
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Saturday morning! The birds are frolicking, the air is cool (mid-50’s! Yes! Autumn is coming!), the windows are open, my tea is hot – in short, it is a perfect morning to sit and chat with you!

Now and then, I come across newsy needlework bits, important information, interesting blog posts, splashes of inspiration, or just some neat little embroidery-related thing that makes me think of you. “Ah, I’ll share that with my friends…” So I keep a list. And eventually, they morph into a weekend chat.

Today, though, I’m just going to concentrate on one bit of news, because I think it’s important. We’ll have a chat about the other bits, later on.

Inspirations Magazine

Do you subscribe to any needlework magazines?

Really good magazines devoted to hand embroidery are hard to come by. So instead of subscribing to several mediocre, sometimes-interesting-sometimes-not, magazines, I subscribe to one needlework magazine consistently, and that’s Inspirations Magazine.

If you’re not familiar with Inspirations Magazine, but you love beautiful hand embroidery, you should become familiar with it!

Inspirations is, without a doubt, the best hand embroidery magazine available today, and for the last 20+ years that it’s been in circulation.

Inspirations Magazine

It’s a gorgeous magazine. Each issue features an array of embroidery projects from contributors all over the world, along with thorough instructions, patterns, and materials list for each project.

So each issue of Inspirations is really a project book – a beautiful project book! – with an array of different types of projects in different techniques, geared towards various levels and abilities and interests.

But it is so much more than that, too! In addition to the projects, the magazine also features embroidery-related human interest stories, reviews of books and supplies, and other bits of interest for the needleworker.

Inspirations Magazine

My love of Inspirations began the first year it was published, back in the 90’s. I was in college then, and I lived in a world that suffered from a dearth of interest in surface embroidery.

In the US, the popular stitching of choice was counted cross stitch or needlepoint, and local needlework shops reflected this fact. It was darned difficult to find anything surface embroidery-related – supplies, instructions, books, inspiration – especially if you didn’t know where to look.

My sister subscribed to Inspirations the first year it came out. When I’d head home between college terms, I’d pinch her copies and take them back with me. When I finally graduated and got settled into a career, one of my first indulgences was to subscribe to Inspirations.

You see, Inspirations Magazine was my inspiration. It piqued my interest in all kinds of embroidery techniques, when surface embroidery information was hard to come by. I learned a lot from Inspirations!

Each new issue was a new lesson, a new avenue of embroidery to explore. It’s one of the best investments in my craft that I have ever made.

And I doubt I’m the only embroiderer who would say this! Inspirations has truly done its bit in keeping the Embroidery Torch burning!

Inspirations Magazine

Now, you’re probably thinking this sounds a lot like a sell job. And you know what? It is!

I wasn’t put up to it, I wasn’t asked to do it. But I think it’s really important to get this news circulated in stitching communities.

Inspirations Magazine

And the news is this:

Inspirations Needs Your Help

The magazine needs your help. It needs subscribers, or it’s going to go the path of so many other good magazines of the past. It’s going to disappear.

With substantial cost increases in postage and in printing in recent years, the publishers need to expand their subscriber base.

The best way to help the folks at Inspirations gain new subscribers is to spread the word about the magazine. If you’re already a subscriber, tell your stitching friends about it. Tell them why you like it! Take copies to your guild meetings. If you blog, write about it! Tweet it! Share it on Facebook and Google+.

If you don’t yet subscribe to Inspirations, now is a great time to treat yourself to a subscription. If you love embroidery, you’ll never be sorry!

Inspirations Magazine

Give a Gift Subscription

Another option? Give a Gift Subscription!

I would have given my right arm for a gift subscription to Inspirations when I was just settling into life and discovering hand embroidery!

Maybe you know someone who is just discovering the wonders of hand embroidery, who would benefit from some Inspiration? Maybe you have a relative or close friend loves embroidery – this would be the perfect birthday present or Christmas present! Maybe you know someone who is isolated and alone, whose spirits would be lifted just by reading the magazine?

Inspirations Magazine

The Way it Works

Inspirations has a new method of subscribing to their magazine. All subscriptions are pay as you go. In other words, each quarter, your payment method is debited for the cost of a single edition of the magazine, spreading the cost out over the year. You can cancel at any time.

You also have the option of a Digital Subscription to Inspirations. You can read my review of Inspirations Magazine for E-Readers here.

So there’s my Saturday message. Consider subscribing to Inspirations for yourself, give a gift subscription, put it on your Christmas wish list so your family can get it for you, and tell all your stitching friends about the magazine to help spread the interest!

Over to You!

Do you subscribe to Inspirations? What do you like about it? What would you say to encourage other stitchers considering subscribing to it? Have your say below!


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(155) Comments

  1. Hi Mary,

    I purchased one issue of Inspirations Magazine to see if I would like it. WOW! Can not say enough about it. Because I live in Texas it is a little more money because of the shipping. I have been putting off subscribing. However when I got their newsletter this month it was the turning point for me. I immediately subscribed. I have seen way to many good needlework stores/business close around my area recently. I do not want that to happen to this magazine! I am so glad you put the word out.

    Barbara La Belle

  2. I have not had exposure to this publication, nor am I very experienced at any of this work.

    But I feel certain things need support once in awhile and looking at this magazine, it would be a shame to see it fold. It truly looks like a wonderful publication.

    With that said, I have subscribed!

  3. So glad you did this piece on Inspirations, Mary. I have every issue since it first came out.
    Nothing else comes even close.
    If we don’t support what we love, it will go away.
    We’ve seen it happen before and it will happen again if we don’t support this magazine.
    My business and I support this magazine in every way we can. Let’s all do the same.

  4. I don’t subscribe to Inspirations, but you make it sound very inviting! the very good needlework magazine I do receive is Needlearts, which comes out several times a year as part of my Embroiderers’ Guild of America membership, so that’s another option!

    1. You are wrong about “Needlearts” being an option. It doesn’t even come close to the information and quality of “Inspirations”. Because of budget restraints I’ve had to decline resubscribing this year, im sad to say, but I will investigate the pay as you go method so I can keep receiving a marvelous magazine.

    2. I agree-Needlearts doesn’t come close!! Inspirations is truly an inspiration. I had let my subscription lapse, too, but this news has got me off my duff and caused me to resubscribe. It is an incredible value for any amount of money!

  5. Inspirations is my absolute favorite stitching magazine. I have subscribed to Inspirations for quite a few years and would hate to see it go away. What do I love about the magazine…to put it simply it’s everything and especially the detailed instructions and photos! I sent out the newsletter I received from them to members of my EGA Chapter in hopes of getting new Stitcher’s to subscribe. I’m very happy that you are also spreading the word!!

  6. I have subscribed since the first one. It is a lovely magazine and has been “my inspiration” too. I have lost count of the number of their projects I have either done r based something on! When times got hard and we were stopping all unnecessary expense my husband said to me “except your Inspirations”!


  7. I purchased an issue many years ago, and absolutely love it! I am inspired by your rallying cry for support to subscribe! The only hesitation is financial, not at all because of the magazine. Come to think of it, the only reason I. didn’t keep buying it was new-motherhood! Now that my son (on the Autism spectrum) is six, I am finally having more time and energy for my passion in needlework! (Inspired ny you, Mary, I will committ to buying at least one issue!!!! The power of one passionate voice is very powerful! I applaud you for doing your part, and so eloquently! You should be on their staff!!!) All best reagards from Green Bay, WI, Mary Eliz.

    1. En route to purchasing my issue of “Inspirations,” I discovered ANOTHER wonderful magazine, which I also pirchased (at the reasonable digital rate of $2.99) Australian Homespun. It is also a WINNER, particularly if you enjoy patchwork and making small stitchery gifts!!! Go check it out through the app store or from the Inspirations site.

  8. Mary,
    I so enjoy your emails and website. I ordered a subscription to Inspirations because you requested it! If you like it, I know I will too, and I can share it with my 85 year old mother who is no longer able to stitch, but will enjoy the pictures and articles.
    Thank you for keeping us all educated and keeping needlework alive and well!

  9. This is the most gorgeous magazine ever. I have most of my copies going back 18 years. I have packed them into boxes to be moved 3 times now. My family thinks I’m nuts! If I could only have one stitching magazine it would be Inspirations (or possibly Stitch with the Embroiderers’ Guild). What a shame neither is a USA publication

  10. bonjour du perigord noir en dordogne (sarlat la caneda )
    j’adore cette revue que j’achetée a chaque sortie en librairie mais depuis plusieurs mois elle n’est plus publier en france
    c’est tres dommage car j’adore

  11. I have been getting the subscription since you mentioning this magazine three years ago! I look forward to it so much. So much in fact it was nerve wreaking waiting for it in the mail coming from Australia. I got smart this year. I ordered it from Woolythread.com. She sends out a newsletter mentioning when she will be posting. It comes all safe and sound in a brown envelope and on time.Now I know when to have time set aside to curl up with a cuppa and settle it for some eye candy and Inspiration!

  12. I have been a subscriber for about 10 years. Inspirations is a wonderful embroidery magazine. I wish I had every issue. It is that wonderful. I work full time and don’t have as much time to embroider as I would like so I treat myself and dream with Inspirations. You can meet other embroiderers from all over the world by reading this magazine. I even wrote to the author of some articles I read in Inspirations, Anna Maria Salehar of Amsterdam and later she gave a talk via Skype at our Embroiderers’ Guild of America meeting in Davis, California. Inspirations is a great resource so please do support it.

  13. Thanks for this tip! I am a beginner and one of thise people who gets completely excited about new things, so I love that this is a magazine that will inspire me in my new hobby! I just downloaded an issue and started flipping through it, and I can’t wait to read it more in depth over the next few days. Thanks for the e-version info; the print version is unaffordable for me as a student living overseas, and this way I can still access such an awesome resource.

  14. I subscribed to Inspirations last year based on your review, but I am not going to renew my subscription. I don’t disagree with most of what you say–it truly IS a beautiful magazine–but I am a counted-thread stitcher and there simply aren’t enough counted-thread projects to interest me, especially when it is quite expensive. I do hope you drum up enough support to keep it from going under, but perhaps they could need to add more counted-thread articles and projects to entice more of us who prefer that type of stitching.

  15. Hi Mary I got the email from inspirations yesterday. I subscribe to their digital magazine through Zinio. It is one of my very favorite magazines it was well worth the 16Cad dollars that I was paying for the printed copy at the bookstore. I choose the digital because it saves on postage and print. And you still get the same magazine as you would in the printed copy. This magazine is wonderful.
    So ladies let’s keep this magazine going printed or digital. Get your subscriptions now. Have a great day.

    1. They should offer it in other digital formats from Zinio, and offer subscriptions in places like Amazon, not just embroidery sites. Many crafters do not order their supplies online (no one I know does), and I have never seen it for sale in any of the chain craft stores that I can get to. There are no privately owned stores near me, they are all an hour or more away, so they are only reaching part of the people who might want their magazine. I appreciate digital subscriptions (none of the magazines I subscribe to, none craft, offer it that way yet) but I will not get Zinio for just one subscription, and another program for another subscription and so forth. I hope they can stay afloat, crafters need good magazines, but it needs to be available to as many people as possible, and having it available in only one digital format will not do that. Many places offer digital books in several formats so people can choose the format that works with their e-reader. Perhaps they can also offer past editions digitally at a much lower price instead of having them sit. I wish them luck. 🙂

  16. Mary, thank you for spreading the word about the need for subscribers to Inspirations magazine. I have collected every issue over the years, and look forward to each new issue arriving in my mailbox. It would be a tragedy if this magazine were to go away. The quality of the magazine and the projects in it are unequaled in any other publication that I know of. I have my subscription through Wooly Thread, and Jan does a wonderful job of getting the magazine out as soon as she gets her shipment. By subscribing through her, you help a business in this country, plus you support Inspirations Magazine in Australia. Everyone, please consider subscribing if you have not done so. Thanks, Sandi

  17. I’m an Inspirations subscriber for decades & keep all the issues in my dining room so I can leap up & show someone whatever beautiful technique they have so crisply illustrated. I was disappointed when Sew Beautiful ceased print production this summer but I’d give up every other magazine on earth to see Inspirations continue.

  18. Thanks so much for posting this appeal! Hopefully enough of us will subscribe to keep this glorious publication in print. We have very few embroidery magazines left.

    I have every issue of Inspirations and refer back to them frequently. The projects are so beautiful, they never look dated.


  19. I was lusting after Insprirations for quite some time, but was reluctant to subscribe because it was kind of pricey–and wasn’t sure if I could withstand the wait for each issue. I also subscribe to several other digital magazines using Zinio. Imagine my delight to see that Inspirations was available in an electronic format. Not only was it more economical to subscribe in that way, as soon as I pushed the button, there it was in all its glory! The magazine title says it all–every page is gorgeous! Well worth it…I would encourage others who might be on the fence to subscribe as well.

  20. Mary, Thank you for pointing all this out. I have just signed up for a subscription to Inspirations Magazine. I used to buy the french equivalent but haven’t seen it for a while. An English language version will be so nice and we must not let this magazine fail.

  21. This is wonderful magazine….whether you are a beginner or very experienced….they offer a great assortment of projects and ideas!
    I had no idea they needed me but now have subscribed…hope many others will too….the quarterly plan is a good Ida…let’s not let them fade away!

  22. I subscribe to Inspirations and have done for a few years now. It’s a fabulous magazine and I think that each issue has something to interest every keen embroiderer. I honestly don’t know what I would do if the magazine came to an end so Please,Please all you lovely stitchers out there save for a copy and join us subscribers. It costs me a lot more as it comes to Spain but I am willing to pay the extra just to see all those magnificent projects. “SAVE INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE”


  23. Hi Mary:
    Your Site inspires me daily and has prompted me today to subscribe to Inspirations magazine. Though it is expensive, I agree that a magazine of this caliber should not be allowed to disappear. Their marketing people had a wonderful “inspiration ” when they decided to opt for the pay-as-you-go plan…brilliant. I am excited about receiving this wonderful magazine…thanks for the push I needed to do this.
    A Canadian admirer

  24. Mary,

    I really appreciate you putting this news out there. I am a huge fan of Inspirations, I have purchased many older issues online. But I now subscribe to the online magazine. It is the best $38 I could possibly spend – EVER.

    Having a staff of only 7, this magazine is a tribute to their hard work, consistency, dedication, and sheer workload. That it encompasses the entire planet is amazing.

    We cannot let this magazine go under. So, thanks for your diligence in putting this news in front of your subscribers. It is critical!


  25. Inspiration magazine is all you described and more. I had a subscription to the magazine for a number of years and had just renewed my yearly subscription through a US-based delivery company, when that company went bankrupt; and due to the cost of a yearly subscription, I did not renew after that. But, that was several years ago, and your article on the magazine brought back memories of leafing through the pages of Inspiration and loving the articles and tutorials within those pages. I periodically get my magazines out and brouse through them and love them today just as much as I did when they first arrived at my doorstep. I would hate to see such a quality magazine stop its printing. I will definitely sign up for a subscription again.

  26. Okay Mary, I subscribed to Inspiration mag. and am letting other subscriptions lapse to make up for it : )
    Thanks for the heads up.
    I’ve always admired this magazine but felt I couldn’t justify the expense. When you mentioned buying a quality publication instead of several so – so publications, well, it made sense!
    Thanks for all YOUR wonderful inspiration.

  27. I have seen lately that Country Bumpkin has change to Create in stich. I was told that there is a new owner. Did I get the good information?
    If the company have been sold, how can we be sure the magazine you describe will be of the same quality?

    1. Create in Stitch is the retail side of Inspirations. The magazine is still run by the same folks. They’ve just split off the retail side. So their brick and mortar store and their online store and supplies are now separate businesses. Create in Stitch sells Inspirations books and kits. So, it’s the same magazine run by the same people, but they have split off the retail stuff under different ownership and management, from what I understand.

    2. Thank you Mary for your quick answer. I just bought the last number of the e-magazine after reading your critique. I wanted to check if I liked the magazine enough before subscribing. I looked through it on my iPad. I think I will love it. Thank you for your blog and newsletter. I learn a lot reading it.

  28. Mary ~ It would be very sad if Inspiration did not publish any longer. I think the name says it all – it is inspiring. It is the best needle art magazine out there..ever ! I have subscribed for several years. With stacks of the magazines here, there and everywhere, I decided to go to the digital version. I have it on my ipad so it is always with me to look at, instead of just when home and it saves a lot of paper and space. You won’t be disappointed…your only disappointment would be if you didn’t subscribe and they went under. This is the same company that does those wonderful A-Z series. Yes, I am doing a sell job, because this is important Sharon-Modesto

  29. Hi Mary,
    I have been subscribing to Inspirations magazine for a while. It used to be available to buy over the counter at W.H.Smith here in the U.K,but they stopped selling it a couple of years ago. I now have it posted to me quarterly by the only supplier here. It is a lovely magazine, the projects are wonderful,and the news and other articles are great. I often in the past felt that I was the only person in the world who enjoyed surface embriodery(before I discovered your website) It seems that counted cross stitch and needlepiont have taken over the sewing world except in this amazing magazine, long may it continue, regards,
    regards, Sue Gooding, England

    1. Dear Sue,
      This is a slow response to your E-mail but I hope you can help. Do you still have a UK supplier? If so, could you please let me have the information to apply? I would like to have posted copies rather than digital – printing out and filing digital copies seems less effective than having printed copies.

      Thank you for your time.

      Helen Hicks

  30. Thank you for reminding me to re-subscribe to this beautiful magazine. Inspirations, as well, as the British version of Stitch, is, as you said, two of the few magazines devoted to hand embroidery. Well, Stitch does have some machine articles lately but is still worth the subscription.

  31. Inspirations has always been my favorite magazine, but the cost had forced me to give it up. Thank you for the information about the digital subscription! I just subscribed and am thrilled to be able to read this lovely source of Inspiration once again. It would be a tremendous shame if this went the way of so many magazines and disappeared.

  32. I used to subscribe to Inspirations, and I loved it – when I got it. Every quarter I would have to tell them that I hadn’t gotten it, again, and they would have to resend it. I don’t know where they went, but it was very annoying.

    But they have beautiful projects and great articles.

  33. I just purchased the digital edition of Inspirations and absolutely love it. Anyone who is the least bit interested in embroidery would love this, even if you have never picked up needle and thread. It is a beautiful magazine.
    It would be so sad to see this publication dropped. I still mourn the loss of several high quality magazines that were dropped over the past few years. And….I feel even sadder when I see some of the trash that is still in print on the newsstands.
    Thanks for mentioning this, Mary

  34. OMG this is the greatest magazine ever. I don’t have the fisrt issue but I think I started with number 4. It is truly and inspiration when you open it up and see all the projects and the great instructions for completing those projects. I can hardly wait for the new issue to come out. I wish it was a monthly magazine. Their sister magazine Smocking and Embroidery is no longer printed and all of my smocking friends me included are in mourning. That magazine was also an inspiration. Do subscribe if you can we cannot afford to loose out on all those lovely projects.

  35. Good Afternoon, Mrs. Corbet. Do I want to subscribe to this wonderful magazine and help it from going the way of the Dodo bird? Yes! Can I afford it? Right now, it isn’t likely. I’ve got a very limited income that’s totally inflexible. If this was $15 cheaper I wouldn’t hesitate. But as it is, dentist bills are killing me. If I have to choose between teeth and stitching, it’ll have to be teeth!

  36. I am a devoted recipient of Inspirations and will continue to be. It is so worth the price, no one should hesitate. I have all my copies and treat them with the same reverence as a published book.

  37. Mary- I LOVE Inspirations Magazine!! To the extent that I have spent much time (and $) buying online all the past publications of the magazine. I have them all except a couple. I am a beginning embroiderer but the beauty, quality, and usefulness of Inspirations can not be overstated, in my opinion. I have subscribed for several years now, and urge all embroiderers to do the same and not let this beautiful magazine disappear. Please do it today! Thanks for raising the alarm Mary. Your faithful follower…. Karen

  38. I don’t subscribe to Inspirations but do find it to be an “inspirational” magazine when I buy individual copies. I assume the issue in your article labeled “20 Inspiring Gifts from the Heart” is an older one but I would love to know which one so that I can try to locate a copy? Now that they have digital subscriptions, the price becomes more affordable but I still love paper in hand. Thank you for giving us the ‘heads up’ before it is too late. Hopefully, others will join me in supporting this wonderful magazine.

    1. The “20 inspiring gifts from the heart” are in issue 65 from 2010.
      I have subscribed since 2006, and I think the magazine is the best embroidery Magazine I ever saw.

  39. I got the email from Inspirations and I could have cried. I only discovered the magazine earlier this year, thanks to searching for something on your wonderful site, as I only discovered you recently too. I subscribed immediately, it is what I have been searching for years to find. And I am busy buying up back copies on ebay as fast as I can. These magazines are truly stunning, and the detailed descriptions mean even a novice like me can make the projects. Long may they last, and I will certainly continue my subscription, costly but oh so worth it! Now if only I could find the air-fare to get across the planet to Beating Around The Bush……Karen in Scotland

  40. I started surface embroidery in my teens, but after college and marriage had no time to continue. I took it up again after retiring when I bought my first Inspirations mag. at Joann Fabrics. It really inspired me and I have been a subscriber for 10 years. It is wonderful. I look forward to each new issue.

  41. I too have had a subscription for years. I t is the only magazine of it’s kind. I just wish I could attend their annual Beating the Bush program

  42. I’m with you Mary. I subscribed to Inspirations from it’s very start and it is the only magazine I keep. When I get bored with whatever I am stitching, I go back through old issues and always find ideas to get past my current block, or at least something to distract me for awhile. I host several stitching groups at my home each month and have the current issues out on my coffee table for people to peruse.

  43. Thank you for this Mary. I have coveted this magazine for years but the cost of a full subscription always was more than I can afford. This new option of paying as you go is absolutely perfect!! I’ve gone and subscribed!

  44. In addition to the Zinio subscription, you can also do it now through iTunes, which I just did. My first proper iTunes magazine subscription, and it’s worth every penny!

  45. Mary, I have subscribed to Inspirations for several years and wish I had a full file. I am dropping a number of subscriptions now that I am retired but this one is the most important. I can attest to the fact that the pay as you go option works well. Inspirations sends me an email warning me before the $22.95 is deducted from my account. The folks who publish the magazine are dedicated and talented. This is truly the most beautiful embroidery magazine on the market.

  46. Hi Mary,

    I thought you would probably put out the word, and I’m very pleased you did. A little over a year ago I bought my first Inspirations magazine because of your love of it and I immeadiately fell in love with it too. I subscribed straight away and will continue to for as long as possible. (It is the only needlework magazine that I have ever considered worth of a subscription.)

  47. I too have been a long time subscriber to Inspirations magazine. I used to purchase it at my local quilt shop. They stopped carrying it after a while. I was apprehensive about subscribing because I was afraid of using my credit card over the internet to make a purchase outside the US. Then I happened upon a website called http://www.woolythread.com. They are located in the continental United States in Washington State. They offered a subscription to Inspirations. I have been receiving my Inspirations for years through them and it has worked out beautifully. Jan is a wonderful person and has been very easy to work with. She lets me know when my subscription is going to expire & I renew with a simple e-mail to her. I have my credit card on file, the charge is made to her shop and I don’t have to worry about exchange rates or overseas shipping. I don’t know if any other shops in the US handle Inspirations subscriptions in this manner. I have been dealing with Jan for many years and I highly recommend The Wooly Thread for Inspirations Magazine or any other needlework needs.

  48. I have a subscription to Inspirations, since 2 years. Read about it on this blog, gave myself a subscription. And I agree, if you are only a bit interested in needlework, this is a great magazine!

  49. Hi Mary,
    I agree with you regarding the quality of the magazine. I subscribed to both AS&E and Inspirations for many years. Many of us were heartbroken when they canceled AS&E. For reasons only known to the editors, they made the decision not to give us smockers even 1/4 of the pages in Inspirations by continuing with some smocking articles. After all it was called Australian Smocking and Embroidery. I do not embroidery that well or that much. My interest lies in smocking and heirloom sewing, but I have continued to subscribe to the magazine because I love the articles and wanted to support them. I hope some day my granddaughter follow the path of sewing and embroidery and will cherish these magazines.
    I think they lost many of their subscribers when they canceled AS&E . Maybe they will reconsider and throw us smockers a few articles. I was saddened by the email I received and immediately added on to my subscription. I will never cancel it as long as they are in business. I am not interested in the digital downloads, as I don’t want to read it on a computer screen. It would be sad if it came to that. I just hope Inspirations does not follow the same fate as AS&E. I also subscribed to Sew Beautiful, but sad to say it was not even in the same class as AS&E and Inspirations. I am keeping my fingers crossed they stay alive.

  50. i got that magazine years ago when i belonged to a needlework club. it was great. i am going to subscribe to it right after this letter! thank you


  51. I have subscribed to Inspirations for over 20 years. I would hate to miss an issue. As an Australian I am so proud of this beautiful instructional and inspirational magazine. Inspirations and it’s contributors have guided my embroidery journey over all these years. Before that I was inspired by Smocking and Embroidery magazine which sadly is no more. We must fight for what we love, and so I will always have Inspirations magazine on my shelf.
    I would encourage all embroiderers, both beginners and experienced to subscribe and support Inspirations magazine.

  52. Thanks Mary, I have just taken out a digital subscription on Zinio – but just to let you know that your digital subscription link didn’t work and took me to a ‘page not found’. I have the Zinio app so found it that way, and will look forward to reading it.

  53. Thanks for putting the information out about the difficulty that Inspirations are experiencing, I was shocked when I read that same email from them . If we lose this beautiful magazine the world of embroidery will be a much poorer place. I have had subscriptions from them on and off for many years. My large collection of issues was destroyed accidentaly in my recent move, and I sincerely grieve their loss! I will try to replace them via ebay as I am able. I was wondering if the digital version of the magazine will help them stay in business, or is it only the hard copy that will help? I would love to continue the paper editions, but I think the savings offered by the digital, coupled with the fact that you dont have to wait for a digital copy makes sense. Hopefully, if we all subscribe, we can help to save this amazing magazine!

  54. Have just subscribed to the Inspirations Newsletter and, better yet, have bought a year’s-worth of the digital magazine.

    It’s sitting in my Inbox right now, but as It’s after 11pm here in the UK, I’m not going to get stuck into the magazine until tomorrow… probably be here all night otherwise. Looking forward to it hugely.

    Many thanks for the tip off, Mary. You’re a bit of an ‘inspiration’ yourself.

  55. This magazine is not only “eye-candy” but full of wonderful projects that are do-able. I have subscribed for a number of years and even though it is expensive is it worth every penny that I spend. It inspires me to want to reach to greater heights with the things that I do.

  56. I’m so glad you are giving this Aussie Magazine a boost. I have every issue and have never seen another needlework magazine like it. I have used the magazine to teach me how to embroider and use it, and the A-Z books they publish, whenever I need to make something really special. It’s a great investment and just plain beautiful to look at. Can’t recommend it enough.

  57. I love magazines such as Inspirations – the wonderful patterns finish oh so nicely and for the most part, have easy to follow instructions. It was always a real joy to finish a project from the magazine. That being said, I can no longer afford subscriptions to my magazines. That particular cost is just not as important as others and I had to make that choice. If you can afford a good magazine, enjoy embroidery and creating something beautiful, I would recommend Inspirations – and of course any questions you might have can be answered here on this website by our own Mary.

  58. Mary,
    When I try to go onto the site for Inspirations Magazine, I get “invalid certification”. My computer will be at risk if I continue. What is happening with this site?

    1. I’m not sure – it works from my end… Maybe if you do a google search for “inspirations magazine embroidery” and go to it through the search engine result, it’ll work?

  59. Hello from Australia. I received this same email via the newsletter from Inspirations where I am a subscriber and have been for many, many years. Thank goodness for you Mary, who have a huge following around the world and can reach so many people. From reading the posts below, you have already started an avalanche that I know will be gratefully received by all at Inspirations. Thank you for your continued unbiased reviews about many books, but this is my favourite by far.
    Australia thanks you….keep the dream alive!

  60. I have only looked at other peoples copies of this magazine. It is terrific and I think well worth the price. I subscribbed today because it is so beautiful and I want it available in the future.

  61. Good morning Mary and all

    Mary I am a long time reader and owner of Inspirations Magazines. Especially more so when I saw that it was Australian. That’s not to say I don’t have many other international publications, frankly too many.

    I bought many subscriptions, now I limit it to if something lovely catches my eye.

    Inspirations is beautifully presented and I did think about getting it as an eReader edition when my books were calling for another book case, but as an oldie eBooks is not really the same for me. I prefer to feel the silky pages and holding it to read and the smell.

    I do not want to win a subscription but I would like to see a younger person or someone who is new to the craft to have the opportunity to be inspired by such an informative and beautiful magazine like Inspirations.

    No I am not an agent or on staff or know anyone at the company.

    Happy stitching all and if you have not seen or read the Inspiration Magazine get one you won’t regret it and get addicted.

    Regards all
    Martha May

  62. What a wonderful way to wake on a Sunday morning! On belhalf of the staff at Inspirations I want to tell you that my heart is full of gratitude and we are completely humbled by the support of the needlework community worldwide who are rallying with us to keep Inspirations going. It is no secret that we have had our ups and downs over the last few years but our main focus has always been to keep Inspirations going, with the same attention to detail, the same focus and to be a voice and platform for embroiderer’s worldwide. We can’t thank you enough and remian committed to bringing you Inspirations. Much stitching love and heartfelt thanks, Fiona and the Inspirations team. xxx

    1. Hi Fiona, as someone once said: It only takes a committed group of people to change the world. What a wonderful world it would be filled with Inspiration magazines!!

  63. I had let my subscription lapse but last night I renewed. I just couldn’t face losing this most beautiful embroidery magazine. It is well named. It really is inspirational.

  64. Thank you for printing this. I love this magazine and have such a hard time finding it in my area. I decided to treat myself – the quarterly payment makes the indulgence more affordable! I hope they find enough subscribers, it would be such a shame to lose this wonderful publication!

  65. I started subscribing about 12 years ago, and I treasure every issue I have! I look forward to each issue with anticipation, and so enjoy browsing its’ pages, reading every article, and choosing my favorite projects.There is no other Embroidery magazine that comes close to the quality, beauty and perfection of Inspirations. If it does not survive, I will miss it like a good friend.

  66. Don’t I WISH I had every issue! A few years ago I saw my first issue when one lady had a copy at our EGA ( embroiderers guild) meeting. I stopped at the bookstore on my way home and picked up a copy and soon after subscribed. Over the years I have had several stitching magazine subscriptions. I have lost interest in most of them (namely the strictly cross stitch ones) and am now down to only two, Inspirations and SANQ. Someone mentioned not subscribing because of the lack of counted cross stitch projects, that is fine, there are other publications for you, but not many other magazines that offer stumpwork projects for me. Or goldwork. Or painted thread. I love my paper copies and hope that the magazine not only remains in publication, but in actual paper print. The pages are high quality and delicious to look at. Even if you never actually make many of these projects the magazine is still a delight to the eye.

    1. I too love the paper copy. I read and reread , I have them on my bookshelf and love the index volume for when I want to do a search on a project in an old issue. To me able to look up “mouse” for example and have all the mice related projects listed is wonderful!

  67. Mary, another voice to spread the word! I have shared on FB as like you I have been subscribing for years and years. I have learnt so much through the magazine ans have completed many projects, adapted many and been inspired by many. What a disaster if this magazine died! A piece of “inspiration” would die in the embroidery world

  68. Well Mary, it seems you are preaching to the choir as they say, since many of your readers already subscribe. As an Australian, I am ashamed to say I am not one of them. I prefer Stitch and Embroidery magazines from the UK. Inspirations, to me, has always seemed to be a bit ‘chocolate box’ in its designs although occasionally I bought it for something interesting especially when it was available in my local newsagency. Now they no longer sell that way. You can only get it by subscribing which was a bit expensive for a year, but the new one of pay-as-you-go sounds better. And since you have made me hang my head for not supporting the local product, I will subscribe, promise.

  69. Well, I was going to subscribe, but I’m going to have to find another way to do it. I cannot make that *$%# zinio site understand that I’m not IN Australia and I don’t shop with Australian money. It starts out in the correct region but as soon as I go look at any magazine BAM! I’m Australian! Baffling.

  70. I have been subscribing to Inspirations for quite a few years, and I still love it as much as the first day. I think I started getting the mags after one of your blogs. Never regretted it. Although some of the projects are beyond my abilities, I have found lots of things that were within my grasp, and that were a joy to make.

    So if you’re not a subscriber yet, go get one magazine and you’ll get the bug.

  71. I completed my collection of Inspirations Magazines this year and have been subscribing for nearly 10 years. It’s an absolutely beautiful magazine, with gorgeous photography, clear and concise instructions and projects that appeal to all skill levels and ages. Also, unlike a lot of other craft type magazines, it doesn’t ‘date’. The projects in the first magazines have just as much appeal as those in the latest. I feel so lucky to have such a wealth of Inspiration at my fingertips!

  72. Mary,
    In France,we had Inspiration Magazine; during 5 years 2008/2013, 33 N°, I bought from first to last, writing to Edition de Saxe to tell them my deep sorrow to the judgment of the collaboration with the Australian magazine. Flamboyant magazine, of all more beautiful than the other projects, direct approach to achieving the knowledge of women who dared to publish, propose, implement and do embroidery contemporary art and for me, in your discovery world of the living embroidery. Undoubtedly, this magazine has been a strong starter in my first steps in embroidery after many years of inactivity in this area. Bumpkind magazine is in English only now and it’s a real problem for me, but knowing that they are in danger, I’m going to e-mail subscription. No, do not let it put out a magazine as if exceptional, never seen elsewhere.

  73. I subscribed for a number of years but let it slip recently and although I have started subscribing on an issue for issue basis am thinking of cancelling that because it is far too expensive. I know people who get it from somewhere in England and will try to see if I can get the address off them – I think it was a big mistake to stop selling it n shops because a lot of people don’t like to take out subscriptions but will buy a copy when they see something they like in it.It is a lovely magazine though

    1. Hi Margaret, we do sell through shops but the problem has been they need to place orders for the magazines through us, if you have a local craft soup they can order direct through us a spud I turn you can purchase from them. If you know of any shops that may not be aware they can place orders through is they can email info@inspirationsmagazine.com.au Regards Sue Forrest, Inspirations Magazine

  74. Hi, Mary – I live in the UK and follow your blogs regularly. Although I don’t have as much time at the moment as I’d like to do my own embroidery, following your projects keeps me in touch and I’m always in awe of your skill. Your work is beautiful.

    Regarding the electronic version of Inspirations Magazine, I followed the link you supplied and found their website. I had a look at the current edition and there are several things that look really interesting and well within my capability! I’ll definitely be subscribing, thank you for the recommendation. As several people have said, if we don’t support these things that add so much to the quality of our lives, they will disappear and we’ll be the poorer for it!

  75. I’m a subscriber to digital Inspirations and now I have the hang of downloading the patterns I love it. It’s instantly available on my tablet if I want to check something or buy threads and it is the best of the best magazine…I can’t recommend it highly enough, give it a try!

  76. not that anything Mary endorses so strongly needs any further comment–but I too have subscribed over the years and have found Inspirations exactly as its title suggests–it is indeed an Inspiration and I hope it continues as such for many more editions.

  77. I have most issues since it started. By far the world’s best embroidery magazine. Superb. Recommend subscribing through manorhousemagazines.co.uk in UK. Pay quarterly for each issue makes it affordable & cheaper than paying postage from Australia.

  78. Hello Mary

    I’m pleased to know that inspirations have modified their subscription , I used to be able to buy the magazine from shops in UK, but unfortunately deliveries we’re no longer available To uk shops. The cost of yearly subscription was beyond my pocket but will now ‘pay as I go’. It really is a gorgeous magazine and I remember when it was launched, quality like this is non existent elsewhere. Thank you inspirations for making this available to me again but why did you stop regular deliveries to UK

  79. I live in the UK and I used to search for copies of Inspirations through my local newsagents, but they were as rare as hens teeth and eventually disappeared from the shelves. I have since discovered that I can subscribe to Inspirations through a specialist needlework shop (Wye Needlecraft of Bakewell) which orders multiple copies of this magazine for those customers who request in advance. It’s an easy way to obtain this magazine regularly here. I love, love, love it when my copy arrives in the post! 🙂 It is such a beautiful magazine; I like the quarterly publication, the projects are high quality and are categorised into a good range of skill levels. It is always very inspiring … it definitely lives up to its name !

  80. have subscribed to Inspirations from the very beginning and consequently have all the magazines plus many of their Smocking magazine which closed. I would Inspirations to go the same way. I am lucky that I live in Adelaide Australia, and have been able to go to events whenever I feel like it. I have made many of the articles ,and have change colours, designs and therefore I have indulged in years and years of Embroidery. I look forward to each edition as much as I look forward to your blog, Mary.
    Thank you for spreading the need for subscriptions.

  81. Hello, from Australia, home of “Inspirations”! I have subscribed for many years and reiterate the high praise Mary has given. I have embroidered a number of their projects and plan to do many more once my UK grandchildren are no longer in need of my knitting! This really is a beautiful publication – top quality – you’ll drool! Couldn’t recommend it more highly. Thanks for sharing, Mary!

  82. $23 an issue in North America (I am in Canada)

    I do think the new plan for spreading the rate out over the year might help to gain subscribers. It would be a shame to lose such a lovely, content-heavy magazine.

    I really understand the need for such specialty magazines. Unfortunately, it costs too much for me. It’s surprising that such a gorgeous specialty publication still exists. I hope they can save it.

    I used to buy several quilt and art magazines and even had subscriptions a decade ago but it’s so costly to produce magazines these days. I don’t own a tablet and can’t see too well on computer screens, so that doesn’t work.

  83. Inspirations magazine is truly inspirational and I treasure all my copies. The projects with wonderful instructions and photography are certainly worth the cost of this publication. I agree that it is the best magazine for embroidery and if you only have one subscription, this should be THE ONE. I hope embroiderers will support it because it would be a great loss to us all if it were to cease to be published.

  84. Hi Mary, I am stopping 4 of my cross stitch magazines. I taught myself many years ago how to embroidery. I hope It comes back with the secret garden you been teaching online,and thank you for answering my questions. I felt honored Well I will stop babbling I ordered inspirations last night. It was done under my paypal email. I hope the magazine is an Inspiration as much as you are!

    Thank you!


  85. Okay…been hearing about this for a couple of days now. I loved the magazine and I had a subscription, but I let it lapse, it seemed such a big number to commit to each year. But with the new quarterly draw systen instead of ‘That Bigger Number’ – I figured I could budget it in – so I finally bit the proverbial bullet and re-subscribed. Here’s looking forward to getting the next issue. And as a bonus, I signed up for the newsletter, too!

  86. I have drooled over this magazine for years. I have one paper copy and one email. Well, you helped me make up my mind to subscribe. No more waiting and wishing, it will now be mine. Thank you for pushing me over the line. I just signed up. Thanks for your wonderful website. Carol Dundas

  87. We can’t get it in the News stands in Canada anymore. Apparently the distributor went out of business… I ordered my subscription on Friday. Its a beautiful magazine… can’t wait to see it again!

  88. Hi Mary,
    I’m so glad you brought Inspirations to your readers’ attention. I just ordered the latest edition in digital format, and will spend the evening enjoying it – lots of lovely inspirations indeed.
    I think I’ll probably order the hard-copy subscription, but the digital version is great to get a preview of what it’s all about.
    Thank you so much for writing about it.

  89. I have every issue of Inspirations. I love it so much that I consider how to save/pack all my copies up each cyclone season and if there is enough room in the car to fit them if we have to evacuate. I could bear to lose my other books, but not Inspirations. The range of projects encourage you to try different techniques and improve your stitching because you really want your work to turn out like the pictures. I love it.

  90. Mary,
    While I agree with you that it was / is a beautiful magazine I cannot support it anymore. In it’s earlier time of problems I purchased a THREE year subscription which is now not being honoured. I understand that this is a new company, but in my opinion the customers should have been considered before a new company received any assets. I am sincerely disappointed, to say nothing of being out of pocket a LOT of money!

    1. Hi, Dale – I’m not sure how things are panning out with the company split as far as subscriptions go. I’m not aware that they won’t honor subscriptions! Though? Have you contacted them yet? Hmmm….will check further…

    2. Yes, I emailed them, no response. I posted a query on their Facebook page and I believe they deleted it. There were other disgruntled subscribers who also had comments deleted. I am not sure how far back this policy goes. Are new subs okay? It seems bizarre. I lost hundreds of dollars and then they ask me to subscribe anew? Not good.

      I was a long time subscriber and had renewed when they were having hard times earlier.

    3. Hi, Dale – I’ve recently gotten the low down and I’ll tell you what I know, hoping it will at least provide some understanding. Keep in mind, I’m pretty much in the same boat losing part of my subscription, and so I know how you feel!

      Any time the magazine was in a tough spot under the former admin (Margie, you might remember, owned it), they would have a subscription drive to get out of the tough spot, offering deals on renewed yearly (and longer) subscriptions. When the company then went bankrupt and it was likely they were going to quit publishing, Fiona bought it, determined to honor the past subscriptions. Her heart was in the right place – her desire was to keep this iconic magazine available.

      But many people had subscribed many years into the future in order to help the former company, and this left the new company without that subscription money coming in, because that money was gone with the liquidation. Being new to the problem, the then new company kept the old model of subscriptions, which was, well, to put it frankly, a naive approach. It hadn’t worked with the previous company, but they still had the right intention – to honor past subscriptions and to keep the magazine going.

      And for three years, they’ve done that, but it has not worked. Carrying over the old business model was a mistake they couldn’t recover from, and the company was drained, after a lot of money going into it just to try to work out of debt and keep it afloat. Liquidation was pretty much inevitable.

      Now, the company has been split and restructured so that the publication part is its own endeavor. The new plan is to keep the magazine going, under Inspirations Publishing, and using pay as you go subscriptions, so that this problem is avoided in the future. That’s where they are. I think their intentions and their hearts were in the right place, but they just couldn’t get back to the surface again after starting under a sea of debt. The new liquidation and split up of the company was the only way out, to keep the magazine and publishing part going.

      But they can’t do it on the same model – they have to move to the pay as you go system and eliminate the debt, in order to keep the magazine going. I think we did end up with the short end of the stick, but I believe that they are doing the best they can do under the circumstances. I think their hearts have always been in the right place, but their business model carried over from the previous ownership simply didn’t work. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and help them start again. I think the magazine and their books are worth it. I would hate to see them disappear.

      We shall see what the future holds. My fingers are crossed that they will make it this time.

    4. There is always a legal way to provide remedy to customers. Most companies would do so. Most companies would understand it was the ethical thing to do. I feel duped. I cannot bring myself to re subscribe. Customer goodwill is not trivial. It’s very unfortunate.

    5. Thank you Mary for the comprehensive reply. I appreciate your comments. I am sympathetic to their plight and understand the issues of a small business competing in this rather uncertain commercial space. I do feel that they could have handled the entire situation better; I am not sure I have the confidence or goodwill to continue. I will see how I feel in a few days. Today I feel “burned.” I lost a subscription until the end of 2016. 🙂 Thanks, though, for your comments. (I am also upset that they have now blocked me from their site; I was perfectly polite with my comments! Not a good way to build community!)

    6. I think questions and comments and concerns should be answered head on, openly. I have received a lot of email in the last 18 hours about the situation, from some unhappy people. I just explain what I explained above. I think the source of many people’s irritation is, as Gail mentioned, that the timing of the emails was bad. They should have happened in the opposite order. 🙁

  91. I’ve been an Inspirations subscriber for many years. It’s a lovely magazine. I have all of the issues from #1, and I still have a year to go on my non-pay-as-you-go subscription. Or so I thought until this evening when I received an email from the publisher saying that my subscription has vanished along with the old publisher, but wouldn’t I like to re-subscribe? Cheeky! Thank goodness I didn’t take an even longer subscription when the old publisher was still pushing that. Anyway, sadly, my Inspirations budget for the next year has already been spent.

    1. Hi, Cheryl – I just now received and read that email as well. It is disappointing, to say the least. I wasn’t aware of this. I do hope they pull it together and things work out, as it would be sad to see the magazine go. I also wish they would come up with some kind of scheme to somehow make it right for those who lost subscriptions, as I fear there will be some very disappointed people out there. But I don’t know what they could do at this point. It is a tough situation! Here’s hoping that it it will be uphill from here.

    2. Hi, Mary – It’s even more disappointing because, when I inquired about my subscription in March, Create in Stitch told me that it was good through issue #86, though they must have known at that time that that was not true. That, plus informing the subscribers about the loss of subscriptions only after the “Save Inspirations” campaign started, plus deleting negative comments as Dale mentions above are less than ethical behaviors. I had been on the fence about resubscribing later, but I have decided that I will not ever be giving these people any more of my money.

  92. Thank you for encouraging all of us to subscribe to Inspirations. What a terrible loss it would be if it was not able to survive & being able to pay as you go makes it much easier. So again,thanks for this & for your site. It is an amazing resource — there’s the technical info, of course. But the history, book reviews, feeling of international community & your warmth & enthusiasm make it an endless source of interest & pleasure.

  93. I only subscribe to Piecework and Antique Sampler & Needlework (and those seem awfully thing the last few years), but have picked up a few issues of Inspirations. It is a lovely magazine, and hope it continues. I’m on the wall about subscribing, given my lack of needlework time/energy the last too-many years. And the price – $22.95 USD per issue, although e-editions look to be less. And would take up no space on the shelf to mock me.

    I doubt they made the decision to not honor subscriptions made several years ahead lightly. I’m sure there’s all sorts of legalities behind the scenes about who’s debt that was. But I totally agree that those who paid ahead got a bum deal, and the timing of the emails was bad and sort of a slap in the face.

  94. I received THE LETTER last evening. I am beyond angry! I had 8 more issues on my subscription. But what really makes me angry because there is NO EXCUSE, is in that letter there is not ONE WORD of remorse or sympathy or understanding to acknowledge that they have just screwed their loyal subscribers. Not even a simple “We’re sorry.” Instead, it is a mere “unfortunate circumstance” to them and they warmly “invite” us to become new subscribers so as not to miss the very next issue. Talk about a slap in the face!
    As Dale mentioned, customer goodwill is not trivial. And a loyal customers are easily burned the most. Now they will need to figure out how to get us back, because frankly, I am too furious at the loss of my subscription AND the complete dismissal attitude that I have no intention to succumb to their blackmail to subscribe or miss the next issue that is coming out soon. They could have done something to take out the sting, such as offering to honor some part of our subscription or offer digital copies in lieu of paper. But they have chosen not to do that and insult is with that rah-rah email instead. Thank goodness the new subscription model IS a pay as you go, or some of the new subscribers could be feeling my pain someday too. It’s one thing if they had ceased publication, but they haven’t, yet they want me to PAY AGAIN in order to enjoy the magazine.

    1. Hello, Anita – I noticed a lack diplomacy there, too. I’ve sent them my two-cents’ worth on that. I do understand their situation, though. I just wish it had been handled differently. ~MC

  95. I made attempts to purchase a subscription to Inspirations Magazine, but was unsuccessful. I prefer the magazine to a copy online.

  96. Hi Mary,
    I read your explanation regarding the newest Inspiration dilemma and I totally agree. Yes AS&E honored their paid subscriptions when they canceled AS&E. I was one of those customers, having a balance of $209.00. I used it for products at the Country Bumpkin store and also to renew my Inspirations subscription for 2 years. I don’t know if I have lost any money or not, but I really don’t care if it saves the magazine. I agree, I don’t think this could have been handled another way. If they would have told us a head of time..how many would have subscribed to their pay as you go subscription. At least this way, you will never lose your subscription money again. I do think it is going to be a tough way of running a company with only a month to month guarantee. As many of you know, the expense of publishing a magazine, happens months before, payday for them will only come on the month the issue comes out. The bankruptcy laws in Australia might not have allowed them to refund their customers. I know here, one can not pick and choose who they are going to pay if they take out bankruptcy..that is up to the courts and lawyers. I cannot imagine the stress these ladies are under to save this magazine. I know many of you are mad and understandably so..but lets wait until the dust is settled and see what happens. After all the sole purpose of this rally was to save this magazine. Let’s not write hateful things now and discourage others from subscribing. That would be counter productive and might ruin your chances of ever getting anything back. Please don’t write your displeasure on the FaceBook page, privately message them in a email and patiently wait for a reply. They are honorable ladies and they will respond in due time. I am keeping my fingers crossed they pull out of this and save this magazine. What a tragic loss if they don’t.

  97. Although I have enjoyed many of the past issues, I would be reluctant to buy another because today I received an e-mail saying they would not honour the remaining one year of my subscription since that was the company which liquidated. THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED. I am a senior and can’t afford the almost $100.00 CAN. I paid for this overseas subscription. Now I am left with nothing!

  98. Hi Mary, I stumbles upon your website over a year ago and I immediately loved it. I found Inspirations through you and I also love it! I immediately subscribed to the digital and print editions. Your blog and this magazine are just what I was looking for.

  99. Hi Mary,

    I love Inspirations Magazine, but I will say that the one time I splurged to purchase an annual subscription I only received one of four of the magazines. Inspirations did replace one additional magazine (so I ended up paying $40+ for the two I did receive) but their policy is to only replace one/per account. They blamed the U.S Postal Service and the U.S. Postal service blamed them. I was left in the lurch. I try to purchase when I find them in actual stores–but I cannot afford to purchase a subscription again.

  100. Hi I had a look at subscribing but both my phone and tablet told me that there was a problem with the site security certificate and that other parties may be able to get my personal details. Has anyone else encountered this? Thanks

    1. No I have not had this and my Security software is pretty tight. I think as long as you have the https in the address you should be able to trust it. I have just taken up the new form of subscription, I always did it the old way previously. If your concerned you can print off the form and send it in by post.

  101. Like you I have been a long term subscriber to Inspirations. The quality and production of the magazine is really high and a collectors piece because of this. When I first discovered Inspirations I was just regaining my interest (post young children) in embroidery so I endeavoured to get the back issues and missed out on just two. Not only is it a reference library of stitches and techniques but a wonderful resource for projects of different kinds as you journey through life. I am now a first time grandmother and have reason to look through my copies again for projects I remember seeing and wanting to do when this period of my life eventuated.

  102. As a shop owner in Mosman, Australia, I would be devastated if Inspirations disappeared. I can understand why people are upset that they have to resubscribe after already paying money. If you live in the Sydney area, come into Mosman Needlecraft to have a look before you buy. We also have it for sale online. But my real message is – Be inspirational and save this this magazine. The industry needs it. YOU need it.

  103. When I read your article in favour if Inspirations Magazine I applauded you, that was until I received an email yesterday to advise, not apologize that my prepaid subscription to the magazine was null and void with the last issue.If I desire to receive the issue that should have been in my mailbox a month ago I will have to re-subscribe.
    As a loyal subscriber of many years I would have thought an apology and the offer of the next issue gratis would have been the least that would be done in the name of customer service if not as a thank you for past support.
    NO, under the circumstances I will NOT be subscribing.
    If you would like a copy of the email please let me know.

  104. Hi Mary,
    Like you I too love Inspirations magazine and have my stash of copies going back to almost the first copy. However, I have just recently had cause to contact Inspirations directly notifying them of a problem I experienced with Zinio the provider for the e copies, Since I purchased my last copy of Inspirations Zinio have updated their system which is no longer compatible with my model of iPad therefore I cannot access my purchase. Zinio have said there is nothing they can do, I have written to Inspirations and have not as yet received a satisfactory reply other than my email will be forwarded to their directors. Perhaps yours readers might like to be aware of this and the fact that no replacement or refund has been forthcoming to me from either Inspirations or Zinio. I also received the plea for subscribers to rally forth and help save this beautiful magazine but I currently live in a country where I cannot trust the postal service so e-copies are the only way for me to subscribe. Unfortunately I will have to miss out on my treat until I replace my iPad.

    1. Dear Susan, when you subscribe via Zinio for an e magazine you become their subscriber. Yes you may be purchasing the digital form of the hard copy version but this is all handled through them. As my email to you the other day suggested you would need to contact them to see what they can do. I have passed this email onto the new owner and I know he will reply to you once it has been looked into with Zinio, regards Sue

  105. I ordered the digital version of “Inspirations” magazine after reading your email. As you say, it is an absolutely amazing needlepoint magazine! There is no comparison to any other that I have seen. I am new to needlepoint and “Inspirations” will definitely be my go to magazine for info and of course inspiration. Thank you for telling us about it.

  106. Hello Mary, thank you for featuring the beautiful Inspirations magazine and helping keep this lovely magazine continuing forward for us. I have every issue thanks to subscriptions with CB and building slowly through past e-bay purchasing.
    Thanks to reading Stephanie’s comment, (writer #52), I just ordered my next Inspirations magazine through Jan Reed at http://www.woolythread.com from Washington State. Through Wooly Thread, (super easy ordering and quick), I get a hard copy for $21.00 with free shipping sent in USA mail. Thanks so much, Jan, for this great service. Thanks also to Stephanie for sharing this information in your comments — and Mary C. for being wonderful Mary–always INSPIRATIONAL to us. Roxanne in Minnesota

    1. I agree with all the comments that support this magazine. I will continue to subscribe and don’t want to miss a single issue. It is like receiving a new embroidery book on a regular basis…so many stunning projects, such quality presentation and photography and outstanding instructions. Compared to the cost of most embroidery books, this is a bargain!

  107. Hi Mary,

    I do not know if you know this information. I signed up with Inspiration right away; when you first talked about it . Paid with paypal. They never took my money yet or even acknowledge that I have a brand new subscription with them. What do you think?


    1. Hi, Sandra – I think the notification comes before the issue comes out. They don’t debit your account until the issue is shipped. But you should have a record at least in Paypal, I think, for the subscription. You might check your junk or spam folder as well, in case a confirmation from Inspirations went in that direction. I think I got a confirmation email when I re-subscribed. -MC

    1. Hi, Carolyn – I’m afraid I don’t have any extra issues of Inspirations Magazine to sell. I only have one of each issue in my collection. You might check eBay if you know what issue number you’re looking for.

  108. Hi there,
    I love embroidery, love it so much that I’ve embarked on a mission to replicate the Bayeux tapestry, full scale and true to the original. I’m wondering if it would be of any interest to you. I recently completed the 22nd metre, after working on the project for 3.5 years. All going well, I’ll be done in another 7 years.
    Kind regards

  109. Please tell me if this magazine is just hand embroidery, I am not interested in machine embroidery. I have reacquainted myself with hand embroidery in the last year and would love an inspirational magazine. Thanks in advance, Karen

    1. Yes, it’s hand embroidery – the most consistently beautiful, thorough hand embroidery magazine out there, since its first issue back in the 1990’s! You won’t regret subscribing if you love hand embroidery!

  110. I love “Inspirations Magazine” . I usually buy the issues that interest me from “The French Needle”, here in the States. I covet the hard copies. I use them as coffee table books. It would be so sad to see it go out of print. Thank you for passing the word along! I am also a big supporter of Needle’n’Thread. I am always telling needle workers that I meet about your website.

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