
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Woad Winners!


Amazon Books

A big Thank You goes to Renaissance Dyeing for offering the two woad-dyed crewel embroidery thread packs for this give-away!

Without Andie’s offer, I would not have been so thoroughly entertained for the last few days! For some reason, the woad give-away inspired lots of witty responses. I decided the reason for this is that “woad” is just a funny word. Say it ten times slowly. You’ll see what I mean.

Woad-dyed Crewel Wool

Two folks get the lovely range of woad-dyed crewel threads. But first, I said I’d give my two-cents’ worth on whether or not I’d ever go the woad way, and dye my own yarns. (It seems that the responses on yes / no are about half-and-half – maybe leaning a little more towards no than yes. I didn’t actually take the time to work up the stats, though.)

As much as I’d like to quip out a witty response on the topic, the fact is, I can pretty much sum it up in one word. And you know me. I am a woman of so few words! So here’s my answer:


To qualify, I could pretty much reiterate all the other negatives mentioned and roll them into one long list of reasons, and they would all apply to me (in no particular order of importance): 1. the mess – I would make such a mess; 2. I’ll leave it to the experts who already have it right; 3. No time for another occupation; 4. Did someone say it stinks? 5. I like supporting the needlework industry and dedicated individuals and small businesses by buying my needlework supplies; 6. Did I mention the mess? 7. I don’t have a green thumb. And I don’t want a blue one; 8. And there was something about a smell and a mess; 9. I think I might be lazy; 10. And the final one – what it all boils down to – is that I’ve looked deep into the innermost reaches of my soul, and apparently, I have no interest in dyeing things myself.

However, that’s not to say I wouldn’t love watching someone else do it!

So that’s my one-word answer.

Now onto the winners! There are two:

1. Janet Noble, who wrote:

The John C. Campbell Folk School in North Carolina teaches classes on using natural sources for dyeing and I was fascinated to see them at work when I was there. You could always spot the dyeing students at meal times because their hands were all sorts of colors (those of us in the quilting/embroidering class were covered in thread orts, the woodworkers had sawdust in their hair, the blacksmiths were very dirty, and so on). I decided then and there that I would rather stitch with the final product than go through the process of dyeing it. These colors, however, are just beautiful and make my fingers itch to start a crewel project like the Talliaferro Royal Blossoms you’re working on the Stitch-A-Long site.

2. Elisabeth, who wrote:

I woad try growing

This agricultural pest;

Those glorious blues

Doth its worth attest.

I woad try mixing

A kettle-full of “mess”.

Fermenting and stinking,

and staining my dress.

Just for the pleasure

of stitching up stuff

And watching my neighbors

move away, in a huff.

Very clever, Elisabeth! Very “Ogden Nash”!

Congratulations, Elisabeth & Janet. Please do contact me with your mailing addresses!

Though the fun is over this time, never fear – in November-ish, I’ll be giving away the whole Elizabethan Range of Renaissance Dyeing’s crewel wool, so keep an eye out for that one!

A Magnificent Monday to you!



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(11) Comments

  1. Congratulations to Janet and Elisabeth! The responses were great. Since I already have not one, but two, of the complete woad-dyed yarn packs from Renaissance, I decided it would clearly be overkill if I were to win another pack. BTW, the colors are bright and lovely – altogether beyond woads.
    -Sharon in France

  2. Thanks to Andie & Mary for the opps–excellent giveaway! Congratulations winners. Has anyone ever thought of converting the Lady & the Unicorn to blues? Oooh the possibilities.

  3. I was so sure this was going to be my time to win, after all I love blue so much, but no. Ah well, c’est la vie, and congratulations to the winners. I hope you enjoy your beautiful blue wool as much as I woad have.

  4. Good on you, Lucky Ducks! Congratulations. Those prize blues are certainly to dye for.
    Thanks again Mary and Andie. Cheers, Kath

  5. To the winnners, happy stitching and congradulations!!!
    I dyed a small skeing with woad today. It is like magic to see the blue come alive. No bad smell, no spill, no mess and no blue hands.
    Bought the woad extract from Andie.
    If I were not so lazy with computer, I would send a pic.
    Have a pleasant evening

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