
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Crewel Intentions: A Give-Away!


Amazon Books

As autumn settles over the Northern Hemisphere foreshadowing chillier days to come, my embroiderer’s outlook generally turns to heavier fabrics, wool threads, felt, dense stitching, deeper colors…and crewel embroidery.

To celebrate the arrival of autumn, then, what could be more appropriate than a give-away of a crewel-esque sort of book?

Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp

Early this past summer, I wrote this review of Hazel Blomkamp’s fascinating new book, Crewel Intentions.

It’s a lovely book – a fun book! It takes crewel embroidery beyond normal – Hazel’s crewel embroidery is not your typical crewel embroidery!

Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp

For one thing, although my thoughts might turn to wooly things when I think of crewel embroidery, Hazel’s projects are worked in a combination of threads, and wool is not dominant here. Instead, you can expect regular cottons and some specialty threads, along with plenty of beads.

Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp

For all the details about the book, hop on over to my review of Crewel Intentions. If you haven’t added it to your library yet, methinks you’ll be tempted!

Crewel Intentions Give-Away

From all the way over there in South Africa, Hazel popped an extra copy in the mail a while ago, and it arrived in my box last week. (Thanks, Hazel!) And I’m passing that copy on to one of you, since I already have my own.

If you’d like a chance for this copy to arrive in your box, just follow these guidelines:

This give-away is now ended – thanks for participating!

1. Leave a comment below this article, on Needle ‘n Thread. Just follow this link to the comment box, and you’ll land in the correct place. Comments sent in via email or left on other articles are not eligible.

2. In your comment, please answer the following:

Are you a “seasonal” embroiderer? Do your embroidery preferences change with the seasons? For example, do you tend to embroider holiday and seasonal projects? Or when spring comes, do you find your color preferences brightening? Do you look ahead to the various seasons and prepare for them somehow with embroidery? Or do seasonal thoughts never enter into your needlework plans and preferences? What’s your take on embroidery and the seasons? (Or have you never really thought about it either way? If not, that’s fine, too!)

3. Please leave a name with your comment. If your name happens to be something like Sue or Mary, you might distinguish it somehow, to avoid confusion when the winner is announced.

4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am CDT (Kansas, USA), Wednesday, October 1st. The winner will be drawn randomly and announced here on Needle ‘n Thread on Wednesday, so do be sure to check back to see if you won! The winner will need to contact me with mailing info.

The give-away is open to everyone, anywhere, so feel free to jump aboard, no matter where you live.

Incidentally, if you didn’t know, you can buy full kits for all the projects in Crewel Intentions from Hazel Blomkamp’s website.

I’m sorely tempted by the “Late Harvest” kit!

Yep. It must be autumn!

Enjoy your day – whether it’s a crisp fall day, or a sunny spring day, or anything in between!


(480) Comments

  1. I don’t really take the seasons into account with my embroidery. I have definite likes and dislikes when it comes to colour, eg. I’m not a fan of autumnal colours. So I tend to choose embroidery designs based more on the colours I love. I also choose designs based on the personality of the receiver, if it is a gift. It doesn’t seem to matter to me if I’m making something summery in the middle of winter. As long as I love the colours and shapes I’m happy!

  2. I’m not much of a seasonal embroiderer. Though, when September comes, the “anxious” thought is always the same : “What will I do this year for Xmas for the ladies of my embroidery group ?”
    I have always loved Autumn for its colors in the wood, the subtle light of a late afternoon in September. Those are colors I love to use in embroidery.
    For a year or so, I’ve been stuck to my hook to complete the work of my monthly tambour course… So I didn’t have much time for any other form of embroidery.
    I had the opportunity, some 2 years ago, of a workshop with Hazel Blomkamp in L’Aiguille en Fête in Paris. She is such a wonderful lady ! Warm, friendly, and such a teacher ! Each time I have to thread a very fine needle, I think about her and the trick she told me.
    The way she mixes up techniques is so surprising and so wonderful that her book should be named “Crazy intentions”… I would LOVE to get that copy to explore new techniques and improve my skill !

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to win Hazel’s book. I love her work and have completed two of her footstools and have a third all ready to go in a frame. The only season that influences my embroidery is the lead up to Christmas, which is our summer here in Australia. I love embroidering special presents as keepsakes for the loved ones in my life at this time, so a fair bit of planning is needed to complete everything in time. I often make a variation of the same thing so could make up to 6 or 7 of the same thing but in the colours that each individual prefers. I am so lucky to have aircon in our home as this enables me to stitch even on our hottest days here. Best regards Mary. Love your posts!

  4. I’ve been wanting to try crewel for a while now. This looks like a fascinating book, and anything that combines beads with embroidery is right up my alley.

    I actually don’t find that the seasons affect my embroidery, except when it’s too hot to work!

  5. I love the fall, and it affects many areas of my life: from home décor, to foods that we eat, to crafting projects and leisure time. I think you will be able to distinguish this “Susie” with the addition of my last name. And, though it sound oriental, it is not – I am about as southern as they come! Ya’ll have a good day, now!

  6. After reading your review, Mary, I bought both of Hazel’s crewel books–I love them! i have plans to do some crewel stitching in embroidery floss and other threads (wool and I don’t like each other, I’m afraid) as her designs are fabulous!

  7. I’m too unorganized to think seasonally. I usually do needlework as I feel like doing it, or subjects I feel like stitching at the time. I may do something for a holiday and have it finished before said holiday, but that doesn’t happen too often. I tend to like bright colors all the time but will stitch historically-inspired pieces in more muted colors, if called for. Thx for the give-away!

  8. Hi Mary,

    I’m a seasonal stitcher in that I like to stitch designs with seasonal themes. In particular:

    4th of July

    Of course there are other designs that appeal to me that I also stitch.

    I have found over the years,especially when my children were young and were in school that I found more time to stitch in January – February and again in July – August. Primarily as there were less school and family activities during those months.

    Now that my children are no longer in school (one is still in college) that I have much more time to stitch throughout the year!

    Oh, I should also add that my daughter is also a stitcher and we enjoy stitching together in the evening while watching TV or just talking.

    My son and husband are usually in the room with us doing their own thing. 🙂

    Very interesting question.

    Love your blog!

    Cynthia M.

  9. These are good questions. I tend to work seasonally, especially during the fall and winter months here in the Northeast when I am stuck more indoors. I especially like working on projects that are gifts for someone more than for my own use.

  10. Oh, I would SO love to win this book. I wrote the title down in my “must buy someday” list. Adding beads to wool embroidery–what a concept! This book would just be a treasure! Fingers crossed SO tightly!!

  11. Mary,
    Thanks for sharing this book. I don’t take the season into consideration when selecting a project. I just choose what I like whatever the season. Maybe Because I work so slow a project can flow from one season to another. The cool air of fall is a refreshing change in southern VA. I will enjoy every moment.
    Victoria W

  12. I love the return to fall colours and rich, soft wool. I have a bag in my stash that is full of historically accurate, Elizabethan era dyed lambswool. The colours are golden, mossy, berry-ish and just begging to be used in crewel work for an autumn theme. I would love to use them in conjunction with this book!

    Thanks Mary

  13. I usually do hand embroidery for fall and winter items. I usually do a lot of wool applique which looks wonderful on cold weather items. I love all the specialty stitches that make things look very personal and not a cookie cutter of other peoples projects.

  14. I’m seasonal in the sense that most of my work is done during the cooler / colder months. I don’t know why. It doesn’t seem as fun in the summer. Hmm, now that I read that, it sounds silly.


  15. Such a lovely book!
    I may need to wear a bib while looking through it!

    I do embroidery all through the year, along with knitting, and often have a few projects on the go. Depending on my mood, lighting, etc., my hands are seldom idle.

    I know people who continue to shun the internet, but it has allowed me to have access to talents I may never have encountered otherwise.

  16. Although I like to stitch Christmassy things all years, right now I’m heavily into Halloween things and enjoying every stitch

  17. I have never connected embroidery with seasons, although I do find more hours to work with needle when there is less sunlight and outside time. That being said, my needlework rarely reflects the season as much as it does my zeal for color. Love this work…thanks for the chance to win this lovely book!

  18. I am not really a seasonal embroiderer other than I find I do MORE stitching during the rainy days here in Seattle. (OK more rainy, believe it or not, we do have SOME sunny days here)

    I also find myself working on more UFOs instead of starting something new and doing more goldwork during the dark, rainy winter days. I am sure that others do have seasonal thoughts that influence their stitching, but I do not find that is the case for me.

  19. I’m often stitching “unseasonal” items because I live in the Southern Hemisphere but am tempted by things I see on American or European blogs. This actually works out well for me as I’m so terribly slow that by the time I’m finished, the season in my part of the world has caught up to me.

  20. I definitely embroider more in the winter when the cold drives me inside. It gives me something to do with my hands so I ward off the winter pounds and blahs.

  21. I have lots of seasonal charts, but right now I’m stitching a huge piece, so I’m trying to finish that. Thanks for the chance, Teal

  22. Oh!!!! I started with crewel embroidery when I was young….then left stitching until recently. Would positively absolutely LOVE to have this book!

  23. Dear Mary,
    I am a seasonal embroiderer due to the fact that my guild ( ceglondon.com) meets from September through to the end of April and that is when I take classes. I also tend to do embroidery that demands better light in the summer due to declining eyesight, so there again, that makes me a bit of seasonal embroiderer.
    Thanks for the chance to win an excellent book.
    Ruth Ann in London, Ontario

  24. Hi Mary,
    I am definitely a seasonal embroiderer. When it gets cold I tend to gravitate toward wools, and the summer I am into my cottons.

  25. I seem to embroider all the time- I mostly do blocks for crazy quilts. When winter comes I feel like I want to do christmas blocks. Mostly I do blocks with flowers on them. Lately instead of cq blocks I am doing blocks with just crewel work on them. I can hardly wait to get up in the morning to do more embroidery. I just love it

  26. I normally just embroidery what strikes my fancy. But if I find something for a season I will try to finish it for valentines, Halloween, Christmas, etc.

  27. I am not a seasonal embroiderer though I am a seasonal hand quilter as who wants a large quilt in their lap in August.
    I simply (not easily) try to not to have more than 5 projects going at a time whatever the season. That’s my way of having variety.
    I love Hazel’s interpretation of crewel. It’s updated but no extreme modern.

  28. HiMary, I really enjoy your site. I have learned so much from you. I have never really thought about whether I am a seasonal embroiderer. I am doing a crazy quilt with each patch having a motif of some sort of embroidery method. Most of my colors tend to be autumn, so I guess that I would be an autumn embroiderer. I use a combination of silk, wool, cotton, and metallic threads to create my pieces. I haven’t yet tried the edmar threads but have used the stitches to create motifs. A lot of my inspiration comes from crewel books, so I would love to have this one.
    Thanks so much,

  29. Crewel is my favorite type of embroidery. I hope someday to complete a chair covered in crewel upholstery. I struggle with counted and chartered needlepoint, but return to crewel for sustenance and reassurance, that, yes, I can still embroider.

    Hazel’s work looks to be very innovative, and bless you, Mary, for being willing to share this book with some lucky person.

  30. I absolutely love crewel, especially the new directions that it is going. Although I also love Jacobean traditional embroidery as well.

  31. Interesting thought. I, for one, don’t think of seasons as I work on projects. I just follow my muse any time of the season or even day, and which color(s) and threads to use.

  32. Hi, Mary! I remember that review, and immediately put the book on my wish list. 🙂

    I am a seasonal embroiderer, of sorts–spring and summer are typically sewing season for me (historical costuming), but when fall rolls around, I start to root through my embroidery stash like a squirrel unearthing its hoard of acorns. And I always get the bug to stitch Christmasy things… right around Dec 25-26ish. For some reason, I never think to stitch anything for the holidays, until they’re here!

  33. I do like to work on a Christmas piece during the holidays. I even carry that thought into January. The rest of the year, I ignore the seasons in my stitching.

  34. I embroider sporadically, do not consider seasons when I do it. It’s more a reflection of my mood and need to ground myself with doing something physical, as my work is very intellectual. Embroidery helps me connect to my childhood love of beauty and making things.

  35. I find myself in a flowing challenge of embroidery; from bead embroidery, to whitework,gold work, stump work, and laces. What ever seems to have the most detail,level of skilled techniques…disciplines you must work at mastering, those are the creations that thrill my hands. I have recently been diagnosed with an illness that may claim my eyesight eventually, and as a result, I am more purposeful in examining the details of every thing around me and working to create works that I can leave behind for others to see as my legacy of beautiful handwork.

  36. I’m actually a knitter/crocheter! I am a seasonal oneaswell, I just got done crocheting a summer party dress for a little girl, and now I’m looking at makingcozy hats and scares for my little ones! If I won this book I. Giving it to my mom, who has been across stitched my entire life and in just the past few years started branching out to different stitching styles, she would love this book!

  37. I do a lot of freeform embroidery, and the colors and textures do change based upon the seasons and the reasons for my pieces. I’m always inspired by any dimensional embroidery and crewel is where I started off as a child.

  38. I am not a seasonal embroiderer. I go with the colors I love and with what I think will fit into my home unless I’m doing something for a friend and then I will do whatever they want. I like seasonal patterns, but when the season is over, storage is a problem for me. I think I am drawn to the same colors that I like in my clothing – can’t seem to get out of my box!

  39. Autumn has arrived! It’s time to do my Happy Dance and settle in to my favorite season! With the daylight getting shorter, and the tempertures falling, my creativeness starts to warm up. I’m ready to start a new needlework project, and learn a new technique or a few different stitches. Yes, I am a seasonal embroiderer.

  40. I’m definitely not a seasonal embroiderer! I’ve never been a fan of seasonal/holiday decorations, because I just see something that has to be taken down and stored for the rest of the year. The only seasonal work I remember doing was cross-stitching Christmas cards a few years ago (which I would do again, I like those personal touches on gifts).

    My inspiration tends to come from, “What needs to be decorated next?” or some other influence (favorite book, tv show, etc). I used designs from the Book of Kells to pretty up a lampshade, and now I’m working on an embroidered quilt in a fictional alien language. 🙂

  41. Mary – I seriously LOVE to do seasonal projects!! I always look for something for the upcoming season and I have projects lined up for Christmas/Winter already. I’m working on a basket of Apples for fall even tho fall is already here. 🙂 Once Spring nears I’ll be thinking soft pastels and tulips; for Summer, brighter colors and garden themes. I read your review of this book and I’m praying that I win it. It is just the sort of embroidery I want to learn to work! It’s a beautiful book. From one Kansas girl to another, I love your work Mary and very much enjoy your newsletter. I’ve embroidered my whole life (learned from my Mom and Grandmother) and am still learning new things, many of them from you. I’m also working to teach my Granddaughters to embroider. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!! Beth

  42. I only wish I could be a seasonal embroiderer!! I am a mother of three and my projects can take FOREVER to finish. Embroidery is an end of the day activity to relax me and so I am content to make slow, steady progress 🙂

  43. Hi there,
    Thank you Mary for the opportunity to pitch in to win this beautiful book.

    I have to admit these days, for most of the year I am more into sewing and construction of garments. However, as soon as the weather changes to chilly autumnal nights my thoughts go to snuggling on the sofa and the romantic notion of spoiling myself and contemplating embroidery, which is, for me and slower ( because I am more tentative and less sure of my abilities in this area)and therefore more relaxing and contemplative pursuit.

    Each year I promise myself that I will take on an embroidery project. It needs to be something that will inspire me……….I think this could be it. I dabbled with monograms and really enjoyed that, but it has been a while since I have done any embroidery work. Autumn/Winter 2014 could this be the year to actually tackle something new and revel in it?? I could then incorporate the crewel embroidery into a wool/cashmere jacket I am thinking of making and it would be a truly one off piece…………

  44. I love crewel embroidery. I’m enjoying the new directions that the designers are taking with crewel. But I also love traditional techniques, like Jacobean.
    I don’t do seasonal, probably because I don’t finish things in the same season I start them, usually.

  45. My embroidery choices are influenced more by my mood and what I find inspiring on a particular day than by the seasons. I stitch mostly my own designs, so inspiration is really the biggest driving force and that can come from anywhere. It might come from a picture, architectural detail or carpet I see, in which case the season is usually irrelevant. Or inspiration might come from nature or my current activities, so season plays a big role, but almost by coincidence. I never know when the inspiration will hit, but I usually keep a notebook handy so that I can write down what it’s telling me.

  46. Oh boy…crewel embroidery is another favorite of mine as my Mother was a master of Crewel Embroidery. This looks like a very special book.

  47. I’m a seasonal embroiderer to the extent that I work mostly on gifts for other people, which means a lot of winter stitching. (and, because of overly ambitious plans, a fair amount of spring stitching too) That said, my color pallet tends to stay within the continuum of vibrant to muted jewel tones no matter when I’m working (I do love much crewel work for that reason)

  48. I am not a seasonal embroiderer. I like to to all types of embroidery and it doesn’t matter what time of the year it is. What I stitch on usually just falls with what type of mood I am in. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.

  49. I don’t usually consider the seasons, but do tend to consider Christmas and birthday gift giving. The receiver’s color preferences are usually my top priorities. For myself, I love dark jewel tones and often go that direction. I would LOVE a copy of Crewel Intentions to broaden my horizons.

  50. I haven’t done any seasonal projects, maybe it’s time to start! I’ve also never done any crewel embroidery, all kind of embroidery fascinate me but until I gain a little experience I think I’ll stick with good old DMC floss. :)I love that blue and white design you included in this post.

  51. Hello Mary,
    No, I Don’t think that seasons influence my choice of embroidery. This is more a matter of colours combination or technics. And I love diversity. The next project should be very different from the previous one.
    I love Hazel’s book Crewel twists. I am sure to love this one as well !

  52. I started doing crewel 40 years ago, then drifted off to cross stitch and then quilting. A few years ago I fell back in love with crewel work. Our local yarn shop owner had never heard of crewel and wasn’t interested, her focus is needlepoint. I started my own group, we call ourselves “Crewelas”. My intention was to make seasonal wall hangings for my family room. I had forgotten how long a project can take, spring came and went, I gave up with the seasonal plan. I enjoy any color of a project knowing that eventually it will be done. Working cross stitch for so many years trained my brain to be rigid, that cross in that color in just that spot. Crewel allows me to be so much more creative. I’d love to have copy of this book, crewel without yarn? Who knew?!

  53. I’m not really seasonal – except for Christmas gifts, of course. For 10 years, I lived a significant distance away from my family, so for Christmas each year, I made each one of them a Christmas ornament – from cross-stitch, to quilting, to beading – a variety of crafts, many I “designed” myself. It was fun to think of them while I made them 🙂 This year, my sister and her family had to move away for work, and I’m thinking of making her 2 tea towels, with a “map” of here to there, with significant landmarks along the way. Hrmmm – it’s already the end of September, I might want to get on with that!

  54. I guess I have never thought about embroidery in respect to the seasons, but I have found myself wanting to stitch pumpkins and leaves 🙂 This book looks great!

  55. My first embroidery project my mother framed was something I designed and stitched up when I was about 10 years old. It was four small pictures in one of a tree changing through the seasons of the year…I was so proud that my mom thought it was good enough to frame and put on the wall! I remember agonizing over my chain stitches being even! I suppose I have always been that particular! I love to stitch any time of the year, and I usually find something to brighten even the dullest day. Many of my projects when I was first married were Christmas ornaments to fill our very naked tree. I still try to make at least one embroidered ornament each Fall. In Spring I like to smock an Easter egg for my Godchild. She will have a basketful of stitched eggs, long after the candy treats are gone! I never really thought about it until you asked, but I do stitch seasonally!

  56. I guess I would be considered a “seasonal” embroiderer. I tend to embroider items for the holidays, usually Christmas. I love the transformation from “everyday” to “special”.

  57. I am a newbie regarding embroidery. I have always done cross stitch but am interested in starting something new. The patterns I have seen are actually stunning. I hope that I can do as well some day. So as far as seasonal not yet. Thank you for the opportunity to enter your contest.

  58. I guess I am kind of a seasonal embroider! I never thought of it that way I do choose colors according to seasons. I choose brilliant colors in the winter and soft pastelsin the summer!

  59. Probably as with most stitchers my love of this art form knows no seasonal boundaries. But of course as fall arrives my thoughts do turn to finishing gifts for family and friends for Christmas. At all times of the year my mounting pile of UFO’s are foremost in my mind ,but then I check you’re blog (and others) and am inspired to start something new and wonderful !

  60. Thanks for doing this! My embroidery is completely project-driven. When I worked on historic sites, it was about whatever special event was on the horizon, or who needed a bit of embroidery for their outfit. I don’t do huge projects, I keep things small and finish-able. Of course, I fail to finish small things, too, but not the spectacular way I am guaranteed to not finish a grand opus. I love “evolved” crewel work, especially if it involves beads or jewels!

  61. …my intentions are always honorable and definitely crewel. I enjoy mixing media and the addition of embellishment to embroidery adds a punch and gives a project extra life.This book would be an asset to my library and useful in improving technique.
    Carolyn from Freehold

  62. Seasons don’t have a big impact on my stitching, unless it’s a deadline. I try to avoid deadlines, as most of what I stitch takes me a long time. That said, I’m working on some Christmas ornaments now after a summer hiatus.

    I missed the earlier book – these are gorgeous! I like to mix threads, and this gives a very contemporary look to a traditional style. For the clock – is that the Sudberry small mantle clock? I was recently given one, and have been trying to decide on a pattern…

  63. Thank you so much for the giveaway Mary and Hazel. I do some seasonal embroidery, I like having hand made items to put out for decorations with the change of seasons and holidays. I would love to add this book to my library. I love the mixture different threads and beads in Hazel’s work and have one of her projects in the planning stages. This book would give me more ideas and inspiration to get started.

  64. I have never considered as to whether I am a seasonal embroider but when I thought about it, I don’t think that I am one. I tend to go by the projects themselves…no matter what the season is. I love the blue embroidery that you show in the post today but I would like to do the others also.

  65. Very cool give-away. That’s a book that I’ve been wanting for years. As for seasonality, I embroider all year round without regard to it. Mother Nature does the decorating for me. The only real affect seasons have on my work is that I tend to finish a lot in December leading to a bout of new projects in January.

  66. I don’t consciously stitch seasonally. I just continue stitching what am stitching or jump to something else if I need a change. Even when I was planning/designing my crewel piece at RSN during the Fall term I didn’t end up with Autumnal colors. But I do like those colors so I do use them. And there’s always the “gift stitching”.

  67. Are you a “seasonal” embroiderer? Do your embroidery preferences change with the seasons? For example, do you tend to embroider holiday and seasonal projects?
    No really. I tend to stitch project that appeal to me, regardless of whether I’m stitching a Halloween design on Valentine’s day or a autumn design in the winter.

    Or when spring comes, do you find your color preferences brightening?
    If I’ve just stitched a piece that was very monochromatic, I’ll want to do something very colorful as my next design. I can’t say that the seasons influence decision on the next project. I generally have a “short list” of projects that I want to stitch and just pick the next one on my mental list.

    Do you look ahead to the various seasons and prepare for them somehow with embroidery?
    I have to say that Halloween is my favorite holiday (all that candy!) and autumn is my favorite season, so probably yes.

    Or do seasonal thoughts never enter into your needlework plans and preferences?
    I don’t believe that the seasons per se have a great influence on my choices, plans, or preferences. I am more likely to pick something that appeals to me at that given time.

    What’s your take on embroidery and the seasons?
    I know a lot of people who love to do holiday designs (which obviously has a lot to do with the seasons). I tend not to change my decision making process based on where the earth is in relation to its orbit around the sun 🙂

  68. I find that I am influenced by the seasons in my choices of projects. Right now I’m working on a Thanksgiving/Christmas embroidered quilt. If I don’t finish it before the holidays, I will probably put it away for awhile, because then I will want to move on to spring things.

  69. I’m not a seasonal stitcher although I stitch seasonal projects. I love stitching things for Autumn and Christmas. I stitch pretty slowly, so it could take me a year to complete a big project – no matter the weather outside – I’ll be working on the same thing. But, of course, here in California we don’t have seasons! So that may be the the reasoning behind it all.

  70. What can I say? I’d love to have this book. I’m getting more and more into Crewel Work and every little bit of instruction and photo’s that I can get to help me along would be greatly appreciated.
    I love your website Mary and I love the work you do. It’s fantastic!!!!! Only wish I was as good.
    Patricia De

  71. Hi Mary –
    I am definitely not a seasonal needleworker. I also knit, crochet and quilt. I’ve been known to work on Christmas projects in the middle of the summer – either finishing the previous year’s UFO’s or getting an early start on the next holiday. I’ve got a good imagination and love color, so I’m happy as long as I have a needle in my hand.
    Best wishes,
    Mary Ann

  72. I have to tell you that I’ve never really consciously thought of the seasons, but now that you’ve mentioned it, I do exactly that. In the fall I tend to look for patterns that I’ll use golds, browns, rust and the spring makes me look for nice bright colors. Again, you’ve made me think!

  73. Hi
    My needlework projects always seem to revolve around seasons-just finishing up my halloween tree. Would love to try some of Hazel’s beautiful colored projects–Love her late Harvest. Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful book. Joan

  74. Yes, I would say I’m a seasonal embroiderer. I like to change colors and materials with the seasons. I like wool and darker colors in the fall/winter and cotton and pastels in the spring. Thanks for the giveaway!

  75. I am not a seasonal stitcher. It’s more what strikes me in the moment. And looking at the pictures you posted the one in Blue and white would be one that I would love to do.It calls to me!

  76. I tend to be a stitcher always trying to catch up to my deadlines. Holiday stitching is no different. Right now I’m working on spring flowers and roses (separate pieces). Next in line is an original challenge piece; that’s spring, too. I might avoid wool in summer, especially if it is humid and the threads stick to my hands, but otherwise seasons don’t really factor in for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win Hazel Blomkamp’s book–she has such inspirational ideas.

  77. Yes, I am a seasonal embroiderer. Unfortunately, I am always a season (or two) behind! Always playing catch-up. Would LOVE to win this book!

  78. I love the seasons and my embroidery and sewing are definitely inspired by them. Fall is my favorite, I love the colors and the weather, but all the seasons are perfect and come just at the right pace to keep life fresh and new! I also love crewel embroidery style the best, but I’m a beginner. This book looks amazing! How wonderful the author offers kits! I’m going to check them out.

  79. My embroidery does flow with the seasons. In fall, I start working on Christmas presents. And, the baby quilt with embroidered squares it felt too hot to do until now. I am doing a crewel piece now too. I am not sure my color preferences change as I like bold colors all the time. (fingers crossed as this book looks divine!)

  80. I love all the seasons, especially fall and all the decorations! But for embroidery purposes, I usually make something that either myself or a gift recipient can use all year round, that won’t be too Christmas-y or have fall leaves. That book looks like it will have some wonderful ideas in it!

  81. I have been doing crewel embroidery on and off for about 30 years! I would definitely say I do take the seasons into account…and definitely enjoy working with fall colors. This book looks like a real gem! Thanks for giving us a chance to win it…(I think those of us who do not win it will certainly be tempted to buy it!) 🙂

  82. The fall is always the best time to begin new needlework projects. The heat of summer is gone, the grapevines are turning yellow, and my energy level seems to rise. The thought botanical crewel work with cozy wools in jewel tones highlighted with metal threads is suddenly very appealing.

  83. Thank you for the opportunity to win this fantastic book! I only recently discovered your site and I just love your tutorial videos. I’m a bit of a beginner so the videos have helped me immensely with some of the more complex stitches.

    I think that the seasons do affect the colors and patterns I choose, but I don’t tend to make specifically holiday themed things. Right now I’m wanting to use autumnal colors and deep jewel tones in my work.

  84. Are you a “seasonal” embroiderer?

    Well, I embroidered through 8th grade and then stopped.

    I’m almost 52 and saw some Dimension kits on super sale at a local store. I was bored with knitting and wipped-stitched through them in less than a week. A few weeks later we traveled to Springfield, Ill to the Lincoln Library and stopped off at the Vesterheim. I was entranced by the traditional scandinavian fiber crafts.

    Checked out ebay and haven’t stopped stitching in front of the TV in the last two months or so.

    So right now I’m an Autum stitcher 😉 It is Autum and the Autum of my life!

  85. At first I thought the answer to your question was an easy one, yes, my needlework is influenced by the seasons. Then I decided it wasn’t—-how is that for being on the fence. We live in south Florida and go to our son’s place in .onnecticut for the summer. Last spring, before leaving for the northeast I cross stitched ornaments and quilted Christmas themed matching mug rugs for our gift giving this next Christmas. During the summer I cross stitched and embroidered sunflowers as well as snowman dish towels. We just arrived home and it is 85 degrees, hard to think about autum so I am stitching more dish towels for everyday use. I guess I will have to say I am a free spirit when it comes to my needlework. I think I will go over to the pool and think about this some more.

    I read your review and it is indeed a beautiful book with many ideas, I would love to have it in my library.

    Linda M from sunny Florida

    1. Ooooops, correction on the typo. My son lives in Connecticut, a really beautiful state.

      Linda M from sunny Florida

  86. I’ve embroidered for a long time but I’m not particularly skilled. My color choices definitely change with the seasons, darker in the winter, lighter in the spring, and bold in the summer. I don’t think too much about the seasons unless I’m making something specifically for a holiday. For example, I’m making Halloween dresses for my nieces now and have a spider, pumpkin, and cat with witches hat drawn out to embroider along the hems. I have birthdays next so I won’t start to think about Christmas until November.

  87. Last spring I decided to finish a little Christmas embroidery project started over 30 years ago and I’ve been working on additional Christmas projects ever since. They’re fun to do and make good gifts for people who have everything. Now I’m making a couple for myself and they will be part of a arrangement on the fireplace mantle. So it’s pretty much Christmas season year-around here, at least as far as my needlework goes.

  88. I can’t say that seasons enter into my embroidery choices much at all. Even in my crazy quilting, I seldom do seasonal or holiday blocks.

  89. I have never thought about stitching seasonally. I choose projects because I like them, and they are usually more on the timeless side, I am attracted by the colors or design.

  90. Hi, Mary.
    Here’s my submittal for the Crewel Intentions giveaway. I’m not a seasonal embroiderer…yet…because I’m just a beginner working on my first few projects. But I do think like one. For me, rich colors and 3D textures are evocative of crisp winter days. Crewel does feel well suited as a fall and winter pastime. Pastels and delicate threads bring to mind the brightness and freshness of spring and summer. All of it is beautiful and enjoyable, no matter what the season.
    Woodland CA

  91. I am a seasonal embroiderer when it comes to actually sitting down and doing the work–I find that I do not embroider as much in summer as I am outside doing other things. Embroidery works for me in the winter months when I need to be occupied indoors. As to colors/projects with the seasons–I find that sometimes I stick with fall/winter projects during this time, but bright spring/summer colors bring me out of the winter blahs as well!

  92. What a wonderful opportunity! I am very much a seasonal embroiderer. In Spring I am all about pastels and flowers, and I love to freshen my home with pretty embroidered runners. Summer finds me working on patriotic-themed samplers, which I hang throughout the house. Autumn inspires me with more muted browns, golds and rusts, and my background fabric tends more toward ecru and taupe, rather than white. Of course, I then turn my attention to Holiday-themed gifts, linens, pictures, and ornaments. Jacobean crewel is a favorite of mine, having been on of the first embroidery techniques that I learned.

  93. Mary,
    I enjoy your daily writings so very much. My new grand daughter is named Hazel, so I really hope I win do I can make some designs from the book and show Little Hazel someday. I want to show her what another Hazel inspired me to embroider.

    I have only really embroidered 2 pieces. The encrusted embroidery class that Sharn B taught, inspired me to stitch a tree with wild leaves! And the second project is your very own Secret Garden Hummingbirds. I started that in January, and have been working on it every season, so my answer so far is that my embroidery has not changed with the seasons. I look forward to monograms!
    Thank you Mary for all the inspiration to pour into your daily blog.

  94. Except for holiday related items (and those I often finish *after* the holiday :-/ ) if it strikes my fancy, I’ll stitch it no matter what time of year. If seasons enter into my stitching, it’s more about the condition of my hands and what threads a project uses, that the project subject matter or colors.

  95. I’m not really a seasonal stitcher. This year I started Christmas ornaments in July to avoid the last minute panic. I do best working on a large piece until it’s finished. Maybe a small piece also to break up the work. And also whatever our EGA chapter is working on. I also sometimes have a piece I work on only when I travel – usually a simple piece with only a few colors. I don’t think the seasons enter into my decisions at all.
    Melanie RS

  96. I’m definitely a seasonal embroiderer as that is how I work my WIP rotations. I’m currently working on a sampler as it’s September and back to school. Next week, I’ll switch to a pumpkin piece that’s in the rotation as October means fall and Halloween. Sounds a little OCD but I have noticed I finish more and don’t get “bored” with pieces.

  97. I don’t think I am a “seasonal” embroiderer. I just embroider as the mood strikes. I am currently embroidering a badge for my husbands Halloween costume. He wants the 3 muskateers uniform from the “man in the Iron Mask”. I am doing the cross they had on the front and back. (He is only getting one on the back though).

    I enjoy your web site. I have learned a lot from you.

  98. I never thought about seasonal embroidery! I am a seasonal eater, however: stews and heavy pasta dishes don’t seem like “summer food” but I welcome them in fall and winter.

  99. just cannot wait to start some crewel work. i have been making a patchwork throw from woollen fabrics all recycled from old blankets and suits and skirts which i have found along the way. It is just crying out for some of this wonderful colour inspiration to bring the whole thing to life.

  100. Mary, Six grandchildren keep me busy embroidering gifts. Have just finished a monogram for each child, 3 framed and 3 pillows for Christmas. I used your “Daisy and Rings” and “Delicate Spray” patterns. I always have a ‘for me’ project to fill any spare time. Recently, I purchased an embroidery ready tray, and the blue project from “Crewel Intentions” pictured in your newsletter would be spectacular in it. I would love to win Hazel Blomkamp’s book!

  101. No, I’m not a seasonal embroiderer. I have so many pieces I want to do that I’m always working. It’s my way of relaxing after a day at work. Colors preferences don’t really change by season, either. As long as I have lovely silks and cottons to work with, I’m happy!

  102. Nothing seasonal about my stitching. I stitch what I am in the mood for! Like many others, it is a combination of color, texture and other factors that trigger my interest. I love crewel embroidery for these reasons.

  103. Good morning,
    Another “to die for ” book! I would love to have this book to begin a new project,.The blue/white piece is gorgeous. I can picture a snowy winter’s day, a cup of tea and lots of threads, linen, and this book.
    Keep up the good work, Mary, it means so much to all of us.
    Barbara Boston

  104. I don’t take seasons into account in my stitching. My mood determines what I work on – i have many projects going all the time!

  105. I pretty much stitch what speaks to me year round, though I do find myself getting tempted by more Halloween and Christmas designs in the fall and winter. It’s hard to get in the Christmas frame of mind when it’s 100 degrees outside :-).

  106. I have experienced a renewal in my love for crewel embroidery in the last two years, something I did in my teens, and tend to do this in the fall and winter months. All the seasons fly by so it doesn’t matter anymore. If I like the design and the colors, I will do it at any time. Hazel Blomkamp’s book is enticing and I can hardly wait to see it.

  107. I think I think seasonally, but backwards? I’m always trying to start/plan something for the opposite season…in the hopes that I might actually get it finished! Not much luck in that, but maybe I’ll get lucky and be the winner?

  108. I love the idea that this works with other than wool as I can’t use wool!!
    I do tend to pick up WIP’s that speak to the season as I am filling the walls of a new house.

  109. Love autumn designs, my favorite, but love all the other seasons too. I absolutely love color. Would love a chance to win this! Thank you so much.

  110. Hi Mary,
    Good question. I have never taken the seasons into account with my embroidery. I usually have about 5 projects going and mostly respond to the complexity of the piece, whether I’ll larn something new, or just its beauty. I have Hazel’s Crewel Twist and look through it often to get inspiration. I tried some crewel work with cotton floss (1-2 strands) like Hazel and it is DIFFICULT. Much easier with wool. But, I am inspired by her work and perhaps might get one of the kits. If I don’t win, I will buy her book anyway–her work is amazing.
    Thanks for the give-away!

  111. Oh, how I love surface embroidery. It seems so creative. I would love this book and would gladly stitch some of the designs.

    I am sometimes a seasonal stitcher but mostly I have my stack of “things I want to stitch” and I just go to the next one. I stitched a Christmas tree in April and May. But right now I’m drawn to the fall colors. Right now, for example, I’m stitching white/blue Hardanger, spring wreath in Brazilian dimensional embroidery, baby sampler, and beaded spiders. The spiders are seasonal but not the other items.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
    Judy C

  112. I think I’m more on an “occasional” embroider in more than one way. Once in a great while, I embroider and when I do it is usually for a specific occasion. I tend to make Christmas gifts. At the moment, I am doing my first redwork for a participation quilt for my guild. What a way to get started! It’s like any craft, the more you practice, the better work you produce! I came back to your blog several times to get the stitch for my embroidery but the waste knot starting thread method. Many thanks,
    Susan in OK

  113. Not much of a seasonal switcher. I do sometimes get all excited about Christmas and think this year I’ll make those finely stitched stockings for all the kids. Then Christmas is over so quickly again and I forgot til next year.

  114. I’m definitely a “seasonal” embroiderer. I love to do flowers & birds & trees for Spring & Summer but when Autumn arrives I like Jacobean patterns in rich “Fall” colors & heavier threads with touches of blue. After Thanksgiving I like to do cardinals & holly with lots red berries.

  115. After 50+ years of stitching I no longer stitch seasonally. I don’t change projects with the seasons either. I think the change of seasons affects my color palette somewhat, however I usually find my self drawn to works with more vivid color like your current Hummingbirds and flowers no matter the season. I used to stitch for and with the seasons, however after all these years I just look for projects that really say do Me Me Me!. Right now I’m working on Itty Bitty Kitty designs, they are seasonal themed but I’m working the Easter one now. It was on the top of the to do stack. Love crewel work it’s all I did for years then I started counted cross stitch.

  116. All of my embroidery projects and interests are based entirely on colors/designs that I love, and not on the seasons. Although, I do tend to work on brightly colored, cheery things in the spring. But for the most part, all of my projects are colors/designs that appeal to me or the person I am making it for.

  117. The seasons have a limited effect on the choices I make for stitching. I am often inspired by a season to stitch a piece–for example, if I’m at a lake in the summer, I may be inspired by flowers or dragonflies on the shore. But I’m just as likely to look at a picture of flowers and dragonflies that I took by the lake in February and be inspired to stitch! One thing I have noticed, though, is that when the weather warms up for the summer, I’m less likely to feel like stitching, whereas when it cools for autumn and the impending winter, stitching becomes more attractive as a cozy activity to be done by the fire!

  118. Hi Mary:

    My name is Cathie and I am a 365 days year round embroider enjoying doing all the different artistic styles. Pretty much I do not let the seasons influence me. I will start a project anytime of the year i.e. a Christmas Nativity in April…an Autumn scene in February. It all depends on when I finish current projects I am working on and what I am artistically inspired to do. I do admit that I have a seasonal plan right now. I want to embroider some Christmas cards for some friends this years so I am getting started on that very soon so I have hopefully quite a few of them done by the time December rolls around.

    Crewel Intenions sounds MARVELOUS!! I love the idea of mixing the different threads and using beads. I LOVE to do things like that!!!

    I hope you are enjoying this lovely day!!



  119. I would love to win this book to go along with my winter intentions of crewel work. I just got all the wool yarns put together and I am ready for the winter days ahead. Thanks again for all you do to help us along the way.

  120. Are you a “seasonal” embroiderer? Not really, although I do prefer spring and fall over winter and spring when it comes to scenery in embroidery (and paintings, real life, etc).

    Do your embroidery preferences change with the seasons, for example, do you tend to embroider holiday and seasonal projects? I’m not real big on doing holiday embroidery, but I love looking at what other people embroider for the holidays.

    Or when spring comes, do you find your color preferences brightening? I tend to use a mix of brights and earth tones mostly, year round.

    Do you look ahead to the various seasons and prepare for them somehow with embroidery or do seasonal thoughts never enter into your needlework plans and preferences? Seasonal thoughts don’t really enter into my plans and preferences. I do love embroidering flowers though. I have a gazebo that I recently did that has a mix of spring, summer, and fall flowers around it haha.

    What’s your take on embroidery and the seasons? As mentioned above, I love looking at what other people do for seasonal and holiday embroidery, but myself, I don’t really think about what season it is when I am embroidering. Something catches my eye and my mind jumps on it. It could be a full rose garden embroidery scene while I’m looking at 18 inches of snow out my living room window.

    I’m mostly drawn to flowers, whether as a single rose or an overflowing garden. Needlepainting or french knots and stem stitches and lazy daisies. As long as it’s flowers.

  121. I have far too many Christmas needlework items, both finished and in my stash. And yet I keep buying!
    And yes, I seasonal stitch-cottons and silks in the summer, wool in the winter.
    I have fond memories of Crewel embroidery with wool-that’s how I got started back with this lovely hobby!

  122. I am definitely a seasonal stitcher. During summer, my projects are what I call “grab-and-go” projects because I’m constantly out and about, and stitching time is squeezed in between and during activities, often away from home. These projects are small and portable, like bracelets and barrettes. During winter, when I’m home more, my projects tend to be bigger, worked on my floor frame with threads strewn across the window seat.

  123. You know, I’ve never thought about seasonality in needlework. I know other crafters knit or crochet in the the colder months but find something else to do in the summer, but for me it’s all crafts, all year. Looking back I can’t see that I make any changes to what I embroider depending on the time of year, but it’s an interesting thought and one I’m going to think about!

  124. I love the colors of the various seasons and do find I get a ‘season’ in my stitching thoughts. I go to town in early summer stitching Fall theme projects, now I’m starting up on my Christmas ones.

    My colors for early spring time are projects worked in purples and reds, late spring I’m into the pastel colors.

    Hazel has wonderful designs offered on her web site. I have stitched a single strand cotton one call Floral Panel and I have a bold rooster one waiting on me. Hazel’s Crewel Intentions would be a delight to own if it is as good as her Crewel Twists.

  125. Another lovely give away, Mary. Thank you.
    Because I am always doing handwork, the particular seasons do not really impact that on which I am working. But having said that, I do avoid big, heavy projects like quilts and blankets during the summer in the Carolina’s if I can.
    And, yes, closer to Christmas there are always seasonal things to be done even though each year I promise myself that that will not happen again.
    Oh dear!

  126. I am seasonal with my embroidery in that during summer I do a lot less embroidery – it is replaced by gardening. In autumn I start to think about making Xmas cards for friends and family which I do in the run up to Xmas. I plan a more time consuming project that I can really enjoy in the holiday time between Xmas and New Year and that leads on to more projects in the early months of the year. I don’t take the seasons into account in my choice of colours but autumnal colours are always a favourite and like you I would love to embroider the “Late Harvest”.

  127. It depends on what I am making. If it is for the holidays I tend to lean towards the colors of that holiday. However, most of the time it is just a design I like or thought I liked. Then the colors are appropriate for that design.

  128. Hi Mary

    I love this book – I’ve done a litle bit of crewel work using perle threads and am looking forward to trying other threads for crewel as well. As far as the seasons go, my bigger projects tend to be ‘unseasonal’ but I do tend to do smaller ones for Christmas, Easter and other seasons – and my colour palette for these changes to chime with the season! I use embroidered table linen to match the time of year and which holiday is coming up! However, for my bigger projects, it’s definitely not seasonal, and I’m much more influenced by the technique, rather than the colour palette! and I stitch all year round!

    best wishes

  129. Another lovely give away Mary! Thank you. Seasonal embroidery? Yes,I suppose I do, although I didn’t really think about it until now…with autumn arriving my thoughts return to finishing my UFO wool felt applique table runner…& also to what Christmas ornaments I can embroider this year.
    Last year I completed a crewel footstool of Hazel Blomkamp’s design, from Inspirations magazine, which was great fun, with gorgeous jewel tones…I would dearly love to complete some more of Hazel’s designs.

  130. Hi I am doing a correspondence course and when I looked at the book just give me the opportunity to have such very important ways to do to complete my lessons I saw some very important design that I could elaborate and all so I saw many important stitches that I would use. Most important thing is for the colors to choose the colors I would need okay I hope I hope to be the receipt nice gift and I would appreciate to complete my crewel lessons
    Hoping very strongly many thanks

  131. Hi, Mary – As always, thanks for this wonderful give-away opportunity! I don’t think I would at all classify myself as a seasonal needleworker of any kind. I am a one project at a time kind of person, and what that project is varies greatly (blackwork, canvas work, cross stitch, embroidery, etc.). I totally “get” those who do have the seasons influence their work, but it just has never been mine thing.

    I have Hazel’s book Crewel Twists and have two of the project on my “must-do at some point” list. This new book of hers is on my “hoping to get it at some point because I know I’ll love the things in there” list.
    Many thanks,
    Arlene C. in NJ

  132. I tend to embroider all year long. But do it more in fall and winter, or on a plane. I love crewel work and have since the 70’s. I would love to have this book. It is that time of year again. Ha ha!

  133. What an interesting question. I am certainly not a seasonal embroiderer. I had never even thought of the idea before. I embroider whatever is in my head at the moment and the colours I use are selected by what I am making rather than the season.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Heather M.

  134. The seasons don’t really matter much to me. I do love Fall though, and I tend to pick projects with the colors that reflect that. I also love Jacobean designs and would love to own this book.

  135. I am not a seasonal embroiderer. I tend to just pick a project for a particular reason. Shades of color, etc. depend more on the project than the season at hand. This book looks so beautiful and interesting!!!

  136. I’m not much of a seasonal embroiderer as far as content goes with the exception of Christmas. As for color pallet I am somewhat affected by the season as to patterns that attract my attention and thread colors I want to add to my stash.

  137. I’m not one to follow the seasons for stitching except for tree ornaments. I just stitch what I want and when I want. I usually have 10 or more projects in the works at a time.

  138. My only seasonal temptations come from holidays, especially Halloween and Christmas. Otherwise, I tend to just embroider whatever strikes my fancy. These days that’s mostly embellishments on quilts.

  139. No, I’m not really a seasonal embroiderer. As long as the design appeals to me or I think it is something the person I’m making it for will like I’ll make it. Even if it is above my skill level. I love all colors and thread types. Adding beads or charms just makes it more fun.

  140. I love the fall colors and this book seems to have a lot of them. I’m not a seasonal embroiderer, I’m more a “generational” embroiderer. I did a coffee set for my mother when I was 10 (I still have it), a crewel picture for my mother in law, one for my daughter on her 30th birthday… and I would love to do another one for my grand-daughter 🙂

  141. I definitely am influenced by the seasons for my projects. I seem to have more creative mojo when I’m stitching in a (temperature) environment that matches the theme. I love the fall and winter particularly.
    thanks for the chance to win this beautiful book!

  142. This is absolutely beautiful and what a blessing it would be to advance me skills with such a wonderful tutorialization of stitches.

  143. I have never attempted crewel work and would love to learn. Seasons don’t usually enter in to any of my embroidery. I find I am mostly doing redwork. I have many colours in my collection and would love to step out of the box and try crewel work. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  144. I tend to embroider a bit less in the winter as the light levels are lower and I find artificial light is not as good. A side effect of getting older I suspect. Other than that I am not particularly seasonal.

  145. Yes, I am a seasonal stitcher, but I seem to be on the southern hemisphere’s schedule! I stitch for Fall and Winter in the Spring and Summer and the opposite the second half of the year!

  146. I’ve never really thought about how the seasons affect my embroidery until now, but I’m realizing that I’m drawn to richer colours and nature motifs in the fall. I’ve even been admiring rich red, blue, and green threads online in the last few weeks, trying to decide if I should start yet another project! This book would provide me with a great excuse to splurge on those threads!

  147. I am definitely a seasonal embroiderer. There is something about fall that makes me itch to do crewel work or needle painting. Spring is counted thread time. Summer and winter are for finishing what I’ve started, I usually have 3 or more pieces going at one time. My larger pieces can take 2-3 years to finish! But mixing it up keeps it fresh for me. in between needlework projects I sometimes make jewelry for gifts. I’d like to bring more beads into my needlework but have been uncertain how to find the right balance of bead and stitch. Hazel might be just the right person to help me with that.

  148. I never take the seasons into account regarding what I stitch in different seasons. However, I love floral designs and Hazel’s designs. I have her other book but not this one.

  149. Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I’ve had my eye on this book. I do tend to be a seasonal embroiderer, wanting to make things for the holidays, but not always holiday-related. For example, right now I’m working on Christmas gifts, even though they’re not “Christmasy.”

  150. I love the changing seasons and it does affect my embroidery choices. I love Jacobean embroidery and Mrs. Blomkamps work is so fun and creative! Happy Thursday!

  151. I would love to have this book as the designs are gorgeous and so inspiring. I embroider for beauty and elegance rather then the dictates of the season

  152. I love anything that is colorful the more colors the better which is why I have both of Hazel Blomkamp’s books on my christmas wish list. Since I live in the northeast I find that I do most of my embroidery in the Fall and Winter when it is too cold to be outside. My favorite type is crewel jacobean style. The designs and color combinations are so pretty!!!
    Thanks for your wonderful web site and this book give away.

  153. I tend to design my own pieces in a ‘seasonal’ fashion. Also, I am apt to begin larger projects at the beginning of a season. It is nice to see the colors of the season reflected on your frame/floor stand.

  154. Love to embroider thru out the year. Christmas is great for gifts, spring refreshes you after a cold winter. Summer is weddings and fall colors are great

  155. Oh Mary, I love embroidery with seasonal themes but I work projects at any time of the year. In late winter I began some Day of the Dead skulls with patterns from Urban Threads. Richly colored florals and birds with beaded accents were perfect foils for the dull February days. During hot summer weather I worked on a Christmasy project of redwork rabbits and hares on light cotton in simple stitches. (I do tend to keep work on wool for cold weather.)
    I think I would like “Crewel Intentions”–during early married life I did crewel work with cotton floss on muslin because those were the materials I could afford and found it attractive though different from tradition crewel work.

  156. Hi. I’m not a regular embroiderer,and I don’t have any collection of embroidery books, I just trace flower design and embroider them with regular floss, that was until I saw your site and subscribe d.now I really want to do something with all the different stitches on one piece, because Christmas is approaching and besides that I want to make something and gift it to my brother who is in the UK, and his birthday is on Christmas Day,I’d love to and feel lucky if I get to win this giveaway.

  157. I have so many projects that I want to get to, that I could never see something in October and have it ready for Christmas; at least not in the same year. I belong to EGA, and we often have a new technique or project offered, that changes my direction of interest…or recently we went to a local Alpaca farm, and bought several skeins of yarn from their alpacas: they even have the name of “who” they came from. So then I think of knitting something simple!!! My husband says I could embroider the entire New Jersey turnpike!!

  158. I sew (clothing) usually anti-seasonally: About July, I’m ready to sew summer things; I may start wool clothes in October but don’t usually get the last stitch in the hem until late winter . . . .
    I don’t do “seasonal” as in “holiday-themed” embroidery, as I do very little “holiday” decorating, but I’m more interested in woolwork, for example, in cold weather as I find wool just not as nice to work with, in any context, in hot weather!

  159. What a delightful thing for you (and Hazel)to do for us. You have taught me so much about embroidery the last couple of years. And….I learned it’s okay to make a mistake. One can always be corrected. This book in particular has been on my wish list for some time. I look forward to Autumn colors come the end of September until December 1.Thanks again for your generosity.

  160. When I find something I love kinda embroider. I’ve been wanting to try some Crewel work. My grandmother in-law made some beautiful items. She live too far away to learn from her.

  161. I ebb and flow with needle arts. I have not done crewel work for a number of years but had done some lovely pieces before. I love how the wools create a cacophony of color and texture and brings to life a beautiful scene. Thank you for the review as it would be a lovely book for my library if I win or not.

  162. I don’t change my stitching based on the season. I often have 5-6 projects in que and stitch on them until I want to move on to the next one. I do stitch things for specific events like: holiday ornaments, runners for Thanksgiving or something for baby births.

    I do have favorite colorways and stick to them unless something is specially for someone else.

  163. Hello, Mary. I’m a beginer in embroidery so I can’t really say seasons influence my work. But I think the colours of each season seem to inspire me in choosing the colours of the projects.

  164. Bonjour ! Il y a longtemps que je brode et j’ai touché un peu à tous les genres de broderie à l’aiguille en apprenant toute seule à l’aide de livres. Comme je fais aussi du cartonnage souvent je brode pour enjoliver les couvercles de mes boîtes.La broderie crewel est l’une de mes techniques favorites avec la peinture à l’aiguille qui pour l’instant est celle que je pratique régulièrement. Peu importe pour moi les saisons, seul l’intérêt du modèle compte pour moi. J’aime les couleurs et peu importe s’il fait beau ou gris dehors… Je profite de ce commentaire pour vous féliciter : votre site est une mine d’informations et c’est toujours avec grand plaisir que je lis vos articles. Surtout, continuez !

  165. As a relatively new embroiderer I haven’t really begun to take seasonal projects into account. I’m still spending much of my time with the needle reading and practicing what I’ve learned. That said, I can already see that I have a seasonal trend in how much *time* I have for such projects. We’re active DIY-ers living in the upper-Midwest, so we have to make the most of weather that is friendly to outdoor activities and chores. Now that things are cooling off, I have much more time to devote to crafts of any kind.

    This book went into my wish list immediately after reading your review and, OH!, that monochromatic blue piece is just lovely. *swoons*

  166. OH MY! I just love Hazels work.It is such eye candy! I have started one project from here last book Crewel Twist. But I find I am a seasonal stitcher! I love to stay in the house all warm and cozy and stitch away in the winter. But spring comes along and I cam called outside by Mother Nature during the spring and summer. With the longer daylight it doesn’t leave much time for stitching.

  167. Hi, Mary,
    Rather than a seasonal embroiderer, I tend more to be more of an “event” embroiderer. Due to time constraints and the encroachments of other hobbies, I lean more toward stitching for births, weddings, holidays, and the like. Also, although I love the idea of full blown seasonal change, here in Florida, it really isn’t a huge change, mostly limited to naked trees in winter and about five minutes of beautiful azaleas in the spring.
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this book, Mary. I freely admit that I’ve been drooling over it for some time now.

  168. I rarely plan the seasons but my body clock will tell me to stop using one set of colours and move to more seasonal appropriate ones. I’m drawn to certain colours and themes and materials at different times of the year. I’m in the north too and my work is definitely turning more autumnal.

  169. That is a good question, I really never thought about it. I embroider whatever inspires me but Now that I think about it, I guess at Christmas time I tend to do some Christmas projects. I love to embroidery.
    Dianne of Wesson

  170. Definitely! As winter comes on I love bright colors. In spring and summer I get interested again in blackwork, etc. I follow Hazel’s blog, “The Rebellious Needlewoman”. It is excellent!

  171. I have Hazel’s first book and repeatedly drool over the wonderful ideas.
    I do find that I am not a seasonal embroiderer because I like large complicated projects that take years (and years!)

    Love your blog!!

    Jonna in TX

  172. I love your reviews, thank you, Mary!
    I’m not really affected by seasonal patterns, but I definitely work more in the colder months and neglect them in the summer, especially since I like to make embroidered gifts for Christmas.

  173. Right now I am currently working on some embroidery for Christmas for my granddaughters who are 8 and 6, so at times I do think about up coming seasons and how it impacts my choices. Next Christmas (2015) I am going home for the first time in 40 years to be with my 6 brothers and their families and would truly enjoy having the opportunity to make one of Hazel’s lovely designs.Such beautiful work.

  174. How kind of Hazel and of you. That book looks incredibly inspiring.

    Am I a ‘seasonal’ stitcher? Yes, I am. As soon as the days start getting longer, and the light is good, I want to dive head first into gentle flower colours, silk, whitework, and other fine and fiddly stuff. Come autumn, I’m looking for rich colours and bold stitchery to suit the weaker English daylight and artificial illumination.

  175. Hey Mary,I’ve been following you for almost a year, and sadly, not nearly long enough! I’ve been stitching to keep myself busy while my USMC husband went through his 25 years campaign. It was my salvation on many occasions, but I’m still studying various types of needle works .
    Typically I stick to a single project to its completion, but since I found your website now I’m being faithless to my single project mentality!
    Suddenly there you were, right in front of me and I fell in love! You’ve taken embroidery to another dimension and I can’t wait to open my daily mail to see your latest posts! I especially like the way you take the idea and run it all the way as if you’re headed to the touchdown line of completion! wow!
    So now I set a higher goal for embroidery that still hasn’t even come close to your skills. I know. It just takes continued commitment on my part, and you’re leading the way, my captain! Any year, any season, I’ll follow you in your quest for perfection. Yes I believe you are a perfectionist, but who said that’s a bad thing!
    Stitcher lover,

  176. I do tend to be seasonal with my embroidery, but I always seem to be a month or two behind. I start thinking about Valentines after Christmas. In April I want to work with Spring colors, and mid-June I realize that I don’t have a July 4th project that I can finish in time. The good thing is – there’s always something to do.

  177. I LOVE to stitch seasonally! I get so excited about the spirit of all seasons. I actually stitch with the ‘current season’ to get in the mood for decorating my house and selecting my clothes. Decorating with my needlepoint pieces is my absolute favorite indulgence!! I need to get out Halloween this weekend! Ah! my very favorite season; I love the colors, the fabric weights, and cooler weather!

  178. i especially like to embroider in summer, when it is too hot to work on anything that covers you, like a crocheted blanket or hand quilting. i also do alot of embroidery that i incorporate into my quilts, these are in my GO bags, i always have them with me and work on them while waiting…

  179. Living in the desert I work with warmer materials in the winter. I have in mind to make felt squares for a coverlet this winter, cruel embroidery is just the ticket for embellishment.

  180. I do holiday type of work all year round. However, there comes a point when I like to concentrate on brighter spring/summer projects. This generally happens close to the end of winter.

    Oct 1 is my birthday so this would be a lovely bday gift 🙂

  181. I’m a “seasonal” embrodierer in the sense that I usually do projects in late fall and winter when it is cold outside and the days are shorter. Summer time I’m out enjoying the sunshine and warm weather!

  182. I don’t think I’m much of a seasonal embroiderer, as I don’t like to embroider using Holiday-specific themes, and I use a variety of color palettes. I probably embroider MORE in the fall, because I am making gifts, but those tend to be personalized for the recipient, and not based around the time of year. I’m also such a slow stitcher that projects can take me through a few seasons!

  183. I’m not a seasonal stitcher. I work on anything that catches my fancy at the moment. I might do more Christmas projects in the Fall if I’m planning on giving them as Christmas gifts. This book looks as though it has some lovely patterns and a different take on them. I enjoy working on things that mix different elements.
    Carol bu(Cln crs)

  184. Hi Mary I dont tend to follow the seasons look towards medieval ,art nouveau, William Morris areas for ideas in the main, so warm, jewel,colour spectrum(autumn) I guess.

  185. I tend to choose colors consistent with my decor; I also do projects as gifts such as wedding samplers and birth announcements. Crewel is a favorite of mine; I did dining room chair covers a while back. I pick small projects for travel but I do whatever appeals to me without much regard for seasons.

    Shirley from Pittsford

  186. Seasonal definitely! What an opportunity! Growing up on beef cattle and dairy farms in Garrett County, Maryland (Appalachian Mountains)the seasons controlled everything ~ and for me still do. Raspberries Elderberries, all produce, bees, mosquitos took on the colors of the seasons – which is how I feel still today. Gifts to celebrate birthdays and special occasions took the form of needlework. So, right now the “Late Harvest” speaks to me, too. The Crewel Intentions book is simply to die for. Very unique and very compelling. The color use is familiar, and yet unique – the blue on white embroidery stands out and is familiar at the same time – fresh! fingers crossed 😀 Charlotte

  187. My embroidery seasons are not based on what the leaves are doing outside, it is all based around seminars! In May we have the Embroidery Assoiciation of Canada’s seminar so my winter stitching is getting last year’s seminar classes done, then in October it’s down to the US for the EGA seminar so my summer stitching is finishing those classes from the year before as well. My guild activities will also dictate what I’m working on at any given time.

    I’m hoping that I get to take a class from Hazel next May . . . somehow I think that won’t wait until winter to get completed.

  188. Hi Mary, Hazel’s last book is my all time favourite embroidery book. So I’d love a copy of her new one. I’m not particularly keen on seasonally themed projects, but I prefer to work in the summer when the light is better, even with my lovely Ott light I still struggle to see detailed work on winter evenings.

  189. What a wonderful way to explore crewel embroidery. Would love to get the book to get ideas on what to do with a tablecloth that wants to be done in crewel work.

  190. I like to embroider and do crewel when the mood hits, but I do tend to do more for holidays and special occasions like birthdays. The nicest thing about embroidery is that its portable, so I can take it with me to appointments or when I am traveling, so those are often times when I take needle to hand. Ann Thompson

  191. I am new to embroidery so not sure I have made it through all of the seasons 🙂 Also, I live in South Florida so we don’t really have a change of seasons. That said, I do tend to gravitate to bright colors.

    Am in the process of setting up an online shop catering to stitch crafters starting with quilting and hand embroidery. Your articles have been sew inspirational!

  192. Yes, I must admit to being a seasonal embroiderer. Each fall I feel the need to spend a few evenings a week with needle in hand. The projects I do therefore tend to take years to finish, but I thoroughly enjoy each one.

    I read your posts every week, though – whether I’m working on a project or on hiatus. It helps to learn new things constantly!

  193. Oh, would I love a copy of that book. I bought one as a gift for a good friend who told me I could borrow it anytime I needed it, but, I would love my own copy to leaf through on those evenings when the creative juices need pictures and plans!! I am a seasonal embroiderer as my preferences do change with the seasons, but not necessarily the merchants seasons but rather the weather seasons. However, I have just started this past week on some Christmas embroideries – small things that I know I can get done in the next few weeks (I only do my hand work at night when I sit down after dinner). One of them will be a gift (to the same lady I gave the book to). Thank you Mary, for giving us the opportunity to win such a wonderful book – and thank you Hazel for writing your wonderful books with the fabulous ideas that I so love.

  194. I’ve only recently had a rekindled interest in working needle and thread, although I’ve been working various projects throughout many decades. I’ve only recently found your website by happy accident when I was searching the net for free patterns in cross stitch. I found your pattern for the 1800’s bird counted crosstitch pattern you had developed. I’m currently incorporating part of that design with part of another early 1800’s design, letters from an alphabet from a crosstitch book, and elements from a design in a crosstitch magazine, to form my own “original” concept of a wedding sampler that I’m working in silver metallic DMC and silver lined seed beads on silver metallic Aida cloth. I created the design on the computer with a program called Beadtool which although its for creating bead designs you can also use it for crosstitch designs since it creates a fully grided design with each bead representing one cross stitch. Its going to be lovely and thank heavens its not due until July of 2015, since I’m a slow stitcher and metallic floss and beads are bears to work with. I’m currently following your Secret Garden hummingbird blog, which I adore what you are doing by the way, but since I only found this site in September I’ve went back to the beginning of the project and am reading all the blogs and comments and am learning so much! Since I’m a slow stitcher my projects are chosen by the appeal of the kit I’ve purchased. The wedding sampler is my first project that I’ve come up with on my own, albeit through a combination of other people’s designs. I love your website and am so thankful to have found it. I’d love to win this book because the author’s work is lovely and I love her use of beads and textures. One of my other loves is bead embroidery and beads in general.

  195. I rarely consider the seasons in my embroidery choices. I like projects I can display all year long.
    I would love to have this wonderful book for my library. I am sure it would be useful.

  196. I never thought about seasons effecting my project choices, since requests & gifts need to be done all year round. But as I think about it, it does seem I do more whitework projects during the warm months and more silk/metal thread and historic forms between Sept & May. Basically, do what’s needed and what draws my interest at the time.

    Love the book. . .would really like to win! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to try! Everything you share is great!

  197. I don’t pay much attention to the seasons when choosing my next needlework project. However, because we head South to escape the Canadian cold, I plan to get a lot of embroidery done while we are away. I never get as much accomplished as I think I will so I have an ever-growing list of projects awaiting my attention.

  198. I am a seasonal stitcher. I just started working on a small Mill Hill bead kit for the fall. I can’t work on my Santa ornaments because it is too warm. Have some hearts to do, but maybe after Christmas….

  199. It’s not so much that my embroidery is seasonally themed. It’s that my itch to embroider is seasonal. Usually somewhere in the late summer/early fall I really want to embroider. In the spring I want to sew. Knitting is a winter sport and weaving is a late fall activity. That doesn’t mean I don’t do things out of season, it’s just that my primary media seem to be seasonal.

  200. Hi, Mary! I´m not a seassonal stitcher. I am allways thinkingo in the next project, but its never take account of the time in the year (or the temperature, jaja!)I´m lately start playing with autum colors and… I really like them!
    I wish I could win the book, too!
    Best regards, Paula.

  201. I am not a seasonal embroider. I love to take large projects and work on a few at a time.
    Seasons do not change my preferences.
    I do like to look for projects when that season is upon us. (for example- spring, I love to take pictures for ideas to design.)

  202. Living in Florida I tend not to be a seasonal embroiderer. The first of the year I usually start projects which will be gifts for the end of the year. Hazel’s crewel books are extra special as she does crewel designs with lots of cotton threads. I have Crewel Twists and am sure I would enjoy Crewel Intentions.

  203. I thought the preview you gave us of the crewel work was fantastic. I never thought about being a seasonal stitcher. Part of that may be because I live in San Antonio, Texas. South Texas does not have the dramatic kinds of seasonal changes that say New England has. I do love Texas in the Spring when the Bluebonnets are in bloom. I used.to do crewel work all the time and I loved it. I am glad to see that this designer does use other kinds of threads.

  204. I have occasionally in the past stitched designs specifically for Christmas, but not often. My embroidery is not usually affected by seasonal changes, at least not consciously. Who knows what goes on in my subconscious?!

  205. The beauty of nature is what inspires me, whether it is for embroidery or art quilts projects. The seasons do influence my subject decisions, however sometimes when I am planning a project that I want for a particular season I start it few weeks or months ahead of time so that it will be finished in time for the start of that season. Eg. Start an autumn-themed embroidery project in August so that it will be finished by the beginning of autumn. If a project reflects a particular season in an obvious way I try to rotate displaying them during the appropriate season. That way I can rotate my work on a regular basis and not get tired of them. Each new season I get to open a box of hand-made items that may not have been seen for 10 months or so. I live in a rain forest so during the winter months the weather is very often grey and rainy. During this period I find that working with cheerful colours help to brighten my mood. It’s a system that works for me.

  206. I would like to try my hand at crewel. I’m not a seasonal stitcher. Usually I will stitch whatever strikes me.
    Thank you

  207. Crewel was the first embroidery I learned after the basics taught by my mom as a teenager. My husband & I were stationed in Germany,our kids in school and time on my hands. I bought German kits. I couldn’t read the instructions, but was able to follow the diagrams. I loved the work and made pillows for several family members.
    Over the last few years I had gotten away from Crewel work, but love the idea of using lots of different fibers. I am starting to branch out in different threads and would love to have this beautiful book to give me lot of ideas.

  208. I am definitely not a seasonal stitcher. I love rich, saturated colors or tonal pieces and generally that’s what I can be found working on.

  209. I probably embroider more on a seasonal basis. I usually crochet blankets in the winter to keep me warm. I’ve really been into embroidery on kitchen towels lately. Blackwork has been my newest adventure. I just got some new patterns that have a holiday theme, so I may give it a go. Thanks!

  210. Seasons don’t particularly influence my embroidery, at least not yet. But then, I am still figuring out my “style”.

  211. I have done a little Summer(flour sack towels) and Christmas embroidery, and have recently seen a cute Halloween wall hanging at Sentimental Stitches I’m game to try. I think it is fun to have seasonal projects to embroider!
    How goes the hummingbirds???
    Thanks so much for the giveaway,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  212. Oh Mary, how exciting! Yes, yes, I am a seasonal embroiderer. I have projects started in the appropriate season but somehow they end up finishing in the next. Someday I will start early and finish on time! I have tried so many of the embroidery arts but crewel is one I haven’t gotten to yet. I would love to learn this art and try some of her designs. It would be fantastic.
    I love fall and it’s colors but I have fallen in love with that blue design you showed…Gorgeous!
    Thanks for the opportunity to win,
    Sharry J

  213. Thank you Mary for your generosity!

    When I learn a new way of embroidering, I usually become very passionate about that one, until the next technique is learned. My favourites are still Crewel, Stumpwork & Blackwork, I just love history!

    I do stitch for Christmas, for gifts. Also the odd seasonal challenge in the groups I belong to.


  214. What an interesting question! I haven’t adjusted my stitching to date, although I have been known to bemoan xmas’ summer torture when rushing to complete a gift blanket 🙂
    I do tend to avoid large projects over summer, but that is the extent of my changes.
    One of the things I have vaguely congealing in the design part of my brain is a sampler based on the seasons. So far I’ve only looked at icons – migratory birds, flowering fynbos and mice and such. It would be interesting to examine how different styles ‘feel’ to me. So thank you for the lovely blog, the competition, and for the brainfood 🙂

    Tessa in Stellenbosch

  215. It looks like a beautiful book. I don’t usually work on things according to the seasons, but I buy things to work on for when they are done and I can display them in the appropriate season!

  216. What a gorgeous book! I am not a particularly “seasonal” needleworker…I choose designs that appeal (and some are seasonal), and work on them rotationally. I actually have a list! (I occasionally modify the list, if I find a new project that MUST BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY…you know the feeling, I’m sure!) My week runs Thursday through Wednesday, and I work on one project that week; each Thursday I pick the next project on the list and work on that for 7 days. It’s efficient, and it keeps me from getting bored with any one project. And sometimes I change things up; for instance, one of the items on my rotation list is an (old) needlepoint design of Chinese peonies; I opted to use DMC embroidery floss rather than the wool provided in the kit. And I am loving the smooth, satiny appearance of the design worked in cotton floss. I have also staggered my projects, so that I don’t have more than two crewel, cross stitch, needlepoint, or hardanger designs consecutively. So far, this is the system that’s worked best for me!

  217. Seasonal as a theme is always a problem for me, simply because I start too late to finish in time, and then ghosts seem silly in November, as do Easter Eggs in May… Leading obviously to even more unfinished pieces.

    I do need colour in the deep winter though, when my natural tendency is to white, neutral or monochrome.

    I also really really want this book!

  218. How generous of you to do a give away of Crewel Intentions, I really hope i am a lucky winner. I am not a seasonal sewer but the English weather doesn’t always encourage you to venture out so I enjoy digging out my UFO’s and hunkering down to finish them. Seasons don’t influence my colours at all I love mixing bright colours together all year round. Around this time of year I do start and make close friends and family Christmas gifts. Love your interesting website many thanks.

  219. I don’t think I am a ‘seasonal’ stitcher. Unless stitching Christmas in June and July is seasonal, or stitching birthday gifts in any season counts. For the most part, I stitch counted thread projects, but have been know to make forays into crewel. Since I am mildly allergic to wool, I rarely, if ever, use wool for my crewel.

  220. I’m not a seasonal stitcher as much as opportunist. As great nieces and nephews and grand children are born…I stitch for them. When an interesting class comes along in EGA…I stitch it.

  221. Hi Mary, Sometimes I get inspired to do a seasonal project, though it invariably takes me going through a whole cycle of the other seasons before I finish it. More often I work on a project because I know I will love it all year around and beyond. Thanks for a cool giveaway – I have wanted to get my hands on this book ever since it came out!

  222. I love, love, love this site. I have done very little embroidery but now have the bug. The newer threads etc. look very exciting. Can’t wait to go shopping.

  223. I suppose I am a seasonal embroiderer, in that, about this time of year, I start to feel the enthusiasm to embark on a new project and often to get settled into something that requires some commitment. I’m not particularly drawn to ‘seasonal’ related embroidery, I’m more likely to pick something from my very long wish list of ‘New Embroidery I Want to Try’! This autumn I’m keen to develop my whitework skills, so I’m following a project from the RSN Guide by Lizzy Landsberry. It’s definitely testing my concentration and as the winter evenings draw in; I guess I’ll be very glad of my needlework lamp and magnifier!

  224. As I often give embroidery gifts to family and friends, I am usually thinking about Christmas (which is in our summer here in NZ)from as early as June (mid-winter). That is, I think, the only time when I think seasonally about embroidery.

  225. The most seasonal aspect of my embroidery is not the subject matter, but rather, when I do it. I am a cooler weather embroiderer- especially in the winter, when I am more likely to be kept indoors by the weather. I enjoy embroidering while listening to recorded books, if I am not visiting with a friend while working on my project, I recommend this very cozy winter activity, which leaves your hands and eyes free for the work.

    In the summer, I am more likely to afflicted with sticky or sweaty hands, or to be outside, where things with small, light parts tend to blow away. Because takes me forever to finish my projects, if I picked seasonal subject matter, it would likely be outdated before I was done.

  226. Thank you for the chance to win this very interesting book! If I don’t, I’ll probably buy it.
    I never thought of taking the seasons into account with my embroidery. I work on what interests me, currently doing a self-designed sampler with multiple stitch and thread types. This does sometimes cause me to have unfinished projects while I work on something new that I just thought of, but I do go back eventually and finish all of them. I do love crewel and have done it in the appropriate yarn. The chance to see these stitches used for other materials is interesting and intriguing.

  227. I avoid any projects involving wool in the summer. As Christmas rolls around I’m drawn to holiday projects but I rarely get them finished in time and then it’s time to move onto spring things! My poor husband has been waiting for his Christmas stocking to be finished for years – I only ever work on it in December.

    Thanks for the chance to win Hazel’s dazzling book!

  228. Since I’m new to embroidery, I haven’t really thought about it. But I do knit and I live in Colorado, which, you know, has just 2 seasons Hot and Cold! I tend to knit whatever strikes my fancy, knowing that it will probably cross over into the next season. I think my embroidery will be the same, I’ll choose a project by the “wow I gotta do that” criteria rather than which season I’m in. Me wants this book!

  229. The colours and beads in Hazels fabulous designs are just perfect to brighten winter days and would tie in with my seasonal preference to stitch designs containing wools in the winter as I find wool fibres can irritate my hands in the summer.
    Mary, thank you for such an enjoyable blog and introducing so many new facets to an already enjoyable hobby

  230. Seasonal for sure. I do more needlework when it starts getting dark early. Love the Golden Fall days, and the time it gives me to do more stitching.
    Would really like to learn more crewel stitches.

  231. Hi Mary

    I find I stick to my favourite colours rather than seasons. I like the dusty pinks, mauves, greens and blues. These colours also match the décor of my home and anything I buy seams to reflect these colours.

  232. I always wanted to be a “seasonal stitcher” but I get distracted by new projects or feel guilty about old ones so I do t always stay seasonal.

    This book is simply wonderful and a good pun is up my alley

    The blue stitchery you featured is calling me…..Badly!

    Thanks once again for a fun and informative blog. I send you off to visit fiends all the time when a technique or piece of work is something I know they would enjoy or would perhaps want to pursue.

    Jane M

  233. I don’t take seasons into account. just love doing embroidery no matter what the season or subject. tend to use colors I absolutely love so as long as I can embroidery something im happy

  234. The book looks to be wonderful, I had not heard of her before I am more familiar with Judith Baker Montano.
    I just embroider when the mood strikes me. I love doing dimensional and crazy quilt.
    Projects are usually for gifts as a whim.
    I really enjoy your instructions and beautiful work.
    I keep wondering if I would have learned to do as well as you if I had known of such stuff when I was young.

  235. I am seasonal in the sense that I don’t embroidery as much in the hot months as I do in the cold. Also cold months my mind turns to gifts. This last year was sad because I found hand sewing made me feel sea sick when I was pregnant. So now that I am not and have an old enough baby to self entertain I am so excited to pick up needlework again and learn some new techniques.

  236. I don’t pay much attention to the seasons at all. Perhaps because I live in southern California and our seasons are basically wet (Dec-March) and dry (the rest of the year).

    I work on Christmas ornaments throughout the year, in between other bigger projects, in order to be sure that I’ll have enough to give one to each person who visits on Christmas Eve. Why? Because if I wait until fall and do them all at once then I end up sick of Christmas before December even starts!

  237. HI Mary

    The idea of getting Hazel’s latest book fills me with excitement. I’m currently working with her last book Crewel Twists to create a project – I want to combine 2 of her projects into one picture and fiddle with the colours so they marry. I’m thinking of doing the black one (Midnight Meander I think from memory) and putting the two half circle lace work ones on either side but also doing it it the black and white colours. I can’t wait to get my hands on the new book!

  238. I love to make seasonal projects, but because I am not a very fast stitcher I usually try and embroider my Christmas things in the spring or summer. I don’t change my selected colors depending on the seasons. As soon as I see a pattern, I imagine what I want it to look like and I usually stick to that initial vision throughout the project. This book looks fantastic, thanks for the giveaway!

  239. This is one book I’d love to have (and use). I love all forms of needlework and would love to stitch from this book.

  240. I am a seasonal stitcher in that I look forward to autumn and winter to be able to sit and stitch in front of a cosy log fire. In the summer there is so much else to be done that stitching takes a bit of a back seat!
    I do a lot of counted thread work of all kinds and have often been tempted to try crewel work – this book seems to have projects that bridge the gap and I would love to try them.
    I so enjoy reading your comments and following your projects – thank you for that, you reach so many people.

  241. I got so excited I forgot to answer the question. I do tend to change my embroidery with the seasons that includes colors, patterns and fabrics. I also take the holidays into account when I chose my project.

  242. The pictures are just beautiful and inspiring, and I can see that this is not our mother’s crewel work. She has added the modern touch, and I am very much intrigued, and would love to see more!

  243. This is a most beautiful book. I feel so fortunate to live in a state that experiences the change of seasons. I get out my fall quilts, fall embroidery projects, and fall pillows, followed by my Christmas colors. I love the deep rich colors and the comfy warmth they lend to my home décor. When springs rolls around I make an “about face” with my delicate, flowery colors and embroidery.

  244. Mary your enthusiasm is contagious and the name of this book makes me smile just as Crewel Twists did, I immediately thought of Murder Mysteries. Seasonal stitching has always been a reminder of what I like to receive as well as give and Spring is always Easter and Winter is always snowmen and Christmas but then birthdays fall in all times of the year and who can resist stitched up pumpkins and Leaf patterns, Seasonal stitching is what I started with and my fancy will always lean toward because the seasons are really timeless and there are so many flowers and vines and trees yet to be stitched up into so many useful things.Thanks for getting my mind off of computer work and back to the possibilities of what a needle can bring forth.

  245. I’m not really a seasonal type embroidered, other than right about now I start thinking about any gifts I plan on making for Christmas. I love the colors of all the seasons and usually do very colorful designs when I’m not following a predetermined color palette. I’ve been looking at trying my hand at Crewel embroidery but I don’t have anywhere to buy wool thread locally. I don’t want to invest money in it if I’m not sure I’m going to like the texture of it. You mention that she uses a variety of threads in her crewel embroidery which makes it sound all that much more appealing to me. I think Hazel’s book just making might be the thing to inspire me to Crewel.

  246. Your question made me think a bit. I am a seasonal embroidery person in that I do more hand work in the cooler weather. I don’t necessarily choose seasonal items to stitch. It is just whatever project I choose. Choosing colors is also just what I am in the mood for at the time.

    Thanks for the opportunity for this great book.

  247. Your site was recommended by a friend and I have found it quite fascinating. Everything is easy to see especially your excellent videos on how to do embroidery stitches. I have been following your bird stitching on secret garden love the wings.
    Its just very informative on embroidery especially it you love stitching.
    I love Crewel embroidery and have been stitching from a very early age my Mother taught me. So I am always busy and happy and not bored. Thank You.

  248. I think I am not a seasonal embroiderer. But then I had to stop and think. I definitely had to stop buying and stitching Christmas projects. And I totally got carried away with Halloween. So maybe I used to be a seasonal embroiderer but I am trying to control myself now.

  249. Hi Mary, I’d have to say that the seasons probably changes the “where’ I embroider rather than the “what”. Right now, here in Canberra, Australia, we are experiencing the most beautiful spring days and, after a chilly frosty winter, it’s almost obligatory to take the stitching outside and sit under a blossoming tree rather than staying cooped up inside. Which, interestingly, probably does influence the “what” I’m stitching as lugging heavy frames and large projects outside is not really an option.
    Oh, and of course, there’s Christmas around the corner and that definitely determines much of the “what” as well.

  250. The seasonal changes don’t seem to have much effect on what I embroider. Being a crazy quilter means that pretty much anything goes. I have done a few pieces that are specifically for Christmas or one of the seasons, but overall I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to what’s going on outside.

  251. Seasons don’t really come into my thinking as long as I’m stitching all is right with the world. Seasons can get confusing for me I’m currently in Canada and it is Autumn (sorry Fall) but in Australia when I visit my children it is Spring

  252. Hi Mary, I am new to embroidery and have just completed my first surface embroidery project. I belong to my local Embroidery Guild in Christchurch, New Zealand. The project had me referring to various books on crewel work, and definitely had a sense of achievement on completion of the work. I found it quite relaxing in comparison to doing my stitch sampler. As to being a seasonal embroider, my colours of choice are apricots and apple green which I use all year round. I would love to receive the book and improve my knowledge and skill of this craft I have grown to love so much.

  253. I am not a seasonal embroiderer. I love bright, vibrant work & often use black as my background. I love using a variety of heavy and lighter weight thread in combinations. I love using a variety of stitches and am always open to new ideas & stitches. I love perusing through books & websites (especially yours) for new, to me, stitches & ideas. Thank you for your generosity & for sharing your gifts.

  254. I don’t see my embroidery as seasonal. I think for me, embroidery and any other handwork that I do tend to be all seasons. Even if I am making a pumpkin fallish item, I could be making it in the spring as easily as in September. it takes me a long time to make any item and so I am working in any season at any time. Does that make sense? I love crewel work and would cherish this book. I read your emails every day. thanks. Kay holm

  255. I love to embroider for about three-fourths of the year. Summer finds me just getting ideas, but not doing much except possibly transferring patterns.
    Spring, summer and fall are all perfect for embroidering. Summer here in Colorado is just too hot and I don’t want to sweat on my pillow tops.

  256. If I happen to be stitching in conjunction with a season, it’s usually because I intend the item to be gifted to someone in time for that season! It is fun to be stitching for Xmas on a hot summers day or for spring when the winter snow is high and cold!
    I love the approach of this artist’s projects….mixing threads and other media with the traditional crewel. Makes it so interesting and fun!

  257. My favorite seasons are spring and fall. I do find myself creating projects for each of those seasons. I don’t stitch things for holiday very much, however, I have done several for Halloween, there is the fall season again. In the winter on a gray day a spring picture with flowers is always nice to stitch.

  258. I’m not really a seasonal stitcher, when a project catches my eye, I will try any kind of stitching, from cross stitch to to embroidery, though I am less experienced with embroidery. I look forward to learning more. 🙂 Annette

  259. Yes, I am a seasonal embroiderer but it has more to do with our activities from season to season. In the summer, we are busy outdoors so I chose projects that are more suited to working on while sitting outdoors – not white for example! However, I also find I have more time to stitch in winter as my children have school and homework so a larger project is a good fit. My embroidery groups offer more classes in the autumn and winter too so this is when my collection of projects grows. I always think I’ll catch up in spring and summer but that has never happened yet!

  260. I am relatively new to embroider, but have done some basics on the small woolen items I enjoy making. I used to knit, but switched to embroidered due to arthritis issues. I love the feel of wool and the colors once I have felted the fabric. As fall comes to the Midwest I am always thinking of a small project where I can combine my interests.I am learning a lot from your website.

  261. My wants usually come by way of a bird or beautiful flower.The blending of stitches that make feathers look so soft just like a real feather.A lover of the craft can be seen gently touching a finished piece in awe of its beauty.I also love the fact that you can choose a small section like one feather or a bird eye etc depending on how much time you have at that moment.Great fun and fabulous rewards.

  262. I stitch by the seasons, mostly spring and summer. I really stitch when the sky is blue and the colors are zippy. Best of all, I like to combine techniques and materials, beads, threads, and lots of textures.

  263. The seasons don’t influence my pieces. I love crewel work at anytime. If I see a kit and I like it, I buy it no matter what time of year. If it is a seasonal or holiday piece, I do try to get it done in time for that particular holiday. Embroidery and crewel work, I love them both!- Karen Murphy in WNC

  264. I love all colors and seasons! I’m a year round stitcher and usually have too many projects going on at a time. The coming season often presents the needed impetus to finish a project. I enjoy everything from heirloom sewing to bargello and love learning new stitches and techniques.

  265. I tend not to do seasonal. I do embroidery mostly in the fall and winter and I tend not to think seasonal. I just do what I like and It is very relaxing to me.

  266. While I love stitching year round, summer is the time that I MUST have a project on the go. I love to take it outside to the front porch and stitch. Being outside on a lovely day AND stitching. It doesn’t get much better!
    Sue Davies

  267. Still in the stages of learning as much as I can, so not a seasonal stitcher. Although given the lack of light during the winter months, I find it harder to do particularly fine work.
    More often I choose my project depending on 1. how much time I have & 2. how much brain power it takes to work on.

  268. How beautiful and creative!! What wonderful ideas from the pictures on your newsletter. Taking a needleart from old and making it better..who would have thought of some of the ideas and mixing fibers. Love it.
    Jane Jones

  269. I do not generally think about seasons when I stitch. I tend to stitch what I love and don’t pay attention to the season. My color pallet choice does tend to be the typical autumn season type colors, rich and bold!

  270. I adore Hazel’s designs. The colours she uses are very pleasing to my eye as are her Jacobean influenced designs.
    The seasons do influence my work at times. In the winter months my husband and I travel to northern Australia in the caravan to escape the depths of winter. The light and landscape is very bright and sunny and I find that I gravitate to colours that reflect this such as whitework or richly coloured projects. When I return to the south where it is still winter I am glad to work on heavier work such as crewel with wool, felt projects etc and usually in much warmer or autumnal colours.

  271. I am too slow with my embroidery to be able to stitch with regard to seasons. Maybe if I start stitiching now, I might have something done for Spring, but that is doubtful too, as I have a couple of christmas things that I’ve been working off and on for 2 years! I had not thought of stitching with seasons before and it is certainly a welcome new idea.

  272. It’s all about color, design & function for me. Seasons never have come to mind, just whether I was interested in the design or not.

    That will be a lovely gift for someone. Thanks for the opportunity.

  273. I don’t think I’m a seasonal embroiderer. I don’t know whether that has to do with the fact that I live in Florida or not. When I lived in Philadelphia, I don’t think it mattered either. I just go to the next project, whatever it be.
    I would especially love this book because I’m trying to learn crewel/Elizabethan/Jacobean stitches–whatever you want to call it–and am not a traditionalist, so this really appeals to me.

  274. I am definitely not a seasonal embroiderer. I may start a summer project that is not completed until winter. I tend to find projects I like and then complete them in order – without regard to the seasons.

  275. I am a seasonal stitcher, but am always trying to
    catch up, so consequently, I am always out of
    season. Hazel’s book looks wonderful and I’d love to win it.

  276. I am a very seasonal embroider, my favorite season is Autumn. I just love the colors of Autumn, simply beautiful! I also stitch for holidays especially Christmas ha ha!


  277. I was so interested in this book when you reviewed it. I had about given up on crewel, having developed a strong allergy to wool, so this was an eye-opener for me and on my “must have” book list. I tend to rotate projects by season but especially enjoy displaying embroidery during the fall and winter months. I don’t display as many needle arts projects in summer so don’t sew as many, either, although I am loving your hummingbirds and flowers project, so that may change!

  278. I dont stitch seasonally. I stitch what I feel like and sometimes, put it aside to do something a bit more appealing. This is a lovely book – something might have to be put down so I could do one if I won!

  279. I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book. I am a very fortunate man. My wife supports my habit and I do several kinds of needlework and embroidery is the closest to my heart. This is such a step up from the crewel pillows I made when we were married soon to be 47 years.

  280. I have been doing embroidery since my grandmother taught me when I was 8 years old. It has seen me through many of life’s happiest and saddest moments. I stitch all year round but do allow the change of seasons to alter my thread and pattern choices. I have various projects going on at once and make sure I always have one that is portable since I am a caregiver for my parents. I love to stash away projects for the long winters that we have in the area where we live. The Fall finds me hoarding projects, threads and patterns in rich colors. I often think that once a person begins the art of embroidery, your whole life is enriched.

  281. I am new to embroidery and currently doing a pattern of embroidery on wool. It is summer flowers so I guess I am not too seasonal with my projects. The stitching is so addicting! The book looks very interesting, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

  282. How could I not be influenced by the seasons as I plan color, texture, shadow… I am most informed by what experience directly. Thanks for the fun of a chance to win this beautiful book! I enjoy your website and recommend it highly.


  284. Seasons do not really affect my embroidery preferences, possibly as ours is a temperate, island climate with no great variations in the seasons – they change, but not as obviously as in some corners of the world. That said, I do have a WIP that is a four seasons piece.
    Thank you so much for the give-away

  285. In answer to your questions regarding stitching by the season, I have never considered stitching just because of the season. I tend to just stitch whatever I like whenever I want to. I do stitch everyday or evening, but mostly surface embroidery and hardanger projects.

    I have never done any crewel embroidery but it looks so beautiful and maybe someday I will be tempted to try it.

    The “Crewel Intentions” book by Hazel Blomkamp looks very interesting. I just wonder how difficult it is to learn? Myrna Cruz

  286. I am a seasonal stitcher but I tend to be one season ahead so I can have my work done when that season gets here. So I do my autumn crafting in the summer, then my winter crafting in the fall. It helps esp when intending on giving embroidered gifts. Thanks for the chance to win such a fabulous book.

  287. Wow! This book looks amazing! Thank you for the opportunity of obtaining a copy.
    I do not tend to stitch according to the seasons.
    As I age, I find that I enjoy using brighter colors. My home is primarily decorated in country colors and my walls are pretty much covered with many of my pieces so now I just want to have fun and play with color and texture. I am no longer concerned with where the piece will go. I just want to enjoy the journey.

    Sharon Saunders

  288. Hi Mary, I am not a seasonal embroiderer. I just pick what appeals to me regardless of the time of year. I don’t change with the seasons and don’t tend to do holiday stitching. When I stitch something, I will put it up on my wall for years. I do not want to have to change what I have put up. I want to look at it all the time.
    In Christ,
    Gail J.

  289. What an awesome giver you are Mary! Tou give us so many tips and ideas the makes our stitching better and now another book givaway! Wow! You asked about seasonal stitching…I don’t usually do seasonal because I was not home to enjoy them. Now that I’m retired I have been doing a few small things for the holidays! I’m looking forward to the different seasons.in fact I just put out a “fall” table runner…looks fabulous.

  290. While I have stitched for holidays/seasons in the past, this stitching has not necessarily coincided with the holiday/season inquestion. Chritmas and Halloween ornaments have been known to occuoy my summer months, mainly for entering into our County Fair in August! As for colors, I tend to gravitate to patterns (mandalas, band samplers, blackwork), using my favorite color combinations (of late, shades of blues and greens, often taken from som ThreadWorX overdyeds) more than anything else and these patterns tend NOT to be seasonally influenced.

  291. I have never really thought about doing projects inspired by the seasons in the season. I tend to choose what I like when I like though every Christmas I like to do a Christmas ornament for the tree, I used to do one for each family that seems to have gone by the board. I bought Hazel’s previous book for my Mum and she loved it (was tempted to keep it myself)another to add to the bookshelf would be wonderful.

  292. I do consider myself a “seasonal” embroiderer. In the summer, I tend to like sampler type projects or tea towels. My favorite project was your Lattice Jumble. This project made me realize how much I loved to embroider!
    I do look ahead to the different seasons/holidays. Right now, I am planning my first grandchild’s Christmas stocking.

  293. I wouldn’t say I’m a seasonal embroiderer I have been doing all types of hand needlework since I was a child. I taught myself as a young girl to do cross stitch, then I took up crewel and then embroidery. Throughout the years I go back and forth between all three. I’ve also recently started doing hand applique as well and that’s how I found the link to your great website. I needed to brush up on a few techniques and your instructions are wonderful to follow. I think any one of us would love to add Hazel’s book to our extensive library!

  294. Just new at embroidery so the seasons don’t really affect my projects. It’s night time, when I can sit and stitch to my hearts content. Exploring appliqué and embroidery at the moment and nearly finished my wool project. Thanks for the opportunity and I love the way you feature items, expands my knowledge on this fascinating world.

  295. I am not a seasonal embroiderer, but I tend to lean towards the autumn colors. When beginning a new project I try to choose a subject and colors that is appropriate for the person receiving it. If it is for me it is usually the fall colors.
    I am doing more work in wool and this would be a lovely addition to my library.

  296. I tend to do mostly Christmas projects. For some reason, I find myself drawn towards sewing in the summer, embroidery and knitting in the winter. Maybe because I can take those two over by the fireplace!

  297. I can’t say I do seasonal embroidery, altho I have in the past. I just do whatever strikes my fancy at the moment! I love crewel embroidery, so much so that years ago I even painted a piece of furniture in what I called “Jacobian” style! I love the look and would like to learn more about it and how to do more types of stitches. Would absolutely love to own this book.

  298. Never thought much about seasonal embroidery projects but have completed the required Christmas stockings for family members and tree skirts. I generally just do projects that interest me, like a colorful rooster for my kitchen since I couldn’t find a ceramic one like I wanted. Right now I’m working on an altar cover for my church to replace an old one.

  299. I love all kinds of stitching…but not influenced by seasons, particularly. I have one of Hazels books…Crewel Twists and I practice crewel & Jacobean embroidery as often as I can. Would truly enjoy this book of hers.

  300. I have always been a seasonal embroiderer. In autumn and winter I like to use woollen threads and often woollen fabric too, for bed, baby and doll blankets, tea cosies, throw rugs etc. There is nothing cosier than embroidering with woolen threads on a lovely fuzzy, warm blanket on a cold, grey afternoon. Sheeps wool and alpaca are my favourite winter fibres to work with.
    As the weather warms up and the sun reappears, my thoughts and fingers turn to cooler, smoother fabrics and threads, cottons, linens and muslins. Often I am inspired to smock and lavishly embroider a light and breezy summer dress or nightie for one of my daughters or those of my friends.
    I live in Australia, so am currently finishing my woolly, Winter stitching and starting to think about my warm weather projects.

  301. I very seldom take the season’s into account when considering a new project but I often find that in autumn and winter I tend to use darker shades of thread and a lot of wool. I seem to gravitate to lighter brighter colours when spring arrives and I use mostly cotton and silk threads. My only conscious seasonal change is about September when I plan my Christmas projects. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway, Barbara

  302. I am not a seasonal stitcher but I do stitch in cycles of having too much on the go and then not enough so have times of finishing lots of pieces and then starting new ones ( more fun!). I would love to win this book so I can start something new!

  303. I have been embroidering since about 7 a whole 57 years scary, I do not go with the seasons I see a piece i like and go for it. I am in the process of doing my first piece of crewel work to get the needle into the fabric I am hesitant just need to be in the right head space and then I will be away as I just love the look of the finished piece.


  304. I am not a seasonal stitcher. I might see an idea for Christmas in the
    Spring and stitch it right away. I like seasonal stitching, but storing it
    Out of season is hard for me so I shy away from some things I might
    Otherwise make. Thanks so much for a chance to win this book.
    I am a fan of crewel work and love the way Hazel gives crewel an
    Up to date look while maintaining the beauty of crewel work.

  305. I am a seasonal embroiderer I love using pastel in the spring, red,white and blue around the 4th of July, and especially like Christmas with its reds and greens.. I also use my embroidery in crazy quilting Thanks for giving one of us the opportunity to win Hazel’s book. I love using a variety of threads and beads when I embroider I think it really gives the work a different dimension.

  306. What a stunning book so loaded with beautiful ideas of different application, stitch, thread and bead combinations. Yes, Spring time demands floral and cheerful colour for me. Winter, well, rich colour and often in wools. Occasionally I take up seasonal themes but not every year. I love the title, “Jesus is the reason for the Season” a good one for expression in embroidery. I love, love, love playing with embroidery.

  307. the time I have to spend embroidering isn’t a lot right now so it would be hard for me to keep a project matched with its season. I’d feel like I would have to stop a project just as I was getting somewhere with it. =) especially as I am a beginner so I am not that fast yet.

  308. What a different book. I really liked the addition of beads and not using all wool for the embroidery. I do more wool embroidery in the winter and then lighter more portable colourful projects for summer . I like all kinds of handwork, anything with fabric and threaded needle appeals to me. Thank you for introducing this book.

  309. I live on a farm and have 2 gardens plus flowers everywhere in the summer so I am most deffinitely a seasonal stitcher. As soon as everything is done outside I’m inside stitching up gifts for Christmas and try to make myself one special piece every winter. I feel the fall coming and it won’t be long before I am in my favorite spot stitching up some treasures!

  310. Hi Mary, Thanks for the give-away and thanks Hazel. I have been waiting for September for this book to be released! I think Fall embroidery projects are maybe my favorite as long as they contain a pumpkin or two! I love Crewel and would love to win this book.

  311. I do love stitching holiday designs, but of course I’m never working on the right season at the right time. Christmas and Halloween are worked on all summer, Easter and July 4th all winter. My seasons are upside down!

  312. Oh, my! The ‘Late Harvest’ project is beyond beautiful, exceedingly gorgeous! I am definitely driven by the change of seasons. It is reflected in my color choices and in the complexity of the projects….somehow, it is more enjoyable to spend hours in front of the fireplace in the cooler seasons than spending down time in a slower activity during the warmer weather here in Minnesota. Our summers are to short.
    I do find my planning is quite inhanced by the sights and sounds in nature. It is very helpful to have my ‘creativity’ project notebook close at hand to capture those flitting moments of design development.

  313. I love crewel embroidery, just retired from many years of working and need all the help and tips I can get. Often I have found instructional books and have been disappointed but this looks like a real winner, love to get my hands on this and see what I can come up with. I can hardly wait 🙂 It has been a joy to learn new things in embroidery. Thank you for this opportunity and a chance. Cheers 🙂

  314. Had not thought about any rational for particular projects. But now that you have got me thinking, I do love to Knut and crochet when the weather turns chilly, and when spring is here the projects tend to be more colorful and happy. Nothing nicer than getting out all the embroidery threads and looking for interesting combinations. I love the colors!

  315. I don’t stitch with the seasons, but I will stitch spring, summer, fall and winter things that go together. I love all sorts of embroidery in surface stitching. I am currently in the Cabinet of Curiosities class, part two.

  316. Ohhhhh please, please, please I would love to have this book. I live in St. John’s nl. I have no access to needle raft books other than the very limited supply at our local bookstore. I love crewel work and would dearly love to have this book. Ohhhhh please, please, please pick me

  317. I am not sure that I should admit this here, but when the weather starts getting cooler, unless I have an embroidery project going, I pull out my knitting needles. When I am embroidering, I never think about the season, rather I am guided by what I want to make, usually something in white work or if I am making something for someone. I have Hazel’s last book and I love it – the colors, beads, and especially the Jacobean designs.

  318. Although I love fall colors I do not embroider seasonal items. I tend to lean towards fitting a piece to ones likes or fitting a design to fit a unique frame. I cannot find the time to stitch during the summer. Looking forward to the cool weather so I can get back at it again. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  319. Mary- hello again. i soo, look forward to your needle and thread emails. the Crewel Twists looks like a mezmerizing book. i embriodery year around. i love doing nature based images, so i quess i do use the seasons for inspiration. i love embriodering leaves and trees and flowers, and bugs. yes bugs. and pumkins and such. i live in kentucky and we have all 4 seasons, so i do get 2 enjoy them all and work on things that make me happy. just yesterday i thought it was about time 2 get out a crab apple halloween quilt pattern and start tracing the images on my fabric to embriodery.( i have only had it 4 years sitting in with all my other projects to do.have a great day, marcella

  320. I think that I am both. Some projects I stitch all year round and then I always have a project related to the next holiday. Hazel’s book would certainly be good anytime!

  321. Hi Mary, I think with each change of season I have a change of mood. That tends to influence any craft I’m doing. I want pretty flowers & birds in Spring, hot bright colors in Summer, sunflowers-pumpkin orange and browns in Fall, blue and white (red & green too) in Winter. However I also tend to craft according to themes and that can be any time of the year-chickens in my kitchen, nature is one of my favorite subjects. I embroider more in the winter when the Midwest is experiencing cold temps. It’s soothing & gets my mind off all the snow.

  322. I have a little metal tree and a shelf in my powder room that I decorate seasonally. I am trying to decorate the walls seasonally too, with my embroidery. This book would be a wonderful addition to my collection and my inspiration.

  323. How delightfully crewel of you to share this book with us! It’s been on my wishlist for some time now. Seasonal? HA! I love working on floral and botanical designs and do so throughout the year. I can’t imagine breaking my embroidery into seasonal distinctions as I have very strong opinions about winter. To me, winter is a four letter word: cold, snow, wind – so many awful thoughts are brought to mind! The most seasonal I can get is attempting to finish a gift in time!

  324. Dear Mary,

    I’m not really a seasonal embroiderer but more of a type embroiderer! Lots of inspiration comes from your book reviews & actually I’m presently doing the Just Jacobean design from “Crewel Twists”! Absolutely loving the addition of beads…

  325. Dear Mary,
    Yes, I’m a very seasonal embroiderer since the summers here are very hot. Without air-conditioning, fingers and bodies get very sticky in no time. Embroidery and other craft activities (sewing, crochet and knitting) are mostly done in the cooler wetter months. It’s nice to be tucked up inside with my embroidery on windy wet winter days. No snow here.

  326. Hi Mary – before answering let me just thank you for the wonderful tutorials. I’ve been following your secret garden project with avid interest – stunning!

    I am not a seasonal stitcher – I stitch pieces which I know will be enjoyed by the recipient or little fun pieces that I enjoy! Colours are determined by mood and what “works”. I know that there are many who stitch to the seasons and holidays….Alas…I am not one of them. Plan stitching based on seasons? I don’t plan stitching – I pick up a project that I enjoy – which probably explains why I have a few on the go at the same time. I am only now branching (or is that returning?) to embroidery – at one point it was the only type of stitching I did…then I discovered counted work….blogs like yours have re-ignited my interest in this form of stitching 🙂

  327. Fall is my favorite time of the year, the colors of wools and projects I have in my to do list are Autumn colors. I take more pictures of shades of fall for reference. I would love to win this book. thank you for your inspiration on needle projects.

  328. Hi Mary!
    I am sort of a seasonal stitcher. I get inspired by the seasons, and want to use colors that go with them. I don’t ever seem to finish the projects in the same season, though! I always get distracted on another project or something along the way….hey, is that a squirrel over there?

  329. I always have about a dozen projects going, so if I do a seasonal piece, it just gets added in. I’ve done very few seasonal pieces though and when I do, I’ve started almost a year in advance of the holiday I’m stitching for. However, I do have a small Thanksgiving piece I’m getting ready to start that I hope to finish for this year.

  330. Most definitely not a seasonal embroiderer. I steer away from the Christmas editions of magazines, an even from an annual subscription because I know there will be one. The seasons have no influence at all, I just follow my whims, always looking for something new to try.

  331. Absolutely seasonal. Spring time flowers are inspriational and then the hot summer yields one to thinking whew when will it cool down let’s do a Christmas project

  332. I’m not sure seasonality has had much impression on me, other than i don’t tend to have as much time for embroidery in the summer months as i do all cozied up at home in the winter months. I tend to enjoy the heavier work more… with crewel work being at the top of my list.

  333. Dear Mary,

    I wanted to let you know that i learned quiet a lot of stiches from your website and recently bought embroidery for all seasons so i can start floral embroidery,that is my favourite. And i will be honest i am trying my luck to see if i can win a book.

  334. Hi Mary, I would love one book like this one; no, I am not a seasoned embroiderer and don’t have any regularly planned embroideries; I try to teach myself through kits and bought recently a Japanese kit with its spring color scheme instead choosing its autumn one – 🙂 I know on this one I cannot win you…but everyone was a beginner once and I think a book is a good start; once I get experienced I will embroider cushions and sell on etsy or teach embroidery to any who might be interested by have difficulties organising themselves like me;

  335. Hello Mary
    Thanks for this opportunity! I am SUCH a seasonal embroiderer,it’s just not true!
    I start off by doing some Lenten pieces…all in that beautiful deep shade of purple, then I make Easter decorations and have loads of eggs, bunnies and table napkins to match so that it’s all up and ready for the big celebration. At birthday times I prepare birthday cards galore and then I even manage some monograms as gifts!
    My embroidery preferences change with the seasons, including winter, spring, summer and autumn to such an extent that I hardly have a moment in between to do any other stitching! Christmas time is my ab-so-lute best! Out come all the reds and golds, greens and silvers and I go Jingle Bells! Colour tones and preferences definitely deepen come winter and yellow abounds in spring, for sure. I am forever dreaming and looking ahead and loads and loads of inspiration comes flooding in!
    My only problem with this is that it’s all in my imagination!!!

    Oh how I would simply love to get to do all I have mentioned!!! My frustration is that I just don’t have the time, much as I should like to. I will probably not live long enough to use up all the treads and fabric I have in my embroidery den! My husband is disabled and I find the little spare time I have is taken up drooling over beautiful books like the one on offer today! Happy wishes from Cape Town, South Africa

  336. I am definitely a seasonal embroidered. I make it a point to have something “appropriate” in my work basket (Halloween in October, Christmas in December, hearts in February, etc), even if I have no hope of finishing that particular piece in time for that year’s holiday. I spent much of this Summer working on a sand dollar, and now there is a little ghost waiting to be worked on next month. I don’t tend to change my embroidery threads, but I do enjoy knitting more in the folder months.

  337. I am interested in this book because it’s a new way to think about crewel embroidery : not only wool thread, beads, new points and yet old designs.
    I never embroider according to the season but only because I like a project. I don’t think my colors are influences by the season. Whatever, when I begin a projet, I hardly finish it during the same season.
    Love from France and I hope you understand my english.(I am fond of your site, congratulations)

  338. Dear Mary,
    I’ve never really thought about that before, the seasons affecting my embroidery. I can safely say it hasn’t. It takes me so long to do a project that its well into the next season by the time I finish. But I have done a few Christmas ornaments, I found their pattern on Pintrest and they all turned out real well, everybody liked them.
    Wish you all the best this holiday season, keep up the good work!

  339. Hi Mary
    Thank you for this wonderful give-a-way. Until I saw this blog I had never thought about changing styles/project/colour choices. But when I thought about it I realized that I focus on finishing projects in the fall/winter and tend to start new projects in January and February. Curious what you realize when you look at your habits!

    Techiya in Canada

  340. Well I had to really think about the question as I have never really paid attention, but I do think I am a seasonal stitcher! lol I love the pastel pretty colors come Spring and in the Fall change it up to more nature colors and designs! Great question to get us thinking! thanks!

  341. Seasonal thoughts never enter into my needlework plans. I love having a to-go project on hand, and embroidery is usually it. Thanks for the chance.

  342. Seasonal stitcher no. Event stitcher yes. By event I mean is working on the latest class project, new shop purchase, new issue of magazine, gift items, someone’s special event (wedding, birthday, graduatio), etc
    My WIPs are like an archeology dig! LOL

  343. Thank you for the opportunity to win this gorgeous-looking book! I don’t consider myself a seasonal sewer – I’m so slow, it often takes me over a year just to get one project finished! But, I do think I spend more hours with a needle in the winter than any other time of year. Life just seems less busy then, and outdoor activities aren’t tempting.

  344. I’m seasonal only insofar as I always seem to be out of season. Usually because I’ve procrastinated or got busy with something else and the projects take longer than I expect! I get around this by staying away from projects with a deadline – Christmas ornaments, Easter decor. 🙂

  345. I’m not really a seasonal stitcher because I’m a slow stitcher and I like to step away from my work and study it for a while before moving on. If I like it….I move on. “Late Harvest is drop dead gorgeous, I understand the temptation. What a beautiful book! Thank you!

  346. I find that I do have a shift in what colors I want to stitch with in spring as opposed to autumn, but not in type of embroidery. In the spring I like to use bright colors, especially purple, pink, and green. I adore fall colors, so pretty much the rest of the year I am drawn to using rich browns, reds, and deep greens. I always pick the colors based on the design, not the other way around, so I do usually end up with a wide variety even with my tendencies in fall and spring.

  347. Hi Mary,

    The seasons don’t really inform what I’m stitching, but they definitely affect how much I’m stitching. The cooler, shorter days inspire me to hunker down for hours at a time to work on a project. I stitch in the spring and summer as well, but I find there can be more time between stitching sessions or the sessions themselves are shorter…just so many other activities to take advantage of, I guess.

    Thanks for offering this giveaway chance. The book looks fantastic!

  348. I try very hard to limit my embroidery projects to just two or three at a time, which means that I’m often working on something I started months earlier. The seasons do inspire me, but I’m also aware that it’s rare that projects chosen by season will still be relevant to that season while I’m working on them. I admit that I am always tempted by the seasonal designs as they come out, and sometimes I just can not resist!
    Hazel’s book and designs are just beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to try and win one.

  349. I haven’t been able to pick up any embroidery work or hand work of any kind for a while. My new grandson seems to think I can’t do anything but watch him. When I did crewel work I made whatever caught my fancy.

  350. I love crewel and I would love to learn more. Ok universe can you hear me lol. Thanks for the opportunity and while the weather slowly turns from summer to fall I will keep the idea of winter stitching alive.

  351. This book is a lovely offering. I have to admit that, though I may think of the season, I usually stitch on whatever is the priority for that time in my life. Whether it is the latest guild program or the gift that needs to be finished, that usually comes first in my stitching cue.

  352. I tend to do things a season ahead. So while in the snowy depths of winter, I’ll do a Spring or summer project. Mind you, winters here are usually 8 months long! :o)

  353. I am not a seaonal embroiderer. In fact I haven’t done much lately. But I love crewel and it is difficult to find. Would like to start again.

  354. What a wonderful book with awesome projects. My current love is focused on different fibers and how an embroidery stitch works up using those different fibers. I am a seasonal stitches getting more done in winter. Summer is too busy with gardening and outside activities, but I have some project in progress all the time. That is how we accumulate those Ufo’s isn’t it?

  355. Very strange that you should be asking about seasonality in work. I have just finished a goldwork project (involving your wonderful Tudor rose) and have started turning my thoughts to ‘woolly projects’ now that autumn is here. Last year, autumn brought a beaded blackberry project, and the spring was the right time for a zingy Bargello sampler, so yes, the seasons do impact on my project choice, including techniques.

  356. I don’t know that seasonal plays into my embroidery thoughts. Certainly I start thinking holiday stitching in Summer and I love the thought of stitching by a fire. As a whole though I am thinking about things to embroider all year long. If only there were more hours and maybe a clone or two.

  357. I do tend to make things with the seasons. I like to look at bright colors in spring and I’ll do holiday themed pieces during the holidays. Unfortunately sometimes I don’t finish these pieces in time for the holiday I’m stitching for!

  358. The seasons don’t effect my choice of project to work on. I tend to have several projects on the go at the same time. That way I can choose the one I’m in the mood for. My favourite seasons to stitch for are Halloween and Christmas but I can work on them any time of the year. I have Hazel’s other book and I love it. Thank you for the opportunity to win this one.

  359. I don’t embroidery by seasons, I just do what ever pops into my head at the time. I may work on Christmas in April or Halloween on December. I draw most of my own design so I pick the colors to fit the project. I love learning new stitches or a different variation or someone else’s techniques. I think we all learn from each other and Marys’ are one of the best!

  360. I’ve only been a follower of your blog for a few weeks but man, I’m now an addict! You are an incredible teacher, well spoken, detail oriented, beautiful explainer of the hows and whys, so any book you recommend is on my “to get” list. Thank you so much for all of your info. We are blessed that you share so selflessly.
    I used to stitch embroidery and crewel when I was much younger and grew into cross stitch when my kids were little. I migrated to decorative painting 25 years ago and the stitching got put to the side.
    I am Norwegian and inherited my grandmother’s stitching box from when she was little in Norway. This summer I was blessed with a trip to Norway and made the decision to make myself a bunad, the national dress. Before I started, I decided to review and brush up on stitches and skills. I’m so glad I did because it’s obvious there are many more options than I ever dreamed.
    When painting, I tend to pick from the bright, vivid, jewel tones unless it is a seasonal piece I’m painting. The colors in your hummingbird are positively intoxicating!
    I have a feeling that when I finish the bunad, my preferences will be project related in colors that I love and which match my home or the person I’m stitching for and less leaning towards seasonal changes.
    Please include me in the book drawing and I will continue to look for your daily emails. They are a treasure. Beth Stodieck

  361. The only change I make in stitching for the seasons is not stitching on dark fabrics during the winter. As we rarely have snow, winter is dark and wet! Otherwise I pick up one of my many UFO’s and stitch when I have time.

  362. I am a seasonal stitcher in as much as I prefer smaller projects in summer so I don’t have a large lump of fabric on my lap in the heat. I’ve seen some of Hazel’s projects on pinterest and they have me drooling. I’ve put her new book on my wish list!

  363. Mary I don’t usually choose specifically for a season. In thinking back I believe that I have selected seasonal theme projects when I need new inspiration.
    Good or bad, I usually have multiple projects going to fit the time and place I have to work in it.
    The designs in this book are amazing and I like how she has brought a fresh take on crewel.

  364. I tend to change the materials I use with the seasons, in the spring/summer I like silks and cottons but come the autumn/winter I love crewelwork with wools, I also like to knit and quilt in the winter when I can’t get into the garden. I would love to win this book! I have just started the Mellerstain firescreen

  365. I don’t tend to take the seasons into account with my embroidery, as my projects tend to be rather large and take quite a long time to complete, (read years :-D). I think it might sub-consciously influence my designs slightly though. The large crewel embroidered quilt I am working on at the moment has large summer flowers covering it, and it was a particularly nice English summer when I designed it though.

  366. I am always thinking of what I can translate into embroidery! I love the fall and this season especially seems to call to me with all its color and majesty.

  367. Thank you for the chance to win the crewel embroidery book–it looks lovely and crewel will always be my first love! I do seasonal embroidery, but not in that current season. When I do a piece I try to start it in advance to have it finished before the season. My current project, Thanksgiving table linens, turned out to be monumental and I am still working on them as we speak, and hoping I get finished soon! After this, I will start some Easter table linens, so am usually working opposite the season.

  368. I wouldn’t say I’m really a seasonal embroiderer, but I do find that when fall rolls around I start to feel the pressure to finish holiday presents that I have been working on throughout the year. I usually get them started in the spring but have a terrible habit of starting new and interesting projects that bump them to the side (I somewhat blame all the lovely ideas I find on your site!) and then the arrival of fall reminds me that I need to regroup if I am to finish all of these gifts in time!

  369. Hi Mary! Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year for those who live where there is a definite change in the season. Unfortunately, Southern California doesn’t have that, so, I try to replicate that change in my choices of projects, patterns and threads. I appreciate you offering up this “what looks to be outstanding” book. Thanks!

  370. I’m new to embroidery having started less than a year ago. So far I just work on what appeals to me at the moment and I’m very eclectic so it could be anything!

  371. I love my embroidery, and tend to keep it for the long dark nights we have in Orkney.. I also find I choose summer colours in winter to brighten up the nights

  372. I’m not much of a seasonal embroiderer, unless I get into the mood for some reason. I still have an unopened set of embroidery silks in green and red Christmas colours that I bought at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham 2 years ago …

  373. I am brand new to the embroidery world! I have been sewing on and off for years and years. Due to health reasons, I am cutting back on my multiple jobs, so I am doing what pleases me. I don’t have much experience with embroidery, but I am so fascinated with it and want to play with different ideas. I love the idea of incorporating beads into the designs! I am a real bright person and working with dark colors seem kinda gloomy. I think I would prefer to work with bright or pastel colors even when the seasons change. I am happy to sew for the seasons. I especially love Christmas! If I were to have a huge project for Christmas, (rightnow I am thinking a huge beautiful table runner & a beautiful tree skirt)I think I would prefer to do them even in the summer time. Just because life gets busy or has obstacles sometimes. But other than that, seasons brings different pictures and also some deadlines with it too. lol. (ie. I wouldn’t want my christmas project to be done after christmas and then sit in storage for a year, before I could show it off). lol. I love embroidery 🙂

  374. I love love love the changes in the seasons. Every change makes me feel good and want to try something new.

    Fall makes me want to start my nesting for the winter. I start to surround myself with warm colors and I bake more. This is my all time favorite season because of the colors.

    Winter is a quite time for me. I focus on family and I tend to wear icy blues and whites.

    Spring is glorious with all the colors. I know I’m ready for Spring when all my bright colors come out to play.

    Summer I don’t spend much time in the house. We’re outside every chance we get to swim and hike and camp.

    My sewing and embroidery are exactly the same way. Unfortunately I don’t usually start a themed piece until that season arrives. By the time I’m finished with it, it’s the next season.

  375. Good afternoon Mary

    I am a somewhat seasonal stitcher in that I love to knit in the winter – preferably socks.
    They are very needed her in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
    Late August I start to think of Halloween. To me, Halloween is one of the best holidays. Why, you may ask? Because you can make a perfect ass of yourself and it is okay. The only time of the year we can get away with true silliness.
    Cross stitch and Halloween go together so well. Every year I try to complete a Halloween project, in cross stitch. I have a big pillowcase full of them that are mounted in late October at the local Hospice where I volunteer every Monday.
    I seem to go on tangents – have done mostly surface embroidery, a lot of crewel and presently I am working on improving my needlepainting skills. A challenge indeed.
    Sharon Gray

  376. Eu amo todo tipo de bordado, prefiro cores mais delicadas, mas as estações influenciam muito e gosto de bordar temas relacionados com elas

  377. I love the change of Seasons!! And will go toward the colors that represent those seasons and holidays.. I never really thought of my art in those terms thank you for this enlightenment!!!

  378. My projects normally overlap more then one season. So I just make what I like, in whatever season it is. Always,
    loved the realistic look of crewel, hopefully if I win this book will help me learn how to do it, better.

  379. I like to do a bit of seasonal embroidery around christmas. And my colours defenantly seem to change with the season.


  380. I work on my needlepoint and crewel during the fall/winter/spring, but I change to simpler portable embroidery projects to take camping or to the beach during the summer. And when August hits, I start in on projects and ideas for gifts. Thank you for your blog, I continually learn from you. Colleen

  381. I just found your blog and website a couple of weeks ago. Love your instructions and comments. I have not thought about embroidery by season, but it is a consideration.
    Thanks again for your expert advise and instruction.

  382. I’m not influenced by seasons very much, in fact I try to stay away from things that are forced into specific seasons or holidays. It’s such a waste to not use the pieces all year round considering how much work goes into each of them!

  383. What a wonderful give-a-away, this book looks fantastic. regarding my choice of material, threads, even types of needlework changing with the seasons, I have to say they do. I continue to sew and create the whole year through but I realise I am affected and inspired with every coming season. At this time of year as the evenings draw in earlier there’s nothing better than to sit by the fireside with my embroidery hoop on my lap and yes, heavier wools and crewel work creep there too. Christmas marks another change in both designs and materials, the new year always seems to have some energy and life reflected in my work. Of course springtime is when the pastels start to appear along with cuter designs for Easter. Summer is bright and colourful and so my sewing again reflects this. Oh I just love a needle and thread and fine linen and my only wish is that I could devote many more hours to my wonderful hobby.

  384. Ah, the crisp call of Fall and out came my stash of felted wool to be sorted and honed down to manageable stacks. I do think the seasons do influence me as to stitching, but in a sense not a good way. There is no way around it, I just can’t do Christmas ornaments in summer. I guess I like to stitch a year behind. I bought a kit to make an advent calendar for my grandkids, but realize that if there are too many roadblocks it will be not done on time for this year! Maybe in 2015 when baby will be one and the girls older too. I like florals and lighter colors for Spring and Summer with punches of color. Rusts and avacadoes for Fall with crisp golds and browns. Christmas colors of all kinds for Winter along with snow and whites.

  385. The only seasonal stitching I do is to leave wool for the cooler months. Here in VA the hot humid summers make stitching with wool to sticky and unpleasant. I love crewel and would like to try crewel techniques in other fibres.

  386. I love embroidery and yes I am a seasoned embroiderer. I get into the mood especially when it gets cooler and the leaves turn all the beautiful colors of Autumn. I feel like drinking hot apple cider and eating Applecrisp with Vanilla Bean icecream. Yum! I love the 3 dimensional embroidery that is gorgeous with the crystals. That really would be quite an heirloom to stitch. I love that idea and the colors are breathtaking. You can even see the shadow on the stitching it is so detailed and embossed from the linen. Quite spectacular. I love samplers and when the seasons change I love to use the colors of that season to work, just to get into the mood of that particular season. I absolutely love Christmas and think of sleigh rides in New England or Austria and the evergreens and mulled wine warming my tummy and stitching up something special to reflect the white christmas lights from our Old World tree. In the Spring, I love to think of the pretty birds and pastel colors and floral designs and during the Summer I love to think about the Sea and the aqua green and blue tones that they make my heart happy. Yes I definitely change with the seasons. I love to decorate and with that love to change what I am stitching and making as well. It is very hard not to change with the seasons. I think it is a normal part of life don’t you think? It gives us something special each year to look forward to with anticipation and delight.

  387. Oh yes I would love a copy of this book. Yes I am one of those stitchers who love to drag out the fall themed pieces when thoughts of autumn creep in and oh yes Halloween hits in October and you get my drift. I agree that late harvest piece is exquisite but I know I don’t have the skill to execute. Enjoy your blog immensely. Thanks Mel

  388. I have never thought about the temperature outside in relation to what I’m stitching inside. I do like stitching four-seasons projects. Sometimes, I display them all at once, and sometimes I display only the one for the appropriate season. Of course, I tend to forget to switch them.

    I did like crewel embroidery back in the 1960’s when I was doing a lot of it. I’m looking forward to getting back into it.

  389. Seasons sometimes factor into my sewing. I will make ornaments or stockings for christmas gifts. Usually I make what I feel like or something someone would enjoy for a present. Sometimes I take requests to make sure the gift is appreciated.

  390. The seasons don’t temp me, it is the project that I see that temps me to sew. Surface embroidery is my favorite as it allows me to move with the flow, creating as I go along. Not like counted cross stitch which is mindless or blackwork which takes a lot of thing. This book has so many designs that would be such fun to do.

  391. I am literally a seasonal embroiderer. When the sunshine fades and there’s no summer warmth I trade my gardening gloves for my hoop : ). I’ve always admired seasonal themed work and appreciate holiday decorations made by hand, but so far I haven’t delved into any projects. Too busy working on seasonal gifts!

  392. I confess I am a bit of a Scrooge when it comes to Christmas – as I am not Christian it has no religious significance and I find some of the constant pushing of a few people to ‘please consider’ very annoying; however over the past few years, as they have joined the world I have made crazy quilted stockings for all the grandchildren. Not, I hasten to add, that they are very traditionally Christmassy, rather I used each child’s favourite colour.

    So the answer to the question is no, I don’t find myself changing what I do in accordance with the seasons. I do whatever takes my fancy at the time – right now it is a freestyle piece on hand-dyed indigo cotton which I saw as a night scene of trees and water.

    I would love to have this book – Hazel’s work is so glorious and I do so want to be able to do crewel like hers.

    Thank you again, for yet another great opportunity.

  393. Looks like a beautiful book. Do I embroider with the seasons? I would, but the truth is that I’m so slow that I’m always finishing up last year’s Christmas projects the following Spring.

  394. I do tend toward seasonal embroidery, at least to a degree. In the spring and summer, I like floral designs and colors. In the fall, I’m drawn to the warm colors and designs of fall foliage and the harvest. In the winter, I like snowflakes and winter holiday designs.

    On the other hand, I’ll work on blackwork and crazy quilt embellishments at any time of year.

  395. Hazel’s designs are so beautiful and using a mixture of threads suits me as I love crewel embroidery but I don’t generally work in wool as it is too hot and humid where I live. I don’t tend to embroider for a season or festive occasion although I have embroidered some Christmas cards and ornaments in the past.

  396. I loved reading about your review of Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp. Her designs are to die for, and like you I love her “late harvest”. To be truthful I haven’t given seasonal changes much thought when it comes to embroidery. Because I am a newbie when it comes to embroidery. I remember a few stitches from when I was a young girl but for some reason recently I have wanted to revisit this craft. So I have drawn what I think is an amazing picture and intend on filling it with stunning embroidery stitches. What I wanted was to and it may sound silly, to minmick nature’s actual colours. So I took pieces of the plant material along with me to match my thread colours to it. I was lucky and found that the thread colours matches were more than I expected. Now as I start my project I am hoping that I have truely reflected nature’s colours.

  397. No, I don’t think I am a seasonal embroiderer. I just get started with whatever takes my fancy. Trouble is, I’m not very good at finishing things. I have far too many Works in Progress!

  398. hi everyone, do i follow the seasons? yes i do. start with christmas, spring and all the wonderful colors and flowers and then into summer and even brighter colors. then come fall ansd the leaves how wonderful and all at once its christmass time again. its great i’m 73 and can hardly wait for ea
    ch new color change. i have her ist book and wan
    t her 2nd jo mchenry

  399. I embroider year-round, but my preferences do change with the seasons. I tend to take on longer range projects in the spring and summer, and shorter holiday projects in the fall. Since I am a school teacher, leisure time varies greatly across the seasons. I enjoy meticulous ecclesiastical embroidery, but intersperse those careful stitches with shorter projects related to children.

  400. I am quite new to embroidery and still learning but yes I do seasonal projects in almost every craft item I do simply to help with the holiday spirit is sometimes nice and its always great to make something beautiful for those that I love and care about. Spring is always fun because I get to be inspired by nature and all the bright colors I am surrounded by. However I do not purposely change my themes and colors to match the seasons…it just seems to happen sometimes. Most of what I make I choose colors and subject to fit who I am making it for, unless its for myself, then I allow myself to be influenced by everything around me, but I rarely actually make things for myself.

  401. It’s funny that this came up. I just recently realized that I *am* a seasonal embroiderer. It felt like I was having to force myself to work on embroidery in the summer – it felt more like a chore. And why? Because I wanted to be outside working in my garden or camping! Silk embroidery and camping don’t mix well in my world. I embroider mostly in the fall and winter, but what I embroider doesn’t always fit into the season. I always start out on autumnal and winter designs but by the end of winter, I am working on spring and summer designs. Looking forward to it, I suppose 🙂

  402. I always get the urge to start holiday-related items around November and I gravitate to lighter colours and more floral designs in spring. The problem with being a seasonal embroiderer is that it’s important to finish projects in a timely manner – it’s hard to maintain interest in a Christmas project after December!

  403. Wow, this book looks inspiring!

    I choose projects seasonally for sure–smaller projects in the summer, when I don’t want anything heavy on my lap. Also, if I’m working with silk, I try to do that in the warm months, when my hands are less chapped and thus less likely to snag the thread. 🙂

    Thanks for another wonderful giveaway.

  404. I never thought about it, but it would seem I am a seasonal embroidery worker. Once Autumn hits I snuggle down on the couch and peacefully and joyfully work on projects. Perhaps it is because I live in AZ and it is finally cooling down! I would LOVE a copy of this book.

  405. I love working with the crewel wool and I love the “Jacobean” style designs. I have Hazel’s first book. Wow! I’ve been eyeing her second one. When I did the Secret Garden challenge of yours, I did it in Appleton Crewel wool. Fun. Christmas is coming and I love to work on Christmasy projects at that time. Seems to be my only seasonal bent. I stitch all year round. Thank heaven for air conditioning.

  406. I don’t think about seasons re: embroidery except that, being a gardener, I don’t do much embroidery in the spring & summer because I am outside in the garden most days. I have always loved crewel embroidery due to its organic and botanical influences in the designs. Would love to own this book! Thank you.

  407. Hi just getting into embroidery and has brought back memories of my grandma’s vessel work. Not a seasonal stitches yet as just starting out and want to learn more. Drawn to bright autumnal colours so perhaps I will be one day.


  408. I haven’t seen any good crewel books in a long time. The last one I had was an old Erica Wilson one. I love doing crewel work but of late haven’t been able to find much relating to this. This would really make my day if I could win this.

  409. I only started embroidering last year when I went on summer vacation. Portable handwork was just the thing! Then I did the same when I went on a road trip in the middle of winter. And again on this year’s summer vacation. So I suppose I am a “travel season” embroiderer, but not one to choose a seasonal theme for my design.

  410. Hi. I do a bit of both. I usually have a “big” project going. Maybe even on the one or two year plan. Then I usually have at least one or two smaller projects going that may or may not be seasonal. Deb in CT

  411. Crewel Intentions ……….. sounds REALLY wicked! But I like what Hazel has done with crewel embroidery…….. she has fun!
    Yes, I think about making warm cosy winter items when it’s cool weather and lighter fresher items when spring and summer come around. But the items don’t tend to get completed that fast, so they end up being for the next winter or summer …….. or even the one or two after that sometimes. Thank you Mary and Hazel for the chance to win a beautiful book.

  412. I tend to stitch more in the winter months, so in that way you could say I’m a seasonal embroiderer. However Hazel’s crewel embroidery designs look so delightful, I think I’d be tempted to stitch them in any season!

  413. I am not really a “seasonal” stitcher – firstly because it takes me so long to finish anything and secondly living in a very temperate climate means that there is not a great deal of difference in our seasons, unlike many of the northern hemisphere countries.
    However I love using colour in various combinations, so am happy to stitch with “beach colours” in winter or white on white in summer.
    Thank you and Hazel for the opportunity to win one of her wonderful books.

  414. I just love stitching Christmas things, but I always start too late and never finish them!!! I suppose starting in December is too late as there is so much to do before Christmas!!! Then every year I make a resolution to start and finish Christmas things in January but then its too hot here down under!!

  415. Yes, I am a seasonal embroiderer. By that I mean I embroider for a season then put it away. Then I come back to it for another season. My season usually last for a couple of months a few times a year. I really love it when I am in season!

  416. Hi Mary,

    I don’t really take the season into consideration when selecting a project. I just choose what I like whatever the season. This is maybe because I work so slow that my projects can flow from one season to another.

    When it comes to colour I have definite likes and dislikes. So I tend to choose embroidery designs based more on the colours I love or on the preferences of the receiver, if it is a gift.

    Love your blog!

    Alexandra H

  417. Hi Mary, I do tend to be a seasonal embroider! Mostly with color choice and style. I love bright colors in spring and autumnal colors in fall.

    Have a great weekend!

  418. I only get the seasonal stitching bug twice a year as a rule. The first is in early autumn, which makes me crazy because there is NO WAY I’m going to finish that lovely table runner in time for thanksgiving! (This year I’m putting it on my calendar so I don’t forget to start in the summer months!) The second is in deep winter. I love in Michigan, and winter doesn’t fool around up here. January is frigid, and everything is shades if white and gray. So I end up stitching in all the colors of the rainbow in order to feed my color starvation! Sometimes embroidery is a lifesaver 🙂

  419. I’ve never really thought about the items i stitch in seasonal terms. I like to stitch seasonal items but not necessarily with the seasons. More often than not, come summer, I’m stitching for Christmas. I do find that I am inspired by wool in the autumn and winter months, and my purchases reflect it. I do tend to hoard wools in the winter.

    This book is right up my alley. Just looking at the photos has got my mind turning with inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  420. The only seasonal items I do are Christmas ornaments I stitch each year for family and friends. I select projects with where I am stitching in mind. Long road trips are a great time to work on canvas or Hardanger needleweaving. 32 count linen is a bit difficult on bumpy roads!!! Hardanger is my choice for plane trips. Just needle a needle, a couple of threads and fabric to hand hold or with a small hoop. The Clover thead cutter I wear as a necklace!! I have Hazel’s other crewel book and love it. Getting the front cover project ready to stitch.

  421. Seasonal changes don’t really influence my choice of colours, but I do like to stitch seasonal charts and designs, especially from the Diary of an Edwardian Lady collection.

    And Thank you for the giveaway,

    Regards, Em.

  422. Hi Mary,

    This is my first post to your wonderful website although I’ve been a loyal follower since I discovered this place about a year ago. It all started in November 2012 when I got myself a sewing machine as Christmas gift. I taught myself to sew some functional things like pouches and glasses cases. Soon I found myself more interested in embroidering fabrics than picking up a preprinted pattern in the fabric shop. I’m still a beginner in both sewing and embroidery. So far one of my more complicated projects happens to be the design from “Crewel Twists” (http://www.eyih.net/needlenthread/needlenthread.php)! And I do like making the “clock face” in this new book to give away!

    As far as seasons are concerned (not much about color changes though), I did put in quite some time embroidering Christmas gifts. It’s amazing to see how much people cherish these handmade presents, much more than some expensive items from a shop. For this coming holiday season I’m thinking of making something with a monogram which means I’m waiting for your e-book, well, patiently.


  423. I love the change in seasons but I am not a seasonal stitcher. More often I am making gifts for special people in my life. I do enjoy crewel embroidery and love Hazel’s designs. Thanks for sharing with us.

  424. Most of the time I am not a seasonal needleworker. I am usually working on whatever has the next deadline and some just for fun projects. Always start January with good intentions of getting Christmas projects done, but hard to get in the mood until Dec and then it is too late!

  425. Hi Mary,

    Yet another gorgeous giveaway! I thought perhaps I wouldn’t enter this, but in the end I just couldn’t resist!
    I don’t think I’m a seasonal embroiderer, but I have really been expanding my horizons of late. Most recently I was given a cute wee denim jacket, and I’ll be embroidering some great big cross stitch flowers on the back for the upcoming Spring weather. Can’t wait to get started!
    Also, thanks for the link, I really enjoyed ready her blog posts!

  426. I don’t normally follow seasons when I’m choosing a project. I will make an exception for Christmas because I am always tempted by Christmas themed projects. I love bright colours all year round!

  427. My first “big” project (some 45 years ago) was a crewel pillow top which I enjoyed immensely. I also love to combine techniques over the years, but have not done so with crewel. I would love to try my hand at these new combinations. Thanks for the opportunity.

  428. The actual seasons, no, never thought about it. My own seasons, yes. Some years I do more embroidery and some less. I tend to embroider (and knit, crochet, quilt) mostly in the colors that I like, whenever it is. The warm colors. As if it’s summertime for me, all the time!

    I started crewel embroidery when I was a kid, mostly Erica Wilson kits, for quite a few years. I just went to reread your review and the photos make me want to dig into the pretty good stash I have of Persian yarns and other embroidery yarns. So, I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

  429. Hay Mary,
    I am regular follower of needle n Thread.It has given me wonderful sight about different styles of embroidery.Never this thought ocured to work with seasonal embroidery.It will be a challanging task to work with it.May be Crewel Twist book will be a great inspiration for me to start with again my embroidery.

  430. Hi Mary,
    Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a copy of this beautiful book.
    Im only very new to embroidery so seasons have not come into my work yet. I don’t think Im a seasonal embroiderer though. I just see something that inspires me or get an idea of something I want to embroider and then I try to find the information to help me to achieve that idea.
    I really enjoy trying different techniques and blending different ideas in the one project.
    I do try to make things for friends and family’s birthdays and special occasions though.

  431. Again, you’ve challenged us to think about and consider our approach to embroidery.

    In the tropics, seasons are distinguished by hot and hotter and dry (relatively) and wet.
    Greens are lush and vibrant throughout the year; the colors of the Bird of Paradise flowers, the flowering poppy tree, and tropical blooms are luscious year round. The hues of blue of the sky and the Caribbean are electric. The color palates of the seasons are rich and full, but unvarying year round.

    And yet, my projects are distinctly informed by seasons.

    When I say that my projects are informed by the seasons, I should say that they are based on the many festivals and celebrations throughout the year: the month long festival of Palo de Mayo promises bold colors and afro descended designs; the festival of Saint Jerome offers pastel earth tones, pinks, and reds in designs woven in palm fronds. Each festival has its own distinct set colors and patterns.

    The festivals and the colors and patterns of each are the seasons’ variations.

    In anticipation of the Palo de Mayo festivities, I find that of six active projects (two nearing completion, and the remainder in various stages of work) four are based upon and designed for that celebration. (Another is based on the snows of Ohio which I’ve left behind; a different season altogether.)

    As a beginner, I’ve yet to settle into my style, and continue examining the various types, styles and methods of embroidery. This much is constant, though – bold colors, a rich palate, and images and designs to be worn during festivals.

    Thus marks our seasons in the tropics in Bluefields, Nicaragua.

  432. I definitely find myself stitching ‘lighter’ things in spring and summer. It gets too hot here in south Africa to use wool in summer. Even to think about it, so I turn to cottons and silks for my projects. Hazel’s book would be perfect for me right now.

  433. Hi Mary
    Yes I think my embroidery is a little seasonal. Santa is being stitched this year for Christmas cards, throughout the summer last year, sitting in the garden I practised and learnt different stitches from your site and made the piece into a brightly coloured shoulder bag. This year I bought one of the books which you reviewed and started a small house shape to be a door stop.
    The ultimate, I have wanted to do crewel since the 80’s when I bought the Erica Wilson book, never had the time, have just traced out your rooster to start and blow me you review another gem.
    Yes, I would love it, thanks for the chance to win. Keep up with the site, it must take loads of time.

  434. I never really noticed if my stitching was seasonal until you asked the question. I can only think of two……I usually stitch Christmas gift tags for all my packages and come the dead of winter I find myself thinking about spring flowers and a project with bright and bold colors warms me and lifts my spirits! Thanks for the opportunity with this give-a-way!

  435. I am somewhat of a seasonal embroider and I always tend to be a spring, summer and fall. I don’t follow seasonal trends but when it comes to Christmas that is the time of do for others. The passionate love I have for nature in every form makes me want find the colors and bring them all out to shine.
    I will always be a person to look new ways to express colors and look for a new color to use. If I run out of colors I will start to paint the snow.

  436. I am totally a seasonal embroiderer. I didn’t had a good hand on embroidery but after going across your site I have learned alot.Thanks a lot!!! During my summer vacations I had developed a hobby of embroidering but could not continue it because I am a science student having lot of commitments(projects, assignments, seminars etc.) But in my next vacations I will do great embroidery projects and of course thanks for giving a chance to win a great book and a great platform for embroiderers.!!!!

  437. I am french, and I live in a very small village in the South west of France. The colours of nature insipre me, but not the seasons. I have better the colours symphony, and I choose one colour, and the othours after. I also like to mix techniques.
    I frequently use your site to find patterns, Richelieu, crewel, monograms and others. It’s difficult,to find traditional embroidery patterns, so it would be really pleasant for me to receive this book.

  438. I love the idea of doing crewel work with other threads than wool and using beads, etc.!! I would love to own this book.

    Seasonal themes or the seasons themselves are not taken into consideration when I do embroidery except for Christmas. I love Christmas and do all sorts of things in needlework for that season. My embroideries that are not for Christmas are usually based on the colors that I love to see together.

  439. I almost never consider the seasons when choosing my embroidery projects. The season does not even factor in my choice of stitching materials – wools are fine even in summer (I have the air-conditioning on!). However, I am a sucker for Halloween projects. Can’t resist.
    Susan from Texas

  440. Seasonal thoughts don’t come into my needlework plans. I have ranked all my kits – almost all crewel – in terms of number of stitches and colours and am working my way through them. The time it takes me for a kit generally overlaps seasons. My preference is for Jacobean embroidery which is not very season dependent.

  441. Most of my work is not seasonal. I sometimes make a Christmas ornament if something important has happened that year of what happened.

    I generally will take some years to complete any piece I do as I work on several at a time. For example, I work on 18th century reproduction pieces at events that my reenactment group attends (when I am not stuck cooking). I have other pieces that I work on when husband and I do a craft show, several started at EGA meetings that I work on when I have a chance and, of course, gifts for family members for specific occasions that may or not be done in time for the occasion.

  442. Yes, I love seasonal embroidery. My other projects continue to be worked on but I usually do some projects that are influenced by the change of seasons. SC in Herk.

  443. what a interesting question.
    After thinking about it no I am not a seasonal
    embroider.I usually choose floral or animal
    designs with no thought of spring or fall colors.
    Just whatever inspires me.
    The garden and yard keep me busy in late spring
    and summer so I do embroidery more in the fall &
    winter months.
    My only season themed project would be a
    ornament for one of the Christmas trees.

  444. I’m not much of a seasonal stitcher. Although I do seem stick with certain color schemes. Also I do a lot of stitching around Christmas! This book looks amazing!

  445. Hi Mary! My needlework is seasonal only to the point that I make things for Christmas – but I don’t make Christmas items except for ornaments (like temari or beaded glass balls) as a filler for stockings. When I make something, I like to make sure that it will be used, not sitting in a drawer and forgotten. The color scheme goes with the person’s taste for whom I am making it. For example: my brother has a prayer altar – so I try to make him a set of altar cloths for each liturgical season. This year I’m making blackwork patterned cloths in the greens, golds, reds, and purples. His wife is a teacher, so I’m making her an embroidered book bag in her favorite colors. I would love to investigate this Jacobean embroidery book – I have a zillion ideas running around in my head already 🙂

  446. Autumn has arrived with winter soon to follow! I am looking forward to cozy days of needlework! thank you for all the inspirational work!

  447. I would love to start to do some more Embroidery again and this book is just what I need!! Todd luck everybody,

  448. Even if I am in the middle of an embroidery project I will squeeze in small seasonal piece, I love the colours of the all seasons and take picture of tree’s and flowers in my garden so I can take note of the change each season brings.
    I love Hazel’s books they are so full of colour and exciting combinations of stitches I just need more time to be able to start one of her projects.

  449. I am newly retired and have not threaded a needle in years—decades. I am so enthralled by all the patterns I see on the web — I can’t make up my mind. To hold a book in my hands changes the experience.

  450. I try to be a seasonal stitcher but I usually have a larger non-seasonal piece going on at the same time.

  451. I’m very in touch with the seasonal rhythms.It affects everything from my cooking to my decorating and of course my stitching. I definitely would love to be one of those people who can plan ahead and make a Christmas sampler in July but I get the urge when the first snow flies.The first soften of spring air sends me digging in my stash for soft flowery colors.Oh well ,perhaps in the next lifetime.

  452. I have never really thought about seasonal embroidery. But I think that I am seasonal crafter. At the moment, as winter is coming, I am knitting (of course, I need new sweater, new hat and mittens, new shawl and socks 😀 ). And in spring I start crocheting for summer. But I know that I’ll return to embroidery as soon as I finish my knitting. So now I am thinking about new project to celebrate the new start of embroidery. And this happens every year.

  453. My crafting projects may start out with a seasonal theme, but I usually end up with more projects than time allows to complete during the appropriate season.
    Always looking to learn something new and to add yet another quest to my collection of best intentions.

  454. Hello Mary.
    I don’t take the seasons into account when I embroider. I am drawn to deeper, darker colors no matter the season. I do, however, also like to work with bright “happy” colors.
    Over the past year I have started doing crewel work. I would love to own a copy of this book.
    Thank you!!
    Mary Z.


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