripción y he quedado enamorada de todos tus trabajos. Desde ahora tienes una enamorada seguidora.
    Un abrazo desde España y gracias por tanto


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