A Stitcher’s Christmas #8: Trish Burr Needle Painting Kit!


Amazon Books

Good morning, oh stitching world! And Happy Monday from a freezing cold Kansas!

Two Monumental Things happened in my life this past weekend: I actually did get the tree up (all three feet of it), and we had snow (all three inches of it)!

It doesn’t take much to make me happy!

Today, we continue with my Christmas 2017 give-away series, A Stitcher’s Christmas. This one is for all of you who want to try needle painting, but haven’t taken the plunge yet; for those of you who have tested the needle painting waters and want to improve your skills; or for those of you who love needle painting and just want a fun kit to work on!

I’ll also announce the winner for A Stitcher’s Christmas #6, the Inspirations Calendar shown here, and I’ll tell you about a challenge I’ve received (repeatedly).

Trish Burr Needle Painting Embroidery Kit

Courtesy of Trish Burr, today’s give-away features this beautiful cardinal embroidery kit.

The technique is needle painting – using long & short stitch to create a realistic looking embroidered image that looks as if it’s been painted.

Few people do needle painting as beautifully as Trish Burr – her flowers and her birds are what she does best! Her needle painting projects are available as kits and, more recently, in an extensive collection of digital downloads, which make them a very affordable way to learn needle painting.

The Spring Cardinal needle painting kit will come to the winner of today’s give-away as a full kit – pre-printed fabric, instructions, and threads, all ready for stitching.

If you’d like to add this kit to your 2017 embroidery projects, just read and follow the guidelines below to enter the give-away!

Inspirations Calendar Winner!

Before we get to the nitty-gritty guidelines, though, who won the Inspirations Calendar from Wooly Thread?

Well, the randomly drawn winner is… Debbie Beck! Congratulations, Debbie – I will drop you an email today to get your mailing information, so that you can enjoy this beautiful calendar right away!

If you didn’t win the calendar and you want to keep track of 2017 in a stylish, eye-catching way, Wooly Thread has the Inspirations Calendar in stock and on sale right now. It would make a terrific gift, for a friend or for yourself!

Folks in the Antipodes can find the calendar available here through Stitchology.

Oh, I’ve Been Challenged!

Debbie’s answer to the give-away question (what do you do while you’re stitching?) reminds me – I’ve been challenged by quite a few of you to answer the questions that I pose for the give-aways.

One reader wrote this:

Mary, I don’t think you have any idea how hard your questions are! I really have to think about them! Have you tried answering all of them? I love reading everyone else’s answers, and I’d love to hear how you answer them yourself!

Another reader:

How do you come up with these questions for your Christmas give aways?…It’s fun reading everyone’s answers and writing my own! Have you asked yourself all these questions? Would love to hear your answers!

And another:

When are you going to tell us YOUR answers to all your give away questions, Mary? After all, a good teacher never asks her students to do something she herself wouldn’t do!

I ask questions about things that are on my mind, stitching-related or not, and that, to tell you the truth, I haven’t necessarily answered myself. They’re just the more trivial things that have been floating around in my brain off and on in dreamy moments. No profundity here! But if you all really want to hear them, I’ll drum up a list. I can’t help thinking it’ll just bore everyone silly, though!

I’ve really enjoyed reading your answers, that’s for sure! They’re entertaining – sometimes inspirational, sometimes instructional, sometimes through-provoking, sometimes heart-wrenching, sometimes just the thing for a smile!

Give-Away Guidelines

This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!

1. Leave a comment below. You can follow this link to get to the comment box. Comments left on other articles on Needle ‘n Thread or sent in via email are not eligible.

2. Please leave a recognizable name either in the name line or in the comment box, so that there’s no confusion when the winner is announced.

3. Please do not fill in the “Website” line on the form unless you own your own website or blog. Just leave it blank if you don’t have one.

4. In your comment, please answer the following:

What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox? Whether you have a “workbox” or not (just imagine you do have one!), what three items do you think would be absolutely essential to you in your workbox?

5. Submit your comment by Friday, December 23, 5:00 am central standard time (that’s in Kansas, USA). The winner will be randomly drawn that morning and announced in that day’s give-away – which will be give-away #10, and quite a doozy! I’ll also notify the winner by email.

6. The winner will need to respond with mailing information within 48 hours, or another winner will be randomly drawn.

The give-away is open to everyone. You can enter each give-away in A Stitcher’s Christmas when they are published here on Needle ‘n Thread, but you can only enter each give-away once. Please don’t leave multiple comments on any one give-away.

Don’t fret if your comment does not appear on the site immediately. Comments are queued for moderation, to avoid spammers. Sometimes, it takes a while for me to work through the list, but eventually, it will show up!


(1,078) Comments

  1. Three essentials… for starters, the very basics: needle, scissors, hoop. Going past that, the next three would be: needle threader, Thread Heaven, and zip-lock baggies. There just times we all need a little help threading a needle, Thread Heaven is needed for metallic threads, and, lets face it, baggies (or similar) are *essential* for organizing and keep the project clean!

  2. thanks for the give away – three things in my work box – scissors – tape measure – magnifier. ( as far as to your answering these questions – if you read this blog daily i feel like you would already know how you would answer these questions!) mary sue c

  3. Oooh, oooh, oooh! I had to respond to this one right away!

    The three things I can’t embroider without: a really good pair of scissors, a screwdriver for tightening down hoops, and a laying tool/stiletto which constantly comes in handing, though I rarely use it to actually lay threads.

  4. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and healthy, Happy New Year!
    Thank you for always being an inspiration!
    3 things I need when working on a project: a great light, my favorite sharp scissors, and a cup of hot tea! Then I am all set

  5. I do all sorts of needle craft, knitting and crocheting. The 3 things that I always have on hand is a bag to store the project in (nothing fancy, usually it’s a Ziploc). Then inside the bag I keep a pair of scissors and a roll of measuring tape.

  6. Three essentials that I keep nearby my stitching chair is (1) my long darner needle that I use as a laying tool, (2) my two hardanger scissors kept in leather sheaths to protect them and (3) a roll of masking tape from which I tear off a few inches to dab away thread fuzz and stray doggie hair that gets onto my piece as I work.
    Noelle Frances

  7. Just three things!?!?! Assuming fabric & thread are not a workbox item, but the things you’re using your workbox on… Scissors, a variety of needles, good hoops/frames. Actually three things isn’t that hard after all. 🙂

  8. Scissors (under lock and key so my children don’t abscond with them), hoop (with lap stand!), coffee. And music for stitching to. 🙂

    1. Scissors (under lock and key so my children don’t abscond with them)
      So true. Everyone in my family knows that scissors on my stitching stand are not to be touched, even if it’s to just “snip off this little thing.”

  9. Three essentials: a good needle threader (I hate those flimsy wire ones–prefer the flat metal ones); sharp embroidery scissors; and those little cards to wind my floss on.

  10. three essentials for stitchers…..needles, scissors, clip-on magnifiers. So many of my friends use these every time we get together. Luckily, I haven’t needed the magnifiers yet, so I always have a good marking pen. My marker of choice is an erasable gel pen.

  11. 3 essential items in any workbox I think would be: a good pair of scissors, spare needles and magnifiers!!!

  12. It’s very hard to limit it to just 3 things. I guess we can’t stitch without needles, scissors and hoop/stretcher bars. After that, the list keeps growing – materials, threads, method to transfer the design onto the material, magnifying glass, extra light, good chair …

    Thanks for having the contests.

    Vickie (vjvl51)

  13. Three essential things: needles. scissors and reading glasses.
    Next up: great resources like your web site! Thank you for all you do.

  14. Essentials for me are a well-equipped needle book, small, sharp scissors and a good magnifier. The last of these grows more and more essential, alas.

  15. Well first and foremost without my magnifier there would be not needlework.lol. unfortunately as time as gone by it is now essential. secondly, i think my beautiful scissors and silver thimble. both are older and decorative and i love using them.

  16. The first two are kind of obvious- needles and scissors. The third for me is tweezers because I can use them to help me pick things out.

  17. Aside from the obvious, needles, scissors, etc., I have to have a really sturdy needle threader, my nail file and most importantly, my super magnifier glasses!

  18. I love Trish Burr–her designs are stunning and I’ve learned so much from reading her pattern books! Three things essential:
    A good portable source of light
    A strong locking embroidery hoop–I like a small one
    Nice Scissors

  19. My three things would be a needle threader, a good hoop and great scissors. If I could add a 4th item it would be thread conditioner.

  20. For my three things, I’m going to say pouches, pouches, pouches! I keep all my projects organized in these gorgeous hand sewn pouches:

    Because I sew on the train and the subway, it’s nice to be able to throw them in my purse and have my project with me on the go. 🙂

  21. That’s a tough one. Only 3 things? Really! I’d have to start with a pair of quality scissors, a variety of different sized needles and a stash of various fabrics. But that is so limited with the number of essential tools available. My “work box” is full of essential stitching items/tools.

  22. Thimble, sharp scissors and a good light. Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous kit. Its gorgeous. Merry Christmas!

  23. Three things that are absolutely essential in a stitcher’s work box for me would be reading/magnifying glasses, sharp small scissors, and a needle ball. At least this is what I have in mine! It’s a beautifully ivory enlaid box I inherited from my mother. Thank you!

  24. Thanks again for these giveaways. I’d love the Trish Burr kit.

    Three things essential to a stitcher’s workbox:
    1. good sharp scissors
    2. a variety of good needles
    3, a ruler or measuring tape

    Thanks again.
    Judy c

  25. well a good pair of embroidery scissors is a must. And a lighted magnifier. I guess my third item would be a quality tote to carry all my threads, needles and other items.

  26. A pair of excellent quality embroidery scissors, an inexpensive pair for cutting metallic threads and a laying tool. That I would needles in a variety of sizes goes without saying.

  27. Three items in my workbox I can’t do without — excellent scissors, an emery strawberry for stowing threaded needles, and a pair of tweezers — sometimes used for picking threads, sometimes they function as a laying tool.

  28. Three items would be:
    Nice scissors
    A collection of needles
    What a beautiful kit. Trish is amazing! Thank you Mary’s. All the best for 2017.

  29. I’m sure my answers are the same as those from many stitchers: a good pair of scissors is a must. And I would expand that to include a pair just for cutting metalic threads, and my extra sharp Dovo I use to cut my Hardanger threads. Then I would include a good assortment of needles and a needle minder (so the good needles don’t get lost). Finally, a laying tool to keep all the threads looking smooth after you stitch them!

  30. The three things I MUST have in my stitchers box to deem it ready for a new or existing project is my Roxanne thimble, my silk thread (my applique favorite) and my small scissors. After these, I can add whatever a specific project requires……from an Ottlite to a specific fancy and delicious thread……..Exciting!

  31. Essential to my workbox is a thimble, good scissors, and a small rubber needle-puller disk. I usually only need the latter when working on canvas, but when I need it, it is a godsend.

    I really hope I win this giveaway! I am from North Carolina, and the cardinal is our state bird, and I belong to the Dogwood Chapter of EGA here in Georgia. What a happy home this piece would have with me!

  32. So hard to name only three! So, here goes: a good pair of scissors, Burlingirons (sp?), and needle threader!

  33. My first thought was duh – needle, thread, scissors. But then I decided that even more important would be time, patience and imagination!

  34. My work box must include an embroidery scissors, pin cushion, and needle threader.

    Thank you, Carol Gray

  35. In my workbox, I would have to have my laying tool, a beautiful pair of sewing scissors and….chapstick 😉
    Jodi Gann

  36. Essentials:

    good scissors
    good light source (may be too big for a traditional box)
    patience (definitely too big for a traditional box) but necessary as I rip out mistakes!!!!

  37. Only three things, oh my! I guess it may depend on what I’m stitching at the moment or what kind of stitching I’m doing. Of course for every project I would need scissors and needles. And while I think about it I use magnification for just about every project. If I could sneak in a fourth I believe it would have to be a laying tool.

  38. In addition to all of the normal “must haves”, I have found that I can’t live without a small notebook and colored pencils/pens in my workbox. I’m forever thinking of “next projects” or things I might do differently with the current project were I ever to do it again. I also have a magnifying ruler, and some small bandaids!

  39. What a beautiful kit! I’d love to learn to do this.

    3 things essential to a stitcher are – 1. magnification or reader classes 2. a great hoop 3. needles correct size for the thread and project.

  40. Items in my workbox that I cannot do without are:

    Needle, Thread, and Scissors, Simply because they are the practical tools that I need.

    All the other things fill a room and not a workbox

    Merry Christmas x

  41. The three standards of a well fitting thimble, an array of needles and beautiful thread makes me happy. Nothing fancy, just plain old tools….

  42. My absolute essentials are a needle threader, my cute, sharp scissors, and a very bright lamp. I won’t dare list reading glasses! 😉

  43. The three things I think are essential to keep in my sewing box are a needle threaded, small scissors and a ruler. I lose my way easy these day!!

  44. Hi…just give me a needle,thread and scissors, and I really can mange without everything else as I love to embroider and ground doesnt necessarily have to be fabric always..

  45. The first three things I would put in my work box are a sharp, pointed, small pair of scissors, a small assortment of needles and a pair of tweezers. After that I would add two more pairs of scissors; in total, I would need one pair to cut metallic threads, a second pair to cut non-metallic threads and the third with sharp, thin points to cut fabric thread for hardanger and drawn or pulled threadwork.

  46. My workbox has to have – my special scissors, my tension hoop and finally the love – all compulsory for every embroiderer.

  47. Oh I love this prize! I have just checked her wonderful book out from the library to learn needle painting techniques, so this is a fun coincidence. My 3 most essential workbox items are my small, sharp embroidery scissors, a needle-minder, or as a cheap substitute, a large, flat magnet(usually one of those freebie advertising ones that find their way into the house) to hold my needle when I have to set it down, and my magnifying clip-on glasses that go on my reader glasses so I can see all the fine details of what I’m stitching!

  48. Gorgeous kit! Trish Burr is so talented

    Wow, only three….my three essentials would probably be sharp scissors, good quality needles – and a bar of chocolate for when it all goes horribly wrong

  49. 1. Small, really sharp scissors.
    2. Selection of embroidery needles.
    3. Something hand-made to hold either of the above 🙂

    Lots of other things would make stitching more enjoyable, but these things are the essentials IMO.


  50. Oh I love Trish Burr!! My three essentials include good scissors, needles and a good needle threader. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  51. I would guess you need assortment quality needles, sharp snips, good lighting. Also patience and a sense of humour.

  52. I love this kit, so cannot resist adding my entry! The three items I think you can’t be without in your workbox (taking the definition of ‘workbox’ as widely as possible):

    1. A really good pair of embroidery scissors. Given that you spend so much time snipping threads, good scissors are a must!
    2. A Millennium Frame from Needle Needs. I love this frame so much – it’s so easy to set up, and avoids all the tedious pinning and sewing and the like. Just a work of genius, frankly.
    3. A really good light. The best needlework equipment in the world is for naught if you can’t see what you’re doing! I couldn’t manage without my daylight lamp over my shoulder!

  53. What a darling project from one of my favorite designers!
    Three items I would find necessary would be a fine quality needle, a padded hoop, and embroidery scissors.
    Lucy Bosio

  54. 1. Every possible shade of thread.
    2. An Ipad so that I can watch your videos
    3. A fingernail file

  55. For my Stitcher’s Workbox, I would start with, of course, the basic essentials: quality selection of needles, variety of embroidery thread, and, of course, hoops. I do machine embroidery commercially, but would love to learn hand embroidery; haven’t done that since I was quite young. The photo of Trish Burr’s cardinal is gorgeous! Thank you for all of your invaluable information – Love your website, emails and beautiful thread work – you truly are an inspiration!

  56. The three essentials in my workbasket would be a good pair of scissors, needles, and a magnifier.

  57. Three essentials in my needlework box are scissors, needles and threads. However, I cannot live with these three alone. I also need fabric, a boo boo stick, my needle minder, and many other items. Needless to say, my needlework box is quite full. I guess you could say that I need all the help I can get!!!

  58. 3 essentials for me are post it notes to mark my spot on the chart, my magnifying light so I can see 🙂 and flossaway bags to keep me organized. Thanks for the give away. The cardinal is beautiful.

  59. Essential workbox items: scissors, thimble, and a good assortment of needles. I do crewel work on linen just held in my hand, not stretched on a hoop, although French knots are certainly more easily done on using a hoop!

  60. Oh, how I’d love to have this cardinal kit!! As for the 3 essential things needed in my stitching work box: sharp scissors, an assortment of needles and a hoop/stand comfortable to my hands. Now I am ready to do the cardinal! Merry Christmas one and all.

  61. I’m assuming a project is started so therefore you already have a good needle. My three choices for absolute necessities would be a pair of extremely sharp embroidery scissors, a silicone thread conditioner such as Thread Heaven or the Thread Magic, and my Gingher burling nipper which will work as a laying tool and the other end can also clip threads if necessary.

  62. I think the three things a stitcher’s work box should contain are a quality wooden hoop, an excellent pair of embroidery scissors, and a nice laying tool. Thank you for the chance to win. They say when you see a cardinal it signifies a visit from heaven. I would love to stitch this in memory of my late beloved husband. Good luck to all! Merry Christmas!

  63. I think the three essential items are a good pair of scissors, appropriate needles, and a way to keep it all organized.
    Thank you for another great give-away! It’s fun to see all of the products and know that someone’s day was made brighter when they found out they won!

  64. In my work box I would need a needle, scissors, and a thimble. I found those things in the first sewing basket I received from a great aunt when I was eight years old. I had them for over 60 years until they were destroyed in a flood. i still have the memories though and her recipe for Farm journal Fudge. she made it every year and sent it from NJ, Merry Christmas and thank you for your beautiful creations and instructions.

  65. Think about? Depends on what I’m stitching, but usually I am focused on where the next stitch goes…. it is a wonderful escape from a life that is very hectic and diverse…to focus closely and let the rest of the world go by for just a while.

  66. Hello Mary from gloomy old London. I wish we had some of your Kansas snow in place of this dank, dark fog! My essential work box items would be: a good sharp pointed pair of scissors because I do a lot of unpicking, my little blue box of gel (I forget what it’s called but it makes threads slide through the work) and as I am now at that age, a good pair of reading glasses to help me count squares on cross stitch charts.

  67. The first three items I think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox are: a hoop, needles and thread/floss.

  68. Well, this is boring…but absolutely essential items????

    1. The very best needles you can afford.

    2. The sharpest, and resharpen-able, thin scissors that can get very close.

    3. A comfortsble, well-fitting thimble.

    4. And….a hoop.

  69. 3 things I cannot stitch without – scissors, laying tool and needle threader (yes – trying to learn to do without that last one, but so far I am not able to)

  70. Oh so (or sew) many things come to mind but the 3 most essential items I would want to find in my toolbox are; a needle, sharp scissors and a hoop.

  71. Good morning,
    Scissors, thimble, needles and lots of love ❤️ and patience!

    Have a Merry Christmas!

    Ida H. Norred

  72. Let me see…..As I look into my sewing box, I don’t think I could do a stitch without the needles. And second, the cloth is also important. And last, I would need my scissor. Those are the big three….needles, fabric and scissors.
    Now, the beautiful cardinals that come to our feeders always give me a thrill. I read recently that they mate for life. (I like that!) And in the spring before the little ones arrive, we watch the male cardinal feed the female. It is so touching to see!
    Happy holidays, everyone. As a former teacher friend used to say, Happy HannaKwanzaMas!

  73. Oh, I just love Trish Burr’s pieces. Isn’t that the most handsome cardinal??

    The most important thing in my stitching box is my needle threader. My eyes are definitely NOT what they used to be and the needle threader saves me so much time and frustration. I mean, really, how many times can you fray the end of the thread, recut and start again? Many!!

    A really good pair of scissors – ones that have been hidden and ONLY used for threads.

    And lastly, my sewing eyeglasses. After many hours of trying to manage to watch tv and stitch wearing two pair of glasses (I do know how funny I looked) I had a long talk with my eye doctor. I now sport a sparkly new pair of special bifocals – 2/3 of the lens is my bifocal plus a magnifyer and the top 1/3 is my distance. I can’t tell you how much of a difference these have made.

  74. Work box essentials!

    1. Scissors or thread snips
    2. Pins and needles
    3. A decent assortment of threads.

  75. Hello Mary! I am going to add to your question “on a desert island”. . .I think most of us use the same essential tools in our needlework. So here goes, on a desert island, . . 1. a good needle; 2. fabric; and 3. some plants, feathers or fibers to use for stitching! Priscilla

  76. I think that are needed good guide and yours advices are essentials for all the novices. Fabrics and quality threads is needed and especially a lot of patience and passion.

  77. I have long wanted to attempt one of Trish Burr’s needle painting kits. What could be better than this gorgeous cardinal!

  78. Hi Mary,
    First would be really good needles, then a nice pair of embroidery scissors and last, for me anyway, would be a small pair of needle nose pliers. My list could go on and on, but I could start most projects with these three essentials. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

  79. I have a cardinal /snowflake tree that I put up every year from thanksgiving weekend til Spring. I need this piece in the room!!!!

    1. Whoops. The 3 things I absolutely need in my stitching area are my good pair of scissors, my laying tool, and the tray that I have beside me to hold all the fibers and other things I need

  80. 1. A collection of favorite needles. 2. A quality pair of sharp scissors. 3. A good magnification device.

  81. Absolutely love Trish Burr’s work and needlepainting one of her kits is high on my list of 2017 goals. She has amazing talent.
    Three things in a workbox?
    –Quality scissors
    –At least two laying tools (useful for much more than laying threads)
    –A quality lighted magnifier

  82. A good assortment of needles, of course, and scissors, but also my 6″ metal ruler with the sliding tab for repeated distances. But then because I sew through my painted canvases, a really good thimble is helpful!

  83. Oh Mary that cardinal is gorgeous!!! I collect cardinals so I’d love to try my hand at thread painting one. 🙂

    As for my 3 essentials: 1) sharp, pointy tipped scissors or snips, 2) Thread Heaven Conditioner, 3) My Grandma’s “Strawberry”

    My tree is up now and the house is decorated so almost ready for next weekend. I wish we only had 3 inches of snow lol

  84. The first item I have to have is a favorite needle appropriate to the project I’m working on. Next I have a needle threader I love. It’s about 1 3/4″ inches long and is metal. It doesn’t fall apart when it’s used. My final tool is a very sharp embroidery shears. It was a bit expensive but worth it. SC

  85. What three items do I think are absolutely necessary in my workbasket? I guess I would have to say a good pack of needles, a needle threader and a pair of sharp scissors.

  86. well there are so many I can think of but here are 3. needle, thread & fabric. I was going to put scissors but thought I would need the fabric more. Hugs & Merry Christmas, Nancy McCrillis

  87. Thanks for offering these giveaways! They are all so beautiful and a treat for my eyes and imagination. Three essentials for stitching…the very best pair of little scissors I can afford, the magnifying lenses that clip right onto my eyeglasses, and Thread Heaven. Also, I keep a bit of the solid hand conditioner so I have no snags. It’s so much worse in winter.

  88. Hmmm… what three items would be essential? For me,
    1. A really good pair of sharp scissors, especially sharp on the tips for those times when I need to take out stitches I’ve messed up “sigh…”
    2. A good collection of needles in a needlebook. I’ve yet to make myself a nice little needlebook, so mine are currently in tiny wooden tubes that I must dump out each time I want to find a new needle or a different size.
    3. A good magnifying glass that is hands-free. This, unfortunately, I find is becoming more of a necessity as I get older … another sigh… I’m hoping to one day afford a really good lighted version, but have settled for a more economical one in the meantime.

  89. Del Rae Gillett.

    My work box essentials are:
    1. Great needles in various sizes
    2. A sharp pair of scissors
    3. A variety of different sizes and colors of thread
    4. A good reference for the many beautiful stitches to create with

  90. Three things I have to have when stitching are good scissors,great magnifying glasses and high quality threads. I want my projects to look really great when I’m finished. This is my therapy but they usually end up as gifts and I want the recipient to be pleased with the finished project.

  91. In answer to the question: What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?

    I think it should be: the love for embroidery, the thirsty for further knowledge and the goodwill to share it (so then embrodery won’t die) !

    You can have scissor, needles, thread, but if the right elements above are not there, all you have is a box with stitchers stuff.

    Happy Christmas !

  92. Three essential things for me are needles, a hoop, and LOTS of thread so I have extra to distract my naughty cat Pablo from my good threads 🙂

  93. My three essential items would be good quality needles, hoops and scissors. It is so hard to pick because there are other items I would include. But I have to have the basics! What a beautiful giveaway from Trish Burr!

  94. The three essentials in a toolbox for me are some good scissors, some extra needles, and a good hoop! Living in Colorado with our dry air, wooden hoops have a tendency to warp so I make sure to have a plastic hoop on hand if my wooden one decides to give up suddenly.

  95. Scissors, Needle and Thread. I could find leaves to stitch together for fabric. Wouldn’t that be fun!

  96. Ok, Goddess Fortuna, please throw some fairy dust my way and let me win a Trish Burr kit. Especially a cardinal which is a family favorite. This question is hard to limit to just 3 items but here goes. 1) a really good pair of scissors that cut well, have comfortable finger holds and maintain sharpness. Aspire to Dovo but right now Karen Kaye Buckley see my favorite. 2) Needle threaders in all sizes. 3) quality needles of all sizes and kinds for decorative stitching. 4) wi-fi search tool for stitch tutorials

    Thanks for the Stitches Christmas. Merry Merry to all

    Mary K in Metairie

  97. 3 essential things in my workbox are:
    good quality embroidery scissors
    a good magnifier with a light
    good quality embroidery threads

  98. My glasses for close up, scissors or snips, and a range of needle sizes are just the essentials. But how can you sew without thread?

  99. Thank you for the give away! The three things are, a good pair of scissors, needle threader, and magnifier!

  100. I love that cardinal.

    Three things that are essential in my workbox. #1 my magnifying glasses (I wear bifocals and my opthamologist has said just go ahead and use a pair of reading glasses over them). #2 – my needles – can’t stitch without them. #3 – my scissors – I have a number of pair of scissors that I love, but I keep going back to the same pair for everyday stitching (a pair that my husband found in a woodworkers catalog many years ago). You only asked for 3, but #4 – my tape measure.

  101. Thanks for the give away! Only 3 things? Okay – great scissors, magnifiers and needles. Can’t do without them!

  102. I always have to have three essentials at all times – a sharp pair of scissors with a fob attached so I can find them quickly, a tape measure, and a pincushion so I have a quick place to park needles.

  103. Three essentials for a stitcher’s workbox are a brilliant pair of embroidery scissors, a thimble and a good creative spirit!!!

  104. Snippets, or a really good embroidery scissors are a must in a stitchesrs box. That is the one must I always have borrow when I forget mine. Now I need two more things I guess. Thimble is always a help . And of course I need the patttern and some thread. A selection of needles always helps too.
    Hope I win this one Mary.

  105. My favorite scissors of course. Also, my A to Z Embroidery Stitches book for inspiration to leave the path of the kit directions. And my Altoid tin holding two chocolates for my coffee break stitch time.

  106. Well, I promise I wouldn’t be bored if you do decide to share your answers , Mary! 🙂 Sooo … onto today’s question: I’m assuming needles are a given 🙂 so my top three essential items are good sharp scissors (I’m rather enjoying using my curved blade scissors just now), needle magnets to collect all my stray needles in one place, and my Oggle Goggle light/magnifier. With those three items I’m good to go! 🙂

  107. A pen or pencil to mark off where you are on instructions is a must. A pin to count off “squares” if you are doing a counted cross-stitch. A magnifying glass so you can actually see what you are doing.

  108. 3 essential for a work box . . . . Needles, yarn, and scissors. I can think of many more that I have in my box. Such as a hoop, patterns, and more.

    Deborah Jennings from Texas

  109. Three things that are essential in a stitcher’s workbox are scissors, laying tool, and a needle threader. Anything beyond these three things would depend on what type of project on which I am working (e.g. canvas, needle painting, blackwork, etc). I generally organize my work box when I begin stitching a new project that is specific to that one. The three things listed are always in my box. ~Jackie

  110. The three things I would always want in my needlework box are my needle book with all the needles on their proper pages so I can find the right one quickly, a pair of thread snips, and the seam ripper-stiletto tool my woodworking husband made for me that can be used as a laying tool or for any dreaded ripping out.

  111. 1. Needle, 2. Thread, 3. Scissors
    Alternate “work-box”: 1. Wine or coffee, 2. Chocolate, 3. Cash

  112. Oh, Good question. Needle box with needles of course. Scissors goes without saying. Baggies to organize my threads would probably be the next since I am not counting the threads, the material being embroidered or the hoop or frame itself.

  113. The three things I feel are essential are embroidery scissors. These help you get down to the knot so you don’t have tails that are too long. I also need a hoop. I have tried without one, and it is extremely clumsy and burdensome, I also like to have my threads separated. I have a butterfly with numbered holes to sort my thread. I also have one that is like a painter’s palette for my wool threads and yarns. I can embroider without these, but it is tedious.

  114. Thank you for all the items you have been giving away. I have enjoyed your questions, they have made me realize why I enjoy stitching. The essentials in my work box are a good scissors, needle threaded and needle assortment. I have several more items that I enjoy having in my box that make stitching a lot more fun.

  115. The three items I think of is Needle Thread and Scissors but also I wouldn’t do without my laying tool that is essential to me.. This is a very interesting question because there are many things that are essential in a stitchers box
    Happy Holidays and Thanks for the chance of Trishs Cardinal kit. I have three of her kits to do sitting in my
    stash drawer. They are wonderful kits I love her kits.

  116. Number one would be the correct needle. After all, how could you stitch otherwise. The second one is a pair of very sharp scissors and the third item I use a lot is a pair of tweezers ( that is to take the long cat hairs off my work)


  117. I’ve got this one. Scissors, hoop and additional light. Oh wait maybe add magnifier. Thanks for these opportunities from you and now Trish Burr

  118. Another hard question,I would say a needle book with spare sharp needles, a good pair of scissors and a little stitch guide book.

  119. The first thing I think it would probably be would be desire. I know for myself whatever I choose to make it has to speak to me in someway. Maybe through color or perhaps some other means that says make me. The second at least for me would be regardless of experience is a feeling that you can learn from it somehow. I know myself I have made a number of things over the years that I wasn’t totally happy with but I know I also have the opportunity to either expect it as it is or maybe come up with another creative way to improve it. Lastly, I think for myself is not to be to hard on myself, at times I can be my own worst enemy. Dale

  120. I love storage of all kinds rather obsessed in fact. So I have several beautiful workboxes and have to restrain when I see more beautiful ones for sale. I only have so much space. I also love hearing about tools and what they can do. Three essential items (hmm setting such a limit is a tough one) has to include a pair of good sharp scissors and a mellor 0r laying tool if the person is a surface embroiderer like me. Not sure if this counts as one item but good sewing needles. Happy Christmas everyone.

  121. What’s essential in my work “box”? Well, I make a lot of mistakes, so I’d say a scissors, a seam ripper, and a tweezer!

  122. In my stitching box, the three essentials are scissors, stitch ripper and needles. Unfortunately I need the stitch ripper too often. Thank you for teaching me so many new things and I love your questions because I love reading the answers.

  123. I think the 3 essentials have changed as I’ve aged- 1. threads of course, 2. flexible thimble (never used to need one) and 3. small needle-nosed pliers to pull the needle through heavy stuff (also didn’t used to need this).

  124. Mary, this is a hard question. I can think of more than three things I would like to have in my work box. First is a magnifier, good lighting, and the correct needles. Then I would have to have a good hoop, plenty of time and lots of inspiration. I live on a little farm in Texas and made my sun room into my sewing room. Perfect. I tend to lose track of time. I have beautiful cardinals and other winter birds in the backyard so this would be the perfect stitching project. May you have a blessed Christmas.

  125. Three things in my work box would be a good scissor, good appropriate needles and maybe a thimble

  126. I was so lucky to take a class with Trish a year ago in London.
    My three essential items in my workbox would be, a needle, a needle threader because otherwise I wouldn’t be able to see the eye of the needle to thread it and scissors.

  127. Hoops, scissors, thread, magnifying eyeglasses. Can’t wait to hear your own list Mary on all these questions.

  128. Tough question: What are three essentials in my stitcher workbox??
    #1: very good sharp scissors. Thanks to Mary, I now have a wonderful tiny pair or scissors.
    #2: a tiny rubber gripper for when my needle get stuck and is hard to pull. Sometimes, I have stitched on thick fabrics (not doing embroidery per se at some of these times), so I need a little gripper to help me pull through.
    #3: GOOD GLASSES. I have trouble with my close vision, so now I have an amazing glasses by Craft Optics. I can’t stitch without them. Period.

  129. The 3 essential tools in my stitch kit are my finger pin cushion, my thread remover, and my scissors.

  130. The 3 important items I feel are important in my embroidery drawer are chenille needles, embroidery scissors and my strong bifocals.

  131. Three essentials for a stitcher’s workbox – mine are my magnifiers, Ott light, and quality assortment of scroll and square frames. One I have those three things I feel I am off to a great beginning for any project. Guess I am saying if I can’t see what I am doing it isn’t going to work out too well! Thanks for these giveaways. Always learn something while reading the comments.

  132. The three essential things in a work-box are simple things, really good needles, really good scissors, and a nice laying tool. I like gold needles because I can see them better, Gingher scissors because they are good and not astronomically expensive, and Shea Pendray’s Best Laying Tool as it doubles as an awl. I have two additional items that are helpful to me, tweezers for errant threads and doubling as a needle puller (arthritic hands) and needle threaders (older eyes.) I would LOVE to learn more about needle painting by doing. Thank you for the opportunity.

  133. My stitching basket must haves: a great pair of scissors, a laying tool, and a wide selection of good needles. Somehow a small bag of lemon drops always manages to find its way in there too.

  134. Hoop, scissors and needles are my essentials. But there are so many more things to add to this list. Also, I should add you need a great project to work on to inspire you! The Trish Burr embroidery certainly fits the bill!

  135. The three essential things I need in my stitcher’s box are: (1) a good, sharp pair of small scissors; (2) extra size 10 straw needles because I like long needles for stitching; and (3) a good needle threader. It’s hard to narrow the list to just three items. 🙂

  136. The three things that I find essential in my “workbox” are a good, very sharp, pair of scissors. Good quality needles too, not cheap ones and a block of bees wax that I run my thread through to keep it tangle free.

  137. Ah, workboxes – love ’em! Mine need needles, scissors, and a pair of 3.5 or 4 magnifier glasses. They are such fun to set up! I’m currently working on the “Home Sweet Home” workbox, which you highlighted in one of your newsletters.

  138. Hi Mary

    Oh without doubt the most essential is a good sharp pair of embroidery scissors.
    Second and a bit of a cheat here – a needlebook with an assortment of needle types and sizes.
    And for us stitchers of more advanced years – reading glasses – I have only recently given in and can’t believe the difference they have made!

  139. Well there are certainly more than 3 items that come to mind immediately, but the first three I thought of were 1) good lighting ( if you don’t have natural light, you sure better have some kind of good light) 2) appropriate needles for the project you are working on 3) good scissors! I could go on, but with all I have yet to do to get ready for Christmas I will leave it at that. And the Trish Burr project…..oh my…..it is stunning. I so hope I win it, but if not, I will definitely have to buy it. It is gorgeous and birds are MY thing!!!!!

  140. Three essentials for my stitching tool box are beautiful scissors, good comfortable needles, a beautiful laying tool, quality hoops in various sizes, various fabrics ready for that spur of the moment just have to start a new something…..oh dear did you just say three?☺

  141. Oh Boy, Mary … ONLY three ?!! Well, certainly, scissors. But it’s hard to narrow it down to only two more. I think a needle threader should probably be one of the three. My third choice would definitely be my clip-on magnifiers for my glasses. Actually, that should probably be my #1 choice.

    Thanks for this great chance to win, Mary. Happy Holidays!


  142. I think I can only say the same as the rest: most important are a good pair of scissors and the needles. And a magnet, of course! I am always hunting for my needles, and a magnet helps a lot in the quest for The Lost Needle!

  143. I think a stitching work box would make nckude a wonder pair of ginger or dovo small embroidery scissors, a nice needle threader and a nice pair of readers to see up close.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful newsletter and website. I have learned so much.

  144. Ok – a given is thread and fabric, so I’ll pick up from there. My essentials are a really good pair of little scissors (Dovo makes my favorite), a laying tool (in a beautiful, hand-turned wood), and for me – a good lighted magnifying glass/lens.

  145. I traveled to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and of course took a stitching project with me. While there, the house and all contents was lost to a raging fire. All 8 people and 4 animals escaped. The first 3 things I replaced were: my travel light, telescoping magnet, and my needle book. These are fundamental to every stitching session. Several of my gifted pieces of needleart burned, including one of Trish Burr’s miniatures “Jack and Jill “.

  146. Oh how I would love this, how did you know this is on my Christmas wish list and every other holiday wish list. I have been thinking of ordering one of her patterns, what a treat to win one! Making me think, no “workbox” for me, “goodiebox” more like it, similar to a box of chocolates! Not as fattening, but certainly expensive! Of course a needle threader, I do love my needle minders and counting pins
    Thanks again, again & again
    Mary Kay from Montana

  147. I would say the three most important things for a work box for me would be a good pair of scissors, assortment of needles and some magnifier.

  148. A little needle threader I have, no the normal ones, it’s a peice of metal with a small hook on one side and a bigger hook on the otherside. Fits pretty much every needle I have. I keep it loaded in a peg so it doesn’t get lost!

    My nicely bound hoop is another must have. Compared to my other hoops I haven’t bound yet… It’s magic!

    Them I’m torn between the thread conditioner… or pegs! Definitely the pegs, I have this little bag of little bag pegs. Bit of fabric hanging, peg it they are tiny but so strong!! They are better than pins! Plus I don’t stab myself with pegs!

    Its weird to sing the praises of little tiny pegs for an embroidery project but I use them every time.

  149. It would have to be good needles, thread, and fabric. I’ve found things don’t go well when you skip on equipment and supplies.

  150. For my workbox to be complete I need a thimble, one of those strawberry thingies that sharpen needles and a card with holes punched around the edge to hold various colors of yarn.

  151. Wow, if I don’t win I think I’ll buy this kit on my own–my husband’s grandma just loves cardinals and I think I’ll make this for her.
    My three must-haves–I’m a pretty bare-bones stitcher, so I suppose my must-haves would be my scissors (one pair of good embroidery scissors and another more study, but still petite pair for cutting fabric), a good array of needles, and my pin cushion so I don’t lose a needle or pin (it’s so embarrassing to have to explain to my husband that I’m on the floor looking for a sharp object that may be about to stab someone).

  152. I was just making a mental note about this very question! Let me tell you: Last Saturday I flew up to San Francisco from LA, just for the day, to take a class at the new San Francisco School of Needlework and Design. I had a lovely day and was ready to return home on the 6:35 pm flight. I got to the airport at around 5:00 pm with plenty of time to spare… except that to my surprise, due to bad weather back east, all planes were arriving late so my flight was delayed by 6 HOURS! I had finished my stitching project at so I had nothing to keep me busy for 6 hours. I hadn’t planned to wait so I did not bring any extra stitching project with me. So, I was making a list for my next trip just in case. To answer your question: the three essential items need to be a small pair of -blunt end- scissors, threaded needles with various colors and a small hoop with a read-to-stitch fabric. That’s what I’ll always have ready to go on my next trip! Happy Holidays and I love your blog!! Thank you. Rosio Torres

  153. Thimble – my favorite TJ Lane; very sharp, very pointed scissors; selection of needles; and can I add a 4th essential?- dark chocolate (carefully wrapped in foil of course!)

  154. Actually I have baskets not boxes. First is a good pair of scissors. Second is good quality needles in a pincushion. The third is beside my basket & that is a good magnifying light. Have to have those things together before I gather the fabric, threads, & pattern.

  155. My three essentials would be a really good pair of scissors, a needle threader of some sort, and a needle book filled with every size and type I can think of. I can embroider with or without a hoop (a hoop is preferred, of course!). I can embroider with or without a laying tool (although they sure are nice to have!). But I can’t embroider successfully without my ‘essentials.’

  156. Oh this one is easy! Very good small SHARP embroidery scissors, excellent needles without a burr in sight and my trusty silver thimble. I also have to have one more thing and that is my strawberry emery. I have a lot of acid in my system which used to eat needles up. I found if I ran them through an emery every time I re-threaded my needle my needle would last quite awhile longer. Thank you and Trish for the chance to win.

  157. Hi, the essential are a good needle, a pairs of scissors and my special glasses for stitching. With those three, I could stitch in a good seat. I carry that at doctors appointment, in plane…… I have a little traveller kit.

    Thank you,


  158. I have so many work boxes. I usually make one up for each project. I have an assortment of needles, a needle minder, scissors, my threads, a small bag or container for orts,

    I love Trish Burr. Would love to win

  159. Hi Mary
    Most needed items are scissors, different size needles, and hoop. Then magnifier glasses and a needle threaded.

  160. Three thing I find essential: sharp scissors, an assortment of good needles and (at this point in my life) an excellent magnifier light.

  161. My original idea was pretty much the same as others. But then I decided to take a different tack. My three are patience, creativity and curiosity. These characteristics always serve me well.

  162. Obviously a stitcher would need fabric, needle, and thread as the first three essentials. Since I don’t keep fabric in my sewing kit, I would substitute a scissors for it.

    If you wanted to take a different tack on this, the first of the three essentials would be patience as needlework takes much time and progresses slowly. Second I would add creativity to my kit since it is a necessity when deciding what to include in your piece and how to go about including it. The third essential would be love as anything that is beautiful needs love as part of its soul.

  163. Hello Mary! I can think of more than three that I need to have but the MOST important three would be scissors, good lighting, and needles. Thank you for the give-aways. This if fun! I already ordered two calendars-one as a gift for my stitching buddy and one for me. 😉

  164. Hard to limit it to three things I would need, but couldn’t be without a good pair of scissors, needles (I like size 28, petite…but use all sizes and kinds) and some sort of magnification.
    I would love to win this wonderful prize. I love Trish’s designs! This is something I have wanted to learn to do for a long time. And, so perfect, a cardinal! My favorite bird.
    Thanks for a wonderful prize and for the generosity of you and Trish for this give away.
    Judy Starkey
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Here in cold, cold, cold Kansas!!!

  165. The three essentials I have in my work box is
    1: good needles, I have some that are 30 years old from England and they beat new needles ten ways to Sunday.
    2: A good pair of scissors
    3: A needle threader
    Not really essential but nice to have is lots of beautiful threads to play with

  166. Since it’s a stitcher’s workbox, I would have to say Needles, Thread and Fabric, but stitchers don’t have to tell that to other stitchers. So if I were teaching someone, then I would tell them to always have 1) lots of stitching pins and a pin cushion, 2) fabric glue (I use this to make sure the knots on the back remain intact) and 3) water soluble pen / marker.

  167. Oh yummy! That Cardinal just has to live at my house! I have done thread painting by machine but never by hand, although I have admired Trish Burr’s work for years. As most of my stitching is hand applique, my 3 items would be my needle book containing a great assortment of needles, my Karen Kay Buckley serrated scissors, and, because I stitch with size 11 or 12 needles most of the time, my Clover needle threader. ( Yes, I would like to hear your answers too). Cheers!

  168. ESSENTIAL WORKBOX: Embroidery needles, embroidery threads, embroidery scissors! Thank you, Susan

  169. Essential in my stitching work box aside from the usual items of needle,scissors and thread are joy and gratitude and curiosity. The tools which keep me exploring creativity.

  170. I just LOVE needle painting. I’ve started a few weeks ago to explore the technique. When I saw this cardinal some time ago, I felt in love, but was not able to buy the kit (nor the pattern). I would be so grateful to win it!!!

    Regarding the question, the three things I can’t do without, beside threads, fabric and needles, are my fine Ginger scissors, my biscornu pincushion and my emery strawberry needle minder. I would say also my needlework journal that contains all my notes for my knitting, my sewing and, of course, my embroidery.

  171. A thimble, sharp scissors and an assortment of needles, those are the three most essential items in my workbox. I personally have the needle sorting and storage book by the Valley Quail Chapter, EGA, in Rio Vista, California. It’s called the Needle Index. I like to use a soft plastic thimble. I’ve tried many over the years but my favorite is the soft grey one, I think they are by clover.

  172. I had to look into my box to see what I had in there!
    Beyond the basics of scissors, hoops, needles…..
    1. stiletto for helping lay stitches, getting out knots and bumps and making holes for eyelets. 2. thimble- for pushing and pulling, sometimes those needles just won’t do what you ask them to! 3. wax – for smoothing that wayward thread.

    Barabal D.

  173. The three things essential for me are a variety of good needles, a set of needle grippers because sometimes with certain stitches I need the extra help pulling the needle through, and for the third a variety of hoops and frames.

  174. Scissors, the prettier the better, threads, lots of them and needles, all kinds and sizes. I find that it also helps to keep all of the things for one project in its own container so that I can pick up and go knowing all I need is in there. I therefore find that I own duplicates, triplicates and quadruplets of everything. Just yesterday as I was searching for a lost quilt top I need to finish, I found a box of threads, 3 scissors and more silk ribbon. Just imagine my joy as I opened each box and saw the treasures within. Thanks for your wonderful posts.

  175. Wow that’s a tough one. I think it would have to say first are really good needles. Since I have started to sew, either on a machine or by hand, I have come to appreciate really good needles. Secondly, I would say really good thread, if you have good needles, good thread is a no brainer right? Third, ummmm, I would say depending on what I am doing, properly lighting or having a fun nook or place to have good lighting. My husband bought me a Stella light last year for my birthday and it sits on the table next to my chair where I hand stitch. I love it. Congratulations Debbie!

  176. Well, scissors of course, a stylus (or whatever it’s called) for laying threads flat, and probably a little ripper because I make plenty of mistakes.

  177. For me the essential tools are needle, scissors and a good strong lamp. I don’t always use a hoop, and everything else I could live without if I had to… I think…

  178. Love this question cause the three things in my sewing box r and ur gonna laugh but they are my glasses band-aids and my headphones.
    To me all of these are a MUST. Without any one of these I can’t sew! Sure I could make the attempt but I would be a punctured blind crazy person.
    Hope ya got a chuckle out of THAT mental picture.
    Melanie Mills

  179. The three essential things a stitcher needs to have are needles, threads and fabric. These don’t have to be expensive when funds are short or just starting out. But, when the bug has a good hold of you, you will want to start upping your game so you will invest in better quality essentials.

  180. The three things I think are essential in my workbox are: Scissors, floss, and an embroidery book with stitch directions. If I get stuck learning a stitch the first place I go is to Mary’s website and play a how to video. That is the truth.

  181. Hi Mary

    I would need
    A roll of scotch tape to remove fuzzies after an undo session

    A tiny pair of scissors
    A needle minder

  182. The three things that are essentials in my work box are very sharp ,quality scissors, high quality needles and magnifiers. I love crewel,needle painting and crazy quilting.

  183. Hi Mary. First, I, too, am looking forward to your answers to your questions. Second, thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely prize.

    What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox? Well, in my workbox,(yes, I have one on my table. It’s a box I stained myself topped with a Round Robin piece that went from Canada, to the USA and to England) scissors are the most essential item for me. Second, is my needle threader. I would be lost with out it, lol. And third, is my magnetic needle minder which holds said needle threader right where it’s handy. Those are the three things I use the most while stitching and consider essential.

    Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway. I have been eying up this kit since it came out. Even if I don’t win, I think I’ll gift it to myself after Christmas 😉

  184. This is a really hard one to answer; I’m still figuring out what all I need. The items I grab most often are a headlamp I use to light my project, my scissors in a bag that also holds orts, and my assortment of threads that’s in baggies (thanks for the hint) and hung on a ring. And, of course, the hoop and project with the needle that tries to hide when I’m not actively working on the project.

    I’d like to see your answers to the questions as well.

  185. Thanks so much for this series of really great giveaways! The cardinal kit is beautiful 🙂 The three items I think are essential to any stitchy workbox are: 1. Interesting threads in a variety of colours, sizes and textures you love, 2. A good stitch dictionary to inspire you and help you learn new stitches and 3. A collection of interesting embellishments – beads, sequins, ribbons, charms – to add some extra sparkle and shine to your projects 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  186. Well the absolute essentials would be scissors, needles and chocolate-the absolute best of all! I am assuming my thread would be in a totally separate container. If not, I guess the chocolate would have to go.

    The thread painting is gorgeous!

  187. When thinking of what to put in a sewing box, it’s difficult to get past my first thought, nice scissors. I think I have three in my current box. Then I like a needle case. Mine has a clear lid with a magnet to hold the needles in place. For a third item, depending on what type the project is, either a good needle threader or a sturdy hoop.

  188. I have to admit I mostly lurk and read everything that you write. I would love to embroider this cardinal even though here in our area of Canada we don’t get these birds! I know that if I did one……then that would lead to more!
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, and for being so generous!

  189. Love these beautiful birds male and female. I really like to watch them fly around, they have such grace.

  190. In my workbox should be a needle, scissors and a glas of red wine 😉 And if I’m lucky – also this beautiful kit.

  191. Hi Mary! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the holiday season. The three things I feel are most important in my workbox would be 1) a needle index with all of the spaces filled, 2) 2 pair of scissors, 1 embroidery and the other straight and 3) a wonderful laying tool that fits in your hands and makes stitches beautiful. I’m sure I haven’t thought of everything, but these would be what I would use most in my kit. Have wonderful holidays!

  192. The three items I find necessary when stitching are: scissors, extra needles, and a needle threader. The other two that I really like to use are a magnifier and a light over my needlework.

  193. It’s interesting to see how differently people answer this when we all have embroidery in common! My top three would be a sharp pair of scissors, the right sized hoop, and good old fashioned determination!

  194. Mary, how do you pick just three items? When I think of what I use most often as I am stitching my three most used items are high quality needles, a good pair of sharp pointed scissors and high quality threads.

  195. Three essential items: sharp scissors, an assortment of good quality needles, and a pair of magnifying glasses.

  196. The three things I have in my stitching work box that are invaluable to me are a good pair of scissors, my thread organizer and a small Ott lamp as I often bring my stitching to a needlework group.

  197. Thanks for the give away. I had a hard time narrowing it down to just 3, but here we go… Hoop, magnifier, and good scissors.

  198. My three essentials are good scissors, light/magnifier and a good frame. I must just add that I absolutely love Trish Burr’s work.

  199. JUst three? Needles, good small scissors and hoops. There are many more I think are essential.

  200. This question was an easy one for me, Mary! When I stitch, I think and I think and I think about family and friends. I sometimes pray for those who need my prayers. It is quiet, contemplative time for me. It is also time that I set goals for myself — mostly organizational ones — which I usually don’t meet, but, then, I can always set them and try again!

  201. You have such wonderful giveaways! Thank you for them! As for my “workbox,” I would say the basics such as needle, thread and scissors. After that, I’d say I could use a needle threader for the bead needle especially, and … well, a cat on my lap! If she’d stay! One of our four would, the rest probably not. And the cat wouldn’t fit in a workbox. But oh well, that’s my response! Thanks!

  202. That Trish Burr design is amazing and so beautiful!

    Three necessary items for my work box.
    1. Some very sharp embroidery scissors
    2. A good quality needle threader for all size of needles
    3. A packet of different sized needles

    Then from there I need:
    4. Lots and lots of needlework threads in all sorts of colors and sizes
    5. My list of DMC floss that I own
    6. A small ruler with inches and metric to check on sizes of designs
    7. A variety of sizes of hoops
    8. A variety of kinds, sizes, colors of fabric to stitch on
    9. Magazines/books that I have flagged with Post-it (R) notes so I know which designs I want to work with
    10. So I also need Post-it(R) notes which I also use to flag quilts that will inspire me or that have designs I could make for my Project Linus quilts.
    11. My reference books of stitches as well as my laptop close by so I can look up your website for instructions on making different stitches.

  203. I would definitely have to say: 1. Good lighting . I use a Daylight that has a magnifier attached.
    2. Laying tool. I couldn’t live without my trolley needle!
    3. High quality embroidery scissors
    I could come up with several more items….like having canvas mounted drum tight on stretcher bars, or fabric held tightly in a hoop, thread heaven, and threads neatly organized.

  204. Being a very practical person, I have scratched out the idea of having a couple of delicious chocolates and instead, would suggest a variety of good needles, lovely small sharp scissors, and a must have needle threader!
    Kathleen Peel St Petersburg, FL

  205. The three essentials for a stitchers workbox, would of course, be needles, scissors and floss or yarn. next would be a hoop or frame, needle threader and pliers and screwdriver. The list grows longer the more you get into stitching.
    Thanks for the chance for the give away and a Happy Hjolidays to you.

  206. Thanks for the give away. Three things I would have in my work box are scissors, Japanese needles and a good set of slate frames.

  207. Hi Mary, the three things that I think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s work box would be a needle threader, a magnifying glass and a tiny pair of very pointed scissors.
    In Christ,
    Gail Jones

  208. For my workbox, good needles, good scissors and some clip on magnifiers. The latter being for when I’m far away from my big lighted magnifier which wouldn’t fit in a workbox, no matter how big.

    Since I didn’t enter the previous give-away, I’ll add what project I’m working on now because it’s the little sheep on a hill from “Lavender Honey.” I mention it here because when I bought the e-book I figured it was mostly just to support Mary and this site (pretty much what happened last year with the Stitch Sampler Alphabet-I’m glad I picked it up, but haven’t really done anything specific with it.) Well, apparently faced with specific, cute little projects, I can get right into them. Hooray.

  209. In my accessory cups I am always reaching for the tweezers, a seam ripper for when I have to “unstitch”, and a laying tool. I have a little studio with a counter top that is setup for doing handwork, so all my other little do-dads are in close proximity. guess I should also have a portable accessory kit for take and go projects as next year as I plan to join a local embroidery guild. Love, love, love Trish Burr. Thank you and enjoy the snow.

  210. Three essential items:
    1. Sharp scissors
    2. Sharp needles
    3. All the threads your work box can hold!

  211. Three must have items for me – sharp scissors, extra needles and a small, clip on, battery-operated light so I can work anywhere.

  212. Hmmmmm, my three essential tools are a great pair of scissors, appropriate needles and a timer to remind me to fix dinner for the family.

  213. What 3 things that are essential in my work box?? Can’t do it in three! 1. magnification, can’t see close up without it. 2. scissors 3. needles also (in random order!!) needle threader, pin cusion or place to park needles, chart holder, good lighting, hoop or q-snaps, fine seam ripper, telescoping magnet wand, comfortable seating,chart holder, box to keep the implements in, easily accessable table to put chart holder, etc on… snicker!! See what I mean? And I am probably forgetting something along the way!! And the threadpainting cardinal is ADORABLE!! Thanks for the chance! Linda in NC

  214. What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?

    1. Good scissors.

    2. Good needles

    3. Hoops in a few different sizes.

  215. Hi Mary!

    I’m loving the questions and the lovely “Stitchers Christmas Give-Away” items! This cheeky Cardinal really does want to come to my house! 😉

    The three items that I find are absolutely essential in my workbox/bag are a fine pair of embroidery scissors (I have LOTS of these to choose from!) with some sort of scissor fob to help keep them from ‘hiding’ in the chair or couch cushions; a needlebook with a wide selection of kinds and sizes of needles, so I have plenty of choices at hand while working; and my stitching chatelaine, which has an assortment of tools attached and is the perfect way to “cheat” and have many small items close at hand! It has a needle threader, a ring to hang thread or a pair of magnifying glasses from, a bodkin, my favorite laying tool which I can use while attached to the chatelaine or with a beaded loop that goes on my finger so that I can use the tool and then flip it to the back of my hand, out of the way until I need it again – not having to pick it up and put it down repeatedly sure saves time! I also have Uncle Bill’s tweezers on there, and one of the Clover thread cutters, plus a big lobster claw type clasp that my scissors can go on. All of the smalls attach with loops and lobster claw clasps and most can be used while attached to the chatelaine. I clink and clatter some, while wearing this around my neck, but it saves SO much time not having to search for the small tools! An added bonus is that if I wear it while teaching a class I always have my tools at hand while I walk around the classroom and also don’t have to worry about misplacing/loosing any of them during the course of the teaching day!

  216. I know in my workbox I would have a magnifying glass(hand held), scissors and threads of various colors. A hoop is also necessary.

    I have a thing for red cardinals and would love this kit.

  217. I absolutely love this kit. Cardinals always add a bright spot to the landscape, especially against all the snow! My essentials would be a good pair of scissors, extra needles, and I keep a small 6″ plastic ruler that also measures from the center out to make sure things are perfectly centered.

  218. My “workbox” is “stitching station” that I have squeezed next to the sofa in my sewing/guest room. Hanging on the Ott magnifying light nearby is my chatelaine which holds my 3 essentials: 1) sharp embroidery scissors; 2) threaded needles for the current project; and, 3) seam/stitch ripper. I found my chatelaine at a Christmas needlework sale at a local church. The woman who made it put in many nooks for other items. I take it with my projects worked on the go.

  219. Thank you for the giveaway. Threads, needles and fabrics! Followed closely by a good embroidery scissors!

  220. The three things that are essential for me even though the first one would not fit in a ‘workbox’ it would be a really good light. I can’t do anything without one. In case that’s not truly a workbox item I will add three more instead of two: good scissors, needles and a needle book to help keep me organized.

  221. My three essentials are a water-soluble pen for marking designs, a laying tool and my yazzi craft bag as it really keeps everything organised.
    Would love to win as I really enjoy her designs and it is one of my new year’s resolutions to master silk shading!

  222. My three must haves (well it’s four actually, two are related, kind of, lol).

    A container for my needles. A pincushion for my in-work needles (sometimes I have different sizes in use) and pins.

    Scissors! Have three pair right now – my Dovo Hardanger scissor & tweezers set, regular embroidery scissor and a small, very sharp yarn/thread/fabric scissor.

    Needle Threader! Have three of them close at hand.

    Nancy White

  223. Good scissors, exciting thread, (am I the only one who caresses thread lovingly?) and my favorite embroidery hoops. Sound simple? That’s what I love about embroidery. When I am working on a project that isn’t so portable, I have a portable one for on the go as well. And that one usually only requires what I have listed above.

  224. Hi Mary,
    I’ve never answered your questions so this is a first for me! Three must-haves for a stitcher’s workbox include needles, scissors, floss. Of course there are many others. A new favorite is a laying tool. I’d never used one before until I read your article. I immediately ordered one from etsy.com and started using it on an embroidery project that requires wool thread. The laying tool does wonders for satin stitch! Thank you!

  225. Three essentials in my stitchers workbox are a good pair of scissors,a selection of needles and a good hoop.

  226. The three things I would have to have are a pair of cotton candy scissors, a needle threaded and a thread hider!

  227. Hi Mary, I believe the three most important things in my box are 1. Sharp scissors 2, reading glasses 3. Needle threaded. Thank you for having these give always! Sue Montano

  228. Three essential things:
    1. scissors
    2. cheaters (readers)
    3. needle threader or de-tailer or some kind of gadget to catch those short pieces when you have just one more stitch and a short bit of floss – to finish off the hanging tail on the back.

  229. I love Tricia Burr’s birds, but haven’t dared tackle one yet! The three things I couldn’t do without in my work box would be the best embroidery scissors I could find, my melody for laying threads and for goldwork and finally a needle book of ew sharp needles of various types and sizes. I think with hose three things I might even be tempted to try a needle painted bird!

  230. What three things…. THREE?!?! How on earth does one choose JUST three?

    I think if I had to limit it to three, that could only leave needles, scissors, and for me, a needle threader! Lol These old eyes aren’t what they used to be!

    We’ll just make note that hoops, frames, fabrics, threads, etc., are all stored in drawers beside me! Lol

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Warm Regards,

    Catrina Byrge

  231. My sewing box would need to have a very good light, sharp scissors and good needles. But it does contain many more items.

    I love this cardinal kit. This spring was the first time I actually saw a cardinal, and I was delighted to have it sing for me every morning while I was in Toronto for the Embroiderers’ Association of Canada’s annual seminar! I have started needlepainting but definitely could use some help to improve my technique.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and if you need extra snow, just come to Manitoba!

  232. Hi Mary. I’m a huge fan of Trish Burr’s designs and have completed several that gave me tremendous pleasure to stitch and enjoy when finished.
    My three essentials in my workbox are first and foremost my Henckels scizzors from Germany which I bought when I really couldn’t afford them many years ago. They have served me well and are indispensable. My second choice would be a small heart shaped, padded box that holds an assortment of needles, a needlethreader and my thimble. The third choice would have to be the luxury of gorgeous material! While I’m addicted to beautiful thread, the look and feel of linens, satins and silks and the joy of watching my creation come to life on these materials is a never ending pleasure that I continue to feel when picking up my needle every day.
    Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  233. Since I am an avid counted thread enthusiast working only on linen fabric, the top three items in my stitching basket are small sharp scissors, the hoop to hold my project and size 26 gold needles. Also cannot get along without a small magnifying glass.

  234. The three things that are essential in my workbasket are:
    1) Needles
    2) Scissors

    Thanks for the giveaways.

  235. I think scissors, needle threader and needles are the most important thing to have at hand while stitching.

  236. I have been patient answering questions in my no extra words way, but I want this kit. Simple – needle, thread, scissors. But maybe too simple. Magnifiers, ripper, wine.

  237. The most important things to put in your box are:

  238. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (though I can’t believe that 2016 is nearly over already).

    My three essential items in my workbox are a good variety of fresh needles, a pair of very sharp scissors that make me happy to look at as well as use, and a good portable light. Unfortunately, as I get older I need better and better light.

    Thank you for all your posts, your videos, and your inspiration.

  239. The three things that I need in my workbox are a good pair of fine tipped scissors, an good embroidery hoop and a pin cushion.

  240. In my stitching box I must have my stitching glasses, a good pair of scissors and a needle threader. The other things come and go depending on the project.

  241. The three things I must always have in my work box (soft-sided) are needles, scissors
    and a thimble (or those sticky leather circles for your finger tip). If you do not have
    a thimble, substitute a band-aid!

  242. Three things…I guess scissors are too obvious…I can’t live without a laying tool anymore; I must have good stretcher bars (evertites are my favorite); I stitch better when I use some kind of stand so I can do two-handed stitching. I have more than 3 stands and use them interchangeably depending on the project. I’d love to win! Merry Christmas Mary!

  243. Thanks for this beautiful giveaway! I love needle painting and I’m a huge fan of Trish Burr.
    The three things I think are essential for a stitcher’s workbox are:
    1. A perfectly sharp quality pair of embroidery scissors.
    2. A complete size range of needles including embroidery, milliner, and tapestry.
    3. A cute pincushion.

    Happy holidays!

  244. 3 items needed in a stitchers’ box:
    1. package of needles in all sizes
    2. stainless steel scissors
    3. double ended needle threader. One end for regular thread and the other larger end for yarn. One end is red and the other end is white…..A needle threader is a great time saver when stitching. U do not have to poke the thread at a needle eye.

    I also love a large variety of vaiegated floss. I got some after your reviews and love using them as I stitch free style surface embroidery!

  245. Interesting question! At the minimum, an assortment of needles, sharp scissors, and a good roll frame. Will love your answer as well : )

  246. For my workbox at home: 1) an fabulous pair of scissors, 2) great light, 3) extra needles.
    For my to-go workbox: 1) a pair of scissors that I won’t morn if lost, 2) great light, 3) extra needles.

    Give me these three things and I can stitch anytime, anywhere.

  247. Picking 3 is tough, my tools are an extension of my fingers. 1. perfect scissors 2. needlethreader 3. the right needle for the thread being used.

  248. Oh! I love today’s giveaway!! Have always wanted to try her kits and this one looks fabulous! I would say the three top tools for me would be evertite stretcher bars, a laying tool and either mageyes or a light/magnifier combination.

  249. In my needle box I’d have to have good scissors, a good needle threader and something yummy to work on.

  250. The three things I have to have in my workbox is, of course, a good pair of small scissors, a needle book with different needle sizes, and a place to put my thread snips so they aren’t on the floor or the table.

  251. Top three: large assortment of needles, small sharp scissors and reading glasses. Beautiful cardinal, I am envious of your snowfall, bet it’s beautiful also.

  252. Well, a workbox, in and of itself, would be my first requisite. Then my thread snips – I’ve discovered I much prefer snips to scissors. And then last, my magnetized needle-keep that has a sweet acorn pattern – makes me happy to just look at it!

    And thanks SO much for this opportunity to win a Trish Burr kit! I’ve loved her designs for some time, now, but haven’t yet gotten one for myself. Big hug, to you!!

  253. First of all I would like to say thank you, Mary, for your giveaways, and always challenging us to come up with a creative, original reply to your questions. Based on that criteria, I will never win any of these but I will continue to try, which is what I’ve been doing with Trish Burr’s designs. I love her work and would love to have one of her kits.

    Now to the answer to your question: The first thing I need in my kit is a good-fitting thimble, which seems to be a challenge as I get older and my finger seems to have shrunk. Secondly, I always have my trusty embroidery scissors with me. For me, the third should probably be a “Plan.” So many times I have so anxious to begin working on a design that I had not really thought it through completely and wasn’t fully equipped with threads, etc. The best think about a kit is you don’t need to do any planning because everything is already prepared for you and you can get started right away!

  254. My immediate thoughts on 3 essentials for a workbox are needles, scissors, and fabric.
    I was fortunate enough to get on a class when Trish Burr was in London, and would love some more of her work to do.

  255. I love needle painting. I have done several by Tanja Berlin, and I would love to add a Trish Burr to my framed collection. The 3 essential items in my yazzi workbox are a really good pair of sharp scissors, a laying tool and an assortment of tapestry and chenille needles. Can’t do with out these items no matter what I am stitching. Thanks for all these great giveaways! Susan

  256. 3 items? Yikes. If we’re starting from scratch, I would say needles, thread and fabric. If we assume thread and fabric are givens, I would say needles, scissors, and a hoop. Tough question. I’m surprised at how many people are leaving needles off the list. 😉

  257. Three essential items for a stitchers workbox are: very good pair of sharp pointed scissors; a variety of needles in various sizes; and, a thread organizer for projects. These are tools that I use with each project I start and find them to be essential. Thanks. Donna

  258. The basics for me would be extra needles, a small pair of scissors, and a magnifier. The hoop would depend on the project, and since I do mostly small things that don’t need a hoop, I don’t keep them in my kit.

    Thanks for these fun giveaways and for your wonderful blog. It’s the first one I read each day.

    A very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year to you and yours!

  259. What a great question. I think it is very important to have a big pack of needles, because it always happens to me that a needle breaks or get lost and then I don’t have any more at home. Also you need black and white DMC floss and a cute little scissor.

  260. It is so hard to limit it to three!! I have a little nesting place that I keep all my “quality” essential items to work with. Guess if I was going to have to narrow it down, I would grab my scissors, needles, and hoop.

  261. Three items for my workbox? A good sharp, pointed pair of scissors, my trusty #36 needles, and my magnifying glasses. And while it won’t fit in a workbox, just as important, a good bright light, preferably on my left.

  262. I think the most essential tools in a stitcher’s workbox must be

    1. sharp scissors
    2. assorted needles
    3. medium-sized hoop

    These are the basic things I use on every single project. Lots of other wonderful things make stitching easier, but these three I don’t think I could do without.

    I love your choice of the cardinal for this week’s giveaway. They are my favorite bird, and we have several cardinal nests in the trees behind the house. I always thought of cardinals as winter birds, but here I often see their bright red against the green leaves of the pole beans in summer, too.

  263. Necessary items for stitching:
    – great scissors
    – hoops in various sizes and shapes and a hoop on a stand that a can be tucked under your leg
    -great light

  264. Oh Mary, what a giveaway. I adore Trish Burr’s work, although I haven’t attempted any of her kits yet, but I would love to have a go. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win one. Your question is so difficult this time – what 3 things are essential in a workbox – well, firstly, a darn good pair of scissors – one’s that your husband can’t get his mitts on! Secondly, I think it has to be a good range of threads – I love thread – and the silkier, the better! Finally, I think it has to be a good quality thimble – there’s nothing worse than piercing your finger with the blunt end of a needle (especially if the blood goes on your work!). Thanks again and I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and that 2017 brings a steady recovery for you. Best wishes. Jean.x

  265. A sharp pair of scissors would be one of the tools in one’s work box, followed by an assortment of tapestry and embroidery needles, and topped off with a laying tool. It wasn’t until I became a more experienced stitcher that I came to realize the value of a laying tool.

    The cardinals are lovely and some day I would also like to attempt Trish’s “Prancer” reindeer in the muted colors which are so effective.

  266. What 3 items? Well the project kit with thread, instructions, needles, and appropriate embellishments is number 1. 2nd is a scissors. Third has to be items to help me see better whether it is magnifiers or extra light. And just for grins, the fourth is a project note sheet.

    Interesting question Mary.

  267. Three is a hard number. I’m going to assume that the needle and thread don’t count, because that would take up two of the spots! First, I would totally need my extra pair of cheater glasses. (Yes, extra, because I were them over my regular glasses to stitch, which gives my family quite a laugh.) Second, I would need a pair of sharp scissors. And finally, a good needle threader is a must for me; threading a needle is next to impossible for me! Thanks for the giveaways, Mary, and have yourself a Merry Christmas!

  268. I’m away from home with stitching today so let’s see what I packed in my stripped down essentials kit (aside from the usual needles, scissors, etc of course)
    I would say my essentials are a very fine pair of tweezers, a stamped metal needle threader (I hate the wire ones), and a very long fine strong pin (I usually use the long silk pins with the flat heads) for marking my place on things, picking out knots and the like.

  269. Only three important things? I will limit myself to three. Good lighting, magnification, and the best scissors you can afford. I couldn’t stitch without these three things.
    Once again, I have to say thank you for the opportunity to try another needlework technique.

  270. Besides a nice set of embroidery needles, the three things a sticher needs are: a small, sharp pair of scissors to cut thread with, a sharp seam ripper to undo some stitching that isn’t quite right, and a pair of tweezers to pull out all of those little bits of thread you just ripped up.

  271. Three most important needlework tools in my workbox would include quality embroidery scissors, magnifying glasses and quality needles.

  272. Hmmmm. Good question! There are so many things that are essential. Or so we have become accustomed to using them that they are now essential!
    Well, of course, a absolutely great pair of scissors! And needles. Gotta have needles.
    The third one, well that could be just about anything. But I really think a good sense of humor and patience is essential. I know I have come across times where I have stitched a section and really don’t like it so I rip, rip, rip. It can be somewhat frustrating, especially if it is an area that is all single strand, single wrap French knots. (This is where the really great pair of scissors and needles come in handy!) just have to remember to take my time and laugh about it.

  273. Wow! Three essential things in my work box….first of all, a good pair of small embroidery scissors (like Dovo, Karen Kay Buckley or Gingher), my trusty leather thimble, and a good selection of needles to cover anything and everything I plan to stitch. Thank you for the very generous giveaway. I have been in awe of Trish Burr’s Embroidery skills and would love to give this one a go – especially since it is a bird, and a red one at that!

  274. I am grateful for your website. I learn to embroider as a child but just recently I am trying to improve and your site is a most for me, I love your videos, instructions and your blocs Thank you very much for sharing.
    I think what I must have in my sewing box when I embroider are scissors, different needles, and a small ruler.
    Have a merry Christmas and the New Year be full of wonderful surprises!!!!

  275. Three things necessary in a workbox:
    Embroidery hoop or frame (I have tons)
    Good needles (I like the gold eye ones)
    and a pair of sharp scissors (I lose mine about every 10 minutes)

  276. Three essential stitching tools. Hmmm. My super-duper magnifying eyeglasses are a must! Really good needles (I love Bohin), and high-quality embroidery scissors for thread (and a less high-quality pair for cutting metallic threads). I doubt I could do without my scroll rod stitching frame, and my favorite Ott light too.

    Oh wait, that’s six essentials. Don’t get me started!

  277. Needles of varied sizes, a nice sharp scissors and a clipboard to hold my pattern instructions. It would be hard to fit the clipboard in a work box, but it helps keep the pattern at hand and easy to read.

  278. Well I have basics of needles, threads and hoops but since I am just starting out I’m keen to see what others consider the basics so I can add necessities to my set up. Thanks for this offer.

  279. A good hoop is essential!
    Next, beautiful threads!
    Finally, chocolate!
    Thanks for all your tutorials, I have sent many people to them to learn to hand embroider.

  280. Well the silly answer would be some sense of organization as I always seem to be hunting for the tool I need. But my real answer would be scissors. I have several pairs as they grow legs and walk.

  281. First! A good pair of scissors! Absolutely! Second, good and appropriate needles and third, good and appropriate thread. This is not mentioning my comfortable recliner, but it does not fit into my work box.

  282. Thank you for the giveaway-three items in my work box I can’t stitch without would be scissors, needle threader and extra needles in case my favorite one wears out. This way I am able to stitch anywhere! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your families.


  283. Workbbox basket tray or bag gotta haves. Working scissors or snips, variety of needles, magnifier or eye assistance must haves for me.

  284. My three essentials would be my magnifier/light, sissors and needles. I’d love to win this kit as I’m a big fan of Trish and love her work.
    Alex P. UK

  285. One more time. Three things, I only mentioned two. Lighting, the best scissors you can afford and a good wooden hoop. I like the paddle hoops. they help with posture.

  286. Oh wow! I absolutely adore this. I love cardinals. For my work box, well…work bag, my three essentials are my good pair of scissors, needles and travel ottlite.

    Thanks for the chance! 🙂 Teal

  287. For me the three things I need are: my eye glasses, a supply of good needles & a decent pair of sicsors to snip threads. With out my glasses I’d never be able to see to thread the needles, stitch the stitches or cut the threads so they are numerous uno. Lol I enjoy reading your posts & look forward to seeing you in my mail box. I feel I’m growing as a stitcher (although I’m a beginner ) & am looking forward to the new year, trying more stitches, new techniques & styles. Thank you for the help you give me. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

  288. Ann from Wrightstown cannot stitch without my small very sharp scissors, an assortment of needles and a magnifying glass to remove mistakes. These items are not in a box but I should really purchase a small box for these things. It would probably neaten up my work area. But then a needle case would serve the same purpose and I could personalize it.

  289. Three items in my work box — really you must mean how many work boxes do I have!!! lol I keep the essentials with all of the projects I am working on at one time. Those essentials are good scissors, magnification and needle magnets. Trish Burr is the best!!

  290. Love cardinals and have several in my trees. I would have scissors, needle threader (a good one) and magnifying glass. A few more needles, pin cushion and wax like stuff for the threads. Happy Holidays

  291. Needles to create with the colored threads,
    Scissors to trim the ends and shape an ornament,
    & in my case, a laying tool to set it all in position!

  292. My three most important things besides the obvious, are a laying tool that sits on my finger, magnifying glasses (or clip-ons for glasses), and a rigid needle threader, like DMC one that can still go through small tapestry needle (not just the wire ones that break and twist).

  293. My toolbox would contain several packages of needles, sharp scissors, and magnifying glasses. My box would also contain bandages. I’m a sewing klutz and it’s nice to have a bandage nearby.

  294. I definitely need my glasses. I am not normally wearing glasses but when I am doing needlework I need to see clearly. The next thing is sharp scissors. I have a pet peeve with blunt scissors. Then I need a variety of needles that I can actually thread. I struggle, as everybody else, if the eye of my needle is to tiny for my thread. I need a lot more in my needle case but these three are the most important.

  295. Only three? I’ll go for the obvious, needle,floss and scissors. I am relatively new to embroidery. I have learned a great deal from your site and recommend it to others in my circle. Thank you. Best wishes for the holiday season.

  296. My magnifying light, scissors and tweezers!! This is beyond the needle and fabric and thread of course!!!
    Nita C

  297. The 3 things that I cannot be without for stitching- that’s actually pretty easy to answer. Number one is good lighting..natural when I can sit outside, and a good craft light when I can’t. At present i am looking for a new light but haven’t found exactly what I want. Number 2 is a good sharp pair of scissors. My current favorite are the micro serrated “Perfect Scissors” by Karen Kay Buckley. And lastly, an inspiring selection of beautiful threads! I prefer silk when it is appropriate for the piece I’m working on, but DMC stranded cotton is by far the workhorse in my collection.
    Thank you again Mary for all you do for our community! Have a wonderful holiday season.

  298. Hmmm, absolutely essential for a stitchers work box…
    1. A variety of needles (embroidery, tapestry, milliner, etc.) in various sizes.
    2. A really good pair of sharp scissors.
    3. Some sort of magnification. I have a pair of strong over the counter readers and I can’t stitch a thing without them.



  299. Another great question Mary! I too am looking forward to your answers! In my work box I love to have the appropriate needles, my favourite scissors and particular thimble that seems to have become a part of me! Dancing around my work box are all the good and wonderful things in this world that make our lives so rich. Aren’t we stitchers a lucky bunch! Cheers, Pat!

  300. If I had a workbox it would have:
    Needles with a chart to use what needle with what thread. Small scissors to cut the thread. And since I haven’t mastered a thimble some bandaids for my finger.

  301. I don’t have a work box,butI have many different totes in which I have the item that I am working on at the moment. In the tote, the three most important items are: an excellent pair of scissors that are very sharp, enough thread and a bit extra for the current project in that tote bag, and needles, extra needles ! I seem to have cornered the market for needles in my stitching group as I am the one they ask if they unexpectedly need one when we meet.
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!

  302. Well, this seemed like an easy comment to make until I really thought about it. First two items that would be essential to me – a good pair of scissors, and really good needles – that was easy. The third item takes a lot more thought. Maybe a laying tool or a light or even a magnifier, but I don’t always require those, and thread changes with each project. If I could bottle time, I’d put some extra in the tool box. Think that the third item of importance to my stitching would be a pin cushion. There you have it.

  303. Needles,sharp scissors and lots and lots of beautiful threads would be my absolute essentials. The more the merrier, I’m a complete thread junkie!

  304. My three absolutely essential items are (other than needle, thread, and fabric): Hand-eze gloves, my magnetic needle box, and Thread Heaven.

  305. I don’t really have a workbox, but probably should so everything is in one place. The items I think would be essential are various sizes and styles of needles, a good pair of scissors (or more than one for different types of needlework), and an Ottlite lamp. I’m not sure if the lamp counts as a workbox item, but I feel it’s really important to have good lighting. Thanks for this offer. I love Trish Burr’s designs!

  306. Hi Mary
    Great question! Easy for me to answer actually :-). Really really sharp and pointed scissors, excellent and well fitting thimble and some kind of magnification. Those tools allow me to do the best work possible and protect my fingers and eyes for the longest possible stitching time. If you had asked for 4 things I would have thrown in a good sense of humor! Hugs and thanks for letting us all into your wonderful world. Keep up the good work! My best to all, Vickie

  307. In my workbox, I always need different sizes of needles, very good scissors and a pair of reading glasses.

  308. Well scissors, needle and thread are the most essential. But additionally I have a nail file, lotion to stitch with, tweezers, an ort container, thread conditioner of some sort, and possibly a laying tool. I may also have a needle threaded. I am sure if I looked right now I would find some other things. I would hate to have to pick just three. Merry Christmas!

  309. I, Judy Lawrance, jblawrance@embarqmail.com, thinkmthree essentials for a workbox are sharp scissors( preferably pretty ones) a good comfortable thimble, and good needles appropriate for the project–or perhaps an assortment of needles for an assortment of projects!

  310. I think the 3 essentials for your stitchers workbox are: 1. good sharp scissors 2. appropriate needles for the craft AND 3. good quality thread in a variety of sizes, colours-plain and variegated. gloria

  311. my 3 things would be a good pair of scissors, a packet of good assorted needles and a screwdriver to tighten hoops.

  312. Three embroidery box essentials are a selection of different size needles, embroidery scissors, and, for me, a small magnifying glass. (Outside of my box a good light is an absolute must.) I would love to win this kit…I have wanted to try needle painting for some time. Happy holidays to everyone!

  313. Ohhhhhh! My goal is to complete a Trish Burr project. I *love* the idea of needlepainting–as a biologist the animals are so lifelike! Hmmmm three things that are the *most* important? Somehow to keep needles organized (pin cushion, magnetic tin or the like), good scissors, and fun thread! (Does that count as part of the workbox? If you don’t have fun thread, what’s the point in embroidery?)

  314. Hi Mary!

    Thanks for another wonderful give away! I think the 3 must have items in your workbox are a good light, good scissors and quality needles.

    Thanks for the chance!
    Mary in Billerica

  315. Essential items : good scissors, needles, stiletto/ tekobari, thimble and threads with the first three being an absolute necessity

  316. The #1 essential is a good pair of thread scissors, I can’t do anything without mine! If your like me and make mistakes, and lots of them, a seam ripper is #2. A good hoop would be #3 on my list, a nice tight one that won’t loosen too much over time. Have a very merry christmas!

  317. I think you must have scissors, needle threaded for those hard to thread fibers, and everything is better with chocolate…I need to have some wrapped pieces of Dove dark chocolate for the stress when things go wrong!

  318. #1 Assortment of quality needles
    #2 Sharp pointed high quality stork scissors
    #3 Needle organizer booklet sold by an EGA chapter
    Merry Christmas, Mary! Mery Christmas, all!

  319. Three essentials: sharp embroidery sissors, a well fitting thimble, magnification. Oh, and light, but light is hard to fit in a workbox. ;0)

  320. Hi There…my name is Helle pronounced Hella (torm-Newland). The three things that I think are essential in a workbox would be needles, thread and a pair of scissors. I love Trish Burr’s work. As a gift to myself I have purchased two of her needlepainting books..look forward to trying my hand at it it. Good luck to one and all. I love the idea of there being kits available.

  321. I wonder if this is a trick question and I am too literal? Three essentials would be: “enough” needles, scissors and tons of thread.

  322. Hello Mary!

    Yes, it would be wonderful to see your answers to the questions you ask your readers!
    Hmmm…what 3 items do I consider essential in my stitcher’s toolbox…Well, I think you can concur with my three items: a good pair of scissors, a selection of good needles, and not really in the toolbox itself, a good light source! Of course I keep a small plastic box that contains my scissors (Kai scissors are my favorites), a rubber needle puller, a needle threader, and my folding “ort” box (so I have someplace to put my snipped threads). The tools are always handy to find in the little box, in my stitching bag.
    Thank you again, Mary, for hosting so many give aways this Christmas season!

  323. I would love to try thread painting!
    My essentials for stitching are:
    1. My magnifying lamp for good light and a nice big ‘view’.
    2. A sharp pair of scissors.
    3. An audiobook to keep me entertained.

  324. Well the obvious ones are needle, scissors and an embroidery hoop. 🙂 But I could probably think of others if necessary 🙂

  325. Scissors, needles and thread! Ha! Got to have something to start with! Merry Kansas Christmas from Oklahoma!!

  326. The three things I have to have in my workbox (a gallon-sized ziplock bag) is scissors, a fine-tipped pen to make sure my markings are clear, and my tweezers. I use those tweezers a lot more than I would like to, so they come in handy.

  327. Scissors, needles and thread.

    I live in Southport in the north west of England and I find it amazing to think I can be in touch with someone from Kansas! I confess most of my knowledge of Kansas comes from The Wizard of Oz.

  328. I believe having scissors, a hoop, and needles are essential in a work box. I would also add a book with the basic stitches and inspiration for the current project.

  329. My 3 essentials are a good light to stitch under, a good – sharp pair of scissors, and an assortment of fresh needles!

  330. My three essential items for my work box would be:
    1. Good quality scissors
    2. Good quality range of sewing needles
    3. Some sweets to suck.

  331. Three essentials would be needles, scissors and chocolate! Definitely, chocolate. Okay, well, maybe not chocolate. I’ve found magnets have become an essential part of my needlework ‘box’.

  332. Scissors, needles, and my needle threader. I don’t have a box, but I do have a number of ziploc bags holding this and that. Merry Christmas! Pick me!

  333. Good morning Mary! The three things that I think are essential in a stitcher workbox are: 1) a good pair of sharp scissors, 2) a good laying tool for thread accuracy and 3) a good pair of magnifying glasses. I’m making the assumption that everyone is like me and just can’t handle small detail work up close anymore with out the magnifying glasses! Have a great day!

  334. The three essentials are neeedle, scissors and hoop. Nowadays I need a needle threader which becomes an essential for me.

  335. The three essentials to have in my workbook would be my ever present magnifying glasses, a great pair of scissors, and the right needle for the job. Thank you for the Christmas giveaways!

  336. I love Trish Burr’s art! I’ve got one of her kits in my “to do” box but not this one (and I have the perfect person to whom to gift the finished product!)

    My (imaginary/future) workbox must have a pair of sharp embroidery scissors, a needlebook, and my reading glasses so I can see precisely where to place my stitches!

  337. What I need with every project are a needle threader, guide to which needle is which, and a good pair of scissors. Can you tell that I only became serious about embroidery three years ago! It has become my passion. And thank you for mentioning listening to books. I also live doing that while I work.

  338. Ohhhhhhhh, a needlepainting kit! This little red bird is so beautiful.
    So the first three things in my little workingbag for stichting are needles, good scissors and the threads, which I intend to use on the actual project. I don’t work on diffrent projects at once. I don’t have enough time to, unfortunately.

  339. Oh my, I do so want Trish’s red cardinal and especially as I know her but to answer your questions is the hard thing. Here goes, my funny little magnifier tweezers for unpicking those tiny little threads. Then of course my awl with the little knob at the end which I just couldn’t do without when drawing out threads. Then of course my needle case, golly I just seem to change needles a lot or just thread up some to keep me going – not sure if that is laziness or not! Love the work that Trish does and she is such a super person to speak to. Now I am waiting for her new book to come out in January but would like the red cardinal very much to use on my expected Millennium frame. Have a lovely Christmas from hot sunny South Africa.

  340. The three absolutely necessary items in my stitching box are: a pair of good sharp scissors, extra sewing needles for multiple colours, and a package of baby wipes to clean my hands before sewing.

  341. The three things I always have nearby when I’m stitching – a quick little something I have in a ziplock bag that I’ll work on in 2 minute snatches while I wait to pick up my nephews or take my Mom to the Dr. or a great big project that I work on in focused stretches- are: a great pair of scissors, a great pear of tweezers, and a magnifying glass.

  342. The three things I always have with me are my bunny needlebook, my scissors and my little cute red hoop. The little plastic hoops I can get at my friendly fabric store are red. I always have a few more because when people see them, they say the would like one. So I always have some to give away!
    I think the cardinal wood look divine in my red hoop!

  343. I need first of all a great light, second a comfy couch, and lastly a table nearby to hold scissors, thread snd the directions of course. I realize that these items won’t fit in a stitching bag but they are necessities to me.

  344. The three most essential items to be included in my stitching bag are scissors, needles and my clip on magnifier. I have a supply case that folds with a lot more items: pencil, ruler, basting threads, etc., but I do not always carry that, especially if I am just going to a friend’s house to stitch.

  345. My essential three I think would have to be the ones that lay on the tray at the bottom of my magnifier and never seem to go back in the tool box because they are constantly in use. They are my scissors (usually my absolutely favorite pair of black Dovos), a laying tool, and tweezers.

  346. Dear Mary, thanks for having this great Christmas giveaway! I’m always looking forward to email from Needlenthread (contest or not. This Trish Burr kit looks wonderful! My 3 essentials in my sewing workbox are nice sharp scissors, my magnifier glasses to wear on top of my prescription glasses, and some nice non-greasy hand cream to smooth rough fingers. Happy Holidays from Helen in Tucson.

  347. 3 things (actually my work box is a drawer in the table beside my stitching spot): scissors, thread heaven and spare needles

  348. Workbox essentials: 1) A sharp little pair of scissors, 2) Perfect needle size for the project, 3) IPad for looking up stitch instructions as I am new to the fancier stitches!

  349. Three things in work box….Sharp embroidery scissors, non permanent marker, magnetic needle case ( with assortment of needles)

  350. For me the 3 essential items would be good scissors, a good selection of needles and a needle threader. The thread painting of the Cardinal is beautiful!! I just received a Christmas pillow with 2 Cardinals and this picture would be a great compliment in a nice setting. Thanks for the opportunity to own this beautiful piece!!!

  351. What I think every stitcher should have in their work box: Patience, imagination and sticktuivness [new word]! For me it’s a good pair of scissors, needles and wonderful, rich threads!

  352. I have a lovely compact stitching box. My three essentials would be s variety of needles, I like John James, really good sharp scissors, and a thimble. Pretty basic.

    My box, about the size of a postcard and about 3″ deep with a sliding lid, was a gift from my brother. Inside is a matching smaller box for needles, a rubber needle puller, and needle threader, a small felt booklet for pins and bits of thread, a thimble, an antique laying tool/awl, Japanese snips, a collar stay (a great laying tool), a shilling (souvenir), and a tiny seam ripper.

  353. What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?

    The three things I find absolutely essential in my work box are:

    1. my Dovo 5″ scissors

    2. a weird Gingher tool with a sharp awl on one end and sharp “tweezers” on the other for pulling stitches ( I don’t think they even make it any more!)

    3. a small point-turner and stitch-smoother that my Dad made for me out of Osage Orange – I’ve had it for over 30 years and it has been indispensable. The wood is very hard too so it has weathered many a chore 🙂

  354. Oh how I would love to win this!!!! Three essentials in my work box…..well, obviously my very sharp pointed scissors, my lighted magnifier (I know it doesn’t fit in the box, but I can’t stitch without it), and my q snaps.

  355. My three things would be scissors, of course, thread conditioner, and a needle threader. While I do not always need the threader or even the conditioner, when I need them, I NEED them . Love the painting idea. I would never be able to do it that beautifully but sure can dream.

  356. Only three essential items? For my embroidery work: good needles, sharp scissors and a tight hoop are very essential. Mag-eyes are number four on my list.

  357. Scissors. Check. Package of needles. Check. And a hoop, I think. I am debating between a hoop and magnifying glasses, but I do so much stuff in a hoop, I would be hard pressed to do the kind of things I like to do “in hand”. Then, of course, we have to get into fabrics and threads – but those are not toolbox items. I’m going to go read what everyone else thinks, now! Cheers, Mary!!

  358. My workbox is near and dear to my heart as not much handwork gets done without it. The three items in it that I adore-A pair French embroidery scissors that are in themselves a piece of art, a lovely etched glass laying tool handed down from my mother, and a tiny glass bowl for my orts, from my grandmother who taught me the joy of needlework.

  359. Congratulations, Debbie!

    I do have a “work box” specifically for embroidery, and although it contains more than three items, the absolute essentials (besides hoop, threads, and needles–those are a given, right?) are a small, lighted, clip-on magnifying lamp, my embroidery snips, and a pair of flat, round magnets used for parking my needle.

    These giveaways are great, Mary; thank you so much to you and your sponsors!

  360. Three essential things in my embroidery toolbox are; little sharp scissors, a needle threader, and a long-handled, magnet retriever to pick up dropped needles and pins so my cats don’t get them.

    Of course, a magnifier light for aging eyes, a good tweezers for “Oooops” stitches and a hoop as well.

    I would be “over the moon” for one of Trish’s kits and this one is beautiful!

    Thank you for these opportunities – Bless you

  361. This is a tough one – to narrow down to just 3! Here are mine – a really good pair of scissors; high quality and sharp needles; and last (not only for my sewing box, unfortunately!) – my reading glasses. Or my Ott lite…………..how to choose, how to choose! If it matters, I absolutely LOVE Trish Burr’s work! Happy Holidays to all.

  362. What an absolutely stunning design. Of course I would love the opportunity to try this type of stitchery. My workbox always hold a tiny pair of beautiful scissors, many different threads that are a delight to my eyes and some little project I can take on the go. I am fortunate to ride along on the road with my hubby if his deliveries take him out of state. Sewing and traveling with the person you love is heaven on earth!!!

  363. Three absolutely needed supplies for me are: a variety of embroidery needles, sharp embroidery scissors, and a needle threader.

  364. My trusty scissors, glasses with attached magnifiers, and the beeswax. I am just learning the needle painting technique and find it challenging but exciting. I am always in awe of the shading and trying to figure out exactly when to bring in what color. You guys are so talented. Thank you for sharing.

  365. Small, sharp scissors
    needle threader – my eyes aren’t what they used to be at times!
    rubber needle puller – sometimes my fingers need help!

    Laraine Hicks

  366. Hi Mary,
    The three most essential items for me would be: A magnifying lamp and the second would be a needle threader and the third would be sharp scissors. The first two are essential as the older I get the harder it is to see!
    Thank you for these awesome holiday give-a-ways!
    Jean B

  367. I am getting prepared to make Carolyn Pearce’s “Embroidered Workbox” and in my “workbook” I would have good needles, fabric and thread. Of course, on my fabric I would have my design already traced.

  368. This needlepainting kit is lovely! When I’m stitching, other than the very basics of needle, thread, and hoop, I need to have a good pair of scissors, my giant pincushion, and some beeswax on hand.

    Looking forward to hearing your answers to the questions 🙂

  369. Definitely scissors, at least one hoop, and needles. After that, Thread Heaven, laying tool (I don’t have one yet), a Micron, needle threader, ruler or tape measure, pincushion, pins.

  370. The three things that are absolutely needed in a stitchers workbox are needles , threader, and sharp scissors. Hope I am lucky enough to win, Carrie Sargent

  371. The workbox essentials for me: needle, thimble, scissors

    Outside the workbox: radio/CD player

    Sandra Huzyk

  372. My three essentials include my needle “case” housing different needles in different sizes, my scissors, and my collection of needle threaders.

  373. Three things I do not stitch without – a very good pair of thin, sharp scissors for Hardanger fabric cutting (that no other living person may use for anything else – EVER!), a selection of smooth, well-made needles, and a pair of magnifying clip-ons for my glasses so I can actually see what I’m stitching. I love Trish Burr’s work, she’s amazing!

  374. Beautiful thread, big fingered embroidery scissors, a good needle, tweezers and unfortunately magnifiers!

  375. Wow! Scissors……needles……..magnifier! But then……so many more things…hoops & thread & tape measure!

  376. Now you are getting closer to home turf with Trish Burr.
    I will be lost without a thimble, scissors and some needles. Cannot imagine doing anything without those 3 items but how do I fit a measuring tape in and still come up with only three items?

    Lucretia Strydom.

  377. My essentials are small, sharp scissors; magnifying lamp; a needle threader.

    Then, good needles, a good hoop and a small screwdriver to tighten the hoop. And if I could meet two stitchers who inspire me and whom I admire, they would be you, Mary, and Trish Burr! Ms. Burr’s projects (and yours, Mary) are affordable, come in all levels of difficulty and she has made her work accessible to everyone. Two remarkable women!

  378. It’s so hard to narrow down to three but I would say a needle, thread and a hoop. I’ve used fingernail clippers when scissors where no where in sight, I’ve had to wait until daylight when the power was off instead of using my lamp, I’ve used masking tape on my finger when my thimble was misplaced. But thread, needle and hoop I haven’t figured out substitutes for. I love love love Cardinals and that’s what I decorate with during Christmas because they can stay out all winter.

  379. Good pair of scissors, needle pack of different types of needles and magnifying glasses with lights. Got some from Foster Grant and I love them….

  380. As most everyone has said – scissors. I think my other two would be a hoop and in difference to my aging eyes, a lighted magnifier.
    What a beautiful kit!

  381. Workbox necessities: Very sharp,small embroidery scissors; a variety packet of top quality needles; polished German wooden 5″ hoop! The little luxuries are the best.

  382. First, congrats on your snow. We don’t have any in our part of the Carolina mountains yet. My essentials are my serrated embroidery scissors, a good assortment of needles, and the bag of M&M’s that no one knows about. Drat! Secret’s out.

  383. Besides the usual scissors, needles and thread, I feel a small little pin cushion and a lightweight magnifying glass is essential. I love intricate needle painting and often have several colors threadded at once. My age insists on help from magnification.

  384. What a gorgeous cardinal – so lifelike!! My top three items are my magni-clips (so I can see what I’m doing), my set of needles, and my small scissors. Thank you again for the chance to win this!

  385. I think you would need needles, scissors and your pattern. As a newbie I would like to also have a how to book! Wish my “workbox” could be so uncluttered.

  386. The 3 things I need most are: most important is good lighting, I use the floor moveable arm Ott light (ok it doesn’t fit in a work box but I couldn’t stitch without it), second good embroidery scissors and third a good hoop that’s stays tight.

  387. My three essentials would be a needle, embroidery hoop, perhaps my clip on magnifying lens. My eyes aren’t as young as they used to be.

  388. What a very challenging question to pick just three things for my embroidery workbox, but I suppose if I were stranded on a desert island and could just have three things then they would be a pair of very sharp embroidery scissors; a selection of needles and a hoop that is ready to go. Of course what fun would it be if you did not have some ground fabric and a selection of threads? 🙂

  389. I recently completed my first Trish Burr project. I would live to won this.
    The 3 things I think are a good hoop, a pair of nice, sharp scissors, and a magnifier. My eyes aren’t what they used to be.

  390. The three essential things in my work box would be a very good pair of scissors, Thread Heaven and a very good light….my box would have to be pretty big because I need my Stella light!

  391. Another fabulous give away. In my workbag (made by a very dear friend) I always have a variety of glasses, scissors and needles – all ready for use depending on the project at hand and as I have several on the go at once I need to be able to interchange!
    Catherine in New Zealand

  392. I’ve always said the Three Essentials of Life are sharp scissors, bright light and a car that starts every time you turn the key. It seems to work here as well!

  393. My tiny, very sharp curved scissors, my trusty stitch unpicker (seam ripper sounds so brutal) and a really old magnifier that is a bit scratched but belonged to my grandmother, mother and older sister, sadly all now gone.

  394. My top three items are scissors, needles (many as I can loose them), and a leather thimble. While it is not in my box but rather all over the house is hand lotion.

  395. What a beautiful kit. I love cardinals.

    Three essentials: fabric, scissors, needle. Lots of other things are useful but without those you aren’t going to embroider anything.

  396. I am assuming that thread and basic needles are a given. Essential items in a workbox for me would be:
    1. pincushion with an assortment of pins, 2. good quality, sharp embroidery scissors and 3. beeswax. Regrettably, I actually do more mending and plain sewing than “fun” embroidery projects, hence the more “basic” tools in my workbox. I have an almost endless stack of mending from family members- re-hemming dishtowels, replacing lost buttons on shirts and fixing frayed hems on pants. Now, if I were to add three more essentials, I would add a needlebook with a variety of different size/shaped needles, sharp shears (lg.) for cutting fabric and a tape measure. Thanks for the give-away, Mary!

  397. The three items i think are essential in my workbox are
    (1) my tiny but very sharp gold scissors essential for hardanger and cut work
    (2) my gold plated needles they stitch so smootly i just love them
    (3) my embroidery hoops essential for keeping fabric taut as you work


  398. My workbox has to include scissors, needles (both crewel and tapestry) and stitching glasses (built in magnification to my prescription.) Lee

  399. Three essential tools for my work box: A good 6″ ruler (in a pretty sleeve), a small sharp pair of scissors, and finally a well rounded supply of needles (several types and sizes, I’m counting this as one item ;)).

  400. What 3 things are a must in my workbasket?? Little pockets or dividers to help keep things organized, my Gingher embroidery scissors, and a pin cushion. Of course, all the other million things that somehow end up in my basket may not be essentials, but it’s just comforting having those things near.

  401. Three essential tools: needles of all sizes & types (crewel, tapestry, embroidery, milliners); a good pair of all purpose scissors ; & for me, my Mag-eyes so I can see what I’m stitching!
    I would love to win this kit from Trish Burr. I’ve admired her designs for a while now, but have not stitched any yet. This would be a perfect chance to try one with a design of one of my favorite birds.
    Thanks again Mary for the chance to win!
    Julie H

  402. All of my little stitching bags with my different projects have these three things as a basis. Scissors, needle book with needles and Thread Heaven.

  403. My stitching workbox, which actually is a box to keep the cats and the needlework safe, must have my favorite scissors, my needle book, and a container for orts. Then I am good to go!

  404. The three absolutely essential things for me would be a nice, sharp pair of embroidery scissors, a clip-on magnifier and a needle threader.

    Thanks for brightening up the Christmas season for us, Mary!

  405. No cheating, I’m answering this one before reading others’ answers! Though I’m pretty sure my number one at least will be on most people’s list :
    – embroidery scissors
    – a well garnished needlebook
    – small wooden embroidery hoop

    Thanks for the fun giveawy, as always! The questions and reading everyone’s answer indeed make it one fo the few giveaways over the Internet that is always fun, even when losing.

  406. Three things in my workbox are a good pair of scissors, which I don’t have, the hoops you recommended, they are wonderful, and my magnifying light. My embroidery has improved quite a bit so says my daughter. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your contest.

  407. Amy most essential items for the sewing box are a nice decorated pair of scissors, hoop ( spring load), and. Lots of sizes of needles!

  408. The three essential things…what a question for an admitted tool junkie!! But here goes:
    1. A very good pair of embroidery scissors — my favorites are Dovo, curved blade and Gingher, it would a difficult choice to make!
    2. A 3.0 pair of magnifiers — so that I could see what I was doing
    and lastly
    3. A laying tool — no, my fingers don’t work as well! I use a tekobari for almost all stitching that I do.

  409. 1) a pair of sharp & adorable scissors just for cutting thread
    2) lovely needles that flow through material
    3) a very cute handmade pin cushion

    Those would be the absolute 3 basic needs in my work box. Thank you for your questions and your lovely column. Elaine

  410. Three things essential.
    1). A good sharp pair of scissors
    2) several quality needles
    3) some dark chocolates.

  411. I love gadgets, so it is hard to whittle down to only three items…but I would have to say first and foremost it would be a variety of needles, good sharp embroidery scissors, and as I am getting older, a good magnifier! I once travelled on the ferry for a two hour trip, with my stitching, and no needle, (nightmare!)…so that is why needles are my first pick!

  412. The 3 things I would have are needles, threader and scissors. 1) good needles are so very hard to find. I love Roxanne needles. Every stitch is smooth as silk. 2) i love the Roxanne threaders too. I have never had the wire pull out. Recently I found a threader at, a local quilt store,here in Kansas, that I love more. It is a little metal snail with a tiny little hook. It is so much faster for me to hook the thread and pull it through than to get it through the little wire. 3) scissors…I think everyone knows what good scissors do for your attitude. I just put together little embroidery kits for two beginners. I included all of the above and more.

  413. My toolbox would include:
    1. An array of needles in different sizes.
    2. A couple pair of scissors.
    3. Some leftover thread so I can whip stitch the material I am working on.

  414. In my work box I would have sharp scissors, a Case for needles and pins, and a case for glasses for my aging eyes.

  415. The three most important items in a stitchers work box are: 1.small sharp scissors
    2. a variety of needles and 3. an incredible assortment of floss.

  416. A stitchers workbox would have to include a good set of embroidery scissors, a variety of needles and a good selection of threads. It’s fun to mix threads while doing embroidery for a more dimensional finished project. From embroidery floss, silk thread, wool thread to metallic threads and everything in between. They always say, variety is the spice of life

  417. The cardinal is one of my favorite bird’s. I would love to stitch him. Three essential things needed is good light, ( I believe I could say that 3 times) the right needle, a good scissor. The list could go on and on but you said 3. Happy Holidays. Thank you.

  418. Essentials: needles, scissors and thread

    The cardinal kit is beautiful. The winner will be very lucky indeed.

  419. This is a hard question, only because I have more than 3 things in my stitching cases. But if I have to only give 3, I will say, a pair of pretty as well as sharp scissors, my favorite thimble and a needle threaders for when those threads want to unravel.

  420. I would need a needle threader, a good light, and a group of good stitching friends. I realize they wouldn’t fit in a work box, but they are the most essential to me! Judi-Grace

  421. The 3 essential things I need in my box are needles, good scissors and a white light lamp because without good light I cannot do any embroidery. I would be very happy if I could win this kit. I love the work of Trish Burr. Merry Christmas Mary and thank you to share all these gifts with us.

  422. The three things in my work box would definitely be scissors, needles (extra in case I lose one), and thread. If I could have an extra item, it would be a needle threader as it seems to be getting harder and harder to get my needle threaded.

  423. Quality needles
    Sharp scissors with keep attached
    Magnifying spectacles

    Without just one of these my stitching would be at a standstill.

  424. Hmmm, three things? I travel with my projects frequently. The light in my current home is very challenging, and I don’t have a good spot right now to set up a task light. All of that will be changing when we move into our renovation project, however.

    In the meantime, I keep a travel bag hanging by the door with a project or two already in it. I keep thread cards for each project separate in zip-lock bags. And I carry a few other tools in the zippered pocket of the bag. The inside of the bag is a slick polyester, which doesn’t damage projects when I put them in and out of the bag. Whether I’m at a kid’s event, or waiting in the car line for them, I have something to do with my hands, and it is always a conversation starter.

    I always must have portable scissors where the points close up, and an extra folder of needles, as I’ve lost a few in my car. LOL!

    So I guess I would have to say, collapsible embroidery scissors, a stash of needles, and a thimble!

  425. In addition to scissors, needles and tons of threads I stock my workbox with inspiration, patience and sticktoitivness.

  426. I think that a pair of very sharp scissors with a sharp point, a second pair with a curved blade, and a needle with a very blunt tip (that is for removing stitches without catching anything that should not be caught – I do a lot of this!) are my three absolute must haves. Of course, there are all sorts of other items that make needlework either easier or more fun but these are probably my top three.

  427. Apart from the basic needle,thread and hoop the next 3 tools I
    love to use are a magnet keeper for the needle on the work itself,
    a good needle threader (old eyes :)) and a floss seperator when using stranded floss,
    Love Trish Byrd and have some of her books.
    Carole Kennedy Ottawa Canada

  428. I think the three essentials in my “workbox” are a good pair of scissors, a thimble, and a whole bunch of pins.

  429. For an essential work box I would suggest needles of different sizes, a good pair of pointed small scissors and probably different sized hoops for holding your work.
    I would LOVE to try needle painting!!!

  430. Essentials in my tool box are magnifiers, good scissors/needles and a laying tool. Out of the tool box is the need of a good light.
    Would love to win this Trish Burr kit.

  431. essential tools for me are: needle, thread, and hoop. next inline are backing for fabric, thread layer, and scissors.

  432. Because I do several kinds of hand work, there are a variety of tools that I use. The first thing that comes to mind is a good pair of scissors. Second I’d say a variety of needles in a nice needle case. Then – a marking pencil, a seam ripper, small ruler, clear bags to hold my projects, good light! It could be a very long list.

  433. Essential items for my workbox – another tough question, Mary. A good pair of scissors and an assortment of needles are my first two – no question. After that it gets tougher, and depends in part on the type of project. A needle threader, magnification, a laying tool (might be able to improvise with a good heavy needle). Would you believe a pen/pencil? I make notes as I go; use it for counting on a chart; use a pen for my stitching journal.

    Now to look at some of the other answers…

    Trish Burr’s projects are gorgeous, and I find this cardinal especially appealing. This bird would be a wonderful project for coaxing me into needlepainting.

  434. I would love to win this Trish Burr needlepainting kit. I have admired her designs, but have never tried one.
    It’s very hard to narrow it down to three items, because I have so many in my needlework basket. The absolute necessity would be a good pair of embroidery scissors! Also, an assortment of needles and some sewing thread for basting, lines to aid in counting on counted fabric–it comes in handy for so many projects!

  435. The three things that are most essential in a stitchers workbox would be scissors, needle and thread. Yay that was an easy one today! Merry Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway.

  436. My three things — good needles, good scissors and time….

    I live close to Needle in a Haystack, and after you talking about needles I thought let’s try it! I got some John James, the lady at the store recommended the size for the thread I was buying, and I was prepared to think these are the same as my DMC needles.

    Oh…was I wrong or what? The difference was night and day….

  437. A stitcher’a workbox should include a good pair of scissors, a variety of quality needles, and a copy of this quote: “Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps.” -Helmut Schmidt
    with /stitches added next to steps.

  438. I often listen to music on the radio when I stitch in the daytime and in the evening the tv is on although mostly I just listen rather than watch.

  439. For me, the most essential item would be a good pair of scissors (beautiful as well as sharp all the way to the tip). I would love to have a pair of scissors in every project bag that I own, which is quite extensive. LOL The next item would be gold-plated petite needles with a needle-minder to make sure I don’t lose my needle. The next items are hard because there are several that fall in line with each other as far as need. So, they are a good magnifying lamp (or a wonderful chair next to a window to stitch by daylight), a good frame and stand (especially for big projects), and a Hardwicke hoop. Now I just need the Trish Burr kit to complete the picture!! I absolutely love her things and have several of her books and a DVD. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy stitching in the New Year!

  440. What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?
    I think they would be a nice sharp pair of embroidery scissors, a needle threader and a needle keeper

  441. I’ve admired Trish Burr’s needlepainting from afar (literally and figuratively) and would dearly love to stitch this kit, even though as an avid Cubs fan I should avoid cardinals. (If I be lucky enough to win, I’ll have to gift the finished product to a Cardinals fan I know.) Thank you for the opportunity, Mary.
    Choosing the first two essential items for a workbox is easy: needle(s) and scissors; the third, not so much. Though I’ve not had it very long, I’ve become very attached to my Star Detailer, used for burying short ends. When I think of the last couple things I’ve finished, it’s definitely among the four I’ve used most. The only other third item would have to be a magnifier. (I like to stitch high-count projects. They have better detail and I can hang more of themon the walls!) I’d have a tough time deciding between them.

  442. First off, thank you for these wonderful give a ways. The first three things that go into the box that comes out of my sewing room, so I can work anywhere are 1) My favourite needles (these depend on the work or project being done at the time) 2) My favourite long pointed scissors 3) My thimble. I can’t think until it goes on my finger. lol

    Thanks again and I wish everyone a very happy holiday filled with love and some peaceful stitching hours.

  443. I’d have to say the three essential things in a workbox would have to be needles, thread and inspiration!

  444. essential items for a stitcher’s workbox:
    needles of course
    good scissors
    frame or hoop
    I think I could get by with these if necessary–I certainly did when I was 10.
    But I do love my accessories!

  445. Small sharp scissors, laying tool and good quality needles. They are so essential that I have several of each :-).

  446. My three important things in my workbox would be the obvious, of course, sharp scissors, 3.0 magnifiers, and a selection of needles. The three MOST important things in my workbox are good friends to stitch alongside; a warm, cozy place with good lighting; and a warm mug of tea.

    Thank you for your inspiration.

  447. Three items I need in my workbox:

    non-materialistic – Time, Patience, and staying Calm

    materialistic – needle, thread, scissors

    This question really makes you think, thank you.

  448. Good quality needles, scissors and a laying tool. I can’t fit my magnifier and light into the work box, but I hate working without this now.

  449. My work box would not function without a sharp scissors, a magnifier or reading glasses , and a needle threader!

  450. For me, the three most important items in my work box are: a great pair of snips, needles, and my old, worn, but trusty hoop. I know this sounds really boring, but if I lacked even one of these items it would make my stitching experience less joyful and to me that would be a shame.

    Merry Christmas!

  451. First item has to be my stronger stitching glasses. Second is the right needle for the job and third is a lovely pair of scissors.

  452. Three items for a good work box (only three will be difficult) here goes. A generous supply of needles in all types and sizes. An excellent pair of scissors (more than one pair actually), needlethreader , laying tool (oops that makaes more than three.

    love this kit – our state flower and bird.

  453. 3 essential things in a work box? Well, a small assortment of good needles, either recognizable or labeled in a pretty needle holder. Second, a pair of small, sharp embroidery scissors- I like the ones with a serrated edge. Third, an exciting project like the little bird so that I really can’t wait to open the work box.

    Sounds like a nice Christmas for you, white and cold, with your tree up! I have lights but no tree this year, and it’s sunny and cold (actually freezing) in California. I’m almost ready for the big day. Lots of good cheer to you from Barbara R. in CA!

  454. Wow, that kit looks gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to try needlepainting. As for the three things, it’s kind of basic but really good scissors, a needle minder since I was always losing needles and a highlighter for charts.

  455. 1. Scissors, where would we be without them.
    2. The correct needle for each job.
    3. Most important, my Mag-Eyes magnifier, or as it is affectionately known, my Darth Vader outfit.

  456. A good pair of scissors, needle case containing a variety of needles plus some thread ( sewing cotton in black, and white ). It has been quite a challenge to whittle my list of ‘essentials’ down to three, but as soon as I remembered that my husband does dip into my sewing box occasionally in order to sew buttons back onto his shirts it all became much simpler!

  457. My work box would have a sharp pair of embroidery scissors, a thimble, and a pair of relatively strong reading glasses.

  458. Hi Mary,
    I can’t imagine completing any project without the use of “back stitch, running stitch, and feather stitch”

    Thank you so much for sharing with us and giving us another giveaway opportunity!

    JENNIE from WV

  459. I’m going to move past the basics to my own particular craziness. I collect the zippered plastic covers that come when you buy new sheets, curtains or bedspreads. I keep all essentials and entire projects in them. Next – thread that sparkles and last, because of the sparkly thread, a thread wax to keep them from getting unruly. But…now I have no thread, linen or scissors! Darn….

  460. The three things I need to do any type of needlework are; Good scissors (I have to hide them from my kids), lamp with a natural light bulb, and a scroll frame. I also love good threads…

  461. Needles, threads and scissors would be essntial in my workbox. I also would have a cup of tea closeby.

  462. Well, this has GOT to be the easiest- or the hardest – question to answer. LOL. It is soooo obvious… 3 must haves, a scissors, needle, and thread. How can you embroider or do stitch work without them. Well, I guess you could replace the scissors with your teeth, but I don’t advise it (My mother used to do that when mending and she chipped a tooth that way!) So, easy, boring answer. LOL. Now to personal 3, beyond the basic… would have to be the hoops, my floor stand and my reading glasses over my glasses to magnify the stitching. 🙂 So, I guess, still easy to answer.
    Yes, I would LOVE to hear your answers to your questions. I sometimes feel as if you are a friend I have coffee with in the mornings and I would love to know more about “my friend”. Hugs Mary and wishes for a very, very Merry Mary Christmas. Carol

  463. Aside from a few totally essential things, my reading glasses, tweezers, and my sharp curved scissors.

  464. I love needle painting. The cardinal would be especially nice to work on. I moved to the south 7 years ago and still miss my home in Indiana where the cardinal is the state bird.

  465. Three essential items in my box – scissors, extra needles, & a nail file, in case I have a rough edge on one of my fingers.

  466. This is another great giveaway. I’ve never really done thread painting and would love to try it on this cardinal. It’s beautiful. Three things that are essential in my workbox? Good scissors. A variety of needles. And a laying tool of some type. Or a measuring tool. Or…

    Heather M. in Canada

  467. In my workbox I always firstly put in a selection of really good needles, lovely scissors and a thimble, so I guess these must be my essentials. Of course there are many other “basics” in there such as a laying tool, a small pin cushion, a thread catcher and of course my pattern and threads!

  468. My three essentials would be a superior pair of thread scissors, an extensive needle assortment, and three different sized hoops.

  469. The three stitching accessories I find to be the most important are: scissors that cut to the blade tips, needles and tweezers.

    Merry Christmas and an exceptional New Year, Mary. I am a member of two stitching national guilds, Canadian and American . I have said to fellow stitchers that your website is a must to read. Congratulations for your valuable contributions made to the stitching community.

  470. Number 1 my spectacles, whatever other kit I have I could not do anything without my reading glasses. Number 2 scissors. Number 3 is harder there are such a lot of other things I need, hmmmm let me think, needles/thread/hoop/fabric? I think I’ll have to go with some quality needles.

  471. Three things every stitcher needs in her/his workbox are: needle threader, seam ripper, and scissors. Of course, that’s over and above the thread itself. 🙂

  472. So, Mary – what three things would be at the top of your workbox list? Just wondering… My three (and I did have to really think about this) would be beautiful threads, a range of Bohin needles and a pair of exquisite, sharp embroidery scissors – I think. Wishing you a blessed and healthy Christmas and New Year.

  473. Aloha, 3 things essential in my needlework bag, nice sharp scissors with a pointed tip, needle grip its (plastic dots that stick to your finger and grip the needle and protect your finger while stitching, I love them!), and my reading/close up glasses, so I can see what I’m doing! Mele Kalikimaka, Jeri

  474. Three things I must have to stitch: a really good pair of scissors, a variety of needles, and a pile of beautiful threads (and magnifying glasses and a quality hoop). Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaways!

  475. My three favorite things in my imaginary workbox would be scissors, glasses, and a light. At my age I need all the help I can get!

  476. Hi Mary

    The three essential things I must have are good needles, good embroidery scissors and good hoop. It is hard to just choose three as I could add, good magnifying lamp, tape measure, pins, thread, marking pens, etc. etc. etc. ….

  477. Three essentials that I could not be without are: my Dovo scissors, good needles and my laying tool. Next would come good lighting and magnification, but they would not necessarily fit into my work box. The Trish Burr Cardinal is beautiful. Would be lovely to learn her thread painting technique on.

  478. My absolute necessities for my workbox are my scissors, my needle threader, and my stiletto to help my threads lay flat.

  479. Three essential tools: 1) a truly fine pair of scissors, 2) portable frame, 3) friends & family that share/understand/accept your favorite addiction. Yes, I know you said “box”, but some things are really necessary & nice to have & don’t fit in any sort of box! Merry Christmas!

  480. Happy Holidays Mary. In my stitching box I could not survive without:
    (1) a magnifying glass
    (2) assorted sizes of new needles
    (3) extra-good lighting
    (3a) a cup of coffee
    (3b) soft jazz playing
    (3c) good thoughts bouncing around in my head

  481. The obvious three things I would need are a pack of needles including sharps,crewel, embroidery and curved (have I missed any?), at least one sharp embroidery scissor (if two can count as one item, include a pair to cut metal threads). For the third item I am torn between a clip on light, basting thread or a hoop. I guess I would really need more than just three. A newer addition to my tool assortment is a scissors holder (it looks like a spool but has a wider base than top and the scissors slip into a hole at the top) which I find extremely handy, but it is not an absolute necessity.

  482. Lovely give-away, would love to win and work on it.
    I’d say a pair of sharp scissors, an assortment of needles and and a hoop. and let’s not forget the thread.

  483. I love needle painting done by Trish Burr. She is so talented. My three go to items in a work box would have to be a good pair of scissors, my favorite hoop, and of course the thread! Thanks for another great giveaway

  484. Three things that are essential to my hand embroidery supplies are not actual sewing items:
    1. Finger wrap for the tips of my middle & index fingers – I use the colored wrap used on horses legs, sticks to itself, can be undone & repositioned, excellent padding
    2. Baby wipes to keep my hands clean, glasses clean, etc.
    3. A sticky lent roller for all those little threads and fuss if I have had to remove stitches. I’m a bit messy when I sew.

    MadisonC in TN

  485. Definitely a good, sharp pair of scissors; some backup needles for the different kinds of stitches; and a measuring device 🙂
    That bird embroidery is gorgeous!!

  486. Three items that would be absolutely essential in a stitchers workbox.
    1- Needles of course. A variety of needles that are all sizes as well as ones that are specific to a particular technique
    2- A great pair of very sharp scissors
    3- a group of hoops that come in a variety of sizes.

    It is very difficult to come up with just three items but I think this would be a great start

  487. A sticher must have a good selection of needles, scissors in various sizes and Inthink my third item would probably be a measuring tape, but could just as easily be a marking pen, there are so many items one “needs” it’s hard to condense it to 3.

  488. What three things are essential in a stitcher’s workbox? Good needles, good scissors and good thread. Without needles, no stitching will be done. Without scissors, no thread tails can be cut. Without thread? Well, I think you can just imagine what would happen – no lovely stitching at all.

  489. Three items? Wow! Since my workbox is absolutely stuffed, I have to spend a moment to pare it down! Hmmm…

    Scissors – a really good, sharp pair that are a pleasure to have in your hand, and are easy to use – no sticking!
    Extra needles – just in case the one hanging at the end of your thread runs away.
    A pencil – to write a note, mark my place, make a reminder note on my pattern.

    I think I’d come up with a different third on a different day, but I do believe the first two are stable (until I take a walk and think of something even more urgently needed!).

  490. Three items…not counting needle or thread, right?
    Well a pair of sharp (but not super fragile) embroidery scissors, a finger shield (one of those hard plastic ones) and my stitching glasses. Bare bones, that’s pretty much all I would need for most of the stitching that I do, although I typically pack more!!

  491. G’day there Mary, “…and may all your Christmases be white….” and your tree especially bright. Have an especially encouraging Christmas Mary, with hope and love abounding for you and your family. Please keep well Mary.
    I always keep the best scissors I can afford, enough needles to make the haystack stick out a mile and a nail file for those nuisance catchy bits.
    Cheers, Kath.

  492. Well, that’s easy, and its hard…Only three? You have to have needles to stitch, Thread of course and embroidery scissors to cut the thread. I am deciding not to count the thread ços I don’t keep it with the workbox, I keep it with the project…and if you counted thread, you would have to count the fabric. So back to the workbox…hoops also go with the project, so I am deciding on a screwdriver to tighten the hoop. You don’t use it every day, but when you need one, you need one. Needles, embroidery scissors, screwdriver….too hard!!!

  493. Of course needles- I like Piecmaker, and then my black Dovo embroidery scissors -way cool – and so sharp. The third is my BLT – best laying tool. Couldn’t live without it.

  494. First three things: Needle, Scissors & the design/pattern/instructions. Some projects I work without a hoop, but even my own designs I keep an image of what I am working on near me to keep me on track.

  495. Essential to me are my notebook and 2b pencil for sketching designs; my reading glasses, and a spare hoop made up for testing stitches, needles, thread weights or colours. Yes, I should probably prepare more!

  496. 3 things essential to a stitcher’s workbasket: a good pair of tiny scissors (I like to do hardanger!), a good pair of fabric scissors (and woe be to the one who uses them to cut paper!) and a selection of good quality needles (depending on the type of needlework done). I’d also add a good magnifier to get an even better look at either the pattern or your own stitching, a tape measure and a bodkin (for pulling tape, ribbon or elastic through a casing).

  497. My first and most important tool in my work box would have to be my scissors, a very sharp pointy pair of Dovos. Second is a wide variety of good needles. One for whatever technique I’m doing at the time. Third and probably this should be first is a good light to see by.

  498. Lots of yummy threads,beads of every color and a really comfy chair to relax in-hey it’s a BIG box!

  499. Well here I am trying again for a giveaway! My essential item is a good well fitting thimble as I positively can’t sew without one. I had one favourite that I had used for about thirty years and last year I lost it! My patient hubby and I searched high and low to no avail . I have my mums and my grandmothers but I won’t use them in case they get lost! So I have bought several since, all antiques, plus one from Sajou. I keep them in my needlework folders of the projects on the go. I will never get attached to one thimble again! Many years ago I had a blue anodised metal thimble that I constantly used, it disappeared mysteriously, and many years later my elder daughter confessed that she had thrown it out the car window as she thought I loved that thimble more than I loved her! This had arisen from the constant cries from me of asking “has anyone seen my thimble”?
    My other must have is a really good pair of embroidery scissors of which I have quite a few!

  500. The 3 most essential items for my workbox include:
    Assortment of needles – All kinds
    Excellent embroidery scissors – Several kinds
    Needle threader – Several kinds
    Lighting & magnifier! – Indispensable!
    Needle minder – I use 2-3 for different purposes
    Orts platter – more like a hot pad that the orts will stick to!
    Uncle Bill’s Sliver Gripper – Woe, oh Woe!
    Oops – this is more than three! Can’t be helped! Everything is essential!
    How I LOVE needlework!
    Thank you Mary!

  501. First essential is a good pair of scissors

    Second essential is good quality needles

    Third essential is a good light

    While there are many other items I would have in my workbox I think the three mentioned above would be enough to get me started on most projects.

  502. What a beautiful needlepainting kit!

    Newbie here so I’m going to say my good scissors, needles, perele cotton.


  503. I think the most important items are really good, small scissors, not too heavy but very sharp, a good light source that can be moved easily to highlight my work and a box to keep my threads organized. I must say I love Trisha’s designs.

  504. The three things most needed in a stitcher’s workbox are: 1) a passion for needle crafts 2) imagination to put flare into projects 3) segments of time to deeply enjoy what every project is in hand.
    Techiya from Ontario

  505. Sewing basket essentials
    1. Scissors
    2. A whole pack of needles the size I’m using so each color has it’s own needle with a few extras.
    3. My pin cushion with an emery ball.

    Merry Christmas Mary and don’t feel bad about the weather, it was 28* in Southern California where I live.

  506. Hmm. Only three? Outside of the absolutely necessary, I’d have a thimble, needle threaders, and a magnifying glass.

  507. I think I would say a variety of different size needles, a good pair of scissors and a good needle threader.

  508. The three essential things would for me be a good pair of scissors, different types of needles and a thimble to suit your taste.

  509. My workbox is a small transparent make up pouch which I carry everywhere with me. The 3 things in it that I would not be without are my good embroidery scissors, my needlebook and contents, and my thimble! I know most people nowadays don’t use a thimble, but for most sewing I can’t do without.

  510. the first most important item in my work box is sissors, always buy the best pair you can afford. the better quality the better the sissors will cut and the loger they will well for you.
    another must is a assrtment of needles, i keep #24,26,and 28 all regular and the #28 minis. i have beading needles as well.
    thirs but as important as everything else is a measuring tape, oh how mad i get when i am almost finished with a project and i do not have enough linen ! nothing worse than needing to piece a three inch piece of linen onto the linen at the bottone line
    robet snith

  511. Three essential items for a stitcher’s workbox include the following: my silver thimble, sharp embroidery scissors, and a taped wooden hoop.

  512. Thank you again for a wonderful giveaway. Personally, I love your questions. They make me think about what makes me a stitcher. My three items are 1. Awesome scissors 2. Good needles. (Both obvious choices) 3. Good wine. Perfect. Heaven. If I can have an empty house and all the washing and cleaning done, even better.

  513. Three vital things in a stitcher’s workbox: scissors, needles, and thread — or if thread doesn’t belong in your workbox, then maybe a thimble.

  514. Three essential items for my stitching are: the right needles, whether they are gold embroidery needles or sharps it makes life so much easier if I have the right kind of needle for the fabric I’m working on, sharp scissors, and my laptop so I can listen to audiobooks whilst I sew.

  515. Cardinals, my very favourite birds. There is a pair living in our neighbourhood and I enjoy listening to them sing and watch over their spouse when feeding.
    The three most essential stitching tools in my work box are my needle threader, a laying tool and a pair of needle nose pliers.

  516. The three things that are essential in a work box would be the perfect thimble, good thread, and really good needles. Also, lots of time. 🙂

  517. Besides the basics (needle, scissors, thread etc.) my three essential workbox tools would be: my telescoping magnet to find those needles I am always dropping, stitch fixer/fiber hider tool and glass head pins for just about everything including counting work.

  518. The three items in my box that remain there all the time are my snips, my pin cushion and the needles and pins that go with it.

  519. I am currently spending time at two houses and recently packed a simple project. The most critical items apart from the standard (needle, hoop, thread and scissors) for me were a needle gripper for French knots, little clips to roll and clip up excess work and headphones because I love to listen to audio books while I work. That last part is a trick I learned from you Mary!

  520. Hi Mary. Happy Holidays to you! I always have a variety of needles in both tapestry and crewel. I like the sizing to be from 22 through to 26. I also like to have embroidery scissors with a very sharp point always with me and peppermints! A bit of energy, a bit of surprise for the mouth and also fresh breathe!!!lol Love Trish’s work and a Cardinal is just a wonderful colour to have for the winter. Would help keep me busy this winter to stitch as I am scheduled for some back surgery. All the best.

  521. I am taking this to mean that these 3 items are in addition to the usual items in the box like thread needles & a great pair of scissors.

    In my box I have a pair of clip on magnifiers with 3 interchangeable sets of magnification from 1.5 up to 2.5. As one gets older one needs the extra magnification.

    In conjunction with that, as one advances we need more light as well. I have a Beam & Read light that hangs around my neck & focuses light on my sewing. There are 6 LED lights & 2 settings with either 3 or 6 of them lit depending on the ambient light & the colurs I am working with.

    I also find that using finger cots (single finger rubber gloves) make the pulling of the needle through the fabric much easier on my hand. I started using them for hand quilting, but I now use them for any hand sewing. They grip the needle so well.

  522. I think the most important three things which should be in the work box should be a needle, thread and scissors!

  523. My three essentials are a lamp/magnifier combo, my beautiful stork scissors, and some really nice needles.

  524. In my traveling stitching bag I always have scissors, needles, and an ort container (usually a folding origami type).

  525. My workbox would have to include: my favorite needlethreader, a good pair of scissors and a needlebook or magnetic nest to keep track of my needles. These three items are usually out and about, next to my favorite recliner, within easy reach, at all times.

    Thank you again, Mary, you are the best. I learn so much from you, Merry Christmas,

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  526. Apart for the stitcher’s trilogy (scissors, hoop and needles), I would say my .5 Frixion marker (so easy to use and comes off with the iron), my binding clips and soluble interfacing…
    Merry Christmas eveyone !

  527. The three things that are absolutely essential to my stitching supplies are:
    1- good needles for what I’m sewing.
    2- good scissors
    3- my favorite thimble
    I’m lost without them!

  528. The 3 essential items in my workbox would be sharp scissors, good magnifying light, and smooth needles.
    Hoops are nice to have; threads add contrast; bags or containers add organization.

  529. The three items I could not manage without are my scissors (the prettier the better), a good pencil and good needles. Lots of other things are in there that I occasionally use but when you need them you need them! Thanks for the fun give aways I enjoy reading your posts every day.
    Merry Christmas

  530. Oh Mary, I do love Trish Burr’s work and would love to win one of her kits. Thanks for the chance to do so.
    The three things I must have for stitching are: magnification, very, very good lighting and a trolley needle (or laying tool).
    I bought my house because of how bright it is and lighting is all important to me as I work my stitchery and for reading.
    Have a blessed Christmas and a very healthy New Year.
    Floss Hurley

  531. I cannot stitch without needles. I have all types and sizes and still seems to pick up more. Sharp thread scissors are another must. I use my Fiskar snips most of the time as they are easy to find and grab. Third is the threads themselves, there are so many beautiful colors and textures that there are infinite possibilities for expressing our love for needlework.

  532. Hello Mary and all your other friends (like me). Today is warm and sunny, and NO WIND! (Which is good, for Wellington NZ).

    What are the three things that are essential in my toolbox? Well, being me, I have not one, but several of each of them.
    1: Scissors. really good ones, really pointed ones, really sharp ones.
    2. A good selection of hoops and frames. Actually I use the Evertite ones mostly.
    3. My $2 magnifying glasses. My eyes are not what they used to be, alas, but with el cheapo glasses perched on my nose I can actually see what I am doing. I can peer over the top of them to watch what’s on TV, but I have to take them off if I want to do anything else – they are only good for seeing the embroidery about 30cm away.

  533. Three definite essentials would be a really fine pointed pair of scissors, correct sized needles for the work I am doing, and my magnifiers which attach to my glasses. If I did not have the magnifiers I would not being doing much embroidery at all. Of course there are many other items which are essential but the above three are vital to make me a happy stitcher. Gabriel Kearle.

  534. 1. Pincushion or good needlebook – the papers that needles come in wear out awfully fast!
    2. Good scissors – the paper scissors we keep in the pencil-jars for cutting bits out of the newspaper will handle cotton thread, but not silk!
    3. Emery board or nail file – I’m hard on my fingernails, especially during gardening season. And an emery board can be used for smoothing off thread-snagging callouses, too.
    3. Small BandAids – If I stab my finger while embroidering, I know the blood drop will not land where it can reasonably be covered by stitching.
    3. Small note pad or scrap paper and pencil, because if I don’t need to make notes about a stitch or color number, surely I’ll think of something that must go on the grocery list.
    3. Small ruler.
    What does NOT belong in the workbasket: Catnip mice. Keep the cat out of my threads!!!

  535. 1. Several good pairs of scissors.

    2. A range of different types of needles.

    3. A good laying tool.

  536. For me, it’s a good pair of scissors, a variety of needles, and a laying tool. Thanks for offering this delightful kit. Merry Christmas to you!

  537. I would need to have a superb scissors set – one for threads and one for metals, a tekabori laying tool and excellent magnifing glasses.

  538. My first sighting of a glorious Red Cardinal was in Hawaii where we stopped for 5 days on our way to New York. This kit looks challenging. Thank you for a very interesting news letter.

  539. I struggle with my sewing if I do not have my glasses, embroidery hoop and scissors. These are my essentials, without which I just cannot then settle to complete any work. I always have a small something n my bag ready for those moments when you can just turn off and stitch.
    Sending seasons wishes

  540. I thought at first that this would be an easy answer but…. three items, not nearly enough! Here I go – a decent pair of scissors, a range of needles and a stash of coloured threads. Ask me this question again in a couple of days and my answer would probably be different. Loving these giveaways, thanks.

  541. The three things you would have to have would be some form of needle, some type of thread and a surface to attach it to. the needle would not have to be the usual metal needle and the thread could be made from a variety of materials. the surface could be anything that could be pierced by the needle. all of these are important but useless without an idea, imagination, and the desire to create.

  542. 1. I just can’t do without my little pair of pliers. Sometimes it’s difficult to pull that needle through when ending the thread and the pliers help.
    2. A small magnifier to double check my work when I am finished so I don’t miss anything.
    3. A laying tool is essential when using ply thread.

  543. It must include great scissors. I love scissors! Next, Thread Heaven can be just that, a heavenly help. Lastly, a well made hoop. Thanks for the chance at your great give always.

  544. Sharp scissors, spare needles, and a highlighter are the three main essentials for my toolbox.

  545. Hi,
    My three items would be 1/ A good selection of needles – in a nice needle book if I ever get around to making one. 2/ Sharp embroidery scissors & 3/ A pin cushion well supplied with pins.

  546. The three most necessary i
    tems in my workbox would be a very sharp, fine pointed scissors, a good quality stitching needle and a thimble to suit my mood or project.

  547. My essential 3 things in my workbox these days include magnifying glasses! They are my saviour for getting close enough for detailed stitching. Good quality hoops are terrific for getting good tension on your stitches. I like to wrap my wooden ones. My third item is a smaller container/workbox that fits my latest stitching project into my handbag so I can take with me on the train or in the car. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful kit. Australia doesn’t have red Cardinals or Hummingbirds and I just love them. We do have many beautifully coloured birds though.

  548. Thank you for the give away! The three things I need are magnified glass, scissors and coloured pencils to coloured the chart that I already stitched as I go along. (Cross-stitch)



  549. Three essential things in my workbox are embroidery scissors, needles and thimble. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful prize.

  550. I absolutely need great embroidery scissors, high quality hoop and good needles. But I also need a lamp with excellent light, which I got earlier this year and love! Thanks for your give-aways. They elicit all sorts of useful information.

  551. What 3 items do I want in my switchers box? It’s so hard to narrow it down to just 3! I have to have a good hoop (assorted sizes would be better!), embroidery needles and close up glasses. But good sharp scissors are a must too. Can’t forget assorted threads and a screw driver to tighten those hoops.

    So to get it down to 3? Scissors, size 9 embroidery needle and hoop.

  552. Hi Mary from sunny South Australia, we are expecting 41 degrees for Christmas Day .
    Three Essential items in my work box ….and yes I have one, embroidered of course.
    I would always have a pair of scissors…unless I’m flying and then it would be a cutter.
    A beautiful embroidered needle case, fully stocked.
    A cute little plastic container filled, as often as necessary, containing chocolate, usually peanut M&Ms, they don’t melt as easily in the heat…though we do m
    Have air conditioning.
    Merry Christmas.
    Take care

  553. My little dog, Bliss, keeps me company while I stitch! She is blind, and I pick her up and put her in a soft cozy swivel rocker. She loves it and doesn’t leave until we’re done! I think the essentials for a sewing box are needles, scissors and pigma pen…of course, pins are handy too!

  554. My work box is regularly overflowing with tools and gadgets, but the three essentials for me are;
    good sharp small scissors
    tekobari – my favorite laying tool
    book of needles

    thank you for having this blog. I look forward to it.
    Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year.

  555. 3 essential things in my workbox for stitching:
    1. assorted sizes of needles for lots of different projects
    2. a good sharp pair of scissors
    3. since I have arthritis in my hands, I always have my pair of hand splints-couldn’t stitch without those!

  556. Hi Mary,
    The 3 thing I can’t do without in my needlebox are
    1: needles, oh, I love good sharp needles, I have boxes full of them, I can’t stop buying them because I will panic if I can’t find needles to work with ( this is a sign that I am addicted to needles, haha)
    2:my scissors, again I have several, but my sharp embroidery scissors are my favorites. Nobody in this houshold is allowed to touch it.
    3: a pincushion made by my daughter when she was about 6 years old, It is so worn, but i still manage to repair it from time to time. That is very precious to me:)
    Have a good day!

  557. The 3 things – eh, ONLY THREE ???
    The very best pair of scissors, book of different sizes of needles and pins and tape measure.
    I don’t have a real basket, but I use a thingy scholars use to put their pens etc. in – what’s that called in English?
    I use about 6 pairs of scissors, 2 tape measures (long and short), a laying tool, hoops of different sizes, pencils in different colours, etc., etc., etc.

  558. I need scissors, different sizes of needle and a tape measure. You always need these no matter what you are working and when I work someplace other than home I always need to borrow something.

    Debra Puma

  559. I think three of the most essential items in a stitcher”a toolbox are 1.scissors 2. Needles 3. Needle threader …,…I don’t absolutely have to have a needle threader, but that and a magnifier (such as Mag-eyes) are essentials for me after my eyes got “older”:)
    Robin V

  560. I do have workboxes. I always keep
    1. a pair of sharp embroidery scissors,
    2. a pincushion of some sort, and
    3. a variety of needles.

    With these few things, I can usually work on any kit I may have need to work on, no matter where I am.

    Of course, I have many other items that sometimes seem necessary.

    Chatelaines and smalls have become an addiction–a way of learning new finishing techniques. They lead to boxes and special tools–oh, those special tools.

    Thank you for this special stitching opportunity.


  561. To start any project I need a good needle, quality thread and a good pair of scissors. With these I get to mend favourite clothes, do delicate operations on those much loved toys or take my imagination on a wonderful trip of discovery. =)

  562. What a beautiful kit. And what a tough question. I would have to commit to a really good scissors, OttLite Magnifier and a complete set of needles (one of every size and shape.) I’m stretching here to make all the needles into one item.

  563. The three things that I have to have before I start my embroidery project are embroidery scissors, hoop w/stand, and multiple needles in multiple sizes. Once I have that, I settle myself in front of the south-facing window so the sun shines over my shoulders and onto the project. Old eyes need that. lol

  564. I can’t believe I’ve missed all the give away opportunities. I haven’t been getting my posts of the blog! But I got this one and I love that cardinal! He is so pretty and animals that are “one” colour are so challenging.
    The three things I consider essential in my work box are
    1. Good quality needles in the appropriate size and type for the job. I have been frustrated by cheap needles fraying or cutting my thread or being barbed and injuring my ground fabric.

    2. A nice sharp pointy pair of scissors. Curved one’ s for surface embroidery to cut the threads close and straight ones for cutting out major mistakes.

    3 a good strong light. It doesn’t fit in my box but it does fi in my large sewing basket. As I’ve gotten older and working on more complicated things, seeing has become more important.

  565. Top three items in a stitcher’s workbox. Scissors, needles, thread. I guess this is why your site is Needle ‘n Thread.

  566. Small, sharp scissors so I can use every millimeter of thread, laying tool and micro-threader as my eyes go 🙂

  567. 3 Items essential to a workbox!
    1 – Needles
    2 – Scissors – I hate it when I have a “to go” bag and start to cut the thread to thread the needle….. and there are NO scissors!
    3 – A variety of beautiful threads – different colors and weights – and especially varigated threads! (Mmmmmm, I love varigated threads). Oh, and maybe some metallic threads, too! And silk for the slight shine!

  568. Only three???! My cluttered work table would suggest a lot more – but extra sharp small, curved scissors, lots of good quality needles in various sizes, with #12 sharps being my favourite and a good magnifier with attached light. Can I squeeze in fine, curved tweezers for lots of important jobs including being used for ‘reverse stitching’ which is sometimes essential, too?? My list is long, but these tools would begin that list…

  569. The three things you need in your needlework box is:
    1. a package of needles
    2. needle threader
    3. embroidery scissors

  570. My top three stitchery needs are: 1) A project bag (so I can take my projects with me quickly and easily), 2) High quality scissors and 3)high quality thread in a great range of colors (wonderful for inspiration!).

    And there you have it!

  571. Well Happy Winter to you, Mary!!!! Bet it seems a lot more like Christmas with snow on the ground and chilly winds sweeping over the plains!
    The three things that are essential to me are my scissors, a pin cushion and reading glasses (or magnifier.) I have to confess that I have a few more tools at hand all of the time. Wouldn’t want to have to put my stitching down to go find a needle or tape measure or thimble. 🙂
    I enjoy reading the comments, too. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  572. I think I absolutely have to have: a really good pair of scissors, good needles and a hoop. With those three things you can get going. But at today’s age, I’d have to have another — a pair of readers! LOL

  573. Weather its embroidery, sewing, quilting first thing I always grab is a seam ripper.. Sometime I think I better at taking OUT stitches than putting them in.. HA! Next is scissors, and whatever thread I need for the project and a plastic bag to throw it all in when I’m on the go. I know that’s 4 but without the bag, I would lose the other three….

  574. HI Mary, goodness hard fir us folk to imagine a white xmas. In my bucket list. We are expecting 40 c. Plus temperatures for xmas day. The air con will get a good workout.
    3 things….. A good sharp pair of embroidery sizzors,
    A good light.
    You may laugh at this but a roll of sticky tape. That’s for removing anything I need to pick out. Hopefully it doesn’t occur very often, but…….
    Best wishes to you and all your followers.

  575. Three essential tools for me are scissors, needles and embroidery hoop. The second three may be thread conditioner (wax), thimble and needle threader.

  576. Hmm…I don’t suppose I can make one item “a filled workbox” can I? 🙂 I guess it’s the basics for me. My great-grandmother’s stork handle needlework scissors, my trusty “cheaters”, and a needle threader are the things I must have in my kit box. I love Trish Burr’s work and just recently purchased her book on needle painting and started on a gorgeous little bird (well, it’s supposed to be gorgeous. We’ll see how that turns out!) Happy holidays!

  577. Essential for needlework? 2. Excellent materials-thread and cloth, 2.good light, and 3. superb scissors. I think there are other things that are near essential, a good frame, adequate time, a comfortable chair, but they are not the bare bones essentials
    Merry Christmas Mary
    Joan van Velsor

  578. Oh my 2 of my favorite things – cardinals and dogwood. This is kit I’ll have to buy in case I’m not the winner!

    My top 3 tools would be a great light with magnifier, a comfy chair, and some sort of stand to hold my work.

    Merry Christmas!

  579. Thing I can’t do without in my stitching kit are a good magnifier, a needle threader, and my favorite scissors.

  580. Forgot to mention that my workbox is my entire sewing room, so plenty of room for that comfy chair! LOL

  581. Oh what fun this has been! I think the 3 essential tools are a good pair of embroidery scissors, a laying tool and a needle threader!
    I love Trish Burr’s designs. Looking for ward to see if I’m a winner!!

  582. Needle, scissors, pencil. These are the *barest of bones* essentials…assuming thread/hoop/fabric are not in one’s toolkit, but an equally essential and handy spot ready for stitching! 🙂

  583. Three things in my workbox…beautiful gold scissors, an heirloom, gold thimble and liquid bandage. The first two things are so romantic. They were gifts and they make me feel creative in a lovely way. The last is because while I feel lovely doing handwork I do poke my fingers every now and then. So it is a necessity.

    So glad you’re asking everyone these questions. It’s been fun to get to know others & learn as well.

    That Cardinal is so stunning! Thanks for such a lovely giveaway.

    Seek peace,

  584. 3 essentials

    I have a few kits, 2 roll up style, one larger plastic craft basket with a removable tray and a nifty new soft side zip case with multiple pockets…..

    I always always have several pairs of really good scissors in my “kit”I love scissors and am easily convinced to try new ones. And they are essential for stitching and quilting. I do both.

    I have every needle known to stitcherdom as I find threads and stitching fabric sometimes provide a challenge so I want alternatives if my stitches aren’t forming as well as I would like.

    Number three is several needle threaders. I can see the threads and needles thanks to my “bionic” new lens transplants last February. But arthritis doesn’t always cooperate in the threading process so I have various loops and a couple of automated threaders.

    Thanks for a good question and the cardinal is one of my favorite birds. The apple blouson flowers take me back to the first ribbon embroidery I ever did….a small class with an excellent teacher. The project was a but if a challenge for a first timer….and I still have it

    Jane Modjeski

  585. In my work box I would have scissors, magnifier and hoop. Thanks for this give away. Merry Christmas Mary. Marla

  586. So much is essential in one’s stitching workbox, but I couldn’t be without,
    (1) a pair of good fine point embroidery scissors
    (2) a good “unstitcher” (unfortunately) and
    (3) “cheater” magnifying eyeglasses

    Thank you for the fun giveaways!

  587. Embroidery scissors, needle threader, and thread conditioner (Thread Heaven) are all top necessities for me!

  588. Smiles, Mary, your emails are such a delight — your passion for the art of stitching is so inspiring! I spent the a.m. stitching and listening to music — how pleasant and peaceful …. so, 3 things … I can think of more than three, but the basics are (besides needles and thread and scissors), needle threaders, a 1/4″ marked tape, a container to catch the thread cuttings, so that they can be piled onto wash-away stabilizer, and then oversewn with beautiful threads, the stabilizer washed away, and the threads then used for embellishing an art piece. You did not ask what other accompaniments one finds most useful, but I do believe that a little peppermint schnapps in warm black tea adds to the festivity of the season … smiles!

  589. Three things that are needed are a good pair of scissors, a good source of light and a timer so you can set it as a reminder to get up and move around.

  590. I’m thinking of the things i would need if i lived in the middle of nowhere without internet access. So I think I would have ti say my Dovo embroidery scissors. I got them a year and a half ago and they are amazing. A good assortment of needles and finally, a good emery. While I don’t really use one now, if I didn’t have ready access to good needles I don’t think I could live without one. Imagine the days when needles and pins were precious commodities. They still are in some parts of the world. Here in the west we are so spoiled.

  591. That cardinal is fabulous! I’d love to try my hand at it, although my long and short stitches leave a lot to be desired. More practice I guess.

    My needs in the workbox would be a great pair of scissors, my thimble, and magnifying glasses to see the details close up.

    Thanks for all you do for us through the year. I’m an avid follower and have learned so much from you.

  592. Three things that are essential for me beyond the basics, i.e., needle, floss, fabric, would be a bright light, magnifier and a fabric frame and scrolls. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a beautiful Kit.

  593. Mary, thank you for doing these giveaway challenges I’m finding it inspiring for the projects you have chosen and the questions/answers! I don’t have a tool box per say but I imagine the necessary items would be snips or scissors, a selection of needles, and an heirloom thimble!

  594. My three essential items in my sewing box are my scissors, my thimble and my needle threader. The older I get the more I need my threader some of those needles are impossible to thread without it.

  595. Wow…only three items? I guess I’ll go with the obvious and that is high quality needles in many sizes. A good hoop is essential for me, in a variety of sizes, of course. My last essential would be a seam ripper. I never know when I won’t like something!

    I guess we won’t mention the tape measures, rulers, pencils, stabilizers, iron, ironing board, blocking boards, fabrics, doodads…oh my!

  596. Scotch tape, thread heaven conditioner,and my flowery painted scissors..That baby cardinal is so plump and cute.

  597. Three essentials: Thread, needle and thimble. Thimbles are funny guys. Most people hate them and I did too until our teacher, for our Baltimore Album appliqué class, MADE us wear one. Now – I can’t function without my best friend and even wear one when I am doing needlepoint. It isn’t too late to teach old dogs new tricks!

  598. Long time reader, first time leaving a comment! First let me thank you for your wonderful videos and sharing all your stitching knowledge! For a workbox, for sure there must be scissors, needles and a needle threader! If I have those 3 things I can embroider, cross-stitch or do needlepoint anywhere!

  599. Lets see, in _my_ workbox I would absolutely have good sharp pointy scissors, extra needles, and a magnifier, my eyes aren’t as good as they used to be!

  600. Three things that are essential: Needles, a good sharp pair of scissors and a hoop. That’s all I had for many years and I did lots of stitching.

    Beyond that, magnification, light and a needle threader for finishing a ‘too-short’ thread. You know, for when you only have another couple of stitches to do so you don’t want to start another thread, but it means you are left working with something shorter than the needle.)

  601. Hola! Imprescindible para mi: mi pequeña tijera (regalo de mi hermano de su viaje por España), mis hermosos hilos de colores y agujas! Feliz Navidad!

  602. Three workbox essentials:
    1. Really sharp, good quality scissors
    2. Needleminder – I have only a bare magnet but I can’t live without it
    2. Highlighters

  603. A great pair of small embroidery scissors, a pack of various size embroidery needles, a marking pen.

  604. ,Mary. Wisconsin is cold and white also, and thanks for all your hard work on you web-site. It is very inspirational. I would love to try needle painting. The Cardinal kit is just gorges. My three must have items, (besides the obvious,) good sharp seam riper,(for taking out bad stitches,); a needle pointed tweezers, ( for picking out un wanted fuzzys,); and a good magnifier, ( these old eyes don’t see so good any more). Have a Merry Christmas, & a Happy & Safe New Year.

  605. Well the truthful straight answer is needle, thread, fabric. Of course that isn’t the fun answer.
    Fun answer is the very cute embroidery needle book I made, the darling purple seam riper that is compact and cute, and finally my very cute embroidery carrier that I made that of course holds my hoop, pattern, and everything else I need!!

  606. Good Evening Mary
    Well, I am so pleased you got the tree up and that you have snow. These two items are important for Christmas in North America.
    The three items I would not be without in a work box will be the three items I need for my travel work box.
    They are: 1. A magnet. This could be a needle holder magnet or a wand – either one.
    I drop needles all over the place and when I stitch away from home I often need the magnet to find the needle in a carpet or wherever.
    2. Good embroidery scissors.
    3. Magnifying glasses. Chances are the lighting will not be the best for stitching so
    the glasses do offer some help.
    Have a very good Christmas with you family and may 2017 be one of your best years yet!

  607. 1. A good hoop or frame (bad ones are an exercise in frustration- ask me how I know)
    2. Scissors – good quality is a real treat
    3. Thimble or stick on finger protection – this is my personal preference.

    And oh- boy, do I have way more than 3 things that must be in my workbox (some don’t even fit) – magnifier, good lighting, needle threader, plastic freezer bags.

  608. I couldn’t begin stitching without very sharp embroidery scissors, my needlebook of many needles, and my flip up magnifiers!

  609. Yeah, your questions are doozies alright! The three things I think are essential to a stitcher’s workbox are scissors, needles, and and a stitching magazine or book for inspiration during those times when the current project seems to drag on or be boring. A few minutes considering future possibilities is often the key to renewed enthusiasm.

  610. Only three?! Scissors – preferably DOVO! A selection of my favorite John James needles and Scotch Tape which I sue for all sorts of things

  611. 3 essentials in my workbox/bag…

    1. scissors
    2. needlebook (with pins and needles)
    3 compact stitch dictionary (I am a novice needleworker)

  612. The three essential items in my workbox are:
    – sharp pointed scissors,
    – a need suited to my project, and
    – a container for my orts!

  613. Three items needed in a workbox in my opinion would be, a very good embroidery scissors, needles, and a thimble.

  614. My workbox is a a Mary Cox needle case ( tri-fold). I don’t go anywhere without it. In it I keep a good pair of scissors, needles and pins along with my magnifiers. Unfortunately, the older I get the more I need the magnifiers.

    Thank you for such a wonderful blog. I find it very interesting and refreshingly humorous at times.

    Linda R

  615. Just three things?? I guess scissors, needles, and pins. No pincushion needed, as that’s what the arm of the couch is for. 😀

  616. Really good scissors, really good needles and my favorite thimble(rubber base with a metal top). I thought of a tom of things, I am always carrying around to much stuff, but you made me think, what do I grab first.

  617. Three things in my workbox? Uffda! What assumptions to make? Do we assume appropriate needle and threads and scissors? Without those no stitching could take place. Beyond that: Thread Heaven (not all the time but a lot of the time), leather thimble, and the right marking tools. So far I can still manage without a threader and the light won’t fit into the workbox, nor the laptop that gives me access to sooooo much information (such as NeedleNThread.com). I’ve visited this kind of question again and again when planning/designing a sewing kit/hussif and it’s hard to whittle the list down. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it – until I get a new idea

  618. Three essential things… Good scissors, a good hoop that holds material tightly, and although it doesn’t fit in a box, I need time! A chunk of time to relax and work on my project.

  619. Hi Mary, I am so glad to hear that your Christmas tree is up, I was beginning to worry about that. Congratulations on the snow, it was 85 degrees in south Florida this afternoon. This give-away is so beautiful, I began needle painting about a year ago and I am totally addicted. Trish Burr is the queen of needle painting, so far I have one of her books and have just about worn it out. Three essential things in my stitching work box would be good scissors, good needles and for those rare times (ha ha) a seam ripper. If my box was larger I would say my floor stand light magnifier—very essential.

    Merry Christmas

  620. My cannot live without items for stitching are a super magnifier, needles and sharp scissors. Of course it would be a bonus if they were all held in a beautiful wooden work box with an embroidered lid. I do hope to win this give a way as I have to be Trish Burr’s biggest fan. Her work is just amazing.

  621. In my stitchers workbox I would have a skein of black embroidery thread, a needle and a small pair of scissors.

  622. Three things in my workbox.
    Chocolate Gives me energy to keep going, and it tastes good.

    Thank you.

    Denise G.

  623. I have a laying tool made of wood that I love. I always need small sharp pointed scissors for everything. And last, in recent years, I need my magnifying light. An ort box and lots of needles are always at the ready, too.
    JoAnn Edwards

  624. Merry Christmas Mary and all other embroiderers.
    Trish Burr is one of my favourite designers and I would love to win a kit to embroider when, in February, I have knee surgery. It would fill in the endless hours in hospital, and relieve the boredom of physiotherapy. I have recently finished her design “Katarina” and have also embroidered “Winter Song”. Both just beautiful.
    Barbara in Qld Australia

  625. Hmm.. three essential things. I’d pick Bohin needles, embroidery scissors (Dovo or Gingher are my votes), and DMC cotton floss.

    I use those three items in almost everything I stitch. Merry Christmas, Mary! I hope your Christmas is as full of cheer as you’ve given me these past years as a reader of your beautiful blog.

  626. Oh no !!!! I forgot the 3 essentials in my sewing kit. I agree with many other comments that small, sharp scissors are so essential, plus good quality needles. What a difference they make!! The third item is a box of patience. So essential to achieve good work.
    Barbara in Qld Aust

  627. MUST HAVE’S: needle, thread, cloth. BUT–the list could go on & on. I would love to have one of EVERYTHING though.

  628. Oh, darn! I thought the question was going to be about why I wanted to stitch the cardinal!

    My three essentials for a stitcher’s workbox would be a needle, a thimble, and thread. Scissors would be the 4th essential, but I could always find something else to cut the threads with, if necessary.

    I would be in 7th heaven if the cardinal kit were to be mine. Every stitch would be taken in memory of my dear, late mother, desperately missed, particularly at this time of year, because she loved all of God’s birds, and cardinals in particular. They were the blessing given to her when my father’s business took them from British Columbia to Ontario, for five long years.

  629. I have to have my scissors, my needle threader and my newly discovered new tool–the French Hoop!

  630. I would love to try needle painting – I have admired it for a long time. Three essentials I think would be an embroidery stitching book, good needles and good quality fabric! Thank you!

  631. my three things for my embroidery kit would be scissors, needles and embroidery threads all in my favorite wooden wine box with a sliding lid.

  632. My work box is an old cigarette tin that says smiles. Three essentials are tweezers, thimble pads, and scissors.

  633. The three items essential to me for embroidery are the proper needles, good embroidery scissors and a trolley needle/laying tool.

  634. Easy. My good scissors, my pack of good assorted needles and for me, a magnifying helper.

    I so enjoy reading your column aside from the great information. Thank you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!s

  635. My list seems to change when I discover something new I just can’t live without. Of course a good pair of small scissors. I’ve used my seam rippers too. Because let’s face it, when you mess up big time you have to take drastic measures! And my new favorite is my frixion pen. Though I haven’t tried it yet, I read you can use this pen on your paper pattern and just use your iron to clear it off when done.

  636. mary- love trish burr. her helen stevens and u are my favorite embroiderers. i am currently working on one of trish’s chickadees. would love to have another, her kits are divine. what i HAVE to have in my embroidery box (which is a vintage train case) is 1. great pair of scissors 2. variety of good needles and 3. beautiful thread. hoping once again to win. merry christmas, marcella

  637. Embroidery hoop, sharp embroidery scissors, needle case filled with a size range of good quality needles

  638. Three things my workbox must absolutely have are a variety of needles, s couple of scissors, and a laying tool. Guess that’s more than three!

  639. Going no where without the needles and scissors to cut the threads. But also need the tote to keep it all the notions together and take it on the go.

  640. Geez, these are not easy questions 🙂
    Um. I’m assuming that threads,hoops & suchlike are excluded 🙂
    A needle-threader, because while I can cope without, it usually prevents damaging the thread fibre.
    A magnet for the needles I’m using often but not “in the moment” as it were. The only place I have to stitch is my bed, and even though I usually use blunts, well. Those suckers get lost *happily*.
    Um. I’d love to have a hands-free magnifier, but I can’t really think of anything else to add. No, wait. I multitask projects, and I found a notebook to jot down my ideas and intentions for each project really helps for when a project is sidelined for too long. And, of course, the brains to keep the notes *with* the project (don’t ask ^_^)
    Thank you both for the opportunity!
    StelliesTessa in Jhb

  641. The first 3 things I always put in any project box are my thimbles, my scissors, and a pencil, there’s lots more, but you only said 3, so there you are. 🙂

  642. The three things that would be essential for me in a workbox are: a good pair of scissors (small with sharp points), a needle threader (the eyes are old), and a rubber finger-tip grip (there are several brands out there) to help me pull the needle without getting sore fingers. I would have to be wearing my magnifying glasses, and have a good light over my shoulder.
    I would love to use all of the above on a Trish Burr kit as her birds delight me!

  643. Hi Mary, I love this little bird! Three things? One, scissors. Nice scissors. Scissors that you only use for threads. Scissors with a fob. Scissors scissors scissors. I love scissors. So, that could be three!
    But also … basting thread. I have helped out a few friends in need because I carry some in my kit. I am such a hero.
    And three… a pencil. To write notes on patterns. I actually love pencils too. Not as much as scissors, but I do love pencils.

    Thanks Mary. Happy snowfall. Happy tree!

  644. Well, lets see … three items I think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox would be a good light, magnifying glass and a notepad to write thoughts/ideas in.

  645. The three items I would find absolutely essential for stitching would be:

    Am I missing something? This seems too simple.
    Sherri Harris

  646. Three things to have – a rip out tool that is sharp – sharp scissors…….an imagination! well, that’s kinda your box – your mind! Right?

  647. Love Trish Burr’s bird!

    I embroidered and sew a collapsible basket to be my workbox. The three absolutely essential itms in it are a needle book, a pair of powerful reading glasses, and a pair of scissors.

  648. I thought about what is in my little essentials box next to my stitching chair, and the first would be scissors, scissors and more scissors, can’t have enough of them, secondly would be my pin cushion that has a variety of needles in all sizes, pins and a few safety pins and thirdly would be my magnifyers, can’t see fine work with out them and as I get older I find I am doing finer and finer work.

  649. In my work box I would count as essential items (1) good quality scissors (2) a hoop(3) a good array of needles. Of course a coffee sachet and a bandaid wouldn’t go astray either

  650. Three essentials for my workbox- good scissors, a tape measure, and my stitching glasses = now prescription!

  651. A piece of fabric, some string, and a needle with an eye big enough to thread the string and sharp enough to get through the fabric. That’s it. Go on, embroider something.

    To demonstrate this, my college instructor handed out 8″ squares of burlap, fat tapestry needles and about 5 (10″) pieces of kite string. She then demonstrated running stitch, cross stitch, and back stitch. She left us an hour to create a design using those 3 stitches. What fun.

    Now that you have your string, needle and fabric….I’d buy a hoop (get a fanny hoop, you won’t be sorry), a great pair of scissors (but don’t use it for kite string!) and a needle threader.

    If your budget stretches to a bit more, grab an assortment of real embroidery thread, fabric nicer than burlap, and a good lamp or strong glasses.

    I started with only black embroidery thread. Cotton, Wool, Silk, Linen and a Metallic. I got a 10 inch piece of silk, cotton, wool, and linen….all from the same instructor. And a cool stitchionary. On each fabric, I did the same 10 stitches, each in a different kind of thread. It was a great learning experience.

    More thread and more needles later……

  652. Oh man! If I had a workbox. I’ve wanted a good pair of embroidery scissors, because normal sewing scissors and shears are just too big. Probably put a laying tool/stiletto in there also, to make satin stitch look better. And…hmm. Thread conditioner, I think, to make the cheap stuff I work with less snarly. I think thats my three! What a gorgeous kit 🙂

  653. Three things in work box–, embroidery snippers or scissors, a portable light for wearing around my neck, and a thimble or a little flat balloon to use as a needle pusher or puller.

  654. Absolutely essential for a stitchers work box are needles, thread and scissors. I would also add a thimble, and mine is a leather one!

  655. So many wonderful tools come to mind but must haves for me would include good sharp scissors, a needle threader and some type of ruler or tape measure.
    Janet King/Marion IA

  656. Mary, is this a trick question? My weary brain went to the basics….needle, thread and scissors. Call me practical, but once I read “the Last Runaway” by Tracy Chevalier, I realized how valuable these three items were to slaves. Makes me reflect on all the goodness I enjoy in my life.

  657. The three things I must have to work on surface embroidery are:
    1. A good pair of small, sharp scissors.
    2. A needlepack with various types and sizes of needle.
    3. A sharp seam ripper. (for the occasional mistake, of course.)

  658. Oh my goodness, how do I pick only 3 items for my workbox? It’s full of stuff. I cannot work without my magnifier light first but it doesn’t fit in my box so besides that my most important item is a good pair of scissors. They are absolutely necessary for certain needlework. I always have lots of needles and nowadays I need threaders also. So those would probably be my first choices but the list could be quite long……….

  659. Three essentials would be a needle, scissors, and a hoop, unless the project involved using a stiff thread, threaded by hand into an open-weave ground fabric (net). Then I think good eyesight, a steady hand, and lots of patience (three things not usually found in a workbasket ………. more’s the pity) would be required.

  660. I think the three things every stitcher should have in their workbox are: 1) patience 2) diligence and 3) a sense of joy! And maybe some good scissors 😀

  661. The first and most important item in my workbox is my glasses. Without them there would be no sewing. They are stronger than my reading glasses. Second is my thimble. I learned to sew in grammar school by hand sewing an apron to use in cooking class the next year and just can not work without them. It’s one of those things where how you learned you continue doing. Last is my scissors, I would like to say chocolate but truthfully scissors are essential.

  662. My current ‘workbox’ is actually a water resistant zip pouch meant for an e-reader or ipad; but to resist technology a bit further, this pouch carries my current small stitching projects. As I take my grand-daughter to after school activities, take road trips, or errands,etc., it carries the three essentials – My Needle case (tube originally meant to be a toothpick holder), small sharp embroidery scissors with protective cover, and thimble- all well-aged and well-loved.
    Merry Christmas! Love your site!

  663. Dear Mary,
    My workbasket is for tools and other nick-nacks. Fabric, thread, embroidery frames and hoops, and magnifier necessary for stitching, are keep covered or stored outside my workbasket. That said, the three stitching essentials in my workbasket are the best quality needles, scissors, and finger protector I can lay my hands on. Time invested in stitching is too precious to use poor quality tools.

  664. The three things that are an absolute must in my work box would be the very special handmade scissors from France that my husband purchased for my birthday several years ago. To be safe I would also have a back up pair. I only use the French ones on fine silk. The second item would have to be my reading glasses. I am sad to say that they are becoming more and more necessary. The third would be one of my needlebooks with a good selection of needles. With these items I am ready to go out and meet any stitching challenge I can find.

    Thank you for the opportunity of participating in your wonderful give aways. I have enjoyed reading the responses.

  665. The three items one absolutely must have in a stitcher’s work box are:
    Needles, thread and scissors. Without these tools, you cannot stitch!

  666. My three essential sewing tools are sharp scissors, stiletto, and a variety of good needles and threads.

  667. Hardware! All hardware! : needle, scissors, magnifier!
    Please – please. One more hardware: My small engraved copy of Prayer to St. Anthony– to find the above when I mislay them.
    Thanks Trish Burr.
    Thanks Mary Corbet.

  668. My three essentials are my embroidery scissors, needles and a tapestry needle which I use as a laying tool.

  669. In my “workbox” would be my Dovo embroidery scissors, my wonderful thimble and my favorite M and M’s to keep me well nourished! By the way, I love when a cardinal visits my yard. It’s my deceased mother stopping by for a visit.

  670. Happy holidays Mary. Yes, I do have a sweet embroidery workbox filed with essentials and some fun notions to inspire me. My three essentials would have to be sharp scissors, my needle book ( filled with a variety of needles) and an 6″ embroidery hoop. (I find that size gets me though most of my projects.

  671. Three items I would need in my workbox: needles, embroidery scissors, and a very large, lighted magnifying lens!

  672. Mary,
    The 3 essentials for me are:
    1. A really good pair of scissors that are only ever used for fibres so that they stay as sharp as possible.
    2. World’s Best Laying Tool
    3. A really good light / magnifying glass.
    Wouldn’t enjoy stitching nearly as much without these items.
    p.s. The question was really easy today.
    p.p.s. Really want to win this kit by Trish Burr!!!!

  673. I think respondents to this giveaway will cross the 1500 mark.
    The 3 must-haves in my box will have to be a pair of sharp pointed scissors, a variety of needles and thread-ordinary sewing thread, silk, floss, cotton…
    I’m imagining myself stuck anywhere on the earth. With sufficient light, a functioning wrist and these three items, I’d be able to work embroidery magic on any day.

  674. Another lovely giveaway! Thanks so much!

    Let’s see, I have to limit it to three? Well, a good sharp set of scissors, a magnet of some sort to keep track of your needles, and a well filled needle book.

    Carol S.

  675. The 3 items that I think are essential in your work box are a variety of needle sizes, a small pair of scissors and a hoop with the inner ring wrapped with grosgrain ribbon.

  676. First and foremost, has to be chocolate, not that it helps me create any faster or better, but it sure lifts up the spirits! ;o)

    I can start with the usual suspects, needle, scissors, frame or hoop and of course your design. But the extras have to be a good light and a nice pair of glasses to ease eye strain. And last would have to be a needle threader to make it that much faster and enjoyable, no one wants to struggle threading the needle……. I know I can’t wait to stitch in the evenings……… it’s my time to relax and enjoy after a trying day at work!

  677. Assuming that threads etc don’t count, we’re talking tools, then a good pair of scissors – how much easier life is now I have the gorgeous Hardanger scissors from Dovo (with great tweezers too as a set) – a strong full spectrum light and a pincushion. And needles of course!

  678. Merry Christmas to you Mary and thank you for another wonderful opportunity. I’ve had a good scroll through the list and it looks like most people are in agreement (me included) with good needles and scissors. The third that instantly came to my mind was thread. I figure that with those 3 things a person can be pretty adventurous. But if thread (and fabric) was a given, I guess I would say a good hoop. Blessings to you.

  679. “Workbox” is a bit grand for what I have, but the essentials are pair of excellent scissors, a beautifully ordered needlebook (I wish), and a needlethreader that doesn’t get lost.

  680. This is almost a trick question. Three essentials would be a needle, scissors, and a hoop.
    The cardinal kit is such a lovely gift, and you are right….there is none better at needle painting
    than Trish Burr.

  681. I would have a sharp pair of scissors, some quality needles, and a CD of my favorite music. Then sit in the sunshine and go at it.

  682. My 3 things are a little different….
    1. Band aids (some days my needle and myself has issues)
    2. Note pad and pencil ( I always think of wonderful things I need to do when I’m stitching..
    3. My EGA cards from my Guild…( I want to have other come see what amazing work my Guild does and what fun we have doing it)
    Thanks so much for the fun drawings
    Nannett in TN

  683. I think the 3 things I must have are good needles, a pair of good scissors and some kind of measuring device. Oh but wait, I also have to have something to stretch my fabric… qsnaps or stretcher bars……

  684. Three essential items in a stitcher’s work box are scissors, fabric and thread. Or in the abstract: something to stitch on (fabric, hardware cloth, tennis racket, etc.), something to create the stitches (thread, wire, rope, etc.), and something to cut the “thread”

  685. I suppose fabric, hoop, pattern, and threads are part of the project not the work box. The minimum I would need is good scizors, various needles, and magnifying glasses. With those I think I can stitch just about anything.

  686. What 3 things are vital to my stitchery workbox?

    1. Scissors, of course are essential and I hope, self-explanatory.
    2. Directions for special stitches, for those time unfamiliar territory is broached in the current pattern.
    3. MP3 player. To play (as I stitch) those essential prayers and verses that serve as each day’s directions for guidance through unfamiliar (and, at times familiar but bumpy) terrain.

  687. Well…of course my needles, thread and hoop….those are a given….but next would be glasses, scissors and gum….always chew while I stitch! My work box is actually overflowing most of the time….

  688. Definitely a good sharp pair of embroidery scissors, with a cover – I hate getting poked. A seam ripper for unsewing. And a strong pair of readers. (I also have a little book light for extra light!)

  689. Perfect for the crazy quilt I’m working on!

    Even if I don’t win, I’m inspired by the books by Trish Burr that I own. Her techniques and explanations are superb…don’t be afraid to buy one of her books if you want to learn this type of needlework. I find needlepainting to be quite freeing, especially after working on something like counted cross stitch.

  690. First ……..thread….and that takes forever cause there are so many beautiful ones around and cloth is the second challenge , after that it is a” piece of cake”……..that is the third “must have”

  691. Let’s assume needle, thread, and fabric (or some other foundation material) are a given. What else? What 3 items would be absolutely essential? I would say my spectacles, a good light source, and a good pair of scissors would be the bare minimum for me.

    Mary, I want to thank you and your contributors for this series of Christmas giveaways. So very generous! And it is fun to read all the comments.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! I wish for you a joyous season filled with much happiness and family togetherness. I pray God blesses you many times over, especially with good health.

  692. I think the three most valuable tools are a pair of very fine, quite sharp little scissors, a reeeeeeeally good needle threader for threads that refuse to go through a needle any other way, and embroidery hoops in a large range of sizes.

  693. A floor stand, good daylight lamp and stretcher bars. They don’t fit in a toolbox but to me they are essential!

  694. Love Trish’s work! I’ve had one of her books in my cart for awhile now. The three essential items in my workbox (or basket, in my case) are something to cut with (snips or scissors), high-powered reading glasses, and tapestry needles. There are other must-haves, but nothing gets done without those three items.

  695. The 3 things I think are essential are needles (preferably a couple of different types), scissors and a good hoop

  696. I’ve loved watching cardinals in my back yard for many years, ever since we moved here when I was five years old. Seeing one of those beautiful red birds is always a mood lifting experience. Today there were four at the same time stopping in for a snack at the feeders, two male and two females. So, I have to enter this giveaway. Thanks so much for this opportunity. My embroidery box has to contain lots of things that I seldom use, but three that I consider essential are sharp scissors that cut all the way to the very tips, an old fashioned steel crochet hook, size 12 or smaller, and a nail file or emery board. The crochet hook is my magic wand for unpicking stitches, hiding short thread ends, removing threads for drawn work, substitute laying tool, awl, etc. It is also useful for any type of stitch taming or coaxing into proper place.

  697. It was VERY hard for me to choose what are the most Important and necessary tools in my embroidery box. I have quite a few necessary tools. In random order I think my glasses that I use to see just for embroidery…I have to see what I am doing right? :-)…my tin box of needles of various sizes gold & silver…my needles are VERY IMPORTANT to me. Everyone knows NOT to touch my needles…..my scissors…OH MY!!! HOW can I NOT mention by FABULOUS bird scissors from Ernest Wright and Son that my dear friend Martine Jensen from Norfork, England. I was oozing and drooling one day over the scissors last year with Marty over one of our chats and how I’ve been wanting to get a pair since reading about them here on your blog. So what does she do? She sends one to me for my birthday last year…OHHH I was crying all day and I must of send her dozens of thank yous with hugs and kisses e mails. They are one of my most prized possessions. In honorable mention…my hoops and stretcher bars…I would be LOST with out them. It is hard to embroider without them…my needle threader…somethreads and needles and yes my fingers too because of some uerapathy in them, I just can’t thread my needles by hand with a trick my great Aunt Lucy taught me when I was 10 years old. I was very blessed to be taught how to embroider & do needlepoint when I ws 7 years by my Aunt Mary. She opened up a wonderful world to me when she taught me. My fondest memories with her are of the summer times spent at her home in Monroe N.Y….it was very much like the country then. My family lived in Gendale, Queens, NYC. Now it has become suburbanized. I digress. We would sit outside on Aunt Mary’s front lawn with our various hoops ..a gentle breeze from the nearby lake keeping us cool from the bright warm. When Aunt Lucy came in from Chicago she would join us. Between my 2 Aunts I learned some wonderful needlework delights. I couldn’t be more blessed and lucky.

  698. Needle, thread, and scissors…..how is that for three essentials? The cardinal kit is beautiful. The stitching of the feathers is so vivid. Love to see a male bird in the winter snow of Ohio.

  699. I believe every workbox shounld definitely have a good pair of small embroidery scissors – I love my gingers. The box should also needles and embroidery floss or thread as an absolute minimum. Would love to try thbat bird stitching. I went on Trish’s website and watched a video of her stitching a similar pfroduct. Kay H

  700. Hello, my 3 essential items are: a good quality needle (I prefer gold), a pair of fine sharp scissors and my Ultra Thimble. I had tried every thimble under the sun and could not find one that was just right, that was until the lady at my local needlework shop suggested I try the Ultra Thimble I did and it is perfect. I have given some as gifts to fellow stitches and now they are converted too.

  701. Well for me it would be some kind of hoop or frame, good sharp scissors and a really good light: I have a daylight lamp that I found years ago at Bed, bath and Beyond: it was on sale for$ 30.00 and I snatched up two of them!! Quite a deal I thought, since the name brand ones tend to run over $100.00. It’s on my dining room table, which is my work table also!! and I use it every day. Thanks for hosting this give away: I’m hoping I win this one! I’ve been so interested in her thread painting and spent way too many hours on her blog checking out her designs!! Hugs, H

  702. I love Trish Burrs’ beautiful work. What a dream to embroider this kit. My three necessity items are scissors, good needles, and my glasses. Enjoying the giveaways.

    Merry Christmas


  703. Glorious scissors (I’m an addict), luscious threads, and now that I’m of a certain age, a good magnifying light! I’m a sucker for beautiful fabric too…but you confined us to 3 items. I adore Trish Burr’s work and would love to win this little guy. Meanwhile Happy Christmas Mary. Thanks for these giveaway opportunities.

  704. I would have to have a pair of very sharp scissors, a small screwdriver to enable me to tighten my hoop up and a selection of new needles so I can replace mine when they become dull. Thank you for your interesting articles I thoroughly enjoy them.

  705. Merry Christmas all!
    The things I can’t do without are yummy threads, good quality needles and sharp scissors. How can we just pick three because none of it works without quality fabrics. I could go on but I will stop. Happy stitching everyone.

  706. my 3 must haves…. in no particular order…. needlebook with a selection of different size/type needles, sharp pointy scissors, and a needle threader (becoming more important as I get older 🙂 )

  707. 3 items Mary? That’s cruel 😉

    Let’s assume needles don’t count.

    A really nice pair of scissors with a sharp pointy tip. When I first started doing embroidery I was looking for a hobby and didn’t want to spend too much money (student days). So I fished out my old dissection scissors which were sharp and pointy and light, and after a quick soak in bleach, perfectly adequate. As the months went by I found myself converting more and more elaborate pairs of expensive scissors until I got the pair I have now from a local needlework store. Without doubt, it makes stitching so much easier.

    2. Needle treaders. So I was of the ilk that stuck thread in my mouth and muttered incoherently trying to get it through the eye of a number 7 crewel needle. Then I read this site and hung my head in shame. Now I buy these babies whenever I see them and have quite a collection. Another thing that makes stitching so much easier.

    3. Pincushion. Perhaps an unusual choice but it is a tool I cherish. I have a bog standard tomato (complete with chilli sharpener) and currently it has around 12 needles stuck in at odd angles with various bits of thread in them. I usually keep the stragglers when I’m done with a section in my current project. At the end, touch ups couldn’t be easier. I’ve found that my laziness in correcting errors is mitigated somewhat with this technique, and it helps me keep track of colors and weights if I stop stitching for a bit.

  708. Wishing you a wonderful festive season Mary. Oh but there are so many must have, or really really want to have, items, however my three essential items are a large selection of crewel and tapestry needles, embroidery scissors and a nice small screwdriver.

  709. Three items absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox:

    1. Good lighting
    2. Great design
    3. Fortitude to not rip it out and start over


  710. Hi Mary, My needlework box necessities include an embroidery scissors, a small but accurate ruler and an assortment of needles. I might need small appliqué pins and chocolate too! Thanks for so many fun chances to win cool stuff!

  711. I’ve been infatuated by cardinals lately and this one is absolutely gorgeous! I’d love to learn needle painting on him!

  712. Hi Mary,

    Such a nice give-away today ! I love Trish Burr’s designs.

    Well, well to answer you question is simple and complicated : 3 essentials for stitchers in my large workbox are a good pair of scissors, needles and a full collection of really good hoops. Besides that I need a full dressmaker pins box and a nice little screwdriver for the hoops, and of course nice threads and materials to imagine nice projects to be stitched on …

  713. Some very good scissors, a lot of new needles in different sizes 24, 26, 28 as mine seem to tarnish when I leave them in the fabric too long. My 4 inch embroidery hoop, I’ve left that behind when going on holidays before and struggle to keep my tension right.

    I have borrowed books by Trish from our library, but always seem to have to return them before I get started. How lovely to have one here where I could finally dip my toe into the wonderful world of needle painting!

  714. The 3 things I think are necessary are sharp scissors, a good assortment of quality needles and, at least for me, very strong glasses — I can’t stitch what I can’t see.

  715. The three must haves for me would be…..definitely my sharp embroidery scissors! Then good needles….another must have…..there’s normally about 2 packets in my box because I constantly seem to lose them! And my pincushion….to pop the needles I’m not using into before they end up going missing….which for some reason they always do and I can never find them again!

  716. I need more than 3 basics, good scissors, needles, a good light, and a magnifier. But you can’t use any of these if you don’t have a pattern, cloth, embroidery floss, and a hoop.

  717. The first two items, little scissors and needles, are easy and so common they go almost without saying. But the third item for me is a small empty wooden spool that reminds me of my first sewing basket. So often it’s difficult to either find time to do needle work or enjoy the process with so many other things that fill a day. My little spool reminds me of when I was a young embroiderer with lots of time to stitch and just how much I loved it!

  718. I would definitely need a supply of a variety of good needles, sharp embroidery scissors and a set of three good quality hoops in different sizes. Lots of things I can live without but not those! I assume if I had a kit, I wouldn’t need much else!

    Beth FH

  719. Oh my, only three? A really good pair of scissors, really good needles, and a dollolly which is a thing to use when your thread is too short to slide under other stitches. Especially helpful when reverse stitching. Merry Christmas to you and yours

  720. Hello Mary,
    What A beautiful project for a give-away today! For me the three essential items I need in my work box are good needles, a needle threader and a laying tool. Of course, magnification and good lighting are essential for all my stitching projects, too. Stay warm!

  721. If I am going to take 3 essential tools with me for a day of stitching, I would start with scissors, then needles. Next, if the work is “in hand” I would add an appropriate size hoop. If I am stitching on canvas, then I need a laying tool. A magnifier goes with me for every project!

  722. Just three things….hmm….that’s hard I stuff everything in there. A selection of needles, scissors for different techniques (gold, hard anger you get the idea) and lastly a laying tool. My magnifier has gotten to big over the past few years to fit so I can’t really put that in there anymore.

  723. Three important tools…Really good scissors, good needles, and plastic baggies (or envelopes) for keeping things organized. This was a relatively easy question today as I started to help a young refugee to start embroidering yesterday. We are starting with a cross stitched pincushion .

  724. Hi Mary,

    I have two of Trish Burr’s books and they are an inspiration, but I have not yet plucked up the courage to start a needlepainting project.

    The three essentials for a real workbox
    1. A pair of embroidery scissors, suitable for both cutting thread and carefully cutting Hardanger fabric. Most of the care should be exercised by the person doing the cutting, though.
    2. A magnifying light for these ever aging eyes.
    3. A laying tool or trolley needle to ensure threads are not twisted.

    Three essentials for my imaginary workbox
    1 A third eye on the back of my fabric, to see any knots as soon as they form.
    2 A fairy godmother to magically do the housework, leaving me time to stitch.
    3. The willpower to organise my stash into will do, could do, and no chance, and give away this last of the three.

  725. Scissors, needles and tekobari/tapestry needle. I love needle painting flowers but would love to try a bird.

  726. Love Trish Burr’s beautiful designs especially because she obtains her results using regular embroidery thread so I can jump right in to the project and not have to hunt down supplies. Essentials: Now that beads feature in so many designs, I can’t work without my beading mat in an old CD box. No more searching out beads in the rug after I knocked over one of those little plastic boxes. A stitch gauge since I always seem to need to measure down and over just to get started or how many threads in an inch. An assortment of needles so I don’t have to jump up every time I drop the one I’m working with.

  727. It is hard to say which 3 items as I have so many favourite items. I would not be without the perfect sharp needlework scissors and would be devastated if they went missing, also embroidery thread, we embroiderers become like Magpies collecting beautiful colours and then needles because how could we sew without them, so these are my 3 items scissors, thread and needles.
    Of course there are a many other items the list is endless, if you are like me any new gadget that is new I have to have it.

  728. The three most important things to have in one’s workbox:
    1. The best scissors that you can afford.
    2. A complete selection of needles that you use for your favorite techniques.
    3. Most important of all: A calendar on which to schedule “appointments” for stitching, to be treated as seriously as other appointments in our lives.

    Thank you, Mary, for everything that you do for those of us who love stitching!

  729. I have lots of tools and supplies but a paid of very pointy scissors, Magnifier (either the one on my stand oraround my neck) and my star detailer are items I don’t think I could stitch without!

  730. Three essential items in my workbox (my work bag, that is) are a (1) needle threader, (2) sharp scissors, and (3) a little bag for snipped threads.
    I save the thread ends to put outside for nesting birds; when I find a bird’s nest, I recognize some of their construction material!
    Trish Burr’s Mr. Cardinal is a very handsome bird, indeed.

  731. This is a good question…what three things are absolutely essential to me….the right needle for whatever I’m working on, a variety of threads, and a sharp pair of scissors….well, and plus an exciting project to work on!!!

  732. I love the cardinal, Mary, and hope I win this kit for some Christmas stitching. Three things mandatory for my sewing box: sharp scissors, an array of good needles, and oodles of wonderful thread. I also need a magnifying light, a good set of hoops, and some inspirational music. Thanks for the chance.

  733. What three things are essential to my “workbox”? My scissors, extra needles, and a thread laying tool would be most essential to my “workbox”. But I would also have a large dose of love, patience, and desire to do the project to the best of my ability. Thank you for this great giveaway!
    Have a very Merry Christmas and a super great new year!!

  734. In my needlework box, I have two essential “whatever the project ” tools: a small battery operated ott -lite and a magnetic needle minder. I travel often and ( alas with gaining in years) my eyesight needs good light in planes.
    Amongst important tools are TSA friendly cutters, going through security without me thinking that I have weapon in my bag!
    Thanks for this nice Calendar of advent giveaway !

  735. The essentials in my work box are my magnifying glasses, my ‘remove the snags’ hand cream, and my portable light. My ‘getting ready to stitch’ ritual includes washing my hands, laying out the project and threads, and tightening my work. Once I am set up with my glasses on, my hands washed and smoothed, and a good light – then time stands still while I am immersed in the world of stitch.

  736. The first two things are easy–a good sharp scissors and the John James Millennium, collection of 100 needles. For the third item, I got my basic sewing kit that I take to classes to see what jumps out at me. I think it would have to be a pencil or other marking tool.

  737. Three essential things I have in my stitching box (a decorative wooden cigar box) are my very sharp Gingher embroidery scissors, a large assortment of needles and a needle threaded. When I take a project on the road, these 3 things follow me everywhere.

  738. Let’s see, besides the basics of needle, hoop and scissors I think the three items I use consistently are a magnifier, a laying tool and my ort box. I would include a good light but it doesn’t fit “in” a workbox. Thanks Mary and Trish for the awesome give-away. I have been intimidated by needle painting but would love to give it a go.

  739. Dear Mary,
    when it comes to it, I don`t need anything more than a needle, scissors and a hoop 😀 When it comes to the worst, I can even do without a hoop.

    What a beautiful giveaway today!

  740. I have a little tin box I carry around with me whenever I do projects, and it doesn’t have much more than three items in it, so I feel like they are pretty essential, if not basic. My items are a pair of scissors, a needle threader, and a little cloth with a variety of needles on it (and some pins too). If I could swap, I’d probably add a bit of thread instead of the threader, so I’m always prepared for stitching wherever I go 🙂

  741. Three items that would absolutely be essential to my workbox would be a beautifully sharp pair of embroidery scissors, my favorite thimbles, and a nice bar of beeswax!

  742. Needles, Scissors and my current project and I am a happy camper especially if I have a great cup a tea.

  743. A good pair of scissors is top of the list, a magnetic needle holder for when I’m switching needles so I always know where I’ve put my needle and the TV

  744. Hi Mary- it´s difficult to isolate just 3 items seeing that my workbox is FULL of essentials. However, if I interpret “stitcher” as a person who sews, then it´s needles, thread and scissors. I was taught from a young age by my mom to ALWAYS carry these items in my bag (although I don´t actually do it…. 🙂 ). Keep well.

  745. LOL! Really had to think on this one–which of the many implements of creation could be cast aside leaving only three. Here goes: needle, scissors and laying tool.

  746. A good hoop, sharp scissors and a bunch of needles-assorted sizes-are probably the most basic items needed to start. Combine that with a steady hand, bright light and a good pair of eyes.

  747. Good needles, scissors, and my favorite hoop are the top three things in my workbox! After that, Thread Heaven, a pen to mark my designs, and a well-fitting thimble would be the next three.

  748. The 3 things in a stitchers work box: a good thimble, sharp scissors, and new needles in many sizes.

  749. First would be my reading glasses. Must be able to see!

    Good scissors. Nothing is more frustrating than not getting a clean cut.

    Tiny bottles of rum…kidding! I always have a pencil and small notebook too. I keep lists of what I need and when I’m stitching things seem to come to me that I don’t want to forget.

    1. *snort* Too funny, Dayna! Are you familiar with beer goggles? Generally they make everyone/thing look better, so maybe the rum would also make your stitching look great!

  750. First I would like to wish you and your family a Healthy, Happy Joyous Holiday Season!
    Now on to the three essential items in my work box. I would be lost without my needle threaded, sharp scissors and sturdy hoop.

  751. The answer to this question is easy for me. No doubt about it, I have to have the right embroidery hoop or frame, a good thimble, and an excellent lamp with a magnifier (for my old eyes).

  752. First, a good needle threader without wires that you have to fight with . Secondly, a pair of sharp, user friendly scissors. By user friendly I mean comfortable to hold regardless of finger size (many novelty scissors are not friendly to thicker fingers and/or joint issues). And thirdly, a needle minder (such as the lovely Kelmscott ones that I use)–I’ve lost more than my share of needles. Besides fabric,needles, and threads, these are the items I must have.
    Thank you very much for all of these fabulous giveaways. Merry Christmas to you Mary and all my fellow stitchers.

  753. Absolutely essential for all stitcher would be needles and scissors, but I add in good needle threaders for various sized threads and needle holes. For me personally, I require my lighted magnifier. I get tired of making mistakes without it!

  754. Three important things in my work box are: a good pair of scissors, a needle threader and needles. Of course there are lots of other things in my work box 😉

  755. My three things would be good needles ( I have been stitching most of my life and took your advice and ordered some good needles – I didn’t know what I was missing! ), hoop and magnifiers.

  756. Gracious me, the first things that come to mind are patience, a new hoop (mine is very old), and quality thread, oh and a magnifier glass. A challenge for sure but with the Cardinal it would be so worth it – my favorite bird. I just had cataract surgery so I can see much enter now and I love doing needlework while sitting with my DWH in the evenings. Wishing you the merriest Christmas and a joyous New Year, Mary. Judy C

  757. I can’t imagine a stitcher’s workbox without a needle, thread and a pair of embroidery scissors.

  758. Three essentials in my workbox are needles, needle threaders and scissors. Thanks again for the opportunity to win one of your giveaways.

  759. My absolute musts are:
    1.Ginger large eye embroidery scissors
    2.My Craft-optics glasses with scopes
    3.Needle book from Quail Valley chapter EGA

    1- These are my absolute favorite scissors, and frankly, who doesn’t have scissors on this list? Infidels! Imposters!
    2- these glasses have my prescriptions for distance AND reading, plus the drop down scopes that I call my McDreamy glasses; they are like the scopes that the surgeons use on Grey’s Anatomy. They are amazing; the magnification makes your stitching look HUGE.
    3- this little needle book is a fundraiser for this chapter, and it is amazing. It is a spiral bound little book with a page for each type of needle; and the kicker is that it has an actual size photo of each size of needle; you just store your needles in that page’s felt, but to check the size you just hold a needle up to the photocopy of the whole range until you see the one that matches. Bingo! No confusion, and this holds every stinkin needle you could EVER need. Ever. It is genius.

  760. Oh, I love your emails! As to the essential items – if you are “of a certain age”, like me, one thing would be my magnifying headband. It’s getting more and more use the older I get. Another thing is my scissors block. It holds two pairs of embroidery scissors, a pen, and has a magnet to keep needles handy. The last would be a really good pair of embroidery scissors. I am dead in the water when I misplace mine (which is why I have a half-dozen pairs!) I have wanted to try needle-painting for a while.

  761. I think the three things that are essential are scissors, needles and a pincushion. Thats what I use most at least! 🙂

  762. You absolutely need the following 3 essentials:

    1. Scissors-sharp, good ones for fabric & thread cutting and one for metal/paper
    2. Wide assortment of quality needles in a variety of sizes
    3. A notebook & pencil-Very useful months later to recall tips, directions(if in a class), color changes etc.
    While a good light wouldn’t fit in a box, it is invaluable.

  763. I’m pretending it is a very large workbox and includes a magnifying light – can’t do without it. Then a selection of needles and of course great scissors.

  764. Three things that must be in my work box are:
    1 – Good pair of glasses
    2 – Sharpe scissors
    3 – Dark Chocolate!

  765. I really want to win this one! Love cardinals.

    3 items? Well, top of list is good scissors, appropriate needles for your project, and a needle threader. But my stitching life has improved a lot since I started keeping and using an emery with both my hand and machine stitching supplies. Less stress on the hands, better, more even stitches on the machine.

    Thanks, Mary! Fingers crossed. 😀

  766. Oh, I would love to win this great prize! A bit difficult to narrow it down to three items, but I have to have my thimble, really sharp embroidery scissors ( I love scissors, I have loads!) and a laying tool. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this draw, Mary. I hope you are keeping well, have a great Christmas.

  767. What a beautiful little bird!

    My essentials? Other than the more obvious supplies, I’d have to say a really great pair of scissors, reading glasses, and a bottle of liquid bandage, as a.) I’m rather clumsy and b.) I have the Driest Skin on the Planet.

  768. The three Essential itens in my workbox

    A very good small scissor
    Different types of Needles
    A small smart hoop

  769. My three essential things in stitcher’ s work box would be, really good quality suitable needles (I like Bohin needles), a needle threader (too frustrating to try to manage without one!!!) and a good pair of sharp finely pointed embroidery scissors. Then with fabric, threads and a frame I would be all set up.

  770. As many others, I do a lot of stitching in a variety of media–embroidery, needlepoint, beading and more. First are needles!! The appropriate type and size for the project are a must. Second would be two types of scissors depending on what needs cut — one pair for cottons and silks silk, Fireline

  771. As many others, I do a lot of stitching in a variety of media–embroidery, needlepoint, beading and more. First are needles!! The appropriate type and size for the project are a must. Second would be two types of scissors depending on what needs cut — one pair for cottons and silks, and another for metallics, Fire Line, etc. my third must-have is a laying tool. The best design is a very individual decision. It can be as simple as a collar stay or large tapestry needle all the way to a BLT, tekobari or a fancy glass laying tool. Whatever feels best in one’s hand and can be manipulated easily to ensure threads are layed smoothly. Of course my work box is full of lots of other fun gadgets, tools and toys, many appropriated from other original uses.

  772. My stitcher’s Workbox must absolutely have a good pair of scissors, a comfortable thimble , a good selection of needles.

  773. The three things a stitcher should have in the work box are Needle, embroidery hoop and a pair of sharp scissors are a must. i have done most forms of embroidery, amateur though. So I find these three things are the most important for emroidery forms ranging from surface embroidery, whitework, Cutwork etc. Of course, I don’t keep my thread and fabric in the workbox.

  774. Well, congratulations on your tree installation and Merry Christmas! Now onto the three essential tools. First would be a great pair of sharp scissors followed by good needles and a needle threader. Without these basics, I would be lost in any attempted project,especially Trish Burr’s needle painting of that magnificent red cardinal!.

  775. The three essentials for me are: a good needle, some kind of beautiful thread or floss, and a good scissors!

    I have been an admirer of Trish Burr and her books . It would be great to win this kit!

    Maria M., Pennsylvania

  776. The three top essentials in my sewing box are first, my sharp pair of embroidery scissors attached to a fabric/felt fob that holds an assortment of my favorite needles. Second is a small pincushion to keep track of the threaded needles in use on my current project. Third is an old silver thimble, that fits my finger perfectly, inherited from my great grandmother. I use it all the time!

  777. Only three – wow! First essential is 1 (or more) pair (s) of good, sharp preferably pointed scissors. Next essential is my reading glasses (so I can see what I’m stitching). Last essential is some way to organize the threads for what I’m working on. Sometimes I use plastic baggies, sometimes the thread holders with the holes to put the thread thru. Other things that are nice to have is a multi-guide ruler to figure out what stitch count I’m working on and sometimes where to place isolated stitches. Also excellent is a needle storage system, especially if a project has 40 or 50 different colors, so I don’t have to re-thread the same needle all the time.

  778. I love the work of Trish Burr. I’ve been wanting to try one of her kits. She makes such beautiful things!

    For my own stitching workbox, the essentials are a good pair of scissors, needles in various sizes, and a pair of glasses to magnify everything. Those are the three things I make sure I have in any kit I’m putting together. I don’t use reading glasses to read, and I can see detail pretty well, but it still really helps to magnify what you’re working on. You can see what the threads are doing, up close and personal! So, those are my essentials. Of course you’d have to have hoops for the fabric, those are essential too, but I guess they wouldn’t really be a workbox item.

  779. The first essential item in my work box is a good sharp pair of embroidery scissors. Second, I need an assortment of needles, everything from milliners to sharps to farmers, all sizes. Lastly I need a reference book of kinds of stitches. Sometimes I have an idea for a stitch, but can’t remember how to start it…even when I’ve worked a lot of a certain stitch. If I haven’t made it in awhile, I need a kick start…
    Adding a Trish Burr kit would be a good way to finish off my Christmas shopping for myself…you might say it’s therapeutic!

  780. My essentials: needle threader, great pair of scissors and marking pen with disappearing ink! I’m just totally dependent on my threader, no matter what thread I’m using, and I’ve learned that a wonderful pair of scissors makes all the difference! I never thought I would need my marking pen so often, and the disappearing ink makes using it a no-brainer.

  781. Trish Burr is a name I’ve heard of in the past from members of my EGA Chapter, but in checking out her website, I really love her designs, especially the Prancer whitework digital design. Needle painting is a bit intimidating to me and never tried it, but would love to give it a try–we all need to start somewhere, right, and to work on one of Trish’s designs would be wonderful.

  782. Three things: a good pair of scissors, have several with one only used for cutting my hardanger; needles in all sizes; and my magnifying glasses. And with our cold weather, a cup of hot tea, and watching my real cardinals at my bird feeder.

  783. #1: A good assortment of needles.
    #3: Needle threaders to accommodate all the needles.

    Without these three, it’s not a stitching kit.

  784. 1-Scissors. Multiple kinds so I always have the right ones for the task at hand.
    2-Needles. Multiple kinds so I always have the right ones for the task at hand.,
    3-A good glass of wine……

  785. Three essentials for me would be very basic. Well, I need four: needle (better few, but at least one), scissors (I could use different things for cutting, but I prefer scissors) and the project (fabric and threads). As I said, I would like to have the fourth one too. This could be frame or hoop (depending on project). And other things? They make life easier, nicer, but not so essential. One can survive without them.

  786. Three essential embroidery tools…..It goes without saying that a good variety of needles are the first essential item/s. A very sharp pair of manicure scissors to cleanly get under those pesky errors. A mechanical pencil and a water soluble fine point pen. Oh dear, that’s four! Am I disqualified?

  787. If I were stranded on an island, I would need my good scissors, needle threader and my hoops/embroidery stands – and of course all my embroidery projects!! Maybe, I will complete my projects on the island – LOL!!!

  788. The 3 obvious tools I would want are my small sharp scissors, a needle threader for those days when the thread won’t cooperate, and an assorted pack of needles. With those I could tackle most anything stitchable!

  789. Oh wow. That’s a hard question. There are so many options. My top three items to have in my box whenever I’m working a piece of embroidery are sharp scissors, something to wind my threads on as I dislike working with loose skeins, and an emery or strawberry containing emery powder as I have oily hands so my needles start to feel sticky rather quickly.

  790. Essential to me for any stitching would be needles, scissors, and a ruler (or tape measure). It is tough to begin any project without these basic tools. Many thanks to Trish Burr for this beautiful needlepainting kit. Cardinals have a special meaning in my family!

  791. The three items I think are essential in a stitchers workbox are as follows: a really good pair of scissors (by good I mean, sharp, useful and pretty), thread heaven (to keep away those nasty knots/tangles) and a pretty stitch fixer (to help hide unwanted threads. These are the tangible things I think a stitcher needs, but the most important thing you need is the heart of a stitcher.

  792. scissors, a laying tool and a little round rubber thing you can use to pull your needle when it’s stuck

  793. The three essential items in my quite basic sewing box are a sharp pair of embroidery scissors, a magnifying lens and a range of different sized needles. Other requisites I find I need for my sewing are extreme patience (usually needed when un-picking and starting again), determination plus plenty of peace and quiet!! These are especially needed as I have just discovered needle painting and am finding it very challenging!

  794. I would absolutely need: (1) Sharp embroidery scissors, (2) Good “hanging” neck magnifier and (3) my favorite thimble.

  795. This is hard because I am thinking tool/tools and trying not to think of stitching notions. First a good pair of embroidery scissors, a marking pencil, mine is a lt.blue chalk, and a fine pointed seam ripper, I love the one I have as I use it as a laying tool.

    Then of course your hoops, needles, thimbles or thimble pad, needle threaders, a strawberry emery, needle book or pincushion, needle gripper, etc. I am sure everyone has their three favorite tools. This will be fun to read and gain some new ideas. Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season.

  796. In my little box: a good pair of scissors, a good needle and a thread card with the current project threads neatly organized. I am dreaming of adding a very nice thimble. Maybe for Christmas…

  797. I imagine needles and thread and a sharp pair of scissors but I could not live without a good stitching pillow.. sometimes a ruler..a hoop and a pen to draw or transfer the design. I love how portable these projects can be. Oh…and glasses and a good light!

  798. For me, I would need scissors, thread, a needle and a pattern. But most of all, good directions since I’m new at embroidery!!

  799. The three essential things in my work basket (or at least close) are: my takibari, my serrated goldwork scissors, and my Lowery work stand.

  800. 3 essential items would be;

    1- Small embroidery scissors not the “School scissors”
    2- A big hoop not the small ones
    3- A collection of needles

  801. Three things that are a must for stitching are a good light, a good pair of scissors & a boo boo stick

  802. What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?

    We have to limit it to only three??
    #1: I need to have really good and bright lighting, such as the OTT lamp that sits next to the couch where I do most of my stitching. It does drive my hubby nuts though because he’d be perfectly happy in a room with almost no lighting at all! I do a lot of needle painting so good lighting is a must.

    #2: Scissors! I like ones that have a little bit of weight to them, large holes for fingers, and long, skinny blades that can easily get in and snip one little thread among many if needed.

    #3: I’m partial to the Japanese steel needles. They are strong, smooth, and very sharp. They glide so nicely through fabric.

    If I don’t have the above three items, good lighting, sharp scissors, sharp smooth needles, then I don’t even bother with getting everything else out to work on a project.

  803. Three essentials needles, scissors, and thread =)
    This is such a pretty kit, thank you so much Mary for your generosity in doing these give aways!

  804. Hi Mary,

    Happy Christmas! I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely looking forward to a weekend of indulging in needlework projects, least till it’s time to go back to work on Monday.

    Anyways, as to your question ‘What three items would you consider to be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox?’ I would list the following items:

    1. As many have, and probably will say, a good pair of scissors is definitely necessary. From cutting thread to pulling out stitches, scissors are a multi-use tool needed for any project.

    2. A pack of needles sized for your specific project, or several packs of different sizes would also be essential in a work box. As we all have either lost &/or broken needles in the middle of a project, having extras is definitely necessary; and occasionally nice to be able to offer one to a stitching friend who’s either lost or broke theirs.

    3. A needle keep of some kind would be my next and near last choice. Whether it’s a magnet set stuck on your fabric, or a large containment unit that keeps as many needless as needed, it is always good to have that extra ability to keep any/all your needles in one place.

    Thank you for hosting the giveaway, and I hope all of my fellow readers out there have a very happy holiday season!

  805. Wow. How do you narrow it down to three? I am assuming that you are not talking about needles, because crewel, tapestry, milliners, and chenille needles are all necessary and that is more than three. So after that, I would need a laying tool of some kind, sharp scissors, and very fine-pointed tweezers.

  806. Three things I consider essential to my stitching box are; a good sharp pair of small scissors, a pair of Uncle Bill’s tweezers, and my magnifier. My magnifier to see what I am doing, the scissors to carefully cut out my mistakes, and the tweezers to safely remove the threads of the mistakes that I just cut out.

  807. I’d love to receive this beautiful kit.

    In my view, the three most essential things in a stitcher’s workbox (or bag) are a good embroidery scissors, a thimble (I know not everyone uses one but once you get used to them they’re indispensable), and a needle case or book for holding a variety of needles.

  808. Three things that are essential in a stitching workbox. Really good sharp scissors, a really good light with a magnifying glass, and of course, chocolate!!! Such an easy question! LOL!!!

  809. I seem to always forget my scissors so those are at the top of my list for my work box. A needle book to park the needles waiting to be used is next on my list. A thimble or a piece of rubber for pulling my needle would be handy, but I think a strong light is more important for me. On the other hand a good magnifier is pretty essential. It’s so hard to pick only 3 items. I have never done needle painting but the beautiful little bird stirred up my creative juices. I would love to try that technique.

  810. In no particular order…
    1. Needle threader
    2. My swan scissors
    3. A magnifying glass with a light. 🙂

    Nina Worden

  811. Ohhh, I hope I win! I just got one of Trish’s books!

    3 things essential to the workbasket…I’m a minimalist: my scissors, my star-detailer (for pulling loose tails through under stitches and threading needles) and a magnet/needle minder…I didn’t put needles because, well, while essential they rather go without saying? 🙂

  812. Three essentials in my sewing box are a good pair of scissors, magnifying glasses and a needle threader. As you get older these are must haves to help enjoy sewing.

  813. Good needles and scissors obviously, but sadly now also a very good magnifier/lamp! Merry Christmas!

  814. In my stitchers workbox the 3 esstential things for me are coffee, chocolate and the project i am working on because as a group we travel to each others house every week thank you for the chance and hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  815. My 3 essential things would be sharp scissors, a variety of needles and a hoop.
    Mary, do you have embroidered decorations on your tree? Would love to see a photo if you do 🙂
    Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

  816. Please forgive me for this simple answer I am a beginner and trying desperately to regain my desire to want to learn how to embroidery. My mother in law passed away this past June she was going to teach me when we had time. That time never came, we never took time…. And now she is gone….. The time we had together went by so fast…. I was not going to try just give up and then I saw this sweet little red Cardinal and it is so pretty ! Thought I would give it a try. The 3 things I think you would need would be a pattern, thread and scissors. Thank you very much, think I will continue reading your emails.
    Thank you again for listening,
    Jane fussell

  817. I am taking the liberty to already have my thread, fabric with the pattern transferred on, and placed in the hoop before going into my work box. Inside the box will be needle, scissors, and m & m chocolate! They always melt in my mouth and not on my work.

  818. 3 essential items in my work box are good needles, beauutiful thread, right size hoop Diane Schultheiss

  819. Three essentials to **my** workbox?

    1) Loupes with a light. I have surgical loupes probably made by the same people as made the ones you reviewed highly.

    2) Good needle threaders. I can’t do filament silk without them anymore.

    3) All the needles in the universe! In tubes with desiccant pouches unless they’re in a bit of felt for a project.

    Cheers from tropical Tagaytay City, Philippines! (I’ll be back in Seattle after the first of the year)

  820. What a question! Good sharp scissors a must,a good light and a magic key to slow down time and give more time for stitching!!

    Merry Christmas

  821. Scissors, needle and thread! I debated between scissors and hoop.

    But it wasn’t until I read your website I realized the hoop I had been using since I was a child was broken. I was always taught to just tighten my fabric now and then. I got a new hoop and couldn’t believe the difference! So scissors it is!

  822. I think the three essential items in a workbox [left once you take out the bare basics you are actually working with], are really good scissors, a portable light, became you can never have too much, and a pencil to write down all the good ideas that come into your head while stitching!

  823. Scissors! (Which I lose about every ten minutes.) For me, the controversial magnet to put your needle(s) on – otherwise I also lose those every ten minutes. And an internet connection, as I’m still re-learning and am constantly stopping to look up stitches!

  824. My 3 essential things are my scissors, my needle book (made from your Lavender, Honey and Little Things) and my ort box (these threads and scraps from quilting go into cat beds for the animal shelter). Love you, Mary. Merry Christmas!!!

  825. Gosh – stem stitch, buttonhole stitch and long and short stitch – these would work with just about anything!

    Randy Keenan

  826. Hello: Well this is a seemingly easy question as immediately I would say scissors, needles and threads. But then what about the fabrics!?!?!? Maybe one could just embroider on the clothing or household linen already in the home if they could not have more than those three items!?!?

  827. Three tools that are essential for me are
    a light with magnifying lens
    a tiny screwdriver to tighten the embroidery hoop
    supersharp small scissors
    Of these items, I have learned about one from Needle ‘n Thread and bought two based on Needle ‘n Thread reviews. Thank you Mary Corbet for making needlework that much better!

  828. My three essentials are good scissors, variety of needles, & a small hoop. If I can add, a clear 6″ ruler, a magnet, and small portable lamp are always handy.
    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Merry Christmas to all.

  829. The three items do I think would be absolutely essential to me in my workbox:
    1) An extremely sharp and pointed pair of scissors
    2) A pretty pin cushion for my needles
    3) A needle threader

  830. Hi Mary, I think the three essential items in my box would be a great pair of scissors, good quality needles and a nice seam ripper. I would love to win this cardinal kit, it really is beautiful.

  831. I think for me the most important things in my workbox are:
    1. a really good hoop (read hardwicke manor hoop)
    2. my favorite needles (bohin)
    3. scissors

    Thanks for a great giveaway!


  832. First is a good pair of scissors, a whole variety of needles, a good supply of threads. This year I have been collecting specialty threads so I can do anything at the time the mood hits me.

  833. Three essential items in my workbox – they would have to be my special embroidery scissors, a selection of needles and an embroidery hoop. There are other items too which I would find it hard to do without but they are the essentials!

  834. The three essentials I pull out every time, for any sort of needlework (I mostly quilt) are scissors, needle, and a thimble. Can’t sew without ’em!

  835. I’ve had dreams that I was stitching and didn’t have ANY needles. Did I say dreams, they were horrible nightmares! That would be my #1 box necessity. Then there have been the dreams/nightmares that I had threads hanging off the back that I had no scissors or cutting tools to snip them with. #2 need and nice pair of scissors! You can see how much stitching factors in my sleeping time! The last absolute necessity would be something to magnify the fabric & patterns. My aging eyes need something. If I had to pick just one of the items that are in rotation, it would be the little clip on magnifiers by daylight that cause the least amount of headache to wear and pack. If room and portability wasn’t a factor, the ultra slim magnifying lamp would be my wish list #3.

  836. Scissors ofciyrse. My end thread book so I can pick the perfect color. And ear buds to listen to a book 🙂

  837. I love these Trish Burr kits, and I have to dream big to be able to create such fine work. So with that in mind, I need a special workbox full of motivation, patience, and magic to bring it to live. After all is Christmas and anything could happened if you believe.

    Merry Christmas and many stitches of joy to all on 2017.

  838. I think every stitcher needs a needle, her “colors” of floss (whatever they may be) and her embroidery scissors. Thanks for all the fun chances to win a give-away.

  839. Well, first in my embroidery kit would be my Blue Max light. It makes such a difference for me. Of course, a sharp, pointed scissors and a strong hoop are also essential. I am so thankful for all the advice you give, it helps me to make good choices.

  840. Wow, another thought provoking question, the three items for me are 1) a brilliant sharp pair of scissors, 2) a piece of the best beeswax that I can afford and 3) some form of magnification with light.
    There are so many items to cut it down to three was really difficult, but after scratching my head for a while I plumbed for the three above. Good luck to everyone and I wish you all Seasons Greetings and a sew full New Year.

  841. Dear Mary,

    The three essentials are a pair of Dovo scissors, a Dazor Light, and a great project to embroider.

    Thank you for you generosity all this month.

    God bless, Nick

  842. The three items that I think are absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox are Needles, Thread & Scissors!

  843. 1. good sewing needles
    2. Thimble
    3. Scissors

    Sorry, but 3 is way too few “essentials”. This list really means an assortment of needles appropriate for any task, a thimble, and a variety of scissors, from tiny sharp embroidery scissors to large dressmaking shears. Then there HAS to be thread, some kind of measuring device, & beeswax. Everything else could possibly be considered frills? But the fun is always in the frills, lol.

  844. Three things I never want to be without when sewing are good, appropriate needles (hand or machine), nice sharp scissors and, of course, thread! 🙂

  845. What three items do you think would be absolutely essential in a stitcher’s workbox? The realistic answer would be thread, fabric and needles especially if I was stranded and needed something to do. I could always make up my own designs.

  846. I love my work box. It is outfitted perfectly for me. BUT if I had to choose three items only, they would be a medium sized embroidery needle, green thread, and my Dovo scissors. Thanks!

  847. Essential items for me in my work box has to be my needlework scissors, good set of needles in different sizes and my silver thimble handed down the woman in my family which is my prized procession.

  848. Three things that I keep in my embroidery workbox (beside the fabric, thread, needles and scissors) are a nice pincushion, an orts box and small point-y tweezers. I have many pincushions and often have the needles for a specific project or type of embroidery in them (crewel, cross stitch, quilting, stumpwork, general sewing.) I am also fortunate the a good friend and her husband make gorgeous wood turned orts boxex (Sylvan Treasures) that include a pincushion. Take out the pincushion tops and there is a lovely bowl to deposit odds and ends. (I have a least eight of them!) And the Uncle Bill’s tweezers are perfect for so many things that need tiny pincers — I also have many of them.

    I love Trish Burr’s designs and thank you for offering a chance to get a kit for one. Merry Christmas!

  849. The top three essentials that I would require in a stitcher’s workbox would be embroidery scissors, needles and needle threaders.

  850. The three things that I think are essential to any hand sewing project are tweezers, good scissors, and somewhere to put needles. I think the need for scissors is obvious, but I often need tweezers to either fix or pull out stitches that didn’t go in quite right. At home I have a pin cushion, but when I’m working away from home I need somewhere else to stick the needle, ideally not the edge of the project itself.

  851. 1. A GREAT pair of scissors. 2. Various sized needles. 3.Ruler. Oh would love to win this project!!!!! Love cardinals and have always wanted to try my hand at needle painting. Thanks so much for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!

  852. The three things that I would include are a good pair of scissors, extra needles and a ruler or tape measure.
    Linda Mc in Erie, PA

  853. Three things I need are: a good light, a stitch guide book, and lots of pretty threads for inspiration. 🙂

  854. The three essential things in my beautiful workbox (which might be like the lovely one in Home Sweet Home) are a good pair of embroidery scissors, a lovely little pincushion, and my magnifying glasses. I actually use a basket for all my supplies, and aside from the three essentials, I have thread holders for the threads, Thread Heaven for the shiny threads, and unpicker, and needlebook, plus the ziplock bag with the project and pattern.

  855. My workbox is full of things, but the essentials would be embroidery scissors, a small ruler of some sort, and plenty of extra needles to have on hand because have a bad habit of breaking my needles.

  856. The three things I consider essential for me, are a good needle, good sharp scissors and a good light/magnifier. I tend to work very small so I need a good light/magnifier combo to keep my eyes from tiring.

  857. The best scissors, thread, and linen that you can afford. Don’t let not having the very best of everything, stop you from enjoying needlework. Helen

  858. The three essential items for my stitcher’s work box would be embroidery scissors, a really nice sharp pair, needles, of all varieties and sizes, and a magnifying glass or some other kind of magnification.

  859. My essential items are a good hoop, working scissors and my phone. The phone is to look up instructions for a new stitch or pattern I’m working on.

  860. Essential in my workbox: super sharp tiny scissors (currently use kai), assortment of needles (prefer my vintage punched ones) and beeswax/thread magic…but it sure is hard to narrow it down to just three, especially since I’m not a minimalist by any stretch of the imagination!

    Lovely giveaways thus far – good luck to all!

  861. Three most important items in a workbox would be gingher embroidery scissors, bohin size 10 crewel needles and some beautiful colours of AVS silk.

  862. Well, I think I’d struggle if I was only allowed 3 ‘essentials’! My obvious 3 are needles, scissors and hoops…..but then I need magnets to hold the needles, and I definitely need my screwdrivers to loosen and tighten my hoops. I need highlighters for my charts and noting things down, I need my tape measure, and obviously a needle book to keep all my needles and pins in……how many did we have to stick to??!

  863. Mary, my answer to your question to vie for the needle painting kit is simple. It is based on practicality instead of experience since I have not tried any needle painting: A pattern drawn on fabric, a needle, and floss. I have asked Santa for a Trish Burr book for Christmas so I can start my journey but I’m not sure I will find such under the tree!

  864. The three things I need for embroidering are a good pair of scissors, magnifying glass and hoop. Secondary items that a helpful are music in the background and a glass of wine.

  865. My essentials are ziplocs for keeping the cat out of my threads and projects, magnets for keeping my needles under control, and good scissors.

  866. Beautiful threads and scissors, and a variety of needles would be my essentials. You can embroider on anything. Thanks you for your beautiful site.

  867. Well, in addition to the obvious ones, the needles, the hoops, the good scissors, the good lighting and magnification, the three things that I find I use most often are a ruler, a small pair of needle-nosed pliers (for pulling the needle through tight spots), and a good, non-greasy hand cream, to keep my skin from snagging my threads.

  868. Three essentials to me are scissors, a needle and a laying tool. I’d like the box to be stuffed with threads and fabric as well!

  869. I think the three most important things for any stitcher’s work box are love, patience and peace.
    Love because the recipient of any project you complete will know that you you really do love them – you have shown them this with every stitch you made.
    Patience because with patience and practice comes the skill to create beautiful pieces and the satisfaction of achievement.
    Peace because of the peace we find within us as we stitch. As we lose ourselves to the rhythmic sound of the needle pushing through fabric and the whisper as the needle draws the thread after it, we achieve that peaceful space where our heart rate slows, our blood pressure drops and the troubles of life and the world are held at bay for a while as we experience the restful joy that this medative healing place.

    Yes, physical items are needed in our work box, but without love, patience and peace they are merely inanimate objects.

    With all good wishes for every member of the Needle ‘n Thread Family.

  870. Three must haves: sharp, small scissors that cut to the tips, needles, hoop or frame. Without these it’d be difficult to get started.

  871. Well I think a good pair of scissors, good needles and needle threader (my old eyes need this!!) and the other item would be a small tape measure. I have these handy all the time. Thanks for the opportunity to win Trish Burr’s kit. Love thread painting but still have problems getting a smooth result. Maybe more practice is the answer!

  872. I think the first 3 items that are most important to me are scissors, magnifying lamp, and
    hoops. The magnifying lamp is really essential to me, since my eyes are getting weaker the
    older I am.

  873. Only three? Well I think my first choice would be my super sharp kai scissors.
    #2- some sort of miniature pin cushion. Thanks to your blog Mary I have quite a few now
    #3- Bohin needles. I love the feel of them.

  874. I would love to learn the art of needle painting. The most essential items in my work box are scissors, magnification and a variety of threads.

  875. The three items that would be essential in my work box or bag are a Morgan lap hoop 5″/7″ size, Dovo embroidery scissors and a needle threader. I like the Morgan hoop because it holds my embroidery taut and allows the use of both hands. My Dovo scissors are sharp down to the very tip. I don’t know the brand name of the needle threader I use but it has a wire tip reinforced with Super Glue where the wire is anchored to the black metal. It can be used for hand embroidery as well as for a sewing machine.

  876. My top three picks are needles (an assortment), scissors (an assortment) and some form of magnification.

  877. I’m rummaging through my ‘go-bag’, and I’m going to list beyond the obvious to the three things I won’t travel or stitch without – a stitch-fixer/threading tool, a measuring tape, and a fabric thread counter gauge. I don’t begin a project without checking the fabric count first! I had stitched a beautiful sampler piece, one over one, to fit on a hornbook, only find the fabric count label was wrong and it wouldn’t fit…..Not a total loss, as I found another finish for it, but don’t want to face that disappointment ever again. LOL
    Thanks for offering these great prizes. Happy and safe holiday wishes to all!

  878. My most essential tools in my embroidery box are my wonderful scizzors, a number 2 chrocet hook from my great grandmother’s tool kit, and a small jar for string stashing. That way I leave small messes. Important when you have string flying around!
    Merry Christmas Mary!

  879. Stitcher or embroiderer. For me it has to start with good scissors – sharp and thin bladed. Then obviously needles – different sizes for different needs but well made so the glide through the fabric easily. And if you have needles the you need thread. Different colours, materials, weights. And then plenty of patience and enthusiasm – and in no time you csn produce domething beautiful or practical or even both!

  880. The three things I can’t do without are my embroidery scissors, my needle book, and as I get older my magnifying glasses.

  881. My most necessary stitch box items are very good embroidery scissors such as Dovos and curved Permax , a selection of Bohin needles in a needlebook and a laying tool ( BLT ).

  882. Three things that someone MUST have handy when they stitch? First, I would say a variety pack/packs of embroidery needles. Finding a tapestry needle when you need one can mean the difference between a smooth product and a frazzled mess! Second, a pair of sharp scissors. Having to cut and re-cut a thread when you are trying to thread that needle because it is too frayed to corral into that tiny hole is maddening! Third, sadly,a seam ripper for those frogging moments! Use one with a tiny point. I find the inexpensive, no-name variety can be the best choice. I have to use MY other must have, that doesn’t fit in my box of tools, my magnifying light to make sure I am catching only the threads and not the fabric. It makes the painful task of ripping something out go quickly and easily! It is kind of like what mom used to say, “Just pull the bandage off quickly!” – yet carefully. 😉

  883. The three things I always like are a good pair of scissors, nice sharp needles and a good hoop.

  884. Making embroidery look sharp and neat requires first of all, good light, like the Ott Light products. Second, when your eyes have a little age on them, magnification is essential too. I have an Ott Light with a pull down magnifier attached—love it! The third item necessary in my embroidery box is wonderful, relaxing and inspiring music in the background. Time just flies, and before you know it, you have accomplished a good amount of progress on your project. Happy Holidays, Fellow Needleworkers!

  885. The three most necessary articles in my stitching box would be scissors, needles, and my stitching glasses which are separate from my regular glasses. Without any of these, I would be unable to do any stitching. Simple answer, huh?

    However, over the years, I have collected many a thing for my stitching box as I’m sure lots of others have too.

    I would surely love to have the cardinal kit. It is gorgeous, and I really want to learn needle painting soon, as there are so many beautiful designs out there which require the long and short stitch.

    Merry Christmas!

  886. My gold framed needlework glasses ,my favourite packet of needles and my darling scissors .
    Goodluck and Happy Christmas everyone . x

  887. The basics of stitching are needles, thread and fabrics. Beyond that, the essentials to me are:

    1 small sharp scissors or seam ripper
    2 hoops or frames adequate for the pattern
    3 transfer pens or pencils to remake a pattern, copy parts of one or let your imagination run wild

  888. Sharp, narrow point scissors, good needles, and a little piece of tourniquet to use as a needle puller.

  889. For me, the essentials are magnification, clamps/stand and stitch counters. I use the needle-type stitch counters not only to count – they are helpful when I need to unstitch and or untangle threads and, in a pinch, as a make shift laying tool. I’ve also used them to hold some loosely rolled hoop overhang to keep it out of the way when stitching.

  890. Oh, how I would love to win this one. Three essentials in my work box , my favorite pair of scissors ( many years old) ,thimble ( never know when you may need it) and various size needles. Thanks for the opportunity to try to win one of these wonderful giveaways .

  891. In my workbox I have an assortment of “good” sharp needles, a very sharp pair of scissors and a thimble. There are a lot of other goodies in the box as well, but those are “MUSTS”. I LOVE Trish Burrs’ needlepainting and have never seen this Cardinal. Would Love to win this one!

  892. Well, as the years pass by me, I find that I need magnification and a good strong light. I’ve always needed good, small, sharp pointed scissors, too.

  893. Some good scissors, yarn needle and non acid paper to cover the work. I guess the needles and threads were not meant to be in the answer, because they are indeed quite essential. Merry Christmas, Mary!

  894. What I need in my box is:
    Needles, Thread and scissors but I would like to ad my favourite, at that moment, Classical music CD to stitch in peace.
    Right now it is Christmas music and the Cardinal would just brighten things even more!

    Merry Christmas all.


  895. Three essentials things for stitching are needles, scissors and a hoop, but in my work box I must have a screwdriver for tightening the hoop screw, tweezers to get out those last bits of thread after “undoing” and my magnifiers.

    Thank you Mary and Trish for this great opportunity

  896. If I had to choose only 3 items, It would be a thimble. It just doesn’t feel right without a thimble on my finger.
    Also as I have gotten older, I find I need a needle threader. Eyes just aren’t as good.
    Next I would say a good pair of scissors, used to cut thread and if needed to cut out mistakes.

    Mary in Oregon

  897. First is Bohin needles, I just think they are the best!
    Floss-A-Way bags on a ring to keep my threads behaving.
    Kai scissors, that are four inches, the ends curved like cuticle scissors. You can use them closed to remove stitches, lift threads that are getting out of hand.
    Sending a big fat thank you for all the information everyone is willing to share.
    Mary Corbet, you get your own Thank You!

  898. Three essential items: small sharp scissors, variety of needles and a nice sewing basket to keep things organized and portable.

  899. My 3 essentials for a satisfying embroidery session in my little sewing nook? Good lighting, my view of Aransas Bay, and Miss Kitty curled up on her “Miss Kitty table” just by my right elbow, always ready with a little grunt and purr when I absently stroke her while looking at and thinking about my stitches. Miss Kitty never, ever bothers my embroidery, I can leave it out over night with a moment’s worry. Occasionally I will put a spool of something like a metallic thread on her table. I’ve learned that if I can’t find a spool, she’s probably tucked it under her tummy for safekeeping, like a hen on her eggs.

  900. 1. I keep a clear acrylic ruler as I’m almost always changing the size of my project. I want it a bit larger or smaller and can’t draw a straight line freehand to save my life.
    2. I have recently found that a needle book (don’t know what your really call them) but a little woolen “book” that I can stash my different size needles showing the size of the eye and the sharpness of the point, and also the length of my needle as I use different ones for different stitching and can never keep them straight in a pincushion.
    3. A super fine tip Sharpie marker, as seems I frequently change my pattern. I cover my drawing lines so doesn’t matter if it’s a marker.

  901. Hi Mary
    I think the three things I would most treasure in my box for a thread painting project would be the normal things like good scissors and needles but above all for this you need a good magnifying light – I know this as I have done this work and that is paramount along with a good quality hoop – so there you are my essentials. Thread painting is just so beautiful but very time consuming and you must not be in a hurry – quiet and time for this is a must. Happy holidays.
    Isle of Man

  902. I think every stitcher should have these items:
    1) A sharp pair of tiny scissors. Mine are curved at the tip, so I can get really close if need be.
    2) Thread Heaven. Not that I am plugging the product or anything, but I didn’t know what I was missing until someone gave me a box!
    3) A good flashlight with a magnet on it. I can’t see as well as I used to, and mine has saved my sanity almost every time I’ve sit down to stitch.

    Merry Christmas!

  903. Wow, what a wonderful give away!
    If I had a work box I would definitely need to have a good pair of scissors, my needle book, and a small hoop with practice material in it. I like to take a few stitches before stitching the piece I am working on.
    Thank you so much Mary for all you do for us! Your instruction and discussions are valuable to a beginner like me.
    Merry Christmas!!
    Brenda M from Grande Prairie Alberta

  904. I just love Trishs stitching style! Gorgeous!

    Let’s see. Color. As in lots of colorful threads! A good hoop and a sharp pair of embroidery scissors.


  905. The things that are essential to my creative space are having tools that are a delight to use in form and function: scissors, pin cushions, book stand. They are not only functional, but beautiful in their own right.

  906. I frequently use a plastic deep, document box and in it I must have a pair of sharp, pointed scissors, my reading and/or magnifier glasses and the current project I’m working on.

  907. I collect bird themed things. I especially love cardinals because they were my Mom’s favorite. I even have a cardinal Christmas tree topper. I think a good hoop, the correct needles for the thread and sharp scissors are a must. Otherwise, I need a good light source (Ott light), magnification (AKA. My cheaters) and a good talk show on the radio!

  908. A threaded needle, super snippy scissors, and an organizer for needlework goodies that I actually use (not just intend to use)…

  909. Well, I guess that is obvious:
    1. excellent quality, sharp and appropriate scissors for the task at hand
    2. wide range of needles – sizes, lengths and quality +++
    3. my embroidery glasses – can’t do ANYTHING without those

    and of course a wide array of gorgeous threads and fabrics to play with!!!

  910. For me, I define my stitcher’s workbox as the small bag of items that goes with every stitching project regardless of size or complexity. There are many items in this little bag but the three I consider the most essential are: a good set of needles in several sizes, a good pair of embroidery scissors, and my laying tool.

    Some other essential items I keep in it are: a small ruler or tape measure, a needle threader, a tool that pulls the tails of my threads under my stitching, a pair of scissors for cutting canvas/fabric/perforated paper or plastic, and a pair of scissors for doing hardanger or other drawn thread (also great when I have to do some serious ripping out of wrong stitches, color, or thread mistakes).

  911. This was hard to answer because I am so new to embroidery and not aware of all the fun different tools you can have. However for me what is essential in my work box are a good pair of embroidery scissors (I found that cuticle scissors are a great pair to use as embroidery scissors when traveling), at least one tapestry needle because a lot of my favourite stitches are done best with a tapestry needle (Pekingese stitch), and a piece of felt to hold my needles

  912. My work box, which I have yet to embroider, must contain a needle threader, decent scissors and if a rummage enough, chocolate… Shhhhh!

    I had better add my lamp with a magnifying glass, and do without the chocolate. Now that may be a problem, how am I going to get a floor lamp to fit in a work box.

    So… How about a range of yummy threads for the third item, or a hoop. So hard to limit it to three. Please thank Trish for such a lovely give away?

  913. 1. Sharp, fine-tipped scissors,
    2. Needles arranged on a felt or magnetic holder,
    3. Pencil or marker for transferring patterns or placing designs.

  914. Scissors (of course), needles of all varieties (and somewhere to hold them) and, alas, magnifying glasses for the finer work now.

  915. Sharp scissors – pointy needles – tight hoop covered (wound with cloth) the way you showed us. I would love to have an excuse to finally learn the needle painting technique…


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