A Stitcher’s Christmas #10: Embroidery Books Galore from Search Press!


Amazon Books

Happy Monday! And welcome to the Last Installment of this year’s Stitcher’s Christmas series!

It’s been a fun series of give-aways this year, with some wonderful prizes, and I hope that you’ve enjoyed it – and that you will keep the businesses who contributed to the series in mind when you are looking for needlework goodies!

Today’s final installment features three grand collections of needlework books, courtesy of Search Press North America! This means that three of you will receive one of the collections, based on the order in which names are randomly drawn. Each collection includes a themed group of books to add to your needlework library.

At the end of today’s give-away, I’ll announce the winner of Friday’s episode and share any pertinent news, so … read on!

Stitcher's Christmas: Search Press needlework books

In 2020, Search Press celebrated 50 years of successful publishing in the craft industry – quite a milestone! We saw over 20 new embroidery books come to the market, during this anniversary year. Pretty exciting!

There are still more to come, and today’s give-away will highlight some of the upcoming books, as well as some that were recently published. The winners will receive the books when they are published, if they haven’t already been published. It’s the gift that keeps on giving, all year long!

These are the collections in today’s give-away:

Collection #1: RSN Essential Stitch Guides

The RSN Essential Stitch Guides – a popular series of excellent instructional books – are being republished with a new look. The collection for the give-away includes six of the newly republished series:

Crewelwork by Jacqui McDonald
Whitework by Lizzy Lansberry
Stumpwork by Kate Sinton
Beadwork by Shelley Cox
Blackwork by Becky Hogg
Canvaswork by Rachel Doyle

It’s a great little reference library covering popular needlework techniques!

Collection #2: Transfers!

Lately, Search Press has been publishing embroidery books that include iron-on transfers for the projects within. One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how to get a design onto fabric – and most people are seeking an easy, accurate way. The iron-on transfers in Search Press’s new books solves that problem for you!

The collection for the give-away includes the following books:

The Kew Book of Embroidered Flowers by Trish Burr
Trish Burr’s Embroidery Transfers
The Embroiderers’ Guild Transfers Collection (Coming April 2021)
Thread Doodling, by Carina Envoldsen-Harris

Collection #3: New Year, New Skill

As we turn over a new leaf in time with the advent of a (very welcome) New Year, why not explore new skills? To help you do that, this collection presents four different needlework skills that you can explore and experiment with, to see if they’re something you’d like to pursue further.

In this collection for the give-away are four books:

Modern Bargello by Tina Francis
Cross Stitch Wildflowers and Grasses by Hisako Nishisu
Lace Reimagined by Elizabeth Healey
Punch Needle Embroidery for Beginners by Lucy Davidson

Give-Away Guidelines

If you’d like to take part in today’s give-away to win one of the above collections, please follow the guidelines below!

This give-away has ended. You can find the winners listed in the article on December 24th.

1. Please leave your comment below, on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. If you are reading this in the newsletter, you can reach the comment form directly by following this link.

Comments left on any other post on Needle ‘n Thread or sent by email are not eligible. Please do not leave your comment as a reply to someone else’s. Replies cannot be included in the count. If you are unsure how to post a comment without replying to someone else, please just click the link provided above to go to the comment form. Thanks!

2. Make sure you leave a recognizable name or nickname on the Name line on the comment form. Anonymous comments don’t count. Please do not leave personal information like email addresses, mailing addresses, or phone numbers in the Comment part of the form. When you do, I have to go in and edit that information out – unless you want spam, or strangers picking up your phone number, email address, mailing address (which you don’t, I’m sure!).

…but please do make sure that your email address is entered correctly on the Email line of the form. This is not visible to anyone but me, and it is not used for anything except the purposes of this give-away (if you win, I need to be able to contact you).

3. Please leave only one comment (and no replies) to enter.

4. In your comment, please answer the following:

What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

5. Leave your comment by 5:00 am Central Standard Time, Thursday, December 24th (Christmas Eve). The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Thursday morning. I will also contact the winners by email.

Please note that your comment may not appear right away on the website. I review all the comments that go on the website, to keep unseemly content off the website. If your comment does not show up immediately, please don’t fret. It will show up as soon as I have a chance to moderate comments.

Blackwork Book & Kit Winner!

To winner of the Blackwork Embroidery: Techniques & Projects by Jen Goodwin, plus a materials kit courtesy of Jen Goodwin Embroidery, is Connie in Minnesota! I’ll contact you by email, Connie!

News & Upcoming!

Today is the last day that I’ll ship goods out before Christmas, for orders placed before noon. If you’re looking for some wintery stitching, you can still find my ready-to-stitch Vinterfolk towel sets available. There are also a few sets of Autumn Variety ready-to-stitch towels available.

You’ll also find a few copies of Alison Cole’s Stumpwork Masterclass and Goldwork Masterclass books available.

You can find them all here in my Needle ‘n Thread shop.

Even though I’m shipping Priority mail (2-3 days), please understand that parcels will most likely be held up in the post this week. If they don’t arrive in 2-3 days, it doesn’t mean they are lost. It just means they’re held up somewhere. They’ll eventually make it to you. You, me, and probably 15 million other people are waiting for packages, I’m sure! It’s just a matter of time and patience…

After today, shipping will not necessarily be same day, but I will still ship. So if you want tangible goods that are in stock in my shop, feel free to order, and I’ll ship them within 24 hours on business days.

I’ll be out of the studio from Christmas Eve (Thursday, December 24) through Tuesday, December 29th, so I won’t be shipping those days.

On Christmas Eve, though, you can look for a Christmas puzzle and the winner of today’s give-away! See you Thursday!


(887) Comments

  1. My goal for stitching in 2021 is to complete the twenty bargello hearts in the ANG course my local ANG group is working on to learn different types of bargello needlepoint.

  2. My goal is to expand my skills into other areas, especially stumpwork – so I hope I win collection 1!

    1. After a lapse of 50+ years i have returned to embroidery, with a renewed passion to learn new techniques and remember old stitches. Gives me quiet times to reflect on life, loves and living while creating antiques for the future. These books would help bring my work to fruition.

  3. Other than trying to wrap up a piece I’ve been working on for over a year, I don’t have any firm plans for otherwise. I’d like to try something out of my comfort zone.

  4. I want to learn Brazilian embroidery. I have a kit, and I have a friend who does beautiful work. So, I think I’m all set, and I just need to get started.

    I am also mentoring a high school student who has decided to learn to embroider as part of her personal growth goals toward her Congressional Award. This website will be an invaluable resource for both of us.

    Have a wonderful holiday, everyone! Thanks, Mary, for all of your inspiration.

    1. I love historical and ecclesiastical embroidery. I would love to improve my embroidery for the purpose of embellishing garments for the clergy at our church, as well as learn more about Opus Anglicanum, as it’s a style I really admire.

  5. Stitching goal – hmmmm. Keep up with the Ann Morison SAL, stitch Agnes Husband, keep up with my EGA chapter’s GCC, and try to get (and stay) better organized — I know, good luck with that one! Thank you for your inspiration and fun newsletters. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. I am continuing to complete projects started as well as those that haven’t been started but in my stash of “someday!” Generally I am trying to include new stitches to the project as well

    Merry Christmas and wishing you a wonderful new year!

  7. My primary stitching goal is to work toward completing Sue Spargo’s Fresh Cut. I am nearly finished block 1! I think I need to work on my ability to focus!


  8. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful giveaway!!!

    My goal for 2021 is to finish my two WIP, neither of which is hard, just got put aside. I no longer wish to have stacks of unfinished things in my closet and have made a sincere effort towards that goal in 2020. I hope to continue this in the new year.

  9. My dominant 2021 goal is to finish upcycled clothing projects with embroidered accents. Thank you for this giveaway. Merry Christmas

  10. My goal is to stitch a collection of Christmas ornaments – have some that my mom did and I so treasure them!

  11. In summer 2019 I was asked to repair an antique crazy quilt, along with replacing the backing. It was a wonderful, educational undertaking. I find myself drawn to that “everything goes” attitude currently and will start pulling out my scraps.

  12. I plan to divide my time each month addressing things in my stash, working on four main areas/ techniques and deepening my understanding / learning.

  13. My big goal is basically just to make sure I do more projects during the year. 2020 involved so many distractions (covid, new house, new project at work that’s ridiculously technical) from doing new fun projects, and I really want to make sure that changes for 2021! And assuming I succeed I want those project to involve goldwork.

  14. With the extra time we have had this year I have been organizing so I can find things when I want them. I found a bag of dish towels and a stash of embroidery floss and silk ribbon. My goal is to use up a bunch of it before I am tempted to by new. Happy stitching everyone!!!

  15. I have too many goals for 2021 and that is my problem. I have six or so things that I need to finish that are all but done. Then there are two major projects I want to get going on plus finish Fandango which is an EGA Lightning Round I need to finish by April 1. Ugh. It is driving me crazy

  16. Hi Mary,
    In 2021, I’d like to become more proficient at bobbin lace, (that’s a stitching goal, isn’t it?) I’ve dabbled in it off and on for years, and realized the skill would never come without devoting a specific time each week to it. Thanks for the give away.

  17. My primary goal for 2021 is to continue going through my unfinished projects including classes I have taken. But of course I won’t be able to resist buying new things!!!!!

  18. My goal at the start of the new year is always to finish more projects than I start, but that never happens. I hope to finish a stump work a casket that I am working on. It is a good way to try so many new and interesting stitches and techniques. Thank you Mary
    for all the inspiration you share with all of us.

  19. Will be trying my hand at stitch painting after the holidays wind down. Have my eye on a little bird from Trish Burr.

  20. I’ve been doing mostly cross stitch, and in the new year I want to do more embroidery and learn some new stitches.

  21. My dominant goal for 2021 stitching is 2-fold: finish a set of white-on-white dinner napkins and get serious about a set of maps I want to make for friends about our old haunts. Have a great holiday, Mary!

  22. My goal for 2021 is to finish WIP’s with help or without help. Some have been stalled because of lack of knowledge about how to complete them, and others because something new turned my head. Sooooooo…… I need to complete them!

  23. My main goal for 2021 is to finish 2 of my Betsy Morgan pieces that I have been working on for awhile. The are her Toy Chest and Spanish Etui. I love her designs!

  24. I want to learn new stitches this year that are in a wool applique BOM by Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings. And of course, I want to finish up some UFO’s that I’ve started.

  25. Ooooh what’s not to love about all those books!
    Stitching goal? Mainly to get on with the RSN Certificate – I hope to finish Goldwork by April and may even manage my third module (Canvaswork) before 2021 is out!

  26. I have a collection of cameos that I want to display. This coming year I hope to create an embroidered background that I will have framed and can then attach my cameos to. I have the fabric and silk embroidery ribbon ready to use. I’m hoping the new year will give me the momentum to get this project started.

  27. 2020 was about technique and 2021 will be about designing my own projects, particularly translating nature into stitches

    1. My goal is to design and complete two new projects with and for my twin girls who have just moved into their own rooms.

  28. Hi Mary,
    My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to become one of the regular stitchers — one or more days a week — on the Plymouth Tapestry. Work on this important project — twenty 2′ x 6′ panels — was put on hold last March. November 2021 will be the 400th anniversary of the First Thanksgiving! Fingers crossed that it will be safe to work together sooner rather than later in 2021!
    June House
    Rehoboth MA

  29. Good morning! My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to finish, finish, finish. I have so many new things I want to start but I hope to discipline myself to finish some before I start more. It is going to be a challenge as I am a much better starter than finisher! Have a lovely holiday time…all best wishes to everyone for 2021. Thanks for a very fun series of pre-Christmas treats Mary.

  30. My dominate goal for stitching this year is to make beautiful flowers and to grow my granddaughter’s love for this new craft.

  31. My dominant goal for the coming year is to help several ladies and young girls who want to learn to embroider. To do this, I first need to brush up on some of the stitches that I don’t use as often, as well as gather some easy transfers or patterns. Because these ladies don’t have much money, I also want to purchase some extra supplies to help them along.

  32. My 2021 stitching goal is to learn, practice, and then incorporate more elaborate types of stitches in my projects. I tend to stick with my long time favorites, and I feel I need to expand my repertoire.

  33. In 2021, I am planning to take an online class, “Brian The Bee”, which is being offered through the EGA. It includes needle lace and beadwork, so will be a change from the counted thread work I tend to do.

  34. I have so many started but not finished stitching projects! I’d really like to finish Marion Scoular’s Princess and the Pea (mostly) blackwork project. The technique I’ll work on next is whitework.

  35. Last year my goal was to learn to embroider. I am pleased to say that I can do a few stitches with ease and some degree of skill. This year I want to begin a project that will challenge me to learn more stitches and I want to include my granddaughter in learning to stitch. The thought of the two of us working side by side just brings a smile to my face. What wonderful memories we can have!

  36. My goal for 2021 is to put together a series featuring pulled thread and incorporating other embroidery techniques!

  37. My stitching goal for 2021 is to widen my knowledge of different techniques. I started embroidering in 2020 and have been deeply inspired by the work of my Grandmother who was an extremely accomplished stitcher and seamstress. So far I have gotten several of the basics down, but I am hoping to spend 2021 learning new stitches as well as ways to apply the ones I have under my belt.

  38. My son is into wolves. So I bought a panel of a wolf & I would like to enhance it with stitching. I don’t know if this would be thread art, embroidery, or whatever stitching it would be called. That is my goal for 2021 to give to him at Christmas.

  39. I have several projects in the 2021 queue that involve a fair amount of ribbon work. While I absolutely love the effect that silk ribbon gives you for flowers of all shapes and sizes, I do not have much experience making those gorgeous flowers. In fact, I am a bit intimidated. I am going to overcome that in 2021!

  40. I would like to learn and become proficient at silk shading. I see so many wonderful pieces using this technique. I am a ‘basic stitch’ embroiderer at this time, and desire to branch out using this shading technique in 2021

  41. I’d actually like to get away from goals this year and focus on relaxing with simpler stitching. That said, I do have a small pile of beginner goldwork kits calling my name. 🙂

    Thank you for once again running such a nice series of giveaways. And thanks to Search Press for giving us a year of great books!

  42. It’s always fun to learn something new. Each of these packages would provide many new things to learn. So, I’m going to make that my 2021 objective — learn something new.

  43. The stitching that I would love to do is needle painting. I would love to learn to do it but feel very challenged by it. I have to get over my fear of it and get on with it as I really would love to be able to do it.

  44. My 2021 goal is catch up on my WIPs. I’ve made good progress in 2020 and have only a couple left from the past. Of course I have many kitted and ready to start.

  45. Hello Mary and thanks for these tremendous give-aways and for all you do to promote and enhance embroidery. My stitching goal for the new year is to design something … and stitch it. Maybe a crewel flower, maybe a whitework pin cushion… but something of my own design. Doesn’t have to be big or great or … anything! But I have been doing embroidery for a long, long time and I feel the need to branch out in this new year which is full of possibilities!

    Seasons greetings to you!

  46. For 2021, one of my goals is NOT having a gazillion WIPs!
    I want to finish at least two of Betsy Morgan’s etuis, and a baby blanket by Carolyn Pearce. And, if I find the time, I would love to dive into Carolyn Pearce’s strawberry faire.

  47. In 2021 I’d like to finish my UFOs (seven, I think) and dig into my stash of kits. I’d also like to do some more embroidery with wool (crewel, needlepoint) and expand my knowledge of goldwork.

  48. For me, I’d like to be more consistent in my time spent stitching. I’d also really like to do a BIG project … not just a stitchery that fits in an 8″ hoop … but one that really requires thought and energy … like an embroidered table runner. I figure if I start early enough in the year and work on it regularly … it might be ready for next fall/winter!! Merry Christmas to you, Mary, and thank you for these lovely gift-aways! 🙂

  49. I am working on a wool penny applique sampler to practice a whole host of new embroidery stitches — like the trellis stitch, and a crested chain stitch!
    Merry Christmas, Mary!

  50. My goal is to learn a new skill/technique. Which one I haven’t settle on yet. However, if I won one of these wonderful book prizes, that would be very helpful in deciding!!!!!
    Thank you!

  51. This year I started a crazy quilt. I finished 16 of 20 blocks. Still have 4 left to do and quite a bit of seam embroidery still to do. I’ve been wanting to make a crazy quilt since I was in my 20’s and discovered one at my aunt’s house. Hopefully by the end of 2021 I will have a pride and joy crazy quilt! Julie from Minnesota

  52. Metalwork! Stumpwork! Needlepainting! Blackwork! Whitework! Canvas work! My 2021 embroidery goals are the same as they were the previous years: embroidering as much as I can, as every minute spent with needle and thread is a wonderful, calming, artistic experience!

  53. Dominate stitching goal for the next year…well probably the finish the large cross stitch project I’m currently working on. I’m over half finished and I can see the end in sight.
    Another would be to dabble a little into blackwork because it looks so neat.

  54. I like to do landscape and wildlife themed pieces. I am hoping this year to work on various techniques to improve my skills. I tend to like pieces that have realism in them so I’d like to work on techniques that build these skills. I also like the look of pieces when various threads types (cotton, silk) are combined to create lustre and texture, so this will also be a focus.

  55. I am really good at following directions. You tell me use this thread to put a certain stitch here or a particular bead there, and I can do that. My goal for 2021 is to work on my style. To gain confidence in designing and executing my thoughts through the needle. I know there will be a lot of trial and error but I am looking forward to it.

  56. My stitching goal for 2021 is the same as for every year – try to finish one of the umpteen UFOs I have accumulated – starting a project is so much more fun than finishing one.

  57. My plan is to learn goldwork.
    I want to accomplish in 2021 an icon of the Blessed Virgin , which I have started to embroider today.

  58. My goal for 2021 is to do a project in pure embroidery that looks professional… but I am not sure what the support should be and what to do… so It might just be again just a piece of fabric with some stitches…

  59. I would like to finish 3 embroidery on wool projects during the next year, as well as 3 Christmas stockings for the grandchildren.

  60. I always try to set a stitching goal for myself each year. This year will be to start and complete a large cross stitch piece with the stitching over one. I love learning new things and try to incorporate a new stitch or technique whenever I can.

  61. My goal for 2021 is to finish some of the many UFOs that are in my stitching bag. Most I want to finish, others I will cannibalize for materials.

  62. i have been planning on stitching flowers and animals on netting to be attached to a coat. i’m an artist, and i go to (pre-covid) show openings, i want to have something to wear that is not only art, but also indicative of what i paint (botanical and wildlife). i want to stitch on netting as that will make it removable for washing and or transfering to another coat- i’m still researching threads for this. and doodling layouts for placement.

  63. My stitching goal for 2021 is to make a set of 12 days of Christmas felt and embroidery ornaments for my sister! I also want to complete a sashiko project and stitch 15 stocking ornaments for family and friends.

  64. Looking forward to 2021 I’m particularly wanting to try some new stitches, especially some thicker, more layered embroidery. To that end I’m going to design, choose colors, and stitch an initial picture, probably a big R! I’ve been doing so much needlepoint this year I need to charge into an embroidery project that is totally different for me. Deciding on the colors will be easier for this project with ideas I’ve gotten from Stitch Palettes which I’ve been following since you introduced this company. I’ve received one set of her packaged color ideas, and hope to look at even more! From there I plan to make the design by ironing a pattern on my fabric, then filling the emptiness with my choice of stitches, including some new ones.
    Merry Christmas Mary!

  65. To finally finish Autumn Harvest by Hazel Blomkamp. I’ve been saying that for 4 years now. I’m so close….

  66. I treated myself to 2 sets of Jenny McWhinney’s gorgeous ‘Blanche’ – the black & white chicken kit, just as lock-down struck. I have finished one. I did it mainly in whitework, and I’m extremely chuffed with how it turned out. I now need to get stuck into finishing the black & white version as per the Jenny McWhinney’s original brief.

  67. I don’t really have a stitching goal this coming year. Just keep on stitching! Whatever my heart feels like. And maybe finish one or two WIPs!

  68. I plan to do my stitching for Christmas 2021 in January and February and I have the projects for this lined up ready to go.

  69. My dominant goal is to finish Nigel the flamingo by June. Another goal is to complete a queen size cathedral window quilt for our guest room I’m about halfway there.

  70. My stitching goal for 2021 is all hand-made presents, including embroidering and sewing in addition to hand-stitched ornaments for my children.

  71. My goal for the upcoming year is to finish up my stitcheries and DO something with them. I know it isn’t very exciting, lol. Once I finish it all up I hope to take on a big project although I have no idea what that will be, .

  72. I haven’t yet thought about 2021 stitching goals although I do want to clear out some of the stash I have which would include several things I’ve started and set aside. One is a portrait of my husband and another is to reproduce a famous painting in thread.

  73. Dominant stitching goal is/was two Christmas stockings…which I have Not finished!
    The other is making pot holders for friends from old fabric swatches of moire; very fun fabric for this application, allowing embellishment with rocailles/glass beads.

  74. I have an unfinished table cloth that i found in my mother’s things. right now i am teaching myself long and short stitching, thread painting, in order to finish it. In addition, i would like to finish all of the kits i’ve ordered from Mary and Trish Burr.

  75. Since I start many but finish fewer projects, finishing is my 2021 stitching goal. That goal includes not only putting in the final decorative stitches, but getting the piece “finished” for display – whether that’s taking it to my favorite framer, or fashioning the piece into a hanging or stand-up display piece myself.

  76. Ooh, embroidery will feature heavily in 2021. I’m thinking of beginning a daily exploration of stitches, making it up as I go along. I keep wanting to try little things, and I’m hoping I can link them together somehow. I am also enjoying the combination of needle felting and embroidery. We’ll see!!! Thankful for the great exploration and enthusiasm for embroidery on this site.

  77. My dominant goal in 2021 is to learn new stitches and to use stitches I’ve already mastered in new media. I have a complex challenging sampler kitted and ready to start in the new year. I took 2 canvas work classes in 2020 that are geometric samplers, and my goal is to finish one in the new year. And I have several small projects to learn surface embroidery techniques, which is something I have not done since embroidering pillow cases and dish towels in my teens. I’m looking forward to hibernating this winter and stitching away!

  78. My needlework goal for the new year is to complete two courses from Thistle Threads, the 17th-century Whitework course and the Harmony with Nature casket course. I also want to give attention to Irish needlework traditions, especially Mountmellick and Carikmacross lace.

  79. Goal for 2021 is to hopefully delve more into ecclesiastical embroidery! Goldwork and embroidery for vestments….

  80. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish my UFOs!!! I have two UFOs: a large embroidery picture of a country cottage sewing room and another project of a bicycle in a hoop. They must be stitched and framed by 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2021!
    Ann Chan, Texas, USA

  81. My stitching goal for the year is putting together 52 embroidered hearts representing the 50 states, DC and 1 country heart. These were all stitched from Victoria Sampler kits. Each kit is a heart outlined with a gold cross stitch heart. Each heart represents the state bird and state flag. Depending on the state there may be more unique mini pictures on the heart. I’ve been thinking of how to put them together for a least a year or 2. I want to make them into a wall hanging. I have background fabrics of red stripes or blue with stars and even have fabric with US flags on it. I’m thinking of doing vertical stripes in red and white and top banner blue and use the same blue as a trim and maybe backing. I’ve been hesitant to start this because I want to cut the hearts out and appliqué them to the background. I’m worried that my appliqué won’t be good or my spacing will be off. And then I should probably quilt all the way around each heart. I’m trying to have this mostly done by Feb 14 because I want to show it in the NAN virtual exhibit this year and that’s the deadline! Wish me luck, I’ll need it!

  82. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is the same as 2020 – learn to finish my stitched projects. This is such a complicated subject – I feel I will always be learning. I have learned the ironing and fabric stabilizer (Pellon). Learning the many stiffners – mat board, cardboard, comic board, (buy from a comic book store!), etc. Learning the sewing machine, learning to make nice corners – square or curved. Looking for joining stitches – methods.

    Unfortunately, I do not particularly enjoy the finishing. I need to learn to do some of it myself as I accomplish a bit of stitching since I am retired in a pandemic.

    Have Pleasant Holidays and a less interesting 2021,


  83. I have many stitching goals for 2021. However, the dominant one is to complete the embroidered box I am making which will have 5 different Celtic designs ( 1 on each side, except the bottom) It’s a Guild project we began last month. I think it will take me some time to complete the embroidery before I’m able to construct the box.
    Thanks Mary!
    Wishing you and yours all the Joys of Christmas, and a Safe and Happy New Year!!

  84. What delightful sets of books to own! Any one of the sets would be wonderful to have. My goal this year is to complete a block for a quilt top. Each block is embroidered snowmen scenes using a various array of blues and I have one of the largest still to finish. I have used this project to experiment with different types of threads (linen, silks, metallic). It has been an enjoyable time of stitching. Thank you for all you do on your website for stitchers. May you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to look forward to. Happy Stitching!

  85. For 2021, I hope to finish Hazel Blomkamp’s design for a round footstool. I purchased Mary’s recommendation of Jeff Roberts Woodcrafts aficot and laying tool. What a difference they make!

  86. I ordered a kit from Inspiration using gold work and am planning on learning the techniques and skills that are needed to complete it. I have never done any gold work before.

  87. For 2021 I would like to clear out some of the backlog of projects I have in my stash. Then I can start looking for new ones!
    Here’s to a New Year filled with hope.

  88. In the new year, I want to continue to improve my skills and to expand my stitching to include more goldwork and stumpwork. thanks for the chance to win!!!!

  89. My hope for this coming year is to get to the projects I have really wanted to try such as some stump work, the Christmas trees from Needle thread that I’ve had for a couple years but never did and to just keep busy with any needle work consistently throughout the year. Oh, and also to work with even count linen. I’d better get started.

  90. I love books on various types of needle work. Coming into the new year is a great time to start learning new types of needle and thread.

  91. My stitching goal for 2021 is to learn needlepainting of flowers and birds by doing Tanja Berlin’s Purple Icicle Pansy kit with her further education PDFs and her Acorn Woodpecker kit with her online class starting February 5th. I really enjoy learning through Tanja’s online classes and further education PDFs as she provides so much step by step detail with diagrams, photos, instruction and feedback.

  92. My big target for next year is to learn goldwork, I have an online course with RSN that I’ve been putting off to finish other projects, but next year I will do it!

  93. Thank you, Mary, for the fun give-aways!
    My stitching goal for 2021 is to complete at least 2 of the modules required for the Royal School of Needlework’s Diploma.
    Merry Christmas, Mary!

  94. My goal for 2021 is to complete 2-3 needlepoint Christmas stockings by July so I can have them finished for Christmas 2021. Also to keep up with any new projects that I begin that require monthly or weekly homework.
    These would be whitework or counted work projects.

    Thank you for all that you do to inspire the needlework community.
    You are a true gem.
    Merry Christmas.

  95. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to learn stumpwork. I love three dimensional embroidery and have previously taught myself Brazilian embroidery.

  96. My stitching goal for 2021 is to go trough the Circle Sampler “Toned Down” by Soue Spargo. I would love to try out all the stitches she uses in her works and find some favorite ones for myself.
    Dear Mary, I wish you a very happy Christmas and all the best for 2021

  97. This year I will finish my Stump work Lion by Thistle Threads. Almost half done so WILL finish it. Working with different types of thread. Fun.

  98. I have learned so much, much more than a YouTube video. Thank you for sharing your expertise.


  99. My main stitching goal is simply to make more time for stitching and not to let other things which shout louder take over! That way I stand a chance of finishing some of the many projects I have on the go-and of course, start some new ones!

  100. I foresee a lot of French Knots coming. I have been thinking about a year long temperature calendar and just last night I thought of an idea for my personal blanket series that involves a lot of French Knots.

  101. I took a class,a while back and have her book. Creative Tucks And Textures: For Quilts And Embroidery
    Rayment, Jennie
    I did all the tucks and folds and now hoping to complete it with embroidery in 2021
    Also to complete my Jacobean style embroidery project.

  102. My dominant stitching goal in 2021 is to finish two asian themed pillows (matching pair) for my son and his fiance. After that I want to complete a stumpwork and bead project I acquired. I have not done this before so I look forward to it. I also want to revisit some cross stitch projects as well as transfer some designs on fabric I have to embroider. I think this will take up most of my year!

    Thanks, Mary!

  103. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish my sampler for the RSN sampler class with Kelley Aldridge! It is full of new skills for me to learn and a I will be designing the central portion myself.

  104. My stitching goal for this year is a wedding sampler of my own design. It will be long and narrow with a wedding heart at the top and will have my mother, grandmother and great grandmother’s wedding names and dates with each wedding ring attached with ribbon stitched below in rows by generation. I want to make it an heirloom piece.

  105. In 2021 I want to continue working on 3 major cross stitch pieces, and finish a canvaswork stocking for my grand daughter. The large projects will not be done in the next year but I hope to finish several pages on each one.

    Merry Christmas and thank you for the chance.

  106. My goals for 2021:
    I have created a 2021 calendar of stitching goals and projects for each month! However, my biggest goal is to improve my skills by practicing…I have Tricia Burr’s tutorials I need to work on, gifts that incorporate those skills and I’m excited to expand on my own sketches and designs!

  107. I hope to learn more about Goldwork in 2021. Might take an Independent Correspondence Course through EGA.

  108. My stitching goal this year is to finish the stump work rose box from Inspirations Magazine for my daughter’s birthday. I was signed up for the 2020 Beating around the bush but had to cancel. My stitching goal, if not in 2021 when ever we can gather again, is to take a class to improve my skills.

  109. Since I have been in lock down I have been focusing on completing UFO’s. Than I was side tracked working on Christmas gifts, so in 2021 I plan to get back to the UFO’s.

  110. Goals for 2021: Complete my first EGA class which has a game changer for learning needlepoint basics. I have so enjoyed joining the guild and adding more formal education to my self taught skills.

  111. My stitching goal for 2021 is to embrace inspiration from the talent and resources that are abundant within our stitching world. Specifically I would like to be more creative with thread painting as I am not yet ready to admit I am not the color artist as those whose work I admire. Merry and blessings to each of you in the coming year.

  112. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is Stumpwork with a new approach to filling shapes by adapting needlepoint stitches to become surface stitch embroidery.

  113. I have a plastic tub pretty full of stitched projects that need to be finished into ornaments, door hangers, pillow tops, and wall hangings. My goal for the new year is to finish at least 2 a month!

  114. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    As I have only picked up embroidery for the past year, my goal is to learn, learn, learn! I am trying different styles designs and finding what suits me. I have you to Thank Mary for your inspiration from the very beginning of my quest. I have asked for a few books for Christmas, I’m hopeful Santa pulls through this year!

  115. I have some emerald beetle wings I want to use in an embroidery project. I’m thinking either scales of a dragon or eyes on a peacock’s feathers. Still waiting for inspiration.

  116. For 2021 my plan for stitching is to stitch some of my projects in my stash. I am starting with a canvas work piece, a crewel work piece and a stumpwork.

  117. My main 2021 stitching goal is to complete an heirloom Christmas piece in time for next year’s holidays.

  118. My stitching goal for 2021 is a redo of an unfinished ambitious project I started years ago on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. But the redo will feature better materials and extra techniques such as stumpwork and gold work.

  119. My stitching goal is to explore and develop new skills. I am going to try to stitch every day and complete at least one project per month. Books from Search Press are the best books!!!!

  120. My goal for 2021 is to work on textile collage, and make little picture books on various themes as I go along. Thank you for your newsletter and wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year

  121. I dont have any specific goals in mind this year other than to focus more on embroidery. I have been an avid cross stitcher for years and I would like to change my focus!

  122. Being a long time embroiderer (like 60+ years), I have accumulated scads of needlework fabric small pieces and scraps, not to mention the multitude skeins of embroidery floss and specialty fibers and lots of beads. My project for 2021 is to see how many different Christmas ornaments I can make from this stash by the first of October where I plan to sell them at our church’s annual Lord’s Acre Harvest Festival. I started last month. It has been so much fun substituting colors, changing fibers and adding beads! It’s always amazing how different the design looks when changed just a little and it satisfies my inner self when I can use up something instead of just throwing it out. I’m looking forward to including lots of your little Christmas stockings in my stitching lineup too. They fit into my project perfectly!

  123. I love it that publishers are now including transfer pages in the books…will make it much easier to use the designs.

  124. My goal in 2021 is to devote a significant portion of at least one day of the week (Tuesday?) to embroider without distractions. My sister and I have tried to do this the past few weeks with some success but the holidays have hampered this plan. Until the vaccine reaches us, early 2021 should provide a good opportunity to secure this new stitching habit.

  125. Trying new things and perfecting the old are my ‘21 goals. I want to try working with Asian beetle wings on a goldwork piece or two. And I want to add to my skills with putting more dimension in some pieces, including found objects.

  126. My goal in 2021 is just to STITCH MORE and practice, practice, practice!!I

    Mary, I don’t know if this went through, so I’m hitting it again. Hope it’s not a duplicate.

  127. My goal for 2021 is to keep stretching my creativity. I want to try new techniques and vintage items to bring my stitching to life. I love it when you can look around a project and see new things every time – like a good book.
    Even though I haven’t won, I have really enjoyed the anticipation of reading your notes.
    Have a wonderful and safe holiday!

  128. I hope to finally finish Tricia Nguyan’s trinket box. I have the top finished and have almost finished the front. I have been scared of doing the final finishing, i.e.attaching the embroidery to the box. This is holding me up from starting projects in my to do pile.

  129. My 2021 stitch goal is to finally start the sampler And They Sinned from Examplar Dames. And hopefully finish it as well, but I have other projects needing attention as well. I’ve had it kitted for several years, and a new facebook group is giving me the push I need!

  130. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to set aside time each day for needlework—hopefully at least an hour a day, but whatever I can work into my schedule. I really need to work on de-stashing and reclaiming the space in the house that has been taken up for too long by all my projects waiting their turn for my needle/s.

  131. Love seeing the new ideas on needle n thread. Line stitching on crazy quilts is my love. I plan to incorporate some new stitches and complete a “yard square” crazy quilt by the end of February for our local guild’s annual charity auction.

  132. Next year I have set myself a few goals the first is to finish all my UFOs and the second is to learn new stitches. I am at the point in my life where I now have the time and the patience to try new things and learning new stitches will make my embroidery stand out.

  133. My biggest creative goal is to clean up my sewing room, as it has become unusable. The pandemic has dulled my creative energies, and getting things done has been, well, a chore. In terms of stitching, I have a couple projects to finish, then hopefully on to a seascape I’ve designed but haven’t started. My frame has a different project in it right now, so once I finish all those french knots I’ve yet to go, I’ll try to get this new project underway.

  134. I hope to work on the many Christmas embroideries I have in 2021 and finish up the small projects I started.

  135. My dominant stitching goal is to practice different embroidery stitches and techniques so that I can create a really nice scissor keeper from “Embroidered Country Gardens” and then move on to other projects. Mary, I really enjoy receiving your emails! I wait until I have a good slice of time to read them and really appreciate how lovely your stitching is

  136. Goodmorning! What a delightful giveaway:)
    I am still enjoying my Christmas Tree e-book, each design is so different and fun to embroider- a holiday hand towel makes the perfect Christmas gift for a special friend.

  137. I plan to continue with my counted thread projects and branch out as well. I ordered the Limonera Pear kit for the project pictured on the Passion for Needlework Blakiston Creamery cover. Making it is my number one goal. I also ordered a quilted pillow kit so am anxious to give that a try as well.

  138. Yes I do. My goal is to attend the RSN’s Designing for Embroidery Jacobean Crewelwork course. I fell in love with crewelwork embroidery 10s of years ago and have always wanted to design my own pattern. Coupled with the hints and tips for selecting thread colours on this and the Inspirations Studios websites, I hope to transform this ambition into reality.

  139. My stitching goal for 2021 is simply to stitch more consistently, to find time every day. I have to finish a stocking for my daughter-in-law and really need to pick up my “life’s work” again—a very large petit point medieval scene, begun in about 1988. (!!!)

  140. I’ll be working on 2 goldwork kits from Inspirations Magazine in 2021; a Christmas present to myself!

  141. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is consistency. My stitching practice has gone in fits and spurts during 2020 for a variety of reasons. I find that in the ‘down’ times I tend to lose momentum on the piece I’m working on and it becomes difficult to finish it. By bringing consistency to my practice, I should be able to finish more–which means I can start more, right?

    Thanks for sponsoring this terrific giveaway Mary!

  142. I would love to learn how to do realistic landscapes/thread painting. There are some stunning examples circulating on the internet, and I hope to be brave enough to jump in and try some. My goal is to work up to making a picture of the the farm where my mother grew up in northern Minnesota. She passed away this year, and I think working on it would be a nice way to remember her.

  143. I want to spend more time learning about lace. I would also like to improve my basic embroidery skills.

  144. In 2021 I plan to stitch special pieces for other specific stitchers. Those that really appreciate the art!

  145. My goal for 2021 is to finish my completed work – frame, make cushions/gift bags/ornaments/book covers/ etc of my stash of almost-completed projects. Merry Christmas!

  146. 2021 is going to be another year that I work on kits/projects that are already on the go, or that I have on hand. Who doesn’t say that though? Many of these projects feature goldwork and/or metalwork techniques, so that that will probably be the technique that I focus mostly on. The second technique I will try to focus on is surface embroidery. I would really like to do a Trish Burr project (love her tone on tone designs) or a Hazel Bloomkamp project. They both have some many lovely projects it would be difficult to pick just one.
    Wishing you the best of the holiday season, and a safe and prosperous New Year!

    Nicole M
    Toronto, Ontario

  147. For 2021 I would like to have a try with crewel work. I intend to learn some of the stitches and learn about the its history and therefore learning where the designs come from. I think the motifs have some similarities with the Portuguese “Castelo Branco” embroidery and I have already tried that one, even though the material that is used is silk.
    I also enjoy to embroider with wool, such as the Portuguese “Arraiolos” rugs. I find very cosy to work with wool in Winter time.

    I wish you the very best possible Christmas from Portugal.

  148. LOVE the tutorials – I’m relatively new to embroidery, and it’s so great to have videos with clear instructions and examples

  149. My stitching goals are to finish what I have started. I have so many beautiful pieces half finished…..;.

  150. I have discovered I have too much stuff. Too many projects to do, too much stuff to move every two to four years. (We’re even moving over New Year’s.) And I want to reduce my stuff and use it. So I am setting myself a goal of using up what I have and not buying more stuff. I also want to complete all the kits and fripperies I’ve bought in the past. My one exception – if we manage to go visit my in laws in Japan, as we were supposed to this year, I will indulge. Otherwise, nope. No buying for me. I think I will even be cancelling a subscription or two so I can catch up.

  151. My goal is to continue with stitching the 12 Christmas snowflakes for my grandchildren. I also want to read ALL of your how to videos and finish the Tweets and Tulips towels that I have ready to go.

  152. in 2021 I just want to stitch more. Just more. take a class, learn a couple new stitches, improve the quality of my work…but mostly, to work on stitching while vegging in front of the tv at night.

  153. Now that is a question that is making me think. I would love to practice goldwork. I’ve only done a couple of pieces and am totally intrigued and want to learn more. So between learning more about goldwork I’d like to put a dent in my two giant projects!

  154. I would love to learn thread painting. I want to make some of those “pocket kittens” that you see all over Pinterest.

  155. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to start an extra large sampler. I got the chart several years ago, and it took me a long time to find a fabric that I liked, and I had to order extra wide stretcher bars. Now I am ready to go!

  156. My stitching goal this year is to finish (fully finish) all my WIPs while still allowing myself some new starts.

  157. My goal is to be much more consistent and to put in that first stitch without so much ruminating! Although I think it’s just so enjoyabable to look through books and search for lovely projects too, that’s the trouble.

  158. My goal this year is to finish a Casalguidi project by Barbara Kershaw I have started. I would also like to do some gold work. With the restrictions of social gatherings still in place I’ll have plenty of time to stitch.

  159. I recently saw some embroidery called Lefkara and thought it might be fun to try something new. I did manage to purchase a book on it and there are YouTube videos. I am always up for trying something new.

  160. My goals for 2021 are to continue my needle painting skills. I also plan to begin drawing my own patterns for a few projects. For learning something totally new I have a couple lace projects mind.
    Thanks Mary for these wonderful giveaways and thought provoking questions. I’ve enjoyed reading the comments.

  161. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish a number of projects that are currently in progress. It would be wonderful to spend more time stitching.

  162. The goal for 2021 is to complete my Japanese embroidery phase 2-3 piece so I can start phase 4 and also to learn traditional Korean embroidery 🙂 Happy holidays!

  163. My embroidery project goal for 2021 is going to be a queen sized quilt made of ten inch blocks, each one hand embroidered in a floral design. I want each block to also feature a specific stitch, so it will be a type is sampler as well. It’s the largest embroidery project I’ve ever attempted in 50 years embroidering! My magnum opus.

  164. I have started (in 2018) a stumpwork project of fruit and leaves. Beaded blackberries and raspberries, wrapped-bead blueberries and currents, and thread-covered felt strawberries are placed on a stitched background. These parts are ready for assembly. I am having trouble with leaves made with wire edges, stitched then cut out. Made 4 leaves so far and threw them out, hated them. I have done this kind of leaf before so not sure what my problem is. 2021 needs to see this finished!

  165. Hi For the new year I will be going back to the basics with another sampler to get those small and even stitches Thanks

  166. My stitching goals for this year is to finish some of the many wips I have in my sewing room. I’m currently working on a quilt kit I bought several years ago.

  167. What is my dominant stitching goal for 2021? First it is to improve the stitching that I do. I tend to bite off more than I can chew some times. I know that with practice I will improve and that is exactly what I want. To grow in my abilities and to learn everything that I can. I should be able to work that at least for the first few weeks into the new year as I will be having foot surgery so, time to enjoy some stitching.

  168. My goal is finishing loved, but unfinished, projects, passing on kits that I shall not use, and devoting more time to this passion.

  169. My plan for 2021:
    …do mongrams and names for family members, using Mary’s site and stitches for guidance
    …getting better at color painting, following Trish Burr
    …using Elisabetta Sforza’s book
    …making Christmas ornaments for family.
    It’s a big list. But looks like fun.
    Praying for blessings for all in 2021.

  170. I don’t have a specific project in mind but I am always looking for ways to try new techniques or stitches. I also have two UPOs that I want to finish. There is never enough time to stitch everything I want.

  171. For the upcoming year of 2021 I wish to develop skills in the field of silk embroidery. As a teenager I would buy plain silk scarves and use zwilky silk threads to embroider on them. it was pre-internet times , and not easy to acquire items. Times have changed!

  172. I have a collage I would like to finish. It has some motifs I embroidered to be attached along with some hexies, yo-yos, lace bits and other fun stuff. I am going to try to be more aware of my stitching. I got a lot of projects done in 2020 but hardly remember doing them. It may have just been the year. The joy is in the stitching.

  173. My aim for 2021 is to stitch an event diary…this year has been difficult for everyone and being at home for much of the time has limited my inspiration…so..hopefully ..more events to inspire next year.

  174. Hi all, I plan to launch myself into learning crewel properly and thoroughly. Of course that goal coexists with my bobbin lace goals, making a quilt for my daughter in law, and garment sewing for me. Busy stitching year indeed!

  175. My goal for 2021 is to work towards completing Barbara Kershaw’s “Schwalm Filling Stitch Sampler”– a whitework technique that I began to learn a couple of years ago. I started with her “Schwalm Pillow”, after which I finished her “Jingle Bells” project. Her sampler is quite daunting; it has a great deal of peahole stitching, a mitred hem with more peahole edging and a centre section that will have forty-nine different Schwalm filling stitches. Currently, while ready to mitre the hem, I am taking a little break while I work on a Blackwork SAL…so many techniques to try! Our guild was lucky to bring in Barbara as a tutor and having completed the pillow with her, I was hooked! After Christmas I am looking forward to getting to work on it again. Barbara’s instructions are quite detailed and clear.
    Merry Christmas, Mary, to you and your readers–such a wonderful online resource you are sharing.

    Thank you,
    Marilyn in Paradise

  176. In 2021 I would like to explore more stumpwork projects. I took a wonderful class with Alison Cole last year and would love to do more.

  177. My decorative stitching goal is to set aside more time to practice and improve my skills! I have multiple projects waiting–mostly decorative stitching and embellishments on wool, that I am eager to begin/finish.

  178. Sorry forgot to include my 2021 goal. My goal is try new classes and projects with a variety of colors. Trying to flex my wings and expand my horizons.

  179. This year, I’m going to finish the embroidered holiday table runner that I laid out this year but never really started. I want to have it ready for December 2021 when (hopefully) our family extended family will re-assemble for the annual celebration.

  180. My 2021 stitch goal is to design & finish my own sampler, based on a 1964 booklet I have from Coats and Clark.

  181. For me, 2021 will be about applying the skills I have been researching in 2020. I had cataract surgeries done in the last half of 2020. That meant my close-up vision was compromised for months. I was able however to watch videos on embroidery, slow stitch, and thread painting and pore over book illustrations. The year 2021 will be for hands-on application of everything I have learned and using my new glasses!!

  182. Hello all. Setting a goal in anything is soooo important – it is a necessary first step! and I am so excited to say – I am going to start something fabulous – from scratch. In 2020 I have not been overly motivated and so much of what I have done is to finish this and that and maybe not even that much…… but I am getting a grip of this world wide situation – creating my own joy – and will start afresh – with a better attitude?! Hardanger pillow coming up. Thanks Mary for all the inspiration you share with us – wonderful notes to receive/

  183. My dominant stitching goal is two fold for 2021. The first is the starting of my RL Casket from the class. All of the designing is complete, my special papers, threads and fabrics have all been received as well as a new exotic wood slate frame to work on. Just about finished with my new stitching stand as well. The second part is to finish smaller projects that just need: the last of the stitching, to be framed or stitched into a final item. This year I completed the cleanout, purge and setup of my studio so it’s clean and ready to go. Happy Holidays and Happy Stitching!

  184. In 2021 my goal is to use numerous types of stitches and fabrics on an ABC.. project I designed. Can hardly wait!!! You have really inspired me!

  185. I have several- 1) finish Aesop’s Fable collection from Crewel works 2)make 2 Christmas stockings 3) finish the design work for my Opera House casket.

  186. Dominant goal for 2021 – complete stitching the UFO tablecloth begun years ago so it can be used for holiday family gatherings! When that is accomplished, get serious about other UFOs one by one, including some already stitched holiday ornaments that need backing and mounting so that they may be displayed.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!

  187. My stitching goal is to finish a large counted cross stitch picture by Marjolein Bastin. I have not touched it in about 3 years and 2021 is the year that I WILL get it done.

  188. For 2021, I am looking forward to homing my needle embroidery skills and trying my hand at incorporating beads into my work.

  189. My goal for 2021 is to learn Crewel Work. I’m retiring and plan on learning a new technique each year.

  190. Merry Christmas Mary, excitedly anticipating the surprise Christmas puzzle. Please enjoy your time with the family and give Mishka a nuzzle from our Miller (the dog), he a gentle old soul and likes making friends with everyone.

  191. My 2021 stitching goal is to stitch more of my own designs. This past year I have been working on sketches so the next step is to stitch some of them. I’d also like to explore some different types of thread.

  192. Thank you so much for making the season bright for stitchers again Mary! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year 🙂 My goal for 2021 is to teach myself thread painting with long-and-short stitch. I love flowers so much and would love to be able to stitch more realistic ones!

  193. Hi Mary!

    Congrats to all the winners so far:)

    My goal for 2021 is to start creating my own pieces. I am very good at following patterns and kits, and even tweaking them to be “my own” but I want to move past that. It is a challenge I have rarely succeeded in the past but I know I have it in me, somewhere!

  194. My stitching goal for 2021 – I have three cross stitch projects I would love to finish; two are Long Dog Samplers (Pandemic and Death by Cross Stitch) as well as a large full coverage piece called “End of Patience “ charted by Artecy. I would love to have the goal of not starting any new projects until those are finished but I already realize that is not going to happen! Merry Christmas and happy stitching in 2021!

  195. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to spend more time stitching and continuing to enjoy every minute of it. 🙂

  196. I have decided that this is my year of finishing up all my UFOs. That includes a pillow cover my mother started when she was about 13 years old. She will be 89 at the end of the month so this would be a project about 75 years in the making!

  197. My goal for 2021 is to finish a coupe of UFOs. I don’t expect perfection, but I hope to make progress! I will probably be sidetracked, as usual, by some new and interesting project, but still…

  198. My goal for 2121 is to have no more than two or three projects on the go at once. Unfortunately I am already doomed to failure as I’ve already signed up for at least two year long sals and have two other projects lined up for gifts.

  199. My dominant stitching goal for next year is to complete a couple sides of the Harmony with Nature casket. This includes learning lots of new skills, as this is my first try at stumpwork. Thanks and Merry Christmas.

  200. Stitch goal for 2021: get to grips with gold work. I have used it a couple of times, in small amounts, but I am hoping to do a piece just using gold- no ideas yet as to what to do though. But would like to use the different types of thread and techniques.

  201. You gave away some great prizes. Thank you!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
    2021 will be a better year for all of us.

  202. I have 2 goals I am hoping to accomplish: 1. To finish or near completion of a full coverage x stitch piece – that’s going to be tough, it’s pretty large (stitch-wise, I’m doing it on 28 ct. and 1×1 stitches so it’s smaller than the original stated size). 2. To teach myself Reticella. Xing my fingers I can learn it! Purchased 4 Italian books in a “splurge” moment, now to figure it all out! I want to incorporate it into my Hardanger and maybe design some of my own work. 😀
    Merry Christmas Mary and a blessed New Year.

  203. My biggest stitching goal for 2021 is to set up a stitching room in what has become a storage room; and to finish a few UFO’s, and learn needle painting, and get back into crewel work.

  204. My two goals for next year are minimum four new Book of Jonah-embroideries (it’s a ten year project with 60 parts) AND a portait of local saint Erik of Uppsala, wich I promised my husbond years ago.
    Thank you for another inspiring and encouraging year, Mary! May your next year be blessed!

  205. I’m just finishing up an applique/embroidery project from Kookaburra Farms. But my big project for 2021 is an Aunt Martha’s State Birds project — you see I like the embroidery transfers. When I was a little girl, my mother and I embroidered the 50 state birds — but a different version. We wrote away to an address from the local newspaper. Unfortunately, we only embroidered 44 of these birds, and the transfer outlines faded on the remaining patterns. After nearly 50 years, the fabric, a fine white cotton, no longer seems substantial enough to sew into a quilt, so I’m considering what I might do with only 44 of them. Fortunately, I found a newer version of the State Birds (which includes State Flowers) and so that’s my 2021 plan. Although this pattern seem to be for simple outline stitching, I might highlight or embellish certain aspects through more refined/complex stitching methods. Undecided for the moment. If I get bored with that project, I have the latest Sue Spargo pattern. And I just ordered four kits or patterns off Etsy….I’ll be busy enough, I think!

    I would love to win Collection #2, but any of them would thrill me!

  206. The joy of beginning a new project with a beautiful book for inspiration and all the threads and fabric set out is one of the best moments in a project. I find it almost more satisfying than the finished product. Of course, I used to get totally elated with a box of new crayons that were all sharp and lovely, too.

  207. Stitching yearly goals – I hadn’t really thought of having stitching goals prior to this question but now that I’m thinking about it:
    Finish the projects I’ve started
    Finish my museum reproduction
    Make my guys a baby Yoda each…
    hhmmm there seems to be a list growing :o)

  208. A stitching goal for 2021 (and really, for every year) is to have fewer projects in progress at the same time. But my NUMBER ONE goal is to be able to attend meetings of the outstanding Twin Cities stitching groups I belong to in person and not via Zoom!

    Thank you Mary and Search Press for this Stitcher’s Christmas and for all you do for all of us. Merry Christmas!

  209. My stitching goal(s) for 2021 is to continue working on the projects squirreled away. My cache is full…2020 saw me completing a number of projects. I’d like to do the same.

  210. My stitching project for 2021 is to explore the concept of nostalgia ( doing something with my vintage handkerchiefs) and to learn about stitching on paper!

  211. My next year’s major project is to start ( and maybe finish!!!) my cabinet of curiosities kit Harmony with Nature.

  212. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to get really good at long and short stitch by completing the series of lessons (from N’nT) that I started. Then complete the series of crewel work lessons which I paused because my long and short stitch was so crummy. And finally to finish and hang the projects, basking in the glory of achievement.

  213. Goal this year is to complete 5 sets of kitchen towels, 3 new samplers, 1 crewel Japanese floral piece, 5 very old WIPS.

  214. I plan to start mastering crewel embroidery in 2021 and have already purchased the wools and pattern ready. Having resources such as Mary Corbert’s on line site is invaluable to myself. In particular this year after being at home so much has enabled me to have something pleasurable to do and stay safe. The articles Mary does on books, ( such as above)stitching and many other needlework aspects are so useful and easy to understand it has become my no 1 go to online site to go to. Thank you Mary.

  215. Hi Mary!
    My dominant stitching goal is to learn at least one new skill, be it stumpwork, lace, or ribbon embroidery!

  216. My 2021 goal is to try Mountmellick with the correct thread and fabric and to try silk thread for the first time.

  217. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to finish at least one of the two Thistle gold work courses I signed up for. That and, once Covid is over, visit as many museums with needlework collections as I can.

  218. My overall goal for 2021 is maintaining a level of health so I may continue to stitch. I
    have some NnT towels that I’d like to do for my grands and some not quite finished projects of my own I’d like to bring to completion.

  219. My goal -like so many stitchers- is to complete at least one of my WIPs and 2-3 other projects. I also am planning on mastering three new stitches including the Queen stitch and the Montenegrin stitch.
    I find it helpful to have some specific goals in this time of Covid.
    Merry Christmas to all those who appreciate this amazing art!

  220. Dominant goal is to reduce the stash – both fabric and embroidery by working on unfinished projects and making donation quilt.

  221. I haven’t yet set my goals for 2021. That is something I will do between Christmas and New Year’s Day. During that week I will spend some time straightening my needlework things and deciding what will be next.

  222. I would like to get better at thread painting. I always find this part hard when it comes into an embroidery I am working on. I will look at lots of video and keep trying and practice, practice, practice….

  223. My main goal or focus would be to set aside more allotted time to explore and practice what my style of stitching is. No patterns, no instructions. Just needle, fiber and some linen in a hoop.
    Merry Christmas, Mary!

  224. Mary you are a constant joy and inspiration to us all. Thank you SO much for what you do. May Christmas blessings surround you.

  225. What Wonderful gifts for three lucky winners! Thank you Mary and Merry Christmas to you and everyone! Connie in Ohio

  226. My stitching goal this year is to finish projects that have been started but not completed. There are too many to list but they range from very simple decorations to a tablecloth for my daughter. If I can complete them all in 2021, I can look forward to some new projects – some of the many inspired by this website!

  227. My main stitching goal for 2021 is twofold: start finishing projects, and stop starting new projects until I get some of the ones I have already started, finished!

  228. My goal for 2021 is to have fun! Embroidery has been an excellent stress reliever this year, so I’d like to continue just enjoying it 🙂

  229. My goal for 2021 is to start (and hopefully complete) a cross stitch pattern that has been waiting for more than a year for me to finish my current project. I also want to learn how to use long and short stitch for shading.

  230. My embroidery goal for this year is to finish more projects than I dream up. Don’t know if that’s possible, because I keep reading your blog and getting new books, both of which spawn new projects in my brain, but I think it’s a worthy goal. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to all, and blessings for a wonderful holiday.

  231. My prominent stitching goal for 2021 is to combine hand embroidery and quilting together into some type of project. I haven’t decided what that project will be just yet but I am sure something will come to mind!

  232. My goal for this year is to finish a few large projects, including my Historic Countries Mystery Sampler from The Gift of Stitching Magazine, and to finally finish Deb Stiehler’s Pumpkin!

  233. My dominant stitching goal for 2021: I have purchased the ‘Little Brown Wren’ kit from Jenny Adin-Christie (A Thread & A Thought) for my birthday January 1. (Along with the ‘Mossy Hillock’ kit and mounting items). Following the Christmas rush to finish gifts, I like to spend my ‘birthday month’ working on a project just for me. I’ll be learning the new technique of needle weaving, and will learn embroidery techniques of working on 3D items, along with experiencing new fibers and embellishments. Plans for New Years Eve include perusing the instruction booklets, reviewing kit contents, and setting up my workspace—can’t wait!

  234. 2021. Finish a hardanger table cover that I designed for my daughter. Learn to do simple black work- and maybe move beyond simple.

  235. Mary I have learned so much from you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I plan to spend evening TV time plus morning half hour at least 3 days a week stitching on several UFOs; finishing one a month.

  236. My primary stitching goal in 2021 is stitching the hand embroidery on the crazy quilt wall hanging for my sister.

  237. Given the challenges of finding supplies this year, I have three big projects in various stages of kitting: an Ink Circles pattern just because I’ve been wanting to do one, The Common Thread 2 by Jeanette Douglas and In My Life from The Drawn Thread, both picked because of the variety of stitches. Then, if I’m really brace, I’ll reattempt a Japanese beading project that is beckoning me. That’s enough!

  238. My main goal in 2021 is to learn long and short stitch. I also plan to make a stitch book to sample stitches in.

  239. I am definately planning to start cross stitching again in 2021. I miss doing this a lot, but I’m planning out several small projects to start off, ones that I can finish easily. I’m also going to finish/frame my stash of completed projects too. For a new skill, I’m looking forward to doing some embroidery & crewel projects in 2021 too.

  240. In the new year 2021, I hope to have more time to do some needlework. I would like to make some fun embroidery placemats featuring a chicken on the front!!

  241. This year I really want to decide on the design and complete an embroidery project for my 3 year old nephew. I have been throwing around ideas in my head three years now. I think I have it nailed down but then I think of other design elements or ways to display it. My other nephews and niece have something made by me so I dare say that it’s about time that figure out this project. Especially since he has a baby brother or sister arriving August 2021.

  242. I promised myself to get all my christmas trees and snowflakes done to use for decoration next christmas!!

  243. My stitching goal for 2021 is to keep on experimenting with what I have learned this year. Thanks to the pandemic and technology, I have attended seminars, participated in Zoom meetings, and listened to podcasts from the needlework community. My well-stocked stash will get much smaller as I play with threads, fabrics, and designs. Thank you, Mary, for all your efforts!

  244. I would very much love to finish 2 projects by Anna Marie Winter. Unfortunately, they use marvelous silk threads and my hands are suffering from too much pandemic cleansing! Just doesn’t work with silk!

  245. In 2021 I WILL finish the intricate cross stitch picture that I began early this year. And I WILL organize and purge my craft room. Happy Christmas, Mary!

  246. I purchased some half finished canvases that my Guild had received. I’ll have to figure out what stitches the original needleworker used so my Mary Thomas’s “Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches” will be abused again. I marvel at the beauty of these pieces and wonder what caused them to be abandoned and donated. Would that I could finish these projects and share them with pride! I’d like to hope that the change of stitcher will be invisible. Also, it would be wonderful to share credit with them when the piece is finished and framed.

  247. My stitching goal in 2021 is to try to finish at least one of my many half started projects. I also want to finish at least one of the sewing boxes from the Many Hands book by Inspirations magazine.

  248. Thank you Mary. Merry Christmas to you and your family. 2021 goal, learn how to make lace? It is something which has held a fascination for many years. Improve my embroidery skills and finish a cross-stitch piece which was started in 2000.

  249. I am planning to learn needle lace in 2021. Hazel Blomkamp has an excellent online class on this and it would give me the needed instruction to tackle many of her other projects. Of course, there are many other projects I’d love to stitch, but I really need to finish a threadpainted landscape from a Margot Kearney class last year.

  250. My goals for 2021 are to finish two Goldwork pieces, one religious piece and a seahorse piece, then I have several projects, one being to make two pieces one A4 & one A3 specifically for the NHS and the local shops, as part of a local banner being produced by volunteers in the community who want to contribute to commemorate 2020 and thank all the services that have put others first. This will then be displayed in our library which is being refurbished at the moment.

  251. Hi Mary,
    My goal for 2021, as a new embroiderer, is to learn a few of the raised stitches and to complete a couple pieces of my own design. For ideas, I’m using the beautiful book Art Forms in Nature by Ernst Haeckel.
    Thank you,

  252. Ha, I have a wheelbarrow full of goals this year…but the main ones are to finish writing two books that are in concept phase at the moment; and to finish writing 3 new courses for my blog followers. These require loads of stitching the examples so I’m looking forward to a very productive and enjoyable 2021! Hugs!

  253. I have several projects I want to do. I like doing Redwork in other colors. I have some small designs I want to incorporate into my quilting projects. This allows me to create in my favorite two crafts.

  254. My stitching goal for 2021 is to make an embroidered skirt, most likely for next Christmas. On top of that I would also like to complete small projects at least once a month and learn new stitches.

  255. My goal for 2021 is to learn to quilt. I’m starting off with a string Christmas quilt. I have reserved a new patriotic fabric line from Primitive Gatherings which is due to come out soon. I plan to participate in a block program through Primitive Gatherings as well for that quilt. I am an avid crossstitcher and have many works in progress needing to be finished as well. Thank you for offering these products to us! Merry Christmas!

  256. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    To finish a Quaker Sampler that I took at the EGA Seminar several years ago. I also want to finish a small pin keep that is in surface embroidery.

  257. My goal for 2021 is to do more projects and teach my oldest granddaughter to embroidery! I hope to also learn some new techniques.

  258. I would like to finish “Bottoms Up” by Di van Niekerk. I began the work years ago. There is some needle lace in the picture that I enjoyed, and I would like to do more of that and weaving as fills.

  259. I would like to try a new skill this year and have long been interested in lacemaking! Thank you!

  260. Goal for 2021? Hmm Nothing specific. Just trying to finish UFOs. Dabbling in so many needlework forms, there are quite a few in my sewing room. Most have the embroidery done, but need some type of finish work.

  261. I would like to do more cross stitch on linen. Haven’t found a pattern yet, but I do like something more traditional.

  262. My dominant stitching goal is to continue to perfect my cross stitching skills by watching Jean Farish’s recently released youtube channel where she explores techniques, tips, and knowledge from her years as a designer. After gaining confidence with stitching several more kits in my stash (RTO and Maria Iskusnitsa), I’d like to try my hand at linen (vs evenweave) and a design from Modern Stitch Embroidery or Historische Stickmuster.

  263. My first goal is to complete a correspondence course from EGA, then have another one due for April. If covid allows, hope to teach a couple of classes in counted thread techniques.

  264. My stitching aim for 2021 is to start a project on saints, in a joyful, relaxed and optimistic state of mind, worrying less about accuracy and exploring ideas that are truly for my own imagination! It is hard to trust ones own creativity, relying on others as guides, but I want to see how far I can get with using my own ideas and images. We shall see whether I am bold enough ! After this grim year I want to try and do something truly my own in the coming year.

  265. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    I’ll be crocheting tops for towels and making more Hungarian embroidered hearts. These are my 2 most sought after items in my online shops.
    I have also designed some new patterns for Hungarian embroidery ornaments like Peppers, bunnies, and lots more shapes and sizes.
    Everyone have a Blessed Christmas. Be safe, stay well, Gloria

  266. A decade long goal has been to stitch a tin type-like family portrait mounted on velvet I would emboss via ironing against rbr stamp, and framed with further decorated metallic foil to resemble the palm sized Civil War 1800s antique pictures. Maybe 2021 it can happen.

  267. This year I picked up my hand embroidery again, which I haven’t done in about 9 years. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to be so engrossed in something so relaxing. My plan for the upcoming year is to improve on the skills I have as well as learning some new skills and techniques.

  268. My stitching goal for 2021 is quite simple: to stitch more.
    In 2020 I was part of a project-each-month program. It was too much. I hope to finish the 8 unfinished projects but do so thoughtfully and creatively so that stitching them is a joy, not a chore.
    I will be using Mary Corbet’s posts and website for inspiration and instruction.

  269. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish my WIPs … Being home for 2020 I found myself buying kits and supplies like crazy! I think I’m well stocked for a decade lol.

  270. Two goals for 2021: stitch every day, even if it’s a single stitch; and design a project of my own.
    Thank you and your sponsors for these lovely and generous giveaways.

  271. My goal for the next year is to tweak a design to make it my own. One that’s been rolling around in my brain for awhile.

  272. My goal for 2021 is a simple one…to finish the project started in 2019 which, because of lockdown and moving house, has spent 12 months in a plastic box. It is to transform the patchwork quilt, made by my partners mother, into a heirloom piece for his grand daughter. I have stabilised the areas that have rotted, but need to transform it from a single quilt into a double quilt, adding patchwork, appliqué and embroidery.

  273. One of my big stitching goals in 2021 is to learn ribbon embroidery. I recently received a lovely kit so I will start by learning how to do many different kinds of flowers in pretty silk ribbons. I’ll also be participating in a year long blackwork SAL. And then there are the usual cross stitch and specialty stitch patterns, including a mandala with lots of metallics and beads. I hope it’s a very busy stitching year.

    Merry Christmas, Mary, and all the best in the new year. Thank you so much for doing these wonderful giveaways.

  274. In 2021, my goal is to finish many of the pieces I have stitched but not yet made into their final product. For most of these, they will not be put into the traditional frame with glass. They will be made into stand-ups, purses, or other useful items. That is the plan.

  275. Merry Christmas to all….

    How long have you been creating Needle ‘n Thread? I know I have been following you for several years!
    Thank you for all the wonderful gifts your are offering this year. I would love to have one of the groups of books.

  276. My goal in 2021 is to complete 1 quilted postcard a week. Most will include embroidered motifs as the central design and most will be Christmas themed. Many will be mailed out at the end of the year to those on my Christmas card list or given to friends for birthdays etc. Some will be given to strangers during the year as a “simple act of kindness”.

  277. My goal for 2021 is to master tatting which I have tried but given up. Also to do more stumpwork which although time consuming is so beautiful. Fingers crossed I will succeed!

  278. I certainly have a lot of things “planned” for 2021. Continuation of my online beadwork class, hopefully an online whitework class, getting my casket design off the ground, and wardrobe work for when we can all come out of our houses and rejoin with friends mid-2021!!

    Happy Holidays, Mary, and thank you for another year of your inspiration and enthusiasm!

  279. In 2021 I’ll be continuing a series I started this summer based on maple leaf seedpods (whirligigs) using machine and hand-stitching. I’m exploring shape and color and various was to create textures with needle and thread.

  280. I have purchased your tea towels of flowers, pumpkins and wheat shafts, and Christmas holly. I have nine new tea towels to complete learning new stitches and techniques. I hope it doesn’t take me all of 2021 to complete but it will keep me busy for quite some time.

  281. My goal for stitching in 2021 is to learn a stitch a month. Each month I will practice, practice, practice that stitch until I have it down pat and go onto the next month. It’ll be fun deciding first of all which stitch each month I will learn. There are so many. What an exciting challenge!

  282. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to complete one of my reproduction cross stitch samplers so I can have a framed one on my wall. I have several others such as learning new embroidery stitches and completing knitting and sewing projects I have in the works.

  283. I have two goals. One is complete some of my current projects as I have many
    cross-stitch and needlepoint pieces in process.
    My second goal to learn about using color and texture in needlepoint which includes stitches that are new to me. Most of the current “fancy” stitches in needlepoint are surface embroidery stitches that have been adapted.
    Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

  284. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to learn to do my own transfers, especially onto dark fabrics, with greater confidence and skill. Don’t ask what happened to my Christmas runner project on the dark evergreen linen….


  285. My goal is to get a project finished! Any project! Hummm…maybe if started a little teeny one I’d finish it?

  286. My stitch goal for 2021 is to organize my collection of patterns and kits and then start working on a few of my favorites. I plan to cull my collection and try to have a more realistic collection of projects in place. The rest of the items will move on to new homes for other stitchers to enjoy.

  287. My goal for 2021 is to learn more about making boxes covered in embroidered fabric. The precision and geometry of the process appeals to me, as does the challenge. Wish me luck!

  288. Well, at my age, and after previous picking through several other stitchers beloved stashes at Goodwill and other thrift stores, I have to think about what happens to my beloved books threads fabrics accessories, unfinished projects if I GO HOME now. Don’t want my silks to be dumped together with the coats and clarks in a baggie, or my books on the $3.00 shelf. So I think I will start going through the stuff, see if a local quilt museum/ embroidery guilds will adopt it, be sure to mark the rare/valuable books as such, and add a codicil to my will (don’t worry the cats are already taken care of!!) on how I want it to be dispersed.

  289. I’d like to complete a stitch book for 2021 to review the stitches I know and to learn some new ones that I don’t!

  290. My goal for the new year is to finish all my UFOs! I aim to be disciplined and not start anything new until I complete the UFOs that are very close to completion. I know myself too well to promise that I won’t start a new project before all UFOs are done.
    The first UFO to complete will be Trish Burr’s Tuscan landscape needle painting project. It is a truly delightful scene, with so many bright and happy colours, and I am now on the last bushes and the sky. I have had hours of pleasure stitching this piece.
    Peace and good health to everyone during this holiday season and through the new year.

  291. Thank you for doing yet another “give away” with amazing prizes. I’d also like to thank you for all the help your site has given me over the years. Wishing you a safe, creative and happy new year.

  292. Ah! Thank goodness for Covid because I am getting to projects that have been on the back burner for too long and time is running out. Just last night I began my next stitching goal for 2021. It is a paisleyKashmir, heavily embroidered wool shawl, easily 19th century or older that came to me very cheaply via a tag sale because the black wool parts were shredded. I found the perfect black wool replacement fabric and my goal is to restore it to it’s original glory. I can’t wait to see it hanging.

  293. Over the years I’ve kept many of your newsletters as well as links for reference & inspiration. My goal for the coming year is to accomplish the art of thread painting. I’ve often admired the workmanship shown on Needle & Thread’s website.

    I’d like to thank you Mary, for all your hard work & how much I look forward to your next newsletter. Keep up the great work!

  294. To participate in a Blackwork weekly SAL and begin a long term crewel project by The Crewelworks.

  295. My goal for 2021 will be to keep up with my monthly Cottage Garden Thread Club Stitching from Australia. I’m so excited , I love the thread. Chris

  296. My goal for 2021 is to finish the two big projects I started the last few years. A Marriage Pillowe and a voided monogram 🙂

  297. Hi Mary,

    In 2021 I plan on starting at least two new samplers and probably several other projects as they catch my eye! 🙂

    I also plan in 2021 on making some substantial progress in finishing the stitching on many of my started projects and finishing many of my stitched projects. That was also a goal for me in 2020 and I did make lots of progress!

    I’m also in the midst of reorganizing all of my needlework supplies and I hope to complete that project next year.

    I’m also looking forward to retiring within the next year or so!

    Thank you for the fun puzzles and all of your informative and entertaining posts during 2020!

    Cynthia M in Maryland

  298. My goal is to prep, start, and complete a stumpwork project. I love butterflies and want to do a Jane Nicholas design that has butterflies. I have had her book for a couple years and vow that this is the year I am going to get to it!

  299. For 2021 I’d like to extend my skills a bit. At this point I’d like to explore threaded (Dorsett?) buttons with all their variations. My mind is slowing down as I age, and working at new skills is a means of exercising my brain. I’m slow, but I’m always thrilled with the results of something new.

  300. My goal this year is to stitch a Christmas Tree skirt for my son and his new wife. They asked me to make them a tree skirt and I want to make it special for them.

  301. Hi Mary My dominant goal for this next year is to get back to doing Crazy Quilts again with some additional skills that I have learned over the past two years. I have been learning about things like making silk flowers to add to the crazy quilt as well as learning additional stitches to add more interest to a Crazy quilt. I would love to receive any of the books that this company is offering. I am self-taught and I find that learning from books is a big way that I have done this. I treasure my books that I can refer to when I need them. Thank you again for doing this Christmas Give=away.

  302. My goal is to finish 50,000 stitches on my Heaven and Earth Design cross stitch. I only have approximately 800,000 stitches left.

  303. My Mom passed away several years ago and left a lot of unfinished needlework. My goal this year is to learn the techniques and finish her projects. They are all floral designs, which I enjoy also. I am mostly an art quilter, but love to do needlework also. I may even incorporate it into a quilt.

  304. I will be working on new embellishment stitches on a Sue Spargo’s BOM. This year I stitched down my wool pieces on each block and after the holidays, I’ll start back on January and do the embroidery stitches. There will be a number of new stitches to learn as I’m new to embroidery.

  305. Goals for 2021 are to complete the myriad of projects already started. I usually have several started projects and then a year comes along and I say it is time to get them done before starting the new round of projects.
    I also want to submit proposals for the various EGA seminars and get back to some semblance of normal so I can travel and teach again.

  306. My 2021 goal is covered buttons. Embroidered buttons, Victorian woven buttons, and Tenerife lace buttons. I love making beautiful tiny things.

  307. My 2021 stitching goal is to improve my design skills and explore new techniques and fibers. I can’t wait!

  308. Don’t really have a dominant stitching goal other than to be stitching. I do hope to finish my projects from Summer School sponsored by The Attic in Phoenix. Plus more than I like to admit kits and charts that have been ordered just this year! Stitching is the goal!!

  309. For 2021 I would like to do some stitch work out of the book A Sea To Stitch, and learn some new stitches and techniques. I really liked the stories in the book, and the stitching is beautiful. Ann

  310. My goal this year is to start / complete a lovely Christmas stocking kit that I had gotten from The Bobbin Tree. It was meant for this Christmas and doesn’t look overly complicated but my brain couldn’t handle anything else “new” just now. Any stitching time I had this year I was looking for comfort – not challenge, so put it aside and will tackle it this winter.

  311. In 2021 I hope to have better vision (thanks to some procedures done recently and still scheduled) and so I hope to spend more time stitching. Goals: 1. frame or otherwise complete already stitched pieces; 2. finish at least 4 of the UFOs in my stash!; 3. finish organizing my stitching “stuff” – share some with others, finish some, save some for later.

  312. I would like to try thread painting. I admire trish burr’s work and purchased a kit from Inspirations. I’m a bit intimidated given how beautiful Trish’s stitching is.

  313. For the New Year I want to make a quilt with embroidery as a key element, maybe a crazy-style quilt. I have done a crazy style quilt, but I’d like this next one to be a bit more free form. I want to go crazy with color and threads.

  314. My main embroidery/stitching goal for 2021 is to stretch my stitching repertoire. I want to make a sampler of 20-30 unfamiliar stitches and hang it on my wall to remind myself to try new ones on each project. I have a pile of projects to work on and hope to complete three major ones.

  315. My 2021 long term project is to turn a set of twelve days of Santa into a wall hanging. Technique is counted cross stitch. I will add a frame of simple poinsettia and ribbon to border and a simple sashing between the Santa days. Beads and charms. I have the linen already.

  316. I have some ancient needlepoint to finish. A couple of years back I got a pretty good frame for it, I had not been using a frame at all. Then cancer. I think I know where everything is and plan on that being my hand work for 2021 until it’s done.
    Happy Holiday!

  317. I have the Inspiration magazine with the tree on the front, and the Stitching the Sea book, so there are my after-Christmas projects. I’ve even ordered the thread and found the fabric. I’m not letting myself go any farther until I finish my fiddly little Christmas projects.

  318. My goal for 2021 is to find time everyday for stitching. I would love to have everything organized and ready to go so all I have to do is sit down, pick up my needle and begin.

  319. My goal is simply to do more needlework than I did this year! I really enjoy it and I need to take time to get a project started. That’s the biggest hurdle.

  320. I don’t really set stitching goals for myself anymore as my husband has Alzheimer’s and I am absorbing a lot more work that he is unable to do in managing our household and property. Be that as it may, the last few years I was delving into silk and Gold metal embroidery, doing Trish Burr designs in threadpainting and trying to work through some of Hazel Blompkamp’s patterns. When I have blocks of time available to stitch – these are my “go to” projects that I will be working on in 2021. In addition – I hope to be doing a lot of finish work for the completed stitched pieces. For shorter blocks of time I have “quickie” counted work projects that don’t take much concentration or time to set up. Thank you for all you do. Wishing you a Merry, Blessed Christmas.

  321. I am SO excited at the prospect of my new 2021 projects. I have not 1 but 2!!
    I am going to take part in the Mystery SAL from Linen & Thread which will be steadily paced throughout the year in 12 instalments. However, I am also working one of the projects from the Blakiston Creamery book from Inspirations. I am waiting for the kit to arrive for the Mirror Image design by Susan O’Connor. I am slightly more apprehensive about this one as it will stretch my capabilities to the max. However I am ready for the challenge!

  322. I began stitching a Christmas stocking for my niece several years ago. Due to family issues I have had little time to stitch. Also have a couple of small projects I want to finish. Happy stitching in the New Year and a very Merry Christmas to all!!

  323. My dominant needlework goal for 2021 is to do a whitework project. It would be a new technique for me.

  324. I would like to increase my skills with Brazilian embroidery so I will be encouraged to finish a project I started a few years ago. Got stuck and out it away. Your newsletter/emails have inspired me to finish it! Merry Christmas!

  325. I love all kinds of embroidery and it’s time to try a new stitch or get better at one like crewel. I will try any type of embroidery. I also do wool appliqué embroidery. Love your newsletter!!! Merry Christmas!

  326. One of the projects that I am going to do this upcoming year is monogramming. I have had Susan O’Connor’s book Monograms The Art of Embroidered Letters sitting on my bookshelf for a number of years. It’s been patiently waiting for me to be ready. Now I am. I love the look of white thread on natural linen. It is elegant.

  327. To be honest, my needlework goals are to Keep On Keeping On! I have at least 2 projects in my head for the time when I finish my current on. I know that at my current speed, that’s about a year of stitching and that’ll do for me as I’m bound to think up more stuff as I go along.

  328. In 2021 I look forward to completing several projects which were left untouched this year. I could not settle down enough to stitch when I could be making masks! Now that I have made more than 350 masks, I feel that I have done my part and can get back to the fun of stitching!
    I look forward to becoming a much better needle painter and learning more finishing techniques.

  329. Throughout 2021, I want to make all the presents, cards and any appropriate ornaments for all the year’s milestones,

  330. I want to work on becoming proficient at silk shading–practice, practice! I love flowers and birds and want to be able to recreate them in thread.

  331. Merry Merry Christmas.
    Thank you for hosting all these generous giveaways.. Would love to have this book.
    Many wonderful tips…

  332. I have a bunch of UFO quilts to finish in 2021, and I need to start on one (and advance with it!) that’s been on my front burner for years.

  333. My goal for next year is to complete the few WIPs that I have accumulated—especially the embroidered Passover matzo cover that I had intended to use for our large family sedar back in April. But Covid cancelled that gathering, and I lost interest. Hopefully I will be able to use the cover for next year’s sedar with all my family present.

  334. My #1 goal in stitching next year is to learn to do Stumpwork. The 3-D effect is just mesmerizing! It’s beauty is like nothing I have ever seen before. I spent this year learning needlepainting (although I am still a novice.)

    I have a book and I will try and find some videos to help me along. My number 1 block to this goal if finding the wire used in stump work. I have spent some time researching it, but every needlework website I go on to search for it, they have nothing in their search engine. I would truly like to find a kit for my first time but, haven’t found any of them either. But, I’ll never give up searching!

  335. My stitching goal(s) for 2021 are mostly hexies coasters and more monograms on cloth carry-bags for the other side of the family. I did order the stocking ornaments and I have your set of trees, so I’m set to start for next Christmas already!

  336. I hope to start and finish all the new embroidery patterns I found this year. Excited to see new embroideries from Trish Burr. I have a piece of denim for a swing coat that I want to embroider on, any ideas? I would love to hear from you . Merry Christmas, Susan J.

  337. 2021 plan is a pop art version of a classic Beatles portrait, that I will stitch in vibrant colours plus black, mainly in long and short stitch, for an avid Male fan of the band who is retiring.

  338. Upon moving to a retirement center two years ago I decided to approach embroidery in a new way by learning completely new skills. I have been lucky enough to go to some live workshops and since March to some wonderful online classes. I have been introduced to tambour beading, goldwork, couching, and cartonnage. My goal for the new year is to continue devoting time and space to improving these skills and learning new ones.

  339. My stitching goal for 2021 is to relax and enjoy the pleasure of slow stitching, renew my love for crewel and take on a stumpwork project! My eye surgeries completed, I’m looking forward to being more comfortable with small and fussy projects. Thank you for your beautiful website, blog and this fun contest, very inspiring!!

  340. My goal is to start of new project focused on leaves incorporating new stitches and beads. My second goal is to be patient as I learn new skills, both around embroidery and beading.

  341. Hi Mrs Corbet,
    I’m hoping to have a go at one (or more…) of the projects in the book “Embroidered Botanicals”, by Yumiko Higuchi. I particularly like the brooches, so probably one of those 🙂

  342. My goal is to make my embroidery practice more consistent. And of course that means I will need more ideas, supplies, and projects!

  343. My first goal is to figure out how to teach classes using Zoom. Then I have some major projects in my stash I’d like to work on. Merry Christmas Mary and thank you for all the inspiration and knowledge you share.

  344. In 2021 I’m eager to try visible mending/darning of some knitwear in need of repair.

    Also, as usual, to become better organized.

  345. My dominant goal is to manage my stitching time better so that I’m able to complete Christmas stitching in a timely fashion while also tackling other stitching projects.

  346. Oh let me count the ways for my embroidery goals for 2021! I have been hording “blank” thrifted clothes for embroidering art on, along with sketching embroidery ideas for art in general. My collection of flosses and threads have grown by more than I ever imagined along with various beads and needles. Covid to blame….maybe……or just face the facts that I’m addicted, whether looking or making. 😀

  347. Where would we be without books to guide us forward with our creativity! I am always on the lookout for new ideas to try and then hopefully accomplice.

  348. My dominant goal for 2021 would be to carve out more quality time to stitch on a Christmas Quilt I have been embroidering on and off for a couple of years and also a long and short bird and flower piece I am anxious to stitch. Cheers and Merry Christmas to all and a special thank you to you Mary for all you do for us!

  349. Can’t speak for all of 2021, but I have just spent 5 hours working on a seashell from A Sea to Stitch by Elizabetta Sforza!

  350. My goal for 2021 is to finish at least half of the UFOs I have started – not sure if it will happen, but I’m going to try!!

  351. My stitching goal for 2021 is to get back on track with my Master Craftsman pursuit in counted work through the Embroiderers Guild of America.

  352. My stitching goal for 2021 is to complete two UFOs (there are many to choose from!) and to have at least one stitching session a week.

  353. My stitching goal is to begin the online certificate course for the Royal School of Needlework beginning with Jacobean Crewelwork. I am so excited! I have taken several classes from them and they always refer to Mary Corbet and Needle N Thread for her excellent showcasing of how-to stitches. I agree!

  354. I don’t have any plans for 2021. Maybe get my craft room organized and look for a challenging embroidery design. I’d like to use some of the beautiful thread and patterns you always feature on your blog. Happy Holidays to everyone and stay safe!

  355. I just discovered this wonderful site and Mary has motivated me to be creative in 2021! I wish to relearn and master crewel so I will begin by making Mary’s needlebook (see June 2019). I will be observing William Morris’ mantra as I get creative: “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be beautiful or believe to be useful.” Happy new year fellow stitichers! Eleanor

  356. For the coming year I would like to develop my project planning skills as well as learning about thread doodling.

  357. I really don’t have a major goal for next year. I seem to just follow the winds as to what interests me at the time, and what my new ‘love’ is. I just recently tried fused quilting so I plan to do an embellished Christmas mini-quilt for me (of course after Christmas!). Then probably back to some wool applique and punchneedle. Who knows? To me that’s part of the fun seeing where you end up down the road.

  358. Who doesn’t love books!

    My goal for 2021 is to finish charting a large cross-stitch piece of Texas wildflowers.

  359. I would like to incorporate more embroidery into my quilting designs, in a new way. And I am always interested in improving my embroidery skills. Thank you!

  360. A new year means new hopes and goals- and after the disastrous 2020 a solid goal makes me feel wonderful. For this I am stretching my brain and working at an online course from Barbara Kershaw- “Hems & Edges”. We can talk again at the cusp of 2022!

  361. I never miss a Needle ‘n Thread email. Always good tips and topics! My goal this year is to try something new, advance my specialty stitches and work through my pile of unfinished projects.

  362. Hi, Mary,

    Thanks for asking this question. I hadn’t thought to set a goal for my stitching.

    Sooo….. (thinking, thinking). It is time to move past DMC stranded cotton on muslin or Aida cloth.

    I will test various fibers to determine which ones I feel most comfortable stitching with. Which crewel wool? Any of the silks or silk blends? I expect that threads may perform differently depending on which ground fabric I use, so I will try to find the best combination.

    So my goal is to make a thread-and-ground fabric sampler book rather than a stitch sampler.

    Thanks for helping me figure this out. 🙂

    Merry Christmas, Mary!

    Beth B

  363. It’s been an amazing giveaway time. Thanks, Mary. 2021 I will be starting a casket. I need to get some silk threads for it first.

    Heather M. in BC

  364. My main goal is to finish the chatelaine from the class I took from Susan O’Conner 2 years ago. Also any other UFO’s that I have and still want to finish. Something new may catch my eye as well and I will have to stitch on that.

  365. I have a basket that is 3 feet in diameter and 4 feet in height which is storing my unfinished canvas work. My goal in 2021 is to finish one project a month from that basket. Then I will frame the canvas art or make pillows, whichever is appropriate. Our home will have a new look!

  366. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish my UFOs. I lived in temporary quarters for two years while having a house built. All of my stitching was packed away. I bought more to fill the time, and now have so many things started but not finished I have to make a dent.

  367. Hello
    My goal is to finally have enough energy to continue to work on the many projects I have started.
    Working in a doctor’s office right now leaves me mentally and physically exhausted, so much that I can’t even begin to bring out my work
    So I’m resolving to get out a proerct and have everything at hand so I don’t even have to think about where to begin

  368. Would like to finish my hearts and roses crazy quilt. Then try some blackwork, have pattern and materials for a jellyfish.

  369. My main stitching goal is to experiment enough with thread painting that I feel like I actually know what i’m Doing
    Cindy Matz in Lincoln

  370. To finish all the embroidery projects that I started this year including a gold work sample, a Trish burr silk shading project and make an embroidered casket.

  371. Reading Needle’n Thread is always an inspiration! During 2021 I want to complete an embroidered piece for each of my three little granddaughters—a sweet summer nightie, a little something framed to adorn a bedroom wall, a keepsake Christmas ornament? Obviously I am still dreaming of the possibilities.

  372. My stitching goals for 2021 include two projects: a needlework pillow top, and a pair of smaller pillow tops in crewel. They are in my “to do” basket, and I am looking forward to enjoying making them this year.

  373. My goal was to finish an exploration quilt (new techniques, new embroidery stitches, etc.) that is very nearly done. It’s still possible but there is still beading and I don’t want to rush this part-it’s too much fun!

  374. So many hopes and plans for 2021! I retired this month and one of the things I am really looking forward to is having time to commit to in depth historic needlework projects. I want to do a polychrome Elizabethan coif, also reproducing a section of the Bayeux tapestry. At least to start with :).

  375. I want to master bullion stitches so I can finish up a couple projects I have set aside that include them. 🙂

  376. I have 8 grandchildren, each year I make one of them a Christmas quilt. In 2021 I will make the last one. Yipee

  377. Thank you for the giveaways and for all your embroidery encouragement. I don’t have any specific goals, but I would like to learn (and become proficient at) Brazilian three-dimensional embroidery. It has a “presence” that distinguishes it from more flat types of stitching.

  378. My stitching goals for 2021 include continuing my wonderful online Embroidery class to learn new stitches and techniques. From that I will continue on small projects to develop my skills and then I would like to take on a larger project that uses much of what I’ve learned.

  379. My 2021 stitching goal is to create a new wall hanging for my house. This will only be the second time that I’ve created my own pattern (rather than using existing designs)!

  380. I hope to complete some of the 5 or 6 projects that I have planned but never started. I thought this year would have been a good one to get started, but don’t know what happened.

  381. I got really into heirloom sewing this year for my daughter and historical sewing for me, so improving my smocking and detail embroidery are my main goals.

  382. I have a twin goal for 2021. To finish a BOM which had the last 2 kits get hung up in COVID complications. And the second part is to start and hopefully finish the second in a series of my own original wool appliqué/ embroidery projects by the end of 2021.

  383. My dominant stitching goal for the new year is to finish my existing projects and then look for a new project with some new stitches and variations to challenge me during the shut-in period we have ahead of us.

  384. I would love to be more productive this year. It takes me too long to decide on projects and I had planned to look into transfer books as a way to help speed up the selection of projects to work on. I was also thinking that using transfer books may be a way to push myself into trying more challenging projects

  385. My goal is to finish the towel kits and tree I got from you. I also want to work on birds- learn how to “paint” by embroidering birds. Is that even the right term? And do some ribbon embroidery. My list is longer, these are just a few things.

  386. Hi, Mary,
    This A Stitcher’s Christmas series has been fun. Thanks again to you and all the sponsors for your generosity.
    My dominant goal is to get started early on stitching Christmas ornaments of some sort for all our grandchildren and to actually finish them in time. I haven’t decided if I’ll do “production work”, i.e. 15 of the same design, or 15 in the same theme, or mix it up entirely. I just hope to be sitting on ready when the new year rolls around! Thank you again for a chance to win! Good luck to all!
    May God bless you and all your family with a wonderful Christmas filled with much love. I’ll be thinking of you as you celebrate the holy day for the first time without your sweet mother.

  387. To try to use the Geography of Hand-Sewing templates in the back of the book, which I keep forgetting about.

    To embroider a small flower type motif around the bottom of a caftan dress that was sewn these summer from 100 Acts of Sewing. Believe it or not, I have never done such a thing before!

  388. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish some already started projects and to get some of your beautiful tea towels done for gifts next year. Thank you so much for these giveaways.

  389. For next year, I’ve not yet set any goals for myself. I’m totally open. My work stems from projects that I decide to make as opposed to working on one skill. The highlight for this year was stitching the Leafy Tree! Many thanks and Happy Holidays

  390. My biggest goal is to finish the sampler quilt I am making for my SIL. It has hex shaped blocks with all kinds of needle work on them, including some crazy quilt blocks. I’ve been working on it for 2 years and am only half done. I’d love to get it done this year.

  391. My stitching priority for 2021 is to finish three projects, one is an Alison Cole piece and that will require the most work. The other projects are from Jenny Adin-Christie. I will work on the brooch project first since it has the least amount of work to get it finished, I’ll then work on the Eryngium project.

  392. Mary, Thank you again, for all your posts throughout the year. They definitely stimulate “the little gray cells”.
    Good questions:What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach?

    Looks like 2021 will be a year of making use of what I have already — finishing UFOs, working on projects I’ve already kitted up, especially some to build new skills. During this past year, I’ve been shifting toward working on fewer projects, and pushing them to completion. One of my guilds has a challenge “20 finishes for 2020”; I’m not quite there yet, but do expect to reach the goal by the end of the year. 21 for ’21? Might happen.

  393. In 2021 I would like to finish TWO of my needlepoint projects at least!
    I have to quit hoarding these projects and finally get a few of them done.
    Decisions, decisions!!

  394. I hope to keep practicing my skills. I will be making botanical pictures. I also will be filling in my embroidery book and take more lessons.

  395. I hope to keep practicing my skills. I also will be filling in my embroidery book and take more lessons.

  396. My dominant embroidery plan for 2021 is to finish things up, so I’ve decided I need to finish 2 things before I start a new one; and to try and work out something exciting to do with the huge pile of leftover tapestry and crewel will I have stashed away. Merry Christmas and thank you for keeping me inspired this year

  397. I thought I would have so much more time during this pandemic and instead I find I have less time for needlework. I am so tired at the end of the day that when I sit in my chair & pull up my lamp, I fall fast asleep.
    My 2021 goal is to get into my chair earlier OR when I wake up early, to start my needlework & watch the sun come up. I have a Christmas stocking to finish, another stocking to start, a Christmas angel tree top to start.
    It’s an ambitious plan I know, but I want to complete these pieces so that I can try my hand at whitework. It’s so beautiful!
    Merry Christmas,

  398. My goal for the next year is to take a step back from the more “modern” esthetic of my current projects, to some more traditional techniques and patterns. Blackwork for sure. Shadow work. Even a bit of cross stitch/sampler. And some ribbon. Must play with some ribbon! Thank you!!

  399. I am fairly new to embroidery, having just started a project in October that I hope will be finished soon. I have not stitched on linen or used anything other than DMC cotton floss. My stitching goal for 2021 is to do a project on linen using fibers other than cotton floss. I am thinking of making a pall for our church.

  400. My biggest goal is to finish a wool applique wall hanging of 15 different owls that I barely started this past Jan. I had a huge creative block and tried several different approaches over this year that I didn’t care for, so I hope my muse is more cooperative next year.

  401. A few weeks ago I bought some garments from Maiwa Handprints in lovely natural linen. Two of them are crying out for embellishment. I intend to do some ethnic embroidery on the yolks and cuffs … one will be in white ( I love the look of white embroidery on natural linen!), and the other will be in wild bright colours. I haven’t decided on pattern yet but I will use waste canvas for one of them. Maybe on both. The planning is half the fun!
    Merry Christmas, Mary and thank you for the inspiration of your column.

  402. I hope to word on solidifying my technique in general and adding to my knowledge of stitches. I want to do a sampler of stitches. My plan is to use a stripped fabric and simply practice stitches on the strips.
    I will go through my books and sample stuff.

  403. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to reduce my thread stash. I have been stitching since the 1970s and have loads of threads of all types. They are sorted into 18 clear plastic shoe boxes by color. Silks, metallics and the entire color range of DMC floss are stored separately.

  404. My stitching goal for 2021 is to continue to design and create pieces for my children and grandchildren. I started this past year and have had lots of fun creating! Thanks, Mary, for the wonderful opportunities! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  405. My goal for 2021 is to complete 3 started Samplers, Coming to America, G Leger,and the Lebanon Co. sampler( my hometown) and of course the special Christmas ornaments and exchange gifts. I would love to go to a retreat or two if Covid goes away!

  406. I have just gotten back into cross stitch. I’m getting ready to start on an historical sampler and I’ve nearly completed a blackwork picture. I’m also re-learning casalguidi embroidery through an EGA course. 2021 will be busy for me.

  407. For 2021 I would like to set a goal of doing some kind of stitching every day, no matter how much, a little or a lot, I would like to do some every day.

  408. I guess my goal for next year will be to “stitch at least a little bit” every day. I would also want to finish some “started stitching projects.” It SHOULD be to clean up, organize, and do away with a lot of items in my stitching storage area!( that is an ongoing goal,however, that somehow never gets completed!)

  409. I’m awaiting the arrival of the kit “Jewel by the Sea”.. That is my dominant project to get done for 2021.

  410. My dominant goal for 2021 I would like to get back into designing pieces. Started and then just kind of drifted away from that aspect. It was an excellent way to use my drawing skills and creativity. I just got distracted from it. I would also like (need!) to get organized and finish some of my projects that have just been languishing around waiting patiently for me.

  411. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to complete an old project for every new one I start. I have taken many classes and have many fine kits to finish.

  412. I want to learn how to embroidery so I can make Personal Christmas Gifts for 2021 for my family..We suddenly lost our middle son, in May..
    I want to learn to make something special for my DIL.. Thank you
    Linda king

  413. I am an 80 year old male. I have enjoyed needle work for many years. I am currently in Brazil for 4 months and I always bring a number of projects to keep me occupied. My last project was Hydrangeas and Shells. My family loves receiving my finished projects.

  414. 2020 has been such a bad year, to be honest I have found it hard to focus. I would stitch and then lose interest. 2021 I am planning on getting my focus back and continue to finish projects that I still love and look forward to finishing.

  415. My main stitching goal for 2021 is consistency. I find it hard to get started because every project has so much pre-prep. Perhaps if I spend a day just preparing fabric, transferring patterns, etc. so I can move forward that will help. I always thought once I made up the “kit” – purchased fabric and threads – I would be good to go. Not so! Ext in line is learning how to finish once the stitching is done!

  416. My dominant stitching goal is to slow down and enjoy the experience, the
    Learning, and maybe the mistakes.

  417. I have finally started my dream crazy quilt. I know it will take a while but I like to have a hard project in the making while still doing other quilts. I have some blocks prepared and a few embellishments on them. I hope to get 3 finished within a week.

  418. My aim for 2021 is to finally finish all panels of my Elizabethan casket and put it together on the box. I’ve finished all of the outside panels so am well on the way. I am also taking part in the Eliza Johnson sampler SAL being run by A Stitch In Time, commencing in Jan, so I would like to think I’ll complete all of that by the end of the year. Lots of other stitching and lacemaking plans and I’m sure I’ll be tempted (distracted!) by new designs and ideas along the way.

  419. I have finished my ‘carry around’ stitching project and want to start another. Whenever real life meetings happen again, I’ll be ready to travel and stitch. 🙂

    Until then, I have one project I want to finish (a wool applique quilt) and one to start (another wool applique Christmas quilt).

    🙂 Linda

  420. In 2021 I would like to learn stumpwork… I have several books and a couple of kits but haven’t done this yet.

  421. My stitching goal for 2021 is to chart an antique sampler I own, and then stitch a reproduction. I may be setting lofty goals for my current skill set!

    Thank you, Mary, for such fun and fabulous giveaways!

  422. I’m always interested in learning new techniques in needlework, and I have through EGA and online classes. Lace Reimagined sounds like a good place to start. All of the collections sound excellent though. Thanks for the opportunity to own one of these collections.

  423. I want to finish the tapestry thing I’m working on at the moment (since it seems unlikely I’ll manage to finish it in 2020!), but I can’t decide what to use for the border/side parts at the moment. I’ve been playing with stitch transformations here and layering surface embroidery stitches over canvas ones, along with thread-wrapping and simple cords.

    After that, I’d like to do some more with knotwork and/or spirals. (Think Celtic knots as opposed to French ones.) At the moment, I’m fascinated by the possibilities of spirals, knots and stitch transformations/blendings, needlepoint lace and connections/integrations.

  424. My dominant project this year is to make two 12″ crazy quilt squares from my late husband’s ties and give them to my step daughters. I have started taking the silk ties apart and it takes for ever to remove everything so I just have a plain piece of silk fabric. I also have three needlepoint projects going at the same time.

  425. My main stitching goal for the coming year is to finish the Home Sweet Home workbox collection by Carolyn Pearce, at least the stitching. Ideally I’d like the assembly done, too, but that might be optimistic.

    Mary, thank you so much for what you do. Have a wonderful Christmas with your nearby family bubble, raise a glass or cup of tea to your Mother’s memory, and all the best for the New Year.

  426. First of all, I had knee surgery early in 2020 and gave myself a treat of ignoring my UFOs and starting a lot of new things (mostly small pieces I could finish easily, although a couple of large pieces). My goal for 2021 is to finish UFOs, although I *have* signed up for three GCCs, so there will be some starting of new pieces, also. I decided my Lenten discipline this year will be to work on the pile of pieces on which I have finished the embroidery but need to do assembly, framing, etc., including two projects that I thought were already finished, but have to have their finishing redone (that’s *really* painful!).

  427. I plan to work on a Quaker cross stitch piece that is larger than anything I’ve tried before. I also want to finish some embroidered flowers.

  428. My stitching goal for 2021 is to learn more than the basic stitches so that I can stitch some 2021 Christmas ornaments.

  429. My aim is to finish the complex picture I have started – it is the last in a set of four to go in our bedroom together. This one is Winter with roses and leaves in shades that I have chosen to match the teals in the curtains. The difficult part is getting the background trellis accurate, especially in the gaps in the flowers and leaves. All the pictures are the same size with many of the same colours and the same cream background, so I really want to see them on the bare walls of our bedroom!

    Wishing you a very Merry Xmas and wishing us all a better new year with plenty of needlework!

  430. My goal for 2021 is to first finish my 3 WIP then to learn stumpwork and tread painting.
    Thank you Mary and have a wonderful holiday with hope for a different year then this one!

  431. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to finish a few projects that are in various stages of UFOs. While finishing them I will tackle any new stitches that come up with vigor to learn and complete.

  432. My goal for 2021 is to expand my stitching skills and learn some new stitches/techniques. It’s also to finish some of this year’s unfinished things 🙂

  433. My stitching goal for 2021 is to give my more time and attention to my stitching. I will be focusing on couching goldwork and have several small kits to practice with. These will be gifts for my many daughters, so that should keep me on task.

  434. My stitching goals for 2021 are to start (and finish!) an old design of roses in a big pedestal vase that I am doing in silk (my first try!) and to make as many of Mary’s snowflakes as I can!

  435. My primary goal for 2021 is “use my head” and refrain from purchasing, esp. beyond my budget ! I cataloged my projects and 170 was reached before the end !
    I am not young, will never, even in another lifetime, finish what I already have. I need to FINISH what I already invested in !

  436. My goal for 2021 is to choose seven projects. They can be unfinished or want to do projects. Each month I’ll randomly choose one and try to complete it during that month before moving on to another. I’m hoping this motivates me to complete my list of projects.
    Merry Christmas and thank you for your hard work. I always look forward to your newsletters.

  437. My main goal for 2021 is to stitch some every day (even if its only for 10 minutes)! For me it isn’t a time or busyness issue. Completing this goal is a matter of refining my play conditions (embroidery isn’t “work”!). So deciding and purchasing an embroidery stand so that I can position and re-position to work both ergonomically and comfortably. New skill-wise I want to dabble in black-work and white-work. Good luck to all.

  438. My major goal for 2021 is to finish projects in process. I have about 4 stitching projects plus several quilts to complete

  439. My goal next year is to begin and finish the Hannah Hetherington sampler by From the Heart as well as Dreidel, Dreidel by Ink Circles. And maybe some UFOs that have been languishing for too long.

  440. As I learn various embroidery stitches and techniques books are a vital resource, my go to reference material.

  441. My stitching goal for 2021 is to start up again! 2020 has been a horrendous year for finding the time to stitch. I would like to embellish some RTW clothing I have, take some RSN classes, and work on some passementarie and relearn goldwork.

  442. I will be in production-mode busily making things to sell in my family’s ETSY shop. New year= new opportunities!

    Thanks for the giveaway, Mary! Merry Christmas!

  443. My 2021 project will be a gift for my daughter who is completing her Doctorate of Philosophy in Marine Science. The inspiration came after seeing your review of Elisabetta Sforza’s book A Sea to Stitch. Still in the thinking/planning stage Iwould like to use her beautiful sea themed letters and scrolls to make a fabric “certificate “ for framing. I will use some beautiful Graziano linen and Au ver a Soie threads which my 100 year old mother has bought me for Christmas for this project and can’t wait to get started!

  444. I wish to finish the Hazel Bloemkamp crewel design I am 2/3rds through and start our guild’s president’s challenge – an original postcard size embroidery.

  445. My stitching goal for 2021 is to convert a Maude Lewis rug hook pattern into an embroidery project for a pillow. Think it is going to take me the year to resize and transfer.

  446. My main embroidery goal for 2021 is to get back to designing. I have lots of ideas so step one is at least weekly entries in an embroidery journal so that I capture the god ones and refine the ones with staying power. Success will be moving an idea ahead to the point where I start stitching It!

  447. My goal for 2021 is to complete some of my many unfinished items, try some counted cross stitch, and thanks to my daughter, for my birthday, I received a Crabapple Hill 4 part pattern called The Mystery of the Salem Witches a color book pattern. It is just adorable. I will try some of the new stitches I am learning here to make it my own.

  448. My major goal for the year is to enjoy my stitching. To participate in classes and challenges when it works for me. My desire is to spend in person time with my stitching compadres.

  449. My goal for 2021 is to finish some projects that have been on the go for quite sometime. I have many projects stacked up in my living room and I’d like to clear some of them out. I’d also like to do some more gold work (but no new projects until I’ve finished a few ufo’s)

  450. For 2021 I want to learn new stitches and use them to finish my Tulips n Tweets set. I also want to learn more needlepoint stitches and start a stocking I have but have been too afraid to stitch.
    Jana McC

  451. I don’t have any real goals other than to try to make more time for stitching as well as to try out new stitches or techniques.

  452. My #1 goal for 2021 is to expand my repetoir with new stitches and techniques. I am quite interested in stump work and getting more technical with needle lace for embellishments. My other goal is to devote more time
    to embroidery and not be so scatter shot!

  453. I plan to finish some long term projects in 2021. Often life is too busy and my stitching has to wait until holidays. I plan to build time into my busy working week to enjoy threads and stitches, and get lost in my most recent project, a beautiful crewel work design by Hazel Blomkamp. Happy 2021!

  454. 1. Finish the UFO’s.
    2. Why…so I can learn a new technique, new ideas, new book, new fabric. Expand my experience with threads.

  455. My main goal for this coming year is to make time to stitch. I am going to plan what project I am going to work on each day and alot a minimum amount of time to spend on it. Aiming for 1 hour per day, spread over 3 projects. Crewel work, blackwork and a stitch sampler. I also have sashiko panels for a quilt, that I can work on while I watch the news most evenings. A glorious rainbow over the coast, greeted me this morning. While I missed seeing the Jupiter, Uranus convergence last night because of clouds, I still feel some positive signs for the coming year.

  456. My main stitching goal in 2021 is to get things finished – framed, or made up into finished projects! I have too many completed but not finished pieces sitting in storage and not out where I can enjoy them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  457. I hope to build on my successes from this year by continuing to work from home 3 days a week and add the 6-8 hours I would have spent commuting to my stitching (or knitting, lacemaking or sewing) time.

    In addition to an already ambitious 2021 plan to start (and finish!) the Kathy Rees designs titled Harmony, Serenity and Tranquility, I also want to complete more of my UFOs. Perhaps I should start with listing all of those…or maybe not!

  458. It has been one year since I decided to learn embroidery; and what fun it has been. The goal for 2021 is to improve my stitching and to learn some new techniques.

  459. I would love to win these embroidery books. Thank you for all your emails about embroidery. I like the Stumpwork, Kew Emroidery Flowers and Crewelwork

  460. Where to start?? Easy – finish what I’ve started, continue to delve into different techniques, enjoy the fellowship and friendship of like-minded embroiderers and reflect on the joy of stitching!

  461. My goal for 2021 is first of all to finish the embroidery of an Australian Superb Blue Wren which I am doing for my granddaughter’s 21st birthday. Then I must tackle the Bayeux stitch on a panel of the famous tapestry which my husband really wanted. It has named the founder of his family – Count Eustace de Boulogne. Then I am planning to get back to some Crewel work.

  462. My goals for this year for embroidery are: firstly, to finish the Home Sweet Home sewing box and accessories set; secondly, to improve my overall quality of work in the process; thirdly, to start, and finish some kit projects.

  463. I’m trying a strongly goal-based approach for 2021. I’ve set a goal on every project I have including 2 planned new starts, with the goals ranging from 5 days work on a project I’m finding particularly tough going to project completed. If I complete all the goals I plan to reward myself with an order to a U.S. retailer for some of the supplies that I find tricky to source here in the U.K.
    Hopefully it will result in 5 finished projects, including my first silk shading piece, as well as progress on everything else.

  464. My main stitching goal is to dedicate more time to embroidery and to complete at least one of Trish Burr’s many designs that I have admired for some time. I need to be more focused on stitching and limit my time doing other projects. There just isn’t enough time in the day for me to do everything I would like to do.

  465. In 2021 I want to embroider Christmas presents for my 2 sisters. And to start the projects in early 2021 so the will be completed in plenty of time!

  466. My dominant goal for 2021 is to be organised in my stitching. No more (or not many) UFOs – planning & obtaining all the materials needed for each project, so they don’t have to pause while I look for missing parts.
    Thank you Mary for this enchanting series of give-aways. May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! And take care of yourselves.

  467. My goal is to complete several projects stashed away in project boxes. They vary from Hardanger, Japanese silk embroidery, applique guilt blocks and smocking. Cleaning up my sewing room I rediscovered several of these treasures. Some with just a few hours of stitching left to complete. I plan to finish them off into the purse, quilt,wall hanging or etui they started out to be. Looking forward to a New Year of stitching old projects.

  468. There are at least 2 projects I’d like to complete for my mom this coming year – one is a table topper with roosters & flowers (she lives on a farm) & the other is a lovely, sunny picture of daffodils. I would also love to improve & learn many new embroidery stitches.

  469. My 2021 goal is to stitch and construct the stumpwork casket from the RSN embroidered boxes book.

  470. I want to step out of my usual type of work more in the coming year. I know how to do many kinds of needlework but the majority of what I do is counted cross stitch. I want to do something with more dimension to it. Fingers crossed for collection 1!

  471. My new goal for 2021 is “long & short stitch”. Our section of the Embroiderers Guild are doing a project from Trish Burr. I’m hoping our roses will be so lifelike that we can even smell the perfume.

  472. Firstly, thank you to you Mary and to all the people that provided the fun gifts you’ve been tantalizing us with the past while. Secondly, thank you even more to you Mary for all the information, tips and sheer fun you have given me (all of us I’m sure) over the past year. I wish you and yours a very happy Christmas, even though it will be in a different form than we’ve been used to.
    Lastly, to answer your question of the day….I would have to say my main goal is to continue to use up an over-abundant stash. I want to challenge myself to expand my skills, particularly directed towards my fabric landscapes. I would like to create some sort of reference book featuring different stitches that are new to me so I can further my abilities.

  473. In 2021 I hope to finally get around to finishing the (25”x25”) Hardanger piece (Summer Classic by Donna Olson) I started 5 years ago. I’m determined to finish a canvas work piece (Starry Skies from Nancy’s Needle) before this year ends! And I have plans for my first embroidered box – since Mary reviewed the book by RSN. Oh, and a fall pumpkin/wheat piece from Mary’s design- but, you said my MAIN focus?!? HaHaHa. HaHaHa Its a hobby! Whatever strikes me at the time (with a goal to not increase my unfinished projects count)

  474. My stitching goal for 2021 is to complete all my half finished stitching projects. The second pillow case, the sixth napkin and the remaining four dish towels out of a set of seven. Not to mention a couple of unfinished tapestry kits.

  475. I am planning to do a modern embroidery sampler on linen. I have a dated, but generous stash of threads and silk ribbon. I expect to have a lot of fun doing this.

  476. Oh no, this one is the absolute highlight of all of this year’s Stitchers’ Christmasses for me! Thank you and all the contributing businesses so much for your generosity and your efforts!

    I always have stitching goals before me, all the same for next year. 1) coming to grips with designing pictures in blackwork, 2) finishing my long-lingering canvaswork picture, 3) finishing a second design I began to stitch months ago: a funny morel house, 4) practicing needlepainting, 5) – 99) so many ideas on my mind: a miner and an angel … calligraphy works in all imaginable scripts … the lantern festival in Halle/Saale … the snow-covered landscape of the Ore Mountains … houses, doors, windows and more architecture … local wild herbs …
    Ok, that’s for life, not for next year.

    Might you all have a productive and happy one!

  477. My new project/goal is to learn needle painting and I’ve signed up for a course with Trish Burr! I’m really looking forward to getting started after the holidays.
    Merry Christmas Mary!

  478. 2021…..my goal, like many, will be to stay healthy…then stitching anything is possible.
    I would like to finish a few long term projects, start many more and help grow our Embroiderers’ Guild, Queensland even stronger.
    Happy Christmas to all and a safe New Year

  479. I have several stitching goals for the upcoming year. The first is an embroidery Journal for each of my children with each of the pages embroidered, and pockets on them for enclosing things I write for them throughout the year. I also want to embroider some husifs and scissor sheaths. I also want to continue working on the Little Women quilt I’m designing for my daughter.

  480. Your newsletter is always inspiring. Would love to win something as I have been unable to do any shopping this year. Without stitching and quilting in my life, I would not have survived Covid. Happy holidays. Transfers Would be so nice.


  481. I don’t really set goals for stitching, but thinking about it, I want to become more proficient at whitework with color (Trish Burr) and I want to design a Christmas stocking for a granddaughter I may one day have!

  482. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!
    I want to get a lot more done on my huge cross stitch project (The Library by StitchDMC) as I love how it is appearing as I do more stitching on it.

  483. iT’S FUNNY that you should ask this, I’m not someone who even makes New Year’s resolutions. That being said…I would like to finish pieces as I start them. Not having two or three things begun & nothing completed.

  484. I plan to finish all current orders and retire before the end of 2021. That will give me time to practice all the stitching I never get to do because I am always making things for other people. Stump work and needle lace are still on my list since my trip to London a few years ago. I would love a set of these books to give me incentive.

  485. My main 2021 stitching goal is to improve my skills & finish some UFOs! But also would like to learn how to digitize some of my own designs 🙂

  486. in the upcoming year I hope to continue the progress I made this year. i would love to attend a stitching “camp” or workshop.

  487. Hi Mary!

    My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to learn and work on thread painting. I have a bunch of books on that subject and the tools now I need to sit myself down and just do it!!

    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours.

  488. For some reason I have fallen in love with the colour blue, so what better thing to do is study Deerfield embroidery. I am interested in the history and want to embroider something in this technique, therefore I am on the lookout for anything to achieve my goal. I would like to make a padded seat cushion for my piano stool.

  489. I am taking thistle threads Whitework class as a gift from my mother and looking at what reticella books are available to expand on that education. There are some lovely Italian books out there.

  490. In 2021 I’m aiming for focus – having now amassed a sizable collection of needlework goodies for my retirement, it’s time to focus on using it all!!

  491. I was to finish ALL OF THE PROJECTS that I have started! Let me clarify this – most of the stitching is done, but it’s the finishing that I hate to do. I need to line up everything (although that may scare me) and have a finishing week. Or two.

  492. My embroidery goal for 2021 is to finish my Phase X piece in Japanese embroidery and to learn more about couching in other techniques, especially underside couching.

  493. My stitching goal for 2021 is to learn the Japanese method of bead embroidery. I have studied under a local Native American woman & learned her methods. I will be taking a couple of online classes next year to learn the Japanese method. I am hoping the result will be a hybrid of the two methods which I can develop into my own existing style of bead embroidery.

  494. I am attempting to learn embroidery from sites on line. This information would help a lot as it would all be in one place.

  495. My stitching goal in 2021 is to make a second of the Thousand Flowers medallions (pattern by Mary Corbet). I’ve made the little dog–now I’d like to do the deer. I can’t wait for my friend to open her special medallion on her late December birthday.

  496. I am really going to try to learn new stitches and to put together a stitch book or just a doodle cloth. I hope to get inspired to tackle a complicated project.

  497. I purchased a really nice crewel embroidery kit as a present to myself and that is what I’d like to work on for 2021.

  498. My goal for 2021, as it is every year, is to finish stitching and then finish all my WIPs! I always get distracted my a new project. Wish me better luck this year.

  499. Īf I am eligible — I live in the UK – I would love tó receive êither Collection 2 or Collection 3, please.

  500. For 2021 (I may start Christmas Day while safely ‘at home’ with the better half) I plan to stitch a Hands Across the Sea sampler. Many firsts for me on this project: tiny thread count, silk threads, over three (yes, over three), new-to-me stitches. In for a penny, in for a pound!

  501. My goal for 2021 stitching is to continue to learn, practice, and explore. Working on learning and perfecting techniques inspires me to stitch even more, and when I don’t actually have a needle in my hand, reading books on needlework is so much fun!

  502. In 2021 I’d like to start using my embroidery machine more to start learning more about the extent of its uses!

  503. Dear Mary,
    My stitching goal for 2021 is to continue to improve my surface embroidery technique, especially long and short stitch by working on a triptych of three arts and crafts style flower panels. I would like to finish one of these panels by the end of 2021!

  504. I’m not usually goal-oriented, but I do hope to spend some effort improving my needle lace skills during 2021. I tend to attempt projects beyond my skill level, but I believe I can achieve this goal.

    Thanks for making me challenge myself, Mary.

  505. My big goal for 2021 is to learn to cross stitch well enough to stitch some pretty miniature patterns that I have not yet dared to try.

  506. I bought 3 holiday cards to stitch and send this year but, of course didn’t get them done. They will be my main target for next year—small goals!!

  507. My stitching goal for 2021is to finishbat least 3 ufo’s, 1 Tree of Life by Margaret Light, (2/3 done), started 8 years ago and got a lot done during southern covid winter. Goldwork Shawl by Alison Cole, 1/2 done, started 10 years ago. 3 Gyrafa, reproduction sampler cross stitch, started 5 years ago.

  508. I would love to be entered for the New Year New Skill prize.
    I love books and take great pleasure rereading both fiction and delving into my embroidery book library.
    2021 will see me focus on Frances Cheyney a beautiful Whitework Sampler by The Essamplaire she has lots of needlelace including pictorial bands. Frances finished her Sampler with a band depicting a beheading! Our embroidery truly tells a story.
    Seasons Greetings to everyone!

  509. During 2021 my stitching will create a SAMPLER meant FOR EDUCATION. As a free form stitcher my work is meant to offer unlimited options for the use of whatever tools and equipment anyone has on hand.
    Here are an excess of details, to tell you all about it…

    Ideally those unable to be one-on-one tutored in hand embroidery will be able to browse through my examples, diagrams &/or pictures. Seeing what each stitch is founded on as well as some of the places various stitch skills can be taken. Making embroidery simple may help new stitchers willingly make their first attempts. As advanced stitchers learn alternate stitches, they too can try new things.

    Start with the RUNNING stitch, and advance to about thirty stitches with the same foundation movement. Generate a looped stitch, I am unsure if the BUTTONHOLE or detached CHAIN should be the basis. Then proceed to any stitch I can associate with the catching of a surface loop with the needle.

    Demonstrate the importance of tension in generating a simple knot; French, colonial, bullion, onion; antwerp edging; or knotted: buttonhole, cast-on, chain, diamond, pearl; even coral or scroll stitches. Encourage that any knot stitch is relatively easy once confidence is gained in mastering the first knot stitch one learns. Find a way to detail knot uses as filling, shading, attention getting dots, even texture to help those with limited sight feel there way into the front of a tee shirt or back of a pair of britches.

    Build a foundation grid and show the changes available from minor alterations; covering a few more or less background threads, changing the working thread color rhythmically, randomly, or with the intent of helping the viewer see a specific image when five feet away.
    Maybe adding stitches atop a foundation grid. Its use becomes a literal background in that option.

    And I will certainly show how mistakes can be worked with, without needing to carefully remove stitches. In formal pattern stitching one may need to keep the stitches identical yo what the creator drew out. With free form stitching an alteration in the stitch placement just modifies a tiny area. My stitching life became stressfree when it was realized that errors simply increase the options of what is being created.

    Wishes are free.
    2021 is our future right now

  510. There is a large Santa canvas that is partially stitched. My goal is to find the bag that has all the fibers and beads that I have for it, figuring out what stitch I actually used to start his green robe and then working to finish him.

  511. In 2021, I will be working on a birth record for a new grandson. And I am working on reframing an older embroidery which was worked on a small background — so it has challenges I’ve been avoiding!

  512. At the end of 2020, I have great plans to finish some of my large seminar pieces and hopefully the partially completed ten Christmas ornaments. One of the things that I need to re-learn is to actually finish the completed ornaments! Since I seem to like to have five or ten stitching projects going at once, next year I would like to learn to make the 3D peyote and herringbone beaded stars.

    (Thank you very much for having these drawings. I’ve really enjoyed reading about what all is in your shop!)

    Merry Christmas and a VERY HAPPY and HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!!

  513. I want to finish the quilt I have started in time for my son’s 50th birthday later in the year. It is squares of embroidery and applique that depict the places in the world he and his partner have visited along with blocks of textiles from those places.

  514. This coming year I want to get in a project of embroidery using all my lovely threads from Lorraine at Colour Complements. I haven’t done much embroidery mostly a lot of looking and drooling! I have the tree kit looking at me as I write so getting up the nerve!

  515. My stitching goal for 2021 is to branch out and try new types of embroidery and to expand my stitch repertoire. A tall order, but I’m looking forward to the challenge! Merry Christmas everyone!

  516. Dear Mary,

    Thank you for A Stitcher’s Christmas. It is a lot of fun just to join in…. and this is the last one!

    I pray that this year is the year, 2021, that I start to stitch the projects that I have been planning and dreaming about for years.

  517. My stitching goal for 2021 has been inspired by your comment “New Year, New Skill” and I wish to learn blackwork.

  518. I have a new goal and a new technique to learn in 2021 because I plan to try stumpwork for the first time!

    I’m going to use a project from an old Inspirations magazine and adapt it to include stumpwork elements (3D leaves etc.). to give it more pop.

    Have a Merry Christmas and give your Dad a hug from me (just tell him that a complete stranger in Canada is thinking about him)!

  519. Lovely giveaways, with lots of incentive for me to accomplish my biggest 2021 needlework goal: to “graduate” from cross stitch into crewelwork. Ready or not!

  520. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    My stitching goal is to finish all the works in progress I have some going back years. I’m in the winter of my life & it’s time to wrap it up. I look forward to it.

  521. My stitching goal is to finish up a few of those UFOs sitting around. I finished quite a few this year & would like to do more this year.

  522. I would like to start and complete a birth bear for a friend who is going to be a grandad. Can’t start until the baby is born and I get the details. Two great events to look forward to.

  523. My dominant stitching goal for the coming year is to focus on variety in my embroidery work. I’ve been doing too much cross stitch and I would like to do more crewel work, especially long and short stitch, and other embroidery projects that consist of a variety of stitches.

  524. My goal for 2021 is to finish a counted cross-stitch St Nichlaus of the Woods. One, because I absolutely love the design and want to hang it in my house for the holiday season. Two, because I have been working on it for a very long time, and Three, because I want to do something else that will expand the stitches that I work with.

  525. Would love to win! I never win anything. Merry Christmas. Thank you for what you do to keep us all busy and peaceful. Let’s hope 2021 is so much better!

  526. My stitching goal for 2021is to finish a large sampler that I have been working on for a couple of years.

  527. My goal for 2021 is just to do more of the same – more stitching on counted pieces, with maybe a couple of other techniques thrown in to confirm that I do love counted best!

  528. I don’t have a specific goal yet. I need to decide on my next project – I think I will embroider “Nevertheless She Persisted” onto a nice piece of fabric on a hoop. That phrase inspires me.

  529. My main goal for 2021 is to do some hand stitching every day, and not let myself get sidetracked by machine-stitched projects I don’t enjoy as much. Stitching by hand is so good for my soul!

  530. After breaking my right wrist, first bone ever at 76, I have found handwork is my go to craft for therapy. I love your colors and tips for all embroidery friends!

  531. My goal for my stitching in 2021 is to have fun! What that entails I have yet to figure out. It would make me happy to finish some of my unfinished projects. I also want to try out wool embroidery and I have bought yarn to dye in the microwave for that purpose.

  532. I am currently taking a class on different ways to stitch soutache, which includes how to use a tambour hook.
    I’m very interested in the soutache for its usefulness as an embellishment; I’m not sure about tambour embroidery….I’m not in a hurry to finish things, (tambour is faster) and I really enjoy using needle and thread. Slow stitching is fine with me…

  533. In 2021, I want to start doing more needle painting. I have started to teach myself, but want to really start doing more with it.

  534. I guess I would have to say I don’t have a dominant goal but I always strive to improve my technique, always interested in learning new skills and improving my finishing outcomes. The book collections are glorious. Thank you for all you do for the stitching community. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy holiday season.

  535. My 2021 Stitching goal is to continue working through my ‘Stash”. So many wonderful projects I have purchased over many years rediscovered during our Lockdown year. My books and my stash projects have given me stimulation and satisfaction that only needlework can. They have kept my mind and my fingers active for which I am very grateful, and now having almost come through the pandemic in Australia I am ready again to learn new techniques, delve into new books, and rejoin my stitching community.

  536. This year I have a blackwork project ready to go!! A rabbit pattern
    So looking forward to this one!!

  537. Thank you so much for such a generous give-a-way. Merry Christmas! I have a dear friend who wants to learn embroidery. I am honored she asked me. So my goal is to inspire my friend to learn this beautiful art form that I hope she will enjoy for many many years.

  538. My goal for 2021 is to finish several Halloween projects I started, but never finished. The biggest project is a banner that I started embroidering several years ago, but never assembled the pieces into a hangable banner.

  539. I look forward to next year and getting to several of the kits I have purchased this year, Trish Burr, Tanya Berlin to name a couple.

  540. My goal this year is to get my satin stitch looking like the experts create. I also want to try Heirloom white work.

  541. My goal for the coming year is to simply spend more time stitching. I have several works-in-progress that I would like to complete as well as several projects waiting to be started. I am planning on starting a stitch sampler to learn/practice some new embroidery stitches to add interest to my projects. I am also planning on helping teach a beginners embroidery class at our library in February (Hopefully it won’t be cancelled due to COVID).

  542. My goal is to finally finish my RoseGarden piece and as many smaller works in progress as I can. I’ve managed three small pieces this year and a good 1/3 or so of my RoseGarden.

  543. My Christmas present to myself was a Tablet. In the New Year I hope to purchase several of your e-books, starting with Lavender Honey. Once I have got the IT department (my daughter) to show me how to get the books from my computer email to the Tablet for easy storage and reading (and generally how to use the Tablet) I hope to be away. I am looking forward to learning the finer details of finishing small projects. I also would like to organise a larger project that I can ‘pick up and put down’ with out too much thought once it is started. Not sure what that would be as yet, probably something in the counted line.
    I have really enjoyed participating in the give a ways. The thrill of it might just be me! and your page is my ‘go to’ if I want to know anything embroidery related. Merry Christmas all, and hope 2021 is better than 2020!

  544. I want to stitch some items for my own dwelling. I give everything as gifts and now I’d like to see my hand work surrounding me!

  545. I don’t have a specific goal, I just want to keep learning and making beautiful things to give to others. – Merry Christmas

  546. My 2021 embroidering goal is to try the Whipped Spider Stitch and Stuoia stitches I’ve never done before from new book, A SEA TO STITCH by Elizabetta Sforza.

  547. My main goal for 2020 is to finish my Japanese Embroidery Saki Boxes, so I can start a new piece of Japanese Embroidery.

  548. I’m going to create the design that came to me on Friday, both as a counted thread design and an embroidered design, and THEN I’m going to step WAY outside my comfort zone, and put it out there for (GASP!) publication. Wish me luck!

  549. In 2021 I’m going to expand my stitching repertoire to make embroidered and beaded textile jewelry!

  550. My stitching goal this next year is to make the stocking ornaments in the kit I bought from you. Then after I have done the two examples you provide, I want to make several of my own stitching designs. I am looking forward to all the learning I will have. Steph

  551. I will be embarking on a year-long needlepoint project with my EGA chapter studying a wide variety of stitches and techniques. It’s also my first project on congress cloth. It’s a huge undertaking, and I hope I can keep up with the rest of the group! I’m currently sorting out my color palate…

  552. Wow, what a fabulous set of prizes.
    My dominant ambition for next year is to regain the fine motor skills required for embroidery (lost during an illness four years ago) and to finish the bit of the Bayeux Tapestry that has been looking at me all this time.

  553. My dominant goal is to combine my stitching and my garment sewing. I want to make a nightgown and a slip embellished with ribbon embroidery and needle lace edging. Then I must make the sweet bag I have been thinking about for two years.

  554. I am considering a year without flowers. I am trying to stretch beyond my go to motifs. I am planning out a box from the RSN book, Embroidered Boxes with a celestial theme.

  555. What a wonderful array of gifts! My goal for 2021 is just to enjoy every single stitch. Whether it is a new project, an old favourite WIP, a simple running stitch or something more complicated. I am going to enjoy every one. Thank you for all your wisdom and great content this year Mary. You are a treasure!

  556. It I could write a book about my many projects started and waiting to be finished, it would be a best-seller!

  557. I have been working on a full coverage 200 x 300 cross stitch for the past 6 years.
    It’s time to finish this piece and get it off my plate. I want/need to focus and get this finished. It is the largest one I have attempted.

  558. Ah, my stitching goal for 2021 is “no UFOs”. I intend to finish everything I start 😉

  559. To finish more projects than I start and to work down my stash a little bit since there are always so many “must have” charts that keep coming out….

  560. My stitching goal for 2021 is to get back into cross stitch and embroidery. I’ve put both aside for a couple of years and now I’m ready to take some classes and try some new techniques and stitches.

  561. Were I lucky enough to win, I would have to build an extra shelf for my books. Trish burr’s transfers sound wonderful.

  562. In 2021 I want to expand my skills in Stump Embroidery and also do more Trish Burr’s short and long stitch offerings. I have completed a few items using the Bullion Roses and one Bird picture by Burr but want to do one of her whitework pictures. Thank you for all your guidance in this fascinating world of needlework.

  563. For 2021, I have two large projects I want to finish. The first is the “Stardust Fairy”, a counted cross stitch project from DMC that I started in the months before the pandemic hit. The second is a pandemic sampler, also counted cross stitch, that I am working on with various shades of over-dyed cotton thread, a medium I am still learning to stitch with.

  564. I am looking forward to get back into working with embroidery. I also plan on joining an Embroidery Guild of America group that meets monthly close to my home. I have been doing cross stitch for the past few years and am ready to work on my embroidery skills and learn silk ribbon embroidery. Love your newsletters because they are very motivating, informative, and supportive.

  565. In 2021 I hope to be able to get together in person with several other ladies who love stitching. We were regularly meeting until covid came along. We all inspire each other.

  566. G’day Mary,
    This is kind of a New Year resolution question for stitching eh.
    I’d like to do some artwork (painting) on stitchable fabric and highlight parts of it with embroidery. Something I’ve have in mind for some time.
    Cheers, and thanks.
    Kath Grabham

  567. I am DETERMINED to sew almond with Sharon Boggen’s Take a Stitch Tuesday this year. I am setting up a band sampler over the holidays so I will be ready to go. Really, I mean it this year!

  568. Next year I hope to keep stitching all the things I love as well as work on some new skills, namely stumpwork and gold work.

  569. My goal for 2020 has been to learn as many new techniques as I can and just really improve my stitching. I’ve learned how to do whitework, Japanese embroidery, goldwork, and Jacobean work this year.

  570. Jenny McWhinney’s “Woodland” kit is on my Christmas list. I look forward to stitching it, watching all the precious animals develop. One of Cynthia Treen’s Threadfollower cats is also on tap for 2021.

  571. I need to keep ahead of my granddaughters as I teach them handwork, clothing construction and everything else that I can. That means, relearning what I have forgotten and learning new skills.

  572. My goal is to stitch more and work through my stash of projects (without starting any new ones).

    Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

  573. My main goal for 2021 is to sharpen my skills in beading, specifically in designing purses that are embroidered and beaded. My mother passed on a lovely collection of beaded purses to me and I’ve been wanted to polish my skills and attempt to make something unique for gifts and possibly to sell locally.

  574. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to be able to stitch more consistently and accurately.

  575. My goal for stitching in 2021 is to complete a garment utilizing the skills that I am learning in the Paint; Stitch; Bead course that I am currently taking from Shelly Stokes. I would like to use a design on the back of a jacket or tunic with a repeat of part of it around the cuffs.

  576. My main goal this year is to complete an embroidered collar on linen or organdy with French lace hand sewn and attached to a French hand sewn heirloom dress for my precious grand baby’s first birthday. I also plan to start another collar later in the year to have completed in time for a formal portrait for her third birthday.

    The collar with be embroidered with sweet peas blooms with the leaves and vine like stems meandering across the front of the collar and up to the shoulder.

  577. My main goal this year is to complete an embroidered collar on linen or organdy with French lace hand sewn and attached to a French hand sewn heirloom dress for my precious grand baby’s first birthday. I also plan to start another collar later in the year to have completed in time for a formal portrait for her third birthday.

    The collar will be embroidered with sweet peas blooms with the leaves and vine like stems meandering across the front of the collar and up to the shoulder.

  578. I really want to work on stitching with a frame, which is pretty new to me. I have a casket to work towards! I also want to make a couple of books with embroidered covers. (I did one this year but I made the spine way too narrow, so it became a needlebook instead!)

  579. My goal for 2021 is to stitch Christmas ornaments for the family. I have been trying to complete these for years but I my goal is to accomplish them this year. I am fortunate that my family love home made gifts.

  580. I’m a beginner of embroidery and have much to learn! My goal is to work on a project that incorporates many types of stitches and to gain confidence. I want to be able to display my project in my sewing room along with all things I love!

  581. Thank you for hosting this amazing give away! My stitching goal for 2021 is to stitch something that I design myself. My drawing skills are rusty so it should be quite a challenge!

  582. My big stitching goal for 2021 is to begin and complete a Thistle Threads Gold work master class I purchased 3 years ago. I moved a few times in the last several years and am finally settled and ready to begin. I also plan on stitching a gold work initial for each of my 2 sisters for their birthdays!

  583. I’m looking forward to learning more ribbon embroidery techniques and taking an online class in stumpwork.

  584. I love the focus of stitching, mixing threads, contemplating the colors, the feel of the material. However, there always seems to be something that needs to be done, just this once, whenever I pull out my project. My needlework goal? To actually dedicate a time for embroidery.
    Thank you, Mary, for your wonderful columns, explanations and tutorials. I have learned so much and am constantly inspired.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  585. In 2021 I would like to learn Blackwork. I am very impressed with the shading one can accomplish and the detail of design I have seen on Facebook Groups and in Craft books… I recently saw how you can add blackwork design in the background of a otherwise embroidered/crewel design. Time to try something new.

    Happy and Creative New Year to All!

  586. What is my dominant stitching goal for 2021? To continue stitching regularly (something that I have just started this year), and to continue to explore new techniques. This year I have mainly concentrated on crewel embroidery, which I dearly love, and will continue with. But I would also like to try Blackwork embroidery, and perhaps something with metallic threads. There are so many different things to try and learn, and also to improve with doing. All the books in the collection look appealing.

  587. I want to believe my stitching goal for 2021 is to complete some of the umpteen projects I have started but not finished. But knowing from past experience, I may ignore this goal and continue working on my favorites and ignore the others. That’s okay, isn’t it?

  588. The most important thing I can think of in terms of needlework for me personally is to just do it. Not talk about it. Not read. Not plan. Not purchase and let things sit in drawers. But to take out something, ANYTHING, and start to stitch again.

    I have to.

    Happy Merry Christmas and New Year’s to All!

    Amy in Plymouth Meeting

  589. i am ready to get some needlepoint classes that I have taken in the last couple years at seminar and finish them up!!! So i can enjoy them on my walls,

  590. i am ready to get some needlepoint classes that I have taken in the last couple years at seminar and finish them up!!! So i can enjoy them on my walls, I also would like to follow thru and remind myself the new stitches i learned on the project. Know it will be all new again!!!

  591. I would like to try as many embroidery types as possible but, unless I make time to stitch, that won’t happen, so my first goal will be to set aside regular time to relax and enjoy stitching again. And, as for a project (one still in my dreamtime!!), that will be a kookaburra sitting in a coolibah tree and watching a platypus on the edge of a billabong in dappled shade.

  592. My goal for 2021 it to finish up some long-term projects. I am also enrolled in a goldwork class that I’m really looking forward to.

  593. For 2021 my goal is to finish as many UFO’s as possible and do one special new project stitched in silk and goldwork.

  594. My biggest goal for stitching in 2021 would be to finish at least two of the “in progress” projects I have. Sure hope I can get to it!

  595. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021?

    To get a lot of my WIP’s completed. Was hoping for that this year but just didn’t work out that way.

  596. Love this giveaway! My goal for 2021 is to explore Blackwork with the kit I am getting from my hubby from Jen Goodwin.

  597. Having committed to limiting new book purchases the prospect of new additions to the library is very exciting.

  598. After finally finishing the cross-stitched Christmas stocking, this year I am planning on using wool and stitching with that. I love the look of the mixture of wool with cotton and silk threads.

  599. I am finally going to finish a wall hanging/pillow for my Goddaughter. I still don’t know how I’m going to finish it off! Then I have a small oriental themed cross stitch and, finally, I’m going to dig into either Trish Burr’s long and short stitch or a project from “A Sea to Stitch”. That book is absolutely gorgeous!

  600. My goal in 2021 is to embroider/craft with friends and encourage crafting in community (socially distant for the time being).

  601. I recently organized my sewing room and my projects putting some of them in order for 2021, I have 6 projects that I want to do and a few projects that just need finishing, I am aiming to get my daughters Stumpwork picture ready for her birthday in January I had hoped to have it ready for Christmas but that didn’t happen so once that’s done I am doing to finish the few projects that are almost finished and then I will start on my 6 projects that I picked out.
    Because circumstances have changed I will be able to set aside a certain amount of time each day to do my embroidery so that’s my goal.

    Happy Christmas Mary and Thankyou for all your hard work throughout the past year ….

  602. Dear Mary, I am going to be working on aChristmas stocking for grandchild #3. It will be partly counted cross stitch (which I am not fond of) and surface embroidery (which I am very fond of). It may look odd but it will be fun.
    Thanks,and Merry Christmas. Susan Coates

  603. My primary goal for 2021 is to do all the surface embroidery projects lined up and waiting for me in mt stitching basket.

  604. My stitching goal for the new year is to stitch more. I spend way too much time on Pinterest or instagram looking at what others do, but very little time actually stitching. The hardest part for me is finding a project that I want to do and that I will actually finish.

  605. I’ve purchased some lovely variegated embroidery threads from Weeks Dye Works, and am looking forward to working with them! I haven’t used variegated threads before and think they’ll add a subtle extra dimension to the counted cross-stitch designs I’ll be stitching, which are from the Songbird’s Garden series by Cottage Garden Samplings.

    A very happy and peaceful festive season to you all!

  606. For 2021 I have 2 stitching goals. First is to do a flower or 2 by Trish Burr and the second is to make 12 Christmas stockings in redwork. I’m hoping to learn a variety of stitches and create something for future generations. Thank you

  607. My primary stitching goal for 2021 is to design at least one new piece. I have so many ideas, but I have a hard time getting them down. So at least one!

  608. In 2021, I really want to learn needle painting. I have admired those beautiful little birds, rabbits, and flowers by Trish Burr, and I want to be able to do that.

  609. I am a quilter who loves to include embroidery in my projects. I have one quilt where I embroidered teapots in blank, alternate blocks in the middle of a quilt top. Then I got the bright idea to embroider teacups in the setting triangles at the edge of the quilt top. There are a lot of teacups around that quilt. I had embroidered half of them before the Christmas rush when I paused to get some other projects done. I hope to finish those teacups and make the top into a quilt next year. I also am doing redwork embroidery on a Snowman Block of the Month series to be made into a quilt. This is my “Take-along” project. I have done January – August and I am working on September. It would be nice to finish that next year. My Covid mantra has been to finish up projects I had already started, so this would work along with that.

  610. My goal for 2021 is to complete level 1 of the embroidery certificate course run by the Embroiderers Guild of SA. To do so I need to complete 8 samplers from different fabric perforated techniques, this like hardanger, reticella, cut work and so on. Plus 3 major projects. This will be a large undertaking but I’m looking forward to it.

  611. Just retired (semi), so just more TIME to stitch! Anything I have finished so far, as gone as gifts. Time to stitch something for my own wall!!

  612. I am not sure I have any particular stitching goals for 2021…I think I’d prefer to see where interests and whimsy take me. Now that I am retired, I don’t care much for structure!

  613. My stitching goal for 2021 is to learn a new technique. I’m looking forward to researching and trying different kinds of embroidery.

  614. My goal for 2021 embroidery is to finish a crewel work bag that I am currently working on, then to finish (Inspirations; Sweet Peas) that I also have on a frame and am over half done with. The third thing I would like to get done is the cover of a book from Jenny Adnin-Christie, called” The Owl and the Pussy Cat”.
    I would then like to begin the embroidery on my Casket from Trish Nguyen. Lots of fun things to look forward to stitching in the coming year.

  615. My goal is to get at least part of my huge Asian canvas stitched. Getting the whole thing stitched would be awesome!

  616. The first priority is to finish a project I started in November: two 5’ x 7’ lap quilts with a Christmas theme in the traditional (mostly handwork) cathedral window pattern. It is a very dimensional pattern, origami-like. I also hope to try a Trish Burr needle painting bird.

  617. Dear Mary ,
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas and healthy 2021. Hopefully we will see better days in 2021.

    My goal for 2021 is to complete most of the embroidery projects that I have in my closet.

    Thank you for your embroidery blogs, sharing your life with us and the generous give-aways for Christmas.

    Have a wonderful Christmas celebration with your loved ones.


  618. We have a family tradition whereby an afghan is made for every girl. The one I received was embroidered with flowers over a crocheted shell. I am now in the process of embroidering a full coverage design, rather then squares, on afghan fabric. As I work on this I keep wondering “what was I thinking?” but I’m determined to finish it in this New Year.
    Thank you for all the inspiration especially in these dark times.

  619. What a brilliant range of books in any of the three sections! I’d love any of them (though especially the set with the Kew Book of Embroidery – I am lusting after it badly!). Thank you again Mary. You have been a lovely, spark part of 2020 – we really appreciate it.

  620. My goal for 2021 is to explore the huge world of types of embroidery, starting with more blackwork, needlepoint and experimenting with general stitches, start needlepainting and whitework, and whatever else I can squeeze in!

  621. I have no real plans for 2021 but I would like to get better at threadpainting so collection 2 would be ideal.

  622. My dominant goal will be to finish some of my unfinished embroideries of which there are many.

  623. I have two goals. One is embroidery in theory. I want to expand my knowledge and to learn more about medieval embroidery. Some books are waiting for my attention, some are on the way. Another is to learn or nue and to start a big project in this technique. And one additional wish: to finish the icon and to start a new one. It is more than enough for a year.

  624. My aim for the coming year is to complete a number of currently unfinished projects and to then try some new techniques like blackwork

  625. My sister and I are committed to finishing projects that we’ve started over the years. Hers are knitting and crocheting and cross stitch, mine are cross stitch and needlepoint. We both find it a relaxing way to spend time and often discuss our progress on our daily phone calls (she lives in Canada). When we can finally be together again, we’ll have a lot to show each other.

  626. My stitching goals for 2021, is to finish my butterfly quilt. As well as to try to add new Stitches to my ability. I thank you so much for always encouraging us to do lovely work. I hope you and your family have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  627. My stitching goal for 2021 is to finish 4 large projects, 4 small ones, and to knit 4 things. The small projects and the knitting are TBD, but I have lined up the 4 big ones: Marion Scoular’s The Princess and The Pea; a Hardanger dress for my treetop angel (she got her Hardanger wings this year); a stocking for my new granddaughter; and a blackwork sailboat design by Ann Strite-Kurz. Of those, only the stocking is a new project; the others are UFOs.

  628. I’m enthralled with stitching as an avocation. I currently work in healthcare and am tired. One of my 3 goals for first quarter 2021 is to pick up and work on a chosen project or type of needlework in order to have something new and shiny to take my mind off of the challenges, pandemic fatigue, and general malaise I seem to be experiencing. I need a bright spot to these endless days.

  629. In January 2021 I move house and will once again have access to all my sewing equipment and materials (which have been in storage for the last year). I have collected a large file of ideas and hope to work through as many, varied projects as I can. This is before I even open my Blakiston Creamery book which is my Christmas present to myself !!

  630. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    To finish the projects I’ve been working on/have in mind.

  631. My stitching goal for 2021 is to improve my expertise in techniques I’ve learned already and add to my knowledge through practice and determination. I’m looking forward to trying some Bargello patterns and maybe some stumpwork.

  632. My goal for 2021 is to finish my WIPs before I start anything new (well I can start one new project on January 1) but then that was also my goal in 2020 and 2019 and 2018 ….

  633. My goal is to work on one UFO every month. And on my birthday every month, I can start a new project if I want to do so. The main goal is to enjoy the moments and stop guilting myself about the UFO’s.

  634. I have two stitching goals.
    1. Finish an alphabet sampler that I found in my stash which I began during the early days of the corona virus. I am stitching the letters in the favorite colors of the people who have become my support and hopefully I have become part of their support as well.
    2. Finish a crewel work throw I began when I was pregnant with my daughter 49 years ago! Thought it was lost forever. Recently found. A great 50th birthday gift!

  635. J’ai 3 gros projets que j’aimerais terminer. Un crewel de Mme Blomkamp, une broderie blance et une peinture a l’aiguille de Trish Burr. La peinture a l’aiguille est un gros défi. J’aimerais réaliser le martin pêcheur

    Merci pourles cadeaux. J’aime vous lire

  636. For 2021, my main goal is to expand past just thread embroidery into gold work and beadwork. . . I just can’t resist the glitzy right now!

  637. My goal is to finish some UFO stitching projects. I need to set some time aside for myself. Love doing handwork and my goal in 2021 is to get these projects completed.

  638. My stitching goal for 2021 is very dull… I want to clear out my box of WIPs! There are some lovely things in there (a needlepoint Japanese octopus! an alphabet sampler that’s been stuck on ‘T’ for a couple of years!) but also certainly some things I will never realistically finish and I should deal with them 🙂

  639. Learn know about so many techniques to make wonderful works , make me feel so happy!! Especially in this difficult year. But I am sure the next year will be better with lots of embroideries to do!! Thanks!!

  640. My goal is to stitch something, anything! This past year I didn’t get around to any projects and I am really missing embroidery. I think I’ll start with something small like a bookmark or a tea towel.

  641. I have a project that I want to make as a gift for my husband,, it’s white stitching on black background. Now that I have it,, it’s intimidating. I’m not sure about marking and I think flaws will be soooo obvious.

  642. Dominant goal is to finish two projects that were started a few years ago by disciplining myself to an hour a day no matter what!

  643. There are more than enough WIP projects waiting to be completed, to keep me busy in 2021. I create bags with a project per bag…in hopes of feeling more organized. What is needed now is to create a schedule for stitching that can be adhered to. Goals!

  644. Hello!
    My goal for 2021 is to be more active and consistent in my stitching. I fell off for a little while because I was stuck with one of my projects, and was just avoiding it at all costs. I would love to keep up with it and spend time each week working on something.

    Thanks! Love all that you do!

  645. My goal for 2021 is to finish the Jane Austin quilt and my grandsons birth sampler Eliza Skelton by Hands across the sea.

  646. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to try and finish up 2 big projects I have going now. I was able to finish up several projects this year, but there are still 2 that have been going for quite a while. I have lots of new projects I want to start, so I need to get something done on these old ones so I don’t feel too guilty as I start some of my new projects. Thanks for the give-aways, Mary.

  647. My stitching goals for 2021 are to finish the Statue of Liberty cross stitch including framing, and to revisit a crewel piece started 40-ish years ago (rip out and restart? continue? remove it from my life?). Oh, and organize my threads. As to a new skill, it’s not embroidery but I want to learn to combine knit and purl stitches, not just do one or the other.

  648. I want to learn crewel. I’ve asked Santa for the RSN course and if the sleigh is too full, I may have to give it to myself as an early birthday gift.

  649. My goal for 2021 is: Do MORE Stitching. Quilting has dominated my life since the 1990’s with a little stitching here and there. I want to do more of it and already have a couple of projects lined up. I love Search Press books, they are always very well done. I have learned most of what I do in any craft from books and find them to be invaluable resources.

  650. I have been using stitching to help keep me focused on endless Zoom calls now that I am working from home (thanks Coronavirus!). I find that I am on calls anywhere from 3-6 hours most days and if I don’t have something to do I don’t listen so I stitch some, make meals, do laundry, anything that keeps my hands busy but ears tuned. I’ve been working on some of Mary’s transferred towels and I plan to try to wrap those up and maybe jump in to something a little larger next year. It has to be something that doesn’t require a lot of planning and prep though, so that I keep my mind on the office. 🙂

  651. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021?

    My main goal for 2021 is finishing my 2020 Challenge of Sharon Boggon’s. This is a crazy quilt project which I was supposed to have finished by the end of 2020. I’m about half way there.

  652. I want to finish an embroidered quilt top that has an owl motif. I have really not worked on it much during this difficult year, but stitching is so therapeutic. I want to get back to it. Happy New Year!
    Lori R.

  653. Generally, I embroider projects as gifts for others. However, I just finished my first year in my new home, and this year I would like to focus on making pretty things to decorate my own space and celebrate my independence!

  654. My #1 project for 2021 is to finish some flour sack embroideries. These make great housewarming gifts.

  655. My main goal is to incorporate embroidery back into my everyday life. Unfortunately it’s fallen by the wayside recently

  656. In a perfect world, I’d be learning Reticello in 2021. The book is in the mail (has been for weeks, coming from Italy) and I’ve got plenty of stash. Just need to get started once the instructions arrive!

  657. My goal is to finish the two small panels to decorate my document (casket) box.The theme is the four seasons. The top panel is a summer floral design by Trish Burr using Heathway threads.The side panel is an autumn scene with a pumpkin and fall foliage. The other side panel is pastel spring flowers on a vine. The front panel is winter with holly and a white Christmas rose. Carolyn,Freehold,NJ

  658. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to continue to learn new stitches and practice. I have several projects to finish. I will start my goal a one hour each day and then increase.

  659. Thanks for another year of great giveaways!

    My stitching goal for the year is to actually start stitching on one of the caskets I’m doing through Tricia Nguyen’s Casket of Curiosities courses. I’ve got three of them in hand, and haven’t started any of them!

  660. I want to learn at least 10 new stitches this year. I have been trying to set aside time each day to look at my stitch books and decide on what I could learn and use in a new project this year. May just turn into a sampler.

  661. I made some progress on thread painting this year, but my goal next year is to get better at that, and also get better at having a clean(er) “backside” for my finished pieces for things like tea towels where it’s visible.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

  662. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to fill in the gaps in my kitchen towel display series. January, April, May, June, August and September. So, I’m half-way to completing a full 12 months.

  663. My goal for 2021 is to finish all UFO! I have located everything, placed them in separate boxes, found all missing components and labeled them. I have relocated them to a nice and tidy shelving unit where I can see them daily. I plan on going to the oldest and just finishing them – which won’t take long for any of them. This project, of course, is in between completing the seasonal dishtowels I am making as a gift for my daughter who will be getting married this coming year. A set of 3 dishtowels for every season is the very first priority — almost finished! Christmas and Valentine’s to go. Thanks, Mary.

  664. My goal for 2021 is pretty simple, finish my UFOs that have begun to pile up and haunt me. These are for me to keep & use. I rarely get to do a project for me, all my UFOs are my house linens! Friends/family get theirs. Just once, I want to finish & keep a project!
    Thank you, Mary!! Have a happy 2021 to all!

  665. My primary focus for 2021 is needle painting with long and short stitch. I’ve almost completed the tutorial and sampler on your website, and plan to move on to some of my own design ideas.

  666. Mary,
    First thank you for your knowledge and your giving spirit.
    My goal for 2021 is to finish my black work piece by Marion Scholar and my 12 days of Christmas ornaments from Larissa Holland at Mmmcrafts. They are adorable. Next up are her night before Christmas ornaments.

    Thanks again and Merry Christmas

  667. I would like to expand my repertoire of stitches! I have many I like very much but would love to learn to new ones comfortably. I also want learn to do needlepainting. I am so intrigued by the designs I’ve seen, and want to try it myself. I’ve looked at several kits and am picking something out to start on.

  668. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to keep up the joy of stitching I rediscovered in 2020 during the pandemic and related stresses. I’d forgotten the satisfaction of completing project after project. I’d also forgotten how it assists with stress. My secondary goal is to assemble my completed stitching into its final form (framed, box top, pincushion, etc.)

  669. What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? Do you have one? Is it a project? A new skill? A new approach? Tell us about it!

    My goal for 2021 is to finish the stitching on my healing shawl. I have many new stitches and threads I want to use – no limit to the number of embroidery skills I hope to acquire.

  670. My main stitching goal for the next year is to create and finish a series of portraits that represent challenges I have overcome in the past couple of years. I underwent a mastectomy before my 31st birthday, two years ago, and in the months that followed I dealt with cancer and its treatments. It was a good journey, now that I can look back at it. At some point after the surgery I started embroidering a nude self-portrait that showed me with my one breast left and the scar, but I didn’t finish it. This month, almost 2 years later, I finally decided it was time to finish and I did! Now I want to make it a 5-piece series to represent the different stages of cancer: diagnosis, surgery, chemo, reconstruction, and recovery.

  671. My stitching goal for 2021 is to learn a new technique other than counted cross-stitch (and also to finish one of my 4 unfinished cross-stitch projects haha)

  672. My main goal for 2021 is to spend an hour stitching each morning. Hopefully this will enable me to finish some of those UFO’s that have been waiting for my attention for far too long.

  673. I am going to introduce embroidery to my 7 year old grand daughter this year who is looking forward to a new creative activity while at home this year! We’re both excited!

  674. My goal for 2021 is to improve my Goldwork skills and learn Stumpwork techniques. I have recently taken up embroidery again after a lull of many years. I am enjoying learning and using new techniques.

  675. For me, I will continue self teaching and learning the various techniques from my Italian grandmother’s heritage. I have two of her pieces of embroidery that she brought with her from Italy. My first project is the Cather de Medici stitch with knot tassels on burrata cloth (that finally arrived). And there is always the transfer book that I purchased from Trish Burr that beckons a bird gift for a friend. Blackwork always gives me fits, so that is on my to do list for the year. So the book on blackwork would certainly help me in that direction. I am thinking early Christmas gifts using one or more of these new techniques.

  676. My first goal for 2021 is to try gold work embroidery. I ordered a kit as a gift to myself. I love how pretty it is.
    My second goal is to explore Hardanger embroidery. I fell in love with it when my children were babies.
    Now that they are adults, I have the time to enjoy the process of learning
    such an interesting style of embroidery.
    My third goal is to learn how to do smocking. My grandchildren will be spoiled, and well dressed!!:)

  677. My goal is to learn new skills in 2021, namely gold work and stump work.

    Thank you for the opportunities provided this year. Happy Christmas and a healthy 2021.

  678. Hi, Mary–have a wonderful holiday! I hope you don’t mind a link to a very short Youtube video–I liked it a lot but I’m not squeamish. A young scientist embroidered a bunch of germs on a shirt. 🙂 If you don’t think you’d enjoy it, please disregard.

  679. I have a book for Schwalm Embroidery, that I have not read or tried yet, just flipped through. It has many projects in it. I am of German descent and this form of stitchery intrigues me. I have a purchased 18″ square linen piece on hand, that has 36 2″ “blocks”, with machine stitched “dividers”, similar to Italian hemstitching. I hope to use it as a sampler, to start trying different stitches and motifs, on a small scale. When complete, it could be hung or used as a tale topper. I think 2021 is the year!

  680. Hi Mary,

    Thank you so much for the give-aways and sharing your expertise with all of us.

    My goal this year is to complete the last of Gay Anns’ queens. I’ve stitched three and have the fourth one to finished.
    I will hopefully get to my stash of needlepoint Santas, last count, I had about 20.

    Happy Holidays,

  681. In 2021, I have a bullion stitch wall hanging lined up. I addition I have a set of embroidered throw pillow covers to complete-each with a different embroidery design and stitches.

  682. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to work on decorative items for our home rather than just gifts. I’m thinking about things that don’t have a time crunch or maybe even a firm plan just stitching to stitch and when it’s done, it’s done.
    I would like to try some further work on Swiss Embroidery or Chicken scratch, snowflaking – lots of names for it. I did some placemats for gifts and it was fun to see the pattern emerge with just simples straight stitches. I have some vintage fabrics to work with and will try some new techniques.

  683. I have been working on a bride from one of the collection of Miribilia that is unique and quite stunning. It is fun to stitch as it is many colors and I have added extra linen to put the bride and groom’s name and date which has passed by a couple years. One thing or another has stopped my progress and I have never taken so long to finish a piece. I am determined to finish this by March come whatever may and certainly the bride and groom will be thoroughly surprised!!

  684. My goal for 2021 is to learn long and short stitch as I never get it quite right. My project will be to work through your set of tutorials on the stitch.

  685. Mmmmm. No real stitching goals for next year. Comes under the heading of New Year Resolutions that I probably won’t keep! What I want to do (as my whims dictate me) is to finish a birth sampler and also one for the death of a micro-premie. Then I am free to meander into whatever needlework that takes my fancy. Right now it is needlelace… Later maybe stumpwork!! (My Christmas present in Alison Cole’s Masterclass Stumpwork book!!) And who knows what else!! Have a Blessed Christmas Mary and all readers!

    Linda in NC

  686. Your books on offer are just wonderful in the varieties of needle art. What beautiful books. You always offer such inspirational ideas. Such a fun sense of humor to go with your adventures that you share on your blog. Right now I have on display for the holidays several pieces of hardangar made by my Norwegian Grandmother before she emigrated to America in 1905. The pieces were stitched by candlelight. I was lucky enough to live next door through their apple orchard for the first fourteen years of my life in Montana. I treasure all that both my grandparents taught me.

  687. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to do all the embroidery on the floral medallion and floral blocks and to finish this gorgeous quilt called Gems of Summer. Merry Christmas!

  688. I am aiming to do more goldwork in 2021, and I have a blackwork project that I am thinking about at the moment.

  689. I’ve done pretty well this year at eliminating some of my stash of UFO’s but there are a couple of bigger ones that I’d really like to get completed next year… and maybe get some of the stitched but not completed (framed/mounted/finished) stash sorted out too 🙂 Then I can start something new! (if I can resist that long LOL)

  690. Get back to doing it! In the miserable mayhem that was my 2020, I did almost no embroidery, and very little stitching of any sort. And I miss it!

  691. What a collection! As a relatively self-taught stitcher, I love books and go wild over transfers. You have recommended some great ones in the past.
    What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? To learn and master 10 new stitches over the course of the year and make some new and unique gifts. I learned 5 new ones last year including a lovely rope stitch that I practiced over and over. It was a perfect highlight for a “rope” around a wine bottle in a lovely transfer set.

  692. What a collection! As a relatively self-taught stitcher, I love books and go wild over transfers. You have recommended some great ones in the past.
    What’s your dominant stitching goal for 2021? To learn and master 10 new stitches over the course of the year and make some new and unique gifts. I learned 5 new ones last year including a lovely rope stitch that I practiced over and over. It was a perfect highlight for a “rope” around a wine bottle in a lovely transfer set. Here is to a productive and safer 2021.

  693. In 1976when my son was in vet school I began a 60 inch surface embroidery, imaging that it would hang in his veterinarian clinic. Life happened and I began graduate school, therefore the woodland scene , including many animals, is only about one third finished. The silver lining is that in 1976 I’d never heard of thread painting life- like animals or stumpwork to create dimension. There are also so many exciting threads available today and my mallard will sport a more beautiful head. My goal for this year is to plunge in and complete it for my grandson, who is following his father into veterinary medicine. At last it will find a home in the animal hospital. When complete I’ll send a photo, whether I am a winner or not.

  694. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is more, much more. I have so many UFO’s but of course I always want to learn anything new. I want to learn and do some Needle Weaving & Needle Lace Techniques and I want to add some beading into them. Maybe I’ll take the Crazy Quilt approach and add some of all of the above. My main idea is always to make gifts.

  695. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to make quilts from all the fabric I have stockpiled before it dry rots, lol. My other is to just jump in and start the embroidery (surface) that I have such a fascination with. I am in the process of making a big crocheted rug for the hard floor in my new bedroom that I will be moving into at the first of the year. I am moving in with my son. I want to say Merry Christmas and especially a great big thank you for the very thorough way you have of explaining and showing needlework. Your site is the only one I need.

    P.S. I have yet to find any errors in your newsletters or blog! Wow!

  696. In the coming year, I truly hope to complete at least two unfinished projects for every one that I start!

  697. I have a half dozen crazy quilt pieces that are in various stages of almost done. Most need to have a couple of patches or seams done in silk floss or silk ribbon or to have beads added. Others need sewing to be complete (backs, binding, hangers). The hold up will be sorting, finishing or finding homes for pieces that my mother, who passed away this month, started and put down before they were done. I can’t stand the idea of just pitching them!

  698. My dominant stitching goal is to stitch at least 100 stitches a day! I always forget how therapeutic it is for me to stitch (it forces me to calm down and concentrate). I would also like to finish a project that has some specialty stitches in it, as I mainly do cross stitch and basic mending (I’d like to learn more, to make clothing items last longer! There are some Japanese techniques I’m interested in).
    To everyone, Happy Stitching!

  699. My goal for next year is to do more stitching than I did this year. I had more stops than starts and I want to do some handwork as a regular routine.

    Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Mary!

  700. My primary goal for 2021 is to make my stitching more of a priority and to find time to work on projects no matter how busy things may become. Stitching makes me happy and relaxed, and I want to really make progress on the many projects I have on the go!

  701. My goal for 2021 is to complete The Proper Stitch Sampler Project in honor of Darlene O’Steen as a stitch along with the Mayflower Sampler Guild. I will get to learn white work and pulled work.

  702. The project I want to finish is a wall quilt based on one of my adult daughter’s youngster t-shirts designed by Kiki Saurez, an artist of Mexico. It’s going to expand on its playful and colorful design with lots of 3-D elements—appliqué, trim, stitching, beads, shells, etc.

  703. I have a list of projects to do, when I’m feeling well enough. I’m working on a purse made from a worn-out pair of jeans, and I have a small flat silk violet kit from Anna Scott that my husband bought me years ago that I’ve been too intimidated to start. Plus some other projects for family after that.

  704. I am going to work on finishing my Goldwork projects already begun and work on learning Temari in the New Year!….that’s the plan anyway!

  705. Thank you (and your very special donors) for another marvelous opportunity to win terrific prizes!
    My dominant stitching goal for the coming year is to stitch Home Sweet Home, at least to have a good start on it. Secondarily, I’d love to complete the finishing of My Stitching Album, which is all stitched and cut out. It just needs the machine sewing assembly.

  706. The dominant stitching goal in 2021 for me is to make up for lost opportunities in 2020. I have 2 daughters-in-law who also enjoy stitching, but because of the pandemic we haven’t been able to spend time together. I want to spend time stitching with them and bond together as a family.

  707. I subscribed to a year-long kit a few years ago from Nordic Needle. It’s cross stitch-based, but with many specialty stitches. That was the year I got sick, and I haven’t stitched anything for almost three years. I’ve been doing a couple of small projects, and now I feel good enough to attack this big one. Once finished, I probably will work on a bunch of cross stitch kits until I get feeling good enough to try Crewel stitching and stumpwork again.

  708. My goal is my usual one – to sew more! But this year I want to participate in a stitch-a-long and I’ve already started gathering supplies for the project.

  709. I am working to build my embroidery skills using transfers appropriate to quilts. I sew baby quilts for charity and would like to utilize more single color embroidery motifs for them. It would be great to do some crazy quilts as well so that I can practice with different stitches.

  710. My 2021 stitching goal is to revisit the childhood me. Making something just because the threads are pretty. The enthusiasm of organizing the new project materials, (still sends chills), and the unbridled pride with the finished thing while not even seeing the many flaws.
    I’m afraid I’ve grown into a perfectionist over the simple joy of creation.

  711. My 2021 stitching goal is to work on projects that I have already but only getting new projects that are offered by the guilds that I belong to.

  712. In 2021 I’ve planned to stitch (or at least start) 12 of my most favorite projects in my stash. They are a variety of techniques and styles but all ones I really love and want to complete-and I won’t if I don’t start them! It’s kind of a bucket list of projects. I’m quite excited about it!

  713. My dominant stitching goal is to finish a huge cross stitch that I started nearly 14 years ago – I have been so slow over the years that several years in, DH joked that he would be dead before I completed it – I had bought the pattern and threads because he loved the design. Sadly his words were proven true, thanks to cancer, so I really do want to get it finished and framed!
    Stay safe

  714. Ultimate goal will be to finish UFOs and reduce stash……then I’ll allow myself a new project.
    Merry Christmas

  715. I ordered a Tanja Berlin kit and would love to finish it in 2021!
    Merry Christmas!
    Carrie Gray “PlaneNut”

  716. I have 2 goals. One is to learn vintage lace- making techniques such as tatting and bobbin lace. The other is to incorporate vintage textiles into quilts.

  717. I need to quilt all the tops that are piling up. My pile reaches the ceiling. Back to teaching myself on my longarm.

  718. My one important stitching goal for 2021 is to learn Blackwork. I want to stitch the Blackwork pattern Delicate Touch by Victoria Laine of Australia from the Inspirations Magazine Issue #86. It is a Strawberry stitched using the Blackwork technique. I love strawberries in embroidery! I’m looking forward to learning a new skill in stitching.

  719. I absolutely love silk ribbon embroidery, but I haven’t actually done a lot of it, even though I’ve collected a great number of books and even videos. I also managed to get a number of widths of white silk ribbon on rolls. I hope in 2021 to dye my own ribbons and / or do projects where I paint the ribbons after I’ve embroidered them.

  720. My goals are to complete the stitching projects which I have started, to try to tame my stash and maybe do one of the many I have yet to start. Finally, just choose the joy that
    stitching brings to my heart.

  721. I have two new embroidery techniques I would like to learn next year. So excited- I am now retired and can devote more time to embroidery! They are long and short stitch embroidery, and stumpwork. I took the plunge and enrolled for a course early next year on long and short stitch online with Tanja Berlin. Nervous about my first online embroidery course. I would really like to learn this technique, and I tried to teach myself but I miss the constructive criticism and tips one learns in a class. After I feel comfortable with long and short stitch embroidery I would like to expand my skills into doing stumpwork embroidery.

  722. I have been loving gold work lately. I have a project coming soon to work on it is the Jewel of the Sea, which is a 3d turtle in all gold work. I also want to get to the 3 other new kits I have purchased recently. One of them is the Little Row of Houses from Jenny Adin-Christie. My daughter, my sister and myself all purchased the kit and are planning a stitching retreat for the 3 of us to work on them. Love doing projects with family!

  723. Thank you for this opportunity Mary.
    My stitching goals for 2021 are to learn needle lace and to embroider a pair of jeans with a colorful floral motif for myself. I’m not very daring in the fashion department, but I think it’s time to try!

    Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year!

  724. My primary goal is to finish Rosewood Manor’s “Winter Quakers”. After that I want to go back to some unfinished pieces and finish them – mostly they are class pieces with new techniques (for me).

  725. My main stitching goal for next year. After we move, I would like to have a significant improvement in my embroidery and bead embroidery skills.

  726. My goal for 2012 is to learn thread painting, I am completely intimidated by this method but determined to master it. I am a very “relaxed” stitcher so it will be a challenge.

  727. Hi Mary,
    My goal for next year is to concentrate on four different projects, a needlepoint rug, a needlepoint belt and a large red work sampler and a beautiful historic sampler from The Essamplaire.
    Merry Christmas! Betsy

  728. My goal for 2021 is to finish a machine embroidery quilt for my daughter and to work on my Sue Spargo BOM. Lots of things to paint, embroider and quilt. Will be a busy year indeed.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  729. Wow what wonderful book bundles! My stitch goal for the upcoming year is to stitch a monogram (or two). I have never done one! You’ve showcased so many lovely examples on this website, whether your own designs, historical sources or from other embroiderers (A Sea to Stich looks amazing). I have a few crafters in my life who would appreciate a hand embroidered gift, and I have been inspired to try .

  730. My dominant stitching goal for 2021 is to return to the family crest that I began before I caught Covid mid-summer. I am rethinking my strategy for stitching it after talking briefly with Tanya Berlin about ideas for approaching it. I am contemplating more bling and less silk fabric appliqué. Not sure, but will sure be fun to return to it again! The joy is almost always in the journey! Well, seeing it completed is nice as well…Thank again, Mary!

  731. Thank you for these holiday give-aways- – it makes the Season even more merry and bright! God Bless you- one and all. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!

  732. My dominant stitching goal for 2021, is to finish the numerous projects I have going. A big one is a cross stitch that includes a large amount of beads. Others include finishing work on ornaments I have cross stitched this year. Still looking for tutorials on how to finish into ornaments

    Thank you for another great giveaway!

  733. My goal for 2021 is to learn hand quilting. I am interested in piecing hexagons into a quilt. Now that we stay home more than usual, I think it will be as relaxing as embroidery.

  734. My dominant 2021 stitching goal is to finally use one of my Millennium frames and my floor stand. I would also like to start a metal thread project I bought three years ago.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mary.

  735. My main stitching goal for 2021 is to work on a Jacobean style kit that I bought last year and transform it to a cushion.

  736. My stitching goal is to finish the hexie quilt I recently started.(All your fault!). I’ve started connecting the hexagons and it’s going to be be beautiful. (Thank you!)

  737. My dominate project is to finish a Mystic Stitch Design of a birch forest in autumn. I have bee working on this for 3 years (doing a few other things in between) and it is getting close to being finished. I would also like to work on needle painting. It has interested me for several years and I would like to feel confident working on a needle painting project.

  738. My goal is to finish all those projects I started in classes, work on all the charts and kits I’ve accumulated, and be creative using up all those specialty threads I have.

  739. Thank you for presenting such fine embroidery techniques and interesting articles. I’ve returned to needlework after having been away for years, and the information you provide offers opportunities and new goals.

  740. One of my goals for the new year is to continue learning new stitches in crewel embroidery. I am also really looking forward to reading about all the new things that you have in store for Needle’n Thread in 2021. Your projects are always so inspiring, your embroidery is exquisitely lovely, and your reviews are so helpful. Thank you!

    Thank you again for including us in another beautiful giveaway!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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