
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Miniature Needle Painting – a Give-Away & Some Thread Talk


Amazon Books

The other day, I reviewed Trish Burr’s new book Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery, which will be available in the US next month, and today, courtesy of Trish Burr, I’m giving away a copy of it! How exciting!

So, even if the book isn’t available yet, it will be soon – and in the meantime, you might end up with your own advanced copy.

And speaking of which…there’s a thread question that came up regarding the book, so let’s chat about that, too.

Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery by Trish Burr

Over on Trish’s blog, she mentioned my book review and the thread problem. It’s this: for US stitchers, if you plan to use the Gütermann threads that Trish recommends in her book for the tiny details, then you’ll notice a discrepancy when you look for them.

Apparently, Gütermann’s color numbering system is different in the US from they way they number colors in other countries. You might, for example, be looking for a brown and discover instead that the color number leads you to a bright turquoise. That’s kind of frustrating!

To help eliminate the dilemma, I volunteered to do some color matching for Trish so that we could come up with the US numbers that correspond to the same colors she recommends. I did that yesterday, and my explorations took me as far away as Kansas City.

Hey, any excuse to go to KC – it’s my favorite city. (Here in Kansas, we’re at least two hours from everywhere when it comes to anything I’m determined to find. As George Clooney would say, “Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from everywhere!“)

Anyway, the results of that adventure will be forthcoming, so stitchers in the US will have a list of color numbers soon.

Miniature Needle Painting Give-Away

In the meantime, the book!

If you’d like to add a copy of Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery to your needlework library, here’s your chance to get one delivered to your front door, for freeeeeeee.

This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!

All you have to do is follow these very simple guidelines:

1. Leave a comment below, answering the question posed in the next step. Please make sure to leave your comment on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. Comments received via email or left on any other article are not eligible. You can get to the comment form by following this link.

2. In your comment, please answer the following:

Of the pictures I posted in the book review the other day, which project really grabs you? Or, if none of them, what really entices you about needle painting, especially on a small scale?

3. Please leave your comment by 5:00 am CST (Kansas, USA), Friday, February 20th, and I will announce the winner that day. The winner will need to contact me with a mailing address.

Did You Win Last Week’s Give-Away?

And, speaking of winners and contacting me, I haven’t heard from last week’s give-away winners. Were you one of them? Because if you were, you’ll need to send me your mailing address soon, or I’ll have to draw other names!

So Many New Books!

I know I’ve been doing a lot of book reviews and give-aways lately. There are so many new embroidery books out, or coming out soon! It’s encouraging on the one hand – I think embroidery is growing and growing and growing in popularity – but on the other hand, I feel like I’m swamping you with book recommendations.

Still, if you have any particular books on your wish list that you haven’t purchased yet, and you’d like to see reviewed at some point, you’re always welcome to drop me a line. I might have it, or it might be on my wish list, too. If it’s pertinent, and I can get it and review it for you, I will!


(575) Comments

  1. I would be grateful to win this book. This is a technique that would complement my Art skills in applying drawing and painting to thread instead of watercolor. Maybe I will be lucky this time and win.

  2. I have just started to teach myself the beautiful art of needle painting by learning the techiques from one of Trish Burr’s books “Fresh Ideas for Beginners.” I just love anything birdy and flowery! Thanks for the opportunity to add this book to my library 🙂

  3. OOOOOO, Mary, I like the wee birdie fluffball the most! Looks like the wee ones visiting the birdseed outside at the moment here in VT, where the temp. hasn’t yet crept UP to zero degrees Farenheit – Brrrr!

  4. Love miniature needlepoint and that little fluffy blue-headed bird would be just the place to try my hand a needlepainting. Absolutely adorable!

    Thanks for the opportunity

  5. I LOVE the little, fluffy birds! I think needlepainting really captures the texture of feathers and allows you to add personality and attitude to these sweet creatures! I took a class with Tanya Berlin at EGA National Seminar last October and I fell in love with needlepainting. I would love to have Trish’s book in my reference library to inspire me to do more pieces.
    Thank you for offering this opportunity to all of us, Mary. Blessings!

  6. thank you Mary and Trish for such a wonderful giveaway! from the pictures I think the Christmas birds are my favorite, but its hard for me too chose =) the vintage portraits are so adorable I’d love the chance to look through all the projects in the book!

    1. Oops, I misunderstood the instructions regarding answering the question posed in Step 2.

      Well, the project I like the best is the one with the little girl and the rose tree. Actually I am a total beginner, even at my older age of 65. I have admired needlework my entire life, but have recently made a commitment to actually be a “do-er” rather than just an “admirer.” Will have lots of time in retirement to pursue this goal. Needle painting on a small scale would be just right for a beginner for obvious reasons, but would also lend itself to making little gifts of needlework for my granddaughters.

  7. The pictures from the book are absolutely gorgeous. I think the single bird is my favorite but the pair of birds are a very close second. I would love to explore needlepainting and Trish’s book looks like a great place to start.

  8. I love Needle Painting because you can get all the beautiful shades and depths of colors with thread NOT paints. I like to paint with actual paints but with the threads of Needle Painting it’s NOT MESSY! I don’t have to clean up afterwards with things like turpentine!

  9. I really like the anemone basket, and I like the idea of smaller projects. Needlepainting with one strand of floss takes a while, so smaller seems more manageable. I do love the final look of such detailed work, though.

  10. I love all the small projects but my favorite is the pansys. They have been my favorite flower my whole life. Thank you for a chance to win this very special book!

  11. Mary, I would have to say that fluffy little yellow and blue colored bird! He looks so round and with soft feathers, and to think he’s only made of thread! I love birds and I think it would be a challenge to create something with an appearance of dimension and fluff. Love the book.

  12. Hi Mary and thanks to you and Trish for the give-away. I find that for me it’s a toss-up between the wee fluffy birdie and the anemones. I love anemones but that fluffy birdie is just soooo cute!

  13. Dear Mary, BIRDS. It’s the BIRDS! Any bird Trish Burr needlepaints is adorable. I think she could make a vulture look lovable. Best wishes, Shirley

  14. I love Trish Burr’s books. I have several of them. I like the idea of the small projects and I think they would make wonderful gifts! The project that most caught my eye was the Christmas birds. I believe I like Trish Burr’s bird projects the best and this is a beautiful one.

  15. I was not familiar with needlepainting until I read about it in your column. This book by Trish Burr shows some beautiful projects and provides good instructions. I would like to win it because for me, the winning thing is that the projects are small. That means I would probably finish them before some other project catches my eye.

  16. That’s so hard to answer – I loved them all! I must say I have a special love for pansies and those in the book are wonderful. the little fluffy bird however also won my heart!

  17. What is it about birds and flowers that capture me? I have been thread painting for years and when I look at my collection what do I see? Birds and Flowers all around me.

  18. I love Trish’s work. I especially liked the girl with the flower pot. But the birds and flowers all all wonderful too. Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine’s Day.

  19. Oh, how I would love to win this book. I really loved the Little Christmas Birds. I not only love birds but Christmas is my very favorite holiday and time of year. I love the small scale of the projects in the book too.
    I have been an admirer of Trish Burr and this type of needlework for a long time and would love to learn the technique.
    Her books are wonderful.

  20. Ph my, what a wonderful book. I fell in love with the girl feeding her chickens. I have made a feeble attempt at needle painting, with limited success. perhaps with Trish’s new book, my outcome would improve. Thank you both for the opportunity to own this book.

  21. I would love a copy of Trish Burr’s miniature needlepainting. I Love all of her designs and I am extremely fond of the small designs.

  22. I love the painted effect from this type of embroidery and I love working on small projects.
    Trish always makes things look so easy and achievable – that is what I like about her work and publications. Working small is a good way to `get into` a new method of needlework – working small and then progressing into something larger. Can’t wait to enjoy this book for myself.

  23. Oh my, How to choose just one! Instead I’ll say how adorable the small characters are to use as accents on a piece such as throw, quilt, pillow cases, tea towels, bathroom towels and cloths, especially children’s clothes – the list is endless. The details using such small stitches give the pieces a 3-D look with a slightly out of focus lens look! You just want to caress them as if they were real! Stitching them would only be half the fun!

  24. Hi, Mary!

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this charming book! I have several of Trish’s previous books, and I refer to them often. I must say that my favorite design from your review has to be the pansies. They are one of my favorite flowers, and my very first original embroidery project when I was 10. I “borrowed” one of my Mom’s hankies, and drew and embroidered a pansy using regular sewing thread. I still have that handkerchief!

  25. Hello Mary
    I couldn’t believe it when I first saw your review of Trish Burr’s latest book. It’s on my wishlist because she is such a leading authority on thread painting and her guidance is so easy to follow.
    My favourite picture is that of the little bird because I just love the way she embroiders the feathers so realistically and I long to use the book to show me how to do them.
    Thank you.

  26. This is a book I would love to curl up with! I find the technique fascinating and would first try the little girl feeding the birds, or the bird in the nest, or the pansy…well, I just love them all…and being miniature–all would be precious! Can’t wait for the book to be released!

  27. My dream is to learn how to make those wonderful little birds. I envision a Christmas present for my brother of the wonderful little Christmas birds. I have done a lot of embroidery but never needle painting like Trish Burr does. Oh bliss would be taking a class from her!

  28. I really do like Trish’s books. I have several of them already. The think I particularly like about this book, is that it is a subject that is good to be discussed. When things are miniature, you don’t have as much “space” to make a gradual gradation (is that a double-something?). Smoother transitions are not as easy to make. I liked several of her tiny florals you showed in your review blog. The idea of tucking a finely embroidered nosegay on a collar, cuff, or lapel is the kind of thing that appeals to me! I have this book on my “to buy” list, but would LOVE to “win” it!! Thank you, Mary.

  29. Oh, the birds. Always love her birds. And the flowers. Lots of favorites, I guess! Would love to add her new book to my collection. Thanks, Mary.

  30. Of course, all her work is gorgeous, but the first I would want to try would be the piece with the two birds. The blue and yellow bird reminds me of the blue tits that I saw when we lived in England (don’t have any here in Arizona!)

  31. Mary,

    I am SO excited about this book! Of the pictures you provided I love… well, ALL of them. I want to try them all. One by one. So so excited.

  32. It has got to be the Birds! I love the songbirds as well as the chickens!!! I would love an opportunity to win this book! Thank you!


  34. I would love the book Miniature Needle painting Embroidery. I like to finish small projects and the. Move on to the next project. The pansy prone at are my very favorite, but they a look beautiful and worth the time to work on and enjoy. Thanks. Bonnie

  35. I love the pansies and the anemones. I have already looked at pre-ordering Trish’s book because I am interested in developing my needle painting skills. The anemones really remind me of poppies and look so fresh in the bowl. I hope this book will be added to my shelf!

  36. I love the little kingfisher — he looks so soft and fluffy and the shading is exquisite! The needle painting technique really makes the feathers look realistic. I would like to take my embroidery to the next level and this book looks like it would be extremely helpful with such clear instructions.

  37. I absolutely love the little fluff ball bird from the book, and I could see putting one of them on anything and everything I could find to embroider. Also, I am definitely a fan of the smaller size of the projects — I am always starting such huge projects that take forever to complete, it would be wonderful to have a little project to work on and be happy about!

  38. The little wee bird really appeals to me, looks a great way to learn how to do feathers! I also love the Christmas Birds. The fluffy little blue tit is just exquisite!

  39. Her birds always draw my eye but the most enchanting picture that you posted has to be the girl feeding the chickens. The shading of her hair and apron was beautiful and the way she captured the impression of intentness in the chickens is amazing!

  40. The flowers and colors remind me of the Spring we are all looking forward to. I’ve never tried thread painting, but your blog has enticed me to try it.

  41. I love all the little birdies, they are just sooo cute and fluffy! I would love to be able to reproduce something like this, but until now I have never ventured into needlework – maybe this could change sometime soon, if I am to be the lucky winner!
    Thanks for this chance, by the way 🙂

  42. Hi, Mary! I absolute fall in love with birdies in the book!!! Ah! And the extremealy beuty Topiary next to the girl, with those tiny flowers.
    I have never work in miniature embroidery, and this review aims me so much!!!
    I appreciate the chance to win!
    Best wishes and keep doing what you do! It´s terrific!

  43. I love the embroideries of kids in this book. They re very different from the other thread painting projects that I have seen. I’m just a sucker for kids in general.

  44. I love the basket of flowers. Trish’s work is exquisite; and equaling the quality of her work is my goal. Practice! Practice! Practice!

  45. This looks like a wonderful book. I have always had trouble when I have tried needlepainting and this book looks like I might be able to have some success with the directions. The diagrams look like I might be able to follow them. I think I would start with the birds, then try the flower basket. What fun!

  46. The basket of anemones is definitely first choice . I love the color choices and the basket its self is so realistic. There didn’t appear to be a bad choice in the book. I really liked what I saw.
    I have always been drawn to miniture work in needlework as in painting.
    I have been doing embroidery and Brazilian embroidery and am anxious to give thread painting a try. Trisha Burr looks like the author of choice to give it a try.

  47. Love the idea of miniture projects. I admire so many beautiful projects and think I would love to do that/ try that, but they are so labor intensive and I know in my heart that I’ll probably never finish. Soooooo a miniature project would be the perfect solution to learn a new technique ( needle painting ) that doesn’t appear overwhelming. And the best part is there are a lot of little projects in the book to choose from so it would be like a 12 step program for embroidery and instead of one day at a time it would be one project at a time.

  48. I have this book on my wishlist!!! For what I’ve saw until now, I hesitate between the little bluebird and the little girl with chickens for my favorite design. Your proposition of stitching the little vintage vignettes and mount them as a child quilt is very interesting and could inspire me for a later project. Thank you again for all your hard work! And thank you to Ms Burr for the giveaway!

  49. Mary, I just put in an advance order for this book but hey, if I can get it free that’s even better! What I like about the book is the size of the patterns…I make all my birthday/Christmas cards for family & friends and this way I would have many more items to include. Thanks,
    Sheila from CA

  50. I love everything I saw in this new book! All of the flowers, birds and cute scenes are wonderful! What especially grabbed me was the pansies. My grandmother (whom I never met) embroidered a picture frame with pansies, very similar to those, that my mother still has. I have very much wanted to learn to do that. Thank you for the review and the giveaway.

  51. I am new to needlepainting. I am anxious and excited to learn more. The shading is so beautiful. The small scale is more manageable than working on a larger scale. I am looking forward to the book.

  52. A few years ago, when I was searching for embroidery designs for the kinds of leaves and blossoms I remember as a child growing up in Washington, D.C. (i.e., cherry and dogwood, lily of the valley, and ginkgo), I happened upon Trish Burr’s books. There I found what I’d been seeking and learned about her specialty, needle painting. Trish’s designs – especially floral – are lovely, with such realistic coloration. I would love to have her new book and know I will enjoy (and use!) it.

  53. I love reading your reviews. It gives me the opportunity to decide if the book is one that I want to add to my library. This book looks awesome. The picture I loved the most is the basket of anemones. I would so love to do this project. the one with the chickens is also adorable.
    Thanks, Lynn

  54. The Little Christmas Birds is just so darn cute! It would be fun to stitch and perhaps to finish it mount it on a small box. I can’t wait to get Trish Burr’s new book and learn miniature thread painting. Thank you!

  55. I would love to add this book to my library. Over the years when people ask me what my interests/hobbies are, they often look at me blankly when I say stitching. I have begun telling people I am a fiber artist. They don’t have a clue what I am talking about, but at least it is two words they are more familiar with. So…needle painting…that’s totally in keeping with fiber artist, don’t you agree?!? I have a new granddaughter, so I am drawn to the little girl. I even bought the Sunbonnet Sue book you reviewed recently and plan to make her a redwork quilt. I’d love to have this book!

  56. Hi Mary, This is a stupid question. I do have a couple kits and the long and short stitch DVD. Would you use this this technique in Ecclesiastical embroidery of portraits on Vestments.

    Thank you,


  57. My favourite miniature embroidered piece is the basket of anenomes. I used to be able to grow anenomes and lately not so much success. This way, I could have anenomes year round.

  58. Would love Trish Burr’s Book. I have been wanting to try this. This would go great with my crazy quilting!

  59. Dear Mary,
    I loved every one as I am working with embroidery and antique lace and delicate handkerchiefs from my grandmothers, searching for small embroidery motifs to give that sense of a bygone era — Trish Burr’s book is so absolutely what I need to capture the small treasures of flowers, birds and children, to complete my projects. Thank you for telling us about it. I would love to have a copy. I had it on my wish-list!
    With affection, Cath from Chelsea, Quebec

  60. The wee bluebird-I have such a soft spot for them!Thanks for this opportunity to possess such a lovely book.

  61. Oh the Wee birdie! He is so cute and looks to be the right size to try my hand at needle painting. The basket of poppies is next in line.
    I would so enjoy trying my hand at this–thanks for the opportunity to win.

  62. The little girl feeding the chickens is the one that really caught my eye, it looks just like a little painting. I love the idea of the projects being small because I have no idea if I will be any good at needle painting. Best to start small!

  63. I currently am working in Needlepoint, but have used many of Mary’s suggestions for stitches. I’ve been very interested in trying embroidery and would love to have this project to start.

  64. I just love the birds, particularly the little
    blue and yellow “fluff ball.” I know it’s not possible, but they make me feel as though I want to hold them close and give them a cuddle. It’s the same warm and fuzzy feeling you get with kittens and puppies, all maternal and protective!

  65. Oh, my, Mary, you and Trish are both so generous. I would absolutely love to have Trish’s book of miniature embroidery. My sister love, love, loves pansies, so my first effort would be to embroider the delightful pansies on a linen hanky for her. Then I would tackle the Christmas birds, as I love birds and I see those in my yard. Thank you for this opportunity. If I don’t win, I will definitely buy this book, it will keep my occupied and creative for a long time.

  66. Hi Mary,
    I love all of Trish Burr’s embroidery and I have most of her books. I love the idea of miniatures, especially non-floral motifs, since much of her other work is floral. While there isn’t a particular design I like best, the birds and little children interest me most. Just think to be able to do a thread painting project in less than several weeks. Thanks for offering this for a give-away.
    Susan S.

  67. I just love the blue bird on it’s nest,That book will be my carrot as you said in one of your last email.I am working on some project they are not mini project but the details needs to be real small.And I just love that.Again many thanks for all the stuff I learn from your videos.

  68. I do a lot of embroidery, but have never done needle painting. I would like to try this and the little birdie would make a great pattern to start. I follow your web site regularly and enjoy it very much. Up to this point I have done redwork and on wool and needle turn appliqué.

  69. The flowers are the first that caught my eye and then the birds and then the little girls and then…. All lovely and wouldn’t they look cute embroidered on clothing? Thank you for sharing this review!

  70. Oh how exciting! I have admired These needle paintings by Trish for some time now. I would love to try this. I have tried many other types of needlework and now I think I am ready to try this.
    It is so wonderful of you to offer this give-away. Even if I don’t win, I thank you! I enjoy and look forward to all your newsletters.
    Sharry in Tennessee

  71. The little kingfisher is the project that grabbed me. These little projects would be the perfect gateway drug leading to larger pieces once the intimidation factor is out of the way.

  72. I bought the book and am looking forward to working through her A sherry for Jack project. In her previous book Crewel Twists I’ve been working The Bountiful harvest design. I’m learning lots of new stitches. These are great books. I’m also looking forward to Trish Burrs new book on the little subjects. I make art journals and I think those would be great to do for the covers.

  73. I really love all sorts of surface embroidery and recently have fallen in love with thread painting. I especially love pansies to grow and stitch. The little single pansy on the cover and the group of three a both adorable. I’d love to have this beautiful book.

  74. I tend to love anything tiny but the little girl trimming flowers reminds me so much of my younger daughter, who wants to be a farmer with a flower shop when she grows up, that it is my favorite!

  75. Of the pictures you posted the other day with your book review, I like all of them but I love the birds the most. I love the fluffy birds.

  76. I would love a copy of this book to learn needle painting. It’s on my bucket list for a while. The Little Christmas Birds would be on my to do list. Besides needlework, my other passion is watching birds at my birdfeeder. This weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count which is cutting into my stitching time. 🙂 Thanks for offering the book and if I don’t win, I’ll be getting a copy via Amazon.

  77. These beautiful little things just crush my heart-each of them…however, the little Christmas Birds seem so real and lively! The detailed descriptions of composition, order, color, thread along with reasons and purpose just make it seem that armed with all of these I have the opportunity to also learn these skills.

    Just when I think a stitch is mastered – along comes a true artist !

    I love gardening, and seeing the hummingbirds up close while they sit on the branch of my sour wood tree resting-their amazing colors in the sun – how fabulous to learn the skills needed to make tiny needlework hummingbirds… choose the correct colors and threads – stitches and use correct methods in phases of a project for my own design.


  78. Hi Mary,

    For the RSN certificate i practiced this needlepainting technique and i have to be honest about this: it is not easy to make your embroidery looks quite the same as your picture with only 1 thread of DMC 🙂

    I really love the little great tit (hope this is the right word….), they are so adorable. Once there was a nest in my garden and when the little ones were big enough they left the nest very early in the morning, they were so small and so lovely……my heart melted.

    have a nice weekend

    henriet simons

  79. I love the pansy on the cover and the two Christmas birds. I have never tried this type of embroidery and I think a small project would be the way to begin. The book seems very detailed and good for a beginner like me.

  80. Yes, yes, yes, please, please, please!!!!!! I would so love to have this book!!!!! Mary you have helped me spend my Christmas money like crazy!!! I bought three of Trish’s books and the JAT needlework stand, which I love! Thank you for your excellent reviews!!!! I had read on Trish’s site about the thread issue and I think it is so nice of you to help out on that. 🙂

    Now, back to the giveaway. My favorite picture, hands down, was of the little girl feeding the chickens. It reminds me of my grandmother’s chickens and helping to feed them. And now, my own granddaughter, helping to feed her mother’s chickens!!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win!!!!

  81. Hi Mary,

    This is a delightful book! Where I live, the supplies and support for counted and canvas work are more readily available–sadly we have no stores that focus on surface embroidery instruction/supplies. So for those of us who love surface embroidery have to be resourceful. Your website and daily articles are central to that mission–as are wonderful books like this! I love Trish Burr’s books they are so well written, illustrated and published. This particular book is wonderful because the projects aren’t too daunting to try–and yet they are just lovely! It is a wonderful mix of thoughtful detail and manageable scale. Personally, I really love the wee bird that is the starter project. I live in Minnesota and in the Winter we see lots of sweet “puffed” out birds trying to stay warm–like that little one. Thank you for reviewing this book and for all you do for stitchers!


  82. I liked all the pictures but what really entices me about the book is that I’ve done quite a bit of 1/12th scale needlepoint and embroidery, but have never tried miniature thread painting. It looks beautiful.

  83. Hi,
    I have enjoyed your site for a long time! I do Brazilian embroidery but would love to learn how to do the style Trisha uses in her embroidery. I think starting with small projects would be a great way to learn thread painting! Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely book!

  84. I thought the rendition of the little bird was precious. So realistic,and I really intrigued to learn to needle paint. As funny as it sounds, it’s so realistic, I’d like to hold her in my palm and coo at her!

  85. Hi Mary. Thanks so much to you and Trish for the giveaway. My favourite piece from the book has to be the little girl feeding her chickens. So sweet. So nostalgic. It reminds me of simpler times and I would love the chance to stitch her up.

  86. Hi Mary, I have several of Trish’s books, but not this one. It does entice me because I love anything birds or flowers. I like the two little birds shown in this book. I also love anything miniature as evidenced by my love of doing tiny cross stitching wherever possible. I am currently learning to do thread painting and doing it in miniature sounds fascinating.
    In Christ,
    Gail J.

  87. I am in the process of learning how to needle painting using your sampler on the subject. I’m about half way through and enjoying it very much. I would really enjoy continuing the process with Trish’s book. Her work is wonderful

  88. I couldn’t believe it when I read your newsletter the other day, it was the first time I’d heard about needle painting! After many years neglecting sewing, about a year ago I embroidered a set of tea towels for my mother, using an old fashioned and charming design of Aunt Martha’s. Since then I’ve done probably 40 more towels, some sets and some individual ones, using more and more detsil in the stitching. I’ve completely filled in several designs, which is really ridiculous on tea towels, but I decided to, anyway, to help me learn before tackling a more serious project.
    Just last week, the thought came to me of somehow using dye along with embroidery to help add color and dimension, but had no concept how or if it would actually work. Then I saw your description of needle painting, saw the lovely designs in this book, and fell in love! This process obviously doesn’t include actual paint, but it answers the question about shading and creating that amazing look of paint!
    My favorite design is the group of pansies. They were my grandmothers favorite flower, and have meant a lot over the years.
    I ordered the book Needle Painting, for Beginners, after reading your newsletter, and it arrived yesterday!
    Thank you for your amazing blog and tutorials! I only hope to be able to improve my skills and spread the joy with others! I’ve shared several of your tutorials and articles with my daughter, who has also started embroidering, and they’ve been very helpful!
    It is soul enriching for me to create beauty.

  89. Gosh where to even start! I am so very impressed with Trish Burr’s abilities with shading. I have a hard time deciding which I like the best but I’m going to go with the birds. I am really excited to add some on my crazy quilt. She is awesome!!

  90. Since you used my favorite George Cloony quote I’ll answer the question with my favorite Harrison Ford Movie quote. Needle painting is far and above my usual repertoire of tea towels and pillow cases. In “Clear and Present Danger” Harrison is asking a computer geek to break into the CIA computer system, to which the geek character replies “We’re way beyond birthdays now.”

  91. Thank you both, Mary and Trish, for this giveaway!
    My favorite photo of the ones posted with the book review are all the pics of the instructional pages! I squint really hard to see the writing, because there is such a lot to learn from Trish Burr. My favorite work which she has done is tied between two – the one of Victorian children sitting on a branch, and the other is a little kitten waiting for her milk in a saucer. I Absolutely **Adore** those two!! Someday, When I have all my “responsible” work finished, I will get those two and make them.

  92. I loved the wee pansies because pansy colors are glorious! You can pick any colors and have fun blending….or not!

  93. Hi Mary
    Thank you for another opportunity to add to our stitching libraries. I particularly like the floral pieces and in particular the little pansies. Living in a northern climate, I have come to appreciate the resilience of the pansy. It is usually one of the first flowers of the spring. They add such lovely splashes of colour after the long winter and can tolerate the frosts of spring. They are a reminder that there are brighter days ahead. 🙂

  94. when you showed us the pages on 2/10 i commented at that time that i absolutely loved the birds. the little christmas birds were gorgeous but i also loved the wee birdie and he is a fluffy ball. but i also loved the flowers in the vase and the children. who wouldnt like this book. the photos themselves are pieces of art. i can certainly see myself spending hours just looking at the photos of the children, birds and flowers.and what a wonderful resource this book would make to anyone whether they are new to needle painting embroidery or an old hand at it. as a beginner i believe this to be an inspiration book. it would certainly give me the opportunity to explore & expand the little knowledge i do have about this beautiful handiwork. what makes it even more inviting is that it is miniature paintings.what better way than to sit by a window with a cup of tea, watching the falling snow and creating a beautiful trish burr’s needle painting embroidery. thank you for the opportunity to win this book.

  95. Trish Burrs Books are all beautiful and so well written.
    There isnt one of her miniatures that I wouldn’t like to do if I had the time they are all great. I love needle painting very relaxing and fun to do. Trish always has something of interest for everyone to take up a needle and stitch. This is a wonderful book and I would love to add it to my already library of trish’s books. Thanks for the opportunity Mary to win this wonderful book.

  96. I like the birds most, especially the little fluffball sitting on the branch. Then the flowers.

    And being small designs, they seem like something that could be accomplished fairly quickly and not languish for months.

  97. Years ago I truly enjoyed doing crewel work and am now intriged with needle painting. Trish Burr is amazing…especially the paintings of birds. Thank you for the opportunity to own this lovely book. Happy Day to you and your needle. jc

  98. When I first saw Trish Burr’s book in your Newsletter it was my incentive. I have been wanting to try Needle Painting but do not center my attention on one area. Immediately I went to Amazon and pre-ordered this book. Other Trish Burr books are on my shelf and I have learned so very much from them. My delivery dates are between February 20th and 23rd and I cannot wait – but must.

    This note is to thank you for introducing the book and also for the “Thread Update”. I will watch for this in your upcoming Newsletters. Thank you!

  99. My favorite photo was the wee birdie – hands down! I am a lover of birds, feeding live worms and all types of seeds daily – to be able to embroider a bird so beautiful makes my heart sing. I can bring a little outdoor love inside. And the size being small – I can see it framed or placed on a pillow bringing a smile to my face every time I see it!

  100. The basket of flowers is very appealing, but I’ll admit that the chickens pecking the ground would probably be the first project I would do from this book. As soon as I saw them, I thought immediately of my Aunt who loves chickens and has her kitchen decorated with a lot of them.

    I love needle painting in general. I find it amazing how you can turn a piece of fabric and some thread into a realistic looking “painting”.

  101. Oh shoot! I forgot to say I don’t need the book. I have already ordered and am anxiously waiting. Thank you so much for all you do! And by the way, I love Kansas too!!!

  102. I absolutely love miniature projects, especially flowers, and would very much
    Enjoy making needlework accessories using a combination of birds, flowers and
    the adorable children featured in this wonderful book by Trish Burr.

  103. What really excites me about miniature needle painting is that you can create tiny little treasures in a minimal amount of time to give as gifts or to keep for yourself. Sometimes I get frustrated at how long a project takes me to complete and I hate to admit it , but sometimes I set it aside when I lose my interest in it. 🙁 I have wayyyyy to many UFP’s, (un-finished projects)
    What I most like about the miniature needle painting is the fabulous art of birds, flowers and the cute girls with animals! Thanks for a chance to win this book. 🙂 ~Ginny K~

  104. I like all of the projects but what I like most is the smallness of the projects. I have a 1.5 hour commute each way to work and these could easily be done in a few days. I need things that can be done in short snippets of time as embroider, knit, quilt, sew clothing and still run a household with husband and 2 very large dogs. This is the perfect format for us busy busy ladies (and men too if they like)!!! Happy stitching! Thanks for all the information!

  105. I adore Trish’s fat little birds! I love the way the feathers and fluff are built up and create so much attitude in such a little fluffy package. Specifically, I love the photo of the pair (red and blue) on the holly branch. Thank you.

  106. I would like to dabble in nedle painting, but I would like to start out small. Using embroidery threads instead of wool would be easiest for me. I liked the flowers the best.

  107. Mary,
    I was hoping you would do this.
    I would LOVE to have this book as a prelude to a silk shading intensive course that I am taking at the Royal School of Needlework in April. Please, pretty please…

  108. I have all her books. She is an awesome designer. It is hard for me to choose between the little birds (my favorite subject) or the pink roses/blue vase (my other favorite subject). I hope needlework is making a resurgence. Now that I am retired I have more time to do fun things. Regretfully, I cannot find a needlework store in my state (Massachusetts) and I must buy everything on line.

  109. I have done different kinds of needlework for many years, but have not tried Needle Painting. I keep looking at the beautiful patterns and wondering if I could make them look that good. The fat little Kingfisher looks like something I could begin with. Birds have an extra-special meaning to me because my parents were avid birdwatchers and introduced me to many birds at their feeders. Now that they are gone, birds are a sweet remembrance. This little kingfisher could be the road to all the flowers and birds in this book.

  110. who wouldnt like this book. the photos posted are workes of art. i cant think of a nicer way to spend a weekend than to watch the falling snow curled up with a cup of tea and trish burr’s miniature needle painting book. not to mention what a beautiful resource book this is. as a beginner i think this is a very inspirational book and it would certainly give me the opportunity to explore and expand te limited knowledge i have about needle painting.what makes it even more inviting is because the embroidery is of miniatures, it shouldnt take alot of time. i would love to incorporate a few miniatures in my quilt blocks. i love the wee birdie, and he certainly is a fluffy ball. little christmas birds, flowers, how can anyone go wrong with this book. thank you for the opportunity to win this asset to my library of fine crafted books.

  111. Oh, my- of all your give-aways, this is THE ONE!!! I do so want this book, it is on my “wish list” #1. Being on a very small income at this point I have to wait to purchase it, but oh, I’ve looked at it (to pre-purchase) and drooled… I want it, and maybe this will be my lucky time. Crossing my fingers. I have several of Trish’s other books, she is my favorite stitchery author, love her work.
    I would have to say my favorites are her birds (in the past, doing sculpture and drawings they were my “specialty”- I did a bird atlas for an online book for the Mdewakanton Sioux tribe here in MN). But because I am now also doing miniature paintings and am trying to transition into needlework with those miniatures this is so “up my alley” and the little vignettes also grab my attention for that reason.
    Thank you so much Mary and Trish for this chance.

    1. Also, thanks Mary for doing that work to get the “American” version of the Gutterman thread numbers. Will you be posting them so we can print them out?

  112. This book is filled with the most beautiful thread paintings that I’ve ever seen. I just can’t get over the beauty of Trish’s work. If I must choose one, I will pick the birds. They look as if you could pick them up. Thank you for this offer of a chance to win.

  113. Thank you for exposure to such wonderful books. The Christmas birds are adorable and I’d love to give them a try.

  114. Thank you for all of your book reviews. As a USC Gamecock fan, I’m partial to the chickens in the miniature embroidery. It is indeed a charming picture, and looks really tiny. Thank goodness Santa brought me a Dazor magnification light that I can see with! What a treat it would be to win.
    As an aside, your name comes up constantly in my sewing circle. “Well, Mary says…..”, “Did you see what Mary recommends?….” “You don’t subscribe to Mary Corbet?…” You are now a household name! Thank you, Mary, for all you do to help us.

  115. I forgot to ask an exasperated rhetorical question…

    WHY, in this day and age of global buying/selling, would Gütermann not use the same color numbers everywhere, especially when it’s the same product?!?!?!?

    1. “Great minds think alike”. LOL. I also wondered what on earth the purpose of changing the numbers was. That’s just plain silly…

  116. You are a sweetheart to do the conversion color table on the threads…

    I like the “small” stitchery because you get a quicker gratification in a completed project. It truly does look a miniature painting.

    Thanks for a chance at the book and for all your postings.

  117. Hi All: I love needlepainting and miniatures, so this is a terrific addition to
    my library. And thank you for giving up your copy and the conversion of threads
    This will be very useful.

  118. I too like the anemones, but the wee birds are beautiful too. My all time favorite of Trisha Burr’s designs is the sweet peas. My Granny and I used to pick sweet peas that grew along the railroad tracks about 49 years ago! Sweet peas remind me of her and happy memories.

  119. I have always loved anything in miniature, and when I saw this book, I fell in love with it! I must admit those gorgeous fluffy birds got my attention straight away, they are so pretty, but the vintage children looked very useable in so many ways too. Actually, I don’t think there were any that I didn’t like!
    I really look forward to your email dropping into my inbox each day, thank you so much for all you share. 🙂

  120. I collect dolls and think that this book would allow me to make some great embellishments for their clothes as well as art to hang on the walls of the dioramas I love to make. I especially loved the fluffy blue and yeallow bird in the examples you showed us. But one of the chicken on an apron would also be just darling on one of my dolls. I have always liked the look of needle painting, but have not had the fortitude to do much of it. A small project would be just right, as Goldilocks says. 🙂

  121. I especially loved the little birds in the new book, though the children were sweet too. As a “newbie” to needle painting, I am especially drawn to Trish Burr’s designs. This book would be a great addition to my embroidery library.

  122. I particularly liked the picture of the wee birdie (your description!)And to go along with that the picture of the book’s page which shows how the different colors of feathers are stitched. And,I very much like your detailed book reviews. They give one a real sense of what the book is like, not just an overview. Many thanks for a most informative site!
    Cheers, Jean

  123. The flowers are beautiful, but I love, love, LOVE Trish’s fluffy little birds! I’ve wanted to try needle painting for a long time, and would love to have this book.

  124. That would have to be the basket of flowers. At 2.25″ x 3.75″, to have that many flowers, so much texture in the basket and to have 33 shades of floss is just mind boggling. I just love Trish Burr. What an artist!

    Thanks for the chance to win this book, Mary.

  125. I loved the little plump feathered birds wit the bright,cheeky eyes. The colours and the shadings looked so real . We no longer live in the Bush and I miss my friends the birds . Thank you for your blog page . I look forward to it each day.

  126. I love the little bird (bluetit?) best.
    It is so nice and lifelike. I would like to try needlepainting, and with a small project like this, I could get instant success.

  127. Hi Mary
    What a great give away! – Thanks for offering this… I would love to have projects like this to stitch up here in sub-zero northern Vermont!
    For me it’s all about the birds. I love how needle painting can so beautifully represent feathers. Those chickens are incredible and the little fluffy bird is adorable. I would love to stitch the birds, but would probably enjoy stitching any of the projects in this book.
    Thanks, Mary!

  128. I love Trish Burr’s books.I have 2 of them and enjoy reading them and dreaming of my next project – still dreaming though!! The fluffy bird and the Kingfishers are my favorites in her new book.
    I enjoy your book reviews and just need the time to embroider!

  129. I do canvas needlepoint. The long and short stitch is one I have trouble doing.
    The pictures of the birds and the pictures of how to do the stitch is one I think I can follow. Love the detailed pictures too.

  130. The little Christmas Birds captured my heart. Just so realistic and cute! Trish sure has a talent! We are all so blessed to view her work and to have her teach also…so blessed! Hugs,

  131. It’s for the birds! Those dear Christmas birds are irresistible. It would be a FEATHER in my cap if I could learn this technique and what better way than from Trish Burr. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly own the book and to be able to explore another side of this world of embroidery.

  132. Oh, I love this book! And the review you did was so informative, and increased my desire to try needle painting. I had been looking at this book and thinking about it because it has the work “beginner” in the title – that’s me! My favorite is the wee birdie.

  133. Oh my gosh – that little fluffy bird;
    you can practically feel how soft he is! I’ve really gotten into needlepainting lately, and I would love to add this little guy to my collection!

  134. I love the fluffy little birds in Trish’s new book. I am an appliquér and I incorporate a lot of embroidery in my quilts and wall hangings. Birds are my favorite so I’d love to have this book for new ideas and instruction. Thanks for this opportunity!

  135. Over the years, when I sit down to stitch a project, I normally choose what comes easy, which over the years has been cross-stitch, needlepoint and occasionally a small and not too entailed hardanger piece. But, oh, I I would love to improve my tecnique on needle painting. There are two pieces from Trish’s book that really grabbed me – the pansies in the vase is exquisite, but then the poppies in the basket is a beautiful piece as well. Thank you, Mary, for your book reviews. You will make one reader a very lucky stitcher with this give-away.

  136. WOW! Would really love to win this book, Mary. The first project that caught my eye was of the little girl feeding the chickens – looks so much like my granddaughter! And loved the little puffy birds! And my long and short stitches sure are messy – maybe if I had this book, I could perfect my stitches!
    Thanks for the chance to win –
    Barbara in TN

  137. Your review was the greatest ever for Trish’s new book. I most enjoy her birds. They look like they might fly away. I am still practicing her shading techniques with long and short stitches so maybe the smaller designs will move me along faster. I will be hoping to be the winner this time yours in stitches Pat

  138. Good morning Mary
    Wow! I like what I have so fare seen of this book.
    I have three of her publications and I use them
    constantly. My new passion (well, for the last two years) has been needlepainting.
    What do I like best from the book?
    The little girl and the chickens. It reminds me of the first embroidery I did when I was eight or nine. But what I like the best is the white chickens. I have looked at white animals and immediately thought – ‘how is that done in needlepainting? How many shades of white are there or, what are the other colours?
    Yes, I do need this book, Mary.

  139. I adore the little yellow bird with the blue head. So sweet! He would be lovely on a Christmas ornament!

  140. Hi Mary!

    I am always excited when Trish Burr puts out a new anything! Love her style. 🙂 My favorite picture was the two little birds on the branch. Enchanting little puff balls! Would love to stitch those! Thank you for all your hard work for this site, it is a treasure trove of info and good chuckles. 🙂
    Jen B in Oregon

  141. Needle painting is one type of embroidery that has always looked intimidating. But I love Trish Burr’s work! The wee bird was so cute. And since they are small, it feels easier to tackle.

  142. Mary…

    The Christmas Birds are my favorites! They are just adorable! I have enjoyed stitching a few Trish Burr patterns from her books or from issues of the “Inspirations” magazine and I would be so happy to receive this new book!

  143. Dear Mary,
    Thank you so very much for such a beautiful and inspirational blog. I always love your postings.

    Trish´s book is filled with beautiful “paintings”, I absolutely loved the Winter Little birds and her technique for the feathers is remarcable!

    Thank you both again and receive a big hug from Guadalajara, Mexico!

  144. I would be happy to win this book for my guild library. I am the librarian. Some of our members will be happy to have it. I like stitching needle painting and we have members who like needle painting. Excuse the way I write in English.
    Thank you,

  145. This book looks really wonderful! Thank you for the chance to win a copy. The Christmas birds are so adorable, I have to do them. And the anenomes.

  146. I would love to learn more about how to do thread painting and the projects in this book seem like a good place to start. It is hard to choose a favourite photo- they are all inspiring and fascinating really to think that the thread can be chosen and laid to create such powerful realistic images that make one simply stop, smile and enjoy.

  147. Mary,
    The one image that has been on my mind since your review, is the little bird on it’s nest, with a few blossoms near the base of the nest. It’s on the contents page.

    Of course, then I i had to browse the book again. All the tips and the detailed instructions are fantastic.

    The ability to finish a miniature in just a few days really appeals to me.

    Thanks for the heads up on the color numbering difference.

    Sally S

  148. Hi Mary:
    Thank you for another lovely give-away. My favorite project is the basket but I love them all. I took a course with Tanya Berlin some years ago and completed a rose which is my pride and joy! The work in miniature is a wonderful way to improve skills and make some beautiful gifts for my granddaughters… what joy!!! It is extremely cold in Canada and this would be a great winter project.

  149. Hi Mary! The project that entices me the most is the basket of flowers. The details of the shading are remarkable. They seem real. It’s amazing how Trish does it. It would be lovely to win this book. I have several of her patterns and about 2 weeks ago I purchased the ground fabric. Now all I have to do is start. Perhaps winning this book win give me the courage to begin.

  150. the birds, of course!! I just received Fresh Ideas for Beginners and this book looks like an excellent compliment to it. I want to make mini motifs for crazy quilt.

  151. That book really grabbed my attention, because I LOVED the cute, fluffy little birds! I have never tried needle painting before, so when you mentioned that all of her books are made for beginners and advanced alike, wishful thinking began. Those fluffy birds are the cutest little things I’ve ever seen! <3

  152. I would love to try stitching Trish’s birds in miniature size. The art of thread painting has always intrigued me. I am learning the arts of embroidery and needlework. It is important to keeps the methods of needlework alive for future generations. I find it very relaxing when under everyday stress.

  153. I’m in! I love all things needlework and tiny.

    You’re right Mary, there are many wonderful new books out there-in fact, all the reviews here are turning out to be somewhat expensive for me. Keep up the good work.

  154. This book looks like a must have.the fluffy bird is my first choice.looking forward to seeing the book in print. Diana

  155. Mary, What a glorious book. I would love to have it and to try my hand at some of the designs. My favorite, and this is a difficult choice, would be the basket of anemones. The colors are so beautiful and vibrant. I am so happy that you have introduced me to Trish Burr and her work. I seem to like everything she produces.
    Thanks again for a wonderful give-away.
    Floss Hurley

  156. I read your entries every day and am fascinated by the sophistication of your work. I have stitched all my life – embroidery, cross stitch, needlepoint, knitting and a wee bit of quilting. I am now looking for something new and the crewel work seems to be most enticing. I loved the miniatures – the pansies were particularly appealing – we called them “monkey faces” when we planted them with nuns who lived in a nunnery behind our home when we were children. The bluebirds were also enticing because we have bluebirds here in Virginia. They are fascinating birds and we have been privileged to watch parents teach their young to fly out of our kitchen window. Thanks for the site that gives inspiration and information; thanks for the opportunity and encouragement to expand our stitching experience.

  157. This book looks like a wonderful way to dip your toe into the world of needle painting! The technique would go so very well with the Brazilian embroidery which I love.

  158. I would love to add this book to my stitching library and include one of Trish’s designs as my next ‘carrot’ project. Needle painting fascinates me, but I’m too timid to forge ahead with one. These small projects seem just perfect for finding out if this technique might be ‘doable’ for me on a larger scale.

  159. I have always been enamored with anything small and I love birds. That’s what has caught and kept my attention in Trisha’s work. As I have gotten older and more accomplished In my own work, I find that I appreciate the small things even more for two reasons. One, they are more portable and two, I might actually finish projects before I die! Cheers! Ann

  160. Oh my gosh! The wee little Birdie is it! This whole post brought so many warm memories flooding back! My beloved grandmother…who taught me everything stitchery lived on her beloved Kansas farm 65 years and she simply adored her birds. One of her favorites was the little prairie quails. She was a lovely artist and an accomplished hand stitcher/quilter. What could be more perfect than to win this little book! She is smiling right now at the thought of it. That Kansas farm is still in our family….having been homesteaded by our family more than 150 years ago. I so love Kansas! Thank you for this post. 🙂

    1. Mary, I forgot to say….it is so kind of you to take the time to translate all of the thread colors. What a wonderful Valentines gift to all of us. Well…you gift us every day with your wonderful posts and generous sharing, this is just one more example. Thanks again.

  161. I love the pansies pictured in your earlier post. They are one of my favorite flowers and I would love to be able to enjoy them year round in a needle work piece.

  162. Never one to ease into something, I launched into Needle ‘N Thread with your long and short stitch sampler. Your instructions are excellent and I was pleased to complete the project. I’ve since gotten Tish Burr’s poppy kit and plan to join her on-line class later this year to complete it. One of the most amazing aspects of her work is the large number of colors she uses to work even the smallest detail.
    My favorite of the pictures you posted is either the wee bird or the Christmas birds. The only long and short I’ve done so far is on flowers and leaves and other shapes with definite borders, so I’m interested in learning what she calls “rough” long and short needed for birds’ feathers and the fur of other animals.
    I’d love to win this give away.

  163. I think the chicken picture has to be my favorite!I have become very passionate about crazy quilting so the miniature size of all these projects excites me. I have one of Trish’s books so I know that her directions are excellent.
    I am a fairly new subscriber and just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your daily sharing with all of us!

  164. This book looks lovely. Really nice long and short stitches with smooth shading seems like a technique that crops up in many embroidery projects and I feel like I need lots of practice! I loved the pictures from the book and the thorough instructions. (The instructions excited me the most!)

    Pick me!

  165. I have a couple of Trish Burr’s books, and they are wonderful in instruction and pictures. Her techniques are simple, but the results are brilliant! I have been working on her flower projects first. I can’t wait to try the wee birds. When I saw the two pictures with the little girls, especially the girl feeding the chickens, I just have to give that a go. I’ve been researching miniature embroidering recently and this would be the best way to learn (in my opinion). Thanks for your website and all the wonderful instructions. I have learned more about embroidery from you than anyone. Thanks, Connie

  166. Those exuberant little birds are bursting with life! How can anyone resist?

    Thank you Trish and Mary for all you do for us!

  167. This is a lovely book. I particularly loved the Wee Pansy Basket project. I was not familiar with this technique, but thanks to you I am anxious to try it. Since I love pansies, that would be the what I would try first. Thank you for giving me/us the chance to win this book.

  168. Looks like it would be a great book. I usually gravitate to the birds. I love the birds! But the daisies on the front cover are calling my name too.

  169. I just love the look of needle painting and Trish Burr’s designs. I think in the review one of my favorites is the Wee Pansies. I am such a fan of miniatures and they are so small. I am just learning the technique of needle painting and very much enjoy it!

  170. It would be so exciting receive this book! I am most enchanted by the little girl in the pinafore, feeding the chickens. The pictures look so romantic and Victorian! The subtlety of coloring is so charming. It is wonderful to know that there are so many people out there who treasure the wonderful history of needlewomen, and work to keep their artistry alive!

  171. Long time,Mary…
    I’ve given up on your giveaways, too much competition 🙂 But this I couldn’t resist.I’d love to stitch all of them but if you ask me to really really choose, I’d pick the wee birdie or the pair of birds.They look so real and warm.

    Hope everything’s well at your end..
    Love from India,

  172. I absolutely love Trish Burr and the technique. I think it produces gorgeous work. My favorite pictures were the wee birdie and Christmas Birds. All of the ptojects are beautiful but I am wild about birds and this particular technique really enhances the beauty of the birds. I would love to win this giveaway and thank you for all you do for us.

  173. Although they were all beautiful, I fell in love with the little bird.
    The book is now in my Amazon wish list.

  174. Thank you so much for this give a way. I have never tried this technique before, but would like to. The picture that inspired me the most was the one of the little girl feeding the chickens. I have 4 little girls and love chickens, among other farm animals.
    I love your blog because it has inspired me to pick up a needle and attempt to do what now days, a machine does.

  175. I love the fuzzy bird. I just want to pick him up and cuddle him.

    Thanks for another wonderful giveaway.

  176. What a nice surprise! Hard to choose between the “wee birdie” and the chickens, but her birds always fascinate me. I am currently building a dollhouse (slowly). Wouldn’t this be a fine addition?

  177. Is it really possible to pick a favorite out of Trish’s projects? I must say I’m in love with her birds and pansies, but then again, I love all of the others too. I’ve gotten Colour Confidence and am really enjoying that book, so it stands to reason I’d love to get my grubby little paws on this one too. I find you Mary and Trish seem to share the same teaching philosophy, so both you are priceless resources for me.

  178. My favorite are the sweet fluffy birds. The threads bring to life these beautifully shaded tiny birds.

    Thank You, Mary for your blog posts. Always an enjoyable part of my day. I grew up between Delia and Hoyt so I also know of those great trips to KC.

  179. Chickens!! I love the chickens and the little girl.
    I have a friend who keeps laying hens in her backyard and this would make a lovely gift for her!!

  180. I absolutely love the little ‘Christmas Birds’. I have a couple of Trish Burrs books and have been practicing long and short stitch and blending the shades. Having the ‘Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery’ book would be so encouraging. Tackling a small project and being able to complete it sooner would be rewarding.

  181. The little girl feeding the chickens is an easy pick as a standout. There are always so many flowers, birds, etc., but the little scene reminds me of a Norman Rockwell. It’s just too cute for words. Not that flowers, etc. aren’t beautiful, because they are gorgeous, but throw in something so different and adorable as this precious picture, and it really catches the eye and heart.

  182. I am the Queen of small projects so this book is perfect for me! The little girl tossing grain to the chickens is my favorite out of the ones you showed us. (I can so relate to your travels–I live in SE KS, and my motto is we are 100 miles from anywhere, lol)

  183. My favorite of the projects shown is the pansies. I always put some in pots on my birthday, April 17. They are my first foray into my garden after a long winter.

  184. I loved the little single birdie, and I absolutely fell in love with the rose tree picture. I adore small things like that! (That miniature Cluny embroidery you did is probably my all-time favorite thing on this site.)

  185. It is a beautiful book full of knowledge. The beginner’s bird is the one that grabs me because it’s so sweet & I would need a beginner project. Thanks for the opportunity.

  186. To paint with a needle – oh dear –
    to poke myself, that is the fear!
    And blood stains on white
    fabric – that isn’t quite
    what we’re all trying for around here!

    Alas, I confess
    I’ll try my darned(!) best
    to carefully stitch every hue
    while thanking the book-sending YOU!

  187. As I was reading your book review the other day, I was intrigued by how easy the book makes it appear to be. I have seen some finished projects done in the needlepaint technique and thought wow I could never do that. But now, maybe I could!

    I was drawn to the fluffy birds, then to the pansies, and lastly the basket of posies. Even before I read your comments about your fav photo. Ultimately though I think its the fluffy little birds that are my favourite !

  188. The flowers in the basket shown in the previous column and also in this one are absolutely gorgeous. I have never attempted “needle painting” and I am fascinated by it. I have been an avid embroiderer since I was about 8 yrs. old and I am 76 now. That’s a LONG time and I STILL love hand embroidery. It is so much more creative than counted cross stitch. Tried that once, didn’t like it! This would be the most wonderful book to add to my collection — I have NOTHING even close to this magnificent book! Thanks for the opportunity.

  189. choose a favorite? how difficult! the most inspirational picture would have to be the wee bird. ive always wanted to try needle painting (properly) and i have always been attracted to the birds. and now, a bird project fit a for a beginner – with the insructions! what luck! ms. burr has quite an artist eye and what she does with thread with truly amazing. i just can’t wait for this perfect book to dip my needle into thread painting!

  190. J,apprécie beaucoup les livres de stumpwork de Mme Trish Burr, c’est bien expliqué, les démarches sont facilement compréhensives et les résultats extraordinaires.
    En miniature j’irais vers mini burgundy pansy, c’est ma fleur préférée. J,aime aussi beaucoup ses oiseaux que je réaliserais dans un 2°temps. Les miniatures prennent moins d’espace sur nos murs c’est un avantage pour une fana de broderie et de dentelle.
    Bientôt en convalescence pour 3 mois, je mettrai ces réalisations dans mon cheminement de guérison. Je souhaite gagner ce livre,

  191. I was wowed by ALL the pictures and will get the book, unless I am lucky
    Enough to win the copy! Small has always taken my eye, and some of
    My favorite projects have been the small ones. It amazes me the detail
    Which can be achieved with even a small size. Needlepainting is such fun,
    And can hardly wait to start on one of these projects! thank you for the
    Great review and the chance to win a copy of this delightful book.
    Regards, Sue in Bermuda.

  192. Hi Mary
    It is always so wonderful that you share everything. I love Trish Burr and have all her other books. The miniature would be just beautiful.
    I wish you would publish a book so we could buy it and support you.
    Our group is needlepainting from her patterns now.
    Have a wonderful week-end.

  193. I love the little basket of pansies. Pansies are the happiest looking blooms. We are building a new house so I want to do the pansies to go in the powder room. It will complement the wallpaper beautifully.
    All the projects are wonderful, I can see combining the pansies and birds into one project or stitched separately then framed together.

  194. G’day Mary, and thank you Trish.
    Definitely those ‘in their own little world’ children. They’re so unaffectedly cute while doing their very own thing. They’re drawn cleverly and their props are relly believable. I love them.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz

  195. The chickens! I love all the birds, but those chickens are adorable.

    Thank you for giving this book away. Someone will be very happy, I’m sure!

  196. I love the fluffy little bird, but I was really drawn to the last picture and the pansy. I think it would be gorgeous in a little handmade needle book.

  197. Birds and flowers, birds and flowers and monograms. What a great gift. A handkerchief with a monogram and a tiny bird or flower or both. Even the thought makes me happy.

  198. Hi Mary,
    I’d love to win the Trish Burr book. I really love the little yellow and blue bird — what a little fluff ball. So cute.
    Marilyn Vanover

  199. Needle painting is absolutely amazing. I explain it as coloring but with thread. Pure joy. I am still in the working world and my “extra” time is limited, so the small projects are perfect. Thank you for great articles and instructions. I have learned so much!

  200. to choose just one photo? how difficult. i have been wanting to dip my needle into needlepainting for awhile. i have always loved trish burr’s birds. so, if i had to choose, it would be the wee bird. because he is just tooo cute and because he is one of the first birds i have seen appropriate for beginner needlepainters. what more could i ask for? inspiration and hope of working on a project that will give me the confidence to complete and continue with needlepainting. i cannot wait to see this book (either as a lucky winner or grateful purchaser!). p.s. love your reviews.

  201. I love miniature embroidery and needlepoint because I live in New York City and real estate is expensive so apartments are small. I do small embroidery, petite-needlepoint, and miniature quilting. This book has all sorts of great projects and tips to enhance my work. And that’s why I’d like to win it.

  202. I just love Trish Burr. I cannot make up my mind on which I like the best. The fluffy bird has such an attitude. but the Christmas birds are just so cute. the poppies are beautiful and the other flowers are gorgeous. I just adore them all.

  203. I love the fluffy little blue and yellow bird. I’m trying to develop my silk shading and would love to have a go at something small….my last project has taken hours and hours! Maybe I will be lucky.

  204. Mary, I just love miniatures and I collect miniature items. So I love needlepainting and have already done 5 of Trish’s designs and won 2 blue ribbons at the fair entering miniatures. I love that they are fairly fast to stitch and I can’t believe how beautiful they are. I am so attracked to the 20 patterns with the colors and directions that are in the book. I hope I win, I think it is my turn.

  205. Wee Birdie just captured my heart and made me want to get my needle and threads and start painting. He’s so brilliantly small and beautiful you just want to stroke his head so he will sing for you. It makes you look at the simple and sweet things with such an appreciative eye.

  206. Thank you for offering this book! I love Trish Burr’s work. The photo that caught my eye was the small bird you said was the starter project for stitching birds. Her birds and flowers are so beautiful and realistic looking.

  207. I would love to win this book. The pansy project you showed in your review is the design I would try first.
    Pansies are my favorite flower. I’m fascinated by these small projects. This book would be a good start for my efforts at needle painting.

  208. Well, the little bird is just about the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I have Trish Burr’s book on color theory, and think it’s one of the best on the subject. I’d love to have another of her books to add to my shelf.

  209. I love the picture with the little girl cutting flowers. I don’t think I’d start with that one since it looks a little difficult for a first project, but it’s definitely the one that grabs me.

  210. Hi Mary,
    I liked all the pictures. I like to make handmade cards and these would be wonderful to grace the fronts.I buy beautiful pre-cut cards in Scotland, They come with an embossed edge and a center cutout for any art work one would like to put in. Like writing a letter by hand, more thought is put into it.

  211. I loved the whole book!! But I’m especially taken by the flowers. The basket of flowers, the vases of flowers or the flowers just growing there. I love them all!! I also love the birds. I want to learn thread painting and this would be the perfect opportunity. Thanks Mary!!

  212. I just love the little girl feeding the chickens.She reminds me of our little granddaughters. Ever so willing to help with everything at that young age! Trish has captured innocence in all her needle paintings. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
    Karole K

  213. Thanks for the chance to win this book. I do a lot of crazy quilting so to have this book would be great. I love the little birds they would be beautiful on a crazy quilt.

  214. Oh, the Gutermann numbering system drives me crazy! I use Gutermann hand quilting thread exclusively for my quilts, and nearly lost my mind when I was in England and needed to match a grey that I’d run out of! But, gosh, I love Gutermann products!

    As for the projects you showed from Trish’s book, I thought the pansies were gorgeous, and then I scrolled down and saw the chickens! Agh! They are adorable! I need to learn needle painting if only to stitch those little chickies!

  215. I have taken two needle painting classes, and like the idea of being able to make small needle painting pictures. I love pansies, so liked the picture of three of them, although I’d probably use other colors. And recently, I’ve been watching the birds come to our bird feeders, and thought it would be fun to make a piece of needlework that includes some of the common varieties we get, so the patterns for birds would be quite useful for designing that. Needle painting is much better than cross stitch for capturing the texture of birds. The instructions in this book look very good, and it would inspire me to get working on a bird project!

  216. I keep loking at the layered petals and
    I’d love to win this book because it is just beautiful and would open up new worlds for me.

  217. I;ve been making quilt blocks with needle painting motifs, first one featured 23 anatomically correct insects for my entomologist daughter. The one I’m working on now features 12 Shakespearian plays. It’s been flopping around in my brain to take a single image and create miniatures. Inspiration from a book of this magnitude in invaluable.

  218. My favourite one is the Lovely Basket because I like flowers patterns. And this one I can play with different shades for its small size.

    Thank you for having this give-away.


  219. I have Trish Burr’s book on needle painting and am just starting my first project. I like the idea of a smaller project. Since pansies stand for thoughts I like that project which would make a lovely gift in someone’s favorite colors.

  220. Hello, Ms. Corbet.
    The project(s) I like the best in your review pictures is(are) the birds. OH! the birds, birds, birds. Her painting of the birds is so rounded and lifelike.

    And I would love to win the drawing!

    On another topic, I am considering doing a copy of Bramontini’s Risen Christ–obviously not the full sized model, but maybe 8×10. I do have the museum catalog illustration of it. Are you considering doing a post about how to get the salient points of a painting into an embroidery project? Which things do you trace, which things do you capture by your choice of stitch instead? And how do you choose your fabric ground color? Do you match the biggest color area of the piece? Go for contrast? Match the most important color area instead–with the Risen Christ, I’d say the blueish color of the flesh is more important to the picture narrative than the dark brown of the background behind the figure, and much more important than the aqua/turquoise bit of sky in the far distance at the top. Would I then do a flesh toned background fabric instead of an ivory or dead white? Eh, sorry for thinking out loud on you.

  221. I love the little girl with chickens, although the Christmas birds came in a close second. All her work is beautiful. I can hardly wait to run my fingers thru all that beautiful floss in each project. I’m like a kid in a candy shop when it comes to embroidery floss. Good luck everyone and I’m back to my project and a cup of coffee.

  222. Trish Burr’s work is all wonderful. From the projects you shared, I just love the “wee birdie” as it would make a perfect gift for someone in my life. And the little girl with the topiary is fantastic.

  223. I really loved the fluffy little bird and the little girl feeding the chickens. I’m just so fascinated with this needle work. They just look like little paintings! I have done some embroidery like this, but I need much more practice! I also want to thank you for such a excellent site to learn. I am stitching a wool heart with several embroidery stitches that are new to me. Your videos are excellent and I appreciate how you do the stitch several times. Because that is how long it some times takes me, if not longer 🙂

  224. What a delightful looking book. I am really drawn to the piece depicting a little girl feeding the hens. It reminds me of my childhood. Thank you for your book reviews.

  225. I really love Trish Birr’s Needle Painting books. I think my favorite project in this one is also the Anemones in the basket closely followed by the Wee Pansies. Here’s hoping I get lucky this time. Thanks for the chance to win.

  226. I do a lot of different kinds of embroidery, but I’ve never tried needle painting and Trish Burr’s design intrigue me. Her directions seem to be very easy to follow so I think it would be a good entrance to this kind of embroidery. I’ve considered her earlier books, but this one with the miniatures is less scary (I tend to take on “big” projects and this would ‘save me from myself’). The round little yellow bird with the blue head and tail caught my attention the most. My sewing room is upstairs with a large window to watch the birds in the trees outside. Since I don’t have a pretty little bird like this one in my trees, I’d like to bring it inside to visit.

  227. I really love this type of embroidery, so all the pictures were very appealing. But the one that really caught my eye was a little blue and yellow bird, described as a Puff Ball. It is sooo cute!

    Wish me luck, and have a great weekend.

  228. In the book review the other day…Oh, yes, I would most definitely LOVE to win this book!!! Trish’s books are so outstanding in content, photography and the knowledge that she so graciously shares. One day, if I’m a very very good girl (ha!) I’d be able to go to a Trish Burr seminar. Until then, I would so love to be able to enjoy this book!

  229. I love the vintage look of the young girls in dresses and aprons. Especially the girl feeding the chickens. The birds are beautiful and I like the diagrams that show you how to complete each project. Looks like a wonderful book.

  230. I so would love this book! I have been looking to get back to embroidery, cross stitch and need a small project to take with me to my daughter’s doctors appointments and waiting for my grandson to get out of preschool. And in the evenings as the two are sleeping and I can work on a project in the quiet part of my day.
    I love the pansies and ohh, the little bird sitting on a twig! I can also see that little guy sitting on the handle of the basket of anemones! This may be just the item to put on my daughter’s new care bag!
    Thank you for reviewing Trish’s new book as somehow I must get it! Hope I am the one!

  231. Trish is so kind to give one of her books as a giveaway. Which of her exquisite projects do I like the best from those you showcased? I can’t choose…I love them all!

  232. Mary, thank you for getting U.S. numbering for the Gütermann threads. I already have ordered the Trish Burr book and am really excited to try one of the projects.
    Keep up the good work. I really enjoy your Needle and Thread site and newsletter.

  233. For me, my favorite project was the “wee birdie”, decked out in blue and yellow. I saw him as a baby bird looking down at the ground thinking “that’s a long way down if I can’t get these wings to work!” I also liked the texture on the branch. Hmmm, it’s a starter project. Do I dare take a stab at thread painting?

  234. Hi ho. I love the chickens!! I’m all about wanting chickens these days and I would embroider those little lovelies along with the sweet child image on a dress for my niece. How great an aunt would that make me. Lol. I have had a love affair with tiny things and making tiny things and being patient with those tiny things for a life time. How perfect for me to win a whole book on tiny needle painting to feed my love affair. Right? Fingers crossed.

  235. My favorite project by far is of the “Wee Pansies.” This is probably because my grandmother taught me how to embroider when I was a little girl, and her favorite flowers were pansies. I love the sweet “faces” and soft velvety feel of pansies, and these qualities are beautifully captured in Trish Burr’s “Wee Pansies” project.

  236. Its mainly the birds that get to me – the way the colours merge and flow and the fluffiness and direction of the feathers. I have a Cabinet of Curiosities box to cover and this book could well help! Thank you for the opportunity.

  237. i love the birds best. Would love to learn more about this technique. Especially thread colour tips.

  238. I particularly liked the diagram showing how to do layered flower petals. The petals on my flowers often end up blending into each other, losing their distinct shapes. This one image alone will greatly help my embroidery come out better!

  239. My favorite is the little blue and gold bird. I like all the bird pictures. My first project would be one of the birds. Why? Because I am owned by a parrot!

  240. WOW! All the pictures are inspiring & lovely but I guess I liked the black and white picture of the basic long and short stitches. It grabbed my attention due to the detail and how she wrote out the instructions and didn’t think her audience was unknowledgeable but more like we were getting a refresher course. I LOVE the row-by-row instructions as well. The drawing of the work and details of the how-to is SO clear, I don’t know how anyone couldn’t follow these instructions and not be successful! Oh, and the photo of the little girl and her chickens! How wonderfully dear! Even though my eye sight isn’t the best (thank goodness for corrective lenses!) it just made me want to jump in and start a project – and THIS particular one as an emblem on the bib of a denim jumper for my 2-year old granddaughter Abby! Thanks for sharing this wonderful book!

  241. I’m intrigued by the challenge of embroidering the little vignettes of children. I’ve never done any figure embroidering because it looks so intimidating, but I think I would love to tackle these projects.
    I also love that fluffy little bluebird. So adorable!

  242. It would have to be the little girl with the chickens! I love everything about it — the sweet little girl, the lovely chickens, the basket, everything. I must do one.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  243. Mary I am drawn to Trish Burrs designs, especially the flowers and birds. Since you want me to choose I must pick the pansies. The pansies would be the perfection addition to a crazy quilt block that I am working on.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  244. What a beautiful book! This would be just the thing to take my embroidery to the next level, and I just LOVE the ‘Wee little birdie’. It’s just adorable!

  245. Thank you Mary and Trish for such a lovely opportunity for having this give-away. I love the girl with hens. At first when I looked at the picture I thought that it is a canvas painting. But then I looked it very carefully and found that it’s a beautifully crafted needle work. I’m just a beginner but I loved it very much. Thank you Trish for your lovely creation.

  246. Being a 30 year lover of soft shading, The idea of miniature work in similar techniques is very exciting. Trish Burr’s book has beautiful natural designs.
    I think this book would be a keeper.

  247. It is always the birds that I love and attract me to Trish’s work. But I would be inclined to do anything with a pansy in it for my mom – she is battling cancer (terminal this time) and I know that she would love to have some bright little pansies to look at.


  248. Miniature needlepainting – fun, good to try out color combinations and study areas of a larger piece. Pansies always catch my eye – easy at first glance but still trying to capture the essence of their paperthin petals

  249. Hi Mary: Please, Please, Please, I hope this message is pleasing to you!
    I love the branch of cherry blossoms that you used as an example of the step-by-step instructions offered in Trish’s wonderful book. I am totally smitten with needle painting, and would so much enjoy this luscious book! Please, Please, Please let this be the winning comment!

  250. I really like the flower in the lesson for overlapping petals. The pansies were nice too. Everything looked great really! I would love the book!

  251. Love the little Xmas birds. Have always had a thing for the little red cardinals and these birds are just as cutr

  252. I love the little yellow and blue bird! He’s a ball of fluff and so cute! I like the fact that all the projects in the book are miniature.
    Trish Burr’s work is so amazing. . . . wonder who will win the book?


  253. I’d love to win this book, because I’m always up for a challenge and these little embroidery pieces would certainly present one. My personal favourite is the basket of anemones… just gorgeous!

  254. I love the tiny little blue and yellow bird and would love to make him. All Trish’s birds look as if you could touch each feather. So pretty!

  255. Hi Mary

    I love all the pictures you showed but probably the little pot of flowers would be my choice. I love flowers. I also like the idea of the small designs as like you say, they can be done more quickly than the larger projects. They would be more useful for giving as gifts for your loved friends and relatives. The book will certainly be on my shopping list.

  256. the projects i really like are the flowers in a basket, and the flowers in a vase (third picture)and the chickens

  257. Oh, to own a Trish Burr book would be the perfect addition to my library. As soon as I would receive the book I would kit up to do a little bird. They are so lifelike and adorable. A friend of mind is working on one of Trish’s flowers and it is just like the picture. Added benefit would be techniques to include with stumpwork.

  258. I was instantly grabbed by the Little Christmas Birds project. They both look so alive, yet cute and fluffy. I am very much a beginner, so to think I could produce this would be amazing. I have bought Colour Confidence bit haven’t yet given it a slot in the queue of things to do! When I have, next on my list will be one of Trish Burr’s needle painting books.

  259. Years ago I painted two pictures with thread as a gift for a dear friend. Until I found Needle ‘n thread I haven’t given thread painting a second thought. Now I am excited to do it again.
    The picture of the little girl with the chickens pulled at my heart strings and reminded me of when I was a little girl and when I stayed with my “Grandma” and Great Grandma. Everytime I hear a chicken or rooster I can’t help but smile at the memories that are kindled.
    The article has my creative juices flowing and I would so like to receive a copy to help me plan my quilts for my grandchildren. I am making each one a quilt for when they one day go out on their own. What fun this art form is I just need the confidence to create my own designs and learn how to use the colors. I am chomping at the bit to do the girl with the ducks.
    Tamara Wright

  260. Those little pictures are just exquisite and the instructions look so easy to follow. I’m sure my dismal attempts at thread ‘painting’ would improve no end and my fingers are itching to have a go – again!

  261. Thank you for offering another give away. The thing that grabbed me in the photos in your book review was the picture of the little girl feeding the chickens. It carried me away to another time and place.

  262. Keep giving away all the books you want please. I like being on the receiving end, it’s fun!

    Of the pictures, I really liked the pansies with their sweet faces and the layered flower petal technique which was a pretty, sunny yellow flower. And the little kingfisher bird, he had personality!

    I agree its a very interesting book and would have lots of good techniques to learn.

  263. I love everything Trish Burr creates, but my favorites in this book are the flowers. Flowers will draw me to them every time!

  264. It’s the birds Mary!! Any of them, all of them! I love birds! What really excites me about this book is the small scale. As you know form the red piece you profiled (Note this is a new email address), I am a crazy quilter. One of my goals for this year is to try my hand at needle painting for my crazy quilts, and low and behold you profiled this book. I soooo want to win this book, if I don’t I will buy it.

  265. Thank you, Mary for reviewing such a delightful little book. I cannot wait for it to come out. I will work the little girl with the chickens first thing. I like the idea of miniature projects. Maybe working them all on one piece of fabric would make a beautiful sampler. Thanks again.

  266. Thank you for the giveaway. The birds are wonderful especially the Christmas birds and the fluff ball. They remind me of the nuthatches that visit our deck every morning. I would love to learn this technique.

    Thank you, again.


  267. Trish Burr’s birds grab me. I feed birds, I watch them, I have counted them for our wildlife dept. I just love birds!

  268. The little flower on the bottom left of the front cover of the book; it has a particular innocence (to me!) which appeals…
    And I’m interested in learning this technique! Really interested to hear more about your upcoming ‘big project’ which you mentioned a little while back, and it would be fabulous to be able to apply some of what I hope to see, in miniature, as I read along with the progress of your work…

  269. Actually I love all the photos but I think my real favorite is the small bird in a nest on the bottom left hand corner on the table of contents page.
    I paint in water colors and have been experimenting with needle painting. The two are much similar in that they are both an art form.
    I also love that they are miniatures. I have a small collection of vintage miniature samplers.
    Thank you,
    Annie S.

  270. I loved the little girl bending over It just reminded me of my childhood and how my Mother dressed me and I know I would love to do this project.

  271. I looked again at the photo and again I am drawn to the flowers. I love the birds, but as I love the flowers in my garden, I am always drawn to them . I take many pictures and tell myself that it will help me if I ever settle down to try needle painting….I want to, but I hold myself back. I am mesmerized by those who paint with thread. I would love to win this book and then, maybe then, I will have the push to try to needle paint.

  272. I loves the little birds. Wouldn’t they be cute on a crazy quilt? That is why I want this book. I have a crazy quilt that needs these embellishments.

  273. I love the flowers and birds you showed from the book. Those are my favorite subjects for embroidery and for drawing. I’d love to win a copy of the book – I’ve always wanted to learn needlepainting, and the small scale of these projects seems less intimidating somehow. The designs seem perfect to decorate small gifts and crazy quilt pieces.

  274. Miniature – Petit Point. I did an adaptation of a Josef Klimpt picture in miniature, and am so delighted with it. I have several powder bowls with embroidery on the lids that needs replacing, and these will make beautiful Christmas presents for my sisters and daughters. Finding pictures that look good in miniature is the question!

  275. This looks like an awesome little book. I have been looking at needle painting for a good while now, but the projects just seem so big and intimidating.
    From the Book Review my favorite project is the wee birdy. He’s so FLUFFY! Its adorable! I wants him. The house I just moved into is on Finch Way, and I’ve been calling it The Finch House. I think he’d make a great addition, framed in the living room or entry way!

  276. The miniature desins in Trish Burrs latest book would be so fun to do! I have done some thread painting and would especialy love to stitch the pictures with little girls.

  277. I adore Trish’s birds, but have not attempted stitching one yet. Trish’s instructions make it look easy, but I don’t think it is. Would love to learn to stitch long and short stitch better. Thank you SO MUCH for this website!

  278. On your book review the one I liked the best was the girl feeding the chickens. My first attempt at needle painting was doing the Red Fox by Tanja Berlin which I found very rewarding, although I have never done a Trish Burr project it has been on my to do list. I would just love to have one of Trish’s books in my library.

  279. Love the fluffy little bird and the chance to learn Trish’s technique. Thanks Mary and hope I’m the lucky winner!

  280. I particularly like the small bird project because the feathers look so real. I like the idea of small projects and love the step by step instructions by Trish Burr.

  281. I love miniature needlepainting! Would love to have this book in my needle working library! Loved all the pictures!

  282. I have admired the work done by Trish Burr for some time now, and getting a copy of the book could actually inspire me to give this method a try. It looks difficult, but the results are beautiful. I would really enjoy receiving a copy of the book.

  283. The Wee Bird is adorable; you just want to
    hold it in your hands.
    Trish’s books look to be terrific instruction
    for needle painting.

  284. I’m most interested in the beautiful little birds and would love to receive this book for inspiration. Your daily messages are delightful.

  285. Oh Mary … that’s so tricky! I’m torn between the cute little fluffball of a bluetit and the little girl feeding the chickens. I’ve only ever completed one silk shading embroidery and I’ve had my eye on several of the Trish Burr embroideries for a while. I love how she creates so much detail with these miniature studies … and I would oh so love to learn how to silk-shade Trish-style! Thanks for the lovely giveaway 🙂

  286. I love the ‘Wee Bird’ you commented was a fluff ball; it looks like one in a favourite book from my childhood. I would love to stitch it, it is so sweet! Needlepainting is so pretty. Size is irrelevant to me, a small is simply finished faster!

  287. Wow! I am so excited about this new book and about this wonderful opportunity to win this book!
    I really love the fluffy bird in blue and yellow colors. Because when you look at it you do not think of just perfect technique and execution you think oooooooh it is so cute and fluffy and alive!!! And only a bit later you realize it is all achieved with an incredible and precise technique. And you want to learn it! Immediately!Just to make people believe that in a while this little bird will shake its head and fly away…
    I already have previous books of Trish Burr and I am really intrigued in how it is possible to blend colors in small scale as long as the stitches must be quite long to create the blending effect. Thanks again for the possibility!

  288. I love the wee birdie because the feathers do seem to pop out and looks so fluffy. I love the idea of working on a small scale because it’s portable and unexpected quality. I also love the “old fashion” girl feeding the chickens- reminds me of the old storybook illustrations I grew up with!

  289. Hi Mary,

    Thank you for the opportunity.

    I noticed the Wee little bird. I just love birds and I miss my little guy. His feathers just look like they stand out and are not a bunch of long and short stitches anchored at both ends. The picture after it describes how to do feathers and I’m using that technique as practice to do an embroidery with Paternayan yarns. That way I will have some practice with long and short stitches before I do one of Trish’s birds with thread.

  290. I can’t wait to read this book I! I love all the miniatures and can’t pick a favorite. I’m very excited that directions are given for someone brand new to thread painting (me) with all the supplies needed as well as the “how to” instructions. I’m already dreaming of all the projects I can use the little designs on!

  291. The little girl on the cover feeding the chickens. It looks so realistic – and the chicks are white on white!! It seems to hark back to a quieter, simpler time when you could ponder deep thoughts while doing something as easy, but necessary as feeding the chickens! But all the projects are beautiful! Would love to win it and may just have to buy it if I don’t!
    Thanks for your post about being a real, unique person – I never doubted! But it’s fun to read a little of the “real” you every now and then. Love your blog and look forward to it every day.
    Carrie “PlaneNut”

  292. Dear Mary,
    AHHHH- this book looks totally wonderful! Everything appears so life-like. I have never done needle painting but love working on miniatures of all kinds. To own a copy of this book would be a real treasure and would chase away the winter doldrums! Thank you both for offering it.
    Peg in NJ

  293. Everytime I see the books published by T. Burr, I am always impressed by the beauty and the realism of her work. I have purchased a few of them but this one is special. The basket of poppies, her pansies, her little birds are so real and unique I want to have them all. Of course, once again I hope to be the winner!!

  294. The chickens are my favorite. In fact, I’ve not done any needle painting, so all the projects would be valuable.

  295. As I read your blog, Mary, on Trish Burr’s new book, I fell in love with each example shown….oohhh the basket of flowers…oh my, the wee bird…oh, look at the children….and the chickens! Miniatures have always been my passion. This book is exquisite. What a treasure to own. Thanks for the opportunity!

  296. My favorite picture from that post has to be the one with the little tiny birdie – such a fluffball! I do some needlepainting, but I can never get my shading to look as good as Trish’s. I suppose that’s why she’s the teacher, and I the student!

  297. Well, Normally I would have to pick the pansies, since I just love them. But I am picking the little birdie this time, it is so cute!

  298. Hi Mary
    when I read your review of Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery I just knew I would be able to finally get the hang of needle painting with this book. The projects are small not overwhelming and great instructions. But the project I would start on is the “wee birdie” ” fluff ball”. Oh he’s for me, yummy!

    Thanks for the offer

  299. I liked the Little Christmas Birds…so cute, and I can see it framed in a little hoop on my sideboard!

  300. I think I spotted a wee kingfisher on one of the technique images – I would love to do that! It would be huge fun to include little “painted” pictures like these in some crazy patch.

  301. I love receiving your blog. I’ve learned so much. Thank you! I already have one of Trish’s books and would be thrilled to win this book.

    Keep up the great work!
    NS, Canada

  302. The wee little bird that is so fluffy. I have her color confidence book. I like needlepainting because its a single thread that you can get so much detail.

  303. How can choose a single picture? I love the birds, especially, perhaps, the Christmas birds. But then there are the flowers – the solo pansy (I don’t usually like Pansies much, but this one has wonderful colours) and the little bouquet of Daisies. And when I finish ogling them there are the sweet little girls…

    Thank you for the opportunity.

  304. It would be great to win this book. I’m a great fan of needle painting. The beauty of small projects is that well, they’re small. So much fun in so little time and the designs are beautiful. The part I enjoy most about needle painting is blending the colors and creating dimension. I especially liked the design of the bird and nest.

  305. Mary,
    Thank you for the chance to win Trish’s new book. I just purchased several yards of quality muslin for the purpose of learning needlepainting and I believe her miniature projects would be perfect(not too overwhelming). I love the Christmas birds but I see on the projects page there is a sweet pea. Even without seeing it I’m sure it would be my favorite.
    Thanks again for the opportunity and for all your wisdom.

  306. Love the birdies, particularly the fluffball. These actually made me search the net for more info on the author, after I read your review. I’ve not done needle painting so miniature is about the perfect size to start.

  307. The little Christmas birds for me and keep the book reviews coming. They are showing me new horizons.

  308. This is a new avenue in needlework for me and I hope to learn more. The article was really informative. I loved it and plan on finding out mall I can. Loved it.

  309. My favorite was the little blue and yellow bird. So cute, so fluffy, so adorable! I love the idea of miniatures. They don’t seem as intimidating when trying out something new. I look forward to trying my hand at mini needlepainting.

  310. I like very much Christmas Birds, but also basket of anemones, except that I have already made her bouquet of anemones, then maybe I would wait before making these. Anyway, the one that I really adore is the girl who cuts the hibiscus. She is so much cute! But doubtless that I would have a lot of difficulty choosing, I like enormously all that makes Trish.

    Diane from Montréal in Québec

  311. The book looks absolutely delightful and the projects are incredibly sweet it is so hard to chose. Luckily my daughter came in while I was looking and with a little girl squeal declared that the little fluff bird was “awwwww so cute”. So that is what I would make for her, despite never having done needle painting in my life lol!

  312. It is so neat that you do this for all of us out here in stitching land. I particularly love the little girl reaching up for the flowers on the blooming topiary. I can think of several places to add these little designs, stitching in miniature is interesting to me because of my love of doll houses. I can see one of the figure projects stitched up and hung on the wall in a dolls house as art. I wonder how tiny one could make the designs and still maintain the integrity of the image.

  313. I am just a beginner at embroidery. I am enjoying it and love being able to paint with thread. I love the pictures in this beautiful book by Trish Burr. The photos are beautiful it will be fun to read her book.

  314. Wow Mary, you have the coolest give-aways! I must stitch those anemones pictured above. I have the perfect size paperweight for it. Flowers and baskets – what could be better?

  315. Hard choice to make as they are all lovely. The birds and pansy were beautiful and caught my eye..but I think my choice will be the basket of pink flowers. It is slightly off centre, it has beautiful shading through the petals and I really like the woven basket detail. It is artistically pleasing in addition to a beautiful piece of needlework. I am enrolled in a class to do a course using this technique and a bit (lot) of extra guidance would be very much appreciated.

  316. I love KC bbq almost as much as I love anything Trish Burr. Thanks for doing the conversion! I look forward to seeing it and fingers crossed one of these days my name will be drawn. 🙂

  317. Hello Mary , the fluffy bird really grabbed me. He is so cute. I have always admired needle painting but never thought I could do it, now I have hope. Thank you for your book reviews I am new to embroidery and enjoy learning about all the different techniques. Thank you, Connie

  318. The picture that grabbed my attention was the fluffy wee birdy. He is just adorable and I would love to stitch him up. I am using Trish Burr’s books this year for my stitching projects. I would love to add this book to my library. Thank you so much for the chance.

  319. I just fell in love with the wee little birdie. He is so cute and I think brings a much anticipated hint of spring. I have gotten hooked on miniatures lately, just finishing your miniature needle book. (Thank you by the way). Thread painting is a technique I have been very hesitant to try for some reason and these little critters are just calling to me. Thank you for the review.

  320. I love needlepainting but need lots more practice and this book would be a great help. My favorite of the ones you posted are the daisies on the front cover and the pansies. As you can tell I love flowers.

    thanks for putting my name in the pot!
    Nancy H.

  321. Hi Mary, I like the same project you like – the anemones. I have them growing at the edge of my deck, however they are not as brilliantly colored as Trish’s. What a beautiful project – and miniature too! Lovely book, great giveaway. Thanks!

  322. I have a thing for flowers ~ and today’s project of anemones(?) just grabbed me. I love all of Trish Burr’s designs; her birds are magnificent, but it’s always the flowers that call the loudest. Fingers crossed ~ I would love this book!

  323. A hard question – I am torn between the basket df anemones and the yellow and white daisy pair! The daisies would be lovely on napkins…

  324. Mary, I could swear that I submitted this earlier today. But since I can’t find it, here it is again:
    To paint with a needle – oh dear
    to poke myself – that is the fear!
    And blood stains on white
    that wouldn’t be quite
    what we’re trying for around here!

    Alas, I confess
    I’ll try my darned(!) best
    to stitch every hue
    while winning this, thanks to YOU!

  325. This is an amazing book. I have her beginner needle painting book. The project that caught my eye is the girl reaching up into the tree with the blossoms.

    I really like needle painting, and would love to be able to do more of it.

    Techiya in Ontario

  326. I love the little pot of flowers on the last Contents page. I have always wanted to learn needle painting. I bought one of Trish Burr’s books last year when I saw it at Half Price Books. I’ve looked through it, but haven’t tried any of the projects. Doing something small will give me something to work on that’s not too complicated for a beginning project. And, I won’t have to figure out how to frame it and where to hang it.

  327. It’s the eighth photo of the single bird; I like the two birds together, but why would they be sharing a branch so closely?
    The colours are beautiful.
    Thank you for your generous give-away.

  328. I covet this book! How great to have a chance at a give-away.

    As the years have increased, my projects have decreased in size. Having browsed Trish Burr’s other books, I look forward to her teachings and insights on the miniature scale.

    Trish Burr’s birds and flowers are so delightful!

  329. The illustration that really appealed to me was that of the wee fluff ball birdie – I just wanted to pick it up and cuddle him, never mins stitch it 🙂
    Thank you for all your give-aways – i appreciate them.

  330. The picture that grabs me the most is of the birds though the flowers come in a close second. I have yet to try this technique. It intrigues me that so much detail can be achieved through thread painting. I will definitely have to give this a try.

  331. I liked the little birds, they would complement some of my decor. I have never tried needle painting as the size of the projects always seemed to big for me to do. These sweet birds would perhaps be a bit more forgiving and then if I did well enough I could try the charming children. It would be so nice to win this book.

  332. Thank you Mary, I am trying to thread paint Mary at the foot of the Cross. She is looking up and very mournful but as I have only learnt to embroider the basics in the last 3 months or so I am stuck as to how one shades the face particularly when it is in deep shadow. Her outline and parts of her have come out OK but it is the deep shadow that I hope Trish Burr’s book could help me. Anyway, fingers crossed and thank you so much for your blogg, it is fun and instructional. Cheers Helen.

  333. I just love the basket of anemones. That and the jug of flowers would go perfectly in my bedroom.
    And then there are the pansies …..
    Thanks for the opportunity to win the book.

  334. The Christmas birdies are too cute. I’d love to own this book – I’m working on a bird I downloaded from her site to learn and practice needle painting. Thanks for the chance!

  335. The flower basket with the poppies caught my attention immediately. The shading is so beautiful and natural. I have the book on color by Trish, it has been a real guide for color selection for me. I highly recommend it. I have been looking at Trish’s latest book on miniatures. Ana

  336. I love the birds. And because they are miniature projects I might have a chance of actually finishing one – I am an absolute novice at thread painting as it looks so hard, with a lot being ‘instinctive’ colour choices to make the transitions look right. please, please, can I win???

  337. Flowers and birds are my favorite so all of those projects interest me and the how-to photos will be very helpful.

  338. The pansies appealed to me immediately. The delicacy of the needle-painting technique echoes the fragility of the flowers.

  339. All of Trish’s designs are beautiful. I’d love to get a chance to try to do miniature needlepainting. Thanks for the chance!

  340. Dear Mary,
    The chickens! I adored the chickens. I’d be over the moon to win this book. The detail of all the miniatures in incredible. Thank you Mary and Trish.

  341. If I were to win the book the first one I would attempt would be the Christmas birds. They are so cute and fluffy. My son is called Robin, so my mum and I have a thing for Christmas birds now.



  342. i started to say the wee pansies, for my sorority connection, until I saw the baby birds, but when I saw the girl and chicks, I was sold and then there was….you get the idea.

  343. I too would love to win the free book. To me the girl with the chickens grabbed my attention. That would look cute on an apron!

  344. Any of the projects with birds grab my attention. I can relate to the child feeding the chooks – hens /chickens- as I did that as a child. I did one of Trish’s workshops at BATB last year and my grandson fell in love with the little blue bird when he saw it almost finished. The project is now framed to be given to him soon.

    1. Hi Wendy in Tassie wouldn’t it be good if all us faithful followers of Mary got together at BATB next time! I am starting to save up now. And if Mary was there too !!!!!!!

  345. Thank you again, Mary and Trish. What generous souls you are.

    My favourite image of those you showed is the jar of apple blossoms on the contents page. I am ornithophobic so I don’t look at those pages but I do love the flowers and those little apple blossoms are so pretty. The pansies are next. It seems that the majority of your commenters like the birds so its good that the flowers get some attention, right?

  346. I love the birds…but I really love the fact that they are so small. They would make excellent projects to stick in my purse and work on in the waiting rooms at the doctor and hospital.

  347. Hi Mary, have no idea if the time I’d right as it’s already Saturday here in Australia but it has just come in so here goes anyway. I love Trish Burr’s work and my absolute favourite would have to be tha little girl feeding the chooks. I remember doing that when I was a child.
    Love your blog

  348. I love them all, but am perhaps drawn to the birds and children a little more. The fluffy bird is especially endearing.

  349. I have always loved the birds Trish Burr does. I am also intrigued by the little children in the book. I always love vintage looking art.
    -Heather in Chicago

  350. Needle painting on a small scale entices me because it’s beautiful without being overwhelming or intimidating. The small size is something an advanced beginner like me might be able to successfully tackle.

  351. Hello…How lovely. I especially like the little blue pot of flowers because it is twin to a vase in my Grandmother’s house that is in my house sixty years later. And I levitate when I see miniatures of all kinds–I’m an unrepentant dollhouse fanatic! Kate

  352. I agree with your comments on the little basket of flowers. Pressed to pick a favorite that is my choice. Needle painting is my favorite way to get creative with embroidery, and being guided through projects is my favorite way to learn. I’ve seen Trish Burr’s work, I admire her greatly. Thanks for the chance to get this book!!

  353. The fluff-ball bird is darling! I love the texture she creates with the needle painted feathers. And I like that it’s small so it’s not too daunting. Thanks for doing a giveaway, Mary!

  354. Snap Mary I am 2 hours away from anywhere too But isn’t it fun when you get there? I usually have a list far too long to do in the available time before my beloved says have you done everything we need to get going!! My favourites in the miniature book are those adorable little girls. I want to do them all.Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one. Happy stitching to all Chris

  355. The bird’s feathers intrigue me. Such detail created with a single thread! I really want to learn needle painting, and what better teacher than Trish Burr! This book would provide both inspiration and instruction. What a treasure.

  356. Birds of a feather….flock together! Have to stick with the birds. So adorable and look to be quick to do. Thanks for sharing!

  357. My favorite is the little pot of flowers on the contents page, although I think all of the examples are darling. I’d love to have this book!

  358. Oh, be still my beating heart and twitching fingers!
    I love the darling blue and yellow fluffy baby bird sitting all by himself on the nest.
    I am a bit timid about thread painting, but have been practicing recently and would love a chance to do the beautiful design justice.
    Thanks for the opportunity to try.
    Adelaide, South Australia.

  359. Definitely the layered flowers are the most eye catching. This looks like a skill I can transfer to a piece I’m already working on. The piece has fall pears that sit on a windowsill. The flower petal technique would be a great way to add the rounding that’s needed for a flat object to become a contoured pear.

  360. I love all of these designs and will probably buy
    the book. However, I have several projects of
    Trish Burr’s to complete – the Sweetpea kit, a single pansy and a briar rose So enthusiastic now that I bought a piece of the Southern Belle fabric for the latter two.

    They are working beautifully but they do take time!

  361. I love her needle painting pictures and have booked to do a day course with her in London in July. Choosing one picture from the book is really difficult as I loved all the ones you showed but I think my preferred one to do would be the basket of anemones as my mother always had some in the house when they were available. I would love to win the book.

  362. Hi Mary

    I have always loved Trish Burr’s books and projects and have promised myself that I would do a bird or flower but when I saw the small projects in your review of this book I just fell in love with the little girls and the basket of annenomies. I would love to win the book and start.



  363. I love the Christmas birds in the new book Miniature Needle painting Embroidery. I have just bought one of Trish Burr’s book and started practising from her book and also from the Long and Short Lessons posted on this website sometime back. Would love to win a copy of the new book and work on the miniatures! Thanks Mary!

  364. Hi Mary, What fascinates me about needle painting
    is its beauty, closeness to nature. Having done few online classes on needle painting, I like to take it further so that I can devleveop my skills which is much needed. Moreover, the miniature ones will be
    finished faster .


  365. I love the Christmas birds. The depth and variety of colour is amazing, and the picture is so cheerful.

  366. Small scale needlepainting inspires me because it can be completed fairly quickly so I can move on to the next project (how honest, I have a short attention span). And it can be “shown off” on anything.

  367. I would be hard pressed to choose just one design as my favorite-they were all so enticing. Would dearly love to win this book.

  368. Hi! Thanks for this lovely giveaway! I love Trish Burr and I have a couple of her books. The photo/project that really grabbed me was the small vase of wild roses on the table of contents. I don’t know if that is an actual project in the book but I love it anyway. Thank you so much for reviewing this book. I love your reviews. They are so helpful and I base my decision to buy or pass up a book largely on your opinions. Very helpful! 🙂

  369. I love the little thread painted pictures! Especially, oh let’s see, the tiny little daisies tied with a ribbon and the tiny little blue vase of flowers. They are so beautiful. The darling little children were inspiring too.
    I need more instruction on painterly use of color and shading so I would like to win this book

  370. I am intrigued by the idea of painting with thread. Being renewed stitcher i want to unlimit my possibilities and achieve the subtly of working with shades of color. Working in miniature is also appealing as it adapts to so many other possibilities for embroidered artistry.

  371. Absolutely love this book. My favorite patterns were the fluffy bird and the little girl feeding the chickens. The work is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  372. Trish Burr is a true artist, thank you for giving a lucky person the opportunity to add this wonderful book to their library. I read your review twice and to pick out one favorite of the book is very hard. The flowers are beautiful, there are no words to describe the details on the children but I think the birds are my favorite. We spend our summers with our son in Connecticut watching the many birds come to the bird feeder on the deck. I have recently purchased her book, Fresh Ideas For Beginners and have been been working on the practice pieces—-I love this needlework and plan to incorporate it with my quilting. Whoever wins this book should be thrilled beyond words.

  373. Mary, this must be my favorite Burr book yet. Why? Because the tiny beginner projects are so doable, friendly and can be slipped between large WIPs and looming UFO’s. Which picture do I like? Poppies and anemones, ho-hum. Birds, yes! Christmas birds, little girl with hens and the (beginner) little blue tit are my picks. And like many other readers, my favorite is the tit. Fluffy, cuddly, big-eyed little baby; I want to stitch him and then nestle him close.

    1. After I posted i read the four hundred and twelve comments before mine and I just want to send a big “Chirp, chirp” to all the other kindred spirits who want to snuggle the little tit.

  374. Wow! Trish Burr has outdone herself with this new book! Her shading in the projects is exquisite. I love the anemones and they would be my first choice for a project. Honestly, I love all of the designs. The detail of the children is unbelieveable and adorable. I’ve been designing ideas for Christmas ornaments and the designs in this book would fit in perfectly. I hope I win.
    Thank you so much for all you do for us. Please continue reviewing the books.

  375. I have always thought that Trish Burr does some of the best birds anywhere in embroidery, so those immediately caught my eye. I have long admired her kingfisher and other bird projects and would love to improve my needle painting by practicing those birds she has in the book. Thanks for offering this.

  376. Hi,

    I think that learning about thread painting would improve not only my embroidery skills but my crazy quilting, regular quilting, and silk ribbon embroidery. These books look wonderful! Thanks for chance to win one.


  377. love the little christmas birds they are so real looking the feathers so fluffy. i love all your book reviews looking forward to seeing more. thanks for the give away.

  378. I love Trish Bur. The fluffy birds in her new book look so fluffy an d cute and are my favorite in her new book. I began doing thread painting a couple of years ago thus being one of my favorite forms of needlework. It is stil a challenge for me. I would love to be chosen for this book to enhance my thread painting skill.
    I hope I am lucky !

  379. What a wonderful book!! Needling painting is so delicate and beautiful!! Miniature needle painting embroidery is something I have yet to try, but am eager to learn. I am especially drawn to the girls feeding the chickens and trimming the rose tree. The details and step by step instructions in this book would make needling painting a success for even a beginner like me.

    1. Oh and Mary I love all your book reviews for one can never have too many embroidery books on their shelves! Thanks for all you do!

    2. Oops!! I did not mean to type “Needling” but meant it to be Needle Painting. In my haste I did it twice! Ugh, I hope these errors will not ruin my chances to be considered for this wonderful book.

  380. I would like to learn the fluffy feather technique. My birds are flat, distorted and ready to fall from their perch! I haven’t given up though. I like small projects so they get completed. Thank you, Mary for your faithful generosity to your readers.

  381. Thank you for the book review and thanks to Trish and you for the give-away! Although I like all of the projects shown, I think the one that has the greatest appeal to me is the pansies. What I appreciate most about the book, however, are the illustrations of the work in progress. The pictures and explanations would be so helpful to someone like me who wants to improve their needle painting skills.

  382. I really love the flowers in the book and the little birds are a close second. I have never tried needle painting before, but I think the miniature size will be helpful in preventing frustration and finishing the project. If I don’t win, I told myself I could buy this book when I finish my current project!

    Thank you for the wonderful blog, it adds a little joy to my life 🙂

  383. Hi Mary!

    I think I’m going to vote for the little birds pieces/photos. I just love them, esp. those bluetits (do you call them chickadees over there??)

    I’m really enjoying miniature anything just now and am interesting in the scaling down aspect and any advice I can glean from Trish’s new book, the whole of which looks glorious!

  384. The appeal of this book is not only the realism that needle painting can portray, but the fact that the projects are SMALL! Maybe I can learn to finally finish a project in a reasonable amount of time…I just love the birds!

  385. Over the years I have never won anything so now I
    don’t even try but, Trish Burr’s designs are so
    lovely I have to have a go. I have three of her designs on the go at the moment. They are working out beautifully and gradually I hope to have enough for some sort of wall hanging – probably quilted but at the moment just enjoy doing them.

    The designs are so delicate, the colours are

  386. Hello Mary

    I love to practice what I call folk art embroidery. Meaning it’s big, the stitches are big and the colors are cheery edging wild. I also enjoy sketching and water coloring so when I read your blog the other day on Needle Painting Embroidery, well, I could barely stay in my seat.
    The chubby, cheery birds almost had me drooling! They are so perfect. Now, all I need is Trish’s book (and your online lessons *bless you*) to help me tiny-down my stitches and I will be in stitching heaven.
    And, thank you for the amazing volume of free help you so generously offer up to all in your postings and newsletters.

    Cathie M.

  387. I really like the picture of the little bird with the puffy stomach it looks so cute and fierce sitting there in a commanding way. I love the vibrancy of the colors on the white fabric how they pop out to catch your eye. I love working with my hands doing the delicate handiwork and finishing something you are proud of. The book would be a good addition to my library.

  388. I love this book. The projects look like they would be just perfect for pieces in the crazy quilt I am working on. My favorite was the little fluffy bird. I want to learn to do these just because the are cute. I have one other Trish Burr book and it has taught me so much. I would love to add this book to my embroidery collection. Again, I can’t thank you enough for bringing all this stitching goodness to us.

  389. Thanks for the chance to win this book! I love the little girl with the potted tree. It reminds me of photos of my Mom when she was little. I also like that these are small projects. If it takes me too long to complete, I usually lose interest and they all become UFOs!

  390. Out of the pictures you show, I would say the fluff ball was the cutest. I have been interested in needlepointing and think these tiny guys would be great to add to pieces.

  391. In small scale I love the wee little bluebird! I love the girl feeding chickens but wonder how hard that would be to stitch in miniature. I can see that bird flying around on jeans, shirts, crazy quilt blocks, etc.

  392. I really like the pansies. When I was a little girl, more years than I like to think about, my mom always grew them in her garden.
    It never would have occurred to me that Guttermann’s color numbering would be different in Europe. It seems like it would be easier to keep it consistent worldwide.

  393. I would stitch most of the projects in this book. Trish is talented and a leader in the discipline of long and short. This is also one of my favourite styles of stitching. Minitures are paricularly appealing as they are delicate and can bw turned into wonderful gifts. I paricularly adore the little feathered friends and the flowers.

  394. I love needle painting!!!! I think my favorite picture that you printed is the Christmas birds. That being said they all are gorgeous. I would be super excited to win this book as it is on my list to purchase. I do have a couple of her books already and really like them and the directions that she provides.

    Thank you,

    Another note-for some reason I am not getting your emails in my email box. This has been going on for the last few days. Do you know if there is a problem from your site? I am checking on my end.

    Thanks again.

    Gay S

  395. Mary, I love the realism of the birds, and I am also fascinated with the little children.

    Would love to ein this book

  396. Hi Mary. I love Trish’s little birds. I purchase a kit from her Etsy site and have completed a little bird on a branch. Her instructions are very clear and the results, if I do say so myself, were very good. I would be delighted to win this book!

  397. In trish burr’s miniature needle painting book all projects are facinating for me. I would like to get the book to get into needle painting.Spacially cute chicken project fasinated me .This tecnic I love to die to do with the help of this book which wl inspire me in my art journy.

  398. Mary would love to win this book on miniature needle painting. It would be a great addition to my learning crazy quilting and with proportion. I already know needlepoint and counted cross stitching and now I’m taking Kathy’s cq classes. Please accept my entry to win. Than you Nancy.

  399. I LOVE the Christmas Birds…I love Trish Burr’s work and adore anything in miniature so it’s all a no-brainier for me! Love, love! Thank you Mary!

  400. Flowers,flowers, flowers…..I LOVE these tiny, little exquisite flowers. I am trying to tackle silk shading and I really love how Trish lays out the projects and stitch instructions. I like the idea of small projects when one is trying to master a technique!

  401. Oh what a great opportunity to have this book. I love needle-painting in miniature every stitch counts, every stitch creates the look of depth and shading. So much fun to see little birdies and flowers come to life. I love all the patterns but the Wee Birdie is cute beyond words. A book that will be treasured.

  402. I’ll be honest, I’ll probably not do any of the projects in this book. But, I’d really like to add it to my Trish Burr collection, and I am interested to see how her approach differs for miniatures vs. the larger pieces.

    Thread painting and goldwork are both missing links in my repertoire, so I’m happy to learn as much as possible!

    For practice, I might choose either the daisies or the pansies on the front cover. I always love flowers, and I know they’d be more forgiving than birds or people!

  403. I recently rediscovered embroidery and am learning so much about thread painting. Trish Burr’s work captures me. I have always loved miniatures of all sorts. I believe I’m attracted to the detail. I love the basket piece and the colors used. With miniatures, you have to really look at a piece, not just glance at it. Cheers. theresa.

  404. thanks once again for a giveaway opportunity! I love all the birds and would enjoy following such good instructions to create the fluffiness Trish does?

  405. I cannot pick just one favorite from the book. I like them all. They would perfect little additions to my various applique projects. And a good tutorial for learning a new skill. Would love to win.

  406. Oh, how I love Trish Burr’s work! I really liked the little fluffy bird, but I’m sure everything in the book is wonderful. If I don’t win, I will certainly purchase my own copy.

  407. What a great book. When I saw the birds and flowers and the fact they were done in the same style as Bunka only in smaller size that I can handle and travel with I would be so grateful if I win it. Thank for doing a review on it. Hope you met e-mail address.
    Joan Roosa (Rosebud)

  408. All the miniatures are beautiful. But Pansies are my favorite flower, and I just love Trish’s rendition. It would also give me the opportunity to do the birds and the flowers in the basket. Great book. Would love to have it as an addition to my embroidery library.

  409. I have been doing needlepainting for a while and have done one or two from Trish Burrs earlier books and this new one looks brilliant.It would be interesting to see the miniature versions of the pansies which look gorgeous but I think the little christmas birds would be amazing and a good challenge.thank you for the opportunity to enter your give away

  410. I really like the birds and the Japanese flowering trees. They would take less time and could be a real blessing as a gift on anything!

  411. Trish Burr’s books are a wonderful source of knowledge, I also have her CD on long and short stitch. I enjoy needle painting and embroidering miniatures would be such fun, small, and lovely for gifts and having instructions and ideas to make up the finished work is a bonus. I love the little, very cute figures, they remind me of the Milly Molly Mander childrens books.

  412. My most favourite from your review would have to be the Christmas birds. They give me the hint that winter and Christmas isn’t too far away. Oops better keep sewing it really isn’t that far away for needle workers I have such a long list to complete, but I would love to sneak in a couple of Trish’s miniatures =)

  413. I would LOVE to win this book. Trish Burr has so much knowledge to share. I am a beginner embroiderer and have so much to learn. Also I live in an extremely remote place in Australia – Nhulunbuy, in East Arnhem land. I am a student of Susan Porter (Embellish embroidery, Graton, Australia) but she is a about 4,000kms away – however she is has done a great job in teaching me. Thread painting to me is the ultimate embroidery skill. Thread painting is the embroiderers paint – the ability to bring things to life. Oh and I so want to be better at it ! I would love to do miniature work, anything painstaking and tricksy I LOVE. I hope I win the book – I would put it to very good use.

  414. That first pansy image grabbed me, but the images of the little girls are so sweet and make me think of my earliest embroideries: stem/outline stitched little girls from The Workbasket many years ago. What a delight this book would be.

  415. Hola, Mary, que oportunidad tan grande nos ofreces, Tener el libro de pintura de aguja, hermoso bordado que deseo aprender, agradezco tus ideas y estoy feliz de conocer el trabajo de Trish Burr, saludos desde mexico

  416. Since I love wildlife and I am an avid birdwatcher, I absolutely love the little bluebird that you pictured in your review. So cute!!

  417. I’ve already purchased this book, so am not entering the give-away.

    Just wanted to thank you for posting the Gutermann thread color info — and for doing the matching –since tomorrow morning I was getting ready to buy several spools of Gutermann for one of Trish Burr’s designs. What an interesting surprise that would have been when I got ready to stitch.

  418. I always like little birdies. The wee birdie fluff ball you had a picture of would make a great practice piece.

  419. I really love the pansies! I only did cross-stitch projects, so far, and I love flower, butterflies and birds motives. I started to discover all these other, fascinating embroidery-worlds only recently, and I would love to win this book to help me start with a small project, with real tissue and thread in hands. Thank you so much, Mary, you are doing a great job here!

  420. I love her birds. I have always been attracted to the birds in any of her books.
    I have a tendency to start large projects and then get frustrated. This book would be great for me. I would learn how to just work on something small and have it be a major accomplishment.

    Mary in Oregon

  421. Oh,I would really like to win this one! I am totally enamored with the little girl feeding those gorgeous chickens and the birds. Just love the birds. I love the read the reviews of the needlework books, and this one really rings my chimes. I would like to have some small projects that I could actually finish in a reasonable amount of time. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  422. They all ‘grab’ me. I enjoy the ‘oldie worldie’ style. The detailed shading is superb. If I have to choose just one, it’s the pansies. I love their rich deep colours.

  423. I can’t decide wich project I like best, they are all so beautiful and realistic. This seems like the perfect book to learn from.

  424. Trish Burr’s needlepainting has always intrigued me and made me itch to try it myself. I know I could master it with her excellent instruction. But I avoid diving in because I’ve learned from experience that I should stick to small projects; once I’m bored with something it’s dead to me. This book is the answer! And Little Christmas Birds is so perfect, it’s the cutest robin I’ve ever seen and I’ve always wanted to stitch a robin, for obvious reasons.

  425. Mary,

    Trish Burr has a gift for creating the cutest little birds I’ve ever seen! The bird designs in her new book are my favorites, although anything she puts her hand to is exquisite! I will definitely be buying this one…provided I don’t win! Thanks for your wonderful review and all that you do on Needle ‘n Thread.

  426. I have some of her books and have finished 2 of the birds. I would love the Christmas birds. I am helping some of the seniors at our adult center learn how to do this needle painting. Trish’s books are wonderful and so easy to follow. This new book would be a great one to teach from. Lots of orders on this one! I have been watching for it to come out.
    Deb Puma

  427. I adore the White chickens! The blend of whites on the feathers to create highlight and shade gives the chickens a natural, fluffy appearance. Trish Burr has an amazing ability to capture the essence of her subjects with needle painting. It is an embroidery technique which I truly enjoy working; actually, it’s my favourite.

  428. My favourite picture is the little girl with the chickens! Mfollowed by the pansies. I just love pansies and I have a friend who likes chickens.

  429. This book looks so fascinating and detailed. I especially love the picture of the child feeding the chickens.

  430. Dear Mary
    I loved the little bird in the book – so fluffy!
    Thanks for all you put on your website, it is so inspiring and encouraging.

  431. EThe projects are small, beautiful, bright colors . Smalls are very satisfactory and could be a “carrot”.
    And….I am planning a crazy quilt. and hope to add Fluffy Bird

  432. That fluffy bird speaks to me! I love with a couple of serious bird murderers, so I often see birds at their worst. I’d love to have one around that they are not interested in!

  433. I have always had a thing for small scale things.
    I really like the hens in the one where the little girl feed them – my parents have hens and it would make a nice litte gift for them.

  434. Needle painting is a skill I’m trying to expand, I can’t draw but I can create pictures through embroidery. Some of my ideas would be 100times better if I used the thread technique in needle painting. I love vintage small scale prints and would like to recreate them through thread.

  435. I would love this book i have her other book and have all most worn the print off the pages. wonderful work jo mchenry

  436. My favorite is the little girl smelling the topiary flowers. I have a weakness for little girls – especially old fashioned ones!

  437. Oh, the blue-headed and -tailed “Christmas bird.” And after him the red and purple pansies in the very last pic.
    Seems to me, though, this book would be wonderful for learning needle painting all around, even if you don’t want to do miniatures – scaling a technique up is frequently easier than scaling it down.

  438. I love both little girls – the one with the rose topiary and the one feeding the fowl. They remind me of Tasha Tudor paintings.

  439. What really fascinated me in the Trish Burr illustrations was the blue vase with flowers. I would love to stitch that vase to learn how she uses the colours to give the vase such a 3D appearance. Inspirational,

  440. My favorite picture is the little girl with the rose bush. Love it! Thanks for the info on the thread. Please continue to review books; there can never be too many embroidery books or reviews. Thanks!

  441. I like the girl with the chickens needle painting. Reminds me of one of my daughters when she was young! I’ve done some needle painting using Trish Burr’s book Fresh Ideas for Beginners. Her instructions are great and the project came out beautifully!

  442. My favorite project shown is the fluffy wee birdie. So much personality in such a little picture! I think the eye is the key. Thanks to you and Trish Burr for offering the chance to win this book.

  443. I have never tried needlepainting, only ever admired the beauty of it. Trish’s new book looks like it would be the confidence kickstarter I need and I just love the vase of flowers on the second contents page…not to mention all those adorable birds. Her work is such an inspiration!

  444. I love the little birds! So fluffy and yet so tiny. I would like to put them on some pincushions, especially since we are swapping them this year.

  445. Hi Mary!
    I love Trish’s work. I have only done one of her kits, and would love to have her book. I am a bird watcher, so any of the little birds are what I would do first!

    Thanks for the review and the give-away!

  446. i made a thimble keep with a blue tit stump work (mary Jane pattern) and was thrilled. I would like to do more similar things but need inspiration/pattern. This book looks absolutely ideal and would love to own a copy

  447. Hello Mary, Thanks to you and Trish for the wonderful give-away. I love Birds for their magical color concoction and silky fluffy texture. I have huge collection of Bird wall papers. Whenever I change my wall paper I think of Trish Burr and needle painting. I am huge fan of Trish Burr’s work. At least one out of my collection I would like to needle paint.

    The wee birdie is my favorite, Fluffy cute ball. Couldn’t resist to hold it in my hands.:-)

  448. The projects that appeal to me most from the tiny needle painting book are the flowers, especially the pansies. They are so delicate and lovely, it really inspires me!
    Thanks for your review and giveaway,they are informative and generous as usual!

  449. Dear Mary I love needlepainting and I would like to receive Trish Burr’s new book. I am just back fron L’Aiguille en Fete, Paris exhibition, and I am sorry to say that this kind of wonderfull needlework is not appreciated as it should be, so I am glad you put the highlight on needlepainting so often.

  450. I have never tried needlepainting but have been tempted. I really like Trish Burr’s patterns. I love birds so I would have to say that the little bird would be my favorite. But having said that, I like all of Trish’s things. I would love to have the book.

  451. Well, this is a hard one to answer because all were so pretty! I love pansies, so that one was a no brainer, and the little fluffy birds got some attention, but the one I really, really love is the little girl feeding the chickens! Thank you for making these lovely books available, Mary. Giveaways are always fun, but we all are winners because we get to see some of the best needlework!

  452. I have tried a little needlepainting on my own, but I think I really need some expert instruction. I am mainly a crazy quilter and I am drawn to the small floral motifs. I can always see a place to use them. I would be very excited to have this book. Thank you for your generous offer. Gayle in Northern California

  453. Of all the projects in the book I think my favourite is the little blue vase on the table of contents page. I really love the way the shading makes the vase feel solid.

    I think the size of the projects in this book would make me give them a go!

  454. I have recently started a project with a section of thread painting. This would be a wonderful book to have as a guide and resource.

  455. I love anything miniature. I would like very much to learn this technique.
    I have been admiring Trish Burr’s work courtesy of the links on Needle’n’Thread and Pinterest.
    Thank you for a wonderful window of what is being done in needlework.
    Sammy W

  456. The birds! I love the birds, but especially the fluffy yellow bird. I’ve never successfully done a bird like that and I will definitely give it a go. I’d love to add this book to my library- thanks for the intro!

  457. it would have to be the yellow flower where she shows how to makes petals look like they’re overlapping. It looks so real like I could sniff at it. Amazing!

  458. The picture of the two birds, Little Christmas Birds, grabs me the most of all those shown in your review. I have done a few needlepainting projects and would love to add the birds to my group.

  459. Amazing!! I loved the birds on the holly branch. The smaller sizes would entice me to give this technique a try.

  460. I would love to win this book. I am very new to this type of surface embroidery needlework. Your newsletter, blog, and website are such a wealth of information. My favorite project would be the wee fluffy bird. He is so sweet and it says it is an appropriate project for beginners.

  461. Love the Christmas birds and the level of detail. Just now doing a needle painted owl and would love to have Trish’s expert guidance! Thanks for offering!

  462. I love the picture of the basket of anemones. Most of my embroidery is for crazy quilting, and I would love to have this book as a reference tool, especially since I have never tried needle painting.

  463. I love the Christmas birds! I love birds so much and collect little miniature figures of birds. I also love embroidery and what entices me about needle painting is the ability to make such lifelike pictures of birds! They would be a gorgeous addition to any project. Can you imagine them mounted on a card even? I would love to win this book!!

  464. New to this site and am already so excited by what I have found here. I do Brazilian embroidery and have been looking for a way to add depth to my pieces.From what I see, I think the addition of needle painting will be just what I have been looking for!

  465. I really enjoyed all the pictures but I really loved the Christmas birds. Thank you for sharing the giveaway.

  466. I love the picture of the Little Christmas Birds. I have a painting I did on fabric and think I would like to try some embroidery stitching on it to enhance and give it some texture. This book might be very helpful in my attempt to embellish it.

  467. Ooooh, it has to be the wee birdie with the blue head and the yellow body!!! She is just too sweet for words. I’ve been stitching for years, but never tried needlepainting. That sweet little flyer would definitely prompt me to try my hand at it.

  468. Wow. These miniatures are fantastic. I am a fan of embroidery but just never realized how “painterly” it really can be. How does one choose one project? I believe I just love the technique the most. The flowers are beautiful, the birds are so cute and the “little people” are charming. Sure would love to be the lucky person to receive this book.

  469. Wouldn’t these miniature embroideries make lovely buttons or broaches? I would really like to try those

    1. Hi, Becky! Just so you know, they aren’t quite that small. They’re in the 3″ – 4″ range – some a little larger, some a little smaller, depending on the orientation of the design.

  470. I loved the two little Christmas birds and I saved it to my desk top for inspiration. I have been embroidering for many years, but I have never used shading and was fascinated by her work in this book…..add in my love of miniatures and anything tiny, I was determined to get started right away and discover a new way to perfect my craft. I may never be as good as her, but I will try try try. Thanks for sharing this wonderful book with us. I’m hooked for sure.

  471. Love the girl feeding the chickens, memories. I like the idea of small projects for completion. (before ADD sets in.) Sue Wills

  472. I love the two little birds sitting on the holly branch. However, as someone who is drawn to this type if embroidery, but have been to intimidated to try it, I believe my favorite page is the instructions page. It seems that after reading the instructions page, even I could possibly create these beautiful embroideries! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

  473. I love the birds!! I really like the children, especially the one with chickens!! I am trying my best to learn this beautiful form of needle art and I love the way Ms. Burr lays out the projects. I hope I hope I hope I win. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  474. Thank you for this great giveaway! Love this book and would like to learn this technique. I would like to do any of the flowers but I especially would like to do the Little Christmas Birds. Thank you again for this great giveaway.
    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  475. You ask us to choose a favorite from this beautiful book? What a challenge. I think the flowers are gorgeous but the birds…oh, the birds are so lifelike. Thank you for this chance to own an awesome book. jc

  476. Dear Mary,

    I really like working on small pieces. Trish’s new book is right up my alley. I am working on a very small Irish blessing right now, as I have completed several other similar small or petit projects.

    And, just like a kid in a candy store, I find it is hard to choose one picture you showed. I think I like the basket of flowers the best.

    Thank you for all your wonderful help on stitching and embroidery.

  477. The wee little fluffy birdie grabbed my attention. Well, I love birds, number one. But I also have found doing that fluffy stitch isn’t as easy as it looks. I need a lot more instruction and practice. I do admire the work of Trish Burr and Mary Corbett.

  478. Mary. I especially like the basket of anemones, the colors, the basket & the small (actually doable) size all appeal to me

    Gayle in Maine

  479. I really like the beginners bird

    Since I absolutely suck at long and short stitch shading, maybe this book would help me produce a decent project. Like the cute fluffy birdie in blue and yellow. It would be nice to actually finish such small petite projects
    Thank you

  480. I loved the little bluebird. I don’t know how to do these stitches and I’ve always wanted to. What really spoke to me was the detailed instructions. I would love to try learning with this book.

  481. The project in the books are sooooo cute. I like the birds and the little girls of another time. But I would probably use a flower motif to personalize the new vest we were provided with for our guided tours at the Montréal Botanical Garden. By the way, if you ever come by, let me know, I’d be glad to organize a visit for you.

  482. Both of the little girl pictures caught my attention. I have 2 of Trish Burr’s books. But none with with little girls in them. Love her books! Also enjoy your blog! Thanks Rhonda

  483. What a delightful book. I love little things, and, while I generally prefer flowers to birds, the chickens in this book are enough to convert me to a bird fancier (although it was a close run thing with the pansies.)

  484. I’m a botanist by nature & training, and all the beautiful flowers and leaves really caught my eye. As does the idea of a whole series of small projects, when there’s no time to make large birthday gifts every year. Trish Burr’s work is inspiring and beautiful; thank you for this competition!

  485. Would be the happiest women in the world if I win this book!!! Never win nothing and I am 49 years old!!!

    Whish to wwwwwwwwwwwwin… 😉

  486. Hi Mary, what a fantastic giveaway. I have just ordered myself a pattern from Trish’s Etsy shop and I’m really looking forward to receiving it. This book would be a great companion to that. All the bird designs appeal to me. I’d especially like to learn the technique for getting that feathery fluffiness.

  487. I love the orangey-reddish pansy. The colors would work beautifully in my living room on a pillow to go on my red couch. I love all things Trish Burr!

  488. The fluffy little birds are so cute but I love the anemones the best. Maybe if I really concentrated and did not get distracted, I could manage to needle paint. It is a challenge that I would like to try.

  489. Dear Mary,
    Trish’s birds are definitely my favorites! I have many of her books and one embroidery kit, besides the DVD on long and short stitch. I just need to prioritise this and get things going! And that’s why I was looking forward to this new book, small projects should be easier to finish!
    Thanks for the review and give-away!

  490. Ilove all the small projects,Iwould love to have a go at miniature needlepainting.my favoriteis the pansys,i like Tish Burrs miniature needle painting book

  491. I would love to win this book! I have been wanting to buy a new book and this would be wonderful. I love Trish’s work. I have done some beginning needle painting, and would love to try the smaller scale…with magnification! My favorite is the wee birdie, and my second favorite would be the vase of flowers that was the decoration for one of the pages. Hope I win!

  492. I am absolutely in love with the christmas birds. I have been needle painting for a couple of years but, never any thing this small. Trish Burr must pick her colors by using some magical spell or algorithm because they are absolutely perfect. It would be wonderful to have such an excellent resource and maybe I can figure out her magic spell.

  493. Dear Mary:
    I would very much like to win this book and learn needlepainting. The pictures that you showed on your website are beautiful.
    I like the pansies best although those chickens come in a very close second. Thanks for the opportunity.

  494. Hi Mary
    I love all of Trish´s designs, but the birdies beat everything: they´re so cute and would be a pleasure to stitch up! Maybe this will be my lucky day?
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  495. Hi! Oh Mary this book is awesome – I guess if I must choose I would say the little girl and the chickens would be the one I would begins with. Yes, those chickens are great – Thanks for the chance.

  496. This would be an amazing book! I already love Trish Burr, and small embroidery. And that little puff bird!

  497. I have always loved Trish Burr’s work, and have completed several projects from her other books. I can’t go past the wee pansies in this latest offering. I love working in minature and the colour detail is stunning. What a pleasure it would be to win this!

  498. I just love the basket of anemones. As a newcomer to thread painting I think all the projects in this book are perfect for learning the technique and giving the stitcher a sense of achievement even if it is the first attempt!

  499. Trish Burr’s books, as always, are amazing. This one is as beautiful as the previous ones. It is so difficult to say what I like the most. Maybe this could be little bird sitting in the nest (seen at the page of content). But also starter’s bird has its own funny character. It is too difficult to chose only one. But I guess that I prefer her birds.

  500. I like the wee birdie in the Miniature Needle Painting book. He is so cute and it looks like something I could accomplish.

  501. The fact that i can finish a small project and be thrilled about it. Large projects tho enticing are far too timeconsuming with 3 kids and a full time job.Sometimes accomplishment comes in small measures.

  502. I like the flowers for the 3 D look and the chickens best, but I love needle painting and the idea of a small project appeals so much because I am very bad at finishing larger ones.
    Thank you again for the chance to win


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