
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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And the Winners Are…


Amazon Books

Here it is – the post we’ve all been waiting for!

Today, I’m announcing the winners of the 12 Days of Christmas series here on Needle ‘n Thread. This was a series of hand embroidery related give-aways, running over the 12 Days of Christmas, from Christmas to January 6th.

12 Days of Christmas embroidery give-away series

We had some fantastic needlework gifts in the line-up, all of which are recapped on The Wrap Up.

This morning, after ironing out all the technical stuff, I did the “random number” thing and hunted down the comments corresponding to the correct number (taking into account the fact that there are only 99 comments on each comment page, and each new page starts renumbering – and also taking into account the occasional duplicate entry, and also taking into account one person who had to enter via e-mail because of a computer problem). And finally…. we have a list of winners!


Here we go!

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits and DVD

Day 1: Trish Burr’s instructional DVD set & three beautiful needle painting kits go to Mary McCusker. I don’t know where she’s from, but I do know she likes the Kotari Kingfisher and wondered if he is glaring at a fish he’s about to eat.

Goldwork Threads from Tanja Berlin

Day 2: The two goldwork thread collections from Tanja Berlin go to B from M and Nina of New York. B has wanted to try goldwork for a long time, but has been intimidated by the many different types of goldwork threads and the cost – so here’s a good opportunity to try some out and get hooked! And Nina is in the same boat – she’s wanted to try it, but hasn’t taken the plunge. (I’m not sure if she realized that “plunge” works out to a goldwork pun…!)

Japanese Silk Thread

Day 3: The two collections of Japanese silk go to Lisa in Stirling, Ontario (18 spools) and to Chris P Romeo (12 spools). Lisa has plans of a peacock in silk, and Chris hasn’t tried flat silk yet, but wants to, because it would “amp up the dignity of the stitchery.” (That’s a quotable line!)

Talliaferro Designs crewel embroidery

Day 4: The Wool & Hoop kit and the Talliaferro Design kit winner is Abbie of Ithaca (say that 10 times fast!). Though new to embroidery, Abbie wants to be a Talliaferro kind of stitcher, because the design “screams amazing.”

Evertite Stretcher Bars

Day 5: The Evertite Stretcher Bars go to Marjorie Holmes, who does a lot of different types of embroidery and holds the fabric different ways, depending on what she’s doing. (I think she’ll like the Evertites a LOT!)

Right Handed Embroiderer's Companion

Day 6: Looks like a Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion from Yvette Stanton is going to KiallaJudes, who wants to give it to her sister for her birthday. Kialla is a righty, and looks forward to getting the opposite version for herself some day.

Little Embroidery Kits

Day 7: The various little kits and do-dads from The French Needle are going to Michelle Simmons, who doesn’t collect embroidery scissors, but would like to; and to Beth in Maine who loves embroidery scissors and has several pairs, her favorite being by Honey Bee (haven’t seen these – will have to look them up!)

Renaissance Dyeing Crewel Embroidery Wool

Day 8: The Elizabethan Range of crewel wools from Renaissance Dyeing goes to Brenda Hedge, who is planning on working the Crewel Rooster with them! (Fun!)

Linen & Silk for Hand Embroidery

Day 9: The linen and silk thread ensembles from Hedgehog Handworks & Access Commodities go to Dale in Newfoundland, who is thinking along the lines of a whitework sampler, especially after finding out there there are over 200 shades of off white; and to Kandy Fling, who has a bunch of projects milling around in her head – the linen and threads will surely come in handy!

Hand Embroidery Tools

Day 10: Those gorgeous stitching tools go to Judy (Daiz) N, whose favorite tools are her needle and needle threader! Now she can add three more favorites to her list!

Millenium Needlework Frame

Day 11: The Millenium Frame goes to Kimberly Fiori, who has been scrimping for one of them for a while. It’s #1 on her wish list…. but not anymore!

Inspirations Magazine

Day 12: And finally, the two one-year subscriptions to Inspirations Magazine go to Joyce Foss, who wants to gift it to a life-long, talented friend; and to Brittany W who is a novice embroiderer and will find Inspirations a wonderful resource for ideas and projects.

Claiming Prizes

To claim your prizes, please contact me with your mailing information by Thursday, January 12th. If I haven’t heard from you by January 12th, I’ll re-draw for your prize, so don’t delay!

Thanks to all for participating and to the contributors who made it happen! I wish I could send everyone a little something – but that would be about 13,000 little somethings.

If you didn’t win, you can always give yourself a consolation prize with a subscription to Inspirations Magazine, using the 20% discount that Country Bumpkin is offering readers of Needle ‘n Thread through the end of January! You’ll find details for that on Needle ‘n Thread, in the left hand column. (I don’t get any kick-back or anything for subscriptions, just so you know.)

Now, on to 2012 – see you tomorrow, with a stitching update.


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(64) Comments

  1. Thank you Mary for the Twelve Days of Christmas fun and the reminder of what we have been given. Thank you all for posting so many interesting and inspirational comments.

  2. Mary, your 12 days of Christmas idea was the real winner! It was so enjoyable to check each day’s post to find out “what was under the tree”. Thanks to you and to all the people who contributed, and to those who won!
    -Sharon in France

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!!! It was such fun to follow this giveaway!!! Thank you Mary for the organization. It’s such a big endeavour!! And thank you to all the sponsors too.

  4. Wow…this has been exciting. Congratulations to all winners! I’m definitely going ahead to get myself a copy of the Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion. It has been fun to see all the pretty little things! Thank you!

  5. it was a wonderful 12 days. so much fun. congratulations to all of the winners. i am sure each of you is going to have a lot of fun with your new “toys”.

  6. Well Mary, you’ve done a marvellous behind the scenes job. Wish I could give you a prize.
    You know, for the first time in all your giveaways Mary, I’ve felt just a little pang of envy, even though I really am happy for the winners.
    Yes, definitely a very warm congratulations to all the lucky winners. Enjoy immensely.
    Cheers, Kath

  7. Alas, I am not a winner but it sure was fun! Thanks Mary for all your work on this. And congratulations to all the winners.

  8. Congratulations to all the winners and a millon thanks to Mary for this wonderful contest to begin 2012. Even if you were not a winner, you now have a great want list to begin the year…remember to give yourself a present every month…you deserve it!

  9. Congratulations to all the winners!!! I’m so excited for all of you. Thank you Mary…
    it was a lovely 12 days.

  10. I’m so excited for all the Winners…Yipppeeee!!!
    The entire series has been so much fun… tanks again Mary.

  11. I would like to congratulate all the winners with their beautiful prizes! I just know they’ll have a lot of fun with it, I know I would.
    Too bad I didn’t win anything, but I do take the 20% discount Inspirations subscription so I’m a little winner…
    Looking forward to the stitching update!

  12. Yes, Kudos to Mary and congratulations to the lucky winners. I’ve also enjoyed reading the comments, especially from outside the USA. I love living in a Small world. Even before the Wrapup, I ordered a subscription to Inspirations, although I probably get enough inspiration from Mary’s newsletter to keep me busy the rest of my life.
    Thanks again Mary, for all that you do.

  13. Congratulations to all the winners! I have enjoyed this 12 days of Christmas and hopefully, Mary, you will do it again next year. I have also learned a lot from following all of the links to the various companies that were featured. Thank you again for a great journey!

  14. Congratulations to all the winners and participants! I did not win anything but I really enjoyed these give-aways. I learned about products and plan to get Evertite stretcher bars and Inspirations subscription with 20% off. Thank you so much, Mary, for your wonderful blog, for teaching and inspiring us to create with needle and thread, and these give-aways!

  15. Mary,
    Thank you for the anticipation and excitement. I really loved that you celebrated the 12 days of Christmas with all of us in this manner, it is as it should be in honor of His birth and it was so much fun. You and all the gift doners are so very generous. Now that the Christmas season is officially over I’m looking forward to your embroidery updates. I just love your blog. It is my go to site even when I don’t have time to be on the internet.
    Kathleen F.

  16. Congratulations to all the winners I’m sure they will all be delighted and thank you Mary for all your hard work, it was fun and interesting and I have got a a lot of ideas from your wonderful 12 days of Christmas giveaways.
    I’ve joined Inspiration so I can’t wait to receive the magazine and be inspired even though I didn’t win one of your giveaways sob! sob!

    Regards Anita Simmance

  17. Mnay congratulations to all the winners.

    It was a fun way of ‘getting to meet’ lots of different embroidery products. Mind you, I think we’re all winners from all the free information Mary shares with us here 🙂

    Thank you again Mary for running such a generous giveaway and I hope 2012 brings you lots of Health and Happiness 🙂

  18. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Enjoy your goodies–please let us know how you like them.
    Thank you, Mary, for offering this opportunity. Hope you can do it again next year.

  19. I WON, I WON!!!! My heart is thundering, and I had to check several times to make sure that it was my name, but I’ve won the Japanese silk which I truly coveted. What an auspicious start to the year, things have been a bit rough, but my luck has finally changed. Thank you so much Mary for a wonderful giveaway. Thank you to all the correspondents offering congratulations (I feel like I’m giving an Oscar speech), I wish you luck for the next time.

  20. Congrats to all the lucky winners! Alas, I am not among them. sigh. Thank you Mary and thanks to your fantastic prize contributors! This has been just what I needed to come out of lurkdom. (I didn’t realize it was quite so easy to post comments!) I’m off to find my Inspirations magazine and see when it expires.

  21. Congratulations you lucky winners!!!! Thank you, Mary and sponsers, for 12 days of exciting and generous giveaways! It was such fun!

  22. Mary, I agree you had such a wonderful giveaway. WOW 13,000 thats great. Hope you get a chance to do it again next year, I will be watching.

  23. Congratulations to the winners! Thanks again Mary for an entertaining holiday season, with the help of some very generous vendor elves. Between your 12 Days & several online advent calendars, there were lots of textile-related bits to enjoy.

  24. Congratulations to all the winners! I bet there were squeals! 🙂 Thank you again, Mary and thank you to all your lovely sponsors. I visited all of them and have bookmarked several sites for future purchases. It was great to clarify my wish list. The 12 days were a lot of fun for me to read everyone’s responses (and work for you, sorry about that)so I hope you will do it again next year.

  25. Congratulations to All the Winners. How very lucky you all are. I’d like to also thank all the vendors who have donated such wonderful prizes. In the end, we are all winners. Where else would we find such wonderful places for quality materials and tools. Happy stitching to all and we’ll be watching and waiting for updates on the progress of all your projects. Let us know how everything works out with your gifts. Hurrah for Mary!! Hurrah for the vendors. Hurrah for all you stitchers out there and HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL!!!

  26. Congratulations to all the winners. Great give away Mary, thanks again. I’ve filled up my wish list with all these great items. Now if I could just find that wish fulfilling cow!

  27. Even reading the list of results was entertaining! Congratulations to the winners! Thanks again, Mary, to you and the sponsors for 12 days of fun and for all the wonderful prizes. I’m looking forward to seeing your stitching progress and whatever else you have in store. (Also interested in hearing more about the online monogram class.)

  28. Thank you for 12 days of lovely posts and fabulous giveaways. Congratulations to all of the very lucky winners. I hope their winnings will inspire them to create beautiful stitches.

  29. hi mary
    Though I am not one among them I wish myself better luck next time.
    Thank you Mary, it has been a wonderful 12 days affair. I came to know of beautiful new sewing products from your blog. I have not come across such things in India.
    Always looking forward for inspirations from you.

  30. Congratulations to all the winners! Now I’m off to the Country Bumpkin site to go ahead and subscribe with your wonderful coupon deal…so that makes me a winner too! And in the by and by, I know my bank account will be stressed by visiting so many of the sponsoring merchant links. Thanks to everyone who donated the goodies and thanks especially to you Mary, for putting this terrific 12 days project together!

  31. Well, I was hoping to be among the lucky winners…oh well. Congratulations to all those who did.

    I feel I won in another aspect. First, my list of want to haves now is clearer based on the give-aways. Second, I took advantage of the subscription offer, thank you Mary and Country Bumpkin for that opportunity. I can’t wait for my first issue!



  32. Happy New Year, all! I was one of the very lucky winners and indeed, there were squeals! It was great fun to follow along each day and to win was a special treat. I feel very privileged. Thanks to Mary and her sponsors! Best of fond wishes for the new year, and may all your stitches be straight (if you want them to be 🙂

  33. Thank you all for your enthusiastic and kind comments! I’m so glad you enjoyed the 12 Days series! It was a ton of fun to put together, but the most fun was seeing so many people so excited about it.

    Maybe we’ll do it again next year?! Here’s hopin’!

    A Very Happy New Year to all of you!


  34. Congratulations to the winners.

    It was fun, not that I needed anything to bring me to this blog, although I was a bit more regular about it to see what was offered.

  35. Clearly it isn’t my turn yet, but I will keep trying.

    Big congratulations to those who did win; may you enjoy your prizes to the full extent they deserve.

    Finally, huge immense thanks to Mary and her sponsors for the opportunity. Someone once said it was love, and someone else said money, but I say it is hope that makes the world go round.

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