Monograms – A Book Give-Away!


Amazon Books

As promised last week, when I reviewed Susan O’Connor’s book, Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters, today, I’m giving away a copy!

If you’d like to add your very own copy of this wonderful, lovely, instructive, exquisite book to your needlework library, read on, my friend…

Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters

As I said in my review, this is definitely a book you want in your needlework library, if you have any interest in the traditional methods of creating exquisite embroidered monograms.

The book (at the moment) is somewhat rare – although I have it on good authority that it is still available in French through Amazon France – but it is being re-printed and will be available later this year, in August.

If you can’t wait until August – or if you want to save the book money to buy supplies (and who wouldn’t?) – then feel free to enter today’s give-away! I’ll send the book to a randomly drawn winner, anywhere in the world.

Give-Away Guidelines

This Give-Away is Now Ended

1. To enter today’s give-away, leave a comment on today’s article, on the website, by following this link to the comment form. Comments sent in via email (by reply to the daily newsletter) or left on other articles are not eligible. If you aren’t sure where to go to leave the comment, just click this link and it will take you directly there!

2. In your comment, answer the following:

What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms? (Is it the personalization? The elegance of them? The timelessness of them? The techniques used, which can translate into other types of embroidery? Is it a nostalgic thing? Is it that you love the threads and stitches used? Etc.) Just tell me why hand embroidered monograms speak to you.

3. Please make sure you leave a recognizable name on your comment, either in the “name” line on the comment form, or in the comment box.

4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am (CDT – Kansas, USA), Friday, May 30th, and I’ll announce the winner that day. The winner will need to contact me with a mailing address.

That’s it! Easy as buckling your shoe one-handed while standing on your head, right?

No, it’s easier than that, I promise!

I’m looking forward to reading your answers to the question – that’s the Most Fun part of the give-away, for me. I love hearing why people like different types of embroidery or why they’re drawn to them!

Go to it, then – and heaps of luck to you!


(672) Comments

  1. I have been eyeing this book for a very long time. I love, love, love monograms. I love jewelry with monograms, home furnishings with monograms, my keychain, my phone cover and connect that with my love of stitching…ahhh pure joy! I only wish it was in my budget 🙁

  2. I love everything about embroidered monograms – the elegance, the beauty, the designs, the intertwining of letters and flowers or vines. Everything.

  3. Embroidered Monograms appeal to me because as a grandmother, I want to personalize gifts and keepsakes I make for my kids,and grandkids. Its important to me that they know it was made especially for them, and that even when I can’t see them as often as we would both like, I am always thinking of them. (The fact that they are beautiful, and elegant doesn’t hurt my feelings at all

  4. Embroidered monograms are timeless. They are an opportunity to make something very impersonal personal and elegant;for the embroiderer, it is an opportunity to take a simple, recognizable form and assert her skill and style.

  5. I am not entering the drawing because I am too new at this. The are people far more worthy and experienced than I am who would deserve it.

    But for me, looking at a monogram such as those in the book take me back to another time. It is somewhat difficult to describe but the designs combined with the work involved…add in a dash of my tendency to like the “traditional,” well it sort of sends a peaceful feeling flowing within in me.

    Corny I know but… 🙂

    1. I love monograms because they are rich and a generational connection to my family heritage. I appreciate hand needled monograms because they tell the person that is wearing them they are valued not only as a member of the family, but to take time and energy for. The more I see hand stitched monograms, the more I understand how much family meant to those who stitched them. I want to replicate that for my family as well.

  6. OMG, I would love to win this book. Books are so inspiring and great resources for learning new things. Hand-embroidered monograms are a favorite of mine for all the reasons you suggested, especially techniques used since this is something I really need to learn and work on. I also admire all the added flourishes.

  7. What a beautiful book! I would love to add this to my library. Monograms are timeless and classic in their beauty.

  8. I’ve always loved monograms for their elegance and nod to the past. There’s just something special about a person’s initials worked in a beautiful font. Thank you for the opportunity.

  9. I really love the elegance and link to the past. Monograms in the medieval period not only said ” this is mine ” but also have a language all their own.

  10. A hand embroidered monogram done well evokes memories of times gone by. I think of the artistry involved and the skill. It’s a lost art in this age of digitized designs and machine embroidery. I would love to up my skill level and be able to embroider beautiful monogrammed items to pass on to my children.

  11. I loved your review on this book! So much so that even with expecting not to find one, I checked Amazon for a copy anyway.
    I’m not sure where my love of monogram embroidery came from but I have admired it all my life and most likely for all the reasons you mentioned. As a child I believed only the rich people had such beautiful things, and in a sense I was right. I love the timelessness of it each unique and beautiful design. When I find a piece in old shops I wonder about who owned it and their life. Anyway I’d like to learn to make some pieces of my own for my family and me. I believe this book could help me do that. Your review was wonderful!

  12. The elegance of monograms is appealing. I also find that it gives me a connection to the past. I have the monogram patterns from my great-grandmother, who, wonderfully, had the same initials as myself! It always gives me a sense of family and history when I work on a monogram. I also feel more feminine, more beautiful, when I wear or carry items that have a traditionally worked monogram on them. I’ve also introduced my daughter to the beauty of monograms and, at 8, she loves trying her hand at embroidering them on her own handkerchiefs and shirt cuffs. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win this book. I have wanted it since it first was released. You are very kind to your readers.

  13. Hand embroidered monograms speak to me because they are a thoughtful and beautiful expression of a person or family…a unique gift that tells a story and captures history for future generations.

  14. This book looks amazing, such beautiful photography. I am a little obsessed with monograms, this started at an early age when my Dad handed me a piece of chalk and told me I could “decorate” the basement walls (as a way to keep me out of his way while he was working). My monograms are still there 50+ years later. I would love to have this book in my library.

  15. I’ve just taken up crazy quilting piecing and embroidery – these monograms would be so welcome as I’m building my collection. Thank you, Mary.

  16. I have loved monograms (and really all “handwork” since my Grandmother showed me her handwork when I was a child. Her monograms were gorgeous and “timeless” She “marked” napkins, pillow cases and tablecloths and seemed to always be working on something. I love both trying to do them by hand myself and just looking at pictures of gorgeous antique work. I have actually a been looking for the early edition of that book on used book sites since you mentioned it last week. Thanks so much for the chance to get the new one early!!!
    Pam Bustamante

  17. I have several old pillowcase which were hand monogrammed. The cases are worn but I have kept the six inch edging, every time I look at them I marvel at the exquisite embroidery and the lady who was able to do such lovely work.
    I would love to duplicate.
    This is an amazing book.
    Thank you for the opportunity to have my name drawn in your giveaway.

  18. Puriness. Elegance. Exclusivity. All this makes them really appealing. These days when everything is mass made hand embroidered monograms are real treasure.

  19. I’ve had the privilege of having Susan as a teacher. She’s fabulous! Her directions are clear and concise, Having her book would be like having her beside me showing the correct way to do monogramming.

  20. Mary…

    A hundred years ago this July, my paternal grandparents packed what they could and left Scotland to emigrate to Canada. They could only pack a few trunks because they were traveling via ship. Among the few possessions that my Gram brought with her was a table cloth and napkins with monograms hand embroidered by her mother.

    My Gram and Gramps have long since passed on and I have inherited the table cloth and napkins. It is sometimes overwhelming to realize that my Great-grandmother hand stitched those so many, many years ago…and I treasure them so very much.

    Thank you, Mary, for the chance to try for this monogram book…and for also giving us all the chance to share our stories about monograms…

    Stitchingly yours,
    Bonnie from Buffalo USA

  21. This is such elegant work and I need to work on improving my stitches, I love drooling over the pictures. I know this book will help me improve.

  22. Hand embroidery has always been a favorite of mine. My Mother taught me how when I was very young. She let me embellish all the hankys I could handle! I have no children to pass this art on to, but, I have nieces and nephews that are fond of the hand work that I give them. I hope this art never dies. To me, it is a tribute to a kinder, gentler, world.

  23. Thank you for this opportunity. Just yesterday, I was browsing your website for monogram information, more accurately padded satin stitch. However, it is a letter of the alphabet I want to stitch, but I’m not sure if it is considered a monogram. Anyway, I found what I think I needed. It is the elegance I enjoy most about monograms and the intrigue of learning something new.

  24. I love the personal aspects of monograms. I especially love vintage linens and silver with monograms. I always wonder who’s monogram it is; one person, a married couple, a baby. Was the item for a wedding, birth or other occasions. I love hand embroidering my own linens for my home.

  25. I am new to hand embroidery. I love it so much I have been learning a lot by watching your YouTube videos. Monograms are elegant, but hand embroidered monograms are extra special because of the time it takes to create them. I love the feel of the fabric and floss. I am eager to learn more.

  26. Estimada señora Corbet: Reciba mi saludo desde Venezuela. Quiero decirle que me gusta mucho el bordado pero soy principiante; los puntos que más me gustan son palestrina, cadeneta, atrás, satin, rococó, pero no sé mucho. Por eso le pido que por favor muestre trabajos con esos puntos, o una guía . Gracias por leerme y Dios la bendiga.

  27. I love your advice and helpful suggestions. The information helps me to understand and implement doing things that I would not have been able to do before. I read the reviews of the book mentioned and it seems to be a “must have” type of book. Thank you for providing such great information.

  28. I love everything about hand stitched monograms – the elegance, the clean graceful lines, the fine threads and the delicate fabric all meld into a quietly powerful statement of me!

  29. I do find embroidered monograms wonderful. The process of taking a letter or number and creating and developing a personal piece of artwork is fun, beautiful and challenging.

    My oldest granddaughter gave us our first little great granddaughter last September and she asked me if I would do something special for each month of growth. She watches Pinterest and saw some of the patches on Onsies for that purpose. She and her husband wanted to take a picture of each month’s advancement and place in a Collage – all 12 months. So, I began and now feel like an Artist! I just finished her 8 month Onsie. My granddaughter posts each one on Facebook and there are many comments. My mind seems to be picking out ideas way ahead and they grow in detail with collars and sleeves being embellished. I would very much like to proceed with letters for my children for a Christmas gift. It seems like this book would be a marvelous way to begin.

    Thank you for your Website. I enjoy and follow it daily.

  30. I love the sheer beauty of Monograms. The precision of design and stitches together with the flow and movement make for an exquisite piece of work. I defy anybody not to love it. (Yes I’m saving – just in case!)

  31. One of the reasons I love any type of hand work, whether it be embroidery, knitting, crocheting, or making a garment for someone, is that while my hands are touching pretty much every inch of that item I can be thinking and praying over that item and person asking Gods blessings on them.
    Thank you for your daily inspirations. I look forward to them everyday and save every one of them for reference when needed!
    Nell Ciaccio

  32. HI Mary,
    My mother was born and raised in Zurich and learned how to embroider at a young age. I still have examples from her and my grandmother of monograms they had embroidered. So for me monograms remind me of my Swiss heritage. Mom taught me how to embroider when I was about 8 years old. Whenever I pick up a needle and thread, I feel like Mom is still with me. I carried one of my Mom’s monogrammed handkerchiefs the day I got married last September. I lost my mom 7 years ago, so it was a way of having her with me.

  33. I’m a traditionalist. I love the old ways. So, I rarely buy something that is already embroidered. “I could do that, maybe even improve on it” I don’t know how many times I’ve said that while shopping. So, consequently, I have a closet full of plain garments just waiting for embellishment. I love to decorate clothing, pillows, curtains with embroidery. Monograms will just give me more ammunition.

  34. Monograms – to me they show a bit of permanence in this impermanent world. Something that reminds me of people who have gone ahead of me in the family, of items well loved and used and cherished.
    Embroidered monograms are especially dear to my heart since all the linens and clothing had our initials embroidered in mostly by my grandmother in my childhood.

  35. Hi Mary,
    I’ve been a fan for over 5 years, and though I’ve been
    embroidering since I was very, very young, I find myself
    always referencing your site when I get stuck or I need inspiration. I also refer your site to my guild members and other stitching friends.
    I would love to own this book, I can only imagine what beautiful letters I could stitch with it. Thank you for the opportunity to own this beautiful book. Laurie

  36. – What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms?

    To me it is definitely the personalization aspect involved. The fact that the embroidery piece is directly linked to a Human Being or a Concept which has or has had “some” extra meaning for it to be monogrammed. It is the choices made from the style of the font, through position on the piece, to the embroidery skill applied – they send me off into trips of imagination. And the best prize of all is to find a monogram which has coinciding initials with that of anyone I know: what fun!

  37. I love the timeless elegance of monogramed items. This fine art elevates everyday items such as napkins and pillowcases into cherished keepsakes to hand down from generation to generation. I have table clothes from my Great Grandmother and Grandmother which I use constantly. And I love mixing the traditional linens with modern china for everyday. I have just recently started monograming again as I am making pillowcases, hand towels, table runners, and table clothes as gifts for my sisters, nieces, and brides (as well as myself). I have also starting monograming items for hostess gifts instead of yet another bottle of wine or too short lasting .My friends are touched by the thought and I enjoying giving something which is useful and elegant. I have been trying in vain to find Susan O’Connor’s Monogram book in vain for several months as I think it is one of the most comprehensive guides so I would be Thrilled(!) to win this. I love your column as I have learned so much from you, thanks and keep it up.

    1. Oops, that would be too short lasting flowers as hostess gifts…I should proofread before hitting that button!

  38. I love the ‘personal’ part if the monogram – that it is so much the emblem of the stitcher. I especially like the way the letters work together; some intertwined, some standing apart, some lacy and delicate, some covered in a trellis of flowers. They are such a unique stamp; I think the style of the monogram gives great clues into the personality and desire of the stircher

  39. Thank you for reviewing the book and for the excitement of a give-away! I like monograms because of the feeling they give me. Embroidered monograms are so timeless and elegant that they make me slow down and appreciate them. Whitework monograms make me feel fresh, yet they also make me feel somewhat timeless. I know that sounds strange, but hopefully someone will understand what I mean!

  40. Hand embroidery techniques incorporated into monograms are my favorites, a hand embroidered monogram always out shines a machine one no comparison.
    Mary M

  41. Dear Mary,

    What appeals to me most about hand embroidered monograms is the beauty of them. I love the intricacy of the stitches. Susan O’Connor’s book would be a wonderful addition to my needlework library. Thanks so much for yet another wonderful give-away, Mary.


  42. I have studied calligraphy for almost 30 years and embroidery almost 40 (off/on until recently). It is these two interests that got me obsessed with designing monograms for embroidery.
    I would love to have this valuable resource for reference as I design and stitch!
    Thanks for a chance!
    With hope,

  43. I love the elegance and special recognition that monograms give to clothing, as well as accessories like tote bags, or purses, afghans and so forth. This unique book would be a great addition to my embroidery and its creations can be passed on to loved ones and friends as gifts to enjoy that may become a treasured heirloom.
    Thank you for this gift, a timeless piece that can be a lasting tradition.

  44. I have an interest in whitework and monograms are lovely in whitework. Also I have nomograms from my ancestors and would love to compare what I have with what is in the book, in an effort to learn more about my treasures.

  45. G’day Mary,
    Those of the past have a history that is both intriguing and tantalising, even if the providence is known, and if it’s not, it’s also a beautiful mystery that can only unfold in ones own imagination.
    Freshly embroidered monograms have all that to look forward to. Stamped for all time with something of beauty, care and personality. A treasure from the very first stitch.
    I love that they are so personal, no matter who treasures them today.
    Thank you for offering this gem.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz

  46. I enjoy the thrill of knowing that whatever the initial is sewn on it then belongs to that person. I like padded initials.

  47. I like that monograms are individual, and I like the way they look, especially white on white.
    I have a pair of pillowcases made by my husband’s great-grandmother for his grandmother’s wedding. They are still beautiful, and I’m so glad to have them.

  48. Monograms remind me of fine lawn handkercheifs an french cuffs on a mans shirt – elegance at its best

  49. I am addicted to monograms in every size, shape and technique from creating fonts in Photoshop to researching antique letters and trawling through E-bay to find neglected treasures. I love teaching them and encouraging other people to see what they can create to give their own personal touches to their projects. I have been after this book in english for years and am so delighted to see it being reprinted. She has an inspiring approach to embroidery and puts the information across in a simple way which cannot fail to inspire. Whoever wins your books will have a wonderful addition to their library!

  50. When we were first married, 53 years ago and had no money, Î made my husband a bathrobe and put his initial on the pocket. I used tiny chain stitches and four rows in graduated shades. He was even prouder of it than I was and wore it for many years. When it could no longer be patched again, he took the pocket off and has it saved with his most special treasures. That same year, he made me a silver ring with my name on it which I still treasure. Thus began our love affair with monograms. I would love to own this beautiful book and thank you for this opportunity.

  51. Mary, thank you for such a wonderful giveaway opportunity. I think what appeals to me in monograms are both the personalization and the elegance. Embroidering gift items with a monogram certainly makes them more personal the the giftee. Embroidering linens with monograms add a touch of elegance. I would love to add this book to my library.

  52. I love the styling of the letters, the texture, the delicacy of the stitches and the personalization that is featured in each monogram.

  53. It would be so wonderful to embroider my children’s and grandchildren’s
    Initials with this beautiful book as inspiration. Thanks for all you do!
    Barbara Forrestall

  54. I love the monograms not only because of their elegance, but more so because of their individuality. They are just so ‘personal’. I am the only KVO that I know of, or if I choose, I can use my middle initial and be KGV – but then I cut off part of my last name as it is a two-word name. SO you see, it can mark me as an individual quite different from everyone else. I think monograms mark the person! I love the three-letter style with the last initial set in the middle – to me it has real pizaz. I’ve done many monograms and ‘sayings’, mostly in cross stitch but they are fun to work on and can be calming after the hectic days we deal with.

  55. Hi Mary,
    I realized I didn’t answer your questions.
    As I began my recent 3-year blitz of monogramming I looked at them in 3 ways.
    1. A personal and abstract way to celebrate a person or couple without pictures.
    2. A way of working with color, texture and line without paint so I could work anywhere (my masters is in painting, but my studio is in transit).
    3. To connect with my interests in gravestone imagery and the ideas of remembrance.
    Thanks again,l

  56. I’m most struck by the intentionality of a hand embroidered monogram. All handwork takes time and skill, but a monogram (particularly at the artistic level demonstrated in this book as you’re described it) requires an intention which is personal. Whether as a gift or for one’s self, the monogram isn’t yet another quick throw away thoughtless trivial item, it’s special in the fullest definition of the word.

  57. I love to learn new techniques and love samplers of all kinds. these techniques look like they could possibly be used for other needlework forms.

  58. My love of monograms – where to begin. It’s a signature of course. An “I have been here” moment. It’s historical. It’s beauty. It’s a somewhat forgotten art that in our busy lives few think about. It’s like a label on a quilt identifying whose life that particular item touched. It’s something that I’d love to add to the old linens I rescue and repurpose. I’ve drooled over monograms and this particular book. It’s an item that has been on my wish list for a long time. Just to know that it’s going to be republished makes my heart pitter patter. I can hardly wait for August!

  59. I love the textural appearance of monograms on old linens, especially whitework ones. The padded satin often used has been lovingly stitched and then washed and ironed over any years of use. The mystery of what names do those initials stand for is intriguing.

  60. My mom taught me the very basics of embroidery when I was a little girl. I love the delicate and intricate details of monograms–so beautiful in their simplicity and elegance.

  61. Monograming personal items in our home and giving them as gifts is my passion.

    I find the look very elegant and regal and it makes such a statement with no words. I have collected many books on the art of monograming. Each has such history and styles to work with. I don’t have Susan’s wonderful book and would love to own it now so that I can work through and understand in detail the art of monograming.

    I used to love watching the Lavern and Shirley show where Lavern always wore her initial L on her clothing. I used to try and catch if the L was always the same or different on each article of clothing.

    I monogram hand towels for our guest to use when they visit. I dress our bed with beautiful pillows and the final pillow on top has our family initial.

    I’m working on sets for my daughters and granddaughter now hoping to pass on this love of monogramming to future sewers.

    I tried ordering the book but it seems where I live the sale could not go through so I’m hoping I can win this amazing book now.

    Eva McCormack

  62. I read your review on the book Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters and thought that this was a book I would definitely love to have on my bookshelf.
    Monograms are so elegant and usually the design of the letters and the stitches chosen are so beautiful. The ultimate in Whitework in my opinion.
    Thank you for your wonderful reviews!

  63. Why would I love to have this book? So many reasons but the one that touches my heart is the fact that my Mom taught me to embroidery because as she said, “All proper Southern ladies monogram their belongings”. I used to use her papers to follow the embroidery patterns but about 10 years ago, our house burned down and I lost all of her papers that I had brought home with me after her death. I have thought many times about buying a nice monogram book but between kids in college and trying to replace the “important” things in our house, I have just never had the money. This is a beautiful book and I would love to have it so that I can monogram again. I love the personalized look of monograms on linens, clothing and just about everything! Thanks for the chance to recapture a part of my heritage.

  64. I have been intrigued with monograms since I was 14 and my mom made a pair of monogrammed pillowcases for me. Beautiful pink lettering with shades of pink flowers and soft green leaves and vines. That was 50 years ago. I use then yearly on my birthday, carefully wash and tuck them away for another year.
    When I turned 60 a friend asked if I would like to take a Madeira Embroidery class and I suddenly needed to learn all kinds of embroidery, but it was a monogram class that got my attention. In just four short years I have collected a drawer full of monogrammed linens and hankies. I have many books, but it would be a great addition to my collection to have Susan O’Conner’s book for inspiration and instruction.

  65. I just love the cleanness and the elegance of a wellcomposed monogram. It adds the final touch to a project or is a project in itself. I also like the precision neccessry to make a monogram that looks good
    Tania from Denmark

  66. I do love the elegance of the hand stitched monogram. I also love how giving hand made gifts stops the person or people they are given to….they stop and take the time to actually look at the gift. And it makes them feel special that you took time to think about something that relates to them and took the time to make it yourself.

  67. I love monograms, especially antique linens,
    because of their elegance. A well executed
    monogram will be stylish, no matter the era.
    It is so much fun to imagine what kind of home
    these linens came from; what daily life was
    like when they were in use.

    Pat S.

  68. I have some beautiful monograms on my mom’s. It would be amazing to try some of those myself! the book looks just beautiful!

  69. I just love the elegance of hand embroidered monograms. They speak to me of the pride a family feels for their name and heritage. I inherited many linens from past generations and the monograms tell a story. My mother (93)can tell me who did the work and what each of the initials signified. Now it’s my turn to add new initials on purchased linens to add to our family collection.

    We have a new family mystery to solve – amongst all the initials that we could indentify we found one – a “D” – that no one can explain. Hmmmmm…. back to the family tree!

  70. Thinking about why I like monograms is an interesting question as it has given me pause to reflect on embroidery as a whole and why I am drawn to it. I love the practicality of monograms – the need we have to make our personal mark and show ownership of something through initials. Almost like a secret code. Only those in the know would associate the particular initials with the articles owner, a short form of putting a name to an article. I like that. I like that somewhere in the future there will be someone else who claims ownership of an object based on the same initials but not necessarily the same name. It is thrilling to find an old hankie with beautifully embroidered initials that are a match for ones own! The slow progress of building by hand a textile with all the thoughts of the maker captured in every stitch. The creativity and personal interpretation of needle and thread. The past continuing to influence the present and the future. The thread that links all of us together in one moment in time. When I sit stitching with my needle and thread I feel the past as an anchor to my present, a kind of comfort to my now and a long projection into the future that I am somehow taking all three moments and making them one. A continuation of making by hand.

  71. It’s more than the elegance,the art of the work and the beauty of the finished item. It’s bringing the beautiful embroidery to a very personal level and saying: “That’s me!”

  72. Amo monogramas por sua versatilidade no uso de pontos e ser um trabalho tão delicado, podendo ser colocado em diferentes trabalhos, que maravilha se conseguir ter uma cópia desse livro!!!

  73. I am new to embroidery. I have only completed a few pieces and find that I very much enjoy the peace that comes with this art. I learn a great deal from your posts and videos.

  74. I love this form of embroidery and embroidery in general because it links me to generations of women who have gone before me. Their lives were often so constrained compared with mine; so frequently they were told that couldn’t be artists, that there were no great women artists, just as not very many generations ago they were told that they couldn’t be scientists, lawyers, doctors; that education was wasted on women. And yet, through needle work, they found a way to persevere, to create art, to add beauty to the world, to show that they couldn’t be constrained.

    I am no artist but I appreciate the art that others create and the dedication and fearlessness that it takes to create it.

  75. My GrandMother taught me Letter Embroidery. “Put your letter in the corner of your hankie so you know which are yours after the wash”. I have love them since.

  76. I love all the reasons you listed for embroidering monogram, but I really like the classiness it adds to items! Monogram an really knock it up a notch.

  77. A time gone by. An elegance. And, the touch. Oh yes, the touch. Gently rubbing a finger tip over the stitching connects me in some odd way to whoever did the stitching. Lettering is something I do as a doodle thing, but even though I love to embroider, crazy quilt and other kinds of embroider, I’ve never moved to monograms. Maybe because they are a different kind of connection. This book could be the beginning of a new embroidery journey. Thank you for the information and the opportunity.

  78. I enjoy the sum and the parts — how it reads as separate letters and as a unified design, and how the embroidery stitches bring texture, shape and color. An embroidered monogram is the most beautiful kind because it’s a physical object and goes beyond just the text symbol.

  79. Thank you for the chance to win such a treasure.
    I find it difficult to say why I love monograms, but I think it really is the elegance of them. The designs are just gorgeous, intertwined and surrounded by flourishes and florals.

  80. Monograms are a timeless heirloom. To hand sew one for a loved one is a labor of love – prayers and good wishes for them in each stitch.
    Thanks for the giveaway! Carrie Plane Nut

  81. I love monograms because they are so elegant. Making gifts we these make me feel like I am giving an herloom with each one. There are do many variety of ways to make them that they are fun for everyone of every age

  82. I follow you every morning. I enjoy everything. I have never monogrammed anything, but there is always a first time. I have belonged to EGA for 30 years, I have tried anything that comes my way. Recently, I was able to take a class with Jane Nicholas. ( love stumpwork) Very soon, as soon as my Secret Garden book comes in the mail, I will start that. but probable won’t get much done until fall. I have been making a list of “your” color but to never list all the colors you used. Thank you for your wonderful site. Janet

  83. There is nothing more beautiful or elegant as an article that is hand monogrammed. There is also nothing more humbling as receiving something that has been monogrammed…just to know someone loves you enough to put forth the time and effort.
    Love your blog.

  84. I am new to all of the wonderful (almost) “lost arts”. I have always been partial to the beauty of embroidery but monogrammed works are by far my favorite. I love everything about them but most of all would have to be the intricate detail and the vintage feel that they evoke. I am so excited that you brought this book to my attention and can’t wait to get a copy.

  85. Everyone loves to see and hear their name. Personalization is always important. Monograms are the highest form of flattery in stitching. They are simple but so elegant. Pure beauty. I’d like to use them more. This book sounds like a real treasure.

  86. Monograms….they are so elegant – so chic!!
    It was one of the first things my mom taught me as a child (a dressmaker from France by profession). Love the texture; while growing up, I think I monogrammed everything! Too beautiful!! Am thinking about doing a monogram on a tablecloth I inherited from mom…they just don’t make tablecloths like that anymore!

  87. writing your name or initials on something is a time honoured way of making your mark and showing others who you are and reminding yourself that you exist!
    I love lettering of all kinds, but embroidered lettering shows a certain care for the delicate forms of letters and how they interact with each other. I love the thought that someone has outlined each shape carefully, filled them with neat stitches to grace the curves and angles and finally given that work to the person they care for, even if that person is themselves!

  88. I love them for all the reasons you listed. It’s the romance. I collect monogrammed linens and sterling napkin rings with monograms. I love imagining who they belonged to and what his/her life was like. Jane Stona

  89. I love monograms. To me it’s art, a dying art, because doing hand monogram seems to be rare. It’s an art that you want to pass on to your children and theirs so it can live on. I want to know all of the technics of learning different variations to know.

  90. It is somehow because if you have a monogram you will be thought of /remembered in some way, and in others there is an element of mystery in a few of the more intricate designs. Gill UK

  91. Mary – First, I must tell you how very much I look forward to your daily posts. I have learned so much from you! If ever I need to learn a new stitch, your website is the first place I go. So, thank you for all that you do. Please know how much you are appreciated by all.
    I have always loved the personalization of monograms and have quite a few items that I have stitched for myself and as gifts. Whitework monograms are my favorite as there is something that is so elegant and rich about the white stitching. Hand embroidered monograms reminds me of an earlier time, when all the household linens were stitched on and cuffs and collars were embroidered on as well. Love that vintage period! I love your review of this book and would dearly LOVE to have it.
    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win this book.
    Barbara in TN

  92. The elegance of monograms is high on the list of why I like them but I think the main reason is hard to pin down and describe. When you have your initial on something – household linens, etc. – it says “I am here. This is my corner of the world.” Years ago we were all trying to find ourselves – I think a monogram says you have succeeded.

  93. There is history in the threads we use to make anything, in a Monogram you not only join hands with all the women across the world and across time to create something with embroidery but also you’re putting a name to it. Leaving a mark on our world is something everyone one of us wants to do. I for one love the idea of having both a tie to history and a making a mark on history in one beautiful work of art.

  94. I was born and raised in the south and monogram king has always been a part of my life. I have embroidered my daughter’s clothes and now my granddaughter loves anything monogrammed. I tell her if she’s ever lost, we’ll be able to find her by the monograms on her clothes, shoes, bags, jackets, etc! This book looks exquisite and I would love to win it.

  95. I love the timeless elegance of monograms. I love thinking about all the women who came before and stitched just as we do today. I want to read about monograms as I have a new daughter-in-law. I want to welcome her to our family by giving her a monogrammed gift that is beautiful. And she will know I love her as I spent hours creating such a beautiful monogrammed gift incorporating her new initials!

  96. I love your posts! So inspired by your needlework and always picking up great sewing tips…I do lots of machine monograms because I love monograms! But always on the lookout at antique shops for those done by hand – what an art! This book looks like it would be a good teaching tool to do them correctly and neatly. Would love to try some of my own!

  97. I like monograms because of how personal they are. I like to design hand embroider monogram pillow cases for gifts and just as each monogram is unique and timeless so is the person you are giving the gift to, each monogram kind of takes on a character of its own and has it own elegance, no matter how simple or elaborate the design may be they are still beautiful in there own right.

  98. Definitely the timeless elegance, the hint at times gone by, yet with the ability to bring them up to date too. Monograms can be stitched in so many ways, using various techniques and threads to give different effects, they are so versatile.

  99. I absolutely love monograms. I have stitched 3 ring bearer’s pillows with monograms. I have just finished my second birth sampler, which I designed myself. I have my Grandmother’s towels with lovely monograms. I don’t think there isn’t a year I don’t stitch a monogram. I wish I didn’t have to wait till August to get my copy.

  100. The beauty of embroidered monograms is how something as ordinary as a letter can be transformed into art. Embroidering a monogram on fabric is like doing three dimensional calligraphy. I love the infinite ways I can individualize something with design, thread, and a little time. And a monogram is so versatile, from ornate to modern it is something that can be adapted for any sex, age, or occasion.

  101. As with many of us, my first needlework experience was sitting next to my mother. She only did embroidery and crocheted at that time. Since crocheting was beyond my 8 yr old abilities, we learned many many stitches and there were hundreds on pillowcases stitched by the time I was 10. Learning the more elegant styles and methods from Mary and the beautiful books is more fun than non-stitchers can comprehend. They don’t get the satisfaction and relaxation involved in a lovely stitched embroidery. We all do, and covet the time that they waste NOT doing it too!

  102. Monograms are a little bit of family history that can be passed from generation to generation.

  103. I truly like how classy monograms make an article whether a pillowcase, napkins, handkerchiefs or clothing. The vintage cursive writing really appeals to me! I have taken premade items and added monograms and turned them into great gifts!

  104. Hi Mary,
    I love hand monogrammed items, because to me they are visible personal history. They are every young girls dream when she falls in love and begins to practice writing her name with his last name. They are the representation of the combination of names, carefully thought over and then given to a child by his loving parents upon his birth. A monogrammed hankie from a beloved grandparent is like carrying a little bit of them with you wherever you go.
    Having the opportunity to create beautiful hand stitched personal history like that is a true blessing to me personally and I hope for the family member or friend for which it is intended as well.

  105. I just love monograms and particularly embroidered or shadow work embroidered monograms on children’s clothing. It makes them so special and unique. The classic and timeless quality as well as the beauty of the embroidery cannot be duplicated. they will always be my favorite!

  106. Fine embroidered monograms have always had a look of class to me. Learning to do them myself is exciting. I love to embroider and your lessons have maid it so easy to understand. Thank your for the chance to maybe own this book so I can new things to do.

    A loyal follower,
    Joyce Mulloy

  107. Monograming will never go out of style. It is timeless. Hand embroidering is the best way to show someone you think enough of them to put a little of your soul into a gift for them. I always feel a bit like I’m giving away one of my children anytime I gift away my hand worked items away. Thank you for the wonderful how to articles you post .

  108. I appreciate monograms for the personalization and the elegance. Making a ring bearer’s pillow for my daughter’s wedding many years ago, I simply used the two sets of initials with a motif in between. It was lovely, if I may say so myself!

  109. Monograms for me are definitely nostalgic. They bring to mind the white linen hand towels in my mother’s linen closet. As a child, I was fascinated by the way the lines and letters stood up on top of the fabric. Still am!

  110. I love monograms because of the timelessness of them. When I was in highschool I monogrammed 5 handkerchiefs for my boyfriend, and he still uses them to this day! I love to personalize gifts and knowing how special it makes them warms my heart.

  111. What appeals me most… is the timeless art form. When I was 8 years old I received my first piece of hand embroidery from my grandmother, which I still have in a frame, I was intrigued by the talent and time it took to complete this piece of artwork. Once I was 10 my grandmother taught me how to do embroidery and I treasure that memory. The way a simple stitch can bring a piece to life still amazes me today! I hope to pass this knowledge down to my nieces and grandchildren.

  112. Hi Mary, thank you for another generous give-away. I think that it is the timeless elegance of monograms that appeal to me most. I have often tried to design a monogram for myself and have failed to create anything pleasing. If I were lucky enough to win this give-away, perhaps I could finally manage it!

  113. I love the detail of monograms and can spend hours examining the artistry and workmanship that went into the fine needlework I have the great pleasure to own. This past weekend I was able to spend an hour in an antique shop I was visiting for the first time and acquired a few new pieces. The shopkeeper asked me what I would ever do with just one napkin….I looked at her and said “Admire it…” This book would be a treasured addition to my library.

  114. I love monograms because they are rich and a generational connection to my family heritage. I appreciate hand needled monograms because they tell the person that is wearing them they are valued not only as a member of the family, but to take time and energy for. The more I see hand stitched monograms, the more I understand how much family meant to those who stitched them. I want to replicate that for my family as well.

  115. I love embroidered monograms because if their elegance but also because they remind me of days gone past and my grandmother .

  116. I love love love monograms! I am anxiously awaiting your monogram book! I started doing them for my friends when they marry. I am always told they are the most favored gifts. I love the sense of family history and nostalgia they give. I love all embroidered things, but monograms are my favorite.

    Good luck everyone!

  117. I don’t know exactly what it is that I love about embroidered monograms, but whenever I see them it makes my heart jump a little and i feel a strong impulse or craving to create them.

    Thank you for the chance to win this lovely book.

  118. I like monograms because it allows you take something as simple and plain as a letter of the alphabet and turn it, through embroidery, into something that is so elegant and timeless.

    Thank you, Mary, for another opportunity to add to our libraries.

  119. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! I love monograms are timeless. I love my grandmother’s monogramed hand towels. Each are framed in my kitchen and I would love to make one for my family!

  120. To me, monograms have a certain nostalgia that brings to mind a more elegant era. When I was younger, there was a fine linen shop in our town. My mother was friends with the owner and she also worked there. In that shop were finely monogrammed handkerchiefs, and sample books of various monogram fonts that could be customized for bed linens and towels. It was all very fascinating to me, even though they were machine-made. I later began to collect vintage monogrammed items, which were obviously hand-embroidered, and I still marvel at the skill of the needlewomen who made them.

  121. Monograms represent elegance to me. I love the timeless appearance of them.

  122. Hej.
    Jeg vil elske at være så heldig at vinde bogen. Jeg er vil med monogrammer. De er anevenlig mange steder. På tøj, tasker, puder og mange andre steder. Jeg kan også lide at studere de forskellige sting for derefter at anvende dem til andre ting.
    Jeg er trofast læser af din side og har lært rigtig meget af det, da jeg ikke har broderet i så mange år. Du har også rigtig inspiration som jeg elsker at fordybe mig i og mange dejlige billeder.

  123. I have very little experience with monograms, but recently started a tradition of making bridal handkerchiefs for my nieces on my husbands side of the family, incorporating a bit of lace from my mother in laws wedding gown (the something old) giving the “new” handkerchief, including a white safety pin or a pearl headed pin as something borrowed, and placing some very light blue French knots (something blue) as accents on the lace. Now I would really like to be able to embroider a truly impressive monogram to make these hankies even better. I have 2 sons who are nearing that time when marriage might be near, and I would like to have the technique down pat!! Thanks, love your website and emails

  124. I think it’s the personalization for me. I love making thing for people and a person’s name is so meaningful. We take such care in my family to give a child a meaningful name and the person seems to carry the name in time. You will hear of a child with an outrageous name but then you speak to them and see that it suits them. So when you monogram something with a person’s initials it so very personal and special IMHO. Thanks for the generous give away!

  125. What appeals most to me is the craftsmanship hand monogramming represents. Much like a glass blower, furniture maker or potter, the needleworker pours his or her soul into creating something unique to that moment in time. Attention to detail, a nod to the craftspeople who have come before, an intentionality — all are hallmarks of this kind of work. We see pockets of such intentional craftsmanship returning to our culture. Needleworkers have been doing this all along.

  126. My most prized possessions are the monogrammed tablecloths, napkins, pillow cases etc. I’ve inherited from relatives. Since everyone knows I’m a stitcher it all comes my way and I love to use them. It connects me to a previous generation of stitchers in the family. After reading your post I had the idea of monogramming a blanket to use for family baptisms. I have a grandson being born soon and the timing would be perfect to start on the project.

  127. My love of monograms and needlework comes from my paternal grandmother who was French/French Canadian. Even though my grandparents were not wealthy, my grandmother created the most beautiful things for their home with thread, needle, and shuttle. Her embroidered monograms were lovely and her tatted laces even more so. Monogrammed items always generate fond memories of my grandmother and the hours I spent watching her amazing hands as she stitched and tatted.

  128. I love old linens. Monograms to me speak of hours of careful work preparing for milestones like weddings and new babies. Old monograms are beautiful work and use fancy and intricate stitching– they were meant to last and be passed down. I admire the stitching and techniques but what speaks to me is hours of commitment, and hopefully love, that have gone into the making of an heirloom.

  129. I love the fact that the monograms are timeless and also elegant. They actually can make anything simple become a breath taking piece or a personalized prize piece to anyone. The never ending beauty and chicness of monograms are what appeals to me.

  130. Monograms are a very comforting ode to the past for me. They are simple and elegant and have such a sense of history to them. My Grandmother started me on embroidery when I was a child and it was her love of it and her love of monograms that give me that sense of history. I would love exploring all this book has to offer.

  131. Hi, Mary, I am very much interested to see you everyday i.e My priority to see your posting.Sometimes bet with myself tomorrow she will post this and that most of the times they are true too….So. we are sailing in the same boat (embroidery is our Ocean)I love the Monograms to do by hand.I have a habit of doing some memorable days and things mix in the same time. May be your book will make me more perfect.
    Thank You.

  132. Nothing says I love you, like hand embroidery. So much time and love goes into each piece. That is what I adore about it and love to find it at estate sales that are still in good condition.

  133. All I can say is that I am physically drawn to traditional monograms. It doesn’t matter the letters or the media used. Sometimes it’s even hard to tell what the letter is, but still, the beauty of the work pulls you in. I imagine I will spend many hours with this book.
    Thank you for you wonderful website.

  134. One year I monogrammed an initial on a blouse for my Mother and Mother In Law for Mothers Day. I wish I had had a book like this to have guided me. Please put my name in the hat for a chance to win this fabulous book.

  135. Monograms appeal to me because your initials, your name, is so personal and uniquely you. To place those initials, your monogram, on linen, is, to me, the height of classiness. When I see a monogram on a tablecloth I am transported back in history. As I examine the workmanship in the monogram I think of that woman and her unique skills putting the family brand on their linens. Her exquisite work has remained for years long after she was gone and otherwise forgotten. That connection, of history and needle and thread, immediately connects with the needlewoman in my heart. I strive to continue that tradition as I ply needle and thread on my own possessions.

  136. I love monograms – they are timeless, elegant and you can tell a distinct difference between a monogram hand embroidered and one stitched by machine. I love everything you can do with hand embroidered monograms too.

  137. I like the nostalgia of monograms. I am the rare woman junior and shared my monogram with my mother. In the part of the country where grew up, it is tradional for a woman to drop her middle name and change it to her surname if she takes her spouse’s name when they marry. My mother did this and went from being a PPK to being a PKP. When Imwas born I also was a PKP. When I married I became a PPK. We have now gone ful circle. With this history, you can see why I have always been drawn to monograms.

  138. Hello Mary
    Would just love this book, I collect all books on embroidery and this would find a happy home with me! I know one day I will find the time to embroider everything on my to-do list. This winter I have knocked a few off, but find that I add more each time I open a book!

  139. I am drawn to monograms because of the artistic beauty I have found in them. I first realized how wonderful they are when I studied some vintage hankies. Then when Mary started her monogram series I fell more in love with the beauty. They can be simple or they can be a stitch sampler; they can be white-on-white or colorful. If well-stitched they are works of art; if naivly stitched they are full of love.

    Thank you for offering this wonderful book.

  140. Oh I think the nostalgia factor for me! Reminders of the times when we stitched and decorated so much of our household items, rather than buying pre made. It brings together the love of needlework and calligraphy so beautifully!

  141. For me it’s the timelessness — knowing that my grandmother had monogramed linens, and my mother was given monogramed linens, and I have to embroider my own monogramed napkins and tableclothes. It’s knowing that although there are others in the family with the same initials, we all look at the monogram differently – some prefer the deco look, some the modern look, and some the very ornate old fashioned looks. And monogramed bathroom towels make sure that my husband and I don’t use each other’s towels either…. it’s far better than getting two colors of everything….

  142. Hi, i love monograms and to have a lovely instructive book like that in my hands would be wonderful =)

  143. I love anything monogrammed whether old or new. I especially love old linens monogrammed. It just warms me to think that someone put loving care in doing their handwork. It is so personal and truly a treasure. I am beginning to learn and hope to complete some treasures for someone. I would really love the book!

  144. Hi Mary. Another great give-away! I love monograms because they enable me to personalize my crazy quilt projects. Nearly everything I make has my initials on it somewhere as well as the year the project was completed. This book could help me add more elegance and “old world feel” to my projects. Grovenore

  145. above all else, the personalization, i think. especially for gifts…it says this was made just for me…

  146. Monograms and ironed sheets on all the beds Telll my guests they are special to us! And they are! I would love to win this book but good luck wishes go out to all. Thanks for the chance in your generous drawing. Chris Beresford

  147. I’m new to hand embroidery. I’ve been a machine embroidery nut ever since they came to the home market 25 years ago. About 5 years ago I joined our local Heirloom Guild and I’ve been bitten by the hand embroidery bug. My favorite embroidery right now, is monograms. I love learning new things and all the new (to me) stitches are a wonder. I love combining hand & machine embroidery on printed fabric for unexpectedly lovely effects.

  148. I love the look of hand stitched monograms. I suppose that it is a combination of nostalgia and the personalization. They remind me a gentler time and a more gracious way of life with an eye toward personal gentility. It is something that I am attempting to bring more fully alive in my own life.

  149. I have loved monograms forever… They express character, style, personality, elegance…they just express it all in one fancy letter. This book would be a dream to have and add to my embroidery library. It would be a treasure to own. Can’t say enough about this book.
    Thank You Mary for this exciting contest and congratulations to the future owner. Good luck to all entering.

  150. I love the elegance of monograms and think there is nothing so beautiful has hand embroidered monograms. I love looking at embroidered items in antique stores and find myself really looking closely to see if they are hand or machine made! I’ve also done some “professional” hand embroidery with a company in VA and have really enjoyed the process and the end results. Having this kind of reference material is just a dream come true for me!

    Debby Brandenburger

  151. Oh, how I would love to own this book. The opportunities for projects that this book offers are endless. Each year I create projects for christmas for my 8 grandchildren that will become (hopefully) an heirloom to follow them into adulthood. They will have a record of each year of our lives and something long lasting from their maternal grandmother that says how much they are loved. ( Their families are scattered all over the country so visiting is rare!) This beautiful book would give me the resource to gain a new skill and add beautiful monograms to their gifts.
    Pat G.

  152. Ahh, the monogram! Nothing else gives that custom touch. To lovingly apply delicous threads by hand is pure pleasure! And the variety of possibilities, from letters composed of the most simple outline stitch to a full on illuminated extravaganza! It would be my honor to embroider any of the designs in this wonderful book.

  153. Aaah Mary, Monograms always make me think of the romance of elegant ladies of bygone eras, in crinolines and beautifully decorated hats with large brims taking afternoon tea on the lawn, drinking from fine porcelain cups with their fine linen monogrammed handkerchiefs in their dainty reticules……. you get the picture!

  154. I was first taught at 6-7 years old in the early 1960s. To me, a monogram is an elegant and beautiful way of making something yours. I am a historical re-enactor of the Regency Period, and I love when we’re with the public, and I bring out my initialed handkerchief. I also teach young people our art, and this book would be a wonderful teaching aid.

  155. I love the elegance of monograms. It takes me back to a by- gone era when tradition and courtesies were appreciated. In this fast paced world, I think we need more of that.
    Carol bu(cc)

  156. I really enjoy the elegance of monograms, and the history therein. There is something about the letters entwined and embellished with leaves and flowers that attracts me. Perhaps it is the flowing nature, or that eons ago, most were done in whitework- and I adore whitework!
    I am currently creating a wedding gift with lots of stitchery, including a monogram. I’ve used a lace monogram, but, had I this book, I wonder what design I might have used?
    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this monogram book!

  157. Hand embroidered monograms are a uniquely personal symbol. The time and effort required to complete the design reflects the heartfelt connection we share with someone. This lasting impression can be passed on for generations.
    The same sentiment can never be achieved with a machine.

  158. I love the many different ways monograms can be done, what with all the techniques you can use. And they are all beautiful! Never the same twice.

  159. I love it when something is personalized. Be it with a name, monogram or symbol. It makes the item so much more meaningful and representative of the individual. I also love the history of monograms, ciphers, and symbols. So fascinating! Susan O’Connor is just wonderful and I would be so pleased to have her book. It looks just beautiful!

  160. If you can name a thing, then it becomes yours. It is part of your power, who you are. But that sounds dreadfully masculine, since power brings forth thoughts of dictators and people without the control to deal with power. What does a female do? How does she define herself? Evoke her own power? Like Penelope, she uses her needles and looms and tools of needlework. She puts monograms, symbols of her name, on her clothing and says this is who I am! Think of Katherine Hepburn, Barbara Stanwick and the other great actresses of the forties. Monograms! Strong women with beautiful monograms, delicately rendered or making a statement. They are women’s way of naming ourselves…and we even use them to name those close to us! Just a thread, a ground and a needle.

  161. I have loved monograms since I was a little girl. They remind me of a time gone by, and seem so romantic. Because I only have one initial (all K’s by marriage) other people’s monograms intrigue me…I love the swirls and the the beauty of the threads. I also love that they say “this is me.”

  162. Oh Mary!
    I do desire this book!
    You ask, “What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms?” For me, I’m not certain I can narrow it down to a single aspect. I love their elegance, the air of refinement. They hint but don’t tell the whole of the name, of the family. I succumb to the draw of nostalgia, the thought that many were stitched with dreams for hope chests.

  163. Just love them. They are so elegant. I have done a few for my grand daughters. Would love to do more!

  164. Dear Mary

    Thank you so much for the opportunity of this rare give away book it is so generous of you. I like the fact that a monogram is a personalised piece, the person who has taken the trouble to embroider obviously thinks a lot of the person they have made it for. The elegance is in the design and the stitches and thread used, there are so many ways to embroider a monogram from plain to a piece of art which transcends into other embroidery pieces. Because it is a personal piece it is timeless for the receiver and a nostalgic piece because of the memories and friendship it evokes. When I embroider a monogram I think of the memories we have shared, the feelings for the persons and the nostalgia that the piece brings up.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  165. Please enter me in the give away. I’m always on the lookout for alphabets, and how to do them better. It’s the stitched words that complete most projects for me. The name stitched on the outside pocket of a ladies purse, or elegant initials. A table runner with a playful “Happy Birthday”. A favorite Bible verse all framed up to hang on the wall. There is an elegance with White work that I would love to be able to accomplish.
    Thank you.
    Smiles to you.

  166. Thank you for reviewing this book and for offering to gift it to someone. I have admired embroidered monograms since I was a little girl. I watched with awe as my grandmother stitched monograms on things (clothes and linens primarily), so she patiently taught me how to do it right. I put embroidered monograms on many of the things I gift to others as well. Monograms trigger many happy memories and even one sad memory. We were robbed once and the thieves stole anything that I had placed a monogram on as well as all of my monogrammed jewelry pieces. Some of the jewelry and linens were from my grandmother. We shared the same initials. Perhaps the thieves knew someone with the same initials or realized the value of a finely stitched monogram. 🙂 I treasure the memories: of time spent with my grandmother learning to stitch, creating monogramed linens for my children and grandchildren, as well as the joy I feel when I carefully stitch each piece. Monograms are personal, can express our creativity and pass on a connecting bond that I cannot explain. Sincerely, Barbara Clinton

  167. Being able to personalize anything gives an item a special touch that no one else has…..besides I love to add flowers or ornamentation to an item to add that special “pop” of color that enhances the lettering! Besides…..they just look elegant on anything and brighten your day a little! Grace from Minnesota

  168. The monograms remind me of ones my great-grandmother did. She was famous for her beautiful penmanship. I would love to recreate something similar to her work.

  169. What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms?

    I loved your review of the book & wanted it immediately. People seem to enjoy receiving items that are personalized for them. Their happiness makes me happy.

    Thanks for this opportunity.

  170. I love the whole idea of monograms! I did some very elegant white-work pillow cases for my Mom and silly, sweet monogrammed pillow cases for my granddaughter. They’re so versatile. This book looks absolutely amazing!

  171. I love the elegant look of monograms. Taking the time to personalize an object intriques me. Plus, monograms are just beautiful!

  172. What appeals? Intially the timelessness, the piece of social history, quite apart from the beauty. But then I thought – why not today? perhaps we would not follow protocol with how to establish a married woman’s monogram – and there are no rules that I know of for “partners”! – but there can be applications, on a blouse, or as an ornament or… Lots to think about – and do!


  173. For me, the fascination with Monograms is twofold. First, to see the beautiful design, discreet and complete. Then, there’s the revelation of the letters reaching up and out to take one’s attention. It’s both a wonder and delight to discover this design is dedicated to an individual person.

  174. Okay, I’m nervous because I really, really, really, really, really, want this book and there’s no way I can afford it any time in the near future.

    Why I love monograms… It’s hard to explain so I’ll make a list…

    1. I was born in the wrong era. I’ve always had a deeper connection to the traditions of the past more than my present. It’s part of the reason I am so passionate about embroidery as a whole. The idea that women took such pride in creating such beauty and that it used to be a basic requirement that marriage prospects were influenced, just fascinates me. In a time where instant gratification and craftsmanship are rapidly destroying true quality, these traditions NEED TO BE PRESERVED!

    2. It’s just plain gorgeous! Making something as basic as a letter or group of letters so exquisitely delightful to the eyes is just AMAZING!

    3. I desperately want to embroider a set of napkins with a custom monogram for my sister and her husband for their anniversary this July. I created the monogram, but I know noting about proper techniques, and my sister is furious that out of all the embroidery projects that I’ve given as gifts, she still has none. PLEASE SAVE ME!

  175. Dear Mary,
    I have recently started embroidering monograms. I think it is the combination of the delicate work, the beauty that results, and the timelessness of the monogram. Plus, when given as a gift, they are personal gifts.
    While I am planning to win this book today, will you tell everyone else when the new version of the book is available?
    Thank as always for all your work to help needle workers, like me. Your work here is indispensable.

  176. It may just be nostalgia or a love of beautiful handwork that draws me to Monograms. The picture of my Mom spending hours monograming sheets and pillowcases with padded sating stitch is a cherished memory. After your book review I am convinced this is a book that will encourage me to learn the skills required to produce at least something pleasing that is monogrammed.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  177. I love monograms! When my first granddaughter was born, I went online to see what info I could find, and that’s when I found your site!

    I was completely a novice but your instructions were impeccable! I decided to do this pattern and, although its been nearly finished for a year and a half. I just can’t decide whether or not to fill in the leaves or not.

    Do you have any advice? Now I’m starting a new monogram for my youngest granddaughter. Trouble is, I have the materials for the Secret Garden and I’m dying to try it. I just feel like I SHOULD do the monogram first. Lol

    I think monograms are timeless, elegant and personalized just for the recipient.

    Catrina Byrge

  178. What appeals to me about monograms is both their timelessness and personal nature, which I believe is the heart of embroidery work. A monogram is mark of a person or family and is deeply personal and valuable. An embroidered monogram is even more so because embroidering an image extenuates its importance, care, and thoughtfulness.

  179. Gorgeous monograms talk of that personal connection to beauty which all of us need. A beautiful sky changes each moment; these thread letters stay on. They’re Confident and Useful, Tender and Aristocratic (CUTA) so they remind us to be so too.
    A little story: many years ago, during our student, long-lingering-salad-days, my husband and I would indulge ourselves at a local quirky thrift shop, with $2 bundles of exquisitely embroidered, finest antique linen dinner napkins – rich with truly wonderful monograms! These CUTA cloths gave pause to the tick-tock-start-for-the-bus/simple-supper-together-again rhythm of our days that we still believe couldn’t tangibly be had in any other way… And so it continues with our daily delight and love of table linens today.
    Thank you, Mary C for all you give to this world!

  180. I love monograms. Maybe it’s from being from the south or because I am a historian born in the wrong era, but I love white worked monograms. But hand worked monograms are the best, the intricacies
    And small nuances and detailed work really are not achieved by machine. The time and effort put into the work that makes it special and obviously done with love. It is simple elegance.

  181. As a proofreader ad graphic arts editor I have spent my working life looking at typestyles and fonts. I have been wanting a book with a good collection of alphabet styles to create a white on white sampler. This book will not only give me those “typestyles” but instruct me how to stitch them to their best advantage. It will be attributed to my life’s chosen work! How perfect. Now that I am retired I can devote myself to this project that I’ve always wanted to create

  182. Oh, I think embroidered monograms are so very elegant. I absolutely love their classic beauty. Thank you so much for the chance to win this book (and if I don’t win, I will eagerly await for its reprint release in August)!

  183. Monograms -the attraction: for me I think it is the history that they represent. When I see a pretty monogram I think of all those young ladies over the past hundreds of year who have painstakingly stitched them for themselves, for loved ones, as gifts….and then there are the servants who stitched them for their aristocratic employers. There is a wealth of stories behind each each and every one.

  184. I would really like to have this book. Monograms are so elegant. When I look at them in all the different styles it makes me envision Queen Elizabeth’s era. I am a romantic at heart and love anything with an historic flair. I know this book would be dreamy to own. Thank you for the giveaway. Thank you too for your inspiring web site.

  185. I love all of the hours hand worked monograms require, they evoke special memories, lots of love of and for the recipients. I always hope they are used for special occasions and holidays, and not tucked away, as so many of these gifts have been and later to be found stained by wood and age. They need to be used and loved as these family members or friends are for whom they have been made.

  186. I absolutely love her work- I use to get the inspirations magazine and miss seeing her projects. I have gotten into doing sewing for my church and since I dont have an emb machine her tutorials are fantastic and I can use all the help I can get to create a piece that is just beautiful and will last for many years and that everyone will be proud of.

  187. I truly need that book! What a great reference to use for design and teaching. No self respecting embroiderer can live without it.

  188. I like the vintage feel of lace and monograms. Monogrammed linen towels and pillow cases are two of my favorite birthday gifts for women and wedding gifts. A monogrammed white onsie was received with oohs from a new mother.
    Thank you for bringing this book to my attention.

    Sara Hatfield

  189. Monograms are simply beautiful. They never seem to go out of style. I suspect they will still be popular 100 years from now. And having a copy of this book would certainly get me going on my own monogram.

  190. I adore monograms, and have since I was very young. Something about the individualism of them. I’ve stitched monograms since I was about 12. My book collection is really ridiculous, and this is one that I DON’T have. I’ve had my eye on it for awhile. In addition to actually stitching them, I love looking at examples of old stitched monograms. The delicacy, intricacy, and workmanship of them create a bond with stiches back for hundreds of year.

  191. I have always loved monograms and would LOVE to have this book! I monogram all my table linens and napkins. I am fascinated by antique linens; the beauty and elegance. By having personalized items, I feel my life is richer; that I am a character in an Edith Wharton book having formal dinners in my mansion! In the 80’s when my eyes were better, I counted threads in my oxford shirts and even monogrammed them! I am currently working on napkins for a friend to match her dinnerware and designed and added her monogram. So, as you can see, I am a monogram fanatic. I don’t claim to be an expert, but I love anything with a monogram 🙂

  192. I am dying to get my hands on this book. Monograms are so elegant and the personalization of a monogrammed piece is perfect for any occasion and I would love to learn the techniques to mastering this beautifully elegant art. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

  193. It’s a mixed reasons : the traditional towels with monograms, the techniques used, the elegance.
    I’ve embroidered already some letters on towels but never a traditional monogram.
    Thanks Mary for this chance to win such a beautiful book

  194. I’ve been looking for this book for quite a while without any success, winning it in a draw would be a wish come true. My interest in needlework always includes the history and tradition of it as well as the technique. I like to think of all the people who have sewn before me, using these tools, these techniques, these patterns. Embroidering monograms is a very traditional thing to do and I would love to learn to do it well.

  195. I Love the stitches used. I have never stitched monograms before, and this book looks inspiring to me.

  196. Mary,

    Embroidered monograms takes me back to a time of basics and simplicity. I reflect on my grandmother and how she spent hours on her whitework always personalizing with a “J”. My grandmother was an ordinary lady but when she embellished her sheets and pillowcases with her monograms she had the same style as a grand lady. For me, monograms makes me feel like I have the best I can have. It is pure beauty.

    Also, I want to inspire my only granddaughter to do whitework embroidering. I want her to fall in love with the refinement of beautiful monograms. I am a novice to monograming and whitework embroidery; but I started monograming everything insite to give her. I have a long way to go to look professional but it is my mission. I love it.

    I am very greatful for ladies like yourself who inspires so many of us with what we can do to enrich our lives. I would love the beautiful book on Monograms that touched you so. Thank you.

  197. I love the elegance of hand stitched monograms. Also, they are one-of-a-kind; no one else can produce a monogram exactly like yours even if they are using the same pattern–they are timeless.
    Audrey Bruner

  198. Hello Mary,
    The book is absolutely gorgeous to look at, even if one is not a stitcher. Stitched monograms and text are experiencing popularity these days, and I myself have been caught up in it. I am currently stitching initials that represent famous (and not so famous) places here in Toronto, ie YYZ, ROM, AGO etc. and they will go on a new tote I’m making for myself. So much can be personalized and expressed with monograms and text. I’ve gone letter crazy and would love to own this book. Thanks for the give away.

  199. I’m from a southern family, and meals centered around holidays and special occasions were (and continue to be) always formal. It was an opportunity to bring out the china, the crystal, and the embroidered linens. When I see embroidered monograms, it reminds me of those family dinners and of my Mom and Grandma, who insisted that the children learn to behave like little ladies and gentlemen at an early age.

  200. I love monograms. They go so well with so many projects – embroidery, quilting, painting!

  201. When I hand-embroidered 5 verses of Twinkle Little Star and was asked what sewing machine was used, I knew that for future projects I’d be using textural stitches. Every beautiful padded and embellished monogram on a piece of batiste or linen prompts me to create another. This book is bound to propel many gifts I can make for relatives and friends, perhaps to be seen as future tangible heirlooms.

  202. Mary:
    I love the old-fashioned,elegant look of monograms. Makes me think of an era when handmade was prized, and kept, instead of the grab-it-and-go disposable things of today. Thanks so much for another wonderful give-away!
    JanS From Michigan

  203. I like the elegant touch that a well-done monongram gives a piece of clothing or accesory. I usually prefer monograms made with a variety of different techniques and not just stitched with satin stitch. If there is a lacy element to the monogram it catches my eye even quicker. Monograms tell me that someone really cared enough about the person who received the item to do it by hand. (Reminds me of my grandmothers a lot). I try to keep them all in pristine quality so they will pass down through the family. The thought of having needlework you have done pass down to future generations to me gives one a sense of immortality. If I can’t be here at least what I made can be and with it all the love and good wishes I would give them all.

    I have 4 daughters, 1 son, 3 son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter and 1 grandson and I try to make each of them something each year and I like personalizing it for them so they know that it was specially made for them and I was thinking of them while I worked on it. Monogramming something for them is just another way of telling them how very special you think they are.

    Suzanne Pratt

  204. I love monograms because they lend themselves to so many styles and forms to use. You can dress up a large initial using crewel work, or make it soft and feminine with white work, or whimsical lettering for a toddler’s item. Tambour embroidery using silky threads could make large, gauzy scarves for year round use, or my favorite, very dainty handkerchiefs using fine linen threads. Monograms are just their own world of fiber art!!

  205. I have always been attracted to monograms,perhaps it’s their simple but elegant designs.When I see one I wonder who the piece was made for and why.It is as if the piece is saying remember me.

  206. As I work embroidery, especially attempting monograms by hand, I feel a deep connection to and admiration for the generations of female artists who developed and perfected these beautiful adornments as a way to immortalize their passage through this life.

    Personalization of items with initials leaves our “mark” on history and often becomes an heirloom treasured by our children and grandchildren.

    It really is humbling to think that my current, somewhat “inept” stitching is part of an ongoing tradition and a tribute to those women and girls who became masters of needle arts.

    For these reasons, it would be an honor and a privilege to have a copy of the book you are offering as means to help me perfect my embroidery skills.

    Eventually I will pass the book along to my local library where a new generation of stitchers can find inspiration.

  207. I am intrigued by the ways monograms combine technical ability, building blocks of language, and fine art. From powerful yet simple graphic monograms to ornate entwined initials, monograms reflect an individual’s vision of language as art!

  208. I love monograms on anything but those on linens hold a special place in my heart. They remind me of all those family members who came before me and shared family dinners. I still use my grandmothers linens at our holiday dinners.
    Thank you for bringing this book to my attention , I shall be looking for it’s return.

  209. This is a fabulous book – and I would love to add it to my collection — for “one day when I can sit and embroider all day long!”

  210. Of course I love the elegance and the timelessness of embroidered monograms but I really love the memories they invoke. I remember the times when we carried embroidered handkerchiefs. I remember weddings with my Mom and the “something old” that was carried by the bride. Just looking through the book would bring back more memories.

  211. I truly find hand embroidery monograms to be very elegant It takes me back to my childhood when my mother did so much hand embroidery and it was so elegant to have Linen Guest towels and pillow cases with monograms. Also personalizing gifts especially for newborns. They are timeless pieces.

    I hope this will not become a lost art which was so cherished in the 18 thru the 20 century and maybe older.

  212. I have a pair of pillowcases that have monograms on them. I still use them occasionally altho they are very worn and yellowed. It is somehow a special link to my past family and I treasure it. I guess it would be a combination of timelessness and nostalgia that I like about the monogram. The Hand-stitched monogram to be exact. Somehow a purchased one just doesn’t have the “it” factor. 🙂 I know you will know what I mean.

  213. I like the elegance of monograms. For me they need to be script letters intertwining with embellishing accents. I’ve put them sweaters, the 60s; pillowcases and towels, the 70s; dress and blouse pockets,the 80s; a baby quilt,the 90s; and most recently a crazy quilt block and needle-case. I consider a monogram timeless.

  214. I do love monograms. Why? The classic lines, the personalization, and the timeless feel. I like to add to my projects as the finishing touch, the frosting on the cake to make it that extra special.

  215. A white linen blouse is luxurious. A monogrammed white linen blouse expresses a personal style, and is unique. A gift of wine in a lovely linen bag is generous. A gift of wine in a monogrammed linen bag says “This is just for you!” Beautiful white linens on a bed are elegant and comforting. Beautiful white linens on a bed, embroidered with the husband and wife’s monogram, says “This place is special just for us.”

  216. I never have tried it. But would love to master it. The simplicity and gracefulness intrigue me. A monogram certainly would put a finished look to a piece of love. Enjoy reading your daily articles. It is the first mail I open up.

  217. I am a devoted cross stitcher and quilter, but since discovering your site I am in love once again with what was my first experience with needle and thread. Your discussions, photos, tutorials are the best on the web!

  218. I am new to your blog and have enjoyed each post. Thanks for all the great information under your tips and tecniques sections. Very inspiring…this book looks like a great addtion to any needle artist.

  219. I love the classic lines of embroidered monograms. The ability to put your initial on something to proudly claim it is yours in a stylish manner is a beautiful thing!

  220. I tend to like more traditional needlework. Monograms are definitely traditional to me. My mother has LOVED the monogramed things I’ve sent her.

  221. me encantan los monogramas un poco “complicados”,me dedico a bordar desde hace mas de 20 años,y aquí en España habitualmente no editan nada.
    Suelo intentar buscar abecedarios y escudos en la web.
    Me gusta que la gente se sorprenda con mis labores.

  222. I love all whitework, and monograms fall into that catagory. They have an elegance and beauty that I cannot decsribe, that is breathtaking. I have seen this book and it is awesome. Unfortunately, I did not buy it at that time, so I would love to win this giveaway. Thanks a bunch. Sandi in Oregon

  223. I am just getting into hand embroidery after I found your website and am getting your daily emails….

    up till now I’ve only done counted cross stitch, but thot I’d try to broaden my skills….

    the book you described sounds wonderful and I would be pleased to start my hand embroidery adventure by working on monograms that I will learn from this book…..

  224. Although I enjoy machine sewing, there is nothing better than sitting with a small piece of cloth and embroidering by hand. I enjoy the control and choices you can make along the way as well as the not so perfect stitches I take. The idea that you thought enough about the recipient in terms of style color shows something extra. Monograms serve as an extra connection between two people. Thank you so very much for your generosity in sharing so much with all of us.

  225. I have loved embroidery of any kind since I started at around age 10. I am almost 76 now so that’s a long time. A beautiful embroidery pieceM is a gift of “time” to the recipient because the amount of time invested in creating it is a piece of the maker’s life. Monograms are the most personal gift that one can give. There is no more valuable gift.

  226. Surface embroidery is my first love. Combine that with a long history of doodling monograms on paper, add the soothing effect of taking needle & thread through fabric, and it’s the perfect recipe for a lovely, personalized piece of needlework. Just writing this is making me want to rush to my stitching corner to work on my batch of needlework projects!

  227. You have touched on all of the things that make monograms special: the elegance and aura, the techniques and the nostalgia which also speaks to their timelessness. I often think about how my monogram should be constructed. I suspect this book will give much inspiration and many suggestions on developing a very personal one. Thank you for the opportunity to acquire this book.

  228. Why do I love monograms? (Because I’m a Southerner and we monogram everything…does that count? LOL). I love the elegance and beauty; it brings a sense of permanence to my life. I have monogrammed items of my great grandmother’s and I always feel like she “left her mark on the world” and I remember her. The beauty of intertwined letters and the language they speak. What’s not to love! I continue to strive to imitate the beautiful monograms I see – it’s a constant, ongoing lesson. I’ve wanted this book for a long time and would treasure it; thanks for the lovely review of it, Mary.

  229. It’s definitely the elegance they add to otherwise ordinary items. They say, “I was here”!

  230. Lovely, lovely monograms! It’s the various styles that float my boat, they’re all unique, they’re all perfect.

  231. I’m not drawn to monograms for any particular reason, at least any regular ones…but there’s something about white work monograms that I just LOVE!
    Thank you for offering this book!

  232. Why do I love embroidered monograms? Let me count the ways! I love that a monogram takes something that’s impersonal and makes it personal. It has a story because it belongs to someone. I love the design aspect. It can be elaborate or simple, but you mix the texture of the fabric and the body of the thread and you have art that is personal. And lastly, I love knowing that someone created this. It’s a gift of talent and skill that others get to enjoy. What more could you ask for?

  233. Good Morning Mary! One of my first needlework projects as an adult married women was to make my Dad a set of monogrammed handkerchiefs. He put one in his pocket everyday preferring the soft linen of the hankie to the harsh paper of Kleenex. He loved my needlework and used them on special occasions. Embellishing with monograms is a very personal yet artistic expression of hand embroidery. Thank you for your interesting articles!! Deborah

  234. Mary,
    I LOVE letters, lettering, calligraphy, monograms–anything with letters!
    My fascination started in the 60s, when, as a child, I drew letters by copying album covers and went on from there to becoming a designer creating logos and even entire fonts! By hand, before computers. So I love monograms because they are LETTERS!
    And beautiful ones. Embellished, designed, stylized.
    What more can I say? I dream up lettering in my sleep.
    I can’t wait till we start stitching them. Stitch letters on LINEN (my other obsession). Mary, I love your daily writings. Robin

  235. Wow, there are so many people who obviously love monograns – what a lot of lovely comments!

    I’ve always loved monograms, I remember drawing them as a kid!

  236. Monograms are timeless, elegant and beautiful. I love them because someone took the time to personalize an initial and stitch it on to a textile out of love to be cherished forever.

  237. Monograms, lovingly stitched with the finest materials and techniques are the highest accolade possible to gift on special occasions like weddings, graduations, christenings, bat mitzvahs. The very individual subject matter, belonging to and customized for just that person or couple tell them that all that time and skill was devoted just for them.

  238. I find monograms to be very elegant and yet intimate at the same time. I would love to monogram some napkins or towels for my good friends because it makes me feel closer to them.

  239. Thank you for this opportunity! I have wanted this book for quite some time. I love the elegance and tradition of monograms and use them as often as possible — particularly in whitework as part of gifts for weddings and baptisms. I also appreciate the monogram techniques as used in ecclesiastical linen work. This would be a tremendous gift of joy and a blessing as I develop these skills even more through this resource. Thank you!

  240. As a novice embroiderer, I have not yet tried a monogram. There is a lot to learn and I’m busy skill building! I love to design monograms…that’s what doodle whenever I have a pencil in hand. My inspiration comes from gorgeous whitework from my Grandmother and her sister as well as my aunt. This book will be invaluable in my endeavour. I am very thankful for your website Mary, you’ve taught me alot!

  241. I have always loved monograms. Although too young to proudly own one myself, I can remember monogrammed sweater sets, and cuffs on men’s shirts which were always embroidered very simply and cleanly in block letters. It’s a sign that time was taken to add a personal and elegant touch to the ordinary.

  242. this is such a beautiful book that I would donate it to my local Embroiderer’s Guild, or if they already have a copy, to our local library, so that many others can take advantage of it.
    Elizabeth in Saskatoon

  243. trovo molto interessante comparare le diverse epoche e diverse particolarità dei vari paese, siccome è qualcosa che è sempre stato usato per necessità (personalizzare la biancheria) ma anche per vezzo. La moda e gli stili si ritrovano nel ricamo delle cifre così come nelle varie arti: la stessa esigenza che cambiava a seconda delle epoche, dello stato sociale, della cultura. Attraverso lo studio delle cifre, si può percorrere le studio delle arti e degli usi sociali nelle diverse epoche. Sono molto grata a te che ci dai la possibilità di riflettere anche su questi aspetti oltre che sul ricamo in sé.

  244. I have searched for monograms hat match my initials and those of my kids and husbands. i want to leave something as a family heirloom so for some family members I want to make them myself. I just retired so I finally have the time to devote to this.

  245. Embroidered monograms appeal to me on several levels. As a lover of historical needlework their appeal stems from the stitches and techniques use to embellish the letters in the monogram. They are also a fashion statement from the standpoint of the style of letter chosen and the design used to embellish it or them. As a teacher of needlework, the methods used to create the monogram are important because some of the old styles require a number of steps in preparation. The stitches used are fascinating due to the variation of embellishments from country to country of origin. This book would make an important addition to my personal reference library. But beyond the practical, the idea of a hand embroidered hankie for each of my 12 granddaughters appeals to my idea of leaving each of them something to remember me by.

  246. I love the timelessness of monograms, they are classic and never go out of style. I’m actually embroidering some for my son as a graduation present. 🙂

  247. Dear Mary,

    I would love to win the Monograms book! What appeals to me most about monograms is the intricate elegance, and the ability to make something completely unique.

    THANKS for your generosity!

    Cathy in PA

  248. How exciting! The first class that I taught was a monogram pillow. I used raised stem and outline stitch with silk ribbon flowers and leaves. I love the different type faces, threads,and fabrics that can be used. But most of all linen and silk with beads and metal threads. Just wonderful designs of letters, in all shapes and sizes. HOW ELEGANT!!!!! i LUST FOR ANOTHER MONOGRAM BOOK. JO MMCHENRY

  249. I love monograms whether on old silver at the anyique store or flea market (and trying to figure out what the names might be or trying to find my own!) or personalizing a gift for a special friend or family member. What a wonderful reference this would be in my needlework library.

  250. Wow, over 200 comments already…shows the appeal of monograms. I’ve been stitching monograms for a long time, beginning with deDillmont’s book as my only source. But I still feel like w beginner…there’s so much yet to explore. I like how classic and timeless they are, and how personal. I enjoy stitching them, wobbly as my stitches can be. Thanks for this opportunity.

  251. I’m enjoying all the family stories and comments today on behalf of the equalivant of a perfect rose–the elegant and timeless monogram.
    Monogramming makes me think of vintage and a past era of slowing down to have time to stitch well. I love the softness of coton a broder thread as it slips back and forth through the fabric forming the lovely monogram. I think we need a ‘monogramming society’ organized. Lots of attention and interest in the monogram by this post today.
    Thanks to Christine, owner of ‘A Stitching Shop’ in Colo, who is getting on it and ordering the reprinted book for those of us who want this book so badly.
    Thanks for telling us about Susan O’Connor’s book, Mary. Can’t wait to get her book when it comes out in a few months–or win your generous offer today!

  252. I personally enjoy the process taken for hand embroidered monograms. The time spent in making a piece of art to be treasured and appreciated not only by the maker but to anyone who looks upon it.

  253. I am just beginning this wonderful craft of embroidery. This book would be so wonderful to help me learn the proper way to stitch. With two young granddaughters , I want to make things to pass down to them, as my grandmother and great aunts did for me. Thank you for the chance to win!

  254. Hi Mary, I love monograms, embroidered in pure white or ivory. I love the swirl and purity of the design.

  255. Love the monograms especially when the letters are raised (padded). There are so many designs; love the way you can persoanize them.

  256. Monograms are so beautiful, and they speak to me of a by-gone era, a gentler time.

    When I was a small child in the late 1950s my grandmother taught me to embroider. I hold those as some of my earliest, and sweetest, memories. All of her linens were embroidered: sheets, pillowcases, tea towels, napkins, tablecloths, aprons, everything! Even the clothes she made for her children had a small bit of hidden embroidery so they would know they carried her with them always.

    I can remember her talking to me about learning to stitch well as a metaphor for living life well – sloppy work/living was not allowed. I would love to create these beautiful monograms to remind my children & grandchildren of times we spent stitching together.

  257. As an avid crafter for many years, I have been drawn to embroidery work through you for the past few years. If I were to win this book, I would use it to pass down the art of embroidery work to my children and their children. Monograms create such a nostalgic personalization that cannot be felt and appreciated as when it is received as a loving gift. Thank you for offering this beautiful give-away, Mary!

  258. I have tried to order this book in years past but it was always on backorder; now I know why!
    I have always been drawn to monograms, from the simple to the ornate. A way to make something one’s very own. We stayed in a thatched covered cottage in Brittany, France and all of their curtain tiebacks were beautifully monogrammed, bringing elegance to simple duck cotton curtains. I have always wanted to make my own beautifully monogrammed pillowcases, a place to lay our heads that is uniquely our own; one of these days I will!

  259. I love monograms because they have a timeless elegance and beauty that does not fade. They can speak of love or of sorrow without favour allowing the recall of memories by the giver or the recipient.

    I would like to win this book so that I may contiue to share their beauty with others.

  260. I love monograms for their elegance and touch of mystery. I collect monogrammed linens that I find at the thrift store and always wonder about the person they were made for and the lifestyle they led; the sense of identity and heritage that having monogrammed linens must give, and how such treasures would end up at a thrift store. They tell a story!

  261. Remember as a child how exciting it was to see your name on something. It made it personal, yours. And it makes you feel valued that someone went to the trouble to mark something as your own. Then when I married, my monogram changed and I loved seeing my new initials. 🙂 The huge bonus is that monograms also add beauty to whatever they adorn. Love them!

  262. I love monograms and have spent a great deal of time over the past year trying to find monograms for projects that I was doing for my granddaughters. I was also looking for information on stitching techniques used for monograms. It seems that a lot of websites contain the exact same information, so I would love to read this book and gain more knowledge on embroidering monograms. I love the winding vines and well – just about anything to do with monograms. I’d love to win this book!!

  263. I not only have a love but also a passion for embroidery and fonts. What better way to enjoy them than to unite these art forms (that’s what I call it). When you combine the design of a letter/monogram with the beauty of embroidery, that is a piece of priceless art.
    Since I saw the article in Needlearts (June 2011) by Gail Carolyn Sirna, I have been searching for the perfect book on monogram designs. I would LOVE to win this lovely resource book.

  264. Whitework is my favorite form of embroidery and the elegance of monograms is especially appealing. The opportunity to learn the techniques and history of monograms would be wonderful. Thank you for the interesting review.

  265. I love the elegance and personalization that the monogram represents. I often give embroidered monograms as gifts to various family and friends on baby blankets or pillows. It’s sometimes a simple way to make a generic gift seem more special. The design ideas can be limitless

  266. Monogram’s make anything more personal, classy and pretty. Whitework, for instance, sets a tablesetting apart from colored tablecloths and napkins. When monograms are incorporated into the fabric of whitework the table looks like the kings and queens have arrived to banquet. Otherwise known as your special company even if it is just a weeknight dinner for family. Cinderella can do the laundry and ironing after.

  267. Amo monogramas borddos a mão! Pois dão a peça uma delicadeza e elegância, que o trabalho merece. E para pessoas que gostam de bordar, tem que ter esse diferencial, quando se trata de seus trabalhos manuais.

  268. Oh Mary, I would love to win the Monograms book. Monograms are so elegant and remind me of a time when needlework had a special necessary place in the home.

  269. Amo monogramas bordados a mão! Pois dão a peça uma delicadeza e elegância, que o trabalho merece. E para pessoas que gostam de bordar, tem que ter esse diferencial, quando se trata de seus trabalhos manuais.

  270. I love Embroidery of andy kind,but nothing gives me more pleasure than monograms. The inicials stand for the person. In my country is very important that all the brides have some monograms embroidered on the bath towels,on her sheets,on everything she will bring with her when she marries. Personally If possible I do it too. But i love the white embroidered monograms,they are so elegant and important and the many way of embroidering them is so fascinating.❤️

  271. I have always had a special fondness for monograms. Maybe it’s because with my own initials (pre-marriage) of “MMM” I could never wear anything with a monogram without running the risk of being loudly labelled “Mmmm Good” by some jokester,

    But I am an avid embroiderer and I have a new arrangement of initials post-marriage. I’d love to make up for lost time, monogram-wise!

  272. Hand embroidered monograms are part of the future, present and past. I know I spend a great deal of time planning and researching when I’m about to monogram a piece. In that research I’m taken back via computer or book to monograms throughout the ages. Once selected, I usually have to learn something new and there’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment when the project turns out as nicely as I had envisioned. When given as a gift, the recipient knows that I have spent a sizable amount of time creating something just for them. I think it conveys a greater sense of your feelings for them as apposed to purchasing something on line and having it mailed to their house. The work connects people; it is part of each of their present and will in time always remind them of it’s maker. I love to collect hand embroidered handkerchiefs; maybe way in the future some embroidery lover will be at an antique shop or flea market and spy a piece of my work and take it home to love, admire and wonder about the person that made it. At the moment, I don’t have very much information in my library on monograms and from your review I have been coveting this book. I think it is just the thing to take me a long way in perfecting my future work.

  273. Embroidered Monograms speak to me because they are elegant, primarily. Also, you can bring a simple gift up two or three levels by hand embroidering someone’s initials on it. It moves it from being a keepsake to an heirloom.

    Thanks for another great giveaway, Mary. I love your blog.

  274. My late father came to this country as an emigrant right before WW1. He was in steerage. The one thing that he brought with him was a large white work pillowcase with his mother and father’s initals intertwined in the middle. I have it hanging in a museum box to protect it.

    I have always wanted to be able to copy that piece of art that my grandmother produced and that is why I would love to own the Monogram book.

  275. Gosto dos bordados antigos pela sua elegância, quando os vejo, sinto-me em épocas remotas dos quais não vivi nesta vida mas talvez em outras…
    É muito prazeroso aos olhos e a alma, parecendo uma pintura dos melhores pintores de todos os tempos…

  276. I think the appeal of Monograms is the elegance, simplicity, the artistry and on a basic level the connection to seeing our name or part of it in solid form. Right from a young age we want to learn to make our mark and to have it made in such a lasting way is wonderous. I make “Pillow Slip” projects for ones that I want to show that I care about and this book would certainly be an inspiration.

  277. What attracts me to these beautiful monograms? They are timeless, something that has been used here in Spain for many years and although they went out of fashion for a while they are back and I think a true embroiderer will always admire them.
    I have been trying for a copy of this book for a very long time now and would be delighted to win it but as I read on your book review it is going to be re-printed so if I am not the lucky one then I will wait patiently for it to come into the shops.

  278. To see a hand-crafted monogram means you were thought of A LOT. It wasn’t just something dropped off at an embroidery shop, but a piece of art that was chosen especially for a special person…hours may have been spent on it, simply because someone cared.

  279. I love monograms, especially hand-embroidered ones. They appeal to me because of the care that went into personalizing an item.

  280. In this age of disposable everything, monogramming says “this is special, worth keeping, worth spending my time to make it even more special”. And there’s the excuse to buy good fabric and threads and spend pleasant hours creating something beautiful.

  281. An embroidered monogram speaks a special language to me. I think of the woman (or man) who spent hours getting just the right color, design and stitch together to create an artful gift. I think of the creation of each stitch, whether it was a stem stitch, a running stitch or a French knot that came together to make the monogram. I envision the floss gliding gently through the needle while the embroiderer thought of her day, her life, her family. When I embroider a monogram, I think of all the memories I have shared with the person for whom the monogram is intended. I push myself to try new stitches and color combinations I know that person will enjoy.
    That is an amazing and beautiful book. Thank you for your wonderful review and fabulous giveaway. The book will be a true treasure for some lucky person.

  282. My love of letters in all their variety arose from working in my parents print shop as a typesetter and designer as a young girl and teenager. I was wowed with the variety of scripts and specialty lettering. To this day it’s hard for me to throw away anything beautifully lettered. I adore calligraphy and think I have a nice hand for it. I would adore embroidering basically anything with gorgeous R’s. Or L’s, J’s etc fro my friends. I have endless Ideas!

  283. We can display all of the virtues of excellent embroidery, but finally—
    any monogram, simple or elaborate, says to someone, “You are special!”

    Thanks you Mary for all you do for the world of embroidery. Your website is extremely valuable. Its excellent search mechanism doubles its worth!

  284. When I read your review of this book my interest was piqued. I love to learn the history of things, and it seemed this book would be a great source for information on Monograms. I don’t have much experience with this type of embroidery, but I love the idea of making personalized gifts. It’s always fun to learn a new skill or find another way to use a practiced one.

  285. Monograms are a link between me and my great-grandmothers, and between me and my great-granddaughters.
    They give me a nostalgic feeling.

  286. Monograms have a special place in my heart. My grandmother designed and embroidered all of her work by hand in the days before automation. She started and operated her own business in the City, over 100 years ago, providing and producing these lovely designs to shop owners and clients of all walks of life. I cherish the the work she has passed down to me and am inspired by her artistic ability and her very special talent. They are treasures I will always preserve for future generations. I have taught myself some stitches and plan to continue the family tradition. I would like to have a reference book to help me better my skills. Thanks…

  287. Mary, I really love that you are always furthering the cause of all things embroidery. It is such a beautiful, versatile art form and needs to be celebrated and the process passed on. Monograms are a gorgeous tradition in the embroidery world; who hasn’t seen vintage monogram pieces to die for? That book contains the very important defining and how to of the monogram world. It would be a privilege to own such a book.

  288. I would love to own this book because it marries two of my loves: embroidery and beautiful lettering, both arts which need to be kept alive.

    In one of my “earlier lives” I taught calligraphy to adults at our local community education program. And I’ve been a stitcher since learning how with crewel yarn and burlap in ninth grade, moving on later under grandma’s tutelage.

    Also, I am a newlywed (late in life). I have a fervent desire to stitch our monograms…my hubby is SO sentimental. I know it would mean a lot to him.

    So! This is why I should get the book!

  289. I find that I feel a connection to the needleworker who stitched the monogram. The elegance of the piece is almost secondary. The connection to needle workers who had preceded me moves me.

  290. I’m an obsessive collector of embroidery technique books and stitch dictionaries, so that alone would be enough to make my mouth water. I love the beauty, delicacy and elegance of monogramming. Beautiful in color; transcendent and ephemeral in whitework.

    The fact that this book includes techniques is hugely exciting. Since Mary introduced the topic of monogramming, I’ve bought a few books on alphabets and monogramming, like I said obsessive. But these books, while containing gorgeous alphabets were a little thin on technique. I have a request for monogrammed pillowcases and some further technical details would be kismet of the very best kind.

  291. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for the opportunity.
    I have been fascinated with monograms since childhood–whether on cloth or silver utensils or jewelry. The detective in me always wonders whose it was. What sort of person owned it? Who made it? What was the occasion? Was it used or worn a lot?
    Then, there is my love for white work–white on white embroidery is elegant and crisp and just regal, and can be enjoyed regardless of one’s means. It is especially attractive to me when an old piece shows wear as it tells me it was enjoyed and loved.
    I hope I can win this one. Your review made me covet it.
    Thank you for all the beauty you share with us.

  292. I really enjoyed your review of this book, and I appreciate a chance to win it! Monograms of all kinds have always spoken to me (I once was given a key chain with my monogrammed initials etched on the doo-dad. So pretty.) As for hand-embroidered monograms? They’re the best – I especially love the investment of time someone took to make them, and the artistic-ness of them. [It looks like I’ve made a new word – but artisticality is too hard to say :)]

  293. I think the monograms are so pretty. I would love to get a book and learn some techniques to make an elegant monogram on an old hanky that was my mothers.

  294. I love hand embroidered monograms. They are timeless and so versatile and can be stitched in so many ways.I have a large whitework project ready to be crowned with initials and would sure benefit from the knowledge found in this publication.

  295. My first embroidery was my monogramss. I love embroidery them, they add style to any garment. I wish I could have that book!

  296. I love monograms! I just finished one for my cousin last week (in cross stitch). I love how they are elegant and personalized. They can be unique to each person by just changing the color as well!

  297. I love the look of monograms. They are so personal on whatever you put them on and to who the intended recipient will be. I just love everything about the.

  298. It’s gotta be the old-fashioned-ness of it. It’s so elegant and timeless and beautiful. Every woman should have a monogram or two in her possession. And I would love to be the bestower of a few of them!

  299. I love that monograms are so personal. There is nothing as special to a person than their own name and monograms are a representation of that specialness.

  300. There is a part of the older arts that has always appealed to me. Monogramming for me is an older part of the surface decorative world that I really like. I like the subtle elegance of whitework embroidery, in particular.

  301. I like hand embroidered monograms as they personalise the embroidery in the most elegant manner. Mary, i also am a dedicated follower of your blog and reading it really makes my day!!
    Sonia Bhrara, India

  302. Okay Mary I said I was throwing my hat in the ring for this one. The reason I love monograms is that they have such a noble look about them. I especially love the samples that are comprised of several complex stitches, stitches that cannot be duplicated by any machine, but must be hand-wrought. I love the history that goes with it, and the thought of how they were used, in elegant homes, with great care.

  303. I love hand embroidered monograms because they are both art and craft. Each piece is a beautiful, expressive work of art, and the process of creating it involves specific skills.

  304. I love the elegance of hand stitched monograms and that the never go out of style.

  305. Checking in to read all the wonderful notices. Already put my ‘two cents worth’ in to try and get a copy of this wonderful book.

  306. It would be so nice to personalize items which are given away with a decorative monogram for the person. The designs with the twines of flowers is so timeless and lovely. This book would be a treasure to own. Thanks. Anne in Vancouver

  307. Hand embroidered monograms makes me think of my maternal grandmother and great grandmother. For gifts to brides they would make exquisite monogrammed pillowcases. Their handwork was wonderful and they even crocheted lace which I have a few pieces of. I always feel like they are close by when I am doing any kind of handwork.

  308. Letter monograms are beautiful. Mine never seem to turn out as pretty as other people’s.
    I would be interesting in finally learning the proper technique and maybe, just maybe make a presentable one on articles I give for Christmas.
    Win or not, I love your presentation of all the winnable prizes, but most of all I love to try to make some of the crafts you present.

  309. I adore monograms, especially mine. One of my favorite finds antiquing was finding a monogramed hankerchief with the same initials as my own. . . and monogrammed in RED at that (I’m a “bottle redhead”). I would love to be able to drool over this book over and over!

    1. I’m sorry, I was so quick to want to comment I didn’t read all of Mary’s requests. I love how monograms are so personal, they have an air of elegance about them. Like another poster, I have a (printed) cell phone cover with my monogram and I think it’s really sophisticated looking. I love stitched monograms because I love to see how most of the time they are almost as pretty from the back as from the front.

      Also, I am divorced, but when I married, my initials didn’t change (due to the fact that both of last names began with a C). . . so before I was married I had stationary and such with my initials (as it wouldn’t change), now that I’m divorced, I love my monogrammed things some how more. . . must be an identity thing. . . .

  310. While I love the look of monograms, it’s the personal touch that’s most important to me. Still have some sheets monogramed by my Mother in Law that I treasure.

  311. I just love monograms. I have always loved monogrammed shirt pockets, silverware, linens, you name it. I recently monogrammed by hand pillow cases for my daughter’s wedding. The act of doing that was so peaceful and lovely. It brings back another age, a quieter age while stitching the letters.

  312. I love traditional embroidery and want to keep it alive. The monogram is a complete small entity, individual to each embroiderer, that can be used to practise exquiaite stitchery. I teach Young Embroiderers and this book would give inspiration to each child to use their natural talent to create a unique object and to be part of the great heritage of traditional embroidery

  313. Embroidered monograms appeal to me is not only the elegance they portray, but the knowledge of the time and effort a person has put into something so beautiful.

  314. Monograms are timeless and so easy to add to personalize a gift. I would love to win this book for more ideas.

  315. Monograms can be anything you want – bold, elegant, ethereal, fun … I enjoy flowers and vines twining around them. They make a statement that someone cared enough to make the effort. What’s not to like about them!

  316. There is nothing so rich and personal as an exquisitely stitched monogram. It is uniquely yours. The hand stitching just makes it even more dear especially to a hand embroiderer. Imagine being able to stitch your own monogram or that of a loved one on a personal item. That gift of love makes it a treasured heirloom.

  317. This book is a great source for ideas. It is becoming so hard to think as what to give as a personalised gift these days. Personalising an item as a gift no matter what the occasion I think is a lovely way to give a gift.
    Best wishes
    Susan Butterfield

  318. Hi Mary,
    Monograms appeal to me because they are so personal. I did my first at 15 – many years ago as a gift to my sister. I have done several since.
    Satin stitched are my favorite – so smooth.
    Years ago I read that satin stitched monograms were burnished with an ivory burnisher to meld the threads. Have never tried it myself but maybe one day.
    It would be fun to win but I hope that who ever wins it, enjoys it.
    Jacque Ihsan

  319. I don’t know exactly why but monograms are feminine and romantic and beautiful and timeless to me. They remind me of my grandma for some reason and that alone is enough to make me want this book.

  320. I would love this book, for me it is the very elegence of monograms. They can make something look modern or done in a different style you can go for the timelessness of victoriana. They are an art themselves but also one can incorporate them into different areas from christening robes to hankies! One can make nice pictures with a monagram turned into a picture with other things birds etc.

  321. I love embroidery monograms not only because of the a nostalgic thing but for the sentiment that produced of proud (excuse my English please, I am Argentinian). Even if your work is for giving to another person as a gift, you feel that person perfectly knows how much love you put in its monogram. It is a big gratitude to be the responsible of that kind of beautifull feelings.
    Thank you Mary for the space. Kisses for you!

  322. Monograms have such timeless class. I am fascinated by the stitching I see in them. They would be great practice for the satin stitch, which looks easy, but I find quite difficult to make look perfect. Any type of embroidery is worth exploring!!

  323. Oh, Mary. How I’d love to win this book! In your previous post about it you said that monograms were coming back in fashion. Well for me, they never left! I grew up in a very southern, traditional house in the 80s and have been wearing monograms since I was little. I have something monogrammed on me every day! The saying, “if it’s not moving, monogram it” is the motto of my family. 🙂 Hand embroidered monograms, especially on table linens are so timeless. I have a set of napkins monogrammed with my great grandmother’s maiden initials that have been passed down to me and treasure them. I can’t wait to give them to my niece when she’s older.

  324. I love monograms. They are so elegant but personal. I want to use them labels for quilts

  325. I was taught needlework as a child by my mother and my aunt. My first “biggie” was to do the drawn thread on a dozen linen napkins. My mother tatted the lace edging and we sewed it on together. I still have most of them and love them. My aunt taught me embroidery stitches and on to monograms. I have done pillowcases for family and friends and even had a 10 year old ask me to show her how to do which I will do this summer. The beauty, the HAND work….no machine!!! I just love to do them and then look at them. I have lots of old bed linens that I use and I don’t even mind ironing them!!! I would love the book to study and try to copy!!!

  326. I love antiques, especially antique needlework, and monograms seem so of the past. I also love the elegance of monograms. In today’s world of shoddy and fast workmanship, I really appreciate the time and effort involved in the art of monogramming.
    Susan from Texas

  327. How gorgeous is this book? Monograms have become so popular once again. I have 3 monogram crazy girls in my family that want their initials on everything. I have run out of ideas. This book would be fantastic to own. Thank you for your generous offers. I anticipate the excitement of the one who wins this book. I love everything about it. Especially the design of the monograms and the pureness of the white on white. My fingers are crossed.

  328. This is Elissa in Arlington.

    It’s the beauty and timelessness I love. As a calligrapher, the way the letters are decorated, joined and transformed is fascinating to me. I especially like flowers growing out of letters as an expression of verdant life and personality. Also, the fact that the letter/s represent a person, a specific person who used or will use the linens is so neat. Plus, can’t forget the practical side of things – if it gets lost in the wash or something, everyone will know whose it is (or at least that it’s not theirs!).

  329. I really love monograms because:
    – I like the challenge in stitching them (in padded satin stitch)
    – I like the beauty of two letters joined together, in a stitching marriage
    – I like that they are something special, just for me, or for someone I care about (since I don’t stitch for someone who does not deserve my time)
    I hope to win this giveaway, otherwise… how could I wait until August?? 😉

  330. Monograms are so varied, and can be colorful or subtle in their colors, but they are always an elegant addition to a gift. I have embroidered white monograms onto pillowcases as wedding gifts, and a new baby’s initials onto baby linens. Perhaps my favorite gift was embroidering fancy initials onto flannel rice bags for my daughters for Christmas. The juxtaposition of the elegant embroidery onto this homely comfort item pleases me when I am spoiling my girls. I keep a huge pinterest file of monograms, and would love to have a book at hand for inspiration when a gift is due. And, indeed, a niece is marrying in the new year, and my first grand baby is to be born this summer! Time to be inspired!

  331. I have looked for this book in every bookshop , and had sadly realised that it must be out of print. So I was very happy to find that it is being republished. I love stitched Monogrames for there elegance, they can lift any clothing or household object from ordinary to fabulous. I would love , love this book.

  332. I love everything that is done by hand you can just feel the love that is put into a project especially if it was given as a gift. I love the texture and beauty of hand embroidered monograms especially tone on tone color ways. I also love to have reference books and the ones with good photographs are even better, I am intrigued with the history of stitching.

  333. Love your giveaways. Monograms are personal and represent a timeless connection to your heritage.
    From vintage to modern it can be adapted to every ones taste.

  334. Mary:

    Altho’ I have never done a monogram, I would love to learn and incorporate them in some of my work. I have always loved the look of letters in any thing. They are elegant and lovely and add a distinct look to everything.
    I guess I just need inspiration to get me started. Thank you for all that you do for all of us.
    Love to you,

  335. I love monograms that are hand embroidered because of the traditions that they evoke as well as the personalization that is achieved. Each family member, for example, can have their own napkin with their monogram. They are beautiful, timeless, and can even be modern depending on the style used.

  336. I admire the elegance of beautifully stitched monograms. When I am antique shopping I enjoy finding monogrammed items with my initials and wondering about the persons for which the items were originally intended. They all hold stories of past lives and loves.

  337. Hi Mary. I have been thinking about this form of stitching since you wrote the piece about monograms last week. The photos you included reminded me how elegant monograms always were, and since hand embroidery is such an elegant craft, they suit each other so well. Since I am involved I theatre, which means a lot of thinking about costumes, and since I’m a stickler for getting those right, I have been interested for a long time in the drape and fall of Victorian and Edwardian dresses. The monogram was such an integral part of people’s statements about themselves (always use your maiden initials for monograms), I think my interest has grown out of that. It’s all part and parcel of the whole picture of beautiful clothes and monogrammed linens.

    1. I put a typo in my email address in my first entry above here. I put the right one on this.

  338. I think monograms are so beautiful. They are very personal and I love them. I hope I win. Thank you.

  339. Monograms are so intimate and elegant. They give my soul a sense of peace when I look at them.

  340. I love monograms because they make a finished project look so elegant and polished. The fine little satin stitches, worked in lovely thread, make things so personal, and tactile, when running your fingers lovingly over the design.
    I am back to hand-embroidery after a 30 year absence and would love to add this lovely book to my small collection!
    Thanks for the giveaway,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  341. Hand embroidered monograms remind me of my mom. She didn’t own a sewing machine so everything was done by hand. Each quilt took at least a year and she embroidered messages to us on the back of our quilt.

  342. I was looking for a fancy rendition of the word “LOVE” for a section of a pink, white and gold crazy quilt I was making and finally drew my own from a couple of different patterns. I did the word, complete with curlicues, in satin stitch and it turned out well – and was “loved” by the recipient of the piece. I think hand embroidered monograms and words are so lovely and tend to be just a little snobbish about machine embroidery. There is something wonderfully satisfying about doing it myself. This book sounds like something I have been looking for.

  343. I most like the enduring elegance….a link with the past demonstrating that the simplicity of a single color …and the variety of styles.

  344. I LOVE hand embroidered monograms – the elegance of whitework, as well as the techniques that translate into everything else on my “stitching dilettante” list. 🙂 I’m sure there’s some bit of nostalgia going on as well… they remind me of my maternal grandmother (despite the fact that I don’t remember any monograms in her collections!).

  345. When I was thirteen or so I started embroidering tiny designs on handkerchiefs for my friends because it was a good fun way to practice different techniques without committing to a big project I wasn’t ready for. Over time that naturally translated to monogrammed hankies, and for years now I’ve been giving them out to friends for special occasions (birthdays, when they leave on missions for our church, weddings, Thursdays when I felt like embroidering…) I’d love to learn more about this art form that first got me interested in creating my own personalized embroidery projects.

  346. Being a compulsive embroiderer of fine embroidery I just love everything about monogramming. It’s clean, crisp, elegant, and looks deliciously expensive when finished. This book would be a great way to add to my craving for not only books but anything monogramming.

  347. The personalization and elegance of embroidered initials both appeal to me. Even a simple piece is elevated with a monogram.

  348. I really love the elegance of monograms, and their timelessness too. I’m drawn to the old fashioned alphabet styles for embroidery and cross-stitch with their flourishes. Thanks for offering this book!

  349. I think we all like to have things made so unique by being personalized with monograms.

  350. Monograms are classic. It”s the type of thing that does not go out of style and it always fits perfectly. I enjoy stitching monograms because each of letters is different and there are so many different ways to stitch them. Really, any stitch can be used to create a monogram. I had the good fortune to take a monogram class with Susan O’Connor when she came to Beacon New York. It was delightful! I would love to have her book!

  351. I admire monograms for the intensity of style and expression in such a small area of work. Like poetry.

  352. Hand embroidered monograms are elegant, unique, require skill and hopefully the item will be treasured for many years to come.

  353. I love the thought of joining the long line of women who have embridered monograms by hand over the centuries!

  354. I treasure my grandmother’s household linens with their beautiful whitework monograms in many different techniques. She wasn’t an embroiderer, but when she lived in the Philippine Islands in the 1920s as a military wife, she taught in a school and hired an embroideress. In my opinion, it was a great way to spend her money. The pieces are exquisite and still in great condition after almost one hundred years. On the other hand, I am sure that they were used only on “special occasions”.

  355. I love anything that personalizes linens, towels, etc. that I use in my home. Too many items these days are so generic. I also love books. Maybe it is a nostalgic feeling as well, for both.

  356. I love the intricacy of stylish monogram design which by embroidery give them an exciting third dimension.The fact that this design becomes so personal makes it special 🙂

  357. It’s a nostalgia thing. One of my most cherished possessions is a little silver circle pin with my mother’s initials. I would love to be able to recreate it on linen.

  358. The monograms are so beautiful and classic. And you can use them for many things. Who wouldn’t love getting a purse, handkerchief, book/diary cover, etc. with their monogram on them. For centuries they are found on everything from front door knockers to pillows. They are so lovely. I would love to receive this book for the beauty.
    Thanks for the giveaway.
    Judy C

  359. Finely embroidered monograms draw the viewer in to touch the silky threads and cool fabrics while invariably inspiring a smile. They convey a sense of elegance, ultimately imbuing the owner of the item with the essence of good taste. They vest the creator with the satisfaction of completing a handmade project which will be carefully treasured for many years as a family heirloom. As embroidery, they are, simply put, “The Best.”

  360. Monograms are so elegant and beautiful, and really give that ‘personalised’ stamp in such a lovely way, that it’s hard to imagine not loving them.

    Monograms are so elegant and classy that it’s hard to imagine not loving them! Their ‘old fashionedness’ (is that a word?) is very appealing in these modern, fast-paced times – they take me back to another (more serene?) era.

  361. I really wished I lived back in the age when monogramming was the norm and not the exception. I love embroidering gifts for my family and very special friends and having beautiful ideas to hand when doing so would be a valuable resource. Thank you for the opportunity to perhaps win this beautiful book.

  362. Hi, I found your site a couple of months ago and have learned so much from you, it’s the little things that make such a difference , tiny tips go a very long way thank you for being so generous with your knowledge

    Ps. Would love a copy of the monograms book, hope I am lucky!

  363. Mary,

    I love many things about embroidered monograms. I love the personalization and I thrill at the traditionalism of it. I remember as a young girl my paternal grandmother hand embroidering my mother’s initials on a bodice for a dress for Mom. Mema (grandma) would sit in her rocking chair on the front porch in the evening with her husband and her sister and stitch. I was absolutely in awe of that dress. The initials were white on a strikingly blue solid dress. I was absolutely amazed at Mema’s stitching ability. I remember our linen napkins having our last initial on them. Even as a child that make them very personal and something to be treated with respect. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway. Everyone who loves stitches will obviously adore the book.

  364. Dear Mary,
    I would love this book for many reasons. I love monograms! I would love to have a reference book handy and the way you described it makes it sound just perfect for learning the history, techniques, finishing methods and materials required. Most of all, I want to make gifts for my family and friends and think this would be a great book to get me started making their monograms. Thanks, Sheila

  365. Having a monogrammed pillowcase or towel gives me a feeling of refinement and elegance, a little touch of class in my cluttered-up life. Also, the traditions and customs appeal to the history geek in me, as well as the feeling of connection with needlewomen through the ages adding their own little bit of finery to their homes.

    I love working monograms because they’re short, contained little projects that still give me infinite possibilities for experimenting with colors, fibers, and styles. So much fun with so little commitment!

    And finally, they make such lovely gifts, especially for new brides. A young co-worker was actually moved to tears when she saw her new monogram that I’d stitched on a set of otherwise rather commonplace dinner napkins.

    I love your giveaways, Mary! Your questions always make me pause to give you my best answer. Thank you!

  366. I value the loveliness and intimate nature of having something with a monogram, more as a private bit of beauty than a public declaration. I am also fascinated by the delicate nature of these items. Can you make things that beautiful and intricate now? I would love to try.

  367. I grew up with Hungarian ancestry and the linen was always emboidered with monograms by the women of each generation.I would like to continue this tradition.There’s something so very special with these beautiful things .

  368. I think, for me, that monograms are more of a nostalgic thing. I remember both my grandmothers having pillowcases that were monogrammed and I suspect they were done by them. Of course I was too young at the time to appreciate them, or ask about how they were made.

  369. In my opinion, there is nothing more elegant or nostalgic than a beautiful piece that has been monogrammed. Pillowcases with my grandmother’s crocheted lace and my initials monogrammed in the center are a timeless treasure. This is a most beautiful book and would make a lovely addition to my library of embroidery books.

  370. There is something about monogrammed linens that says luxury! My grandmother always embroidered a monogram on her table linen and that linen was sent to the laundry to be cleaned and starched….who does that anymore? I’d love to add a few more pieces in my home.
    How a piece beautifully stitched stands the test of time is also very pleasing,
    So I’m eagerly awaiting the publication of this book to add to my collection. Thank you for this opportunity Mary.

  371. I love monograms as gifts I give become so personal and the receiver knows it was made just for them . Thanks for the opportunity

  372. What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms?

    To be able to make individualized monograms that no one else has, not just for myself, but for other people too. I find them very elegant and the quality of them is so good that they are in a time of their own.

    The techniques in the book are timeless, and are to be honest timeless in themselves. I love using different threads with my embroidery and I am sure this book will no doubt introduce me to even more threads, that I could use in my day to day embroidery. I have only recently taken up the art of embroidery, my mother tried to teach me many years ago. I am now in my 60’s. I think she would be very surprised at the type of embroidery I am now doing.

    Thank you for teaching me these new skills.

    Alexandra McIntier

  373. Monograms are elegant, personal expressions which have always fascinated me. It amazes me that just a few letters that can express so much!

  374. I think that monograms lend a bit of class to whatever they are on… it your initials in gold as a pin on a lapel, or just on a napkin that your embroidered or how about those towels for guests. Nothing says welcome than a towel with your guests initials embroidered in them that you took the time to do. I would love a copy of this book. I wish everyone luck who enters……..

  375. I think monogram stitching is so elegant. it
    reminds me of something beautiful in the
    victorian days. I love the old styles,
    flowers, leaves,… Your book sounds
    wonderful. I would love to learn to
    monogram and personalize my gifts.

  376. Monograms are so pretty and classey…they make a garment, personal items just that very personal and special. I would have loved to have had this publication available as last month my Son got married and I made a love heart out of Silk (bone colour)with hearts embroidered on it with initials of the bride and groom and date of wedding. But I embroidered single letters as I could not manage to do monogram which I tried unsuccessfully (self taught). Pleased to say the heart is featured in an acrylic box to be placed on the wall or on a tabletop. I would have loved to have had this book. I did not take photos as I only just had the heart finished before the wedding but when I do I will send some to you. I love your emails and I am learning so much from you. Thank you.

  377. I love the elegance of monograms. They speak to me of a different time. I have just started embroidering monograms by hand on linens for gifts. Most people I gift have never had a monogrammed item and think they are beautiful. One girl I gave a monogrammed hankerchief to said “ewww, blow my nose then put it in my pocket”. That cracked me up.

  378. I love monograms! I love the history of them. In todays fast paced, throw away world I like to think about the seamstress who took the time and had the skill to embroider something beautiful on a simple cloth napkin or a pillowcase.

  379. Monograms are traditional, classy and timeless. They remind me of the past. I like how you can make them romantic or stylish depending on the font chosen. I think they can make an embroidered gift really special and unique.

  380. Hello,

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely book. Monograms are distinct and dignified and tell a story about the owner.

    Happy days.

  381. My love of monograms began when I was about 11. I was away from home, and a bit homesick, the lady I was staying with tucked me into an enormous bed, so high I had to climb into it. I snuggled under a white lace covered feather doona with white monogrammed sheets and pillowcases and drifted off to sleep with my fingers tracing the intricate satin stitch lettering …

  382. I was never much for monograms until I got married (last October!) and now see it as part of a long tradition of identifying your clan. I like the tradition of using the wife’s monogram on linens quite a bit. Maybe it’s a bit nostalgic. Heck, maybe it’s a bit patriarchal. I’m just willing to regard it through an historical lens now.

  383. Mary monograms remind me of elegance. Especially white on white which allows the embroiderer to create a personalized design element that is subtle but meaningful. I appreciate the elegance.

  384. Timeless, beautiful, classic personalization. Everyone deserves something made by hand, with love, just for them.

  385. I love monograms! I love the way that you think of the person that you are stitching for the whole time you see that initial take shape. I especially love white initials on linen- so clean and crisp and vintage-y. I also love monograms with a very high padded satin stitch. And most of all, I love to see the look on the faces of the people who receive a gift with such a personal touch. I would love to have this book for new inspiration!

  386. Hand embroidered monograms have always been one of my favorites. They are so personal, elegant and I love the pattern each monogram makes.Last weekend, I attended a wedding and monograms were everywhere. Even the bride’s veil had her monogram at the bottom! It was a beautiful, unexpected touch.

  387. Monograms are an expression of love. With each stitch, carefully chosen thinking of the personality and traits of the person whose monogram is being created. I add special accent stitches and color to reflect the personality. These are timeless gifts of love.

  388. Monograms are a timeless and personal way to put your special stamp on an embroidered heirloom. I especially love the way the Victorian monograms have the romantic flairs and scrolls! What beautiful threads and fabrics I could use to hand stitch these monograms. I am alredy dreaming about how I could use these designs to stitch a special Christmas stocking or a pillow for a bed! Would love to be the owner of this wonderful book!

  389. Sounds like a wonderful addition to an embroiderers library. I have done monograms in the past by tracing my own handwritten ones onto a stitched piece.

    I would love to add it to my library.


  390. This is a book that definitely belongs in my library! Monogram linens seem so rich and elegant to me. Now that my kids are out of the nest I am anxious to start with pillowcases and towels. I am dreaming of a rich eggplant colored bedspread and my husband and my initials intertwined within a scroll framework, randomly embroidered throughout. My imagination is endless with ideas and possibilities.

  391. Always interested in learning more about monograming, such as placement and letter size. I enjoy machine embroidery.

  392. Mary,

    I’ve always loved monograms. I think they are elegant. Stylistically, I am a traditionalist – so I prefer swirls or calligraphy-style monograms. Although contemporary style monograms lend class to the item as well. I think it ties into my love of history and is part of the reason I love needlework.

  393. I love monograms – all styles. It’s the personalization thing I think I love. Depending on the style they can create a nostalgic feel or they can very modern and current. Whatever – they just evoke a sense of elegance to me.

    Would love to see this book!

  394. Monograms take me back to my childhood, when my Mother and Grandmother made all the girls in family clothing. Our names or initials was put on our clothes, so we each knew what belonged to us personally. Would love to win this book and learn this art. Thank you, Mary, for all you share with this group.

  395. I LOVE monograms for their elegance and for their family legacy. I was lucky enough to inherit my Grand-Mother Wedding linens which were embroidered with hers and my Grand-Father monograms. They are so precious to me! I hope to pass them to my daughter when she is older!

  396. A beautiful Book. As an avid member of a local needlework group, which specialises in no particular type of stitching but gives lessons many & varied types of needlework by group members I feel it would be a great asset to our library. Thus it could be used by many ladies.

  397. This is very timely. I just joined an embroidery group that is dong a spot sampler. Our assignment this month is to research monograms and develop one of our own. Then stitch it onto the sampler. I love the personality of different styles and am doing some ‘soul searching’ to decide what will best suit me.

  398. I love hand-stitched monograms because they are so personal and they remind me of a time-gone-by and they are beautiful.

  399. I love hand embroidered monograms because of the timelessness of them, the rich texture of them, and most of all because they evoke feelings of someone caring very much to have spent the time to personalize an item for someone they love. I think that the stitches are beautiful and the look of a classic monogram transcends time. The love stitched into every one is felt over generations.

  400. The whitework elegance of the monograms are timeless, and yet you rarely see them done in hand work anymore. It’s almost like they are a lost artform. I think lacey handkerchiefs, or men’s handkerchiefs are such nice gifts and you cannot get them very often in the stores anymore.

  401. Hand embroidered monograms remind me of a time when femininity and elegance were appreciated and treasured. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to reproduce those times even if it’s only by reading a book on monograms. I bet that after studying this book, it won’t be long before I attempt my monogram!!

  402. The distinct designs of monograms and cyphers …. superb!
    The elegance and sophistication of beautifully stitched monograms and cyphers, reminiscent of a simpler time ….. heaven on a stick!

  403. This is one book I would read from beginning to end because I think the history would be so interesting. I love all the aspects of it, the elegance, the nostalgia, the texture (how it looks raised), the stitches. I love them in all white but I also like it with some color. Love the designs around the initial also. I have recently found a site that I cannot read but it is Eye Candy for anyone that loves monograms: Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous book-like others, I love the first cover but it’s what’s inside that counts.

  404. I LOVE the elegance of a monogram. It can be made fancy or simple depending on the person making it and whom the project is for. I love to try monograms on different types of fabric and thread just to suit the person the gift is for!!! A monogram is a timeless, beautiful symbol of person. I love this book and hope to add it to my collection one day!

  405. Embroidered monograms offer so much variety. They can be very simple or very ornate, allowing each to be unique and extremely personal. They can add a
    whimsical touch or can be much more formal.

  406. When I work my monograhm on something it feels like I’m saying “I’m here” to the world I live in and the one I will leave behind someday. I really enjoy collecting vintage monograhm sand stitching my own with the old techniques. I missed this book when it came out the first time and would adore a copy now!
    Thanks for all you do for us Mary!
    Vickie in Virginia

  407. I love the timelessness of monograms. I think they are intricate and beautiful and an embroidery artform that needs to be preserved. This book is a gem and I would love to own it.

  408. I like the elegance of hand embroidery and the personalization. It means so much more than doing things by machine. If you give a gift of hand embroidery, the recipient knows you took the time and effort to give a part of yourself in the gift.

  409. What most appeals to me is the beauty and simplicity of hand monograms. I had no idea that there was instructions available that were modern. . .as in 2007 and not 1807! So I really appreciated your blog. The book appears to give great directions. . .both visual and written. Wow! How generous of you to be giving a copy away!

  410. Hello Mary, Thank you for this interesting review. Monograms to me give an elegant personalisation to linen, gifts, and other work. The fine handwork used in these tells of an olde worldly charm. It is nice to see this becoming popular again.

  411. I love being able to personalize the monograms to the persons likes and the material being used

  412. I love the look of hand embroidered monograms. Hand embroidery is so much more beautiful than machine, no matter what the materials or technique. Monograms bring out the beauty of ones very own initials and typography of choice. What is there not to love?

    🙂 Linda

  413. Mary, I am thrilled to hear you are reviewing this book, and talking about monograms! I love the look of monograms done by hand…partly due to nostalgia but mainly because to my eye nothing else quite compares to ones that are stitched by hand. This is such a lovely book I would love to see and learn from, since at this point in time my own attempts at monograms leave much to be desired. Thank you so much for sharing your considerable experience with monograms!

  414. Words and stitching are my favourite things. For ten years I’ve been adding names, jokes, wishes, family memories, poems and more to my quilts. My media has been free motion quilting and hand embroidery. It’s time to raise my game with elegant hand embroidered monograms leading the way.

  415. Exquisite detail translating to elegant simplicity …’s a signature that is really visual poetry…..a timeless, personal keepsake that will travel through the ages and provoke a thoughtful curiosity about the person they belonged to…..

  416. I am a vintage and antique linen dealer so, I encounter monograms often. I love them because they are a connection to both the needle artist and the recipient. Often, I feel the connection and try to imagine their story. Was it a wedding gift or part of a trousseau or maybe a young woman sharing her love of embroidery and amazing skill? I try to imagine her sitting by the radio or the fire at night after her work is done for the day. Monograms simple or ornate are like icing on a cake- everything looks better with a monogram. I tell my customers that monograms are special and even if they see a piece they like and the monogram isn’t theirs, why not say it belonged to Aunt Mabel or a distant relative!
    Thank You Mary, I love to read your emails.

  417. I love the hand worked monograms, because not everyone can do them… I appreciated the work, skill, and process involved. Thanks for the giveaway!

  418. I had an opportunity to but this book a number of years ago and didn’t, have been stalking used bookstores and Amazon trying to find a copy. A most amazing book!

  419. I fell in love with monograms because I am in love with my own names. Such vanity! The deeper meaning is that I am named after my great grandmother (whom I was blessed to have in my life until my early 20s) and her best friend. These women meant a great deal to me and are still with me each and every day. My paternal name also is a proud name! I love and enjoy my extended family so much; I could not have chosen better family members for myself! To pile on the blessings I also like working with my monogram letters artistically, ‘cvc’. Prior to my marriage I even checked in several books of manners regarding the use of monograms following marriage – I planned to take my husband’s surname, but gosh I just did not want to give up those neat little letters of ‘c’ and ‘v’ to work with! Plus, I was finding the letter ‘d’ a difficult letter to work with in fonts. (Thankfully manners dictated I could continue to use my maiden monogram without offense)! Fifteen years later and all is very happy except for one enormous issue in my marriage: I seek and seek but I have yet to find a ‘D’ that I can truly be in love with. Alas, there is hope! I saw a ‘d’ in a home designer’s blog that I think might be, maybe, please, THE ‘d’ I have longed for. Just one more blessing is all I need; that she will answer my post telling me the font used to create that potentially perfect ‘d’ I have been longing for! So please dear Mary, do share your monogram book, I could so selfishly, vainly, continue to find new ways to honor my family through stitching my love of letters!

  420. For me it’s mostly about the personalization aspect of the monogram combined with the love of hand stitching. Let’s face it, in today’s world we don’t need to put initials on all of our linens and personal items, and if we do want initials we can do them by machine. However, when I stitch by hand and incorporate someone’s initials I think with love about the person receiving the item.

  421. Monograms are just exquisite. The elegance of the shapes of the letters so many different styles,some with beautiful flowers ,some very regal,some just pleasantly casual, some are twined together in amazing ways. What’s not to love about them may be an easier question to answer. Thanks for the opportunity to have a wonderful book to ogle over. Diana Williams .

  422. I have about 7 tablecloths large from my maternal grandmother, mother, an aunt and step-mother and I would like to have expert advise on how to embroider napkins to blend with them. Then move on to bed linens all tho these days cottons would be a better description.

  423. Monograms’ pull on me is somewhat mysterious. I love the timelessness of monograms combined with their innately personal connection. I especially love vintage pieces and that vintage look. A monogrammed item immediately pulls you into a very real, intimate story–it says “this items belongs/belonged to a specific someone who cared enough or was cared for enough that these initials were used to capture something about them here”. Maybe that doesn’t make sense, but it’s the best I can describe it. I think that’s why my first instinct when I see an embroidered monogram is to reach out and touch it…almost as a way to connect with the someone special behind those initials. Thanks for a great blog and for prompting such fun discussions!

  424. I like the personalization and elegance of embroidered monograms. Love to have the book in my collection. Thanks for this give- away.

    Best regards,

  425. I love hand embroidered monograms because they remind me of the past and I think they are so special because they are made speciially for each person. I love the beauty of them.

  426. I don’t remember if I ever embroidered a monogram. I know I’ve embroidered whole family names, in needlepoint, too. I guess it’s time to try it out. So, it’s speaking to me now, because of you I have the urge to try it out. If I don’t win the book, I’ll go to your free designs to find something. I actually have a lot of them saved on my computer along with those of other embroiderers free monogram designs. Now you have me all worked up, LOL!

  427. I love the sense of luxury as well as achievement that embroidered monograms convey. Monograms were often only something that the wealthy could afford to have on their linens. Modernly, we celebrate many life milestones (such as marriages, christening, attaining adulthood, and graduations) with monogrammed handkerchiefs, towels and other thoughtful personalized items. Whether by hand or machine, embroidered monograms hold deep meaning for me.

  428. I love the elegance and the intricacy of a well-designed monogram. I want to learn how to design them myself.

  429. I am a new mom. I wanna embroider on my 1yr old baby’s items. I can show it to him when he’s grown up! Its shows love & care. It makes one feel valuable & loved as it involves time, energy, interest & care! I really wish from the core of my heart to receive this book from U! M very new to embroidery & got interested by seeing your website & watching your video tutorials! Monograms are my alltime favourite for its richness, style, font, elegance & many more reasons

  430. My favorite thing is that it combines all of the things you mentioned into one. They look so refined and ritzy. They make a personalized gift look so complicated even though the stitches can be very simple. And there is something about white on white monogrammed linens that’s irresistible to me.

  431. Hand embroidered monograms are just so elegant. I have a set of top sheet and two pillowcases done for (or maybe by) my great-grandmother. It would have been done after her second marriage in Sept. 1917. I actually slept under them once, then washed them and put them away. I just love the beauty of monograms, however they are done, but hand embroidered ones are the best. It’s something I want to be able to do.

  432. I have been having a love affair with monograms for many years, starting with a set of cross-stitched ones which I made and my darling husband framed and I gave to about 12 of my friends and rels one Christmas. Then I moved on to painting them, illuminated text style with lots of Celtic knots and red dots and gold paint (I didn’t go as far as proper gilding). Now I embroider them as well although I haven’t yet tried whitework of which I love the look. The other really fantastic thing about monograms and is my primary reason for doing them is that you can personalise just about anything. A side story is that some years ago my parents were to celebrate 60 years of marital bliss (!) and I was inveigled into making a Crazy Quilt in a diamond shape. I knew there was no way I could finish it in time so in order for us to have something to give them on The Day I painted in gold and silver their entwined initials on what became a card. I wasn’t as into or as accomplished at embroidery then or I may have embroidered them.

  433. Hi Mary
    I read your articles with awe and delight – that you have time to write them after all the work you are doing with all the different forms of embroidery, and all the other things in your life!
    You are opening my eyes to the delights of embroidery: I had thought that simple counted cross-stitch would be all that I could do. But no, thanks to you I am having a go at hardanger, Mountmellick, samplers, petit point (VERY proud of that one – it’s from a Josef Klimpt picture), and the ultimate: goldwork. I have a long way to go towards perfection, and am challenged by your words about the tableloth you got for your mother off e-Bay.

    As for Monograms: I love the complicated embellishments and designs that sneak into them. I love the personalising that can be given: making the decoration suit the person. I want to create beautiful monograms that look like Medieval illuminations. For my family to treasure and hand down to their families. I have searched for a book in our libraries and embroidery shops, but without success.
    Thank you Mary, for your generosity.

  434. Hi Mary!
    I like monograms because they are so versatile. You can use them on anything or as part of a design ( like a birth announcement, wedding sampler, etc). Or they can be the design! What a wonderful gift for anyone! Thanks!

  435. as a great admirer of the beautiful work of Susan O’Connor, I have long wanted to find a copy of this stunning book. The elegance of the monograms and the wonderful instruction and detail would certainly help me to add to my embroidery skills and designing. Monograms are evocative of a time of elegance and beauty and bring a hint of family longevity to embroidered items. I would love to be lucky enough to win a copy of this book.

  436. Monograms are great, I love how they combine delicacy, texture and grand design all in one small package. Adding a beautifully stitched monogram to anything makes it more “posh” and personal.
    Thanks for running this give-a-way, it is a very generous prize

  437. Dear Mary,
    I have a ferocious headache today but nothing can deter me from entering your giveaway for a chance to own a copy of Susan O’Connor’s beautiful book. I love monograms for everything you mentioned, and because they are personal. They speak of a special ‘someone’ with style. And we get a notion that person has a style that equates with the monogram, such as bold and well defined or intricate and delicate. Thank you Mary!

  438. I have always really loved the idea of letters and embroidery. They provide and elegance and artistry on beautiful pieces.I am thrilled the book is to be reprinted as I have long wanted a copy.

  439. I had this book loved it lost it in the bushfire.Monograms are a link with past generations of my family all beautiful embroiderers and they are so personal, they make you feel so close to them especially when I try to emulate them

  440. As we said our goodbyes on the dock at Southampton, my grandmother gave me a monogrammed handkerchief she had sewn, I cherished this as a little girl, even then I think she knew we’d never meet again. As a bride to be I tucked it safely into my gown (something old), then I added my daughter’s and my son’s initials to the piece when they were born. Every time I see a beautiful piece of monogram work, it reminds me of the bond from across the seas between my grandmother and me.

  441. I love monograms. They are timeless and elegant. I think every woman should have AT LEAST ONE elegant monogrammed handkerchief in her drawer, the drawer with the best lingerie that only gets used on special occasions. I think every bride should have one on her wedding day. There are a million uses for monograms, and would you believe I don’t have a book of monograms yet?

  442. I enjoy stitching small gifts for family and friends ie. lavender sachets and linen bags etc. and adding a monogram makes them extra special for the recipient. I think this book will help me to learn how to stitch monograms more beautifully and with more variety of designs. Thank you for the opportunity.

  443. What a lovely book!

    I love monograms for the vintage-ness, and the feel of quality. So much is disposable now, there’s just something secure feeling in embroidered linens made to last.

  444. I would love to win this book – I love monograms that are embroidered with a flower surround. I have made a few gifts with monograms and it seems such a perfect expression of love to me.

  445. I love the classic simple elegance of the white on white monograms; it is our 25th wedding anniversary next year and I am working on a whitework design to celebrate, I really want to include a monogram of our initials.

  446. A monogram can add a touch of elegance or whimsy or formal affair to an item depending on what style font is chosen. A hand embroidered item says you care about who you are and the image you project.

    To hand embroider is to show you care. Especially in our world of mass produced, run of the mill items. It shows you are unique!

  447. Thank you very much for this give away. I very much love any type of handwork. I find it a relaxing way to unplug from the day. It takes me back to a time when things were simplier. All handwork is elegant and beautiful. I’d love to learn more. Thank you again for this opportunity.

  448. I have always loved monograms, especially flowy , white ones seen on vintage linens and garments.Beautiful, graceful, the raised texture-love it all. Hope to win this book and try my hand at doing some myself.

  449. Embroidered monograms were one of the things that started me on my textile arts journey.
    For all different kinds of reasons, the art, the beauty, the tradition, but also a sense of possession. The capability to say: I made this, therefore this is mine. In a beautiful manner, so simple, thread in needle through cloth, yet with so many, near endless combinations and variations.

  450. I am a monogram junkie but in a very positive way. I love the alphabet and always look for new ways to use monograms. Monograms are beautiful especially when stitched by hand and with much love. Friends always appreciate the gift. Thank you for the opportunity to own this book.

  451. I think what appeals to me most is the personalization. Of course anything hand made is personal, but monograms take it one step further. In addition, I feel like it would be something easy to work on “on the go”. Right now I am in transition and most of my belongings are in storage (including my beloved craft supplies) and I see this as something that I could work on without having to pull everything out. Can’t wait to check the book out!

  452. Embroidered monograms are appealing to me as the present day equivalent of the beautiful illuminated manuscripts worked by monks in the early days of Christianity. Totally beautiful!

  453. Family monograms connect me to the women whose blood runs through my veins and will connect me someday to the needlewomen who follow me.

  454. Hi Mary,

    First, thank you for the chance to win such a lovely book.

    I think what appeals to me most about monograms is the timelessness of them. They can be stitched so many ways. They speak of of old-world elegance, and they are, dare I say, posh. I just love them 🙂

    Thanks again.

  455. Thank you for this beautiful idea.
    I always loved monogramms and all the various possibilities to give an object a very special life with only one letter … and all the various styles proposed for a single letter !
    I’ll do a “coussin d’alliances” in white embroidery for a wedding next January and I know that I will have a great pleasure to do it.
    I didn’t know this book before reading about it thanks to your newsletter, it’s seems to me to be “the bible” for monogramms
    Sorry for my english, I don’t practice very often …
    Love from my little part of France !

  456. I love sewing.
    I love fabric.
    I love thread.
    I love embroidery.
    I love monograms.

    I love it that I had a grandmother and mother who taught me to sew and embroider. I am thankful To the Almighty One who gave me eyes and hands to enjoy the art of stitching 🙂

    Thankful for your generosity in sharing your talent! Winning this wonderful book would be icing on the cake!!

  457. What attracts me to monograms is that not only are they beautiful (white on white, cream on cream are my favourites), but they’re timeless too. Embroidered items go in and out of fashion, colours change – my lovely orange and brown embroidery of an autumn field looked lovely in my 70s house, but looks totally out of place now. But a monogram just seems to look right however it’s done – or maybe I’m just a sucker for monograms!

  458. I think they are just the most timeless, elegant thing! Giving something embroidered with monograms for events like wedding and baby showers seems like absolute perfection!

  459. I love personalized items and to learn to do this myself would be so wonderful. When my grandmother died, the only item that my great aunt wanted was a beautiful personalized hankie that Gram kept with her. I would like to create a beautiful memento for other members of my family that would be cherished.

  460. I have never done a monogram, but I enjoy all sorts of challenges. I just finished some of Susan O’Connor’s projects (the needle keep, the scissor sheath & pinball and the Mirror Mirror) and love her designs. I would love to have this book for my library and to do more of Susan’s designs.
    I have just started receiving your daily newsletter and thoroughly enjoyed the article on Whitework.
    Wendy McKie

  461. I have always loved monograms. My Dad was a jewelry engraver and he did beautiful monograms. When I was young he wanted to teach me his craft and of course I couldn’t be bothered (sad I didn’t).

  462. Mary,
    Romance- elegance- days long gone! Monograms are so lovely- gracing bed linens , handkerchiefs- I can’t even imagine having an armoire filled with such items- perhaps a trousseau! Dreamy!! I would love to learn how to embroider monograms properly and this book appears to be the educational tool necessary. Thank you for this opportunity.
    Peg F from NJ

  463. I like monograms due to their combination of being both bespoke and practical at the same time. It’s easier to sort out your hankies from those belonging to others when they’re monogrammed!

  464. I have been looking for a wonderful monogram book. I am a needlepoint designer and love the look of monograms but have not found any that really stick a cord with me. I think that these designs will translate into needlepoint very well.
    I would love to add this to my collection of needlepoint books. I have been stitching since i was 4, owned my own needlepoint store for 15 years, and now travel all over the USA teaching needlepoint.

  465. It would help if I read the entire email! 🙂

    I have always found something elegant about monograms, that extra special touch that personalizes the item.I have always wanted to learn but was never sure how to start. Working with mainly one color would be new to me as well and creating my own patterns as I have never tried to do that before either.

  466. Monograms are an embroiderer’s calligraphy. They are timeless,delicate, and they can be used in hundreds of ways. I would love to own a copy of this book and already have ideas to stitch several gifts.

    Jane gaudioso

  467. It is a very nostalgic thing for me to have things monogramed by hand because my grandmothers and mother had many things with monograms and I have continued the tradition.

  468. Hello Mary,
    I so look forward to each and every post from you, especially the technique photos & articles, project progress photos and your product reviews. You have proven your high standards and attention to detail, all in a friendly, accessible format. Therefore if this book is a must have on your list, it is going on my must have list, too! I have always loved monograms. I grew up in preppy New England where oxford shirts required monograms on cuffs or pockets and all sorts of linens were monogrammed – from hankies to table linens. I am definitely a monogram enthusiast for sure. I even practiced calligraphy in junior high and high school so that I could transfer letters to monogram.

    To answer your question, I especially love monograms for nostalgia sake as well as the timeless and preppy appeal. A beautifully executed monogram is an excellent finishing touch.

    Thanks so much for holding this giveaway,
    Betsy in the sunny Seattle suburbs

  469. Hi Mary
    I have a fixation with family initials- so much so that the names I gave my children begin with the same initial as the parents ie. boys=father, girl=mother. Fixation!
    Naturally, this is reflected in my embroidery: whenever appropriate, roll forth the monograms! Personalisation? Identity? Heirloom? = Fixation!
    So, I am forever seeking new ways of creating them – this book seems THE ideal source. Thanks for this generous opportunity.

  470. There is something timeless in monograms. They are as beautiful now as they were in medieval times. The past comes alive when I see an intricate monogram, or a piece of old embroidery with someone’s initials elaborately and delicately stitched onto a linen handkerchief. When given a gift of a hand-lettered monogram, it’s lovely to know that the embroiderer was thinking of me with every stitch.

  471. Monogramming is so beautiful. If I had to choose one world to describe hand embroidered monograms, it would be elegance.

  472. My mother supplemented my father’s income by hand monogramming initials, names on everything from men’shirts and boxers to ladies lingerie and mink coats. Now at 84 she still monograms her son’s and grandson’s shirts for birthdays and Christmas. I learned how to embroider from her and include monograms on the quilts I make for special people in my life. I love the look that it gives to those special gifts.

  473. When my grandmother died over 30 years ago, I was given all her linens. As I went through all the boxes and boxes, my aunt explained which ones my grandmother had made. Many of the linens, especially tablecloths and napkins, had her monogram embroidered onto them, TR. When I entertain, I still use her pieces and it never takes long for someone to ask what does TR stand for. That’s my opportunity to share stories about my grandmother. If she hadn’t included her monogram, it is likely that few people would ask about the linens. Her monograms keep her memory alive. That’s why I love monograms.

  474. I just started doing a project with my initials with some ideas I found by browsing through web sites. I love the elegance of hand embroidered monograming. I especially like when these are done in one color. Red is my favorite. I love the feel of the tiny needle in my fingers used to really get that detail. Found a piece of material my mother had and I have been holding on to this forever. Now it can be used for this embroidery. Thanks, Paula.

  475. Hi, I think the thing I most like about monograms is the elegance. Just adding a monogram seems to compleately change a peice of fabric.



  476. Embroidered monograms remind me of my grandmother, of times gone by, the present times and the future that has yet to come. When my daughter first asked for something to be monogrammed, it cemented for me what a timeless art and treasure monograms really are. They reflect the past, yet they speak to us today and project what will always be; a mark made a stitch at a time in a time long gone….

  477. There is so much more to monograms than just an arrangement of letters. They are truly elegant and classic. Old family linens share a history, while new monograms will be a story yet to tell. Monograms are timeless, personal and unique. I’m so glad this book is being reprinted thanks to a resurgence in monogramming. Some things should never go out of style!

  478. I have always been facinated by the initals on something, that is was very personal, thinking who might have had it and what their name was. Maybe it is a romantic feeling that someone special was given something special that the person made especially for them.

  479. The hand embroidered monograms appeal to me because of their elegance and tradition, the beauty of the handwork, and the suggestion that the monogram makes that the item is of import. I love the grace and intricacy of the old time scripts and the surrounding frames(there’s another name for the surrounding decoration . . . cartouche??)

  480. Mary.
    Monograms speak of the “days gone by” of the elegance that will be never more. If we can only keep a small part of that in our own lives. Mongrameing seems to brings to mind a time of stark white sheets, lace,embroidery,crochet and the elegance of dress.
    My grandmother taught me to embroidery when I was a small girl, nothing as braautiful or elegants of the day. She loved to work in her garden, made quilts and crochet. She could crochet faster than anyone I ever saw. Her love went into every stitch she made with the beauity of table clothes and dollies for her family. To keep a small part alive is my desire. Thank you Mary for keeping us going with all you research and beauity that you give to us.

  481. To me embroidered monograms recall the ultimate elegance, refinement and luxury. This type of handwork takes me back to my school years when such an activity was part of our curriculum. I dream I could surprise my guests with their initials embroidered on the sheets when they come to visit me. But I am afraid it will remain a dream……… and still hope to win the book. Thanks for the opportunity.

  482. Well, Mary you’ve given me a real challenge. Why do I love embroidered monograms? I really don’t know. They’re certainly elegant, and personal, and nostalgic and i just love them. I keep wanting to do some but am just waiting for the right opportunity and right pattern for the right person(s)…lol. Years ago I knew a little hill woman who did wonderful quilts. When she passed away he children found a whole closet full of brand new finished quilts. they divied them up between themselve and presented a quilt to each of their children on their wedding days. although their grandmother wasn’t there in person she certainly was in spirit. i thought that was an incredibly wonderfull idea my friend had, saving her mother’s quilts for the gkids. I would really like to do monogrammed pillow shams for wedding gifts for my gkids. of course i’ll have to be patient and wait to do the girls’ but i can get a jump on the boys as their monogram won’t change and there are five boys so i’ll be that far ahead. if you think i’m joking about doing them ahead i’m not, i’m in the process of crocheting and/or knitting baby blankets for when the time comes. who knows what shape i’ll be in if i’m even here when that time comes but they’ll be put aside and kept for the future need. anyway, that’s why i want this book.


  483. I think monograms are so beautiful because they add a special personalization to any piece of embroidered work. I love to make gifts for my grown children and often they are similiar, but incorporating a monogram is just the added touch to make each gift personal and unique. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely book.

  484. I think it’s the elegance of the embroidered monograms that appeals to me. So refined and cultured! Makes me think of a different time from the past.

  485. I have spent more than 20 yrs making copies of cast-iron registers in old houses, which is very “simple” when compared to the beautiful things I have found on your site. Monograms would be the first step toward fancier embroidery such as I have found on your site. And books are one of my favorite things!

  486. I have a fancy embroidery machine but still prefer handwork whenever possible. Would love to own this book!

  487. I have always been facinated by monograms. I like them on hankerchiefs, linens, & clothing. They can be ornate or simple but they are always elegant and classy. Remember Lavern and Shirley? Lavern had an L on every outfit. I looked for that L every week.

  488. Thank you for this wonderful give-a-way!

    I love monograms and alphabets. They always remind me of my Great Grandmother’s hankies. There’s just something classic about them. Recently I’ve worked a couple letters on tea towels using your Celtic letters and the plaited braid stitch. Definitely takes some practice to get that stich and the tension down but it works fast and I love the heavy look. Thanks so much for all you do.

  489. Hi Mary, Monograms invoke a different, slower, (in some ways) more personal time when lovely handmade things were treasured. While stitching monograms or doing any needlework or sewing to give as a gift, I find myself thinking a lot about the person and how great it is to have them in my life. The book is beautiful and would provide the best inspiration. Thanks for a cool giveaway!

  490. I like monograms because of their timelessness. Also they have so many design possibilities – from ornate decorations to plain block letters. The style you choose can add additional personalization to the initials.

  491. I love monograms because they are so very personal. Not only are they your own initials, but you can incorporate your favorite flowers, animals, polka dots, etc. the stitch work also can be tailored to your individual taste as can the threads! I am thinking I would like my last name initial polka dotted with little chamomile flowers( turkeywork centers) surrounded by initials done in shadow work with little vines woven around them…maybe the book could show me how to get started.

  492. I love the personalisation of Monograms! How you can adjust to make it a personal gift for some one special!

  493. I am a huge fan of Sandra O’Connor, back to the start of Inspirations Magazine. All her work is exquisite. I took an EGA monogram group course years ago which began my interest in whitework. Finding a stash of monogrammed handkerchiefs recently reminded me how beautiful embroidered monograms are and how much I’d love to get back to stitching. I’ve looked for this book at the library but no luck. I wish I had purchased a copy when it was first released.

  494. My grandmother was very skilled at embroidery. I am suddenly interested in embroidery and am keen to improve my skills. I found your website and columns and they are really wonderful. I was so impressed with your description of this book that I ordered a copy through interlibrary loan. Unfortunately someone had taken the patterns out of the back of the book. The book is still quite handy, however. The monograms that I see in the book are simply exquisite. I love how the letters curve and are incorporated into finely detailed designs. Breath-taking.

    I’d like to make some keepsakes for friends and family. I know how much I treasure the embroidered items that I have from my grandma. I am hoping to pass along similar handcrafted gifts.

  495. Thanks so much for giving us the chance to win this beautiful book! I think I enjoy this type of embroidery for all the reasons you mentioned. But I also like the old fashioned elegance it suggests and that when I do a piece as a gift the recipient is pleased to know I did it especially for them!

  496. I like to use mo of rams, particularly for gifts, as it makes the present so very, very special for the recipient.

  497. Mon commentaire sera en français. J aime les monogramme, la diversité des textures et les grandes variétés de fioritures. Elle fait appelle à notre créativité et notre imagination. Sans limite ou cent limite . Avec couleur ou non. Quel beau livre j’ai hate de le feuilleter. Merci de partager ses trésors avec nous, je vous lis tout les jours. Bonne journée. Carole de Montréal

  498. Monograms are beautiful, delicate, elegant and personal, but they are also fascinating as reminders of the past. It’s almost impossible to do the stitching of a monogram without thinking about the reason behind it – maybe a wedding, a baby or another important event, and old linens are reminders of someone’s hopes for someone else. They are stitched with memories and hopes in mind, and that’s why I love them. The fact they are whitework is the icing on the cake!

  499. I love the elegance and the sense of simpler, less stressful times. (Though I know all time periods have their own types of stress!) How beautiful the designs can be, from large to small.

  500. Hand embroidered monograms speak “elegance” to me. These are truly classic in style. I think that they would be treasured in any era.

  501. I have been coveting this book for a while. Monograms are classic, timeless, and also so current with the trends toward words and letters in fabric design and decorating. Love them!!!

  502. There is something so special about getting a gift that has your name on it. Things that I find at sales with monograms on them also have the same aura. Even though anyone can buy machine embroidery, it doesn’t hold the same attraction. There is a flatness and lifelessness about it. Would love the book to make my own. Thanks,

  503. I was first fascinated by the Monograms that my Mother embroidered on or in my cloth for identification. The beauty and various designs captured my attention and facinated me.

    I got involved in calligraphy, where I enjoyed a vast variety writing style.

    A would really enjoy owning a book on a subject matter that never stops my admiration for the time, energy and artistic shared.

  504. I love the personalization of monograms. It’s such a personal touch indicating intimacy with the user, or as a remembrance of someone dear.

  505. Wow, what is there not to like about monograms. They make things look so much richer.

  506. Monograms have always fascinated me. I inherited several beautiful handkerchiefs and table linens from various ancestors. Holding a piece of history in my hands, admiring the detail and time they put into each piece, inspires me to create my own treasure that can be handed down to my great-granddaughter. There is something timeless and beautiful about whitework monograms.

  507. Mary,

    Almost every book you have reviewed and enthused about I have managed to track down a copy to either own or at least borrow for a period of time. This one looks to be no exception. I will have to order a copy in August if I am not fortunate enough to win this copy.

    Monograms are simply timeless. I love engraved monograms on rings, on old brush and mirror sets on dressers, etc. They can be very elaborate or completely simple.

    Thank you for your great website and daily messages.


  508. I love old linens. First thing I head to when I go to a flea market! I especially love the old hand embroidered monograms. I like to think of who this must have belonged to and wonder who made it for her/him? I also love how padded they usually are.


  509. I am a college English instructor, and I do calligraphy as well as embroider. In fact, I started embroidery because I wanted to letter linens with my own calligraphy and then embroider them. I think monograms and letters (especially on linens) appeal to me because I like letters and words so much! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a neat book.

  510. I enjoy making personalized gifts for my loved ones and nothing works best as hand embroidered monograms. They have a way of lighting up their faces and lives and i cherish it. I enjoy the process and usually get through a rough or a painful path not only unscathed but end up creating a pleasant and timeless memory around the painful ones. I call it “reframing with monograms”.

  511. I love hand embroidered monograms for their elegance, combined with this mad over the top curly madness with extra of everything. It also brings on fond memories from my childhood when there were still some monogrammed bed linen in use in my family

  512. The thing I love about using monograms in my embroidery is both the personalization and the timelessness of the look.

  513. I have always had a hard time doing monagrams and
    perhaps the book would be a help. Sounds lovely

  514. Monograms are beautiful, personal and elegant. I have made monogrammed hand towels for my two children and they love them – no one is allowed to use them, but they hang proudly in their bathrooms. I would like to make towels for each of my grandchildren.

    Thank you so much for offering the book. If I do not win, I will definitely order it on August.

  515. I have some lovely monogrammed napkins that my grandmother received as a wedding gift. I was told they were made by her great aunt. The appeal of monograms is the link to the past for future generations. Worked by hand, they show the skill passed on from mother to daughter, or from aunt to niece, and embody the familial love between those women.
    Susan O’Connor’s book would be a great gift to me. I so wish to learn more, and to be able to pass on those skills to my daughters.

  516. Monograms are so elegant. They are evocative of an era in which taking the time to create something beautiful was much more appreciated and widely spread than it is today. So far the nostalgia, because I believe that it is still worthwhile to make beautiful things, whatever the skills used. Als many other posters I love white crisp linen and cotton and creating something that will last. So far, I have never embroidered a monogram, but I would like to try. And I defenitely would like to own this book but at the same time I am sure other, more experienced embroiderers will make far better use of it, so please do not read my reply as participating in the give-away. Thank you so much for offering the opportunity, though!

  517. I have been researching antique and vintage monogram embroidery for some time, though just using online sources. I would love to read and learn more from this wonderful book. I remember my father’s cotton handkerchiefs with his initials embroidered in a corner. He had one with him at all times. He passed away in February and those darn handkerchiefs mean the end of an era to me.

  518. OMG Mary! Did you have any idea this book give a way would result in so many responses? i’ve never seen so many responses. i think it augers well for book sales in august for the author. keep up the good work mary.

  519. White on white to me is peace and silence.
    The monogram is like a new six inches of fresh snow, still falling, quiet in the night.
    We live is such a brassy culture of noise and movement.
    Stitching white on white I must have the radio, phone, and TV off. What a wonderful time to re set the mind and ease the body pains. This is pure escapism for me.
    All of the books that come out of Country Bumpkin are more than worth the price. I do use them and I also use Inspirations. Just finished a butterfly from the #62 issue. Will lace it and frame it today.
    Mary, I can provide a very good home for this book.

  520. I tried to resist. Really, I did. But the book is so beautiful and monograms are so very elegant, but are still something that can be used on everyday items without being odd or out of place. Sort of like handwoven dishtowels in that they are on things that are used regularly, but make you smile every time you see them.

  521. Every time I see an elaborate monogram, I am taken back to a place in time that is filled with queens, princesses, and ladies-in-waiting. A person’s monogram was almost the same thing as a signature. It’s so nice that this form of embroidery is still popular today. This book is one of the best out there.

  522. I absolutely love monograms, they evoke such a beautiful feeling of tradition and of a time when patience and dedication were admired & cherished. I love how monograms make anything feel so much more special and treasured. And the thought of it being passed on to generations to come is so heart warming.

  523. MY love for monograms stems from my love for samplers. Anything that has to do with alphabets I’m addicted. I can add a letter to anything I stitch and usually do. Monograms done in satin stitch are even more wonderful. And they can’t be too puffy for me. Thank you for this oppertunity to own this wonderful book.

  524. I didn’t order this book when it came out and have been sorry ever since I found out how difficult it was to get it. I love the look of old ornate monograms on fine linen. I like how they mix all scrolls with the letters. It is an art form, this type of calligraphy. It has been on my list to do some monogram pillow cases, just need the time, I am sure the inspiration is in this beautiful book.

  525. Hola,soy una fanatica de sus bordados,he aprendido mucho por uds,me gustan los monogramas,ya que son muy elegantes,especialmente bordaos en blanco,son romanticos,me encantaria bordar un juego de sabanas,los felicito y muchas gracias por compartir esta belleza,con nosotros soy e chile pero vivo en massachussets usa.

  526. I am one of those who has been searching for this book for some time and am simply thrilled to my very fingertips at the thought you are offering a chance to perhaps win one. I love calligraphy and the blending of letters in stitchery is just one step better. I am also hoping to acquire a copy of this book to aid me in my surface embroidery on palls which I so long to do but lack confidence in.

  527. This book looks beautiful. I’ve wanted to improve my embroidery skills for a while and I really enjoy your blog. I like monograms because it’s some night traditional that can be done in a very modern way. I also like the personalization that monograms provide as well as the beauty and decorative aspect. Thanks for the giveaway and for all the hard work you put into your blog!

  528. Beautiful Hand-Embroidered Monograms! How I always wonder who the talented needleworker was. Beautiful stitches, placed with care, will mark the beautiful embroidery piece for it’s lifetime.
    I wonder what the stitcher was thinking when she or he planned and placed the stitches, about all the occasions the piece was used for, all the conversations this piece has heard and the memories created. I can just see a humble stitcher sharing the embroidered piece with her dearest friends and them oohhing and aahhing over the beautiful design and workmanship. Stitchers know their pieces will be cherished and loved for many years to come. The beauty and artistry of hand-embroideried pieces are rarer due to the machine embroidery of our current era and the almost lost art of such beautiful hand placed stitches.
    The elegance of beautiful hand embroidery will forever be in my heart…the simple acknowledgement of knowing it was meant for me alone. Each stitch placed with special care, precision and love!

  529. Mary, A wonderful give-away. I love monograms of any sort: first for the sheer beauty of them and certainly for the nostalgia of remembered beautiful old linens from our ancestors. I am from a large family where everything was held in common. When I was old enough to purchase my own things some of the very first things I bought were all monogrammed. I guess I was permanently and decisively marking my territory!
    I now machine as well as hand stitch monograms; and fonts along with flowers are my favorite embellishments.
    Thanks for the chance to own this lovely book.

  530. I really only became aware of Monograms as a field of embroidery about a year ago. The sheer variety of styles is quite mind boggling. A whole new world opened up! Of course I also enjoy the historical side of different embroidery techniques as embroidery and history seem to walk hand in hand and never more so than with Monograms. Monograms are very well received in my family on gifts to mark significant family events.

  531. I love what a monogram communicates about its owner. It can be bold and strong or frilly and delicate. The choice of design, stitching, fabric, color and placement all reflect one’s personality.

  532. Anne Jones

    Hand Embroidered monograms remind me of my grandma who always had cotton hankies with embroidered intials on them (for herself and my grandad).

    What happened to hankies? Paper tissues I guess!

    My grandma and my mum were stitchers and knitters, but it was my grandma who taught me as a child as my mum was busy working and looking after the family. My grandma is no longer with us but my mum is now 80 and still stitching and a member with me of our local Embroiderers’ Guild branch.

    I have been taking part in an embroidery “round robin” with and my theme for my piece was “Initials”. I started the piece with an “A” for Anne using a design from a Celtic design book. I have been intrigued to see the variety of stitching techniques used by other members of the round robin. However by the time my piece had been round and returned to me, some of the initials were facing in different directions so I am planning to cut the piece up and mount each initial on pages of a fabric book.

    However I’m due to have surgery on my cervical spine next Tuesday so I’ll be frustrated at being off work but not being able to use the time to stitch!! I will have to take the neurosurgeon’s advice as I don’t want to jeopardise my recovery – I have a lot of stitching years ahead of me and several unfinished pieces (usually started on weekend workshops).

  533. I think monogrammed gifts appeal to me because they are so flexible, appealing to both men and women, children or adults, classic or contemporary tastes. I love them on linens, but they make great home decor items and are lovely when stitched very small on a tailored shirt cuff or on an evening bag for a daughter’s prom or wedding. Can’t wait to see this book!

  534. Monograms are a poignant timeless and often personal connection between generations. They retain powerful symbolism and the beauty of the embroidery silently whispers and encourages eternal perpetuation of the craft. These sentiments will mean that the love of monograms will burn on like an eternal flame…..

    These are the reasons why I love monograms

  535. I love hand embroidery and I love typefaces, and monograms are where those loves intersect. I enjoy learning what materials are used for different types of projects and what the work involves. When cleaning out my family home, my sister found 3 handkerchiefs with edging crocheted almost 100 years ago by one of my great aunts. I am monograming those for my 3 sisters-in-law for Christmas, so anything involving monogram techniques catches my interest now!

  536. I am contemplating a new project for a friends’wedding that include monogram mind. This book would be such a great resource for inspiration! Monograms are timeless and I love the idea of heirloom pieces being passed down to future generations!

  537. Another great give away! I love how elegant these designs are, as well as the beautiful linens they are sewn on. Would love to experiment on how to use these techniques on other items. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful book.

  538. Embroidered monograms are very elegant, give an added interest to crafts, I would love to compile some intricate designs for my crafting.totally agree that 3 initials are brilliant when overlapping and this is the idea I have.
    Many thanks for reading my comment.
    Sue (windysdesign).

  539. I love the elegance of monograms and the knowledge that something was made just for that individual. Thanks for the chance at the book. If I don’t win, I will wait impatiently for it to be re-released.

  540. I love monograms, and especially embroidered lettering. It allows me to “say” whatever I want and personalizes the piece. Recently I stitched a nursery design of Winnie the Pooh (mom’s choice) and included the AA Milne quote:
    “As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to happen.”
    How wonderful is that!
    I would love to sharpen my lettering/monogram skills and I think this book would help tremendously. Please draw my name!

  541. Monograms are elegant and personal. I love the different styles and sizes of monograms. They are beautifully adorned with flowers, vines, and animals. Wonderful book – I would love to add it to my library. Thank you for sharing with us.

  542. Hello Mary,
    I actually wrote a comment about a week ago but upon entering submit, the computer did a strange thing and I don’t know if it was submitted or not.
    Well,my Grandmother taught me to embroider, sew iron and crochet at three. She felt we girls, needed to learn the “woman’s duties”. I really enjoyed this, so it was not a duty to me. My sister and would have our little wood hoops or our fabric and sit for hours, trying to do our best. I actually received a traveling iron, very small, to learn to iron! Grandmother was not strict, but gentle in how she taught us. The fiber arts have been with me since.
    White in the home has always been beautiful to me. Thus white on white embroidery is my favorite. This also ties into the monograms, as many are white on white. As a child, of course I tried to monogram everything. I had an older sister and it was a good way to lay claim to my items. I am so grateful, that this kind of art has made a resurgence. At present, I am embroidering insects in 8×8 squares to make my grandson a comforter. He’ll probably get it as a wedding gift at the rate I am going.
    I have been researching Monograms due to the fact that I also make lavender and rose sachets and wedding ring pillows. I kind of make up the design but I really would like to know how to make the double and triple letters.
    Please consider me for the Monogram book, I shall care for it and pass it on to my granddaughter or grandson. My grandson just made a little pillow with an embroidered dinosaur, he is nine.
    Thank you for your wonderful Web page, I get a lot of enjoyment out of it
    Mitra Lujan

  543. I am always looking for new ideas for gifts for special people I know. A monogrammed article would be just the ticket. I have received a small monogrammed cushion from a friend and treasure it, and would like to do something similar for dear friends and relatives for special occasions. A copy of this book would be absolutely wonderful.

  544. Monograms are just wonderful! I find them absolutely mesmerizing, especially monograms with interlocked initials.
    It’s not just the personalization, but the element of history…
    …and they provide fond memories of my grandmother, who used to put monograms on everything!!!

  545. Good Question, Mary. I don’t know WHY I am so obsessed with chunky, plush white-on-white intertwined letters. I just AM. I have books, photos, as many examples as I can find (and afford). I just LOVE them! They can be made with simple stitches, a single stitch, or be excruciatingly padded! They can be plain or fancy, encrusted with design or piled on top of each other. I just LOVE them! I dream of a linen cabinet with they piled upon each other. And they don’t even have to be MY initials! I just LOVE THEM!!!

  546. Monograms are HOT and EVERYWHERE! As co-program chair for our EGA chapter I would like to devote a meeting to helping members learn to stitch their own monogram. This book would be a great resource for our program.

  547. I am sure I was born in the wrong times. I hope to use some of this elegance to decorate my linens from bygone times to further enhance my knowledge of embroidery
    Jennifer Brown

  548. I think that monograms are timeless. That monogram artistry and its expression have been incorporated into so many areas is a testament to the drive within us that wants our belongings to be beautiful and unique to the owner. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous book!

  549. What’s not to like? The beauty of white on white, elegance of design and personalization of the letters. Delicious.


  550. I love the pride that comes with monograms. I like to give a monogram project or a crocheted namesake as a wedding gift because the new binding of a name is so powerful. They represent or heritage and where we came from. And how even more special monograms are when we can say yes those are my initials and great aunt Mildred stitched them with her loving hand.

  551. I love the idea of monograms because they make gifts and projects so personal and I truly love hand embroidered monograms because they are not(as much as we try) perfect. It is the time and essence that we put into hand work that makes it so much more special.

  552. I don’t think that monograms ever go out of style. They are just lovely, whether simple or filled with varied stitches.
    Carol b(cc)

  553. What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms? I love to embroider handkerchiefs to send or better yet, hand to friends or even strangers I read about who are going through some things–in my book, no one cries alone and a hand embroidered handkerchief is, I hope, a pleasant reminder that someone cares. Monograms are perfect for a hankie.

  554. Even though my monogram may not be HRH I would still like to learn how to leave my mark of BAS!

  555. I love the timelessness of them, that they have been used for generations on everything from towels to shirt cuffs to fine hankies! Thanks Mary for the lovely giveaway and my daily embroidery fix!

  556. Beautiful hand created monogram bring back wonderful times spent with my grandmothers.

  557. What I love about them is the elegance. Monograms just add that tiny touch to any project. Add a monogram to a dishtowel and now it it feels like something they would use in Downton Abbey. Add it to a handkerchief and suddenly it is something the Queen of England would use. They just boost the elegance level of everything you add them to.

  558. I think it’s the elegance and the nostalgia that appeal to me: I love the fact that they are timeless and you may find an old piece of embroidery with your own initials on, who was the previous owner? who stitched it? and they share my initials! and they are oh, so elegant ….

  559. I’ve rediscovered embroidery after 20 years or so. Right now my projects are “woolies”. I love monograms for their timelessness, beauty, sophistication and the lost art that it is. I would love to have this book to learn and ,yes, drool a little bit at the fantastic pictures within its cover. Thank you for the opportunity to own such a treasure.

  560. Monograms are just so pretty and I love that many different stitches can be incorporated into making this thing of beauty. The fact that they are personalised makes them extra special too. What a lovely book, thanks for this opportunity.

  561. Dear Mary, I just discovered your blog while attending an EAC Seminar in Ottawa, Canada. Everyone was raving about it.

    I love to monogram personal items such as handkerchiefs and pillowcases. My husband says that there is such a regal feeling about blowing ones nose in a monogrammed handerchief

  562. My mother use to use the words “understated elegance” when trying to define good taste to me as a young girl growing up. She was a gifted seamstress and taught me how to sew, embroider and knit. Her words come to mind when I see this book, which I have been longing for for a long time.

  563. I am a southern woman and down south we personalize and monogram just about everything. I never realized it was a “southern thing” until I visited up north. They aren’t as adamant as we are about it. I have carried on my ancestors tradition of monogramming everything from hankies to bed linens. I would cherish this book and it would truly assist in my gift assemblage as I prepare beautiful linens for my family and friends.

  564. I have always been enamored with monograms. Even as a child. I have always loved linens as well. And collect them to this day. there is something about a crisply starched and ironed monogrammed pillowcase that just makes it ‘Home’.
    My daughter just got engaged and I want to make her a beautiful monogrammed handkerchief as a wedding gift. Something she will always have and cherish.
    ~SandiR (Happy Stitcher in Florida)

  565. I love monograms-so personal and lovely. I do calligraphy also and love the different lettering styles and the crescents, flowers, etc that can be added. Whether all white or with bits of color added they are so elegant. I want to do my first stitched monogram but I need a starting point-type of thread and linen to be exact. I think a handkerchief or napkin would be a nice beginners project. I just ordered one each of different linens from the HH sale to try! This is a book I would read from beginning to end because I think the history would be intriguing. I too like the original cover better but we all know it’s what’s inside that counts. Thank you for reviewing and showing us bits and pieces from the inside that others just write about. I love to see excerpts to know whether it’s a book I desire and this IS one I added to my list.

  566. Monograms are just gorgeous! In this modern world, I like the old-world elegance of them, the different lovely stitches used to create such beauty, and the identifying it provides for future generations.

  567. I think that my appreciation of monograms stems primarily from nostalgia. I have several monogrammed household linens items that were my grandmother’s (1887-1972) and great-grandmother’s (1854-1935) that I cherish and find great pleasure in carefully using. The threads of the monograms are so fine and so beautifully stitched… I’m pretty much a sucker for the care and workmanship put into the simplest of yesteryear things. And embroidered monograms just make my heart swell!

  568. I am a begginer to embroidery. Its like colouring the fabrics in our own way. I think Monograms worked out in different kinds of stitches and threads were the great way to learn and the book will help a lot to me.

  569. Hello Mary,

    What a wonderful book. My mother had 2 monogrammed pillow cases (which she threw out) that I admired when I was a child. My next embroidery challenge is to create a monogram pillow case – with all the swirls!

  570. What appeals to you most about hand embroidered monograms?
    Elegance & nostalgia. Simplicity yet the impact it makes. And it reality it’s about MI (my initial)!!.

  571. I love the look of monograms, they can be simple or elegant and they just speak to me…makes me wonder about who they belonged to, etc. I would love to design and stitch monograms for my now all married children…and hopefully they will cherish them as much as I cherish the recipients! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful book to add to my library!

  572. I just love the idea of personalizing something. The letters can be either simple or onate, adapting to nearly any design!

  573. Mary:
    If I have already done this just throw this one out. I learned embroidery from my Mom when I was about 6-8. I now realize that Mom had little money or time due to the depression as
    I was born in 1927, followed by that event.
    Anyhow I would absolutely love having this book to learn how to monograms. I have not known anyone who does monograms and this book would get me on the road to learning how.
    Thank you for this opportunity to learn for there is no one in my Quilt Guild who does any kind of this embroidery.
    Jane Splawn

  574. I love monograms because of nostalgia and a fascination I have with history and things long ago. They remind me of what it might have been like in simpler times when women would sit and embroider, and there wasn’t the hustle of life we seem to be drive by nowadays. 🙂 Doing a nice monogram is on my to-do list. I love how intricate they can be, so detailed and precise and refined. If only one day my skill was at such a level!

  575. I’ve been looking for a copy of this book as have so many others! I love monograms because of the history – I imagine brides and their relatives patiently stitching linens thru the ages. We don’t have that kind of talent and time now, but I’d like to learn!

  576. How timely is this opportunity! I have a set of sheets I want to monogram and this book would help me perfect my stitching. Being new to hand monograms I have few resources. I think monograms are so elegant. I’ve been waiting for you rebook on monograms since last summer. Thanks for all you do for us ,

  577. I love monograms because of the translucent quality of almost sheer fabrics playing off on the thick raised embroidery monogram. Very retro and antique looking and just my style.

  578. I love the connection between generations implied by monograms. They are especially wonderful for items that will be passed down.

  579. My first hand-embroidered monogram was during a class given by Laura Jenkins Thompson, and was done mostly with the satin stitch. It turned out beautifully! The second monogram was done using the Twilling stitch, which also turned out beautifully. I have a couple of antique monogrammed handkerchiefs that are very beautiful, done by unknown stitchers from the “Past”. To me, almost any hand embroidered monogram is beautiful, no matter which stitches are used.

  580. As a child in Mexico, I learned to embroider. No to long ago a friend invited me to participate in a group called Pine Nedlers (SAGA group) where they are trying to preserve the art of fine hand sewing. The first time a saw their work I was amaze of their work, this month the workshop was on Monograms, and I am practicing, and looking forms to improve my work.
    also as others members look a some samples they mention that the stitch used was “trailing” I did not know what they were talking about, and since the beginning of the month I am being looking in the computer. Yesterday I found what was trailing!!!! (in the process I found your Web site also!!!!) I think is important to pass this art to the next generation, and I hope for opportunities to do it. Thank you for giving the opportunity to get resources to expand our knowledge. Celi Jones

  581. I think it is the elegance, and the focus on the overall design and the stitches used.

  582. I love the look of monograms. That evoke images of gentlemen lending their handkerchief to a lady. A very personal way to stamp something as ones own. They’re elegant and beautiful and have the added bonus now of being really unusual. I’d love to do some and have items to keep forever.

  583. Hi Mary-Another beautiful book!! I have seen this book before online and thought what a treasure is was. My interest in monograms is part nostalgia for elegant by-gone days and part the desire to try my hand at this type of whitework. I’m sure Susan O’Connor’s instructions would be wonderful. Thanks for all your wonderful give-a-ways! Karen

  584. I would love to have this book. I have always loved monograms and have a few cross stitch books of alphabets. The history of monograms intrigues me and I would love to try some of these.

    Dolores J. Still
    Poulsbo, WA

  585. I like that monograms are so versatile. You can use them with any type of thread on any type of fabric.

    Mary in Oregon

  586. I’ve waited days to respond, hoping to capture the right words for how I feel about monograms as they are my most very favorite needlework designs that carry over to other non-fabric items with the same amount of mystery and magic. I particularly love white work, and cut work, and I have a small collection of antique monograms. When I look at, or hold, a monogram, I get lost in the story it might have told. Who is this mysterious JTG, or this dainty AWL? A lady? A wedding gift, perhaps? I can make up an entire story about who did the stitching of the monogram, what they talked about whilst stitching, and what prayers and love must have been stitched right into those very initials. Monograms are so personal, it is like a memorial to the owner, that moves from hand to hand, through time, one admirer to another. Ah, I’m swooning here!

  587. I have been fascinated with monograms since I was a child. My grandmothers had hankies with their monograms, silver with monograms, linens, napkins. I was sunk from the beginning. I was taught needlework by my maternal grandmother, so naturally I started with letters. As I live in the heart of Dixie, monograms are everywhere!! 😀
    Good Luck to everyone!

  588. Hand embroidered monograms are just elegant. No matter how they are worked (white on white is my favourite) that add that certain something special to an every day item like a hanky or a towel. I always look for monogrammed hankies in antique stores but alas, M is not very popular. I hope I win this book so I can do my own monogramming! Thanks for the continuing interesting blogs. I learn so many new things and after all, isn’t that whatnots all about?
    Melody in VA

  589. As I start to write this the number of responses to this article is 625. I’m sure there will be more after my post, so for all of us that are interested in the book give-away, Good Job! That being said, why do I like white-work monograms? I think they’re beautiful. Even those without elaborate elements add a touch of sophistication to the item whether a bath towel or kitchen towel. I mean really, how often do we think of these items being elegant? I’d enjoy trying my hand at working up some sheets & pillowcases . . . and I’m certain Susan O’Conner’s book would be perfect for the project. I could learn what thread weights to purchase, how to correctly pad the underneath area and (of course) generate more ideas for future monogram projects by perusing the book. And maybe posts some pictures of my ‘finished’ works.

  590. I love had monogrammed articles because it adds so much elegance. It just makes things look rich. I have always appreciated the time invested in anything handmade and love to receive a handmade gift over all others. Your hand embroidery is way above anything I could imagine done myself!

  591. When I was at school in the 1950’s I had to complete a white linen apron with monogrammed initials. I was not very neat! I have been thinking about monograms whilst stitching recently as I try to place my stitches evenly and neatly and I realised the needlework techniques required for this form of embroidery would be excellent practice. Plus I just love monograms on white linen like my granny always used! Also Susan O’Connor’s work is superb. Jude

  592. I love embroidered monograms because of the love they represent for one particular person from the embroiderer. When I find vintage pieces, I wonder about the story behind the monogram. Susan is such an extraordinarily good teacher that I would love to own her beautiful book.

  593. I love to do monograms on linens and would love to be able to branch out and do new things!!! I have used all my coton a broder #50. When I found it years ago in England, I bought all they had and now I am out and they don’t make it anymore. I did pillow cases for my Mom, Aunt, sister and for friends……even did a few for myself and I have the big pillows on my bed. They seem to be holding up well but I would love to try new designs!!!!

  594. I love monograms partly because they are usually quite pretty, but also because they are a signature of sorts. Would love to win the book.

  595. Monograms on embroidered pieces are examples of classic works of art — but more importantly, if those pieces become family heirlooms, they are tangible connections to our past (female) generations. When women got married they typically adopted their husband’s surnames, and over two or three generations, those women’s identities were lost. Monogrammed items help to recall those women. I have some monogrammed linens from my grandmother who was born in 1907. I hope to pass them along to my grandchildren, along with some of my own examples of embroidered work. I would love to have this book to guide me as I monogram those projects. Love your site and read it everyday. Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource and the chance to win the book!

  596. Hi Mary: I love the look of the book & already have several of the Country Bumpkin publications so I know of their high standards. Thanks for the review. Fran

  597. Hi Mary, I believe that this book is being re-published, if that is so that would be wonderful When I sourced it on-line the price of it almost made me faint, maybe if it is re-published again it will teach that person who put a very high price on it a lesson, I have seen this book in someone’s library and it is truly beautiful. I love susan Oconnor’s work and would love to own her book.
    Flora C

  598. I love my embroidery to be functional. I like bags and hot water bottle covers, clothes and blankets. If you’re going to put all that time into something people will use and carry around, it’s nice to personalise it with a monogram.

  599. Lo que mas me gusta son las distintas tecnicas que en combinación con los distintos hilos hacen de esta labor algo verdaderamente bello,

  600. To me, hand-embroidered monograms symbolize a real person embroidered into the fabric. The style of embroidery includes the personality of both stitcher and owner of the monogram. Besides admiring the beautiful threads and elegance of the style, I love to think of someone’s initials becoming a part of history.

  601. I love the graphic-ness of some monograms; the artist celebrates the simple form of the letter by augmenting that simple form with angles or sharp lines that parallel and mirror the basic form. Then there are the frivolous flora and fauna offerings so dear to my own Grandmothers’ hearts. It is so funny to see a lamb or kitten leaping over the loop of a letter and think that it once was on a Grandparents pillow. I have seen more of the floral and fauna on pillowcases and the pure graphic on the corner of delicately made handkerchief. Much softer that paper tissues ever thought to be!

  602. I remember as a child going to, what was at the time called “down town” to the big dry goods store and seeing a woman embroidering initials on towels with a sewing machine, but still by hand it seemed, as she didn’t use any software (not invented yet.) I thought it was amazing that she could sew something so beautiful so fast. I would stand watching as long as I could. It touched me some how. Now to embroider monograms truly by hand and as beautifully as the one on the cover of the book you are giving away would be that child’s dream come true. Well, after a lot of practice, of course. 🙂 Ezette

  603. Just love the way the light hits a monogram in satin stitch, reminds me of the old days when all your linen was monogrammed, nice to do it today too


  604. I love monograms because they remind me of times spent stitching with my grandmother, who always put her family monogram on all her household linen, and she was the one who taught me to embroider fifty-five years ago.

  605. Monograms are beautiful to look at. Embroidery can be so personal and bring such peace to the stitcher.

  606. Hi Mary,

    I just about went through the roof when you posted about this book a few weeks ago, it was just what I have been looking for! I love the classic elegance of monograms. I have recently picked up my sewing needles again after about 10 years of storage and have throwen myself into embroidery again. Now, to why I want this book. I have reached the age where I have nieces, nephews and my own childern (maybe) who are getting married and starting families of their own. My plan is to mke them all some monogramed peices to pass down fo rthe next genteration. Aa a society we do not do this any more and at a great loss, our childern are mising out on this part of family history. I love the bits of the book I’ve seen and think this is the book to get me started on my quest!

    Thank You,

    Kathleen H. Amissville, VA

  607. I love the creativity, personality, and beauty that monograming brings to any article.

  608. I love monograms of any description. I wish I had more time to do even more samples. Looking fwd to your ebook this summer.
    thanks for all your helpful hints/information.
    mary lou curry

  609. When I was a teenager, I attempted to embroider a set of handkerchiefs for my grandfather, who used them exclusively instead of tissues. Of course, I knew nothing of embroidery, so I used a sewing stitch in doubled sewing thread. Needless to say, they came out…unique. But my grandfather loved them, and after he passed away, they came back to me, and I carry them in my purse.

    I have always loved the idea of monograms, and now that I know how to embroider, I might try again, this time with the correct threads and stitches!

  610. Yes I love so much monograms because ther’always fine élégant and vive a touch of refinement. So I would pleased to Bea enter éd. In your giveaway.thanksalot.Béa

  611. I love monograms because they remind me of a past age, and are so elegant. I was recently at a workshop by Liz Almond and she showed us a variety of styles. It was fun trying out some new stitches.

  612. Thanks Mary for all your enthousiasm and your generosity when you publish on the web. It might be too late to enter the give away draw but never mind I just wanted to say thank you.My interest is more than just monogramm it is all kind of alphabets that I enjoy to look at and reproduce with thread, paint or ink.
    Warm regards

  613. I love monograms! It’s all about the M!
    I’d love to have more fresh ideas for More M’s!!

  614. Dear Mary, I must say I really look forward to visiting with you every morning, cuppa in hand. I LOVE letters. I just love ’em!! Monograms are the best. I love the way they intertwine, wrapping themselves around each other, like lovers. They are romantic, graceful, timeless, elegant. Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely book. I too am saving up, just in case….
    So happy to hear the Stitch Sampler Alphabet in on the horizon. YIPPEE !! Suzie in Idaho

  615. I have loved this book from the minute I saw it. The white on white, the different styles, from elegant to fun stitches. I have always loved monograms because you never get tired of doing projects and gifts. Monograms are so personal, which is why they will be with us forever. Anyone can make a beautiful monogram gift with very little expense.

  616. Thank you for the giveaway, Mary.
    I love the timelessness of monograms and their personalization. When seeing heirloom linens, I often wonder who did the monogram, was it a gift or for personal use, what inspired them to embroider a monogram, and did they design it themselves? Though the stitches don’t look difficult, their placement must be just so to look smooth and neat. I would love this book! I often embroider church linens and MONOGRAMS would be a great resource.

  617. I love monograms because they are so personal. They can be elegant and raise a simple handkerchief to an heirloom, or they can be whimsical and the defining spotlight on a garment. Just to see the letters taking shape from the outline on is a great pleasure. My daugher-in-law is totally in love with monograms and I am currently putting her monogram on a pair of seersucker lounge shorts for her birthday. I scour every article I can find on monogramming and love to try to get better with each project. I also love how much attention you give to them and sharing your knowledge and beautiful skills. I am very grateful for your website. I would LOVE this book. It would get prize status in my sewing room. Thank you, Mary, for all you do for us embroiderers out here in embroidery land.

  618. I think I most love the diversity and anticipated permanence of the monogram. Monograms were made when your belongings were expected to last more than a few months and your pride in the item was enhanced by the identification that it was yours. I absolutely appreciate the fact that these beautiful time-capsules from another era survive and inspire us today.

  619. I like the way that stitching a monogram is about the intertwining of two lives, linked to one another and the greater ‘cloth of life’.

  620. Monograms appeal to me because it’s a way of signing your work, but it’s also the work itself. Like killing two birds with one stone. I don’t think I’d sign a regular piece I made, but this way you can.

  621. For me the personalization is the most attractive part of monograms but their elegance certainly doesn’t hurt my interest any!

  622. I enjoy monograms because monograms make anything personal. Each monogram is very different and unique. They can be as elaborate or simple as the person you are creating the project for. I Would love to have this book as part of my

  623. I like the beauty and the elegance of monograms. They are something timeless and classical in their essence. I am waiting for this book very much and I am so happy that it will be republished.

  624. There’s a combination of the time and attention invested in monograms, the work that goes into the design itself, and the embroidery techniques used that just blend for me. Put together, they say that the item, whatever it is, is now much much more valuable than it was, and should be treasured.
    So it’s more a symbol than the monogram itself that appeals, if that makes sense 🙂

    Thank you for the reviews and the giveaways
    Tessa in Stellenbosch

  625. I woke up in the middle of the night realizing I had never stopped to comment – what a nightmare! Thank you for your generosity and for the chance to win this lovely book. The beauty of hand embroidered monograms appeals to me. For me, hand embroidered monograms hearken back to a more genteel era: I picture ladies gathered to sew elegant items in each other’s company. And I’d like to be in that picture! (I am not unaware, however, that while some ladies were leisurely stitching, others were busy wringing chickens’ necks, toting firewood, and sewing patches on worn clothing!) I do aspire to work lovely monograms for family and friends. Thank you for all the ways you encourage us, your devotees.


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