
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Stitcher’s Christmas #9: Blackwork – a New Book & a Materials Kit!


Amazon Books

One more week until Christmas – and things are winding down for the year here in my wee studio. What a year, eh?

Before we get entirely into today’s edition of A Stitcher’s Christmas, some brief news: I’ve restocked some holiday towel sets in my shop, as well as Alison Cole’s Goldwork and Stumpwork Masterclass books – and one stray Mini Stocking Kit. You’ll find them all here. If you’ve been waiting for any of the above, they’re available now, and I will ship priority this afternoon (for any purchases made before noon today) and again on Monday for any purchases made through noon Monday, and then … I’m done! I’ll be taking a short hiatus for Christmas, so Monday will be the last shipping day for a short bit.

Ok, now, onto the fun stuff! Today’s give-away focuses on blackwork embroidery – specifically, the beautiful blackwork of Jen Goodwin, who has recently written an extensive and thoroughly instructive book on the subject.

I’ll give you the details about the give-away – and a little information about the book, since I haven’t yet had a chance to review it thoroughly – and I’ll also announce the winner of Wednesday’s give-away below. So … read on!

A Stitcher's Christmas: Blackwork book and materials kit from Jen Goodwin

Jen’s new book, Blackwork Embroidery, Techniques and Projects, just came out. It’s not released in the US yet, but it’s just been released in the UK.

Book Details

It’s a fairly vast tome – over 200 pages – dedicated to blackwork embroidery in many forms, with various twists. She combines surface embroidery, goldwork, intricate shading, a vast number of patterns, pattern darning, and other approaches to achieve a unique and complex presentation of blackwork.

So, don’t think simple, gridded blackwork here! Jen goes well beyond the basic forms of blackwork and makes this type of embroidery an art form of its own.

Blackwork Embroidery by Jen Goodwin

The book opens with an intro and history of blackwork, moves into materials, basics to get started, a marvelous chapter on designing for blackwork – great information on stylized design, realism in shading and really, on designing in general – and then launches into an extensive library of blackwork patterns, followed by darning patterns, a step-by-step stitch dictionary of other useful stitches, and then exercises and projects, shaded blackwork, and finishing.

Blackwork Embroidery by Jen Goodwin

I don’t think the book could be more thorough if it tried!

The instructions are presented in step-by-step photos, making it a very accessible learning tool.

Blackwork Embroidery by Jen Goodwin

The projects are lovely!

Blackwork Embroidery by Jen Goodwin

If you’re keen to try this type of blackwork, add Jen’s book to your 2021 wish list! It’s an excellent volume for beginners and beyond!

And if you want your own copy delivered to your doorstep soon-ish (the post, especially from overseas, is somewhat slow right now, but it will get to you eventually!), and you’d like a materials kit to go with the book… well, you’re in the right place!

Today’s Give-Away Details

This give-away has ended. Check the article on December 21st for the winner!

The winner of today’s installment of A Stitcher’s Christmas will receive a copy of Blackwork Embroidery, Techniques and Projects by Jen Goodwin, along with a materials kit so that you’ll have everything you need on hand to stitch one of the projects in the book.

You can find the materials kits listed on her website here, and you’ll be able to choose one of them for your very own.

Give-Away Guidelines

If you’d like to participate in today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines!

1. Please leave your comment below, on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. If you are reading this in the newsletter, you can reach the comment form directly by following this link.

Comments left on any other post on Needle ‘n Thread or sent by email are not eligible. Please do not leave your comment as a reply to someone else’s. Replies cannot be included in the count. If you are unsure how to post a comment without replying to someone else, please just click the link provided above to go to the comment form. Thanks!

2. Make sure you leave a recognizable name or nickname on the Name line on the comment form. Anonymous comments don’t count. Please do not leave personal information like email addresses, mailing addresses, or phone numbers in the Comment part of the form. When you do, I have to go in and edit that information out – unless you want spam, or strangers picking up your phone number, email address, mailing address (which you don’t, I’m sure!).

…but please do make sure that your email address is entered correctly on the Email line of the form. This is not visible to anyone but me, and it is not used for anything except the purposes of this give-away (if you win, I need to be able to contact you).

3. You may only enter once.

4. In your comment, please answer the following:

Describe your favorite stitching spot!

5. Leave your comment by 5:00 am Central Standard Time, Monday, December 21st. The winner will be randomly drawn and announced on Monday morning, when the next give-away in the series takes place. I will also contact the winners by email.

Please note that your comment may not appear right away on the website. I review all the comments that go on the website, to keep unseemly content off the website. If your comment does not show up immediately, please don’t fret. It will show up as soon as I have a chance to moderate comments.

Wednesday’s Winner!

And now it’s time to announce the winner of Wednesday’s give-away of the beautiful tools and accessories from Needle in a Haystack!

Those will be sent to Teresa Heuster. I will drop you an email!

Coming up on Monday, a BIG give-away of a lot of beautiful books – as we wind down this year’s series of A Stitcher’s Christmas!

I’ll have a new Eye-Spy game and puzzle for your Christmas entertainment next week, too.

See you Monday!


(886) Comments

  1. My favorite spot to stitch is the kitchen table with my coffee mug near by and the radio on (currently listening to Christmas music).

  2. My favorite place to stitch is in my stitching room. I have a comfortable recliner with a foot stool and good lighting. On sunny days I open the drapes, and the natural light is beautiful.

  3. My favorite (and only) stitching spot is in the living room. A daylight lamp, K’s Creation stand, and old-issues magazine basket to the left, end table, Martha Washington sewing cabinet, and magazine rack for new issues to the right. One of those fold up adjustable tables that can pull right up to the chair if needed sits off in the corner. I can see the TV, and out the windows (yay real daylight!) to left and right. I use a regular chair and a footstool, because every recliner I’ve ever tried also leans back any time the foot rest is raised even a bit. It’s not fancy, but is comfortable and well lit.

  4. Hi Mary!
    My fave stitching spot is my desk! I love just closing my computer and working on something without a screen!

  5. anywhere where I can sit cross-legged is perfect for my stitching (to be resumed after my broken arm heals). Most often I’m sitting on bed or a couch near good light but I’ll bring needlework to sit & stitch at park on a blanket that way. I have also carried embroidery to do in line at post office, and while waiting for amusement ride: signs posted at Disneyland indicate with space for three digits for how long the wait will be to get into Pirates of Caribbean.

    1. My favourite stitching spot is my reclining couch, it’s right by the fireplace. Which is roaring as it is -41 with a windchill of -49 and freezing fog! here in northern Canada. Happy holidays to all stitchers and to you Mary

  6. We have a 3BR house. My husband and I were going to share a home office/”my” TV room/my craft room. He decided I was too messy for him to share a home office with, so I got the whole room to myself! I have a swivel rocker in the corner (comfy one) w/ my magnifying light, a Sonos speaker that I play episodes of The Office Ladies on, and that is where I stitch! 🙂

  7. My favorite stitching spot is in a comfy chair, next to my husband – watching some television!

  8. The back of our home faces East just off the Atlantic in Central Florida. The light in the morning is lovely, clean, bright, and just right for a wing back chair and ottoman. In the cool weather we can open the windows and hear birds, the rustle of wind, and because it is Florida-golfers!

  9. My favorite stitching spot is one end of our big leather couch in the evenings after my children have gone to bed. My husband holds down the other end of the couch and it is our time to catch up and enjoy the other’s company while I keep my hands busy.

  10. My favourite stitching spot is outside , sitting in my muskoka chair on the deck in the backyard where I can see and hear all the birds!

  11. My favorite place to stitch is the couch. The lighting is good, and I have plenty of room to spread out my materials.

  12. My favorite stitching spot is a comfy large wingback chair next to a West window . It has a large side table with a storage drawer next to it, also I have an easel set up to hold instruction sheets at eye level. It’s my dedicated corner for embroidery and hand sewing.

  13. My favorite stitching spot at home is the end of my couch, with side table and ott lite in easy reach! But I also enjoy stitching alongside treasured friends. 🙂

  14. This is very beautiful! I’m new to embroidery and most projects are just not interesting to me, simply to colorful. I tend to be a bit gothic, so this form of embroidery is serious nirvana for me!

  15. My favorite stitching spot in in my recliner in front of the television, watching a show with my ears! I use a special lamp so it’s also a well-lit spot. Our cat, the remote, and my glass of water are within my reach as well.

  16. My favorite place for hand stitching is the car. My husband graciously drives while I stitch. We live in Wyoming, so to go anywhere is a fairly long drive. I keep several different bags ready to take along.

  17. Small desk in my spare bedroom with beautiful northern exposure and great daylight to stitch by. The room is calming and neutral and has a serene feel to it….helpful when my stitching fingers are having a bad day.

  18. My favorite spot to stitch is sitting up against the headboard of my bed with my feet stretched out and all the space to my side to create a stitching nest. Also because my favorite lamp with magnifier is by my bed.

  19. Jen’s book looks great – have done a few of her classes and she’s a brilliant teacher. My favourite stitching spot is in the bay window of my sitting room – great light and I can see all the comings and going. I do like people watching.

  20. My new favorite spot for needlework is a lounge with a large arm support on one side and a pillow for extra back support. Now my back feels rested after stitching. I also get to watch tv or listen to an audio book in comfort.

  21. My favorite needlework spot is “my” chair in my living room. I have great natural light from windows on my left, and two lamps for lighting after dark.

  22. My favorite stitching spot is my big leather chair with my kitty sitting next to me. Blackwork embroidery is one of my favorite hobbies – something about doing it and hand binding quilts is so relaxing.

  23. I never tried blackwork, but the pages you showed from this book look intriguing. I would love to find a project (or several!) from the book to make.

  24. My favorite stitching spot is definitively the couch, in front of the TV. Or my bed, also in front of the TV. I love watching movies while I stitch, and when I finish the piece I can always relate it to the TV show or movies I watched while stitching. Thank you!

  25. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner in the living room. I have good lighting there. I love to stitch while listening to a good book. Pure heaven!

  26. I have a very comfortable recliner chair, right next to our fireplace with windows on 2 sides and a lamp with a magnifier. I can listen to music here too and have small tables on either side to hold my supplies. It really is a wonderful spot to stitch. This book looks wonderful. Beautiful projects too.

  27. I love blackwork especially (along with all of forms of needlework) and have enjoyed your blog ever since my daughter introduced me to it. I have worked at having a 15 minute project available as you do. Thank you for your contributions to the world of needlework

  28. Easy-peasy! Outdoors on my deck in the summer … oh the lovely light, or barring that (too hot? Magnifier burning holes in my leg?) in my sun porch. Thanks for transporting me from winter into a summery memory. Best wishes!

  29. Thank you for that great black work article! I keep forgetting how beautiful a single color can be. Great shading etc! My favorite place to do needle work is in my library room, i light candles, listen to music or a book on tape and sit under y good lighting and get lost for hours!!!!

  30. My favourite stitching area is in my stitching room/guest room. I have decorated the room in soft tones of cream and blue and light brown. There are two good light sources and all my stitching tools are at hand. I listen to music on my chromebook. It’s a place of peace for me.

  31. My favorite place to sit and embroider is in my craft room. I have a soft chair, a foot rest and excellent lighting.

  32. Good Morning!
    I am so fortunate to have an entire Sewing Room. The walls are a cool blue and there is a double size window. The step in closet has metal shelving to hold my tins of floss, beads, buttons, etc. I have a comfy chair and a vintage, folding sewing table. This year I added a high 4 shelf stand so I can stitch standing.

    My Blue Heaven,

  33. My favourtie place to stitch is in front of my large Livingroom window. I sit in an old comfy chair I inherited from my mother in law.

  34. Thank you, Mary, for these wonderful give-aways. My favorite spot is in an upholstered armchair (aka a handy pincushion) next to a window. The light is perfect for stitching.

  35. I feel very lucky to have a comfy Stressless chair with everything I need close at hand, an audio-book playing and good lighting.

  36. My favorite stitching spot is a comfortable chair in the bedroom. My parrot and I spend an hour talking about his favorite fruits and whistling his favorite tunes while I work on my project.

  37. My favorite stitching spot is the corner of my couch next to my picture window. My cat is on the arm of the couch (although he sometimes gets naughty when thread is involved). My mug of tea is in reach. I can watch the birds in the pine tree, and the flowers when my rhododendron is blooming. If Mr. Mew is outside, he comes to the window to give me “the look” when he wants in! And if I am chilly I have a lapghan made for me by my mom, in my lap. Thank you for the chance to win, and the review! This book looks excellent.

  38. My favorite stitching spot is on the sofa in my living room next to a big window for natural light.

  39. My favorite stitching spot is an old armchair I have tucked in a corner. It’s a little bit like a nest…I have a little table to the right, where I keep my threads and scissors, tea mug, and other bits and bobs. On the left over my shoulder is a standing lamp that I can angle to get the best light on my project. I have a footstool to rest my legs, and a pillow to tuck behind my back. My electronics are nearby — sometimes I just watch TV and stitch away, or sometimes I listen to podcasts or audible books. Most of the time one or more of my puppies are dosing on my lap. It’s my nest, and it’s where I always find myself stitching away, happy and content.

  40. Hi,
    I would love to win the Blackwork book! My favorite spot to sit and stitch is presently at my dining room table which looks out upon a grove of trees and faces the east. Looks so beautiful when the sun is coming up and there is a little snow on the ground. This is my happy place! Thanks so much for these Christmas giveaways.

  41. I enjoy stitching in my family room which has two large windows for lots of natural light.

  42. My favorite stitching spot is at my kitchen table which sits in a nook of all windows so I get a lot of light.

  43. Favorite stitching spot – anywhere! My husband is an avid fly fisherman who is catch and release only. We travel to remote areas and see the prettiest scenery. There is no one around, but us. I take a folding chair. The kind that has the drink holders on the arm – a perfect place for scissors and ort can. It is the most peaceful stitching place while listening to the water in the stream. He will wait for me to get to a good stopping point if he comes back before dusk makes it too hard to stitch. It is wonderful and so relaxing. (No cell coverage in these areas!)

  44. Stitching at my small kitchen table is where I seem to get most of my pieces done. I can look out my window, a basket with my tools right there. I enjoy my stitching times there.

  45. The place where I do a lot of hand stitching is downstairs in our den. The TV is down there as well as is comfortable seating and good lighting— and a big sliding door so I can see outdoors ( in the daytime). I don’t really enjoy TV, but my husband is usually there when I am and he keeps up with that! I really ENJOY doing my stitching, though, sitting outdoors in nature when we are out with our camper!

  46. I have loved embroidery and cross stitching for as long as I can remember. My favorite spot to embroider has been at the deer lease or deer camp. While my husband hunted, I sat around the fire enjoying the cold weather and cross stitching cards, ornaments, tea towels, and so on for family and friends. Wonderful memories but no longer possible, so now I sit outside under my patio and embroider. Always calms my heart.

  47. Oh what a beautiful book,
    My favorite spot to stitch is my window close to the window so I can get the light on the right side.

  48. My favorite stitching spot is my sewing room. I have a comfy chair, good lighting and tv AND most important – my dog snuggled next to me!

  49. I am fortunate enough to have an entire Studio for all of my sewing pleasures. When on the sewing machines, of course, I am in a relatively straight back chair trying hard not to slump over. But when hand stitching, I am at my big table in a comfy chair positioned directly in front of the TV. There I can watch any program I desire, prop my feet up on the footstool under the table, turn my big desk lamp on, and when necessary, pull down the magnifier! Hot cocoa, coffee or tea on the side and I can literally sit there for hours. Thank you, Mary. Have a Blessed Christmas.

  50. My favorite stitching spot is in the third floor train room in our house. I sit in a little chair with a battery operated light by my side at the end of the row of cabinets where my husband has his train workshop. He works on his projects and I have mine. This time of year he indulges me with listening to Christmas music while we work.

  51. My favorite stitching spot is in the sunlight sitting on my front stoop while my dogs play in the yard.

  52. I love to stitch black work in my cozy chair under my Dazor magnifier which is located in my sewing room! I am very lucky that after our children left home that my husband made me my special hang out!

  53. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of the living room that I have claimed as ‘all mine’. It is next to big windows, looking out on the garden, so I have good light with a pretty view, and I can relax, listen to the birds, and just slip away into my own world of peace and creativity…

  54. Hi, Mary, and Merry-Merry Christmas!
    Thank you for your encouraging words in your newsletter; your caring and kind attitude shines throughout!
    My favorite spot is on my couch with my daughter who is also learning to embroider. I think it draws her in to learn with me, just as your website enlightens my day.

  55. My favorite stitchy spot is in my sunroom where I have great natural light and can watch the birds at the feeders.

  56. My favorite stitching spot is my couch. I sit on the left hand side. The left arm rest is used to hold an arm rest pocket storing my scissors and marking pens. The current pattern is on top of that. To the right, I have my thread box for the project being work and my nick- nack tray holding things like tweezers, needles, etc. My light and stand are in position. All I have to do is sit down and I am ready to go.

  57. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room with windows to my back, short chair so my feet touch the floor and a tv easily watchable while I stitch

  58. My favourite stitching spot is also my home office, so I’ve been spending a lot of time there this year. It has a big window and a view all the way to the ocean.

    Thank you Mary!

  59. My favorite stitching spot! Hmmmm…..let me see! OK…here it is! My favorite stitching spot is in our family room where I can sit by the fireplace. I also can see the bird feeders in the back yard. And if I’m working on something not very fine, I can run the elliptical exercise machine with my feet. All at the same time. Who says I can’t multitask!


  60. My favorite stitching spot is a corner in my living room with a couple of Ott lights and a rocking chair that my late sister stripped and reupholstered for me. I can sit and embroider to my heart’s content. I also have a few frames and supplies on a low boy that is flush against a wall so everything I might need is within arm’s reach. Every time I sit there and pick up my embroidery, I feel peaceful and so grateful to my sister!

  61. My favorite place to stitch was the sunroom at my old home. I am experimenting with locations in my new house.

  62. With our first Nor’easter last Wednesday sitting in the family room stitching while watching the snow fall and enjoying the huge snowflakes while the birds whisper their songs is a favorite spot. Although not always the best area for these old eyes of mine, but so calming along with the mantra of pushing and pulling my threads through the fabric.

  63. My favorite stitching spot is in my bedroom. It has a big armchair and ottoman, with a Dazor floor lamp and an adjustable hospital bedside table. It is surrounded by books. Its only drawback is that is conducive to naps.

  64. Due to declining health I have a lift chair. It stays near a large window with a perfect view of the bird feeders in the yard. There is good light. I can rest my eyes by looking up and away from my needlework and enjoy bird activity nearby. A two-fer.

  65. I have a little corner of my couch that’s my favorite stitching spot – plenty of pillows, my light and a window for lots of natural light during the day!

  66. I stitch in my living room in a comfortable chair with a floor lamp and a table next to it for supplies.

  67. My favorite spot for stitching is at the cabin in northern Minnesota. It’s usually cool. I can hear the leaves rustling and loons. But I live in Texas so I embroider on a couch looking out the window at our bird feeders. Almost anywhere with good lighting and a comfortable chair is ok. Thanks again for these questions that make me stop and think.

  68. I am fortunate to have a studio with lots of windows and natural light. I have a comfy chair and a futon where I can work and cuddle with my puppy!

  69. Hi Mary,
    My favorite stitching spot is in the southeast corner of my “wet studio” where I do my dyeing and fabric printing. There is a small table by the window where I can clamp my magnifier. There is room for a stool, and room for me to position myself correctly — always an issue when I stitch in a comfy chair. And, most important, there is abundant natural light. The only negative is that this spot looses its allure late in the day when the sun has moved to the other side of the building. C’est la vie!
    June House
    Rehoboth MA

  70. My favorite stitching spot right now is a low chair near the fireplace, a window behind me for pretty good natural light in the afternoon, and a slim LED lamp for the evenings when it gets darker!

  71. I have a chair in my living room with a light – I can listen to my favorite tv shows or my books on tape and stitch away.

  72. My favorite spot (my throne) has a large comfortable chair with a big pillow for my back. The floor stand can be pulled up close and a small table holds tools, a light and a beverage. Window and another light in back help, too. I can see through to the front door, see the TV and my little tree, so I can stitch in comfort and joy!

  73. favorite stitching spot. it would be under our pergola next to the pool. It is well shaded but allows the natural light to come through. I find this is the best for stitching. I can even use it when it rains. My next best spot, especially during very hot days, is on the Adirondack chair under our row of oak trees. It is always cool there. the negative, it that I have to drag all my supplies and if i drop a needle, well i will definitely not find it. I can also only stitch in those spots from May through September. the rest of the time it is too cold or there is 3 feet of snow.

  74. Greetings! Here’s a little bit about my favorite stitching spot… Our family moved from California to Pennsylvania this year (tough year to be moving, believe me!). For the very first time, I am about to have my very own tiny studio in a corner of our renovated kitchen. It has been nicknamed ‘Mommy’s hidey- hole’ and it has the two things I need the most: a large window for plentiful natural light, and a door that locks, in order to keep 4 pairs of little hands out of my sewing and embroidery supplies. I am now counting the days until the renovation is complete and I can work away on my new project.

    Thanks Mary for being a wonderful virtual mentor on my stitching journey!
    Fabienne in Merion, PA

  75. My favorite stitching spot is where ever I can stitch with friends! Sometimes that’s on my veranda, sometimes at a friend’s home, sometimes at and EGA event, sometimes it’s on zoom. Nothing beats stitching with stitcher friends!

  76. My favourite stitching spot is currently in a corner of the main room so I can look up over the roofs of the city and into the street below where there is a park bench and a tree

  77. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room where I have my overstuffed chair and stool to sit and stitch while listening to a podcast, music, or tv program. My chair is situated where I can easily view the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

  78. My favorite spot is my family room. Since I live alone, I’ve turned it into a needlework room. (I’ve got a great set-up in the basement for machine sewing, too.). It’s a big room with a TV at one end, a couch for when I need to get my feet up, a big window for natural light, a couple of chairs for company, and lots of shelves for all my supplies, threads and yarns, and pattern and reference books. Because the floor is hardwood, I can easily roll between my two primary stitching stations: a trestle and magnifying light for large projects on frames or that require very tiny stitches, and a smaller table with Ott light for projects on a more “reasonable” scale. Each station has a bookcase next to it with a waist high shelf mostly empty that I use for tools, documentation for the current project, and as a place for a drink out of range of my project. The only problem is that the space works so well that I forget to get up and move around!

  79. My favourite sewing spot is my swinging seat in my front porch, accompanied by my lovely black labradors. Now that winter has arrived, I’m smiling, just thinking about it. I should point out that dog hairs are much easier to remove from your sewing than cat hairs!

  80. I always stitch on the sofa. I have a very comfy sofa full of cushions and handmade quilts if it’s cold. I usually end us surrounded by fabric and threads and equipment!

  81. Favourite stitching spot? Well that’s an easy one ……….curled up in the corner of our huge sofa with the window directly behind me.

  82. My favorite stitching spot is what my husband calls my “fortress of solitude”. It is a comfortable chair with a footrest, good reading lamp and a side table with a basket on it which houses my collection of bookmarks, needles, scissors, small ruler, pens and hand cream. I have tote bags with various needlecraft projects on the floor beside me, so I can pick up and continue on any project I choose (usually 3-4 nearby) depending on my mood. The lighting is always perfect because I have can combine sunlight from large windows and a variety of lamps in the room. Its comfortable, cozy and conducive to crafts!

  83. I have never tried black work, but I am intrigued by it. I am retiring on Dec 23 and am looking forward to starting new projects

  84. My favorite stitching spot in my chair by the fireplace and window in my great room. The light is bright there. In summer I can see my garden and the birds, and in winter the warmth of the fireplace enhances the happiness I feel when stitching

  85. I love to stitch tucked into the corner of the couch in our TV room with all my stuff spread out around me, my husband in his comfy chair beside me, and something interesting on the TV!

  86. My favorite place to stitch? Actually is anyplace…..I’ve stitched in airports, in hospital waiting rooms, in the car on long rides…..when I’m embroidering, I’m transported to a quiet peaceful place. Yep, that quiet place of the spirit is my favorite place to stitch.
    Merry Christmas, everyone, and may you all find that quiet, peaceful place.

  87. My stitching spot is located right in front of my desk in full view of my computer screen. I always have some sort of movie or documentary playing while I stitch.

  88. I do most of my stitching at a table frame in my all-purpose work room. Here I am at the computer and if I want to stitch, I just turn 180 degrees in my office chair and am at my table – which was my mother-in-law’s first dining room table and works great in my work room. I also have an easy chair in here to sit with a project in a hoop – or read a good book – by the window.

  89. My favorite stitching spot in is my recliner in our living room while we watch tv! I love this blackwork. This is the first time I have heard of it! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize.

  90. My favorite stitching spot is on deck on her sailboat when anchored in Seal Bay of Vinalhaven Island, ME.

  91. To describe my stitching spot I first must tell you that I live full time in my RV 5th wheel. So I sit in my recliner facing the fireplace and TV. In the warmer months my favorite stitching spot is on my deck where I can listen to a book on tape and stitch the day away. Thank you for doing this giveaway and for your newsletter, I save them for a quick reference guide.

  92. My favorite place to stitch is in the sun on my front porch — even if I need a blanket, it’s a favorite place to be!

  93. My favorite stitching spot is a little sunroom. My apartment is on the 6th floor and rather than a balcony they have used this space to give each unit a little sunroom. In the summer I can still open the big sliding glass door to catch the breeze and in the winter I have a cozy place amongst my plants.
    Thanks for bringing this book to my attention – it looks fabulous!

  94. My favorite spot at this time…In my recliner with a bright light over head (as it is in my living room). I love a cup of tea beside me or a glass of wine. I also find myself with at least one cat around me. I am not allowed to do anything without their supervision. In the winter I like a blanket over my lap. An old Christmas movie on TV , one that I have seen a hundred times so that I don’t even have to watch it, just listen. I will be getting exactly this on New Years Eve as I will be having foot surgery, so I will be off of my feet for about 8 weeks. Did I get this for Christmas? It will hurt , but it will be worth it. I hope to get a lot done.

  95. Lovely stitching in that book. Depending on where I am at home I love to sit on my sofa, watch TV and Embroider. But I bring my embroidery many places and use whatever is available ,usually a chair.

  96. I need lots of light, so my stitching spot is usually the kitchen table! I took a Blackwork course at the RSN a long time ago and would love the new book. Thank you Mary!

  97. My favorite stitching spot, where I sit every day to embroider, is in my 3rd floor living room. I have 360 degree views of the water surrounding my house here on Hatteras Island in NC.

  98. Favorite stitching spot? I have two: my sewing room with great light and plenty of supplies and my living room sofa in the midst of music or a fun movie.

  99. My favorite stitching spot is the corner of my couch. I have a lamp to the left, a husband to the right, and a tv in front that I pay just enough attention to to follow a story. The best thing to “watch” is baseball. I listen and only look up for the highlights.

  100. I have a comfy red chair with a lamp situated on an adjacent bookcase for overhead light that works well.

  101. My favorite stitching spot is a recliner next to a bay window that looks into the woods. Very relaxing.

  102. My favorite stitching spot is wherever the sunlight is bright – my bedroom in our new home and the living room at our cottage. In the summer working on the deck where the air is fresh is also a favorite. Fresh air an stitching – it is the best!

  103. I stitch just about everywhere! My favorite places are always near windows or outside on the deck. My VERY favorite place is in the kitchen at a little table that looks out to the woods and some bird feeders. The natural light makes it easy for me to “see” and the woods provides plenty of entertainment value.

    Many thanks to you Mary Corbet for spending your time “entertaining” us this holiday season. Your newsletter is always full of inspiration and teaching moments. I wish you and your family the merriest Christmas ever and look forward to seeing what interesting things you introduce to us to stitch next year!

  104. I usually sit in my chair to stitch. I have a small table beside for my thread organizer and scissors and such. A simple desk lamp over my shoulder. I typically stitch while I watch tv.

  105. My favourite stitching spot is in my Ikea armchair with a swan-neck lamp shining over my shoulder. Oh, and with a podcast or audio book playing. Lovely!

  106. I am just discovering and starting to do Black work.
    Blackwork Embroidery, Techniques and Projects,book would be an absolute dream
    To have to advance my skills,
    Have a Merry Christmas from Canada

  107. I chose not to do blackwork for my RSN Certificate but this might almost change my mind! (Wouldn’t be allowed any gold though…)
    As for my favourite stitching spot, I wish I could add a picture, that’s so much easier than words, but it’s sitting at the dining table (which is rarely used for dining) by the floor-to-ceiling windows (lots of light!) overlooking the garden, with our lovely cat Lexi in attendance to distribute fur on everything I stitch. Bliss!

  108. My favorite stitching spot is the corner of our couch, with a big lamp over my shoulder. Comfy, with great light!

  109. I don’t have an ideal spot but if I did have my ideal spot it would be in a cottage near the fireplace with a comfy chair where I could look out and watch the snow fall while I stitched. Right now I just have a comfy chair but anything just as long as I can stitch and I have enough light to see what I am doing.

  110. I most enjoy stitching in our living room, with activity going on around me. We have a wing chair which used to belong to my husband’s grandmother; which is perfect. The chair is draped with a fabulously thick pelt from one of our Romney rams. Ott light with magnifying glass is nearby and the chair height accommodates well, the stand which holds my small slate frames. Super comfy!

  111. I sit in the living room, on the couch, with my dog Shaolin beside me. (She like to sniff my ort box). Currently I am working on Martina Weber’s “Alpine Garden”. The center is done, the inner borders are done, and I’m working on the border with the trees. I used to live in Colorado, so this reminds me of a cabin in the mountains. I bought over $100.00 in beads for this, and I use your idea for bead storage (E Ward)….I now have four trays of beads! Thanks for all you do, Mary. Have a Merry Christmas.

  112. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room. I have an open floor plan, and from this spot, I can see an awful lot of what is going on–and it’s in front of a big TV, near windows, near a fireplace when it gets cold, has good artificial lighting in the evening, and places for the kitties to snooze. What’s not to like?

  113. My favourite spot to stitch is on the chesterfield where I have a lovely bright lamp close by.

  114. I have a couch in my work room that has a set of east facing windows behind it and a set of south facing windows to the left. It has perfect light to stitch during the day and a daylight lamp to sit and stitch at night. Perfect!

  115. My favorite stitching spot, especially at Christmas time, is sitting in the living room in front of the lighted Christmas tree that is framed by the window and now the white snow outside.
    Carol bu

  116. I sit in a recliner in my livingroom with good light from the front window and an Ott light. I have a table nearby for supplies. On cold days an Afghan covers my legs. At times I listen to music or audio books. Best part of my day!!

  117. This lovely book is on my wish list! My stitching spot is in my office, surrounded by bulging bookcases, a window streaming sunlight and my two dogs who make sure I don’t sit too long. Thanks so much for all you do Mary. Merry Christmas

  118. My favorite place to stitch is on my couch with my stitching supplies easy at hand and my boxer curled up next to me.

  119. A corner in my living room, on my comfy sofa with plenty of room for all my goodies, a wonderful Dozer magnifying floor lamp, and a window to look out and watch the birds and squirrels at the feeders.

  120. My favorite stitching spot is my old comfy chair in the den. This year I purchased a Stella table lamp and it makes all the difference in the world especially during the winter months. This where I sit at night after work and relax by working on my latest project!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  121. In front of sunny bay window in living room looking out on my garden to see birch tree, found it as sapling on a walk in woods and planted it after moving here and birds in shrub full of rosehips, when I look up from stitching.

  122. My favorite place is probably my bedroom where everything is stored, with the local art center being second. (I meet with a fiber group at the art center.)

  123. My favorite spot is in my living room in my chair where I am all set up with my Lowery stand (I love it) and my tools. It’s right In front of the fireplace.

  124. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of my living room while seated in a large comfy armchair. I have maximum daylight provided by large floor to ceiling windows and my light/magnifier alongside should it be needed. At the same time, I also enjoy the view of the forest, birds, rabbits and occasional deer. Nature inspires my creativity.

  125. What a beautiful book! I have been wanting to try Blackwork. The instructions make it look so approachable.
    My favorite place to stitch is on my couch, right next to a window. I have a table nearby where my Stella Task lamp sits. When my cat, Lucy sees me reach for my stitching, it’s her cue that I will be sitting for awhile and she can catch a warm nap in my lap. Life is good for both of us.

  126. My favorite place to sit and stitch is in my recliner in my family room, where I can sit in solitude or watch my favorite show on tv.

  127. My favorite stitching spot is my craft room where I have a comfy chair, all my told to hand, my frame and a speaker for listening to audio books and podcasts as I stitch. I’d love to win Jen’s book!

  128. My usual stitching spot is finally perfect…in my living room with good light, a cushioned seat, and supplies nearby. But my favorite stitching spot is the Isle of Erika Hotel near Oban, Scotland, in the week between Christmas and Hogmanay, in front of a roaring peat fire in the main hall. I’ve worked on small and medium-sized projects there, creating perfect memories with all the senses: taste of the tea, feel of needle and thread, smell, sight, and sound of the crackling fire. Bliss!

  129. I love blackwork, have done lots of it. This approach looks interesting and I would love to get a copy of the book

  130. I’ve moved since answering this last year and have lost my cozy armchair by the window. I now find myself sitting ona my loveseat, or sometimes reclining on it, as I stitch. There is a large window behind it and during daylight hours I really enjoy the natural light.

  131. Hands down my favorite spot is the screen porch on a warm spring day. The light is bright and indirect, there’s a breeze and the peaceful sound of insects and birds.

    I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Jen’s book! Thanks for the review.

  132. My current favorite stitching spot is the corner of my couch. If it’s a time of year where I can be outside, my favorite stitching spot would be on the patio.

  133. On warmer sunny days I can stitch under the towering redwoods in our backyard or in the sunny, back corner amid the chirping and flitting of black-crowned chickadees at the bird feeder. If the day is misty there is always a seat on the covered deck with light coming thru the skylights and power available for a lamp if I need one. In these pandemic days of isolation in the US stitching with nature surrounding me is my favourite place.

  134. I have a chair in the living room where i like to stitch. I have good lighting and a little dresser with supplies. I can watch the birds at the feeder through the front window.

  135. The book looks glorious! My favorite stitching spot is my living room arm chair- nice table nearby for resting things. Usually the puppy tries to help which is less effective, but that’s life!

  136. My favorite place to stitch is my loveseat in the living room. I can put my feet up and get comfy and I have a light right behind for seeing my stitching.

  137. My favorite stitching spot is in the sunniest room of the house, and located so that I can see the birds as I sew.

  138. My favorite stitching spot has good light, a decent chair, not covered in pet hair or farm/shop grease/dirt, and not so windy.

  139. My favorite stitching spot is one end of the couch where I have a very good light (Ott), a”tray of tools”, and my computer. Sometimes it looks rather messy with several projects spread out but it is sure comfortable!!
    Thank you

  140. I love to stitch in front of the fireplace
    when it is snowing or cold outside, all cozied up in my favorite pjs and covered with a blanket. In between stitches I sip on a cup of hot tea and just enjoy the moment.

  141. I have a wing back chair and footstool backlit by a large window, extra lamp next to me, tables on both sides and a floor stand. Usually one or two cats are on my lap to make things more interesting–actually they behave unless I let the thread fall on their head.

  142. I used to like to sit and sew from the recliner. These days, though, I need to sit upright in the sewing room at a table with bright light!

  143. In my recliner, under wonderfully bright spotlights, and in front of my TV which provides a great source of background entertainment while I stitch the night away.

  144. I have a recliner right in front of the picture window that is my favorite spot for stitching. I have a magnifier lamp right next to the chair that makes this spot great. Merry Christmas!

  145. My favourite spot to stitch in the winter is a small sun-filled corner of my bedroom with my cat curled in the sun coming in the window.

  146. My favorite stitching spot is in my chair (known as the”boss chair” by my daughter in law) in the den. I have good light and tv or music to occupy the other part of my brain while stitching and it’s cozy.

  147. My favourite stitching spot is in a chair in one corner of our living room. The chair is next to a window and a small book shelf, which is a very handy place to place scissors, thread or tea while working.

  148. You’re stitch videos have been my go to instruction on practically every project I attempt , so thank you.

  149. My favorite stitching spot is a corner of our livingroom right near the large front window. I have a BlueMax lamp on one side and an LED lamp on the other. My armchair is very comfy and I have a small footstool/storage box on which to rest my feet. I have a small cupboard beside my chair which holds lots of tools and stash. I can enjoy music or a talk show while stitching and not be isolated from my husband while he reads.

  150. I have a bright a sunny sewing room. There is a comfortable chair, bright lights and everything is close at hand. I can shut the door and never have to put anything away.
    It is my happy place. Merry Christmas

  151. My favourite stitching spot is in the garden room where I can watch the squirrels playing outside in the garden and keep lovely and toasty warm with a mug of hot chocolate on the table beside me!

  152. I have a comfy chair with great light, a table next to it for all my supplies and a window where I can watch hummingbirds at my feeder in the spring and summer, and other birds and squirrels the rest of the year. Makes me very happy to sit there!

  153. What a lovely give-away!! Blackwork reminds me of cast iron decorate trim on the buildings in New Orleans’ French Quarter. My favorite place to sew is sitting in an old church bench from my husband’s hometown church. Very soothing!

  154. My favourite stitching spot is wherever the light is best and moves by daytime and time of year. My stitching supplies for current projects are kept handy and portable.

  155. Hi, Mary,

    My favorite stitching spot is the chair I am in right now, a Victorian rocking chair with low arms that support my elbows at just the right height. Nearby windows and a lamp cast good light over my work. A side table holds my tools. The fire at my feet makes this cozy spot about perfect.

    Thanks for the Christmas giveaway.


  156. M favorite stitching spot is still called my office, even though it’s now dedicated to all things stitching. I have a lovely wide window facing the street and my gardens. I carried the floral theme inside with paint and upholstery. I have two chairs- an ergonomic office chair at a wide desk where it’s easy to do finishing or beading. Then I have a small swivel rocker by the bookcase with all my stitching tools, threads, reference books, and a Dazor lamp within reach, and tv, network, and music all available. I can be happily occupied for hours in my little Eden.

  157. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of my couch with all my embroidery things around me. No pets and roommates so I don’t have to put my stuff away. And with one eye I can watch the television while embroidering.

  158. My favorite stitching spot is a little room up under a gable in the roof. It’s not very large and has a sloped ceiling, but it’s my special place with all my supplies, my tools, and great light.

  159. My studio, next to my computer and headphones cause I’m always listening to
    podcasts when stitching.

  160. My favorite stitching spot is my easy chair in the living room. When sitting there, it is a message for my body to relax and do something pleasant. I enjoy reading from the same spot as both are great relaxers. The Blackwork looks beautiful. It would be nice to learn something new. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Happy Holidays!

  161. My favorite stitching spot is at my dear fellow stitcher’s house. Her home is always warm and inviting, and she has set up my own sewing station in her sewing room; so we can maintain safe social distancing while still enjoying the pleasure of stitching and visiting together. She has a curious cat that adores our stitching get-togethers as much as we do. The cat meets me at the door, meowing and purring; and he immediately jumps onto the table to see what we will be working on that day, then curls up nearby, (or on my project if I turn my back for a moment), to watch and “comment” as needed. At some point, he always pokes his head into my sewing bag and then tells me his opinion of what he finds there with happy mewls and purrs. We’ll make a pot of tea to enjoy with fresh scones that I make that morning to share, and then we get right to work, often stitching six or more hours together. — My friend has only been sewing for a couple of years now and learning hand embroidery for less than one year. We stitch together usually once or twice a week, and I teach her all kinds of different types of embroidery, design, wool applique, and quilting techniques. We travel to shops, both local and online, where she buys notions, stitching supplies, and a book about each new subject that I introduce to her, then she studies and practices everything in minute depth; making samplers and other projects to learn each technique, and then gift to friends and family. Her avid enthusiasm inspires me so much that I find myself doing a lot more stitching and exploring new techniques than normal; so that I can share them with her and watch her gleefully jump in to learn complex techniques that most students wouldn’t attempt until they have been stitching for years. I am abundantly inspired by her joy of discovery and begin looking forward to our next stitching adventure the moment I leave her house after each stitching session. (Oh how I would love to be able to teach her the techniques in the new Blackwork Embroidery book by Jen Goodwin. I adore both the delicacy of the fine stitching and the pop of gold threads in the designs. I’ve never before considered how adding a small amount of metallic color to fine blackwork could totally transform and elevate the impact of blackwork. Exquisite concept! I know that my daughter, who is an artist herself, would also be fascinated by how artistically applied Jen’s designs and techniques emulate the lines that an artist creates using paint, pencil or ink. The delicacy of Jen’s designs totally fascinates me!) As devastating as a year without a job has been, along with unending social isolation, it has also been an unexpected gift of time, and an opportunity to enjoy simple pleasures without constant interruptions. In this very difficult year, I can honestly say that I will look back and remember it as a haven of peaceful, fruitful sewing, as well as blessed camaraderie and rediscovery of the absolute joy of creating new projects with fine threads and exquisite fabrics.

  162. When the weather permits, which is quite often living in south Mississippi, I love to sit on my front porch and stitch. There is no better light than the natural sunlight and the sounds of birds and animals scurrying about is so relaxing.

  163. Hi Mary:

    My favourite stitching spot – right now – is in the living room on a 2 seater sofa where I can spread out all the materials I need to work on my various projects. This way I can see the Christmas Tree, and lights outside in the evening. Really enjoy this time of year.
    Thank you for your passion for Needlework.

  164. My favorite stitching spot is the corner of my sofa. I have a table beside me with my ort jar, scissors and other supplies ready when needed. When I look up to rest my eyes I can see the Empire State Building out my window.

  165. My favourite stitching spot is the corner of my couch with the light shining in from my bib window!

  166. My comfy chair in my studio. It’s a quiet place created just for me to go an hide away from the world.
    Thanks once again Mary, and also Jen for such lovely gifts. Xing my fingers…

  167. Comfortable chair, in front of the window, looking out over the river. Particularly good when snowy because of all the reflected light.

  168. My favorite spot is a corner spot with a big window behind me, my favorite lamp by my chair, a small end table to hold supplies, and a radio with my favorite station playing. It is sheer heaven to me!

  169. I love to do red work, so perhaps this would give me a nudge to try something new and different, well at least for me. A new adventure, for a new year!

  170. I’m so excited for the release of this book!! I’ve always found blackwork daunting and Jen is an awesome instructor…she’s the perfect person to create a book about a technique where instructive information is seriously lacking (in my beginner’s opinion…)

  171. I enjoy stitching in my studio with great light from two windows and all my needed supplies close at hand. Thanks for giveaway and best wishes for 2021.

  172. My favorite stitching spot is a chair in my living room over looking the front yard so I can watch my birds and rabbits.

  173. By far my favorite spot is on the couch, with the morning sun coming in, TV on in the background, two cats on the back of the couch, and a cup of tea on the coffee table.

  174. My favourite stitching spot is in my little home studio that was set up for me at the beginning of the pandemic. I have a good chair beside the window, and a free-standing magnifier light for tiny stitches, and my stash is (currently, haha) all in one room.

  175. That blackwork magazine…
    My favorite stitching spot is in the living room right next to my husband. Even though I have a craft room, when it comes to stitching, I love being with my hubby. We joke that the living room is starting to look like craftroom 2.0 with my stitching stuff creeping into our shared space.

  176. I have a comfortable chair in my living room, with a little table beside. The room is drenched with great light during the day as gets the morning sun and then the afternoon sun as it’s on a south wall. I have quite a lovely view out my window. In the evening, I have a lamp to help me to see.

  177. Upstairs, in front of a bay of north facing windows. The bright daylight helps me see better and the bird feeders are a nice distraction.

  178. My favorite stitching spot is in my lazy boy. It is the only place I stitch. I suffer from chronic pain and need to be supported and comfortable when stitching!

  179. My favourite place to stitch is curled up on the sofa under a blanket, with a cup of tea within easy reach!

  180. After having cataract eye surgery and trifocals lenses implanted recently, I am so pleased to be able to begin to embroider again after many years! So pleased to have great resources like your newsletter. I do appreciate your reviews of books and materials.

    My favorite stitching spot is in my favorite chair. It is a zero gravity recliner so I can have my feet elevated after a long day working at my standing desk and stitch away most evenings while my husband watches tv next to me. Very much helps keep my mind off of work stress, and so relaxing! I love it. With my new eyes I hope to be able to continue for may more years.

  181. My favorite stitching spot is at the end of the day on the couch with my little dog beside me. Love It.

  182. Hi!
    My favourite stitching spot is my HUGE recliner chair in the living room! My husband calls it my princess throne !

  183. My favourite spot for stitching is the armchair in front of the TV, with some football or icehockey or another sportsgame that keeps my husband satisfied in a chair beside, and me concentrated on the good thing. That is, needle and thread.

  184. My favorite spot is an old Queen Ann chair that partially reclines. It is beside my fireplace in the winter and closer to windows in the summer. The chair is special because it is large and supports my entire back. As long as I have that I can stitch just about anywhere

  185. I love stitching in my chair. I watch old movies and I can look out of the window. It’s very peaceful.

  186. My favorite stitching spot is in a cruise ship lounge with the big window letting the sun come through, right now it is in the family room sitting under Stella

  187. My favorite stitching spot is on the living room couch. I have plenty of space to lay out patterns and materials. I have a light and magnification and a big beautiful triple set of sliding doors with lots of natural light coming in. And I can watch Netflix while I stich.

  188. My favorite stitching spot is a comfy chair covered in teddy bear plush by a giant window! I have a cabinet on one side with all my needle work supplies that also serves as my surface to hold everything. My stand and light/magnifier are right there as well! Heaven!

  189. My favorite spot to stitch is the end of my couch which sits in the corner of my living room. I can see the TV in the opposite corner, and I have my stitching cart in the very corner within arm’s length. I have a magnifying lamp – one of those clamp-on desk lamps – that my stepdad rigged up on a pedestal to hang over my shoulder. I never have to move, which can be a problem.

  190. My favourite stitching spot is in the family room in a corner of the sofa next to the window with my gooseneck lamp beside me and everything in reach. Out of traffic and I can watch the deer and birds during the day if I have time to stitch and the tv at night!

  191. In my living room chair. Warmly near the fire, great lighting that I’ve bought over the years and quiet

  192. My favourite stitching spot — my small living room, in my comfy chair with my light shining on my work. It’s quiet, peaceful, and everything is within reach.

    What an amazing blackwork book, thanks for highlighting it so it can go right onto my list 🙂

  193. I love to sit in the afternoon by the double front windows of my living room. Especially when the sun is streaming through the windows. I sit in a platform rocker stitching away and forget for a few minutes, all of the problems in the world today.

  194. My favorite stitching place to stitch is in my living room. I sit on my three person sofa and I have a coffee table in front of me. I take up a lot of space. On the left side I have my patterns/charts and doodling/practice fabric. On the right I have my threads and different boxes with smaller projects. My coffee sits in front of me. I have a TV tray table that I use a barrel clamp to attach my hoop to and it sits a little to my right. I’m not sure if it’s ergonomically correct but it works for me. On this tray, I have my embroidery tools such as scissors, tweezers, pincushions, magnifiers, pens, and a small dish with my current projects DMC floss on their bobbins. It might sound messy but it works for me. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

  195. I have a favorite stitching spot in the living room. It is an Ikea chair which has a straight back with wings at the top for leaning my head when I get tired. I have tables around me and a lovely lamp which overhangs the side of the chair to illuminate my work. I have a great view of the television as well as a view out the front yard to watch the birds and squirrels playing.

  196. Mary,
    My favorite stitching spot is in my recliner with my feet up(bad back). The chair can accommodate a stand my light or lights. I’ve added an extra cushion so my arms are higher then arms of the chair.
    Thanks for the giveaways.

  197. I stitch in a recliner next to a window with good light. There is a lamp to my left. The recliner has wide arms that can hold supplies and a table next to me can hold the overflow. A floor stand is in the room and a folding adjustable laptop computer stand can hold my pattern, if needed. Outside the window I can watch neighbors walking their dogs, birds flittering through the shrubs, and the snow covered mountains are just a fingertip away.

  198. My Dad’s old La-Z-Boy recliner fits right into either corner of the windowed south facing wall of my home. I use an old bench my grandfather made as a table for supplies and a cup of coffee or tea, then sit with my feet tucked up under me and sew, sew, sew. My hand sewing supplies fit nicely in my Mom’s old sewing basket. The light is amazing and I can pause anytime to watch the woods for entertainment and inspiration, all the while surrounded by the love and relics of my forebears.

  199. My favorite place to do embroidery Is in my recliner. I have a pair of scissors on a lantern and my Beam n Read light with rechargable batteries around my neck and I am ready to sew.

  200. My favorite stitching spot is in my rocker next to my husband as he is watching soccer and I am absorbed in my needlework.

  201. Hi. My favorite stitching spot is close to a window so that I can work in natural light. I like to have my work attached to a frame, and then held securely in my floor stand. And then, of course, a table close at hand to hold all my needles, threads, and goodies!! Sandi

  202. My favorite stitching spot is on the couch with my magnifying lamp and my husband in the recliner nearby and a good movie on the television

  203. My favorite stitching spot is in a recliner looking out into our backyard and I am able to see the bird bath and feeders. The room has lots of windows facing north and east so I get loads of natural light. When choosing colors for a new project, I often set up a little table in from of the window so I can be sure of the colors. Thank you Mary for all the lovely give aways. You always have the best goodies. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  204. The corner of my great room is my favorite stitching spot. I have a view of our wooded yard out the 8 foot patio door, a magnifying floor lamp, a vintage sewing caddy for supplies, and best of all, a chair specially crafted for my 4’11” frame by my father who was an excellent upholster. I can stitch comfortably for hours.

  205. My favorite escape is in my recliner….gotta be careful and not doze off with a needle in my hand…..ask me how I know!!

  206. I love to sit on my very comfortable sofa with all the needed supplies on the table next to me. It feels like putting on an old pair of comfortable slippers and if I had a fireplace, I’d light up some wood these days and listen to Christmas music while attempting to perfect my stitches.

  207. I would love this book as i am a beginner (even tho I am 80 yrs old).
    I am trying to learn as many different ways to embroider.

  208. My favorite stitching site is anywhere I have a comfortable chair, a table at hand, and good lighting. Having a fellow stitcher nearby is an added bonus.

  209. My favorite place to stitch is my chair in my family room where the sun comes in though a large picture window. The sun warms my hair and relaxes me which improves my stitching.

  210. I do my stitching in my conservatory. Good light and a comfy sofa with room to lay out all my items. Also the best place for colour matching. Company of the cat also helps!!!

  211. My favorite stitching spot is right at my computer desk where I’m surrounded by art supplies, a rainbow of colors and a warm heater nearby.

  212. I like to do handwork by the fire in what we call the library (Others might call it the living room.) I have stashed a good working light-with-magnifier there, and the loveseat is comfortable for work.

  213. We recently moved onto 10 secluded acres in the Nevada desert. My favorite stitching spot is my living room where, when I look up, I can see beautiful mesquite trees with a dry lake bed and shadowy mountains in the distance. Love it here!

  214. My favorite stitching spot is in my familyroom, in my favorite chair, next to the fireplace. I have my magnifying/light right next to me!

  215. My favorite stitching spot is anywhere with excellent lighting, comfortable seating, and sometimes a friend stitching nearby.

  216. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room with air pods tuned to good music or a story that doesn’t require too much concentration. A cup of tea or glass of wine as accompaniment is nice.

  217. My favourite spot to stitch is in my back yard, when the sun is shining for great light with a pot of tea on a picnic table. Otherwise in my living room under my big daffodil daylight.

  218. I love to cuddle up in a big comfy chair in my bedroom and stitch. Thanks for the giveaway!

  219. My favorite stitching spot is my corner of the couch that looks out on my flowers that are home to butterflies and hummingbirds when in bloom with a table holding all my supplies – thread, thimble, scissors, glasses, etc. – next to me.

  220. I have to say one my favorite needlework is Blackwork. I have not done a lot, just a few pieces. I love the look and learning the different stitch’s used and hope to one day be able to make my own patterns. Wishing all a Happy Holidays.

  221. “Describe your favorite stitching spot!”

    I have an overstuffed chair in the corner of my office. My mag/LED light clips on to the corner of my laptop table. I stitch while I stream shows on my laptop. The chair is right next to a window that looks out at two bird feeders. Now that winter is here I’m seeing a lot of diners and drama out there.

  222. My favourite stitching spot is in my lazy boy chair – kicked back so my feet are up. There is a lovely fire going in the fireplace beside me and I can look out at our snow covered yard. I am either watching Netflix or listening to a podcast.

  223. My favorite daytime stitching spot is in the living room, in front of a west-facing window, sitting in an old English oak rocker (cushioned, of course!).

  224. my favourite stitching spot is a large comfortable armchair by the window and the open fire, with a large mug of tea, a wonderful natural light lamp and music-just now some lovely Christmas carols

  225. My favorite stitching spot is my couch in my family room. My dog can snuggle up to me and I have the option of watching tv or looking outside my large window. Thanks for the chance, Teal

  226. I have a wonderful spot for my embroidery fun. OK. It’s not just a spot. I’m really lucky to have the smallest but best room in the house for my ‘spot’. It’s the smallest bedroom in the house, but it sports a high peaked ceiling with a fan and a wonderful palladium window facing south. I can watch it snow, see the deer and turkey out there, and all my many birds as I rest my eyes with a bit of long distance here and there. I have the walls lined in all sorts of shelving, along with the closet, which means I can keep most (not all, of course) of my stash ready to hand. Also tucked on the shelves is my CD music collection, so as the mood takes me while I stitch, I can listen to everything from Rock and Roll to Mozart. I also have a TV on top of one shelf to catch the news or a movie to stitch by. My glass table is right in front of that big window with my Dazor lamp ready to magnify and light up any project that needs it. What a happy spot indeed.

  227. During the summer months sitting outside to stitch is just the best. I live by a lake with lots of trees and wild life.
    The rest of the year my studio has lots of light and inspiration.
    Hummingbird from NS, Can

  228. Favorite stitching spot is…where I always sit. Because of muscular dystrophy. I can no longer sit in regular chairs as I don’t have the [muscle] strength to get up. So, I sit on the bed which is at a *straight-across* height, neither up nor down. Fortunately, my room is the best room in the house, with a full wall of windows looking out to the pond and woods. There, I am a happy camper.

  229. My favorite stitching spot— dining room table with a cushioned chair and gooseneck lamp where I can keep an eye on my 99 year old mother!

  230. My favorite stitching nest is in my leather chair with my magnifier lamp. I sit in the living room by my husband.

  231. My favourite stitching spot is in a comfortable chair in the family room. Let’s me watch tv guilt free while I’m stitching.

  232. My cozy craft room is well lit and comfortable for the wintet months. During the summer you can find me on my deck.

  233. My favorite stitching spot is the corner of my living room couch. It is a Lazy-boy recliner couch, and I have very short legs so I have adjusted the back to only bet slightly recline, so I can still sit comfortably straight and have my legs/feet up too. I invested in a good light that has various light levels and shadings, as well as its own place to hold my tablet, book, or paper pattern. Comfortable and practical! My husband sits in his big recliner on the other side of the end table where I keep my tool tray. We are both content!

  234. My favorite stitching spot is sitting in my studio, in my grandmothers slipper rocker, with a hoop in hand, tea o the table, and music or a book on Audio.

  235. My favorite spot is my sewing table in front of a window. I live in a small retirement community and know most of the people that walk by. As they parade in front of my window I pray between stitches for them. Wonderful.

  236. Favorite spot…my fat easy chair that’s beside the fire (fake) with side table and lamp close by. This chair is a warm one so even if the room is chilly I am soon warm and comfy ensconced in its ample folds.☺

  237. My favorite stitching spot varies between seasons. During Fall, Winter, and Spring, my favorite stitching spot is my glider chair in the livingroom. However, during the Summer, my favorite stitching spot becomes outside next to the “river” in VT. (While it is officially called a river, most people would call it a creek.) Stitching there while listening to the babbling of the river is pure heaven!

  238. My favorite stitching spot is sitting on my bed. I have a large window looking out onto forest which is nice and green in summer. I have access to my tv, Internet and stereo. And as a special treat, one of my cats is usually keeping me company. What else could I want?

  239. My favorite stitching spot is in a little chair that used to be my dads next to a south facing window surrounded by my current projects and those to come.

  240. I enjoy working at my dining room table as the light is good and I can watch the birds and squirrels at the bird feeder outside the window. The light is always good!

  241. My favorite stitching spot is the oversized chair in my living room, which is located right in front of the 90″ wide south-facing window. I sit sideways in the chair, so have the light coming over my left shoulder. The matching ottoman sitting directly in front of the chair holds my bowl of tools and anything else I may need.

  242. Hi all, I have my favorite stitching spot in my sewing room, usually at my sewing table. Great light, a window out onto our pretty backyard, a small stereo or laptop for music, my tools and materials, and lots of my creations surround me. Thank you!

  243. I love to stitch (and I’ve just started my very first Blackwork piece!) in front of the television. Whether it’s something on PBS or Elementary (sounding fairly highbrow there) or Fear the Walking Dead (that’s more like it), I love to take my gaze back and forth between the screen and the lovely stitchwork unfolding in my hands.

  244. Love black work! My spot is in my recliner with my magnified floor lamp beside me, a beverage of choice on the side table, and a fire blazing in the wood stove. Heaven!

  245. Upstairs in the sun room. I sit in a my favourite chair that is made from leather and Harris tweed patchwork.

  246. I have a very comfortable chair in my living room within close proximity of the fire place and virtually all of my stitching is done here with my cat somewhere nearby!

    Linda S.

  247. Oh I love blackwork! My favorite spot to stitch in the winter is in my dining room with the sun streaming in. I pull my comfy chair over into the sunlight, but I have been known to fall asleep there in it’s warmth. lol

  248. I enjoy stitching in my sewing studio on my handiquilter table. I have plenty of room to spread out and good lighting there.

  249. During the day, I love to stitch in my craft room. My desk has a window and when I look up, I can see all the critters who come to visit my yard. In the evening, I have started sitting at my kitchen table. I can set up my tablet and watch movies, stitch, and sip my tea which I keep at a social distance my my stitching – I’m a well-known klutz!

  250. My favorite stitching spot is in my family room. I have all my necessary equipment there; floor stand, stella table lamp and dazor magnifier. I can also watch TV and keep my husband company. Best of all worlds.

  251. What a great question! It caused me to stop and think about WHY it’s my favorite stitching spot.
    My living room is cozy and filled with natural light. I have a comfortable upholstered chair in there, with an ottoman if I want to put my feet up. My dog often lies on the matching chair next to me, keeping me company. There are tables on either side of my chair, one for my stitching supplies and the other for my coffee, phone and headphones, as I often listen to music or an audiobook while working. I have a good 3-way standing lamp that can swivel over my shoulder when additional light is needed. And my sewing basket can be stashed behind the chair when I want to tidy up. I could use other places in a pinch, but this is where you’ll usually find me.
    I enjoy your emails and website and am currently using your Long and Short Stitch tutorials. Thank you!

  252. My favorite stitching spot is not fancy but comfy. I like to sit on the end of the couch closest to a window that let’s in good light for stitching.

  253. This is perfect for me, blackwork!
    My favorite stitching spot is my marble table with a comfy chair. I prefer to work on a table.

  254. My favourite stitching spot has to be my chair by my log fire. I normally only get a chance to do my embroidery in the evenings, but there is something very peaceful and relaxing at the end of the day doing a something a creative. I look at it as my reward!

  255. My current favorite stitching spot is on the left side of our living room couch, where I stitch in the evening while my husband watches television. But he is building me a wall unit for crafting/sewing to go in a new craft room, so I am hoping by next Christmas my answer may be that I have a cozy space set up there.

  256. My desk sits in front of a large slider that looks over a small garden and the spot where I feed the birds. It’s very relaxing to stitch and watch the birds.

  257. Favorite spot – no question! My ancient recliner with my excellent light above it. The everything spot.

  258. My stitching spot is a recliner in the living room with a view of the bird feeders in the front yard.

  259. I stitch sitting in front of the television, in the evenings. I have a nice floor stand to bring the work up in front of me, and try to do a little each day.

  260. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room where I have an area with all my stitching stuff for current projects.

  261. My room! I can build a pillow support and snug down for a couple of hours of stitchery! I have my project boxes and can spread out what I need. Granted just like sewing I have to put everything away so my room can become the dining room again!

  262. My favorite spot to stitch is in my living room, where I can sit (pr sleep) in a power leather recliner, where I have space for all of my stitching supplies, my electronics, from which I can watch or listen to podcasts, audiobooks, etc. while I have a fire in the fireplace!

  263. Thank you for another wonderful give-away! I love to set up my embroidery project in my “studio,” especially next to a big window! Enjoy the holidays.

  264. I love to work on my embroidery in my comfy chair in our living room, in the afternoon when sun is shining in and provides the best light.

  265. My favorite stitching spot is my lounge chair in the living room. I have my floor light setup and a small table with essentials next to the chair. The small table is an antique sewing machine drawers stacked which was made into a table. It holds stitching supplies.

  266. My favorite place to stitch would be with my guild. There are members that have had experience in many different techniques, giving me instance feedback when needed. In addition, the social aspect make the meetings even better.

  267. My favorite stitching spot…..my cozy little kitchen…..lots of light, warm, big table, music and TV

  268. My favorite stitching spot is in my “nest” which is what the family calls my recliner. With the foot up there is room for a dog and my lap will hold a cat. The light is to my right on the table and the rest of the table is full of works in progress and supplies. I love my “nest” and it allows me to stitch in comfort.

  269. My favorite stitching spot. My chair is near a window with great light during the day. Table lamps on my left and right provide evening lighting. My needlework stand and magnifier are beside my chair. It is all positioned so I can enjoy a fire in the fireplace or listen to tv (I can glance at it, but I really don’t watch).
    My next improvement will be a lighted magnifier to help with my aging eyes.

  270. When stitching at home I head to my “stitching easy chair” in my living room. Two small tables on each side of me with all my needed tools and lighting.

  271. My favourite stitching spot is the collection room at the RSN Hampton Court Palace. Beautiful building, gorgeous gardens to draw inspiration from, and good company to chat with about all things embroidery.

  272. When my husband was alive I would take my stitching when we went camping. I could sit out in nature where it was mostly quiet and happily stitch away. Sometimes squirrels would come close to investigate. Now I use my favorite chair in the family room as my stitching station. The advantage is the lighting is more consistent.

  273. My favorite spot to stitch is on my couch with the window behind me open or at least the curtains pulled back (I love stitching in natural light). With a cup of tea next to me and a cat on my lap. A good book or movie playing.

  274. Mary…my favorite stitching “spot” is in the living room. I have a glider/rocker chair next to a desk with all of my sewing/thread supplies. I sit facing the TV so that I can “sort of” watch TV while I am embroidering.

    My second favorite stitching “spot” is my computer where the screen is helping me focus on “Needle ‘n Thread” where I can lose myself in ideas, directions, and reading other folks posts from all over the world! Yeah!


  275. My stitching spot is in the living room. I have an IKEA chair with a shawl draped over the back in case my shoulders are chilly. the coffee table in front of me holds my stitching stuff. I have a light parked off to the side for illumination. I keep my husband company as he watches TV.

  276. My best stitching spot is at a large table in my stitching room where I can spread out, have all my materials at hand, and have great lighting.

  277. I love to stitch sitting in my sun porch which offer bright natural light and views of sky clouds trees and lake. South Florida sun porch in winter is ideal especially during this pandemic.

  278. My favorite stitching spot is in the sunroom in my house with the TV on while I stitch. So peaceful, so quiet, why, I’m in the zone right now….

  279. Had no idea Blackwork embroidery could be so intricate and colorful, and I have the perfect work space to try it out with a large surface, lots of light and all my tools nearby. Thanks again for the chance to win.

  280. I love to sit and stich in my recliner. Daylight lamp on one side, pattern and threads on the other. I can glance up at the TV or look out the window.

  281. I have a comfy chair with perfect light over my shoulder located in the living room. Outside the window I watch my Birch tree change seasons.

  282. Most times I find myself snuggled in the corner of my sofa. My Westie Tess is curled up by my side and by the end of an evening of stitching she is usually adorned with thread clippings. But one of my other favorite places is a desk/table that sits in front of my picture window in my living room. The lighting is good in the day time, but I really enjoy watching the coming and going of the neighbors, the birds and the squirrels! So I guess I could say I have a day spot and a night spot.

  283. We just moved into a new house, so I’m still working on setting up stitching spots with good light and comfortable seating. I’m really looking forward to sitting in the backyard by the pool and taking advantage of the sunlight!

  284. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room. Comfy chair, stitching cart, good lighting! It’s my happy place!

  285. I have a recliner chair in my living room This is where I get most of my stitching done. I have my big screen tv, my kitchen is just a few steps away. And I can watch what is happening outside. It is fairly quiet and easy to concentrate when I am home alone

  286. My ‘sewing chair’ is located in our sunroom. I have lots of light and a great view with all the essentials within reach. My magnifier light sits nearby. My kids refer to this area as ‘My Electric Chair’ as it is a hand me down power lift recliner.

  287. My favorite stitching spot: The comfy sofa, near a window, with a really good lamp for the evening time, nestled in the warmest corner of the room. Couldn’t ask for more!

  288. I have two favorite stitching spots. One is at a table in the church fellowship hall with 6 or 7 other stitchers busy at work on their project for the week – quilting, embroidery, crocheting, and knitting and sometimes more mundane projects like hemming a dress or repairing dog toys! This year, that has been put on hiatus and we’re all eager to be back together sometime in 2021. The other favorite spot is a chair in my family room where there is overhead lighting and two table lamps (one on each side of the chair). When I’m working there my usual companions are snoring in their beds nearby – my two miniature pinschers!

  289. I stitch in a corner of my sunroom overlooking a small lake. It faces East and has wonderful morning sun. I have a comfy chair ion a corner – windows in front of me and to the side. I turn on music or a podcast. I can knit or needlepoint or embroider. All my tools sit in a carrying case on the table beside me. My dig is asleep on the sofa in front of me. Very peaceful.

  290. My favorite stitching spot is my living room . The large window gives me good light, and I can listen to my collection of CDS on my old school stereo device. In the winter I especially enjoy stitching there when there is a fire in the wood fireplace, so cozy.

  291. My favorite place to stitch is in the TV room where I have a table, lamp and a sofa that’s just right for working on my projects and still interact with my family.

  292. In the summer my favourite spot to sew is under the tree in the garden. In winter nothing beats sewing, sat by the fire (with a good daylight lamp), in my favourite armchair.

  293. The best stitching spot is in our little back room- French Doors open to our garden and get the early morning sun, there’s a south window for brightness but filtered with a uv blind, my lamps and magnifiers are there, a variety of comfortable chairs, a thick rug and lots of shelves and a big table. That’s for creature comforts and the mental ones come from photos etc of friends and family and happy moments! Merry Christmas everyone!

  294. Favorite stitching spot? Well the light is just right without getting too hot, there are big windows that look outside, a couple of extra chairs for when friends & fellow stitchers drop by. The table beside me is the right height & size to hold my stitching needs, a place to keep my drink warm or cold. My chair fits me & can recline if needed. There is a sewing campion my Mother made me on the arm to hold needles & a pocket for the mobile. The laptop is near by to listen to audio books, if I wanted. That is my favorite stitching spot.

  295. My favorite stitching spot is my new home studio! The pandemic spurred on several changes in our beautiful home, including shuffling of all the kids in a way that finally freed up a spare bedroom. For the first time EVER, I have my own space for creative endeavors of all types, with a fitted out closet, special storage drawers & several work tables… and beautiful sunlight streaming in through two large windows. It’s a dream come true for someone who who has had to share with a household of people for so long.

  296. My fave stitching spot is my big recliner with mission style wide wood arms – perfect for resting my nest of threads, scissors, and mug. Ott light over my shoulder. Funny I never actually recline it as then I’m straining my neck for the TV, which of course is on! I really should learn to have audio books, but who can pass up Law and Order reruns or Hallmark Christmas movies right now?

  297. oooh, I love blackwork!

    My favorite stitching spot is in my “comfy chair”, a large overstuffed chair overlooking my back garden. The Comfy Chair has been in my family for about 20 years, and the nostalgia I get when I sit in it is worth it’s weight in gold.

  298. I love to stitch anywhere with good lighting! My kitchen window overlooking the bird feeders is ideal, but often stitching happens in the evening with my magnifying light.

  299. My favourite stitching spot is my conservatory, lots of lovely daylight and hopefully everything to hand…….if I can only remember where I put it!!

  300. My favourite place to stitch is sitting in my rocker on the porch in the summer. Listening to water flowing and the birds singing while creating ….heaven on earth!

  301. My favorite spot is on the sofa in my front room overlooking the front yard and street. Shutters open with great natural light.

  302. Favorite stitching spot: my mission recliner with the wide wooden arms to hold my tool block, in front of the TV with something captivating playing on said TV and wearing my CraftOptics for perfect viewing of the embroidery and TV, BOTH at a glance! It’s a miracle.

  303. My favorite stitching spot is anywhere I can move my full-spectrum floor lamp to, and preferably near my laptop for music and to look things up as needed. Eyes and memory not as good as they used to be! 🙂

  304. My favorite stitching spot is in my big chair with all my supplies close at hand. I get so comfortable that I forget to take a break and get up once in a while, and end up pretty stiff after an evening of stitching!

  305. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room on the couch with a fuzzy blanket on my lap and the sunlight pouring in from both the front and back of the house.

  306. I have a room for my stitching (though it’s my home office these days), and I love curling up at the edge of the sofa when the sun is coming in through the windows and stitching surrounded by my threads and tools.

  307. My favorite stitching spot would be in the corner of our sofa so my lamp is on my left and my supplies are beside me on the right. Then I can listen to the TV while I stitch away. Now this only works great until the dog decides she wants to lay beside me! Haha!

  308. My favorite stitching spot is in my sunny living room with the television on watching college football or holiday movies.

  309. My favorite spot is in my sewing room. Grandma’s chair has been recovered, and is now wonderful to sit in.
    I have my floor lamp, my stand, and a picture window over my shoulder. I leave the door open and I have
    hung a mirror in the hall, so I can see the sky behind me.

    All my books are around me and all my tools are here. Wish I was there now!

  310. My favorite stitching spot is at my Civil War era table, made by my great, great, ?, uncle for my great, great, ?, grandmother’s wedding gift. It is in my kitchen with a view of the backyard where the birds visit my feeders. It is therapeutic to change from the close work to the distant view.

  311. My favorite spot to stitch in is in a corner of my bedroom. The south west exposure gives me a great light source and the view to coastal hills gives me a peaceful picture of inspiration. But most of all I enjoy seeing the many hummingbirds visiting my bird feeders during the winter months.

  312. My favourite place to stitch is wherever I can sit and have good light. In the evenings it tends to be in the TV room as my hands need to be busy while watching. Other wise, it depends on what I am doing – if planning a project I need a big table, if waiting for an appointment I have small projects in my bag.

  313. I have a wonderful light for stitching that I received for Christmas last year. It’s light is perfect, with a magnifier built in so my aging eyes can see clearly. I sit in my recliner near growing plants and listen to a book. I have never done blackwork and love to give it a try.

  314. My favorite stitching spot is a recliner in the living room. It is near the fireplace and also near a window. The window looks out at my birdfeeders. The chair has a comfy afghan. My stand works with the recliner and I have a small table next to the chair for my scissors and supplies. The room has surround sound so I can listen to music while stitching. I go to another more peaceful place sitting in this spot

  315. My favorite stitching spot is at my 120-yr-old “schoolmarm” desk that came out of an old one-room school and now sits in my sewing room (read: the extra bedroom) in our new house, which has windows facing the south/southwest (lots of light!) and looks out over the field to the woods. Love it!

  316. This sounds like a very interesting prize to win. There aren’t all that many Blackwork books on the market. I’m certain it would be lovely to own. Canadian Rose

  317. Hi Mary,
    My favorite stitching spot is my cozy chair next to the fire. I put my feet on the ottoman, my kitty, Daisy sits on my feet. I always have a cup of tea and I can look at the lovely Vermont winter outside my window. Pure Bliss!

  318. I have a dazor lamp by a chair in front of the TV. I do better stitching under magnification, so this is a perfect set-up for me.

  319. For me, there is no such thing as a single favorite spot…there are several! I follow the sunlight during the day. In the evening, there is a favorite arm chair that fits me “just right” and a lamp with a magnifier…plus: multiple projects, in different levels of completion, are lined up in project bags.

  320. My favorite spot to stitch is in any sunny spot while sitting in a comfortable chair with accessories nearby. However, I frequently take the opportunity to stitch while I am behind the steering wheel of the car in a parking lot while waiting for a family member who is in a building getting therapy. Sometimes I stitch in medical waiting rooms, as well. I do have good lights and tools for times when I have the opportunity to stitch at home in the evenings. As those opportunities have become infrequent, I have learned to keep kits ready to go and use whatever time and space I am allowed. This makes the waiting enjoyable.

    Looking at the photos of the stitching directions in Jen Goodwin’s new book on blackwork has inspired me. The directions are more specific than any I have previously seen and the accompanying photos are clear as guides. I did small blackwork pieces years ago but found most of them rather boring to stitch. I think if I were to have this book, I would enjoy the trying her methods and the challenge of her designs. I have never entered one of these Christmas give-aways before, but I appreciate the opportunity to do so now.

  321. When the weather is good enough, my favourite stitching spot is in our summerhouse listening to the birds singing and generally enjoying nature. In the winter months, my favourite place to be is the window of our lounge overlooking the garden; although the birds are quieter and the trees and plants are resting, it’s warm and cosy and ideal for some relaxing, stitching time.

  322. When I moved into my tiny apartment in a retirement center I decided that it would be a studio, not a living room and bedroom. Various work spots for tambour beading, music practice, and goldwork create a happy, busy mess.

  323. I always sit on my couch in the living room to stitch. The left side is my spot, and I keep scissors, etc. handy there, and my very bright full-spectrum lamp comes over my shoulder. I can not-watch an old TV show or listen to a podcast and be cozy!

  324. I like to stitch at home where all my supplies are handy. Since there is only room for one chair in my tiny home that is where I do all my stitching. I’ve turned it more into a studio than a home to make space for the art supplies and the stitching.

  325. Honestly, I don’t have a favorite stitching spot, or not just one spot. I love to stitch anywhere, but do my best work with a spot that is quiet and peaceful, and flushed with great light. A little instrumental music softly playing adds its own touch to the thrill too.
    Merry Christmas to each of you. May you be blessed and be a blessing.

  326. My favorite stitching spot is in the sunroom with lots of natural light, in a comfortable Swedish chair with a footrest, with a cup of hot tea nearby when it’s cold outside or a class of cold kombucha when it’s warm and Frankie the cat curled up nearby.

  327. I have a craft room with a lounge chair and tv. I sit in my lounge chair and watch a favorite movie and stitch away.

  328. My favourite stitching spot is in my living room. I set up my nest in whichever location is best suited for the current project. I spent a few days at my parents and used their recliner for my stitching spot – I think I need to get my own recliner one of these fine days – my stitching stand worked beautifully with it.

  329. I feel like if I watch TV I am wasting time. So I always do embroidery work while watching a movie or T.V.
    In the evening I am propped up in bed, cozy and warm and embroidering up a storm.

  330. My favorite stitching spot is in front of my bay window that looks out over my back yard where I have many birdfeeders and flowers (at least in the summer). I love to watch the birds and butterflies frolic from flower to flower and bird feeder to bird feeder. Merry Christmas everyone!

  331. Oh, this is going on my list. I love blackwork in all its forms, the gridded is just as nice as more modern free-form. I would love to sit in my newly redone office and stitch. I have a nice comfortable settee that my magnifying lamp and stitching frame work with nicely.

  332. My favorite stitching spot is currently sitting at my kitchen table. I have not been able to establish a “needlework nest” in this house. The living room just does not seem cozy enough and my current furniture does not help. Only lived here 10 years but one day, I hope to figure out a new needlework nest. In the meantime, the kitchen will have to do!

    Linda in NC

  333. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner by my husband. I have good lighting and plenty of storage. My dog is at my feet.

  334. Just sitting on our lumpy sofa with my lamp and an ott light. With lots of coffee and maybe a few cookies.

  335. My favorite stitching spot is on my couch. 🙂 I have a lovely Artisan floor stand that’s designed to slide under the couch / recliner, I have a wonderful heated blanket to sit on and wrap up in, and perfect overhead lighting. And my dogs to snuggle with, when they feel like climbing up on the couch.

  336. Next to a large window that looks down across a small meadow into the redwood forest.
    Wild turkey, deer, possums. Squirrel, and mountain lion all visit our woods. And birds… lots of birds.
    I love stitching and watching the trees and all the life this woods supports.

  337. I really don’t have a favorite sewing spot – although I tend to put many projects upstairs near me and the television where I sew while watching football or some other program. As this is mostly at night, I have a good Ott light over my shoulder to keep shadows at bay and help my poor eyes work easier. If per chance I sit to hand sew during the day, the easiest spot is in my sewing room at one of the tables where I have access to all the necessary tools for whatever project I’m currently working on. I love blackwork. so would enjoy this new book and the learning lessons I know it must have. Thanks Mary for your generosity in this matter.

  338. My favourite stitching spot is in my craft room where I have all day sunshine and my radio for company.

  339. My favorite stitching spot is in the recliner in front of the TV. I miss the days when my eyes and back were young and I could pick up and stitch any place.

  340. My favorite stitching spot is my corner of the couch. All my stitching accessories close at hand in the cabinet next to me.

  341. I love working Blackwork and the challenges it presents. My favorite place to enjoy stitching is our river camping spot. Listening to the water and a favorite project is so relaxing.

  342. Currently my favorite stitching spot is outside at our picnic table.

    That’s the short story. Long story is that we are tying to build a home (weather has shut us down) and are living in our little camper trailer. When the weather permits, doing simple stitching outside is peaceful and less claustrophobic!

  343. My favorite stitching spot is in a sunny room on my recliner with my floor frame and Ott lamp with magnifier to the left and a small table to the right and easy viewing distance from our TV.

  344. My favourite spot for stitching is downstairs in my ’embroidery room’ where we have just had new lights put in (so the lighting is fantastic) sitting in my chair (the chair is very old and just been fixed and recovered by a dear friend)

  345. My favorite stitching place is a comfortable chair with natural lighting coming from behind me with my mug of delicious coffee close by. Usually, that is in my living room near a bright lamp that I can turn on to extend my stitching time, especially at this time of year when the sun goes down at about 4:30 PM local time.

  346. My favorite spot to embroider is in a comfy chair , with friends around me also working on projects so we can talk and laugh and encourage each other to learn and grow in our skills.

  347. I am so excited to have a chance to win this wonderful blackwork book – I do most of my work in my office that has a southwest-facing window, with a view of our backyard full of snow-covered trees. Wonderful in the afternoon. Hope you draw my name!

  348. My favorite place to stitch in winter is my craft room. I have a comfortable glider chair, footstool and good lighting from a lamp on my side table. Summer stitching is a little different: I stitch outdoors either on the patio or sitting on a pontoon on the lake.

  349. My favorite stitching place is my sun porch studio, with 3 walls of windows, my big comfy, overstuffed chair, and all my stitching/crafting goodies with arms reach. Heaven on earth!!!

  350. My favorite sewing place is by my bedroom window. That is because the warm sunlight comes in, which keeps my room very bright and warm and, in addition, all around the edge of the window I have small succulents and cacti planted in beautiful individual pots. This environment brings me a lot of joy.

  351. My favorite spot is a comfy chair by a window on a bright, sunny day, with a cup of tea (and maybe a cookie) near at hand.

  352. Mary & Jen — the book looks like a great technique resource — thanks for the heads-up. My favorite stitching spot has been in our family room, with many of my tools and supplies nearby. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to use that spot lately, so I’ve set up a secondary spot in our living room. Reasonable lighting, but don’t have a lot of my stuff quite as handy.

  353. My stitching spot is the living room couch, in front of TV that has either a British mystery show or NCIS playing on it, with my Ott light and all my special stitching tools to my left, and at least one small dog under my right elbow!

  354. My favourite stitching spot is my comfy armchair. To my left I have a table with my laptop and audiobook speaker. To my right is my haberdashery cupboard where I store my threads, scissors and other tools, and which has a lovely vintage Singer handcrank on top. Beyond the cupboard is the huge picture window which shows the currently snow speckled grass and trees. It is beautiful and peaceful.

  355. My favorite spot is my recliner with my Brighttech magnifying goose neck lamp over my shoulder and a cup of spiced tea on the table beside me. Love Jen Goodwin’s work.

  356. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner chair in my living room. No, I do not recline while stitching! There is a lamp on one side, a small table on the other side, and upholstered arms where I can park my needle.

  357. My favorite spot to work is at one end of my sofa in the living room. I have a floor lamp right there, can set up pillows just so, and my dog is next to me. Bonus on the evenings when I get a fire going in the fireplace.

  358. Morning! Oh I do have a favourite stitching spot! In a corner of my family room, I have a comfy leather chair with my stitching stand, magnifier/light and a 3 tier rolling trolley holding my threads and whatnots! It’s my spot!

  359. Favorite spot? Summer on the deck in lovely daylight; winter indoors in any soft chair near a window.

  360. My favorite stitching spot is in my bedroom. I have a stitching area with my stash nearby and my dogs hanging out with me. I can listen to music or books and look outside at the same time.

  361. My favorite stitching spot is the kitchen table. Big, spacious, lots of light and the most comfortable chair I have in the house!

  362. I love to stitch at a Tuesday stitch in with friends. The conversations flow around you and time flies, as well as the amount of progress you make on a piece. I miss it with covid.

  363. Morning Mary
    My favorite stitching spot is actually at my desk in front of a big window looking onto the back garden. There, for a change in vision depth, I can watch the seasons go by and the birds at the feeder stations and bird bath, often the antics of squirrels too as they raid the feeders and ignore their peanut and corn table. Excellent light in the evening and a very calming place to be and as it’s a huge desk, plenty of room to spread out my stuff.
    Merry Christmas everyone and especially you Mary and your suppliers for providing this wonderful opportunity to participate in this give-away.
    Brenda C

  364. WOW, this blackwork embroidery is absolutely beautiful!!
    It gives a different dimension to embroidery work.

  365. My favorite stitching spot is anywhere I can grab some time with my current project and a good light. I find I do most of my stitching in front of the tv in the evening. It seems to be the only time I sit down. Lol

  366. My favorite spot is in my craft room (it’s actually only a corner of a room…) because all my tools are easy to reach. I like also a big chair near a window in my living room. I have good magnifying light at both spots. But, since I have now personalized special magnifying eyeglasses I use only to stitch, in summer, I could stitch outside and i like it. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  367. I look forward to reading your posts when they arrive. Thanks.
    My favourite spot to sit and stitch is my recliner, next to the south window and to the wood stove. Many happy hours are spent here stitching or doodling. I love paper and pencils too.Happy weekend Mary

  368. My favorite stitching spot is right on my couch in front of my TV! I can watch my latest Netflix series, have my favorite beverage beside me on the end table and stitch until I get too tired – then off to bed!

  369. Oh I could sit and work on my needlework anywhere! But my favorite spot is in the den beside the triple window that brings in the sunshine. I can see the flower beds, woods and enjoy the outdoors even on a cold winters day. In the evening my floor lamp illuminates my work very well. If I am doing very intricate fine work my magnifying lamp is at my side. I am always trying to steal away and enjoy my current needlework piece. Thank you for asking.

  370. My favorite stitching spot is nestled in my granny’s favorite chair that I’m grateful to have in my top floor studio space in the treetops

  371. My favorite stitching spot is in my family room, close to the fireplace, overlooking my garden, but still very much in the heart of the home.

  372. Favorite spot is “the chair” — upstairs, by the window (lotsa natural light) — with my standing magnifier next to it, a footstool, a couple of small tables nearby, and my project(s) strewn in the area!

    and, oh, I really WANT this book!!

  373. I have recently moved so not much time for stitching in my new digs but I anticipate stitching at my wee table beside my living room window. There is lots of natural light and a task light near by.

  374. Describe your favorite stitching spot! – It used to be the corner of my sofa with everything on the table next to me, until I had surgery and could not sit there anymore. Now it is where I can stitch with friends, whether in person or by Zoom

  375. My favorite spot to stitch is sitting with my family in the evenings when the kids are watching TV or playing games. I have a small little 2-shelf side table that fits right by my side that I can store my organizers and be able to socialize with them, but not have to pay too much attention to whatever they’re watching.

  376. My favorite spot tends to wander depending on when or what I am working on. Evenings and ballgames, in front of the TV. Stitch-ins—these days in front of my computer. Complex design—in a quiet spot. No-brainer projects—wherever my mood leads me.

  377. I love to stitch at home after everyone has gone to bed. I put my feet up and enjoy my quiet time. I do a lot of stitching in the car when I am a passenger. But I’d rather be in my chair with good lighting, a good shelf to hold my threads and accessories. It is stitching heaven.

  378. My favorite place to stitch is in my living room where I can watch TV at the same time and be next to my Dayzor light. I hate those foreign films with subtitles. You really can’t get much stitching done trying to read the subtitles at the same time.

  379. My imaginary favorite place would be seaside, warm but not too breezy, deep seated sofa, glass of iced tea next to me, birdsong. I could happily stitch there forever. 🙂

  380. My favorite place to stitch is my comfy single chair. It is the only chair I use. Surrounded by natural daylight and all my favorite tools, it is my happy place.

  381. This blackwork is just stunning! I would love to learn about this technique! Love, love, love! I usually stitch in the family room in the evenings as that is where my husband spends his time. Not the best in comfort or lighting but definitely the best company!

  382. My favourite stitching spot is my favourite end of the couch with a good British mystery on television to watch whilst I work.

  383. That book looks amazing….I have 4 or 5 Blackworks book, but this look very interesting…

  384. I love to stitch in the corner of the sofa in my living room, which more accurately is my craft room. I’m surrounded by embroidery supplies, beading and jewellery supplies, fabric and sewing supplies and my books. I have a wonderful view of the Rocky Mountains when I need to look in the distance to rest my eyes. It is my safe space!

  385. I stitch in my living room, looking towards the tv, on a folding table. What I would like for a favourite spot to stitch is completely different. Looking towards a window, in library type room, with a nice desk, or table nearby with my supplies on it.

    Heather M. in BC

  386. I sit at a small table my spouse made for me, when my main hobby was knitting. Since then, my spouse passed and I moved to a small 1 bedroom apartment that is lovely, but smaller than my house….
    I sit at this table because I have great lighting and a magnifier light installed on my desk. Moreover, it is close to a south facing window, and I can watch TV (sort of) while embroidering.

  387. I enjoying stitching outside. Anywhere from my backyard to our professional baseball park (Go Rangers!).

  388. Another wonderful Christmas give away Mary! Each and every one of them has been swoon worthy. My favourite stitching spot is wherever the light is best – so I move around my house a lot, dragging projects with me and dropping threads along the way!

  389. My favourite stitching spot is in our family room but a beautiful big window where I also have my stitching lamp with magnifier and pattern holder. My tools are all at my fingertips and I can even put my feet up!

  390. My favorite place to stitch is in my late husband’s old green leather recliner in a corner of the living room. The four windows are 7 feet tall, and the morning light is just perfect for stitching.

  391. I converted a bedroom into a stitching room, complete with great lighting and a new comfy chair. I am still working on the organization, but I love that I can keep everything set up and it is always available, even for a few minutes each day!

  392. My favorite stitching spot is in my sunroom. It has a southern exposure with windows on three sides. I have a very comfortable platform rocker and footstool and floor stand. On sunny days in winter (I live in Pennsylvania) with an electric fireplace, I’m able to stitch in my sunroom for hours. I love watching the birds & squirrels while listening to music or audiobooks all while stitching. It’s very relaxing. All in all, I’m able to stitch in my sunroom at least 10 months out of 12.

  393. My favorite stitching spot is the dining room table right next to a southern window. There’s space to spread out my stuff and a comfortable chair.

  394. My favorite stitching spot is at Mermaid Lagoon in Trenton, Florida. This is a repurposed school portable that serves as the long-arm quilting studio for the owner. She has added tables for a group of regular stitchers to come every week and stitch the day away as we practice our stitches, work on projects, share ideas, and support each other. Lunch is provided at no charge but we do make donations to keep the electricity on and provide basic needs (paper towels, toilet paper, bottled water, napkins, plates, etc.). The room is bright with lots of windows and there is a large covered porch attached to the building for when the weather is nice. I look forward to going to the Mermaid Lagoon every week and sometimes go 2 or 3 times a week.

  395. My favorite stitching spot has evolved to my living room love seat. I have a wonderful old stand light with lots of lamps overhead and a good shade to project that light down! The loveseat has a lot of space for me, and for things I need near me and the end table holds my water, scissors, and any cut threads. I’ve given up on my recliner as the angle just doesn’t work anymore and I found sitting up works best! I also have daylight on sunny days from the picture window behind me, so I am covered light-wise quite well.

  396. My sewing space has a big picture window that overlooks our lake. Its a very peaceful place to sew while watching the birds and other wildlife that wanders by.
    thanks so much.

  397. My favorite spot to sew is at the dining room table. There I have room to spread out my project, threads, and tools. I have a good chair to sit in with good light. If additional light is needed my trusty Ott-litte is close by my side. I can listen to music on my computer as I stitch away and glance out the side window occasionally to watch the snow flakes fall.

  398. My favorite spot is in my living room, where it’s peaceful and quiet. I sit on the sofa and have a lighted magnifying glass stand very close by so I can check my work. Good lighting is an absolute!

  399. My favorite stitching spot is in my sunroom so I can watch the critters and birds outside, unless I can stitch by the river or sea!

  400. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner. I like lending back, using my daylight and stitching without leaning over my work. My neck likes it too.

  401. My favorite place to stitch in the winter is in my living room with a wall of windows facing south. I’m snug as a bug in rug and happy as a lark.

  402. My favorite spot to stitch…. is at the end of the dining room table where I carve out a spot and happily stitch while the family (and the world ) are moving all around me. It helps that there is a view of lake Michigan and the North Woods.

  403. Blackwork with a bit of gold, just sparkles and remains me of the court dresses of 17th century England.

  404. Black work. . . Time consuming but oh so worth the effort! So I need my comfortable chair, frame set to the right height, good lighting and a nearby coffee maker to aid pressure area relief (the coffee doesn’t come near a work in progress) and a radio play or book in the background.

  405. My favorite spot is my recliner in my living room. My husband likes me to watch TV with him (which puts me right to sleep) and I can make him happy by stitching and watching TV. I have a stand from Artisan Designs that fits my recliner and I am good to go.

  406. Another book to lust after Mary – thank you! As for favourite stitching spot – I guess you could say I have two each of which depends on the time of day. During the daylight hours I spend most of my time in what is meant to be the second bedroom in our apartment. It’s a combination sewing room, computer room and also has a pull-out couch/bed for when we happen to have company. I have decent lighting in here and all my handstitching takes place here. During the evening hours I move to the living room where the tv (and DH) is and then I switch over to either knitting or crochet. If I had to do things over I wouldn’t bother with the pull out couch in my sewing room and instead opt for a super comfie chair. Unfortunately getting the silly couch OUT of here would require two very strong men and the removal of two doors…and would involve equally as much swearing as getting it in here in the first place did.

  407. My favorite place in one of the rooms where I have my sewing machine and computer. There is a window near the sewing machine for light plus the extra light I have for my needlework. Everything is very handy for me and just love my “stitching room”.

  408. My favorite stitching spot is the large armchair in my living room. It’s right under a big window and next to the fire place, so it’s very cozy and well lit

  409. I keep promising myself I will set up a corner of my studio for embroidery, but the design is still in my head! I did buy a great chair with excellent back support that will be part of my embroidery corner.

    However, currently, my favorite stitching spot is on my living room couch. I have boxes of supplies on the lower shelf of the coffee table, and I can binge on TV shows. The boxes also have the materials for several ongoing projects, so if I get bored (or frustrated) with one I can switch to something else for a change!

    Thanks for the wonderful give aways that you are providing for us!

  410. My favorite stitching spot is in my sunroom. It has lots of lighting, a comfortable chair (where my cat sits on the back, while I stitch) and room for my pattern, stitching tools, etc.

  411. My favorite stitching spot is at the end of my extremely comfortable sofa where I listen to an audio on the computer that’s on the desk next to my sofa.

  412. My favorite stitching spot is on one end of my couch sitting sideways with pillows behind my back and my adorable little dog Lola peacefully sleeping on the other end. I was taught to sit that way after surgery some years ago. Helps me stitch longer. I’d love to win this black work Christmas 2020 book. What wonderful inspiration.

  413. My favourite stitching spot is a card size table I have set up in our living room where I have all my embroidery supplies in small drawers on my table. Currently I am still making Hungarian embroidered hearts as the demand is high!
    Thanks for another opportunity!

  414. My “Ann” cave is my favorite place to stitch. This is a large section of our finished basement that has been outfitted with bookshelves, cabinets and tables that allow me to work on more than one project at a time. I love going down and immersing myself in all of the wonderful stitching things.

  415. My favorite embroidery spot is a BIG comfy upholstered chair in my bedroom. I am trying to move my spot into my craft room above the garage. I moved most of my treasures up there but then find myself bringing things back to work on them – then my bedroom becomes cluttered, it is a very pretty clutter. Soon I will install solar lights and batteries to run sewing machines in the craft room. Even though it isn’t finished, it will be be far enough along to hang out in. I share my home with my daughter, son-in-law, and two granddaughters. They are lovely but sometimes I just want my own space with some nice music in the background.

  416. Though the hard dining chair isn’t as cushy as the typical armchair, my go-to indoor stitching spot is in the dining area, which gets marvelous light from a big NE-facing window overlooking the jungle that is currently my back yard. Hummingbirds come to visit the flowers on the potted pineapple sage (which I grow for my rabbits), and the always-stocked feeder. Music is always playing, and there’s cuppa. During the warmer months I often venture out to the back porch, and hang out in one of those not-so-charming, but very comfy white plastic chairs.

  417. My favorite stitching spot is the loveseat in our back room. It has floor to ceiling windows so it is sunny most days.

  418. My favorite sewing spot (in the winter) is sitting in the sun in my dining room. The light is great, I have my supplies all set out on the table, and the sun feels wonderful.

  419. I have my favorite chair & stool, back pillow, non-pilly lap cover to snuggle with and great pinpoint light all set up in my living area. I can grab my current project and start stitching in just a couple minutes – perfect for when I only have a few minutes to stitch before I have to go back to working from home.

  420. My favorite stitching spot is in our “office” on the second floor. When our children moved out, we converted one of the bedrooms into a multipurpose space – office, library and secondary guest room. My living room stays tidier and I can choose what level of clutter I want to tolerate upstairs ; )

  421. I find blackwork immensely soothing to do. For large projects I have a trestle set up by my front window for good light, and sit in my great grandmother’s rocking chair. For smaller in hand projects I prefer my armchair, near the kindle charger so I can listen to an audiobook while I work.

  422. My favourite stitching spot is my armchair in my sitting room with my daylight lamp and magnifier, with maybe some nice quiet music or an audio book if the pattern is not too complicated. My little bit of heaven!

  423. I have a ‘crafter’s corner’ in the kitchen! (maybe that should be Krafter’s Korner). Handy for snacks and hot drinks, part of any goings on, yet separate enough for peace and quiet for concentrating.

  424. My favorite place to stitch is in my lounge chair in front of the fireplace during the winter. In summer it is on the deck watching nature, if it is not too windy.

  425. My favorite spot to stitch is in my recliner with my good light over my left shoulder and my kitty sprawled on my lap! Yes, she does let me stitch and very rarely looks interested in the thread going in and out!

  426. I don’t have a favorite. When I have breakfast I stitch at the dining-table, when I look tv I stitch in the sofa corner, and when I hear audiobooks I sit stitching in my studio’s armchair.

  427. My favorite stitching spot is in my studio. it’s sort of tucked into a corner, but has great natural light which I can also supplement with an overhead Dazor floor lamp. That’s also handy if I need magnification. Aside form the light is that it’s tucked next the drafting table with metal sides. This means I can use magnets to attach whatever diagram/directions I need. Add in the best chair with a homemade hardanger pillow for my back and I’m grand!

  428. Ohhh. I was just looking at Blackwork on the web and wondering about trying it and thinking need instruction. So I’d be pleased to win it. Thanks for the info and opportunity.

  429. Ohhh. I was just looking at Blackwork on the web and wondering about trying it and thinking need instruction. So I’d be pleased to win it. Thanks for the info and opportunity. My favorite spot is wherever I am and have time.

  430. I love to stitch in my sunroom – lots of great light, entertainment in the form of budgies, plants galore – it’s the best!

    Thank you Mary, and have a wonderful holiday.

  431. My favorite spot is my little nook in my craft room. In my comfy chair I am surrounded by all my embroidery materials and books.

  432. My favourite place to sew is sitting by my triple windows looking out on my birdfeeders. I listen to the Beatles and I sing along; nobody can hear me because I live in the country. Well, there was that one time an unfortunate FedEx man drove up…

  433. My stitching spot is in the living room, in the chair next to the table with a lamp, and handily in front of the TV which makes a companionable sound even if I don’t look at it. There’s a fireplace close enough to feel, and the dog is on the sofa while the cat is somewhere around. This is where I read, too. It’s my favorite spot in the house.

    That blackwork book is a beauty! I do art that sort of looks like that, except I do thousands of dots with a black pen. I’ll have to have that book, one way or another!

  434. My favorite stitching spot is on the couch, a small table next to me to hold my supplies, while my husband and I watch TV.

  435. Wow. What a beautiful book and designs. My favorite spot to stitch is in my living room in my recliner. I usually have a cup of tea or something hot, a blanket to keep me warm when it is cold and sometimes even a cat on my lap to keep me company. I will either have the tv on or be listening to a podcast or an audio book at the same time.

  436. I sit in my recliner with my feet up. If I want to listen to music or “watch” a TV program, it’s right there. Or I can turn my head just a little bit to the right and watch the birds feeding at our feeder right outside the window by my chair. That can be very interesting when the Bluejays and Cardinals start fussing about who is big boss of the feeder! Meanwhile the little birds dart in and out getting feed for themselves. It’s comfortable here, I have good natural light from the north, and it is my happy place.

  437. Oh dear, not enough time in the day to do embroidery pieces in Blackwork, Whitework, and colorful work. So many things to try. Love it all, Mary. Thank you, Susan J.

  438. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of my living room. I have a big, white, comfy wing chair that sits in front of the window. My house faces south, so the sun comes in all afternoon & the lighting is perfect for hours of stitching.

  439. At home I love to stitch in my special area just inside the front entrance. The light is good and with curtains open I can look down upon the street or watch the rain coming down in Winter. I can also still see into the living room so be part of conversations with my partner, making me still sociable haha whilst having my own stitching corner as well.

  440. Another lovely giveaway! I’m embarrassed to admit it, but my usual stitching spot lately is on my bed.

  441. My favorite stitching spot is my dining room table by the open drapes. I am a short person so the chairs at the dining room table are also best suited for my short stature…my feet touch the ground with no trouble. 😉

  442. I do 95% of my stitching on the couch when watching TV. No fancy setup here.

    I’m planning to buy a house soon and when I do I will definitely be setting some space aside for a better stitching workspace!

  443. My favourite stitching spot is close to the window of my sitting room – perfect light during the day and a warm cosy spot at night. The wind and the trees outside can be a bit of a distraction, but worth the pause.

  444. My favorite stitching spot is sitting outside on a nice summer day… this past summer 5 or so members of my quilt guild met at a local park pavilion to do some hand stitching… 1 person per picnic table and masks if we were going to be closer than 6 feet. I looked forward to meeting every week since our guild meetings have been on hold since April. During the colder months I usually stitch in a comfy chair!

  445. My favorite spot to enjoy my craft of needle work is on the shaded veranda in our back garden, close to the Japanese Koi filled fish pond. The combination of soft but strong sunlight with the calming sound of a waterfall is specially conducive to creating this delicate art. When glimpsing up I often see an occasional dragonfly resting on a reef or the families of hummingbirds flirting around in the yard. A lizard warming on a rock or catching that elusive fly completes this image. Because I live in Southern California I can enjoy this spot almost all rear round. A comfy sweater is all I need!

  446. My favorite stitching place is the couch in the family room. I can sit with my husband and chat in the evening after work.

  447. My favorite stitching spot is my husband chair in living. He left this earth too soon 6 years ago and I feel his presence when I’m creating while siting in his favorite chair ❤️❤️

  448. My favorite stitching spot is by a lake, outside under some trees. But it is winter and 2020, so I stay at home, inside at my table beside the window looking out at snow covered trees.

  449. My favourite spot to stitch is on the couch! I have a little table that holds all my essential tools/materials needed for the project I’m working on. The light is also perfect for stitching where I sit on the couch. My furbabies get to snuggle up to me on the couch while I’m happily stitching away binge watching TV with my hubby!

  450. My favourite spot for stitching is on my swing seat in the shade on my deck in my park like acre of garden, stream flowing, birds flying around, enjoying the view, and with my stitching requirements spread on the seat, a cup of coffee to hand. Sheer bliss.

  451. A year ago my son moved out and I spent time setting up the room for me! A work table, a day bed, and all my supplies easily reachable now. It is bright and cheery and this is my new favorite place to stitch. I do still enjoy sitting in the living room in front of the TV though. But I love my new space. Merry Christmas Mary. ~ Liz B.

  452. If I get this it will be a treat for my blackwork loving wife. Charlie
    And if I don’t willorder when published in USA.

  453. MH fav stitching spit us the table at Elephant Mountain View Guest House. Twice a year I go there with 4 other stitchers for a very long weekend. List if talk plus ver comfortable silences. Stitching overlooking the vineyard dam and the mountain

  454. What a fun prize. My favorite stitching spot (and pretty much my only spot) is on my bed, where I have my light.

  455. I have a little corner in the lounge room, but it’s my own, I don’t share. I have a fold-up table abs a comfortable chair, as well as a fantastic lamp. This area is also floodlit by sunlight.

  456. My favorite stitching spot, on sofa with back to northern light and a lot of blooming orchids. Charlie. And if this second try and doesn’t count will still order book for my wife.

  457. Living with daughter and children hasn’t kept me from a a good light, comfy chair, large window, and sewing supply table in my room/bedroom! It’s my favorite place to be. ❤️

  458. favourite stitching spot is upstairs spare bedroom by the window, neighbors walking past below enjoying the air don’t even know that I’m there.

  459. My favourite stitching spot… or at least where you’ll usually find me is on my couch, with my feet up, my stuff spread out beside me (that’s why it’s the couch and not a recliner LOL) the tv on, my ott lite on, and a coffee! I really love this giveaway… and just in case I don’t win the book’s gone on my book depository wishlist, but I also just found out it’s available as an ebook!!

  460. My favorite spot is sitting in my glider in our living room where I can put my feet up or not, look out the window or not, or even watch TV or not.

  461. My favorite stitching spot is surrounded by my family at the end of the day when we all meet to watch tv for a bit. The chair and lighting changes depending on which child sits where and I can work with whatever is available as long as they’re around me. That’s when my heart is fullest and my hands are happily stitching.

  462. My favourite stitching spot is a semi-recliner in the family room, with an led-lit magnifier to help my stitches be more precise, an end table for my cup of tea and all my stitchery supplies, and some soft music playing in the background. And maybe a cookie or two. 🙂

  463. My favorite stitching spot is on the loveseat in the living room. I can keep an eye on things from there, my husband is disabled, and there is not enough room for our 85 lb dog to join me, relative peace and calm to stitch!!!!!

  464. My favorite spot is my embroidery chair in my bedroom which a next to a window overlooking my backyard. Natural light with a view.

  465. My favorite stitching spot is in bed when I first wake up. If I get to stitch in bed, it means I am not in a hurry. The rest of my day is going to be ok. I got a leisurely start to the day.

  466. My favourite stitching place is my work desk where I have my threads, tools and a good light, close at hand. I look out a window into the garden.

  467. I only have one spot for stitching in my apartment, which is in my lounge room. I have set up a ring of stitching equipment where I am surrounded with a floor lamp, a floor magnifying lamp, foot rest, a 3 tiered trolley, a side table for a cup of tea and of course my TV. The only thing I am missing to make it perfect is being in a room where I have better access to natural sunlight & a view to a garden. Maybe one day if I can ever move into a house. However, it is still my happy place where I can relax and enjoy my favourite hobby. Merry Christmas.

  468. I have a favourite spot for my stitching and evenings in front of the tv. Beside it against the wall is a 9 cube shelf jammed full of my tools, books and projects at my fingertips.

  469. I love to sit in my living room on the couch next to the window. I can do two of my favourite things stitching and looking out at the ocean. Thanks Mary for the Christmas giveaways.

  470. Favourite? I’m there right now, at the end of the dining table with my overhead stitching light and magnifier, two big windows at right angles behind me, an old wooden tea trolley with my current needs and a good chair for my back. I wish I could say “out under the trees”, “on the verandah”, “at a sewing group” but I’d be lying – too much trouble carting things around!

  471. I like to sew on my kitchen table. The lighting is great at night and I have natural light during the day.

  472. I live in a 725 sq ft house so my only stitching spot is the living room. Fortunately I have good lighting and a place to rest my teacup and supplies so it’s all good.

  473. My favourite spot to stitch is my recliner in the family room. I was once asked to show someone my studio – well my chair in a corner with 2 Windows is “my studio”. I have natural light plus a daylight lamp for darker times that has octopus arms with a magnifier and clip for patterns. There’s a perfect end table beside me with drawers and another adjustable tv table I can put in front of me. Complete with a tv, it’s definitely my happy place too!

  474. My favorite stitching spot is in my sewing room, on the couch with my feet propped up and a great view of the lovely trees in our backyard.

  475. We take holidays in our old camper van and frequently visit Cornwall to a campsite on the cliff top overlooking the ocean. My most favourite and inspirational stitching location. The light in Cornwall is amazing, hence favoured by artists throughout the centuries.

  476. My favorite stitching spot has surprised me! I have tried (and failed!) to set up a comfy spot, well-lit, tools and supplies at hand. A couple places have come close, but my favorite spot, where I wind up stitching and sewing the most, is…. my dining room table! There’s a bay window for natural light, two kinds of overhead lights for nighttime stitching, and I have brought in a tabletop Ott light on occasion for very fine work.

    The chairs aren’t too comfy, but the work surface and lighting can’t be beat!

    I’m still trying to make a comfy spot, but for now, the dining room table wins!

  477. Blackwork is one of the techniques I learned in an EGA course, so I would love to have a copy of Jen’s book! My favorite stitching spot is my glider/rocker near a large window. Once I start stitching, it’s very hard to stop!

  478. My favorite stitching spot is in my studio at my embroidery trestle with my lighted magnifier. I designed this sewing and embroidery studio when we built our new home. My trestle is always set up for use. And one end of the room is a living area with recliners, a tv, and fireplace.

  479. My favorite spot to sew is sitting in my wingback chair, looking out onto my deck and backyard as well as the neighbors back yards. While working on projects at night I can easily watch my favorite TV programs while stitching, again from my chair.

  480. my favorite stitching spot is in my front room, by my large windows, in my favorite chair. it is beside my table with all my supplies and my light for night and my books that i’m reading close by. my husbands chair is next to mine for when he is inside. we are retired and love most of it. getting older is not always fun. but it is life.

  481. My favorite spot is in my sewing room in my favorite chair. I have SW windows so the view and light are great.

  482. I love to stitch at my dining room table. Now that I live alone, I can spread out as I please – and I do. I love having thread all over the table to feast on as I stitch. The bird feeder is in view, the sun can get at me both morning and afternoon, and dog-walkers can wave hi. Oh, and did I tell you that I am only a couple steps from the kitchen with all of its goodies.

  483. My favorite stitching spot seems to be at the dining room table. Obviously, not much dining is done there !

  484. My favorite stitching spot is at a small round table by the living room window with the natural light and view.

  485. My favorite stitching spot my recliner in front of the TV in the family room. There is a table just beside me to hold all my threads and tools and a magnifier light on the other side to assist in my ability to see the work easily. Comfy.

  486. My favorite spot to stitch in is, in a shady place in my garden. Surrounded by fuchsias. Of course only in summertime. In wintertime I stitch in the lounge.

  487. I stitch in my living/great room. We have a very small home since downsizing for retirement, and there is no other place to stitch. But I keep my lights and stand there with my stitching supplies anyway. I bought a beautiful wooden stand from Judy O’Dell that looks quite good! Otherwise I bring out my Lowery when I need another stand. Merry Christmas Mary!

  488. My favorite spot is in the sewing room – the window provides good light and a place to occasionally change focus

  489. My favorite stitching spot is the left side of the big couch in my living room. This is right where I have two lamps- one with and one without magnifiers. This part of the couch has recliner capability so I can put my legs up while I’m stitching, and it faces our big screen TV so I can watch movies too!

  490. My favorite spot to stitch is on my back porch looking out into the woods beyond the house. If it’s cool, I turn on the fireplace. Cozy.

  491. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner where I have focused lighting, my tool basket next to me, and my drink on the stand beside my recliner.

  492. I love blackwork and this looks like one of the best books I have seen on Blackwork. Fingers crossed. It would be fabulous to win. Thank you for keeping us so well informed on what is new in the needlecrafting world.

  493. In my new assisted living apartment I only have two places I can sit: the love seat and the recliner. In the morning, in the sunlight, I can stitch from the love seat. In the afternoon and evening, I’ll sit in the recliner facing the TV, which I will glance at from time to time.

  494. My favorite spot to stitch is the big armchair in the living room, so I can easily see what’s going on around me, and what’s going on at the computers monitor.

  495. My favourite sewing spot is at my kitchen table. It is a big table, facing the sun, with open sliding doors. I get a huge amount of natural light. What a treat it is to sit at this table and let the world go by!

  496. I am really lucky to have a special room, full of light, space and all my stitching needs surrounding me. My haven in these times!

  497. My favourite place to stitch is in my art room, sitting in my comfy chair, with music playing, and my feet up on the footstool, a blanket over my legs to keep me warm. There are several types of lighting available, and a magnifier too, should one be necessary for my old eyes. I would certainly need it to stitch such gorgeous blackwork. Thanks, Mary, for the opportunity to win Jen’s new book.

  498. My favorite stitching spot is in my big chair beside the wood stove where I can see both the tv and the window. It’s always cozy in winter, and I have it set up with whatever project(s) I’m working on close at hand, along with my light and magnifier.

  499. My favorite stitching spot is my comfy chair and footstool. It is by a large window that looks out over my back yard and the adjacent woodland, a lovely and relaxing view. I have a large magnifier/lamp next to it that I use with most of my projects. The TV is across the room, to keep me amused while I stitch. And there are several tote bags nearby with UFOs in them, so I never have to worry about having something to do!

  500. My favorite embroidery spot is on my old maroon recliner that has a standing lamp right next to it. I use the LED light bulbs on this lamp of mine. I’m able to look out the big front window. Thank you for the chance to enter and possibly win! Gracie

  501. I have two favorite spots…first is the easy chair with my large Ott light (with magnifying glass) on a stand. the second spot for things like beading and precise marking is my desk and straight back chair.

  502. I love to do morning stitching in the Living Room with its morning light, the evening is a recliner for couch potato stitching.

  503. My favourite stitching spot is in my comfy chair where I can see outdoors to a natural setting while i am cosy in front of the fireplace and have my work table close at hand. Lots of lovely light! Cheers!

  504. My favourite stitching spot is at my dining table with the light coming in from the big bay window and plenty of space to spread out threads and tools.

  505. Describe your favorite stitching spot!
    I do most of my stitching in my computer room. I have a harvest table there with my computer. etc. on it, but there is plenty of space in front of this stuff (I have a keyboard drawer to store the keyboard and mouse below the monitor) and I use it for my stitching stuff.

  506. The stitching spot-of-choice is one end of the kitchen table where I can also look out of the window at the ocean, and with soft music playing in the background… bliss!

  507. Dear Ms Mary and fellow stitchers,
    My favorite spot to stitch is in a short, round armchair in front of a south-facing window. The window is big and faces part of my side-yard garden with a 5 foot tall pale pink hardy fuchsia, some daylilies in peach and pink, strawberries, hellebore in deep maroon, herbs (parsley and trailing rosemary with tiny blue blooms), and wild carrots that I let go to seed for the birds and other critters. I don’t get much direct sun because of a hill and our neighbor’s house to the south – still, it’s the brightest, most consistent natural light in my house. Sometimes our cat, Agatha, joins me on my lap. This time of year, I wrap my legs and toes in a cable-stitched afghan made by my grandmother; its cream color blends nicely with the muted avocado green and gold damask upholstery of this very old armchair.
    Thank you, again, Ms Mary, for the opportunity to win such a beautiful book and materials. Blackwork of any kind is new to me; this would be a fascinating and lovely way to learn a new technique!
    I hope you all are enjoying this holiday season!
    I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season!

  508. I have a big blue recliner in the corner of the living room. The chair was bought over 30 years ago to rock my first baby. It has held up well all these years and the upholstery must be part iron because it is still going strong. I have good lighting, a panoramic view of the woods outside including wildlife. My little dog sits at my side, my husband is near by in his chair. I think I am the luckiest woman on the planet.

  509. I sew in a much loved easy chair with an excellent light and a large side table. My tools are ready to hand, and there is even room for a cat in my lap. The cloth arms of the chair allow my needles a temporary parking spot while I pull more thread, or take a tea break. Thank you for asking!

  510. My favorite stitching spot is at my desk in my office / hobby room. I have room for my threads and scissors and my computer with a big monitor to “watch” my inspirational shows while I stitch.

  511. My favorite stitching spot is my sewing nook on the second floor of our house. It has two large windows that face west, so I get a lot of afternoon light. I have a chair on wheels so I can position myself where I want to get the best light. My sewing machine cabinet is a good place to rest all my tools when I am stitching so they are very accessible. Having a dedicated space means I don’t have to “clean up” when I’m done for the day and everything is waiting for me just as I left it the next time I sit down to stitch.

  512. My favorite stitch spot is in my chair, under my ottlite floor lamp and next to my little craft side table where I store all my hand sewing supplies.

  513. My favorite spot is my “nest” in the living room. Comfy upholstered chair surrounded by my light, needlework stand, yazzi bag of supplies, choice of tote bags with WIPS & a pile of books!

  514. First a caveat, my most fav, comfortable, and beloved spot is not where I stitch works that I am taking seriously! It’s an absolute do-not spot for those of us whom are being careful with our work. My favorite stitching spot is outside, on my patio, with a direct sight line to the little garden and with the dogs underfoot! It’s green with blue skies, warm with a breeze, and the challenge of keeping the stitching a modicum of not dirty…

  515. My favorite stitching spot is anywhere I can sit without being poked by sharp things in the tush and no bugs crawling over me. Have stitching projects and gear, Will travel. Or rather will travel when this covid-19 mess is sorted.

  516. I have a lovely corner in my garden that gets the early morning sun. It has an old wooden bench with a brick wall behind it. The flowers in the bed above the wall hang down behind the seat. There are always little birds in the shrubs near by. Such a tranquil place to sit and stitch in the early morning. Makes sure I start the day in a happy place.

  517. my favorite stitching spot is on the sofa in the family room at night because I am so nearsighted, i can sit there and stitch and keep an eye on the tv as well.

  518. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner with my cat on my shoulder and her tail curling around my ear.

  519. My favorite place to stitch is at the dining room table with a stand, good lighting, and soft music.

  520. My favourite stitching spot is in my family living room, at the table. My tools have a tendency to spread out over the table though! This has been my only place over the last 8 months, since my husband took over my craft table to work from home.

  521. My favourite spot to sit is in my sunroom/sewing room it gets plenty of light and I have all my threads and books surrounding me and I can watch the birds and wildlife through the windows

  522. My favorite stitching spot is at one end of the couch in my living room. It provides a little space on the cushion to put the waiting thread I am currently using and I can put the pattern down while I sew. There is a good light up and behind me for these long winter nights. The room faces west so gets good lighting in the afternoon (and, at other times of the year, in the evening). Also, behind me is the opening into the kitchen which faces east so I get good, but not direct, lighting earlier in the day. (If needed, I can move closer to the west window for a change of view and light.) A coffee table is in front of the couch where I put the rest of my kit. And of course any refreshment. Entertainment or company is a few feet away in the form of the tv and stereo system as well as a blue tooth speaker.

  523. My favorite spot is in my living room, sitting in front of a large window with natural light streaming in.

  524. Dear Mary,

    The black and gold blackwork by Jen Goodwin looks sumptuous. Her beautiful book is an amazing prize for a lucky winner of a Stitcher’s Christmas #9.

    My favourite place to stitch is in my back room in the early morning sun. It just about never happens except on very special days (Christmas, Easter and perhaps Birthdays) as mornings are a busy time to do other “necessary” tasks, but when I get to stitch in the morning sun…… it is glorious.
    Thank you.

  525. My favourite stitching spot is in my shed – there’s a view of the garden and a lot of visiting wildlife – birds, butterflies, lizards….it’s airconditioned, which makes stitching possible in the tropics (and solar powerered so its affordable), and its my special place, where I’m surrounded by stitching and other craft goodies – in short, my stitching paradise!

  526. My favorite stitching spot is in the tv room in a platform rocket. I have a light that sits on the wooden arm so I have great light and beside me is the sewing cabinet that my grandfather made one year for my mother. I am doing something I love surrounded by memories of those I live so much. Thank you for asking the question so that I could share my passion and my heritage.

  527. I have a little room in our house. All my projects and supplies are in this room. This is my favorite spot to stitch. I have a table, a desk lamp and comfortable chair. I listen to my radio and stitch.

  528. I love blackwork. Strangely, the best place to stitch in my house is on the bed in my bedroom! I’ve a bank of east-facing windows as well as an off-center southern one. My two dogs will nap contentedly on the foot of the bed while I stitch propped up with the east window light pouring in on my right. We’ve all done our morning routines and we can grab a few minutes of down time while washing machine does its thing.

    At night, I can catch a bit more stitching time with a bright overhead light and a lighted magnifier stand. The dogs are usually out for the count and I can meditatively watch my project grow to completion.

  529. My favourite stitching spot is at the dining table, where I can sit with a cup of tea and chat or listen to the radio or supervise homework at the same time.

  530. my favourite place to stitch is in my lounge room, by the window that looks out over the fields to the mountains. In winter there is a bit of snow and on the very hot days of summer I move out to the garden for a slightly different portion of the view.

    I am always intrigued by the huge range of greens I see during the year.

    Merry Christmas Mary, and thank you for a wonderful, year long stitching resource.

  531. I love sitting in my sewing room chair in front of my window watching TV or listening to music. It’s my own little piece of heaven!

  532. My favorite stitching spot is at my cozy kitchen table where I can watch the birds at our feeder. They are such good company!

  533. In the winter, in front of the fireplace with one of my cats by my side. In the summer, on my deck since working outside has the best light.

  534. My favorite stitching spot is the couch at home,but I love when I go to ega and sit and stitch with friends

  535. My favorite spot is the living room. I have a special light, may hoop stand and cabinet with drawers to keep all project, supplies and tools. I have canvas bag that holds all ongoing projects (suggested from one of your postings) and a t.v. tay for work area. If that is not enough, I have a basket of work ready when the weather is nice enough to be on the patio. And to make embroidery all over, I have a light and workbasket that I can pull out while dinner is making itself.

  536. My favorite stitching spot at home is the couch in the family room. It has good lighting and during the day I can have the shades open to get daylight. I have room for a floor lamp, a table lamp or a clip-on lamp depending on what I’m working on. I can watch/listen to TV and the kitties often come join me for a while.

  537. MY favorite place to stitch is in the living room. There’s lots of sunshine & my ott light is by the couch along with my favorite thimble, etc. The TV is usually going in the background

  538. Curled up on my sofa in the den. I can look outside in 2 different directions or watch TV in the evening!

  539. Hello! My favorite spot to stitch is in my living room in front of the large south facing windows – great light all the time and a beautiful view into our gardens. Merry Christmas, all!

  540. My favourite spot is just about anywhere that affords me uninterupted peace & quiet! Usually this is 1am hiding in the kitchen. I’ve woken many a wee early mornings face down on a project, I’ll leave the visual to you.

  541. My favorite stitching spot is in front of the window that looks out towards the mountains. Everything is set up there to stitch comfortably. A fire in the fireplace and a cup of tea finishes up the perfect spot.

  542. G’day there Mary,
    My studio / spare bedroom is my space. It’s 90% studio and I have a glider rocking chair at the window in which to stitch. We have a huge old palm tree close and it’s a bird city so I have constant bird noise and when I need to rest my eyes there are always birds to watch and the front garden too.
    Cheers Mary, and thank you.
    Kath Grabham

  543. I have 3 favorite stitiching spots. #1 is my sewing room. That’s where all my stuff lives, along with my favorite sewing machine. #2 is the sofa in the living room (where I stitch in the evenings) and #3 is my favorite chair outside on the lanai.

  544. My favorite stitching spots are both in the living room, one on a comfy sofa and the other at a small table. Features they both have in common are the ability for me to position my magnifying light where I need it, a view of the TV (although when stitching I mostly just listen) and easy access to all the little tools and stitching supplies I might need for a long session of stitching. There is a good chance I will end up “trapped” with a cat on my lap, so I need to be sure I don’t run out of floss!

  545. My favourite stitching spot is in my lounge room, by our front window. I can adjust the vertical blinds ( ugly, but useful), so I get as much light as I need. There is room for my stand and a chair or I can relax on the lounge, depending on what I am stitching. I am currently stitching some charted blackwork. Learning the best way to find a stitch path for each design, by trial and error.

  546. I have a “stitching” room where I like to sit. It has good natural light and plenty of room for my frame and magnifying lamp. I feel peaceful in my own space concentrating on my latest project.

  547. My favorite stitching spot is in my armchair in front of the TV with a good bendable lamp over my shoulder. A small table next to it where I keep scissors, extra thread etc.

  548. One could say anywhere given the portability of knitting but when I do other forms of needlework, I love the corner of my couch. There is a park across the street and I can see the treetops when I take a break from stitching.

  549. My kitchen table is my favorite spot to stitch…….It has a picture window to the backyard with lots of light……..and plenty of room to spread out…….Our turtle Chunky 0f 46 years also shares this space and enjoys the company……..

  550. My special stitching spot is in the living room with a cup of tea and soft music on the radio. Ashley

  551. Thank you Mary. This book looks wonderful.
    My favorite stitching spot i a chair on my Sunroom where I can watch the birds on the feeders.

  552. My favorite stitching spot is in my living room by my bay window. It gives me natural light to stitch by and when the sun shines it just makes me feel cozy and warm. Jen Goodwin’ s book sounds exceptional.

  553. My favorite spot is a comfy couch in my living room–it has good lighting, both natural and by lamp, and a coffee table that’s great for laying out materials.

  554. I have a lovely spot with a comfy chair, footstool and good lighting. It also has a view of my beautiful sleeping garden then back to stitching.

  555. My favourite stitching spot is the living room – lots of natural light, outlook to the garden, and (most important) magnifying floor lamp!

  556. My favourite stitching spot is at my desk. I have a desk lamp that shines down on my work, lots of room to spread out the pattern, threads, metallics and anything else I need close at hand. If I’m working a large pattern on scrolls, I’ll use a floor stand, moved right up my desk, so it makes a cosy little stitchy corner.

  557. What a lovely opportunity! I have one blackwork pattern that I’ve yet to get to, but I’ve always found it intriguing. ((The pattern is of an owl; I’m a very “only” person and intend to have an owl stitched in many different genres.)
    My favorite — pretty much only — stitching place is my 30-some year old Stressless® chair in our family room. I have a good light with adjustable height and gooseneck as well as another “arm” with a magnifier. This spot is definitely short on surface space for tools, etc., but for the most part it works pretty well and keeps me near my husband of 54½ years in the evenings … and sometimes other parts of the day too!

  558. My favourite stitching spot is in my loungeroom, ensconced in one end of my couch (a dog has the other end) under the light of a daylight lamp and a small side table to hold all the necessary bits and pieces.

  559. My favorite spot is actually my work desk. After I get my tasks done for the day I can pull out my latest project and stitch in quiet solitude. At home I have to wrangle kids, pets, and all the chores that go along with that.

  560. My favorite stitching spot is my cushy upholstered chair in my living room, situated right beside our patio doors. Lots of sunlight (in the afternoon), physical comfort for long periods and centered where my family loved ones are doing other things so we feel included.

    🙂 Linda

  561. I have a chaise longue, also known as a fainting couch, that’s got a velvety soft deep purple blanket on it. I love to recline on my chaise and stitch. It fée so soft and luxurious.

  562. Something I have always wanted to try but,…….have been afraid! Good instructions would be a blessing.

  563. My favorite stitching spot is a cushy chair in the living room next to the fireplace with a cup of tea at hand and a cat nestled against my feet. Sunshine through the windows helps too.

  564. On a comfortable seat under my verandah, where it is cool and I can look at the native birds and colourful flowers in my garden in-between stitches.

  565. My favourite stitching spot is in my craft room, which has good lighting coming in from the window, as well as my daylight floor light. I have a fairly comfortable chair, and can arrange most things so that they are close at hand. I can play music on the radio too. Almost ideal, and just lacking a table to spread things out on. And to rest a mug of tea on.

  566. My favourite stitching spot is in my Sewing Room, sitting near the window, gazing out over the park across from my house and being surrounded by my lovely threads and fabrics and projects in progress. So peaceful

  567. Black work, I’ve always been interested in trying this embroidery style out. I’m always looking at ways to learn new needle and thread styles.

  568. My favorite stitching spot is an easy chair facing the television with a Ott light and magnifier, my Needlework system 4 floor stand and a small side table for my glass of wine/coffee/tea/cocoa/hot cider.

    Thank you, Mary, for all the great give-aways that you have had for us this year at Christmas, and best wishes to all for a much happier and healthier New Year! Goodbye 2020—good riddance!

  569. My favorite spot is in our “library” it’s our extra room turned into a library with bookshelves lining all 4 walls and a comfy chair by the window. I can listen to music surrounded by my dogs, watch the birds outside and stitch away the day. Its comfy and wonderful.

  570. My fave stitching spot is in my dining room. All my supplies are on the table and I sit beside it with a goose neck lamp to see, and listening to rock ‘n’ roll on the stereo.

  571. My favourite place to stitch is in the lounge where I am set up with light and can see and be part of my family. I also enjoy stitching while sitting in the back of my daughters dance class, it’s amazing how much you can get done in an hour. Also I am happy stitching in the car waiting on one child or the other. My favourite place to stitch is where ever I happen to be, with whatever free time I have. The key is to have a good sewing kit.

  572. I love to stitch on the couch. It’s comfy and cosy and I get a lot of natural light. It all comes together if I’m listening to an audiobook of something I already know super well since I’m enough of a novice to need to still concentrate on how to stitch. Also blackwork is amazing, it’s currently my favourite stitching style.

  573. I have two favorite spots. I have a rocking recliner with an Ott light by it. I use TV trays in front of me for supplies, etc. Plus a sewing cabinet side table (antique) the top drawer is fitted with spool spindles and the other supplies fit nicely for when I need to put things away. My second spot is the kitchen table for when I need more space.
    Merry Christmas all my stitching friends.

  574. My favorite place is at the end of my sofa with my table Ottlite and my little foot stool, this way I am in the same room as my husband.
    Happy Holidays Mary!

  575. i do have a favorite spot for doing embroidery and any needlework. I have recovered and spiffed up the recliner chair my mom used to sit in… and it is in my sewing room now with a magnifier lamp along side. Comforting and relaxing. Love it.

  576. I’ve recently had to accept the fact that my stitching turns out much better if I do it under a lighted magnifier, so my favorite spot is now my ONLY spot – on the couch at the magnifier! Ha! Just glad I can still stitch!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  577. My fave area to stitch depends on the time of day, but I really enjoy the morning light coming through my east side windows, a mug of tea next to me on the table and essential oils in the diffuser. I’m in absolute heaven with music or a podcast or audio book in the background

  578. I usually (just about always!) sit on the couch in the lounge, with my embroidery bits & pieces on a little table beside me. I can put my feet up on the arm of my husband’s chair, & sit back. The TV burbles away without me paying it much attention. More threads and the next 3 or 4 projects are spread out on the couch alongside me. Definitely untidy, but quite satisfying!

  579. Haha… my favorite stitching spot is the couch. Usually one of my dogs is curled up next to me and sometimes the other lounges at my feet. I do like to watch shows or YouTube while I craft, so that’s my little happy place.

  580. I have a recliner that sits by my living room picture window. The natural light is great. Last year we had a power outage during a hurricane storm that was passing by. I was so grateful I was able to stitch. It help to keep me calm and at peace.

  581. I sit overlooking a mountainous area from my second floor apartment via a large door/window..love watching the seasonal changes.

  582. My favorite stitching spot is my recliner in the living room. I have a daylight lamp, an area for accessories, but things tend to stack up next to my chair.

  583. My favorite spot to stitch is at my desk. I have a view of my backyard from the second floor, and get to glance at critters in between stitches, such as squirrels, and once even a great Harris hawk! My desk works best because I can spread out my materials, and I have a worklight to supplement the natural daylight. I’ve got an Alexa Show on my desk, which is great for hands-free requests to watch a tv show or listen to music while I stitch.

  584. My stitching spot is in the living room on the couch. I have a table with a couple of lamps right beside me. I also get daylight through the window – it’s a nice, bright room.

  585. I have a west-facing window that is dedicated as my stitching spot. The chair is comfy and the light is fabulous!

  586. My favourite stitching spot at the moment is on the bed, with a triangular pillow behind my back and the window behind my head. I used to stitch on buses – you know, in the days when people took buses.

  587. Do you have any recommendations on being able to see linen well enough to use it for blackwork? I have a hard time seeing the threads but love the way blackwork looks.
    You are a most amazing blogger. Merry Christmas

  588. Mary, my favorite stitching spot is my easy chair in the living room. I have everything at my finger tips once my piece is hooped or framed.

    You have certainly earned some time off this year!
    Happy holidays and a hug for those missed.


  589. I have two spots. In the house spot is in my Lane wing back recliner watching television with my husband. My sweet spot is in my sewing studio. I purchased a rocker years ago in a thrift store. I love the light in my room and in the winter I have a propane fireplace which keeps me warm.

  590. My favourite place to stitch is on my couch which is right beside a southeast window. Thank you Mary for all your hard work this past year. You make a big difference in my life. Blessings, Susan from central Alberta Canada.

  591. My Favorite stitching spot is in the rumpus room the hub of our home . I can watch television with my husband(generally sport or crime movies) I don’t mind as I only really listen as I can concentrate on my work and when his not home I can watch YouTube tutorials and my TV shows .

  592. My favorite place to stitch is in my studio which used to be my breakfast room. It has windows on two sides and the natural light is absolutely wonderful. It is naturally warm in the winder and gets a nice breeze in the summer.

  593. My favorite spot to stitch is in my “sewing room.” My rocker is near a window with an Ott light near as well. I can keep my supplies/tools near at hand on the cutting table. I can watch an old movie on TCM or Hallmark Christmas movies or Zoom with fellow stitchers. It is a space all mine.

  594. I have had class with Jen, and she is a brilliant teacher! It would be wonderful to have her book!
    I live in a small cottage in the woods. My favorite stitching spot is in front of the windows looking out at the trees during the different seasons. Right now the leafless branches are covered in snow. While stitching, I am watching the wildlife: birds, deer, turkey, raccoons, and even the occasional bear. This is the perfect stitching spot for me.

  595. I have a new “studio” room in my home. A big window and a good chair make for good stitching time.

  596. My favourite stitching spot is actually at my dining room tale. The chairs are comfortable, the light is good and I can spread my work out over as much space as I need. I listen to the radio when I stitch so this spot works best for me!

  597. My favorite place to stitch is in the living room next to a window facing east. I have my stand permanently ensconced in front of a comfy swivel chair with two end tables on either side for my supplies needed for the current project. My dogs can choose between a wool rug (in winter) or a laminate floor (in summer) to nap on while I stitch.

  598. Anywhere I can stitch is my favorite spot! At home, it is on my sofa, with my cat, Mystic, in my lap. She does an expert job of supervising and making sure my threads aren’t tangled. I love to stitch there because I can watch TV or listen to an audible book. I can watch the hummingbirds flitter and dart around the lemon tree in the backyard and enjoy their beautiful shiny colors.

  599. My favorite stitching spot is in my reading chair which is under a full spectrum light right next to a little table to hold all of my stitching accessories. Right now it is extra cozy because it is very close to our wood stove and in the heat, it is right in front of an air conditioning vent.

  600. Fav stitching spot is on my couch with a back pillow or two, a cup of my favorite tea and a great period drama. I am not one to sit and just watch movies much, but when I stitch I like to indulge in a good movie. :). I feel happy that I am indulging and accomplish something at the same time.

  601. My favorite stitching spot is beside my living room window in a big comfy chair. The lighting is superb and the arm of the chair holds my pattern.

  602. I stitch every where – and they tend to all be favourites. I guess it is not the place but just the practice of enjoying myself.

  603. I am really interested in blackwork and would like to pursue it more so this would be a great way. Merry Christmas Mary!!!

  604. My usual stitching spot is my easy chair in our family room. Besides this regular chair is a Dazor lamp and an end table with another lamp, my needlework tool box, my iPad with the chart I am working on and a place for a glass and other things. My needlework floor frame is usually nearby and the TV is in front of me.

  605. I have a spring/summer/autumn spot for stitching. It’s in my dining area overlooking a cranberry bog. In the winter I stitch in a favorite chair in my den as it is warmer and cozier.

  606. Easy question Mary!

    My bedroom has the best afternoon light near the window, so I can stitch there to my hearts content. Except when its 40 C!!

  607. My favorite stitching spot is on my couch in the living room. I have my tea beside me and my supplies and light close by on the end table.

  608. I like to stitch in my studio, I have a good seat, table, Lowery stand, Japanese embroidery stand, books and everything, I need for my stitching. I like the project of the Blackwork rose.

    Thank you, have a happy Christmas.

  609. I’ve always wanted to try blackwork. This would get me going. I’m posting this again as I obviously didn’t finish reading the directions. My favouring spot to embroider is either at my desk as the lighting is good or outside when the weather permits.

  610. My favorite stitching spot has changed through the years, I like a straight back chair with my frame but they can move pretty much anywhere – I used to like being right in the action of the family but now with health issues I like to be a bit removed or to the side; so I can hear but not having issues with my field of vision and they can pop a peek over my shoulder then return to their desires.

  611. I enjoy stitching w an old friend. Keeping an excellent light on the table between us we can chat as I stitch. He was very devoted to art in his youth and will occasionally comment on what I might add to my current free-form embroidery piece. This spot lacks an ideal chair, the light is good and the companionship is ideal for both of us.

  612. My favourite place to stitch was my RSN classroom at Hampton Court Palace when I attended a year long course there. It was more about the people than the place though. It was about stitching with like minded people who continually inspired each other, helped each other and relished each other’s successes. I don’t think I have ever felt as creative as I did at that time in that place. The exquisite surroundings didn’t hurt either!

  613. My favorite stitching spot is my spot on the couch. My ottlite is next to to my spot, and my cat has room to sleep next to me.
    My couch faces the large living room window, so there is plenty of daylight!

  614. My favorite spot is wherever I have good light to work. I can work at the kitchen table, in the chair in the living room watching tv or at a friends house.

  615. I’ve admired blackwork for quite some time but haven’t tried it yet. My new home that I moved into last year after a marriage break-up has black accents, which wouldn’t have been my first choice, but that’s what was available at the time! I know blackwork would suit the house perfectly, and introduce a little bit more “me” into the living area, which is my favourite spot to sit and stitch, on the couch, with my little dog beside me. I have a lovely garden to look out on during the day but usually stitch there at night with the TV on in the background.

  616. I like to stitch in my recliner next to my good lamp in front of the tv. Kind of distracting sometimes, but I like the challenge.

  617. My favorite stitching spot is my chair in the corner with everything I need on the table next to me. It’s currently not in use because the Christmas tree evicted me.

  618. My favorite place to stitch is in my husband’s well worn leather recliner surrounded by windows looking out on my backyard which I turned into a wildlife reserve after we bought the house. It makes me feel peaceful and close to him since he passed away two years ago. He always loved and supported my creativity.

  619. My favorite stitching spot is in our living area. From my recliner I can see our backing yard and a huge undeveloped multi-acre field. While stitching, I’m quite entertained by the antics of squirrels and wrens fighting over seeds. I’m fortunate to have such a lovely place to stitch.

  620. My favorite stitching spot is a comfy chair in my livingroom. My light and 2 tables are there, and I call it my nest.

  621. In a comfy chair with a good lamp in the living room and all my bits strewn around the floor!

  622. My favorite stitching spot is a small recliner by the window. I have a small table next to me and my floor ott lamp. I usually listen to an audio book while I stitch and have my small pup curled up on my lap. Petfect!

  623. My favourite place to stitch is in my Conservatory. Apart from the light being fantastic to stitch by, it looks out onto our garden, which in the spring and summer is an abundance of colour and gives inspiration to the piece I’m working on.

  624. My favourite stitching spot is on my deck outside. I have a large table I can cover with all my stuff, the deck somehow captures any breeze and it is so much better for the eyes when you stitch outside.

  625. In winter, I like to stitch in my comfy chair near the fireplace. When its nice outside (not too cold & not too hot), I like to stitch out on the deck. I’ve been known to stitch just about anywhere. Merry Christmas all!

  626. I have a stitching corner in our lounge with a comfy chair and a great light! It’s my happy place!

  627. I have just moved house, but the lounge here has two wonderful, large, windows, so I can see myself stitching next to one or other of them – depending on the day and the light! I have a comfortable chair near both windows 🙂
    Stay safe

  628. I have a comfy, warm corner in my bedroom where I love to stitch – nice natural light, and room for my supplies, coffee and cat.

  629. My favourite stitching spot is an incredibly comfortable sofa in my craft room! All the tools I need and my laptop with Flossstube videos close at hand and I love it.

  630. One of three seats – one is on a converted porch with many windows, the second is in front of a fireplace and the third by the tv.

  631. This is so lovely, love the black with the gold. I have used black in a redwork design and love the effect. Have not done an intricate design like this yet and would love to learn. That design is simply beautiful.

  632. My favourite stitching spot is in front of my large picture window where I can keep an eye on the antics of the birds and squirrels visiting my bird feeders.

  633. What a lovely opportunity I love Blackwork and I love books.
    My favourite stitching spot is in my sewing room, I have a “Lazy-Boy” recliner and I love to sit and stitch. My spot though is not quite the same as my beautiful dog Bella died two weeks ago. She used to sit at my feet.My spot has lost some of its sparkle at the moment. Pets are truly the most blessed creatures…miss her.

  634. My favorite stitching spot: “My Chair”
    It is old. It is quite the turn-of-the-century. The twentieth century that is. It is upholstered in pink damask fabric and has a channel back. It is not falling apart, but it is well-loved. There is room for me and my project supplies so when I get settled in, there I am!

  635. The Blackwork book looks amazing and would be such a great book to snuggle up with over the long winter. My favorite stitchng spot is on the love seat in our tv room, sitting with my husband and our dog. Nice and cozy…..good lighting, a find cup of coffee and all of my stitching “necessities”. THanks so much Mary and Happy Holidays!!!

  636. My favorite stitching spot is sitting MY chair in the living room with a good light shining on my work. I sit there in the evenings after dinner with my husband, the TV on in the background. Sometimes I watch as I stitch, sometimes it is just background noise. But always, my husband is in his favorite place on the couch.

  637. I have glider in my sewing room that is positioned so that I overlook the backyard and can watch the birds and other wildlife. Very peaceful.

  638. My favorite place is at my writing table where I have very comfortable light for stitching.

  639. I love to stitch on my comfortable Lounger with all my lights and tools near me in a cabinet. Happy Stitching!!

  640. I have my own rocking chair with a floor lamp that has a magnifying light attached. I also have a small book case with baskets that hold my supplies, storage containers with my threads and beads. All with in easy reach.

  641. Hi Mary,

    My favorite stitching spot is my recliner near my 3 panel sliding door and under a skylight. I love getting up early in the morning and stitching for an hour or so before attending to the everyday tasks that seem to occupy our lives.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  642. Hi Mary,
    My favorite stitching spot is in an easy chair, in front of the tv, with the Ott-light over my shoulder. Thanks for the give away.

  643. My favorite stitching spot is any comfortable chair or couch where I can hang-out with my family while I stitch.

  644. I used to stitch sitting on the sofa, but now I prefer to work at my desk. I can easily lean my frame or hoop on the table edge. 🙂

  645. My favorite stitching spot is the couch, because I can have all supplies around me, including the dog and two cats. Sometimes I think I should shift to a different chair, to be positioned better for the sake of body aches, but I love sitting in the living room on the couch, surrounded by furry friends, the fireplace going, and all of my supplies right around me.

  646. That book looks incredible! My favorite stitching spot is in my sun room that I’ve converted to my stitching room during the pandemic. I moved in my desk, all of my supplies and surround myself with plants. It’s particularly the best in the winter around 9:00am. The sun pours in for great lighting and keeps me warm on chilly mornings.

  647. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room in my recliner. In the day time there is good light and at night a good lamp.

  648. My favorite stitching spot is my rocking chair in the living room. I have a lamp and patio door near by for light. I have a fold up table to use when needed. A comfy spot to spend the day stitching.

  649. My favorite stitching spot is my stitching room. I am surrounded and inspired by all my projects yet to be stitched and many that are in progress. I have my Lowry stand at the ready, two large tables to work on and my wide Phive light (thanks to Mary’s review). I feel so peaceful and happy when I am stitching in my very own space! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! Janice

  650. My favorite stitching spot is in a Stickley chair with nice wide wood arms which serve as a extra work surface for my threads and tools. I use a LED floor lamp with goose neck to illuminate my work and a neck magnifying glass. When I get up for a break with my magnifying glass around my neck, my husband says I look like MC Hammer with big bling necklace!

  651. I love to stitch in my living I have a big picture window I get a lot of natural light and the morning is so quite it’s my time

  652. My favourite stitching spot is “my” couch (aka the couch the little ones are not allowed to jump on!)

  653. I love to sit in our family room in my comfy chair with places for my tools, coffee/drink of choice. My project spread out on the ottoman with a lovely view of my backyard and garden and-in winter- a cozy fire.

  654. My favorite stitching spot is my sofa. I have a spot set up next to my old sewing machine. On top are my fancy drawers full of my floss, and needles etc. underneath are my stretchers and hoops and my stand. My light stands just behind my head but not so it blocks my light. Took a while to get it all set up but viola it is now…..sometimes my dog wants to curl up in my spot and I have to shoo him out. When it is chilly I have a cozy blanket to put over my legs and an Alexa to play some quiet music. There is even a spot for my coffee!

  655. My favorite place to stitch is in my attic; it is one long open room where I placed 7 skylights, a futon sofa, several chairs and a cutting table (which also functions as a beading table) with counter seats. I used to have a weekly Sunday afternoon craft group that met there; sadly our group has been on hold since mid-March, but we’ll start meeting in person again, hopefully within six months. The first craft I learned at about age 9 was embroidery from my grandmother. Since then, I’ve dabbled in many crafts, but after retirement, I’ve gone back to learning different styles of embroidery. I’m a detail person and found that I really like blackwork embroidery; I ordered a beginner’s kit from Tanja Berlin and loved doing it. When I saw this book, I was captivated!

    Thank you for writing your blog; I’ve learned so much from you and look forward to each post!

  656. In the summer I sit in the shade on our patio on a hill overlooking our 75 acre lake in northern Wisconsin. There is a hummingbird feeder a few feet away and they come and go not caring I’m there. Hairy Woodpeckers do their rat-a-tat-tat on a dying birch nearby. Butterflies and dragonflies flitter about; sometimes a dragonfly will land on me to inspect my stitching no doubt. As a child we called them sewing needles! The waves quietly lap the shore. It is very peaceful. Sometimes friends join, we quietly stitch and talk and the wildlife keeps doing their thing around all of us. Heaven!!

  657. My favorite spot to stitch is on my couch in front of a big picture window looking out to the seasonal pond with our ducks. Of course my cat Murray is by my side watching every stitch.

  658. In my recliner with a good light , a cup of tea, a magnifier and Polly the cat in my lap.
    Sometimes, a throw if necessary.

  659. My favorite stitching spot is in my sewing room. I have picture windows looking out onto the rolling hills of western North Dakota. I have great natural light as well as and abundance of beautiful scenery and wildlife to keep me company.

  660. I’ve been trying to persuade Sant to buy Jen Goodwin’s new book on Blackwork . Not sure if he listened…

  661. My favorite stitching spot is in the recliner next to the picture window that looks into our backyard. Our lot is heavily wooded so I see many wild critters as well as birds coming to the bird bath. Thanks for the giveaway!

  662. I have two favorite spots. One is an upstairs bedroom that I use to store most of my stash and that I go to when I have Zoom needlework meetings/classes. The other is a corner of our family room where I can watch/listen to television while I stitch.

  663. My favorite stitching spot is the verandah with the glass doors open in the mornings, so I can hear the birds and feel the sun.

  664. DuBois Park in Jupiter, FL! Mary, I have several favorite spots depending on my mood, but this one never fails to bring a smile. It’s located at the Jupiter Inlet & my friend & I meet there for a sack lunch & needlework afterward in the pavilion. It’s waterfront so there’s sand, swaying palms & friendly critters plus an awesome breeze. Paradise!

  665. My favorite place to stitch is my oversize old leather chair in living room. It has wonderful natureal light and a great light at night. Everything I need is right next to me. We just moved and I’m enjoying a veiw of the lake and birds that live here.

  666. I stitch in an open room off of the hallway of our house. There are french doors that lead to the patio where I can look out to the arbor filled with hanging baskets of flowering plants in spring, or watch the leaves descend from the wisteria plant overhead, as is the case now. Even in winter, it is a bright and sunny room.

  667. My favorite stitching spot would be in my living room, sitting on the sofa, next to the french doors with the cat curled up next to me, french doors open on a late spring day, birds on the bird feeder, sound of an old plane going overhead, a hot chocolate with cream and a blackcurrant sundae cake and Pride and Prejudice (1995 version with Colin Firth) playing on the television. Rest of the family have gone out!

  668. My spot is in the living room near the fireplace. Have my work table, TV and plenty of room to spread out.

  669. My favorite stitching spot is currently in my recliner in our family’s great room. Preferable surrounded by my husband and two teenagers.

  670. My favorite stitching spot is on my couch in front of my TV in my family room. My second favorite spot (for more serious stitching) is at my dining room table where I can use my frame holder. And for my most serious stitching (Japanese Embroidery), I stitch in the middle of my kitchen under my good kitchen light.

  671. My favourite embroidery spot is beside the living room window, where I can look out on our messy, but pretty, cottage garden, and see the birds stuffing their faces at the feeders. It doesn’t matter the time of year, as the garden always looks lovely.

  672. Hello, and thank you for the holiday cheer! My favorite stitching spot is sideways on the right-hand side of the couch in the living room – it has indirect light from two sides most of the day, the coffee table with stitching supplies is close at hand to the right, and I can pin charts to the back cushion to the left at eye level. If need be, I can put a throw pillow on my lap to support my stitching. Looks a bit odd, but works!

  673. My favourite place is at the dining table. Plenty of room to spread out and I can also see out the large sliding doors to the deck. This book looks very interesting. It would be a very special way to start the new year. Merry Christmas.

  674. My favorite stitching spot is in my craft room. I have a comfortable spot & supplies around me. 🙂

  675. My favorite stitching spot is in my sewing room. I have a table and wheeled office chair. They are parked in front of a window. My lighting is cool and warm bulbs that flood the area with almost daylight.
    Barb W, MO

  676. I have a “spot” that is mine in the family room – next to the window for good light and all my tools handy on the table next to me and a basket of projects underneath in case I need a change of pace. But I am happy to stitch anywhere I can. When we were out and about I would always have a “take along” bag of stitching with me in case I had time to put in a stitch or two. Now I just have them in various spots in my house and change rooms for a change of scenery and change of project.

  677. My favorite stitching spot was Sequoia Ranch RV Park. We parked our travel trailer in a spot right by the river and I stitched on the riverbank to the sound of the water. Loved it! I love to stitch outside surrounded by nature’s beauty.

  678. I do most of my stitching sitting on the couch in my living room. It is comfortable and has an end table next to it where I can keep things like my scissors.

  679. My favorite stitching spot is in my turret room one a bright sunny day. I am surrounded by windows.

  680. My favourite stitching spot is in my bay window in the late afternoon as the sun goes down and the light across my work is absolutely fantastic and I can get some good stitching done and relax at the end of the day.

  681. I currently have no stitching spot but that’s okay because all my rooms are filled with visiting sons and a nephew. When things quiet down, I love to stitch at my worktable where I can spread threads, designs, and tools around. The blackwork book looks fascinating.
    Thanks for your amazing contributions to the stitcher’s world. I hope you go down in history.

  682. My favorite stitching spot is at the kitchen table zoom’ing with my friend M for our monthly stitch-in-place.

  683. I like to stitch on the sofa with a large cushion behind me and a two tables. One table is on the side with the embroidery tools ( needle, pins, scissors, markers, etc) in a box together while on the other table are the threads, beads and other items that might be needed in the current stitching project. Behind me is a strong light that focuses on the work. My husband complains constantly of how it all spreads!

  684. My favourite stitching spot is the cosy chair in my living room corner. Great light, lots of room for my stand, and close to a window where I can see the garden. The only problem is that it is also my cat’s favourite spot, so we are constantly in each other’s way!

  685. Unfortunately I don’t have a room dedicated entirely to stitching (one day!) but I prefer to stitch in my dining room. It’s very small but I get lots of natural light there!

  686. My favorite stitching spot is in on a stool next to a table in what I use as my sewing room. It’s got lots of windows & is almost always sunny & warm. I grow plants in it too so although a small room, it’s perfect for me & makes me happy stitching in it!

  687. Hi Mary,
    My favorite stitching spot is in my recliner in my living room. I am right next to a window so I have wonderful light.

  688. My favorite space to do needlework is in the living room sitting in the recliner. I have a daylight lamp over one shoulder and a pair of reading glasses which I prop on my nose in front of my glasses, just like my grandmother.

  689. My favorite stitching spot is my couch in the living room where I stitch under the lamp watching TV.

  690. My favorite Stitching spot would have to be on my fluffy couch in front of a large window that I can also watch the birds at our two feeders. Thank you for this opportunity to win such a great gift. Have a blessed Christmas! QuiltedDrummer

  691. My favorite stitching spot is in my mother’s old rocker on our converted sunporch. Next to the chair I have a magnifier lamp that you recommended, Mary, clamped to a large end table. This is a space of comfort and practicality.

  692. My spot is a club chair in the living room with an ott lite positioned behind me and a hassock in front of me. I have a scissors stand and a magnetic dish on the table next to me along with the TV remote. In my dreams, I have a separate sewing room so all the stash and ongoing projects can be contained. Maybe someday!

  693. I have a small room. It has everything I love in it. Books, patterns threads, yarns, needles and assorted kits. I have a desk and a battered old chair. I am happy when I spend time in there. It is mine.

  694. My favorite place to stitch is anywhere that has good light and comfortable chair. I especially like it if it has magnifying light.

  695. My favorite stitching spot is in the corner of my bedroom. I have a large arm chair next to a large window on the right. I have lights to my right and left, as well as overhead in the corner behind me. The light is great for stitching, day or night. I have a bookshelf on the right, under the window, where I keep supplies and reference books. I use a folding table as my beading surface or for small stitching. I fold the table and replace it with my floor frame for samplers and larger stitching. Best stitching set up I’ve ever had!

  696. My favourite stitching spot is within a couple of feet of my friend Annette. Whether that’s at my house, at her house or at a class with her. This year it hasn’t been possible – she lives 100 miles away in a different COVID tier and we cannot meet up. I miss it very much and look forward to getting back to my favourite place soon.

  697. I’m sitting there right now, at the end of the dining room table with my daylight lamp over my shoulder, 2 walls of windows behind me, and my old wooden tea trolley beside me with my current needs. I can see the television if I want to, other entertainment on devices beside me, and plenty of space (no visitors for meals, please!)

  698. I have a room at home which is my craft room/study where I do nearoy all of my stitching. I have a screen where I can watch television or listen to music on a stero and have a long peaceful stitching session.

  699. My favorite place to stich is in my living room in my recliner. It is the most comfortable chair, and I have my Ott light there so I can see well. I also keep my strong readers there so I can see my stitching well. I would love to win this prize, the book looks amazing and so awesome that it comes with supplies to get started and make a project!

  700. My favourite place to stitch is in my sewing room (the second spare bedroom!) where I sit on an office-type chair, with my stitching on a Lowery stand, listening to audiobooks.

  701. I love to stitch at my desk which stand against the window. Not only does it give me good daylight, but I also get to look at the beautiful forest every once in a while to give my eyes a break.

  702. My favourite spot to sit and stitch my current project is in our sunroom, in a big old recliner chair. Next to me is my husband, who sitting in front of his chess table solving a problem. The daylight is good but my lamp shines over my left shoulder in the evening. A table on the left with scissors, needles and threads while on the right is the cup of coffee or tea on the window sill. Our sound system playing music and the garden view with its colour and textures is lovely to reflect on. At this time of year, in the heat, the pool with its cobalt blue tiles is a very tempting distraction!
    Merry Christmas, may 2021 provide many happy stitching moments but above all good health.

  703. My favourite stitching spot is on the sofa in our living room. Very good natural light, comfortable to sit on, and leaves ample space for keeping large projects like bedsheets too!

  704. My favorite stitching spot would be on my sofa, very comfortable with good lightning and all my tools close to hand. And I can watch (or rather hear) the TV from there, or listen to music and have a cup of coffee within reaching distance.
    Thanks for the giveaway, I really hope I get lucky this time!

  705. Blackwork, of all things, when I just began to delve into this style! I wanted the RSN Essential Stitch Guide on blackwork on my birthday wishlist badly, but it is completely sold out, so I was forced to look out for other, mostly older blackwork books – and now this!

    My favourite stitching spot is an old sofa, strictly speaking the corner of the old sofa, where I’m slouching with my legs propped up on a chair, all my stuff around me on the sofa, a stool and the side table with the LED magnifier lamp. It is absolutely quiet, through the large window beside me I can watch the clouds and trees, listen to the birds, if I don’t happen to listen to some ambient music or a good documentary.

  706. My favorite stitching spot is in the living room on the couch next to a big picture window. There’s a little table next to me that I can set things down on, such as a drink of tea, or put excess stitching supplies that I’m using. I like to listen to the tv as I stitch.

  707. I have a 4 sided bay window with a comfortable chair and a strong floor lamp. I love stitching in natural daylight but the floor lamp allows stitching at night with a minimum of eye strain. I have a side table for supplies and my coffee mug. Such a peaceful way to start or end a day!

  708. My favorite stitching spot is in my craft room at my stitching table. The lighting is good and everything I need is close by. It is nice and quiet and I can concentrate on what I am doing. Sometimes I put on soft easy listening music.

  709. My favorite stitching spot is by the east facing window in my sewing room, in the morning, when natural light fills the room. When my eyes get tired I look out the window for some rest.

  710. My favorite stitching spot is my lounge chair with a great natural lighting pole lamp and it looks like my nest. I keep threads to inspire me in a small box, which is usually overflowing, of course. I also have my water, hot tea, and a few projects, always more than one or two. Usually I am forced to pick up one with a deadline, but sometimes I am itchy for inspiration so I grab one that does that for me. The best part is that my chair over looks the bench seat in front of the window that looks out over our back yard. I can se the birds picking up seeds that drop from the feeders and enjoy sunrise and sunset glows across the hills near by.

  711. My favourite stitching spot is at my desk. I have a large window to my left which helps me to see. My desk light is right there when I need that extra bit of light. A great spot!

  712. I bought a wonderful recliner to use as my stitching chair. It is roomy and has flat wooden arms perfect for holding my needle minder and scissors. It allows my feet to be raised while also allowing the back to be more vertical than horizontal. I love it.

  713. I am fortunate to have a room in our house with many windows – I have a chair, bright light and a small table to hold supplies. It has great natural light during the day and I have a bright floor lamp for night time.

  714. My favorite and only stitching spot is in a chair in the living room. I have a lap stand and a magnifier light. A TV tray on my left for chart, threads, and supplies. It’s not fancy but it works. The television is near, also a CD player and DH is there in the evening as well.

  715. My favorite stitching spot is mythical. I would have a large overstuffed (i dream evergreen color) chair in front of a beautifully sunny double window – I’m thinking southern facing window. I get to sit with my legs hanging off one side arm. For dreary days and at night I would have my ott-light floor lamp and maybe a magnifying arm on the lamp. Whoopie, all i need is that chair. Perhaps Santa will read this post and bring me one. Truth be told i sit and sew in front of tv & sew during commercials or when the characters are not British. I have to have subtitles to understand Brits. I am very partial to British mysteries so it cuts into my sewing.

  716. I am lucky enough to have a west facing corner room 11x 16 for my KWATS/KWUILS/KROCHECT/ KROSS- STITCH KORNER! anything fiber related finds a home there- including basket weaving, looms, spinning wheels and weasel!

  717. I usually stitch in my sewing room where I have a comfy chair & footstool, a radio & TV, a great view of nature out of my window and an amazing Stella light. Cozy and easy access to anything I need!

  718. Thankyou for your insightful needlework advice, inspiring blog and such a wonderful Advent filled very beautiful surprises in the countdown to Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and yours and the hope for the globe that 2021 will be a more positive brighter year.

    My favourite place to stitch is my sewing room (yes very spoilt). This room was my youngest daughter’s bedroom and converts back to a bedroom for her daughter, when they come to stay. It’s large window (plenty of light) looks onto a courtyard garden. Cosy in winter and very cheery in spring and summer. It’s only disadvantage are it’s many distractions….watching the Fairy Wrens hop around the garden…..our cat saunter through scattering all the birds…….the wattle birds hanging upside down gathering nectar from the Daphne……and also why it’s my favourite space and not just for stitching.

  719. My favorite stitching spot? Right now it’s in the treatment room at my oncology center. My very comfy chair puts my back to the window so I have all day light on my piece. The nurses are so willing to make me comfortable with warm blankets, food and drink. People around me enjoy watching my progress on the pieces and I’ve even thought about doing a mini-class so others can pass our treatment time productively. It’s a great way to spend the hours it takes for all the chemicals to drip into my body to get rid of the cancer in my breast. I’m a lucky lady.

  720. My favorite stitching spot is in my den in a leather armchair beside a lighted magnifier floor lamp.

  721. My favorite stitching spot is a wicker chair by a long low window near the kitchen: good light and a view of a very small garden.

  722. My favourite stitching spot is in our bay window. I have it set up with a Lowry stand, daylight lamp and a small shelving unit next to it that stores my threads, accessories with room for a drink on top. It gets near constant sunlight in summer, and there’s room for the cat to curl up next to me without getting in my way.

  723. Hi, my favourite stitching spot is my big armchair in my lounge. I have my light and magnifying stands set up there, also a table I can stack to several levels – rather Heath Robinsonish but it works for me. It is also my TV chair and I have several of the ‘beanbag’ type TV trays so I can swap out my stitching for a snack or meal tray and just carry on. But all this still does not stop me sitting down to stitch and then discovering either my glasses or my scissors have been left on the kitchen table!
    Oh boy, but I would love to win that blackwork book. I do enjoy that kind of work and it would be a real extension from what I have done so far.

  724. My big comfy chair in the corner of my bedroom, with arms wide enough to (mostly) hold by scissors and threads without falling over, close to a big window that can be too bright at times.

  725. I have to fight my cat for my favourite sewing spot as it is also his favourite snoozing spot. We have moved into a unit recently with a bedroom with eastern windows that I thought would be a perfect stitching place but my cat has other ideas.

  726. My favorite stitching spot is my couch where I get all day sun during the day and where I have my lamp positioned just right for me. It is also where I have everything I need for any project I’m working on. I can also listen to the radio or have my television going for added entertainment.

    LA of NZ

  727. My favorite stitching spot is the desk by my front window. It’s in a corner so I can see out one window and the other window lets in light to go along with my Ottlight.

  728. The excerpts of the book were wonderful. I love the intricacy and unique look. I hope I win. Thank you for sharing the information on the book.

  729. I have a big comfy light yellow chair in my family room surrounded outdoor and indoor lighting. The chair is large enough for my silky terrier to join me when I’m stitching on my recent blackwork piece that really uses blues. Happy holidays

  730. Favorite stitching spot is at a friend’s table with my other friends getting together for a good old fashioned stitch’n’stitch.

  731. We’ve just moved into a new home and my studio is being built, so my favourite spot will soon be completed. Until then I am stitching on the sofa in the living room.

  732. My favorite stitching place is in the corner of my bedroom where I sit in a big green comfy oversized upholstered chair which is extra wide to accommodate threads, instructions, and/or a very large project. There is a large easily adjustable daylight lamp with magnifier over my left shoulder, and a small table at my side for coffee cup and stitching tools. A large window adds to the available light and as a bonus provides a view of cactus a few desert trees… It is a multi purpose chair (a perfect place to take a little catnap). I love my stitching chair…

  733. I keep a traveling sewing kit with projects so that I can stitch when traveling to and from my granddaughter’s soccer games–I stitch a bunch in the car! At home I enjoy stitching while watching(listening to) sports on TV. My husband and I are avid sports fans, especially college football and youth sports at our local high school, but I can’t just sit and look at the television–thank goodness for “instant replay!” I’m known as the lady who brings her sewing to baseball games in the spring!!! Jane

  734. Blackwork — what fun.

    My favorite stitching spot is a chair in the family room. I can curl up my legs and use them to support my stitching. I have enough room on the tables on either side of the chair for my tools, threads and instructions. I have good lighting. I can start a fire in the fireplace if I want to and if the SCAQMD hasn’t banned wood burning for that day.

  735. My favourite place to stitch is my sewing room. Here I have a comfortable chair, embroidery stand and access to all my embroidery supplies.

  736. I have my own sewing room where I also do my embroidery, knitting and crocheting. I sit on an office chair with my feet up on a stool under the table. My table is white, so that I could use it as a background for seeing darker things. I have a laptop on that table that is hooked up directly to the house router and I watch videos and TV while stitching. I spend many hours a day stitching in there. It’s heaven!

  737. My favourite stitching place is my back room which has lots of natural light, with a daylight lamp if needed comfy chair, kitchen next door for when l need refreshments, radio and cd player for music and taking books.

  738. My favorite stitching spot is at the desk in my sewing nook. It is a lovely peaceful corner of the house filled with some of my favorite things, and is a wonderful place to work on projects and think.

    Thank you for including us in another beautiful giveaway!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  739. I like to stitch by the window and in front of my laptop; I watch Youtube videos while I work. I want my next project to be blackwork but have been nervous to get started, so this book looks like it would be great for me!

  740. My favorite stitching spot is in my embroidery room in a comfy armchair right next to a picture window overlooking my garden. My Pride of India tree which is in bloom at the moment is right outside and I can hear the birds chattering and singing outside and splashing in the bird bath. My magic spot with all my favorite things around me.

  741. My favorite place is my desk with computer with audio books, lectures, concerts and all other goodies in it, some books about embroidery on the table, a cup of green tee and me with my frame. If I am stitching icon and its corner is on the table, of course, no tee or other liquid is allowed on it…

  742. My favorite spot to stitch is anywhere I have Needle ‘n Thread, good lighting and a project waiting to be finished.


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