
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Miniature Landscape Needlepainting – Online Class & Give-Away


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Good morning, my friends! I hope today’s article – and the needlework give-away that goes along with it – finds you well!

One thing I’ve noticed through your emails and conversations through different Needle ‘n Thread social media channels is that many of us who have needlework projects to fall back on are not too sad about being isolated or “sheltering in place” at the moment. Our creative outlets are going a long way to bring us some peace of soul. And that’s a good thing!

On the positive side, this is a good time to pursue creativity, to take advantage of down time to learn a new skill, to spend time completing works in progress, and even to organize! I’ve heard from folks who are finding a new lease on their creative lives, thanks to the time they’ve had to sort through their craft supplies and to otherwise organize their homes. Every cloud has a silver lining!

For those of you wanting to learn a new skill in the comfort of your home and at your own pace, I thought I’d point out Tanja Berlin’s new online class. It’s a needlepainting class that focuses on creating a miniature landscape, in which you’ll learn the skills of needlepainting and of bringing a landscape to life with needle and thread. I’m also going to give away two spots in the class and the kits to go with them! Yay!

Tanja Berlin Miniature Needlepainting Landscape

Whenever new stitchers write to me to ask for a recommendation for embroidery kits that will help them learn a particular needlework technique, one of the designers I always point them to is Tanja Berlin. Her kits are top notch – they have everything you need to complete the design – and her instructions are fantastically thorough.

Tanja’s online classes have the added dimension of an interactive forum, where you can post pictures, ask advice, and communicate with other embroiderers in the virtual classroom. They’re a good way to connect with other stitchers while working through the project, to share and encourage each other along the way while learning a new skill.

Tanja Berlin Miniature Needlepainting Landscape

You can register and read all about Tanja’s miniature landscape needlepainting class here. You’ll find all the details about the class, what you’ll learn, what’s in the kit, and how the class operates. Take a look!

The class officially begins online on Friday, May 1st.

Tanja Berlin Miniature Needlepainting Landscape

Tanja offered two class spots and kits for me to give away here on Needle ‘n Thread, so I took her up on the offer!

Give-Away Guidelines

This give-away has ended. Thanks for participating!

If you’d like to join in today’s give-away, just follow these guidelines:

1. Leave a comment below on today’s article on Needle ‘n Thread. This link will take you straight to the comment form, if you’re not sure how to get there. Please make sure you use a valid email address in the email line on the form. If you do not have your own website, leave the “website” line of the comment form blank. Please do not leave personal contact information in the larger comment box.

2. In your comment, answer the following question:

What’s your “dream” needlework project these days? Do you have a project that you dream about doing some day, or that perhaps is already underway? Tell us about it, why you like it, what it means to you!

3. Leave your comment by next Monday, March 30, 5:00 am CDT (Kansas, USA time), and I’ll announce the winners that morning, plus I’ll drop them an email. Tanja will mail the kits directly to the winners.

If you’d like to sign up directly for the class right now before it fills up, you’ll find the registration information here.

Coming Up on Needle ‘n Thread

For folks who are looking for the ready-to-stitch towel sets I released last Friday, we’re preparing more today and tomorrow. I’m sorry I ran out so quickly! And for those who have asked, yes, I’ll be stocking the Autumn and Christmas towels a little later, too. Right now, I have a helper working with me – I don’t know how long that will last under the circumstances – and we are doing our best to get those together, so that you have something fun and relaxing to stitch!

My heart is almost finished.

(That sounds really weird.)

I’ll show it to you later this week!

And there are a few other little goodies in the pipeline – I’m experimenting on a few things, and I’m starting a new project this week. I’ll tell you all about both as they unfold – assuming I don’t make a jolly mess of them.

Hang in there, everyone!


(430) Comments

  1. My dream project has been in “progress” for three years. It is the design and completion of a double casket from Thistle Thread’s website. So far one side has been drafted and threads are being selected. Hopefully, I will finish this one side by summer.

  2. I hope to finally make time to act on my own designs…. take them from ideas to actually stitched pieces

  3. My dream needlework project that I have for the future is a lovely sampler book, done in light fabrics, with soft yellows, blues and greens. I want to make landscapes and floral scenes using many different threads and stitches.

    My needlework project that I need to finish (ahem, for the past 7 years) is a prayer quilt of hand dyed fabrics for my sister. Maybe that would be a good thing to do during this home stay. But, why isn’t finishing a project nearly as fun as starting one??

  4. My dream is to design a piece combining my loves of crewel, stumpwork, and goldwork – something that has a historical or fictional theme – perhaps both. thanks for the chance to win. Tanja is a superb designer.

  5. I wold love to become skilled enough to make a stitched portrait of my family, and of my dogs – extended family!

  6. My dream needlework project is an ever changing subject…there is so much talent to inspire us I lurch from one idea to the next whilst secretly being a much more comfortable monogamous stitcher. I will need to live for eternity in order to complete all the things…right now I want to stitch smalls, keep safe and continue my work as a nurse safely.

  7. I know that my dream needlework project is somewhere, but I haven’t found it yet.
    Anyhow I’m living my dream and that is that I made embroidery my carreer.

  8. My dream is start and finish a laptop quilt. It has different butterflies to embroidery. After finishing it I would like to quilt it myself.

    1. I would love to win a spot in that class. Right now my dream project is to start and complete a large cross stitch picture from Scarlet Quince, probably the Most at Wells Cathedral. If you join their Facebook group you can see one that someone finished recently. It is more lovely than the website can show. I am going to start with the free rose pattern which is also lovely.

  9. I am working on my dream project, Heaven and Earth Design’s Supersized Tree of Life Max Colors. I remember when it was released and thinking I wanted to do it. It wasn’t until 2017 the time was right to start it. Now I have to live long enough to finish it.

  10. My dream is to create historical-reproduction style items that make people ask where we got it. So many people in the Facebook group work at that level, I know it’s possible for me too one day.

  11. My dream project is a sampler of the blessings in my life. I have a rough outline of the design done, but many items have yet to be included. It will all center around the tree of life. The branches will include the faces of ten (!) cats, four dogs, three homes, two kids, three grandkids, many hobbies, and many more different flowers filling in the spaces.

    I hope to start it next year, after I finish the coat of arms for my hubby, which is my current “big” project.

  12. My dream project is in the gathering materials phase. It is inspired by the Hoh Rainforest in Washington State. I grew up there. I would wander through the forest almost every day. I sometimes sneaked out at night to sleep in a hollow stump. It was the place I went to be comforted. I finally found the hand painted fabric. It took 6 years. I’m currently gathering fibers. I’m nervous to begin.

  13. In this time of crisis, classes like this can be a calming experience! Thank you for doing this class!

  14. My dream project is to do a very big tablecloth with a very good quality linen fabric and a lot of embroidery designs all around.
    Thank you.

  15. My dream project is the stumpwork casket you blogged about last fall. I took the plunge and signed up for it. Thank you so much for that post. I had seen the class advertised years ago but was unable to afford it at the time. Thrilled to see it was still available.

  16. I did laugh with delight when I read the question to be answered. For what skill or project do I dream of? A needle painted bird!

    Seeing the gorgeous needle painted birds makes me want to pick up needle and thread. But I don’t know how, so haven’t. Some day though ….. some day!

  17. I have been drawn to needle painting but hesitant to try it (my list of unfinished projects is already so long so do I really need another technique and more projects)- this would be a perfect way to find out if it is something I want to pursue.

  18. I so want to needle paint my dog and cat! They are 13 and 15! They bring the greatest joy to my life!

  19. My dream project is Carolyn Pearce’s Home Sweet Home workbox and all the accessories. It is so beautiful and it would be a challenge for me to complete. I know I would learn many new techniques. I plan to start it this year.

  20. I’m working on a gold metal thread project. It is harder than I thought but it’s so pretty. I’m hoping to get through it. I need to read the directions carefully each time I pick it up to be sure I’m doing things correctly. I’ve been wanting to learn thread painting and recently bought a good book but haven’t started a project yet. It would be fun to win this class.

  21. I’ve got a big whitework project, started years ago and set aside in frustration. It is a linen version of the canvas original, an online class that promised much but did not deliver: The teacher could not express herself well in writing, the many pictures promised did not materialize, etc. I’ll get back to it some day.

    Having taken an in-person needlepainting class with Tanja, I know I’d have absolutely no trouble with her landscape project.

  22. I have a few dream projects, but if I must narrow it down it would be Stumpwork. It would be fun to learn how to do it.
    Stay healthy everyone.

  23. My dream project… at the moment, I dream of getting my blackwork Certificate project finished. I am still recovering from a frozen shoulder and an only-just-started blackwork piece has sitting on its slate frame for almost two years and I am forgetting how I ought to be doing it! Still, I can use a hoop frame now, so perhaps it won’t be too long before I can resume. The subject is a portrait of my mother at the age of 17 – she was so glamorous! – and I would love to get it done to give to my father, if it’s good enough. Mum has just had her 80th birthday and Dad is 86, so I really would like to get a move on with it!

  24. I love Tanya Berlin’s work She has a blackwork peacock that I want to do. I have tried blackwork and it is not hard, but like counted cross stitch one has to be careful not to miss stitches. I like to do peacock designs in honor of my father, Glenn Peacock, who died a few years ago. But who doesn’t love a beautiful, exotic blackwork peacock.

  25. My dream needlework project is a new design of a Guatemalan weaver and weaving patterns. In February I had the opportunity to teach embroidery to 2 groups of indigenous Guatemalan backstrap weavers, and I was inspired by their enthusiasm and their artistry.

  26. Oh My! This is so beautiful and magical. I would LOVE the chance to win this class and kit. With my husband retiring in two weeks this would be the best gift ever to help me with the transition. This way I can say “Honey I need to take my class now, why don’t you try doing that for yourself”. He is a wonderful husband and I love him a lot. He is not helpless by a long shot, he just doesn’t like doing it. It is never to late to learn something new.

  27. Needle painting is definitely on my list of projects I want to do.. gold work and embroidery on silk netting are at the top of my list. Two years ago I saw a project at the Woodlawn needlework show that took my breath away and I’m still thinking about it. The artist had designed a Japanese style fan embroidered on silk netting. Not only was the piece absolutely gorgeous with minute stitches it was framed in a way that the fan looked like it was floating-magnificent!

  28. This is such a nice prize and thanks for the opportunity. I have been wanting to learn needle painting. I want to learn to do needle painted pet portraits. I have a friend who just recently lost a dog and I would love to do a little remembrance painting for her.

  29. OH SWOON!!! I so love this landscape project! It is EXACTLY what I would hope to learn and create!!!!

  30. At Christmas, I injured my hand. Full disclosure, the cat bit it! It was quite bad as evidenced by the fact that my thumb is still swollen. However, I am almost whole again. I have been dreaming of finishing a needlework project that’s been long in the works, a Halloween raven to be specific. I had just started the raven and I dream of completing him. I have had plenty of time to find the right lighting to see black thread on a black canvas. I love Halloween and I love ravens so can’t wait to get back to it.

  31. My dream project is to work on a canvas project and try some stitches that I haven’t done before. Have a pattern already and now to work on getting all the threads together for it.

  32. I have a large “rug size” needlepoint of a peacock. I want to stitch it as a tapestry, using lots of bling and silk. I haven’t worked on anything this large and stitch and fiber selection will be challenging, but fun.

  33. My dream is to learn needlepainting! I first saw this work at Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool fesitval! Fell in love with it. I so very much hope to win one of these classes! Thank you. Deborah

  34. I did my first minature this year and I am hooked — always looking for another minature to do!!!

  35. During this time of working from home I am making progress on my most ambitious project to date – a large and very detailed Queen of Hearts on the back of a kimono style jacket. Something teeny tiny would be a welcome change.

  36. My dream project is a beautiful big middle age type embroidery.
    I am new into the embroidery and this little landscape is exactly the perfect way to start on something bigger! Thank you for sharing the class.

  37. I’m fairly new to embroidery and was originally attracted to it after seeing some truly lovely needlepaintings. I definitely have lots to learn! I want to wish everyone good luck

  38. I have an old sewing cabinet with six drawers that fold out – you know the type. My plan is to complete embroidered gardens for each drawer, using different styles of embroidery. Like a “cabinet of delights”.

  39. Would love to take Tanja’s class. I tend to stick with projects that are cross stitch only.
    I would like to try a piece with specialty stitches that would get me out of my comfort zone. I enjoy antique samplers and am amazed at the many wonderful reproduction samplers there are to choose from compared to when I started stitching in the 1970’s. I particularly like Needlework Press and Hands Across the Sea. Thank you for this opportunity Mary! Stay well! Catharine

  40. I make Christmas Ornaments each year for my two grandchildren. For my granddaughter, I am designing and stitching a series of 2″ square ornaments that echo the words to “My Favorite Things”. I usually spend a few months thinking about how I want to approach the next “thing”. I then start to design it. Since the outlines of each ornament are similar (the words are different, but the size of the border is the same), I can start stitching that part, but the design in the middle takes even longer to develop. When I travel or visit new shops, I’m thinking about the design. Sometimes I find the perfect charm or button to put on the ornament. I’m about half-way through the song and have enjoyed each creation.

  41. Currently, I dream of creating a beaded embroidery bag; Beauty and function combined. I am reading Margaret Lee’s introduction to Japanese beading, as well as deriving inspiration from period bags and reticules. I would like to combine silk embroidery and beading–my favorite motifs, birds, flowers, and leaves mostly–and create a beautiful and useful bag!

  42. My dream project is a piece of narrative embroidery. In particular, a scene from the fairy tale of Hansel & Gretel, but set in the native landscape of Appalachia where I lived. It seems timely enough now (the original Hansel & Gretel originated in plague narratives of the 14th century) but I still have a lot of techniques to learn and practice before I’m ready to pull off a project like this.

  43. I thoroughly enjoy your column each day. I have always wanted to try thread painting. I have all Trish Burr’s books. I just need the courage. Right now I am working on a Di van Niekerk panel. It has ribbon embroidery, Brazilian Embrodiery, Stumpwork – so many different forms of stitching. It is a challenge for me but with the help of my friend and teacher, Mary Ann (Skip) Winters, I am making progress.

  44. My current dream project is Death by Cross Stitch by Long Dog Samplers. I have the giant piece of hand dyed fabric for it, but I’m still contemplating floss colors.

  45. I love Jacobean style embroidery. I hope to find a tree of life to do again like I did years ago. I love doing landscape quilts so doing one in embroidery would be great.

  46. My dream would be to be retired and work on any embroidery I want to!!! Crewel work and needle painting are the two techniques that are first on the list. I’m

  47. My dream embroidery project is one with as many unique stitches/techniques as possible —but not looking like a sampler. I have the attention span of a gnat so a project like this is just what I need.

  48. My dream needlework project would be something small, useful, colorful, and touchable. So many of the beautiful things I see are pretty for looking at, but because of the nature of the fibers or whatever reason, you can’t touch them. I imagine a jewel-toned pin cushion in a William Morris design, perhaps.

  49. My dream project would being able to completely design a project and execute it…Then realize it is beautiful.

  50. I have started Teresa Wentzel’s “The Procession” and I would love to finish it, but I keep getting overwhelmed and frustrated.

  51. My dream project is putting Susan Portra’s Legacy Man and Lady on one canvas. Susan did them as separate projects but I want to do them as one. You see the backs of the woman and man hurrying towards a common point. The urgency is in the clothes and it reminds me that all of us are hurrying towards something.

    I love Tanja Berlin’s projects. Thanks for the opportunity.

  52. My dream project is to learn thread painting, no lie! I have spent the past few months perusing websites, blogs, and youtubes. I already own an extensive rainbow of DMC threads as an avid counted cross stitcher. I have purchased cheap flour sack towels for practice and fine linen fabric for an actual project to be determined, Bohin and Sajou needles in various sizes, and three of Trish Burr’s books on needle painting. So I just need to pull the trigger and actually try the technique. 🙂 I really love the florals, and hope to do some sort of floral project on my fine linen fabric.

  53. I have so many that I want to get back to, but the one that’s calling to me loudest at the moment is Hengest the Medieval Unicorn – he is worked in wool in split stitch and based on a horse in the Steeple Aston cope (but rather more colourful, and turned into a unicorn). Apart from his mane and tack he is finished, but other deadline pieces have got in the way so I haven’t done a stitch on him for months and months!

  54. Ah, dream project! So many come to mind. But the one that’s on the top of that list is to stitch a labyrinth in rainbow colors, large enough to trace with fingers, and enough texture I could do that in the dark. I want to make a bag with the finished piece as one side of the bag, and the bag large enough to hold all kinds of stress-busting activities for me. This plan was before the virus, believe it or not, and has moved up my list, pushing aside other projects, embroidery and other hand crafts. For me, shelter in place isn’t a big deal as I’m pretty much homebound due to health issues. But, like everyone, I’m dealing with more stress due to the dire news. So I listen to music and stitch – knitting, crocheting, spinning, and of course embroidery. I hope I win a kit, the result is so simple and so beautiful! But thanks to your ebook on making the needlebooks, I have enough information to give that little beauty a shot at home.

    Thanks for still keeping your blog going! I’ve spent a lot of time here recently 🙂


  55. I have two wonderful young granddaughters. Since I turned 80 this past July, I have decided I’d like to embroider something for the girls to have when they move to their own first home. The towels Mary has for sale are the ticket! I have completed the first set for our Margaret (14) and TODAY the new set of towels from Mary Corbet will be arriving at my doorstep. I will start those as soon as they come and these will be for Camilla (9). I will include a letter with each of these gifts that will describe our lives now in 2020. My husband has taken some pictures of me stitching away to my heart’s content. My eyesight is still in tact….even though all of my joints have been replaced! I am looking forward to completing these gifts that will likely be opened many years from now. I am so thankful for Mary Corbet!

    1. Wonderful you are doing this, my Grandmother made drawn work pillowcases for her 3 grandchildren before she died. She died when I was in 3rd grade and my mother gave me the pillowcases when I got married 50 years ago.

  56. I have an antique silk rose that I want to work into a larger embroidery, possibly a garden of flowers or just an abstract design working with its salmon and green colors.

  57. I just finished my dream piece, a Rocky Mountain Quilt with hand thread painted embroidery (it took me 2 1/2 years). These motifs were not minature, I stitched 6 wildflowers and two birds in pine boughs. I am now in search of a new dream piece. The size of Tanja’s landscape is intriguing and her use of colors and shading exquisite. Thank you for offering such a wonderful class. Good luck to everyone and stay well.

  58. Immediately my mind went to a project that I pine for and that would be to stitch a Loreto embroidery panel. Which begs the question why the RSN has not created this for a tutorial.

  59. My current dream project, there are a lot, is sashiko bags and things. I’m currently working on 2 sashiko projects and I would like to incorporate them into usable things.

  60. I’d like to learn to do birds, cats and dogs. Animals I guess. The artist you talked about looks like her classes can teach how to blend the colors so I can get the effects I will want. Thanks for doing this Mary!!

  61. G’day Mary and thank you Tanya,
    I’d love to stitch an eclectic mix of needlework styles worked into a freeform land meets sea design. No pattern, just stitch, tuck, stitch, gather until I’m satisfied with the whole. Colours of the sea both blending and jumping into autumn, the land and sea reflecting each other.
    Kath Grabham

  62. My dream project is to try a big ribbon embroidery project with lots of size and flower variations; I’ve tried small projects before but nothing ambitious yet.

  63. My dream project is a Jacobean sampler. I have it all kitted up and once I clear up a few UFO’s during this period of isolation, it will be my next project.

  64. Mary,

    My dream project which I started years ago was the rug by Elizabeth Bradley the floral series with the ribbon around the outside to tie it all together. But, as I broke my shoulder a couple of years ago I can only stitch small pieces. Thanks for your uplifting emails and the giveaways. Melinda

  65. Hi, Mary. I found your website while searching for tutorials on how to do silk shading. I’ve always been fascinated with it. I decided to finally learn about it because my current dream project is to create a needle painting portrait of my son’s favorite dog, Bailey. But first I needed to learn how to do it. Bailey was an absolutely beautiful, gentle pup who always patiently waited for him to get home from deployments. I want to be able to give him a special memory of his girl. I think this class would help me get a bit more experience and teach me some things that I may not pick up from video tutorials.

    I am so glad I found your website. It is absolutely wonderful and I can easily get lost in reading prior posts and viewing all the tutorials. I’ve even found new favorite shops for supplies. Thank you so much for sharing.

  66. I am about to start my “dream” project, which has been lurking in the wings for over a year (because of the cue). My daughter and son-in-law have a blue Macaw parrot. I have a pattern for it which I’m going to do for my new grandson but instead of using monotone floss, I am substituting overdyed floss that I matched by taking bird feathers to the cross stitch shop. I now have to finish my last project so I can start “Bubba”.

  67. Thank you Mary and Tanja. I have been fortunate to have taken courses both in person and online with Tanja, and I second your endorsement, Mary; she is fantastic. I want to do something with many colours, spring colours and flowers, maybe some clothing embellishments to recall my younger hippy-esque jeans (well, they are still hippy in a different way! Hahahah!) I am thankful for your site Mary, all the time, but especially now when we are connected in new less physical ways. Namaste.

  68. Landscapes are so fascinating to me. After taking my first embroidery class – i started to notice this exciting area of embroidery. I would love to learn from an expert!
    Mary – thank you too for your inspiration. My instructor pointed me to your website.

  69. Miniatures are so much fun and something that has fascinated me since I was a child. Thank you for this give-away!

  70. I’m dreaming about doing a house portrait using surface embroidery stitches! I have Theresa M. Lawson’s beautiful and thorough book, “Hand Stitched House”, to guide and inspire me. Cannot wait to get started! So many possibilities… 🙂

    Thanks, Mary, for brightening our days with your chipper posts! 🙂

  71. My dream project is hand embroidering a large Brigid healing shawl. I’m currently sketching the various components that I would like represented on the shawl – leaving room to change as I go, but also have an overall plan. I’ve gathered threads I love as well as stitched small motifs that I’ll hand quilt on top. I imagine it’ll take years to complete – its truly a labor of love.

  72. My dream project these days is to tackle Carolyn Pearce’s Home Sweet Home. But as I work from home my work routine has not changed much so I still don’t have the time haha. I bought, however, Carolyn Pearce’s Blur Ribbon kit and I’m eagerly waiting for it.

  73. I would love some day soon to do needlework portraits of the people that I love using needle painting techniques. It would feel so good to do this type of stitching. I have done birds and flowers, but would love to progress to humans.

  74. What a lovely little project! I would love to try it as I seem particularly drawn to things that are impossibly tiny… Luckily for me I have my Craftoptics to help me!

  75. I love goldwork and just started a beautiful design by Samantha Bourne called “Silver Wedding”. I’ve been putting if off for over 2 years, just because of the time commitment, but now that we are “sheltering,” I felt it was a good time to get started.
    Love your blog and all your beautiful work!

  76. My dream is to become good enough at embroidery to be able to do animals and eventually my Pom, Tara.

  77. My dream needlework project is a fall wool embroidery project using my hand dyed and printed wool fabrics.

  78. I have always liked whitework with pulled threads, little eyelets and other intricate stitches. It is intimidating and I have yet to find the time and the courage to take the plunge! Maybe now that staying home is the thing to do it is time to start such a project.

  79. I have been working on an embroidered wall hanging on and off for a couple of years. The center blocks are fantasy Jacobean flowers framed by a crazy quilt border. Due to circumstances I am unable to attend the class/group on a regular basis so I am waaaay behind. The instructors quilt is beautiful so we have a great example to follow. It was the beginning of my embroidery experience and what has hooked me. I love it and hope to finish.

  80. As I look at my design wall I think my dream project is definitely clearing it of several things. I’m almost finished with one, and the next will be right from the wall. It sure feels good to get some of these projects finished that have been on the wall for years.

  81. This beautiful time of year reminds me of Easter in my grandparents garden on the West Coast. I have been working for years to document the extraordinary garden and the structures that went with it. It would be fun to imagine my favorite scene, probably the goldfish pond with the ancient blue spruce, and a swath of colorful iris in the background. It would be fun to stitch!

  82. Hi Mary
    While I have completed some monogram projects, I am currently tracing and anxious to start stitching my monogram following the designer Elisabetta Sforza, that You introduced us to a while back. Her book is in Italian and English.

  83. Thanks for the giveaway, Mary and Tanja! I will echo your comments about Tanja’s kits. Always well supplied, with great instructions. Just a joy to work.

    My dream projects these days are my caskets from the Cabinets of Curiosities classes. I’ve got supplies for three of them, plus the trinket box, and have started on none of them! I have original designs for two of them in my head, but getting them out on paper is a major roadblock. I need to get going on these if I’m going to finish any of them before I die. It’s a lot of money to spend just to have sitting in boxes!

    So, do I need to possibly add another needlework kit to my stash, even as small as this one? NOOOOO! But I’m entering anyway because I love Tanja’s work.

  84. My dream project is whatever I’m working on at that time. Currently, I’m doing a Victoria Sampler that is so much fun because of all the different stitches and techniques within this one piece.

  85. I’ve only really started learning embroidery, to get more practice in I’m planning on making little bookmarks, but the dream/end goal is to be able to make liturgical embroidery (palls, maybe even embroidering Vestments!)

  86. I started Genny Morrow’s Nova needlepoint project about 2 years ago. Altho I am not a quilter I was drawn to the project because it looks like a quilted blanket with its small individual 12×12 blocks . It was a huge undertaking for me, as I am pretty new to needlework, but enjoy stitching each little square when I can.

  87. My dream project changes day to day. Right now im leading my local crafting group on facebook in a project. we are making small embroidered needle keeps using what ever folks have in their stash. They are kind of dreamy..
    I dream of doing one of those amazing caskets with all the secret drawers.

  88. I would love to have a botanical theme woven through the textiles in our house…kitchen towels and napkins, curtain panels, pillows, all coordinating and perhaps reversible for summer/winter. Kind of a dream but a fun one to think about!

  89. My dream project is a series of hand embroidered squares. I’m still in the planning/designing stage, but itching to get started on the actual stitching.

  90. Being able to successfully complete one of those precious little birds in needlepainting is my dream project. I want to learn to needlepaint because the result is so pretty. I’ve tried doing a needlepainting project on my own and have not been happy with the project and in fact have not finished the project. I hope through an online class I can learn the finer points of this type of embroidery.

  91. Hi everyone
    My dream needlework project is to work on a background that has been transferred with my grandchildren’s photo. I need to learn the needle painting in order to do this. How fortunate for me that this give away is happening!

    I also want to learn gold work. It is so pretty and looks so luxurious!

  92. At the moment I’m “dreaming”, or wishing, that I had the linen that is required for a 2020 SAL Quaker sampler that I have all the time needed to work on, but alas, no linen.

  93. I have ideas floating around for lots of things I want to stitch. Now is a good time to catch some of them as they float by and give them a try. Had a fun virtual sit and stitch with my ANG group Sunday afternoon. We stitched, “chatted” via group email and shared pictures of our work. Stay save and stitch, God is with us and he was the first stitcher when he sewed clothes for Adam and Eve.

  94. My dream projects are needlepoint Christmas stockings for my 2 grandsons, ages 1 and 3. My daughter still uses the Christmas stocking I made for her more than 33 years ago!

  95. My dream needlework project, currently, is embroidering an anatomically specific heart. Using couching and strips of red linen. I am sewing the veins and arteries over the linen, twisting the threads around-red and blue-so it looks purple-ish. Thanks for the chance!

  96. Which dream to choose….I have never done whitework before and would very much try my hand at it. I think a basic pattern so that I can see how I go. It would be really great to learn this technique as I can then use it for doing some things for my Church.

  97. We are moving from the home we built 20 years ago. I dream of doing some type of photo embroidery portrait of our house. Or a custom cross stich/needlepoint.

  98. My current dream project is His Eye is on the Sparrow by Beth Twist. I have done cross stitch for most of my life, but they have all been small projects. I would love to do this piece, and have the perfect spot to display it.

  99. I fell in love with the double casket with stumpwork. That would be a fantastic project though it is daunting. It would really stretch my abilities. Embroidered upholstery is one thing that I have always wanted to do. It looks so posh and one of a kind.

  100. I love miniatures and embroidery….a good combination of both with the kit!
    Good luck to all. Happy mini stitching!

  101. Hi Mary, Thank you so much for keeping up your blog! I really enjoy it, especially while I’m home all the time.
    My dream is to finish all my unfinished projects! I love them all and when I pick one up it’s like seeing an old friend again!
    Stay healthy and enjoy all the extra stitching time!

  102. I am working on a Harry Potter Stitch-a-long right now. My dream project is a nativity Christmas tree skirt that I have been working on for years. I keep putting it aside for other things. Hopefully one of the upsides of this terrible virus will be that I get more stitching time.

  103. I would love to do an emoideey or fusible appliqué of my favorite dog. To learn to do it from a photo

  104. I don’t have a single dream project but I want to do more sewing which involves plants, I have seen lots of awesome embroidery of rooms filled with succulents and cheeseplants and I would to do my own version of that, with added cats 🙂

  105. Thank you for adding a bit of sunshine to a dreary time. I’ve been real busy with my embroidering as it keeps my mind off of being “shut-in”. Such a big lesson I’m learning in being grateful. Thanks Mary!

  106. My dream project is a stitch sampler book filled with beautiful stitches and colors. I am drawn to samplers but I don’t really want to frame them and I don’t want to hide them away in a box so I thought a book would be the perfect thing. I have one page stitched but I haven’t decided yet how I am going to put pages together or how I want to finish each page. I want to be able to add pages as I go.

  107. Its a jacket that has been on my mind and slipping into my daydreams for a couple of months now. The problem I I can not seem to decide on what I want to do to it… I am playing games ( in my mind for now) with applique and embroidery combine, making the jacket into a stitch sampler, doing a riot of old fashioned flowers across the back shoulders and down the sleves , doing a dragon warped in flames and flowers on the back…..
    I think I need to buy a couple of more jackets to do…. lol

  108. One that I would love to do is a small landscape in all 4 seasons. I don’t have the artistic skills to create it on my own! The other one which I’m actually doing right now is Inspirations Lepidoptra.

  109. My most current dream needlework is the Compass Cynthia Jackson is teaching at the Boston EGA Seminar. But since I will not be stitching this anytime soon, I am focused on our own Guild’s projects for this year. We are making a sewing basket with all the little goodies you need or like when stitching; needlebook, pincushion, ort, scissor case and more.

  110. My dream is anything by Trish Burr. My current reality is a project of owls that is Sue Spargo-like. Would love to win this class!

  111. My dream project is to just get better and better and better. I’d love to do a sashiko quilt!!

  112. I went camping for what was supposed to be one week, and brought one small project with limited supplies. Two weeks later, I’m still in the campground with nothing to work on, so my dream project is anything I left at home!!

  113. My dream needlework project is to memorialize antique and vintage embroidery and quilted orphan blocks into a larger, integrated project – perhaps a larger quilt.

    Jennifer, NEPA

  114. My dream project is an applique/ embroidery wallhanging which features my grandsons playing near a creek adjacent to our property. They are teenagers now but I have a photo taken years ago which would serve as my inspiration.

  115. Love this project. Love working with miniatures, especially on a 1:12 scale but this project is fabulous whether it’s scale or not. Must check out this website. Thanks.

  116. I tend to dream not so much of particular projects, but of learning and mastering new techniques. Thread painting or shading is one technique I’ve dreamed of having at my disposal that I’ve never mastered. So, my next project, whatever I dream up, must include some shading. No time like the present to make dreams a reality so as soon as I finish my current towel in the towels around the seasons project (February…a little late) I’ll cook up a project that requires shading and get started. Thanks for the nudge Mary!

  117. I had been dreaming for a few months about doing a nice project with Jenny AdinChristie at Embroidery Association of Canada annual Seminar that was going to be held in Halifax Nova-Scotia in May. The project was a Passion flower done in stumpwork. I was hoping to do it because this flower is really wonderfull. I see it once in a while in Montréal Botanical Garden’s greenhouses where I am a volunteer guide.Unfortunatly, everything has been cancelled, no wonder! The teacher has offered to send us the kits, but since I needed the verbal instructions and demonstrations I had to refuse that offer and I hope the opportunity to have the class with Jenny will come back in a near future.

  118. My wish project is My Passion by A Kimberly Designs, which is a painted needlepoint canvas that has a charted needlepoint stitch guide.

  119. I dream of completing seascape of a Prince Edward Island CA with a field of lupines in the foreground. Looking to add ribbon work for the lupines crewel and needle-felting.
    Pat R.

  120. I bid on and won a collection of different house quilt blocks several years ago. My dream is to embroider them all with flowers, shrubs, & house details and make either one large wall hanging or several smaller ones.

  121. I would absolutely love to learn how to do the beautiful embroidery for church linens, vestments, and decorations. The Catholic church has a rich history of such intricate work.

  122. I don’t really have one “Dream” project, but do dream of completing some that I have already started. They are a Danish Whitework , Katie’s Hyggelig Tray Cloth by Jette Roy Finlay-Heath; 2 Alison Cole Silk and Metal pieces; 1 Jane Nicholas Stumpwork piece; 3 Needlepoint Christmas Stockings for my new great-grandchidren.

    I have always wanted to learn thread painting and starting with a miniature piece would be a great start.

    Thank you for sharing all of your talents to allow so many people the opportunity to learn and grow in their creative abilities.

    Many Blessings are being sent your way.

  123. I go through the patterns on ScarletQuince probably once a year, and Mucha is my favorite artist, so doing the full set of his Seasons is my dream currently.

  124. There is one project that I have been thinking about for some time. A family heirloom for future generations. It is a large Celtic Cross that incorporates silk and goldwork. The cross will be emerald green to signify Ireland with a gold Celtic Knot enclosed within it; the circle will be sapphire blue for Scotland with silver and pearls; And within the center of the cross will be rubies and gold for God and family. I’m ready to start, all supplies gathered, just waiting for my slate frame to arrive!

  125. My dream project is to do an elaborate crazy quilt with rich velvets, satins and tafettas, different stitch starting at each intersection and lots of unusual buttons, charms and trinkets.

  126. I am anticipate enjoying the “shelter in place” directive for at least the short term.

    I have a “sampler” I started long before the virus struck that is worked on a crazy quilt square that my mother made as a practice piece for learning that skill. I have made other pieces using silk ribbon for which the colors are based on a season, such as spring and winter.

    My current piece is in the colors of late summer. I mandated for myself that every section of the piece had to use a technique that was new to me with an emphasis on stumpwork, varied sources, varied threads, and presentation of bugs and small animals. I have a cricket based on Chinese brush painting, a snail with raised stem stitch shell from Inspirations magazine, wired-wing dragonflies, a blue berry bush with wrapped beads from Karen Buehl design, a squirrel with a fuzzy tail taken from a vintage drawing, a “wooly bear” caterpillar in turkey work (done properly I am proud to say) beside a mushroom slip, and a frog in a bush with padded satin stitch leaves.

    I have three sections left to do with a design and a half for the three. I would love to try needle painting landscaping so I can learn a new skill and perspective. I do not have the artistic ability (or skill) of Helen Stevens or Trisha Burr, and I need help understanding what I am missing. I have mixed types of thread to achieve shading, but I would like to be able to present what I see with color rather than the texture of the thread. I like what I have done so far, but I know I have a long way to reach what I want to be able to do.

    In any case, keep up the daily messages. I respect and am amazed by your creativity and diligence. Kris

  127. My dream project: When I was newly married, I saw my mother-in-law doing embroidery on (I think it was) a tea-towel and I watched her for an hour trying to figure out how she was doing it. I was too shy to ask her to interrupt her work to teach me! Then I went to the library to learn more! Then I found an old piece of material and bought some embroidery thread and started my project – a satin stitch butterfly on satin. (6″ x 6″ no less!)

    Can you imagine? For a first time embroiderer! I worked and sweated and cried and bandaged poked fingers for weeks! Half finished, I grew frustrated at looking at it not looking like what I saw in my head and put it aside, for years! By the time I felt confident enough to pick it up again, the fabric had spoiled and the threads were brittle.

    I still dream of my Butterfly. I would really love to try it again, knowing what I know now. And before my eyes go away completely!

  128. What’s your “dream” needlework project these days? Do you have a project that you dream about doing some day, or that perhaps is already underway? Tell us about it, why you like it, what it means to you!
    I still want to delve into ribbon embroidery, its so beautiful! I have a book my Mom bought me, but life hasn’t permitted me the time to try it yet.

  129. Tanja’s designs are beautiful. My dream needlework project is to learn Aemilia Ars needlelace

  130. My dream project would be to do the prophets of the Old Testament or the kings of the Old Testament. I haven’t seen that done before.

  131. I want to make pillows for my sofa and chairs. The only thing that’s stopping me is indecision about patterns…

  132. Because of my job, I haven’t had much time available to stitch but that’s about to change. Having time to stitch is such a luxury but it comes at such a cost I feel a bit guilty. So I’ve decided to make beautiful things during these dark times. I’m working on small projects before I start tackling a stumpwork piece that I’ve been working on for a few years. I’d love to finish it because I have this beautiful frame that my Mom gave me years ago that will perfect for it.

    Celeste Chalasani’s Stumpwork: Raised Embroidery Essentials, an online class from Blueprint (that I’ve had since it was Craftsy). I’ve accomplished everything but the the bee’s wings. They are truly intimidating me. However, what I’ve found with this piece is that I work on it until I get overwhelmed, put it down, then pick it up again to find that I’ve learned more or have gained confidence to continue on. That’s the amazing thing about embroidery, we slowly become confident without even knowing it!

  133. Hello! I think my dream project is actually a landscape. My mom has a beautiful landscape framed and I wanted to make one of my own. I just have not landed on if it is a real place I am going to try and capture. Or if I should make up my own dream landscape. Maybe this down time will help me make some decisions!
    I have tons of art around my house, but I don’t have any of my own projects hung up. I would like to make something I am proud of showing off!
    Thanks for the nice reminder of the positive side of this weird situation. It is helpful to be reminded not everything is scary and stressful.

  134. My dream project is to finish my current project so that I can move to my next in line dream. It is too hard to pick one as the ultimate dream as they all are ones that I want to do. Stay healthy and safe!

  135. My dream is not a specific project yet, but I want to do a large piece for my living room wall to match my sofa in my new home. I am not sure what the stitch medium (is that even a thing) would be. Since i want it to be big, I am thinking needlepoint on canvas maybe. But those kits are quite an investment financially and time wise, so I want to make sure I have exactly what I want figured. I am new to a serious embroidery practice. Last year, I wanted to get over the fear of being good enough, so I have myself permission to just play and try new stitches and materials. This year, i am going to be sampling techniques and intend to purchase kits and instructions from the professionals, so thanks for sharing those!

  136. I’m working on a long cross stitch tryptic. It’s 3 European scenes; Paris, Greece and Venice. All places I’ve been to in my European travels. Framing is so expensive as I’ve stitched I’ve decided to finish it in a long tryptic similar to a bell pull.

    I’ve been afraid to try needle painting as I have no artist talent. This class would be wonderful to try.

  137. Wow, what a great opportunity! Thread painting is my personal challenge, I never seem to get it quite right. My dream project keeps changing. I have a box (actually a big plastic storage bin) of priority projects ‘I must complete’, that are constantly being rearranged. Whether it’s a color that grabs me, the technique, or the subject matter, I haven’t figured out any behavior to predict my fancy of the day, just that I love them all. I guess the most important thing is to keep that needle in my hand!

  138. My dream project is a crazy quilt with lots of needle lace and embroidery. I would love to create needle landscapes as well.

  139. What a wonderful opportunity it would be to learn how to needle paint within an interactive class.
    Benefiting with expert tuition and guidance.
    A beautiful project as well to admire.

  140. I would love to learn stumpwork. I so admire 3 dimensional work. I would like to make some butterflies.

  141. My current big projects? (1) Embroidered monogrammed dish towels for our niece and nephew-in-law and (2) a summer-weight patchwork + embroidery quilt. I’d love to learn to needle paint with one of Tanja Berlin’s kits.

  142. My dream needlework is the Casket I have from the Cabinet of Curiosities with all the hidden drawers. It is a challenge to design, but I plan to focus on that this year.
    I am totally in love with Tanya’s miniature landscape. I love miniatures and needle-painting and I do hope that I will win this.

  143. Sorry I’m stupid sent prior message without my dream lol
    I was gifted a gorgeous canvas of Klimts The KISS and I dream of having all the wool or thread to complete it!!!
    Take care during these tough times

  144. My favourite project will always be making a crazy quilt. It is a wonderful way to try out a variety of techniques with a variety of supplies. Also lets you try many different embroidery stitches.

  145. My dream needlework project would be to actually learn how to needle paint as well as or close to the way my 87 yo mother needle paints. Her works are amazing and she has held a few “classes” with me but I would love to be able to share that skill with her and pass on techniques to my daughter.

  146. My dream project? I want to make a stole for our new minister – I want it to be white (or cream) silk, with goldwork on it. And colour. I don’t know what the design will be yet, It could be flowers or birds from South Africa and New Zealand (she has come to us from South Africa). It may have some ecclesiastical designs on it – I have given her Mary’s designs to look at.
    It seems that this enforced isolation that we are having to do will have some benefits.

  147. My dream project is to stitch an art deco cottage/landscape scene using embroidery techniques including lots of needle painting. In my mind it looks like a happy colorful retreat.

  148. My dream project? It would have lots of color and texture. Maybe partially hidden items to surprise your eye.

  149. I saw a picture of an armchair covered in canvas work an age ago. I would love to do that. But it feels so ambitious I wouldn’t know where to start!

  150. My dream project would be a crewel bedspread. Huge and daunting but now I have time. The miniature landscapes would be fun. Beach scenes, mountains etc. I have used some Tonya Berlin kits and they are fabulous.
    Everyone stay well.

  151. Thanks for introducing me to Tanja! She has some great kits for a beginner like me. I especially enjoy miniature projects.

  152. The needleworkproject I would like to finish is an applique quilt that has some embroidery on it! I need to do the hand quilting on it.

  153. My dream project is to finish an abstract design which I started 45 years! I now have the time with no distractions.

  154. My dream project is would be to make and decorate a chalice veil embroidered with gold and silk threads for a very special priest that I know. I promised him that I would make him something beautiful someday and I have slowly been working towards developing my needlework skills in order to finally complete this project.

  155. Wellll, one long time dream is a crazy quilt with a Narnia theme. I’ve gotten as far as collecting motifs and dupioni silks and tons of threads, and I have a gross layout – three panels, but am stuck at the transfer motifs to fabric stage. I feel I need to plan the patches more so I can scale the motifs properly for where they will be used.
    If that’s outside the scope of the question, then my other dream is to complete Jenny Adin-Christie’s Blue Wren on the hillock. Any of her projects are exquisite and would be a dream to work.

  156. My dream project would be to make “your heart” project. I loved it so much. It overwhelms me but I would still like to try it. Will you be making kits for that project? I’m interested! Thanks for offering the giveaway! How fun!

  157. I dream of doing needlepainting pieces a la Trish Burr. I have a book of hers, but I need to finish a few other projects (okay, a few DOZEN other projects) before I dive into something new.

    And this is the day all of us thread/fabric/yarn/art supplies hoarders have been waiting for! Sorry, I don’t mean to be flippant about such a serious situation, but we won’t be getting bored anytime soon.

  158. My dream project is to make a stumpwork casket! Love all of Trish Burrs projects! I have several of her books…thanks to your reviews!

  159. My dream project is to complete a petit point roses kit my late uncle gave me years ago 🙂 Thank you for your generous offer of a kit!! ❤️

  160. What a great project. I love Needle & Thread, have followed for years now. Always makes my day!

  161. My dream project is a full tablecloth with matching set of napkins. I wish it was underway but it’s just too much fabric to handle with little kids in the house. Hopefully when they’re bigger and know to leave my embroidery things alone! I love making things that will get seen and used

  162. Dear Mary:
    I so enjoy all things embroidery and love trying new projects! I am currently following Trish Burrs step by step “how to needle paint” and am thoroughly enjoying the challenge. I have finally gained enough confidence in my abilities to have my gal pal sketch a beautiful arrangement of poppies in lovely hues of oranges and reds! I am slowing watching them come to life with each stitch!!! What a thrill to be able to say I can do this I have long admired Tanja Berlins kits and have consider ed enrolling in one of her many classes. It would be a dream come true to be considered for and win this golden opportunity!!!
    Thank you Mary for all your hard work and the joy you give us fellow embroiders weekly>
    Know you and your family are in our prayers and please do keep safe.

  163. I have to agree with the comment from Sharon P as I, too, hope to complete a stumpwork needlework casket. I have yet to begin, but I have so many ideas (almost too many!) that I cannot wait to get started. Do you know that I have actually dreamed about it? It is wonderful to have a hobby that brings so much joy.

  164. I have worked through Tanja’s instructions in the past and they are incredible! Very detailed and clear!
    I have always dreamed of creating cross stitch patterns based on my own art work. I am having time to do this these days thanks to free online software called pic2pat.

  165. What a great giveaway! I am always wanting to find new needlecrafts to learn, Thanks for all you do to inspire us. Stay safe!!

  166. I have so many dream projects and most of them are embroidery. I really want to embroidery a picture of my best friends house. Her husband has renovated the whole outside and front yard and I thought it would be fun to embroider and give it to her as a gift.

  167. Really hard question for me to answer I have so many different method patterns/kits just waiting for time to do them.

    Would have to say my dream project would be a large cq wall hanging with needle painted baby animals as the central theme.

  168. This class looks amazing! My dream project right now is to finally embroider designs onto some of my own clothes. I have been stitching individual projects for a couple years and I am anxious to embroider onto something wearable and not just meant for a frame.

  169. An Elizabethan blackwork with pearls is for the future. In the right now, to provide a sense of more immediate accomplishment, a (Tanja Berlin) miniature needlepainting would suit quite well.

  170. I removed the cuffs of a denim jacket to shorten the sleeves. As I went to sew them back on, I thought “it would be great to embroider something on these”. The project has languished for over a year. I have been trying to learn new skills and techniques to add variety so they won’t turn out boring. This class would be great!

    Thanks you for the opportunity!

  171. Thank you for this fun contest, Mary. It’s just the thing we need to lift our spirits! I have a few projects on the go, but one I would love to add to the list is Lady Anne’s Flowers from the Crewel Work Company. I’ve also been looking at Tanja Berlin’s site (a fellow Canadian!) and love her work.

  172. My “dream project”… I have even more of them than are already in my “stash”!! The mind always races! But, the Big One is the flat casket ala Thistle Threads. I managed to purchase one a few years ago, and have spent the last year(s) trying to decide on designs. I keep closing in, but then chicken out. Once I DO commit, I know it will be a Big Project that will take quite some time to complete! But it will be exciting!!

  173. Working on needle turn applique with embroidered elements. Adapting to the increased “down” time with lots of ideas and projects! Stay well Mary – I look forward to M-W-F and all in between! Sally

  174. Mary, whatever I am stitching right now is great, but my “dream project” is whatever the next one will be! That has been going on now for years! Stitch one project…dream about how I will go about doing the next one! Cool…eh?

    Stay safe and healthy!

  175. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing Mary.
    My dream embroidery project involves a nature landscape in rich, gorgeous colors. Something so beautiful that you you feel as if you could step into the picture and rarely the landscape

  176. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing Mary.
    My dream embroidery project involves a nature landscape in rich, gorgeous colors. Something so beautiful that you you feel as if you could step into the picture and roam the landscape.

  177. What’s your “dream” needlework project these days? Do you have a project that you dream about doing some day, or that perhaps is already underway? Tell us about it, why you like it, what it means to you!

    I would like complete the EGA and ANG Master Needlepoint certificates. I have a lot to learn in order to finish them. They are challenging and I find that I have other things that start taking my time. I need to rearrange my priorities and place them higher.

  178. My dream project is to design a girl looking out her bedroom window, with the view outside the window being the main focus. the scene outside is like what I saw from my bedroom window as I was growing up. The town clock was one the left, less than a block away and the rest of the town to the right, including the hills across town. That would take a long time to stitch up.

  179. I have a crazy quilt that I started 8-9 years ago. What is holding me up is the hand embroidery I want to do on it. I want it to be eloquent with hand stitched flowers, hearts, ribbon work, beading, etc. Just the “right amount” of embellishing. I can do basic stitches and I want to move up to more combining stitches, etc, and do more ….

  180. My current dream project — which I actually plan to start very soon — is “Home Sweet Home,” a needlework tool box that looks like a cottage. I have the book of instructions and have assembled all the materials, including a few extras that caught
    my eye. It will be such fun to do!

  181. I would love to be able to create birds in thread painting. I think the detail you can achieve is beautiful, but I’ve always been intimidated by it. I have limited embroidery experience, mostly doin “beginner plus” projects.

  182. Would love to learn needle painting….
    I don’t really have a dream project.. I just dream of learning how to do new things!

  183. Right now my project is to do some embroidery for the front of a small pouch with the ‘kiss’ clasp closure. The flowers will be purple, the fabric is a multi yellow batik. Everyday I say I am going to start it…maybe today is the day
    Thank you for this awesome give-a-way

  184. Right now my project is to do some embroidery for the front of a small pouch with the ‘kiss’ clasp closure. The flowers will be purple, the fabric is a multi yellow batik. Everyday I say I am going to start it…maybe today is the day
    Thank you and Tanja for this awesome give-a-way

  185. I dont know if you would say I am a new stitcher, I have done some small stitching on different projects enough to get by. But my dream is to finish the needle n thread alphabet sampler that I recently purchased. It will definitely be a learning experience.

  186. I have all the materials I need to do a chart called “The Responsible Woman” from Heaven and Earth Designs. It is a huge cross stitch pattern that represents all the things that women do. I got all the materials for it before I retired from teaching. That was 15 years ago. Maybe these crazy days that we’re living in is the perfect time to finally start. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift. Be well everyone!

  187. My dream project is one that I designed. It’s modern, with great colors and the stitching is perfect. Truly a dream…

  188. Wow – the design looked so big – until !!!!! Can’t wait to pull out some needlework and “enjoy” this quiet time…..

  189. I’d love to embroidery this great photo of my grandson! It may never get completed and I have several other projects I need to finish before I can start that

  190. My current dream project is a cross stitch project. It caught my attention as soon as it was released. I’m hoping to start on it later this spring or summer. I was thinking summer, but some things have been cancelled, so I may be able to move it up the queue.

  191. Thank you for the giveaway, Mary and Tanja!
    My dream project is a blanket kit I purchased from one of the vendors during Beating Around The Bush in Australia. It is a lovely, soft blanket with sprigs of lavender embroidered all over it. I may just get to it now!

  192. My dream embroidery project would be to do one of the caskets with a personal design. I love looking at Janet Brandt’s work. Sooner than that though, I’d like to embroider a jean jacket.

  193. What an excellent recommendation. Tanja, like yourself, has a playfulness and inventiveness that make her projects a delight. I also love the updates on how your projects are coming too. Reminder that no effort -no reward.
    My dream project is a large panel flower arrangement made up of flowers “picked” from the garden of good ideas, and arranged just as I have been doing all my life. I want a collation of all the beautiful and challenging flowers I wish I had invented, brought together in a lush collection that tests my design skills.

  194. My “dream” needlework project is to create a large wall hanging based on Notre Dame’s Rose Window. I viewed the window in person when I was a teenager taking a study tour of Europe as a French language student and was entranced by its kaleidoscope of colours and the artistry involved in creating it. I think the jewel tones on a black background, as it looks when viewed from the interior of the cathedral, would be most dramatic! Now, 50 years later, perhaps the time has come. One certainly has the time for the next few months to work on a large project such as this…

  195. My dream project? First of all, it’s very unfair to say “project”. I have so many I hardly know where to start. Right now I’m working on a beautiful quilt that has lots of embroidery, all in reds and beige. Then there’s the Susan O’Conner Elizabethan projects – several of those. And several Trish Burr designs – just love her work! Now is a good time to work on all of those, but right now I’m looking at masks for a local hospital which is a much higher need.

  196. My dream needlework project would be heavily embroidered needle felted landscapes that reflect the fields and ocean that surround me. I am a rug hooker who has recently learned needle felting and I am very inspired by the beautifully embroidered tiny landcapes and “fieldscapes” that I have seen. Colour and texture are very important to me when I create and I believe that this combination would allow me to continue to express myself in textile art. I also love the portability of it!

  197. This is an amazing give away. The project I am longing to stitch is ANY SMALL PROJECT. I had part of my left hand amputated on March 9. Stitches come out tomorrow and it will be time to start small with needle and thread. Stitching is what has gotten me through these last 16 months when I broke my finger at work. I can no longer hold a hoop in hand, and large projects are very difficult for me. All of these surgeries and post op PT has been made bearable by knowing I will hopefully be able to stitch again soon. Thank you for caring so much about our stitching community!

    God bless you

  198. I have always been so challenged regarding how to approach a landscape with needle and thread. I am a self taught embroiderer and live too far from any embroidering guild and there’s none of that in any local store so taking a class in person is just not available. Participating in the Tanya Berlin online class would be a delight.

  199. Im close and this is my heart’s desire to complete. I know this will sound like sucking up, but I’m almost through with the Leafy Tree project! I saved some hard leaves for last so I now have the time to pull that out and finish it up!

  200. Right now my project is to do some embroidery for the front of a small pouch with the ‘kiss’ clasp closure. The flowers will be purple, the fabric is a multi yellow batik. Everyday I say I am going to start it…maybe today is the day. Of course it is Brazilian Embroidery.
    Thank you and Tanja for this awesome give-a-way

  201. Oh, my dream piece would be to make an 18th century stomacher and apron set.

    I’m also trying to work on a dollhouse, so this class would be perfect!

  202. My son wants me to do an art picture of his dog. The needlepainting class would give me a lot of ideas to complete it.

  203. My dream project involves needlepainting and getting proficient at it. I’ve taken Tanja’s pansy needlepainting class and have a couple of her other needlepainting kits (as well as all of Trish Burr’s books). I’ve projects framed up to be worked on. I have a doodle cloth with motifs to practice on . . . BUT nothing is finished. Perhaps a miniature needlepainting project would give me the impetus to go forward.

  204. I’m taking care of my 90 years young Mother as we “shelter in place.” Having creative things to do helps each of us keep our sanity! I’ve cross-stitched for years, with an occasional embroidery stitch thrown in. But I’ve always wanted to learn so much more–and this is certainly the perfect time! A decade ago I bought a pattern for “The Queen’s Sweet Bag” by the Nostalgic Needle. It’s beautiful, but seems so daunting. I realized I need a much smaller project to build my confidence. Tanja Berlin’s miniature landscape is adorable, and could be the perfect place to start.

  205. My dream project is to embroider quilt blocks in flowers, then sew the quilt on my great-grandmother’s treadle that I inherited. I watched her sew and garden. I wanted to be like her when I grew up.

  206. I have a crazy quilt with the blocks all stitched together and ready for embellishment. I have been collecting inspiring photos for the last couple of months and need to just get the thing hooped up and get started. Surely I can do at least a block a day.

  207. I have seen and been enamored by wonderful Thread Painting, seen in galleries or at Seminars. Would love to try it, but until this time I have nor been prompted to do so. As CoPresident of our local EGA Chapter, I’m hoping to get it on our Programs for next year, this year already being done. Would really love to receive this Give-away.

    I LOVE Crewelwork, and although through the years I have done several small items, I would love to put aside other projects and spend a lot of time on just one really great one. Putting aside all others would be a very big undertaking….counting in Chapter items, items for Charities and Auctions, family Wedding Samplers (two due for next year already), etc., etc.

  208. A couple of years ago a black denim jacket was found. Not my size, but in great shape for a secondhand item. Immediately washed a few ideas were tossed around, nothing stuck. It would be nice to get going on this jacket so a new owner can be found for it. Florals are common for me, yet a geometric abstraction could be a winner. Maybe areas of several different styles… lost for now, this jacket patiently waits for my hand stitching attention.

  209. I have been planning two different small designs for sachets. I wanted to develop a scene that represents the fragrance and needle painting would be perfect for this. I have never tried this type of embroidery and don’t know where to start.

  210. For years I have owned the canvas for an Alice in Wonderland chess board. I even have all the porcelain chess pieces in character. I really want to start it as it lends itself to multiply threads, great stitch variety, textures and to being a family heirloom.
    This forced social distancing is the perfect time to get it out and kitted and started.
    It would be a major project to focus on and a positive outcome from these times.

  211. I just signed up for my dream needlework project (Harmony in Nature Casket by Thistle Threads) but I’d love to have some smaller projects to do in my off time! I’ve really been digging into 17th century stumpwork over the past few years but I’m also trying to balance learning new skills as well.

    This looks like a really cute class!

  212. My dream needlework project is to learn needle painting. I’ve been intrigued since the first time I bought a “painting”. The project I have in my mind to do is of three distinct paintings of my Dad’s dog Riley. He recently passed and my dad misses him dearly. I’d like to capture Riley at different times in his 17 years of life. Dad would love that.

  213. My dream needlework project is Sue Hillis “Study in Blue”. It spoke to me first time I saw it. What I like about it is all supplies are easy to find, her finishing instructions are awesome, and is functional as I have now room for dust collectors.

  214. My dream project is thread painting a humming bird. I really want to learn this technique using lots of color blended to make a beautiful picture.

  215. Right now my dream project is any Jacobean style kit. I really like getting kits that are complete with fabric and threads/yarn. I don’t have to make any decisions other than which design element should stitched first. I usually follow the stitch guides if provided.

  216. Oh, how I would LOVE to win one of these spots! Right up my alley. I dream of a 3D piece with a subdued background behind a grove of trees that stands out in front of it with a small path guiding you thru those trees, all placed into a little “pocketwatch” frame that I purchased at JoAnn Fabrics. I think Mary told us about them and I ran right out and bought a few! :D. Just haven’t figured out how to do it all and get it in there… Thanks Mary and Tanja for this chance at such a wonderful gift.

  217. I love all things miniature and when you add needlework to it – I’m in heaven. So, I guess that is my dream, to learn more styles and grow this particular area of my craft.
    What I have on the back burner, too much to count. I figure my stash will make it impossible for me to leave this earth until I am well over 200 years of age.
    I am currently working on a band sampler and plan on starting a 17th century piece shortly along with a miniature piece (I’m not sure if I envision it as a rug or wall hanging).
    Thank you for the opportunity and letting us know about opportunities like this one. Happy stitching.

  218. Oh, I just love that mini landscape needlepainting. I’m trying not to feel home bound at this time and my focus is on researching and hopefully sewing some facial masks for our nearby assisted and nursing care facility. Next in line is getting back to hardanger and tatting; both have been shelved for a year or two.

  219. My dream needlework project is the sampler And They Sinned from Examplar Dames. I’ve had it kitted for several years, but I keep getting distracted by other projects, mainly from EGA classes and such. Well I guess I let myself get distracted. Someday though!

  220. My life’s opus is The Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch, a giant triptych. To that , I want to add Tree of Life, as both of these are my therapy.

  221. Oh where to begin, so many! First of all, I have always wanted to take one of Tanya’s classes. This is so exciting. As for projects, I would love to start Victoria Sampler pattern « Heirloom Christmas Sampler ». I have everything except for the fabric. Secondly, I would love to try my hand at Brazilian embroidery. I truly enjoy your stitching blogs and references. Thank you!

  222. Currently, my dream is to complete the Master Craftsman in Crewel Embroidery program through EGA. I am currently on Step 1, so have a ways to go! My first piece is due October 1, and I am practicing by doing another crewel Tree of Life design by the Crewel Company.

  223. That’s such a beautiful design!!! So precise and so delicate! I’d LOVE to learn to do that!!! The project I’m dreaming to do is to stitch our Canadian birds in needle painting. Cardinals, chickadees, snow owls, wild geese… I’m working on it, slowly but surely! Thank you again for everything you do and be safe.

  224. I have this beautiful set of vintage/antique oriental prints that I got from my parents estate. They are hanging on my daughter’s wall because she loves them. Everytime I look at them, a particular one calls to me to figure out how to recreate it in fiber. I hope to do that someday.

  225. I love crazy quilting and all the opportunities for needlework that involves. My dream crazy quilt project would be one where each crazy block had a central needle painting motif.

  226. So I’m working on a garden scene with lots of spring flowers and color. Just makes me happy.

    My dream project is a large hexagon quilt and in the middle of each hexagon I would like to embroider a scene. That’s why this class would be awesome. Not only would I get to improve on my technique I can gain the needed skills to start working on ideas for my “once in a lifetime” quilt.

    Thanks. Everyone stay well.

  227. My dream project ever since I bought your monogram book is to do a set of gorgeous, expensive pillowcases that would be my personal, private luxury.

  228. I want to start a crazy quilt wall hanging. The opportunity to play with lots of stitches and colors is very playful. Last summer I was asked to rehab an 1884 quilt that was saved from the dumpster by a dealer attending a furniture clearing – he couldn’t stand to see it thrown out. I learned a lot as I went over every inch of it 🙂

  229. My dream project is my Cabinet of Curiosities casket that I’m designing… it will be based on my favorite book when I was a young girl!

  230. I have always had these pictures in my head, designs of things I wanted to create, but didn’t know how to translate them with thread. I just had a dream trip to England where I attended a retreat with the Crewel Work Company and, after working directly with artists like Phillipa, Mandy, and Kate, I know how to start to make it happen. I want to make still life botanicals using crewel and Elizabethan embroidery techniques. I went there to be closer to my grandma who died last year. She taught me basic embroidery when I was five, but life went in so many other directions. So now I am working on my projects from the retreat and kits from Well Embroidered, Trish Birr, and you! to practice various techniques and use different threads. I am also drawing my ideas out so I can start putting them on fabric. Maybe someday my grandchildren will have pieces I made in their home, like I have hers.

  231. I don’t know that I’d call it a dream project. That would conjure up ideas of posies and bunnies and laughter and sunshine. But I do have a project I’ve started. So far it’s only a few rough sketches with notes on the side. But when done, it will be a huge corona virus cell being eaten by an elephant!!! We’ve all heard that the best way to get rid of a large, unpleasant task is to do it a bit at a time. (How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!) So….it will be a picture of a big, nasty cell being eaten by an elephant!!!! Hurrah for the elephant!!!! Grin. I hope all of you stay safe. Meanwhile, back to making face masks for our local hospital. (Doing this allows ME to be the elephant!!!) Hugs to all.

  232. I have a project in mind for babywearers, using leftover thread from weaving baby wraps to embroider small hoop wall hangings or ornaments showing a mum/dad and baby in a sling or wrap. If only I could get the pattern quite right…

  233. What a great article I ordered a couple of kits online but would love to be part of some lessons on Needle painting. I live in Ontario Canada where their isn’t a lot of embroidery resources and really feel that I need some lessons
    Thanks so much Mary
    Your work is beautiful

  234. My dream needlework projects is any that I am able to see. I had several serious injuries which really messed up my vision and now, any project that I can see is good. I dream of being able to go back to doing fine (36+ count work) like drawn work, lots of white work, Hardanger and pulled work which are my loves. I’m trying to convince myself that 18 count looks nice, and is similar to the fine work of before, but it just isn’t working.

  235. I have wanted to try this technique after seeing Su embroidery which is similar. I t would be a novel experience do this as an online class too.

  236. My dream project is to work portraits of my grandmothers, including some goldwork. I’m on my way, taking Sue Stone’s “Stitch Your Story” course. It’s fun and has helped me to be comfortable with portraiture. Hopefully, I can work these in the next few years.

  237. I would like to finish one of my favorite kits by Thea Gouverneur called Rome. It is stunning! It is a gift for my husband to remind him of our exciting time in Rome in 2013. It was a trip of a lifetime and this kit takes me right back to that trip.

  238. My dream project is always changing, but I really want to stitch a casket one day. The cost right now is out of my price range, but one day I will figure it out.

  239. I would love to be able to do needle painting. I currently do other types of needlework but nothing as beautiful as this.

  240. Hi _ My dream needlework project would be one that I have time to finish, the miniature nature of this gives me a good chance

  241. I have SO MANY that I don’t know about a single dream project, but I started this Pixel stitch that uses almost all the DMC colors and the Mario through the ages looks amazing. I would also like to be good enough at the needle painting to do the little Red Panda from Jessica Long.

  242. Yep- corona silver lining!! Pulling out all kinds of UFO’s. No time for organizing. I would love to learn thread painting! Never tried it before
    Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  243. My embroidery goal is to learn the skills needed to do a tapestry based on hiking photos I took while living in South Korea.

  244. My dream project is an embroidered box with a landscape all around scene. Tanya’s class would be great!
    Thanks for the opportunity and may all be healthy and well to stitch!

  245. My dream is to make embroidered boxes. The really elaborate caskets with tiny drawers and maybe hidden treasures.

  246. My dream is to have more time in my life to learn all the lovely stitches on Mary’s site and try new things in needlework. I am also dreaming of finishing a cross stitch tiger that has been on the go amidst other projects (one of which has been trying to teach myself needle painting) for my daughter’s 30th birthday she has just had her 29th so I have got just under a year!!! 🙂 Finally my ultimate dream project will be when Mary finishes compiling her E book for the Leafy Tree needlework I am such a tree freak this was the ultimate project for me but being in the UK the kit was not cost effective and I had to look on in envy as the kits sold out 🙁

    Best wishes

  247. Hi, Mary,

    My dream project is to design and embroider some type of clothing, either a dress or jacket.

    Perhaps wool embroidery on a boiled wool unfitted jacket would be within reach–my skills just aren’t that great in design, pattern drafting, sewing, or embroidery! 🙂

    Good wishes for everyone’s health.



  248. My dream needlework would be to do something with silk threads. I just don’t feel my skill is up to that…yet!

  249. My family has many woven wool squares that long to be joined into a throw ( or two). The joins should be embroidered in the manner of a crazy quilt. That’s the dream.

  250. I’d love to revive a Scarlet Letter counted thread reproduction from about 1680, which I set aside as too difficult. Those 17th c band samplers really speak to me.

  251. I love Tanja Berlin’s designs! And her miniature landscapes are particularly appealing to me!

  252. My “dream needlework project” is my daughter’s stocking. My daughter is 26 years old and several years ago she requested a handmade embroidered stocking. This is the third year in progress and I’m finishing this year. I actually had all the stitching done last year, presented it to my daughter unfinished, and now she’d like one more ornament on it-one more that is actually on our tree. So I should get it done soon 🙂 and then put it together finally. So the “dream” will be when it’s all done and hanging up.

  253. Hi Mary,
    I’ve been reading you blog for quite awhile, but I haven’t actually attempted any embroidery yet. The miniature would be a great way for me to start! Quilting is my primary art/craft, but I’d like to branch out. My dream project would be a Jacobean pillow for my sofa!

  254. Currently I am working on a cross stitch along called Bloomtopia from the Fat Quarter Shop. I am also making the quilt. The stitchery ,when finished will be the same as the quilt. I started the stitching using the recommended 25 ct laguna fabric but I had trouble seeing the weave and switched to a 14 ct… much easier! I haven’t done cross stitch for many years now and am enjoying the handwork.

  255. One dream project of mine is fabric boxes or embroidered boxes. I think they are lovely and would like to try making one someday. Thank you for your wonderful book reviews on this subject and all other embroidery subjects! They are such a help.

  256. I’m working on a “dream project” right now! (I confess to having several dreams.) My husband and I spent a wonderful week in Paris several months ago, and one of the things I really enjoyed was the Musee d’Orsay at which there was a very nice display of Van Gogh paintings. One stood out to me, as it was one I’d never seen before, the Church at Auvers. I really wanted to be able to stitch my own version, but didn’t think I could do it. As luck would have it, I was browsing through a cross-stitch site (Artecy.com) in Australia and found it! Artecy is a small business that, with proper licensing/approvals, transforms photos or artwork to cross stitch. Happy Happy me!

    1. That’s funny, Marilyn – I always thought that, if I ever did the “embroidered Van Gogh” thing, I’d do two of his houses in Auvers (the one that has a red roof in it, and the one that has a stone wall with red flowers in front of it and sort of a blue-ish house) and the church. I think they would be fun to do as relatively small surface embroidery pieces. Well, just another one of those things on the bucket list!

  257. I bought a crewel kit from The Crewel Company for Christmas. I have been looking at it for a few years and finally made the plunge but I’m stuck on the shading. I’m afraid to ruin it. The class may give me the confidence to continue working on it.

  258. My dream needlework project is a needlepoint project called the Toy Store. It is actually an advent calendar, and features a large canvas which is the toy store, and smaller windows which when finished will attach with magnets to the toy store canvas.

  259. That little piece of needlework is adorable!

    Anyway, my dream needlework project is more bead embroidery, but I hope it counts. I have a big, brightly painted tin Chinese dragon I’d like to afix to a beaded/embroidered Chinese-style sky. It’s big, though, and a bit intimidating.

  260. I have never been able to express myself by drawing or painting (even matchstick figures) therefore, having seen all the beautiful things, portraits and landscapes, animals and figures that can be embroidered makes me think I could do an artwork after all. Thank you for the opportunity to win a class that might help me feel proud about something I have created.

  261. I love your emails. You are such a talented fiber artist. I love the emails you send out. I’ve used your YouTube videos countless times to learn and relearn stitches. Your videos are excellent. The needle art piece is stunning. Thank you for offering this.

  262. Not trying to win in the contest for that cute little landscape, but wanting to echo what you said at the beginning of your email. No matter what kind of sewing we do, we are so fortunate to have it in our lives. I sell sewing patterns and my sales have been through the roof! What does a seamstress, sewer, needle worker, whatever you call yourself want more of? More time to do it and those that ‘have’ to stay home are seeming to be living it up if my sales are any indication. 🙂

    Stitch On folks!

  263. Thanks for the give away!
    I have a “magnum opus” that I hope to start and complete one day – a replica of a vintage quilt that is all hand appliquéd! I’ve been gathering the fabric and am starting to practice on a small appliqué project. One day….

  264. Right now I am slogging through making myself a sweater. It has been an extremely slow process, with many mistakes, and a lot of frogging. (funny, I don’t remember having all these issues making other folk’s sweaters… who knew?!) Anyway, my biggest issue seems to be distraction, I seem to be all over the place. But I’m down to the sleeves, finally!! And it will get finished. I’m sheltering at home, so I really have no excuse not to do it. And some day I will look back at my warm, cuddly sweater, and remember.

    Stay well, stay safe!

  265. I dream of completing Mary’s “A Thousand Flowers” kit. I have one of the four uber tiny tapestry smalls started. I love a challenge and I love to learn new things. The tiny work has taught me to be patient and satisfied with small progress.

    My work is not perfect, but I am proud of what I’ve accomplished to date.

  266. What a wonderful gift! I dream of stitching Canadian wildflowers. They will be thread painted, with flowers, buds, stems, leaves and roots, in botanically correct detail. Many Canadian wildflowers are also weeds, but that doesn’t diminish their beauty. They’ll be part of my collection too.

  267. My dream would be to do some Trish Burr kit of flowers or one of Helen M Stevens flowers.

  268. I am working on a series. I made an impressionist landscape with fabric “confetti” of the desert in bloom with flowers. I plan to use the same photo to use other media (embroidery, crochet) to make landscapes. This class fits right in!

  269. My ‘dream project’ is Tricia Nguyen’s Thistle Treads’ 17th century Harmony Casket..I am hoping this extended isolation time will see a start. I am fascinated with the array of raised stumpwork stitches in the casket. I go to sleep at night dreaming about the beautiful and unusual threads I have accumulated for this project…wish me luck!!

  270. I have promised myself that one day I will make authentically embroidered Balkan costumes for my Barbies. So far I have only gotten as far as my collection of pictures of costumes that might be doable. I have a friend who collects textiles and costume pieces from the region, and I was planning a trip to her apartment to look at stuff, until “The Plague” locked us all indoors!

  271. I would love to make a sweetie bag in Elizabethan work. I have not startedone or even started collecting the silks to go ahead due to the cost but it is my dream project

  272. I would really like to make a Mariner’s Compass quilt or a hand-appliqued quilt. Don’t know if those will ever happen though!

  273. Hi Mary. Hope you are keeping well. My dream project is to do a Jacobean crewel work project. I have not had the time to do one yet, but it keeps moving up my priority list! I had the opportunity to do a class with Tanja a number of years ago now. She was a delight – a great teacher, very personable and with a great sense of humour. I would love to take another of her classes. Best regards to all.

  274. I am amazed at how tiny the finished landscape piece is. Just delightful, Tanya is a gifted artist. I think I will try this too.
    My passion in embroidery is a free form style I guess. At present I am waiting for fractures to heal in my back so basically I am required to lay flat much of my time, I tell you being able to embroider has not only given me a peace of mind but it has also give me the satisfaction of accomplishing something of beauty.
    My favourite yarn to use is a blend of mohair and fine merino wool, with these fibres I have created a rendition of our giant river red gum complete with the cockatoos and even an old rust wire farm fence. I am so pleased with the results.
    This style of ‘painting-with-thread’ is also tactile thus making it a joy to not only see but to touch, it has awakened my senses to a place of peaceful content.

  275. I dream of making a three dimensional representation of a red passion flower that appears in my garden every year and a gouldian finch that I hope to see in the wild someday – have had several ideas about how to render the finch, including thread painting, bead embroidery and stumpwork…many dream projects

  276. I have been planning to stitch a map of the brain over an image, printed on fabric, of a dissection of a skull carried out in 1910. The photograph was taken by my grandfather when a medical student. I know it sounds incredibly macabre, but it is for my niece who is a neurosurgeon.

  277. Dear Mary,
    My partner tells our friends about my embroidery projects saying that they are likely to be the most intricately planned and researched projects that never get done. He is retired and pushing me to retire too. I have invested a great deal in my work and love what I do, but the idea that I will not get to work on and produce my much loved projects is also unthinkable. Now which one to start on first! I love animals, and especially love the thread-painted animals by Tanja Berlin as she captures their wonderful expressions.
    Thank you both!

  278. My dream piece of work, is a piece of goldwork which I hope to do if a violin with a peacock sitting on the edge of the instrument and with a couched goldwork flower in the edge of the violin, this I hope to start in the coming weeks

  279. I think I’m currently undecided between vague and nebulous dreams. I finished one embroidered book in January and another last week, so I’m in the indecisive-maybe-maybe-not mode at the moment. I would like to make an embroidered box at some point, but not the Thistle-Threads sort. That’s an impressive enterprise, but it doesn’t really appeal to me. I want to make something more contemporary. Maybe more subversive. Right now I’m still in embroidered-books mode, but I don’t currently have any ideas.

  280. My ‘dream’ needlework project is one where I don’t have to do any unpicking – a ‘frog free’ utopia!

    Seriously though, I’d love to be able to do justice to the amazing New Zealand Landscapes around me – Tanya’s piece reminds me of the ‘rumpled velvet hills’ I can see as I drive to and from my parent’s place, dropping off supplies.

  281. My dream project is to make an embroidered box. Bit scared of tackling this project in case I mess up, so am going to make the box in plain fabric first.

  282. My dream right now is actually just a set of needlebooks! I have a ton of needles free-floating in the bottom of my embroidery bag and it’s far from ideal, so I’d love to make some cute, floral little needlebooks for them. That, and I want to make approximately a thousand biscornus since picking up the tiniest buttons the other day…

  283. I am waiting for fabric to come so I can start stitching the gingerbread series by Thea Dueck of The Victoria Sampler. I have always wanted to do it because I love how sweet the little buildings look together and her designs are of heirloom quality. It’s a great way to show stitching skill and stitch something for Christmas that is for me! Leann

  284. My dream needlework project would be an accurate botanical illustration of an amaryllis, showing the flowers, plant and roots, seeds, etc. I have always marvelled at these illustrations and want to use needlepainting to create one of my own. I have yet to learn botanical illustrating so I will have to develop that skill or work from an illustration that is in the public domain.

  285. Not sure I have any particular ‘dream project’ just a lot of ‘would love to have a go at’s’ – I do have a large cross stitch I sent away for several years ago for when I retired. I have the pattern and the stand, but then there is the hardanger, the white work, the black work…

  286. My dream needlework to start is a lovely threadpainting design by Emillie Ferris called The White Tailed Bumblebee. I am currently working (one of my many ongoing projects) on her Painted Lady Butterfly.

  287. I am very intrigued by this kit and class, however my dream project would be Tanja’s goldwork Lion or Cynthia Jackson’s Ionic Columns. I have taken an on line class with Tanja in the past and it was excellent!

  288. Thank you Mary and Tanja for the giveaway!
    I have a lot of “dream” needlework projects and some of them I started this week. But one
    that is still on hold right now is a personalized coat of arms that was part of a Challenge With a Twist
    course with EGA. I made the plan, discussed it all with the instructor and got permissions/approval,
    took the first 3 stitches and… stopped. I realized that what was in my head couldn’t come out of my
    fingers yet because I didn’t yet have the skills to make it a reality. What was in my head included
    stumpwork figures, blackwork, needlepainting, ribbonwork and a few other techniques that I’d seen
    but wasn’t even sure what they were called! Slowly but surely I’m working my way through learning and
    I fully expect that coat of arms to be realized some time!

  289. I dream of finishing, but I’m stuck on my present project The Princess and the Pea. I’m trying to make all the colors work as well as redesigning the Princess. I feel as if I need to do something different and learn more before I continue. I’m frustrated. I also Love Tiny things and actually do Dream of learning Needle Painting

  290. I dream of doing a pillow designed by Kaffe Fassett. I’ve admired his designs for years. This would be in needlepoint, but anything in embroidery would work too.

  291. My dream is to tat a tablecloth. I doubt that I will ever have the ambition to finish such a large project.

  292. Thanks for the opportunity. My favourite dream project is started but has been in a drawer for two years as life has got in the way. It is a silk print of Monet’s Garden and I am donning it in silk threads and silk ribbons. So far the back ground has thousands and thousands of French knots in dozens of shades so that they blend as in a thread painting. It is my dream as it is just for me! Not for a gift! Not for teaching! Just moi!!!!!

  293. I am dreaming about finishing a sampler on 35 count linen. This sampler has been designed by wonderful embroiderers of the Embroidery Guild of Victoria, Australia for our 60th Jubilee Year. I am a slow stitcher!
    I have done one Tanja Berlin on line class and it was the most wonderful experience. Such a brilliant teacher.

  294. I want to make a crazy quilt that everyone that sees it will never forget how beautiful it is, I want it to have gorgeous hand stitching.

  295. My dream project is actually 4… the Queen portrait series by Gay Ann Rogers. I own all four, and have two of them started – Catherine the Great is well underway, and Eleanor of Aquitaine has a small start. The other two are Elizabeth I, and Young Queen Victoria. One day I will have them all finished, framed, and on the wall!

  296. I am signing up for the class. I would love to make a picture of my back window view.

  297. I started a lovely Hardanger project because I wanted to do something for our 20th anniversary that actually would end up on *our* wall and not given away. Then my brain hit me with the Chronic Weasels and I’ve not restarted it since we moved.
    Maybe this lockdown will allow me to face it again.
    Thank you for the opportunity! Stay safe, you and your family <3

  298. Not sure I had this as my dream job, but now am seeing masks in my dreams! It’s satisfying to have such a useful project in this trying time!

  299. Tanya’s kits and instructions are first rate and give one excellent results. This is an interesting course. Thank you Tanya and Mary.
    My big challenge will be Jenny McWhinney’s gorgeous Woodland crewel kit. It is also a first rate kit and completely charming.
    Happy stitching everyone and stay well!

  300. My dream needlework (or weaving) project is to make something so tiny and detailed that I can frame it in sterling silver and make a piece of jewelry out of it. This is why this little piece is so capivating to me.

  301. My dream stitching project would have to be a stumpwork casket, designed by me. One day I’ll get around to it!

  302. My dream project is this: As a member of the Yellowknife Quilt Guild
    ( Northwest Territoires, Canada)
    I look forward to a great guest teacher! Sylvia Pippen is scheduled to teach a number of her amazing courses in the middle of June here in Northern Canada. Appliqué, Sashiko oh my gosh, I can’t wait. I DO hope it can still happen and not remain a dream.

  303. I love this project. It reminds me of Nicola’s class I took in Weaverversville. Painting with threads.
    I would love to try this on one of my angel projects. And it will certainly help with finishing Nicolas project

  304. I was so excited when I saw this give away! I have tried time and again to master the stitching required for thread painting and always become frustrated. This class would provide so much help to gain confidence in this technique. My goal is to do two projects. One of my children and one of a beautiful outdoor floral garden landscape. Lofty dream, I know but I will keep dreaming!
    Love your site and have referred many friends to join me on this site.

  305. Love your newsletter info!!It is wonderful to see all the great colors and new projects! I have. Ever done needle art…i think it is amazing. I have Tanja’s Pheonix Rising I am excited to do. I also have a fabulous Blue Heron to do…but have to work my way up to that!


  306. My dream project is to finish the back of a jacket I’ve been working on. The top yoke will have a barn, hillside, a black and white cow and a small helicopter in the sky. ( My mom grew up on a dairy farm, and my dad flew helicopters. )Tanjas’ class would go a long way in helping me with the skills I need to complete the project. I’m very much a newbie, never taken classes and amazed at what everyone can do.

  307. I have really been wanting to understand needlepainting and this seems like a great way to learn.

  308. My dream project would be to design an embroidery piece around my mom and two of her sisters as children.

  309. Hi Mary, My dream project is Tanja’s needle painting Field Mouse. It is advanced so on my wish list until I do some of her other needle painting kits. I love everything about it – the realism, the face and position of the mouse, the colors and the wheat.

  310. My dream project would be working on one of Phillipa Turnbull’s beautiful crewel kits or any needle painting project.

  311. I’ve always dreamed of making a crazy quilt with lots of embroidery and other embellishment.

  312. My dream needlework project making a big size embroidered garden with all sorts of colourful flowers.


  313. I have always wanted to try my hand at the use of metallic thread with couching stitch. Many years ago I was lucky enough to travel Taiwan where I watched a master at the craft work on a padded roaring dragon. He spoke no English and I could only smile and watch his every move. Needless to say I left with the thread which he showed me how to spool using a chopstick. I still know exactly where the thread is I just need to bite the bullet and give it a try – I do often take the red and gold out and look at it in the sunshine.

  314. I am a sea /beach fossiker!! Always finding shells, rope, driftwood and unusual objects!! Can spend hours at the beach just looking1
    My dream therefore is to do a Beachscape involving different Threads, stitches and shells of course!
    Just to let my imagination free

  315. my dream project …… probably going to order it this month while it’s on sale 🙂 is Tanja Berlin’s blackwork peacock… but I could always put it on hold to take the needlepainting class if I’m lucky enough to win it LOL

  316. I would love to create an embroidered scrapbook / collage of the wonderful Silk Study Tour of Japan that I was part of in 2015. The story of silk and the way Japan uses silk culturally. My creative dream.

  317. So many projects! I’m really enjoying Sue Spargo’s felt projects…so many lovely stitches to play with!

  318. Hi, my name’s Riddhi, and I’m fourteen years old. I live in India. I’m responding to your giveaway question, “What’s your dream needlework project?”
    Well, my dream needlework project is a sofa cushion I’m currently embroidering for my mother. It has her name and several Christmassy motifs on it, because it’s for her birthday, which is in December. For me, this is a challenging and rewarding project, because I’m not too experienced at needlework, and a sofa cushion’s a pretty ambitious project! But I love doing it.
    I realised I had a penchant for needlework when I was twelve, and we had a needlework project at school. The project was embroidering a handkerchief. I fell in love with the art and have been stitching ever since.
    The recent Coronavirus outbreak has left many of my friends and family feeling anxious and lost. We don’t know what to do or where to go. Luckily, in my country, India, the situation is not too bad yet. In these troublous times, I’ve found that my needlework is a relaxing stress-buster. My family loves it too – my dad says watching me stitch makes him feel relaxed.
    These are worrying times for everyone, but we must not lose faith; in God, in our doctors, in our society and in ourselves. Please, everyone who is reading this, stay safe. Stay at home, avoid mixing, stay safe. God be with you.
    And wash your hands!
    – Riddhi

  319. My dream project is tropical botanicals. I love the wonderful botanicals modern embroidery designers come up with. I’d love to stitch up the plants and flowers I grew up with in Malaysia. Things like torch ginger, heliconia, golden shower orchids, bougainvillea and lantern hibiscus.

  320. My dream needlework project includes some patchwork as well. I am compiling some of my own designs for a book. Who knows where this will lead!?!
    Take care Mary and stay safe!

  321. My dream is simplicity. I love surface embroidery projects most especially ones with nice clean lines and limited colours. However I also love to learn something new…

  322. My dream is to design and thread paint a scene of the ocean and coast. First, I need to practice, practice, practice!

  323. i would love to complete the jade dragon from roseworks. i purchased him, along with all the supplies, back when you first did a post on that piece. he is ready to go when i am =)

  324. I tried to needle paint my daughter as part of a birth announcement but I messed up making it square. So, all the careful work I had done was crooked as a dog’s hind leg! I put it down and there it has stayed, for the last 8 years.

  325. I have unfinished needle painting from Tanja Berlin which i like to finish in this season. But I like to start a new project with Tanja Berlin which I have been thinking since long time. Thats my dream project.

  326. I would love to improve my needle thread skills, then begin a project of stitching my favorite birds. As you might surmise from the name of my blog, I love birds.

  327. It’s hard to crystallize into words still, but I’d really like to do a landscape (or maybe decorate a garment?) with a lot of surface embroidery and beading, sort of a floral fantasy kind of thing. (I was working on motifs to put on a belly dancing bra and belt-! but I’ve paused that part of my life. Maybe I could make one for a friend, tho…)

    Thanks to you and Tanja! I love her site.

  328. My dream project would be to someday complete all of the needlework projects my mother started before moving to her senior housing and choosing to,leave her projects behind.

  329. I was looking at my laundry room flooring and thinking it would make a great quilt. It is hexagons with various shades of neutral with embroidery designs in it.
    But I really want to learn thread painting.

  330. My dream piece would be the Gary Clarke piece that he taught at national a few years ago. I don’t remember the name of the piece, but it was balloons done on organza, over a scene in Paris. It was beautiful.

  331. I’ve been dreaming about your snowflakes. They are beautiful and I’ve been thinking about putting them into a quilt.

  332. I have just purchased Cecile Franconie’s book
    Floralies and really want to give that style of embroidery a try. However the threads are so different. She uses a “tape thread” and have no idea how to find that product here in US. Any help Mary?

  333. I love all types of needlework so I have many dream projects, but to choose just one I would say my dream stitching project at this moment is to start a new crazy quilt. One of the things I love most about crazy quilting is that you can use all of your stitching skills on one project, embroidery, ribbonwork, hand piecing, etc.

  334. My dream project…
    I would love to do crewel work in the medieval style, i.e., thickly embellished, luscious threads. A piece that you would just love to touch! Something like this would take a while to do and do correctly but what a beautiful heirloom to hand down!

  335. I have a magazine from the late 1980’s with a florist shop in it that I have wanted to stitch. I have accumulated all the necessary floss and thread, but still need to learn some of the stitches required. I hope to do it this year. Tanya’s Landscape appeals to me as it is a small item on which to learn needle painting. Her change in colour etc is amazing.

  336. My current project I am working on is a work of prayer. The Guardian Angel icon from a few years ago on your site is the impetus for this prayer – it is a small “icon” on the Ecce Homo, the crowned with thorns head of Christ. My future dream project is to try to replicate stained glass like Tiffany use to make.

  337. My dream project at the moment is to do one of Trish Burr’s Whitework with Colour series, I think they are beautiful but challenging. thanks for the give a way,

  338. This is such a tough question! I have become a collector of embroidery patterns, kits, and books. I spend my time looking for new patterns and organizing them, but haven’t embroidered anything in some time. So, my dream and goal is to actually start embroidering again!

  339. I want to do a portrait of Jesus Christ because he is my Lord and Savior. I have not found one that talks to me yet.

  340. Mary, my husband and I have been sheltering in place for the last two weeks. We have only ventured out to the grocery store and witnessed the frustrations of people seeing empty shelves and having a difficult time controlling their emotions. I escape into my needlework and have decided that putting together designs from various samplers would make a wonderful tote project to give my daughter. My mind could be as creative as it wants to be and the end result will something for her to cherish….I hope! Thank you for the opportunity to learn from Tanja.

  341. My dream project has been, for a long time, a set of Jacobean-style crewel wall hangings or curtains. It’s probably so ambitious that I’ll never even start it, but it’s there in my mind.
    Meanwhile, I do smaller things – currently I’m working on a needlebook and an embroidered tunic.

  342. I’m currently working on a cross-stitch piece called “Death by Cross Stitch” – it’s easily the most massive piece I’ve ever worked on. It’s got me to thinking that I want to design something epic – but I keep getting distracted by smaller kits because I can fit so many more small pieces of stitched artwork on my walls! I haven’t started my Leafy Tree Kit yet… again, distracted!… but I’d love something teeny tiny to start on.

  343. Hello Mary,
    My dream project is to embroider a chair with crewel embroidery. After all that work, I’m wondering if I would forbid anyone from sitting in the chair, to prevent it getting dirty. I saw Erica Wilson embroidering upholstery on a PBS show in the 1970’s. I was a kid then but remember being impressed by her. If you want to see that episode, it’s on you tube, It’s enjoyable to watch.


  344. I have a piece of needlepoint really want to work on.
    I had a favourite aunt who was terribly hard of hearing. When I was with her, I sat on a small footstool beside her so we could talk. I must have inherited my love of fabric, threads and yarn from her. She could do anything!
    She and my uncle were far from wealthy and uncle H had made the base of the stool, aunt M had done the needlepoint cover. After her death,when, I cleared out her house, I only wanted 2 things-the foot stool and her featherweight sewing machine. Both remain cherished possessions.
    The needlepoint cover is worn beyond repair and my wish is to make another cover–yet I hate to get rid of the old one.

  345. My dream needlework project is to learn thread painting. I’ve run my business in the home storage and organization industry for many years and long to get back to embroidery! This little landscape is perfect!

  346. My EGA chapter is working on thread painting right now, and as a Tanja groupie,
    this would be perfect.
    Thank you for all of the work you put into your blogs.

  347. My current dream needlework project is an embroidered box using a striking antique pattern that I came across. I find it especially inspiring as it has motifs that are personally meaningful. If I can manage to become skilled enough to make it look presentable, it’ll be gift for someone special to me.

  348. I dream of creating the landscape that I captured in a photo a couple of years ago. We were in our caravan in the north of Western Australia. I woke up early and went outside into the crisp air of a winter morning in the north. There was a blue blue sky and the remnants of a morning mist. Out of the mist loomed a huge boab tree surrounded by purple and yellow wildflowers – a magical sight and a wonderful memory.

  349. I would love to do a large scale embroidery project with a focus on surface embroidery. It would be great if it had lots of different stitches. Thanks, Mary.

  350. My dream needlework project would be one I don’t put away when I’m 3/4 of the way finished stitching. The dream is to actually (a) finish stitching it, (b) figure out what to do with the precious thing I’ve been working on for years (because I delayed finishing it), (c) do the finishing part, (d) enjoy it. Yes, I have several projects stuck in progress. The”biggest” is a small hardanger tablecloth that will probably be put in a large frame! I started it probably 4 (?) years ago. I had planned to use a weekend retreat that has now been cancelled.

  351. My dream needlework project is to try and capture in embroidery the essence of the Anglo-Saxon poem, the Dream of the Rood. For those not familiar with it, it is a poem from around the time of Beowulf, which gives an Anglo-Saxon account of the Crucifixion from the perspective of the Cross. In the poem, the Cross is seen as being both bloody and glorious, and it is this element that I hope most to capture. I was able to start this project recently (threads selected, some sketching done, and I’ve gotten a little bit of the embroidery done, though there is still a lot left to do). But I would like to have it finished for Good Friday, and I will say the embroidery makes an excellent Lenten meditation.

  352. I have been thinking for sever lyears about getting involved in miniature embroidery but haven’t had the courage to try to do anything that small. Have done a couple of mini-cross-stitch rugs but would love to learn a different mini technique. I do have 4 dollhouses so no doubt I could find the perfect place for this picture.

  353. I have a cross stitch sampler that I get out from time to time to look at…. It is in browns and beige. It depicts a grandpa and an grandma with the sentiments of how grandchildren are such a blessing to them. I loved it the moment I saw it as I have two grandchildren and it just touched my heart. I bought the pattern online a long time ago but have been busy with so many other projects mostly crewel embroidery so to go back to cross stitch is quite hard for me as the counting is time consuming and lots of concentration is needed. Well in SA we on locked down from midnight 26.03.20 so perhaps I will once again get it out and begin…

  354. It was late last year that I came across your website, Mary, as I reactivated my interest in embroidery after many years of being too taken up with everything else. Since then, I have been wandering through your past posts like Aladdin in his cave, mentally setting up all kinds of projects that you have shared. I have the index page for your Secret Garden Hummingbirds permanently open on my computer, and once things are back to normal where I am (we are on total lockdown here in France), I intend to buy the linen and get started. This is my ‘ambitious’ project, my dream project for my renewed stitching enthusiasm.
    Filed away in a book on William Morris (William Morris by himself, edited by Gillian Naylor), I also have a monochrome cross stitch design that I drew up about 25 years ago, but never got around to doing. It is based on a drawing by Morris for a stained-glass window, ‘Cartoon for Archangel Raphael’, and would probably take several years to do in cross stitch! Your post has inspired me to get it out again, and looking at it now, I think that it would probably look better if it was worked using other techniques, possibly using blackwork, or even goldwork (not sure I am good enough for that, though).
    In any event, if I ever completed that project, whatever the technique used, then I would truly feel that I had fulfilled my embroidery dreams!

  355. My dream project is a hard complicated project. Like the Sistine Chapel Ceiling or maybe a wedding veil with Carickmacross lace on it. The specific design changes depending upon the mood, but it is always large and always complex. Lately I have am thinking about embroidery or crewel projects.

  356. I think it would have to gold work. Maybe it’s a dream because I live no where close to any shop that sells that stuff (I don’t live any where close to a needlework shop). I don’t like online shopping for stuff like that (I need to see it — if that makes sense).
    I absolutely loved the Tudor roses that you did in the gold work and the Jane Nichols book is like eye candy.


    Like you I started to get interested in needlework when I was a young child. At the age of 7 my Mother bought me a tapestry kit and I was so excited I couldn’t wait for her to explain how it worked. I do remember bursting into tears on opening the box when I saw the coloured canvas as I thought someone had beaten me to it. Absolutely no idea how this valuable ‘antique’ has managed to survive but survive it has and I can send you a photograph if you need to smile. Affectionately know as “The Caravan” – an early Trish.

    I always use the best materials I can afford on the basis that if I am going to be spending many many hours working on a piece I want it to stand the test of time. I really enjoy crewel work and am a big fan of Phillipa Turnbull’s Crewelwork kits which are fantastic quality and I use them sometimes as a springboard in my mind for my own amateur designs.

    As I understand it crewel work isn’t crewel work unless the design is worked totally in wool BUT me being me I can’t stop myself going ‘off piste’ and when I am working on a kit even though all the materials are included I can’t help thinking how a few French knots in silk thread would enhance here and beads to represent jewels on a ladies dress would be great there and what about a bit of metallic thread over ……

    At the moment I am trying to design a scene which will be based on the crewel work technique with trees, hills, a lake, various animals (some with a striking resemblance to my pack!) and people and in the far distance an inset in the design showing you what you might find yourself if you were lucky enough to walk through my design. I am hoping the animals can be accomplished using thread painting and you and Tanja have given me a great idea – that the inset could depict a little scene also in thread painting. A scene within a scene. This inset when I start my next project (ha ha) could become the main scene with another scene within a scene and so on……….. never ending.

    The trouble is I have never done any thread painting before and none of my friends have either so I need to start practising !

    Stay safe everyone.

    Cornwall, England. March 2020.

  358. My dream needlework project is a beautiful mobile with embroidered 3 dimensional birds. There would be at least several bluebirds because they’re good luck!

  359. Ooh, my dream project! One of two, both Jenny Aden-Christie designs, the Pugin Scissor Case or the Gawthorpe Needlecase, are my dream skilled designs. Tanja Berlin’s small landscape needle painting class would be a step toward accomplishing my dream. Thanks for the opportunity to win this class.

  360. My dream project is a series of counted cross-stitch kits by Thea Gouveneur that are collages of different cities and countries. I have collected several over the years currently in my stash including London, England, Istanbul and Rome. They are huge and on black fabric but are places I had an opportunity to visit. All I need now is several lifetimes to complete them.

  361. Caught in the act! Since saturday, I’m stitching my dream needlework project, yay!
    I always loved drawing houses and other architectural subjects. As I began to embroider, this love sank into oblivion somehow. So it was a great aha moment for me as I came across Charles & Elin’s architectural embroidery several weeks ago. Stitching architecture’s gonna even better than drawing! I don’t intend to copy them, they were just an inspiration in time.
    Some years ago, I liked to roam our quarter with the camera by my side, taking photos of houses, house doors, gateways, windows, ruined ones and beautiful ones. The romance of a city, you know. So I now have a whole stack of photos to stitch from. My first project is a dilapidated house door, done in a painterly way of sorts. And I set about it last saturday night.
    Since then, I feel that I have found my creative subject and the basis of my style. Everytime I sit down to it, I love it a bit more. The beginning of a beautiful friendship.
    I hope you are safe and well, and your business doesn’t suffer under the circumstances. Thank you and Tanja Berlin for this wonderful occasion.
    Wishing you all the best, Angela

  362. My dream project is an embroidered garment that doesn’t look too homemade or overdone.

  363. My dream needlework project would be Di Van Niekirk’s Ribbon Embroidery and stumpwork panel from her book: Ribbon Emboidery and Stumpwork. I fell in love with it the first moment I saw it. I love the color scheme and that the project combines so many techniques. I never tire of admiring it and dreaming of the day I could do it.

  364. I have been dabbling in all sorts of needlework all my life (now a proud senior citizen). I have never seen anything so beautiful in such a small package. Recently I started quilting and along with that came landscape quilting, which I thoroughly enjoyed because you are the creator. Its all in my mind and you can be so creative. I find the the miniature landscape needle painting to be on the same level. What I also like is the online class is suitable for all levels of stitchers, and is written with the beginner in mind. Sometimes I feel needle work of any sort is a dying art. Something like this will be sure to draw the beginner stitcher in and even broaden the horizon of the mature needleworker. I would love the opportunity to try this surface embroidery technique. Thank you for the opportunity!

  365. My dream project is always the next project. Currently I am working on designing while stitching a tablecloth then I plan on a small birth sampler (both are gifts) then perhaps my dream project of a rooster cross stitch. My fingers have been itching to work on this rooster

  366. My dream stitching would be a blackwork sampler that I design and stitch. I need to learn about how to compose a blackwork sampler first as I’m not confident about that.

  367. Just wanted to say THANK YOU!! for your warm spirit as reflected on your website. You are an amazing person!
    I am not entering the contest, I’m an old, very rusty stitcher. Did a bunch of crewel stuff for older relatives plus the obligatory daisies on blue jeans in my late teens and early 20s. Sewed a few items of clothing under my Mom’s expert tutelage (the embroidery was taught mostly by my maternal Grandma) but hated sewing! Stopped all of it when my first (very demanding!) baby came along and never went back until a couple of months ago. I decided to promote our “No Plastic” efforts by making some simple muslin bags for veggies & fruits – and, “what fun!?” to embroider them! Still not finished with the 1st one – wish I’d found your site sooner!
    Please take care of yourself, you are a blessing and a national treasure

  368. My dream project is a pattern darning sampler. There doesn’t seem to be any books about this technique.
    I have actually collected pictures of many different ones from various museums. I have also found a couple of designs – my LNS is ordering one in for me from France. So I’m slowly collecting the bibs and bobs for it.
    The thread painted landscape looks like fun.

  369. for the minature landscape needlepainting class. My dream project is to start – and finish – Hazel Blomkamp’s Clive Chameleon, and then design something inspired by her “non traditional” designs, full of color and shading. Just thinking about it during this stressful time is energizing!

  370. I have my dream project supplies, a casket from Thistle Threads. But I’m doing other projects, like smaller stump work pieces and crewel work, to better my stitching skills, and some drawing and design practice, before I work with the expensive materials I have for the casket.

  371. Hi Mary, Thank you for your cheering emails – they are a little light in the present darkness.

    I have dream project – the patterns for two dreamy watercolour type pictures, one of delphiniums and the other of foxgloves, both quite large, about a metre tall by about half wide. They will have to wait. In the meantime, I would settle for getting all my Passover cleaning done so the tapestry of Jerusalem I am half way through can be finished. After that is a picture of roses, a seascape and a bathing tiger……..you get the picture!!

    Stay well


  372. My dream project is to finish 12 embroidery kits in a year- one a month that I can then frame and hang around the house. Not sure when that will happen. Maybe a needle painting could be one of those. V.

  373. I’ve been doing more crewel work embroidery. I’ve been dreaming of making an embroidered wool blanket. I have a nice large piece of green fabric to work on. Now it’s warming up and I will have to wait till next winter to work on it. That gives me all spring and summer to plan it.

  374. Thanks for all you do to keep us going with our needlework. And thanks to Tanja for offering these kits.

    My dream project right now is to complete a beginning goldwork class project I purchased through Craftsy. I got started and then life changed drastically, so I’m staying with simple items in well-known techniques. I still read and yearn, though.

    I’m fortunate enough to still have my jobs although it’s day to day. But, like you mentioned, the bright light in being laid off would be some extra time to relax with some stitching.

    Best wishes to everyone out there…stay well.

  375. My dream needlework project at the moment is one of the Crewelwork Company’s kits. I love crewel but I’ve only done simple crewel projects before, a kit would be a great stepping stone to increase my skills. Plus their kits are gorgeous!

  376. My dream embroidery project is to do small landscapes. I have done a few and put them in the lids off my vitamin bottles. I have just started having floaters in my good eye and they are a challenge to live with. But I stitch on.

  377. Each day I am doing an embroidery project of some sort. They are held in the hand projects and spur of the moment. I keep a folder of ideas and each day I go through them and whatever gets my fancy at that moment that’s what I create so I guess you could say they are my dream spur of the moment creations. So far I’ve made a cone basket, a brooch of Frida Kahlo (one of my favorite artists), and a large hanging egg. These are all made in felt with embroidery enhancements. Tonight finishing up a necklace I began last night. and then going from there after I look in my folder again. It’s been so much fun.

  378. I would like to do a modern Jabobean piece –classic techniques and fibers but in happy bright colors to make me smile and feel positive.

  379. my dream project hum I have two. one is in progress and I stitch on it and put it down and do something else, then get it out again. it is a class piece from years and I mean years ago, but I love it. its by Marylyn of stony creek . its not complicated just large. its a Christmas piece. the top has a cross stitch village and sky. the middle has specitaily stitches. and the bottom an alphabet. I will eventually get it done. the dream one is from one of the crewel books can not remember the author. its to late. but it of a beautiful African lady .she is done in whitework with a little color. would love to know I could do the shading to do her justice.

  380. I would love to learn how to paint with embroidery. My dream is to incorporate smallish embroidery paintings into a larger painting.

    Thank you!

  381. I’d like to be able to embroider feelings or mood, representational or abstract. That would be exciting for me! Currently I’m working on a piece that uses canvas, thread, paper, paint and fabric. I started embroidery October 2019, taught myself and practiced all the stitches I might need, that was the beginning. I fell in love with it, enjoying each stitch. I draw & use my own designs. I’m working on 2 projects. The latest is on a T-shirt with a swirly print. I’m integrating into the print an embroidery of a very large spider which an observer wouldn’t see unless they look closely.

  382. My dream project is a king sized bedspread. All embroidered blocks. Someday, I hope. In the mean time dreaming of finishing the Christmas stocking. Last “probable” family edition, so it needs to be completed and off to Canada.

  383. I would love to become proficient at thread painting, and stitch portraits of my grandchildren. I have taken classes from Tanja. She is a very skilled teacher. I’m hoping this online class will push me forward.

  384. I feel like a fish out of water as I’ve never done any needlework like this. I bought a recycled silk sari skirt that had damage and thought some embroidery to cover the hole could be cute. Some research later, I’ve been staring at all kinds of things I didn’t know I could do and excited to jump into trying some of it. So I can’t say I have a dream project yet, but I hope to fix my skirt up and maybe make some cute accent pieces to hang in my house.

  385. I love the miniature landscape! My dream needlework project is to learn and master goldwork. It’s such a beautiful art form!

  386. My dream project is actually to become better at needle painting! I am intrigued by how realistic & detailed the finished product can be. I am fairly new to embroidery, but hope with practice to become more proficient.

  387. My dream project is to cross-stitch one of Paula Vaughan’s wedding dress (don’t remember the title). I have done many of her other cross-stitch projects, and love the old-fashioned pictures, flowers, quilts, etc. Beautiful.

  388. I’d love to make a sampler of my life to give to my son. It would be an emotional journey and something that I feel would be a challenge.

  389. Dream project: finish my Dorita Grant Crewl Embroidery Seminar Class Project
    It is underway & I am tackling it stitch by stitch.
    I love this project b/c as it was my first seminar; my mom did one crewel project many years ago that I aspire to as it was very well done; and I want to prove to myself that I can finish it! It eventually will be a needleworkers roll for supplies so I can use it for many years to come!

  390. My dream project is to do a bedroom ‘suite’ in crewelwork on cream linen. The bed cover with a central motif and a border around the top and bottom with curtains with a wide border down the sides and across the bottom and, if I really had nothing to do, then panels showing various trees of life frame in oak on the walls.
    It would make my bedroom The Place for sweet dreams!
    I’m in my 70’s and haven’t put needle through fabric since the 1970s. Truth to be told I’m scared to draw out a design and then work on it – what if I made a mistake? Whom I am kidding – lots of mistakes! The shame of it.
    So, this project is an oft polished fantasy, which because of fear of failure is languishing, however much loved and dreamt about, in the recesses of my mind. I need taking in hand! Sometimes though things are best in dreams – a place where everything is perfect – including me.

  391. Hello,
    Well I think I’ve done a lot of different types of stitch work, but am always surprised at myself to learn something new. I usually dream in big technicolor projects. I signed up to do some Richelieu (something I’ve wanted to do all my adult life)classes but naturally it was cancelled during these uneasy times. Reading about this thread painting miniature opened a little window (excuse the pun) of something I found in my project journal . Many years ago I did a thread painting class with a machine . Maybe I can try one by hand?
    Thank you and be safe

  392. I would like to do an embroidered Elizabethan casket box. I love The history of these boxes and the thread work to accomplish such a task would be a major challenge for me.

  393. My dream project would be something cool that I designed. I have no idea what yet. First I need time to work on ideas!

  394. My dream project is a design that I’ve been working on for over 5 years. At some stage I really hope to stop drafting and start stitching, my problem is knowing when to stop “adding” to it. lols.
    Thank you for the giveaway, stay safe everyone. =)

  395. I dream of embroidering altar linens using whitework, surplices with lace panels, and chasubles with goldwork and needle painting.

  396. My dream project would be a crazy quilt project, with all seams embellished by hand. It would be all white/ecru/cream/ivory colored fabrics. My idea came from my days of heirloom sewing and Creative Needle magazine. Why haven’t I done it? Mainly because of the privilege of homeschooling my son for years. Maybe after he graduates this spring, I’ll get to it

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  397. I enjoy all embroidery I have tried, but my favorite seems to be needle painting. And the landscape projects seem so awesome and beyond my ability. I want to try it, though. Would love to learn it . Thanks!

  398. I have just started a BOM in canvas work which is designed by a local girl using an old quilt as reference. My dream is to be able to do this without constantly reverse stitching!!!

  399. My dream project is a small purse with stitching. I want to be more proficient before doing it. Thanks for offering the class!

  400. My dream is to create a stitch dictionary, printed on fabric for folks to use as a practice/reference guide. I’ve just sent my first pages to a fabric printer, so, who knows, my dream might yet become reality!


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