
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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More New Embroidery Videos Added!


Amazon Books

Over the last week, I’ve added quite a few new embroidery stitch videos to the collection here on Needle ‘n Thread. I’m ever-so-determined to replace all the old videos with new ones that are clearer and more compatible with other devices – before the end of the summer!

Right now, there are over 70 how-to videos in the collection, and about half of them have been replaced. I have a short queue of replacement videos ready to be edited this week, plus about ten new stitches (and other “how-to” videos relating to needlework) to add to the current collection. Then it’s back to filming again.

This is a fun project, though really time-consuming. I’m pretty sure it’s a worthwhile project, too, and that it will pay off in the long run. My hope is that the videos make learning embroidery easier for those seeking to learn, and that they help stitchers expand their needlework a bit.

Here’s a list of recently updated videos. Maybe you can find a stitch in there that you’ve not worked before and give it a try!

Buttonhole Wheel

Buttonhole Wheel – Unlike the older version of the video, this one works around the whole wheel, showing you how to keep it from collapsing on itself, and also demonstrating how to make an invisible join when you reach the beginning of the circle again.

Oyster Stitch

Oyster Stitch – a petal-shaped isolated stitch, perfect for adding texture and variation

Fishbone Stitch

Fishbone – An ideal stitch for creating leaves

Detached Chain Stitch (Daisy Stitch)

Detached Chain (Daisy Stitch) – a basic embroidery stitch, perfect for creating very simple petals, but also useful as an isolated stitch in other applications

Mountmellick Stitch

Mountmellick Stitch – Creates a decorative line of little pointed triangles connected by the chain stitch. It can be mirrored (as in the photo above) for a really nice border effect.

Granitos in Hand Embroidery

Granitos – an isolated stitch, perfect for petals, and works great in all kinds of embroidery threads.

Woven Wheel / Woven Spider Web Stitch

Woven Wheel (or Woven Spider Web) – for isolated textural elements and simple but impressive flowers, either with floss or ribbon


Couching – The video presents basic couching. It’s a very versatile stitch and you can do a lot more with it than just couching straight lines!

Raised Chain Stitch Band

Raised Chain Stitch Band – Very textured raised stitch

Wheatear or Wheat Stitch

Wheatear or Wheat Stitch – perfect for embroidering a little stalk or ear of wheat, but works really well as a decorative line, too. It’s a combination of reverse chain stitch and little diagonal straight stitches.

Ribbed Spider Web Stitch

Ribbed Spider Web Stitch – another circular spoked element great for adding spots of texture to embroidery.

Double Feather Stitch

Double Feather Stitch – this stitch an be combined with regular feather stitch in a random, loosely worked way, to create very “free-form” vines and branches.

Taking Requests for Stitch Videos

I’m still taking requests for stitch videos, if you want me to add any particular stitch to the list. Right now, I’m working on many new stitches, so the stitch you’re looking for may already be on the list. But in case it isn’t, feel free to mention it below and I’ll do my best to fulfill your request.

Alphabetical Index of Embroidery Stitches

I’m also working on an alphabetical index of the stitch videos, to make it easier to find a stitch by name. The alphabetical index will not replace the current visual index on the main video page. Instead, it will be an added category. Just tweaking a few things to get it all to work and look right, and it will be up – hopefully, by the end of the week! Thanks for your feedback on that question!

Until tomorrow!


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(55) Comments

  1. Thank you for creating the videos. Your work is amazing. You have inspired me to use more stitches when I embellish a quilt.

  2. So great!!! thank you for all this work!!! I’m like a child!! I must learn everything!!!!! merci beaucoup from France!!!

  3. Hi Mary love your video’s, could you please demonstrate the bonnet stitch, I have only just heard of it and would love to see a demo.

  4. Queen stitch would be useful. While I understand how to make the stitch, I have found that sometimes even with the recommended thread and fabric they seem crowded and lack definition. Seeing the working would help me judge where I am going wrong.

  5. G’day Mary,
    It certainly is worthwhile. I greatly value your efforts and the excellent resources you’re making available to us all.
    Thank you so very much, Kath.

  6. This is hands down the best site for how-to videos I’ve found so far. Thanks so much for your dedication!

  7. I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your little videos. They are clear and to the point. I am planning to find a pattern that will use a lot of stitches so I can try most of them. I know you spend a lot of time making these videos for us and I want to thank you.

    Sincerely, Barbara

  8. When you asked earlier about an alphabetical index, I commented that I thought that was a good idea, so I’m happy that you will be adding that–thank you. It just occurred to me now though that several stitches have more than one name. Some have too many to list and some aren’t all that common, but if you know some of the “aliases”, such as Queen stitch and rococo stitch, or cable stitch and reversed faggot, it would help if both were listed.

    Thank you for a great and informative newsletter.

  9. My request for stitching video would be the Elizabethan Plaited-Braid stitch…I am having the WORST time trying to get this figured out! This stitch is known by other names; but I need the one that is found on the Layton Jacket in the V&A…and on sweet bags, etc…thanks!

  10. Mary, I know you are a teacher in your “other life”, so you know that teachers don’t often get the praise that they deserve. Please let me be one of your many students who tell you that your embroidery videos make a huge difference for those of us who are visual learners,(I’m a teacher too). I know they take a huge time commitment to create and edit and prepare them for viewing. I thank you for your passion to keep this art alive and well, long into the future. Every timeI watch one of your videos, I am inspired to try something new, or to retry something old in a new way. Thank you for your passion and your willingness to share. You do indeed make a difference for many of us!

  11. Wow, I wish I’d had these videos when I started embroidery about 40 years ago! I am wondering if you have one on Queen Stitch. It boggles my mind!

    Thank you

  12. Thank you for all you do to promote hand embroidery. Not only do you have a gift for teaching the isolated stitch but also are even more creative in expanding its use. I appreciate your hard work!

  13. Mary, you are the very model of industry!! Thank you for all your contributions to the work of embroidery — for us and those that follow! Since the new generation is cyber-savvy, that is the exact best place for this “old” information to be placed. I applaud your efforts!

    1. Thanks, Bobbi! I’m not being quite as industrious as I should be today, but if you won’t tell anyone, I won’t either. The muses are just not whispering…!

  14. Hi Mary!

    Although I don’t leave comments too often I just wanted you to know that I view your Blog every single day and LOVE what you share with all of us stitchers. Whenever I meet someone new to embroidery I always refer them to you. Thank you again and again for all you do to help us along in improving our learning of the new and old ways of stitching.

    Nicki Lee

    1. Thank you for your comment, Nicki Lee!! And thanks for recommending Needle ‘n Thread to your friends – that’s the highest compliment! ~MC

  15. Mary, yours is the best source for video library of stitches and I recommend it to others every chance I get. It’s excellent, just as everything else I see you do. Thanks for adding the alphabetical resource, too. Thanks for all you do!

    1. Thank you, Lin! The alphabetical list is almost finished. Just testing it on my development site first, then moving it to the live site by the end of the week. ~MC

  16. The videos are very helpful. They are by far the best tutorials available on the web.

    You asked for suggestions. How about the Plaited Braid Stitch? It baffles me.

    1. Yes, it’s coming! It’s on the list. Well, my approach to it is, anyway. I don’t know how well it will stand the scrutiny of the historical experts… It’ll be up by the end of the summer, if not before!

  17. Thank you so much for these videos! I can’t tell you how helpful it is to have these available. So many times, books just aren’t adequate for understanding how these stitches work and where you might go wrong and how to fix it. Awesome job!

  18. Like many others, I am SO GRATEFUL to you for doing these new videos, Mary. They are absolutely wonderful, and you are inspiring me right out of a long “flat” period. A thousand thanks for this generous project.

    1. Hi, Linda – I’m glad to hear you’re breaking out of a “flat” period! ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s always fun to try something different, just to get the juices flowing again, eh? ~MC

  19. Mary,
    I came across your sight a few months ago after buying the book Doodle Stitching. I learned very simple embroidery as a child and am now beginning to dabble in it, again. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the incredible resource you’ve complied on your website. Your videos are stellar and I’ve learned so much.
    Ember ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Thank you Mary for taking the time and effort in creating these wonderful videos. I’ve learned a lot from them and no doubt will continue to do so. Am delighted to see you are adding more – the more the better!!!

    1. Hi, Lorraine – Open cretan stitch is actually already filmed and in the queue, waiting to be edited. And for the closed variation, I’ve changed the approach and I’m using it to fill a leaf shape. After all, who stitches plain old closed cretan stitch bars? With a leaf, at least you can see how the cretan stitch can be effectively used to fill up a shape, right? ~MC

  21. Mary,
    I would like to see a stitch for the lavender flower. I have a canvas that has me stumped. I know you do mostly surface embroidery, but so many of your stitches can be transferred to canvas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I love your work and go to your site many times for insiration.

  22. I would like to see the Plaited Stitch.

    I enjoy your videos…it is very helpful to see how to make/create the stitch in action. And suggestions on how to use the stitches.

    By-the-way, what ever happened to your evaluation of the Cottage Garden Threads from Australia?

  23. Hi Mary, I would love to see Plaited Braid Stitch in an active video – I simply cant make heads or tails of the written and pictured instructions. For those of us best taught by the ‘show and tell’ method, your videos are a treasure! Thank you for so many wonderful clear videos – you are my ‘go to’ resource for embroidery stitch instructions

    1. oops, I just found all the comments and see that you are planning to do this one…please count my post as yet another request!

  24. I wondered if corded buttonhole as a filling stitch is the same thing as regular buttonhole/blanket stitch? I’m doing a large section of a piece that has an underlying thread of a different color and am supposed to stitch over it in a buttonhole stitch, though not detached buttonhole. Confusing instructions, I think. Also, there is some detached buttonhole, which isn’t so tough, but as there are flower petals and heads that require some internal shaping of the detached buttonhole, I wondered if there was a trick to it. Probably just practice, but thought I’d ask.

  25. Mary I so appreciate your efforts making the wonderful stitch videos. Just the past 2 days I watched & followed your videos on 2 very common stitches, the stem stitch & the chain stitch. I have worked these for awhile & they looked just ok. Can’t believe that there were a couple of things I should have been doing all along.My hope is that I try a new stitch on every project that I now work on.
    Have a lovely week.
    Cheers, Linda (Ontario, Canada)

  26. Mary your videos are amazing. There have been many times when I have refereed to your videos when I have been struggling with my stitching. I think that they are by far the best embroidery videos on the web. They are straightforward to the point.


  27. Hi Mary

    Thank you for all your wonderful videos – I find them so helpful.
    You ask for ideas – just yesterday I needed help with a stumpwork face for my juggler boy. Naturally firstly I looked on your website but alas no faces for stumpwork. I did eventually find some help via Google but wonder if stumpwork faces would be something you would consider.

    Have a good day.


  28. Mary,
    I can’t thank you enough for the information you provide on this website!! It is a fantastic resource and I access it EVERY day. (No kidding!) This and CNN keeps me up to date on everything that is important ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you,

  29. Thank you so much for the list of the updated videos I will use it to look at the new versions of videos I’ve already watched. It means not having to go through all those I’ve seen already to see if they have changed.

    I tend to look at the videos as I need them rather than looking at them all. This tends to keep me stitching rather than spending a lot of time looking at videos when I could be stitching.

    Your videos have been such a help, particularly since they can be paused and watched over and over again as needed.

    From a really appreciative viewer –

  30. quiero pedirle el favor de decirme como se hace la puntada trenza trenzado, que se trabaja con el hilo dorado. es muy bonita pero no se como hacerla. mil gracias

  31. Hi Mary, I was looking for Moss Stitch as info seems to be hard to find. I have seen it done as a cross stitch then from a space above it a straight stitch down and under the cross but first making a loop to right; pull up and end up making a straight stitch same length below knot and through fabric to end off.
    Not a very good explanation I fear.

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