Remember my review of Trish Burr’s book, Colour Confidence in Embroidery?

Well, if you’ve been looking for it in the US, you’ll probably be happy to know that Colour Confidence in Embroidery is now available through Amazon here in the States! Yippee!

Last year, I also reviewed Hazel Everett’s Goldwork: Techniques, Projects and Pure Inspiration. At the time, it was not available in the US yet, but you’ll now find Goldwork: Techniques, Projects and Pure Inspiration available through Amazon now, too. It actually came out a bit ago, so you may have already jumped on that one.
So, if you’ve been holding back, waiting for those books to be available in the US, there they are!

Now, Carolyn Pearce’s book, Home Sweet Home, is another story. Home Sweet Home is available in the US through Wooly Thread, but it’s not available through other book sellers yet, to my knowledge. I think it’s due out in the States “at large” in April some time.
However, I have an extra copy of Carolyn’s book, and I’d like to give one of you a chance to own it!

It’s a wonderful book full of many beautiful projects – some little, some bigger, and one Big Project, the workbox! What I like best about the book is its instructional value – once you’ve tried your hand at Carolyn’s projects, you can adapt the process for your own designs. It’s really a great book to have in your needlework library!
To enter the give-away, please do the following:
1. Leave a comment below on this post (not via e-mail – this link will take you straight to the comment form on the website). In your comment, answer the following question:
What’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed?
2. Leave your comment by Wednesday, February 1st, at 5:00 am CST (that’s Kansas, USA time). I’ll draw for the winner on Wednesday morning and announce it on the website.
And that’s it!
So, if you’d like a chance to win a free copy of Home Sweet Home for yourself (or even to give as a gift), leave your comment below!
The Give-Away is Now Closed! The winner was Cathy Harvey. Thanks for participating!
Ah – before I forget, the end of January is coming! In case you want to take advantage of it, Country Bumpkin is still offering a 20% discount on subscriptions or subscription renewals to Inspirations Magazine to readers of Needle ‘n Thread. To get in on the deal, you have to do it before the end of January, so time’s a-tickin’. You’ll find details and the link to click in the left column here on Needle ‘n Thread.
See you tomorrow – with… well, I suppose you’ll just have to wait to see!
The largest embroidery project I have ever done is a 20″ x 20″ solid cross stitch pattern. It was my only project while an undergraduate at MSU, and I finally finished it my first year of graduate school!
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever completed in a silk split-stitch collar based on a medieval design for a tunic. It took me several months to finish.
I do, however, plan to start a Bayeux wallhanging soon which will be the biggest in terms of size and time :).
The largest embroidery project I have completed was a 12×12 crewel pillow a long time ago in my teens. It lived on my bed for many years. I have completed other needlework projects, but mostly knitting and crocheting.
A Breeeezy Wintery Hello Marymentor: <3
The largest project I ever finished was a 10×14 embroidered intertwined hearts for a wedding gift for my son and his bride. They were married in 2006 and it recited their names, the wedding date, etc. I started it when they announced their engagement in 2005, and as is almost predictable, I "finished" it on their 4th Wedding Anniversary in 2010 ! ! It is framed and hangs in their bedroom. Something to remember Mom…when Mom is just a memory ! <3
My largest project is my family tree. 🙂 As well as being large it is also unfinished after 4 years. 🙂
The largest project I’ve finished to date was a pillow with a Jacobean crewel design. It was great fun to work. I don’t have a sewing machine, so I hand-sewed the embroidered front to the backing fabric and probably bemused all my non-crafty friends by making them admire my straight seams.
This book looks wonderful. Thank you and Country Bumpkin both for the giveaway.
My largest completed project so far has been 2 large crazy quilted pillows for my sister’s newly decorated bedroom. I am currently working on a Christmas tree skirt for the CQJP 2012 project which will be my largest undertaking. I would just love to win the Home Sweet Home book ….. it looks lovely! Thanks for the opportunity.
Oh dear…I don’t think I’ve done anything truly large, and most definitely nothing of the complexity and dexterity of your work.
I think the largest piece would be a welcome banner I made a couple of years ago, it’s about 5″ wide and some 11″ tall.
While it is not totally complete yet. The stitching part is done and I am only about 2 hours from finishing the applique part so I think it counts. I am finishing up a wall hanging of Elizabeth I’s coat of arms. It is 30 by 36 and will be hung on the wall of the Royal Court at the Ren Faire I work.
Hi Mary. How I’d love to have a copy of the “Home Sweet Home” book. One of the largest pieces I’ve done was a darning sampler, about 20″ X 20″.
marlene S
My largest project isn’t very large at all, only about 8 inches high and 6 inches wide. But it’s dense! Does that count? It’s a threadpainted Christmas stocking with a robin sitting on a Christmas pudding from a Jenny McWhinney kit. I also have made a couple of quilts that are hand quilted, one is a lap size and the other a 2.5 foot square wall hanging.
My largest project was a tablecloth that I started with my grandmother over fifty years ago. I still use it and it always reminds me of her. She started my lifelong love of needlework. She died about 40 years ago, but she’s always with me when I sew.
My largest embroidery is at the moment a tree with birds (15’x15′)but it is not finished now. Otherwise I have done only small pieces.
In 1987, I completed a very large wedding gift in cross stitch. It was a framed piece featuring 1 Corinthians 13. I think I can fairly accurately claim that it cured me of cross stitching. 😉
I have finished a crewel animal wallhanging by Erica Wilson and a Sampler…both are 16 x 20.
Linda Mageske
Mary, another wonderful give-a-way!
The largest project I have completed is a cross-stitch piece that I worked many, many years ago. The work is “Les Enfants Boudin”. Very pretty but not at all perfect! That’s ok as “not perfect” helps to keep me humble.
I am now working on an enormous counted cross-stitch pattern, “A New Friend”. At the rate I’m going with it I may have it completed 9 years from now. Hopefully my eyes will hold out!
Linda A,
Ontario, Canada
The largest embroidery projet I have completed so far are embroidery on a counterpane(bedspread cover) which was with embroidery all over the counterpane. I have completed three so far.
Hi Mary–
My largest piece of embroidery was a table runner I did for an EGA correspondence course in Ukranian whitework. I COULD have done a nametag, or a doily, but NO! I designed an 18″ by 36″ table runner. I worked on it during my lunch hours at my job to get it done on time. But it was worth it, as the instructor said my eyelets were better than hers!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I have done many counted cross stitch on linen, the largest about 18 x 24. I am just beginning “regular” embroidering. I LOVE your stitich videos, which are an enormous help. I am drooling over that cute little sewing cottage! Thanks for all the time you spend shring your incredible talent with us all. I wouldn’t miss your blog for anything. JaneS
The largest embroidery project I made was a lap quilt (45×45) that I made for my Grandmother. I used Brazilian embroidered flowers, bugs, and butterflies to “tie” it.
The largest needlework project I have ever completed….wow, that requires some thought. By the time you are 56 and have been stitching since the age of 5, that is one heck of a lot of projects. The first that comes to mind(without taxing my brain) is a 50th Anniversary Quilt for my In-Laws. I added photos and silk ribbon embroidery. I have made enough needlepoint belts to circle the globe as well!
Hi Mary!
I hope this is not duplicated – but I lost my first comment. My largest embroidery project was only 11″ x 14″. I usually work small and then quilt around them so they become much larger when completed.
I love that book!!
Thanks – blessings to you – Jane
my largest stitched piece is probably my 2nd cross stitch piece, a large vase with irises, 16 x 16, my first ever was 2 x 2, I guess I liked it! happy stitching everyone 🙂
The largest piece I ever completed was a set of 15 embroidered rectangles that were about 10″ x 12″ each. I then sewed them together with solid coloured pieces into a queen size bed quilt. (I love how you ask for pieces that are “completed” – I have a few large (18″ x 20″) pieces “on the go”, but none of those are completed!)
I completed several large cross stitch pictures back when I was doing that type of work. The biggest current project that I have just completed is a Victorian Christmas crazy quilted picture that is about 13″ x 14″
The largest embroidery project I have completed is one of the projects I found in Inspirations magazine. It is a spring flower design which is basically pretty simple; about 10″x12″ in size.
Hi Mary,
I have not worked on a project larger than your average kit. This is mainly because of cost. Larger projects like the one featured in this book are more costly, especially the price of the book. I would love the chance to work in these little projects and I would proudly display these beautiful items in my home.
Thank you,
I’d have to say the largest project I’ve completed would be one of Martina Weber’s mandalas. Those things are huge. I’m working on two right now in my rotation and have three more started.
I have finshed 2 quilts that all the blocks are hand embrodery and am am now on my 3rd one. this one is more complicated but I think it will turn out really nice. it is over the river and through the woods and the embroidery part looks like currier and ives prints. my husband really likes it which is also impoortant
The largest embroidery I finished, took me about 7 years to complete. It is an Erhman tapestry which is 30″ x 30″ square and has the most gorgeous coloured pansies. It is my masterpiece and I love looking at it every day!
The largest project I have ever done is a 12×12 pillow top. I am working on a larger project now but it is only half done.
When I was in college I did a 24×32 crewel embroidery piece for my grandmother. That farm scene is still hanging in her living room 36 years later.
I made and actually finished a crazy quilt made up of 20 embellished blocks. I think it was about 60″ on the long side. I’d be happy to send you pictures if you like. Lots of embroidery on the blocks.
I know both those new books are on Amazon and already on my wish list!!! 🙂 How do you put $$$ on your wish list? 🙂
Well, the largest embroidery project I ever finished was a kit that I made for my mother. It was a picture of an old mill wheel, and all the flowers and greenery around it. It really was pretty, but it was years and years ago. I’ve made smaller projects since then. She had it framed and it hangs in her house to this day 🙂
The largest item I have completed would have to be a christmas table runner that I made for my mom. Not sure of its measurement but it was the full length of an average coffee table.
Love to win the book!
The largest piece I have ever done is an alaphabet sampler. Mostly I do little projects, as knitting seems to occupy my “big project” world!
My largest embroidery so far was a pulled thread overlay which I completed last year. It took me a full year to embroider. It was well worth it though as it turned out to be an heirloom piece.
The largest project I finished was a cross stitch of the Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story. I am, however, working on a needlepoint christmas stocking for my daughter.
Mary – I love the look of this book! Can’t wait to win or own my own copy!
Traci in OK
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever stitched was a Teresa Wentzler cross-stitch design («Tradewinds») which was about 300 x 250 counts. I stitched it on evenwave 28 cnt two over two and it took me a little less than two years (345 hours). It’s such a wonderful project!!!.
But I’m ready to try other kind of embroidery. I want to learn how to stitch little houses like that to adapt the concept for a Christmas village. Thank you so much of this giveaway!
Wow! Would LOVE to own this book! Thanks for the giveaway! I guess the largest embroidery project I’ve completed is a baby crib quilt, but did design and stitch up a framed piece that I’m very proud of, consisting of lots of scrollies, flowers and initials.
Thanks again –
Barbara in TN
When I had been cross stitching for only a year, I started Stoneycreek’s 12 Days of Christmas piece. I’m guessing that it’s about 20 x 20. It took me about 18 months to finish. I learned so much doing that piece. And I acquired the confidence to try different things. I have finished a drawn thread piece, and am now working on a black work piece. I am so hooked on embroidery.
I painted fabric and quilted a scene from Las Vegas. It is about 17″ by 22″. It is blingy. with red sequins for the rollercoaster, and lots of applied gold and velvet. I also made palm fronds from wire and plastic bags, and used felt to make playing cards, casino chips, and the ‘Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas’ sign. It was a lot of fun to do, but obviously took a lot of time to plan and do.
The largest project I have done (so far) was a large cross stitched and embroidered bed spread. I worked on it for about one year and it was one of my favourite projects yet.
The largest embroidery I have done is abt 16″ x 20″. It is a large brim hat, with books and roses on a table. I really enjoyed working on it. For now it is waiting for the day we have a proper wall to hang it on.
Interesting question! As a new embroiderer, I haven’t really completed any sizable projects yet. I’d have to point to a cutwork scarf perhaps?
Wow…hard to believe another give away so soon after the 12 days! My largest project was an Emie Bishop sampler about 12″x16″ which included cross stitch, hardanger, pulled thread & embroidery. It was a labor of love for my youngest sister who was unfortunately only able to enjoy it for a year before she passed away. I have it now & think of her every time I look at it.
My largest completed project was a 16″ by 20″ surface embroidery of trees in the wind, very simple but lovely. Unfortunately the moths ate most of the wool stitching while it was in storage. So I am considering doing it again!
I have worked with groups on much larger projects such as crewel bed hangings for a local historic house. That was a treat!
I haven’t embroidered anything since I was a kid (a very long time ago) and it probably was a design on a small peice of cloth for practice. I would love to learn again. I think I’ve found the right place!
I have completed many needlework projects over the years, but my largest embroidery project was a flower bouquet on a 10″ x 10″ pillow, made about 20 years ago. Not very grand, I know, but I was so proud of it. I used as many new stitches as I could master – all learned from a book. I had so much fun doing it. Even though the color doesn’t match my new decor, it still has a home on my bay window seat cushion.
well, the largest project i’ve ever completed was deceptively small. it is a 6″x6″ piece, but on 40 count silk gauze. it is a copy of a tapestry pillow cover done in single strands of embroidery floss. tiny, but many, many stitches and lots of work. I’m so proud of it!
The largest project I completed was a Christmas tree. The final piece was about 20 by 18 and each of the ornaments was a different stitch or bead.
My largest embroidery project is a quilt I am making for my granddaughter. I am outlining sunbonnet sue (that were crayon colored) in threads that match the colors. The are 9 squares about 10″ each. My 2nd largest project was of a young girl (about 18″x12″) with a lot of cross stitch and embroidery on it.
I would really like to win this book.
Thank you for offering it again, Mary!
The largest project I have completed is a cross stitch 12 inch by 14 inch it took me about 14 months. I have not done any cross stitch since!
The “Home Sweet Home” book looks wonderful. It would make a beautiful addition to my library. Hope I win this one!
Ah, that goldwork book has been on my wishlist a while! 🙂
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever completed is a picture about 20″ by 26″. I did it for a competition and I think it fitted the brief but I don’t like it … and neither did the judges . It’s sitting wrapped in a calico bag by the side of my desk as I don’t want it on the wall!!
I made my then soon-to-be husband a 20×20 tiger head with the most beautiful fuzzy white turkey work.
Hi – This book looks gorgeous. Thanks for another giveaway.
My largest project both in size and time is “Apples to Zinnias” – Brazilian Embroidery by EdMar. A picture of my stitched piece is also my screen saver. Here is what it’s supposed to look like
I took a week and a half for each letter.
Thanks again.
The largest that I have finished so far was Parallel Dreams a Caorlyn Mitchell design I have done a few of her designs she was also the one that taught me how to do needle works (Canvas work) I love her designs…At present I’m working on a piece called Kimono More than 90 stitches it iran out of print pattern I believe it was back in print last year or the year before and it is a big piece to do all kinds of stitches and colours in it…I am finding it very interesting and challenging to do.Love it Love it….Bring on more challenges I love it..
Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous book and pattern look like another challenge.
I don’t do very large project … because I make dolls.
My largest embroidery project was in goldwork on a skirt of a Maria Antoinette period doll.
Pick me !
Last December,as a Christmas gift for my grand daughter,I embroidered 12 squares with Nursery Rhymes taken from and combining them with red and blue patches turned them all into a 6o inch quilt.
The largest embroidery projects I have completed are roughly 15 by 24 inches. Although, completing EGA’s 9 lesson silk and metal individual correspondence course was a huge undertaking. I have a few people here locally who would like to do this project as a study group, so I would love to win the book and share it with them.
The largest piece I have completed is probably the growth chart for me son. I did his first and middle name such that it is about 6 ft tall.
I made a sampler for my Mom, with violets and a beautiful verse…and since she is a Feb birthday the violets were perfect. She framed it with a branch frame and hung it in her bedroom.
I have only finished small holiday projects and added embroidery touches to quilted wallhangings. The small projects in this book would be an ideal way to learn more and develop my skills so I can do more. Thnk you for your generosity in sharing your embroidery journey.
The largest thing I’ve finished was a 12×12 bit of sashiko (and it was a cheater kit! so I hardly feel like it counts). Actually though, now that I think of it, when I was in junior high, I did a very large (for me) cross-stitch of angels for my mom, which was probably 18 or 20×12, but I didn’t know anything about cross-stitch and so I only left about half an inch of excess fabric around the edges. Oops. I wonder what ever became of it? Hm.
I haven’t *quite* completed it yet, but I’m working on a set of four matching floral pillows (for the living room couches). I’ve completed the red, yellow, and blue flowered pillows, and now I’m about 1/3 of the way through the final purple pillow!
These are all beautiful books. A good needlework book makes a person feel very rich. So many little things to do in this one and enjoy everyone. I am starting a cross stitch tablecloth and hope I have enough disipline to actually finish it before I start something else, because I want to do everything I see.
Dear Mary,
The largest embroidery project I have ever completed was one of my first. It was a tablescarf designed by Natalie Richards of Redlands, California, in the Arts and Crafts style. The project was worked in stem stitch, satin stitch, long and short stitch, and French knots — lots of each. Since that time I have become fascinated by stumpwork and have completed several classes and projects, mostly designed and taught by Jane Nicholas and Betsy Morgan.
Best wishes,
Sandra Lauffer
Prince Frederick, Maryland
Hmmmm . . . the answer to “what’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed” is tricky for me. Dimensionally the largest would be the Christmas/Easter parament set for my church . . . however, I’ve also made many samplers; three dimensional objects; sewing sets – with cases, pincushions, scissor fobs, tool holders, needle books, boxes and bags; and many miniature items, which are physically smaller, but likely contained more embroidered stitches.
Largest project I have done was a 60″ round tablecloth where the embroidery was a huge bouquet of flowers in the center about 30″ circle it took me several months to complete but it was well worth it.
The biggest project I created was not that big, about 7″x11″ of a couple of baby birds in an apple tree. I do have one drawn to start work on that is about twice that size. Would love the book for the opportunity to do somethings really small.
Thank you again, Greta596
I think my largest completed embroidery project was 12 X 18 inches. It was quite a few years ago so I am guessing at the size. It was a pretty simple piece or I would not of tried it back then. My biggest problem is I seem to get to the finishing and stop. Something I am working on to improve but I am not sure why I do it.
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful book.
Dear Mary,
My biggest piece of embroidery is a needle painting (11.5″x16’5″) I made for Roby Baer a pastel artist of one of her paintings, “Quiet Romance” The picture is of two quails sitting together on a branch in the snow. Roby lives in Redding, California. We met through Facebook and in Oct.2010 I had the privilege to meet her and give her the embroidered piece in person. Roby is a very gifted artist and her paintings are of such high quality that make them a joy to embroider. Regards Elza Cape Town.
Hi Mary. This may not be what you mean by ‘large’ but it was huge to me. I hand embroidered leotard for my daughter’s gymnastic club. Do you think that counts?
My largest project at the moment is a queen size duvet in hand embroidery for my daughter’s 25th birthday. I finished 2 years ago. I hope this is not the only gift I can leave her. I am also planning to work on a project for my son and it will be an excellent source to get ideas from.
I once made a family tree for my parents. It was huge! and took a looonnng time to stitch.
Donna G
Oh my I love her book…all those cute projects and you can justify doing them because they would make great gifts…thanks for the giveaway
The largest piece of needlework I have ever completed was 10 inches wide and 6o inches long. It is a wall panel, embroidered by machine and by hand with beading and cording throughout. It includes layers of many fabrics including silk paper. I am currently working on one piece that is composed of three panels 6″ x 45″
My largest project is a tablecloth that I finished about 2 years ago. I also applique an apron quilt for my sister to hang in her kitchen.
Sharon K
Biggest project I have completed…I am working on Crabapple Hills’ snow days and I have one of the embroidery blocks finished….working on #2. I am just a beginner to all of this.
My largest embroidery piece was the bodice of a sundress and the sleeves of a matching jacket. I also did a Nativity in cross stitch, which I cut apart to make ornaments that my mother has hung on her Christmas tree for the past 20 years. The dress and jacket are long gone, but I remember how proud I was of them. Now I’m looking for motivation to start doing needlework again. I kind of lost interest in most things after my husband passed away in ’98. This book looks to be just the thing to spark new interest and motivation.
The largest piece (size) I completed was a full-size Monopoly board. It’s framed and hanging in our family room. The pieces that were the most work were Teresa Wentzler’s The Castle, and an EGA correspondence course piece, Cleopatra’s Cat.
Thanks for another giveaway opportunity and update on book availability.
What a lovely give away!
I am embarrassed to say the largest embroidery project I’ve ever COMPLETED would have to be a set of Days of the Week dish towels I made for my Mama when I was nine years old. These days I only seem to have time for little cross stitch kits or small monogrammed gifts.
Hanging on my bedroom wall is a huge-26 inches by 30 inches-crewel embroidery bouquet of flowers that I completed in the 1980s. I think I worked off and on for 5 years before finally finishing it. I hadn’t realized before just how long ago that was!
Well, I’d say my largest finished, at least in recent years is my German Brick Stitch pillow. I did do a Dragon cross stich for my mother many years ago which may be a bit larger, but I’d say the pillow.
On frame is a Bayeux-inspired piece that will be bigger, though.
The largest embroidery project I completed to date is, a wall hanging size “Heraldic banner”. Measuring four feet by five feet. Only the charges on the banner are embroidered, Completed December 2011. These days, much smaller projects are on the plate. Which allows more time to explore the world of embroidery.
I’m working on the largest project I’ve ever attempted. I’m embroidering in the style of rework on a quilt. It’s almost half done!
The largest embroidery project I have done to date is all the embroidery (combined) that I have done on the smocked dresses I create.
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I have started a huge garden sampler for my mother and a huge portrait of Jesus, but have not finished them! I have had them for years! I work best on small projects, that said I have completed several very cute Christmas decorations, a santa and snowman are my favorites and I put them out every year!
Morning Mary
My largest was a quilt top. It might not count though because it was made up of lot’s of smaller projects.
I would like so much to do the house on the cover of Home Sweet Home.
A needlepoint throw pillow, 16″ square.
The largest embroidery project I have ever completed is a geometrical blackwork design by Elizabeth Almond, “Cross Crosslets.” Now that I am semiretired, I am trying a lot of new things in handwork, and this was my first attempt at blackwork, using beads so extensively, and working with so much metallic thread (just DMC “Light Effects” and their spooled “gold” thread). I made a few changes that I am happy with. There are a couple of oither things that I might do differently next time, but that’s what so great about trying new things.
I love all the different things you show us on the website. I particularly like the current ecclesiastical embroidery you are currently working on; it presses all my buttons in terms of style and color. I look forward to seeing its progress.
The largest project I have ever completed was a 17th century band sampler design from a class with Darlene O’Steen. It is a fabulous sampler with a large cutwork area in the bottom. Cutting all those threads after completing a huge amount of silk counted thread work was very scary! The piece came out lovely though. It actually won Best of Show at the county fair and then won Best of the Best of Show at the state fair. Needless to say, I was thrilled!
Good afternoon,
The biggest embroidery project i have done is SMALL!
I embroidered a purse i made for my daughter out of
old jeans. However, currently,i am working on your design
of the Easter Cross or cross of glory in your free pattern link. That then will be my biggest project.
I’ve done a lot of small pieces, but just last night finished a 15×15 pillow that I have been working on for several months. Immediately after, I started another crewelwork pillow (14×14) that I don’t think will take as long. Since discovering your site, I have finished two others and am getting ready to undertake a larger project (as soon as I can order some Evertites!). I’ve been stitching every chance I get thanks to your inspiration, Mary!
Our quilt group had a project of block per month and each of us did our own design and colors. I finished each of my blocks with embroidery using both cotton and silk thread. It was about 30 x 30. It has the same feel as the Home Sweet Home box has. I have learned so much from your column’s. It is fun to look forward to your daily lesson and visual pictures. What a wonderful project it would be to assemble the whole box and all the wonderful items that go into it. Keep your articles coming and hopefully sometime I will win one of your generous gifts.
You had to put that “completed” word in there, didn’t you? Ha, ha.
If I can count crazy quilts, I finished a wall hanging apx. 20″ x 20″ that was entirely embroidered by hand.
If you count bead embroidery it is a 10″ x 10″ mandala with primarily beads, but also some metalic thread.
If I can count a W.I.P., it’s a copy of Queen Elizabeth’s Bible Cover from the Gutenburg Project site that I enlarged to apx. 12″ x 24″. This one is flat silk and goldwork. It has occupied my slate frame for quite a while.
I’ve always wanted to do a bed cover but haven’t found the pattern I want so far that I will love so much I will finish it. I won’t start one unless I find such a pattern.
Thanks for another great giveaway, Mary.
my largest project is a set of pillows for my girls’ room. It has different animals, so a looot of work is going into that…
What’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed?
Table cloths – plus many large pictures that hang thruout my home one is 36 x 48
I like to do many kind of projects, but the ones I often do are tablecloths (linens) for religious altars. I can, as well, do embroidery painting on small pieces of linen.
The most recent large project I have completed is St Basil’s, a Carole Lake class (size about 22x 15)…
I made a counted cross stitched piece back in 1985 that was framed until just recently. I decided to reframe it and now after cleaning it I’m considering using it as a center to a quilt.
An 18 x 24 cross stitch of an angel was the largest project I completed and gave to my dear friend. This was 20 some years ago and she still has it hung in her home. Also, I did 2 cross stitch in Renaissance style, one with a lady and greyhound and the other with a jester and monkey. These turned out so well if I may say so myself.
what better place than Home sweet Home – especially if that’s a project waiting
Hi Mary,
I would love to own this book – I was drawn to it when you posted about it earlier! My largest embroidery project was crewelwork, about 16 x 20. I like to do projects small and long-term, and think this workbox pattern would be a fabulous long term project. Thanks for the opportunity!
Tomi Jane
I really want to win this because I LOVE all things small! I think the largest embroidery I ever did was about 18″ x 18″ and it had tons of knots (for the tree leaves). Love making knots – is that because they are small? Ever since you reviewed the Home Sweet Home book, I’ve been wanting to purchase it. So if I don’t win it, I’ll need to break down and buy it.
Love your sharing of projects, how-to’s, and even what to do when something goes wrong. Been lurking out here and never entered a give-away before…so maybe I’ll get lucky and win! Thanks for all you do.
Largest finished projects:
– longest : German Band sampler, The Examplarery
-Cross stitch, complex/shaded, GK design
-Needlepoint tapestry approx. 18″x24″
-Hardanger tablecloth
-Jap.embroidery – ph.13 completed but longer/larger/more complex JE pieces in the works
– would be great to “win something” – this book intrigues me because of the ‘construction info’ and the project looks like fun
The largest embroidery project I finished was last year when I designed 9 quilt blocks w/ my own drawn embroidery flowers. The designs are awesome, my stitching is fine but I am not a pattern maker and the long arm quilting doesn’t show it off right. Everyone loves the designs though and if I can just get the other stuff together the designs will sell themselves. A quilt store in Col. Spgs however has it displayed and they are teaching it as a BOM.
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever finished was a cope for an Episcopal bishop. The embroidery was a Guild project (many hands) but I had the privelege of assembling the garment once the embroidery was finished. It was beautiful and, ultimately, was well received!
JudyJ in Golden
I have always wanted to live in a cottage. I grew up in NYC.
Thanks for the chance to win this great book! Your site has been an enormous help to me so a big thanks for all your help!
The largest piece I embroidered was my work shirt from college. After that various pieces. My favorite project is the one I am doing with my two daughters who are finally interested in embroidery! Of course I introduced them to Mary and this wonderful source of stitches. We are finishing up a lap quilt with interspersed embroidered blocks.
Oh I would love to win this book. My husband is a beekeeper (as a hobby) and this would be so sweet with all the bees and the hive. Keeping my fingers crossed that your extra copy comes to live at my house. Thanks to Country Bumpkin too.
I’m a cross stitcher and just learning to embroider. Your site & information has been a world of inspiration to me.
Several of my pieces have been quite large. Two that stand in mind are a wedding piece I did for my step-son 12 years ago. Quite an undertakeing! And a contest piece last year in the Quaker style where I had to personalize with my initials & motifs that started with B (ie: bees) Just looking at my walls brings to mind several others that were a joy to stitch.
Carolyn’s book, An Embroidered Workbox, looks stunning & exciting to challenge me. Thank you so much for your generosity in this giveaway and in all the knowledge you share.
My largest project is my first crazy quilt, about 62 x75, finished in 2003. It was something that I had incubated in my head, saved special items for, etc. for thirty years and at the encouragement of a friend, I jumped in and started. It took over my life for a year and it demanded that I work on it every day; sometimes it would be afternoon before I discovered that I hadn’t bathed, dressed or ate! That time of my life is a wonderful memory!!
Hi Mary, thanks for a great giveaway, yet again. The largest project I have completed to date is a jacket, bustier and pants for a competition in the Uk. The project took six months to complete from design concept to completion. Although I didn’t win, I was one of 25 finalists out of over 400 entries worldwide.
Laurie in Mississauga, On.
Hi Mary,
I am a newcomer to this and 70 yrs old. I just recently decided to sign up with you though I have been following you a long time. I am a quilter and have made several queen size quilts. I am currently into surface embroidery on wool and want very much to advance. The largest project I have done so far is a crazy patch pumpkin wool pillow with decorative embroidery stitches. I have purchased several books on embroidery and would love to have a copy of the book you are offering.
I am glad I found your website and hope you keep up the good work. I have learned from you more than you will ever know. I appreciate all the work and time you have given to this. Thank you.
The largest embroidery project that I have completed is a wall picture which is 14″ X 16″.
I have just completed an heirloom 22″x28″ St. Francis of Assisi cross stitch for my mother- using 138 colors. I am so ready to freestyle! What a fabulous giveaway- thank you!
I’m taking your question to mean largest in hours not size. I think it would have to be a drawn thread dress with threads removed and then stitched to look like lace insertion. Altho it appears to be finished if you don’t know better, I estimate there is at least 40 hours of work left to complete it as originally designed. I would love to win the book — actually borrowed a friend’s copy last night and love it.
After my brother was married in 1997, my mother asked me to finish a cross stitch wedding sampler that she has purchased. 14 years later i finally finished it. It was the largest project i’d ever done, but it was so pale/pastel that it was hard to see and i think i went blind during the work, so i took a break of a few years to let my eyes rest….But now it’s finished and i never want to cross stitch again. And that’s ok, because i have a lot of other embroidery techniques to be working on.
Beautiful book! One that I’d like to add to my library of embroidering books. Of course before it would go there, I would just have to do some of the projects in the book.
The largest embroidery project that I’ve done, if I remember right, was a 20 x 20″ wall hanging that I did for my mother many years ago. It was a nature scene which she just loves. She still has it on her wall at home.
Hmm, I think my largest finished project was a 12×12 cross stitch. I started it right after I quit smoking several years ago and it took me almost a full year to complete. I’m working on a table set (napkins and runner) at the moment. 🙂 Thanks for offering the opporutnity to win this wonderful book, Mary!
I have been working on a crazy patch quilt for several years and more to go! It is brocades,silks,velvets, and the like and all my embroidery is in silk thread. I taught myself from books and it is sooooo rewarding and fun. I love the tips on Mary’s e-mail every day.
I go by sewgrandmajojo but I don’t have a website yet.
I think my largest piece was a cross stitch and hardanger wedding piece I made for my sister that measured 24″x36″. After all the work I made her promise that it would come back to me if there was a divorce!
Many years ago, I did a baby quilt with embroidery. That was the largest piece of embroidery I have achieved in my life. Mostly, I do small pieces.
I love doing all sorts of needlework; crewel embroidery, cross-stitch, wool embroidery, etc. When I was first married I made 2 very large needlework landscapes: an autumn scene and a winter scene. Each was about 24 inches by 30 inches. I remember showing the finished autumn scene to my parents and both were amazed at what I had done.
My largest embroidery project was a cross stitch of Noah’s Ark that I made for my sister. It was about 20 x 14. What she particularly liked about it – other than the colors – was the words running around the border – “and it rained and rained and rained” etc. I have completed a larger project, but not as intricate.
The Home Sweet Home book has projects that just make me take a deep breath – truly beautiful things.
Hi Mary, what a lovely opportunity to own a great book. My largest piece of embroidery was a picture I charted myself before I got into specialty stitches. It was solid cross stitches and it measured 32 inches squared of stitched area.
I do many many pieces of embroidery a year …mostly Demensional ..Have sold several pieces some in 6oo dollar range … country bumpkin book is interesting … love your daily post so varied daily … thank you !!!
my friend wants the workbox book desperately and is a gifted needleworker. she recently lost her dear husband suddenly, and i would so love to surprise her with this book to lift her spirirs and give her a special project to work on.
My largest hand-stitching project was when I was in middle school. My friends and I decided it would be really cool to embroider our funky designs on our PE uniforms – my Mom taught my friends and I all kind of cool stitches and of course we picked wild and crazy colors of thread. My poor mother – her thread stash was depleted by silly teenage girls.
In fact I still have that PE uniform – just can’t bear to part with it!
I am actually working on the largest project I have done. It is an embroidered quilt based on a picture by Charley Harper. I think that the most time consuming project I have done is a super heroes quilt for my nephew. It wasn’t necessarily large in size, but very labor intensive. I embroidered the logos from several of the justice league characters. The superman one took over 25 hours just for that one. Anyway I would love this book! It seems so cool!
-Heather in Chicago
I’m quite a new embroiderer. My largest project so far has been a bed cover embroidered with 18 butterflies, in different colours. I used the stitches and the techniques learnt on this website. A terrific Christmas present for my mum!
My biggest project was a history of the flag, done in cross stitch on linen. It has 10 flags, the pledge of allegiance, and other slogans. Framed, the linen measures 18 x 23 inches. I didn’t do any stitching for about 2 years after that!!
I did a Tree of Life some years ago with the names of all our family members. Looking at it now, how much has changed. Grandchildren born, a divorce and remarriage. Life!
There is a largish wool crewel picture hanging over out bed that I finished a couple of years ago.
Now if you had asked about large projects started. 🙂
Elaine in New Mexico
The largest piece I have completed is a reproduction sampler I finished in 1974. It is about 15 by 18 inches. I still love it and it has hung in my living room all these years. Currently I am working on a 20 by 30 inch counted cross stitch piece that I designed myself. This was planned as a multi year WIP because I am also working on several small pieces exploring different types of needlework. I would love to win a copy of this book because it would give me a chance to try new things in all the small projects before I tackled the box itself.
Oh my gosh! That is THE most wonderful book! My friend who has recently had to have hip replacement to to degeneration has recently rediscovered needlework as a past time and actually gasped aloud when I showed her this! It would be so nice for her to have this to work from as she will never be able to move again as she once did.
Hi Mary,
I am a beginner in embroidery and I have just finished my first project which is a multicolor flower and stem design on a black sari. The flowers are done in spider web-ribbed stitch and the stem in double chain stitch and a bunch of buds in french knots.
I learned all these stitches from this website and I should thank you for it.
My biggest project? A needlepoint rug. 10′ x 12′–worked in squares so it wasn’t quite as horrendous as it might have been worked in one piece. I did it years ago, before I had children and still had “free” time!
The largest and most difficult piece of embroidery I completed was a Tallit bag for my husband. The pattern was of a lyre stitched in gold threads over one thread on dark blue linen I believe 28 ct. the lyre was surrounded by shaded oak leaves over 2 threads. The lyre had beautiful scrollwork and was the most difficult stitching I’ve ever done. Stitching on dark fabric over one thread was a major challenge but was very rewarding.
The largest embroidery project I’ve completed so far is a 4 x 4 pin cushion.
I have three very large embroidery pieces that are in my living room. They are treasures to me and they represent a time in my life when I was super productive! The largest of the three is a scene from Denmark, where we used to live. It is 4½ feet tall by 3 feet wide. The threadcount is 32 and almost the entire piece is covered with stitchery. I have a picture of the piece that I would love to attach. But since that will not work, I will gladly email anyone who wants to see it at which time I’ll attach the picture. Happy Stitching everyone!
The biggest: it depends on how you measure big. In size, the biggest was a Butterfly in pulled work with a darning pattern border,around 13 x 18, but in time the “biggest” was probably the canvas work adaptation of Charley Harper’s Br-r-r-d Bath. I couldn’t even begin to estimate how long it took, but once the stitching was done there were still 1100 seed beads to add. The biggest in sense of accomplishment was a pulled work sampler pillow with 48 two-inch squares placed randomly. I chose some non-traditional fabric and flower thread in blue. Some designs were part of the cyberclass and some were patterns I found in my library. Biggest in terms of importance to me was the Hardanger wedding ring pillow for my son and his bride. I guess you could say that “big” comes in many flavors.
Hi Mary, thanks for the opportunity to win “Home Sweet Home!” The largest embroidery I’ve done was a counted cross stitch baby sampler for one of my children years ago. Since then, counted cross stitch hasn’t been my focus. I’m finishing up a redwork quilt with twelve blocks embroidered. The purpose was to teach myself some stitches I had not done before, so I used your tutorials and learned a lot; thank you very much!
I am new to embroidery. So my largest project has been a Brazilian piece that was only 4 x 5. But it has given me confidence to make a larger size project.
Mary in Oregon
Hi Mary, hummm, my largest piece is a tie between a crewel butterfly on dark green in mostly blues, a wall hanging. The butterfly tied with a ribbon embroidery (took the longest time) of flowers and bugs with surface embroidery accents scattered about. They were both about 10″ x 15″. I would love to pretty up my sewing space with that lovely little box and its contents.Thanks to you and Country Bumpkin for the opportunity to own it.
Oooh I love Hazel Everetts book, I gave it as a present to my mother a little while ago, and now I want it too! The book you’re giving away also looks very nice, it would be a lovely project to do!
The biggest project I’ve completed..I actually just finished it, although it isn’t completely finished yet, it still needs to be mounted. But here it is:
Its an oil painting(the face and the background)with cotton needlepainted flowers. I’m not sure in hours how long it took, but I started in August and just finished it. I had a lot of other work to do inbetween though, so I think, if I could work every day on it(as in, 8 hours a day), it would’ve taken a month. It was a lot of fun though! I was almost sad when it was, the oil paint needs to dry for a few months before I get to mount it 🙁 But that gives me time to look for a frame <3
Love your blog, as always!
My largest and last project was over 20 years ago. I stitched a tree skirt for my mother in law, using the Ohio Star quilt pattern on a forest green background with everyone’s name embroidered throughout. My MIL must like it because she has used it every year since. Recently I’ve gotten ‘bit’ by the sewing bug again and am teaching myself as many stitches as I can before I take on any projects. I would love to win Carolyn’s book, Home Sweet Home. It looks like a beautiful book with projects that would be treasured for years to come. Thanks for the opportunity : D
I am just beginning in embroidery and my biggest project, so far… is a table scarf. It has been fun and also a real learning lesson all in one. Thank you for this chance to win.
The book is beautiful. I just saw the ones two friends purchased.
My largest finished project was a Bob Timberlake design of Raggedy Ann and Andy that I made for a gift. The design was about 10″ x 14″ and was my first larger piece on linen that was completely stitched. I have a painted ladies houses cross-stitch project in the works that is about twice that size.
Hi Mary. Another give-away! And such a nice one. I would love to have a copy of this delightful book. The largest embroidery project I have completed is two 10 x 12 inch flower arrangements done in crewel work. Thanks for the generous give-away.
Barbara B in Ellettsville, IN
I am almost finished with a 12 block embroidered quilt….that is my biggest project to date and will probably be my last ever of this size…….wowza!
Thanks for the change to win!
The largest embroidery project I ever completed was probably a crewel work sampler type project I completed in my teens for the 1976 bicentennial. Yes, I am dating myself. Sorry to say, I’ve worked on much smaller projects ever since (but I usually finish them).
I am a beginner in embroidery. I am working on my first project of an outline pattern of Halloween spook houses. I love to view your more complicated embroidery even though it is far above my capabilities. I would love to start a collection of embroidery books.
I would love this book! I so enjoyed reading the review and the idea of doing that workbox makes me drool. My largest project to date has been a large cross stitch sampler which is a stylized view of an English town ca. late 1800’s complete with houses and businesses. Over this I added some silk ribbon embroidery accents (trees, flowers, etc.) and embroidery stitching. The sampler measures about 36″ x 30″ and proudly hangs in a place of honor in my sewing room. Not because it’s any great work of art, but because it took me almost 2 years of steady work to complete it…but I did it!
The largest embroidery piece I stitched was a cross stitch piece. Flowerpots with violets.
It took me 3 years to stitch it as I had the original pattern enlarge to fit on the wall. It measures about 50 x 70 cm, frame included.
At this point the largest piece I’ve completed is a 9X11″ Urban Threads apothecary design but I have some new art pieces in mind that are inspired by artwork from 1890-1940 that will likely run bigger.
And a small note of thanks for your site and all the fantastic information on it – I wish I would’ve found this place years ago!
My largest project to date was an EGA seminar piece by Marsha Papay Golmola- The Hummingbird Pincase
The largest project that I have ever completed was a big, big sampler that is now framed and hanging on my wall. The second largest was a pair of chinese style animals which hang in my dining room.
Hi Mary,
The largest project I ever embroidered was a wedding sampler that I made for my son & his new wife. It was an original creation that I drew myself. I did use some applique on the piece as well. It was two flying with ribbons in their beaks that was connected to a heart. I completed it in about 3 months & I intended to give it to my future daughter-in-law as a wedding shower gift. However, when I took it to have it professionally framed, the store I brought it to either lost it or ruined it and never saw it again.
There are two big embroidery projects that I have finished, and both are now worn occasionally by the Archbishop of Liverpool,UK, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King.
Both vestments were done in needle painting. The first one was a Marian vestment, and I chose different flowers that had a meaning for Mary. I did some daffidils, forget-me-nots, fushia, rose and lily,. There were some others but I can’t remember them!.
The second vestment has a figure of Christ on a rainbow on one side and the other side is of Mary holding the infant Jesus. They both took about six months to embroider in silk and I feel very proud of them.
Only pillow cases,but I would like to own this book of course.
My largest completed projects have all been pretty small. But I’m currently working on an alphabet sampler that when completed will be my largest project by far. I would love to make the workbox, but it’s a little intimidating.
The largest embroidery project was either my Brazilian Embroidery pillow, my Cross Stitch Amish Sampler or another Cross Stitch Sampler I did.
The largest project was a 12 x 12 square.
I would love to have the workbox book desperately. The largest embroidery project I have done was 24 squares that were 12″x12″ for a queen size quilt. Ever since you reviewed the Home Sweet Home book, I’ve been wanting to purchase it, but my husband says I can’t, so here’s hoping I can win it.
First – thank-you for your website/blog – it’s wonderful and I have learned a great deal from you. Speaking of which – my largest project was a
14″ X 26″ needlepoint of the Bluenose II (a sailing ship). I was a beginner to needlepoint and did not use a frame or bars – consequently the ship has a distinct list to it. I have since learned (from you and many other accomplished needle workers) that preparation and proper tools are essential to a projects success. I am learning to like the process even though I’d rather just stitch.
I’m not sure if it counts as an embroidery project, but my largest project was a king size quilt for my granddaughter. It was totally made by hand , a Sunbonnet Sue Calendar quilt and all little people appliqued and buttonhole stitched.Quilted by hand too. It took five years and five months to complete.
The lovely little cottage in Carolyn’s book might?? be done in a shorter time, but would be well worth any amount of time to make it.
My largest project was a 40″ round Christmas tree skirt for myself. It took me four months to complete!
By the way, I ordered my subscription to “Inspirations.” I’ve already received my first issue, Issue 72. Thank you Mary and Country Bumpkin for offering the 20 percent discount. I subscribed for two years.
My biggest, most intense embroidery project is an on going V&A museum free pattern share of a 17th stomacher with silk threads. I well be finished one day.
I’ve done cross stitch for almost 30 yrs., but I’ve never done any embroidery. I’ve always wanted to learn and have been watching your blog for instructions and inspiration. I love your site/work – you give such good tips. I’m hoping to win the book so I can finally take the plung. I’m hoping to be one of the lucky people to get into your upcoming class too! The little peaks at the project look beautiful.:-)
Jackie P. – Anderson, SC
Many years ago I did a piece that was approximately 11″ X 14″. It was my first attempt at embroidery. The fabric was an off white course linen. The embroidered words were:
Diane Katherine
February 25, 1961
3 LBS. 14 OZ.
Redwood City, California
I used pink floss for the words then did flowers around the edges then I framed it. Diane has it now. It was a labor of love.
Judy Neil
Interesting your question: I’m just beginning my biggest project ever!
My biggest project completed it’s a square tablecloth with 1 meter (+/-) each side
I can’t brag about any large embroidery projects I’ve done. Mostly small ones for picture frames or mason jar lids. I used to cross stitch and have several pictures on the wall of beautiful stitching. I woke up one morning and was ‘through’ with cross stitch. I’m just getting my embroidery gears started. I loved that book with all the little ideas for projects! That’s one of my biggest problems. I do all this work but don’t know what to do with it after it’s done.
Thanks again for the inspiration!
I do medieval reenactment, and the largest project I ever completed was embroidering the 12 yards of fabric required for one dress in a period manner. It was beautiful! I learned a lot as I did it, some of the first yards weren’t as crisp and clean as the later ones. 🙂
It has to be either the fully silk-embroidered Elizabethan coif, complete with pearl embellishments OR the 385 stitches X 87 stitch counted work. I really don’t do much counted work, but I did that project for my husband while he was deployed to Iraq. I managed to stitch for five months and NEVER mention it in letters or conversation. That was almost as hard as the stitching!
What’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed?
I think the largest project I’ve completed was and embroidery inset to a lovely satin shirt. Thanks you for this opportunity.
I’m working on my biggest project. I’m embroidering a crazy quilt. This is my first time crazy quilting and I Love It
Hello Mary, My longest project was a Christmas Quilt called “Winterberry Square” by RoGregg. I went embellishment crazy and beaded all the Christmas trees, embroidered all the outfits, including little hats the folks were wearing, put fur on their skirts, made the ice skating pond glisten with thread., etc. WOW! It is really beautiful. Then gave it to my sister Jackie where it proudly hangs all winter. Love the site, learned so much and appreciate you.
The largest project I’ve even done was an alpine winter scene in crewel work, size 19″ x 15″. I entered it in a county fair in Big Spring, TX (!!!) and I don’t think it went over very well there. Didn’t win any ribbons at all. Other western theme projects took all the ribbons. 🙁 Now I’m working on another crewel project, a Jacobean type picture of flowers and a bird. I may enter it in the county fair this summer in Salem, VA, but don’t know yet. I would love to win this book, I have her other book on her embroidered bag and love her work. Thanks. Ellen Johnson from Roanoke, VA
You book selection is wonderful. I have purchased two of your recommendations and found them most useful! To win would be a great addition to my library and help with my stitching.
The largest project I have finished is a tablecloth some years ago, but am (and have been for some time, just to be honest) working on a reproduction 17th century sampler that is as long as I am tall.
What a fabulous give-away. This would be a wonderful book to own. Thank you Mary!
Largest project for myself would be my Kitchen curtains. They are a compilation of patterns, original designs and techniques they took me just around 2 years to complete. I enjoyed every moment of them.
The largest piece I completed is a canvas sampler project by Gay Ann Rodgers titled “Guardian Angels of Hollyhock House.” This one unframed is 17X13. I tend to do much smaller, though often more involved pieces, especially since I’ve discovered stumpwork. I’m getting ready to start a reproduction sampler that’s about 44 inches long when finished. Fortunately, it’s not too wide. When completed, I think that will end up being the largest.
The largest embroidery project I have ever completed was a wallhanging with two very brightly colored parrots! I did it years and years ago…before kids or grandkids! It was crewel embroidery on linen and I loved the way it turned out!
Currently, I am working on a wall hanging for my daughter’s wedding that includes embroidery, photo transfer and quilting! So excited and so hoping I get it done before the end of March!
I have been embroidering since age 12 and am addicted to it!! I love the book “Home Sweet Home” and really really really need a copy of it!! 🙂
These are books to die for. I would love a chance to win one of them!
The largest piece I ever stitched was a cross stitch picture designed by Barbara & Cheryl, called Church street. It took me 5 months of next to full-time stitching to complete it. But the HARDEST one I did was a wedding gift for my third son, a set of 8 foam cubes covered on all sides with stitching, interlinked. Different sides show different details of the wedded couple and the cubes can be folded in different ways revealing different details. Photo’s in my webshots album 2011 if you are interested.It took 327 pins to put the whole thing together before sewing it.
The largest..? the bell pull…done in shades of white/ecru/beige etc. …it seemed to go on forever. But little by little, inch by inch, night after night it got finished. When it was done I looked …wow..I did that! It made a wonderful wedding gift. Carolyn’s book makes my heart aflutter………..
The largest project I have ever completed in the Long Dog Moulon Rouge… on 40 count linen with silk thread… took me several years working on it 1 pattern at a time. and I stitched in hand. It turned out about 21 inches square when completed.
The largest embroidery project I have worked on is on Piecemaker’s “Trees.” It was lots of fun. Am also doing hand embroidery on a poppy wall hanging and adding some embroidery to a couple of crazy quilt pillow covers.
I have been admiring this book for some time so hope I win it. Thanks for your site and thanks for the giveaways.
I traced some coloring book pages on white fabric, and embroidered them to make a quilt for my daughter before she was born.
I’ve had this on my wish list since first seeing in advertised on Amazon. It would be wonderful to have it now and not have to wait. This sewing set is adorable.
With so many sewing projects, upholstery work, slipcovers to make and sewing classes to teach, I just want to thank you for giving me a daily dose of embroidery with your Needle N Threat posts. It helps to keep me going with (and starting new) embroidery projects that might otherwise get put down and forgotten. And, chances to win fantastic stuff…I hope I win the book – it looks terrific!
Thanks Mary.
Mary Ann
The largest embroidery project I have completed is a 16″ block of “Ladies in Red” by Karen Phillips-Shwallon. It’s gorgeous and I’m starting block 2 (of 16 blocks). It’s learn as you go so I’m practicing new stitches each block. I hope to make these into a quilt.
I have always loved cute houses and saw a marvelous one done like Carolyn’s at our EGA meeting last fall. I would love to win the book and make one myself. Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter this contest. You’re Very Special,
Claudia from NJ
The largest embroidery and handwork project I have ever completed is my kimono wall hanging which was a challenge in kit form. All of the seams, handwork, beadwork, embellishment with ribbonwork etc. It took over a year and I am very proud of this. I have also done two large crewel pieces from Creative Circle, one was the church, it is about 17 x 24.
The largest embroidery project I have ever undertaken was a table cloth. After many months of stitching, I wasn’t sure I could take a chance on something getting spilled during a meal. I certainly didn’t want to get any stains on all that beautiful needlework! But, if we don’t enjoy the needlework we have done why do it? Some of the special pieces I have were made and used by my Grandmother. They bring back memories that never can be replaced.
I think the largest was a pair of baby shoes I embroidered for my daughter. That was before she was born, of course! LOL!
Oh, my goodness! The photos from Home Sweet Home leave me weak in the knees! I’m a beginning (in ability, not longevity) needleworker, but I love the idea of beautiful and functional projects like these. The largest needlework project I have taken on to date was a cross-stitched alphabet that I worked on while waiting for my daughter to be born. I had it made into a draft dodger, but of course have never used it on the floor! I hope to complete a crazy quilt someday, but it won’t be for a while. I’ve been lurking on this site for a couple of months, but this is the first time I have posted a comment in the hope of receiving something you offered. Your site is a little bit of refreshment in my day! Thanks.
I embroidered a heart filled with flowers as a Ring Bearer pillow. I think I got the pattern from your site and it took me months to finish. But it was worth it!
When I was very young, 14 perhaps, I saw a book with a Jacobean embroidery done in a rather large tapestry. Being the ambition child, I decided to do the tapestry myself. I recently (and I am 50 years old now) found the 5 foot long linen fabric that was to be this tapestry in with my mothers things…I’m glad she kept it for me. It only goes to show that embroidery lovers think in terms of long term (multi-generational) goals. Well, my grand design only held one completed Jacobean bird on a branch from my youth. I still like the design and I still have the book…I will have to pick up this 36 year old project and add a few more birds and some flowers done before my as yet unborn grandchildren find it in my things 30 years from now…there had better be an embroiderer in the next generation to pick up where I leave off…
My 38 year old daughter is disabled, and just learning to embroider. It is filling many lonely hours for her. I would love to be able to give this to her.
Thank you so much
The largest “completed” projects were bibs for my babies. I have lots of projects that are not completed “yet”! I am now working on a 2012 Block of the Month series and am committed to finishing each one before the next one arrives in the mail.
I would love to have that cute little Home Sweet Home book.
I’ve stitched many beautiful pieces, but my favorites are the mixed media stockings I made for myself, my husband and our triplett. I made a crazy quilt base and added many different embroidered motifs along with little family mementos from grandmothers and greatgrandmothers.
I stitch mostly very small projects – I like the instant gratification of finishing something. The largest thing I’ve ever stitched is probably a card table sized cloth that was a Christmas gift for my mother. It was one of my first Hardanger projects, and it took a lot longer to finish than I expected. I think she finally got it in time for Easter!
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t recall any finished needlework projects despite starting a few over the years. Then I remembered that I made a Ren Faire costume for my son when he was an infant that had blackwork along the edges. So I did finish one! It has just been a while. (Said son is now a full grown adult.)
My largest project to date is Celtic Christmas by Lavender and Lace and its lovely!
I have not done any large embroidery projects. I have done a few wall hangings. The biggest is St. Nicholas surrounded by ornaments. It is an embroidered St. Nick and crazy quilted ornaments. Thank you for the chance to win this book.
The biggest embroidery project I’ve completed is the only one I’ve completed! It’s a teapot which was drawn on black cloth. I chose a range of threads, downloaded all your stitch videos and had enormous fun completing it. Now I’m hooked!
Hi Mary,
Another fantastic give-a-way and from my favourites, I just love all things Country Bumpkin!
My biggest project was my friend’s daughter’s wedding dress, not only the biggest most important project but the one that gave me the most pleasure and I felt very honoured to have been asked. I flew to Australia from UK for the wedding and when I arrived the dress wasn’t finished as my dearest friend who was making the dress had cancer and had been so Ill that everything was so far behind the planned schedule. I was asked to do this precious project 5 days before the wedding! Yes, 5 days. So I sat day and night to complete it the evening before the ceremony.
Karen did not win her battle and we lost her last March.
The largest embroidery project I have done was a quilt when I was in my teens. I do alot of Xstitching lately but embroidery always calls!
Applause applause. Best book give away yet! I love it. What wonderful designs. Thanks for this chance!
The piece I have spent the most hours on is my hardanger angel which took me about 250 hrs to stitch. It is approx. 12″ high and one of my favourite projects.
I also completed a ‘thread painting’ picture that measures approx. 8″x10″ with a beautiful blue butterfly as the main feature.
The largest project I have done is one that I am still working on. It is about 12×12 and the main focal point is a tree that is all french knots at the top. Some are over padded areas to give dimension. It has taken me a long time…good thing I love french knots!
Sorry Mary I forgot to mention on my post that the design for my friend’s daughter’s wedding dress was Emily’s timeline to honour her aboriginal ancestors.
What’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed?
I very happily completed my first project which turned into a trivett for my hubbie as a Christmas, 2011 gift. It has a picture of a Chianti wine bottle, two wine glasses, apples and cheese. It was a counted cross stitch project.
I’m hooked. I love your site and save all your newsletters. Thank you for sharing your tips and treasures. This book looks wonderful!
Largest in size, probably a stumpwork bird on a branch that was about 12 inches across.
Largest in time and number of stitches – a Persian carpet on silk gauze. Very time consuming, but such a pretty effect 🙂
Hi Mary, I am currently working on a cross stitch table cloth. It is sort of a monochromatic study in Ecru. I am near the end and growing weary. My pure embroidery piece is a 16″ square crazy quilt piece. I loved doing it and it took second plac at our Nevada State Fair. I think I may gave a bed size crazy quilt in me…let’s see, I am 61. Maybe!
The largest embroidery project I’ve completed is a 16 x 27 winter woods with deer piece. It was specialty stitches and cross stitch with many blended colors. Ten different stitches, 63 colors and very detailed piece that took me over 9 months to complete.
Thank you for another opportunity to win a great book. I’m drooling just looking at the cover!
Pam in IL
The largest embroidery projsects I’ve done have been my chldren’s Christmas stockings in crewel. I love all the different stitches and threads. Thanks so much!
I would dearly love to have the book for inspiration, do do the small projects, for reference and just to read.
The largest embroidery project I have done was a rather complicated English Advent calendar. It was counted cross stitch with the entire thing covered in stitches. I made it for my Grandson and he can hardly wait each Dec. 1 to put it up. I had made one for his Father when he was a year old and then at his request I made one for his Mother which was individually designed by my daughter. It is lovely as well.
My first embroidery work was done 75 years ago. I made a couple of pot holders for my Aunt.
OH…….maybe I’ll get lucky and be a winner this time. I just love the looks of this book. I can see myself on a cold night all bundled up reading about all the projects! What Fun!!
Love your website and newsletter! The largest embroidery project I’ve done is a x-stitch of Norman Rockwell’s Stockbridge at Christmastime–it’s a great piece and hangs in my home year-round.
The largest embroidery project I’ve completed would probably be a cross stitch sampler I did in the late 90s – it’s about 11″ x 17″. A larger one is still a UFO!
If you disallow cross stitch, then we would be talking about some redwork, a 9″ square block.
If you expand to include needlepoint, then I have a few 16″ square pieces, 25,600 stitches each! Cross stitches mind you, not tent stitch!
Hi Mary,
Biggest in terms of finished size, a near-life size crewel sunflower, about 4 feet high. In terms of amount of stitching, a set of two large 18-count cross stitch Christmas stockings for my son and daughter, which took about a year each including the time it took me to actually construct the stockings. Tons of fun!
Marilyn P. in Las Cruces, NM
Thanks for the chance to win this book, it looks like a wonderful set of projects!
The largest project I’ve ever done has been a pair of 14×14 Macintosh Roses – they were designed as pillows, but I framed them and hung the pair up above the headboard of my bed.
Would love to make some of the projects in that book. Thank you for the chance to win.
Alas, I am a beginner with a hankerchief as thbe largest completed project.
I would love to do the whole project in this book!
I need a new challenge!
I have done two large project’s and those were the the Medieval mirror frames in Jane Nicholas’s book ‘Stumpwork embroidery’. They were a real challenge for someone new to Stumpwork!
Thank you for the opportunity!
My projects have been small so far…kind of a beginner.
Some really cute pillows.
Mary, Thanks to you and Country Bumpkin, I now have a 2 year (okay, I did treat myself!) to Inspiration magazine so I feel almost guilty about trying to win Home Sweet Home. My largest embroidery project was done at the request of my mother-in-law for her home. It was a set of two large floral designs in autumn colors. She had them framed and put them above her fireplace where they stayed for many years. I was happy to do it for her as she was a lovely lady. Now that she’s gone, I’m even more glad I undertook that project.
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever completed is a celtic dog approximately 6″ in diameter. I created it some time ago, when I had just learned to do a satin stitch and the entire dog was done in a variety of color and that one stitch. I’ve gotten much better since then, but haven’t completed anything that big.
Currently I’m 3/4 done with a jacobean pattern that will be made into a medieval pouch.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book; I searched for a way to get it before Christmas!
The largest embroidery project I have completed was a fairly large cross stitch of egyptian art. I’d love to win the book! You rock!
My largest project was a thread painted blanket from Jan Kerton. Mice with berries. I have done several other of her designs since I finished the first one. Each grandchild has recieved one. Barb from OR
I don’t necessarily do large project, just a lot of projects. I guess the largest I’ve completed is Convent Herb Garden mandela by Martina Weber of Chatelaine. I’d sure love to receive the Home Sweet Home book. It looks fabulous.
Oh I hope you pick me!! The largest are two quilts with embroidery blocks. One says Walking in a Winter Wonderland in redwork with snowmen/women and winter scenes with white and red star pieced quilt blocks around the outside. The other is Snow Days with 14 embroidery blocks of country scenes with some going onto the pieced quilt blocks in colors of fall just before the first snow. In crewel I’ve done the 4 seasons. This book has so many ideas I could use! I’m ready for some smaller projects to carry with me in our travels, then put them in their lovely little cottage home. It looks so divine and heartwarming. Lucky gal who wins it even if it’s not me!!!
I started stitching in November, trying a hobby to help focus on something other than my chronic pain. I even started share bits with my toddler, who is a great helper. I have a large pattern ready and was going to start it, but my grandmother was very ill and my family took time away to help her. She dies Hawaiian appliqué and is known for her patterns and she loved to watch me work new stitches little by little as she recovered. So I put away my pattern and free hand stitched, out of her sight, a small blooming cherry tree on a grassy hill. The piece itself was approx. 4 inches high and 3 wide. I had it framed and gave it to her before we left for home, believing the cherry blossoms hold good luck. I learned very early, it isn’t the size of a project but the place it takes in your heart.
I think it may have been the year that I embroidered 5 full size tablecloths for my mom, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, sister and myself. It was a year long project too. The following year I knitted everyone sweaters, including my husband, father-in-law, and brother-in-law. Haven’t done it since!
The largest project I ever did was 3 French handsewn dresses for my grand daughters. There was hand embroidery all over the top, the sleeves, and fancy bottoms. It took close to 4 months of it seemed like full time embroidery. They wore them on Easter and on the first wearing, one of the girls leaned over and stepped on the bottom and ripped several hugh tears. Last big project for them.
I have done a tablecloth with chainstitch outlining and a whole lot of counted stitches in the figures. The tablecloth was about 4 by 4 feet.
My largest embroidery project is an ecclesiatical one. Embroidered on velveteen it is 52″ x 42″. I’m working on one now that is a little smaller.
Hmm, largest embroidery I’ve ever completed. That rules out the medieval-style cross-stitch that’s not finished yet. Most of my embroideries have been smallish. Say 8×10 inches, or so. There’s the memorial piece I made for a friend which is, if I remember correctly, about 12 by 10 or maybe a little bigger. Interesting question.
He he. I love this question as the answer still makes me giggle after all these years. 34 years ago I thought I would take up embroidery, so bought a Reeves, Spring flowers, 40″ x 20″. Nine years and three children later I finished it. My darling won’t have it anywhere else but above the fireplace in the living room as he is so proud I finished it. What a learning curve. I had the Readers digest book of stitches very close by and I really did learn as I went along.
My daughter now has the book as she has just started embroidery as well. Brilliant! Take care Mary and thank you for making me smile every day x
That would have been a cross stitch of a mother pin wearing a bonnet and feeding her babies for my ex mother in law. She gave up her pig collection but still proudly displays the picture I made her.
Right now I am doing your long and short stitches and working on stumpwork leaves as practise. I like pictures but live in a cottage type home and would rather make needlecases, scissor cases and box tops and such as we do not have a lot of wall’s that are empty.
The larges thing I have done is a cushion for my siste, but it wasn´t very big. Just some bout 5cm wide butterflies!!
Fab book.
The largest embroidery project that I ever completed was an adult sized wool blanket in Crewel. It was a woodland theme. Of course, it was a long time ago – right out of college, and no children. All of my projects now are much smaller.
Oh my gosh, Mary! I have Carolyn Pearce’s Home Sweet Home in my wish list as a must have! What a lovely giveaway for some lucky stitcher! (Fingers crossed!)
My largest project thus far was a rather large sampler completed several years ago that combined counted cross stitch and embroidery. The XS saying was the sundial favorite “Grow old along with me…” and was framed with flowers,animals and birds. Very fun project as it was very me! lol
The largest embroidery project I’ve completed is a 24″ square pillow cover, cross-stitched, of a garden path. I made it from a kit for my grandmother.
Usually I embroider my own designs, using embroidery embellishments on applique quilt blocks. The largest piece I’ve completed in that form was 24″ x 18″.
Don’t have any “large” projects – 3 I guess I’ve completed could be called medium. 1. Holbein-stitch band about 6″ wide across the bottom of an apron (RenFaire costume); 2. cross-stitch Celtic knotwork “welcome” – it’s only about 8×11 inches but on 18-ct Aida and the stitching covers at least half the cloth; 3. satin and stem-stitch vine-and-floral around the neck of a tunic.
I want to do the Workbox partly for the sake of the tree on one wall – the one with the rabbit at its foot. SUCH a cute rabbit, and we have cottontail/jackrabbit-cross wild rabbits around our house that look just like it. Even if I don’t win, though, I’m making a tapemeasure cover like hers.
The largest project I have stitched is Mary Queen Of Scots needlework casket. The stitching was wonderful and I have yet to complete the construction of the box. What made this a special project is that I was reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and traveled to Scotland while stitching. I could not have dreamed of a more perfect situation. Ruth
I made an alphabet book for my nephew with a different animal embroidered for every letter of the alphabet. It took almost as long to make the book as it took to “make him”!
The largest item I remember doing was a white christmas stocking with red flowers on it for one of my daughters many,many MANY years ago. Thank you for all the information, patterns and pictures of your work in progress. Very enjoyable. S.H. ffrom Tenn
Wow, what a nice give-away. Thank you. The largest single project I have tackled was a crewel work Christmas sampler sort of thing. It measures about 18″x24″. I finally had it framed about 10 years ago and I put it out every Christmas. I love looking at all the different colors and stitches. I made it at a time when my children were little and I wonder how and where I had the time.
I doodle-embroideried a pair of white jeans. A greek temple on the rear, ocean waves and shells on the bottom of the legs, other small pictures on the upper legs, and pretty border designs on the front pockets. I wish I still had them to take a picture of…
The book is adorable. The largest stitchery project I have ever done is a framed design that looks like scallop edged ribbons–I can’t recall the name or designer right now. It’s a combination of a lot of different stitches. I still love it even though I did it years ago, but I need to have it re-matted to go in the room where I plan to hang it. Thanks for the chance for the book!
Karen in Breezy Point
The largest embroidery project I ever finished was a crewel work pillow. I’ve improved my knowledge since but other works have been much smaller in size. The sewing box has captivated me since I first saw it. So glad it’s coming to the US!
Would love to make Home Sweet Home the largest project I have stitched. Until then, probably the New York stocking or one of the many C. A. Wells Cape Cod boxes and smalls.
Hi Mary! 🙂
The largest project I have completed is my daughter’s skirt I made for her. I embroidered all around the bottom with vines, leaves and flowers. Simple stitches, yet very cute for her! She loves it! Maybe not the best quality fabric, but by far very dear. 🙂 Thankyou!
Jen in Oregon
My biggest embroidery project so far was a medieval collar with four different heraldic symbols done in various stitches.
I have admired this book and project many, many times. I’d love to be able to do the whole project box using my wonderful Brazilian embroidery techniques.
Mary C.
I haven’t had the chance to accomplish a really big project until today, so the biggest thing I ever completed would be the colourful picture of a tree and some animals I gave away to a friend last Christmas.
Largest embroidery project was done many years ago. It was an old iron on 50 States flowers quilt. Pretty simple, but as a teenager, it seemed a big project. Thanks for the chance for great book.
I loved your review of this book and I love all my stitching gadgets even more. The chance to create something so beautiful to “house” them is fabulous. Thank you for this opportunity.
Heather in Sunny B.C. (at least today!!)
the largest piece of embroidery I have ever done to hang on the wall was a copy of a dutch masterpiece20x 36 and then there are the table cloth 50x 72 or the quilt which will be a queen size one when its finished every square has a colonial lady on it maureen murray
The largest completed – I think that would be the Victoria’s Sampler hardanger anniversary piece for my parents 50th anniversary. That was also the first time for hardanger, ribbonwork, and bullion roses. Largest totally is a crewel wildflower picture from the 70’s, still not completed. I really like the projects in this book – cute but not cutsie, and the end results are actually usable. Not that there’s anything wrong with pictures!
My largest embroidery project I ever completed ? Well… It is not really completed. Almost !!
This is my “12 months in the garden” project. A stumpwork project. I hope I will finish it soon !
The largest embroidery piece I’ve done is a 2 foot by 3 foot (I think, maybe a little bitter) map of the United States with the flowers of each state embroidered inside its outline. It was a kit I received for Christmas when I was in high school.
Hi Mary,
The largest projects I have COMPLETED would be several tablecloths of needlepainted flowers. I have also completed a number of cross stitch pictures, which, while physically smaller than the tablecloths were more time consuming as they involved complete coverage of the fabric with stitches.
The book looks, in the language of my children “awesome”.
I once tackled a floor pillow that measured 36″x24″. It was done in wool, and needless to say somewhere while I was working on it, I discovered I was sensitive to too much wool. Somehow I soldiered through finishing my black and white cow with a checkered edges ( I am not a fan of ‘Country’ chic, but I had fallen for the primitive look of the design.
The biggest embroidery project I have ever finished would have to be the gay ann rogers mystery sampler that were rooms of a house. The stitched part is 12 inches by 10 inches.
The biggest project I’ve done is a embroidered bag for keeping knitting in. But I would love to try this workbox!
I would love to have the book! The largest embroidery project I have done is a counted cross stitch floral piece that hangs in the foyer of my home.
I’m usually a little project person, but I embroidered a tablecloth for my mom which took absolutely forever. I love this book because it’s a lot of little projects that make up one big one!
The largest project I’ve completed recently is a crewel picture, about 14 X 18 framed. I started it while still single and will celebrate my 35th wedding anniversary in May!
What a lovely book by Carolyn Pearce – thanks for sharing, Mary.
As with all of your giveaways, I love it!
I do mostly smaller projects–that instant-gratification thing again! But the Largest (as in took longest to complete) was a set of cross-stitched Santa ornaments that spelled out “Christmas”…largest in size was a blue gingham tablecloth with white folk flowers in each corner (and eyelet ruffles on the edges!)
I have a 21-mo. old granddaughter to whom I would love to make doll-house type things for her…and I love books with pictures!
Thanks for the chance at another giveaway!
Hi Mary, I have been drooling over this set since I first saw it (on your website? in Inspirations? so much drool). Ironically, my biggest piece is a large crewel piece I did before I knew anything about such stuff! Now that I have learned more about embroidery, I am so particular and careful but I get much less done. The piece isn’t too bad, actually. THe stitches are good and the wool covers any imperfections. I cringe at the glue I used to mount it, and I suspect the mat is not acid free. All that being said, it will outlive me no doubt! And it is bright and cheerful and reminds me to LET GO and get it finished!!
Hello Mary,
Thank you for the update on the books you reviewed… I will have to check them out and read your review at the same time…
Jennifer G
Hi MAry,
The largest embroidery project I have completed would be one of the Lavender and Lace Christmas Fairies. Would love to have a copy of the book and make all the little bits and bobs that go in the box!
Have a great day!
Oh yes please enter me in your drawing for Carolyn’s book…….there are at least 6 of us here in No. Central Florida wanting to get our hands on this book to make the Cottage project! As to my largest COMPLETED embroidery project, it is a 15 x 18 Panorma of images of London done in Crewelwork. I purchased this in 1970 from the Needlewoman Shop in London and it took me 6 months to complete, but still hangs on my living room wall.
Dottie James
Aloha Mary,
Largest project was a 50th wedding anniversary gift for my Dad. I embroidered a pair of overalls with pictures of the farm where he and Mom live. I used photos for reference to do all the embroidery. On the back bib I did a family tree with the names of all my siblings. (Mom got a custom made necklace with a pearl for each child.)I often laugh because my husband has hijacked projects meant for others to put in his office. Winning this would be a real treat as I already have someone in mind to make this for. Waiting anxiously for the pic of the silk gauze embroidery you have planned.
OMG! Many years ago I was into cross-stitching hot and heavy. We had an exchange student from Italy living with us at the time of my one and only huge needlework project. I wanted to make something special for our student to take home to her family. So I got the bright idea to make a 3ft by 3ft US map! Inside each state was the state flower, bird and animal. Oh yeah! I got ‘er done in time before our student left us. There were many late nights getting that project done!
Thank you for your reviews of these books. I have completed counted cross stitch projects but am interested in learning to embroider and I have certainly been pleased to find your website. I have learned that hand embroidery seems to be a lost art…but one that I definitely want to experience.
I would absolutely love this book! I’ve never done anything this large before. I’ve wanted to do this particular project ever since I saw it on your site. I’m intrigued by the box itself as well as the smalls that go with it. I hope I’m the lucky one!!!!!!!!!!
The biggest was a picture of farm with trees and a water wheel. I would love to win.
I would love to win this book. It’s been on my wishlist of books to buy since your first review of it.
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever done was an afghan for my Mother-In-Law’s 70th birthday. I found it awkward to work with such a large piece of cloth, but the expression on her face made it all worth it!
I’ve done more complicated pieces and have many that have taken forever, but probably the biggest was the Cuxa Cloister Sampler by Erica Wilson. I bought the kit from The Metropolitan Museum of Art to make as an anniversary gift for an Aunt and Uncle. The uncle was an expert horticulturist and both loved the poem, “The kiss of the sun for pardon. The song of the birds for mirth. One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.” So the design was perfect for them. I worked diligently, but missed the date by about a month. Still, it was very appreciated and well worth the trouble.
The largest embroidery project I did (and just completed) was approximately 1-1/2′ x 4′ of yarn on flannel. I did a bunch of flowers in many colors inspired from a rug I have. Some straight, stem, split and unknown stitches were done for the piece. I am going to use it on the back of a loveseat to give my living room some color. Not done by “The Book”, just alot of fun. Thanks, Paula.
i made a hardangar, table runner
What an enticing book! The largest project I have done is a reproduction sampler. It was fun and turned out well but I was glad to put the last stitches into it.
I saw a folk art quilt in Early American Homes magazine in 1997 and wanted to complete the project. I did not have a pattern but went by the picture so it’s not a true twin but that’s what I like about it. It’s a queen size and all hand embroidered/quilted by me. I love it and am so glad I followed through. Thanks for your posts – I look forward to them. Ann
Huzzah! So excited to see another giveaway for this book! My largest piece to date was an embroidered alphabet afghan I designed and stitched when my nephew was born–twenty-six individual motifs charted for counted cross-stitch, plus my nephew’s name… everything designed from scratch. It was my biggest design project, of course, but also physically the largest piece I’d stitched. 🙂 ~ecb
Hi Mary
This is the book I have been awaiting arrival in the UK! I think the largest piece I have done was an Arabian lady which now hangs in my lounge here on the Isle of Man and which I so enjoyed doing. Many thanks for yet another give away!
All the best
Eleanor – Isle of Man
The biggest one it is an embroidered linen tablecloth in Richelieu. I love it.
This set is absolutely beautiful. This would
look lovely on a dresser ready to pick up and stitch. I would love to stitch this. Theresa
My largest embroidery projects have been 1 metre square hardanger tablecloths that I made for our children when they were engaged. I altered the designs and colours of both to suit.
The largest project I ever did was Crossed Wings Flower Power…it finished up at around 2 feet by 4 feet, with cross, cross over one,back stitch, and metallic blending filament. It was beautiful when finished…it was stitched for my mother-in-law. When I got divorced, I tried to buy it back, but no luck. I think she burned it on her front lawn!
Hi Mary, My largest project would probably be THe Waterfiield Sampler, a 17th century-type sampler originally published in Sampler and Antique Needlework magazine. It is about 3 ft. long with whitework and increasingly complicated bands of stitching, none of which include the basic cross stitch. It was stitched on 40 ct. linen. I needed glasses by the time I was finished!
The largest embroidery project I have ever finished? Hmmm, if you are talking about size, it was a cross stitch of a Haida (Native American) frog. If you are talking about from an intimidation perspective, it is a flower bouquest done in Brazilian embroidery. It has a number of the basic BE flowers and stitches and since I had not done any BE yet, it was intimidating. From a complexity perspective, the largest is still in work.
The largest project was a large tablecloth. The give-a-way would be great to have!!
Actually the largest embroidery project I finished was with my mother. We embroidered a quilt top, single bed size, for my nephew. This was when I was still in high school and that was many moons ago. We had all kinds of animals on it and a mailbox with his name. We even hand quilted it. I have fond memories of working on it with my mother.
O meu projeto maior foi uma toalha de natal toda bordada em ponto cruz….
Gostaria muito de ganhar esse livro, pois, pela capa, promete ser lindo…
Um grande abraço, pela generosidade,
de Maria Filomena
My major project was a Christmas tablecloth all embroidered in cross stitch ….
I would love to win this book, because, by its cover, promises to be beautiful …
A big hug, generosity,
Maria Filomena
Largest project versus the most time consuming would be the question. I would have to say the handmade christening gowns that have been made would qualify for the largest. Each project takes on its own “largeness”, only to be outdone by the next one. 🙂
I’ve been waiting for this book to come out on Amazon. It looks wonderful. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win it.
The largest embroidery project I’ve done so far is an 8 x 10 inch crazy quilt block. Lots of seam treatments and a few embroidered motifs.
The largest project I have completed is pretty tiny. It is a Tristan Brooks crewel piece called Newbury Small. I had fun stitching and I am quite proud as it is the first crewel piece I finished. It is only 3″ x 3″ but a big deal for me!
I think the largest embroidery project was a picture of a bird on black velvet for my home economics class in jr high. It was 12 w x 8 h.
(gift for my mother). I also embroidered my childrens clothes. The 4 most detailed were a christening dress covered completely in broidery anglaise & sewn by hand,a blue shirt
sewn by hand with drawn thread work & needle lace, a halter & skirt (top-butterfly in french knots & 3 flower groups on skirt), & a french hand sewn dress with bullion knot embroidery.
It was a large piece, for me, about 18-24, for a friend graduating from high school. A large scroll with her name and the date of graduation and the verse from Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future
I love the looks of this book, both the projects and as reference.
Beautiful book in this give away. It isn’ available in Europe yet, so i’ll try to win it here. I never win, but it’s fun to tr.
yMy largest project was “For Amelia” Dimples design. Maybe not the largest, but the longest:)It was my firs time working with silk and kreinik….
I think the largest embroidery project I have done is a blackwork correspondence course I took a couple of years ago. I’m not sure of the exact size, but I think it was about 12 x 24. It was my first attempt at blackwork and I relly enjoyed it!
Oh what a wonderful book and would love to have it. You are so kind to give it away to some lucky person.
The largest project I have done was a Dickens Christmas Village in cross stitch on perforated paper. It has over 70 pieces.
The largest project I’ve completed is the Lowell Sampler I believe it’s called. Not enormous, but I was just beginning so it seemed huge. I’m working on another kit now, The Queen’s Garden. Both crewel kits, my favorite kind of embroidery so far.
My largest embroidery project was the orhrey (front and back)for a Good Friday chasuble for my church. I mostly did couching of gold and embroidery threads on velvet, silk and satin designs. It took me a year. And, I also made a burse, stole and veil to go with it. Whew! Quite a project!
Probably the largest embroidery project I have made was a picture for my sons’ nursery. And now that I am reminded of it, I wonder where I put it? Thanks again Mary for your lovely and wonderful column,
Shelia in Oklahoma
I stitched a large crossstitch measuring 18 x 20 inches consisting of a poem about childrens hand prints and surrounded with baby animals. I created a custom mat with painted small handprints. The original design called for paint prints of small childrens hands on the bottom, I couldn’t bear the thought of real paint anywhere near the stitching, so I stitched the handprints on the work and painted on the mat. I created it for a dear friend and it hangs in her house. I estimated about 400 hours including the mat and framing.
My largest embroidery project was an 18 x 24 cross stitch which now framed. Thanks you for this opportunity.
I pre-ordered Trish’s book right after reading your review and it arrived yesterday! I am enjoying reading it instead of doing housework. My bad. That Home Sweet Home is beautiful. I love doing repro samplers, and this fits right in. My biggest project was a cross-stitched carousel – the whole carousel, not just one horse. I did it back in 1992 for my mother for her 50th wedding anniversary. I was not working at the time so could devote all my time to it. It took me 3 months of working 7 days a week for 8-10 hours a day. I only took one day off from stitching during that time. A lady for whom I did alterations at the time heard about it and wanted me to make her one (she collects carousel horses). If I had charged minimum wage, it would have been in the thousands of dollars. Her face fell. I was relieved. I don’t usually do a piece more than once. My mother recently broke up housekeeping so the piece is now back in my posession. I will have to photograph it and post on my blog. Now I do repro samplers – much easier! lol
The largest project that I have done was by Crossed Wing Collection. It is their Flower Power. When I had it framed it was 53″ wide by 37″ high. It would not fit in our car. My husband had to go home and get our Suburban and go back to the framers. Every time that I entered it in a judging I had to drive the Suburban so that it would fit in the car. When we came to Florida to live, it had to have a special easel built for it because of the weight. It is now hanging over my couch and I call it my master piece. I never get tired of looking at the flowers. In fact the complete room is decorated around the Flower Power.
That’s such a neat book! I’d love to make that set for my neighbor.
I feel almost embarassed to say, but the largest project I have ever worked on was a tiny little cross-stich sampler! I made it for the same friend this past Christmas. I think it was seven or eight inches square! I might of made it a bit larger but it was short notice and I have had a not-so-happy history with cross-stitch. I started a huge project with a giant vase and flowers in the center, and after starting the second color on one flower I said “that’s it.” I didn’t care for counting and losing my place over and over again, so that ended quickly. It didn’t help that I didn’t have the proper equipment. I’m actually making a doll for her for her birthday right now!
Hi Mary,
The largest and most detailed cross stitch I ever did was a Darlene O’Steen (The Needles Prayse) design called the Millennium Sampler. I was blessed enough to attend a week long seminar taught by her in Williamsburg, VA 13 years ago. The completed sampler was done with silk thread and various sizes of Perle cotton on 32 count linen. Finished size was approximately 12″ x 36″. There were many, many embroidery stitches; including the Montenegrin stitch worked on the diagonal; cut work and pulled thread work. Whew- what a challenge!
Colleen Lim
My largest piede so far is a 20 x 20 canvas!
I have been trying to get a copy of this book for two months. I would very much like to have this book and do the project.
I have the book and have enlarged my house to an 8 x 12 as her size is not usable. I am also making one in her size to just sit in my sewing room and look at. My friend who is currently holding 4 part time jobs would love to have it but unfortunately not on her list of necessary things right now. I would love to win it and give it to her.
QuiltWorks in Cypress, Texas also carries the book and has a class set up for making the house. or
The largest embroidery piece I have made is Barbara Kershaw’s “Exquisite Schwalm” which I actually finished today during my lunch hour. It is a filling stitch sampler measuring approximately 22 inches square. I began it on January 17, 2010, so you see, it was a two year long project. I learned many things while doing this sampler, the most interesting being the hem which included the Peahole Hemstitch and Mousetooth hem edge.
I have done lots of small embroderies that I have made into a quilt, a pattern called “In my Garden” I changed a few to suit the style I like, oriental and I have the top sitting here waiting to be quilted, so no big embroidery as such, though I have a few here to do, it is just getting my head around them, working with different threads, silk and such and learning new techniques.
Thanks Mary for all that you show us and all that you give.
I know you’ll have tons of comments left on this one Mary! I can’t resist adding mine to the list. To answer your question – most of my embroidery projects have been given away so I can’t really say what size they were. The only one I have (and just did recently) is a chickadee about 8×8″. I don’t know if crazy quilting truly counts as embroidery per se, but I created 12 12″ pieces which are now joined into three larger panels of four.
I would love to win this wonderful treasure of a house!!!!! I love to stitch all sorts of houses and buildings!
The largest embroidery project I have ever done was a Lavender & Lace cross stitch angel on linen with the face being 1 thread over 1 thread of the linen. It took me about a year and was my first linen project and my first project with beads. I cherish this angel and she proudly hangs in my living room.
Thanks for the heads up on the books’ availability.
I think the largest embroidery I’ve ever done was a crewel owl picture at about 10″ x 14″. Hmmm… might have been needlepoint. (It’s ben a very long time.) Next would be a cross stitch Christmas picture at 8″ x 10″.
My largest needle”work” project would be my 10 yr <$1000 quilt. I didn't even quilt it myself, but some lovely "Senior Center " quilters did that. It WAS all done by hand – just not all my hands. That made it all the more precious. We used it to pad our fireplace hearth when our twin Grandgirls were just babes. They're 8 years old now and I still love that quilt. Sometimes, an overly tedious project can turn into a treasure.
My biggest project was completing an embroidered copy of my mom’s poem for my daughter, mom, and sister. They were tailored to fit the decor of each of their homes. Even though they were each only 8×11, I was very proud to complete them all & they each hang prominently in each one’s homes! Alas, I do not have one at my house . . . yet! 🙂
Diana in Sioux Falls
Actually I’ve never done a very large piece. Most of my pieces are sized for standard sized wall pieces such as 8×10 +/-.
The largest embroidery project that I have completed is Shepard Bush (counted cross stitch) The Wool Gather. The key word in your question is “completed” (giggle).
Hi Mary,
The biggest project that I ever did was a whitework quilt all hand quilted. I early enjoyed it but my hands no longer work that well. I love this stitching news I look forward to it everyday. Judy Fox
A cross stitch wedding sampler with the opening stanza of Shakespeare’s sonnet ‘Love does not alter when alteration finds….’ for our eldest son’s wedding. It was 8 x 36 inches. Thanks for the chance to win a book which combines function and beauty.
I have worked on many pictures most of them are 10″ x 14″. I like garden pictures where I use different stitches,thread and silk ribbon to make it more real. A project from England with trees and flowers took me the longest but was worth it. I have been watching for this book as it has good ideas in it and I want to do the home.
Debra Puma
The largest embroidery project I have done was 12 blocks for a quilt.
thanks for a chance to win the book.
My largest project so far is of the Coca-Cola Santa standing by the Christmas tree holding a Coke and has his finger to his lips to shush the dog. I did it on 22 count fabric and took me about a year and a half to make. I washed it and took it to a frame shop and they did a wonderful job framing it.
The largest project I’ve made is an alphabet sampler!
I concentrate on stitching “smalls” so my pieces are not very big. Perhaps the biggest
was a chicken pin cushion from Twisted
Oaks Designs.
Pat S.
Hi Mary,
My largest piece is a quilt, 60 x72″, it is a block of the month,with12 blocks, red-work style,but colored in with fabric crayons. It was alot of fun to do!
After that, I embroidered my daughters wedding veil,with silver thread.
I love your blog,you inspire me so much,
Thank You
Nora j
Hi Mary and thanks for the opportunity to enter in this give-away. I have just recently taken out a subscription to Country Bumpkin and utilized the 20% discount kindly given by you.
My largest project was a cross stitch sampler that I made for my eldest nephew in 1992 for his graduation from The University of Queensland. He was the first in our family to achieve this honour and he has had many more relatives following in his footsteps.
Each of them have received a cross stitch sampler after Graduation showing the University attended, dates etc. All hang proudly on their walls or in their offices.
The largest, 18 x 24 sampler with a large variety of stitches. The largest from that is yet to be stitched, but it is kitted with over 200 colors – Klimt ‘Lady With a Fan’. I mention it because of my idea of stitching it. I am late sixties and hope to finish it before going to the great stitch-in in the sky. I plan to start with the face first then progress around the piece picking up the focal points of the original painting itself, so that no matter where I leave off, it can still be framed and hopefully enjoyed!
YAY! My guild is thinking about doing this as a class. I hope so. I LOVE bunnies and I would also love to have a useful embroidery project for ME instead of for others 🙂
Hello Mary, I don’t know how you do it but you do! Your work is amazing and I aspire to your level. I have been doing lots of embroidery and have done many big tapestries. But with embroidery I am teaching myself thread painting and the sizes vary from about 4″ by 8″ I will attempt a bigger one when I get my millinion frame from England. My problem is technique. I am having a problem at the moment with getting things doing lots of heavy embroidery but the fabric “linen: ends up a bit wobbly it is quite frustrating. My linen book of embroidery has a 6″ by 8” embroidered line around each piece but it looks like I have done it “drunk” and the lines start off perfectly alined and straight??????????
what wonderful stitching
The largest embroidery project I have ever completed is a bed sized crazy quilt. I’m still working on improving my stitching but love embroidery already! This book looks like it has wonderful projects!
My first and only completed project so far is the monogram B from your website. It turned out great, thanks to your wonderful video library!
Thanks! Catrina Byrge
the largest project I completed in embroidery is Jack Dempsey’s Cardinals Cross Stitch, 36″x36″ I did embroidery in Chicken Scratch method. I have been embroidering for some 72 years, and this is my latest work.
The largest piece of embroidery that I have worked on was a 16 by 24 inch design that included a cottage with flowers and ducks on it. I have it displayed in my kitchen….
My largest work to date is a crewel work cushion cover measuring 13 x 13 inches.
Thanks for the opportunity to win, I really love the look of this book!
My largest embroidery project that I can think of is only 6″ x 10″ but it’s solidly covered in stitches. It’s a picture of Jesus with children. The one I’m working on now will qualify as the largest once it’s finished–it’s a sampler-style piece that is really really long. I’m about 2/3 done.
Dear Mary,
YUMMM- the biggest piece I have completed! I was going to say that it would be a counted thread angel with beaded skirt that measures approximately 12 3/4″ X 19″. However, I just remembered (how could I forget???) my memory crazy quilt that is all hand stitched and has every seam covered with embroidery, and every piece of fabric has embroidered or embellished motifs. It almost covers a twin bed but is now covered with sheeting to protect it. MANY years in the making!
I have completed several Christmas stockings, one was about 18 inches long, don’t remember the width. I quilted a Christmas tree skirt and then embroidered the seems a la crazy quilt. I’ve also completed more than a half dozen good sized samplers–can’t remember the sizes but minimum 10″ wide and 12″ long.
The largest project I have ever done was a crewel topiary tree. It is 8×12 and it has multi colored pansies in blues, reds and pinks and a lattice pot in a taupe color. Hanging down the sides of the pot is ivy in dark an light green colors.
Hello Mary,
What a cute book! I haven’t seen it before. The largest project I’ve ever finished wasn’t embroidery, but plain old cross stitch instead, and was “And They Sinned” by Examplar Dames. Now it is one of my favorite pieces.
I enjoy your daily e-mails and Facebook posts. Thanks for all your great insight.
I was excited to learn that I was going to have a granddaughter, and immediately started on a Victorian birth sampler. Silk on linen, fancy stitches, hardanger, tiny pearls – the whole business. THEN I found out that “we” were having twins, and I needed to make two samplers. Lots of love went into every stitch. Today is my birthday and I was given 72 colors of Kreinik silk. Can you imagine a better gift? I can hardly wait to get started using them.
Nancy in Newport
The largest I have done is a tablecloth and napkins for my dear Mother. It was a gift of love for her. A favorite that I’m still working on is a wool embroidered blanket.
I hope to get back into this blanket project, but I’ve been in bit of a sewing funk of late.
Oh my gosh! that is a great book. I would love to have it.
Hi, Mary,I love your work, and thanks for this give away. My biggest project is a beaded counted cross stitch project. I have worked on it for several years and finally am close to being done. It is about 9″ x 12″, and was really an ambitious project for my level of bead embroidery experience. Complicating the issue is the black background, which is very hard for me to see the little holes for cross stitch. Every stitch has a bead, and the picture is of morning glory flowers on their vine. I am determined to complete it because the beads cost me a lot of money. I have learned a lot, though, like not using a black background. Ha! Oh, well. It will be lovely when I am done, soon.
Cheryl in San Diego
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the chance at another give a way!
The largest piece I’ve ever done is a Hummel clock. I’m in the middle of doing a large ecclesiastical piece right now. It will be a while before it is finished.
I finished the Mary Wigham sampler. It is all counted cross stitch, and I believe it is 22 inches x 22 inches. I am currently working on a sampler with various stitches that is 24 x 24. I do one large sampler every year, and then smaller pieces throughout that year to give myself a break from the larger piece. Lately I have found myself practicing more complicated stitches on a piece of muslin.
Thank you Mary and Country Bumpkin!
LOVE the projects in this book!! The largest needlework project I finished was a sampler for my Mom when I was 19 (which she made a large pillow from). In retrospect, I think she was trying to distract me from my partying circle in the evenings. 🙂 It did begin a lifelong love for the needle arts. My birthday is on Valentine’s Day, so Computer Generator Wizard, wouldn’t you like to pick me to win this fabulous book?? Thanks for the chance!
I recently found your website while searching goldwork….love it!
Thank you Mary for giving one more book..
Big project in the sense of time consuming means I have done a project on saree with bullion work. It took me a month or more working 5 to 6 hours a day..
it is in my blog
Wonderful giveaway Mary. To be honest I don’t do big projects in terms of size, but I have done several projects that were big on hours, upwards of 200 or so. My favourite was a surface embroidery piece I designed with a blossoming cherry tree that has over 10,000 knots in it. Would that count as big?
largest needlework I have done is a Wedding Sampler for my friends daughter and son in law. It measured about 28inches by about 10 or 12 an was colour coded to match the wedding colours. Great fun to do and they loved it!I incorporated some of their interests and their new home was represented with lots of flowers and beadwork too.
Hi Mary and thanks for the opportunity!
My largest stitching project to date is English Garden Sampler by Teresa Wentzler. It took me several years but I loved every minute of it.
Jan B. in Florida.
Yeah! Another chance for this book! I’ve actually done a few embroidery projects that (to me) were big ones. The ones that come to mind are a Welcome to our home embroidery and another one called Dancing Bears. The bear one was my favorite with animals and the use of some beads and twine that was made to look like a garland.
The largest project I finished is a queen size quilt with another in the making. My favorite in embroidery project is a Geisha. It was from a class and the dress was for us to design using silk and metal. The design area is 9 x 12. My prize posession.
The biggest needlework project I have done is a 24″ x 30″ needlepoint of a fox hunt. Took me almost a year to finish it but it was worth all the time involved.
Love Inspirations Magazine and Carolyn Pearce’s work! And love to read your column online and in Inspirations!
oh, forgot to say my biggest project was an embroidered and quilted lap size blanket.
My largest work of embroidery would have to be a crazy quilt I made a few years ago. It’s not a bed sized quilt, just wall hanging, but I lavished it with seam work and motifs.
The largest piece I have done is Theresa Wentzler’s Fantasy Triptych. It has a place of honor on the wall over the piano.
The largest project that I’ve completed, is a shirt that I embroidered in college. This book looks intregueing
Hi Mary,
The largest project I have completed was a hand embroidered tablecloth 60 in. long. It had borders and a centerpiece. It was a gift to my daughter on her marriage. Thanks for your book reviews.
If we’re going strictly by size, I’d guess my largest piece was a hardanger table runner for my sister-in-law’s wedding. It was something like 15″ x 40″.
For surface embroidery / stumpwork, it would have to be Luan Callery’s Fantasy Remembered, a former EGA correspondence course. That’s about 14″ x 8″.
Hi Mary,
I really love the looks of this book. I have been admiring the little treasures since I first saw the book. Hope I win! The largest project I ever completed was a crewel kit that I did as a gift for my mother. I think it was about 18″ X 24″ but that was so many years ago I am not positive about the size. I did frame the finished work and it turned out great, at least that is what I thought at the time! Thanks again for a great giveaway!
Mary Ann H.
The largest project that I finished was a 10 by 16 inch kit of tea cups that I got from Chatelaine. Goodness that was a while ago.
Hi Mary, the largest embroidery project I have ever completed Was the wedding dress I made for my daugther-inlaw. It was a two year work of love. I embroidered each panel before sewing it together so that it would not be two heavy to work on. It took a lot of long hours, but totaly worth it to see her in it and the look on my sons face when he see her on their weeding day.
Thanks for letting me share with you.
God bless, Betty
The largest embroidery project I did was a Hussif with lots of SRE and it is almost a yard long and folds out. I designed it by paying attention to my most used supplies and making sure there was a place for everything. I use it a lot and I think it is beautiful. It makes me happy to see it. I would love to win this book!
What a wonderful chance to win this book. My frien is planning to stitch this piece. Maybe I will have an opportunity to stitch along with her. Would be a true treasure when finished.
I have admired the picture of the needlework box on the book. I am drawn to textile items depicting houses, be it quilts, embroidery, baskets, etc. I am currently participating in TAST, and follow Jude Hills blog, different and yet the same. I am using ideas from both of these sites to make a diary in needlework of significant and not-so-significant daily happenings. Joan
The largest I completed was a counted cross stitch of a Tuscany fruit basket 65cm X 55cm before framing. It’s hanging in my daughter’s dining room.
I sure hope to win Home Sweet Home by Carolyn Pearce! It’s quite the fascinating book – and such a lovely, fun project!
I am soo excited about this book! I am a newer self taught stitcher, and I love this project! I have only stitched with DMC, but have always wanted to learn silk ribbon and beading, as well as various other materials, and I think this is just the thing to help me do that. I hope to get several of my non stitching friends to join me in this project, so we can all learn together…pick me, pick me! So far, my biggest project to date is my current one, I am just about to complete my 6th panel of Crabapple HIll’s BERRY PICKING PARTY…all the embroidered panels will be joined together to make a quilt, someday soon!
I really love your site, and the great info you share with us. We just moved into our first home, with my own studio! I’d love to make this year even more special with a copy of this book.
“Inspired by a Quilt,” a pulled thread sampler designed by Harriet Segal and available as Group Correspondence Course from the Embroiderers’ Guild of America in 1991, is my largest needlework project. It stretched my abilities and my skills. It was an adventure for a beginning stitcher.
The Workbox project would be a great adventure too. Thanks for giving it some special attention.
I would love to own this book the projects look wonderful!!!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to own this beautiful book! The largest embroidery project I have completed is a 40″ x 20″ crewel of a tangle of wild flowers. It hangs above our fireplace and it a real eyecatcher. Sometimes I look at it and can’t believe I made it.
I love large projects! My biggest one so far is Jerusalem 2000 by Orna Willis. It was my first try at goldwork.
I love that house! The design is beautiful and I love all the inside goodies. I am rather obsessive about having everything organized. The most intricate & largest piece I have done is a sampler designed by Darlene O’Steen for the Millenium — a 17th Century design. It had to look as good on the back side as on the front and that was quite a challenge! I finished it within a year and would have preferred to frame it between 2 pieces of glass — but alas could not. It is a beautiful piece! I would love to add that house to my accomplishments.
My largest piece so far: crewel flowers (about 20 by 20). Thanks for another wonderful give-away!
My largest project was not embroidery, but rather a cross stitch picture of a vintage toy train with other toys nearby such as marbles with a leather pouch and baseball cards. It took me years to finish, but it was worth it as a present for my oldest son. It’s still hanging on my wall until he establishes his own home someday.
For my father’s 70th birthday I made 6 Indian elephant softies, each with different hand embroidered blankets and other traditional decorations.
I would love to win the book. the house box is adorable
hi Mary
I love your site… a daily inspiration for my works….Recently I finished ten meter long saree border which I have started long back….may be before an year or so.. shelved…and again started….and finally finished…Three cheers to me. I will add another three cheers if I get to chance to win your giveaway BOOK. Thank you.
Vijayalakshmy P R, India
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever done was way back in the 70’s. It was a full-length kaftan. The sleeves were embroidered from the elbow to the edge. The front of the bodice was embroidered. It was a lot of satin stitch and was so beautiful. Unfortunately, I did not allow for take up in the fabric and when it was finished the sleeves were a bit tight. But I wore it anyway. Many years later, I gave to my friend who owns an antique store and she sold it as a vintage ’70s item. Funny, eh?
My biggest completed is a piece from high school! It was about 24″ square with butterflies all over the place. I drew some, copied some from fabric or coloring books, borrowed some from a few books. The grass and flowers were relatively in scale, so it wasn’t too bad. The butterflies were worked in many stitches so it was a sampler of sorts. So much fun!
Hi Mary,
I have been lusting after this book ever since I saw it on the Inspirations web site!! To answer your question – the largest project I worked was Crossed Wings Collection’s “Flower Power” It is a large cross stitch depiction of old English cottage flowers with lots of hummingbirds and various bugs. I did it on 36 count and the bugs over one thread. It took me 4 years off and on and turned out beautifully – I was very proud of my staying power!
I love your blog and am very appreciative and grateful for all the helpful information and inspiration I find there! I am also grateful for the opportunity to maybe win this cute book! It looks like FUN! =D
I wish I could say that I have a really really big project that I have finished but I can’t. I embroidered a cross stitch sampler that my Grandmother gave me forever ago when I was a kid and just learning to play with threads and needle, but I don’t remember how big it was. I wish I still had it!
It has only been within the last 8 months that I have reacquainted myself with the art of embroidery. I travel a lot with work and have been taking smaller projects on the road with me. I have finished maybe 6 tea towels, a cute needle book designed by Lynette Anderson as well as a panel by Birdbrain designs that I plan to incorporate into a patchwork/quilted pillow for an antique chair my husband recently inherited. I think that the panel would be the largest one although a couple of the tea towels I embroidered were fairly detailed and would be a pretty close second place.
I love wool embroidery so my biggest projects have been three different baby blankets. However I feel better embarking on small projects such as those in Carolyn Pearce’s book. Thank you Mary for embracing the whole world, the way you do. I feel like all those stitchers are next door.
Mary in Brisbane
Thanks again for the give away! The largest project I ever completed was a table cloth and from the other posts it sounds like many other people did the same….but it was not a solo effort, I took the family (my mom and sisters and me) several years to complete this present to our grandmother, becuase we would start and then get about another 5 inches complete and then stop….but we finally got it done! And every holiday it is on her table for dinner!
The largest project I have completed is a pillowcase….still learning the techniques!
The largest project I have completed was a cross stitch wedding sampler for my daughter.
Would love to have a copy of this book. It is adorable! The largest embroidery project I completed was a pillow that was probably 20″ square. My mom had started it for my aunt, but she passed away before she could finish it. I finished it for her. It was a big basket of flowers and had tons of different stitches in it. I need to see if my aunt still has it so I can take a picture.
The biggest embroidery project is the one I am now working on–a wool quilt that will measure about 48″ x 46″. Each section has hand appliqued wool designs that are covered with hand embroidery. I have been working on it since last May and hope to have it completed sometime this year. My wool quilt is how I originally found Needle ‘n Thread through your video stitch tutorials. Love, love, love Needle ‘n Thread
Hi Mary,
The largest embroidery project that I did was a bedspread(Queen size) with two pillow covers.This book by Carolyn Pearce is in my wishlist.I’d like to make one for my mother.Thank you for the reviews and give-aways.
Hi Mary. Thanks for another give away. The largest embroidery project I’ve done has been a wall hanging called “Nesting Time” by Crabapple Hill Designs. It measures 15″ x 20″.
Have a great day!
The largest project I ever completed was ‘And They Sinned.’. It took four years.
If you count all the blocks for a quilt the largest project I have completed is exactly that – 24 crazy quilted and heavily embellished blocks. They aren’t actually joined together yet …. so in case that doesn’t count, the next best thing would be a long (below knee) vest, the two fronts of which are heavily embroidered and embellished crazy quilting.
This book is fascinating and I would love to be the owner of it.
Love the pics from this book. The largest embroidery project I’ve completed is a sampler I designed myself. It included a depiction of my parent’s house, some palm tress since the house is in Florida, a jet cause my dad is retired from the air force, and a quilt since my mom is a quilter. Hope I win!
I would find it somewhat difficult to say what is the largest project I have completed as I really prefer to work on such but I think it was a picture of Anne Hathaway’s cottage that had many colors. It was all cross stitch but, had a great many color changes to make it challenging.
I gave my daughter a promise as a Christmas gift that I would buy the Home Sweet Home book for her when it became available. To win it would be very nice.
Hi Mary,
Do I really need another project for my stash? Certainly not; probably will never finish all that I currently own at this point. It is just so hard toresist. I just love getting a new project to mull over, look at, dream of it being finished… do I really need a new book filled with such wonderful, beautiful, adorable project? I simply cannot resist. I must have this to add to my stash!
Great giveaway!
The largest I’ve ever completed… a stitched prairie landscape / corset. No really! It’s in a gallery right now : ) The crazy thing is that I’m doing another one…. ; )
Thanks for the giveaway! This looks like a wonderful book. I collect little houses and it would be so much fun to make my own. 🙂
The biggest project I’ve ever done was a cross-stitched Christmas stocking on 25 count Lugana. It turned out looking so much better than I thought it would! I’ve got another one about halfway done.
The largest project I have finished was a 16 by 16 hardanger ladybug. It was a long haul but I love it!
You would think this is an easy question to answer. In terms of square inches, it is Anna Pearson’s Chinese Birds. I was having a heck of a time laying the floss and a friend suggested using silk. Voila! But in a moment of insanity, I decided I really liked an old pattern from Mary Hickmott’s New stitches magazine. The title was “rose window.” It is quite a large piece if you use aida cloth, but I said I was insane and I did it on 32 count black lugana. Black. 32 count.
And this giveaway is awesome. I just got my first issue of Inspirations magazine, which I got at a 20% discount, thanks to you and I was drooling over this very same book. Thank-you!
Soory I got carried away thinking of the cute new projects awaiting me in this book. My biggest project to date would have to be a mermaid sampler with a background set at Pymouth Harbor. It it one of my favorite pieces. Oh then there is a large crewel work pillow, floral, which I have in my living room
G’day Mary,
Well, I’m certainly not a big project embroider. The largest though would be a smallish wall hanging for my Mum. It was more a glorified country style stitchery, as in ‘Mother’s are like buttons, they hold things together’, with extra embroidered motifs I added to it. It turned out rather nice and very cute!
Thank you Mary and Country Bumpkin for this beaut giveaway. Good luck every one, especially me!
Cheers, Kath from Oz
The largest project I have completed is “Welcome” hardanger and cross stitch project by Emie Bishop. I look forward to your newsletter. Thanks for all you do.
The largest project I ever made was a stocking for my son. It is full sized so that Santa will have plenty of room for all those little goodies.
The largest embroidery project I’ve ever completed was a sampler for a 50th wedding anniversary. It was cross-stitch on 36ct fabric and I totally underestimated the time.
I started it for my parents-in-law but it took so long we ended up giving them something else and I finished the cross-stitch for my parents’ anniversary 2 years later!
Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely book.
I have worked many “average” sized projects including pillowcases, wallhangings, and pillows. Although this is not Embroidery, I just completed a 65″ by 48″ handpieced quilted throw. It is a Japanese folded quilt (a little bit like origami). Each quilt square is hand sewn and then the squares are hand-sewn together. Not the quickest way to do a quilt but I’ve enjoyed this new way of quilting.
The largest project I have completed is a 12″ x 14″ counted canvas piece designed by Linda at Northern Pines Designs. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have numerous other pieces of all shapes and sizes that are still waiting to be finished. I love all types of counted work and traditional handwork embroidery techniques.
I love this book. I’ve had it on my wish list forever. I want to make a cottage hand bag.
the largest project I’ve ever completed took me about 15 hours. It was a little scene with about 8 animals playing instruments in a field. I found in a Japanese embroidery book. It went into a shadow box frame and it was a gift for my baby niece.
The largest embroidery piece I have ever completed was a Chinese dragon on the back of a black cotton robe for a boyfriend who promptly broke up with me ( but kept the robe).
thank you for your beautiful posts. thank you for the opportunity to win. i made a backgammon game for a friend.
My largest project was on a bedlinen – took me nearly 8 months and used over 35 different stitches.
Here’s the link
I’d love to win this book. I pre-ordered Colour Confidence and it’s amazing! The largest project was a version of the crewel Parrots by Philip Turnbull.
Dear Mary, I’ve been seeing this book on your website and it seems such a wonderful project to take up. Whoever takes it up, I am sure, will find it very difficult to put it down till it is completely done. Everytime I look at it, it reminds me of childhood days and playing ‘house’. I’m so excited that I still have a chance to win a copy.
My largest project was a commissioned coat-of-arms in gold, silk and wool – about 3 x 5 feet. It took about a year to complete and when I had it almost finished and spread out on my dining room table I left the room for a minute and came back to find my cat lying on it!!!! I just about had a stroke.
I would really love to have this book and am delighted to find your 2nd giveaway of it. I love the small sewing accessories. I’m now working on a dragonfly box about the same dimensions as the coat-of-arms except inches, not feet!
Hi Mary,
My biggest pieces are unfinished lol! I think the biggest one I finished is a needlepoint kit of fireweed that I did as needlepoint in the background and crewel to fill in the flowers. It was fun to mix the two techniques.
The largest embroidery project I’ve finished is a small crazy quilt–about 14″ by 14″. It took awhile to do.
That book looks great so I’d love a chance to win it.
The largest embroidery project I have completed was a t-shirt with a large “Holly Hobbie” design on the front.
Hi Mary. The largest embriodery project is a wip, and it is a dresser scarf w/ hardanger, hemstitching, and a tatted edge all around. The size is approx 20″ x 105″
largets embroidery project i had made was a rectangle wall hanging with flowers and peacocks all over which took me 3 months to complete.but i love it ,its so colourful.
nilima D from india.
Home Sweet Home has been on my list for a few months now….. I am part of a group of gals that are planning to attack this project. I am the only one without a copy of the book yet!! Oh boy!! Maybe I’ll be lucky this time! (By the way, I already have the other two books — thanks to your terrific “reviews” (that ALWAYS cost me money!!).
Oops- I forgot to answer the question! My wedding dress is probably the largest sewing project — princess lace, silk ribbon ruching, and other “fancy work”…. It was a 1902 teagown. I have a sampler that took me 20 years — but it really wasn’t “that” big — it just took “that” long!!
The largest embroidery project I completed was, without hesitating, the embroidering of the dress of baptème of my small sister, I was 7 years old.
I come from a region of France (Britain) where regional identity is very strong and I had the right to embroider this dress with the distinctive signs of this region.
To give an idea of what it is:
I really haven’t finished any large projects. They are my UFO’s.
A wedding sampler for a cousin I guess was the largest…9″X15″ and two very large cross-stitched stocking ~20″ high X 8″ wide at the top.
let’s try again 🙂 (maybe this time I’ll be lucky?)
my “largest” project I have completed is some kind of postcard, but for hanging on the wall. and except this, two embroidered envelops for letters! not so much ! 🙂
I started needlework in the 4th grade. Still love embroidery and I want to expand my skills. The largest embroidery project was
16inx21.5in. I want to say THANK YOU Mary for your willness to share your knowledge with us. It has opened my eyes to the fact that we too can enjoy needle work as much as you.
Hi Mary,
The biggest project that I’ve completed was a pillow cover, with different types of flowers I drew, embroidered on it. The book looks amazing, as do the others shown. I would love to have them all! Thanks for the giveaway.
Susie H.
Hi Mary
Thanks for the gift again. A friend of mine has Carol’s book and its beautiful.
The largest project I have embroidered is a wool applique quilt.
My largest project is a simple floral work using long and short, stem and detached chain stitches for a table runner.
I didn’t finished any project yet…buy I want to! I think this book will help me very much… 😉
Thank you for this giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
Your blog is just amazing and helped a lot through my beginner stages, and still does!!
Answering your question, the largest or rather hardest project I embroidered was my portfolio that I hand-stitched. It had a paper embroidery cover that left my hands sore and blue.! But the effort paid off very well 🙂 The portfolio was also filled with embroidered 5″ pieces for different stitches.
I love your site! It’s just a wealth of information! In answer to your question, the largest project I’ve completed is a 18X20 picture of Jesus…with TONS of confetti stitches!
Hi Mary, I have been wanting to get my hands on this book ever since I saw it on the weekly newsletter from Inspirations. The largest completed project I have done is a Jacobean footstool. I have almost completed an embroidered wool rug which covers the top of a queen sized bed. Hopefully this will be fully completed very soon.
Pillowcases for me as well. Hoping to take on bigger projects as I become more confident in my stitching.
Dear Mary,
I purchased Trish Burr’s book in December,pre-ordered it, after hearing your review of it. I had been looking for a text that would teach me how to combine colors–mine always look like a mush of colors or a circus tent–and they were not my intention! 😉
I do want very much to learn how to do 3-dimensional projects, having started to make my own Christmas ornaments this year. This book would greatly help in teaching me how to structure items. For the ornaments I used decoupage for the balls, but would like to know of other techniques.
Largest piece I have completed is a tablecloth on even weave fabric, worked in pulled thread work, white floss on white fabric. It took me quite a while to complete, and as it was a present for my mother, I had to do it all alone in my room, great meditation involved!! If it hadn’t been a present I have a feeling the hem would never have been finished!!
Mary, thanks for reviewing those 3 books, they all look gorgeous!
Julie in Australia
Hi Mary,
The largest embroidery project I have ever done is a pillow case. I did ribbon work in that. It is yet to be made into a pillow case. But embroidery completed 🙂
-Viji Sunil
The largest, in size, was a 14 inch x 14 inch octagonal Hardanger doily (muted blue, brown and pink variegated thread on white fabric). In stitches, a 10 inch square Blackwork design worked over single threads with brilliant, royal blue sewing thread.
The Netherlands
Hi Mary,
The largest project I ever completed was when I was a teenager…a baby bed cover & pillow case. The cover was a pale lemon with white polka dots, it had a solid border about 12 inches wide and embroidered and edged in lace and the pillow case was embroidered in the corners and edged in lace as well. The prettiest thing I’ve ever done.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book,the largest project I am about to complete is also to do with the author of the book currently on offer and that is the “Village bag” and I have loved doing it, I have lusted over this new book and have thought about buying it if I don’t win it 🙂
I don’t think I had ever made a large project, it could be a wall hanging, but I love small pieces and fine threads. Probably,gathering all my works I would have a large piece. Actually could be a good idea for UFO’s (…that is going to be a huge piece) LOL. Thanks, your blog it’s great.
The largest embroidery project I have so far completed was a family tree, done in couched metal thread. It measured about 3’by2′ and was from my parents Golden Wedding, with all their descendant’s Christian Names on it, and embroidered “Illuminated” letters. However the most time consuming was an 18th century stomacher in silk shading, using 60/2 silk from the Handweavers Studio in London, and a pattern adapted from a Therese de Dilmont design. I lost count of the hours spent upon that but it was getting on for 200!
Hiya! My biggest work was a thread painted dog worked from that one in the silk shading section of the green RSN book. It took years (I couldn’t get into it and did bits in fits and starts – I need things with more variety and colour!!). It’s on the Freestyle page on my blog (click on my name below).=)
I plan to do so some sort of embroidered house, a knot garden and a ‘doll’ dressed like ancient Israel’s High Priest. Maybe next year…
Hi There,
The largest project i completed was when i was in my BLUE phase, it was a 50cm shades of BLUE, BLUE and more BLUE, it was the willow pattern plate and it took me a eight months and one week, as i can only embroder at night as i work full time.
I must admit at the end of the eight months i was sick of BLUE but the result is STUNNING, every one who see’s it wants it.
That photo with all the projects is beautiful! IIRC, the largest thing I made was a two foot by 3 foot needlepoint. It was a prepainted canvas and I did a cross stitch in each space, rather than the plain continental stitch. It was without a frame or hoop and the cross stitch avoided the diagonal distortion and did not need to be blocked. Come to think of it, I made two like that, one is at my parents and one here. Thanks, Mary.
I love this blog and one of these days, will be brave enough to tackle another big project. I have been fortunate to go to Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion for a number of years and have taken classes from the best of the best. One of my favorite, is a basket lid that is all hand embroidery taught by Wendy Schoen a number of years ago. It has my initials in a padded stem stitch, cast on roses, and a number of flowers I know longer remember the name of the stitches. I entered it in the IL State Fair and won a blue ribbon. It holds all of my silk ribbons. I would love to win Carolyn’s book. Maybe it would inspire me to start another big project.
I love your blog and am very appreciative and grateful for all the helpful information and inspiration I find there! I am also grateful for the opportunity to maybe win this cute book! It looks like FUN! =D
I haven’t really done a large piece of embroidery – the largest is a crewel project I’m working on now which is about 15″ x 15″ – not exactly massive!
This project will be the first big one that I have had already done… I love stitching and since I was a kid I do it but always small things. I have three kids and they were too small for that but I think that now is the moment because I have the free mornings since they are at school…
The largest project I have completed is a blanket I got the pattern from Inspirations magazine. I made a table cloth about 40 years ago which took me years to complete.
my largest project is for a table and based on the design of Boutis de Provence. It is a very pale pink soie with a little bit more pink moline.
A wedding sampler with pulled and drawn thread work, along with cross stitch has been one of my larger pieces. Of course I did not allow enough time and didn’t get it finished for the wedding day! I love the look of Carolyn’s emboidered house, so unique.
My largest project completed in terms of challenging skills and time would be an embroidered sampler quoting 1 Corinthians 13. It was stitched on 32 count pink linen. Portions were stitched over one thread and some was stitched over two threads. The verses were surrounded by shaded dogwood blossoms. I gave the piece framed to my sister-in-law when she got married. She has it hanging in her bedroom.
Can I enter this in the UK?
I embroidered the ‘Love is..’ verses from the Bible onto some Linen. I have yet to have it framed.
It’s not that much but it was a pillow case set.
I’d love to learn how to embroider. I already know how to sew and I’d love to learn this. I haven’t made a big embroidery project yet because I don’t know where to start.
What a wonderful project! Would love to get it!!! Thanks!!!!
I embroidered a tablecloth and 6 napkins. It has fruits on each corner of the table cloth and the napkins has grapes embroidered.
The largest project I have completed is a Blackwork map of the old counties of Britain. It covers England, Scotland and Wales and each county (about 80 in all) has a different blackwork design. it measures 46″ by 26″
What’s the largest embroidery project you’ve ever completed?
A wall hanging of pearl cotton embroidery on top of wool felt shapes. An original design to look like a bubbling brook in spring.
Though I have stitched a number of large projects, the one that comes to mind was from a kit I ordered through the mail. It was many years ago and I stitched every day for several hours during the summer following my first year of teaching. The design was crewel (not what I do now) and it was a large, beautiful field of colorful flowers. It hung over our bed in the bedroom for many years.
The largest embroidery project I have done is a 30″ x 20″ Sacred Heart of Jesus Virgin. It came out so well that unless yo get up close, it doesn’t really loos embroidered but painted.
I am a new embroiderer but this book made me crazy. I would love to be the winner
I’ve only just started embroidery, so my largest one to date is only a little owl, about 15cm
The largest embroidery I have done is pillow size.
The largest project that I have completed is a cutwork tablecloth, made when I was 21. I’m much older than that now, sadly, but just getting back into embroidery having just completed renovating a house. What better timing could there be to start a ‘home sweet home’ project?
Hope I can also participate as I’m from Belgium.
My ‘largest’ embroidery project was in fact small. A silk meant to be painted dress for a baby, but had to do it by hand, so instead of being finished with it in about a week, it took me more than a month! So large in time.
I have embroidered for decades. My favorite thing to do was flowers on dresses for my 3 daughters, I love doing birds and nature stuff. I am absolutely in love with the wee little house, how perfect a gift to make for my granddaughter!
The largest project I’ve completed was a 2′ x 3′ picture of a house that I made into a wedding present by stitching the couples’ name and wedding date on it. Turned out so cute!
I would love to win the lovely magazine you are giving away!
I’m relatively new to embroidery so the biggest thing I have done is a cross-stitch picture of Jemmia Puddle Duck & the fox in all his finery for my friends when they had their baby. I was very proud 🙂
Hello. The largest embroidery project I’ve done is a pulled thread, drawn thread, silk ribbon embroidered, four-generation family tree for my children and nieces/nephews. I’m working on the last 3 of the 13 I have planned. Each one is different, and they measure about 24″x24″. The boys’ pieces have no pictures. The girls’ pieces are more elaborate, including gold thread and beads, and embroidered scenes. Each one includes a verse, usually from Scripture. Each one serves as a family lesson to these children, and comes in handy to trace back the family names and how far removed each generation is from the present.
I enjoy your tutorials and show-and-tells. I hope to learn much from your “lessons”.
Aing in Wisconsin
The largest embroidery I have done was a wool baby blanket which I really enjoyed doing. I love this book, thanks for a chance to win!
I’d love to read this book! I’m still new to embroidery… I only started about a year ago. The biggest project I’ve tackled so far has been a design called “Spring Sampler” by Aimee Ray, which I found free online. ( ) It’s really cute. But I’d love to learn the finer work like you do so much of here.
My biggest project was a dalmation sitting by hanging fireman’s coats. Finished size is 20 by 45 inches.
The biggest thing I’ve embroidered was from a pattern called Deep Peace.
I just love this little house!
Hello Mary,
I was 18 when I embroidered a table cloth, with characters representing various french regions, using only stem stitch and some satin stitch. I was very proud of having finished it. I still have it, and can’t believe the tiny little stitches I managed then, so that was a big project for me. Then a couple of years ago, I decided to embroider an advent calendar for my grand-daughters – Father Xmas in a sleigh pulled by reindeers, on dark blue aida. But that was only cross stitch, so I don’t know if that counts as an embroidered project. It took me a long time, and was the cause of lots of headaches.
the biggest work i made is a sari with kutch work border and small motifs spread here and there on the body. wish to try some Trish’s patterns
ansu chennai
The largest project I have done is a pillowcase. This book would be a marvel to receive. Thank you so much for all you do. I love all of your info.
Thank you for another chance to win this awesome book!
The largest project I made was for my grandmother, an embroidered tablecloth (70″x90″) although one of my aunts took it after her passing to be passed down through the generations.
A Christmas ornament, years ago!
Most ambitous project was needlepointing a small village on 16 count.
I have learned so many new stitches from this site – I really appreciate what you do for us. My largest project was a 16 x20″ sampler that I made while in high school (many years ago) for a home ec project.
I have finished two rather large embroidery projects up to date, both in Richelieu: they are about 50-60cm square and you can find pictures of them on the stitchinfingers website on the fotos page of user “Tina”. I thought they came out pretty well and am quite proud of them!
Hi Mary, The largest piece of embroidery that I have finished to date would have to be a World Peace Angel. I ironically finished up on 9/11. Thank you.
My largest project was an embroidered 9 inch X 14 inch 17th century style English casket – box. The theme was English childhood nursery rhymes all done in the style of the period. I have over 600 hours in that piece of work and it brings me joy every time I look at it. The work was a design challenge and learning experience all in one. A challenge to design a piece, attach it to the box and line the inside of the box – all getting the hinged lid to set well. A learning experience of trying new needlework techniques like raised leaves, clothing figures dressed in detached button hole stitch, beading flowers and a bit of gold-work. Perhaps my greatest joy is having taken a bit of material, a hand full of threads, a wooden box and bringing them all together into a finished needlework project.
I embroidered an old world map in cross-stitch which was available in a kit from Janlynn corp, but I wanted a larger finished size so I doubled the stitches in my head as I went along. The finished piece is approx. 2 ft x 3 ft in size.
I embroidered a pattern of a vase of hydrangeas for my niece who used hydrangeas in her wedding last summer. I used a variegated thread of purples and blues for the petals. She loved it!
I think the cottage pattern is incredible!
If you count hand-quilting as one kind of embroidery, then a queen-sized quilt is my largest project. But I stitched a Christmas tree skirt, all 360 degrees of it, that was my largest stitch variety project – lots of fun, too. I use it every year.
I think my largest to date was MLI’s Angel of Love – while one the smaller angels, it contained over 4000 beads.
Years ago I was asked to repair damage on a very large, hand embroidered, imported linen tablecloth. The wonderful thing was that when the owner looked it over she could not detect where I had made all the repairs. I love the little cottage and the cute accessories that go along with the big project. Would look so cute sitting on a desk or table.
I’ve always like stich big samplers, the last was Rose Garden 90.71w X 108.86h cm /500w X 600h sts. and Dancing Cherubins … 39x56cm / 213w X 307h, patterns was a Sal by my site … My actual is a big one too for a magazine …300w X 499h, 47.62w X 79.22h cm … this one can´t tell name yet …
Thank you !!
The largest Needlework project I’ve ever done
is a black velvet vest with silk ribbon embroidery fushia’s all over it.
But I think the most time cosuming ones I’ve done have been counted crossstitch pictures and Brazillian embroidery.
Oh my how I would love to win this book!
And once again thank you Mary for your emails
I look foward to them every day.
Robin Marks
Probably the largest needlework project I did is Namesake Sampler by My Big Toe. Lots of alphabets, names, dates, etc.
A smaller yet maybe as many or more stitches is one that was a Woman’s Day design contest winner back in the 80’s. It’s called (at least by me) Chilren and Snowflakes are never the same. I’ve stitched reps of my 4 children and our dog at that time snowskiing past some houses. The phrase above and each child’s name is stitched in the border. THe whole design is solidly stitched, even the background.
The largest embroidery project that I’ve ever completed is an embroidered crazy patched bear.
Gita L.
The largest work I have done would be a wall hanging in collage. Lots of hours lots of work but loved it but sad to say I couldn’t say where it is now.
Some of my favorite needlework pieces are the ‘small’ pattern for needelwork baskets. I fell in love with the “Home Sweer Home book when I first saw it and would love to have a copy so I could stitch the lovely needlework work box.
In the 90’s almost everything I stitched was a large framed piece, usually Christmas themed. The most challenging (and my favorite) was Teresa Wentzler’s Peacock Tapestry. Lately I have been hooked on “small” 3-dimensional embroidery designs and *love* this workbox! Thanks for another opportunity to win this book!
The largest piece was a goldwork piece that took me a really long time to finish, although I really enjoyed every moment of it.
I have been looking at the sweet little cottage and what a lovely addition it would be for my stitching room.
Largest? Well, I once embroidered 5-6 yards of ribbon with a two color celtic knot pattern. It wasn’t particularly fancy or intricate, but it was also the first project back on the embroidery wagon in a while, so I was winging it. I’ve learned a *lot* since then 😀
I embroidered a large tablecloth for my mom. thanks!
I completed 4 of the Better Homes and Gardens cross stitch Christmas stockings. They were so detailed and beautiful and the subject of each one fit the family members they were made for so well. Although, I must say that all the color changes in the Christmas trees just about did me in. I had no idea there were so many colors of green!
The largest embroidery project I have completed to date is a Christening dress for our family. I made it eleven years ago when my grandson was born. Since then two great nieces have worn it. Each of the childrean who wear it have their names and birthdates embroidered on the hem. It was constructed from Swiss Neolna and French lace with several kinds of embroidery and tucks. I would love to tackle something like the cottage and those wonderful accessories. I see that book in my future even if I don’t win the drawing!
The biggest project I have ever undertaken was a 25″ x 30″ needlework sampler. It framed up to be a stunning and eye-catching piece.
The largest embroidery I’ve completed was actually my first, it was a crazy quilted tote bag way back in 2005.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. Your blog is wonderful and I always learn so much from it.
The largest project I tackled was a tablecloth for my daughter’s birthday. I was really pleased when she thought it was absolutely beautiful. Love the cottage and all that it contains.
I believe my largest projects were some of the first pieces I did years ago such as Teresa Wentzler’s large dragon and castle piece. I have finished quite a few sets of smalls since then also which seem bigger to me only because of the amount of pieces and finishing involved.
This book and projects looks lovely -thanks for having the give away!
I think the largest piece I have completed so far was Emie Bishop’s Embellishments sampler. It’s still one of the pieces I’m most proud of.
I am just learning hand embroidery. So right now, the largest is a pillow case.
The largest project I ever attempted was a stamped banquet-sized tablecloth by Margot of Paris in surface embroidery. I worked on this for almost two years (on and off) before the finish. I would love to win this charming book–not sure if I would do all the projects, but it looks delicious. Jana
My largest embroidery project was actually quite small. I did a cross stitch kit that was 20 inches by 15 inches that I really enjoyed. I want to get more into embroidery and expand my projects. Thanks!
Jen L. From Ypsilanti
This is a story. I had a hard time sleeping while pregnant (I have seven children) So I wanted a little project to amuse me in the mddle of the night. I painted a needlepoint canvas with a picture of a cool old house we one lived in. 18X24 inches. It was of suffient size to occupy my sleepless nights for 5 of the seven pregnacies. Big projects have a part in my family!
I guess my most extensive project was making the christening ensemble for my good friend’s granddaughter. It consisted of smocked and embroidered heirloom stitched dress, with slip to match, a pearl and crystal smocked and embroidered bonnet, hangar and storage bag for everything. I send pictures to you a few years ago. It was a major undertaking and quite a good feeling when finished, mailed, and pictures of baby wear her regalia for her Christening.
My biggest embroidery project has been “And They Sinned.” The design was by Examplar Dames for counted work on linen. To begin was almost overwhelming, but became quite satisfying as I made progress on the piece. I didn’t work the entire piece in cross stitch but used a variety of speciality stitches and some over-one. I did much of the work as the US was invading Iraq and I added a yellow ribbon motive when I finished.
I would love to work the projects in the book. Thanks for the opportunity.
My largest project was a crib blanket for my granddaughter.
My largest embroidery project to date was a redwork quilt I just finished. It was my first attempt at anything other than cross stitch and I fell instantly in love! Just signed up for the online class and can’t wait to continue learning new things!
This past year I embroidered a large sampler of motifs from the shore and sea of South Africa. There were about 65 different plants, insects, birds, fish and shells. The wonderful thing about such projects is that each of the individual motifs is worked on separately so the idea is that you simply think about the one you are doing and not feel overwhelmed by the size of the whole thing. Now I must sew it into a pillow and that seems harder to start: strange reaction.
Carolyn Pearce’s new book seems to me to be the same idea: broken down into small projects that are a delight to do on their own, but build into such a sweet house.
Hi Mary,
The largest project I have finished is the Schwalm table cover from Luzine Happel’s book “Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework.”
I embroidered a Christmas scene with Santa in front of a fireplace. (Approximately 12×14). I used 12 and 30 weight thread. I was able to complete it in record time while my newborn granddaughter slept when babysitting. Now, to win the book to embroider the house and all of the wonderful accessories would be wonderful. Thank you again for another chance.
My largest needle work finish has been a wall hanging made from crazy quilting squares. I have also finished many bed quilts for my family. I would love to have this book for projects broken down in small steps.
Thanks for the giveaway! The book looks great!
I did a year long samler of different stitches. I have it framed and haning in my livingroom.
Kathleen Holloway
T.G.I.F. Mary! Whoa…beautiful give-a-way! My largest embroidery project would have been one from Crabapple Hill called “Nesting Place”. I stitched it onto a baby quilt for my newest “Alaskan” granddaughter. Have a t-riffic weekend! Sandy
The biggest embroidery project I’ve ever finished is one I made about two years ago. It was of a stylized Godzilla destroying a NEW YORK CITY block. Was a gift for the boyfriend and it was about the 18 X 20.
This looks awesome!
The largest embroidery project I finished was floral crewel work approximately 18″ x 24″.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.
The largest embroidery project I’ve completed is a framed Harvest/Thanksgiving piece. I loved working with the gorgeous colors of Fall! Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful book.
I was able to complete a very detailed and lovely tree. It was in fall colors and turned out very well.
The two largest projects I have ever attempted were
an English tapestry of the last supper done in tent
stitch and the New York skyline which was put out after 9/11 in which the towers appeared but the
reflection of the towers is missing among the
reflection of the other buildings. It was cross stitch but do not remember the designer. Am currently working on the Victoria Samplers Alphabet
sampler series and am on letter M. so have a ways to go on that one, but it will probably be the biggest in time consumed once done.
The largest piece I have finished was an embroidered tablecloth that had been started by mother.
I am still in the process of completing my largest project.
The largest project I ever made was called Little Aviator. I made it back in 1987-88, and it was my first big cross stitch project. I had never made anything with “thread painting” like this and I was scared, but managed to complete it. Doing that gave me much more confidence to try other forms of embroidery. We still have it hanging in our living room.
The largest piece I did was a large needlepoint Chinese dragon from a McCall’s magazine pattern about a zillion years ago. It’s still hanging on my wall.
My biggest project was a sampler. I’d like to try embroidering a quilt!
My most time consuming project was a Jean Hilton needlepoint design, 10.5″ square on 18 ct. Aren’t people always asking you how long it took to stitch a piece? I decided to track the minutes on this project ~ 500 hours. The largest was “LeAnn’s Quilt” with all the piecing and hand embroidery. I’m still not done with the quilting. I would love to have this book.
My biggest project is a choice between 6 10 x 10 store fronts or my current, MY BIG TOE “Psalm 23”.
I would love to have this book!!
Thanks so much!!
Ihave done a 12 x 12 sampler by Darleen O’Steen. I do a lot of ornaments and smalls
I think the biggest project I did was a reproduction of a small scene from the Bayeux Tapestry for my brother! It wasn’t very large… but I wasn’t very adept at couching! 😉
The largest embroidery project I have done would be a pillow. I saw a pillow in a Pottery Barn add. Looks like a large grapevine wreath with red berries throughout it. Lots of french knots. Turned out great.
The book is brilliantly illustrated with cute characters welcome in any stitchers’ home.
My largest projects have been quilts. The one I’m currently working on is an applique quilt that includes hand embroidery.
Hi Mary,
So glad you are offering the wonderful book!
My largest completed embroidery projects are two 80″ X 80″ crazy coverlets made for my two daughters for Christmas 1998. The backgrounds consist of colorful double knit scraps from my mother’s and my sewing projects of the 60s & 70s. Using 3 strands of black cotton floss, I stitched various running stitch patterns over the seam lines and embroidered freehand designs within the blocks. A cotton gray floral print backing and matching ruffle complete these coverlets that hold a treasure of memories.
How magical to see it. How amazing to own it. Thank you for your sharing. The largest embroidery project I have stitched was probably a floral crewel wall hanging.
My largest embroidery project was a quilt called “Merry Little Christmas” from Crabapple Hill. It has fun things that remind me of our Christmases growing up–bubble lights, ribbon candy, the old C7 light bulbs, holly, candy canes, etc. It was so much fun to embroider!
such a nice prize! ty for a chance..totally bummed I missed the class tho…too slow I guess…but that’s me… slow! my largest would have been a true embroidered piece about 11 x 14… but my fav thing I did was a reproduction sampler…it is 3 feet long by 8 inches…took me forever…but I love it!
The last project was personalized baby bibs and pillow cases.
I started to stitch when I was five years old with my mother. In small fabric my mother wrote some doll and I tried to stitch it.
The big proyect I made was a dancer couple, in black and beige colors, more years ago, then I made some works more but not too bigs as the other.
I’m happy to have another chance to win a book, sometimes I can’t to it because I live in Spain.
Thank you very much again
My largest embroidery project was a baby blanket for my son.
I created a picture with the words to the song “That Silver Haired Daddy of Mine” It was about 12″x 14″ and was covered in different designs. Sadly I did not get a photo and when my Dad passed it was not returned to me. It was one of my most involved and original creations. Although I did borrow the words to the song and have no idea who wrote it. It goes to the tune of “Red River Valley”. Does anyone remember it? Thanks for letting me travel down memory lane.
My largest project was a tablecloth for my granny. It took me two years to complete it, but she was so happy to get it, she cried when I gave it to her. When she passed away the cloth wasn’t there anymore, it was just gone, nobody knew where it was. Such a pity.
Hi Mary
A CQ! Although the blocks still have to be joined together – so strictly speaking it´s not yet completed, but I´m nearly there…
The largest item I’ve ever embroidered was a set of pillowcases.
The Dragon picture took 4 years – it is 42cm wide and 32cm high and 5 cm deep! The dragon even has moveable wings. Stumpwork trees and dragon, wired & wrapped bulrushes and couched ground over a silk painted background. I used Pearsalls, Stef Francis, Anchor threads and bits & pieces of chiffon etc. Great fun designing it and one day will make another to go with it.
Love the idea of making a dolls house in embroidery, and could do with a base to start from. Would love the book.
All of the embroidery I work on now is relatively small but years ago I worked on larger ones, the largest being @ 12 by 12.
Such lovely work. The largest thing I have done is a 10×12 sampler my mom gave me for my birthday one year. Lots of little projects though.
The largest cross-stitch piece I have done is one I designed as a Family Sampler. It is 16″ X 20″ and will be put into a 20 X 24″ frame.
This book would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the giveaway!
Four sets of “days of the week” flour sack towels was my biggest venture…..
I LOVE that workbox though! Thank you for the opprotunity!
That work box is BEAUTIFUL! Thank for the chance to win the book.
That work box is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the chance to win the book. OOps – hit the wrong button … my biggest embroidery project has been a tablecloth, actually have done a few of them.
Looks like a great book – would love to have it! Hm, the largest embroidery project I’ve ever completed – well the first one that jumps to my mind, I’m not sure that it counts was a Baltimore Album Quilt for a queen size bed that had embroidery details on it. But the next largest thing was back in my counted thread days was a large Lanarte design of a lady in blue. Approx 24″ x 18″ done over 2 threads.
I finished a tablecloth in the 70’s that my mother could not complete because of eye trouble. Dark green with yellow cross stitches. Love to use it and think of her
My largest project would be a miniature quilt that I embroidered with silk ribbon. This book looks totally awesome! I would love to win it!
My largest work was about 24 x30, a sampler. I just love samplers, but also smaller projects that are “different” than the run of the mill. Thanks for the chance to win this book, it looks GREAT!
My largest embroidery work is a sampler stitched in the 70s made from a pattern bought from a Family Circle magazine. It was the first pattern work I made.
It is framed and displayed on my family roon. All of my family monograms (mine and my husband) are displayed.
The largest work I finished was a cross stitch piece with violets. It took me 3 years to complete it. It measures about 50 x 70 cm (frame included)
I do embroidery to relax….the biggest I think would be several quilt blocks…..
I love doing embroidery for relaxation and beauty
this looks very interesting
I embroidered the face on an art doll earlier this month. It was my most ambitious project yet!
I’d love owning this book. My largest project was done many years ago. “Love Birds” is about 18 by 24, framed nicely, and hanging in my bedroom. Thanks.
This book looks wonderful. I just starting embroidery and finished a snowman ornament.
I completed Lavendar and Lace’s ‘The Bride’ for my oldest daughter when she was married. Currently, I am working on their ‘Guardian Angel’ for my youngest daughter.
The largest embroidery project that I have ever completed is a 2-foot by 2-foot piece depicting various tea cups and saucers surrounding a blue and white Chinese-style teapot. The motifs are set off with candlewicking.
I discovered embroidery by buying threads, pattern, buttons, etc… at garage sales. I know enjoy a variety of thread colors and create art in frames with felt, threads, different stitches, etc… Love, love it!!!! I am even starting a neighborhood bi-weekly meeting with some ladies to open their mind to the endless possibilities and show them how relaxing this craft is!
My “largest” piece is Forest of Light, a canvaswork piece. Largest is in quotes because although it is a big piece, it isn’t very intricate. My piece with the most stitches is probably my son’s Christmas stocking. Nearly all of it is cross-stitched and it’s on 18 count navy blue fabric.
The largest embroidery project was a lined green wool baby bunting that had beautiful vines and flowers all along the front zipper. I made it when I was pregnant for my first child, Emily when we lived in Nevada (where it was cold). I even entered it in the NV State fair and won a blue ribbon!
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.
Probably the largest embroidery project I have ever done was a childs dress. There were so many roses and buds that I could finally do them in my sleep. Emberoidery is relaxing to me and I would love to have the book.
The largest project I’ve done is a 12″x18″ cross-stitch picture of the San Xavier Mission, design by Jean Lanning. It was done with 3 strands of DMC cotton floss on a blue-grey fabric that is generally used to cover speakers. It’s a large weave fabric, I don’t know the thread count.
Mary, I stitch lots of “large” pieces, but probably my embroidered crazy quilt wall hanging (30″ x 40″) is the largest. I enjoy stitching items of any size as a wonderful way to relax and complete projects for gifts or for sale. Currently working on an applique/embroidered Tree of Life quilt for one of my sons and his wife.
Good Morning Mary,
Thanks for the second chance to win this beautiful project! My biggest project would be a cross-stitch that I completed almost 20 years ago! I had seen it at the Kansas State Fair and fell in love with the colors and the saying. After tracking down the owner (this was before internet!) she shared the pattern name and I was off to find the supplies. It was called Mother Goose’s Words of Wit and Wisdom – The Seasons. I worked on this between nursing and tending to my babies (many late and early morning feedings I remember), scrimped to save enough to frame this “masterpiece”. It was about 12″x24″. And it has hung in our dining room since. As the kids have grown, one conversation was what each would like from our home when were gone (many years from now!) and all three of them put this stitchery on their list – I’ll let them figure it out!
Thanks again,
Karen in JC
The largest project I have completed is a dutch reproduction sampler from the early 1800s.
Thank you for the give away.
Hello, the largest embroidery project I took on in terms of time as opposed to size were two crazy quilt stockings that I made for my children, I really like them and enjoyed the embroidery work on them so much, Hope I win the book!!
The largest piece I have done is a pillow cover with monograms from your site.
I love to make needlepoint boxes, I use 14 count plastic canvas, with two ply embrodery floss. I love the colors and the contrasts. I do alot of them that are hexagon. I do not sell, I give as gifts. I do all sort of topics, and use different needlepoint patterns. I love figuring things out. Thank you for letting me into this give a way. Pamela
My biggest embroidery project was for my Mother which was a plant ladder filled with several plants using lots of different embroidery stitches. I enjoyed making the cascading ferns the most.
The biggest project I have embroidered was a baby blanket, 38″ x 50″. It was a cross-stitch alphabet made out of “carrots” with a bunny seated on top of each letter. Each letter was about 4 inches high. The only thing that was not embroidered, except the border which was knotted blanket stitch, was the 6 inch border section.
A lovely multi-colored satin-stitch multi-flower handbag on black fabric using a floral pattern adapted from an old Brigitte (in German). It was fun to use these bright satiny colors on black. Loved it!
Would love to be entered for your giveaway. This is a beautiful book.
Celtic Banner by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum . . . thanks Mary!
The largest piece I have completed and framed and hanging on the wall is “Shores of Hawk Run Hollow” which is very large stitched on 36 count overdyed fabric. I love it!! I’d also love to stitch “Home Sweet Home” since I love surface embroidery. I think this project is delightful!!
Meu maior projeto foi bordado floral,em almofadas de cãnhamo ,para cadeiras da varanda. Ficaram lindas e isso já fazem uns 30anos.
Adoro o seu trabalho. Parabéns.
Desculpe por não escrever em inglês pois não tenho domínio absoluto sobre o idioma.
Adoraria ganhar o Sweet Home Sweet pois aqui no Brasil é muito difícil adquirir tal obra de arte.
A great giveaway which I found on Craft Gossip. I think I might have to buy this if I don’t win!
just a framed piece about 12″x12″ of chickadees and ivy I think…it was a gift and I haven’t seen it since I gave it away…
Peço desculpas por ter escrito errado.
Onde se lê “Sweet Home Sweet”o correto seria
Home Sweet Home”. A minha ansiedade ,foi muito
grande ao escrever para concorrer a tão belo prêmio.
Repetindo o que disse no comentário anterior , meu maior projeto foi bordado floral em almofadas de cânhamo, para varanda.Quero muito oprêmio
Hi Mary
I guess that my largest embroidery project would be the Whale by Sue Coleman. This was a cross stitch project that took me a very long time to do but it was a great feeling to see it done. Thanks again for a beautiful giveaway.
Joan T from BC
My largest stitching piece is The Book of Ink Circles by Tracy Horner, a beautiful Celtic Sampler with over 25,000 stitches.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
A completely hand embroidered quilt for my great niece. I designed her name into the trunk of a palm tree – the palm, sea and island were all appliqued and then all embroidered. The edges of the palm leaves with mountmellick stitch. The sea had embroidered fish, sea weed, star fish etc. The island flowers and grass. I used it as an exercise to experience different stitches – some found on Mary Corbet’s website and others from the internet. And the sun shone from a corner and its rays created the quilting part of the exercise. Took about 1000 hours to do and it is now being enjoyed with instructions to use it not save it for some ‘special time’.
The largest needlework project I have completed is a set of cross-stiched nativity pieces…Joseph, Mary, Jesus in a manger, a shepherd and two sheep and a donkey. We have enjoyed it for many years. It is lovely and I don’t have to worry when small hands want to play with it.
Hi Mary!
I would LOVE, love, love to have this wonderful book. I have created so many stitched projects, I think my largest was the a 22×28 Santa that I gave to my sister one year for Christmas. I love going to her house (20 years past) and seeing her proudly display my stitchery…it’s love!
That book looks very inspiring. The biggest embroidery project I’ve ever tackled and completed was two cross-stitched victorian house pictures. I had both framed (cost a small fortune).
Hello, thanks for the opportunity! My largest piece was a 10 x14 “still life” that I stitched for my boyfriend/fiance who eventually dumped me. I often wonder if he kept it or gave it to Goodwill.
Good morning, Mary,
The largest project completed has been a little tiny needle book.
Have a great day!
Oh what a wonderful book. I’d enjoy making an idea out of it.
Largest project to date is what I just finished: the 2011 Sue Spargo BOM. Wool applique with lots of new embellishing stitches that I had never tried before. I must say that I used this site for almost every one of the stitches. Your videos are awesome and you were a lifesaver at midnight when the paper directions just did not cut the mustard! Thanks ever so much then and now! Good luck to everyone. It looks like a great addition to anyone’s library. Chris Beresford
Dear Mary,
I would be most delighted to win theis marvelous Book…Thank you for allowing me the priviledge, to do so….
Kaitlin In ID..
Beautiful looking book! The largest project i have completed would be a toss up between the birth announcement i made for my daughter, i had it completed waiting to fill in the blanks when she was born… full of bunnies, flowers, etc…(and sits in a chest to this day never having gotten framed )Oh, she’s 19… I also did an irish linen tablecloth. Just accents along the corners with irish themed items. It’s nice to put out and use during family get togethers.
Thank you for another opportunity to win this beautiful book. The largest embroidery project I’ve finished is about 14 x 14inches. I’m presently working on a much larger design but it’s not finished yet. Regards Mandy
Ive only done very small projects so I would love this book to help me do more. Thanks
The longest project I ever attempted, was a stamped cross stitch twin bed spread for my daughter. I started it when she was a year old, in time for her to be in a “big bed”, and finally finished it after she was married. But I did finish it!
I love embroidery and learned a little with my grandma. The largest project I’ve done was a cover to my newborn boy David. I still have it to remember, keeped like a treasure and this was 30 years ago. I hope to use it when I get a grandchild from my son! big hug and thanks
The largest embroidery project I have undertaken was a Beth Russell adaptation of a William Morris design; a handsome lion, prowling through acanthus leaves and treading on a scattering of brightly coloured mille fluers. I finished him just in time to give to one of my sons and his bride as part of my wedding gift to them.
I’m only a newbie to fabric, but I can say, hand on heart, that I am in love with and addicted to anything having to do with fabric and crafts involving fabric.
This is a beautiful book and I would love to learn how to create some of the beautiful things inside it. Please enter me into the giveaway – I’d give it a fabric-loving home.
The biggest was a not very large purse. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Please? and Thank you!
Oh, I would love to have this book. It looks like the perfect to motivate me back into handwork.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
I guess the largest project I’ve done was a block of the month quilt with 12 embroidered blocks. I did a lot of the embroidery on a bus trip through Colorado so it seemed like it was no time at all before it was done! This house project looks like even more fun.
What beautiful books. I’d like to be included in the giveaway. Thanks!
It depends on how you define large, I suppose. I have made a tree embroidery, a portrait of my sister-in-law and her baby, a book cover, and a couple of more abstract pieces. But all of these could fit easily into a 11×14 frame. I’m realizing as I’m writing this that all of these were made as gifts. We also just bought a house and will be moving in a few weeks. Not the best time to start a new stitching project but just the right to time to start planning for it–especially one as thematically appropriate as this one. Thanks for the opportunity!
The largest project that I have completed is a linen arts and crafts pillow cover that I embroidered and sewed together. It was also my first embroidery project. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
What a fantastic give away. You are wonderful to give us some great opportunities. It is such a beautiful project to store all my bits and bobs.
I am a beginner so my largest project is my only project. My brother has a weiner dog and I saw this free pattern online of a dog like his which was cute. It had antlers in his head with ornaments hanging on them. There were two of them and I also found one of a boy walking a dog like his. I made all three of them and used the hoop for each one to frame them.
When I was younger (ages ago!) I used to embroider table cloths. Actually that is what started my creative work. Now I also sew, crochet and felt but embroidering remains my favorite creative activity. And thanks for offering the giveaway!
Years ago I did a shearing shed scene that was 3 ft x 2 ft it took me 2 years to complete as I had 2 small sons at home that hadn’t started school, so time was precious. The boys were great and knew not to touch Mummy’s scissors or her work. They are now 22 and 20. I have gone on from Cross Stitch, Blackwork & Tapestries etc to Goldwork and Stumpwork, which are my great loves at the moment.
the largest embroidery project i ever finished was a blessing pillow for my grandchildren. it has simple lazy daisy flowers embroidered around it and a sentence from psalms in the top center. in block letters. the names of the children who made use of it and the dates that it was used are embroidered on the embroidery skills are rather limited and a book like this one would really help me develop them so that i can make really nice things.
Wedding Cross stitch by lavender & lace. The one that has long white gown flows from right to left.
That took for while to complete.
Sizewise, wool embroidery on wool blanket was bigger.Australian flowers on navy wool blanket.
The largest needlwork project I ever completed was a cushion for an antique deacon’s bench done in needlepoint – both half cross stitch and some specialty stitches. Finished size about 12″ x 48″.
The largest project I have ever completed was a mixed media piece of a mermaid as a gift for a friend, who now displays it in her living room.
The largest project of mine was on a tussar silk sari. I did the ” kantha work” fully using back stitch and herringbone stitches. I still wear it on occasions.
My largest embroidery project was on an appliqued quilt which had a block for each month of the year. Thanks for the offer, this looks like an awesome book.
I’m pretty sure that in terms of sheer square inches stitched, the biggest thing I’ve ever embroidered would be the “yardage” I made for a final project in one of my classes, however that was lots of running stitch and so forth so if we were go go for a more metaphorical meaning of “size” as “time spent and stitches taken” then it would be a smaller piece (for the same professor) where I completely covered quite a lot of fabric in dense, overlapping straight stitches.
Hi I have not started on any stitching project.
But would love to win the book and embark on my stitching adventure!! <3
Hope i can win the giveway <3
Largest project I completed was felt birds for christmas gifts.
The largest project was a set of pillowcases at the tender age of 11. I still have them.
Wow, if this doesn’t date me, nothing will! Back in the early seventies, I sewed matching corduroy western shirts with elaborate yokes for my boyfriend and myself. (Mind you I was 15 or 16 and back then, we all sewers lots of our own clothes.). Anyway, I embroidered flowers and vines and peace signs of course, all over the cuffs,collars and down the front placket and all over the yokes. They were quite beautiful, but I think my boyfriend was somewhat underwhelmed with my attempts. Needless to say, I think we wore them together once and then they were left in the closet for posterity to chuckle over. I’ve since gone on to be come a Family & Consumer Science teacher, formerly known as Home Ec. I’ve taught for 32 years, including some hand embroidery and lots of machine embroidery, but never, never have I let someone embroider matching shirts for their boyfriends (or girlfriends as the case may be.) I have fallen in love with all the dimensional options in embroidery and I am working to teach myself more about goldwork and other embroidery options such as Brazilian and Stumpwork. I purchased Hazel Everett’s book back in December and have poured over it on a daily basis! Her illustrations and explanations are specific, and very clear. I am in love with the variety of designs and adaptable things that can be done from her beautifully illustrated book! I’ve also admired Carolyn Pearce’s “Home Sweet Home” and it is the next book I hoped to purchase. I would dearly love to win this beautiful book!
Thank you for a beautiful site. I enjoy it very much. If possible I would like leads on buying school girl needle work sampler kits
The largest piece I’ve completed would be a large partlet (sorta like a dicky, but covering the entire upper chest area) filled with blackwork embroidery. If you or anyone else is curious about what that looks like, I’ve got a page about it here.
Wonderful looking book.
Hi, the largest thing is pillow cases with a vine and unicorn inside it about 8 inches round. I did 8 of them for four people.
I must admit, although I do a lot of embroidery, I prefer to make small items. I would love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.
My largest so far in terms of size would be a stamped cross stitch baby blanket. In term of difficulty, a 24″ x 18″ counted cross stitch kit.
I often do large projects, but two of the biggest are Mirabilia’s Crystal Christmas and Chatelaine’s Alpine Mandala. And I’m about to start another Chatelaine mandala. Though I would be happy to fit in the projects in Home Sweet Home. I’ve been eyeing that book since it was announced. Tina in Melbourne
At Christmas I made a quilt for my granddaughter with 12 blocks, each with a different girl dresses for the month. They were done in surface embroidery and shadow embroidery and I can’t wait to do some other fancier projects.
The largest piece wasn’t all embroidery, but I did do some embroidery on a 30×30″ quilt.
small pillow (just a beginner)
I recently completed a folding fireplace screen with 4 panels. each with an 16″x24″ cross stitch panel and and 10″x 16″ embroidered panel.
I quilted a queen size quilt but I embroidered a small design on each square before sewing together and all in shades of purple.
The largest completed object I’ve made was a pillow, approximately 12” by 12”, with the front embroidered in with a crewel design.
I have a large ongoing project of several steps. The goal is to develop my skills for a crewel embroidery fire-screen. The first step is the Long and Short Stitching example; the second is to do the Long and Short Stitching example on a larger scale. The third one is to do a sampler I have designed to practice the stitches I need for another crewel design. The fourth step is to do the fire-screen.
In the first step I embroidered the Long and Short Stitching example with tapestry wool on linen. This meant I had to transfer the design. I chose different colour using those I had. I have completed this and am now working on the example drawn to a larger scale. In the first step I produced the effect of long and short stitching but it wasn’t really long and short stitching because the motifs were too small for that with tapestry wool. With the larger scale, I am doing long and short stitching.
Hi Mary, what a lovely give-away! The largest embroidery project I have ever completed was a Miniature Baltimore Album Quilt. It was appliqued and each little block was embroidered using ribbon, thread and beads – 25 small blocks in total with an appliqued and embroidered border. GB, South Africa
The largest in terms of dimensions is a 23×26″ cross-stitched reproduction of an antique Dutch samplar (found in a museum shop when I lived in Utrecht many years ago). I remember being SOOO thrilled when the end of the wrap-around border actually met the beginning of the border PERFECTLY!
The largest in terms of time are 4 hand-painted Christmas stockings for our son, d-i-l, and 2 grandchildren – each stocking took 2 years to complete (still working on #4 but determined to finish it by Christmas 2012). Janet.
The largest project that I’ve completed to date is a series of three-dimensional embroidered trilobites for my installation, Evidence. Evidence was mounted in September 2011 and displayed in a window gallery for five weeks here in Toronto, Canada.
the largest embroidery projects that I have done were Christmas stockings.
Largest piece I ever completed was the sampler reproduction of “Dutch Beauty”. I worked on 40 count linen over 2 threads. It finished up at 30″ by 20″.
Pues te cuento que el mayor proyecto que he bordado probablemente ha sido unos ángeles que sostienen al niñito, o bien otro similar que tengo de unos cactus en el desierto.
Costa Rica
In 1975…I did two 5 by 7 pictures of various “weeds” in the classic colors of the day…..browns, golds and greens…just bought another kit to get back into the game of embroidery…yip-eeee
Grace from Minnesota
Well, since I’m a beginner, I haven’t gotten *too* ambitious yet! I just completed my first mini quilt for Valentine’s day, with a funny frog embroidered in the middle. It was fun! It’s far from perfect, but I learned a lot.:)
Just found your blog, I love embroidery but haven’t done much so you are inspiration for me to get back into it. Thanks for the chance to win!
I designed, stitched and put together a casket with a historical theme & entered it in the DAR American Heritage competition in 2010 – I won national!
I completed a pair of crewel bookends while I was pregnant with my first child. They are lovely and still grace my sewing room. I do think it is time for a new project, though. My son is 35 years old and is bringing home his second baby son from the hospital today! Hurrah!
Hello, my largest project was an old fashion santa done in cross stitch for my sister. I would be quite interested in winning this book.
The biggest project I’ve ever done is a two sided crazy quilt pillow for my mom. I’m now working on a crazy quilt. I’ve got lots of pieces done towards it, and enjoy trying different needlework techniques on them. I love the variety involved in crazy quilting.
I have some large cross stitch designs which I have done when I was at university but now I learn crewel embroidery and different dimensional embroidery techniques. Many thanks to your web site because here in Russia it is very difficult to find a book about embroidery techniques. I find a lot of useful tips and even subscribed to the Inspiration magazine with the discount and now I am looking forward for receiving the first number. This give away is a great opportunity for me, I read your review about this book, Carolyn’s projects are something delightful and I think it could be very useful for me.
I recently completed a crewel alphabet sampler, which is my largest project to date. Now if I could just motivate myself to frame it…
The largest piece I ever started was a cross stitch afghan, but that is only three-fourths completed. So I suppost the largest that got finished was an ambitious Elsa Williams crewel vase of flowers that had an 18 inch design size. At the time I was just learning crewel stitches and wow did I learn alot! That was way back in 1982.
The biggest project I have finished so far was “The Peacock Tapestry” by Theresa Wentzler. The blending made me crazy and it took forever — really, I think it took me 2 years. I called it “my dreaded peacock project” — but the final was lovely. I think it was a 28 ct over 2. Triple matted and framed out so the final piece is quite large. I have other pieces that were probably larger stitch #s, but done on higher count fabric so they ended up smaller. I enjoy your emails, thank you!
I’ve just completed an 8″ x 12″ cross stitch picture–not huge but it sure took along time.
Thanks for the giveaway chance.
I am not sure. I have stitched some table cloths. But maybe the biggest one project was icon, stitched in cross stitch. And now I am thinking about few other table cloths (and I hope to make at least one for myself).
Thank you , Mary!
This is a darling project that would be great fun to sew.
Have a beautiful day.
Camille Van Fleet
You have the BEST give aways!any of which I would love to win, but”Home,Sweet Home” is one of the loveliest. The largest project I have done – and finished – is an EGA Group correspondence course sampler called ” To the Acorn “, but my current work-in-progress will be the largest embroidery project I have ever undertaken—two 3+’ x 12” long panels for a quilt entitled ‘Over the River and through the Woods’from Crab-apple Hill.It is a challenge and a great learning project.
My embroidery projects have all been small, just samples to try different things. The little workbox and all of it’s lovely little accessories would be a good way to start actually working on something with a real purpose! I do use some of my samples in my CQ pieces, but the ideas of creating something that I can use daily is very inspiring.
I finished just a few weeks ago an afghan with 20 seven inch squares of varied cross stitch. I started it in 1987 and put it away for a long time. I changed some of the designs. It’s nice to be working on smaller pieces and not lugging that afghan around. Thanks for the giveaways!
The largest project I have completed was a redwork tea towel. I’m a beginner and I look forward to finishing larger projects.
Why would I like to have this lovely book? It absolutely makes ‘your mouth water’ literally. It is so charming and from the description it sounds like it would allow me, not really allow but to encourage me to do more needlework, and always try to emulate a master. The largest piece of needlework that I have done was a sampler done in counted cross stitch which I gave to my daughter. The size must have been something like 24″ x 24″. I have done a lot of embroidery but Mary has introduced me to a world I didn’t really know existed.
The largest emboidery project I ever completed was a cross stitched tablecloth for a dining table that seated 12. I used only brown thread, thinking that it then matched the wooden furniture in the room and look wonderful. Wrong! All my work just blended in. I was glad when it had enough stains on it to stop using it.
Im taking my first module at the Royal school of needlework in Hampton court. My crewelwork piece is just larger than A4. It’s not my biggest piece of embroidery i have ever done, but on the scale of how important it is to me, it’s HUGE!!!
I honestly can’t answer what my largest project has been. I almost always have some sort of needle in hand. I married in 1974 and made several samplers from kits to decorate our house. I still have several of them on our walls now. Since then, I have tried virtually every type of handwork – cross stitch, quilting, knit and crochet, and needlepoint. My biggest project this past year has probably been a set of needlepoint Halloween and Thanksgiving stand-ups.
I would love to win the book – then after completing the workbox, I would have a beautiful place to “house” my latest project.
I did a cross stitch designed by Eva Rosenstan of a dozen or so birds, a williamsburg sampler of cross stitch & satin stitch that was about 14 x 24, & have done a number of applique quilts if that is considered embroidery. One of those is also embroidered or embellished.
I think the largest embroidery project I’ve done was a crewel piece. Not very large! Most of my finished work has been in other techniques than embroidery, because I am still working on my skills in this craft. I think the tiny accessories in this book would be great to practice on. Thanks, Mary!
It’s so nice of you to do this. I have been eyeing this book on the Country Bumpkin webpage for some time. I’d be over the moon to win this, but if not, now I know where to get it in the US!
Shores of Hawk Run Hollow – my marathon at 18 by 24. Lots and lots of coverage, but I love the sea, whales, boats….everything about it. It was great fun to do.
The largest piece of embroidery was an 8 x 10 wedding sampler for a friend of mine several years ago. It was done in counted cross stitch, if that qualifies as embroidery.
The biggest project I’ve completed was a 45″ square tablecloth with 8 matching napkins. I padstitched a floral motif in satin stitch, then surrounded the tablecloth with a crochet lace edging. The napkins each had a different flower from the larger motif, with a slightly narrower version of the same edging.
It took a while (and I’m afraid to use it!), but if I do say so myself, the combination of roses and pansies with their respective foliage turned out beautifully. Every now and then, I pull it out to look at it and contemplate making something similar as a wedding gift — for someone who doesn’t have a cat who would want to play with the edging!
What a fabulous book with lots of treasures to be made…and lots of learning.
The largest piece I ever attempted was a Cross Stich piece by Paula Vaughn. I gave it away as a wedding gift and to be honest, I think it was the last time I ever worked on anything as small as 22ct. Why is it the eyes seem to be getting older as I age?
I have been embroidering since I was about 5-7 years of age. I have done so many things over the years and have given all away but I think the last embroidery was on a king size quilt that was covered with blocks of appliqued baskets with flowers and I embroidered tiny birds, tendrils, bees and embellishments, plus a few leaves that fell off the flowers. I just hope that my name might be drawn.
Thank you, Mary, for all that you contribute to the needlenthread ladies in this world.
Georgia Gal
Pictures you’ve shown and just the words, lift-out tray and accessories, prompts my confidence that this book would set me up to be organized for many years to come and become my largest project. My past embroideries have flourished with elaborate baby quilts in Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Color Kittens themes and densely stitched Spanish rice in bullion stitches for a Mexican Food Plate with whipped spiderweb stitched sliced onions.
I have cross stitched numerous pictures but my most favorite is a Paula Vaughn picture that I absolutely love! I love sewing and I have so many projects that I hope to get to…sew many projects sew little time!
Thanks Mary–so glad you are offering a copy of this book! It’s got some great stuff for CQ patches. My largest embroidery project was a “crazy quilt” jacket made from several generations of family hankies. To clarify–I stitch but I don’t sew, therefore the technical aspects were beyond my skill set. A friend “fit” me with several patterns (Vogue, Butterick etc) but I ended using a grid pattern that I found in a library book. The sleeve & side seam were sewn as one (rather than a set-in sleeve) so after making the jacket in muslin & getting some help to fit the neckline, I was ready to go. One year turned into two, then three, then more. At one point, a friend asked if it would ever be finished in her lifetime! By the time the embellishments were finished, I had changed my mind about fabrics for the sleeves & bias binding & had moved to another state. Luckily I found a gal who does alterations & she agreed to finish the jacket. It was a labor of love & the hankies are getting the respect they are due! I always get compliments when I wear it.
Mary, this was just the push I needed to finish up Jane Nicholas’ Garland of Berries (which was started *cough – uh 2010* some time ago), and yes – it’s 1:59 and 20 seconds, and I have officially finished my most complex embroidery to date. (Woo Hoo!) Now on to the next class project which I am very much looking forward to. 😉
Probably my largest recent [completed] embroidery project is a reproduction alphabet. It hangs over my sewing room desk.
I don’t typically work on super large project because I find it hard to get in there to work the middle!! There must be a trick.
Thank you for another wonderful give-away!
I am not sure if my comment went through due to internet connection problems. My largest project completed was a rather small cherry blossom tree given to my grandmother after surgery. It was my first dabble in embroidery and I framed it and gave it away! As I learn more and more, it seems such a silly little gift, but she has kept it by her bedside and loves the approx. 2X3.5 in tree on a hill. I’m working on a sampler now and hope to post photos of my first monogram soon. I have not gone much larger in size, but I’ve certainly gotten much better at stitching. Thank you MC for your constant source of embroidery enthusiasm and resources! I did just purchase The Right-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion and it is by far the best book I’ve found for the money! I’d love to read this one though, and have it in my growing collection. (and I’m sure my husband would love not having to pay for it!).
I just discovered your site and I am really enjoying it. I am sure I will be visiting it quite often.
That workbox is so adorable! Thank you for the chance to win it.
My biggest completed project is a table cloth 18″x37″. Cross stitches in red on white linen.
Hi Mary, my biggest project is my first and only project. I’ve been so inspired by your fabulous posts and guidance, your great “how to” videos that for my daughter, Holly, one of her presents this Christmas was a kindle cover which I made myself and embroidered, using satin stitch and stem stitch, the holly bough pattern in your selection of patterns. It’s about 4″ x 4″ and we are both delighted with it. Thank you, thank you, for your enthusiasm and skills and thank you once again for sharing them with us.
The largest project I worked on was a multi-year, multi-person recreation of the embroidered ceiling work at Vizcaya Museum in Miami, FL. I did one bit of it – maybe 1/50th of the work. Still it was a strip of embroidery about 12 feet long and 6″ wide, with flowing flowers and vines. Biscayne Chapter of EGA took on this project, since the original was literally falling to pieces. They diagrammed it and chose the colors, referring to the back, the front being shades of brown, brown and brown. It’s a wonderful team effort, stunning in its setting. The only public photos that I know about are in the EGA’s magazine NeedleArts.
I’m still fairly new and several projects I am working on. The largest one is 12″ x 6″. I am always looking for new ideas and inspirations and this would be great to add to my growing library.
I would love to win this book – I subscribe to Inspirations Magazine and just love all their designs. I would love to make “Home Sweet Home” for myself as it will certainly be a challenge and take me out of my comfort zone!. The largest (or smallest)project I have tackled is an Etui from Issue 65 on 32 count linen! There is an etui, needlecase, button box and tuffet. I have almost completed it and will certainly need an eye test and new spectacles afterwards!
Thank you Mary for your guidance and interesting articles – you really keep needlework alive for all needleworkers around the world.
I love the delicacy of teeny tiny projects! Thanks for a chance at another give-away.
Oh, so many projects … so little time! I really think that I must confess that my “largest” project is the accummulation of future projects! I do have several “big ones” in the works now – samplers, multi-piece sewing sets – but I suppose the biggest finished piece would be a beaded/embroidered wedding anniversary sampler I did for my in-laws’ 45th anniversary. As both of them are now deceased, the sampler is hanging in my home. Thanks for the fun contest, Mary!
I would love to win this book. I love Country Bumpkin products, and this seems especially appealing.
I have completed several 18″x 24″ crewel embroidery pictures, redwork blocks that I have made into quilts and I am currently working on 12″ blocks of African Folklore Embroidery.
Thanks for a good review (I purchased the above two books because of your reviews!) and for giving us a chance to win one. Kendra Hall
The largest piece that I embroidery was a large oval linen table cloth with matching 12 napkins. This was a gift to my parents for their 35th anniversary. I now have it in my pocession since they both have passed away and using it always brings back wonderful memories of meals with my family and spuuses – much talk and laughter was always around the table.
My largest embroidery project isn’t that big at all but is very detailed…It woyuld be a flapper girl wall hanging. Thanks so much for the chance to win! This book & project are so so cute!
I have just started on another small embroidery piece and would like to thank you for your give-aways.
Gosh! It seems like I’ve worked on big pieces, at least they take a long time to complete! But I think the largest in dimension has been about 8 x 20 inches. Always working one big and small at the same time so something will get finished.
What a great competition,thanks Mary.My largest greatest project was my first.Iwas told during my pregnancy that I must rest and sit as much as possible,anyone that knows me would know this as an impossible task . That is when I first took up cross stitch,I was hooked and I did manage to rest and take it easy.It took about a year to complete and was the rose of sharon by mirabilia. It still hangs on my wall today with many others but this one is rather special as different parts I stitched reminds me of the stages through my pregnancy.The last part took the longest as Oliver took a lot of nursing once he was born,as both he and I nearly didnt make it,but I was determined to finish it.I have not stopped stitching since
I have only worked on small pieces as gifts. My favorite are decorative delicate long pin cushions tied at each end. I have also made small birthday bags decorated with the flower of the month and a stone to represent the stone of the month.
I don’t know if I’ve ever finished an embroidery project!! I have a few started. 😛
But can’t think of any finished ones. I guess it would be some doodle embroidery I did on a piece of leather as a cover for a needle book. It was fun. Just a piece for me to do while helping my little daughters make theirs. 🙂
The largest project I have done is a pillowcase. I am a beginner but am looking forward to bigger projects. Thanks for the wonderful site you have.
The largest and most complicated thing I’ve ever stitched is Teresa Wentzler’s Peacock Tapestry. I’ve stitched the EGA project Tiramisu which is longer, but stitch for stitch, it doesn’t even come close to the hours spent on the peacock tapestry.
I’m new to the surface embroidery world, and my largest non-straight x-stitch/blackwork/hardanger piece is this little bug, berry and leaf stump work piece that was done as a learning experiment.
Wow….a wonderful book! I’d love it.
The largest project I stitched was a stamped cross stitched Christmas tablecloth that I stitched at least 25 years ago. I still have it and use it every Christmas.
Thistle plant of shades of lavenders, greens/browns is the largest I’ve ever done.
I completed a large cross stitch picture for a friend.
The larges project I embroidered was a tablecloth 2.5m x 1.5m. It was done in satin stitch, called Ponto Chato. It comes from Brazil and the Satin Stitch goes parallel to the weave length wise on the table cloth. It,s done in heavy cotton threads on non-bleached heavy evenweave cotton.
It took over a year to do, but it is a beautiful one of a kind.
The largest embridery project I ever completed was a baby quilt that I made for my sister. She is 18 years younger than me so I completed this my first semester in college and had it ready for her when she was born. It is a treasured heirloom.
Thank you for this opportunity to win this book. It is one that I really desire to have and complete the projects. I have done one of the ribbon embroidery panels (with stumpwork) by Di Van Niekerk ant this looks even more fun.