Oh boy, oh boy! We’re rapidly nearing the end of A Stitcher’s Christmas for 2018!
While I find this pretty exciting, I also find it a little alarming that Christmas is less than a week away. I’m not exactly sure how that happened!
Today’s give-away, courtesy of Lamora at Access Commodities, features some gorgeous new specialty threads that have come to the needlework market in the past year. Created as part of the ongoing revitalization of interest in 17th century embroidery techniques – thanks especially to the research, online classes, and projects of Tricia Nguyen over at Thistle Threads – these threads are perfect for stitchers interested in metal thread embroidery, silk work, stumpwork, and mixed media textiles.
It’s pretty exhilarating when new threads appear in the needlework market, so I’m thrilled to be able to offer some of these new beauties in today’s give-away!

This installment of A Stitcher’s Christmas includes three colors of silk serpentine gimp – a wavy, silk-wrapped, stiffish thread with a bendable core so that it can be manipulated – along with three spools of Soie 100/3 in corresponding shades, to invisibly couch the serpentine gimp. It also includes four colors of silk wrapped purl, which is a metal thread coiled into a fine spring and wrapped with silk thread, and the four corresponding colors of Soie 100/3 for couching. There are two sizes of silk wrapped purl in the package – three are the finer size 4, and one is the heavier size 8.
All of these threads have super potential for bringing dimension, interest, texture and life to contemporary needlework projects!
You can read about silk purls, and see them up close, on the Thistle Threads blog, in the following articles:
How Silk Wrapped Purls are Made
New Sizes of Silk Wrapped Purls & Silk Check
How Are Silk Purls Used?
Earlier this year, I began a project (not finished yet, but slowly chipping away at it!) that initially involved serpentine gimp in one of the thread choices. It’s this goldwork frame project, and you can read a little bit about the serpentine gimp in that article. I ended up using a different thread called facette gimp, which is slightly heavier than the serpentine gimp, but the concept the same, and you can read about that here.
Both the purls and the gimps are such pretty threads – and you’re only limited in your use of them in contemporary embroidery projects by your imagination!
This coming year, I plan to play with these threads a bit more, so you’re bound to see them show up again here on Needle ‘n Thread pretty soon. I can’t wait to explore them with you!
You can explore the threads and their color ranges in the shop on Thistle Threads, which is one of the few places you’ll find the whole range of these specialty threads available now. You’ll also find some fantastic online courses available, especially for those interested in historic embroidery.
Give-Away Guidelines
To join in today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:
This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!
1. Leave a comment below, in the comment form following this article. You can follow this link directly to the comment form, if you are unsure of where to go. Please do not comment as a reply to someone else’s comment.
2. On the comment form, please fill out the name line with a recognizable name (no anonymous comments) and the email address line (which is not published). Please make certain your email address is entered correctly. Leave the website line on the form blank, unless you own your own website.
3. In the comment box, answer the following:
Tell us about your current needlework project. What are you stitching on? What techniques? Who designed it? What do you like about it? Share all the juicy details of whatever you’re working on.
Please do not leave your email address, mailing address, or phone number in the actual comment box. The comment box is also not the place to advertise your own needlework business, so please do not leave links to other websites in the comment box.
4. Please leave your comment by Monday, December 24th, 5:00 am central time (Kansas, USA). I’ll randomly draw the winner that morning and notify by email.
5. Please leave only one comment on the give-away. Multiple comments will be deleted. You can enter all the give-aways in the series, but please enter them only once each.
Coming Up…
The last installment of A Stitcher’s Christmas is this Friday, where we shall all collective sigh over an exquisite pair of scissors… See you then!
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I am finishing up the last of some Christmas ornaments. It was a free XS chart I found years ago of an angel using over-dyed thread and metallic thread. For these ornaments, I used DMC Variations and DMC Light Effects. The edges are stitched with a picot bead border. I’ve made many over the years for family members and other close friends, each different. Labor of love.
Hi Mary!
My biggest WIL right now is a Trish Burr rose design. I’ve done out with greens and blues on black linen, with the leaves being an outline done in metallic silver. I wanted to go for colors with a nebula our aurora feel to them. I’m a bit stuck now on whether it’s done enough or if I want to sprinkle some dots of silver through the background as stars.
Thank you for sharing yet another beautiful giveaway!
At the moment I’m all into making embroidered christmas felt ornaments. I use metallic threads, sequins and beads to give the ornaments some sparkle and a festive feeling. Snowflakes and hearts are my favourite ornaments but I still might give some birds a try too.
I have been working on one piece for about three years. It is an original piece and I am making it up as I go…..not a good idea but so far have painted myself in a corner only once. It involves a portrait of a lady in the center and it is surrounded by silk dupioni and wool in various greyed shades of gold or brown and each square of the “frame” is sized differently and I have used found materials to stitch on the piece and also beading and applique and embroidery to decorate. It has various materials, including feathers and a few choice buttons and gimp and other glorious items to make a statement. Not done yet but not far from done. Been a lot of fun. Can’t wait to hang it up when it is done.
OK…I planned to be done before Thanksgiving, but it didn’t work out that way 🙂 I’m working on a Thanksgiving kaleidoscope designed by Mary Corbet on one end of a tea towel. My original thought was to use the tea towel to cover warm rolls at our Thanksgiving dinner. Next year for sure! I’m using stem stitch, split stitch, and long and short stitch to fill in select leaves and acorns, and am loving every minute of it. Thanks Mary!
I’m working on a scene with a family of cardinals — a dimension embroidery kit. It’s my first time doing a kit! I love the feathery texture achieved with the long split stitch. I never would have thought of that!
I am actively working on three projects. One is Gentleman’s Nightcap from Thistle Threads. It’s my first experience using a slate frame and gilt silk twist. It’s quite a learning experience, and getting a little easier as I go along.
I’m also stitching an Erica Michaels design called Seaside Squared on 84 count silk gauze. This one will be to sell at a miniature show.
And just for fun, I’m stitching another Erica Michaels design called Jingle Berry. I’m doing several of her berry designs on silk gauze, and hanging them up together.
I have been putting snowflakes on purchased scarves /wraps using a tissue paper template in a hoop. I like to personalize gifts!
I am currently working on a Christmas piece for a white elephant gift exchange this coming Sunday. The pattern was put together by me using two nifty pictures I found online. The bottom part is NOEL with critters, holly, and pine needles around it. The top part was this Christmas tree made of swirls and snowflakes. Because the pattern was put together to fit a six inch hoop it has some small detail which has been a bit tricky to do with my one bad eye but I’ve been managing fine and it is looking great so far. I’ve been using regular DMC stranded cotton for it but I plan to use a silver metallic thread for the snowflakes. This is my first time trying out metallic threads so here is hoping it works out! I am planning to put the hoop in a frame I got from Stitch Life Studio when I am done!
Hi, Mary!
My current needlework project is a doll-sized embroidered red silk cape. I am using gold-tone thread so I can learn how well it works before I decide to scale up to a full-size project.
Even dolls need some glamor, right?
Currently, it’s a simple pattern from Yumiko Higuchi’s “Zakka Embroidery” book. It’ll be finished as a little clutch or pocketbook for a last-minute gift.
I’m working on a Harry Potter bookmark for my granddaughter.
Current project is a silk evening bag with couched beading in a sashiko pattern.
I am trying to finish the cutest chihuahua pillow. It is in wool thread. Never done one of these kits before. Super cute!
I am between projects,finished all the annual Christmas ornaments for my “littles”. Now to begin working on a piece I am piloting for Ann Strive Kurz.
After I FINISH the knitting for the new baby (my first grandchild), I will be making a counted cross stitch picture for his room of a blue macaw parrot. My daughter and her husband have a blue macaw named Bubba. I found a lovely pattern for a blue macaw but it doesn’t have much variation in the stitch colors so it’s kind of boring. I have decided to do the picture in over-dyed floss to give it some life. In order to get just the right colors, I took some of Bubba’s feathers to two shops for color matching. I must admit, people in both of the shops took it very well, but I imagine they had a good laugh when I left.
My current needlework project is a quilt. It combines embroidery, hexies, appliqué and quilting. I’ve been working on it off and on for two years. Time to get serious!
Currently working on a smocked apron for a friend, using medium weight linen, and soie ovale thread. The smocking is not honeycomb, but inspired by renaissance paintings, which show almost a darning stitch over several pleats. I hope to finish by the New Year, and add a drawn-thread hemstitch border. 🙂
I put aside my giant reproduction sampler to work on a small painted canvas Christmas stocking.
I’m about to start a piece of Tenango work, from Mexico, made with local threads. This is a type of embroidery specific to the Tenango area near Mexico City, featuring fantasy animals in bright colours. I am lucky enough to have a friend there who has sent me all the materials I need!
I just finished a bell pull that measure 3 3/4″ X 30″. I do not know who the designer was. I used Gentle Arts thread, a blue varigated thread. It was stitched one thread over one thread. I am really pleased with the results. I am now back to one of the Gingerbread Building (Needle Shop) designed by Thea Duck (Victoria Sample). I love these gingerbread designs an hope at sometime to get them all done.
I am currently working on a design of my own. It includes Drawn and Pulled Thread. It may have some cross stitch and Blackwork added to it before I am done. Thanks
I’m on a knitting kick right now but my design phase of the next project is in the works. I’m planning on making a small brooch with goldwork and 15/0 Delica beads that has an abstract design of swirls and paisley motifs. Tiny work but a lot of fun!
My current stitching project is a Long Dog sampler in cross stitch called “Pilgrim”. I’m doing it in DMC 930 and I love the complexity of the sampler and the simplicity of one color.
I am making a stocking with nutcrackers on it for my husband. It is on aida with cotton thread. It is a kit.
I currently hav several projects on the go, including one from a conference last July, an embroidered piece on organza and cotton printed with a photograph.
I am working on a silk gauze project that is really a lot of fun. I am not sure you have heard of it. It is called A Thousand Flowers. Grin. I could not wait to get started on it when my supply kit arrived. It is a lot of fun!
I’m working on Just Nan’s Frosty Mouse house. I finished the mouse last year and now he needs a stand so I’m sewing all four sides together and will place Frosty Mouse on top. I’ve stitched most of her mice and I just love her designs
I love these threads! I’ve been taking the goldwork master class from Thistle Threads and I’m loving it. Plus I’ve been buying some of the other threads they carry and they are fun to play with. Would love having some more threads to create with.
My current project is The Snow Queen by Nora Corbett. It’s a treasure chest of specialty threads, Kreinik Braid and 12 packages of Mill Hill Beads and Treasures! I’m doing it on a hand dyed opalescent fabric that is just a pleasure to work on. The entire project makes me smile and I look forward to its completion and framing it for next Christmas.
Currently, I am working on a scripture (be still and know that I am God) that is on black velvet. It is my first goldwork project and I find there is a definite learning curve. The padding is finished and I have started on the first letters, removed the stitching, and started again. I like that needlework is forgiving as I sometimes find myself changing my mind about the type of stitches I want to use.
The design comes from a machine embroidery design. While I can embroider it in gold on the machine, I think the effect of hand embroidery – with all the metal threads available – gives it so much more depth.
I am currently working on some vintage embroidery squares which have picture designs printed on them. I found the set of 20 squares on a ‘free giveaway’ table at my local quilt guild. The designs are of animals, and are geared to small children. I have no idea who designed them. I am stitching them as redwork with a red DMC embroidery floss, and when they are completed, I will sew them together into a baby quilt.
I am just beginning to use kimono silk to make an adornment for a cape. I plan to cut the silk in the shape of stones to simulate a pathway, then to applique them to the coat.
Every year for the past – oh, who knows how many Christmas seasons…, I pull out the Jingle Bells Christmas Tree Farm Sampler from Victoria Sampler. I add a few trees, animals, and some snow each year, but this is the year that I will finish it. Next Christmas it will be framed and out for display and something else with a Christmas theme will be in the work basket (most likely Ebenezer’s Christmas from Erica Michaels on silk gauze). It’s been fun having something to come back to each year and remembering “Well, the Christmas I stitched these trees we had a white Christmas or Jay got his bike, etc.” Merry Christmas to all!!!
Mendy, sounds winter wonderful! Hope to see it when it’s complete?
I am currently working on a cross stitch peacock for my newest grand daughter. I am especially enjoying exploring and using different threads than those called for. I have added a lot of sparkle to the design. My daughter in law likes sparkle!
Also just starting a new silk shading project as I work through Trish Burr’s book, Needle Painting embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginner’s. Not much to say about it yet, as it is only at the early stages. I am looking to improve on past efforts, as I try to outline in smaller stitches and fill the petals more thoroughly.
Hope you have a Merry Kansas Christmas!
Hi Mary,
Another lovely gift! Thank you!
I am currently working on a table centrepiece in Punto Antico called Dolcetti, designed by the lovely and talented Kathryn Drummond (Gingerbread Girl Designs).
It is lovely and the charts are well written. I love the symmetry, the abundance of types of stitches, the linen, the threads. I love working in “in hand.” It travels well.
It is turning out to be a bit larger than I expected (although the measurements are clearly given!) so I am thinking of omitting the outer 4-sided stitch border. And, I sort of ran out of steam on bullions so may omit some of those in one of the bands: I think I have convinced myself that I like it better without. 🙂
Thanks again,
Yes please!!!
I’m wrapping up a commission right now, silk trim for a rapier belt.
Hi Mary,
My current project is a series of 4 blackwork pieces that are words my 3 year olds have picked up from the culture of our home that epitomize the progress of their language development. Right now I’m stitching “perfect”… I’ve finished STOP, CAREFUL, and HAPPEN (though happen is technically a couched stitch on not blackwork.
Your blog is such a great resource.
I am currently working on my interpretation of a 17th century stumpwork mirror frame that is in the Metropolitan museum in New York. It has taken over two years so far, and I think it will be approximately another year to go. I am really enjoying using all the long forgotten stitches, such as over twisting, and cut silk pile, and also the unusual threads and techniques involved, and I know that I will be using them in many of my future projects.
Right now I’m finishing up the cyberclass from Alison Cole “Emerald Dragonfly”. It’s so pretty and sparkly! I love learning to add the paua shell for extra color/bling. For my round and round work, I’m working on Natalie Dupuis’ Colorwheel. That was a fun class, and I’ve learned thread management (12 needles at a time).
I’m finishing off a Kate Barlow Christmas baubles project in gold work. It’s fun and different colours, pink green and turquoise.
I’m currently working on a Jacobean project using wool thread. The design is my own, and it incorporates at least 30 different stitches, the hardest (to look right) being the long and short stitch and the one that took the longest to complete was the raised stem stitch.
I am working on a goldwork embroidery piece designed by myself. It is inspired by the gigantic Tree of Life mosiac that Gustav Klimt made for a palace in Brussels a century ago. I am testing it out on Cloth of Gold to see how I like the fabric and if the gold threads I have chosen stand out enough on it.
I’m just starting a tiny little Christmas dragon that I’ll be doing as cross stitch on some of the gold DMC mesh – my first time using it!
Hard to pinpoint just one project I am working on at any given time. There are two that inspire me the most at this time – I started both at the end of October and both are Japanese Embroidery designs from the Japanese Embroidery Center. They both require the stitcher to decide on color, technique, textures and I am looking forward to spending some time with them again soon.
I’m working on a stump work piece by Bluebird Embroidery which is very pretty with ribbons etc. Of course I also have several other projects on the go, including Christmas decorations and crochet and Schwann and smoyg and….
How I would love to win these wonderful threads. I’m not sure I am capable of making good use of them but I would dearly love to gift them to a friend and neighbour who, like me is back to embroidery after many years of neglect and is on a learning curve as I am to acquire new techniques and forms. My current project is a pin cushion which I didn’t finish for a gift but will complete nevertheless. I designed it from an idea I saw on Pinterest. It is a deep red snowflake using mostly stem stitch and French knots. I haven’t got there yet but I will try a bit of it with a DMC gold metallic thread, my first attempt with a metallic. Merry Christmas!
I am working on one of Just Nan’s 3-D ornaments. I’ve converted Oakley Owlet (oranges and browns/autumn colours) into a snowy owl stitched on 32-count opalescent white even-weave. I am using a combination of DMC and Kreinik.
currently madly stitching doll clothes for the grandgirls! At least their Christmas dresses are DONE!
I’m not actively working on needlework right now, because I’m getting some knitting done in time for Christmas and have also been learning to spin! (My ambition is to one day be able to spin my own embroidery threads…!) That said, I have a piece of Jacobean crewelwork that I really need to finish, from The Crewel Work Company; I normally do very small fiddly fine embroidery so it’s a rather different thing for me. It feels very different in tactile terms, just the sensation of pulling wool through twill instead of silk through linen!
Although I have more than one project going, the main project that I just started is a cross stitch project by Hands Across the Sea Samplers which is a reproduction of a cross stitch done by Ann Tong Uffindell. I’m doing it on 40 ct linen and using soie d’alger threads. I’m stitching the words right now which are over one thread. The stitches are so tiny I need a magnifying glass to do them.
Right now I’m working on a cross stitch picture of a large Peony for my grand daughters bedroom. I’m stitching it on an Ivory linen 28 count. It has 12 DMC cotton colors. Not too sure who the designer is of this picture. I purchased it on-line. It’s going to be beautiful when it’s done.
What lovely threads! I’d love to win them and try my hand at goldwork with fabulous colors.
I’m currently working on a Brazilian embroidery piece of irises that I picked up at the last Quilt Festival here in Houston. I’ relying on your videos for the cast on stitches (and there are a lot of them).
I’m working on a hollowed cat, different shades of black & a bit of dark grey as I wanted to test the new sparkly DMC thread. It’s proving to be challenging as the thread has a”spring” to it, and my eyes aren’t what they used to be! I’m looking forward to showing my stitching group on Facebook what the results are!
I am currently working on step 2 of the EGA Master Craftsman program in counted work. It is an Assisi piece in blue soie cristale. The design is a square with four interlocking open heart swirls and a Holbein border. It is based on a drawing from Cusack’s freehand ornament book, turned in four directions with a lot of adaptation. I love color so working in monochromatic is challenging (and a little boring) but the design is coming to life!
What gorgeous threads – the mind boggles at what you could do with them!
I’m afraid I tend to work on about five things at once, but my main project at the moment is a piece to commemorate our eldest’s wedding last September. It an umbrella and a parasol, with his name on the umbrella and hers on the parasol, the date, and the text “together in sun and rain”. His umbrella is thickly stitched in reverse chain stitch lines in shades of blue, her parasol will have airy/swirly stitches (something herringbone-y and some bead edging) in shades of red; the umbrella also has some silver and will have some pearls at the tips of the ribs, hers has gold and will have spangles there.
The design is a re-working of two separate metalwork pieces I have designed but not yet stitched, a goldwork parasol and a silverwork umbrella.
I’m between projects at the moment – these gorgeous threads would certainly prompt me to start a new one!
I would love to win the silk gimps, just reading about them makes me salivate. Currently I am working on a Schwalm Christmas stocking designed by Barbara Kershaw. Barbara came and did a couple of workshops with our guild in October, which included the Christmas stocking that she designed for Inspirations magazine. I am still working on my piece which will not become a UFO, just the cuff left to do,
My current needleworkproject is a workbag. It’s my own design and I’m putting all kind of needlework and embroidery on it.
From woolembroidery, till drawn thread embroidery, surface embroidery with soms stumpwork elements.
I just finished transferring a circular calendar design (similar to the primstav Mary reported on in July [22, 2017]) onto linen using tracing paper and polar graph paper. I’m contemplating stitches, but its mainly going to be stem stitch, back stitch with one or the other whipped when appropriate. It’s going to be mainly black with some of the hatch marks in different colors to mean different things — like purple and teal for birthdays. I’ve got charms and beads to go along with some of the hand embroidered symbols. I think the original embroiderer took a year. Mine is going to take longer than that by far. And it is MINE — not going to someone else.
Presently I am working on a project for a granddaughter. It is a 2’X3′ enlarged/modified drawing from the Ivy and the Inky Butterfly book of Johanna Basford. I will embroidery most of it, but there may be some areas of felted woolwich is blanket stitched. Of course, I will add her favorite butterflies, bugs and slugs and flowers from her own back yard to the picture. All will be done with DMC threads. Anne.
I am currently working on a crewel piece designed by Patricia Turnbull. I absolutely love it and can’t wait to finish it off as a pillow! It’s got gorgeous rich colors and I love the shaded flowers. =)
I am currently working on “Blooming Bright” a quilt designed by Alice Wilhoit. It is appliqued baskets of flowers with lots of embroidery embellishments. One project…lots of needlework options!
Currently, I am stitching the Nutcracker Suite needlepoint stocking by Liz Goodrich-Dillon for a young ballerina.
I love the beautiful painting of this stocking, the shading and colors. There are so many different motifs, candy, candy canes, gingerbread people, cookies, the Sugar Plum Fairy, Clara, the Prince the Rat King that lend themselves to inspire creativity in picking threads and stitches that enhance the beauty of this canvas.
I stitched a Peter Ashe Nutcracker stocking for another young ballerina and the projects was immensely satisfying and the results were stunning thanks to the beautiful artist’s rendition of a Christmas classic.
I a currently working on a small gold work kit, Goldwork 101 by Deborah M. Wilson.
I’m working on the Tree of Life by Wendy Williams. It is wool applique with lots of embellishing stitches. I am the one to decide which embellishing stitches to use. I’m using DMC pearl cotton and raylon pearl cotton. It is part of a class I took from here.
In the week before Christmas, who has time to stitch?
However, immediately afterwards, I’m planning to work on Tricia Nguyen’s Gentlemen’s Nightcap (which has been aging nicely in the stash) and Rachael Kinnison’s Florentine Ornament. Both are surface stitching with some glorious silk threads.
I am working on finishing up a gorgeous Jenny Adin-Christie project called Eryngium. This was one of my class projects at the EAC seminar in Prince Edward Island last summer. The project is on a silk organza background and features shadow work with very fine wool, needle lace with a silk gimp, spangles, pearls, beads, and a wire mesh ribbon that is usually used in jewelry making. I was smitten with this design when it first showed up in the seminar brochure and I’m still in love with this exquisite design!
Thank you to Access Commodities for offering this great prize package. Thank you, Mary for planning this give away!
I am currently and most often working with making little fairy dolls and gnomes. I’m always looking for ways to embellish their clothes and would love to try this with the silk threads.
I am stitching Strawberry Fayre a beautiful necessaire by Carolyn Pearce (Inspirations magazine issue 95). At the moment I am working on the front of the heart shaped container. I think the rug at my feet currently has as many beads decorating it as the embroidery does!
My project (on hold for holiday season) is TEA AND STITCHES from Victoria Sampler. I have been a fan of Thea Dueck since she taught me Hardanger at a Stitcher’s Hideaway retreat in 2005. I like the variety of stitches she incorporates in her designs. The main design in this set (box top, fob, scissor case, needlebook) features a cross-stitched scene surrounded by a “frame” of 14 different whitework areas, including Hardanger, pulled thread work, and drawn thread work. So far, I have done the blocks on three sides of this frame. I like this project because each block is different, so I am learning new stitches in small doses.
An art deco cat for Christmas using a comgination of cotton and metallic threads !
A card with a snowman and tree areally nearly done.
Seeing others have created great embroidered cards my first is pulled from my mind. Stitching was done in 2 threads, except the single thread of the snowman outline and stick arms which had 3.
A chain stitch and some heavy black thread (from a former attempt at crocheting) made the 3 balls of my snowman. Stem stitches for the black hat and red smiling mouth, 3 Rhodes stitches are buttons, and the eyes are colonial knots.
The tree was going to mimic Mary Corbet’s recent pine offer, but it was not working up smoothly. Now those few attempts are beneath loads of double, and single, feather stitches in 3 shades of green. A line of dark green square chain stitch was put near the center to act as the trunk. 3, then 5, finally 7 red oblong ornaments were added to the tree.
Stick snowman arms were outlined in stem stitches, and modestly filled in with square chain stitches, in 2 shades of brown. Note my stitches are far from identical or straight. They have an organic flow to fit whatever image my mind sees at the time.
Having finished the arms with a bit of thread remaining, the trunk of the tree got whipped for a touch of brown there. Not ideal, but it used up the ort.
Finally I will hem the edges of this scrape of linen, cut a hole in a piece of folded cardboard, and staple the fabric to the inside of my first homemade card. If all goes well it will be in someone’s hands this afternoon as a thank you card. My thanks being penned at the bottom of this stitched image.
I am pleased to know that I now have another way to make homemade cards.
I am working on two projects: the final wise man in the series of nativity “bean bags”, for which I am waiting on a shipment of Kreinik #2 gold braid to finish, and a Sue Spargo Craftsy class butterfly sampler with wool applique on an appliqued background.
My project is a smocked Christmas ornament designed by the fabulous Barbara Meger. The thread is a sparkly metallic that twinkles in the tree lights. The smocking is diagonal which adds “movement” to this special treasure.
Your posts are a highlight of my stitching day!❤️
Greetings, I am currently stitching on a self-designed piece that will hopefully become part of an inspirational quilt. Currently, I am using basic threads and stitches since it is going into a quilt.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
My current project is Full Metal Flowers designed by Melinda Sherbring. This was a 4 day class I took at last years EGA National Convention. It’s all metal threads using 24 different stitches from the 16th and 17th centuries. I am having a lot of fun with this.
I’m currently working on a hardanger tea cloth from the 1993 issue of Our World of Stitches. It was supposed to be for my mother in law for Christmas but that isn’t going to happen, so it is now for her birthday/mother’s day! I like the final results but all the kloster blocks, and edging are really tedious, but they are done now so on to the fun part!
Although I have not started it yet, I plan to begin it before the end of the year (Yes,it it coming up fast) It is a gift for my sister which will be a wall hanging. It is self designed with Morning Glories and the letter O (for her last name). Morning Glories hold a very special place in her heart as she use to play a game with our father, who ever said “Morning Glory” was the winner. Nothing was won, they were just the winner. Our father sadly passed away this past November, so this gift will mean a lot to her.
Am attempting to recreate an 18th century embroidered waistcoat. The design is inspired by a waistcoat from the 1780s (http://www.nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/1359598) and this one (http://lynnmcmasters.com/18thCwestcoat.html) plus a few additions of my own. I’m using soie d’alger threads on a lime green silk dupion fabric, which is lovely to embroider on. I find myself looking at 18th century waistcoats on Pinterest with absolute awe at the skills those embroiderers had!
I’m slightly “between” projects, so here’s past, present, and future. Just finished the ANG Stitch of the Month for 2018 — a darning sampler by Toni Gerdes. She offered several ground / thread combinations. I worked mine on congress cloth with #8 perle cotton and an overdyed thread from a grab bag from Vikki Clayton of Hand-Dyed Fibers. Lots of fun, and not quite as easy as it looked.
Future: I’m signed up for Tricia Nguyen’s upcoming 17th century whitework sampler class – big reticella section, and still debating about the Stuart Silk Purl flower class. I think it uses some of these same threads. I’ve done a little bit of goldwork, but haven’t used any silk-wrapped purls. They look luscious!
While waiting, I want to finish an EGA correspondence course project — Papillon, an Introduction to Filet Lace, by Adrienne Meyer. It’s overdue, but I do want to finish it — the grid is all but wrapped. Instead of a natural colored linen, I pulled a bright yellow piece from my stash, and similar shade of perle cotton. There’s a cross-stitched verse, which I’ll stitch in a purple Dinky Dyes silk.
Probably not too exciting, but appropriate for the season. I am embroidering children’s quilt blocks that were donated to our senior center. The quilt will be donated back to the center to sell in their store or to be given to one of the many charities they support. They are pre-printed but, what I like about them, is that they are small, very portable, and there isn’t much thinking involved. I am changing them here and there to suit myself and experimenting with some stitches I haven’t tried before. This time of year is so hectic, it’s nice to put aside the fancy patterns and relax a few minutes with a simple, quick to finish, project.
I just finished up some Christmas gifts… monogrammed napkins and tablecloth and am packing away the sewing room since we need the guest bedroom back for the holidays! Used 4 of your floral monograms for the napkins for everyday napkins for my dad. The tablecloth was a kit from Hobby Lobby I bought on 75% off sale thinking it would help my skills, but doubtful I’ll do that again! I was just stitching to get it finally finished but I think my mother in law will enjoy it! Merry Christmas!
What am I working on? Well, I saw some adorable little Christmas ornaments on a tree at the local mall. They were little sweaters, sweetly embroidered. I decided to make some of my own and am having a ball with them. Some are initialed, and today I am making one with the letter “L” embroidered on it in memory of Penny Marshall! I’ve incorporated a few beads and have yet to find a way to create a hanger, but I have a good idea what I can do. I love working on these because they tickle my creativity and make me think a litttle harder than I would if I was working with a pattern! That’s it.
Several of us in our EGA chapter are doing a mystery project. We were given a basic shape which is a six-sided figure. Then we were given 3 stitches which have to be used somewhere. Beyond that, it’s up to us. We’ll see at the end of the year what we have all come up with. I’ve almost finished my outline. Should be fun!
My current project is a painted canvas from Colors of Praise called Turtle Watching. A woman in a bathing suit sits on a lounge chair, looking at a turtle coming up from the murky ocean depths next to her chair. There are palm fronds galore! This piece reminds me of a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii I took with my husband. We sat on a sandy beach and watched the green turtles that silently came up out of the water, checked out the tourists and vanished again. I am pretty sure no one else saw the turtles but we did. I started with the water and turtle, covering everything with an open wavy stitch that is vaguely Bargello-ish. It’s heck to count so I rip out as much as I stitch but it looks fabulous. Wish me luck!
According to my self-made curriculum for learning embroidery, after finishing a Biedermeier cross stitch sampler and an Assisi sampler, I’m now about to prepare a Colbert sampler. Beforehand, I’m practicing a bit on a doodle cloth, that is I’v arranged 18 little squares on Murano (a 32 ct. fabric for counted embroidery) which I’m filling with all the 18 background patterns from Dillmont’s book on Colbert embroidery, outlining the squares with all the stitches used in the projects within the book for outlining: outline stitch, feather stitch, braid stitch, French knots, herringbone stitch, flat stitch and “encroaching flat stitch” (not sure yet what that is), and buttonhole stitch.
The English translation of “Colbert embroidery” by Thérèse de Dillmont is a bit confusing in places, as with “running stitch” for “point coulé” which is actually what we call outline stitch, or “fishbone stitch” for “point d’arête” which is evidently, looking close up at the photo, a feather stitch (“point d’épine”). Luckily, I have the French version of this book as well – AND a multilingual stitch dictionary put together by Méri from Porto, Portugal – thank you so much, Méri, for sharing your work! Both help me a lot.
I must admit that I like the Assisi embroidery much more than Colbert embroidery, but that may change as soon as I launch into the sampler. Personally, I find simple patterns a bit boring (sorry, no offend intended, it’s just my very personal preference!), so I’m really looking forward to stitching “real pictures” again. 🙂
Angela from the Ore Mountains
I have now written all of the letters, posted all of the cards, wrapped all of the gifts and finished decorating the cake and so now have a teeny bit of me time available. A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to do a crewelwork workshop with Anna Scott in Bath and fell in love with her ‘Partridge in a Pear Tree’……so this what I am just starting ( at least it should be ready by next Christmas ). The raised work is not too tricky and the partridge and pear are equally plump and gorgeous – I am going to enjoy working all of this!
Firstly I must say that I was intrigued with the fascinating weaving of the trim and the winding of the silk bobbins. Who knew that old techniques are still used and are the best! Thank you for the links to be able to see these wonderful techniques.
“Tell us about your current needlework project. What are you stitching on? What techniques? Who designed it? What do you like about it? Share all the juicy details of whatever you’re working on.”
My current project is a mermaid doll made with fine crochet thread. I have complete the wig by tightly crocheting with a fine needle to make long ringlets. It took me hours to complete with single crochet stitches. I used a variegated thread to match the mermaid’s colours. I love how the ringlets curled as I made each length and then crocheted back up to the headpiece or wig to start another row.
She really is turning out wonderful. Having 3 jobs does not permit me to create as often as I would like, so I do relish when I can sit and get away from everything and immerse myself in my creative work. I do a large variety of different needlework as I was taught by my Hungarian Grandmother from a very young age.
Well, to be honest , yesterday I finished my last Christmas stitch. So today I plan to go through my basket of kitted up projects and pick one. I do k ow I want to start a hooked rug kit (something I have wanted to learn), I have a tree wool applique I want to start. But I am leaning towards the Wonter girl by Niki’s creations. It’s a cross stitch pattern.
I am fixin to start felted wool embroidery as in what Sue Spargo does. I don’t have any specialty threads so this would be ideal to get started. Thanks for all you do for the hand embroiderers out there.
I am currently working on a few squares of hummingbirds. I am using variegated light greens and stitching them in green work. I am using fern stitch, French knots, straight stitch and satin stitch. I plan to put these birds in a quilt and surround them with various quilt blocks in spring shades of green. I like to work on them in the evening when I am winding down the day. It very relaxing. So much fun.
My current stitching project is my on-going book of cq blocks based on Anne Stokes fantasy cards. I only have 3 more blocks to do so today I was looking for more cards to buy to make more blocks.
I made some sled ornaments for gifts, so this was my first time using perforated paper and beads. I loved it. Thanks for the chance.
I’m currently working with pendants: I buy for a local craftman the silver frames for the necklaces and then I include the embroidered piece. I love them because it allows me to create my own small little designs, but also because they are super fast project and WIPs don’t accumulate in my basket 🙂
Good morning Mary!
We are hoping for snow soon. Nothing makes me feel like Christmas then being snowed in. Perhaps it is my love of snow days when I was a kid?
I am currently beading the fringe of a handwoven scarf.
Thanks for this giveaway Mary. I love silk and sparklies, too.
I’m currently working with pendants: I buy for a local craftman the silver frames for the necklaces and then I include the embroidered piece. I love them because it allows me to create my own small little designs, but also because they are super fast project and WIPs don’t accumulate in my basket 🙂
I have several projects going on. A cross stitch christmas ornament, Eleanor by Gay Ann Rogers- Im working on her hair which is stem stitch. I’m also working on a small project with beetlewings.
I’ve chosen a very, very simple needlepoint eyeglass case by Alice Peterson. It’s s9mething I can pickup easily and drop easily. I’ve also volunteered to finish a Friends embroidered linen apron from French Needle. I’ve completed mine and loved doing it. Just simple, colorful perle cotton thread, with simple stitches…stem, chain, French knots, etc.
I am currently embroidering a series of flowers on a vintage coat that needs some repairs. The repairs will now enchance the black wool and cashmere coat. I am working in sulky petite cotton 12
My current project is recycling an embroidered doily into a policyholder.
Greetings, I’m currently working on a stuffed appliqué piece. Is say God is Great in Arabic calligraphy. It’s kimono silk on quilting cotton. Thanks, hope all have a great holiday!
My current project is a set of towels with Christmas trees (from Mary) for my daughter, who loves anything hand made.
Right now, I’m working on a large cross stitch piece – Mermaids of the Deep Blue. I’ve had that chart forever and just decided that now was the time. It must have a million beads!! But I find cross stitch very soothing.
My current project is titled “Becoming Human” and is meant to go along with a poem I wrote of the same name. I am using a variety of stitches (stem, long, backstitch and bullion) to depict a stone well the first “humans”–pre-homo habilis used to bury their dead. It is the sixth embroidery project I’ve done this year which combines poetry and needlework for storytelling. (Thank you for the opportunity!)
I am working on a lovely piece of embroidery that features flowers all in a row. The majority is cross stitch but there is plenty of room for creative selection of bullion knots, French knots, couching, and more fancy stitches.
I can see gimp for flowers and to accent stems.
Exciting new project! Our RAGS sewing group is working on a scissors sheath/needle book. It’s in the shape of a slipper and will incorporate all my favorites. Silk ribbons, velvets, ruching and SRE! Roxane Langan is the designer and our fearless leader!
I am stuck on Tempting Tangles’ Panoply of Peacocks. I am about 90% finished but the arthritis in my thumbs has become so bad that I haven’t been able to stitch for a few months. I love the beautiful colors in the design…aqua, turquoise, mauve and greens…and all of the different peacock designs. It’s just a cross stitch piece which is usually a little boring…I prefer doing a variety of stitches…but this design has held my interest.
After years of being a professional mixed media glass artist I have decided to take my passions, especially for textiles, into an area where I can use all my skills together. I have always done sculptural figurative work, but I am now more interested in working on a smaller scale, thus marrionetts seemed like a good direction because of all the miniaturized costumes I could work on which could include embroidery. Embroidery has the ability to add narrative imagery to an artwork, yet also allows for the color pallet of painting … and the textures of bas relief! Because it is so versatile it allows me to be very experimental in my approach, especially by reducing the scale of the art work. My preferred fabric is linen, although I have been weaving fabric strips to create fabric which is stitched together; I love the look of sachiko and Boro and the mark of the hand, but I also look forward to exploring gimp, couching, stumpwork and some more textural approaches which I have not tried yet. Traditionally the imagery in my artwork has been done with fired enamels reverse painted on glass; I now want to explore just how far I can go using thread!
I never have just one! One of my projects is your Autumn Kaleidoscope, which I am working in a single thread using both House of Embroidery Threads and DMC threads. It is pretty and I am liking it a lot. Since it is now Winter, and seasons greatly affect what I work on, I just started a snowman using some sparkly thread from Colour Complements. The thread is a Kreinik ribbon in icy blue/silver. It is fun to explore what a different thread can do, and I would love to explore these threads you are offering.
The needlework project I’m currently working on combines quilting with needlework, and a little fabric painting/sketching. I’m making a quilt for my sister, and we’ve decided to put images of all of her cats, past and present, on the quilt. Each cat’s image is created with a combination of ink and DMC embroidery thread. Because each cat has his/her own quilt block, we also decided to name each block for each of her 4 cats.
Thanks for letting me join this group! I currently have too many projects started, but the ones I’m focussing on are a centerpiece mat called Holiday Lights, by Deb Tirico, a sampler called Scotland from Amy Mitten’s From Around the World Group, and Little House Needlework’s Battle Hymn of the Republic. I am a member of the Needlework Guild of America. The Holiday Lights project was taught by a member, and is my first piece using Deb Tirico’s techniques, and only my third felted wool project. I am completing the Scotland sampler as a challenge piece for Guild, with the initials representing my family and my husband’s. The Battle Hymn is for our anniversary, which is the 4th of July. The list of other projects started and in the queue is enormous and my New Year’s goal is to finish them in 2019!
I’m currently working on a Scarlet Tiger Moth done in Wallachian work (the traditional peasant kind, not the whitework). It is part of a set of butterflies that I’m doing to explore different traditional styles of embroidery from around the world. So far I’ve finished a Norwegian butterfly in hardanger and an Indian butterfly in kantha. I think I might do another counted technique next, though I’m not sure if it will be blackwork or something else (reticella or Sardinian knotwork, perhaps)?
My current project is a Jacobean pattern designed by Hazel Blomkamp. I am stitching it almost exactly to her specifications, which is giving me a good education! It’s the first time I’ve done anything so deliberately slow, in other words, that I’ve used elaborate and multiple techniques. I love working this pattern so much that I’ve lined up two more of Hazel Blomkamp’s projects to follow. (And in case there is any doubt, I would never have heard of Hazel Blomkamp without Needle’n Thread!)
I’m attempting to finish a wool block of the month (maybe I should call it a block of every 3 months) by Gretchen Gibbons called Lotus Joy. I’m trying to use a variety of embroidery stitches I don’t normally use. I love working on this & look forward to it’s completion sometime in this century.
Having tried to get all the current projects finished before the hectic holiday….I am happily looking forward to my next delight. A Group Correspondance Course from EGA. It is “Perfectly Counted Crosses”, a Band Sampler by Carolyn Standing Webb. As a lover of Samplers, I have been saving the materials list, instructions, etc in the packet ’til right after the Big Day as I am taking it with me for a week’s quiet sojourn at my Beach House in the Hamptons.
For my grand daughters I made 2 felt dolls using the pattern in the book by Shelly Down “My felt doll.” The eyes she suggested are black plastic domes and I wanted to stitch realistic eyes. This project really worried me because these 2 girls are waiting patiently for their dolls but I was nervous. Anyway, I stitched eyes that look just beautiful and very realistic using one strand of floss and needle painting. I just finished and am sending them off this morning. Next project is monograms on pillow cases for a wedding in January. That is an exciting project for me. I will design the monograms and they asked for Earth tones.
I am working on a series of monograms from your collection of different types of monograms. The colors are bright and beachy (we live near the beach). Corals, Blue-greens, and some gray for a little contrast. I am using linen and a variety of threads, silk, cotton, metallic and wool. One or two are shadowwork. I will frame some, use hoops for some.
I’m working on a table runner from Kathy Schmitz’ book Stitches from the Yuletide and a wool aplique called Snowy Days from Heart to Hand. Both are uncomplicated and great to work on while doing some holiday socializing!
Hello, again, Mary. Thanks for another chance to think lovely thoughts instead of not-ready-for Christmas thoughts. My most current WIP is on a bit of red on white toile fabric; embellishing with deep red, purple and (undecided) embroidery. I had seen some of Richard Ehle’s irreverent work on toile and it looked as if it would be fun. I am also wanting to piece a feathered star quilt block to see if I might have the tenacity to do an entire top. Thus I am cobbling up a decorated toile feathered star…..
My current needlework project is the Toy Chest Etui designed by Betsy Morgan. Our EGA chapter is hosting a workshop with Betsy in early February 2019. We received our pre-work kits this month in order to stitch a small piece we’ll assemble the first day of the workshop. Because I’ve always wanted to take a class with Betsy I’m thrilled to work on this project. We’re using silk threads (yummy, yummy) on linen. It’s mostly cross stitch with a few other stitches here and there. A lot of the project involves finishing because of the numerous needlework smalls disguised as old fashioned toys.
Hello, again, Mary. Thanks for another chance to think lovely thoughts instead of not-ready-for Christmas thoughts. My most current WIP is on a bit of red on white toile fabric; embellishing with deep red, purple and (undecided) embroidery. I had seen some of Richard Saja’s irreverent work on toile and it looked as if it would be fun. I am also wanting to piece a feathered star quilt block to see if I might have the tenacity to do an entire top. Thus I am cobbling up a decorated toile feathered star…..
I was just putting together a bunch of stuff in my head, but now I have a deadline — my quilting guild has assigned us to do a block about family, and I though I might embellish a portrait of my great-grandparents crazy-quilt style. I’ll bring up the portrait in my photo program, add their names and some flowers or something, size it, and print it out on a printable fabric sheet. (See, when I do these old-school crafts, I have to add a touch of technology to it!)
Two crazy quilting projects going on: A fairly large piece for my son about 18″ x 36″. This is a multi year project. A Masochists stocking in old gold fabrics with gold and burgundy stitching. I want this one done by his birthday in April as I now have another grandson and want his done by next Christmas. No restt for the weary!!
I am currently working on an embellished wool applique quilt called “C’est ma Nature” by Sophie Carcaud at http://www.damedelaforet.com. I whipped the wool shapes onto the background and now I’m onto the fun part, adding thread embellishments. As the theme is (awfully cute) animals in the forest, there are lots of leaves, ferns, grasses and flowers to stitch. I like that she has suggested stitches (none of them difficult) but that there is room for choosing my own threads and stitches. I like the larger scale of the work (often perle 8) so I can take it many places to work and not worry overly much about perfect lighting. I’m executing this pattern for a second time with slightly different fabrics and palette. Both daughters have stated that I may NOT give it away. The artist’s drawing of the animals is so whimsical that I smile every time I see them. There are somersaulting foxes, courting hedgehogs and a choir of mice among the inhabitants.
I am stitching several projects: one is a Hazel Blomkamp crewel design using floss, one is a heart border using an iron-on pattern and various threads, and the third is a small silk panel of a flower garden using machine stitching as well as hand embroidery in a variety of threads. The latter is my own design. I’ve also decided that in 2019 I’ll continue to work on all my UFO’s until they are all completed. Thanks for another wonderful giveaway, Mary. Merry Christmas!
As soon as I finish putting some finishing stitches into a quilt for Christmas, I will return to my embroidery project of finishing a butterfly edged pillowcase for my mother.
I am not long finished the Jacobean element of my RSN certificate and diploma course and starting the canvas work modulei January. I designed my Jacobean piece. I’ve got several other pieces on the go, just finished or to be started soon. I’ve finished a holly and mistletoe stumpwork piece designed by RSN tutor Deb Wilding, framed today, my Year of Stitch (two years if truth be told) designed by me, framed today and have been cutting out calico and sari silk for a little January workshop with our group. I am a big fan of French knots and sally manage to fit them in somewhere. I love stitching with silk threads. Stitching keeps me sane. A very Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2019
I have several current projects – cross stitch, crewel, and I have several flour sack kitchen towels stacked up with designs to do. My favorite project of all right now is a pair of pillow cases I am using to learn needle painting. I figure if they do not look good at first no one will care except me but I have been amazed at myself as I can see progress. I can see that I am learning and growing with each petal and each leaf. I can see the mistakes on the last flower and the next one will look even better. It is reassuring to be able to visually see my learning experience. And, I would not have even started this if it had not been for you, Mary. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the courage to step out of my box.
I haven’t started it yet, but I’m going to work on a series of small pieces to make into sachets. I always look through stitch dictionaries for inspiration, but they will be floral designs, with perhaps a bit of metallic or beading accents. I recently picked up the RSN book on beading and it is super inspiring!
I may end up using squares meant for a quilt; if so, I’ll imitate the Japanese style of picking up/following the underlying fabric pattern with the stitching.
I’m looking at these as being a way to experiment with these techniques. (Then my sister-in-law will do her thing with the actual sachet contents.)
I am currently working on two several projects. 1) Terri Bay’s Nine Patch Tray which is Blackwork and Pulled Thread. I like it because it is challenging and easy to transport. 2) Kay Stanis’ Golden Pine. I like the design and trying new techniques. For both of them, I need quality time. When I don’t have that, I am working on Brugge “Grote Markt” a counted thread piece I purchased when visiting Brugge.
I love geometric designs, and when I saw someone post their ‘Save the Stitches’ project, a blackwork design by Elizabeth Almond, I fell in love and immediately went in search of the pattern. I like that the project is broken down into blocks. I often feel like it’s hard to make good progress on large pieces, but every time I complete a block, there is a sense of accomplishment!
Thank you Mary and Access Commodities for this giveaway. I have three ongoing projects. One is a series of Christmas ornaments that are meant to look like jewels. They are small diamond shapes, stitched with metallic needlepoint threads in a counted technique from a Ukrainian magazine a friend gifted me. The original pattern is for a long table runner, but I am only using one of the pattern repeats and using gold or silver thread in French knots where the pattern calls for the fabric to show. They look like small beads.
The second project is a printed cross-stitch of St. Andrew. A church friend gifted it to me. It’s not something I would usually choose and I don’t particularly like it, but I have to make it or my friend will realize I don’t like it.
The last is a cloth to cover our Gospel book at my church. It’s a pattern I made from photos of two angel icons in our church with a cross in the center and a border that goes all the way around the outside.
I am currently stitching on a fun project, but it is not really elaborate. I am stitching the wonky houses from Crabapple Hill’s Hocuspocusville. It just outline stitches, but I chuckle while working on it.
My current project is a jacket for my husband. It’s a Tamarack Jacket pattern from Grainline Studio, made to be hand quilted. So, I shibori indigo dyed remnant and recycled linen. Then I sewed all the pieces together and then Sashiko stitched them.
Now, I must practice welt pockets on a scrap. Insert the pockets, and assemble the whole thing and I’m running out of time. Yikes. Back to work.
My two “big” projects in the works are the metalwork acorn spray on silk from The Stitch Bible and Barbara Kershaw’s Henrietta (the same sweet bunny as in Factoria VII). I am also trying to finish up a couple of smaller UFOs in preparation for the new year.
Tell us about your current needlework project.
I have several (but what stitcher doesn’t). I am working on a four piece Christmas needlepoint train for my grandson. I also have a patriotic one for my daughter-in-law. Then there are the little projects that I am working on (the wreath ornament from the EGA Stitch A Long, the Victoria Sampler ornament and Halloween sampler) plus lots of others.
I have two projects I’m currently working on. One is the baby blanket from Susan Connors Monograms book. It is an Old English D with curved leaves over and under the letter. It’s a cream floss worked on an off-white fleece. It’s the largest monogram I have done and it’s interesting, but also challenging. The other project is one I designed myself. It’s a piece for my sister, so I’m embroidering the symbol for her sorority and then her initials are around that design. I’ve done the big part of that project which is the sorority symbol, now I just have to finish with the initials and some other small design aspects.
My current project is a metalwork and silk snowman I am stitching on a light blue silk for a wall decoration. It is my first foray into working with metal threads. It is a wonderful project that is fun to work on at this time of the year. I created the pattern from a photo of a pillow I found on the internet.
Currently I’m working on a temari ball, and a felt embroidery turtle that will eventually become a tote bag.
I am not currently working on any stitching as I am too busy practicing the music for Christmas Eve services. What I have ready to go after Christmas is a kit called, “Joy of the Season”, from Sunset Gallery Crewel which uses wool yarn, cotton embroidery thread, & gold metallic thread.
I’m working on Joan Thomasson’s Nativity. The Madonna and child, Joseph, and one set of shepherds are stitched. I’m currently working on the three kings and have the second set of shepherds and an angel are queued up and ready to go.
Beautiful threads, Mary! I have several pieces in the works at the moment including a blackwork piece, a canvas piece and 2 Japanese Embroidery pieces. Have a wonderful holiday!
Hi, Mary! I design most of my stitching pieces, the latest being a freehand-stitched sampler of motifs in my (as-yet-unpublished-but-trying-to-get-published) novella “Imagination Prymm: A Year and a Day” about a 1678 Ipswich, Massachusetts, healer and midwife. Some of the motifs I have stitched thus far are her house and gardens as the center of the piece (each plant in the gardens painstakingly stitched); the ship (called “The Spirit”), based on the 1630 “Arbella”; and a giant Yew Tree; her spinning wheel and bobbin lace pillow, to name just a few. I use hand-dyed threads, the ground being 27×18″ 30-count hand-dyed linen (called “Putty”). As I indicated, most of the stitches are freehand, blending colors and textures as I go, although I do sketch out on paper an approximation of each motif. Thank you, Mary, for these Stitcher Christmas chances!
Oh, how much fun these threads would be. I’m currently learning thread painting and of course I didn’t start with something “simple”. I started with thread painting Raptors (Birds of Prey). I’m a volunteer at Raptor Rehab and we have 26 educational birds (plus 5 that we loved but have passed away) that I’d like to thread paint on blocks. I’m doing all of this by using photos of the birds themselves and trying to “mimic” the variations in their feathers. It’s going to take some time to do these, but in the end it will be worth it. Trying to find “just the right” colors/shades to use for the feathers of the birds is a real challenge, but it’s fun. Working on this project alternately drives me crazy and gives me peace of mind. Sitting with needle and thread and doing “hand” work is wonderful “down time”.
I am currently working on a crewel embroidery from The Crewel Work Co. The Glamis Crown, Rose & Thistle. I use many of the Appleton wools but sometimes substitute some silk threads as well – it give some nice shimmer with using metallic threads. Next up is to work on my class from Thistle Threads – Cabinet of Curiosities.
I’m currently working on a small early 1600s floral motif using detached buttonhole stitch, Goldwork braid and spangles. It is a learning piece. I love this style of floral ornamentation.
I currently have two projects I am working on. (Shocking I know.) I am almost finished with an Apple Hill Design I started a while ago. It is a block from a quilting pattern of two different poppies. I am also working one of Mary Corbett’s Autumn designs which I started in October then put away to make two quilts for Christmas. The needlework involves, satin stitch and stem stitch which I love to use for outlining because of its ropey design. Something about that stitch satisfies my sensibilities. The colors are soothing to the eye as well. Even though it won’t be finished for Fall, it will for next year because I should have it blocked and framed by then. I’ll either hang it or give it to someone if I need a gift. After all, I can make another.
I am working on a crazy quilt called , Everywhere Flowers. At my local EGA silent auction, I picked up an unfinished cross stitch project that I recycled into a beautiful center block. The other eight blocks have a flower center embroidered with different techniques.
Hi Mary, I am just about to commence a project that will probably evolve as I stitch it. It involves beads, gold threads and some coloured silk threads, possibly with some purls thrown in as well. The plan is to embroider a necklace using all of the above, in an abstract design. I think I will start off with the focal point which is a cabochon and work out from there. Who knows what I will end up with, but I know I will enjoy the process anyway.
Happy Christmas to you and your family
Barbara JW, UK
My current project is a series of flour sack towels with food and drink “quotations” embroidered on them. I found the quotations online. I used my computer to print them out using assorted fonts. I then traced the pattern onto the towels with my light box.
My current project is from a class at the RSN and it’s a contemporary goldwork piece called a Vintage Christmas Baubles designed and taught by Kate Barlow who is an RSN tutor. Great fun and my first try at applying leather over felt padding! My technique could do with some work….
I’m working on an Aari/tambour piece. I just got back from India where i learned loads of new stitches and also bought 13(!) kg of beads & sequins, so i’m going a bit crazy with the bling. The design is my own. The challenge right now is to not try to put everything in at once, to keep an eye on the visual balance.
Hello Miss Corbet,
Unfortunately, I’m “between projects” at the moment…
But the last one I finished was a cross stitch pattern by Brooke’s Books Publishing, one of the Advent Animals, that I turned into a tree ornament in honour of my (first) grandniece’s First Christmas. What the next project will be, I have no idea yet 🙂
Kindest regards from Holland
I am currently working on several projects (don’t we all!). The Hardanger piece is “Summer Classic” by Donna M Olson. I love it because I don’t have to change colors and can hold it and “sew” rather than holding a frame – and it is beautiful white on white (and nearly finished). I just started yesterday a tea towel with “Evergreen and Holly” by our favorite Mary Corbet. I am NOT using a frame for it – preferring it in hand. I love it because I am finally in the Christmas spirit and it has a stitch I’ve never done – palestrina (and “padded” satin stitch). I think I’ve about figured it out (on my 3rd holly leaf!). Sitting half-done and neglected in what I think is a heavy wood frame is a canvas piece “Starry Skies,” part of the Regional Quilt Series by Nancy’s Needle, that is a lovely blue and silver design. I am currently designing an iris project in stumpwork – my 2nd attempt at design, 3rd stumpwork piece, and 1st iris – LOL!
at this time i am working on a project that i “designed” myself. i love the Outlander books and series so I have been recreating the embroidered fashions that were worn in the TV show for my 16inch French Fashion Doll. Presently i am working on the wedding dress, which is covered in silver metalwork. i have finished the embroidered stomacher and i am now working on the embroidered overskirt which is stitched on organza. these threads are just the type of thing for this project. lol. thanks so much.
i am in the process of moving cross country from a home in Pennsylvania to a retirement center in Portland OR. For an 83 year old lady three weeks of packing and moving heavy boxes was much easier than reducing my lifetime fabric and needlework stash to what I can fit into my new much smaller digs. To stay sane I ordered the blackwork online course from the Royal School of needlework and have been plodding away at it for thirty minute intervals between bouts of lifting and hauling. I did blackwork 50 years ago with Nantucket School of Needlery and loved itscrisp, geometric qualities. However, some modern blackworkers are changing the form quite a bit. A lot that I am seeing shares a current embroidery obsession with achieving extreme reality of images. That has triggered a style in which shading is achieved by varying the weights of threads used or bu only using a partial pattern in shaded areas. As a result there are places where the heavy threads fill in the pattern completely so that the pattern is obscured, or a partial pattern makes the pattern unreckognizable. In the preoccupation with realistic imaging and the use of a round hoop there is often a failure to think about composition, resulting in plethoras of vignettes against a blank space. As a visual artist this gives me much to contemplate.
Currently working on Needle Delights
Rain Forest Revisited. Love that I can see the
18 ct canvas holes. The speciality stitches are so nice and the Autumn colors are so pretty.
Working on two class pieces from Jennifer R. Beets and Radishes; both incorporate forms of stumpwork.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Merry Christmas
I have probably 50+ current projects – I went absoliutely crazy this past 1-1/2 yrs. But my favorite of all is a canvas designed by Sandra Gilbert entitled “Decisions, Decisions.” I fell in love with it on sight, spent way more than I could imagine for 1 project by the time I got fibers, stitch guide, etc, etc. – And am slowly working on it in between other projects. My favorite parts of it is the little witches hair that I am doing with bullion knots in varying shades of red, blond, brunette; and the broom bristles which will be in the straw thread. I just love it !
I’m currently working on a runner with Ukrainian Embroidery. It’s done in nyzynka (my favorite type of Ukrainian Embroidery) which is a form of pattern darning. I’m working it on lugana using cotton DMC. This runner was originally done by my teacher. I loved it when she showed it to me, so I decided to make one for myself.
I’m finishing three trees, from the designs of Mary Corbet’s, (Twelve Trees for Christmas), I’m fascinated with the designs are versatile, easy and beautiful, I love their colors and stitches, I made them for Christmas 2017 and 2018. I made gift bags with tree designs.
I am currently working on Queen Victoria designed by GayAnnRogers. She is in her wedding veil. This is a very detailed design on Congress cloth. The back ground is stitched twice with metallic accents.The face is very detailed giving her face a very detailed look with a wonderful skin tone. She is bejeweled. All of GayAnn’s Queen’s are detailed and a great design to stitch.
I am currently 2/3 rds of my way through creating three alter cloths for a school I’ve been associated with for many years. I am doing them in goldwork. I have made a green and purple one and my next cloth will be in white. The colours coordinate with the liturgical calendar. The fabrics are synthetic but look and feel a lot like silk. I chose them over silk because they will be in a hallway with many little hands around. I have been doing goldwork for about 20yrs. Mostly other peoples designs but these three projects are my creativity finally finding the courage to break out. I have some mini goldwork projects on the go as well which are Mary’s monograms also done in goldwork.
What a lovely giveaway and I love knowing about these new to me products. I have no needlework shops anywhere near me so I typically order online to get the supplies needed or if I travel I try to get to a shop along the way.
Currently I’m doing a needlepoint piece called Liberty Stars designed by Nancy’s Needle Designs and am loving it. I recently finished her Autumn Medley one and it’s a stunner with the framed effect.
Merry Christmas and Happy stitching throughout the holidays besides the whole next year.
I am working on the Stumpwork mirror from Tricia Nguyen’s Cabinet of Curiosities II class, and am greatly enjoying all the variations of buttonhole stitch to make this raised work / bobbin lace. I have also discovered by doing this, that I do not enjoy working long and short stitch! Too stressful!
My current project is related to the UK’s Embroiderers Guild Kickstart Project, which is entitled ‘Geology and Fossils’. I am planning to put it all in a book, and have started on 22 count evenweave with a bedrock geology map of Lincolnshire done in simple cross-stitch [complete with a legend and annotated]. Next will be a geological cross-section of Lincolnshire that I’m planning to work in blackwork with colour. I’m then visiting the local museums to look at the fossils found in Lincolnshire and will select a couple that I will work in various embroidery techniques, including goldwork, mixed media, hardanger [I hope], and whatever else will fit in with the designs. Planning to take around 9 months all told. Inbetween that I also have a birth sampler to work on, once I know what the details will be!! so no pressure!
I am currently finishing up Barbara Kershaw’s “Henrietta”, a Casalguidi Whitework project. She allowed our OCCEGA Whitework group to use it as a teaching project. Since I am the leader of the group I had to get the various areas stitched each month before the meeting. We have learned Italian four-sided stitch, buttonhole stitch, the casalguidi stitch, double detached buttonhole and the peahole stitch. It is a wonderful project and the techniques that you learn can be used on so many other projects.
Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful and unusual threads!
I’m attempting to learn tambour work right now, with the intent to design some beaded & sequined fabric pieces for making accessories. It isn’t really going well, but I’m determined.
Right now I’m struggling to finish a class project for my embroidery guild. The focus was on mixed textures – an original abstract design with sections done in counted work and other sections stuffed full of raised and textured stitches. Even though counted work is my nemesis, it went easily and I am trying to fill in the more free form areas. Sometimes finding balance within freedom is the hardest part.
Thank you for this blog! I really appreciate all the information and the fact that the entries are concise without much “fluff” – just the right size for reading during a short break! I am working on a reproduction 18th century pocket for a costume, wool crewelwork of flowers and vines on linen, the design inspired by the pocket at the local museum.
I’m currently finishing up a sea-scape triptych that incorporates the most varied host of threads and glam that I’ve done so far. Is going to be beautiful – if ever it’s finished that is.
I have several projects in the works. Don’t we all?!!
1. a monogram for my sister using one of your patterns. It is silk and goldwork. What I like about this project is how the silks feel and look.
2. a christmas scene, surface embroidery using cotton. I like the use of different stitches to give illusions of depth and color.
3. christmas tree, crewel embroidery appleton wools. I have been working on this off and on since my grandkids where babies. They are teenagers now. As they grew, I would have them stitch a small area and would write their name and age on it. I love pulling this out every christmas season.
4. beaded cross stitch sachet, my design using mill house beads. I love the look the beads give to plain fabric.
I have several more but that would fill this small box!
Thank you for all you do for the embroidery world!!
Barbara Downey
At the moment, and for what seems like forever, I’m stitching a Boutis quilt for my new Granddaughter. It is based on a pattern by Kumamoto Nakayama who discovered the Provençal style of quilting when she worked in Haute Couture in Paris. I love the rhythmical sewing, or piquage and the challenge of having each stitch of equal size, and the feeling of the pure cotton batiste. I’m nearly at the end of the stitching and will soon be starting the bourrage, or passing of a cotton thread to stuff the pattern. My next adventure with Boutis will be using silk as the base but perhaps on a smaller piece!
Currently I am doing a couple of cross stitch Christmas patterns. Hope you have a great Christmas!
The letter W for my granddaughter. Not going to make it for Christmas….darn.. but hopefully done sometime this winter.
I am currently working on a Harry Potter Deathly Hollows wedding sampler for my neighbor. It is in gold and silver (her wedding colors) with some beading. They are both Harry Potter fans so I hope they love it!
I am currently working on a purse flap using silk and some metal threads and shisha mirrors. I am creating the design as I go. Love working with metal threads.
I’m finishing a piece that includes drawings of goblets, wallpaper type pattern, and a pink striped table cloth. It’s on a pretty fine weave muslin, prodimently with running and couching stitches.
Good Morning all ~
Sumptuous thread for stitching.
Thank you Mary ~
My current main project (I have two others on the side at the moment) is the 12 Days of Christmas cross stitch designs by Teresa Wentzler. It if the first time I’ve worked over one on linen (I’m using 28 count), and I’m having a ton of fun with it. The designs are even prettier as I get them stitched up than in the pictures. It’s always fun to see the transformation from printed (or pixeled?) 2-d pictures to tactile, shiny, 3-d embroidery project.
Current stitching project – I love this question less than a week before Christmas. I’ve been too tired to touch it in days. My big project is a Mirabilia – “Fairy Moon” straight cross stitch. I have a small project that I got some stitches into between performances this weekend that is a little canvas ornament designed by a fellow guild member.
I am currently working on a large cross stitch project that is taking “years” to finish. LOL It’s a tray of cactus with colorful blooms. There is no gaps in the design so it is more like a needlepoint project only I have to follow the pattern on the chart closely and cross every stitch. It’s being done on 18 count. I keep working on smaller projects that finish quicker thus the long delay in finishing it. I bought the Mary kitchen towels and made a gingerbread man as a thank you for a friend who hosted a Thanksgiving meal. I also finished a set of 7 kitchen towels of a pattern called “Shaggy Maggie” but she reminds me of Raggedy Ann so she is doing some form of work for each day of the week. It was so much fun to stitch with all the pretty DMC threads and not have to follow a chart for a change! Thank you for your inspiration and tutorials you have provided!
My current project is a Christmas theme project. It will most certainly not be finished by Christmas, but that’s okay. I am a Spode Christmas Tree junkie, and several years ago I found a cross stitch chart for the Spode tree. I am finally stitching it. It is almost all cross stitch, except for some French knots and back stitch/double running stitch, and it specifies cotton DMC. However, when I get to the ornaments, I am planning to use some sparkle – maybe Kreinik, maybe Rainbow Gallery, but definitely from stash, so it depends on what I have that works. And I decided to stitch it on a piece of 27 count evenweave that I had in my stash. I’m planning to send it to a finisher to have it made into a stand up.
Currently I’m taking a break from my usual embellished wool applique to make gifts for my girlfriends. They are wool mouse pincushions designed by Brenda Gervais. No embroidery, mostly just sewing. But they are turning out cute so I’m enjoying it. Soon I will be back to more embroidery projects as part two of their gifts are wool covered tape measures designed by Ewe-niversity. There is some embroidery and beading on them so I’m eager to start.
Right now I’m working on 2 pieces. One is a project started right after 9/11 and is a flag in canvas embroidery. Nothing fancy, just sort of a patchwork of stitches in variegated and handpainted threads. The other is crewel embroidery worked in Medici with a little tulle thrown in for a misty effect in certain spots. I guess that keeps it from being true crewel embroidery, but I like it. It’s simplified garden flowers with a couple of butterflies. Self-designed, or composed. The butterflies are adapted from some of Helen Stevens designs. I had already drawn the butterflies on the fabric but didn’t know what kind I wanted them to be. I particularly needed a blue butterfly so I made it similar to one of hers. The only blue butterflies I have ever seen.
At the moment I am not working on a stitching project, but I did finish a quilt label for a quilt, gifted to my daughter – letters all hand-stitched with he info on it! Mostly back-stitches, which work beautifully for lettering!
Hi Mary, My current projects are a few tea towels done in Swedish weaving patterns which I give away as gifts .The other project is a small embroidery bag from a pattern by Gail Pann from her book Patchwork Loves Embroidery.Quick projects for people you care about! Cheers to all from Canada!
I have 2 projects going currently. My favorite is “Bateau Bayeux” designed by Kathy Andrews. It is designed in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry and features the Bayeux stitch. Very interesting and fun to do. My 2nd project is an oldie but goodie, a JanLynn project from the early 1990’s called “Woodland Babies”, a series of 6 ornaments on dark blue 18 ct Aida. It has been knocking around in my stash for more than 25 years. I always wanted to do it but never found the time. This Christmas I finally said, “That’s it!” I am finished with 2 ornaments so far and it is so much fun, good old Cross-stitch.
I am stitching an improv embroidery project – pearl cotton on wool – taught by Laura Wasilowski at Quilt Expo in September. We drew a shape, a bird for me, transferred it to the wool and started stitching. I have used outline stitch, French knots, fly stitch and running stitch so far. It is bright, cheerful and fun to work. The wool is really nice to handle now that it is so cool out.
I’m one of those awful people that have several projects on the go at one time. Currently I’m working on a Christmas tree skirt, that I’ve been working on for a number of years now. The kit is by Dimensions. I also have a few hardanger angels at various stages from a morning I led at my local guild. The chart for that was in a book by Janice Love but credited to Rita Tubbs. I should be working on challenge piece for the Guild Regional day in April, that will be my own design, which is probably why I’ve not got started.
My current needlework project? There are quite a few that are being actively worked on. I am enrolled in Tricia’s Goldwork course, and right now we have three projects all going in tandem. We are using gold wire and gold passing thread on those so far. I am also working on her stumpwork mirror, and am pulling out new threads every day. Two days ago I did a caterpillar. Adorable! I am currently designing a piece based on pearl and gold work on a Russian Kokoshnik. I am stitching two small samples with different materials before I make my final choice. I am also doing a small silk ribbon rose practice piece and a painted silk landscape design piece….. Quite a few others in the rotation, but these are the ones that have been active in the last two weeks.
I have the fabric ready to do Barbara Kershaw’s piece of whitework from an Inspirations magazine.
Right now I’m working on Christmas ornaments designed by Kathy Schmitz from her book “Stitches for the Yuletide”. Four cute ornaments embroidered on quilting cotton and then will be put into a covered button and wrapped in cording and then be ready to hang. It uses traditional embroidery stitches, nothing too fancy. Right now I’m finishing up hand quilting the pieces with pearl cotton before putting into the buttons.
I am currently cross stitching a Plum Strret design called “ Merry One “. I am using Tudor silk on fine count 52/60 linen. I love the tiny linen and love the effect of it when it is done. I also add a few others stitches to add dimension.
I’ve almost finished a piece that is based on an illustration by my daughter (an illustrator), with the hand painted canvas, yarns and stitch design provided by the amazing Dale Lenza of Luv2Stitch. The piece is a jaguar’s head / neck, surrounded by lush green jungle, with a stone carving of a Mayan jaguar further in the background. The colors are bright, especially the eyes of the jaguar (metallics, of course!), with a combination of wool, cotton, silk and ribbons to highlight the different textures of this beautiful piece. The stitches show off the fur and rosettes, the stone of the carving, and leaves and vines everywhere. I’ve had so much fun stitching it!
My project is a large cross stitch 200 x 300 stitches. The first large project I have attempted. It’s a mountain scene with horses, it’s for my niece. It’s a confetti piece so it is taking along time to do and at times frustrating but after stitching on it for a couple of days you can start to see progress which keeps me going.
Actually, I have just finished working on an embroidery of “Birds of a Feather” from an Inspirations magazine. I love working with different threads and like to change the designs to fit a particular project. For this project I made a Needle Case from the 10″ or so of a line of birds, instead of going around a bucket as shown in the magazine. I embroidered all the birds on white cloth, then cut out sections to fit the tri-fold of the needlecase, and used a blue Batik for the background.
I am currently working on a shawl/wrap made from black cotton jersey knit. I am embroidering concentric circles all over it in pale greens, blues, and beiges. I like the creative freedom of designing each circle set.
My current project is the Holly & Evergreen dishtowel from Needle n Thread (Mary Corbet). After completing my holiday gifts for others this is for me. I am enjoying new (to me) stitches, Palestrina stitching on holly leaves, that trick to reverse threads of variegated brown thread is sweet; and blending threads on the evergreen! My padded satin stitch dots are improving by leaps and bounds. I put the small corner by the corner with hanger and opposite the most complex design. it will be wonderful in my kitchen for the holidays!
Hi Mary! Right now I am working on a needlepoint poinsettia class titled Red Velvet, an online ANG class. It is a study in shading and uses 4 shades each of red and green, blending threads to come up with 7 different shades of each color. It is almost finished and the result of all the shading is really beautiful. Merry Christmas! Diana
I am working on a camel with all the trimmings – blankets, tassels and harness. I am using stranded Anchor cotton for the body and the blanket, tassels etc. in silk. Designed by Roseworks (South Africa) and printed on linen.
My daughter is getting married next May, and she has asked me to make her bouquet together with flowers for her girls, and the table decorations. They are embroidered on felt and embellished using beads, crystals and lace, in pastel shades. I am thoroughly enjoying making them, and each new bloom is a challenge.
My current project is a Just Nan pattern, Spring in the Tulips. It is one of 4 patterns, each of a different season. I’ve finished 2 of them and am enjoying this one as it has the colors I find myself drawn to, pinks and greens. It’s all cross stitch, with a few other stitches here and there.
WHICH current embroidery project? I have at least 3 that I can think of off the top of my head, and I know there’s more… One is a prestamped lovely design from a woman in Israel. I’d done a set of 3 kits I loved, but didn’t actually need the needles and floss that were included, so ordered a different set of just the designs printed on high quality linen twill. Using bright pastels, and doing my best to work bullion stitches for the roses – kind of a challenge. Then there’s my handkerchief project – marked off 6 handkerchiefs on a piece of lovely quilting cotton that looks like linen. Flowers, holly (of course), and I might do one with sheep as we used to raise sheep. Then there’s the mandala, on linen that I tea-dyed. That one’s a challenge, due to trying to choose stitches to fill as well as outline the parts. But I was able to show the basics of embroidery with that project, to my niece who’s long wanted to learn. Fun!
I am working on 2 projects at the moment, soon to be 3. The 3rd will be a x stitch full coverage (waiting for new magnifier light to arrive, ordered yesterday!). The others are a Hardanger/x stitch combo (need that magnifier, LOL. 28 ct. fabric) and an art piece. The x stitch is based on an old painting, called Pensive Moments, girl on a balcony with vining roses around it. Combo piece is by Cross and Patch and will be gorgeous (I hope). I designed/painted the background of the 3rd piece, it is a castle on a hill of French Knot trees, with fields in front. It will go into art shows in the future. I would love to win those threads to try. Who knows what they might work out to create in my paintings!
I am currently working on Rebecca Wood’s Advent Calendar Tree. The ornaments are a great stash buster and I am stitching with a combination of basketweave and specialty stitches. I am incorporating a lot of different threads to add texture and contrast as the ornaments are small. I am also using some crystals and beads to add a little bling. For the tree, I have not decided but am experimenting with overdyes and stitches. This will be a gift to my grandchildren next year.
I am currently finishing “Glasshouse Fuschias”, a ribbon embroidery and canvas design by Merrilyn Heazelwood, that I took at the national EGA seminar this summer in Louisville.
I’m working on a series of patterns from a 1596 German manuscript at the Met accession number 53.566.7(1-69). Some are darned on net, some done in Soie Perlee on linen.
Right now I am down to the last bit on my Carolyn Pearce Work Box. The thing that is hanging me up is the front door of the project. I’m not sure I will ever get this Cretan stitch variation and especially not in the wool thread being used. It makes it so hard to see what I am doing.
I did like learning other stitches like the raised cross stitch and cloud stitch. I can’t wait to get started on putting the house/box together.
Hi Mary,
I am working on a chain stitched Pineapple design, quite simple, by Yumiko Higuchi, a Japanese artist. It’s for my grandaughter, Petra, who has the nickname pineapple, because her name begins with a ‘P’. I love these simple projects I make for my grandchildren.
I am currently working on a Christmas stocking. However, I just flew to my daughter’s home. In the process of packing and finding room for everything I left half my beads and my beading needles behind. So quickly running around finding what has been left behind. Hopefully I can this project finished before Christmas 😉
I always work on something simple during the holidays. No stress. I can pick it up and put it down. It’s a cross stitch version of the Shaker Tree of Life.
I am working on a stumpwork project for my daughter I was hoping to get it finished for Christmas but I don’t think it will be ready..I am also working on a needlepoint picture of our dogs and also trying to finish two small picture I found at a flea market over 20 years ago one is of Ann Hathaway’s home and the other of an old English manor. They are printed pictures that you embroider and they are nearly finished but I find I keep wanting to add more stitches new ones I have learnt we change a lot of 20 years…also so many new embroiderynthreads to use…
Current projects include: finishing my RSN class project (a shaded peacock), a crewel embroidered sewing tote to be a class project in January, AND A Thousand Flowers!!
Sorry to say but I’m going through a rather difficult time and although needlework is a desire for I find that it requires a clarity that I don’t have right now. I was working on a counter cross stitch project of a cat on a bookshelf. I’m thinking it was called Sebastian or some such elegant name.
Tell us about your current needlework project. I’m currently working on squares for a quilt. Each square has a different horse figure done in backstitch.
My current stitching project is a beaded Christmas tree. I almost always design my own projects as following a pattern goes against my creative nature. The colours I am using are nontraditional Christmas colours but ever so pretty.
I’m continuing to work on a quilt made of embroidered and beaded snowflakes in blue and white. The embroidery is simple stitching but it’s going to be a special winter quilt.
Unfortunately, I am not working on a project. There is a New Year’s resolution – get something started!
I am working on one particular project. It is an original based upon a sight that I saw in December 2017. A flock of wild turkeys were “eating” their way across an open area. It wasn’t until I was ready to stop watching and leave that I realized that I and the turkeys were being observed by a single deer. I am stitching this entire scene with turkeys and a deer but not with me included. I am using mostly surface stitches. Felt is the foundation of a few turkeys in the foreground. Stitching will cover the felt. I want the deer to be unnoticeable as possible.
Hi Mary,
Wow this looks amazing! I am currently working on a turquoise serpent of my own design in silk and goldwork. It’s inspired by an aztec piece of art. I’m working it in pipers silk to get a shiny finish and gold, turquoise and red purls, a few beads and finishing touches too.
I have made the decision over the last couple of months to really try and specialise in goldwork with silk shading as those are the 2 techniques I love the most.
However I’ve never used silk covered purls largely because I’ve never seen them or been able to get hold of them. It would be amazing to see what they feel like, and see how they behave when seen. They look so divine on your photos.
I am working on a Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy Christmas lap quilt. mostly cross stitch.
It has been very difficult as there are so many colors, and very confusing. A friend suggested I do the
outline stitches first and that is helping so much. I bought the kit at Hershners. It will probably take me another 6 months to finish as I am always working on several things at one time.
I am currently working on Norman from Hazel Blomkamp’s latest book Crewel Creatures. I enjoy designs that have a variety of stitches. This design meets that criteria. It’s been fun once I got the many errors figured out. Contact the author if you want to do Norman!
I am currently working on a Trish Burr design – Vintage Bluebirds and Daisies. I love needlepainting and her designs fit the bill! I ordered a few kits from her a couple years ago and am finally getting to them after finishing all my Christmas stitching. I find I can stitch in small increments of time with my bright floor lamp and favorite chair!
I’m currently working on a fabric collage I began umpteen years ago. The central motif is an owl, and I’m about to embroider its claws. Then I’ll experiment with some fill stitches on the body and wings.
While taking classes at the RSN Summer School in Lexington KY this year I saw Deb Wilding’s Peacock kit which is based on a leather gauntlet that is at a museum in Sweden. It has goldwork, shading, couching, spangles oh my! The decorative chain is black wire twisted into a helix making for wonderful texture. The project is smaller apx 3 inch X 5 inch yet lush so it is working quickly. It has been a treat to stitch this project with generous supplies, pattern outlined with gold dye-it is sumptuous.
I have been working on small, simple designs for a dozen handkerchiefs. All collected from free internet patterns.
I am working on two projects right now. Finishing Jennifer Riefenberg. Fun stitches and threads. It will go with carrots and beets. I am also working on a Bargello two sided purse designed by Michele Roberts. Laying all the treads takes awhile but the effect is fabulous.
I am currently setting things up to stitch the turtle in Crewel Creatures. By Hazel Blomkamp. This is my first attempt at delicate crewel and nearly my first attempt a crewel.
I’m finding I really am enjoying the process of putting everything together. Finding just the right threadsand hoop, preparing the fabric for stitching.
I’ve gone a bit off instructions in my choice of fabric and I’m hoping it will be a good decision. I’m using a lightly patterned silk organza over a piece of tea dyed linen.
I try to repurpose things. I get fabric from a fantastic organization that rescues and distributes fabric samples that would otherwise go into the landfill. It’s perfect for embroidery.
Often the samples are fine linens and cottons and silks. The organization opens at least monthly and you can go in and fill a grocery bag paying what you want for your treasures!
I am working on a cross stitch project depicting my family. There are several places to find patterns but then I personalize them. Like my husband liked to fish so he has a pole in his hand. I’ve made one for my daughter’s family and have been asked to make one for her neighbor for $$$ but I am not young & they do take alot of time.
The project I am currently working on is a cross stitch picture called Madonna by Bucilla. I saw it many years ago but when I eventually got to being able to buy it it had been discontinued. A few years ago I saw it for sale on eBay and I was so excited cited when it arrived! As I live a very hectic and chaotic life I wasn’t able to start it straight away. Now, it is nearly finished. I often think of that person all the way in America who was able to buy it because she too loved it as much as I did. I think she must have been quite new to cross stitch. Started it but wasn’t able to continue with it for some reason. She gave me the opportunity to stitch it and I often think of her as I stitch along. It has given me so much pleasure to stitch.
I am currently working on a goldwork project. It is a butterfly using the Or Nue technique and was designed by Alison Cole. The wings are stitched separately then cut out and set onto the body.
I would love those threads you are offering as it appears they are no obtainable in the UK.
It’s Christmas so, of course, I am working on a wool Christmas stocking. A big red monogram on Winter white. There is an open bar that will be filled with evergreens an a variety of threads and stitches. Very “organic” since I’m sort of making it up as I go.
Using “Pashima” cashmere thread from Gloriana right now. Heaven.
My current stitching project is a metalwork project that I am designing myself for a correspondence course about silk and metal work. These supplies would be just wonderful to incorporate into my sampler. So far I am using Japanese gold #3 and #4 for outlining the sampler with couched threads and also an inward circle. I still have some decorative couching using silk thread and my central focus point to design and stitch. I am stitching it on cream silk dupioni.
I am currently working on Tiny Treasures, an Elizabeth Almond design found on her website. It is a black work design (the second one I have stitched from her website). I am using one strand of floss, with Threadworx verigated blue & green as my main colour, along with black DMC, and coordinating Dmac floss and petite Treasure Braid. It is a year long project with new patterns to download on the first of each month. I am loving it!
I am currently working on a self designed sampler featuring laid gold work techniques. The aim is to teach the piece so people can familiarise themselves with not only or nue but diaper couching patterns, underside couching etc.
A Ball pattern bought from Etsy.
I am putting the finishing embroidery on a Bountiful Basket quilt, pattern by Pearl Pereira. It features 50 state flowers, each in its own basket, a large central basket and vine border which feature twins of the same 50 flowers. I will use the stem stitch to make veins for all the leaves. Embroidery enhances most of the flowers on which I have used French knots, chain stitch, and stem stitch. This project, begun last summer should be ready for quilting by February and it will be in our local Quilt Show next June.
My current stitching project is a stumpwork portrait of my family I designed myself. It was supposed to be my moms Christmas gift last year, but hopefully it will be done in time for this Christmas!
Wow what beautiful items. I am working on mini wool stockings very simple thank goodness.
I am currently working on the Dorcas Haynes 1720 Sampler. It is a reproduction by Scarlet Letter. It is a beautiful and quite densely stitched Sampler worked in counted work which includes several quite complex stitch arrangements. (I was hoping for an end of year finish but it appears to be coming with me into 2019.) Thank you for the giveaway!
I working on finishing up a Christmas present for a friend I’ve had since elementary school (and we are 63 yrs. old). A store in our downtown area had a pick Christmas tree one year and my friend went nuts over it. This was totally out of character for her as far as fashion sense in colors go. She always wears black, gray, white, ivory in some combination. Her house is decorated in neutrals with a pop of color every now and then. Her husband was thrilled that she wanted something colorful so he bought it for her several years ago. We had fun choosing ornaments for it. With grandchildren and their love for taking everything off a tree, playing with the ornaments… you get the picture. Her tree just isn’t what it used to be! I was able to salvage part of the tree so I cut down the center pole/trunk to shorten it then I took the branches and worked them in after cutting away the worn parts. Now she has a shorter, smaller tree with no decorations. I decided I would make ornaments for her tree so she can start a new tradition of decorating a tree on Christmas Eve to celebrate the twelve days of Christmas through to Epiphany. I have your “Christmas Trees” patterns, Mary and I love them! I used those designs and I’m using DMC cotton floss some solid, some variegated, a bit of metallic thread in places and some beads. I used wool batting to stuff them and I made bias tape to cover cord to pipe between the seam as I sew them together. I’m not quite through but in a couple of days I’ll take pictures and show them. I think she’ll like her “revamped” tree – I hope she will!
My current project is a cross stitch piece called Pretty Little Amsterdam by Jody Rice of Satsuma Street. It’s been interesting to return to cross stitch after a year of free hand embroidery!
I’m embroidering a pair of homestiched handmade felted slippers.
Right now I’m working on two different items. One is a hardanger Christmas tree designed by Mamen. She’s a wonderful designer from Spain. I’m doing the tree in white but have added some gold kreinik and gold beads. I belong to an ornament exchange group and theirs are all done and delivered but am finishing mine. I am also working on a Hands on Design project called “A Year of Celebrations”. Little 4 inch design for each month of the year. They use a lot of different variegated threads or you can use dmc and I was able to find a pack of 12 – 4 inch frames so I am finishing up my January design to get ready for the new year.
I am working on Jenny Aden Christie’s White Rose Pin following the instructions in issue 100 of Inspirations. I am ready to on the beads. I learned many new techniques on that small project. I am enjoying it very much because the instructions are clear and material came out of my stash.
Currently I am working on a project called Primitive Garden. Mostly wool applique but lots of places to add embroidery. I am not know to follow instructions completely but I do enjoy myself. thank you
Currently surrounded by a variety of pieces that will be used as the inside jacket of a book. The theme is my trip to France. The top piece, which opens and closes, is a blackstitched outline (of a foto I manipulated in Photoshop) of the view from our hotel behind the Church of the Madeleine. Flower boxes were embroidered, and I colored the view using pan pastels. When you open these two pages, you see a large area, divided into three views, united by a white picket fence. The left side is a distant view of countryside farming. The middle view is a wall that reveals an old donjon (photo printed on fabric) with flowers growing up the sides of the wall, and the right view is of a field of sunflowers. On the picket fence, I have some trailing flowers, some bunnies hiding (that I cut from cloth), a bee, a bird and beaucoup lavender plants all embroidered. My description is probably more interesting than the actual work, because I’m a novice, but my god! It was fun.
I am currently working on a Japanese bead embroidered purse called ‘Wild Child’ designed by Mary Alice Sinton. It’s my first experience with Japanese bead embroidery and I’ve learned many interesting things about the technique. Also, because I just couldn’t help myself, I have changed the design a bit here and there by adding some surface embroidery shading (thread painting). It’s been a fun piece to work on. (You can see the project on my blog.)
Current projects are a 6 inch felt grey and red stocking to be stuffed with catnip, a set of boho sashiko coasters, and a mug rug.
I am working on very simple cross stitch that is part of a Lori Holt quilt. I am getting tired of it at this point and looking forward to something a little more challenging but the finished quilt will be adorable.
I am currently working on a project that I will be teaching next fall. I includes fabric origami, Sashiko and Kantha stitching and applique. The color palette for this teaching sample is outside of my comfort zone as it is peach, light orange and brown/tan tones, but that is part of the challenge to myself.
My current project is more of a repair… our newly adopted 2 yr old golden retriever found her way to chewing on the corner edge of a Persian carpet. Doing a closely spaced buttonhole stitch will continue the bound edge and hopefully won’t be too noticeable.
I’m working on a goldwork on silk piece featuring the Spanish Moon Moth. It’s a beautiful green and brown moth with lots of surface variation that will be a terrific challenge to work out in goldwork!
I’m currently working on a cyberclass project from Alison Cole, which I’d put aside due to lack of time, a beautiful Or Nué butterfly. I hope to finish it this year 😉
I have been making the 12 trees of Christmas by Mary Corbet. It’s a fun project and I have learned some new stitches and techniques. They are all so cute.
I am working on a pillow with a boutis form of quilting. I might add some surface embroidery as well.
I am currently working on a goldwork initial letter G for a friend. I didn’t generally like the monogram Gs I found when I searched online and this one that I found is the exact shape as a G should be. I found it online so I don’t know the designer of that project, but I have changed around the design quite a bit so as not to be guilty of copyright infringement (I hope – and I’m only giving it as a gift for a friend with shared credit as to the design. I traced the G but am only using the design as inspiration.). I am using Pearl Purl, Japanese thread, bright check purl, paillettes and floss, using the typical couching for the gold and some long/short for the flowers, all on a beautiful linen. Goldwork is what got me to come back to embroidery back in 2012 when I took a class. I can’t wait to finish this to give to my friend. I have two other goldwork projects in bags waiting to be finished! Merry Christmas Mary and thank you for all you do for us.
My current project is Tricia’s casket, and also still working on Christmas items! Thanks for the giveaway Merry Christmas!
Currently I’m stitching a needlecase for an EGA lightening round. It is designed by Mary Long and is done on 18 count canvas using pearl and ribbon. Link to the class https://egausa.org/courses/needlework-tool-case/
I definitely struggled with the ribbon but I think it came out okay in the end.
I am still working on a crazypatch pumpkin designed by my wonderful talented friend Marilyn. There is some of everything…embroidery, silk ribbon, beading etc. I have always wanted to learn Gold Work ? Metal embroidery….so this would be an amazing way to get me started.
Thank you for this opportunity! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
I am working on a sampler from HATS. It is the Sarah Brazier sampler. it is mostly cross stitch with some satin stitching. It is beautiful but very large!
I have just finished a stitchery on white felted wool using various embroidery stitches and some applique as a door hanging. Also have finished two cross stitch projects also for gifts.
I am currently working on a cross-stitch biscornu, my own design. I am also working on a needlepoint from Ehrman’s. And I am about to embark on the Nichole needlebook kit that Mary described in a series of blogs right here. It was her description, in fact, that clinched the sale for me.
These giveaways have been lovely generous gifts. Thank you to Mary and the vendors.
My current embroidery project is a stretch outside my comfort zone. The pattern, found in a lovely book I found on line, is titled, “Treasury of Floral Designs and Initials for Artists and Craftspeople”, edited by Mary Carolyn Waldrep. Oh my, the patterns are breath taking. My project is an embroidered letter B surrounded by a floral and bracketed frame. The design will provide me lots of opportunities to learn new stitches, so I’ll be jumping on Mary’s tutorial videos often. So far I have only used DMC stranded floss but want to consider using other fibers as the project moves along. This will be one of those months long in progress undertakings, but so fun!
I can’t share details of my project so near to Christmas: someone might see! Suffice it to say it’s my own design, it’s on silk and is made using largely crewel wool and techniques but also a fair bit of gold work! Working like mad to get it finished for Christmas, and then I’ll post pictures on your lovely site. Thank you.
I am currently working on Amy Mitten’s Spring Casket Keepsakes, a carnation thread winder bag and a corn flower measuring tape. The carnation and corn flower petals are all made separately (20 for the corn flower) using a set of dyed silk threads woven over a gold or silver thread in a particular pattern which. The particular technique is detached button hole, but the making of the tape measure case, the weaving of braid and other techniques make it challenging. The clear directions and pictures also make it easy to understand what you are doing.
I am currently making a crazy quilt vest for myself. I used a vest pattern, cut the foundation fabric from muslin and proceeded with the crazy patches, and embellisments.
Hi, I’m working on a kit from The Crewel Work Company. It’s a large piece that I hope to make into a pillow, or perhaps a large tote bag. I do like their kits – they come with everything needed to do the piece, including their wonderful needles. I also have UFOs: a Hardanger tablecloth; a folding needle/scissor case; and several small pieces needing to be “finished” into objects. I like to have my embroidery used, not just displayed, so I do try to make ornaments, table linens, bags, etc.
So many stitches, so little time!
Merry Christmas, and may your New Year bring you plenty of time for family and stitching!
I am finishing a mixed design. I use a mutiple threads to make the flowers and ruban. If i win i transfert you a photo. The design make by women to st-joseph du lac in québec. It’s fabulous design.
I am making some tea towels for my daughter’s new kitchen. I am new to embroidery so the design is simple. The design is of a hen and it was created from a drawing my father made. I am adding some wild flowers and grass. The flowers add the splash of color. I am enjoying embroidery and find it to be a very relaxing and colorful hobby.
I’m currently working on my first piece of Brazilian embroidery, Primavera by Edmar. I love the dimensional aspect of the stitches, and the beautiful shine of the rayon threads.
Hi Mary,
I am currently working on a Crazy Quilt wall hanging project that will be in the shape of a giant beetle with a lot of stumpwork and embroidered beetles on it.
This has/will have surface embroidery, raised embroidery, brazilian embroidery, silk ribbon embroidery along with anything else I come up with. Is a long term project that will take at least another year.
So those threads would really come in handy.
Currently I am working on a piece by Dorothy Lesher called the Dragon Master. It involves a lot of couching of soft metal twists and Krienik threads. It has been a challenging piece, but I love it. I have worked with gold on prior pieces and have enjoyed every minute.
For the month of December I am following Pam Reid’s suggestion and rotating daily on 8 Christmas wips that are in my stash. I actually finished the Partridge of The 12 Days of Christmas by Hands on Designs, moved on to the Doves. All of my wips are counted cross stitch which is my passion. My HAED The Nativity is going to take a long time to finish but I love the detail–all DMC threads. Dimensions kit Christmas Beach Chairs is going to be gifted when finished. Hands on Design White Christmas used “fancy flosses” and the finishing tutorial is excellent. I finished Christmas Eve and am moving on to Noel. These will be finished as ornaments. I ffo’d the first Holiday houses by Little House Needleworks as a flat fold. The December chart of Joyful World by The Sunflower Diaries is coming along. And I couldn’t resist starting Dimensions kit of Winter’s Hush and Lakeside Needleworks Christmas Peace on Earth. Whew!!
I am working on the finishing touches to a floral spray down the centre of a blouse — it’s one of the free floral border patterns from your site that I’ve adapted to fit the space! It is a dark grey linen blend blouse, and the embroidery is being done in dusty green, cream, and mustard for the blooms. Nearly there now, just two more flowers and half the little centre circles and then it will be time to finish the blouse construction and wear it!
I’m working on 3 projects, 1st Captured by Flora-Car, by Tatiana_Owl Crafts Crewel. It a project that she had on line… but she didn’t have any info with it. No directions, color or kind of thread, floss, yarns, nor kind of stitches. So, it will be MY piece to create. 2nd is Pomegranate & Pears, cross stitch by Jeannette Douglas. Haven’t ever done a piece like this, always little 2″x3″ pieces. I stitch and look at it, then say, I did that! 3rd is Bee Proverb Needlepoint by Kelly Clark. It has all kinds of needlepoint stitches, stumpwork, and some silk wrapped purl. And once again I haven’t done Needlepoint in 50 yrs… Loving every minute of it.
I am currently stitching on a fabric book. I was lucky enough to go to Italy twice and my book will be a kind of scrapbook of my trips. Each page set will feature one city that I visited. There is a pocket on each page set to put a written account of my impression of that city. Most pages will feature some sort of stitchery that I either purchased there or stitched myself. It’s been a bit slow going recently as a Christmas tree sits on my stitching table right now while gift wrap occupies my desk. It is a project that has taken a long time in the planning and replanning. It is a project that is filled with memories. One trip was with my son as a chaperone and the other was with my Mom as a church trip. I hope to finish it in January so that I can start my 2019 projects. The joy is in the stitching.
The project I currently have set up is a contemporary goldwork sampler by Katherine Diuguid called All the Buzz. I started it several years ago at an EGA Seminar, but put it away when I got home. I’m determined to finish it this time!
Mary in MN
The threads are beautiful. Love the way silks glide through fabric!
I am patiently working on Around the World in 80 Stitches by Papillon. I love the freedom it gives you to use whatever fibers – gimpy and purly if you like – and beads to complete the project. I am actually nearing the 1/2 way point.
I have learned many interesting new stitches and breezed through the familiar ones. It’s lots of fun and never boring!
I am just starting to work on “Another Taste of Old Mexico”, a sampler by Pat Rozendal. I stitched the first in the series back in 2007 and have reached into my stash to stich this one, as I have an empty wall in a new home that requires both of them.
Being of Mexican descent, I am intrigued by Pat’s study of Mexican samplers. I learned the Aztec Stitch in the first sampler and have made several bookmarks using the same in the past. I believe Pat states that it is only found on Mexican samplers and it can be challenging to conquer, but the results are worth the effort. This sampler also will take me to the territory of “deshilado” which means unthreaded and is openwork. There are 31 different areas in the sampler, and 18 different stitches: I imagine this is going to be quite a challenge. I am hoping to finish by 2020.
I have just finished a wool Santa project from Bird Brain design and have started on a BOM from Sylvia Pippin’s newest Sashiko quilt. Love the applique work in this one. Combination of wools and cottons. Also, have a project ready to start surface embroidery – an elephant family design from a coloring book. Will probably do a lot of outline/stem stitch work on this one, but will use some details in the leaves of the trees in the background – satin stitch, fly stitch, that sort. Planning on starting that right after Christmas, looking forward to it. Would love to experiment with these new threads.
Excited about the new threads.
I’m currently stitching one of your designs on a dish towel. The dish towel is from one of your recommendations. I love the quite progress I’m making, not having to look at a pattern I can just stitch. This is a Christmas present for my sister, she just remodeled here kitchen.
Thank you for all your recommendations and beautiful patterns and for the giveaways. Melinda
I have been working on a piece of Goldwork for my mum’s priest, the religious pattern was from one of your designs, which I got from your website. The work is on White Silk, with gold leather edged with gold twist on both sides of the inner outline containing the IHS, which I covered the felted initials with smooth purl to give it a nice look. I worked stump work leaves for the vine using green voile and a multicoloured green twist to form the veins. I’ve covered wooden beads with a mix of Purple and dark blue silk to represent the grapes. For the outer circle I used a gold woven ribbon encircled with gold twist. The tendrils are made up of jap and a green silk thread. It is still a work in progress.
Currently just stitching a very standard cross-stitch pattern (and yes, it’s stitched with DMC embroidery cotton). But nonetheless, I love it. The pattern is from a stitching magazine named cross-stitcher, and depicts a globe which has the letters “explore” on it, in a field of flowers. I’m currently busy stitching all the flowers, but it’s long-term relaxation stitching, so whenever it is finished, I don’t really care. My ground fabric has a far higher count than the original pattern, though, so it’s far smaller than I anticipated on (oops)…
I am currently engrossed in a crewel project designed by Phillipa Turnbull: Elizabethan Oakapple Tree – I love the muted pinks and greens and am really enjoying the needle painting in long and short of the apples.
I have to say I’m not doing any needlework right now. I just finished a canvas piece, and then a beaded bracelet, but I’ve been working on making things for Christmas, and this year it’s knit and crochet projects. I plan on getting back to the needlework soon after Christmas. I do have a sampler that is waiting for me to jump back into. The fibers I’m using for that is Valdani floss in beautiful variegated colors, stitched on 28 count linen.
I just finished “Bird of Paradise” a crewelwork piece from The BlueBird Embrodiery Co. I loved the colors and the stitches.
I’m working on a stumpwork project (Manuela Scarpin) that features strawberries….I plan on framing it. Something quite new for me but I’m enjoying the challenge.
I am currently working on a piece from the EAC Seminar in PEI this past summer. It is a Jacobean Emroidery by Mike Parr the instructtor. I am enjoying the challenge of trying new types of Embroidery ie. the long and short stitch and the split stitch, using only 1 strand of DMC floss.
I am working on a picture of my house . I’m appliquéing wool pieces onto a flannel backing and then embroidering flowers and details. Future side blocks will include our pumpkin patch, the grandkids climbing the trees, our vegetable garden and our 3 silly dogs at the front gate. This is a long term project as I keep getting distracted by wanting to learn new kinds of embroidery !
I’m doing the RSN whitework on line course. I’ve never tried either an on line course or White work. The videos are so easy to follow, it’s like your right there. The work is very fine worked on 36 count linen. I’m enjoying the pulled thread work and terrified to start the cut thread work.. wish me luck there.
If you’ve ever thought of doing an RSN Royal School Embroidery course try one of these I recommend them..
I’m working on an Easter dress for my granddaughter. It’s a dress from a SAGA class I took with Kathy Dykstra. It has shadowwork and surface embroidery. I can’t wait to see it on her!
I am embellishing a crazy quilt Christmas stocking. It’s a large decoration and no that the sewing is done I get to have fun with beads, bells and other fun embellishments to make it pop and be special.
PS I love SALLY MAVOR’S use of thread covered Gimp in her outstanding 3D felt embroidered creations!
I haven’t had much time for stitching with getting ready for Christmas but the project I am working on is a cross stitch Quaker ball on 40 ct fabric. I’m alternating that (to give my eyes a rest) with Debbee’s Designs Glitz and Glamour Aquamarine. It’s a canvas piece in shades of aquamarine!
Currently, I am designing a birth sampler for my newest grandchild. Mostly just a few ideas sketched out, but ready to begin fleshing it all out after the holidays.
Hi Mary, I am getting ready to start the Gentleman’s Nightcap project, but am scared to start? LOL
Do you ever get that feeling when you hesitate to dive in? That’s me, right now.
I think I will wait until everything is calmer after Christmas.
Enjoy the holidays.
Hugs, Colleen in Canada xo
I am currently working on a cross stitch pattern by Paula Vaughan, a beaded center piece to mount on an elastic belt, and wrapping up a quilt on my Juki mini. At the same time I am lining up my coming projects like a true stitch-aholic. Thank you Mary for offering such inspiring gifts to your readers!
I made, finished last night, a dozen two inch square whitework w/ a bit of blackwork ornaments. “Flower Patch” design by Terri Bay was in the March 2017 issue of EGA’s Needle Arts magazine. Stitches include double cable, half eyelet, blackwork, long-arm cross and backstitch. I plan to give them away this Christmas.
I am just getting back to stitching after a 15 year hiatus where I worked in colored pencil and watercolor. I am stitching a black Poodle (similar to one of my Poodles). He will have some bullion knows in his ears along with some other stitch which I haven’t decided on yet. His nose will be padded. Somewhere I would like to add some beadwork as I learned how to do that during my 15 year hiatus.
I impulse started a new sampler by Blackbird designs last week. Partly repro, partly original. On linen, cross stitch mostly with a few other stitches, satin and Algerian I think. I had fancier plans but realized I needed something fairly mindless to get me through the last few weeks of December. I had everything on hand so it was an easy choice to set it up.
Hi all!
I have a few WIPs, but the one I will talk about is the project I am doing for Sharon at Pintangle’s 2018 “Take a Stitch Tuesday” or “TAST”. I got the idea to make a pennant banner for it from Sheila at Making a Fairytale, so I’ve been putting together triangular samplers of each week’s stitches.
Some stitches are the basic types, or types I’ve at least worked on before. Others, though, are brand new to me – some I’ve never even heard of! Because it is a sampler of such a lengthy project, I am not trying for perfection but rather exploration.
Until recently, when I got behind and started adding multiple stitches on a single triangle, I was fully exploring each single stitch in a bunch of different ways – thread weights; wrapped, threaded, beaded; combinations of angles and designs – I even tried to make a little picture out of each stitch (I call them “motifs”). For instance, I made mountains, an evergreen, and a sun out of knotted cretan stitch. Of course, they aren’t all “pretty”, ha! But that wasn’t the point – just challenging myself and pushing the limits (of the stitch as well as my skill) of what could be done. For inspiration and ideas on how the stitches can be applied, I have used several stitch books, and of course the internet offers many places to look (either fellow TAST stitchers at her blog, or simple google searches).
I am nearly complete with the stitching (with something like only 10 stitches left!), and soon will sew each triangle to a pretty back fabric – that way I can hang a fun banner when needed, but also have a record of my stitching library!
Thanks, Mary. I look forward to seeing what everyone else is working on!
My current stitching project is a new color way for an existing design, one of my own, that I hope to propose for teaching venues. I hope this isn’t breaking the rules too much, but I’ve had a design in mind for several months, and the beautiful threads in the giveaway would be perfect for the design I have in mind, planning to outline several elements using purl, and the silk wrapped purl would be an intriguing addition to the design.
Presently I am working on an Alison Cole kit: an angel with bisque head, hands and feet, and goldwork wings. She’s a beauty. I am slowly improving my gold work results with classes and practice. She is a wonderful teacher. I also recommend Jane Nicholas and especially her books, which give excellent directions. I waited for some time in my embroidery ‘career’ before jumping in to metal work, thinking it would be difficult. It turns out to be like most embroidery: if someone can give you their tips for success, it is no more difficult than other things. And it looks wonderful.
My current project is two little jackets for a baby grandson. They are Christmas presents, so I must hurry. I appliquéd one with a faux pocket square and trims. The other one I am embroidering. I am using blanket stitch on the pocket edges, and I am putting toy designs on front and back. This is my first experience transferring designs, using designs by Mollie Johanson that appeared in “Mollie Makes: Embroidery”. Having fun!
My main stitching project I have going is embroidery a Christmas stocking for my daughter. I designed it and I’m using different embroidery stitches with DMC and one metallic. I would like to embroider presents under the tree and I thought about using crayon lightly and ironing it to present some of the color so all the gifts aren’t white. I’ll try that first on a corner of the fabric. I’m also considering appliquing a toe and heel on the stocking or maybe embroidering a toe and heel. The trouble with designing your own piece is that there are just too many choices and decisions to make. The ornaments I’ve embroidered bare some resemblance to ornaments that I always hang on our tree and some that are particularly significant to my daughter. All in all, I’m very happy how it’s turning out but I’m taking too long with it.
Hi Mary
I am stitching some little birds made from scraps of fabric. The body is a basic bird shape, cut out and stuffed. Then the wings are fabric one side and card the other, glued together. Draw the wing shape, cut out and stitch or sew onto the body. Add a long tail, a little beak and beads for eyes and voila! a bird to hang on the Christmas tree. I found the pattern on the internet and changed it slightly. easy to do and pretty to look at.
I am working on a project that should have been completed a long time ago. It is a tooth fairy pillow with a pocket for the tiny tooth. The pattern is by The Sweetheart Tree. It is mostly cross stitch. What makes it special is that I had my daughter choose out of my stash her favorite variegated silk thread for the dress of the fairy. Then of course I had to make adjustments so that the other threads would match the color scheme.
I decided to add a nunstitch border all around and this is the final leg of my project.
Thank you,
I am currently working on “Stars for the New Millennium”. It is a counted canvas piece designed by Tony Minieri. It is a rite of passage into the world of layered counted patterns. It really is a lot of fun.
I’m creating small embroidered floral necklaces for my nieces!
My current project is from Scandinavian stitches. It is a Nordic folk kit using Danish flows thread. It is lovely as it is stitched on 30 ct. linen using a beautiful navy blue thread. Linda Doyle Baldauf designed it – 3 large x’s of Scandinavian design. The simplicity of just one color on ecru fabric is very relaxing.
Hi Mary,
What an inspiring topic! It’s such fun to hear about others’ embroidery.
I’m currently working on a counted canvas/stumpwork project of my own design. My LNS introduced me to Congress Cloth last year. This is my first piece experimenting with it. The piece has a padded and wired wild rose in the center while the borders are counted thread. A few technical glitches to resolve but it has been fun so far.
I am currently teaching myself different stitches. I pick one from the book The Geometry of Hand Sewing, then go to Mary Corbert’s videos to watch it done many times, then try it as a decorative stitch on a hand pieced quilt for a wall hanging or card or to frame. Whatever my muse says to do.
I’m currently working on two pieces. one is a counted piece by Jackie du Plessey from it’s fineally finished and is Florine’s showcase – a case for her silk gauze fan which I stitched last year. Loooooots of rice stitches which are seriously slowing me down.
The second piece is a name badge for the Casket of Curiosities students that was designed in Australia so they could identify each other. The lovely Raelene gave me a printed copy with my name on on linen, and I’ve been working on that with the help of Jenny Adin-Christie who is slowly easing me away from counted stitches. I initially went to Jenny as I wanted to colour the sky and thought she’d help me with painting the background. Nope – I now have a needlepainted sky shading from night – where the moon is, to bright, where the sun is. I still have a way to go but it will be ready when I go to Beating around the Bush in 2022.
I’m currently working on a Japanese Beadwork Embroidery purse by Margaret Lee, started at a class in July. I love it, but progress is slow, as I have to stitch this in daylight, and I now have to rely on good glasses and a needle threader. But I love it, and hope to finish the beading by May, when she returns to give another class in New Zealand. Precision, challenging, enthralling.
For the last 2 years and probably for the next 2, I’ve been stitching on a 17th century double casket from Thistle Threads. I’m using every technique known to man (and possibly some unknown ones) from surface embroidery to raised embroidery to stumpwork to goldwork to needlelace to bobbin lace to … . Since it’s my design, I like everything about it – particularly the various animals I’ve included to represent each of my good friends and also how colourful it is.
I actually just finished two projects, so the one I am working on now is in the planning phase. I’m not even sure that I will ever embroider it — it is more of an idea than a project. Over the past few days, I have been drawing characters from Farmer Giles of Ham (by J. R. R. Tolkien) to stitch. The idea came from my first attempts at battlement couching: I really wanted to try a dragon (and see if I could curve the “grid” to fit the curves of a dragon, and make the individual lattice cells look like scales). So I drew a dragon, and it hit me. I named the dragon Chrysophylax Dives. I also drew a Farmer Giles of Ham (Aegidius Ahenobarbarus Julius Agricola de Hammo), but I think that he will get some reworking: he looks much too serious and experienced. The problem is that I have absolutely no experience in figure embroidery, so I don’t know whether I can actually represent a facial expression in thread. Probably he will get several revisions. I still need to draw a grey mare, and the dog, Garm. And possibly the king, the village parson, the blacksmith, the miller, and the knights. This project could get enormous. (If it does, I will no longer be a novice at figure embroidery). Maybe I will just make single designs for each, along with a bit of assorted greenery and trees and houses, stitch samples, and give the set of patterns with instructions away as gifts. I don’t know. But I can think of many scenes from Farmer Giles of Ham that I would like to stitch.
Anyway, has anybody done figure embroidery? If so, are there any tips you could give me before I just start teaching myself by trial and error?
Thank you so much,
C. L. Fingristion
One of the 4 projects I am working on is the Or Nue Silvery Blue Butterfly designed by Alison Cole. I began it this summer while taking a class with her at the EAC seminar. I wanted to try something different and she had listed this workshop as one for any level of expertise. I figured this should be challenging enough without being overwhelmed. It was perfect! This type of Goldwork has been fun to work with and a whole new insite into a different side of embroidery I had never heard of before.
My current project is stitching a couple of your 12 trees onto flour sack towels. This is a quick, fun project going into the chaotic holiday season.
My brother is a painter for Christmas last year he had a chart created of one of his paintings. I’d not done counted work for a while I was on a freestyle embroidery kick lol. But it’s so special to be recreating his work in another medium
I just finished embroidering 6 red tea towels for my daughter for Christmas. Every thing in her kitchen is red. I used small teacup patterns from “Favorite fieldwork embroidery” by Betty Aldermann. Working on quilting an “Alphabet Sue” from the same book. Your mention of the Sublime Stitching iron transfer pens made possible getting the teacup designs onto the red tea towels
I’m working on embellishments on a purple-themed crazy quilt. Currently I am stitching flowers and leaves combining silk ribbon embroidery, floss, metallic floss, beads, and buttons. I designed the blocks.
I’ll have to give you a list as I am juggling pieces of work at the moment.
– commission for a banner for the Freemen of York
– a holiday challenge of a small piece in a miniature hoop.
– sample for a class at a local needlework shop of a goldwork and silk shading design
– finishing a Stumpwork flower
– a sample for a private class, again silk work and goldwork combined
Good job I’m having a quiet Christmas!
My most recent project was a very large stitch sampler. It was a pattern from an old Anna book which had been in my ‘to do’ pile for several years. I was sort of disappointed when I added the last row of stitches as I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of working out each different row of stitches and could have happily continued on.
Thank you so much for another wonderful Giveaway! I can’t believe it’s so close to Christmas either, it’s really snuck up on me. It’s so interesting to read about the projects everyone is doing! I’m trying to finish up some super secret gift ornaments, but I have a feeling I’ll be stitching right up to Christmas Eve again this year LOL These threads look amazing, and I’d love to try them 🙂
Several years ago I ordered an afghan and it had 12 squares on it trimmed in blue stitching. Each square is 8×8″ and a smiley snowman’s face is to be cross stitched on it. The face is white with different shades of pale blue and Kreinek blending filament. Each hat represents a holiday in that month. I am one who doesn’t start a project and then let it sit–like to finish it and then start another project. Am working on this now and am on the month of October. There are no specialty stitches but the outcome, so far, is pleasing to me. Am proud of it so far and when finished, maybe will give to my granddaughter.
My current projectct is The Puffin by Alison Cole.
It is a combination of stump work and gold work and I had to stitch him because he is so cheeky looking. I love the very factual way Alison’s directions are laid out and I love that I always get to use some materials I have not used before.
I finally bit the bullet and bought a sample of silk thread from Silks4U that used to run DinkyDyes. I am planning a counted thread sampler using those threads with blackwork and cross stitch patterns
Along with my knitting projects I usually do at night (don’t need as much light) I’m currently woring on some hardanger angels for the tree (stocking stuffers) and a canvaswork design all in yellow and white – very springtime looking.
Whew. Just finishing a Japanese Temari Ball using embroidery floss, threads and fibers of all kind—leaning orange-yellow-gold, including metallics, colorwise. The pattern comes from a former library book I picked up at a book sale; various designers included.
What I have been working on are Mill Hill ornaments. This year I am making one each for my four grandchildren and have also made theirs for next year. I love how they look in the tree, especially when the lights are on. They are quick stitching, instant gratification of a finished project, and are just down right cute when finished.
Not working on anything but prayer quilts for my church at this time, but I’m always looking for inspiration to try some more needlework. I’ve been saving things for stump work for years (books, supplies). The new threads you are giving away look very inspirational!
I am currently working on a 8×11″ image of sprigs of mums based on an “iron transfer” design. My first goal is to give a strong sense of foreground and background. I’m using raised embroidery techniques –and more vibrant colors — for the leaves, stems and petals that are closest to the viewer. Images in the background are flat. My second goal is to have a clear sense of an unseen light source from the left, just above the largest open blossom. I am not sufficiently sophisticated as an embroiderer to attempt shadows but, colors near the light source are brighter and tinged with shades of yellow and pale orange. I am using 6-strand cotton and mixing colors thread by thread. The whole thing is fairly complicated; what has saved me when I have had to set this down for a period of time is a set of 3 photo copies of the design I made with labels: “Stems,” “Leaves,” “Flowers.” I have been trying to record the color number for each strand with arrows showing where the combo of 2 or 3 strands has been embroidered. I also have been recording the stitch. It’s not a perfect system — I’ve lost (and found) individual charts at times, and of course, failed to record what I used on a leaf here and there. But it’s good enough to keep my interest.
I always have a list of projects going. There’s always something to do. Currently I’m putting together a project box for my big 2019 extravaganza. I’ll be making two crazy quilt tree skirts with a goal of finishing them before next Christmas. I enjoy CQ because it allows me to use lots of yummy materials and a wide variety of techniques. One of the skirts will be in blue , white and ivory, and the other will be in ivory and gold. I can hardly wait to get started.
My latest project is a Zenbroidery Christmas tree. I wanted some
Thing for the holidays that was relaxing and mindless. I am trying to use as many different stitches as I can on it. I like the Zenbroidery projects because they are like taking a page out of a book a coloring it, only difference is you are doing it with thread.
I am frantically completing some knit projects — so am between stitching projects. I did like the holly and evergreen shown last week. alas, sold out.
I am currently making felt ornaments with a number of different stitches. I usually make round ones with 3 different size circles on top of each other and stitch whatever I want to on them. I add beads and then put two together with a buttonhole stitch and add a ribbon. This is my go to project when I have nothing else going on.
My current needlework projects is trying to finish some Christmas Decorations, for presents. I’m using some different Mill Hill designs with my own version for the threads and beads. The stitching is mostly cross stitch with some fancy bead work.
A Laura Perin series of long samplers. Easy to work on while traveling and gorgeous colors. Two done, one in progress, and two more to go.
I’m working on some wool Applique and embroidery on wool. I also have a lovely stumpwork project waiting for me to finish up!
I am working on a Crewel project by Hazel Blomkamp, and it is probably the most advanced work I have ever done. I especially loved all the different stitches and colors envolved. It never got boring!
AND I am almost finished; hope to put the last stitch in tomorrow, so that I can block it and give it as a gift for Christmas.
I am currently stitching the Spool Holder accessory from the Home Sweet Home embroidered workbox by Carolyn Pearce. I’m working on a Robert Kauffman fabric called Essex linen which is a nice surface for this kind of stitching. What do I love about it? What do I not love about it! I am enjoying every aspect of this project, but the variety of stitches that I’m learning and the new threads that it’s introducing me to are definitely some of the highlights. Plus the embroidered flowers and critters are sooooo adorable … I’m one happy little embroiderer right now!
Thank you for the chance to win such beautiful things. At the moment I’m working on a contemporary piece (artwork?) as a challenge. I’m translating a friend’s photo of rusty paintwork in blues, trusts and browns using seed stitch overlaid with French knots to get the texture. Working in Anchor and DMC, Madeira silk, au ver a soie, Colour Streams, rayon, light effects, Sulky rayon sewing thread … anything that will give me colour and texture variation.
My current project is Janet the snake from Hazel Blomkamp. I’ve changed the color scheme to greens and golds as the project is for a friend.
I am working on Charley Harper’s Pelican in a Downpour, a painted needlepoint canvas from KD Artistry. My sister-in-law started this sometime in the 1970s and did his head (the only non gray or black) and quit. When she died I got the kit. It was all wools and no directions. I finally dug it out of my stash a couple years ago and with the help of my ANG guild figured out a stitch guide using lots of different threads and stitiches. The dark raining sky is finally done. It is a fun project with lots of learning of stitches and how to use different threads. I still have body to stitch, looking for ideas for stitching wet feathers. It will be finished! I hope in 2019.
I just finished a lovely little Xmas tree (from Kathy Schmitz’s book “Stitches From The Yuletide” worked on linen ….from a recently ordered selection of Latvian linens from a great Etsy vendor…different weights and weaves. I experimented by using a variety of long stashed “glitzy” threads for added holiday sparkle ; filaments, fine braids and Cosmo’s beautiful Shabondama threads.
Thank you for this opportunity!
A howl or a growl or perhaps a deep bellow, I’ve finished the landscape Fall background for my version of the Lamar Valley, WY quilt top. Now I get to stitch the fun stuff—a wolf, a grizzly, some buffalo? I do have the perfect spot for a bald eagle.
My current needlework project is the book as shown in the latest Inspirations magazine. It is quite complex but I enjoy a challenge. It is basically surface embroidery butsith lots of different stitches. I like the fact that I will be giving it to my first granddaughter who was born earlier this year. By the time I finish it I hope she will be reading!!!!!!!
Finishing up a red work of the nutcracker ballet. There are 9 total that will be made into a quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!
Current project is a UFO – Haunted Hooter painted canvas from Fleur de Paris. Tony Minieri did the stitch guide for me. I haven’t done many canvases (cross stitch is where I come from) so it is an introduction to a number of stitches.
I’m currently working on an Elizabethan-style band sampler by Di Fisher from South Australia. Lots of specialty stitches and beautiful silk threads, with gold to be added once it’s off the rollers. It’s a project with lots of variety and (at times) a significant level of challenge – just right!
Hi Mary
At the moment I am working on a 12″ square of embroidery on cotton homespun fabric. When it is finished it will be put into a quilt which will be donated to charity for still born babies. The square is a puppy worked in back stitch. The colours chosen are suitable for either a baby boy or girl. I find back stitch very therapeutic and I am enjoying the whole process.
I’m currently working on my Phase I Japanese embroidery piece, and for a break from that exacting work, a map sampler by Catherine Jordan. The map sampler is a great piece for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing a tiny bit of designing. It’s easy to replace a motif from the chart with something else that you’ve drawn yourself. It’s low-risk and makes the project more personal.
Thank you for another great giveaway!
I am working on eleven projects at the moment, and am on holiday. A few stayed behind and will be picked up when I get back home before New Year’s. The project I am working on the most is M’Lady’s Quadrielle from The Sweetheart Tree. It’s easier to carry along with me.
I am working on a Jeanette Douglas sampler entitled Atlantic Seaboard Sampler. I began it when we were in the Maritime provinces and it is a reminder of all the wonderful sights and experiences we had on this marvelous family vacation. I plan to add a little puffin pin I acquired on an outing to see the puffins and other sea birds.
Good day Mary, what a coincidence this Christmas drawing is. Right now I am in the preparation of the barn owl from Becky Hogg which is a Goldwork, metallic kit, I also have 2 other kits from Becky because my 2019 is all going to be about Goldwork and stumpwork studies. And sometime in the year I will undertake THE project I am getting ready for: Natalie Dupuis Colour Wheel done in or nué, can’t wait to get some practise in Goldwork and feel confident enough to undertake this project. Have a wonderful week.
I’m finishing up your grape leaf pattern, Mary! I’m using split, stem, satin, and long and short stitch in DMC cotton, though I have yet to decide the stitch I want to use for my metallic thread to finish the piece where to grapevines are bundled together. I would love to tinker with metallics and gold work techniques.
I am currently working Peacock Panel by Deborah Wilding. It is a gold and soft shading kit from the RSN. It’s a delight! There are lots of shading and some beautiful goldwork which is much easier than it looks. I love how the piece is coming out.
Thank you for this giveaway.
As a Christmas tragic I’m currently stitching Christmas decorations – a skating santa, snowmen. 6 elves, all Jenny McWhinney designs as well as 3 felt Christmas trees. These are being embroidered in silk, gold, metallic and other shiny threads as well as beads, sequins and other glittery bling.
I’d love to win this one as shiny threads at Christmas time add to the Christmas joy for this Christmas tragic.
Hi Mary,
I am currently on a cruise with a line well known for handing out small needlepoint kits to guests for working on sea days. Since I have finished the small projects that I brought with me I am working on one of those. It is a zipped purse with a blackbird sitting on a cherry tree branch on a red background. I hope to bead some of it when I get home.
My present project is five vignettes of 17th century life at Maryland’s provincial capital, St Mary’s City. The five compositions will go, each on a side of my Cabinet of Curiosities, inspired by Thistle Threads’ Tricia Wilson Nguyen and my involvement at Historic St Mary’s City, seasons of the year, the natural elements and the four recreated sites on the park. Autumn/earth/tobacco plantation is well under way in needlepoint, but it’s time for a break from Autumn.
In two days winter officially arrives, so I am switching to silk ground and raised embroidery to bring winter, fire, and the Indian Hamlet to life! The silk threads, pearl purl and new serpentine thread will make an exciting basis with which to work up the design, inspired by Tricia, Theodore de Bray’s paintings of Indians, 17th century motifs and my experience on the site. Time to curl up by the fire and start a new project! I love painting my ideas and this story with silk threads!
Today being Wednesday, it’s one of several surface embroidery pieces. The current lot includes a Celeste Chalasani stumpework piece. I’m currently working blackberries in French knots over felt padding. I love this piece because it’s beautiful and because it’s achievable due to her wonderful directions. For Wednesdays I also have a beaded piece by Nancy Eha, another wonderful teacher and my own design, freeform angels over a painted background, and…
I have 3 projects on the go at the moment – 1 of which I designed, one is a RSN class and kit, and one is designed by me as part of a class, so lots of help from the instructor, Tanya Berlin!
I am finishing up a project I started at a quilt retreat with silk threads,. and beads
Working on wonky little appliqué felt hearts that I make up as the spirit moves me and with whatever materials I have on hand within arm’s reach. I was originally going to give them to my stitching group as holiday gifts, but discovered that Valentines Day is a more attainable goal. LOL
At the moment I’m working on Tula Pink’s embroidery book she came out with earlier this year. Finished the sea pony now I’m working on the octopus on green linen! thought they would be great to display in my bathroom!
Indeed Mary, how did Christmas sneak up so fast? Thank you for these wonderful giveaways!
My current project is a Brazilian embroidery design called “A Box of Chocolates”! Luscious looking chocolates are in a heart shaped “box”, tempting all who view it! The design is from Debbie Kelley, of DK Designs, and will be a birthday gift for a chocolatier/chef friend of mine! At this point I am in process of stitching the little “papers” around each chocolate, then a bit of decoration on a select few, and then it will be ready for framing. The best part of these luscious chocolates?They won’t affect my waistline! 🙂
Merry Christmas to you, Mary, and I look forward to reading about your latest projects in 2019!
my current project is children decorating a tree. Using multiple stitches
I am working on Jenny Adin-Christie’s Hampton Court raised embroidery sampler. I love the mix of all the different techniques, materials and textures, from needlelace, wired organza, laidwork with cut purls over padding and trellises over flat silk, goldwork chipping and couching of gimp, gold and ribbon. Because I starting working on this piece at an intensive workshop with the designer, I was able to take advantage of her suggestions for alternative stitches, techniques and threads to make it my own. I was also able to get the backstory on the “thread and a thought” quote around the upper half of the piece. The quote references an English folk tune from the 1980s called “A Stitch in Time” and reading the lyrics put an entirely different spin on this cheery, sweet saying! The purpose-made casket waits for me to finish this piece, and I’m vowing to complete it in 2018.
Mary Corbett’s Stitcher’s Alphabet is my current project. My challenge is getting a good chain stitch, which is the foundation of many of the letters. I began with “V” and created a new version of the zigzag chain stitch. In time I hope to master these stitches in their own right. I placed the “V” under a row of cactus pots on a flour sack towel. I used the same colors indicated for the “V” for the cactus pots.
I’m making floral bookmarks for the women in my book group. I designed them and they are turning out nicely: pretty, lightweight linen; one or two strands of DMC; and a rogue praying mantis or two . . Or three. A little fringe around the edges, and they will be ready to mark the pages of winter reading.
I am currently working on an anatomy figure, showing inner organs. Using stumwork technique.
Currently, I am putting the finishing touches (tonight) on a Jacobean designed small linen twill panel from Crewel Works and some little felt pockets (this weekend) from a French Needle kit.
Fun, Fun.
I’ve been trying to finish up a lap quilt that several custom picture frames contributed blocks for. As a group project, we chose a color theme and each made enough blocks to share with the others. Now I’m trying to finish the quilting and embellishments to mine. Thank you Mary, for all you do to spread good stitching cheer!
I am currently working on a beautiful baby’s blanket: “Sunflowers and Daisies”, designed by Helen Eriksson, and included in Inspirations 97. My little granddaughter will be six months old before she gets it, which is a pity, but I hope she will love it as she gets older.
I have enjoyed doing all the different flowers and leaves – some of them are so forgiving of my inexpertise, and some are such fun to do, such as the tiny little blossoms done with french knots over the branches. For this we use Colour Streams stranded silk in colour Lillipilli, which goes from pink to yellow to green and back again – such a lovely effect!
Thank you for all your delightful giveaways – and for your continuing blog. I enjoy it so much!
I am currently trying to finish a bargello challenge project done through the Embroiderer’s Guild of America. It is my primary project as I tend to start new things that catch my eye.
Redwork snowman ornaments for perfect grandchildren, a Japanese flat silk workshop piece by Sue Sprake, a Lee Designs painted canvas Faberge egg, and a Hapsburg lace sampler by Tanja Berlin. That covers my four stitching situations: in the car/doctors/etc.; stitching night with friends; in front of the TV; and at work. Each site has its own needs and the variety keeps me busy, not bored. Of course, sewing and embroidering miniature Ugly Christmas sweaters to put on my “Ugly Christmas Sweater” Sweater was a temporary distraction but I have to say… it turned out, well, ugly. Merry Christmas and happy stitching to all!
My current project is a Christening gown for my newest granddaughter. The front panel is heavily embroidered in white floche. I started with a design by Wendy Shoen and substituted a cross and her monogram for some of the bows and flowers. Of course it also has lots of lace, ribbons, and tucks on the rest of the gown. Wish me luck – the Christening is in January.
My current embroidery project is an EGA GCC crewel embroider piece. I’m almost finished but I’ve set it aside for the Christmas holidays.
At the moment I’m working on peppermint dream by rajmahal,having just finished Jacobean splendour by elizebeth cole. Just before that I completed your lattice jumble, which was lots of fun. Being new to all these things I’m not sure of the names of the techniques. All I know is that I’m loving it all
I am currently working on three different pieces. Two are on needlepoint canvas and one is cross stitch on linen. It seems that I am stuck on one of the needlepoint canvases in choosing not only the stitch but also the color I want to use in a specific spot. The cross stitch piece is the “Linen and Threads” Mystery Sampler from 2017. Slowly but surely I will finish all three of them.
Stitching multiple projects right now: x-stitch birth record; small Christmas wholecloth quilt; various ornaments of different techniques.
I’m working on a euti for myself.the shapes and instructions are from my local quilting store but the designs are by me.Iam thread painting pansies on the 4 out side panels.
I am working on a small project for the holiday — embroidering hearts and flowers on felt needle holders for family. No special designer, only my imagination.
Like many, I tend to have multiple projects on the go. At the moment the one I am doing most work on is Robert the Little, a design by Alison Cole using Opus Anglicanum techniques. I love the texture the split stitch gives, especially with the silk used. I just started the underside couching with the gold the other day and that is coming up a treat and adding a great background contrast.
I am currently working on the embroidery for the lid of the second of a couple of fabric ‘pottles’ I have made for my grand daughters. I am finding it a bit of a challenge working on the plain fabric – trying to keep my stitch length even and following my minimal pattern markings – I usually do counted work. Of course, this needs to be finished before Christmas. I have several other ‘UFOs’ I hope to work on over the Christmas break, between trying to get the garden in some sort of order if this rain ever lets up!
I am working on a Meg Hawkey embroidery project. I have enjoyed it so much I am on the second one. I am embroidering on a yellow fabric this time and I think I like it better then the white fabric I used the first time. It shows off the colors crayons and the lighter threads better. I am reinforcing my learning curve because several of the stitching are used over and over throughout the project. I am sharing my success with my friends and they are not getting their project done as fast as I am, so I need to prod them along. They are all doing great work, so I don’t know what is holding them up. Hummmmm
I’m one of those people that have a million projects going at one time. 🙂 I’m working on a mirabilia design for the first time. I’m really enjoying working with the variety of threads(silk,metallic,different sizes) and trying beading for the first time. I also have some crewel work going, and the mmmcrafts 12days of Christmas ornaments set to go. Finishing things isn’t my strong point.
A guild member designed a black work needle keep that I am currently working on. It’s a new technique to me and I enjoy learning new things.
I’m currently working on two projects, alternately. The first is a canvas work piece called Spirit of the Southwest, by Joan Thomasson, that I started as a class when EGA’s national seminar was in Phoenix, about four or so years ago. It is currently the front and back of what will be a 3-dimensional figure that can be used as a tree topper or simply (as I plan to do) as a standup figure. She is wearing a traditional yellow, blue, and green Mexican dress (lots of ruffles), and has wings worked in shades of orange and pink, plus a sun-rise in the sky behind her and maroon and purple rocks. On the back, there is a darker sky for sunset, more rocks of various shades, including some we painted and cut out of ultrasuede, plus grasses, cacti, and other plants. The whole thing is beautifully colorful and uses a multitude of canvas stitches.
The other piece is “Pathways,” a gold work piece by Margaret Kinsey that was just an online class through EGA. It is a relatively simple piece, and I have been torn between working on it and working on Spirit of the Southwest, so have alternated. I believe I can finish both of these pieces, if not by January 1, at least by a few days into January.
I’m working on my own design. Red work roses in middle, then crazy quilt a round them.
I’m currently working on a small autumn wall hanging in wool applique, using silk and rayon threads and planning to add a good deal of bead embellishment. The design of leaves and trees with a lovable moon rabbit is my own, but since I can’t draw to save my life the shapes are adapted from books in my collection and images collected from on line. What I love about this project is the yummy colors of the hand-dyed wools that tempted me into it in the first place.
I am currently stitching on two pieces. One is a piece of Japanese Embroidery for the Japanese Embroidery Center in Atlanta. It is Autumn Bush clover and I chose it for the challenge of the bush clover leaves. The other piece is a Herend Bunny by Kate Dickerson. It is a fun piece that is great for Christmas time.
Who has only one project? This year I started the EGA Ambrosia project. Of course I had to change all the colors – went with black, grey, gold and more metallics. I then changed threads to add silks and ribbons. I was inspired by a McKenzie-Child’s catalogue. The the big bee in the center I decided needed to be a stumpwork body and have gossamer 3D wings. Still working on it but love the changes. Now for the other WIP’s ……,,
My current project is the resurrection of a piece I painted onto fabric years ago. The design is based on a photo I took of a poppy bud and leaves. I am enjoying using a number of different stitches for texture and interest, including raised stem stitch , long and short stitch and Turkey work stitches.
I have padded the bud with three layers of felt dyed to match the threads. I will slit the top opening and insert a sliver of pleated silk to show the bud starting to show color.
I mostly don’t work from kits or patterns per se – being a crazy quilter means I design my own projects. Right now I’m working on re-vamping what was once planned to be a vest that has been sitting unfinished in my closet for years. Now part of it is becoming a pillow cover and I’m adding some additional stitches and beading to it.
I’m working on three projects. The first is Tiny Treasures in Blackwork by Elizabeth Almond. Just finished a Christmas run off she gave us.
The second a Guild project for our quilt show, to quilt on a sweatshirt. I appliquéd Shirley from Crewel Creatures by Hazel Blomkamp on the shirt and am in the process of embroidering the details of the snake with DMC floss.
The third is a snowflake pattern from Wooly Ladies which I will make into a pillow when finished. I am embroidering different stitches than was called for. I never follow a pattern without adding my own personality.
So many projects I could talk about. The most active one is a silk and goldwork experiment, but I also have had a Trish Burr butterfly languishing for some time, and a number of smaller items popping up – like Christmas ornaments!
Among other things I am stitching on my Elizabethan Casket designed by Maree Talbot here in Australia. I love all the different Elizabethan style stitches, the silk threads and the bits of gold threads that make everything sparkle. I especially love peacocks and there are a few on this design. Thanks Maree and thanks Mary for your wonderful website.
I just finished a handkerchief for my granddaughter’s Christmas, and after the holiday will begin my next “big” project. I’ve been designing it for several months now, taking into account my hubbie’s preferences, as it’s intended to be his retirement present, planned for this coming April. It’s “his” coat of arms he’s thought about for years. It’s about 9″ x 12″ and features the cross from the Finnish flag which divides it into four sections. The sections contain a Celtic harp, a lightning bolt, a Finnish lion, and an open Bible. The cross is about 3″ thick, and will be many hours of long and short to fill it in as smoothly as possible. The outside border will be a half inch thick, done in black satin stitch. That’s the ho-hum keep-stitching part.
The individual features contain the fun and challenging parts. Each one will have small sections of my very first goldwork. I can’t believe the amount of reading I’ve had to do to even figure out which types of gold to use for what. I think I’ve got most of it figured out, but when I actually get to it, who knows what will happen?
I have my fabric and – I think – all my threads collected, so after Christmas I just need to get to it!
I’ve been stitching Christmas ornaments and gifts for months now. (I’m an extremely s-l-o-w stitcher!) Everything I do at this point is just plain old surface hand embroidery. For the Christmas ornaments, I use 3″ and 4″ hoops–but I stitch them using Q-snap frames, *then* put them into the inexpensive little round wooden hoops when they’re finished. I usually decorate the outer hoops by gluing on 3/8″ ribbon. My favorite stitching projects at the moment are the things I’ve been stitching onto clothing for my two little granddaughters, age five and two. Many of the patterns I’m using are from the Urban Threads Embroidery website, which I recommend highly. My older granddaughter loves kittens and giraffes, and Urban Threads has adorable patterns for both. My absolute favorite thing I’ve stitched lately is a kitten wearing a crown and holding a scepter in her mouth. I used the lovely DMC Diamant metallic floss for much of it, then I used regular knitting yarn for the kitty’s fur to give it an extra fluffy look.
I am currently stitching on the Blue Wren Etui by Jenny Adin-Christie. This is the new bird that was first launched/ stitched at Beating Around the Bush in Adelaide Australia this year. The colours are magnificent, and, as always, Jenny uses interesting and different materials to make her items.
I’m currently working on a Hazel Blomkamp small Jacobean design with various surface stitches including needleweaving, french knots, satin stitch….and a Mary Hichmott Assisi knot garden in red on white aida using cross stitch and backstitch….and an Elizabethan Botanical by Susan O’Connor called Poppies and Peas…and slowly progressing a design using stumpwork of a flower in my garden!
I’m working on Beachcomber’s Booty by Ann Strite-Kurz, a pretty canvas piece featuring a sand dollar:
It is intended to be a housewarming gift for my brother and sister-in-law for their new place in Florida. I’m hoping they like it so much they won’t notice it is a couple years late.
My current needlework project is a XS chart that says “Wash Your Hands” with Dr. Mario and some cute Mario viruses. I like that is easy stitching and very colorful. I’m using a black background so the colors really pop.
I’m currently working on the last part of a fall bargello project that I started designing years ago. I’ve come up with some ideas for the blank sections and need to try graphing them out to see what fits.
I am stitching a 17th century style embroidered casket. The fabric is silk sateen and the design is inspired by Tricia at Thistle Threads but with my own twist. I love goldwork using silver threads and lots of Stumpwork using silk. I just wish Santa could bring me smoother hands for Christmas.
Unfortunately I am not working on a project right now…definitely will start in the New Year!!Your site makes me want to do it all!
I am currently working on a sampler where there are different types of needlework. The block I’m currently on is crazy quilting.
I am currently working on a needle book using nyzynne designs published by the the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada. For practice I am stitching on 18 count Aida but will work on a 22 count even weave. The technique is a combination of pattern darning followed by filling in the blank spaces with satin stitch. It is a fairly easy to follow design but any deviations from the pattern really show up and the work is done from the reverse side so the only way to correct errors is the frog stitch.
I am currently embellishing a print of a photo taken by my husband of a local river and old wooden bridge. The print and stitching instructions wiere completed by Jennifer Bennett an Australian designer and teacher. It uses a variety of cotton floss, silk perle threads and stranded silks mainly from Colour Streams which is a local company producing threads and ribbons for hand embroidery
Jenny McWhinney has a children’s book in the Inspirations 100 Issue which is what I am enjoying now with a newfound love of perle cotton. I like that some pages are color pictures and some are text. I have no recipient in mind so I am taking my time with this project.
I have taken a break from a larger x stitch sampler to make felt applique stocking ornaments with embroidery trim.
I am currently designing a poinsettia using silver Japanese Gold and all silver metal threads. With an overlay of pulled thread poinsettia in white with a touch of silver thread…a winter poinsettia. I like using non-gold colored metal threads for a change.
I’m working on Strawberry Fayre from Inspirations #95 – thanks to Mary’s review!
The owner of a local needlework store offered it as a stitch-along, which helped keep the cost down. (So then I bought a pretty mother of pearl ruler and several thread winders, and a darling handpainted porcelain bead…)
It’s a challenging project – lots of prep work to trace the pattern pieces and baste them to the lining fabric, tiny stitching in a wide array of fibers, needle lace covering a teensy strawberry emery, a Dorset button, cording and beading. I’ve learned several new stitches already and have more to go. And then there’s the finishing – the class was in early November, but I’m so far behind I’ll be lucky to have it done by next Christmas!
And since the LNS stocked the Japanese bead embroidery book (also reviewed by Mary) referenced by another project in the magazine, it made its way into my stash as well…
I am doing a piece called ” Northern Painting” by Lawren Stewart Harris
It is my interpretation of this famous painting.
I am stitching on Ultra awed in the technique of Needle Painting
I have always loved the painting of the group of Seven. I see this pice of working in more vivid colours . Have not decided by might incorporate some three dimensional stump work ( a technique learned from Alison Cole)
It will be fun figuring out all the “pieces to the puzzle)
I’m stitching Carolyn Pearce’s Strawberry Etui. I like the variety of stitches and layering stitches and threads. It is a learning experience and a challenge. I often refer to your stitch videos to learn and again to remind me how to start the stitch. Thank you again for the videos and all that you do.
I am currently working on a whitework and drawn thread hand towel for my bathroom. I have set it up on stretcher bars to keep the whole thing stretched taut. I enjoy needlework immensely and am pleased to discover your blog.
I have no idea why it took me so long to find you, but I am glad I did. You have opened my eyes to so much, it’s staggering!
Happy Holidays.
I am working on another tote bag with a mandala I designed myself. It uses simple outline stitches, but lots of colors. My favorite kind of project. : )
Those are such pretty colors. I love the strength of silk thread and often use it for “slow” stitching and embellishing. When you know how silk thread is made, it makes you appreciate it. I’m currently working on a winter scarf design. Hopefully, it will be ready to wear next winter. The silks would be beautiful incorporated into my current design.
I’m currently between projects…letting my thumb surgery more completely heal.
I just love all the new (to me) techniques and threads that I learn about on your site. Thank you.
I have many projects I’m working on. I’m currently waiting on some materials to finish a beautiful blackwork butterfly pattern I found in the Inspirations Magazine. I’m working on an antique linen and can’t wait to see the finished product.
Finishing up a Wedding Sampler for my nephew in Hardanger. They had been married two years before we knew about the marriage!
The Hardanger motifs are from Thea Drueck at Victoria Sampler Free Patterns. I combined the motifs in a design I liked and have done a few other tweaks. The motifs are in white thread. The surrounding triple border has a row of red, white & blue kilos tee blocks. There will be some crystals and pearls. The red, white & blue colors are for my former serviceman Nephew. Crystals in medium blue and deep yellow are for his wife who is a proud Ukrainian, waiting to apply for her American citizenship.
I’ve cut out and pulled all the threads I could to enhance the lacy effect.
Where do I start?! I have two major projects happening! One is by Hazel Blomkamp and will be a footstool. It is one of her fabulous crewel work projects and is the third one I have done! The other is a silk print of Monet’s bridge and garden and the embroidery is one I’m developing as I go. I have a big picture plan of this starting with thousands of french knots in silk threads for the distance work. The middle section will be mainly straight stitch in silk threads and narrow ribbon and the foreground irises will be in silk ribbon. So far I’m still working on the french knots!
I am actually working on several projects, as I normally do.
When I am at reenactments (1770s) I am stitching a reproduction seat cover from the period (well actually from just after the period). It is a kit that I purchases some years ago in the gift shop of the Colonial Williamsburg’s Museum. While I was first drawn to the design of it and as something to work on at events, I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it to work on it that included silk floss – which I had not worked with before – as well as cotton floss and crewel yarn. The design is Jacobean. It uses a variety of fairly common stitches. I estimate it will be at least another 2 years of working on it at events before it is finished. (We have 6 evening events over the next 2 weekends, but it is too dark for me to stitch by the limited candlelight, as it would have been in period, so it will be May before another event, unless one pops up.)
I am also working on an anniversary piece for my sister – for her 30th anniversary, it was just her 40th, I lost track of the piece and thought it finished and given to her before we had bedbugs 10 years ago. I had my husband transfer their wedding photo where the trunk would be and early, but not baby, photos of their 2 children – one where each branch would be. I then drew the tree outline to match. I finished the tree stitching (chain stitch to go quickly) in time for their 30th, but husband insisted it needed leaves, not the bare tree I had planned. The leaves are French knots and whenever I thought there were enough – he said “needs more”. I finally had enough leaves and went to stitch their information – only to find that not only did my “print it on paper, stitch through, rip paper off” not work, but when the stitching had to be removed it left holes which would not heal in the fabric. I have green fabric and I need to get husband to print the info for me on same then I will cut out leaves with the info, appliqué the leaves and embroider the info.
Thank you Mary for this gorgeous give away. Currently I am working on a “broderie glazik”, folk embroidery of Brittany to adorn a vest. I use “soie perlée” de “Au ver à soie” and really it’s not an easy thread to tame ! So I progress slowly but hope to finish it before spring.
Merry Christmas Mary and thank you for all the pleasure you give with your site.
Currently I’m working on a couple Mill Hill ornaments, trying to get done before Christmas. Then back to Ebb Tide by Laura Perin. Love the colors.
Right now I’m working on some lovely little embroidered brooches. I love making small things to wear. The silk threads would be beautiful for these projects.
My current project, T- Towels!!! I love stitching T- Towels and have done a TON of them for Christmas presents this year. I post most of my finished towels on the Needle n’ Thread Facebook page. I enjoy using bold colors with not so typical towel designs from Urban Threads. My towels are “displayed” in my friends and families homes in their kitchen, not used for everyday tasks because they are a work of art. I am proud of my work and get numerous requests for my creative stitching.
I’m currently working on a bargello project on 18 count canvas using blue and rust DMC threads. I’m using a pattern I adapted from an 18 century purse or wallet. The original used wool but I’m using cotton because of the many color changes.
My ongoing project is a set of seven tea towels. I used the Aunt Martha designs of butterflies on a lattice worked in cross stitch with daisies. I chose a different bright color for each of the butterflies and tried to coordinate the rest of the colours, however, I am not really happy with the result. I wish you would put a series of short articles or tutorials on how to choose colors for a project. Anyway, thanks for an interesting blog!
My most recent project is Tanja Berlin’s Hapsburg Lace Snowflake Sampler. It uses a variety of fairly basic stitches (eyelet, lazy daisy, double cross) and combines them to create the most beautiful snowflakes. Then, for some added bling, I decided to add beads. It is a perfect project for this wintry season!
I have currently been trying to wrap up a few quilting projects, and gather specialty threads for a project that will incorporate wool, and silk , paints, and cool threads, among others. It will incorporate felting, painting, many different forms of embroidery, and any other technique I choose to use. The idea is not completely formed, just sitting there waiting. Its waiting for me to have my hip replacement and get rid of this incredible pain! Not to fear. the surgery is tomorrow, just in time for Christmas! Marry Christmas and than you for this giveaway!
My current needlework project is 16 small pulled thread squares. Once they were stitched I dyed the fabric in some tea. I’ll be making 8 tiny biscornu’s and transforming them into earings or necklace.
After watching my granddaughter worry about losing a pair of earring and then having to untangle one of her necklaces (she’s only 11), I’ve decided my next project will be a jewelry roll for her to store her things in. I’m going to monogram it using one of the letters from Elisabetta Sforza’s “A Flower Alphabet”.
The silk gimp reminds me of a formal dress of my grandmother’s. It was used around the neckline, and its appearance intrigued me. So interesting to see how it is made. No wonder it is expensive!
My current major project is a hand painted needlepoint stocking for my grandbaby. Hopefully next year. Lots of special threads and some beads.
My ongoing project is a full coverage cross stitch design from Heaven n Earth Designs. No timeframe, just plugging along.
Great threads. Thank you for the chance.
My current needlework project is a crocheted shawl (I consider anything made with thread and some sort of tool needlework). It’s the Grinda shawl. I hope to start embroidering again. My bf and caregiver passed away a year ago. He ran his business out of the apartment and basically used all available space. I’m slowly but surely getting stuff put away and given away so I can have space to do needlework.
Currently, I’m working on a simple cross-stitch kit; trying to get back into the swing of stitching. I have two or three that need finishing, one only needs French knots added, then it can be framed.
I have one project I am waiting to start: a counted thread project I bought a few years ago, but haven’t gotten around to.
I’m working on a large piece of Japanese embroidery of two treasure ships. The design is from Japanese Embroidery Centre. It is to be a wedding present for my brother. The treasure ships contain all sorts of good luck symbols from Japanese tradition.
I have so many projects underway it’s hard to pick one to write about! One of the more intricate projects is the stumpwork mirror from Thistle Threads. It includes multiple techniques, including goldwork and needlelace. The threads are wonderful! Silk, gold, silk wrapped purls and more! I’m afraid I’m very behind!
I am currently working on pillow cases to give my niece. She is getting married in2019. It is a hobby kit with simple stitches and pretty pastel colors.
I am currently working on Eliza Cox 1832 from Hands Across the Sea Samplers. I love pretty birds in samplers and I LOVE the floral border in this sampler. It has pansies, which are very unusual, as well as other gorgeous flowers. pansies, roses and sunflowers are my favorite flowers…
My current project is on 40 count silk gauze. It’s a hummingbird among fuscia flowers. It will be finished in a glass paper weight.
Merry Chirstmas Mary.
I am stitching Sarah Braizer from Hands Across the Sea. I am about 2/3 done. I’ve never done anything so large. She will hang above the mantle in the family room. I love her colors!
Hi and thanks again for a great opportunity to try something new.
At the moment I am still working on a cross stitch piece designed by Therese Gouverneur although I am gearing up to do a ‘Bayeux Tapestry’design by Kathy of The Unbroken Thread.
I’m currently working on a beautiful night time navy blue background of a big city harbor. All straight lines depicting the night Windows in yellows in the high rises and some smaller buildings. There are red floss reflections in the water and turquoise floss lines in the water. Amazing what artists can do who design these. This is about 20 x 24. I get bored with it so is common ng along slowly. When done I’ll frame it and it will be so beautiful. Very realistic with only straight lines. I do the stem stitch with three threads and a smaller amount with some of the yellows. I will get it done. Oh, I Aldo quilt and I picked this up for free on the table at one of our meetings. Didn’t want to use the yarn that came with it and wanted to use floss. With a little metallic threads here and there. I might even add a few tiny crystals.
My current project is St. Sylvestre, by Julia Line/Long Dog Samplers. I am doing it in 3 shades of green, with the main one a deep forest green, and adding specialty stitches. What I most enjoy is the combination of rich color with the stricture of the geometric shapes
Currently I am working on a geometric piece by Debbie Rowley. It involves turning many corners with all types of stitches. It us an unusual color combination and choice for me, but I just loved the look if it and Debbie is always a great teacher and her kits are a work of art!
As a fairly new embroiderer I’m currently sewing voided monograms due to an excess of new babies in my life! Am currently enjoying an ‘M’. I also have booked a class at my local embroiderers guild for summer school and hope to learn lots of new techniques there.
I have just finished stitching two simple Christmas designs for gifts and haven’t yet worked out what I want to start on next. Because I do a LOT of other crafts too, I tend to only ever have one stitching project on the go at once.
I’m enjoying adding embroidery to multi-textured quilting projects. I have too many things started to name them all, but my favorite is adding dimension to my appliqués. The appliqué motifs are cotton, wool, silk, linen, denim, corduroy . . . I like using size 5 & 8 perl cottons best. Making a crazy quilt is definitely in my future!
I do not have just one project that I am working on. I rotate between MH 1656 by Hands on Designs, First Christmas Stocking by Cross My Heart Designs and a Mill Hill bead kit. Once Christmas is put away, Drawn Thread Sampler will return along with Reptiles by Heaven and Earth Designs. Also want to work on some surface embroidery in 2019 and some canvas work. The threads you showed are fabulous! Enjoyed your talk with Fiber Talk the other day too.
I have just finished a Lavender and Lace angel completed on Zweigart linen and am picking up my crewel work again. I have been designing my own crewelwork and enjoy working out colours and stitches. I am working on cotton twill with Appleton wools. Not as nice as the linen from the Crewel Work Company but works well enough. Another project is silk embroidery on bamboo pillowcases. When completed a nice tatted edge will finish off the cases beautifully. The design for the cases is a combination of Trish Burr inspired florals and some inspiration from old books of my grandmother’s.
I am working on Carolyn Pearce’s Heart Necessaire . This is my first embroidery for myself. I normally always have a person in mind when I design my embroidery and a deadline so this makes a big change for me. But then I saw your little trees and all of a sudden I needed something more Christmasy to work on. I just finished one of your little trees on a flower sack towel and have started the Holly and Evergreen large option. I’m Loving it. Thank you so much for your wonderful give aways.
“Tell us about your current needlework project”
I’ve been working on a set of geometric mandalas to make up in to kits. I designed them and I actually JUST sent the first tester kit out to someone (eek!).
They are beginner to beginner-intermediate kits with a focus on fine materials.
I’m currently working on several projects but my main focus is a Japanese Embroidery piece called Kusudama. It is my Phase X piece and uses all the techniques I’ve learned so far. It uses flat silk (that I sometime have to twist) as well as metallics. It’s challenging but a lot of fun.
I am currently stitching the Roseworks Jade Dragon by Colleen Goy. It is on silk dupioni using chain, buttonhole, stem, split and a few other stitches. I started off following the colour chart but have changed along the way. I love this dragon and will frame it for my daughter. I’ve found the actual stitching easy, but it is taking quite a while to complete.
A while ago I bought the book “Monograms – The Art of Embroidered Letters” by Susan O’Connor. We have decided that we will not exchange gifts this year for Christmas (there are no children involved) but I decided that it would be nice to give a handkerchief each, embroidered with their initials. Five down, three to go and the one I’m working on now. Time is of the essence!
I’m currently stitching Charley Harper’s “Biodiversity in the Burbs”, a needlepoint canvas. It is amazing – I love to just sit and look at it, lots of critters that you may see in your backyard, depending upon where you live. It incorporates beading (snake, ants, turtle), embroidery stitches (a feather), ribbon work (flowers), applique (ribbon on top of basketweave stitches, and more traditional needlepoint stitches. This is a big project, I’ve been working on it for months, and the end is in sight. I’m going to be sad when it’s finished.
I just finished setting up my embroidered eye mask project, which was inspired by Yumiko Higuchi. I admire her simple and practical style but want to add my own touch. I ended up having my own designs for both embroidery and sewing. Now the embroidery design is colored by color pencils. Read to stitch!
Currently I am working on an Embroiderers’ Guild Group Correspondence Course called “Star-Spangled Puzzle Ball.” I changed some of the threads and am using a hand dyed silk, Splendor silks, Sparkle Braid, and Kreinik Braid to give the ball a tropical look.
Hi Mary,
My current stitching project is the Honeysuckle metal thread design from Tanja Berlin Designs. It is a good starting project for me as I have not done metal thread (goldwork) before. I chose the silver version and bought the kit which is a great way to try out a new technique without having to put too much money into it.
Currently I am working on a miniature French Knot rug designed by Theresa Layman. It is of butterflies flying around a bush. I love these little rugs that are filled with one strand of floss and one wrap of French knots or Colonial knots. These are like my Zen stitching. I love French Knots and it is very relaxing. It is like coloring only with thread. Now that I have finished all my shopping, beading and other stuff for Christmas, I can sit back and relax with a soothing project
Hi Mary
I have been working on a pincushion that has some simple embroidery on it. Some swirls that I did some simple stem stitching and some abstract shapes that I also did some stem stitches. I plan to finish it tonight with some lazy daises and french knots . Very simple stitches to show my pincushion club how fun hand embroidery can be.
I am working on a pillow sham for my father. It has little birds with flowers and birdhouses. I want to learn to Satin Stitch and the long and short on the birds. It is made of a fine Egyptian cotton with a satin Sheen. I enjoy embroidering animals and flowers.
I’m working on a pincushion which uses bullions to make a hedgehog. Love it!
My current project is finishing a needlework piece turned into the EGA. It came with no threads and no pattern but what has been completed is beautifully stitched. It was close enough to completion that the stitcher had put in her initials. I’m still not sure how to do a couple of things, but I’ve rounded up matching threads and I’m experimenting to do justice to the original.
Current project or WIP’s? I have a couple from Anna Marie Winter that I truly must finish both with gorgeous silk threads
There isn’t any juicy details here. I’m just working on a pair of pre printed pillowcases that I bought at a yard sale. I haven’t made much process with so much else going on this season, but it will be nice relaxing with some stitch work after the holidays.
My current project is a mystery sampler called ‘My Favoured Shades Sampler’ designed by Sherelyn Whitman of Barberry Row, New Zealand. The project covers several different techniques and stitches. I am finding it a big challenge but am enjoying the process and the learning of new stitches.
I’m teaching myself gold work and am currently working on three bug designs by Kate Tume of Mother Eagle Embroidery. You should check out her work on Instagram under Mother_Eagle_Embroidery… very talented. After I get a little experience, I’ll tackle two works by Natalie Dupuis. The first is a steampunk inspired snail and the second is an Or Nue design of a color wheel with a crystal in the center. Check out Natalie’s work on Instagram at SewByHandMtl. I love the works by both of these talented designers…. they aren’t the standard traditional designs. They are more modern in feel and have an edge to them.
I’m finding that when I work on more than one project, it seems slow going for any noticeable progress. However, I am working on a Brazilian embroidery doilie. I’m working it on linen and got the pattern from Peacework magazine older issue. It’s very pretty…so far.
I am working on a baby blanket for my first grandchild (not yet born). It is a flannel print of woodland creatures. I am stitching around the creatures to make them pop more using a chain stitch. I plan to do a more elaborate pattern in the borders but haven’t decided what yet.
I have 2 cyber classes one each from EGA and EAC but am not far in either as severe health issues put a stop but I was enjoying both and looking forward to continuing with Alison Cole’s Jacobean Splendor — I like the piece because it has goldwork and have been wanting to learn that for some time plus it has silk shading which I’ve never had instruction in either. The other piece is all laid out but as per above have not actually started stitching is Interlocking Squares by Lois Kershner and is an introductory Sashiko piece which I’ve researched and have been wanting to try. My face is healing and I’m able to wear my glasses again so I expect to be stitching this holiday.
At the moment I’m finishing a frog for a frog fanatic friend. It’s a very old cross-stitch kit that I found online. The frog (and a couple of butterflies) are stitched on plastic canvas and the finished pieces are then made up into a plant pot ornament.
Holiday stocking complete with teddy bear, jingle bell, holly….all on a good quality flour sack towel. Nice and easy, festive and relaxing!
Dear Mary, I am working on a design, months in the making, of Mother Mary on a 1 inch circle of wool felt. I am almost there! I’ve stitched the outline of her veil in a blue stem stitch and filled it with a cretan stitch. The tendrils of vine are in a rich green split stitch with lazy daisy and french knot flowers in a deep rose. Metallic blue encircles her head in a button hole stitch. I am attaching her to a quarter ounce round tin, which I am fashioning into a prayer locket for my dear friend, Elisa, who is contemplating becoming a nun.
I am stitching a crewel project from Inspiration’s Magazine #78 (2013). The pattern is in Jacobean style, featuring a stylized pomegranate and little lemons (they look more like a flower bud) with two other floral features. It was designed by Di Kirchner of Australia. I have selected a white linen for the embroidery and plan to either frame it or use it in a cushion for display in my bedroom. I’m using Bella Lussa wools (they are so lovely in the hand) in similar colors to the original design.
I’m working on a trio of Scottish family crests using a very mild light yellow as background (tradional blouse fabric) and doing the crests in a deep gray using the Crabapple Hill method of coloring(crayon) the interior of the crest with the lightest of grays to give a shadowing and dimensional effect hopefully it will be a wall hanging
My current project is the biggest I have ever embroidered. It will be a little over 3’ across. It took a year to find the perfect beautiful blue hand painted linen. I have been gathering reads for a year and continue to add to the collection. The design is my own and is almost ready to transfer to the fabric.
I give away everything I make, so I have nothing of mine in my own house. This one is staying here!
I’m finishing up Santa Christmas ornaments I stitched early this year. I’m trying to improve my finishing techniques as I’m never satisfied with the end results
Im finishing up a Trish Burr Magnolia flower. Im hoping to get it done for a gift. The needle painting is taking a long time!!
I don’t usually win anything, so I don’t expect to win this. I love your patterns to work with, and I love using metallic thread when I need to emphasis individual areas on my projects. I love using silk thread, it is so soft and shiny, and looks great in the project we did last year ‘Humming Birds’, from Secret Garden, Book. Thank you for your inspiration and site that I use so much and so many times.
I’m presently still working on Crane and Temari Balls provided by Japanese Embroidery Center from class at EGA. It is the first time to try this embroidery and is very interesting and CHALLENGING! I love how you create your own threads and the sheen of silk and glint of gold thread. I just know the entire immersion into the culture is going to be rewarding!
I am currently stitching butterflies on some tea towels the stitches I’m using are French knots and lazy Daisy stitches. I like this project because it’s fast and easy. Many thanks for this giveaway.
I’m currently working on a fun project originally from an opshop (thrift store) find. It’s my attempt to break away from cross stitch and worked on very cheap experimental cloth (a dishwashing cotton cloth). It’s “fairies in my garden” , copyright of “Up In Annie’s Room”. I’ve been adding my own details and just playing…so much fun with no rules
I am stitching 4 of the Frosty Friends series from Country Cottage Needleworks. The one in progress is named “Snowy Friends.” I’m stitching them all on one piece of 32 count linen, then I’ll frame them as one. I’m using Weekes Dye Works overdyes.
I am actually working on a pansy in needle painting. It is a project designed by Tanya Berlin from Alberta and taught by her last Spring that I put aside for a while. It is a pansy. I am new to that kind of work and I have to concentrate a lot to make sure my thread are well aligned. I like the color shading. I hope to become a better stitcher in that kind of work to be able to do more difficult pieces.
I stitch on this at the office and on the go, designed by Jenny Hart, Eye in the Sky for Citizens of Humanity for Free People, quite the name for the design, on a chambray bandana, with an all-over, laser engraved embroidery design. It was a kit that came with some of Sublime floss, but I’m using all kinds of other colours from my own stash. I like it because this time of year is incredibly busy for me and I need something fun and easy to relax with. No rules, free wheeling design using any kind of stitch that comes to my head. Thanks again for this fabulous give-away.
Cheers to you!
I am currently stitching a series of 6 stylized lighthouses, it is on a ground of navy blue 28 count. I don’t know who designed it, I have had the project in my “to do list” for years & am finally working it up
I found a piece I had begun God knows how many eons ago. I have no.idea who the designer was but it is a floral, half finished & I have decided to finish it. Some of the completed stitches are French knots, stem stitch, Herringbone
& feather stitch.
I am currently working on an embroidered picture of two horses eating hay at their manger with a couple of pigeons having a blade or two of grass also. Learning about shading and the long and short stitch. It is an old transfer pattern from the 30’s and measures about 16 inches square.
I am working on a mixed media landscape that has beads, cotton floss, findings, shells, moss on a painted background.
I recently learned peyote stitch bleeding when I got a kit for a Halloween fob. I making it so much I designed and made scissor fobs with initials for all my stitching neighbours and some friends. I hope they aren’t reading this as it will spoil the surprise.
My most active current project is cross-stitch from the Crossed Wing Collection. The name is Glory in the Morning and it is am glorious combination of Sunflowers, Morning Glories with birds, butterflies and bees amid the flowers. The size when finished will be 36 1/4″ long by 9 7/8″ wide, The ground fabric is hand dyed, blue at the top down to greens at the bottom. I am currently about 1/2 of the way finished. The sunflowers at the top are completed and several of the sunflower leaves are done also. Now I down to working on the morning glories and their leaves. The size of this piece makes it slow going, but I love the picture and an determined to finish it.
I’m currently working on the beautiful 12 Days of Christmas ornaments designed by Larissa Holland.
I am just starting ByGone Stitchers “One National as a retirement gift for my brother. The Army was his first career and he did extensive travel with his wife and three children. I am going to personalize this piece in minor ways indicating the states he lived in and where his children were born. He retires at March’s end.
Stitching on 36 ct. Picture this plus “Ale”
Thanks for these wonderful chances. Stay well and strong
I am currently working on a design of my own making. it will utilize a variety of sttiches including bullion knots, stem stitch and a variety of straight stitches and stem stitch.
I’m currently working on two projects, both on cotton. The first is a wall hanging with the Aaronic blessing on it, designed by me. It uses both cotton and silk threads. I don’t have all the details worked out yet. The second project I’m working on are quilt blocks, each block embroidered with the title of a hymn along with a picture, designed by me. It uses a variety of techniques (applique, stumpwork, etc) and a variety of threads.
I have just completed the stitching for a 15-sided biscornu, EGA’s 2018 year-long study of pulled work through their Stitch-a-Long. I’m pleased with the results. It’s just a question now of doing a good job on finishing. This will be my first biscornu, so it should be interesting.
The silk and metal threads look yummy. Thanks for the opportunity.
I have been working on small felt ornaments of my own design as I go, using perle cotton. Later next week I will work on finishing a vintage linen Swedish table runner kit that uses linen thread.
I am working on some little embroideries from Bonnie sullivan. They are little Christmas ornaments.
My current needlework project is an elephant canvas work designed by Mary Long. It is an EGA group class that a group from my online chapter, CyberStitchers, is doing. It is a wonderful project as through it I will learn to do canvas applique which is new to me AND my mother is elephant obsessed so once it is done, it has a perfect home to go to!
Before I start on a huge project, I’m doing some easy finishes so I feel like I’m accomplishing something.
I just wrapped up this bobcat mandala: https://www.etsy.com/listing/563741090/mandala-bobcat-p237-cross-stitch
And now I’m working on “A Good Tike” from Long Dog https://www.longdogsampler.com/product/a-good-tike/
I am currently working on some Sue Spargo wool projects. I have lots of threads that work well into her designs and techniques and am using alcohol inks to color ribbons and fabric to match background colors. Using what I have and minimizing any new purchases except her colorful wool dyes fabrics.
My current project is a small Christmas ‘Noel’ decoration by Mill Hill. I’m doing this for my lovely 14 yo cat Tiger who passed away earlier this month. No specialty stitches on this one but it has lots of beads.
I’m working on a gift for my mushroom obsessed friend. I like my embroidery when it’s not just flat but can be a part of something (I have fear of making something “of little use and no beauty”). So I’m making a small purse with a few different kinds of mushrooms embroidered. I used a range of stitches and styles on each mushroom, but the chanterelle (yellow) one was quite difficult for me. It’s quite simple in look, so actually quite hard not to make it look like a yellow wonky umbrella! I used 4 different yellow dmc thread colours and a couple of browns to thread paint the mushroom, to give it shade and Light patches, coming up through the back of the fabric (green cotton, with stabiliser), to split the above stitch and using long and short stitch. Now I am practicing making a purse with other fabric, I’m afraid to ruin all my hard work by screwing up inserting a zip!
Right now I’m working on a Christmas stocking for my new (1-week old) grandson. He won’t get it this year, but it will be ready next year, I hope. I have made Christmas stockings for everyone in the family. Mine is cross stitch, my husband’s is blackwork, our daughter again is cross stitch and our son-in-law is a little of everything. His stocking is an overall pattern of snowflakes in multiple techniques and colors. Our first grandson has diagonal bands of Christmas trees divided by bands of blackwork patterns, and this newest grandson will have Christmas ornaments in various techniques again. So far I’ve done cross stitch, blackwork, and embroidery, and I’m waiting for an order of floche to do some colored white work a la Trish Burr. I’m really looking forward to that one.
I’m working on a Just Nan Christmas mouse in a house, a cross stitch project. With the holidays here this project keeps me in the holiday spirit. I’m using DMC floss and some ‘chocolate milk’ colored linen. Happy stitching.
I am working on a Tudor/Stuart band Sampler. You see I took the Tudor/Stuart Master Class from Tricia Nguyen a few years back and within that class were two “extra” pieces that you could stitch two pretty pincushions that I never got around to. So along with her other little “nibbles “ and a few of my own ideas I am creating a sampler. It’s beautiful and it’s helping me with using gold and silver threads
I am currently stitching a panel from the Bayeux Tapestry. In the centre of this panel is Count Eustace de Boulogne. He is pointing to William the Conqueror seated on a horse whom the soldiers thought had fallen in battle. My husband traces his ancestry back to Count Eustace so when we were in Bayeux some years ago we went to the studio of Chantal James and ordered this particular panel. I have almost finished the stem stitch outlines of all the figures. Next I must put the piece in a frame to fill in with the special Bayeux stitch. I am looking forward to giving the horses and men more substance!
I am presently working on a Trish Burr project. It is what she calls “colored white work”. I am enjoying working with floche thread. Never used before and find it handles so beautifully for this type of embroidery.
I’m reluctant to admit it here, but I am not currently working on anything. I do have several works in progress that are calling to me, but unfortunately health issues are preventing me from stitching at the moment. However, I would like to get back into it soon.
Heather M.
I am working on a cross stitch piece. It is Halloween at Hawk Run Hollow by Carriage House Samplings.
I am working on some small Christmas gloves that will hand on my tree. I am decorating them with a stem stitch and some decorative shiny beads.
I’m working on a 13 in x 11in 28 count Tarnish Lugano from Picture This Plus called “Festival of Lights” design by Nancy Greenberg of Pickle Barrel Designs. It is Hanukkah decoration on opalescent fabric done in counted cross stitch with overdyed Weeks Dye Works floss and DMC precious metal effects thread ( gold). It was a free pattern in the December 2017 “‘Just-Crossstitch” magazine . I have to wear #7 magnifying glasses to find the separation of the threads in the fabric.
Well actually I’m working on Mary’s Holly pattern and I am using stem stitch and split stitch on everything except the berries where I am using satin stitch. It is so much fun and makes a fast project. I am doing tea towels to use as stocking stuffers for my daughter-n-laws. The threads for the giveaway are beautiful.
Thank you,
Those silks are stunning! I am making snowflake ornaments using metallic filament, making them into smalls that can also be used as fobs.
G’day Mary
Brooches for Christmas gifts. Buttonhole stitch around a ring about 30-35mm diam. Branches or stems with threads grouped accordingly from bottom to top and sides, attached through the buttonholing. Embroider blossoms or flowers over the branches or stems. I like French knots then seed stitches for foliage. My stash of Retors A Border DMC No4 is ideal with 6 strand cotton for some touches. It’s all tiny. Inspiration from Pinterest but I designed my own. I’m pleased with them, especially as are my first attempt.
Cheers, Kath, Australia.
Currently I am working on a pair of wolves from a colouring book, It is very large and I am having great fun mixing the DMC threads for the coats of these wonderful beasts.
I have been busy traveling for several months now. So what I started was a pair of pillow cases that were easy to take on the plane, didn’t need complicated stitches or equipment, but still satisfied my needs to be creative!
Thank you Mary and Lamora for giving us the chance to win such beautiful threads.
I am working on two projects currently, the nearly finished one is an Elizabethan design from an Embroidery Guild class and the other is an abstract beaded book cover worked on a paua print fabric.
The Elizabethan design is a learning resource created by, I think, Sheila Marshall for the Association of New Zealand Embroidery Guilds and covers a wide range of needlelace and padding techniques. There are suggested colours but most of the ladies in the class I took used colours from stash. I have used more greens, purely because I had them to use up.
The beaded project is from class run by my local guild. We were taught various 2D and 3D bead embroidery techniques but everyone created their own design inspired by or contrasting with the paua colours on their printed fabric. Like paua shell, each class member has slightly different patterns and colours on their fabric piece.
I’m working on a small simple project, but I’m enjoying it! It’s an old Shepherds bush pattern from 1994, friendship roll, on blue linen, some embroidery, cross stitch and some beading, and I won’t have to frame it and the recipient won’t have to find wall space 🙂 (she’s also a stitcher so that’s at a premium!)
I’m working on an apron for my sister–the background fabric is a mottled, smoky gray, and the pattern is a dragon full of swirls, from Urban Threads. I’m doing it in mostly black and purple, with a little bit of gray, too. The thread is all DMC, so far stem stitch in one or two strands–it’s a light, open pattern, and needs to be sturdy enough to take a bit of abuse and washing, as my sister likes to bake.
I’m actually trying my hand at goldwork using your Tudor Rose tutorial! I’m doing two roses – one in white for York and the other Plantagenet red – to be a small cover for a notebook. I find i’m enjoying goldwork, although it still seems daunting. One step at a time!
I’m currently working on 3 projects from BATB 2018. A Betsy Morgan needlecase, Christine Bishop bag and accessories and a pice of Hazel Blomkamp. I love them all and work on each of them for a few hours at a time.
Currently, I am trying to finish Frosty Mouse. A design by Just Nan. I need to use my magnifying lamp as these stitches are rather small for older eyes. Perhaps I mean eyes that have seen many things, lol
Hi Mary!
These look lovely and would work well in the Elizabethan style things I want to play with in the forthcoming year.
At the moment, I have 3 WIPs:
1) The wild pansy needle painting from Trish Burt’s ‘Beginners’ book, which I’m working on plain, white cotton in Anchor threads. I ‘purpled up’ the pinkier shades a bit. I love thread painting – making such a realistic and detailed study.
2) A chunky knit, cable fronted sweater; and
3) The everlasting Paradise Island cross stitch, which I do a tiny bit of every now and then. It’s currently my largest ever cross stitch and longest running WIP. I really hope to finish it during 2019.
The other 2 should be done this month. There’s another sweater in progress too, but on hold whilst others are done, plus numerous others are done. I’m getting orders from friends!
At the moment I have just finished a very large Christmas collage for my Mum-in-Law for her wall above the fireplace with a funfair theme. I did a carousel from a quilt design I found on Etsy with machine embroidered animals with a helter skelter in the background. The whole piece was embellished with hand embroidery & stars, holly & ivy, reindeers, and all sorts bought from Hobbycraft in the UK. She loved it ! I just had time to then make a couple of Tomtes (gnomes) involving needle felting bodies onto polystyrene cones and massive plush felt hats, all decorated with lots of hand embroidery. I have nothing on the go at the moment, not wanting to start anything before a 10 day family visit for Christmas. Lots of projects to do when I return, including A Thousand Flowers which I cannot wait to start.
Hi Mary,
I am designing my own piece of Blackwork.
It is inspired by nautical instruments because why not!
I will be working on 32 count linen in Lambswool and have some Coton a Broder to work with in 3 colours and as is my thing, a bit of bling to be added as well.
It looks good in my mind, fingers crossed it turns out as I imagine it.
Merry Xmas!
I am currently stitching on my sisters christmas gift. A portrait of her red tigered cat. It is stitched in cross stitch 1/1 on 25 ct. Floba with DMC. The pattern is the first one I designed myself after a photo.
My current project is Maree Talbot’s gorgeous Elizabethan Casket. It’s a long term project but I’m enjoying it immensely. Maree is a wonderful tutor. Mostly it’s using Elizabethan stitches and lovely Gumnut threads. It’s a joy to sit down and stitch this project and it will almost be sad when it’s finished.
I am stitching Prancer by Trish Burr at present. I’ve used what I hope is a good quality white cotton backed with calico. This is actually the first time I have stitched a full piece using only one strand at a time and I’m really enjoying it. There is also a lot more colour in it than what seems at first glance and all the practice with raised satin stitch is very enjoyable. I am not exactly sure yet how it will be finished but most likely it will hang in the hoop.
At the moment I am plodding along with my crazy quilt, have been stitching on & off for over a year on this project. No real hurry to finish but would like to do something new next year. All the colours are pale and it has a theme of butterflies, using a lot of variagated threads, mainly stranded cottons, some commercial and others hand dyed by me. There are trims & beads and lace but no goldwork, that’s my idea for next year!
I am working on Snow Love by Country Cottage.
I am using blue petit point fabric, and may add some beads to it also.
So cute!
I am playing with Elizabethan gold work stitches to create a coif. My piece is based on a late 1500’s English coif now housed at the Cleveland Museum of Art. The techniques are mostly needlelace stitches done in gilt No3 passing and Gilt silk Twist. The metal threads hold the needlelace stitch formations effectively and the sparkle is gorgeous. I am looking forward to stitching the swirling stems in plaited braid.
Now that is a trick question. I usually have 5 or 6 projects that I rotate! My main project is a Mill Hill Christmas ornament. I love to do these for Christmas as they do not need too much thought and even I can finish these. After Christmas I will go back to my rotation. The project that I am enjoying the most is Secret Garden by Lauren Sauer. This is an OLD project with challenging directions. A friend taught this at the time it came out and gave me her notes which is making this easier. I am afraid of the finish as the margins are incredibly tight: 1/4″! The green fabric is hard to see. The set up basting was long. I plan to do some different/additional embellishments. I like the threads, like the designs and I must like the Challenge!?! I look forward to picking it up, altho that doesn’t seem to make sense……
I’m excited to get started on my first original pattern design in January. This has been planned for a long time, the line drawing revised and revised with various considerations in mind. All the materials are collected and ready to go for what will be wool appliqué on a wool background. Lots of additions of cotton, linen and silk velvet appliqué as well. Finally many types of embroidery stitches and couching to give my project some dimension. I have 12 designs so you see where that could go but not until the projects are actually made. Don’t you love New Years!
I am thrilled to be working on the squirrel out of your smalls kit which I ordered. I am going to use it as a fob for a pair of Sajou scissors that I bought at their shop in Paris when I was on holiday there in the summer. I am backing it with some silk from Patricia & Charles Lester which is hand painted. Can’t wait to get on with it as such beautiful scissors deserve something this special – and vice versa!
I’m working on some cross stitch currently, actually! It’s a simple one, the runes that are on the map from The Hobbit that tell them how to find the keyhole. I love how simple and geometric it is (fits the dwarven aesthetic pretty well), and it makes me want to pick up some embroidery again to make something completely different next time.
I just finished my last ornament, “Christmas Truck Snowglobe” by Shannon Christine. I took some liberties with it, excluding the card and making the jar meet up. It used different flosses and beads. She is very detailed and I do love it. The beads were a bit of a bother.
I love trying all types of floss. I just purchases something new to me and can hardly wait to try it out.
Thank you for all your wonderful gifts to us this year. Always love reading your post.
I’m working on a needlepoint star ornament by Raymond Crawford. It is a ribbon design with holly berries; I changed the metallic colors to Soie Chrystal. The stitches are simple ones – mosaic and baby brick. I found #15 beads in shades of sage green and natural for the berries and I just need to add the berries to be done. I read Tricia’s blog every day and have purchased threads from her site. She is sharing a wealth of information with the rest of us stitchers.
I am working Water’s Edge by Crane Designs. It was designed to be a wool applique wall hanging but I am doing it in cotton because I had fabrics that would work well with it. I usually choose stitches that 100% match the fabric so that they don’t stand out but decided to be different with this project. Based on Mary’s review, I am using the Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion to search out new stitches to use on a beautiful range of fibers I bought. I also watched a Helen Stevens’ video on her dragonfly wing technique that also works great on leaves; I want to use it on some seaweed in this design. I had to put it aside to have carpal tunnel and trigger finger surgery on my left hand and am now finding that gentle stitching is excellent physical therapy!
My current project is a six inch “stitching break” design of blue snowflakes filling a circle. Easy and non-stressful for this season!
I am currently working on “fire and Ice” by Toni Gerdes. It is a great class because she gives enough guidance to make it look good, yet you still have places to personalize it.
My current project is a flour sack towel with a design inspirited by a turkish tile I purchased in a market in Istanbul. Bright colors of a tulip motif. I started it as a secondary project so I had something to travel with that didn’t have to be perfect and I could just stitch and have fun. My other projects at the time required more concentration and had to be done when I wasn’t moving. Its slow but nice to always have around to just stitch when I want to.
My work in progress is on painted cotton(self done) Then added hand dyed prefelt and silk fibres, colour choice our own. Glued this down with textile medium. Then looked at the patterns created and chose embroidery to embellish the patterns. As soon as mine was done I could see woodland creatures, a bird and even Avatar in the top R hand corner!! It is still a W I P but have posted a photo of the fun piece!!
This was done in a fun class I attended though it was our own work
Hi Mary
My current project is stitching a giraffe. It’s a fun project. It is a silhouette of a giraffe head and neck that has various different geometric shapes on it, this has been printed on black fabric. This lends to the fun element of stitching this piece, I am using various threads, from stranded threads to metallic threads anything I have that will add to the fun element of this piece. The stitches are also a variety that adds dimension and texture to the piece. It holiday season time to have fun.
Right now I’m finishing up ornaments from your twelve trees for Christmas ebook. I do a dozen of one tree each year. Hoping I’m around long enough so everyone will eventually have a full set.
I am still working on the Carousel Horse from the RSN workshop I went to this past July. (I don’t have much craft time available.) It includes silk shading and goldwork, which is why I took the class as it was an introduction to both these techniques. It was designed by Kate Barlow and she also taught the class. It was such a wonderful experience. I like the fact that goldwork is so much more sparkly in person than any picture can show. I am loving how mine is turning out. It will look exquisite (even with my rudimentary skills) displayed with my photos of the old carousel horses I took at the amusement park near my grandparent’s home.
I’m working on Ambrosia Honey, an EGA canvaswork project designed by Karen Stelasa Matze. And a cross stitch baby sampler my Joan Elliott for a grandchild. And a beading project from the Japanese Embroidery Center. I love having several projects going on, and I have another to add…I bought the Goldwork by Hazel Everett and haven’t gotten threads for it yet. I would love to win these threads. They look wonderful.
Currently I am working on a man’s coat I constructed for a high end custom costume designer. The coat has overlays which I am beading and embroidering to add flashes of color.
I am currently stitching a loving message on a blanket that my adult daughter made for my dad (her grandpa). I am using stem stitch and 6 strand of good old DMC 310. The blanket is actually a housewarming gift, rather than a Christmas gift, since our family limits gifts to just the little ones, and my dad is moving into a new house.
I am doing the Nostalgic Needle English Pynpillow by Sharon Cohen which is mainly tent stitch with backstitch outlines. It is a new technique to me as it uses some free embroidery surface stitches like chain stitch but is on evenweave 32 count linen which I only used for counted work. I really like the 17th century design and her colors are wonderful. I appreciate that she always provides a DMC cotton floss conversion for her original done in silk. It is very time-consuming doing tent stitch over one on such a fine linen count compared to wool needlepoint on canvas but I think the end result will be worth the effort. It is really fun to already have the wood Sudberry pincushion form from amazon where it goes on sale from time to time.
I’m just getting started on the Twelve Trees of Chritmas. Just collecting my threads. Some metallic would be wonderful.
I am working on a felt Christmas table runner.. I am mostly using cotton floss with some rayon and a little sparkle with some metallic.. it is a nativity designed by plum creek..I’ve only been working on it for 3 years!!!
My current projects are a miniature needle-painted landscape that I designed based on a painting I found that I loved, a stumpwork project designed by Jane Nicholas and a map of Florida project designed by Catherine Jordan. I always seem to have several projects going at once. I have never tried anything with metal threads, so winning this give-away would be great.
I am drooling over this giveaway! I love adding dimension to my needlework and these fibers would be so much fun to try! Right now I am in between projects, but next up on my lineup is a small quatrefoil experiment with silks and metal threads.
I was given a denim jacket with machine embroidered roses on the back. The colors are too garish so I am changing them by hand embroidering over the colors I do not like and adding beads to change the colors in other areas. Kinda tough going through the machine embroidery but it looks good what I have completed.
Just now I have only one project in progress, a Mill Hill beaded Christmas ornament for our younger grandson (his brother has aged out of this practice), though I have several things that need mounting or other finishing. I must get on that!
Thank you, Mary and Thistle Threads for another fabulous give-away.
I am currently working on a goldwork lily. I have been working on it for so long I have forgotten who the designer is. Her name is somewhere in my sewing room. It is taking me a while because I have run into a problem with getting the correct angle on the silk thread that fills a large leaf. Before that I made the mistake of picking up the very delicate purl the wrong way and now I have some very pretty straight gold purl. There was a slight delay while I ordered more. I really enjoy working with the gold and silk and I am sure the results will be worth it when I finally finish it. Although it is nice to finish something, the real enjoyment is in the stitching.
I have a few all going at the same time. My most fav is a goldwork steampunk snail that is just about finished. I also have some simpler crewel pieces going as well as a very large cross stitch piece in dark blues and blacks – very cross-eyed inducing!
Current project is a Christmas theme table runner of linen with Mill Hill Santas on the border, using beads and metallic threads for bling. Hopefully will be ready for use in 2019!
I have two projects going right now, the serious one and the easy one. The serious one is the microstitchery ‘sense of hearing,’ which I LOVE but is very slow. I’m on the musical instrument right now (a virginal?). The easy one is one of the blackwork projects that are free online, called Pandora’s Box. It’s a lot of fun to do! It has blackwork, cross-stitch, whitework, and Assisi work in little squares. I’m doing it in a variegated blue.
It must be confessed that I have barely picked up a needle in the last six weeks. We had this big fire (the Camp Fire, but I’m a few miles away) and the whole world stopped. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of stitching time right now, and when there is, I have a comfort quilt kit to work on.
One of my current projects is Tricia Nguyen’s “Stumpwork Lion,” an amazing piece that sometimes stumps me, but I persevere. It uses many threads with which I have no previous experience — including silk wrapped purl, gilt wrapped purl, gilt sylke twist, and silk gimp — as well as soie ovale and a variety of goldwork threads. Techniques range from some that are familiar, such as padded stumpwork, satin stitch, and a stitch that resembles turkey stitch but is not, and some that are totally unfamiliar, such as passementerie leaves and a lot of couched threads used in ways I would not have imagined. I love the challenge and the fact that this is a lion — I am a Leo. Tricia’s design is incredible.
Presently working on a counted cross stitch piece. But your give away today sparks my imagination.
Wow, don’t those threads look gorgeous! I’m currently working on an embroidered quote for my brother and sister-in-law as a Christmas gift that will be very simple looking – as they have a less is more design aesthetic – but very meaningful to them both. I know they’ll love it! I’m also still needlepointing a beautiful, very complex Christmas stocking for my 84 year old mother. She won’t have it this year, but will definitely be able to use it this time next year.
Currently I’m working on a Sue Spargo kit of vases and primitive folk art style flowers.
The work uses wool, wool and fabric appliqué ,heavily embellished with threads.
I like the project because of the use of multiple weight and types of threads inthe surface embroidery.
I do a ‘rotation’ of three or four projects, working on each one a timed 10 hours that I track on a spreadsheet before moving on to the next one.
My current batch is
1) Permin’s “Dutch Beauty”, a 1700s reproduction counted thread schoolgirl sampler. It’s on 32 count over 2 Strathaven Linen with DMC floss. This one is a bit over half way finished.
2) Teresa Wentzler’s “Millennium” – a pictorial with a TON of colors and blends. 28 count evenweave over 1 and over 2 with DMC floss
3) A ‘mindless’ pillowcase in surface embroidery (because Christmas)
and last but not least during the holidays I will be
4) Framing up for another Victoria Sampler small band sampler with cutwork, drawn thread, pulled thread, beading, etc. This is the second of four ‘Elements’ designs and will be Water/Blues.
I am currently in between projects. I just finished embroidering Hungarian Flower Motifs on felt cut into the shapes of birds. There was a little bit of everything used on those. I am trying to decide what my next project will be now. A friend is expecting so it might be a Teddy Bear with embroidery on the paw pads.
I am stitching a counted cross stitch picture. A cougar original artwork by Sue Coleman, sold by The Stitching Studio. It is being stitched on a medium grey 32 count linen.
I’m always working on more than one project at a time so here is a little list: I’m just finishing up Robert Mahar’s anatomy pieces-an ear, a hand and a heart. I’m making them different by adding something extra to them. I’m putting a ring on the hand, earrings on the ear and an arrow in the heart. I’m working on a bee on the moon by Stitchonomy from the Netherlands. And to make the list short! The last one is the new bandana from Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching.
I am enjoying doing monograms at the moment.They are designed by Mary Corbet and I am using cotton in my hoop. I am using different kinds of stitches to produce the monograms. I am putting the finished monograms onto tote bags for my family and friends as Christmas gifts. I have really enjoyed this project!
I’m making a card for my son’s wedding next year, so plenty of time to work! First time at layering fabrics, some goldwork and stumpwork, and a lot of things with special meaning! Hope it works out!
I’m working on an Alison Cole butterfly in stumpwork. I am enjoying making the bak look the same as the front.
One of the projects I am working on now does involve a needle and thread. I am making a delica bead (size 11), 3 D, five pointed star designed by Diane Fitzgerald.
Currently I am stitching “Jane Vaughan” by Hands Across the Seas. She has many specialty stitches which keep it interesting – satin, eyelets, rice, faggot, backstitch, and stem stitch. My favorite part are the beautiful jewel toned silks that I’m using. I should be done with her this week after over a year of stitching.
I’m currently working on a metallic & beadwork project of napkin rings with a holly motif. I hope to be done by Christmas so that they can be used at our dinner table throughout the holiday season.
I am currently stitching a rose in thread painting. It is my own design and my own thread color choices. It is the very first time I have tried to create my own design and stitch it up! It is working out just fine!
I’m currently working on Sue Spargo’s Fresh Cut wool applique project. I really love this project because it’s colorful, floral, and it gives me an opportunity to learn/use new embroidery stitches. To be honest, I like my old standbys — chain stitch (my absolute favorite!!), outline stitch, French knot, satin stitch, etc., but they are…a tad boring. So, I’ve changed up this applique project a bit by using quilting cottons instead of wool applique, and I’m stitching on a dark gray corduroy fabric that I found in my stash (yes, I know, corduroy fabric as a background is weird, but I’m in a “use it up” phase). Some of the cotton is easily frayed, so I’ve had to use some basic stitches to lock down the fabric, but then I like to go to town with the some of the stitches recommended by Sue Spargo. Last night, I spent some time working on the buillon stitch (easy peasy once you get the hang of it) but my drizzle stitches…well, they should stick out more, I think–they’re not “drizzly” enough. 😉 Not sure what I’m doing wrong — maybe the wrong thread? not enough loops on the needle? I don’t know…but it’s all in the trying.
I am working on a Halloween big painted canvas. Had put it away to work on some Christmas things. I am using tons of different thread and different threads. I really like the bright colors of Halloween, like purple, lime green and shiny black on my witches. I have used spendor a lot because of the color range and I can ply it so easy. Also like the overdyeds with there wild color range, Pepper pot wool, Flair to shine, ribbon floss layed and to do layers!!!
Thanks sandi
Hello Mary,
My current projects are phulkari(flower) embroidery and monogram on a hoop. Following your seed stitching guidelines for the same.
I ran into needle n thread website while searching for silk thread.
A very resourceful site for hand embroidery lovers.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I’m currently working on a 2020 challenge proposed by Sharon Boggan. I’m making 35 blocks, 9″ square, using 2 thousand 20 items. Each block has 57 or 58 items. They are “potholder” blocks that are individually finished with batting and backing. When all are done the blocks will be joined together to make a wall hanging.
As to techniques, embroidery, beading, trims couched in place,and multiple threads and silk ribbon. They are my designs sometimes working around pieces I made in workshops. It’s titled, “My Miscellany”.
What am I currently working on? I have several UFO’s I work on in rotation. My crazy quilt square is waiting for new inspiration, my crossstitch sampler is waiting for me to feel like doing crossstitch, my feltwork sweet bag is waiting for a spurt of “have to get this finished”, the crewel work hanging is waiting for me to continue choosing colours, the canvaswork square is waiting for me to have the patience to work out a very complicated stitch. But the thing I am currently working on is a prototype of a free download of a small goldwork pattern that I am doing in floss first to learn the stitches before plunging in to actually using the gold threads. What this all says is that I love variety anda challenge. It also says how much all forms of needlework enrich my life! And the joy lies in the doing, not the finishing.
My current needlework project is a pear (ornament) for my sister-in-law as a Christmas gift. I’m using DMC floss on Mill Hill 14 count perforated paper and seed beads for embellishment. When the stitching is finished, I’ll back it with coordinating fabric from my quilting stash and surround it with gold braid trim that will also form the loop for hanging at the top.
It’s a redwork project. I always loved the look of redwork and thought it must be easy, being only one color. Now I find it boring because it’s only one color. I’m thinking of making it more than red.
These days I mainly do goldwork of my own design. Today I am working on a floral in gold, silver and copper threads, using lots of padding, purls and pearl purls, plus couched metals.
Last month I started a Brazilian Embroidery by Rosalie Wakefield “Waltz of the flowers.” I can make it to a Christmas Ornament (for next year). I am enjoying the challenge of the dimensional embroidery.
I am working on so many things! Cross stitch alphabet ornaments for my grandchildren–with embellishments of course!. also an old fashioned Santa made of felt and wool–with embellishments. I am doing small beadwork for accents on both, working them in individually or with other embroidery stitches. Stitching includes Stem, Palestrina, French knot, bullion, drizzle, back stitch etc. The beading and embroidery turn something ordinary into something extraordinary!
I currently am finishing up a canvas santa and moose design by by Pat Thode. I am going to make it into a Christmas stocking but guess it will have to wait until next year to give. I am also working on Serenity by Sylvia Murariu which is a Romanian Point Lace and surface embroidery design. It is going to be a bit of challenge since I have not done much Romanian Lace.
I’m working on a cross stitch project – Teresa Wentzler’s Peaceable Kingdom. I love her patterns, they are dreaming romantic fantasies.
Currently I am stitching monograms on linen napkins for a (very late) wedding present! I am using Mary’s monogram alphabets, and am using only stem stitch as I am still a beginner. However, I am trying to shade the colors from one edge of the letter to the other, with three different shades.
Oh, this would be a lovely giveaway to win!
I have two current projects I’m trying to finish before the end of the year. One is a small Christmas crewel Dimensions kit that’s probably 20 years old. My mom found it at a garage sale and gave it to me. The other piece is a Laura Perin online needlepoint class from this year, the one with the bee skep. I’d like to have that one finished to enter in the Minnesota State Fair next year.
I work on mixe design, ruban, and differents techniques. Happy Holliday
right now i’m working on the broom block for Calendula Patterdrip’s Cottage – a Crab-apple Hill Studio design by Meg Hawkey, and it is a lotta fun to stitch
I am practicing different flowers in different threads and sizes with the goal of making some pretty pillows this year. Thank you for your many tutorials. Will be using them!
Currently I am charting my own design and writing instructions for my EGA chapter. The design is a Hospitality ornament complete with pineapple. It is a counted piece with all specialty and pulled stitches and no cross stitch. Our group will be stitching it in February. It is definitely a learning experience.
Merry Christmas everyone. Mary, thank you so much for the lovely giveaways and thank you to all the kind vendors! I found your
wonderful website and am looking forward
to beginning to embroider as soon as my supplies arrive. My first project will be to
learn the basic stitches on a ‘doodle cloth’.
Once I can do this, I will embroider small flowers on a flour sack. I am so excited to get
I’m currently working on “Blue Bird” a surface embroidery piece by Kelly Fletcher. I thought this cute, contemporary design might work well on a flour sack towel, but now I’m not so sure. For one thing, I’m not sure how well the cast-on stitches I made will launder – I can’t say they were made well, or whether this stitch is recommended for a piece requiring a lot of laundering. This stitch was very difficult for me to grasp. I watched countless videos, starting with Mary’s, and learned that s and z twist thread required different approaches in order for the stitch to look and act right. I finally found the easiest technique for me was to use my right hand to orient the loop correctly on my left finger so that it would go onto the needle the way Mary shows in her video.
Learning to read stitching instructions is rather new to me too. Having come from a cross stitch and machine sewing background, embroidery requires a sharper attention to detail! I had transferred the pattern backwards onto my fabric and stitched a few things in the wrong color, using the wrong stitch. LOL
I am working on one of my needlepainting designs – i designed it – it is a lion.
Currently stitching a beautiful reproduction from HATS!! I just love it!!
I am working on a wedding sampler for my son and daughter-in-law. This is a project of my own design stitched on natural linen using fall colored threads and outlined with a white hardanger border. Stitches include cross stitch along with other counted thread techniques. I also added some embroidery stitches as well, which has been great fun. It has been along time since I have embroidered – not sure why?
Dear Mary,
My present project is a needlework bag-box. No stitching as yet as it is the planning and design stage. This Christmas break I hope to complete a mock-up, so that I am happy with the dimensions and what I can fit into it. This is the bit I like best as I can have a good play around with patterns and designs, what works and what doesn’t. Colour and fabric decisions are much less fun.
Thank you.
Stitching on linen on a panel of the Home Sweet Home box with breaks to sample techniques from the book but also the ways I am altering it, including some stumpwork elements in changing some of the fruits for example. I often browse the Thistle Threads site and would be thrilled to work these threads into my projects. Thanks for this delightful opportunity!
I am working on a double wedding ring quilt. It is king size.
I have been working on kits that have been laying around for years! Just finishing the last seasonal Casket Keepsakes from Amy Mitten. And well into Elizabeth chatalaine and hearts by Gay Ann Roger’s. Also doing some planning for my Cabinet of Curiosities. Getting started on the COC is really my goal for 2019. I keep planning but not putting needle n thread to fabric. It is a daunting task but I CAN DO IT!
Hi. My current project is in the planning stages. I plan to make a sign for my entryway ” home is my favorite part of the day”. I’ll use wool, overdyed floss. There will be lots of flowers.
I am currently working on an Anna Scott Jacobean Crewel design. There are many varied stitches to try, with enough scope in the design to change an area if I wish. The colours of red/pink, blue and green go with some lovely Willam Morris based fabrics I have chosen. I am aiming to make a project folder for future ideas!
I am slowly plugging away on a pair of pillowcases. I don’t have a lot of time for embroidery, so it has taken me years to get one done and the other close. It’s mostly satin stitch, bright springy flowers. I got the set from a mail-order (ooh, that does date me) craft catalog. I should hurry up and finish these so I can be ready to start a new and exciting project just in case I get a chance to work with these delightful new threads.
Thank you Mary, for organizing and sponsoring these fun give-aways. God bless you, and Merry Christmas!
I should be working on a number of unfinished projects, but our kitchen is being remodeled and the flooring done in the kitchen, dinning area and living room, so the rest of the house looks like a hoarders place because we had to move so much stuff into the other rooms. The result will be worth it but hard to live through the process. I do have a GCC from EGA that I should be working on. It is a crewel work piece. Purple flowers, bird and some insects. I hope after Christmas day I might be able to make some progress on it.
I pulled out the December crazy quilt block from the 2001 Piecemakers calendar. It includes lot of feather stitch (my favorite!) in different threads, silk ribbon embroidery, ribbon flowers, beading, metallic threads–you name it! Unfortunately, it has been on “time out” for quite awhile, so I’m spending a LOT of time sitting and looking at it, trying to remember what my plan was way back when–I have a sketch of my layout, but I’m finding it difficult to interpret some of my notes! Note to self–be a little more explicit when making notes, since you don’t know how long it will be before you read them again!
I am working on a very special pillowcase for my little grandaughter. Every time I see her, I sing, ” I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck,” So, I am stitching those words on the hem of a super soft white pillowcase in a lovely shade of pink. I will give it to her for Christmas and tell her that I have sewn hugs and kisses into her pillow case. Anytime she needs a hug from Gran and Grandad she can just hug her pillow!
Now that the wedding veil is finished, I am going back to the miniature motifs for a cathedral window quilt. I have been drawing tiny flowers, some of them 3-D, and other whimsical things like a fairy wand, a bee, a sandcastle, a rainbow, mom’s hand holding a child’s hand, fireworks, clouds, 4-leaf clover, apple pie, acorns, maple leaf…. most anything goes! Using DMC floss and sometimes light effects. Lots of blanket stitch, french knots, drizzle stitches and lazy daisy stitches! So fun!
I am currently working on the cross stitch sampler SAL “Petits carrés brodés” designed and hosted by Pili (http://linpulsion.canalblog.com/). I’ve been too busy to do much needlework lately 🙁 but the SAL only requires one small square a week, so I’m able to keep up with it. I’m looking forward to getting back into some unfinished projects after Christmas.
I will finish this afternoon a project started in October at a class at the Embroider’s Guild of Western Australia. I just have t put my name and date o it. This was a stump work class and the tutor was a lady called Jan Pilgrim from Queensland, Australia. This was different class then usually sponsored by the Guild as the design was not at all traditional in design. It was called the Forest Floor. Jan supplied the beautiful threads from South Africa – some stranded, some perle in wonderful colors and shades. Also, we had mulberry bark, felting wool and a kind of silk paper. It was such fun and the result makes me very happy. We used creten stitch, straight stitch, chain stitches. wrapped chains, finger knitting and several others as well as a lot of needle lace – for ferns and fungus. I had a few things going on so have just finished the project and about to start an Alison Cole gold work project.
I’m currently working on 2 canvases at the same time Honey Ambrosia that came out of the EGA magazine on one of the canvases the canvases is white and the other is on a over dyed canvases. Almost done with the second just need to put the boarder on it. The frist is my sister’s Christmas present. Then I’m also doing the Waters edge love it I’m such a sucker for bargello but I’m going to add some kreinik sparkle to the water.
Loving the wonderful items in the “A Stitcher’s Christmas” this year. Thank you Mary and all the amazing sponsors!
I have 3 current active projects. Firstly, I’m working to finish a Fern Ridge Needlebook for the rest of my Mother-In-Law’s Christmas. The title is “And your Point IS?” The matching scissor fob is already on its way to her, attached to a new pair of embroidery scissors with larger finger holes. She’d asked for the scissors – the stitching goodies are the surprise part. We had a bout of stomach flu here last weekend and my stitching plans were derailed. I’m figuring I’ll just send her another package “for Russian Christmas” with the needlebook I’m still working on as *another* surprise! #2. Is one of Mary’s “A Thousand Flowers”, the cat on 40 count gauze and I’ve got a fun finishing idea in mind for it! #3. Is another 40 count project, for a necklace. It is iStitch Design’s “Mini Band Sampler”. It goes in a tiny ‘autograph album style’ locket, sold by JoAnn’s.
I’m working on a hedebo piece..I love it because it combines two things I equally adore: embroidery and needle lace! My design was inspired by antique samples and I’m going to make a Christmas ornament out of it since the cutwork reminds of a little angel. Hedebo is a form of witework but I made it on red velveteen and red thread so it’s super Christmas-y. I’m going to line it with white fabric so the lace embroidery pops out…Hope the result is nice because I was planning to give it as part of my present for my best friend!
Two weeks ago I started a ten year project, stitching The Book of Jonah, in 60 different parts. A few will be only text and counted techniques, the rest will be in different free techniques with pictures. So far part 1 and part 58 is done.
I´m not shure if the embroideries are coming togehter as a long tapestry, or if I will frame each one individually. Lot of time to think about that! And I do not stitch the parts chronologically, because the taste for different techniques, stitches, colors and materials is changing. But at least five of them is planned in detail in my head.
And why? I work full time as a Lutheran priest and love to stitch. A good combination. As I work in detail with the bible text, it is coming alive. God wanted to save the city of Nineveh. Daesh blew it up. Jonah got trapped in the deep sea. Now it is filled with plastic waste. Those thougts are also stitchable.
Thank You for a wonderful website and Merry Christmas!
Some months ago, I decided that I wanted to focus my energy on learning medieval embroidery techniques. I decided to start with German brick stitch. I found a website by a women named Edyth Miller, a Laurel in the SCA who does a lot of historical embroidery. The other SCA blog that helped me was racaire, but I can’t find the author’s name. Between those two excellent sources, I found enough information to get me started on a rather ambitious pattern. (I get bored with “beginner” projects and often bite off more than I can chew. It’s a flaw.) There was another website with patterns taken from slate roofs in Germany, but for the life of me I can’t find it again.
I didn’t have any period appropriate materials on hand, so I just started with Aida and DMC stranded floss. I did, however, pick period appropriate colors: blue, green, red and yellow. None of the fabric is supposed to show, and weirdly, that was a challenge. After much experimentation and picking out of stitches, I found that 8 strands was the minimum for complete coverage.
After I picked the pattern, I copied it onto graph paper with colored pencils. That made it easier to follow for me.
Throughout this project, I’ve been struggling with tension, which has been frustrating enough to make me stop working on it for awhile. First I had it in a wooden frame with split rails that I got at a tag sale, but that wasn’t working. So I bought the only frame for sale at JoAnn Fabrics – square plastic with clips on every side. Not thrilled with that one, either. I may have to use a hoop and hope it doesn’t distort the fabric too badly.
I hope, when the embroidery is finished, to make it into a small pouch to wear. I really want to be able to show it off when it’s done … if it ever gets done!
My current project is a canvas needlepoint picture, medieval in style, with a chevalier and lady surrounded by flowers and animals of various types. I am almost finished with it all, and just adding the final touches to two birds. I am threadpainting the feathers on them, which is difficult on a canvas with the spacing of the holes. The canvas picture is an old one, so don’t know who designed it. I have enjoyed the challenge of making the flowers and animals more interesting with a variety of stitches and different threads, and the final result is quite pleasing. The canvas was given to me by a friend who was moving away, and I thought that I’d finish it and gift it back to her.
My current “big” project is Melissa Shirley’s Pumpkin Topiary charted by Patricia Sone. It is my first large needlepoint project. I started it in a class with Patricia Sone and am thoroughly enjoying all the different needlepoint stitches and all the amazing threads that she chose. This project shows me the “need” and application for lots and lots of different flosses! What fun! Beautiful project!
I am stitching a needle roll with beads and embellishments. Also, working on improving some felt ornaments with specialty threads and stitches and of course beads.
Happy Holidays to all!
I am currently working on a Java House quilt “Forest Galorest”. After taking a retreat with Sue Spargo, my last two projects (Sue’s bird and My Enchanted Garden by Gretchen Gibbons) have had a great deal of experimental stitching with a few different types and weights of thread. There is ample opportunity in ‘Forest’ for metallic embellishments on dragonflies, koi, wet surfaces…. I have an extensive collection of cottons, silks and wools, but no metallic threads. I would love to play with these!
My current work is a series of small pieces exploring the ways to use meandering lines. I’ve researched the topic for a couple of months, now, including ripples and dunes in the assortment of lines, because of an interest in Jean Draper’s book on Stitch and Pattern. I will be leading a study of the different pattern forms for a stitch group next year. I have pictures, drawings (and some pretty rough sketches), thread and fabric spread over my embroidery table until it looks like the slightest breeze would stir this into the most colorful mash of materials. I’ve even made cords (18-24″) from orts, all of them different thicknesses, some loopy and loose (the best!), others tighter and more sensible, all for couching. As most of my work is experimental, I do not use kits or others’ designs. There is just not enough time to stitch what is bobbling around in my brain, much less to stitch things someone else has already thought of!
After the Christmas/New Year whirlwind is over I’m going to get started on Hazel Blomkamp’s Maureen the owl. From the first time I saw her when you had a giveaway for the kit, Mary, I was committed to stitch her. I substituted DMC’s Terra Cotta shades for the rose and will select other flower colors as I proceed. My colors will be more subdued than Hazel’s, reflecting the colors I see in my own environment.
I have a needlepoint going, but also something for a friend. She offered me a large, half-finished sampler her mother started in the 1980s, complete with (most of the) threads and asked if I’d be interested. It’s not to my taste, but I did say I would be happy to take it and finish it for her, just stitching one thread a day. So far, so good. May take a year or two, but she needs this piece from her mother and I’m pleased to contribute to it for her.
I am working on a Christmas stocking by Shepherds Bush. I currently have done 12 for my family, this one is for my son in law. Probably won’t get finished by Christmas but he won’t see it till next year anyway.
I am working on a drawn work sampler and following on YouTube videos.
I’m currently working on finishing up phase 1 in Japanese embroidery and will be starting phase 2-3 very soon. I’m also working on a goldwork piece by Alison Cole called bearded iris.
After cross-stitching for many years, just realized I’ve never stitched anything for my husband. I’m currently working on a old sailing ship one for him.
I am working on Maureen the Owl from Hazel Blomkamp after the recommendation from you earlier in the year. I am finding the piece absolutely fascinating and enjoyable. Thank you for another giveaway.
I am working on a piece called “Peacock Panel” designed by Deborah Wilding, a tutor at the Royal School. I started this piece at the Royal School’s first ever USA summer school in Lexington, KY this past summer. I had always limited my work to counted thread, but this piece introduced me to silk shading and goldwork. It is a joy to work on. Every stitch is just glorious! I can’t wait to apply my newfound skills to other projects!
My current project is a reticella lace hand towel based off an exsisting 16th century piece that will be a gift for a dear friend. I’ve been living pushing my skills more and more especially as this is still a new technique to me
My needlework wish was for some new, really nice embroidery hoops – and I already got them since I bought them for myself!
I am currently finishing up my 12 days of Christmas embroidery ornaments by mmmcrafts. I began the ornaments in January – thought I could complete one a month – oops . I have 11 pipers and 12 drummers left. I have really enjoyed this set – they are very cute.
Merry Christmas
One needlework wish is fine linen. The linen I have used is okay but it would nice to experience the fabric of better made linen. Oh and maybe some silk thread……
I like to have at least two projects going at any time so that I can be sure not to get bored. The one I am most interested in right now is a monogram in the midst of a wreath of leaves and flowers. I designed it myself based on work with Secret Garden, a monogram from Mary’s Favorite Monograms, and some freehand design. I started the project specifically to practice long and short stitch which I have never really tried. I can definitely see my improvement as I have moved through it. I plan to frame the finished work for a decoration in our house.
I’m working on 7 of Barbara Jacksons Christmas ornaments. These are thru Shining Needle. They have come out ,one each year, for 7 years. Somehow I didn’t see them til this year and had to have them all. I have finished 4 and working on 5th. I wanted to get them all done by Christmas but am running out of time!
All thosespecialty threads look yummy and definitely spark my creativity! I will have to investigate some of the new things that have hit the market. Merry Christmas
My current needlework project is a large counted cross stitch designed by Nora Corbett called Dresses. It’s of seasonal dresses, one each for spring, summer, winter, and fall. When the cross stitching is complete, then there are luscious beads to add at the end. It will be framed and hung in my sewing room.
Thank you for the fun giveaways this Christmas!
Mary, I fell in love with the book Merveilleux Noel and am now a proud owner. It is a treasure of beautiful patterns! I get my newsletter from French Needle and drool over their scissors which are beautiful and so very expensive. I would treasure having a pair of the cat scissors or the morning glory pair. I’m sure Santa will not be bringing either! Lol
I would like to stitch another Soutache ornament for Christmas. Amee Sweet McNamara have lovely kits. Those scissors are beautiful gift. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
I’ve been working on ‘strawberry fayre’ a sewing necessaire by Carolyn Pearce as featured in Inspirations magazine 95. It uses DMC threads; silk and beads in various pinks and greens on linen. The variety of stitches and putting it all together has been a challenge but also taught me so much. I also made some stumpwork Christmas arrangements that fix onto clear glass baubles. In the new year I hope to try ribbon embroidery.
Prismacolor pencils is on my wish-list. I color/tint a design and outline in thread. So much fun!
And I always welcome needles, scissors – – can’t have too many!!
Thanks Mary!
Every year I make donations to Samaritan’s Purse for various people, such as our daughters, grandchildren, etc. The donations go towards farm animals and I (try to) make ornaments for each person to go with the animal. This year I made flat ornaments using wool felt and embellished them with embroidery. I also stitched 2 special ones for our daughters using Nickyscreations, Animal Farm pattern.
My current project is a set of hardanger angel for the tree – I’ll be using them as stocking stuffers.
I am working on a hardinger embroidery design that has hummingbirds in the design and Dresden fans in the corners.
My current needlepoint project is a Leigh canvas, the Green Drama Mask. It has allowed room for unconventional stitching. I like the end results of metal threads, both copper and gold.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter the drawing for the beautiful threads. I love reading your blog.
I’m working on the lighthouse at Ponce Inlet, Florida designed by me with help from Katherine Diuguid. Techniques include appliqué, surface stitching, and gold work.
I love, love, love threads! This would be a lovely addition to the stash. Thanking you in advance!
My current project is a reproduction book of numerous alphabets. I love creating fiber books,
I am currently working on Catherine Theron’s Irish Blessing sampler. It is a huge sampler so it will take me awhile.
Hazel Blomkamp’s Maureen the Owl from Crewel Creatures is my current big project. I changed the eyes to Trish Burr’s owl eyes. A very happy mix of the two master embroiderers! I’m learning tons, and am having a great time. Favorite: the needle lace with silk ribbon woven into it. Merry Christmas, Mary. Hope 2019 will be a good (healthy) year for you — with plenty of creative embroidery. – Cindy
My current needlework project is a stumpwork piece. The designer is Kim Sanders, a certified EGA teacher, and the piece is called ” Partridge in a Pear Tree”. It is stitched on silk dupioni with a needle lace partridge, needle painted raised pears, a stem stitch tree with ribbon embroidered leaves and a ribbon embroidered red bow. It also has some bead embroidery. It includes all my favorite techniques and is beautifully elegant! Kim designs wonderful pieces and is a fantastic teacher! I can’t wait to finish it.
I adore Thistle Threads. As I do a lot of 16th and 17 th c embroidery, I get a*lot*of my supplies from her. I haven’t had a chance to work with the purl yet.
My biggest current project is a greenwork Elizabethan coif. It’s an extant pattern with all the little worms amongst the flowers, and amidst all the flowers is a scrolling gold braid stitch. I adore it, as it’s deceptively simple looking.
Well I of course have more than one project in progress, but the one by my stitching chair at the moment is a table runner. It was designed by Pam Spurway from Cottage Garden Threads. It is surface embroidery and very interesting because it uses many different threads from Cottage Garden.
I am working on a design from an old kit by Elsa Williams, I using my own threads (threads are my weakness) on the design. The design is called Jacobean Panel, and it is crewel embroidery with the Jacobean tree, fancy flowers, and leaves. I will be adding a small animal to the design as it doesn’t have one on this design. I am mixing up the threads, by using wool, silk, and mohair threads. I want different textures and newer colors for this design instead of the normal Jacobean look. Jacobean is my favorite type of design, I just love the style.
Thank you for the giveaway and for writing this wonderful blog, it is my go-to for information on needlework.
I have several projects on the go – three are Jacobean Crewel and one is a Drawn Thread sampler. I have been working on these off and on throughout the year.
Thank you for all the draws. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.
I am currently stitching mandalas! I started with designs in one of Mary’s books and am now designing my own. Not sure if the final project is a quilt or a wall hanging, but I am having lots of fun.
I’m trying to make my first brooch. The brooch will be embroidered in light blue felt and will be embroidered in the technique of Satin stitch and French knot. The pattern is from a Japanese embroidery book, what I like is that it is an image of a very pretty bird in thre colors and once is ready i will glue another same piece of felt onto the back, and then glue the brooch base finding to the top of the felt .
I am currently working on a self designed crazy quilt wall hanging for my living room. I am focusing on basic stitches and silk embroidery.
I am working on a small needle book by Roberta Chase. It’s beautiful, with French reproduction fabrics, green and peach silk threads and lovely ribbons for the embroidery. I’m traveling over the holidays and will take this with me as my stitching project.
Currently, I am busily completing lots of Christmas presents- some of my own design, others inspired by some I viewed on Pinterest. Every year I think- I am going to be so organized and have all my presents completed before Halloween. Oh well, maybe next year!
Thank you for the great give-away!
I am working on a tablecloth that I found tucked away in a box. Not sure who the designer was or the pattern, It looks to be stamped and drawn on. There are all types of stitches that have already been sewn. I am having fun trying to recreate the stitching and finding floss to compliment what has been used or match the floss that was left.
I recently finished a festive, felt hippopotamus ornament for a friend who’s favourite Christmas song is “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” Now I’m treating myself to a llama ornament. I couldn’t find any white wool felt on my shopping day, so I’m making it out of cream coloured wool coating, with lots of perle thread french knots and some turkey work fringe on her blanket! Can’t wait to see that sweet llama face hanging from my tree.
So I started stitching flour sack towels back in October with the thought of giving them as gifts, but only completed 2 because I wasn’t able to spend as much time as I wanted to! I’m using designs from Sublime Stitching. I love her easy designs. I am also using vintage designs that are kitchen themed.
Currently working on dresses for fashion dolls of 1850-1900 and settings. I think these threads would work into wonderful detailed designs not only on the wardrobes but also for
the room settings’ furnishings and dolls’ accessories.
I am currently working on two cross-stitch pieces. On is of Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park done in the old WPA style poster. I have added some Kreinik Blending Filament to add some sparkle to the geyser steam. It is a Christmas Gift for my husband. The other piece is a cross-stitch from Tapistree of an Iris stained glass window. Both are great fun to work on.
I’m working on 2 Catherine Theron pieces she taught at this year’s EGA National Seminar: a large sampler and needlecase. I love her sampler designs, color choices, and stitch variety. I have never worked much with silk floss but find I love it – more so than DMC. I’m also enjoying reconnecting with the older stitches that I learned in Eileen Bennett’s class. Catherine is a wonderful teacher and her instructions outstanding. I’m having fun!!
I am in the testing stages of making a lace overdress with beaded edges and motifs (just some). The lace is charcoal, and the beads are also charcoal with various finishes. I’m planning an embroidered neckline and sleeve edges with a braided effect. The floral motifs can be more random with more modern beaded stitching to highlight the motifs without overdoing it.
I’m currently working on an 18th Century pocket. It is a kit from Penny River on Etsy. It is using crewel wool and this is my first big-ish project using crewel so I’m trying to think of it as practice and experimentation! Especially since no one will really see it besides me once its under my skirts!
Oh the thrill of new threads! These are beautiful and I look forward to trying new threads and techniques in 2019.
I’m currently working on a needlepoint stocking for my daughter. It’s a design from Melissa Shirley that depicts a little girl dancing with Santa. I’m using lots of different stitchess and threads to bring this canvas to life. I love working on it because it reminds me of when my husband dressed up as Santa and surprised our children every Christmas.
I have several WIPs but the one I’m focusing on right now is the silkshading online class by Jen Goodwin – the online class is over but I am of course lagging behind. I have three petals of the iris left and they a re also the most challenging – I can tell you it’s been a journey for me, and am not sure it’s gonna look as good as Jen’s but I am doing my best. I really want to get the hang of silkshading and I guess it requires a good eye for not only embroidering but also for drawing and painting because those principles come up a lot on the process.
My mother passed away this summer and in cleaning out her things I found a pair of embroidery pillowcases she had about 80 percent finished. I finished those and plan to gift them at Christmas this year.
After stitching a few quick works I returned to my main embroidery project – icon. It is the second icon that I am stitching. The picture is of the icon that is in one Catholic church in Vilnius, Lithuania, but icon itself is Orthodox. The stitching follows Orthodox icon embroidery tradition. Now a lot of split stitching with silk is waiting. Firstly I’ll stitch all the skin (faces, hands, etc.). After that I’ll iron my embroidery to make the silk even more shiny. Later I’ll stitch all the clothing. At the end there will be a lot of couching of gold. So this will be my next year’s main project (one of two, but the second one is still in preparation).
I am still trying to finish up Mary Corbet’s 12 trees of 2017 Christmas. I finished making the mini quilt, but it’s wonky. I’ve got to rip out a seem or two and straighten it out. I showed it off to my friends and neighbors by hanging it with (gulp) pins, for a party at our house the other night, but I need to fix it. My friends and neighbors were wowed… oh how we criticize our own work so.
My current project is one from a class at Beating Around the Bush 2018. It was designed by Karen Torrisi; the class was called Silk and Metal. I already had a lot of experience working with silk ribbon, but wanted to learn more about working with metal. I am using a textured metal plate, which is about an eighth of an inch wide. It is laid down in a close zig-zag pattern, to cover a leaf shape, for example, with a stitch at each edge of the leaf. You can bend it down at the correct angle, then open it back up to see where your holding stitch should go. I have seen it used to cover a raised area, like the body of a butterfly, for example. It’s very different from working with thread; I love it!
~Lynne R.
I’m working on the 2018 linen and threads SAL. Cross stitch on 36 count linen with silk thread and I am enjoying every stitch.
Current project:
The 2017 Wooly Block Adventure – Harvest Basket – is one of a series of patterns and appliqué kits from The Shop on Canal Street
The “Harvest” kit contains the pattern, the instructions, and the wool material. A modest amount of ordinary supplies are to be obtained from the stitcher’s stash. The image is a cute Donkey complete with a blanket over his back and a basket of corn on its way to market. He stands admiring a tall bountiful stalk of corn.
This is a small portable project, particularly appealing for someone who is in the process of moving to a new town or is otherwise unable to undertake a longer or larger project.
I’m working on Tide Pool by Laura Perin. It’s a very textural piece on canvas. Padded satin stitch for the rocks, whipped spider stitch for starfish & sea urchins, pearl cottons, beads, bullions, and various textured threads. You only use a few different stitches, but you see how different threads can change the look of different stitches. Laura is great with color, so the purples, greys, and greens are rich, lustrous, and dark – in an accurate tide pool way.
I am learning to do thread painting with a design by Trish Burr. I love all of the white and using a raised hoop but I find that I can only work on it in little bits of time..otherwise I start rushing and the quality suffers! But the result will be worth it. Thank you for the giveaway the new threads look amazing!
I’m currently attempting crewel work for the first time. The project was provided by one of our guild’s members and is a very basic floral project. I’m using wool threads from an old kit I found at a thrift shop. It’s a challenge but I’m trying hard to get it right. When it’s complete I’m planning to start a crewel work kit I purchased…also from a thrift shop. I’m rather surprised that so many crafts were abandoned even before their packaging was opened for the first time.
I am currently working on Alison Cole’s Bearded Iris. This is my first project in goldwork. There are many firsts for me in this work. I particularly like the effect of the metal mesh used in the petals of the Iris. Also I’ve never worked on velvet. It has certainly opened my mind to the use of different materials to produce the lovely the lovely embroidery.
I’m stitching my daughter’s dog’s name on a Christmas stocking. Merry Christmas!
HI! I so love these give-aways, even if I don’t win! Thank you Mary for the fun. My current project is an interpretation of a Raphael painting. Mostly I find I’m doing stem stitch as it’s the easiest to accomplish, and the easiest to see the pattern when finished. It’s an outline of the painting, so no shading/fills. So far it’s “Meh”, not as fun as I’d hoped and I’m not totally satisfied with it. But I will finish it, and then probably pull all the stitches out, again, and try something else. Or just accept defeat. Naw. I’m using silk from a spinner in France. Also considering cotton or wool, for a more dramatic look. If any of you other gals have ideas, I’m listening!! Happy Holiday!
Thank you for A Stitcher’s Christmas Mary! Since I just moved 1400 miles, my current stitching project is MIA amongst the boxes & piles. It’s a needlepoint strap for a hobo bag & it IS here somewhere! It all started with a gift of vintage Needlepoint Now magazines. As I leafed thru the old issues, I came upon this very cool project that was designed by someone out west. After some research, I contacted a shop in California, they contacted the designer & voila, the bag arrived. The bag is hot pink leather (!!) & was designed without a strap so a stitcher could create a “one off” bag. All I needed was a belt canvas to get started but I couldn’t make up my mind so I bought two. (You’ve heard this before?) I’m working the first strap & it is comprised of brightly colored Gerbera daisies on a background of gingham. There are three tones of pink for the gingham plus purple, lime, orange, fuschia & yellow. It’s about half finished & will be an eye popper on the bag. California Closets is coming the day after Christmas to build a storage wall in my new (tiny!) studio so I hope I will find my needlepoint project by the end of the year. I will be happy to share the designer’s name & details when I do. Merry Christmas to all!
At the moment I am exploring the world of handmade buttons. My first was an embroidered dorset button and my second was a stuffed fabric button (dorset knob) covered in needle lace. As I explore I am continually surprised by all the kinds of buttons that can be made with needle and thread. I think I will try ribbon embroidery on a covered button next.
My current project is a fabric book that is crazy quilted. It’s showing ladies and features silkies with their hair stitched and some additions to their dress/hats etc. Also the seams are stitched. It’s so fun to do as it uses many different skills and keeps life interesting in the creative needlework world! A compact fabric book is also easy to save or gift.
My current project is a simple cross stitch project (The First Story, The Second Story, The Last Story) which is a series of elves busy at work at the north pole. An easy project to pick up for just a few minutes at this busy time of year.
I am currently working on a rather large piece which displays the Mother of God with baby Jesus over the Holy Church in Tinos, Greece. Tinos is an island in the Aegean Sea, the icon in the church is beautiful, and the needlepoint work should turn out beautifully as well.
Very soothing, as is all needlepoint. Happy stitching to all ☺️
I’m still working on Katarina and Chloe from Trish Burr … I love every aspect of both of these pieces (whitework with color)! I just don’t love that they have so much competition for my handwork time at this time of year! Thank you for the opportunity … you’ve helped me fill in a lot of spots on my “I want that” list!
Jenny of Elephantz is so generously giving us one letter of the alphabet each week to embroider. Her designs are simple yet have such an elegance to them. Simply beautiful !
I am working on Jenny Adin-Christie’s Hampton Court Palace. It is a multi technique project, that includes stumpwork, metal thread work, plain embroidery and lots more. It is so much fun because each of the areas to stitch are small, so not overwhelming to accomplish. Jenny’s designs are so wonderful. I really enjoy working with all kinds of different materials, stitches and techniques and Jenny’s amazing directions are so helpful in completeing her projects. I am also very fortunate to have the beautiful casket that the Jenny designed for the Palace. The casket has a tray and it locks. Now I need to get back to stitching!
My current project is embroidering accents on a needle felted snowman. The facial features and scarf & hat details will be done in DMC stranded cotton. Thanks for the give away. Merry Christmas.
My current needlework project is a monogram on table linens for my daughter-in-law’s family. Their home has earth-tone coloring so the monogram will be tones of gold, rust, and ivory using satin stitch blending the colors. It was intended for a Christmas gift but that didn’t happen, yet. It’ll make a good Easter gift as well.
My current project is a Christmas Crazy Quilt. I’m finishing up year two working on it. It combines applique and embroidery. I like both techniques equally. Some is my design. The rest is based on a Christmas applique pattern for a quilt that I did and then decided I didn’t like. My hope is to have it finished and ready to hang by next Christmas.
My current project is a Chalice Pall. I found the pattern of a Ecce Homo amongst from liturgical material and wanted to embroider it up. It’s a printed image on linen and currently working it in split stitch- think ‘Opus Angicanum’ style. I would have liked to do it in silk thread but the purse wouldn’t allow for it so made do with DMC Cotton.
Hi Mary
Love the look of these threads. I’m busy working on some mini hoop embroideries with six-stranded cotton and then whipping some of the stitches with a fine gold thread that came with the kit for a goldwork course I did years ago – so these threads fit in rather well with where my head is at at the moment.
Thanks, Kelly
I’m starting to design some of my own projects. The current one is for a friend who is retiring and thoroughly admired a couple pieces I showed her. It’s roughly 7×7”, in a sort of crazy quilt style, closer to the relative simplicity of some of the earlier ones but also with elements of the modern. I sketch out an idea, but it’s also design-as-you-go, so the product can look pretty different from the sketch. This one is solid-colored silk fabric of various weaves, subtle curves pieced free-hand, not around a central square. I pulled threads, regular DMC to metallic to silk, two color families to help unify things. I like how it’s looking so far.
My current thread collection outside 6-strand DMC is random silk, linen, metallic of different sizes and types, mostly from the discount bins at two local independent needlework stores, so it’s good I enjoy these as a combination puzzle and learning experience.
Hi Mary, one of many projects I am working on at the moment is Nicola Jarvis’s Peonies and the Pear tree. This is a printed design to be embellished with beading, surface embroidery (slanted satin stitch, long & short stitch, seeding and couched trellis. It also introduced me to silk wrapped purl, which adds so much to the embellishing.
I am working on the 12 Christmas Trees pattern and learning how to use the stitches together. Also learning how to make effects with color and density of the thread. All fun!
Presently I am working on an embroidered/pieced quilt by crabapple hill designs. Have a (well, actually, there are several) cross-stitch piece I need to finish. And then there are all those designs I have filed yet to start.
My current needlework project is of my own design; a pair of California poppies, one cream colored the other orangey-yellow, worked on white linen with cotton floche, thread painting techniques, chain stitch, french knots and bullion bars. Now that the flower heads are complete, moving on to placement and stitch choices of the feathery leaves and stems . . . yes, it is one of those ‘evolving designs’!
My current project is the cauliflower pincushion that was published a few years ago in Inspirations magazine. I enjoy working with the wool for a change (no magnifier needed), and each of the pieces are fairly simple to stitch, but the end result makes it look like a much more complex project.
I love all the free floating figures, back when I took my introductory course, we made our own paper bases using recycled jeans … so they were lumps of cotton and not acidic… since I am more sedentary I need to do more small projects in the next year.
I have been working on a secret garden embroidery project that you can find in TAITO magazine. You can google: taitolehti.fi, choose -tee itse- and you will find salainen puutarha in five different parts. You can also find pictures from a puplic group – salainen puutarha yhteiskirjonta Facebook.
It is design by Tiia Eronen. There are different stitches to learn and practice.
I like it because you can do it by the design or play with colors and get a new look too it.
Thank you Mary for stitchers christmas. It has been fun to reed peoples comments about embroidery.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Hi Mary.
I’m always involved in more than one project (to prevent boredom?) at a time so my newbie is a tablecloth with richelieu embroidery. It’s in the designing stage and mostly I do this myself as I find that over 50% of the satisfaction of each project is in this process.
Here’s wishing you and yours a happy festive season.
I’m working on Laurene Salt’s canvasswork teaching piece-Spring Kaleidoscope. I like it because it is a challenge for me-a compete opposite to what a typically attracted to colour wise and design wise. Vibrant cool cours and geometric lines.
My current project is the lovely Advent Sampler from Werkstatt für historische Stickmuster. Each day I get a new section to stitch.
Working on Christmas table cloth with bows and boughs, love it
I have 2 main projects on the go at the moment and a few much longer term WIPs!! For my Diploma with the RSN I created a goldwork piece based on the Chrysler Building in New York, one of my current projects is a companion piece, also in goldwork of the lift doors from inside the Chrysler Building. I appliqued the background and am applying all the detail on top using a variety of goldwork techniques.
My other current project is for the Stumpwork module for the Diploma – it is based on a painting of an Edwardian lady sitting on a window seat with her embroidery and will showcase a variety of techniques including machine embroidery, canvaswork, wrapping beads, picot edging, using wires, creating and moulding the figure and creating needlelace clothes. Lots of techniques, lots of work and lots of fun!!
Would love to win these threads to add to my collection.
My current needlework project is Winter’s Majesty by Maia. It’s one of the largest I have ever stitched with specialty threads that are a challenge to work with! It is mostly cross stitch with some backstitch and half stitch thrown in.
I enrolled in two of Tricia Ngyuen’s courses–Cabinet of Curiosities and Goldwork Sampler. I haven’t quite worked up the nerve to tackle them yet but I’m enjoying the course material she provides
I love to do felted wool appliqué. The embroidery stitches I use are very basic – mostly French knots, blanket stitch and fly stitch in perle cotton. I wouldn’t know what to do with these fancy threads, but would like to learn!
I’m currently gathering threads and selecting fabric to start a new monthly Stitchalong project on January 1st. It’s designed by a member of a Facebook group that I’m in and it will celebrate all of the wonderful geeky TV shows, books, and movies that we’re fans of. Harry Potter, comic books, Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Disney, and quite a few others. It’s going to be a hoot to stitch!
Hello, I am currently working on a piece from Jenny Adin-Christie from England , it is a lovely white work sachet and it is beautiful as are all her designs.
My latest project, my own design, includes 19th c. imagery from gravestone designs. I am employing silk, cotton and polyester glow-in-the-dark thread on linen. I made some big mistakes that I noticed after I started: too light weight linen for all the pulling I’m doing on this piece. It will be back lit. Merry xmas!
Right now I’m working on your lovely Holly & Evergreen pattern,full corner version. I even have the flour sack you recommend. So I am enjoying the Palestrina stitch that is new to me. I bought two colors I’ve never owned before, 890 and 3053. Thank you so much for the pattern. Loved your presentation on Instagram.
My latest project is new to me, but dates back to 1991. It’s a band sampler by Lucy Lyons Willis that has a copyright of 1991. I’d never seen it before, but picked it up from fellow stitcher who was selling off some of her “stash.”
It’s called the “Fire Bird Sampler.” In size and proportion, it’s like a traditional band sampler but it’s worked with designs and colors evoking Russian, the Ukraine and other countries. It’s stiched in Au Ver a Soie in colors like orange and gold.
A glorious patchwork. The base is 100% cotton fabric pieced in a geometric design. Now I am embellishing it with swirls and whirls and other things as the fancy takes me in cotton threads using as many types of stitches as I can possibly find out about to try. I have no idea how it might turn out but it is fun and inspired by one of your projects Mary! I plan for it to be a throw quilt for my favourite chair. It will be a while before I get to try it out!
I just finished stitching a crewel project “Lilacs and Lace” by Dimensions.
I used ribbons for some of the flowers there instead of cotton floss.
I pained the ribbon embroidered tulips after finishing everything.
When I bought the kit several years ago I did not know much about embroidery. I had no idea what crewel embroidery is. I just liked the picture. I thought that it was a cross stitch kit. When I realized my mistake, I put the kit aside. Several years later after making many other different projects and after taking several classes I remembered about it and finished it! I still do not believe that I could do it.
My next project will be miniature tapestry embroidery by Mary Corbet. I feel a little nervous about it. I have never done this type of embroidery before. But I have read the instructions and they are very clear and detailed. So I am looking forward to starting this project.
I am enthralled with my current project because my son and his wife bought a restored row house built in 1896 by a famous Christian Missionary. I am embroidering with DMC a very colorful sampler for the entranceway to their to honoring the missionary and featuring their name.and year they purchased the row house which for years was a museum in the city of Allentown, Pennsylvania. I love the 36 count yummy linen that I am stitching to be an 18 count size. I just might stay up late to get some more stitching done. Just remembering the beautiful foster children that have added so much to our family.
Oh, wow, those are gorgeous threads and colors! Thank you so much for the chance to win them.
Current needlework project? Are there people who only have one??? I am doing a red-work snowflake on an Aunt Martha tea towel. The design is by Crabapple Hill and the thread I’m using is a turkey red variegated Valdani O775, size 12. A friend gave it to me, and I love it for this project in backstitch.
I’m also working on CQJP2018 and 2019 blocks with a variety of threads, motifs and seam treatments, some including beads. My favorite thread for that is Sassa Lynne hand-dyed and really only available in Wales now, unless you are lucky enough to find it just after she does a dye lot and order some. In about 2008, I ordered and sold bunches of it, so I have a good supply in lots of variegated colors. It pulls through fabric so easily and has a bit of a shine to it. It’s medium fine perle, so about an 8 – or maybe a 10, if there is such a thing.
Additionally, I’m embroidering some nursery rhyme blocks from 1910, published by Patti-Ann Publications through Grandma’s Attic. There are also some Japanese designs I’m doing with DMC floss – geishas under trees, temple gardens, fans, etc. That’s for my son because he loves all things Japanese. I think I might have a few more unfinished projects, too!
I am trying to put together a “Peace…Love…Joy” pin cushion by Primitive Gatherings, designed by Lisa Bongean. My needlework needs help!!!
My current project is a restoration piece of 6″ wide ecclesiastical lace for the bottom of a parishioner robe in our church. Not such a glorified piece, but something that is hard to purchase in this day and age. The piece is so badly deteriorated that I’m going to have to use a thin netting on the back to restore the sections. It gives me great pleasure to know that I can try to save this beautiful lace that is so very hard to find in today’s market. At least a small piece of my work will remain, I hope, for time immortal in the history of this church. They want me to do other pieces, including some gold work. This giveaway would help greatly in offsetting some of the out of pocket expenses I’ve donated to date.
I had trouble deciding between a number of ideas for a next project, so I decided to do a sampler of my own design so I can include a number of surface stitch techniques I’ve been wanting to do, as well as experiment with color theory and even a bit of beadwork. It’s great fun.
My most recent stitchery is a set of 12 Dresden plates crazy stitch. The stitches and embellishments vary and I came up with the concept after joining a stitch a long that promoted 2020 stitches by the end of 2020. What I like about is the satisfaction I feel as I fill my canvas.
My current needlework piece is a painted canvas without a stitch guide. It’s a golfing scene for my nephew, who is a golf pro, and I am having fun choosing my own stitches and threads to emphasize the texture of the items in the scene: wood and metal golf club, trees and grass, a dimpled golf ball. This is camping up my excitement about finishing up some other textured pieces this year, like a stumpwork cherry branch by Susan O’Connor and a heart by Nancy Williams, both in progress!
Currently I have 12 Crazy Quilt blocks that have my attention. They seem to have a mind of their own, calling me to constantly add more to them. My main draw when deciding on what next to add always goes to something in nature, leaf shapes, or birds, or vines winding around. The blocks seem to want me on a continual basis… there when other projects are in my minds development. Still a lot of fun to see how they each are looking more “mature” and ready to continue on.
My current needlework project is embellishing a piece of cross-stitch that I decided needed more depth to it. Using CQ and embroidery to do so.
My current Christmas project has taken several years to complete, it’s the twelve days of Christmas in needlepoint
by Melissa Shirley. I have stitched 6, so I’m half-way there. I would buy a few every year until I completed the
collection due to the cost of the canvases. All of them are unique in design and quite stunning.
I’m taking a [forced] break from intense needlework at the moment- – sadly! My current projects have been limited to making “fancier” tomtenisse for friends and family. It’s fun, it’s simple and there’s quite a lot of immediate satisfaction. They’re cheery, too!
Thanks for another fab give-away, Mary. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I’m currently working on charting an Italian sampler from the V&A from a photo on their website. Mostly blackwork but some Montenegrin Stitch and some needle lace around a rolled hem. Lots of different coloured thread, I’m using Au Ver a Soie Silk 1003 on 48ct Italian linen from Sotema. I’m loving the whole process from trying to chart from the photos to reproducing the errors or missing bits from wear and tear. There are over 100 motifs!
Thanks for the chance to win these lovely threads!
Jeanine in Canada
I usually have more than one project on the go but my main one at present is a narrow band sampler by Jane Greenof f which we started at a Cross Stitch Guild weekend at Sheffield in July. I s mainly cross stitch but with some hardanger, french and bullion knots, foursided stitch, broken rhodes, Queen stitch – and I might have left out some!
I’m working on a small Geisha Girl kit from Dimensions. I love the small kits as they are so nice to carry with you and come with all the materials.
I am lucky to live near a community stitching project that I can volunteer stitch on a few times a week. It is nice to be able to stitch with other people on the same project. At home I am stitching the 12 Berries of Christmas by Erica Michaels.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
I am finishing some Bible story quiet books that I designed. Although the majority of the work is on a sewing machine, I like using different embroidery stitches to add texture and interest. I’m also working on a cross stitch Christmas stocking.
My current project is A Sherry for Jack from Hazel Blomkamp. I was very excited when I saw this design as I already had the tray for it. I am greatly enjoying the challenge of the many different stitches, especially the weaving patterns. Her instructions are great.
I am currently working on Thistle Thread’s Tudor and Stuart Gold Masterclass – the spot sampler specifically. 🙂 Its fascinating and has opened up a whole new world to me. I have seen some exquisite samplers since and also stumpwork pieces, and to have access to threads used then, would be amazing! Merry Christmas!!
I am designing bed curtains for a baldachin. The ground will be a light lilac-violet silk in a floral design — multiple flowers, like peonies, old fashioned roses, sweet peas, all in pale lilacs, blues and cream, using long and short stitch and satin stitch. The reverse will be a light blue and cream silk stripe and interlined with black out fabric. The curtains will be edged in a braid with tassle trim fringe, (noisette shapes, I think, again in pale lilacs, blues and creams) The baldachin will hang over a large day bed in my living room, (good for snuggling while watching movies) and will also serve as a guest bed, with the curtains being drawn for privacy. Oh, and I am making tassel tie backs for the curtains — Thistle Threads carries some silk covered gimp I’m looking at to use in the tiebacks, so I was especially excited to see your give-away, Mary — Thank you and Merry Christmas!