Crewel Intentions – Give-Away


Amazon Books

When Hazel kindly sent me the Late Harvest embroidery kit I showed you the other day, she included a copy of Crewel Intentions.

And since I already have a copy of Crewel Intentions, this one is perfect for giving away to you, right? Well, wrong! I actually ended up doing something else with it… so instead, I’m giving away yet another copy. Still, the long and short of it is this:

Today, I’m giving away a copy of Crewel Intentions to some lucky stitcher out there!

Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp

If you don’t know what to expect in Hazel Blomkamp’s latest book, you can check out my review of Crewel Intentions to see all the details.

Crewel Intentions Give-Away Guidelines

To enter today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:
This give-away is now closed. Thanks for participating!

1. Leave a comment below, making sure you leave a recognizable name (no anonymous comments, and if you have a name like Sue or Mary or Bob, you might qualify it, so there’s no confusion when I announce the winner). To leave a comment in the right spot, just follow this link. Comments sent via email or left on any other article are not eligible.

2. In your comment, answer the following:

What appeals to you most about the projects in Hazel’s books? Is it the design style, the variety of stitching, the types of projects, the embellishments, the finishing ideas?

If you aren’t familiar with Hazel’s projects, you can check out photos of them in my reviews for her two books: Crewel Twists and Crewel Intentions.

3. Leave your comment before 5:00 am CST (Kansas, USA) Friday, February 6. I’ll announce the winner that day, and the winner will need to contact me with a mailing address.

That’s it! Simple!

So, if you want to add Crewel Intentions to your embroidery library, join in! Can’t wait to read your comments!


(573) Comments

  1. Everything about it appeals to me. It’s a feast for the eyes and a challenge for the hands!

  2. After your post on Autumn Harvest I looked at the books and the website and what I absolutely love are the colours!

    Every project just glows and looks so … happy!

  3. I would love to have a copy of this book. It has been on my wish list ever since I read the review and have seen some of the beautiful projects. Since I never seem to win anything, I wasn’t going to enter. Maybe this time my wish will come true.

  4. I am very impressed with the wonderful crewel design and colors which are mine exactly. I would love to try crewel so this is the perfect opportunity. I hope I am the lucky winner.

  5. I think what appeals most to me is the idea of needle weaving. I have never tried that technique and since there are photos, I actually may be able to learn how to use that stitch.

  6. Hi Mary,

    What a wonderful book! For me, Hazel has taken Jacobean design and “amped it up”. The cover photo represents that and is just gorgeous. I love the presentation of her book and for me it represents a challenge that I know I could meet. I’m so thrilled you reviewed her book and kit. It really helps us to know what is out there and clearly allows us to make an informed decision about what to stitch next. Hazel’s work is a definite on my list. Thanks for this opportunity. I would love to have that book!

  7. Thanks for offering this book! I have long admired Blomkamp’s use of color in her designs. I see the connections to traditional crewel and the objects stitched from the past, but she has a very modern take to the way she puts her colors into the beautiful stitches she uses.

  8. What a wonderful book and a generous give away! Thanks! I started out with crewel work (well, after some stamped cross stitch pillowcase from my grandmother) but these crewel designs have come a long ways from those early kits! I love Hazel’s colour choices, but most of all I would love the opportunity to learn and experiment with filling stitches. I would love to try those!

  9. I’ve never tried crewel work before but the style of the designs from the era and the instructional pieces I’ve seen in the book have had this one on my wish list for a while.

  10. Hi Mary! What I like the most is the embellishments. It´s absoluty amyzing!!Thanks for the opportunity! Best Wishes! Paula.

  11. I am a fiber artist, a colored pencil artist, and an admitted new stitch addict. I love being inspired by other’s creations, and the wonderful photos in Crewel Intentions start my heart racing. The added bliss of clear step by step instructions on how to achieve the stitches is better than chocolate!

  12. What a treat this would be!

    When I first started working, 42 years ago, I bought a winged-back chair which had a Jacobean design on the upholstery.

    It cost me a whole month’s wages, $450.

    Some years later, when I moved overseas, for a few years, I left wth chair with my mum, who re-covered it in an atrociously inappropriate modern fabric.

    Now, although it is as comfortable as ever, I have been planning to stitch a new cover for my beloved chair.

    “Crewel Intentions” would be the magic I need to make sense of the vision I have in my head.

  13. I would love a copy of this book. This is one area of stitching that I’m not all that familiar with. I have always liked the look of crewel work but only tried it once with wool, many years ago. I hated stitching with the wool – it was fuzzy, uneven, etc. It never occurred to me that you could use other fibers. I’d love to try again and this sounds like the push I need.

  14. I really love Hazel’s work – she has a brilliant eye for colour, and the proportions of her designs are really good – they are always well designed. But I think it’s the way she takes a ‘traditional’ embroidery style, and makes it new,that appeals to me the most. Her woven areas in the leaves and flowers just make my jaw drop. I do lots of embroidery already, so I don’t have much time for more, but Hazel’s work makes me itch to get started on something. And the fact that a lot of her projects are suitable for things other than pictures, is great (like many stitchers, I ran out of wall space years ago!).

  15. I just love this style of needlework and want to get into it more and more. I’ve had interest in needlework since my childhood and that’s quite some time ago. And quite a few different types of needlework have passed my fingers. Thanks for encouraging us all to continue!

  16. I love everything about this book. I am going to try to do more complex embroidery this year and would love to follow one of her beautiful designs. I love that she has the supply kits, especially for beads.
    Thanks for a wonderful blog

  17. Mary, you have done it again. My interest lies in museum education and research and focuses on the needlework in the 18th and 19th centuries. The beautiful colors and ideas in this book are incredible. I like it when a book generates ideas and gives me something useful like working new stitches as well. Thank you for the review. Happy Stitching

  18. I never liked crewel embroidery until now. Love the projects, the colors and the combination of beautiful threads and embellishments.

  19. I really like the designs. I have always been attracted to Jacobean designs in Crewel Work or fabrics. The colors are really nice too.

  20. I put Crewel Intentions on my wish list when you first reviewed. After your post about the Autumn project, I could no longer restrain myself, and I went ahead and bought it. It will arrive today, and I am beside myself! I am sorely tempted to order the kit and work along with you, Mary. It’s been a while since I did any crewel, and I KNOW your insights will be so valuable. So good luck to those entering the giveaway–I’m all set!!

  21. Thank you for the chance of winning this book, Mary, its a wonderful opportunity for us all.

    I love the designs in this book, they are just that bit different, and make a nice change from the traditional crewel work I am undertaking at present.

    Thank you!


  22. In my life, I have only created one crewel piece, and the reason is not that I don’t love Jacobian embroidery, for I do, but I am terribly intimidated by all the stitches that go into such a project. Hazel Blomkamp’s Book seems to cover not just the stitches, but every other aspect of creating something beautiful and to do it in terms I understand. I would love to own such a book and to try my hand again at this type if embroidery. Thank you Mary for offering these wonderful give-a-ways.

  23. I Love Hazel Blomkamps work! This book is filled with beautiful work. I have always loved the Jacobean style and Helen’s unique style of embellishment is simply delicious.

  24. Whats’ not to love about Hazel Blomkamp’s books? The many many high quality photos; the clean layout; the easy to read text; the many genius colour ways that totally change the look from the beautiful crewel work i’m used to into a modern crewel work that I haven’t seen anywhere else; the way she can take something that looks totally out of my embroidery skills league and presents the information in a way that I can really do it! A real confidence builder! These books are a total necessity in any needleworker’s library.

  25. I love both the design style and the different stitches in Hazel’s book. And I’d love to be the lucky one who wins it.

  26. Dear Mary,
    Of all the books you have reviewed, this one I am most interested in. I have followed most of your projects and feel that I’ve learned a great deal. Now I’m ready to expand my knowledge of Crewel work. Crewel Intentions will add a lot to my learning experience. The many stitches and finishing instructions are just what I need. I live in a small town in south Texas and must depend on books for every thing I want to learn.
    Thank you for your wonderful news letters. I have my morning coffee with your every day.
    Sincerely yours,
    Nelda Faye Wagner

  27. I have had a peek at this book and I also own a copy of her book Crewel Twists. But I do think she has just excelled in this book. She is such a clever stitcher and designer and a joy to have a workshop wih. I really must own this book. There are such super ideas and they make me just want to do most of her projects. I feel so motivated with her ideas and would really love to be able to sit with this book open having fun.

  28. I love how Hazel Blomkamp incorporates beads in her stitching and shows close-ups of her work. It helps give a feel for how the stitching flows in her canvas.

  29. I do like the weaving patterns and it could be my solution to the short and long stitch which I am not mastering well. This book is going on my list to purchase.
    Thank you Mary always enjoy receiving your newsletters…jam packed with great info.


  30. I think it’s a little of ‘all of the above’. I love Hazel’s modern take on the style, the textures she uses, and the colours – which I’m still learning about myself – are beautiful.
    Her dense stitching and combinations of stitches within a project look amazing, and I think that might be most attractive to me – but not by much of a margin!
    I think her projects are beautiful, well-designed, challenging but still accessible. Real eye candy for any stitcher 🙂

  31. Hello Mary,

    I really like Hazel’s designs and variety of stitches used, but … the colors … WOW! I would love to play with those colors!

    Thanks again for yet another wonderful opportunity.

    Best wishes,
    Sandra F.

  32. After reading your post about Hazel’s kit this week, I went straight to Amazon to check out her book. Oh, it is lovely, and, oh, I did so want to buy it immediately! (I loved it all – how could you pick just one facet?) But I am up to my ears in the TKGA master knitting program and couldn’t justify starting another project, no matter how delightful.

    However, if someone were to give me the book that would change everything. 🙂

  33. Crewel Intentions looks like a wonderful resource. I love the look and feel of crewel whether using wool, cotton or silk threads. I thrive on trying new things, learning new techniques and using different materials, like those used in Crewel Intentions. Beading is something I would love to try with crewel. The projects in this book are beautiful certainly full of creative stitches, threads, and materials (ie: beads and mettalic threads). Her use of color, whether monochromatic or brightly colorful are perfect. I would love to make some of these beautiful projects in this book. Sincerely, Barbara C

  34. ibeautiful book! I am very interested in learning the different stitches. Thanks for a chance to win this book.
    Karen F

  35. The work put into the designs are just exquisite. The beauty of the colors with the delicate nature of the designs just come to life. Thank you for sharing.

  36. This book has been on my amazon wish list since you reviewed it! I am really interested in how to bring some traditional and “modern” English and Scandinavian embroidery in wool to my quilting. Most modern quilting with embroidery is whimsical or simple and I am working towards something different, something elegant, bringing traditional embroidery to modern quilters. Thanks for the opportunity. Kay

  37. Hi Mary –

    What really impresses me the most about Hazel’s work is her freedom in interpreting traditional crewel embroidery.

    Her designs are particularly appealing, but it is the way she uses color, threads, and embellishments that bring them to life. Irresistible combination, since crewel work remains my favorite embroidery technique. Thanks for offering us a chance to win this gorgeous book – I would love to have it.
    -Sharon in France

  38. My first embroidery projects were wool crewel projects. My mother bought me a kit to work on when I had to have surgery on my 13th birthday (what parent schedules surgery for their child’s BIRTHDAY?!….but that was my mom, through and through). I had 10 days of pain and bedrest following, and I loved the different stitches and textures, the fantasy flowers and leaves and vines, and the multiple colored woolen yarns. As and adult I learned to love the Baroque and Renaissance periods in music, and Jacobean embroidery still appeals to me as an aesthetic. I am once again laid up in bed, now 50 years later, with an injured back….and this book would bring me joy and ease my depression as I was able to stitch something beautiful. Thank you for this opportunity! 🙂

  39. Hi Mary,
    Hazel’s books always have beautiful projects and designs, and the perfection in the stitching is amazing.

  40. I think the thing that most appeals is the introduction of so much bling!! I really like jacobean designs with their elegant scrolling vines and branches but adding metallic threads and beads adds so much excitement and dimension.


  41. I like the style design’s of Hazel’s books. I was immediately attracted to the one you focused on. Just beautiful! I’m only a beginner at crewel embroidery but I can’t help thinking that after doing a piece like this I’d have some serious skills under my belt.

  42. What I love the most are the textures. Her filling technique is so original and the mixt of colours is delectable! Her finishing suggestions are also very inventive.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  43. Hi Mary, what I like about Hazels books is how she builds up all the textures and fillings in the designs. And the added beadwork for more dimension! Although they are Jacobean designs, it feels modern. The filling is something I would really like to learn and practise more.

  44. Crewel Intentions is a book that has excited me more than any other I’ve seen in years. I do a lot of crewel embroidery and these designs would push me further in my imagination when I design my own. It is all so fresh and beautiful. The embellishments are extraordinary, full of ideas that would have never come to me! The color choices are an inspiration as my own have become stale.
    Please, I am not afraid to say I need Crewel Intentions!

  45. What an amazing book. I would love to explore the woven fillings. I have done some simple fillings, but this looks likes a wonderful collection of alternatives. Just finished a big needlework project and getting back in to crewel work sounds like fun.

  46. I learned to do crewel as a child but none of it looked like the projects in this book. I have been searching for a “new” stitching craft after years of counted cross stitch – this just might be it!

  47. I love jacobian designs, and I love needle work, bit I have never tried crewel…I think this just might be the kind of project that would send me in that direction. Besides who could not want a book with such a clever name

  48. I’m dying to get this book. It’s been on my wish list all year but Father Christmas let me down this year!
    I love all the colours she uses and then she throws in a mono colour design. So beautiful. The needle weaving intrigues me.
    Thanks for the giveaway Mary

  49. Thank you so much for the giveaway. I have a copy of Crewel Twists and would love to add Crewel Intentions to my library. It has been on my wish list since it came out. As to what I like about the projects in Hazel’s books, well, everything. I like the style, the embellishments, the variety and the finished projects.

  50. I am just beginning crewel and would love Hazel’s book. I love everything she does. Thanks for always giving her information .

  51. There is nothing more exciting than a new book on needlework! The cover, opening that cover for the first time, the never-before-turned pages, the glossy photographs, but most of all, the ideas that begin to tumble through one’s mind . . . Then if that book also happens to be written by someone who is taking the art of needlework in a new direction, I am in awe and have to have it. The needle weaving in this book calls my name with a Siren’s song!!! I am itching to try it in one of my crazy quilt block.

  52. I love the Blomkamp books – and have more than one project planned from them both. I’d love to put my name in the drawing, but can’t this time. I bought Crewel Twists as a gift for a friend’s birthday. She has allowed me to borrow it a few times to ‘drool’ over. I am planning on doing the Spring Trellis from that book. For my birthday which is coming, I bought Crewel Intentions for my husband to give me (that’s one way to get what you want, eh?) I already have projects planned to work from both books – so I will be very busy. And I told someone I’d work on her Late Harvest project which is from the book!! Whoever get this will be VERY happy with the projects which are described nicely and the finished projects will grace any home.

  53. Good morning Mary,
    This is a lovely book, illustrations like the design in blues really got my attentention. I’ve been doing all types of stitching since I was a little girl, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery. But as it goes, I stay with simple stitches I know and my work has all the same look and feel, just a different pattern. When I work, I try to keep my tablet open to your webpage to work new stitches. Before I know it the tablet is in sleep mode and I have to fuss with it. I try not to buy a lot of books and get my patterns online because, well…I tend to accumulate way too much stuff with the intentions of getting to it, someday.But this book is one with beautiful patterns and a guide that won’t fall asleep on me. I am doing church embroidery now and this would give me a great chance to try a more complicated structure. Thanks for giving us the chance at this great publication and sharing your generosity. Whoever receives this book is one lucky stitcher! Thanks, Jayne

  54. I had no Crewel Intentions when I began my Cabinet of Curiosities, but instead of making King Charles II and his queen in stump work, this new book would help me put a crewel twist on the theme and stitch them in wool on a larger pillow to be enjoyed by my family and friends.

  55. From what I saw in previews this book is a fountain of inspiration and I would be proud (and excited, too) to have it in my collection.

  56. Hi Mary, thank you for the opportunity to win this book. What appeals most to me about Hazel’s books is her fresh, innovative and exciting approach to a centuries old technique.

    I laid low with a virus just now so I would be more than content to curl up on the sofa with this book 🙂

    Good luck to everyone.

  57. bonjour, je lis toujours avec une très grande attention vos articles. Ce dernier m’attire tout particulièrement. C’est avec une grande admiration que j’ai regardé les broderies de Hazel: j’adore tout : la conception bien sûr mais plus encore les couleurs, la délicatesse des points. Je me sens humble devant ce travail si admirable ! et ce serait un honneur d’avoir dans les mains cet ouvrage et cela me donnera peut être le courage de prendre mes aiguilles pour tenter d’approcher une telle perfection;
    Alors merci de proposer un tel cadeau.

  58. Hi Mary, thanks for the chance to win Crewel Intentions. I have had my eye on this book for a while now because first I love Jacobean crewel work and as I have only been embroidering for about 3 months I want to learn the fantastic details that Hazel incorporates into her stitches giving all her projects a dreamy fairyland style wanting us to dip in and start recreating her work. The embellishments are worthy of the beautiful designs and then her stitch instructions and drawings are clear and concise. Yes, I would treasure and hopefully try to do justice to her projects, well, for a beginner why not aim high eh! Once again thank you Mary for your daily dose of humour and great advice. Cheers Helen.

  59. The pictures alone are gorgeous,am I drooling?
    Very interested in the filling stitches always looking for new ways. I want this book 🙂 fingers crossed

  60. I love her work. So Beautiful! I have not done crewel in years and would love to attempt it again.

  61. I love Hazel’s books! Her projects are so interesting and unique. I love that she incorporates embellishments such as beads, crystals and stumpwork. They are so original. I must make the blue and white piece that has whitework incorporated in it.

  62. When I opened my email this morning and saw this give away I was unfamiliar with Hazel Blomkamp’s work. As amazing as this may be, I am very new to the art of embroidery and am still working on many of your (Mary’s) techniques, and to Educate myself on fabric and project ideas.
    Though I am new to the art of doing my own embroidery, I have always loved and admired the hand embroidery of others! I think that it is an art form that not only takes an enormous amount of skill, but a huge amount of creativity. I loved reading about Hazel’s books this morning an though I will cross my fingers and hold off purchasing CREWEL INTENTIONS I just might be heading over to Amazon to purchase CREWEL TWISTS right now!
    From what I have seen so far I really love the layout of CREWEL INTENTIONS. I really like that the photography is so detailed and that Hazel has so clearly broken down the projects, with her materials lists and I really like the instructions that are broken down by section. I also love how she explains the stitches in the stitch gallery. I struggle sometimes with following printed stitch instructions. In fact that is how I found this blog! I found the YouTube channel first and then found my way here, and am now officially a blog follower!

  63. What I like most is the finishing ideas? The idea is when you see the finished idea is to stand back and say, “WoW!” When others see it, their first reaction is the same. The finishing idea is better than looking at beautiful artwork in an art display. It’s yours that you can do yourself and enjoy everyday and others that come to your home can enjoy just as much as you do.

  64. Well,shoot. I didn’t read the whole email. I love the various projects listed in the book and would love to do a couple of them for myself and others.

  65. First of all. I feel like you are a sister who I check in with everyday, especially when you share your fiascoes as with the pina cloth washing. I can just picture me or my sisters doing something like that.
    I have been very attracted to Hazel’s work and this book in particular. Love the very inventive slant she puts on crewel which started me off in needlework 2 years ago. The color of threads is the biggest attraction for me in the art and then the design, primarily of flowers. I like that she gets away from using wool and adds some bling too

  66. BEADS! I love beads even more than I love embroidery (with apologies to those who think this is heresy).

  67. I would love to own a copy of Crewel Intentions. The variety of the stitching and her projects would be enjoyed. As always her finishing ideas would be great. Pattie

  68. I have been in a creative slump for several months-I have done lots of embroidery, beaded body pieces, intricate heirloom sewing, etc. and none of these appeal to me now. Yesterday I came across your website and was totally intrigued with Crewel Intentions. My local library has a copy and I rushed there to check it out. My goodness, the designs are gorgeous and I find that I have worked in all these materials, all be it separately. Silk dupioni in heirloom sewing, gold work and other speciality threads in embroidery and gold beads and crystals in my beadwork. What better to combine the 3 in a new venture. The directions are very clear, and the photographs are beautiful. I am gathering materials to start on Dancing Threads today. I also plan on doing the Harvest stitch along with you.

    This is wonderful inspiration that I have been seeking as I turn 65 in April and a new phase in my life.


  69. I’ve never seen these books before! I have all of Erica Wilson’s books, but those are nothing to this. I love the Jacobean designs and the stitches connect with the Brazilian embroidery I love. If I don’t win I will be buying them both as soon as I can. Thanks for putting them forward. I’ve been stitching for 60 years now and I’m always up for the next adventure.

  70. I would love a copy of Crewel Intentions. I learned to embroider as a child over fifty years ago but it has only been in the last ten years that I have sought out classes and a library of books to perfect my skills. This past weekend, I was with my oldest granddaughter, who is fourteen years old. I was stunned when she showed me some of her latest drawings. I immediately related them to designs for Jacobean Embroidery. As other family members were looking at how carefully each flower, stem or swirl was executed, I was putting colors and embroidery stitches to them. This book would help me bring her drawings alive with color and a variety of stitches. I look at this book as a bonding tool between a grandmother and granddaughter.

  71. Many things appeal to me about Hazel’s books. I love the variety and the inspiration she provides. While crewel is not my first love I can see many applications for stitches and techniques such as the woven fillings in my other work.

  72. I have not seen her books in person, but from the photos you posted I can say I love that the projects are Jacobean style and that there are instructions for the stitches!

  73. I love her books. She is very innovative in her interpretation of crewel designs. Her colors are vibrant. The photos are fantastic. She advances our craft immeasurably.

  74. It’s the boldness of the designs that captures my eye. The texture, strong contrast, an unusual but well coordinated combinations of patterns make designs that your eye wants to explore.

  75. Everything appeals to me. I want this, though I can’t say (looking at shelf of embroidery books) that I need it, I really want it. If I have to narrow down to one thing (without having held and read the book), I would probably suggest the variety of stitches used (or how they are placed, or the fibers) that makes it compelling to me.

  76. Love Crewel and what a gorgeous book, I would love to have it! I adore the variety – since I’m a bit Attention Deficit, it’s nice to move from style to style in the same piece!

  77. I love the variety of stitching and the embellishments. But most of all, I am a HUGE fan of Jacobean style and the cover project and Autum Harvest really appeal to me.

    Kathy Semone

  78. The inspiration!!! The variety of stitches!! My belief that I could actually do some of these projects—that goes into the dream along with me category

  79. I love the way Hazel Blomkamp has used all the delicious threads and colours that are available now to revitalize a traditional form of embroidery. And her colourways are inspiring.

  80. What a gorgeous book ! It has been many years since I did crewel work, having done needlepoint and x stitch instead. All the crewel projects I found felt the same and I just had no interest in them. This book, however, just might be the one to jump start me on crewel work once again ! I found the instructions to be easy to read and very clear, and I love the colors and textural qualities of her stitching. Eye candy and itchy fingers !! Here’s hoping I am the lucky one.

    Even if I don’t win the book, I feel like a winner for having had the chance to see and know about the books. Thanks, Mary !

  81. Hi Mary,
    I would love to add Crewel Intentions to my library. Hazel has a way of making jacobean crewel (one of my favorite things!) modern and a little over the top. Her color palette, stitch combinations and beaded embellishments make every project extra special. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  82. Hello Mary !
    Well, this give-a-way is just in time to begin the stitch along with you !
    I really love Hazel work, because of the variety of stitches and the use of beads. The work becomes really interesting to do. And above all : mixing stumpwork and crewel : waouh ! This might be so great to do !

  83. Blomkamp’s Crewel Intentions features color work that is fascinating, especially the weaving technique, and the embellishments. Rich interplay and eye-catching.

  84. Cool book. I like how Hazel brings a new vibrancy to old motifs. She has an excellent sense of color too.

  85. I haven’t done crewel embroidery for many years and have been wanting to try it again. These designs are beautiful and look so much more interesting to stitch than the crewel I remember.

  86. I’ve always wanted to do crewel, My grandmoter-in-law did some beautiful work! But this book is not like grandma’s! Love it and the colors are not what I usually use. What an eye opener! Love it & love to have this book.

  87. Wow! I love crewel work but Jacobean designs are the best….and Hazel’s designs in Crewel Intentions are full of life and wonderful complexity. Since I do early American living history, I can see using these patterns for a lot of applications – not to mention encouraging new comers to living history to include crewel work as part of their presentation. This is one of those books that gets everyone excited – new stitchers AND experienced embroiders. I can’t wait to begin…..

  88. This book looks so exciting. I love Jacobean designs. With Hazel’s style Jacobean design has been given some bling. Also the stitches seem interesting and challenging. What a treasure.

  89. Hazel Blomkamp brings the world of crewel to new heights, what with her use of new materials, colors, stitches, techniques! And PLAIDS! Yes, PLAIDS! Oh what I wouldn’t give to have a copy of Hazel’s book so that I could do several of her projects! This book is everything I love about updated crewal and I would so love to have a copy of it. Helen is a genius. Thank you for offering it, Mary.

  90. Love, love, love her choice of colors and the patterns are divine! She has a way of bringing out the best combination of stitches to show off the colors. A wonderful book to add to the library. Thanks for sharing!

  91. I was on the brink of buying Hazels book ….finger on the button on Amazon when up popped your email offer! I love the precision of her instructions and the new spin on Jacobean design.

  92. I really like her use of color! It seems so simple when you see it done but yet it must take a long time to decide.

  93. I have recently fallen in love with Jacobean embroidery and her book is filled with so much eye-candy, so many projects that I would love to stitch and could improve my skills of this surface embroidery. I hope to have the opportunity to take a class with her some day.

  94. While I’m not familiar with her books looking at the photos you provided had my fingers itching to start stitching. i’m currently working on an 18th C. Pocket in crewel after many years of doing other types of work I’ve rediscovered working with wool and loving it. This looks like a great book for instruction and inspiration..

  95. i love the variety of stitches. It looks like there is enough variation to prevent “am I ever going to get to do something else?” syndrome but not so much that every time you establish a rhythm, you have to do something else.

    The designs are stunning as well.

  96. Could I dare think about doing such exquisite needle work? This book is just beautiful and according to your review the instructions and tips are priceless. The colors in Late Harvest are my colors also but while I was reading your review again I began picturing some of the samples in white work. The possibilities are endless. Thank you Mary for offering this beautiful book.

  97. This book has been on my wish lish ever since you reviewed it. I love her use of color and the variety of stitches she incorporates. Perfect for an intemediate stitcher looking to branch out into more challenging projects.

  98. I would love to be able to learn to do the beadwork that is in these projects! Thank you for the chance to win.

  99. I love the very modern approach to classic Jacobean shapes and technique. I’m just getting back into crewel work and every project is an inspiration

  100. Hi Mary, I love these books and already have Crewel Twists. What appeals to me most about these projects is the design style. I want to learn how to do Jacobean and this looks like a great way to start.
    In Christ,
    Gail J.

  101. What is not to be loved about the zen of hand stitching? Crewel Intentions takes you beyond zen to ecstasy and creates a desire to do noting but stitch and gather new threads. WOW

  102. Mary
    Hazel’s book might just be the thing to get me
    back into crewel stitching, something I seem to have abandoned some time ago.
    What I like about what I see in your book review are two things:
    Her use of colour, and all of those super embellishments!

  103. I’ve done many types of embroidery, but crewel was and is my first and most lasting love. I’m always interested in picking up new ideas about how to improve my stitching quality.

  104. The designs are lovely and a more modern approach .
    Our guild is very interested in doing a project. Thanks for giveaway.
    Happy Stitching.
    Lyn (NS)

  105. I love the use of different colors and textures and the use of beads. This would be a fabulous book for anyone’s collection. Thanks for the chance to win.

  106. This book looks lovely! I like the tips too, like the super glue on end of finger for a thimble! Great idea I’m going to try it. The conversion chart and stitch gallery are always helpful to me. This book would also be beautiful on my end table or on the coffee table. I’ve never seen her work before but will be looking for her.

  107. I read your review on the kit Hazel sent you for Christmas and how you didn’t open it until the red work runner was nearing a completion point. Better than a chocolate bar as a reward, in my book! So then, I went back and reread your reviews on her books. It’s hard not wanting to jump right in and start saving for the books and kit!!!!! The rich colors and unique stitch variations are breath- taking eye candy. I would really treasure a copy of her book.

  108. Recently visited Deene park in Northamptonshire and this books reminds me of the lovely examples
    of crewelwork in the house. This book has inspired me to have another go at crewelwork.

  109. This book has lots of eye candy even if you never stitch a single design. Of course I don’t think you could resist trying one of these gorgeious pieces and Hazel certainly gives you all the instruction you need to be successful.
    Louise D. Pa.

  110. I haven’t done any crewel embroidery but I really love the variety of stitching and wonderful colors that I see in other stitchers projects. Playing with new stitches is one of my favorite things about embroidery in general and this book would be the gateway to more of the wonders of needle and thread.

  111. Absolutely everything about crewel work appeals to me. The colors, the textures, but especially the designs. So much so that years ago when I was first learning to paint (and had been doing crewel work for years already) I designed and painted a piece of furniture to look like crewel work! These books are just gorgeous. What a feast for the eyes, and how fun to be able to do one of these projects!

  112. I love the colors, the fanciful designs, the imagination in the book. And I like stitching with wool.

  113. Mary – I love her designs!! I bought her first book, had a hard time deciding which design to do first, and just finished her “Midnight Meander” on the cover – turned out great! Looks great on my dining room wall and all who come into the house “oohs and ahs” over it. Couldn’t wait to be able to get her second book, so now perhaps I will be the lucky winner!

  114. What appeals to you most about the projects in Hazel’s books? Is it the design style, the variety of stitching, the types of projects, the embellishments, the finishing ideas? I like the fact that her designs can be done in so many mediums – could be done in crewel, parts used in crazy quilting, use it as a pattern for a quilt projects and so many other interpretations – endless design ideas. Would enjoy doing my own interpretation of her work – best form of flattery!

  115. I’m drawn to her use of modern color and patterns within the early Crewel motifs. Her instruction seem to be very complete. I’ve done several Crewel pieces in EGA courses and really enjoy it.

  116. I have always admired and wanted to learn how to do Jacobean embroidery – the crewel work is so different and I love the way she has added a contemporary flair to this art – I would be delighted to own a copy of this – it would give me the perfect nudge to start down that road. Plus my favorite color is on the cover – what’s not to love – it just calls out to me! Someday, I want to own both of her books. 🙂

  117. I would like to do crewel so almost everything about this book appeals to me. Colour, design, it’s all good! Pick me Pick me.

  118. Hazel’s adaptation of traditional crewel style with modern threads is gorgeous. Her colors are so rich viewing one of the embroideries is like walking into a jewelry store. I love the variety and complexity of her designs. Crewel is especially fun to stitch because there are so many stitches that one never becomes bored with a project. Hurray for a great book of surface embroidery.

  119. I love her designs and enjoy her naming of them. Dancing Threads and A Sherry for Jack strike my fancy.

  120. I love the complexity and variety of stitches Helen uses. I especially like how she combines the rich fibers with bead work.

  121. What a wonderful book! Thank you for dong a give-away. What appeals to me most about it is the variety of filling stitches, particularly the needle-woven ones. Very unusual!

  122. I have done crewel work only once, years ago, and, although it was pretty, I didn’t Fall in Love with it. I did Fall in Love with Hazel’s designs, though! The brilliant color, the beautiful use of beads (beads!), and the variety of stitches are fresh and new, yet Jacobean at the same time. This book would be a wonderful inspiration, guide, and much loved addition to my small stitching library.

  123. This looks like a great book. I always enjoy learning new techniques and having new patterns on which to work.

  124. Many years ago I worked crewel pieces, but now my tastes have changed to other types of needlework. Seeing Crewel Intentions has inspired me to try crewel again. I love the filling patterns and use of different types of threads as well as beads in the modern approach of this book.

  125. While I haven’t used Hazel’s patterns, her pictures are so awesome and the colors are gorgeous. Years ago I did a set of 6 dining room chairs for my parents in crewel embroidery and enjoyed it so much. Somewhere along the way I got sidetracked doing many other types of needlework, and would love to have the opportunity to explore Hazel’s patterns and work! Thank you for this opportunity to do so!

  126. It looks like this book is jam-packed with good information! I like the needle weaving and dimensional work especially. And it is nice to see the blue and white option to show a completely different colour palette.

  127. I think what appeals the most – other than just the sheer beauty and proficiency of the work – is the subtle updating of the style – recognizably Crewel/Jacobean but with a wonderful twist. I think any of the projects would be most enjoyable and engrossing.
    I have done crewel embroidery over the years, but have not had a serious “learning” project since an Elsa Williams kit decades ago. Time for a “refresher” and it might as well be at the graduate level!

  128. I just love the designs. I have a living room with a Jacobean-floral rug and William Morris wallpaper prints framed on the wall, so some of these projects would be just perfect!

  129. What a wonderful book. I am a quilter who wants to embellish and am just learning. I would love to have this book.

  130. I absolutely love the designs, the color combinations, the use of the projects and the stitches!!! Love it all!

  131. She has taken a old an beautiful technique and given it a fresh look with her style. It really needs to come to my home and be part of my library to be drooled over.

  132. I love the style of her work, and, as a beginner, I like that I can learn new stitches while following a complete project from beginning to end. I was hoping for this book for Christmas, but, alas, didn’t receive it.

  133. What appeals about Hazel’s designs? Answer; everything! Having completed one of Hazel’s projects featured in Inspirations magazine (I did the glorious footstool from issue 70) and u lived every minute of that project. The colors were what first attracted me-$$$ to that the beautiful design, & the challenge of so many different stitches..well, her projects are just irresistible, aren’t they?
    I would live to be able to add her book to my collection! Thank you again, Mary, for everything you do for the stitching world: & for this give away in particular!

  134. I am a recent subscriber to your blog, so yesterday’s post was the first time I’d heard of the book. I am very impressed by the kit you bought and would love to see the other projects featured.

  135. Jacobean was my first crewel embroidery that I did and actually completed. It hung in my parents home with pride. Brings back fond memories of completing one of my moms favorite designs

  136. The variety of stitches and, to me, their innovative application most appeals to me. I stitched crewel cushions from kits for my mother and later crewel-type projects with floss. Learning new stitches is always a joy.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win an outstanding book.

  137. I love the variety (one never gets bored looking at her designs, which is part of the reason I continue to read and re-read her books). The materials — the lovely fibers and beads (yes, I love beads too) and using silk, at least on some of the designs. I love silk. The textures are wonderful (never saw vermicelli stitch before and will try doing this one definitely, love the idea of needle weaving). The colors are wonderful to look at. The techniques — so much there from which to learn. Love the attitude put forth in the book to take your time, experiment, have fun with the designs because after the design (outline) is there, you can do anything you want with it. I’m learning that I’m not a big fan (at least not so far) of wool. Using Appleton wool on my first crewel project (a Tanja Berlin traditional design). While I’m enjoying the design, I decided to really have some fun with it by adding other threads with the wool in a couple places and some metallic and a few beads. I gave myself permission to experiment so that I can learn more and have fun. I already have Hazel’s book, but was considering getting a second copy. I’m wondering what you’re doing with your second copy, Mary. I was thinking about being extravagant and cutting up one book so that I could copy the designs more easily to try working with them. I’m sure Hazel wouldn’t mind.

  138. The detail and beauty of projects is so inspiring. I have done crewel work in the past and love the feel & colors of the yarns. I have always been attracted to Jacobean designs in Crewel Work or fabrics. The colors are really nice too. Thank you for this generous give away.

  139. When I was younger I truly enjoyed doing crewel embroidery. Now that I am 80 I am returning to it (as long as my eyes cooperate) however this time in mini. There are so many new stitches out there to practice, so many new threads to adapt patterns to miniature, that I could use the book, Crewel Intentions. thanks for the opportunity. joan chance

  140. I love the use of floss & beads. It creates light & sheen to designs, which is a nice collection of tradition & contemporary designs. I especially like the stitches & explanations. I usually work from a book from the 60’s, so I would really love this!

  141. I love everything about this book, the texture of the work… But more than anything I love that stool!

  142. The needleweaving patterns! I’d love to learn more about them! This was one of those books that when I first saw the titile I thought “well I won’t want a book about crewel work”, but then your review makes me want it anyway!

  143. This book is amazing. I am mesmerized by the colors and stitch detail. I see all the wonderful patterns available here on your site, imagining myself filling them up with stitches and colors. Being a true novice, I am so intimated by where to start, colors to choose and stitches to stitch that I move on to something else. This book seems to be one that can help me take that next stitch step.

  144. Please put my name in the draw Mary. This book has been on my wish list for a while now. I have embroidered traditional crewel work with wools and am keen to move onto a more contemporary piece. Hazel’s book has really caught my imagination.

  145. The entire book looks wonderful and quite inspiring. The technique I found particularly appealing, and piqued my creative muse, is the needle weaving. I have a huge stash of decorative threads in various weights and colors that would lend itself to that technique. I found the style of the designs in the book to be interesting. Most of the crewel work I’ve seen in the past has been done with wool. Not that wool is not attractive, but this book has a lot more colors and depth.

  146. I am not a “crewel” person, but after reading your reviews of this book and the kit yesterday, I am dying to give this a try! The designs are beautiful, and the color palettes are exquisite.

  147. I love Jacobean! It fits the style of my home and I’ve been looking for a new project for my living room. Perfect! Thanks for the opportunity.

  148. I’m a historian and museum professional who has always maintained an interest in learning old techniques and crafts to preserve them in the hope that I’ll inspire others and help to keep the art or craft alive for another generation. I tried crewel decades ago, and I was convinced that the kit I’d bought was too limiting; so, my heart wasn’t into the project and the results were disappointing. I was fascinated by the recent Plimoth Plantation reproduction jacket project; so, the book might just provide the inspiration I need to kick start a new attempt while learning from an acknowledged master needleworker!

  149. I would love to get back into crewel. I haven’t done it for years and this book and your motivational blog would keep me going. I love the stitch diagrams and explanations.

  150. Good morning Mary!

    These books look amazing. So enjoyed your reviews. 🙂 What I like best…hmmmm…the colors, the designs, the challenge of learning new stitches. I have always been drawn to the Jacobean style. Thank you for the opportunity. 🙂

    Jen in Oregon

  151. All of the designs are fabulous that it would be hard to pick just one. I love the modern take and colors being used in a traditional design. Both of Helen’s books have been on my wish list for awhile and it would so nice to win this one!!

  152. I like this form of embroidery and the variety of stitches that are used that create a ‘classic’ style.

    Hazel’s book takes it to a whole new level. There is so much to look at in each section of work. When looking at the design, there are many things to discover that were created by stitches, colors, embellishments etc.

    It all blends together so well, and is a joy to look at.

  153. I like that she gives kinda 3 dimensions to her flowers with the different stitches it gives it texture and makes the project feel good to the touch,plus Jacobean is one of my favorite embroidery,there is no limit to what you can create.
    Can I add something on the sideline, Since I have join your website, I read all of the stuff you send my way, Great learning on the stuff also.
    Many thanks.
    Busy hands Diane Duguay

  154. The more I see about this book the more impressed I am with her design style. The designs are traditional enough to satisfy my inner antiquarian soul yet fresh and innovative. The use of a variety of stitches used also satisfies one of my stitching goals: to bring my skills in crewel embroidery back to their former level. I plan to work some small projects and see many motifs in these projects I can use for my small ones. I especially like the all blue and white one and thinking of teals and aqua for my bedroom.

  155. I love Hazels design style. She adds a new twist to crewel. I also like her embellishments ideas. It makes the pieces more modern looking. Her instructions are so easy to follow. I bought a small kit to try and everything is in there.

  156. Oh my Goodness. What a great giveaway. I love that footstool. How could I bear to put my feet on it though. I am quite fond of Jacobean embroidery. I am lazy though and do some on the embroidery machine. I love her step by step instructions. Lots of books fall short here. I also use superglue to prevent those painful pricks to the finger. Good luck everyone.

  157. I love the designs,the colors, the various stitches and all the additions: stumpwork, beads, etc., so much so that I have already ordered the book from Amazon, but I would love to have one to give to a friend who just can’t afford to be buying books right now. She would love it.

  158. Hazel Blomkamp’s book title Crewel Intentions, is an apt play on words that mirrors her intent to turn Jacobean embroidery on its head. I am new to crewel, familiar with the traditional methods, so the beautiful photo on the cover sent me into shock––I thought some of the of the flowers were appliqued fabric!

    Her instructions and working methods are great for a novice like me, and I love her use of new materials that elevate Jacobean embroidery to high style. Crewel Intentions will expand my ideas of what is possible, while keeping those ideas organized. I would LOVE this book!

  159. The entire book appeals to me. I really like the projects and the instructions seem very good. This book has been on my wish list.

  160. I think this is the books for me – it sounds just wonderful and I have been looking for a good crewel embroidery book for awhile, especially one that features Jacobean designs (my very favorite). The designs look great and the fillers look like something I would like to learn to do. Thanks for sharing and I hope I win this one.

  161. I love Jacobean embroidery. I am working on a sewing case and using Brazilian Embroidery rayon threads to give it some pizaz. I would love to have this book as a reference.

  162. I love everything about this book! But the beading really sends me over the moon, it is just spectacular. The texture of the stitches with the beads makes my fingers twitch in anticipation!

  163. I just love the projects in the book! I want to make every single one of them! Of course, this is ridiculous because there are only so many hours in a day. I think I would put a piece of paper with each project on it, fold it up and place in a paper bag. Then pull one out and do that one first!!

  164. Thanks for this great give-away. The whole book simply looks gorgeous. I especially love the blue-and-white tray! I haven’t yet ventured into crewel embroidery yet, but should I win this book (fingers crossed), I wouldn’t wait another minute to get started!

  165. I love the variety of projects and the way she embellishes them. There is something about crewel designs that always reminds me of old tapestries. Crewel was my first real project after I learned the basics of embroidery. I like to travel with small projects.
    Shirley from western NY

  166. The design style is awesome and so is the stitch selection. It is a beautiful book, inspirational as well as giving hands on, technical guidance.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  167. I would love to try crewel embroidery and the modern designs and colors in this book appeal to me.

  168. Love this book! I’m trying to not just build an embroidery library, but actual open and use the books. I raced to get the red sunbonnet sue book to embroider my new granddaughters dresses. Crewel Intentions is fantastic, and there is more to learn!

  169. I need, need, need this book! I am most interested in the techniques presented, as I am trying to increase my skill level. Thank you, Mary, for another fun contest!

    P.S. Besides, the book is such a beauty that it would be a joy to just spend hours with it!

  170. I love the colors and the wide variety of stitches in each project. In retirement I am revisiting crafts that I may have touched on in my youth. Crewel work is on the list. Right now I am embroidering on pieced quilt tops. I would love to do a small wall hanging in crewel work.

  171. First BEAUTY courts the interest…and then beguiles…and there we are…hooked! …..But not lost because instruction blossoms on the succeeding pages.

  172. I don’t like to call myself a true beginner because I’ve been stitching, and learning for almost 23 years now. So, I guess my description of myself is an intermediate at the basics! Can there be such a thing? I’d love this book simply because it will teach me new things, and expose me to a new style of embroidery.

  173. Hi, Mary! What appeals to me most about the projects in Hazel Blomkamp’s books is the design style. I’m in love with everything Jacobean, and “Crewel Intentions” is Jacobean on steroids! It’s all there, the stylized flowers and leaves, the curly, twisty things, the branches like the traditional tree of life embroideries, but it’s all been improved to a magnificent degree and made more modern by the use of…well, sheer genius. I would love to own the book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  174. Love it, love it, love it! I have done one of Hazel’s kits before and thoroughly enjoyed the stitching. Please pick me!

  175. I haven’t done crewel in years but it is something I need to get back to…. My first “mentor” via kits and books and even a class one time was Erica Wilson.
    I am not familiar with this new author but find her work amazing. I love the dimension she gets in her designs. Feels like you could pick the flowers and hold them in your hand.

  176. Everything about Hazel Blomkamp’s books appeals to me. Her instructions are clear and I love the patterns she gives. I especially like the color choices she uses. A lot of crewel work I have seen is dark. Her designs make me feel energetic and eager to stitch. Thank you for this wonderful chance to win a copy.

  177. What appeals to me? The colors and the variety of stitches. Love, love, love the projects in this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  178. Hi Mary,
    Besides embroidery when I want to occupy my hands I like to make lace. I tat, and just started doing bobbin lace. I believe that Hazel goes into Needle Lace in this book which I have played around with some in the past but not a whole lot. I would Love to own this book to delve deeper into the subject. Also as a child of the 60’s, what I learned to embroider was Crewel. Having such a definitive book on the subject would be lovely.

  179. My favorite thing about Hazel’s work is the fresh look she brings to crewel embroidery. The beads, threads, etc. It opened a door for me, inviting me to think in new ways not only about crewel embroidery but about other traditional embroidery styles as well. Her work is so exciting!

  180. I love the Jacobean design elements! The fact that they are done in my very favorite color palettes and include beadwork is just icing on the cake. I have been dying to try my hand at crewelwork, and after checking out Hazel’s website, I know where I’ll start.

  181. I have had this book on my wish list for a while now. I started my embroidery journey years ago doing crewel. I love all the projects in the book!

  182. I love her designs! The colors, the stitches, wow. Just beautiful embroidery!

    Thanks for doing a give-away, Mary. And thanks for your beautiful and inspiring website. 🙂


  183. I love Hazel’s work. Her designs are traditional with a modern twist. Hope I am the lucky one this week.

  184. The book looks fasinating to me. As a child my English mother brought us us to do crewel work. I continued as grew older. I feel that this book would be a wonderful addition to my library, especially as I have started to do crew work again. It brings me back to my English roots.

  185. I have not done very much crewl work. I would like to learn how to do more of it properly. Thank you for all of your give aways and for sharing all of your wonderful information.

  186. The use of COLOR,really grabbed my attention. Love her complete detailed instructions, tips, pictures. Ever so well thought out. Her time “thinking” out her projects is quite evident in her entire line of projects. What a joy it would be to own her book. Thank you Mary for such a generous beautiful giveaway.

  187. Oh my goodness – the variety of stitching. I was never really into formal Jacobean crewel too much – but this is more like “whimiscal Jacobean” – without disrespect to staunch Jacobean workers. The Sherry for Jack project literally did give me a “start”
    when I saw the “mosaic-like” flower – truly magnificent!! The stitches in this book appear to be all sorts of “created fabric” almost like when quilters put together tiny pieces in patchwork or applique. I sit here amazed – and hopeful to win this book. Thank you for introducing this book and the chance to win.

  188. Hazel Blomkamp’s books fill me with delight. I grew up just a few miles from the Elsa Williams Shop in Townsend, MA. Her patterns were my introduction to crewel. Blomkamp’s are a wonderful compliment and expansion of this form of needlework. The stitch guides are clear, the colors are brillant and the patterns are fabulous.

  189. I like the use of stitches, the colors and the use of beads. Now out of those which is my favorite-probably the use of beads.

  190. I was not familiar with the book, followed your link and fell in love. Not only are the projects unique so that you won’t see them everywhere, but her whole use of color and stitches used are remarkable. I like you, stitch in a vacuum. For the past nine years, I’ve been learning the techniques for Japanese Embrodery in Atlanta, Georgia. I however live in Michigan. On my yearly mission it’s hard to bring all the info I need home with me. By seeing the lay out of the book, I will not be alone. Project by project all the info, instructions and examples will be by my side so I can learn a new stitching technique. Thank You not only for the opportunity to win this wonderful book, but also to your daily blog updates.

  191. I have never tried crewel because I have never found any projects that screamed “stitch me”. But her book looks wonderful. Love the Autumn Harvest and the blue and white piece looks stunning. Looks full of “stitch me” projects!

  192. Being in the process of learning crazy quilting, I love looking at embellishments. Thank you for the opportunity of this givaway.

  193. I love the patterns in the Crewel Intentions book. I have been learning so many stitches and combinations since I joined this site and I love the idea of creating such rich patterns with my needle and thread!

  194. I am intrigued that this book shows how to use beads, stumpwork, and padded stitches as part of a crewel embroidery project! This sounds fantastic and something I would enjoy trying!

  195. Although all instruction/ideas would be wonderful, I find “finishing” the area I would most appreciate help. Special work in the finishing so completes any project. Thanks so much

  196. Intrigued by the idea of working some of these beautiful pieces. Must confess ithas been over forty years since I worked a crewel work piece. Just returned to needle arts a few years ago and am enjoying learning so much from places like your blog. None of these were available as a younger self-taught needle worker. The wealth of ideas and tips amazes me!

  197. Everything about this book looks spectacular. The colors, style and thread choice beckons to me to put down my beloved counted thread and pick up some crewel surface embroidery to stretch my boundaries.

  198. Lately stumpwork has had me going but this new book will bring me back to crewel. I was not acquainted with Hazel’s books until your review. They look wonderful, however I will force myself not to order them until I see who the winner maybe. If not me I will be calling Nordic Needle on Monday morning and explain to my husband he has bought an early Valentine gift and has no need to shop. I hope,I hope. Thanks for your great newsletter I enjoy them every morning Pat

  199. Everything appeals to me. I think her book is one of the most beautiful I’ve seen, and I’ve only seen it online. I would love the challenge of stitching one of her creations!

  200. This is a book I would love to add to the shelves. I have always been drawn to the general look of crewel embroidery, but many of the traditional design options do not draw me in. This fresh take on crewel is very intriguing.

  201. I love the needle weaving patterns! I’m not any kind of crewel expert or anything, but I’ve never seen stitches like that before.

  202. I would love to use this book to inspire Crewel work on the crazy quilt I’m working on. it would represent my British roots.

  203. Am still drooling over the pictures in your review. I think it is the filling stitches that are most appealing to me. Would love to be able to stitch like that.

  204. If I have to narrow it down, what attracts me most is her colors. Every design is just to vivid and vibrant! Just gorgeous.

  205. I love the idea of including so many interesting needlework techniques into each project in Hazel’s book including beadwork, my all time favorite.

  206. I love the colors that are used but most of all I love the embellishments and use of stitches especially the weaving patterns. All this adds a new dimension to crewel work and just makes it come alive. Thanks so much for reviewing Hazel’s books and kit and offering this generous giveaway.

  207. I love the variety of filling stitches and combinations she uses in her pieces. I especially like that she does crewel-style designs in stranded floss, since I can only get wool threads online where I live.

  208. the new stitches I would like to try are there. the patterns are beautiful. would like to try them

  209. Thank you for the chance to win the crewel book. I would love to get my hands on it an then devour it. As I am trying new types of needlework and branching out creatively I am experimenting with all kinds of stitchery. I have never really done a lot of crewel work and this would book would help with that. thanks again.
    ~Gin K.~

  210. I love Hazel’s designs the colors and the patterns. I also enjoy your blog very much, there is so much interesting information.
    Thanks so much!

  211. I particularly love the woven stitches shown in the book. It is fascinating to me to see the colour combinations and textures achieved by this clever stitching. As a new stitcher, I also appreciate how thorough she is in outlining every step, showing exactly what supplies are needed and giving all those clever and humorous tips.

  212. Well, I haven’t seen them in person, but your detailed reviews truly caught my eye. Everything looks so neat and finished: the instructions, the material lists, the projects. I especially like her use of different shades of grey and silver, the project mounted in a silver candy dish looks so sophisticated!

  213. I like the way she is able to bring complex crewel designs and concepts to a larger audience, and show varied and practical uses for the technique. I love crewel, and hate when so many people say they are afraid of it or not up to the challenge. I find counted work much more difficult and less forgiving!! If I win this book, I will likely donate it to my local EGA chapter so others can enjoy it as well.

  214. I love her use of beads, fabrics and threads. There are so many new ideas not just using wool thread.

  215. Everything you mentioned is appealing…. the design, the style, the embellishments, etc., etc. I would have to add the choice of thread colors. I would like to try my hand at this type of embroidery, and could not imagine better inspiration!

  216. I’ve had this book for on my wish list for quite awhile. What interests me about it is all the different stitches that are used. Crewel work can get boring, but with all these stitches and the color, well, there’s always something new to look forward to, just a petal away. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  217. I am a complete neophyte in regard to Crewel work, and have wanted to try it for so long! My EGA group has numerous members who have been really encouraging me, and this wonderful book would give me further encouragement. In addition, the practical nature of the instructions and material lists really gives me incentive! I love the way Hazel designs — merging the traditional with a modern twist — creating really exquisite masterpieces. I so hope I am the lucky winner of your give-away! On a different note, I have learned so much from “”, and have archived all your blog entries to re-visit whenever needed! Thank you!

  218. What really catches my attention with this book is, first of all, the beautiful photographs of her projects. Then, I like the stitch guides and charts and the list of supplies needed for each project. I’ve wanted to include beads in my embroidery for a long time and this appeals to me too. The bonus is that you can order kits, which would be fantastic.

  219. The jacobean style with the color shading are so appealing. I also really like patterns with such a variety of stitches to keep my interest going. Thank You for the opportunity.

  220. Oooh…drooling over the book! What I LOVE LOVE LOVE about Hazel’s work are her color choices and fills, two things I still struggle with…you’d think color choice would be easy for someone who has sewn and quilted for decades, but not all stitchery is the same, is it? Hazel’s fills are what really take her work over the top, for me, and have inspired me to be more adventurous with my embroidery! As a matter of fact, I’m working on a piece now that is inspired by one of hers.

  221. The cover of this book is the first draw. I love the colors and the variety of stitches. What a pleasure it would be to peruse the whole book.

  222. Consider this the most elegant of needlework. Have enjoyed it very much in the past. The designs and colors are wonderful, especailly the Jacobean ones.

  223. I immediately looked at her website after yesterday’s blog from you regarding the kit she had sent. I fell in love with the colors in the kit which can be made into a clock. Crewel is my favorite type of embroidery;Counted canvas drives me to distraction I revel in Hazel’s 3 dimentional quality of her work and the variety of stitches that she uses. Like you, the colors in the harvest kit which you received, are not my favorite, but her other kits have glorious colors. There is something about the history of crewel and the Renaissance flavor of the designs that just stir my heart. Erica Wilson has always been my heroine.

  224. This book on crewel embroidery is so enchanting and beautiful. I love the different crewel designs used in this book. Hazel’s use of color is amazing. I did crewel embroidery many years ago when I bought a kit from Avon Products. Ever since then I have become addicted to anything Jacobean Crewel embroidery. Thanks for offering this book.

  225. I LOVE Hazel’s work and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this book!! I want to learn to stitch the way she does…the Jacobean style is just my “thing”. I love her use of colors and am so looking forward to trying embroidery the way she does it!! Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful book!

  226. Wowy, wow, wow!!!! Hazel’s work that I have only seen on your emails Mary, is drool material for me. Crewell is my favorite venue in embroidery work.Thank you for the opportunity to have a book of her patterns.

  227. I haven’t really “caught on” to crewel embroidery and techniques, and this book really intrigues me. I havent forgotten about it since your review. Would love to try my hand at it.

  228. I wouldo like so much to win this book, because I would like to learn something so beautiful done with the hands and not made by machine. Unfortunately I’ m a real looser when it comes to embroidery , and would like to do better. I’s wonderful that there are ladies like you who continue these old traditions in a Tecnological time.

  229. I am most impressed with the combinations of color and stitch variations They are magnificent. I also like the detailed photos. It’s a book I would love to own.

  230. Jacobean designs are always of interest to me. The additions of beads and baubles make the finished work even more desirable. I’d love to do some of the designs from this book.

  231. Being very new to crewel work, I would think this would help me along the path I am taking, thank you for your generosity, kind regards Caroline.

  232. I am not familiar with with Hazel, but the cover is a feast and the book must be more so.

    I get great deal of pleasure planning eyewise projects I may not ever do.

  233. Over the years I have tried my hand at Sewing, Patchwork, Beading (3 little pictures) and more recently I have joined a group where I have discovered the delights of Crewel Embroidery. But after seeing your review on ‘Crewel Intentions’ it has inspired me to put the two together as I fell in love with Hazels interpretations of this beautiful craft. I would just love to ‘have a go’ with her help.

  234. Looking at the photos from the teaser of the book online – the projects look clear and concise. The directions are easy to follow. My favorite part of Hazel’s designs is her use of color. Everything from a lovely delicate monochromatic to an outrageous broad band of color. Hazel your choices of color are just wonderful. I would love to add this book to my library and am anxious to attempt some of the projects.

  235. Hi there,
    I love Hazel Blomkamp’s books and projects, so far I have only stitched one a cushion from the book “Crewel Twists”. I love how Hazel uses finer thread and the depth of the layers of each element of the design i.e. sating stitch covered by needle lace etc, the use of beads just adds to a delightful finished item – I am not great at choosing colours so find Hazel’s choices blend together beautifully – I am a big fan of Hazel Blomkamp’s work 🙂

  236. I’ve always loved Jacobean designs – with the scrolls, leaves and fantasy-style flowers that call for lots of different stitches. I love the way it flows and moves. And I especially love Hazel Blomkamp’s designs and the techniques she uses. With all the different varieties of stitches, combined colors, and the sparkle of beads, her projects are challenging, definitely not boring, and they are visually exciting!

  237. I love to do Crewelwork and would love to have this book. I particularly like the variety of stitches and the embellishment in Hazel’s work.

  238. The design style is definitely what appeals to me the most. I love the shapes – all the points combined with all the soft round bits. Just lovely. 🙂

  239. What _one_ thing appeals to me _most_ . . . I think that would be the use of modern/different threads with classic/traditional designs. I’m not much for modern or abstract art, I like traditional design, to the point that I’m more of a copyist than a designer. I like her way of adding variety to traditional design.

  240. I learning and doing all the different variety of stitches. I stitch every Night even if I only have 5 minutes.

  241. I’ve wanted to learn crewel ever since I stumbled across Phillipa Turnbull’s website and saw all those wonderful re-creations. I LOVE history and her work is fantastic. I wanted to recreate some of those patterns myself. I keep telling myself that as soon as I get the hang of regular embroidery, I’ll move on to crewel. Never seems to happen. I think this book would be just the think to kick me in the pants and make it happen.

  242. Crewel Intentions is a lovely book. I love it all, but especially the texture and color blending in the projects. I love the stitch guides, and am anxious to try the various weaving techniques. I have been working with heavier, brighter threads, and would love to again try the embroidery that my grandmother taught me so many years ago. Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  243. Oh I just love her work and patterns, but what I love the most is the various stitches in her pieces and the embellishments are just to die for!!

  244. The thing I like most about Hazel Blomkamp’s projects is her take on classic Jacobean designs. I also appreciate the easy to follow stitch diagrams. I already own Crewel Twists and this book would be a welcome addition to my collection. Thanks for offering this opportunity to win a copy.

  245. I love Hazel’s designs. Crewel is my favorite embroidery and she gives it a very interesting twist.

  246. What a great book! It would make a really nice addition to my little library of stitching books. The colors are amazing in the autumn piece from yesterday and now the cover picture of the book makes y mouth water!

  247. What I love most about the book are the great different stitches you can do. So much fun to try them all. I get excited just thinking about winning thus book so I can get started.

  248. Hi Mary, as always, thank you for such a wonderful blog.

    Hazel’s book? Well, I’ve loved crewel embroidery for a while. I like the tradition and history of it, and The wonderful representations and details of fruit, animals, and people that you can get. But you know what? I’m scared! Sad, isn’t it.?

    So, winning Hazel’s book would be the push in the back I would need to give it a go. Why? Well, because if I won it, I would want you to know that it didn’t just sit on a shelf and it actually forced someone to conquer their fear (long as you don’t mind that the first attempt I show you won’t be perfect!)

    Regardless of who wins Mary, you make my day every single day, so please keep up your blog!

    Cheers from Down Under

  249. I love her books, coming from South Africa, I get homesick just seeing the colours of the threads, knowing that they symbolize so much more than just a shade of something. It could be the hue of winter grass, the sky or something unique. As for her kits, back home many people do not have a local shop to get all the supplies, one would have to hunt around getting everything from different shops, all over the place. Once a year in the main centers a Hobby/Craft expo is held. Many vendors come together under one roof. This is sometimes the only way to get it all in one place. Hazel make it so much easier with the kits. Thank you, Mary.

  250. Hi Mary,
    Browsing through my emails, I came across your give away of Hazel’s new book. Reading how the colours of the South African sunset inspired her, I can relate to her feelings as I live in the beautiful winelands area of the Cape. I recently started to embroider again and find it fun, challenging and inspiring. Hazel’s use of colours, stitch variations and beads have me salivating for more. This book is a definitive for my future craft section. Thank you for reviewing her book. It has exquisite art with concise clear instructions and the super glue tip will help my poor fingers as I too despise the thimble. Warm greetings from sunny South Africa.

  251. A piece of crewel embroidery was my first serious attempt at embroidery. I was a newly wed and used a kit to create a wall hanging. I was delighted with it and it sparked an interest for me which I have followed from time to time as I stitched my way through many other projects. I have looked at Hazel’s beautiful book and added it to my wish list. I would love to create some of the projects from the book now that I am in my retirement. Thank you for your wonderful blog. It is my early morning fix each day.

  252. I love the colors and texture. Her choices make everything come to life. I would love a copy and will have one free or paid for. Everything I have seen is so beautiful and pulls you in for more.

  253. I love the way the designs remain true to the spirit of traditional crewel work while building on that foundation to make beautiful, fresh and contemporary projects. On a personal note, I love birds, so the designs that incorporate our feathered friends are some of my favorites.

  254. All of the above. I love crewel work, have done some, but would love to learn some new techniques. It’s a beautiful book, too–just an added bonus.

  255. Mary, I love the way Hazel gives crewel work a real sparkle while maintaining the overall traditional look that I love about this style of needlework.

  256. I am SO glad I found this website — finally, other people who like all sorts of stitching! Hazel has brought Jacobean crewel into modern times — love it!

    I can remember the first thing I ever stitched was crewel. It was a kit from Woolworths, that included a French Provincial plastic frame and the cardboard to back the picture when finished. It was a Cockatoo on red linen, and I made it for my mom for mothers day. I seriously worked on it, and followed the instructions best as I could as an 8 year old (who read above her grade level) because my mother sewed like a dream but embroidery didn’t hold her interest.

    I finished it and it was on her bedroom wall for 40 years. That started my love of embroidery…

  257. I like the variety of stitches found in each of her designs. So many other crewel projects just end up with satin stitch and stem stitch.

  258. I would love to own a copy of Crewel Intentions; it’s not yet in my needlework library which is surprising because I’ve been attracted to Hazel’s designs for quite a while now.
    I do like her designs a lot – traditional, but with a twist. In particular, I like the density and intensity of the stitching. It’s funny that you should mention “finishing ideas” in your prompt, because I had just recently sent a link to a friend showing how Hazel finished the Autumn project you featured the other day (as tray insert-nice). I hope to look to this book as a way to renew my interest in crewel embroidery.

  259. After reading your blog on Hazel’s late harvest kit, I looked up Crewel Intentions and had a look. I am amazed at the detail in the pieces, and the life embellishments bring to the pieces. Now I am only a novice stitcher, but I would love to have a go at one of her pieces

  260. I like this book as each section is ‘user friendly’ and so easy to follow. It is inviting embroiderers to have a go – even from the most beginner to the experienced. Everything about the book appeals to me. A classic book!

  261. I really love how beautiful and intricate the projects are. A lot of crewelwork seems very… plain? Not in the sense of simple, but in the sense of “direct.” Her projects always seem to have a twist on them somewhere.

  262. Hazel’s use of color is appealing to me. I have my eye on that blue and white stool ! Wow!

  263. I love the clever titles of her two books!

    Thank you for introducing these two books on your site. I’ve embroidered for 40+ years, and have always loved crewel, BUT, for some reason it’s intimidated me! I’m now excited to try my hand at making curtains for our 1760 house, and just playing with some made-up designs after learning the techniques of crewel

  264. It seems that Crewel Twist was written with me in mind. I make bead jewelry, I embroider and I particularly like crazy quiting. Her Jacobean designs remind me of the crazy quiliting principles of anything goes, combining thread and beads and any fiber imaginable with the classic designs of Jacobean crewel designs. Certainly it’s a book to add to the collection for inspiration when the idea brain needs a kick start.

  265. While I love the photo’s and the easy to follow instructions, what I like most is the layout. It just makes sense as an avid enthusiast of needlework. Everything is orderly! It’s all good!

  266. I like how Hazel’s clear unpretentious instructions and beautiful pictures inspire me to make the jump from simple craft project to artistic endeavor. I can see how I could apply a new more intricate stitch to an existing design that would help me bridge the gap.

  267. I would love to learn these stitches as long as I have read your blog I have never had the nerve to stitch this so I would love to win a kit with everything together and just practice and then follow the directions. I think her pictures are amazing. Thank you for your blog.

  268. This contemporary approach to crewel embroidery combines traditional design with more modern use of color. The photo of the thread skeins in your new kit was tantalizing and makes me want to pursue such a project.

  269. “What do you like best about her books?” I’m limitted to one? Then I choose the amazing variety of the stitches used in the various projects. They’re beautiful! I want to do beautiful things like that. Just looking at the reviews with their pictures was an inspiration.

  270. Just when you thought there was nothing new in the world of embroidery, along comes Hazel with her fresh interpretation of crewel! Crewel Intentions exemplifies what 21st century crewel should be. Her use of colour, imaginative stitch application and mix of traditional and non-traditional threads makes this millennia-old technique fresh and new for a whole new generation of stitchers. Well done, Hazel!

  271. This has been on my Amazon wishlists since it was announced! I love the Jacobean style of embroidery and all the history associated with it. Thanks so much!

  272. There is so much to love about Crewel Intentions…the colours, the designs, but I think what appeals to me the most is the variety of stitches used. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  273. Oh Mary Corbett, you are torturing me! First the scrumptious redwork book and now “Crewel Intentions”.

    Crewel work is my very favorite – the colors, the thicker thread, the Jacobean designs. And when you reviewed Crewel Intentions I could not get enough of the jewel toned color palette combinations, especially the “African Sunset” color combo.

    Then there was that heavenly blue and white design with my other favorite — whitework — border. Oh to die for

    Anyway I went on Amazon to see if I could peek inside the book, as sometimes they let you. My fingers were a-itching to press that BUY NOW button, but my little guardian angel said “You have to wait, remember your budget”. So I did not buy it, but promised myself that I would as soon as I can.

    So you see, Mary, whether I win it or not I WILL GET IT!!!! Needless to say I would love to win it.

    Thanks again Mary for the tempting tortures.

  274. I love the clear stitch tutorial directions and her use of needle weaving, which I would like to study, but mostly I want to create a new crewel embroidery to put on top of my antique footstool to replace the worn and boring tent stitched needle point and her designs would fit just perfectly with what I would like to do.

  275. I have dabbled in crewel. I was lucky enough to take a workshop by Barbara Jackson several years ago. I especially love Hazel’s designs & use of color.

  276. I love everything about this book! I love how the author uses color, and all the textures. I really love how the author uses patterns! It looks like an excellent book.

  277. What appeals to you most about the projects in Hazel’s books? Is it the design style, the variety of stitching, the types of projects, the embellishments, the finishing ideas? Yes. Yes. Yes. and Maybe. I’m not always impressed with the finished project, but I love the design style of crewel embroidery, and it’s stitches and embellishments. Crewel was the first type of embroidery I learned after doing the “follow the stamped design dresser scarves and pillow cases.”

    I was so green when I learned crewel, that I put a piece of Scotch Tape around the end of a piece of fuzzy floss , trimmed it to fit the needle, then cut it off after my needle was threaded. Of course, if my needle became unthreaded, I had to do it all over again. I would love to get into crewel embroidery again.

  278. Hi Mary,

    I am a 18th century reenactor and I demonstrate period embroidery at events.

    What interests me most about Crewel Intentions is the designs in it, as I can use them to design pieces to do for demonstrations.

    Thank you.

  279. Hazel has taken Crewel work to new level, Twists and Intentions summing up her work. In a league of her own her designs are freash and innovative, I love them!

  280. The projects look absolutely sumptious and have glorious colours.
    I also rather like the instructional content, as I am always looking to learn new techniques.
    Tania from Denmark

  281. I love the color schemes used and the variety of stitching- I have never tried crewel, but I would love to learn!

  282. I love everything about this book, and since crewel embroidery has been on my list to try this would be the perfect way to start. The contemporary ‘take’ is fantastic!!!

  283. Hi,

    Oooh, I love Hazel’s work! A friend just told me about your website and the book this morning at a class I was teaching in embroidery at my local quilt shop.

    I”d love to have a copy of this book, I love embellishing my embroidery with beads and other ‘findings’.

    Please consider me!

  284. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win this beautiful book. There are several things that appeal to me in Hazel’s book. First, I want to incorporate beads into my work and what she does is lovely and is inspiring to me. Knowing how to o this would be wonderful. Secondly I love tools and tips and I love that she has these in her books and they seem to be clearly presented. Thirdly, I just live her stitching. The needle weaving she does is outstanding. Just beautiful. So these are some of the reasons why Hazel’s books appeal to me.

  285. Few books offer total inspiration but Hazel’s Crewel Intentions does for me. I love her diagrams and the colours and designs she puts together and the way she does it too. I find (perused a friend’s copy before she moved) her directions and instruction appear easy to follow and she is jujst interesting! she really suits me
    As an aside we are so lucky to have writers like herself, Trish Burr (both South African) and Yvette Stanton (Australian) putting out instructional books that are not only gorgeous but highly instructional and easy to follow – thanks ladies.

  286. I love the Jacobean designs, but I really, truly love the different needle weaving techniques Hazel has shown in the projects. What fun it would be to work on projects from this lovely book.

  287. I really like the “oomph” of the colors in the projects you showed in your review. It also looks like the stitch instructions are nice clear ones. I teach embroidery often, and find that the more stitch diagrams I can show, the quicker the students “get” it….

  288. The designs and the large variety of stitches make me “hungry” to try these projects.

    Thanks for sharing the extra copy with a give a way.

  289. I must say that I am very interested in most aspects of the book. I am curious to learn more stitching techniques, as I’m still very new to embroidery, and I love the look of a few projects in particular. I am a huge fan of the finishing ideas because I find it really hard to convince myself that I can devote so much time to a project without proving that it’s useful in some way. Having a project with a purpose gives me an excuse to do something I really love but can’t always convince myself I am allowed to.

  290. If I have to pick just one thing to admire about the books, I think it would be the embellishment ideas. I can never have too many of those!

  291. This is on my birthday list. My two favorite things about the book are her designs and use of color. I’m hoping to start the RSN Certificate course in the next 2 years (God willin’ and the creek don’t rise) and I think her book will be a lovely inspiration for the design I need to develop.

  292. Judged the book by its cover. I love the name, and have been entranced by the patterns. The basics are so good, the embellishments such a bonus. I’ve promised myself this book, once the Project in Hand is complete. Please let it be quick.

  293. I love Hazel’s kits because of the variety of the stitches, the wonderful blend of colours and materials but most of all for the detailed instructions that she includes with her kits. Her kits allow a beginner to move to intermediate by simply working one section at a time following the instructions. Hazel also offers an email address if you require help or don’t understand something. She is incredibly creative.

  294. I like the design elements, especially from nature, and to know that someelse worked the same design hundreds of years ago, in much different circumstances but looking at the same patterns and deciding colors and stitches.

  295. After seeing your review of Hazel’s project the other day, I have had her book on my wish list. Simply amazing!

  296. What a tantalizing snippet you showed us again Mary! The details and the explanations just look amazing. I have only done one Jacobean before but that was in wool and I did like doing that but MUST have a go at doing it in DMC.

    Thanks for sharing this.


  297. I am most intriged by the patterns and clarity of technique. I did crewel work as a teenager, but now I’m bumping it up to a new level since I do lots of historic needlework, including 18th century. I like how the patterns hearken to those styles!
    Laurie Hackett

  298. My first introduction to crewel was through the wool crewel kits by Elsa Williams and her designs were wonderful and extremely creative at the time. Hazel has brought crewel work to another creative level entirely! I love the stitch patterns and the embellishments in her designs. The fiber selections add yet another dimension. I would love to work up one of her designs. Thanks for the opportunity.

  299. I am intrigued by the variety of stitches and the terrific stitch dictionary at the beginning of the book. I am ready to order a kit – and will use the book for the directions.

  300. I have followed Hazel’s work through my subscription to Inspirations needlework magazine. I love the stylized Jacobean flowers and the colors she uses and have always wanted to stitch one of her patterns. Her work is exuberant and fun and I love learning, and practicing new techniques. I have a library of great stitching books and have collected them for many years but I would love to have Hazel’s book. I make wedding gowns and restore vintage, pre-1900 clothing for collectors in my area and always want to expand my skills.

  301. I would love to have this book. Glad crewel is making a comeback. I like the embellishing and all her designs.

    Dolores Still
    Poulsbo, WA 08370

  302. I love how Hazel has given crewel patterns such a wonderful contemporary look. My favourite of all her design components are how she uses beads – the colours, the shapes and the integretation with the whole design.

    I would love a copy of this book, thank you so much for arranging this giveaway.

  303. I have always loved crewel work, helped my mother stitch a cover for a footstool years ago when I was a girl. That stool is now in my sister’s home, and is a work of beauty. I would like to stitch another one someday as I have a pair of Jacobean barley twist chairs that really need a stool. This would be such an addition! I guess if I don’t win the book, I’ll have to purchase it! woohoo!

  304. I enjoy most the use of colors and DMC threads to twist a denser than some crewel designs and a good exercise the fingers itching to stitch.

  305. The beads and ‘jewels’ incorporated in the pieces appeals to me most, not to mention the delicious colors!

  306. So looking forward to seeing your progress with this beautiful embroidery.
    I love the dimension achieved with threads and beads. The choice of stitches also add so much to each piece.

  307. My knee jerk reaction when anyone says ‘crewel’ is oh no. It reminds me of too many pieces done in the 70’s. Not Hazel’s. These are all fabulous. I am astounded at stitch combinations. All of it looks great.

  308. Like you, I love the book cover but what really attracts me to this book is the updating of the designs and the use of different fibers than just crewel wool. The color and stitching combinations are very attractive and makes your fingers itch to try your hand at it. I would treasure this book and it would be well read and the techniques well learned. Than you for the opportunity to win this book.

  309. Drool, drool, drool. I would love this book. I first started my embroidery with crewel work when I was about 5-6 years old. My Grandmother taught me. While I have moved on to other types of needlework, cross stitch, samplers, goldwork, I Love, Love, love crewel work. I am intrigued by this book. You mention needle weaving, beads and such. I would never have thought to incorporate this into Jacobean crewel work. I need this book to bring my Jacobean work into the 21st century! Pick me, please!

  310. I love the colora and the variety of stitches.
    The Color schemes are gorgeous !! Hope to add this book
    To my collection

  311. Tools! Tips! Techniques! I really want to learn more stitching methods and this book would be the perfect start.

  312. As a fairly new stitcher I like the different stitches that I’ve never seen and the incorporation of many different stitches and beads. It’s very beautiful.

  313. It’s the variety of stitches and how she uses them that draws me to Hazel’s designs. No question about it. I’ve been trying to get creative in my stitching but find myself falling back on my tried and true stitches. They are safe but boring. I want my embroidery to have more zing. Hazel definitely has zing.

  314. I love, love, love Hazel’s work. I like that all the instructions are there, the list of materials, and very detailed, close up pictures and instructions. This book is on my wish list. What a treat it would be to win a copy.

    Thank you so much for your lovely give-aways.

    Heather McKinnon in sunny south Surrey

  315. I really like the modern look she achieves. I think it is partly the colour choice and partly the threads. Her designs appeal in a way traditional crewel does not.

  316. Choice of colors, soothing. Texture from the variety of stitches. Just beautiful, a God given talent used to reflect a tiny corner of the world. I would be inspired by the challenge to stitch a design.

  317. Dear Mary,
    Hazel’s book is beautifully presented with clear details and a diverse range of projects. What I like is that she presents a version of crewel embroidery with a modern twist, an authentic flavour with zest (a delightful dish). I especially love the needle weaving elements.
    Thank you!

  318. I’ve always loved crewel although most seems a little dreary. I checked out the book after reading your review and it blew me away! I want to learn those amazing stitches. I don’t think I’ll find a good many anywhere else. Such creativity! This is one I’d absolutely love to win. It’s about time I updated the crewel I learned in the 60s!

  319. Crewel embroidery was the first ‘real’ embroidery I did after stamped cross stitch. I am amazed at how the artistry has progressed from that time and look forward to expanding my knowledge and technique.

  320. the textures, and how complete the instructions look like they would be =) as a beginner it looks like a great book to learn from!

  321. What appeals to me most is the great variety of beautiful things to spur new ideas and projects that I’d never thought of before! 🙂

  322. I would adore a copy of this book. The designs are luxurious, rich and enchanting and would make doing embroidery an amazing experience.

  323. What appeals to me most about the projects in Hazel’s books is the gorgeous jacobean patterns that I have loved since I was a child. The stitching diagrams look clear and easy and, frankly, I just have to have all of them.

  324. I love the techniques! I do a lot free embroidery but end up getting frustrated when I only do 3 different types of stitches because I haven’t done enough samples. This book would be an amazing resource and with projects I would love to try.

  325. Thanks for the give away! I loved reading the review and drooled a little over the pictures. I would enjoy the challenge of the projects. They are absolutely lovely. Thank you Mary for continually expanding our stitching knowledge.

  326. I love the use of color and the variety of stitches! They are so lovely. I have a crewel piece sitting in my stash, and this book would be the perfect motivation to get me started.

  327. I started my stitching “career” with crewel(and was lured away by counted cross stitch). I’d love to get this book and be re-inspired!

    Sue W.

  328. The designs are gorgeous. I love the Jacobean style. It’s great to see the techniques that are used to accomplish such beauty.

  329. I think what appeals to me most is the variety of stitches and the embellishment.

    Thanks for a lovely giveaway again.

  330. I enjoy the designs. I love the Jacobean style. It is beautiful to see how the designs are worked. The colors are so vivid and rich. This book would be a treasure for my collection. Thank you.

  331. I feel there is a level of elegance to these designs that leaves others behind. There is a real sense of artistic balance with concrete color theory to back it. Even most classical designs do not seem to have this level of polish to them. It would be a joy to learn more about crewel from someone so talented.

  332. Hi there,
    I like the variety of stitches(always keen to learn more!), and of course, the amazing projects!
    Thanks so much for the giveaway,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  333. I would love to have this book. I have not done crewel work since high school. I have been thinking of embroidering again. This book looks fantastic. What a motivator!

  334. While in Australia this past autumn at Beating Around The Bush, I was able to see Hazel’s stunning artistry ! I am a particular fan of Jacobean work, and love Hazel’s designs!

  335. First of all her work is gorgeous, I appreciate her all the work in each project. The diversity of stitches and embellishments allows for your designs to be limitless. The winner of this book should really enjoy creating a project of their own. I must admit I am wanting it to be me but if not good luck to everyone. Thank you for the opportunity.

  336. Ii’m totally impressed with Hazel’s stitches, her colors and designs. Hazel is another stitcher that truly makes me work harder to better my own work. I have her book Crewel Twists…which is a treasure in my little library. I would love owning Crewel Intentions. Thanks for the generous offer.

  337. What most appeal to me are the woven fillings, which I’ve never seen before and have no idea how to do, but I am enthralled. I also love the designs, finishing ideas, and variety of techniques.

  338. I love the art of history so this style really ticks the boxes with me, plus the fact that it uses a combination of so many stitches. I haven’t done crewel before so would absolutely LOVE to win this book!

  339. What I love about Hazel’s books–from what I’ve seen in your reviews–is the combination of traditional designs, with more modern color and embellishments. Her projects are absolutely gorgeous, and it looks like her directions are perfect for a beginner like me!

  340. The main reason I love Hazel Blomkamp’s book is because it incorporates using not all wool threads. Of course, the bead work is stupendous. Her creations have such a new look that I hope I’ll be able to do them.

  341. oh my gosh, you have so many comments to go through already lol. well, i had a hard time deciding between crewel twists and crewel intentions, and i picked the other one just a few weeks ago, so it would be awesome to receive this one, too! i’d say the two things that appeal to me most about both of these books are hazel blomkamp’s straightforward writing style and dry wit, and the absolutely gorgeous jacobean designs. her book is as much of a delight to read as it is to behold. thanks for making this offer, mary!

  342. Crewel embroidery has always appealed to me, so for that reason I’m interested in the book. Also, the colors she chooses strike me as a beautiful mix of tradition and freshness. Thanks for the chance!

  343. I love crewel embroidery. In Hazel Blomkamp’s book, Crewel Intentions, I especially like the use of color and the use of threads. The photos in her book are terrific – for instruction as well as inspiration. Of all of the “crafts” that I have ventured into, embroidery remains my favorite. When I need a calm activity, embroidery is the medium. Thank you and Hazel B. for this opportunity to win her wonderful book.

  344. I was just about to order Hazel’ s book. Whether I win or not I look forward to the adventure of her modernized Jacobsen designs (my favorite crewel style) to fit in with my home’s aesthetics. I also love the use of stitches in nontraditional ways. It also inspires me to try my hand at modernizing a small William Morris type design…another favorite.
    Thanks for the opportunity, Mary.

  345. Both of these books look so inviting! The projects are beautifully designed and have a very high level of detail which will help to insure that the finished result will be really special. I would love to work the project along with you, Mary!

  346. I am a big fan of the stitches, and always interesting in seeing long and short and laid work used in new ways.

  347. G’day Mary,
    A you beaut giveaway, thank you.
    Overall, I find the designs with the colours a bit busy. Individually though, I love the designs and love the colours. The main appeal for me is in the individual, and combination of several, motif designs for use in smaller projects.
    Hazel has a delicious sense of design and colour, which, although I find a little busy together, are scrumptious.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz.

  348. I have not seen this book, yet, but I am very drawn to crewel work. I love the flowers in the cover shot.

  349. I love her designs. She combines the Jacobean style with contemporary design. I also love all the different types of stitches she uses. You never get bored. I would truly love to win this book as it is the closest I can get to “having her teach me in person”.

  350. Cannot believe it…this is the book my friend wants. I would love to give her a copy. Fingers crossed.

  351. What is most remarkable about Hazel Blomkamp’s work is not just one thing. It’s the way all the characteristics of shape, color, and texture combine to make something just right: beautiful, rich, fantastic, completely individual.

  352. I love the look of the “old fashioned” Jacobean work combined with the modern touch of embellishments and beads.
    I love the clear directions. I love the beautiful photography. I love the diagrams.
    I just LOVE it!

  353. This book is currently on my wish list at Amazon. It looks like an excellent collection of stitches and designs to try out.

  354. Crewel embroidery is beautiful and I have been following this for a while. I’d love to have ‘crewel intentions’ to relearn by beginning again after many years if my stitching history.

  355. Thank you for this great giveaways.
    I have to say that I love the projects. Hazel’s designs are crewel “+”. Her use of color is striking. Well, the books are marvelous and I would love to have a copy.

  356. Thank you for this great giveaway.
    I have to say that I love the projects. Hazel’s designs are crewel “+”. Her use of color is striking. Well, the books are marvelous and I would love to have a copy.

  357. Hi Mary!
    Crewel is my favorite form of needlework. I love the textures, the types of stitches, the colors and the designs. live the feel of wool and using it to create “pictures” on fabric. I also love to take the traditional crewel work and put it in “modern” designs!

    I love the patterns and colors! Thanks for the opportunity as always!
    Kathy in Kenai

  358. It’s beautifully photographed , I love the attention to detail, and the stitch guides are top notch.

  359. I love her designs, stylized traditional. Her choice of stitches is eye opening to me. I love, love, love the beadwork and embellishments. Her book looks to be very well written and instructional. I would very much enjoy adding her book to my library.

  360. Wow Mary what a great giveaway! I saw this book advertised by my local shop create in stitch and Inspirations the aussie embrodiery magazine. It certainly has some stunning embroidery designs in it.I would surely loved to win Crewel Intentions.

  361. I love the variety of stitches and how most of the pattern is padded so that the design really stands out–it’s bold not delicate. I love all the embellishment also, the beads. Everything!

  362. I love the designs in this book. I haven’t done crewel in a long time, and this could be just the ticket to make me try it again.

  363. Hazel’s work is so…well, sculptural. My favorite aspect is the variety of stitches, but also how I feel like I could lift the design out of the fabric and it would be a solid object. And, her work is so original. Would love to win the book!

  364. I heard at Golden Triangle Quilt Guild that you have a newsletter on embroidery info. I will always take any information on needlework-fabric-thread-yarn-and-anything-similar. How do I sign up?

    Thank you sincerely,

    Linda A. Esch

  365. Crewel is my new obsession. Looking for just this kit and book type for some time. Pleeeease please me oh ye Gods of giveaway.

  366. Oh I love the beautiful close up details of the projects in this book. The variety of designs is an added bonus. Everything about this book is spectactular. I love it.

  367. Everything about this book makes me want to shut the door, take the phone off the hook and start creating!! What brilliant stitches and inspired designs, and I love the way that “bling” has been introduced into Autumn Harvest.I would love a copy of this book – and imagine my delight to find yet another one of her books available too – “Crewel Twists” – being only new to this site I didn’t realise that there were such lovely books on Crewel Designs, which is my favorite type of embroidery.

  368. The beautiful pictures, I have not attempted Crewel work but the gorgeous pictures are really tempting me to try.

  369. Hazel does gorgeous work…What appeals to me is the scope of her vision…she thinks about texture and color and dimension like an artist does. By studying her work, it raises embroidery to an art form, with every bit of it considered as how she wants the viewer to see it when it’s completed. I love this, when embroidery/artwork/and any of the arts are created with such deliberation they are worth studying and enjoying for many years, always finding something new in the detailed work. If I am spending my time creating something, I like to be completely involved with it. If I’m displaying something I’ve spent time on, I want it to add to the atmosphere of my house. Beauty is as much of what you don’t display, as what you do. I love how Hazel’s work is so intentional.
    Thanks for the give-away, Mary!
    Sabrina in Port Townsend

  370. Quite a few ladies in my sewing group are working on Hazel’s designs. Her Jacobean patterns appeal to such a wide range of sewers, as do her stitches and colours. One’s fingers literally itch to work them.

  371. The projects are very usable – often embroidery books are full of quite traditional embroidery projects which fit nicely into country cottages but would look out of place in a modern home. I could see these fitting in anywhere. And they look challenging, I love a challenge, I don’t always succeed, but I’d rather crash and burn trying to do something complex and beautiful, than fizzle out on something simple. (Note: I have no expectation that I’ll ever finish anything!)

  372. Everything named Crewel appeals to me since I’ve joined The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry, last year.
    Thanks for this chance

  373. I started my embroidery journey (just a few years ago)with crewel work as I loved the whole historical period. I have just recently started learning about stumpwork and so this book would be a perfect combination for me!

  374. Threr are lots of books out and all mix lots of different stitches.
    What i liked most was the embelishment . You see, I am healing from lung cancer which made me unable to use my right side and since I lost so much weight regular therapy did not work for me. On the other hand coming face to face with death changed me… I am more open totry new styles and found the chalange of it is life giving to me at this stage. I do not go by elements but by heart and this one got to me. Thats it any thing else will sound as sheer flattery and we all recognize good product when we see it. Buying the book and work is past my budget with medical bills so if I luck on good if not I save:)
    Happy week end to all!

  375. Hi Mary,
    After reading your review on the book, I thought this is the perfect book to work crewel embroidery since the book have complete guidance, photos of finished projects and more over conversion charts..

    Lakshmi Sadala

  376. It’s my birthday so I can try if I want to – how crewel of you to think otherwise. 🙂

  377. I have the book Crewel Twists and just love it. I like her style. She updates the patterns but still leaves the integrity of the Jacobean style.

    Mary in Oregon

  378. Fabulous giveaway! I found the embellishments inspiring- the photos in the book are a springboard for my creativity…. Thank you!

  379. I’m intrigued by the variety of stitches used in Hazel’s pieces. As someone who primarily does counted work, I am always on the lookout for ways to improve my stitch repertoire and my surface work(non-counted) skills. Working a couple of Hazel’s projects would do both!

  380. Hi, Mary
    ‘Crewel Intentions’ is one that should be added to my library. Love the coloured photos. I can see using this book as a source to creating some original pieces. Thanks for a chance to winning it.

  381. I would love to win this beautiful book for my friend Anne. When I first got to know her she was just beginning with cross stitch. I helped her out – but then I stayed where I was and she soared ahead, experimenting and perfecting many types of embroidery and finishes. This is on her list to try next and I would be so delighted for you to gift it to her. Many thanks for this opportunity. Irene xxx

  382. just looking at your report on the book makes me wish I have one… I embroider on paper, love to try Crewel on card!

  383. The book is wonderful, but the most fun part of it for me is the weaving technique. Weaving fascinates me but it is the one craft I’ve never been able to conquer. To weave while engaging in my embroidery obsession seems just perfect. Also it seems that I could use all the exotic, beautiful threads that I’ve collected. Terrific!

  384. I love crewel work and am so excited to see Hazel Blomkamp’s take on it. What appeals to me most about her crewel projects is the loom weaving techniques that she has adapted to embroidery. Absolutely stunning! I’m also enchanted by her use of stumpwork and beads to add dimension to her designs. Hazel is such a talented artist and I am so happy that she has put her designs into a book for the rest of us to learn from. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of her books. I have been admiring them since they first came out.

  385. HI Mary,
    I love your website and I just love Jacobean design, but am not fond of wool. I have been wanting to do a project with other fibers and this book is on my wish list. I love the needle weaving, it gives the project so much dimension. Thank you for all you tips and instruction.

  386. The first embroidery I ever did was crewelwork. This book would be such a wonderful addition to my collection of needlework books, and get me back into crewel with such wonderful ideas to contemplate!

  387. I LOVE HAZELS WORK!!! I first saw is on I think was stitching fingers lol. She had some beautiful pieces pictured on there. One was her big Pit Bull lounging on a stool with a gorgeous embroidery on it. I comment on how could she let him drool on such exquisite work when it can’t be washed ( thinking it was wool thread) She nicely responded that it was done up in cotton and would be no problem keeping it clean. She was so sweet. This was about a year before her first book came out. That was one long year!!

  388. I have long admired traditional crewel work and have done a small amount of such stitching. What I like about these new designs is how lively the colors are and how various the stitches. I am inspired to return to crewel stitching by their vibrancy!

  389. I love Hazel Blomkamp”s designs. I have done the foot stool that she designed for Inspirations a few years ago, which did NOT become a footstool! After all the work I did on that no one was going to put their feet on that gorgeous piece of art. What was so much fun was learning all of the different types of stitches and seeing them come to life with the beautiful colors. I learned so much from that project and want to do more. I entered that piece in our fair and won a people’s choice award as the colors were so beautiful. I would really love to own this book.

  390. Usually I am drawn to bright colors, but I am absolutely in love with the texture of the designs in Crewel Intentions! So many different things to play with and techniques to learn! I am also drawn to embroidery patterns with nature themes, so the Jacobean patterns are right up my alley.

  391. I love the colours and complexity of it. It’s all about the process and the layering.

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway 🙂

  392. I am trying to learn new (to me)needlework techniques. I really enjoy your web site and newsletters – they are sooo helpful! This book would be just what I need to learn to do crewel embroidery.

    1. I like the variety of stitches and the beautiful clear pictures in the book. The projects sound like fun.

  393. Color…. I love color and how all the threads and embellishments show off the fabulous colors in each design. Also tips on how to finish are always helpful. Plus it is so exciting to see new designs.

    Jane G

  394. Like many other embroiderers, I have problems to name projects. Thus, what strikes me most on Hazel´s works is that she is very intelligente in naming them: you begin to savour the pleasure of embroidering them when you pronounce the name, and continue when observing the stitches texture and the combination of colors…

    Thanks, all the best. Heloise

  395. I love the design style and the colours (and the finishes, and the beads…) You get the idea 🙂

  396. I love Hazel’s books mostly for her modern take on Jacobean embroidery styles. SO rich and yummy! thanks for the chance

  397. Absolutely Yummy! Beautiful pictures, esp the up close and detailed stitchery instructions. FAntastic materials and equipment list. Looks like a real ready-to-go book of inspiration and follow through. I’m ready to jump right in (so to speak)!

  398. I think this book would be perfect for reading and looking at on a cold, snowy winter’s day. I need a book to inspire me. I don’t have a great deal of talent, but like to dream about what I might do.

  399. I’ve made a commitment this year to learning a new embroidery skill. I’m enrolled in an EAC correspondence course to learn crewel. Hazel’s book would be a fabulous addition to my thin but expanding library of crewel designs.

  400. My favorite part about Hazel’s books is the variety of stitches used in the each project and the amount of depth that gives to the project.

  401. Lovely book! I haven’t done any crewel embroidery since the late 70s and having the first book or especially this one, would be a perfect way to revisit the technique. Thank you for offering the giveaways, Mary!

  402. This year’s resolution?
    No — it’s not to lose weight, exercise more or eat veggies!
    I want to master more complex embroidery techniques.

    Mary — your website is a great tool to help meet this goal, and the book Crewel Intentions includes some great stitching challenges, as well.

    I’d love to try, and conquer, them all!

  403. I love the entire book for the pictures and the details provided (close-up shots, etc.) but most especially for the projects. I’ve been searching all over for a crewelwork project book that has patterns that appeal to me, that I would sew in my sleep but until now no success.

  404. I like the way Hazel Blomkamp’s design style updates a traditional style of embroidery. It’s recognizably Jacobean, but looks fresh and modern. And her book titles make me smile!

  405. I love crewel embroidery, especially Jacobean. This project has a beautiful design, with a variety of stitches, in a balanced whole.

  406. My first though when I saw the cover of Crewel Intentions was, “Oh my, that looks like fabric”! So, I believe my favorite facet of this book would be the many different filling stitches! Such works of art! I use the word facet as the colors are absolutely jewel-like. Also, the directions appear to be straight-forward. Crewel work was the first needle work I tried over 40 yrs. ago. What a treat it would be to win this book. Thank you, for the opportunity.

  407. Hi Mary,
    I have been wanting to order the book since it was released. It is so beautiful, and when you shared your gift from Hazel of Late Harvest, it was breathtaking! Thank you Mary and Hazel for the chance to win! I have a birthday in a couple of days and that would be a wonderful gift.

    Connie in Cold, Snowy Ohio

  408. Hi Mary,
    I jussi heard that Hazel Blomkamp will be coming to teach at our guild next spring. I have read your reviews of her books and all the projects seem amazing. I like the way she includes Stumpwork or beading in her pieces.
    I hope I will get a chance to register for that course. And I would be glad to be the winner of that lovely book.

  409. That book looks gorgeous (edited to prevent spamming)! I would love to take on the challenges of those wonderful designs.

  410. The book looks beautiful I have just got back into embroidery stitching I used to stitch with my mom many years ago you have been a tremendous help with your tutorials. This book would inspire me to learn some new stitching.
    Thanks Mary
    Susan McCart

  411. I have in the last 2 years I have been working on crewel and jacobean projects including one from Hazel’s book ‘Crewel Twists’ and found her instuctions very clear and easy to understand.She has a lovely small design in the latest Inspiration magazine which is on my to do list. I reviewed the ‘Crewel Intentions’ from the library and found it just as wonderful as the first.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter your givaway

  412. When I look at the cover page, already it gives me the motivation to learn. So many different stitches already before you open the book.
    I had the possiblity to work on two small crewell embroideries and I remark a nice finishing (clean work) of the work. Concerning the design, it is not straight but moving like music or a dance.

    Sorry for my mistakes, I wanted to tell you my impressions about that book even if my English is not perfect.
    Thank you for the opportunity to let us know about so nice book.

  413. What appeals to me the most are the ways Hazel takes unique patterns and incorporates the beautiful colors to enhance the patterns. I cannot think of a more exciting way to express my two favorite things in embroidery, color and design!

  414. The colour and textural combinations are lively and creative. And I love Hazel’s refreshing sense of humour!
    Thanks Mary.

  415. I am working on Hazel’s Midnight Meander from her first book Crewel Twists. I have immensely enjoyed the challenge. I see in her new book Crewel Intentions another platform for learning. She challenges the traditional Crewel designs with her innovative additions of stitches, threads and beading, making the designs truly creative and challenging to do. Working from her new book would be another inspirational challenge for me to stitch, always adding to my experience. Thank you Mary for offering this book as a give a way. I look forward to seeing you work on the kit.

  416. I love her lavish and rich designs. They have flair and details, just the kind of thing us embroiderers so love!

  417. Mary,

    I’m not that familiar with crewel work, but I like the looks of her Jacobean inspired designs. And like you said in your review, the filling stitches are what stands out – and makes the designs contemporary. Thanks for the chance to learn more about crewel work!

  418. What’s not to love about this book! The projects are awesome, the colors are so beautiful, and the embellishments are amazing. I have wanted this book since your great review of it last year!

  419. This book is fantastic. I have this book and just bought thread to do one of the projects.

    The beaded buttonhole scallop was very interesting and plan to try that on one of my next projects.

    I am trying to help my mother with a kit that she purchased. It is a candlewicking kit but uses the satin stitch and a stitch called makramee. Do you know where I can find more information on this stitch. The diagram they give for doing this stitch is not real clear. I am wondering if it also goes by a different name. I have done some research on-line but have not been successful.

    Thank you for any assistance you can give.

    Gay S

    1. Hi, Gay – sounds like a different spelling for macrame stitch? If you google that, you’ll find examples of it – it looks a lot like Palestrina stitch, or a knotted pearl stitch.

  420. I have the first book, Crewel Twists,wonderful. I had no idea we could get kits! They look great also. I,too, would love to receive this second book.
    Thank you, Mary, for all you do.

  421. Hello- I would love to win this book. I have always admired crewel embroidery and am really looking forward to experimenting with the fill in patterns in the book.
    Michelle Johnson
    AKA- Kraftikittie

  422. Actually I love everything about her works. The way she modernizes the jacobean design as well as her daring use different techniques, beads etc. I totally adore her designs.

  423. i hope I win I have lusted for this book seen it came out . Just can not afford it yet. Soon maybe. Her work and books are so wonderful. Would love to take a class with her. Just wonderful. Jo mchenry.

  424. What is there not to like in this book? The colours, variety of stitches,designs…… it is all so inspiring!

  425. I love that Hazel keeps the traditional stitches and designs, yet modernizes them with new materials. No thoughts of smiling frogs & turtles under mushrooms loosely stitched in wool that felted up (at least that’s what I remember crewel being from my 70s experiences 🙂 )

    Now where did my copy of Crewel Twists go…..?!?

  426. What first appeals to me are the depth of color in the projects. Secondly the fact that you can see the detail of the stitching which is contributed to with the threads that are used. For me if you spend a lot of time doing a stitch it is nice to be able to see the details of it when it is finished without needing to get out a magnifying glass. And the dmbellishing, oh my, is t that what makes all of this so much fun. Thank you for the offer to win. Is on my wish list now for sure.

  427. Love the Jacobean designs! They are so beautiful. The details she provides are wonderful too! I would love to add this book to my library. Thank you for the opportunity!

  428. This book has been on my wish list for a while. My eye has always been drawn to the Jacobean style but have never stitched any. I told myself I could buy this book as soon as I figured out what to make with one of the designs and who I could give it to. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened yet but if I won the book I’m sure I could come up with something. Your give-a-ways are always great. Thank you.

  429. This looks like a perfect book for those who have done some embroidery in the dim past & would now like to try it again or the beginner who looks fearfully at Jacobean patterns.
    I think the method of presentation in simple easy to follow steps would provide the novice or returning embroiderer confidence to try things which looked at as an whole would be too daunting to take on… I also liked the tip about super glue which I have never seen before..if the other tips are as good it seems like a “must have” book.

  430. I think what I love most about Hazel’s work is the innovative way she has used colour in traditional designs – she has revived my interest in crewel work!

  431. I would love this book. What I really enjoy is the colors used in her projects, and the detailed instructions. I think the step by step nature would really benefit a beginner like me!

  432. I am head over heels in love with Hazel’s designs and now that I see how reasonably priced her kits are I’m ready to make the plung.

  433. I really like her choice of stitches as well as her colour choices. I find myself caught up in the details in each picture and admiring the creativity of the overall effect!

  434. I love this book it has looong been on my ‘wishlist’. What’s not to love the patterns, the instructions, the vibrant colours heck it makes me realise that I could do this. Still dropping hints to the family…maybe Christmas 2015 😉

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter Mary, Christmas may come early…with any luck lols

  435. I want to learn more with needle lacing stitches and beading – hers designs are fabulous!!

  436. Thank you again for this opportunity! I would love to win this book by Hazel.. I love the variety of projects in it and having previously stitched two of Hazel’s projects I bought in kits I would love to have all the instructions for these so I could use up a little of my stash which would make my husband happy!

  437. I have never seen such amazing patterns. The color combinations are dazzling. I can’t wait to start one of these projects. They look challenging, but would be an awesome conversation piece for your home. Everyone would be so jealous that they don’t have one of these finished pieces in their home

  438. I love this book, just everything about it appeals to me. So I thought I would enter your give a way in the hope that I could be the lucky recipient with many happy hours stitching away at Hazel’s wonderful designs. I would be in my seventh heaven with all those weaving stitches, failing that I am definitely adding this book to my wish list.
    Thank you Mary.

  439. Ir already have her book Crewel twists” love the book…so many ideas…so many Things I would like to do. So Little time. LOL.this book would complete the collection for my library.

  440. Mary, Thank you for sharing another book! In answer to your question I can say that ALL of Hazel’s body of work appeals to me & it’s true! The colours & textures! Therefore, what it comes down to in what is so appealing (besides the book title!) is the opportunity to learn those wonderful twill & plaid fillings. I’m dying to get around to creating a plaid canvaswork, but it’s down the list). And I could make good use of some fresh guidance on finishing ideas. I agree that the foot stool is lovely. Wonder if the blue crewel pattern could be worked to the shape of the stool…getting ahead of myself!

  441. I concentrate on crewel embroidery so I am very taken by Hazel’s embroideries.
    What particularly appeals to me about Hazel’s projects? The design style with its Jacobean influence; the combination of colours and designs; the variety of stitches especially the use of needle-weaving. I have never seen this in a crewel context and would like to try it. The snippet included in your review is very clear and gives an excellent impression of her instructions. I think I could do it from her instructions. The finishing ideas might help me do something with finished embroideries; at the moment they are just put aside when finished.

    Thank you for another generous give-away and the thought-provoking reviews of Hazel’s books.

  442. I love the colors & patterns of these designs. I would love to be able to learn to re-create such beautiful masterpieces! I’m mainly a counted thread stitcher, but have done some embroidery & stumpwork & think this book would be a great way to expand my skills. Especially if I was able to stitch along with you, Mary!
    Thanks again for your wonderful informative website & the chance to win a fabulous book.

  443. What most appeals to me about Hazel Blomkamp’s designs are how she intermingles traditional designs with contemporary interpretation. The beads, multiple threads, bright colors … I like all of them. Would love to use the book.

  444. It’s all so pretty — eye candy. I’ve never done crewel work, because it’s not easy to find the wool. But I’m willing to try anything once.

  445. I just love Hazel’s books. I bought one for my mother and wish I had bought one for myself as well. I have done many types of embroidery but not this style. The colours she chooses are just lovely and the use of so many stitches appeals to me. The way the book is presented is fabulous and the designs are just yummy.Thank you so much for giving opportunities to own such wonderful books.

  446. I am just learning how to do these stitches and there is so much information in this book I am sure it would inspire me.

  447. Thank you Mary for the chance to win this beautiful book. I have been doing crewel embroidery for many years. I love the Jacobean designs but have not done a lot of the needle weaving. I know the only way I will ever own a copy of this book is to get lucky and win it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  448. Years ago I used to do a lot of crewel. These books give it a whole new look, especially using the beading.

  449. I love the look of this book. It’s very different from anything I’ve tried to stitch before. I really like the richness of it all, the colors, patterns and the projects they make.

  450. Did I miss the part where you announced the winner of the crewel, I did not see it, yet,
    Thank you Diane

  451. Oh, I love this book. I checked it out already twice from our library. I love colors. stitches, shapes, everything, and I am saving money to buy one.

  452. Hi Mary, I would love to win this book and love the patterns in it . It would help the winter go by more quickly with this book to browse through.

  453. I love the designs and the colors. Crewel work is something I want to get back into doing: painting but with thread.

  454. What appeals the most most to me are the embellishments, the finishing ideas in Hazel’s books. I see her ideas and think that might work for a certain project, and how can I tweak the embellishments and finishing ideas to speak for me. I sure would like to win this book. Thanks.

  455. Late Harvest. What appeals to me most is how she brings her work to life with gorgeous color combinations and the sparkle of crystal. Floral designs are my favorite. There’s so much that you can do with this design, know matter how you embellish. Your work will always turn out beautifully. Hazels book is written very clear and precise. Shegivesyou the çonfidence needed for the more advanced stitches. Hazels projects shows you about how embroidery color combinations can compliment each other, That’s why her work is so unique.I like the fact that Hazel only uses the finest quality materials. It’s amazing how Hazel incorporàtes all her weaving techniques into her projects, her work is very versatile. My favorite project of Hazels is “Dancing Thread” It shows how beautiful two shades of color can be. Beige gives me a feeling of çalmness. The small wooden music box was the perfect finishing touch.

  456. While I’ve always had Intentions to learn Crewel embroidery, it seems I get Twisted around on another project. Always admired the look of Crewel and this ‘more updated’ style is very appealing. Looks like enormous fun and it gives another reason to increase the book shelf and to Have to buy more supplies. Would love a Crewel Christmas Ornament for 2015?

  457. What a great book! I think that even if I dont win, I’ll buy both of her books.

    On to your question. I think what most appeals to me is the finishing ideas in the book. I am finishing-challenged, lol. But I’m trying to work on that. And the more finishing ideas, the better.

    Thank you so much, Mary for the chance to win 🙂

  458. How wonderful to be able to build up my very basic knowledge of black-work by working on an on-line course. I find this method of embroidery quite fascinating and have read a little of the history of the subject. It will be interesting to learn, also, how to work more elaborate designs using the method.

  459. Ages ago I dabbled with crewel work, and loved the way it worked up. It would be delightful to be able to have an updated book to enjoy and learn from!

  460. I am unable to name a favorite as I’m new to hand embroidery or renewed.
    I’m learning new skills to keep me busy in “for score and counting” years!!
    It’s exciting to open doors once again and Te discover so many possibilities to be explored!!

  461. Mary I love the variety of stitches used in her designs. I find myself interested and wanting more of her work. Fabulous work.

  462. I love the fact that there are so many things going on a small surface. You look at the project and you see the whole thing, then you start looking at every little detail, and you find that there are so many different stitches and colours. Then you look again and you discover even more. Really cool!

  463. What doesn’t appeal about this book!!I think its mostly the type of projects as I can see any one of these making an appearance in my home. But the style and finishing ideas are also great!

  464. I love the color and the texture. I love the way Jacobean crewel looks, but it can look too fussy or busy sometimes. Not these pieces! They’re beautiful.

    Thanks, Mary and Hazel!

  465. I love everything about Hazel’s projects. However, the aspect that “jumps out” the most for me is the sheer imagination and variety that she brings to each piece. The stitches and colours that she uses would probably be recognizable to almost any Jacobean-era embroiderer, but she combines them in ways that are nothing short of glorious.

  466. Oh my!!!!!! Our internet was down all weekend and I nearly missed this giveaway. I am just getting back into stitching and would love to have this book for inspiration and learning. :). The cover alone is drool worthy. 🙂 I tried crewel once, but wasn’t very successful, and I would love to try again.

  467. I love the variety of projects in Hazel’s book. There are many different color schemes, sizes, stitches, ….. And pretty pictures, too!

  468. I hope I’m not too late to enter my name for this give-away! I just entered for the black work class and said that crewel embroidery is my favorite type (so far!) and realized I hadn’t entered for this opportunity. So here I am! I have always liked crewel embroidery because I love working with yarns and because I think it is a bit more forgiving than working with floss. I purchased the Crewel Intentions book when you reviewed it and would love, love, love to get the kit with all the materials for a project!!

  469. Wow! My mum, aged 81 with only one good eye, can only really see to do crewel work and some needlepoint these days and it’s a constant challenge for her to find new designs to work. This book would be a lovely present for her!

  470. I love everything about this book. Hazel seems to be a wizard at creating great designs that I love and combining them with with a variety of stitches that I would love to learn.

  471. I love all Crewel embroidery – I think initially for the colours because the traditional Jacobean palette is so much like my own – but I especially adore Hazel’s work. The variety of stitches makes it look so intricate (and fun to stitch!) and I love her updated-but-classy style.

  472. I have just achieved a great ambition, I am going to study for the a Royal School of Needlework Certificte starting in March. I am so lucky that they have an outreach course just an hour away from my home. And the first course module you take is crewel work, so this would be a very timely addition to my very meagre library and a great boost to my learning.
    Thank you so much for all of the information you give on a daily basis, and your ongoing enthusiasm and inspiration, and for giving me the courage to put aside UFOs to focus on what I really want to do.. Without your sane advice I would never have thought I could do something as momentous as applying to the RSN to do the Certificate course. I came to needlework only recently, and I am loving every minute of this voyage of discovery. For the first time I can see myself looking forward to retirement, knowing I can fill every day. Only 9 more years to wait! I Should have done the Certificate (and maybe the Diploma) by then.

  473. I think what I like the most about Hazel’s work is that she has taken a step away from the traditional use of wool (my skin doesn’t like wool), and the great twists she puts on her designs. The colour palettes are fantastic too, not usually colours I would pick, but they always look amazing!

  474. I have always love doing crewel from as young as a teenager, but one of my favorites is the Jacobean embroidery. Hazel Blomkamp’s “Crewel Intentions” is a work of art and one to be treasured! In this book each pattern keeps getting better as you go through the book. The variety of stitches especially the wonderful weaving patterns, the colors of the threads, the layout of each project and step by step instructions all make this book worth having and taking on the enjoyment of stitching!! I love everything about this book!

  475. My mother did lots of beautiful crewel embroidery from kits. Seemingly not as popular today, I would love to be inspired and learn from this book, so I can create some of my own heirloom pieces. Like mother, like daughter…

  476. I don’t have a website. I followed a link in your news letter. I would love to have the book crewel intentions. I am new to crewel embroidery. I love it. And I would love, love, love to have the book. I love adding beads to my work. I love the embroidery in the book and the use of beads. The instructions in the book, along with the advice regarding supplies would be very helpful. I am currently out on leave from work for a hip injury. That gives me some extra time. Please consider me. I also love your website.
    Thank you,

  477. I love Hazel’s stunning colour combinations and the intricate designs she creates that show off these gorgeous colours to perfection!

  478. There is such a lot to like about Hazel’s books, but most of all is the wonderful inspiration she provides. This would be a great book to add to the library.

  479. Just about everything in Hazel’s book appeals to me. Especially the shapes, colors and textures. Her book is amazing and a real treat!

  480. Dear Mary,

    What I love about Hazel’s book is the style of her design as well as the color combination of her work.

    Thank you for the give away.

  481. Hazels designs are wonderfully inspiring and motivating. I love the colours and the techniques she employs and would love to learn how she creates such beautiful pieces. Her designs are on my to do list (which grows day by day)! Thank you for the offer of a chance to win such a beautiful book.

  482. I thinks its the variety of stitiches. I mean I cannot remember all teh woven stitch ideas…this is like a ready reckoner. Oh how wonderful it would be to own this.

  483. I really like the look of crewel,me specially the Jacobean like designs. What I like about the crewel intentions book is the colour and the sparkle. I like the idea of using something besides wool especially. Wool is pretty but doesn’t shine and never really seems to have the saturation of colour that one gets with silks and cottons.

  484. To put it simply: I love the look of crewel. From the intricate designs, the colors but also making the stitches. A beautiful art form.

  485. So this may be a silly reason to be attracted to the book, but I love the colors that Hazel uses. I know that any colors can be used, but the colors in these photos just make me want to gaze at this book all day long.

  486. I would love a copy of Crewel Intentions – the projects in the book appeal to me because I am a fan of Jacobean embroidery and I am completely taken with Hazel Blomkamp’s color palette.

  487. It’s so hard to choose! I love the overall designs, colors, and the embellishments. So lovely, so much to learn!

  488. I love how Hazel mixes in her own details into historically inspired designs. She has really given them a new look with her incredible stitch variety.

  489. Greetings,
    What I love the most is that Ms. Blomkamp incorperates stumpwork. I am very curious to see how she tacks down her work on these very beautiful designs. The 3D effect of stumpwork is wonderful.

    She uses the brazilian stitches. I am over the moon about that. When a brazilian flower is completed with all those wraps is amazing to me.

    Beads and embroidery can you get any better than that! Love the twinkle the beads give off of a finished project.
    Then she uses silk to cotton material, so, with confidence I am sure she will give us tips to make our projects more enjoyable.
    Oh, the color palate is very creative, zing in spring to an english tea. What is not to love about this book and projects but everything!

  490. Oh my gosh! I can’t tell you how much I want this book. I’ve been sick literally for weeks and haven’t checked email for forever (over 2000!) When I saw you had 2 give-aways and this was one, it took me over an hour to find this email. I just love Hazel’s embroidery – the colors, the stiches, and designs. What talent. I promised that I wouldn’t buy any more books (we’re moving soon)so I really need to win it!
    Karen in western NC

  491. I tried crewel once, early in my stitching past and didn’t care for it but looking at the patterns in the book has made me want to try it again. I think I might actually have the skill to stitch one of her beautiful patterns. They are gorgeous.

  492. Hello,

    From what I saw in your review of the book, I think that this is a wonderful manual for doing crewel work. I particularly like the variety of the stitches, especially the different manners of weaving.

  493. I would just absolutely love this book, it has everything in it that is me, colour, beads, crewel embroidery, and how to do it.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win it Mary

  494. What I like the most in these works is how old and new is combined. When I look at this crewel works I always recognize this classical tradition if crewel embroidery but at the same time her works are very modern.

  495. Hi Mary,

    This is a great book for beginning Crewel designs. I love the history of crewel embroidery, in fact I bought a starter kit from Crewel Works in England. I had so much fun creating the Jacobean sampler and I want to start my own designs. This book is great inspiration for just that. I think the designs are easy enough and challenging not to mention beautiful.

    Thank you for the fun contests!
    Melissa Bird

  496. Both Hazel’s design style and the variety of stitching appeals to me.Thanks for the give away Mary.


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