
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework News Snips!


Amazon Books

Good morning, and a happy Saturday all around!

For your weekend browsing, here are a few snips of needlework related goings-on, online. So, grab a cuppa, and let’s have a browse, shall we?

Needlework News Snips

Fun Embroidery Kits!

If you’re looking for a cross between crewel work flavor and primitive but bright, fun embroidery kits, you’ll enjoy Jennifer Alba’s new website, JHA Designs. Jennifer’s approach is a combination of fun and funky, traditional and contemporary, primitive but classic – it’s kind of hard to explain. You’ll just have to visit her website to see what I mean.

Jennifer offers a few embroidery kits right now in a variety of pricing options, suitable for beginners and beyond. And I’m sure her inventory will be growing.

It’s always great to see embroiderers take the plunge and face the exciting, but sometimes scary, prospect of setting up shop, so I’m glad to see Jennifer online, and I wish her the best of luck.

Delicious Embroidery!

Back in September, I reviewed Lesley Turpin-Delport and Nikki Delport-Wepener’s newest book, Delicious Embroidery. I’m happy to see it’s now available in the US at The French Needle. So if it’s been on your wish list for a while, but you’ve shied away from overseas shipping, you’ll find it there, waiting for you.

Secret Gardens Popping Up Everywhere!

If you have not seen it yet, you must – absolutely Must – check out Karen’s quilted version of the Secret Garden Hummingbirds. It’s all in white – and it is a stunner.

Over on Flickr, you can find the Secret Garden Embroidery group, where folks are posting photos of their progress and finishes, for those working on the hummingbirds and other designs from the book. It’s fun to see other stitchers’ interpretations and progress.

A Very Big List of Textile Collections!

Now, if you really want to spend some time browsing online, you really must check out Yvette Stanton’s Big List of Online Textile Collections. It’s quite a list! You’ll enjoy meandering through the many online textile collections, from those at well-known museums like the Met and the V&A, to lesser known gems.

Embroidered Tapestry Underway!

Remember earlier this week when we chatted about embroidered stories and tapestry projects, specifically the Prestonpans Tapestry? Well, I’ve got quite a list of tapestry projects developing, most of which are already completed.

But if you want to see a tapestry project in progress, and if you’re on Facebook, stop in and follow The Gordon Highlanders Great War Tapestry. The tapestry is currently under construction, for lack of a better way to put it.

It’s fascinating to see the original cartoons and the progress of the stitching as they post pictures to their page. So jump over there and follow the project and encourage them in their work.

Flowers, Flowers Everywhere!

Oh gosh, I know here in the Northern Hemisphere, some people are very happy about the prospect of spring… (I’m talking to you all in the Northeast!)

Celebrating flowers, Ann Bernard has a new instructional e-book available on how to hand stitch recognizable summer flowers. In the book, she offers photos of the real flowers for comparison, with stitching instructions and drawn diagrams. It’s a nice affordable e-book that will give you plenty of ideas for adding that perfect touch of floral to your embroidered scenes.

On the Home Front!

Speaking of embroidered flowers, I’m still plugging away with my Stitch Sampler Alphabet, which I last mentioned here. I’ve embroidered three new letter models this week, which caused a little setback in the technical work on the book.

All the stitch instructions are finished. There are 30 stitches and stitch combinations, that are worked into 65 total combinations actually used in the alphabet. There are over 255 instructional photos for stitches alone – not to mention close up photos for each of the 26 letters, stitch layout guides, materials lists, and tips and pointers throughout. It’s…massive!

Unfortunately, I have to take a break this week from working on that, as the Tax Man Loometh. And he’s not going to be happy if I don’t have my paperwork together.

I’m still shooting for an Easter-ish release – or somewhere thereabouts. April is certainly the month. The exact date? Well, I’ll keep you posted!

And now, I must replenish my tea cup and work out a clever way to justify procrastinating on housework yet again…

Enjoy your weekend!


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(17) Comments

  1. thank you for the information!!! so happy that someone in the u.s. is offering quality embroidery kits. looking forward to your new e-book. Thanks again for your wonderful and informative blog!

  2. Dear Mary

    The Secret Garden embroidered piece all in white is beautiful and I really like the Gordon Highlanders tapestry, also Ann Bernard Summer Flowers beautiful. I’m glad to see that you are near completing the Stitch Sampler Alphabet and you have really worked hard 255 instructional photos and 65 combinations as well as 30 stitches and stitch combinations I can’t wait for the release of the e-book it will be a nice Easter or near Easter surprise. Thanks for all the embroidery newsy bits I hope you get all the paperwork done for the Taxman not a enjoyable task.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  3. Mary, all the links were wonderful, but I have to honest here. You are still the best & although I want many of the books that you review, and I know they will be great for my learning library, your ebooks are still first on my list for next purchases. Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Thank you for the link to Ms. Alba’s site! Her designs express the kind of old-world whimsy my daughter loves, and I found JUST THE THING for the sewing box I’m making for her! I’ve been struggling with an embroidery design for the box lid, and when I clicked over to Jennifer’s patterns, the tree and fish pattern practically threw itself at me!

    I noticed that her patterns include not only the floss, fabric, needles, and pattern, but also the option of a hoop in the size of your choice and scissors! I think that is absolutely genius for someone who is starting to learn embroidery and isn’t sure which gear to buy.

    Like everyone else, I am patiently awaiting the alphabet book. We might crash your site with all the orders that will be placed when you announce the birth of the book! (Oh, gosh, no, I hope we don’t crash the site!)

    1. Dear Liz,

      Thank you so much for checking out my website! Sorry for not responding earlier but only just saw Mary’s review. Evidently, she made another mention on July 4th! What a surprise it was to receive such positive feedback.

      My Tree and Fish design is one of my favorites too! Happy embroidering and I look forward to doing business with you!

      Xo Jen Alba

  5. Too funny. It never ceases to amaze me how easily we justify things in our own minds. I’m so good at it…..I don’t think I’ve dusted in 3 years or so except for the big chunks. LOL

    Look forward to your Saturday news snips every week and waiting with bait-like breath for your new ebook. Have some ideas already.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I just peeked on the Flickr page and I’m blown away by everyone’s work! I love seeing everyone’s take on the project. They are all different and all gorgeous. I’m looking forward to the stitch sampler alphabet. I love your site Mary, not only for the knowledge, but the wonderfully talented group here is so positive and encouraging that it puts a smile on my face every day.

  7. I’m sure the author of that Secret Garden book must have had no idea that her designs would spark so many stitchery projects. Wonder if she’s seen them.

  8. Jennifer Alba’s designs really are fun! And the white hummingbirds are beyond gorgeous. Exonerates you from deciding not to do the whitework version ! Thanks also for the link to Yvette Stanton’s list – now bookmarked for when I’ve cleared the current work deadlines.

    1. I’d put ‘grin’ in angle brackets after the comment about the whitework version but your robot must have removed it. I’m not nagging! Really I’m not!

  9. no se cual será el problema,pero no puedo ver tus páginas , solo las tres primeras, de resto me dicen: Lo siento hay un error.Me vuelvo loca María porque no puedo ver las maravillas que hacen tus manos, Qué hago ? .Alguien que te admira mucho desde Colombia.felicidades.

  10. Hi Mary, thanks so much for mentioning my Big List of Online Textile Collections. I hope people find it useful. I’ve had so much fun putting it together and am happy to receive further suggestions of museums with searchable collections. Thanks!


  11. Saturdays are all the better for your News Snips — II go down every rabbit hole you place in sight! I’m planning a trip to Germany in May/June and am determined to view all hand embroidery possible, so the online list was of particular interest today. I’m in line with all your other fans/friends in looking forward to your new ebook. Thank you SO much for taking such good care of us. Jane

  12. Thank you Mary! Wow–The white Secret Garden reminds me of boutis so it’s quite amazing it was machine quilted.

  13. Dear Mary,

    Thank you so much for the positive review regarding my embroidery designs and website! I’ve started getting positive feedback already. With your enthusiasm, support, and guidance the world of hand embroidery lives on and we all so appreciate it. Jen Alba jhaembroiderydesigns.com

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