Schwalm Whitework – for Lefties! A Give-Away, Strings Attached


Amazon Books

Schwalm whitework embroidery is a folk embroidery that developed in the Schwalm region of Germany. It is characterized by its folk design elements (tulips, hearts, flowers, and so forth) and drawn thread (openwork) fillings.

Schwalm Whitework Embroidery

Quite a while ago (almost three years, to be exact!), I reviewed Luzine Happel’s book, Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework. In my opinion, this is still the definitive guide to Schwalm embroidery. Luzine has devoted her stitching life to the study, development, and teaching of Schwalm embroidery, so she is a pro at this stuff! She does beautiful work, and her books are clear instructional manuals that take the stitcher step by step through the techniques of Schwalm whitework. Luzine has written several books devoted to Schwalm, including The Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework (the perfect beginner’s guide), Fancy Hems (devoted to gorgeous openwork and drawn thread hems that can be used on Schwalm pieces), and a number of books in German on the almost limitless openwork filling patterns used in Schwalm embroidery.

Schwalm Whitework Embroidery

Now Luzine is on another quest – she is rewriting her book, Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework, for lefties! You heard it – a technique book written for the left-handed stitcher! This is a big deal, and those of you who are left-handed, I’m sure, realize how much of a big deal this is! You see, there is a definite shortage of embroidery books for left-handed stitchers. Yvette Stanton’s Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion sets the bar for the stitch dictionary for the lefty (every left-handed stitcher should own a copy), but are there actually any technique books that teach a specific embroidery technique, just for lefties? To my knowledge, there isn’t. So I think this is exciting news for the left-handed stitcher!

Schwalm Whitework Embroidery

However, to publish the English edition of the book for left-handers, Luzine needs a little help. To that end, Luzine asked if I would have a give-away of sorts, to ferret out some interested stitchers who would like to learn Schwalm while at the same time giving her feedback on her book.

The give-away is a combination, then, of an opportunity and a challenge – an opportunity to receive the book and learn from it, and a challenge to follow the book through the project presented in it, working the project with the materials that Luzine will supply and giving Luzine feedback and communicating with her with any questions or suggestions as you go.

Those willing to participate will receive the book, the linen with the design stamped on it, and the needles & thread to complete the project taught in the book (pictured below). If there are more than 3 people eager to participate, I’ll randomly draw three winners.


To participate in this give-away / challenge, then, there are a few strings attached. These are the strings:

1. Some ability to embroider, but no real knowledge of Schwalm embroidery

2. An interest in learning Schwalm and a willingness to do elaborate work (the instructions are step-by-step, and the book is written for beginners)

3. Left-handed

4. English speaking (and writing)

4. Willingness to test the descriptions and instructions in the book by working through the book on the project and communicating with Luzine about the book as you work through it, reporting on the clarity of each chapter and helping her to smooth out the translation and make the instructions clear for left-handed stitchers.

Schwalm Whitework Embroidery

This is the project presented in the book. The design is repeated four times, to form a square in the center of a 35″ square table cloth. The design is worked on a beautiful German linen that is traditionally used for Schwalm whitework. It’s a nice linen and a pleasure to stitch on. The thread used for the project is coton a broder in various sizes. The only thing you really need to supply is a hoop!

While there’s no actual material compensation for the challenge involved (aside from about $90 in supplies), you will have the satisfaction of learning a new technique and of helping out other left-handed stitchers, by contributing to the final editing of the book.

So, are you up to the challenge? Have you been wanting to learn a new technique? Are you drawn to whitework? And are you left-handed? Remember that you must fit the requirements above and be willing to work through the project and give Luzine feedback.

If you think you’ll be a good fit for the project and are eager to participate, all you have to do is leave a comment below. Please be sure to include your name and your e-mail address in the correct lines on the comment form, so that we have a way to contact you.

And for the rest who don’t fit the description above, never fear – tomorrow, we’ll be talking about a different kind of whitework embroidery, and I’ll follow that up with a give-away for everyone, of a glorious new book that I’ve been dying to see, and that just arrived on my doorstep yesterday!


(112) Comments

  1. Left-handed, English-speaking retired support specialist and current model stitcher seeks Schwalm technique opportunity. Have hoop, will travel.

  2. Well. I would love to help her out, that lampshade is gorgous and I really like the look of schwalm embroidery. I have never done it before, and I have only once done a bit of whitework, an ufo, which is 20 years old.
    Oh, and I am a leftie.

  3. Schwalm is a gorgeous techique. I have done some Schwalm, but I used right handed directions. Not an easy task. I’m definitely a left handed embroiderer. Nothing like working backwards and upside down. I’ve also done some piloting of projects, so have had experience in proofing. I know I’m a bit of a ringer, but would love to be considered, if you don’t have enough volunteers.

    1. How about scanning the directions, then using a “paint” program to flip them upside down and backwards and then printing them? 🙂 No mirror needed.

    2. I have done the scanning and flipping as well as just taping the image backward on a well lit window. It works well for images but, of course, all the text is backward too.

    3. RW, we don’t stitch in the same way – if you’ve seen a leftie write, you’ll know that we don’t hold the pen in the same way or our arm at the same angle and that goes for stitching too. It does make a difference.

  4. I am left handed, English speaking and would love to assist. Have enjoyed embroidery for over 20 years.

  5. Am I allowed to say that I’m interested in this? I’ve never done any Schwalm embroidery, and I’d love to! I think its pretty obvious from my book that I’m a leftie, so I hope that I fit the bill!

    Yvette Stanton

    1. I assume there is a time limit and/or that there is a date by which the feedback would be requested? I’m a lefty who likes whitework and would be willing to help out, provided it would be compatible with finishing a PhD…

      Looks like you’re going to have to draw for your trio.

  6. Heck!! I’m left handed, I can embroider, I don’t know Schwalm from and I’m not only English speaking but I proofread and edit for a living BUT I doubt I’d be able to fit whatever timescale Luzine has for this, as I’m pretty busy at the moment! I could work through the book and do little bits of each motif, but I wouldn’t be able to finish the cloth in a sensible time if she needs that. Also I’m in the UK which might be a bit of a pain, depending on where she is based… or might be an advantage.

    It’ll be a fabulous project for someone!

  7. Left-handed Irish stitcher, now living in France. I’ve recently been learning Carrickmacross Lace and Schwalm Embroidery would be a beautiful addition to my embroidery techniques. It would be lovely not to do mental aerobics to get my head around learning new techniques based on right-handed instructions (as is sometimes the case).

  8. I would love to try the Schwalm work. I have never tried drawn thread embroidery or white work, but would like to. I have just done basic embroidery. I am a lefty, so have learned to knit in my own style (usually through the back loop). I would love to get involved in fancy embroidery, but the work I see kind of intimidates me.

    1. I found that when using stockinette stitch, I dont have to turn my work at all! I just knit the other direction! So, I guess I really just knit right handed then switch to left at the end of the row…LOL

    2. I am also a left-hander who does not need to turn my knitting! I wrap like a right-hander and then Continental stitch like a left-hander to return. It can get complicated with intricate written instructions (because all stitches must be reversed going back) but charts are a breeze!

  9. How I wish I were left-handed…unfortunately I’m NOT!!! Beautiful project and great opportunity to the lucky winner. I’m sure your next give-away is Yvette Stanton’s Portuguese Bullion Embroidery! For me, this year is dedicated to Mountmellick. I finally got her book and have started a beautiful runner. I’ve also been in touch with Yvette with advice on alternate threads and other tips.

    Good luck to a lucky left-handed embroiderer!

  10. I am left handed, English speaking and very keen to learn a new kind of embroidery. I do do several kinds of embroidery but I have never heard of Schwalm’s embroidery. Are you willing to send the book to South Africa?

  11. oh why do you have to be left handed to win this give away i have my mother’s lamps that need new shades i made the ones on them and they have been there for 44 years saw the shade and said that’s it that’s the pattern for the new shades of course i would be very happy with just thee pattern for the embroidery maybe i can copy from the picture thank you

  12. I would be interested. Left-handed stitcher, English speaking, interested in Schwalm but haven’t done any. Oh yes, I use Yvette Stanton’s book so I recognize the value of material from a left-handed perspective.

  13. I’m not a leftie, but if she ever desires to do the same thing with righties I
    Would like to be first in line. I do so want to learn schalm whitework! My
    Mom used to do cutwork, but doesn’t have the desire or the patience to teach me. I really love the looks of both techniques and truly want to learn.

  14. I am left-handed, and love doing elaborate work.
    I love speciality stitches, have a little experience with hardanger, and many years in cross stitch. I have done a little Hungarian folk stitching too.
    I have learned English as a foreign language, but can understand written text well.
    I haven’t got too much time, so I can only participate if there is no definite deadline doing it.
    As a left-handed individual I have never encountered difficulties doing my stitches, so I am interested in what difficulties this project can bring…

  15. This is a great opportunity!
    I have had to learn to write with my right hand when I was young, I am lefthanded. I embroider with my right hand as easily as my left hand. Have seen examples of Schwalm embroidery here, it is lovely!
    I am Dutch, live in the Netherlands, speak and write English well, my German is quit good too.
    Would love a chance of helping out with a lefthanded book!

  16. I would love to do this. I am left-handed, English-speaking, and work in a variety of embroidery techniques — Hardanger, surface embroidery, and other counted work. I also do some teaching and mentoring. I have a couple of books about Schwalm that I haven’t had the chance to try out so this would give me an opportunity to learn and use the technique (and at the same time use my editing skills giving feedback). I have taken and completed EGA individual correspondence courses (each a year in length) and enjoy that form of learning. I hope to be chosen to do this! Thank you for the opportunity.

  17. I do some embroidery — recently more cross stitch than embroidery, tho I do both.

    I am left-handed.

    I speak English (native) and have worked in the past as an editor. [My current position is Process Analyst at; however, I continue in my previous role as ‘forms coordinator’ — designing paperwork (Hey, someone has to do it! 🙂 )

    Drawback — My embroidery time is somewhat limited — mainly just on Sundays.


  18. Hi! I am left handed,enthusiastic sticher with lots of free time in the upcoming months. I am studying for the certificate course at the RSN. So i’m a beginner but with an abililty to stitch. I am free over the summer, no holiday commitments or studying commitments. I would love to help Luzine with her project. I live in the UK, so im not sure if this would be a problem with postage of supplies?
    Many thanks

  19. Hooray! I love the look of Schwalm, have done a very small amount – long ago – and would like to get back into it. I am left handed, and would love to work through the book and the project. It would be a privilege to help in this endeavor especially with the added bonus of learning from a master.

    P.S. Janice Love has left-handed instructions with her hardanger books. Thought you might want to know.

  20. I am a lefty-english speaking & writing-beginner embroiderer. For years I had a hard time embroidering and set it aside because it was confusing & frustrating to embroider right handed. I bought Yvette Stantons Left Handed Embroiderers Companion and fell in love again with embroidery. Now I don’t feel frustrated. I would love to learn Schwalm whitework and I would make time to help Luzine out with her book. I hope I win. Thanks Mary for your site and all the beautiful work you do.

  21. Mary, I would be more than willing to be involved in this project! Being left is a blessing and a curse at times. To be able to participate in helping with a book would be an honor.
    Thanks for the opportunity. Kathy Cooke

  22. I am a lefty! I would love a chance to jump in and try this out! I fit all the requirements and think this white work is just gorgeous!

  23. I have done a moderate amount of cross stitch, and some canvas work. I have been interested in whitework for awhile, but not just sure where to start. I would like to do pieces as heirloom for children and grandchildren. Although all white work is lovely, I am of german heritage. Please consider my request. Thank you. Marywallis

  24. I am left handed and often struggle with right handed embroidery directions. I have participated in a couple of piloted embroidery classes, so know how to be particular about written directions. I have no real knowledge of Schwalm embroidery although I certainly admire it. I am definitely up to a challenge, love doing elaborate embroidery, and would enjoy participating in this project to give Luzine feedback. Besides, I am grateful to anyone who is so considerate of the left handed population!

  25. this sounds very interesting , I enjoy learning new techniques in crafting and I am left handed !

  26. Plus I have my kitchen done in blue and white with accents of pennsylvania dutch. I love hearts and tulips and folk designs!

  27. I am left-handed, an American originally from England. I stitched one piece of Old Hedebo about 15 years ago. I enjoy working on linen. I am excited about a technique book for left-handers, as I basically just adapt right-handed instructions to my own way of doing things.

  28. Hi Mary,
    I’d love to help Luzine! I’ve been in touch with her over the years, planned on concentrating on Schwalm this summer and this is just such a coincidence!
    Have hoop, speak and write both English and German, am ambidextrous and do not have a dominant hand when stitching and have some knowledge of various needlearts and am able to read and follow charts etc. AND I would love to help …

  29. I am left handed, English speaking and have wanted to learn Schwalm embroidery for a very long time. What a great opportunity! I have stitched for years, including some drawn and pulled thread, but have never tackled this technique. Would love to!

  30. Mary,
    I would love to take part in this “Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework” for Left-Handed stitchers. You are right (correct) in saying there are far too few technique books for us lefties. I have had to hold books upside down, follow a diagram in a mirror and just “wing it”, when all else fails, hoping the stitch is close enough.
    Learning a new technique is exciting, I am always looking for online stitching classes.
    Please, thank Luzine for undertaking this project and for giving us an opportunity to help.

  31. A friend forwarded this to me. I fit all your requirements, it,looks rather difficult to do but intriguing. I am an intermediate stitch, belong to an embroidery guild, I do own the left-handed embroidery book….I would like to be considered.

  32. Born a lefthander; I have lived through the time periods when there was no such thing as lefthanded scissors, all notebooks were made for righthanders, etc., to a time when all of these things are available now; right down to a lefthanders mug!! The saying, “lefthanders have rights too” has come to pass – finally!!
    Also, I thought I knew a bit about embroidery, having enjoyed such since the 60’s but have never heard of Schwalm Embroidery so would sure be interested. What an opportunity! I would love to have the challenge to learn this exciting and beautiful style of embroidery. The old adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” doesn’t apply here!!

  33. I am a beginner at embroidery.
    I have never even heard of this type until today.
    I am left handed.
    I speak and write in English.
    The examples included in your post are beautiful and remind me of some of the sun dresses my mother made me with eyelete cloth.
    Please include me in the lotto drawing for participants.

    Thank you for this opportunity!

  34. I’d like to have a go please. Left-handed, Native English speaking and writing and never tried this type of embroidery before.

  35. I would be interested in learning a new technique. I usually turn directions up side down to follow directions.

  36. I am left handed and would love to have the chance to try this ype of embroidery. It would be great to try the book and be able to comment on how the instructions work. There are so few instructions that actually work for lefties and don’t need coretions it would be great to have some input and learn a wonderful style of embroidery at the same time. Thank you for the chance to participate in a unique and wonderful idea.

  37. Hi Mary

    I’m a left handed stitcher living in the UK and always enjoy your newsletters.

    After your review of Luzine’s Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework, I added it to my wishlist and was hoping for a copy this weekend for my birthday. However, now that I’ve read today’s newsletter, I wonder if I’ll be able to learn the technique from the right handed book Have any of the other lefties out there tried this?

    1. Lynn, I’m sure you’ll be just fine learning the technique from the ‘righties’ book. I’ve never had problems doing an embroidery from right-handed books (so to speak) and I’ve been embroidering for 35 years or so. I’m sure having the stitches from a left-handed point of view is an advantage and makes things easier for us lefties, but that doesn’t mean you can’t adapt from the other book!

  38. Hello. Sorry for my english.
    Congratulations for your blog. I enjoy very much to read it and I find always very much informations to help me in my embroidery.
    Thank you for all the informations you vige us.
    Sincerely yours
    Mireille from Québec

  39. Where can we purchase the Beginning book on Schwan whitework? I am very interested in learning this technique. I am right handed so that I can’t help there but really want the book to learn and then teach other stitchers in my area of the country.

    Thank you

    1. Hello Barb,
      a few embroidery stores in some countries all over the world have my books in stock.
      Also you can order directly here. It is an easy way.

  40. I am not left-handed but I wanted to congratulate you on your outreach, your enthusiastic efforts and ability to build a community. Your site is truly a wonder. You must be, too!

  41. I would love to be able to do this. As a leftie it is very frustrating to convert directions and to help other would be great

  42. Hello. I’m left handed, English speaking and would love to participate in this project. I would also have the time to devote to it. The pictures of the Schwalm work are just beautiful.

  43. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to try something new. I’m an EGA and ANG member, and just this winter completed a pilot project trial of a sampler with drawn thread and specialty stitches for an upcoming ANG class. My task was similar to this one; use the book to be given in class and try to complete the sampler, sending the book back with feedback on text, diagrams, etc. I had it done with time to spare and enjoyed it so much. I would love to try it again with a new technique. Thanks for the chance!

  44. I’m game. It sounds like a fun thing to learn. I have admired this type of whitework, although I have not done any. I speak English, am a left handed stitcher and have been embellishing crazy patch with a variety of types of embroidery for several years. I am retired, so I would have time to devote to the project. And I have hoops!

  45. Hi Mary, I’d love to help with this left-handed project and fit the guidelines in all respects. I have taken a couple of EGA Schwalm classes a while back (with Donna Strater) and am a long-time enthusiast of many ethnic embroideries and whitework. The time-frame will be my one concern. I won’t be free to stitch a lot until about November, after this year’s national EGA Seminar, which our region is hosting. Thanks, Vivian

  46. Wow, an opportunity for left hands only! I would love to participate. I’m from the USA and would love to learn this style of embroidery.

  47. I’m a left-handed native American speaker who also is fluent in UKdian English and have some familiarity with Australian sewing terms that are different than U.S. English.
    I had so much trouble trying to interpret right-handed Hardanger instructions that I never tried Schwalm, although I’ve perused a couple of books.
    I’ve been involved in a couple of testing programs for new needlework classes for the Smocking Arts Guild.
    I’m available if needed.

  48. I would love to participate–as a lefty–I am thrilled someone is willing to do this. I have never done Schwalm and amd just now learning Crewel. I have done cross stitch and basic embroidery for many years and love it.

  49. I have tried Schwalm embroidery in the past but I wasn’t happy with it, probably because I was using right handed instructions and inferior materials. I have done other white work and drawn work before. I would love to participate. I am a native English speaker and don’t work much during the summer. I have been looking for an opportunity to challenge myself as a stitcher and this sounds like it might be just the thing.

  50. what a treat a book for nleft handed embroiderers- instead of always having to rip out a stitch because i forgot to reverse it- there is a guide. and something to practice on too -bonus!!As i live in the mountains there are no teachers here no shops where one might try a new technique or even buy supplies
    I would be so keen to learn i love the elegance of whitework maureen

  51. I am interested in learning and I’m a leftie. I’ve written some articles for publication so I can proof AND help write instructions.


  52. I would love the opportunity to do this project. It’s really exciting to read that someone has written a book and instructions for left handed people. I knew nothing of Schwam work before reading about it here, but it is beautiful. Thanks, Jacqui Anderson

  53. Yes please! Yvette Stanton’s leftie stitch dictionary goes everywhere with me when I’m stitching. I’ve been teetering on the brink of buying Luzine’s Schwalm books but am so glad I’ve procrastinated if there’s a leftie version coming. Would love to help and learn at the same time.

  54. I am NOT a candidate but I think this is simply wonderful. I know a lot of lefties and I hear them complain about how hard it is to learn crafts. I know they can but it seems to take twice the effort & determination. I’m just a rightie but kudos to Luzine.

  55. I am very interested in participating. I am an embroiderer who would love a challenge. I am left handed and refer to Yvette Stanton’s book frequently. I speak and write English with a fondness for
    Whitework. I would love to help in any way possible.

  56. Yes, yes, & yes!! I love a challenge & learning new techinques. I have done a very small amount of Schwalmwork, so know a little about the techinique, but have to admit I was stimied by how to adapt some of the patterns to left-handedness. (and of course, I am left-handed)I love whitework of any kind. I would love to participate in this opportunity!
    Julie Harvey

  57. I am NOT a candidate, but I would like to be able to learn about that lampshade. I really like it! Also, what is the fabric the other examples are stitched upon?

  58. hola Mary. me encanta cuado se rescatan tradiciones,y sobre todo, el bordado popular,,tiene un gran merito ,,, muy bueno para las chicas zurdas ya no hay impedimentos para ellas
    un abrazo

  59. Wow! This was meant to be! I’m a left-handed who began work on this table cloth two months ago – using the current book. So far I’ve only mastered the outline coral stitch, and have yet to start any of the intricate drawn thread embroidery. Using left handed instructions would be great! Only problem might be – I live in Australia.

  60. Hi I am an English-speaking left-handed embroiderer, very interested in being considered to take part in your project. I love embroidery and belong to 2 Embroiderers Guilds. I am always keen to learn new types of embroidery and think your project looks amazing.

  61. …and should have said that I’m in Australia. Hope that’s not a postage problem.

  62. Wow! What an opportunity. I’ve been strugling with the “lefty” thing all my life. But I have not let it get in the way of trying new techniques. I would love to try Schwalm and I an a stickler for instructions that are complete. Please consider me for this project. Thanks!

  63. Hi Mary and Luzine,
    I would love the opportunity to help out testing your left-handed directions for schwalm work. I have never tried this type of embroidery before, but have been stitching since I was a young girl. My Grandmother taught me surface embroidery, I then branched out to cross stitch and sampler making. Recently,Mary, I stitched my first Blackwork piece when you highlighted Tanya’s online mystery project. I will have to send you a picture to show you how I changed it up and added some of my own design to her piece. I now love blackwork and look forward to working more. Since I have been stitching for quite a few years, I am looking for new experiences, trying to learn different types of stitching. If you accept me as one of your testers, I will give it my all…and it will be great to have the lefty perspective rather than readjusting things in my brain to reverse it! 🙂

  64. I would loved to help with the book. I am left handed, adore whitework and would love to learn the Schwalm technique. I recently had to give up a class I was planning to attend because of a conflict – I love learning new embroidery techniques and am happy to work “on my own” from books etc. I would love contributing to the left handed stitching side of things since we always have to just “figure it out”

  65. I am NOT a candidate, but I do wonder how many of these numerous willing lefties could give Luzine thier feedback, but providing thier own supplies. The more feedback the better I would imagine. Beautiful technique.

  66. I would love to do this….I have struggled for years trying to learn new stitches from right handed teachers, turning books upside down and sometimes teaching myself to do a stitch with my right hand and then doing it with my left hand!
    Thanks, Thelma

  67. I am left handed, English speaking and an experienced stitcher, and interested in learning Schwalm Whitework….I have pervious experience working on pilot pieces, reading and correction instuctions while stitching the piece.

  68. Oh my, oh my. This prospect leaves me breathless. I am absolutely left-handed (love designers who take that into consideration in directions!), have embroidery experience but nothing like this, love learning new craft techniques, and would be delighted to communicate with the author. I have a degree in Secondary Language Arts Education so I can construct clear instructions. If I am selected, I will be honored!

  69. I’m not left-handed, at least for stitching, so I’m not in the running. Just wanted to say I hope that this is the start of many more wonderful books for left-handers.

  70. Left-handed. English speaking. Follow directions well. Responsible. Would love to help the left-handed population by doing this project for the book.

  71. Hi, I fit all the categories and would welcome the opportunity to help with a book for lefties. Still struggling with crochet instructions!

  72. Dear Mary

    This sounds like just the project I need. I have been looking for a book to train my left hand to do the work. Am naturally lefthanded was forced to do things righthanded. Now the right hand is giving lots of uphill, I just want to continue to do the things I love to do. Their was a beautiful article in the Inspirations Magazine on Schwalm embroidery.

  73. Hi Mary, I fit all the requirements also–a lefty, speak English, do hand embroidery, am retired I.T. specialist–have time, haven’t tried Schwalm, so interested in a new technique, and willing to help :0)

  74. I see you already have 78 volunteers, but I’m another one! I’m a leftie, I embroider and love to learn new techniques – Schwalm isn’t one that I’ve tried. Not only do I speak and write fluent English, I am English!

  75. I am a leftie, love hand work and have always wanted to learn different forms of embrodiery.
    I’m a school teacher and summer is coming…. I’d love to have this opportunity!

  76. a certified lefty-it would be a joy and a privilege to learn a new technique and to assist other stitchers. Thanks for your website…such beautiful work!

  77. Lefthanded, English speaking, beginning embroiderer, and love the pictures you shared from the book. I would love to be able to participate in this endeavor. I want to do the project whether I get selected or not! I’ve been looking for a white work technique to use to make some napkins to be used in communion at my church. This is just what I had in mind, so eager to learn it. Googling Schwalm embroidery now!

  78. Mary

    I fit all the criteria stated, I love embroidery of all kinds,but haven’t tried schwalm. I love Yvette Stantons left-handed book also. I bought Luzine’s books years ago after you had recommended them, love the designs but being left-handed I always feel like the instructions are back the front, thus I never started a project. So to have a go at patterns just for a left-handed person would be great. I love having deadlines for doing things also, makes you get in and finish something. You have a very willing participant here.

  79. I am a left handed stitcher. I Love the look of white work, but have never done any.I love learning new techniques as well. I am a teacher and summer break is almost here. A perfect time to commit to a new project! I would love the opportunity.

  80. I am left handed, with 50 years of experience in all types of stitching and fiber arts. I made a wedding gift in Schwalm 40 years ago, haven’t worked in that method since then. I would be happy to work on your test sample. An art exhibit has my priorities until the end of May, if that meets the time line than I am able to assist.
    I am the San Francisco Embroiderers’ Guild president, and a multi-media Artist in Fiber Arts and Kinetic Arts.
    Whether you choose me or not, good luck on your venture.
    Stephanie Vinces

    1. I am not left handed and I do not want to be included as a participant. I just wanted to let you know how wonderful of an opportunity you are giving the stitching community and wish you and Luzine all the best!!

  81. I’d love to help! I am in full support of helping us lefties get something just for us. 🙂 I love embroidery and love a new challenge.

  82. I am left handed and would be very interested in participating. I just hope I’m not to late.

  83. I would love to participate in this, for me new venture. I have turned my hand (left) at a number of styles of embroidery.

  84. I have considered learning whitework for some while. Even though this may be random, I have 3 very rusty years of college GERMAN and am a retired high school teacher who is LEFT HANDED.

    I have never won anything and would love to review this book.


  85. I am an embroider I started embroidery with my grandmother. She was righthanded and of course it was difficult to learn…I have started doing embroidery again and just love the Schwalm technique, I have tried but I used right handed directions. Not an easy task. I am English speaking and just love all of the projects in the book. I would love to try the techniques and comment on the task and directions… I am a retired Aerospace Project manager that did schedules, budgets and procedures for very complicated processes. I have plenty of experience with proofing processes and procedures. I would just love to have the opportunity. It would really make my year. I have an ill husband and would love to have work to take with me to tests and doctors appointments that would keep me challenged and learning something beautiful at the same time. Thanks for this opprotunity of this give away…I just love your blog and one of the highlights of my day!!!

  86. Hello,
    I have rediscovered embroidery now retired(ex-English language teacher to degree level, much experience editing, feeding back to authors, and proofreading – and a leftie!)No experience of this technique, and rather a slow, but enthusiastic stitcher, but would love to learn and to give helpful feedback.

  87. Wow. Yvette Stanton is a winner what a well chosen recipient. all have you have done well. Congratulation, Yvette, Mary and Lizine and the other 2 winners too of course, sorry I don’t know of you 2, but congrats anyway.

  88. I have been wanting to learn Schwalm for a very long time. I’m left handed and I know Hardanger and have done a little pulled work but no Schwalm.

  89. A friend just sent this article to me as I am left handed and an embroiderer. What happened… I see now that this was from several years ago. Too late to participate, I’m sure.

    1. Hi, Sally – The give-away was announced last week, but we announced the participants this morning. Thank you very much for your comment, though! It is wonderful to see so many embroiderers interested in whitework, and it’s nice to know that there are many left-handed stitchers out there willing to help make more left-handed resources available! ~MC

  90. Sorry that I was not a winner, but would you please let us know when the left-handed version is available for purchase? Thanks. Joanne

  91. Please tell me it’s not too late for this opportunity, I’ve been combing the web for instructions to learn this technique. To think I may get to learn it without turning the directions upside down. Thank you sooo very much for writing this book. Until you’ve walked in that left shoe you just can’t understand the challenge of learning to knit,crochet,smocking,or embroidery. I’ve either had to sit directly in frt of my aunt for that mirror image or turn the book upside down to follow the picture directions.
    Thank you Sharon

  92. I am a left handed, English speaking and writing embroiderer. I am presently exploring various styles of white work and would love to try my hand at Schwalm embroidery.

  93. Wow, are you still working on this project? I am an avid lover of needlework. I especially love hardanger. However as I am exploring I am discovering this kind of embroidery and drawn thread seem to go together well.

    I love challenges so if you still need someone to volunteer, I would be so blessed!

  94. I am a left handed embroiderer and would love to attempt this project. I am not experienced with Schwalm work, but love the look of it and would welcome the experience of using and commenting on left handed instructions. I live in Mollymook, New South Wales, Australia


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