
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Stitcher’s Christmas: The Wrap-Up!


Amazon Books

I really had a great time running A Stitcher’s Christmas this year!

For those just joining in, A Stitcher’s Christmas was a series of ten give aways leading up to Christmas, featuring some really wonderful needlework-related gifts.

Thanks to all who participated in the series, and a Huge Thank You to the small needlework businesses who offered the prizes! It was a lot of fun!

Today, I’ll wrap up the series by announcing the winners of the last two prizes – this collection of A-Z needlework books, and these two miniature tapestry kits.

Stitcher's Christmas Final Wrap Up

Miniature Tapestry Kit Winners

Thanks so much to MicroStitchery for the gorgeous miniature tapestry kits! There are two randomly drawn winners for this give-away, one for each tapestry kit.

Update, 2018: While MicroStitchery is still online, they are no longer honoring orders. I have heard from many folks who have placed orders with them, but have never received the orders and had to apply to PayPal for a refund. I’ve tried to contact Joy, the lady who took over the business, but with no luck. Just a word of caution, for those looking for miniature tapestries!

The Sense of Hearing miniature tapestry kit winner is Julie Newman, and the Sense of Taste miniature tapestry kit winner is Maggie Hillock.

I hope you both enjoy your new kits, and that they give you much stitching pleasure in the New Year!

A-Z Books Winner

Thanks heaps to Search Press for the collection of three A-Z embroidery books: The A-Z of Goldwork, A-Z of Stumpwork, and A-Z of Thread Painting.

The randomly drawn winner for the three A-Z books is Alycia Andress. You’ll love the books, Alycia!

Coming Up on Needle ‘n Thread

Next week, we’ll return to regularly scheduled broadcasting here on Needle ‘n Thread. This week, I’m enjoying a little break from publishing on the website, but not from All Things Needle ‘n Thread. I’ve been stitching up a storm on several projects, and I’ll share progress on those shortly into the New Year.

I’m also doing my end-of-year planning for next year. It never quite works out exactly as I plan it, but before each year commences, I try to make a good solid sketch of what I’d like to accomplish on Needle ‘n Thread that year.

In 2017, I’ll be launching a new section to the website (more on that closer to March), I’ll be showing you the progress of at least five projects during the year, and in between those, I’ll be sharing new tutorials, books, tips, little projects, and all kinds of needlework-related stuff as the year progresses.

My overall plan is that Needle ‘n Thread improves over the previous year, and that I improve along with it. It doesn’t always work that way – life can throw in a few curves – but I always like to start out with the hope and optimism that a New Year always brings. I’m really looking forward to 2017!

Enjoy the last week of 2016 and I’ll see you next Monday!


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(15) Comments

  1. Mary, I would enjoy reading your wrap-up of 2016…did you accomplish what you set out to do at the end of 2015? Did you do more/less/totally different. I think it would be interesting to see how well a professional keeps to her schedule. (Of course, if you are even a little like the rest of us mere mortal stichers you may not want to admit to what you did not get stitched! And we would understand completely.)

  2. A Stitcher’s Christmas was so much fun. Thank you!! I’m making my list of 2017 stitching objectives, and hopefully I’ll accomplish some of them!!

    Wishing you health and happiness in the New Year.

  3. Dear Mary, thank you for every single thing that you post on your website. I am wishing you a happy and creative new year.
    Lots of love from a very cold Greece.

  4. Happy New Year, to Mary and to all of my cyberspace-stitching NeedlenThread family!

    Mary, Last night I started stitching the “Modern Crewel” pattern by Susan Porter and published in “Inspirations” magazine #90. I hope that this in one of the five projects that you have planned for 2017! And, I have really gotten bitten by the “let’s do more than one project at a time” bug…and I have at least two Trish Burr patterns on my list!

    I look forward to your posts in 2017!

  5. Happy Christmas and all the best for 2017, Mary! Thanks so much for the giveaways, and congrats to all the lucky winners (not me, but such is life). 🙂

  6. Mary, I wish you all the best in the new year. I enjoy reading your blog so very much, and I can’t see how it will be improved. Please share your planning process with us, I know I can use the help and all the neat ideas you come up with. Also, how about a health update?

  7. Thank you Mary for the many opportunities to win some embroidery treats. It kept some Christmas hope alive for so many of us.
    May you happy a new year filled with happiness, laughter, peace and good health.
    Lots of love from India.

  8. Je vous souhaite à vous Mary ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes qui vous suivent, une très bonne et très heureuse nouvelle année.
    Merci pour la grande qualité et la diversité de vos articles, Mary.
    Je vous souhaite de magnifiques découvertes, de la joie dans la pratique de la broderie, de belles rencontres.
    Tous mes vœux pour que votre santé soit la meilleure possible.
    Happy new year!

  9. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for all your wonderful interesting and very helpful posts over 2016 (and before!!) Can’t wait to see what you have for us in the New Year, so best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours,
    Ann xx

  10. Thank you, Mary! Happy 2017! I hope it’s filled with good news and lots of joy. Thank you for the ongoing inspiration and your generous teaching. You make it feel like all things are possible which is deeply encouraging!

  11. Mary. Thanks again for a great blog. I can’t wait to see what you have coming up for us.

    Happy New Year, and all the best to you and yours.

  12. Happy New Year, may it be prosperous and healthy for you.
    Thanks for all your help and a year of stitching ideas.

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