
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Simple Weekend Embroidery Finish


Amazon Books

An idea has been bubbling around in my brain for a while.

And since this past weekend was a perfect weekend for some quick, simple, quite embroidery, I decided to execute the idea from start to finish.

Scroll Corner Design for Hand Embroidery

I’ve been toying around with scrolly designs.

And while I was told “That’s too pretty for a cotton towel,” I must beg to differ!

Why shouldn’t a cotton towel be pretty, after all? And if the embroidery takes less time on this than it does on the standard cotton-towel-embroidery-design, I say it’s perfect for a cotton towel!

Scroll Corner Design for Hand Embroidery

I wanted to come up with some embroidery designs for ready-to-stitch towel sets, that weren’t necessarily garden and floral designs, and that are suitable year-round.

I wanted designs that are classy, but not complicated. Designs that are satisfactory to stitch, that give some wiggle room for interpretation, and that look great when they’re finished.

Scroll Corner Design for Hand Embroidery

I want them to be interpretable – that is, the stitcher can interpret the designs in numerous ways, making them as simple or as complex as desired, using favorite stitches, favorite color schemes, fillings or not, and so forth.

Scroll Designs

So, while I was considering ready-to-stitch towel sets, I started playing with some classic scroll designs.

I’ve always loved the look of scroll designs in all kinds of decoration, from iron-work to painted tiles to ceiling mosaics, to decorative architectural features, to illumination. Scrolls are everywhere, when you start looking around! And I love ’em.

So why can’t they be on the ‘umble cotton towel, I ask you! There’s no rule that says they can’t.

I chose a two-color combination – blue and yellow, because it’s a favorite – and I broke the blues into three shades. I used the yellow simply to enhance the design with a touch of a contrasting color.

I spent some very pleasant hours this weekend, test stitching. I even took a picnic and stitched outside in an isolated spot at the edge of an old cemetery overlooking the river valley. It was the perfect carry-along project on a beautiful spring day.

Find the Sunshine!

For those of you who have a stay-at-home order, check your area’s mandate. It doesn’t necessarily mean you must stay inside your house. It means to stay away from the rest of the population, sure. But in many cases – especially in rural and semi-rural areas – you can most likely go outside, and doing so will go a long way to keeping your outlook positive and your mind (and body) healthy. If you are stuck inside, open the windows, open the curtains, let the sunshine in. Stitch near a sunny window. It helps!

So that was my weekend stitching adventure. I like the outcome, and I think it’s worth preparing a few similar designs and testing them when time allows.

What do you think?

What other color combination could you see this design (or something similar) embroidered in? I’m quite fond of the blue and yellow, but I may dabble with some other combinations, too.

Feel free to chime in using the comments area below with your thoughts, suggestions, ideas. I’m all ears!

Hang in there!


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(169) Comments

  1. These are beautiful! So simple, yet so pretty! I love the blue and yellow together – very “royal” looking! Is there a pattern for this?

    Thank you-

  2. LOVE this idea! I am a fan of the pre-printed towel sets. . . please tell me that the pre-printed flour sack towels with your scrolly design will be available!

    Thank you Mary!

  3. Please tell me that the pre-printed flour sack towels with your scrolly design will be available!

    Thank you Mary!

  4. The work is just lovely. Purple and yellow (Lantana and Lady Banks yellow roses) remind me of spring and beautiful gardens. Let me take this opportunity to say that as a beginner in embroidery you are my go-to source! You’re the very best! Thank you! Melanie

    1. I second the purple and yellow! Or lavender and yellow. Maybe with a touch of sage green? It’s one of my favorite springtime combinations. Incidentally my whole bedroom is done in those colors. 😉

  5. I absolutely love this design and can see it on many items besides towels, although I love that idea too! Let us all know when the pattern is available

  6. I love the country French look of the blue and yellow. I would like to see your ideas on fillings but it’s quite perfect as it is. Can’t wait for the ebook or stamped towels when available. Thanks, Mary. God bless, Charlotte

  7. I love this … especially the blue/yellow color combination which is a favorite of mine, too! What floss are you using? I like the “bigness” of if! I drew up a big lamb I want to stitch, but it needs a heavy/big floss. What you’ve used looks perfect! 🙂

  8. Love it! Blue and yellow are beautiful together! Great in my kitchen!
    Green and yellow or green and a bright pink would work too!

    Thanks for our inspirations!


  9. I love the blue and yellow scroll work. I might try a red and gold combination since I have a lot of red in my kitchen. Or some sea mist colors would be pretty, like beachy colors. Thanks for the inspiration. Love your blog! Jane, Cypress, TX

  10. I love this design! I’d love to know what towel you used if it’s something purchased or what you made it out of, if you made the towel.

    Great job!

    Catrina Dunn

  11. Good morning Mary. As usual, your designs are just beautiful. Love your blue/yellow combo, but I am quite partial to brown and pink or brown and turquoise with a touch of orange. Yes, I am also a stay at home person. I have had a chance to clean up my studio and I just happen to find some dishtowels that I apparently stashed away for another time. I do believe this is the time. Thanks for the ideas and for sharing your inspiring talent.

  12. I think this is so pretty and would be perfect for the ‘unble tea towel. The colour combination is perfect. I would not change anything! Can I ask what stitch you used? I understand if you don’t answer questions from this comment section. It’s lovely!

  13. Oh so pretty! I can see it in my favorite colors of corals and teals like your last post, or corals and greens like desert colors?

  14. Very nice beginners design, especially like the way the yellow inside the blue creates a “raised” effect, somewhat like applique.

  15. I too, am smitten with scroll work of any kind. This is mesmerizing. As a child I always loved the puzzles to find the path from start to finish as you weave your pencil through the puzzle maze. There’s no puzzle here, though that this design is designed to be a hit (whoops for the double word play).

  16. Yes, Mary…..do make these into towel sets. I will be the first in line to buy them.

    The only negative for me would be blue and yellow are the colors of Sweden. And since Sweden is not using any rules during the pandemic, the country leaves a sour taste for me. The other Scandinavian countries are complying to the orders and the death tolls show that they help.

    My dear husband is half Swedish and half Norwegian. But even at that, I would try some other color combinations. I have a huge stash of thread to choose from.

    I loved your suggestion of stitching outside. I have been putting down lots of thread in these sequestered weeks. That makes me very happy indeed!

    Karen from Minnesota

  17. Lovely! And how nice to be able to start and finish an embroidery project in a weekend. I’ll be watching for those ready to stitch towel sets. The fabric in your towels is wonderful and the designs are so clear and cleanly printed, they are a joy to stitch.

  18. I do a lot of “dish” towels in red work. There is a medium blue that works so well with red, so I may give it a try. Thanks for inspiring us. Jc

  19. I absolutely love the design. It is perfect for an ‘umble towel.

    I have friends and relatives that I would like to embroider gifts for who prefer clean, modern designs, instead of the florals so often associated with hand embroidery.

    This type of design is perfect for them…

    Thank you, I look forward to how you package them for us to purchase.

  20. It looks very nice. How many little thread of a 6 thread did you use?
    Is that chain stitch?
    did you draw or did you transfer?
    It is beautiful, I am trying to understand the process so I can try too!
    Thank you for sharing your week end!

  21. I love this beautiful design. I, too, love scroll work for its classy simplicity. You are so inspirational and I hope that one day you will share this beautiful pattern.

  22. Hi Mary ~ the towel is beautiful! What stitch did you use? Looks similar to a split stitch.
    Thank you,

  23. I absolutely loved the scrolly towels! I don’t think any color combination would be wrong as long as it makes you smile.

  24. Love this! My attention span for towels is not great but love a decorative addition. Love your previous designs, but, they are more than I wish to undertake on towels. This idea fits for me.

  25. Love the scroll design, but would have chosen a stronger yellow for a stronger contrast to the blues.
    The design could look wonderful on many things – the back yoke of a jacket, perhaps in red. on a tablecloth in a rich ivory, along the base of drapes to tone with the room colours, etc etc. For two colours I would choose willow green and rose, turquoise and lime green, or even two shades of the same colour such as lilac and lavender. Wish I had the time and ability to use many of your splendid designs. Embroidery is perfect for this time of quiet and solitude, both inside and out.

  26. This is lovely. I think the combined colors add interest. The year-round aesthetic is a plus for me. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Hi Mary,
    What a brilliant idea to put the lovely scroll on an ‘umble dishtowel! I love scrolls, too, and try to incorporate them into my home decor. I really, really like how huge your scroll looks on the photo above and not at all complicated to stitch. So glad that you followed that idea from start to finish and shared it with us! Thank you!

  28. Oh Mary you heard my cry for simplicity. I love the design and the stitch. It is a fairly easy stitch and not too difficult on the hand. My arthritis hasn’t allowed me much on embroidering but I still try if only for a short time. But your towels sell out so fast that I don’t always see them in time.
    I am trying a combination of CBD and essential oils in hoping that will help. It has help me sleep through the night but not much with extra use. Maybe when the weather balances and the rain stops it will be better.
    You have a wonderful week, will look forward to the new towels and your next newsletter.


    1. Hi Cindy,
      Turmeric is a great root for painful and stiff joints/arthritis. I get mine from the grocery store and add a bit to my food. When it’s really bad, I put a teaspoon full directly into my ‘hot’ soy milk, with honey and a dash of fresh black pepper. It’s delicious and has done wonders to my pain and stiffness. They now sell it as a supplement but I’ve found the food powder as good if not better. Best wishes!

      Dear Mary,
      Absolutely stunning work, as usual. No matter how simple or complicated, your stich-crispiness always mesmerizes me. I love it!

  29. I wish we lived in a rural area about now. Everywhere there is a distancing order in place. Your weekend outing sounded lovely just like that pretty “tea towel”. And, your postings always brighten up my computer screen. I embroider less these days as I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists but simple patterns like this one are doable. You seem to be taking care, staying safe and as always being kind. Alice from British Columbia, Canada

  30. I think that it would look good in a purple/orange combo. I’m a big fan of purple and orange is a nice sunny color. Not so far off of the blue yellow color scheme. A nice soft purple is a great color for spring. Reminds me of the early flowers like the crocuses and grape hyacinth flowering here now.

  31. Were I more ambitious, I think this would make a lovely set of napkins for myself or to give as a gift–simple, elegant, and quick to stitch. Who could ask for more?

  32. Hooray for you! These are beautiful…AS ALWAYS! I too have been stitching outside in the sunshine…so much better than the stuffy house. I’ve ordered up some silk thread to use on the Spring Towels that I received from your store. I can’t wait to get started. Keep up the inspiration…heaven knows we all need it!



  33. Love the scroll design for cotton towels. Besides being simple and quick to stitch, having the opportunity to interpret them your own way with colors, stitch combinations is great. Will the design be available without pre-printed towels? I have some cotton towels waiting for some designs and stitching.

  34. I love everything about this towel and this idea! You have put into words exactly how I feel about embroidered towels. I love scrolls and swirls and flourishes. I even love the blue and yellow color scheme. I have a towel waiting to be embroidered so please hurry!
    My color suggestion is something with green and a floral-y color.

  35. What a great idea! I want to stitch a twin right now! Mine would probably be monochrome, maybe in reds. I hope you turn this into a pattern for your shop.

    Are you using a pearl thread?

  36. I think the design is lovely. I love the colors too. Purple and orange, pink and green, shades of white…

  37. Hi Mary!
    Love the design and to me it looks like tulips and I also like the colors you used but a pink or light red or one other color added might look nice too. What stitches did you use? I think the yellow looks like a stem stitch? I love using hand towels and yes I agree they do deserve a nice design to perk up the kitchen where everyone seems to congregate most of the time. Thanks for all your expertise ~ you are a gem in the field for sure~Sue Misch
    Oh forgot to add, I love the color of pansies, there are so many combinations out there of them which might work also for color combinations to use!

  38. Mary I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!! The colors are so elegant in that design. And because it is fairly simple stitching you could match to anyone’s kitchen colors or match to the holiday!!! Well done!!!!!

  39. I love it! The scrolling design makes it easy to embroider while enjoying the surroundings. If it is detailed pattern, I would be concentrating on the design and not enjoying the outdoors.

  40. Hi Mary,
    Another lovely project! Your creativity just amazes me! I love the blue and yellow and the scrollwork—it could easily be used in a farmhouse kitchen or a contemporary setting, or anything in between. I have spent many happy hours stitching your designs, and I will look forward to this one. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and for your wonderful website. Susan

  41. If these towels are for kitchens, why not let people choose colours that either harmonise with their kitchen colours or with their china? Three shades of light grey with a pink contrast, three shades of leaf green with light brick, three shades of golden oak with grey -blue? And you could reverse the colours for half the towels, using the lightest main shade of one for the highlights of another, and adding two darker shades for the new main colour.

  42. These are playful and beautiful. I like them very much, both the simplicity of the outline and the spirit of the sweeping scroll. No wonder you enjoyed this!

  43. I love what you have done with this! I have a kitchen that is blue and yellow so if you don’t mind I would love to copy this idea. Is this pattern available?
    Thank you for all your information and good advice. Stay safe.

  44. Dear Mary, beautiful design. My colors would be 3 shades of grey (the darkest almost black) and red as the accent. Our kitchen has light gray countertops and stainless steel appliances. I use these colors to decorate. We live in rural NC and go outside often, the sun does make you feel better!

  45. Hello Mary,
    That is so pretty and the colors work well – blue is my favorite color! Did you use a chain stitch?
    It would also be perfect for a table cloth. I love swirls. I will definitely order the towel set.
    Enjoy your week Mary!

  46. I *love* the design! Yes, blue and yellow on white – crisp and lovely. My daughter would pick purple with moss. My house would be at home with cranberry and teal. On oatmeal background I would do white and dusty blue. I can’t wait for the design to be available!
    You come up with the BEST stuff!

  47. Dear Mary

    I love it, I’m not fond of blue but this looks lovely combined with the yellow and I think it looks lovely on the old ‘umble cotton towel’ ha, ha, as you say why should’t you decorate the towels with high class designs every time you use it instead of thinking negative about the task of trying the dishes it would make a cheery task. I’m glad you were able to get out and take a picnic and enjoyed the spring sunshine, Speaking of lockdown we are allowed to go out in the UK for exercise and where I live there are gardens to walk around so thats what I have been doing and it’s great because I’m always bumping into neighbours and chatting at a social distance so its good. Great project.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  48. Like it a lot! Was looking for something a bit different for some more tea towels and bread basket liners. when can we get it?

  49. LOVE these (and you)!
    can you make the preprinted towels kits available for us who don’t like transferring designs?

  50. I like the smooth scrolling curves. Great pattern. I like that it’s easily adapted to choice of stitches thank you!

  51. Will that design be available to purchase in your shop or from your Web site or from Patreon—as a pdf? I know one person for whom the design and your color choices are absolutely perfect. I have already done one small piece of framed cross-stitch in those colors for her kitchen. Thanks.

  52. I find your work so inspiring. I’m a big tea towel fan and I think these would look lovely in my kitchen. Thank you for such joyful designs.

  53. I really like the floral designed scroll you made. Really nice! What specific stitches did you use??

    Also, I’m looking for a paperback book of stitches, that would be portable, maybe like a spiral-notebook. Any ideas?

    I love your site!!!

    (Ms.) Greear Cossitt

  54. Have been looking for something on my Towels that didn’t make my husband cringe when he helped. This is fantastic. Could you make it a little smaller? I have never left a comment before by wanted you to know that I for one love this new scrolly.

  55. Hi Mary! I’m a pink girl myself. Love to mix the pinks with burgundy and throw in a splash of lime green. Love your scrolls !!

  56. It’s very pretty with those colors. I also like blue and yellow. Other than that I would use pastels like green, pink, yellow and blue. Looking forward to seeing more.

  57. Yes, I love this design! I like that it’s bolder, a little more dramatic than a floral design. I just purchased some excellent cotton towels, but don’t have plans for what design to embroider. This gives me a new direction–to look for more abstract and even geometric designs. I look forward to you offering this design and others similar to it!

  58. Blue has always been a favorite color and there are so many variations of this color as there are of all floss.

    You are so very correct in that our humble towels deserve to be colorful, bright and cheery! Thank you you for reminding us
    it is ok to have fun and feel good about our personal color choices while we enjoy embroider and that we do not have to limit ourselves to any specific color scheme!
    Please keep your self safe and enjoy your day

  59. I love it! Looks fantastic and seems like the simplest version might work up as quickly as a patch of flowers or something. My towels get hard use, but I enjoy putting a little something on them. I’d buy simpler ones like this in a heartbeat because transferring isn’t my favorite!

  60. Well blow me down!
    At first glance, I was convinced you had added a small, yellow appliqué in some places. But no! It was merely the suggestion cast by the yellow threads.
    Almost a trompe l’oeil.

    Very fun, Mary.

  61. I love those! I hope you will offer the design on your website. Embroidering cotton towels is my to to when I just want to relax and they should definitely be pretty!

  62. Morning Mary,
    You’ve done it again and in such a beautiful way. I’m not a fast stitcher so even this simple would probably take me more than a weekend (but not much more).
    I don’t like using paper or plastic at the dining table and can totally see this being done on the corner of napkins, place mats or with added scrollies and outlined leaves on the corners of a table cloth.
    When it comes to color I love them all and would be tempted to use them all, but if it has to work year round, I tend toward the neutrals of anything from off-white to dark chocolate brown with just a dash of a bright jewel color. Green and blue are the other neutrals I go for too but are not favorites of my daughter who is also my room-mate so I need to consider her tastes too.
    So here I am, ready to take my needlework, sit on the porch, enjoy the sunshine and watch our messy garden grow some more.
    Happy stitching – Brenda

  63. Hi Mary,
    I love the simple beauty of the design. I’m embroidering handkerchiefs now in response to the scarcity of paper tissues. I could see a portion of your design on the corner of a hankie – quick, easy and simply gorgeous! I’d never used handkerchiefs (growing up in a paper world, you know), and am delighted with the soft sturdiness – I may not return to paper, so that means the cloth should be pretty as well as functional. Sally

    1. Love that you mentioned handkerchiefs! I’ve been thinking of making some up for a while. I like carrying one with me—they have a hundred and one uses beyond their obvious main function. I have often bought embroidered ones in second hand shops and the like but I would like to make my own.

      Mary, any chance of handkerchiefs in the future?

  64. Hi, Mary ! Greetings from sunny Lake Chapala, Mexico. I always admire your designs and enjoy the beautiful threads and colors. As a non expert embroiderer, I am reluctant to take on a project that’s just a bit too complex. This looks like one that I would happily take on ! I hope those of us who are unable to receive shipped items like this will be able to access the design. Thank you so much for the beauty you bring to my days. Stay well ! Cindy

  65. I think that green and yellow would look good. I really love the color red I’m not sure what color would look ok maybe a pink.

  66. I thank you for this article! This design is delightful! (I’m big into medieval and renaissance and though this is neither it does look Jacobean to me, which is another era that is easy on my eyes! And you just happened to pick a color combination that I adore! Well done, again!

  67. This is lovely and the colors are beautiful! I wonder if it could be done in various seasonal colors. Pastels for spring, fall shades etc. Would be fun to experiment!

  68. Lovely work as always from you Mary – and blue is my favourite colour and my go to colour for lots of things.
    Yet green is also my secondary colour that I cannot keep away from him, so greens and lemon would also look superb and you would make that special.

  69. Beautiful, basic, clean, classic design, Mary! How nice for these complex times, and how flexible with regard to color and stitch choices for different seasons and different purposes.

  70. Mary, This is a fantastic idea and absolutely beautiful! I have been searching for a different idea or style to use on my Tea Towels. That is what both of my Grand Mother’s called them as they were teaching me hand embroidery. Your design is a brilliant change of pace and will fit in wonderfully with quite a few of the individuals I will be gifting these to. Thank you very much for sharing!

  71. I love the scroll idea. It looks to me like chain stitch. If it was split stitch, would it not go slower than the chain? How many stitches per inch (how small are the stitches?)? Green and yellow would be my choice of color.

  72. Mary, I love the scrollwork piece. I like that it is appropriate for the year round. It looks like a chain stitch? It is lovely. I love blue and yellow. Those were my wedding colors-in 1978! I just might do a similar piece myself. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents.

  73. This is such a lovely project! I too have always loved scrolls as a design for embroidery. For other color ways I would probably stitch one in shades of white, ecru, and taupe to really play up the lovely texture of the chain stitches on the towel; although, blue and yellow is such a classic kitchen color combination! PLEASE release this design in your store as I’d love to stitch it on some towels for my kitchen during quarantine.

  74. Yes, I like the look of scroll also. I have been wanting to make some valances for my formal living room with some embroidered scroll designs on them. What do you suggest for searching out scroll designs?


  75. The blue and yellow are beautiful, rather uplifting, almost summery. But, I can also see it in a more somber colorway, say a blackish-brown and golden tan. I guess I could see it in colors that would compliment the color scheme of the kitchen they were going into.

  76. Greetings, I hope all are well ! Love the design and the colors! Will this perhaps be a series or can we at least purchase this beautiful design?

  77. Re: chain stitch scroll design on dish towel. I like this—it looks fast, easy, should hold up in the wash and to rubbing very well—easy to change colours or stitches—-AND should look good hanging, crooked, on the stove!

    Thanks for all your good ideas!

  78. Blue with just about anything is my favorite! and with yellow is on the top of my list. Is the yellow the stem stitch and the blue the chain stitch?

  79. Your project is lovely, simple, and doable. Thank you for the encouragement for finding the sunshine. Today we have sun, so I’ll be sure to get outside.

  80. I love your design. My thoughts would bring purples with blues or blue/greens; shades I have in some of my quilting fabrics.

  81. This is such a classic beauty, I love the design and color choices.. and I can see many color combo actions for this design. Very elegant

    Thankyou Mary
    you are such an inspiration

    Deborah Marshall

  82. Beautiful. I would love to see this in “neutrals” as that would be more fitting in my kitchen. Tree Trunk Treasure from Stitchpalettes.com is one example.

    Thank you for your wonderful site.

  83. I really loved reading about your scroll design project and the lovely outside adventure to stitch and picnic. Everything about your blog this day made me feel happy and positive. I’m very grateful for that. I’m going to make it a priority to get outside with some stitching this week. Thank you so much.

  84. Very pretty color combinations that remind me of my 8 years in France, as well as the design. Your right, why not have cheerful dish towels. “Spring is here”

  85. Mary, brilliant! I’m new to your line of email but certainly not new to needlework having started @ my mothers knee too many yrs to recall. I started with the standard 7 teatowel design of a chore for each day…washing on Mon, ironing on Tues etc. for yep you guessed it the “hope chest”. Now I’ve Really dated myself. So I say you’re on to something with a beautiful updated version of cotton towels. And what better time than now with all of this enforced solitude. Thanks so much, & I will eagerly be following up with your scrolly projects. Chin up, Penny from Houston

  86. This is a beautiful design! I could see it on the pointed ends of a table runner, charming without the design clashing with any fancy table setting or dish patterns. I’d better get started on a nice linen table runner to be ready when the pattern is available! Thanks Mary, your emails and website make us all feel like we are personal friends of yours!

  87. I love the new design, Mary. I hope you make it available as a pdf. I could see it in a peach and green combination.
    Stay safe.

  88. I love the towel. Amazing that you got in done in one weekend! I pretty new to embroidery and am wondering what kind of stitch is it that you used?

    I’m inspired by all of your work. Hope to be as good as you are one day!

  89. Such a beautiful scrolly design! I’m very new learning embroidery and appreciate your blog and emails immensely; thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience so freely. If I’m correct, you completed this with mostly chain stitch? Is there a secret to achieving such even, consistent stitches (other than years of practice)? I’m finding that chain stitch is deceptively challenging… it looks easy but isn’t.

  90. I love the new scroll cotton towel design. I love the stitches used. I find using chain stitching and outline stitch to be very relaxing. To embroider on canvas bags I sometimes use quilt stencils and then using one color of perle cotton thread I do the outline stitch or chain stitch. It is a relaxing and rewarding way to stitch. Mary and All please remain healthy and safe.

  91. Hello your stitching is beautiful! love the colours I think it would be also be nice in Royal Purple and cream. love your work and thank you.

  92. This is beautiful and yellow and blue are my favorite combination. Could you please tell me what stitch you used? Thank you.

  93. This seems perfect for: 1) right now, when it’s hard to settle into a project 2) a nice settling-into-a-new-home present for my new niece-in-law (I’m picturing the scrolls in her wedding color scheme!)

  94. I think you hit it out of the ballpark in accomplishing your goals. I thought about what colors and discarded pink and purples with green, but wasn’t thinking too hard on them and then I thought, what about black with golden metallic highlights where you used the yellow. That could take it high class on a tote or decreased in size on a purse, or regular size on both ends of scarf/pashmina. Our white and silver metallic on a wedding gown.

  95. Love, love, love the scroll design! I can picture a patriotic color scheme, Christmas, fall – wow what choices! Will you be making the design available? Thanks for all of your innovative and classy designs.

  96. Mary, I love towels with designs and they can be as simple or detailed as we wish. I used your embroidered heart in a meandering design with embellishments. I did a cranberry red and another purples. So much fun and effective. Thank you for your many ideas.

  97. There are always the ubiquitous Christmas colors but my favorite and rather unusual are teal and purple combos.

  98. Well, I agree with everyone else. These are fabulous and I really hope they’re going to be available on your website!

  99. Wow, Mary,

    I love the colours and you are right, it is cheery and bright. It would also make a perfect 4 corners onto a teacloth?

    I also loved the heart you stiched a few weeks ago; the colours there are so warm and inclusive….will you have patterns for both?


    1. Yes, a tea cloth sounds great! I’m working slowly but surely on the voided monograms / heart project e-book and pattern set. The scrolls will most likely be available fairly soon as ready-to-stitch towels. Thanks for asking!

  100. I really like your colour choices as well as the design!

    I did, however, think it was a bunting at first and it’s now giving me some ideas…

  101. A few years ago you produced an ebook with lattice work in it. i used some of the lattice work the battlement one on a few bags and it was very stable It would look great on your cotton towels in my humble opinion and easy to do by beginners to that sort of stitching. I find your book a great book to fall back on when needed in my Crewel Work as it explains the lattice work so much better for my brain anyway.
    Look after your self

  102. This is gorgeous Mary, and I think to have it on a cotton towel would be fabulous.
    I would love to see this stitched in green with orange accents!
    Stay safe

  103. That looks fun to stitch!
    My colour suggestions would be
    – sea greens and blues
    – forest greens coupled with a bright lime (as per your January post, ‘Some call it poison’. That was a bit of a revelation for me)
    – silvery, rain-cloud greys with either a fresh, pale blue or a soft sunrise pinky-orange

    It’s fascinating to see everyone’s colour comments, it just goes to show what a personal thing colour is!

  104. Love the scrolls! What a great idea. Much as I love floral designs, something different really hit the spot.

  105. You came up with a lovely design. It certainly classes up a ‘umble cotton dish towel, plain cotton floss and simple chain and stem stitches. And I think it’s great that you are leaving it up to the stitcher for colors and stitches to use.

    Today, I think I’d stick with colors with ooomph – royal purple, not lavender, gold not pale yellow, etc. I’m not quite sure exactly which colors, but I know I’m not in a spring pastels mood today!

  106. That scrolly idea is very simple yet elegant; easy to stitch. As for colors, you could try dark & light of the same color. Blue & yellow is very French country. Very nice. That I would put on dish towels as well as placemats, just smaller design.

  107. Hi Mary….just had to pass along a brief “ooohhhh-haaaaa” regarding your quick little weekend embroidery project. The Scroll Cotton Towel is fabulous! Mission accomplished and then some! Thank You ever so much for your continued posts….they are sunshine and a lifeline for anyone that stitches (and has the good fortune to subscribe to your awesome blog). Hugs….-Kim Roberts

  108. Love this design! Your towel sets usually have three designs, moving from simple to more elaborate. A simple version of this design would look great embroidered in white on the plain white cotton napkins we use with our best china when we have celebratory dinners.

  109. I love the concept of towels for all occasions and I like the yellow/blue colors. I might also use magenta/teal or peach/yellow green – all favorite colors.

  110. Hello Mary, your ideas, colors you use and the results are inspirational, I am so thrilled that I have signed up for your emails. They certainly have given me great joy and have reignited my inspiration and given me so many ideas. I am not a prolific embroiderer, but do love to put a little something special on my blouses, but often dilly dally wasting time dreaming up many things I could do. Your “scroll designs” are just beautiful and, I think have great possibilities (adjusted) for a pocket on a blouse and a little something on the collar. Would you agree?
    Thank you so much from an adoring fan,
    Kind regards, Sheila

    1. Thanks, Sheila! I think this might be a little large for a collar. Well – if it were a big floppy collar on a coat, it might work. But otherwise, you’d probably have to reduce it significantly. But yes, I love scrolly designs as clothing accents!

  111. I love the scrolls pattern – it appeals to my sense of whimsy. I also love paisley patterns and I can see these designs working together nicely. I can imagine many different colour combinations, with some sections filled in with Sashiko or collections of French knots. What fun!

  112. Hi Mary,
    The two stitches compliment each other very nicely, giving the design a regal look, I really like it! The colors bring out the complimentary tones of each other, very pretty, I think.


  113. Other colors…hmm. Red & yellow. Purple & yellow. Red-violet & pink. Green & varigated oranges. How about more than 2 colors? I could go on and on… Thanks for the smile this gave me today.

  114. My first thought was that you used the Tambour stitch on this towel. Could you use that and would it be faster than the regular chain stitch?

  115. Mary, I have tried unsuccessfully to log on to the Patreon site to down load the latest embroidery patterns but with no success. I contribute $5 per month. I don’t see a problem. Can you help.

    Judy King

    1. Hi, Judith – the login, etc., on Patreon is not controlled by me – that’s all part of the Patreon platform. They have a regular log in protocol, so you would need to go to “sign in” or “log in” and put your info in to log in. Once you do that, then you can go to my Patreon page and access everything posted there. The login on Patreon is in the top right corner, so start there and see if you just need to log in. If you can’t remember your original username or password, you can go through the regular protocols for resetting those. There are prompts such as “forgot your password?” and so forth. Hope that helps! If it doesn’t, just drop me an email. Thanks!

  116. I love the scroll design on the towel! The blue and yellow look great! Will you be making a pattern for this? If so, count me in!
    Cecilia Leno

  117. I definitely could see that design in a scheme of reds and corals (maybe with a few satin stitch dots added here and there?) I don’t know, something about coral makes me think of dots. Perhaps a bit of peach floss stitched around half of red chain stitch? A few delicate lines of split stitch? I’d better stop now before I go completely down the rabbit hole.

  118. Wow! Those are beautiful and I would buy that set or the pattern for them in a hot minute. I just recently found your site and I really love it. Also just bought your monogram book and I can’t wait to get started. Thank you!

  119. I think the design is stunning and love all the curves and scrolls. I do prefer that the design is across the bottom so that I can hang the towel on the oven handle or the freezer handle. I would like to do one in shades of green with a pop of magenta to add some zip.
    Love all your work
    and your newsletter always give me a smile because it sounds like you are talking directly to me.
    My quarantine has been taken up with very little housework and tons of embroidery.
    Keep up your wonderful work. Tanis

  120. I love all things beach and sea. I would love to see the scrolls done in sea blues/turquoise/teals and contrasted with coral colors.

  121. wow, beautiful nice work especially the blue and yellow color combination great, thank you very much.

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