
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Unique and Beautiful: Harp Needle Case by Jenny Adin-Christie


Amazon Books

Good morning, and Happy Monday All Around!

Once in a while, out there in the Wide World of Needlework, an embroidery project so unique and so beautiful catches my eye and makes my heart go pitter-pat – and compels me to share it with you!

This morning, by way of throwing temptation in your path (sorry), I want to highlight just such an embroidery project, created by Jenny Adin-Christie. And even if it isn’t something you would work yourself, I’m sure you will appreciate the beauty, delicacy and uniqueness of this needle case. Plus, there’s some fun reading about the original museum piece on which Jenny’s needle case is based.

Harpe Needle Case by Jenny Adin-Christie

When I first saw the photo above – via Crewel Work Company – I was immediately mesmerized. It makes me happy just to gaze on it!

The Wordsworth Harp is a needle case based on an original piece from the museum collection of the Wordsworth Trust in the Lake District in England. Jenny created her version for Lady Anne’s Needlework Retreat, hosted by the Crewel Work Company earlier this spring.

You can read all about this project here on the Crewel Work Company website. There’s some good background information and detailed information about all the source materials that have gone into creating this fantastic little masterpiece. There are also several photos from different angles, so you can see how the piece works as a needle case, and there are photos of the original historical piece, too.

The harp is exquisite in every detail, isn’t it? I thought that those of you who enjoy unique needlework tools and accessories would thoroughly love seeing it and reading about it – and perhaps pre-ordering a kit so you can make your own!

You can pre-order the kit here through The Crewel Work Company, or here, through Jenny Adin-Christie. For those not in the UK, you’ll want to be aware of the currency exchange rate and shipping costs.

I’ll be admiring the harp from afar – but if you work it, I’d love to hear how you get on!

Other News

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be concentrating on some background work here on Needle ‘n Thread. There are quite a few areas of the website that need to be brought up to date – for example, my Books page, where I list all the needlework books I’ve reviewed. So you’ll see a few changes trickling out here on there on Needle ‘n Thread soon.

I’ve got a few stitch tips and tutorials to share with you, too, and some progress on the little projects I’ve been fiddling with – with good and bad results! (Isn’t that always the way of it?!)

Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


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(10) Comments

  1. Enchanting! Just enchanting! Things like this are certainly sparks to creativity as well as just eye candy to the max. Thanks so much for sharing this day-maker, Mary.

  2. Jenny also sells a laying tool that her father makes. It’s the most exquisite tool in my tool box. All of her kits are wonderful.

  3. Incredible!!!! After reading all the special work involved in procuring the pieces to this project I can’t help but wonder how the original maker, Edith May Southey, created the piece. I will only be admiring from afar as well .. I checked the currency conversion and … well, ‘gulp’! What a masterpiece! Thanks for sharing Mary!

  4. That is stunning, and I’m sure it’s even more gorgeous in real life.

    I wish I could do the needlework retreat. I did a class with Jenny a few years back and she is a great teacher.

  5. This is amazing! What a beautiful, unique and clever way to store one’s needles 🙂 It is especially impressive to me that the kit uses so many supplies made by artisans and historic firms. The specially made Tulip “strings” look like an embroiderer’s dream! I had no idea you could even commission custom needles 😉

  6. Mary, thank you so much for sharing this exquisite project. It does one good just to look at works like this. And yes, eek! at the price; it’s beyond my range (and my skill), but I suspect it’s realistic for the materials and design skill involved.

  7. This is such an amazing piece. I took the plug and ordered it. Hoping this will be an excellent addition to my embroidered casket project from thistle-threads.

  8. Beautiful. I just converted english pounds to dollars this morning and I wish I had won the lottery. $406, every penny is wonderful.

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