
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework on the Road?


Amazon Books

Do you do needlework on the road? If you do, I’d love to hear from you! See, I’m leaving on Thursday on a rather extended road trip (I’ll be telling you more about it later this week!), and I’m questioning whether or not I’ll take any needlework with me!

The first “on the road” needlework project I ever did developed into this:

Felt Embroidered Needlebook Cover

This was a sampler-type book cover that I worked “on the fly” – but eventually, I finished it into a needlebook and tool case that I gave to my niece.

I started that project on a piece of felt, without any real idea of where it was going. I had a vague notion, but that was it. We were setting out on a short road trip – only about six hours in the car – and I wanted something to stitch on, so at the last second heading out the door, I grabbed a piece of felt and a bag of random threads.

Last year, when my family went on our West Coast road trip, I took innumerable things to work on. I took this piece…

Long Dog Sampler counted cross stitch: Angel Pavement

… mainly because I thought it would be easy to do counted cross stitch in the car.

I also took several Trish Burr kits, because I thought they’d be small enough to handle in the car or whenever we had some “down time.”

I can’t even recount all the things I actually took with me! I had this notion that, over the three weeks we’d be on the road, surely I’d get a lot of stitching done!

The truth is, I didn’t stitch one thing the whole time! But every time we checked into another hotel, I dragged in my project bag… and every morning, I dragged it back out and situated it within easy reach of my seat. Yet I never once reached into it to grab a project!

I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to have a project bag with me when we set off on Thursday morning. If I do, maybe I should do the felt thing all over again? I could take a couple pieces of this felt…

Felt for Embroidery

…and maybe some of this floche…

Cotton Floche for Hand Embroidery

… and maybe a small bag of other random threads (pearls, wools, silks), along with a little packet of tools (scissors, needles).

After all, the felt thing worked last time, right?

Right now, the thought of taking needlework stuff along is almost repugnant, but I suspect that’s because I overdid the hauling last year, and to no avail!

So let me ask you: Do you stitch on the road? If so, what type of stitching do you do? How do you transport everything and organize it? Do you have any problems with stitching in the car? What’s the worst difficulty to overcome when stitching on the road, and how do you overcome it? Do you have any advice for me that will help me overcome my stitching-on-the-road-block? Leave a comment below and let me know! I want to be enlightened – and inspired! HELP!


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(98) Comments

  1. Yes Mary, I always take something to stitch on when traveling in the car . I am unable to ride with out sewing or reading. It passes the time so much faster. I do try to keep the project small and compact. Counted cross stitch or embroidery. I must admit though sometimes I have trouble threading the needle but have prethreadead and wrapped the thread around the thread card. When we stop I can rethread whatever is needed. I also have some trouble keeping track of my scissors so I also have a thread cutter pendant that I wear and comes in handy! I carry it all in a cloth bag and place it on the floor in front of me. Don’t waste any quality stitching time, but there have been times that I have packed it and never gotten a chance to. It’s like my old friend is always there to entertain me!

    1. Years ago we went skiing in Austria. I packed a tote with books, puzzles, and needlepoint. Husband why are you taking all that stuff? First day on slopes broke both legs, surgeries, and several days in hospital. But I was not bored! I still pack a “comfort tote” and husband still says “why are you…?” It’s like a security blanket!!

  2. Dear Mary, I always take something with. I have never tried needle work as such in the car, I find it too bumpy, but rather some knitting or crocheting. Once I am at my destination a little bit of needlework is always welcome. Sometimes I have taken something with and did not do a stitch.It does not bother me, but I rather have something with me for just in case, than nothing at all! Regards Elza xxx

  3. Hi Mary!
    I ALWAYS bring something to stitch on my holiday! In a few weeks, we will be going on a road trip with a tent through France. Let’s hope for some great weather! Usually I bring something simple with me, like a cross stitch project. I don’t stitch in the car. I wait till we get where we are going, set up everything; tent, beds, table, chairs, you name it. Make some tea and then relax! And then I get my project out of it’s rucksack. Yes, it has it’s own rucksack…
    I only use cotton threads when on holiday. Because sometimes the weather isn’t cooperating at all and it all gets damp.
    I really like stitching on my holiday. There’s nothing like sitting in the shade of your own little cotton house, a slight breeze, a cold drink (or tea) and my project!

  4. I work on the NIce People Nice Things stitchery in the car. I keep the fabric (with ironed on pattern), the embroidery floss I need, small scissors and a needle in a little fabric case (about 7×7 inches and flat).
    It’s easy to keep in my shoulder bag and every block takes a least a couple of hours to do, usually many hours.
    If I’ll be on the road for a longer time, I’ll bring a couple of blocks and all the threads for them.

  5. What a lovely piece you did on that red felt !!!
    I will definitely encourage you to take at least one small project with you or something that you’ve being looking forward to complete. Perhaps maybe just some supplies/materials in case the stitch bug bites while you are traveling do to some sudden/random inspiration.

    I’ve tried stitching in the car but it doesn’t work for me ’cause I get a bit car sick (though now that I am thinking through it, it must had been that I was trying to follow a pattern instead of just trying to freehand…hmmmm) so I just end up working on the project while at the hotel room or sitting by the pool.

    ENJOY your trip…. have FUN !!!

  6. Ohhh how I envy people that can do things in a moving vehicle, read, knit, stitch, etc,
    I, unfortunately suffer motion sickness and if I move around to much, even if I am in the front seat and turn to look at someone in the back, I feel queasy.
    So unfortunately, even though I take stitchery/needlework with me, it waits till I am not moving around to be done, smiling,
    Have a wonderful trip away.

  7. G’day Mary,

    Unfortunately I can’t stitch in the car. Motion sickness! Badly. Couldn’t even use a swing as a kid.

    A friend’s husband is a tearaway driver. She stitches all sorts of embroidery to distract herself (and to save her brake foot getting cramp!). Gets heaps done and beautiful work. Must have a solidly restaining seat belt eh ?!

    Sorry, haven’t much stitching advice except to take the felt and various threads as before. I reckon it’s a great way to go. Love what you’ve done with that. Also a small project just in case.

    Something I can get away with though, and often with surprising results, is to snap photos while going along. The time goes faster and it takes my mind off my tummy. With digital it’s easy to delete them as is a lucky dip.

    The ones taken of close objects from the side windows are often nice and streaky blured. You can almost see the stitches already in them. Colours blend and inspiration is rife.

    Even ordinary skies/clouds can surprise on the computer screen. Storms are great. Hope you don’t have any too close though.

    Street scenes are interestingly unpredictable.

    This, of course, wouldn’t appeal to all but it’s good for me.

    Whatever, enjoy, and don’t feel guilty to just sit back and ‘breath it in’.

    Keep safe, Cheers, Kath.

  8. I cannot stitch in the car. I do stitch in the hotel room….pool side….at the beach….anywhere I will be able to sit still with good lighting. When I travel I take a brand new small and a large W.I.P. For the small I take everything required. For the large W.I.P. I figure out how much I can stitch in whatever length of time I could if I were home…you know…a normal day. Then I go over the chart and bring a full skein of each other that can be stitched. And normally I bring cross stitch so there is not so much to remember…just needles, floss, chart and fabric/piece. Have one small tote and bring no more than that. Normally, if you run out of floss you can find somewhere to buy that and needles.

    Thanks so much for the website.

  9. An odd question for me for this particular day.
    I am leaving on a trip today at noon. I will be traveling with 12 other people in a rented van – going to a conference. The trip is only about 5 hours, but isn’t that enough? I am taking a small sampler to work on as I need to practice some stitching. I have never taken needlework with me to a conference before. (I am a special ed teacher – 27 years so far in the trenches!) I have perhaps an odd way of keeping the materials for one project together. Whenever I buy a set of sheets I keep the plastic zipper baggie thing it comes in. It has a rectangular shape and usually a zipper around the top. It’s a pretty good size for a hand project, and you can zip it up. It is also clear plastic so you can see your materials. I have also used large food storage baggies, but the plastic is often a bit thin. I keep it all in my canvas bag emblazoned with the words – “Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons – for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!”

  10. Boo Hoo!!. I cant do anything while in a car.
    I have to always keep my eyes up and looking out. Motion sickness!! Its very annoying as all that car time is wasted.
    Mind you , you can get alot of mind planning done. And I write notes when we stop.
    But like you I have a grab n go bag.It has small kitsets and a couple of sketch books and a pencilcase with watercolour penils, a craft knife and a fine line marker.And usually a simple pattern needlepoint which can be stitched on while chatting.AND I always have my camera in my handbag. Be prepared I Say.:)

  11. The steering wheel always gets in my way. Obviously, road trip has different meaning for different folks. moggi

  12. Good Morning!
    When I travel I do take a project to Stitch. I used to haual a sewing machine and kit with me, but those days are gone, I got tired of hauling a heavy machine and stuff. Now I keep a straw project bag with several projects in it and work from there. I don’t usually stitch while on the road , it gives me a headache and my DH needs the attention. The bag always has things in it so I don’t have to worry about stocking it. I try to keep things simple and organized in an effort to not make my self crazy! Have a good trip

  13. Felt like I was reading about my ‘road trip’ each winter to Florida! what’s up with this…I always put some sewing or knitting in a bag, beside me in the front seat and NEVER touch it..same with hauling in the hotel. Guess I’m afraid I’ll want to do some hand work and I won’t have anything with me! So don’t worry about what you put in a bag..you won’t touch it anyway! Save a lot of thought!

  14. I used to take stitch proj. on the road but never got a stitch in. So now I don’t take stitch proj. anymore. What I do do is research. It depends where you go, but I keep my eyes out for anything interesting in the line of stitching. Last Nov. I was in Italy, on the Island of Sardinia in a city called Bosa. It was out of season and everything was closed so we were there for the picturesque vew. Just as we parked to walk in the old city I opened the door and there leaning against the wall is this beatiful 1’x2′ filet lace. I was so surprised and with that the Italian lady picks it up and steps inside the the door right beside the lace piece. Well I engaged her in some questions. Turned out she is the the filet lace making teacher in city. With my broken Italian we got talking and one thing to another she invited me into her house. What a wealth of lace, everywhere you looked there was filet lace. She brought out rolls of finished pieces, I was able to purchase several and then she taught me how to make my own netting for the filet lace. At the end she gave me several patterns she had designed. With a toast to meet again I left 2 hours later with and unforgetable experience.

  15. Good Morning Mary,

    I love taking small projects with me on road trips as long as they don’t need magnification. A few years ago we drove to bring my son to grad school in Connecticut. I brought lots of “Wee Care” gowns to smock and got over 10 finished. These are pretty easy to do and I only needed a few colors of floss. Wee Care gowns are infant gowns that SAGA makes for hospitals.

  16. Oh, my! How often I have mulled over the same issue. When we plan a trip, I first plan what books, needlework and food (I’m a vegan) I will take. After that question, I don’t really care. Thankfully, I have prepacked bags with necessaries that I grab and away I go. I have found that sometimes, projects are untouched but every time I don’t take anything, I have loads of time to work and regret my decision. I finally opted for a trip only project that motivates me because I only work on it on trips. I also keep a log of where this piece has gone and how long it took to finish it. I recently finished 10 blocks for a redwork quilt for my granddaughter. It took years to finish them all because they are very detailed scenes but the blocks traveled all over the world. Now I’m looking for another project to take on a three-week transatlantic cruise starting in Amsterdam.
    I am anxious to hear what others do especially a needlework sister who also has fibromyalgia.
    I wish you a super trip and will look forward to hearing about it.

  17. Mary, I do the same thing – drag lots with me. Sometimes I get to it; sometimes I don’t. My reasoning is that I like to make progress and I don’t want to bored, so if I do get bored, I can take out my stitching. I find simpler projects (like your felt project) to be best / easiest to pick up in the car.

    Traveling can be pretty exciting as well as tiring, though, so stitching is often the last thing I want to add to my already out-of-the-ordinary days on the road. However, when I travel with good friends who are also stitchers, we inspire each other and it’s a pleasure to stitch.

    My advice for stitching in the car: Don’t stitch while you’re driving! LOL. Seriously, though, if I’m a passenger, I don’t stitch on windy roads and I try to look up at distant objects every once in a while.

    I’m looking forward to seeing what you choose to bring and the finished result! 😀

  18. I always bring something with me on the road. I typically have both a surface embroidery and a counted cross stitch project going on. I have an easier time doing cross stitch in the car – something about finding the holes in the aida makes that accuracy easier when the car bumps and moves. I can make a lot of progress on a road trip and will definitely be stitching when we go on vacay this year!
    I am just learning to knit so I hope that’s something else that might travel well.
    Of course, I always bring a book too.

  19. I’m usually the one driving, so I don’t stitch in the van; but I do always take a project bag along. Since I’m always active in one round robin or another (six at once last year!) I usually take those because they have a deadline.

    If stitching for myself, I usually take along some crazy quilt patches, small enough for pin cushions, and some threads and beads.

    Hope you have a great time on your trip! I leave today for a week in Columbus, Ohio visiting friends and going to the NQA quilt show there.

  20. I often take a small project with me, but not to work on in the car. I also suffer from motion sickness if I’m not looking out the windows, especially if I’m in the back seat. The DS now has his learner’s permit, so now DH and I tag team on the driving supervision.

  21. It seems that I don’t accomplish a lot when traveling. We have driven across country several times in the past 7 years as we love the scenery in the diverse states. When I do take something to stitch, it usually is an easy kit of some kind that won’t frustrate me if I’ve forgotten something. It’s a good time for me to clear my mind and look for ideas of things I’d like to do. I come home refreshed and ready to get back to stitching, not to mention the goodies I can add to my stash from little stops along the way. 🙂

  22. Mary,

    I always brink a project with me on road trips, or when I know i will be sitting and waiting a long while.

    I keep a couple projects in rotation,each int its own project bag, and I have a universal tool tote (a metal old fashioned type lunch box) so I just grab a bag and my tool box and I am good to go.


  23. Yes Mary, I work on stuff in the car. When I’m on a trip where someone else is driving, I like to cross-stitch or crochet, since I can do these while carrying on a conversation. But on most of my trips, I drive. I travel for work, and I try to take a little project with me, so when I’m in my hotel at night or in the courthouse during work hours, I can stitch a little. I can’t take scissors through security, so I thread all my needles, put them in a little scrap of fabric, and fold my project around the scrap. Then I put the whole package in an appropriately sized(clean)cosmetics bag. I don’t worry if I don’t have time to work on it, but if I am stuck somewhere, at least I have a project to work on!

  24. Hi, I take my needlework on most car trips. I have a hard time stitching in the stop and go city traffic but I am fine on the open road. I prefer to stitch on cloudy days because the sun (bright then dark)bothers me when we go under overpasses. I have most of my projects in mesh, zippered bags that you buy at most needlework stores. I can grab a few projects and throw them in my stitching bag. I am like a kid when I have to get in a car. I have to bring my toys and books.

    My most successful stitching projects in the car have been needlepoint ornaments. I brough my K’s Creations lap stand, a Princess and Me ornament and made tons of progress on an 8 hour road trip. I also did basket weave on a background of an ornament on one trip. This was perfect because it was brainless and I only needed one color of thread. I have difficulty with cross stitch because the holes are small.

    Another thing that gets me going on my stitching is a trip to the LNS in my destination city. Nothing like the possibility of something new to get you stitching.

    Have a fun and safe trip!!

  25. Mary, I couldn’t help but giggle as I read this post. Oh the stitching [I will get done]NOT on vacation. I too pack the ultimate project bag…basic stitching for the car…background work, smocking..repetative stitching. Then there is the perpetual cross stitch…never done piece. ALWAYS in my bag. Seldom do I stitch much…I get too involved in watching scenery, [taking a nap] and then there is the problem of having “liquid” refreshment…too much and those needles just fall apart…;-) But I pack my bag everytime…anywhere. Lately, I do get some done…must be the not drinking thing!!

  26. Hi, Mary!
    First, I always take something with me that I really want to work on. It doesn’t have to be a big, complicated project, but you never know when you might be stuck someplace you didn’t plan on and you want to have something with you to work on to relieve anxiety and “the wait”.
    Second, I take a couple small (usually cross-stitch) projects that fit easily – supplies and all – in one of those large plastic “envelopes” so everything is handy.
    I put my projects in a small tote bag that can be easily reached in the car. I also keep my tools to a minimum so I’m not lugging around a lot of stuff, in and out of hotel rooms. I throw a good lightbulb in, too. Hotel room lighting is usually quite bad for stitching!
    If I don’t have some stitching with me, it just makes me feel incomplete and I don’t like that feeling. Having just a few, simple things that don’t HAVE to get done, gives me peace of mind. If I never touch them during the trip, it’s okay. But if I have a moment and I feel the urge to stitch, there they are! Ahhhhh, contentment.

  27. I always have some type of needlework with me, even if I am only planning to be gone an hour, grin. Mostly because I take seniors to appointments and always have a wait. Sometimes it is knitting (doing baby hats for a pregnancy crisis center), but mostly some type of embroidery, my favorites are needlepoint, cross stitch and crewel, but if I am going to be interrupted I usually make it simple embroidery or redwork.

  28. Mary, I find it really hard to stitch when it’s my turn to drive. Just can’t concentrate on my stitches!!

    Have fun on your road trip.

  29. I like to take a electio of threads and large count ground. In a corner I write I mean stitch the name of the road or intertate number. The I look for an object that I see.example might be a fence po\\post. then I have
    fun maybe the post will become a person maybe a pickle . wen we go in
    a new area i start again. Usually I get input the other passangers.
    At the end of the trip these mall cartons become book marks, clip art in my journal or just a giggle sorce.
    The object is to have fun relax play

  30. Hi, Mary! I think it depends a lot on where you’re heading to… Anyway, I usually visit my parents every other weekend, and it’s a 2-hour car trip. I found it easier to knit in the car, because thin needles and road bumps might a) hurt me or b) make it really hard to stitch in the right spot in the fabric you intended to.
    But I always take at least 2 projects with me – if one of them bores me, I have something else to do. And if the car is not the best place to stitch, I always do it before going to bed – when traveling or not!

    Have a nice trip! 🙂

  31. Mary,
    You are talking up my alley! I ride with my husband a Semi-driver all over the country. I do take stitching with me and sometimes I actually stitch! I take a small tool pouch with the normal necessities. then I take (in plastic mesh bags) 2 or 3 small projects. I can’t stitch,except for knitting and crocheting, while riding but we have down time I do stitch. I keep all of these items together in a slightly larger bag. We don’t have a lot of room in the sleeper part of the semi tractor, so I try to keep it condensed. If I wasn’t prepared I would have all the time in the world to stitch and would wish I had it.
    My advise is to take something ( I think the wool sounds like a good choice) then if you don’t have the time or the desire, it matters not. Just don’t take it out unless you think you might want to stitch. Good Luck and have a wonderful trip.

  32. Thank you, thank you Mary! I just started this very project yesterday after remembering it from the website. How great to have all the instructions in one place. I love just making up designs and trying out different stitches on it.

    Needle selection is a sticking point for me (pun intended!) and would love more advice on that in general. I’m trying out a large sharp (I think) and a chenille 24 on the felt with six strand floss.

    I’m just returning to embroidery–something I haven’t done since my teen years some 40 years ago! Your website has been amazingly helpful and I love finding you in my inbox each day.

  33. I am delighted to hear that someone else sits with their project bag at their feet as the endless miles wind on; and my significant other doesn’t even ask anymore if I want my bag dragged into the hotel room. Doesn’t matter if I want anything in it – it just needs to be there. When he built my big stretching frame, he made sure it was tall enough for the top to rest on the dash board. After we set up our wares at an art show, my bag is always there by my chair. I just can’t sit still with empty hands, and each piece I do gets all wrapped around with memories of the journey. We will be gone for 3 weeks in July and August and I’m already getting my patterns and basket together – this summer it will be embroidered box tops and matching smalls. I am finishing up a series with an elephant; then it will be sail boats, or maybe celestial sun/moons. Last year it was the front panel for a full length gown. One year it was an inset for my spice cabinet door. Just as long as the colors are bright and I don’t run out of things to do. Happy travels 🙂

  34. I would always rather have a ‘project’ with me when I travel. I usually end up starting a new project that has everything all in one bag. I’ve even been known to hit a needlework shop during the trip and starting something entirely new. As long as we are on the highway it’s not bad, but I’ve learned not to even try to work with a sharp needle on a bad or windy road! Ouch.

  35. I usually bring something and usually don’t manage to get much if any done. I like counted cross stitch for the car but counting is a problem because the driver (DH) thinks he has a captive audience and since I’m only stitching I can’t be too busy to talk and listen, right? lol

  36. Swedish Weaving is something I’ve done when a passenger in a car.

    Some counted cross stitch … in fact, it was strangely interesting that when sitting in my recliner it was tough for me to thread the needle!! So, I got to the point of asking my husband if he would mind taking me for a ride so I could thread the needle. LOL

    We didn’t usually get very far . . .

    Oh, and I used to sew yo-yo’s.

    Whatever the project – I would take everything for it in a tote. If I forgot anything, that meant it wasn’t meant to be stitched. 😉

    After my husband’s passing, there is no one who is willing to come over so I can thread the needle!

    Have fun!!!

  37. Well, I’m in the “usually doing the driving” camp, but on long trips (like the really big one we’re planning for this fall), I’ll take something I can work on when it’s not my turn to drive. Then, of course, there are the occasional trips where my husband has to drive because I have to stitch the whole way to get something done for where we’re going. I’m told the drive to New Hampsire in January was actually very pretty, but I didn’t personally see very much of it!

  38. Hi Mary – Take your needlework! I always take my journal, a book to read, and something to stitch. I don’t always use the journal but I always end up doing some stitching and I have learned that if I don’t have stitching I regret it! Which is ok if you are near a needlework shop….but then my trip gets really expensive lol!

  39. I always bring a cross stitch project with me. I find it the easiest thing to have with me. I have a bag I made with pockets and all. I don’t use hoops or frames so it isn’t cumbersome. I am getting ready for a month long trip to Colorado. I just started doing embroidery and don’t have a lot of variety in threads so it will be easy to scoop up all my threads. I think when you have so much to choose from it makes it hard to decide and then take too much. I do that with my beads take too much and don’t get much done. I now put projects in zip-lock bags. I like your idea of grabbing the felt and some left over threads from other projects and just doodle on the felt.

  40. I always take something to stitch with me. Even if I don’t get to it at all, I have it just in case. What if I needed to stitch and had not taken anything along? Usually it is a smaller project that takes up little space. Stitching on a plane is fine, in a car is a little difficult. Sometimes while in a car, I may wind floss or do a little prep work. In our RV, I have at least 1 WIP – I even keep a WIP in the trunk of my car for emergencies!

  41. I stitch in the car always, long or short trip. I carry a bag that is set for the car. It has the basic needlework supplies and a project with needed threads and pattern. If I am going on a long trip I take at least 3 different things to work on, smaller portable pieces if the rotation I am working consists of only large pieces. I take a hundred what bulb for use in whatever lodging we have if it is an overnight trip and usually a portable clamp on type magnifier. The newest one I got has a light attached. I use scissors on a zinger and project bags to carry around the necessities. If it is a long trip I carry my stitching bag stocked with all I need to stitch. I never make it too heavy. I usually don’t carry anything that requires fine work (ie really small count) but since I have a WIP pile that would drown me if it ever fell on me there is always something available. I try to always have my stitching available because I get so little stitching time regularly that a trip means car or for me plane time and therefore stitching time. Have a great trip.

  42. I used to do smocking in the car. Since then, I’ve switched to projects with smaller stitches which require a bit more precision, so I take just one project, usually a UFO that I really want to finish, along to do whenever time presents itself. I’ve dragged the same needlebook along on 5 trips now and not worked one stitch!
    I think the travel projects lost their sparkle when I started needing reading glasses for close work. I can still read without them, so now I take books.

  43. Like you, packing needlework projects is more important to me than making sure I’ve packed all my toiletries….but the reality is that I rarely pull the needlework out. Just the same, G-d forbid that we be stuck at an airport and I have nothing to do with my hands! I can’t do any needlework or reading in the car without getting nauseous, but mostly we fly, and my husband worries about the cutting objects….
    My thought would be to bring one project with, and use the trip as an excuse to browse shops for souvenir handwork projects!

  44. Yes, I usually have to have something “just in case” there is time, I get the itch, etc. I love your free form/felt project. It seems like a “no stress” kind of thing — inexpensive materials, no chart to follow, and an adventure of sorts. I usually pack one of the Teresa Layman miniature rugs that are done totally with colonial and French knots. The project fits in a 4″ hoop, you need DMC threads, a sharp needle (comes with the kit), and then you start painting ala the impressionists. (The instructions come with hints.) You can easily start and stop, you don’t lose count, the design is already silkscreened onto the fabric — and it doesn’t take up much space. I must admit that my little lamb rug has been travelling with me for YEARS now and is yet unfinished!! Oh well. I just need to go on more trips!

  45. I always take something to work on whether or not I do it is another story. It really depends on whether or not where I’m going is new or not. When traveling back to visit relatives on roads that have been traveled enough that I could do it blind folded. I enjoy stitching in the car, if it is a new road then I like to look around to see what I can see. I normally take some small projects, cross stitch or hardanger (save the cutting for when I’m not in a moving vehicle) But I enjoy working on things in the evening or when I’ve reached my destination. Like you I’ve taken a big bag of stuff but normally don’t get to much of it, but I like the option of having several things to work on.

  46. I am going to be watching this thread avidly as I will be going on a 10 day road trip starting a week from tomorrow. I have been trying to find something to take with me, so maybe someone will be able to inspire me on a project!

  47. It’s nice (in a sad way) to see others can’t stitch in the car due to motion sickness. I find I can knit in the car on simple projects I don’t have to count or watch–endless dishcloths! I always take a project with me–I have a “travel” back packed for trips to the doctor, dentist, and anywhere else I might be sitting. I keep it small and simple–like your book cover. I’ll draw or iron a design onto a pillowcase or tea towel for outline stitch (and a handy hostess gift on the road). I bring simple projects with minimal tools and materials and no need for magnification and good lights–a needlepoint scissors case in Watercolors, a simple knit tote, applique quilt squares (each fits into it’s own baggie).

  48. Lately, I make it a point to take my Duvet Project with me everywhere (I travel quite a bit). I work on embroidering the shams in airports, on planes or in cars, and work on the duvet in my hotel rooms.

    I take ALL of my floss, a Sublime Stitching tool case (I had improvised one before I bought the magnetized one, which I LOVE), a Sulky iron-on pen, and a couple of water soluable pens.

  49. I find it easy to stitch French knots, so my present travel project is a miniature French rug. I, too, always take a bag of stuff just in case, and many times it just comes home with me untouched — but, I’m prepared!

  50. I’m also in the driver’s seat more often than not. When I do get to ride in a passenger seat, I tend to knit; in fact, knitting is my craft of choice in public places and in company or in situations where I might experience distractions. I can knit without needing to constantly look at my hands or needles, so my company feel more included, and some distraction doesn’t necessarily interrupt my flow.

    I always travel with at least a couple of projects – usually UFOs that are long overdue (even if only in terms of my own scheduling).

    If I don’t get to them, I (and they) are no worse off than if they had stayed at home; if I do get to them, they are a little closer to being FOs 🙂

    I took a few (OK, six) projects with me to the Infusion Center on Saturday; in the 7.5 hours there I managed to put the finishing touches on two projects – worked in a picot hem on a cute little halter top and completed the rosy garland embroidery on a smocked piece – and finished off with a few rows (of ever-increasing length) on a shawl in lace-weight merino.

  51. I always take a project that is easy to do and maybe larger than what I work on at home as the lighting is sometimes not too good. If you don’t work on no big thing but if you want something to do and it is not there then that is a big thing. You can not always find something on the road. Have a good trip.

  52. Oh my goodness! Major anxiety attack if I didn’t have my embroidery with me. It would be unthinkable to leave it home. I’m that addicted. I have a plastic container with snap on lid. In a thin 3 ring binder I place my patterns in plastic see through sleeves, my “tools” in a zip up pencil case. Pop in my fabric plus my threads, separated and organized in small plastic bags. We do alot of RV traveling, so I bring more than one project, if I finish before we get home … I go shopping! Enjoy your site tremendously. Have a safe trip.

  53. Yes, Every time I do any traveling in a car, when I am not driving I take a long embroidery. I have a bag just for that. I actually call it my go to Doctor project, because I am there a lot. Even if I go shopping with friends and they drive it goes with me.

  54. I always take some sort of crafting project with me on trips, though I rarely ever get to work on them. But I’m definitely of the “better-safe-than-sorry” school of thought and I just know that if I didn’t bring something with me there would be a flight delay or huge traffic jam where I absolutely NEEDED something to do. I would say something simple like the felt that would be a fun project that you could pick up here and there in your down time would be great for a road trip.

  55. I wish I could have projects in the car! I get carsick if my eyes are not pointed straight ahead. I even get nauseous if I have to turn to the back seat to help one of the kids reach for something. You are blessed to be able to go on a long trip and wile away the time with something you love. Aing

  56. Dear Mary, I’m italian and I don’t speak english very well..sorry 🙁 Now I receive your newsletter, I’m so happy!!!!!! I think you are a fantastic artist and I thank you for all your informations. Great Mary!!!!! Many kisses, Elisa.

  57. I have a medium size makeup bag that I take, just large enough to hold a small, about 5″ hoop, small scissors and needle threader, and a not too big project that I am working on and just 5-6 threads called for on the project. Something I am really enjoying. Then I don’t set specific goals for finishing. I am happy just doing outlining or satin stitching and I can set it down any time or work to my heart’s content. Are you doing the driving? Usually my husband drives so I can navigate, watch the scenery, adjust the radio station, sleep and stitch if I want to. So what’s wrong with deciding you don’t want to stitch? You do it all the time at home, and it is understandable that you want a break. Above all, ENJOY!

  58. Stitching on the road – keep it simple and organized. Never start a new project, unless it has a deadline. Never take an almost done project,it might get lost/forgotten. Make it a project that doesn’t require referencing the chart often, doesn’t change colors frequently, is smaller than an elephant and, poor lighting is OK. No Beads, stretcher bars,fussy, laying tool weapon for me. Basically, it’s pull it out and stitch project. No thinking involved! Keep the tools on a chatelaine or something easily accessed. Miles of Nun Stitching, Hemstitching is good, fill in the background, or some other boring part of a project. You can be happy that stuff is done and if you don’t feel like stitching, no big deal.

  59. I should add that my travel embroidery scissors are NOT my favorites, in case some over-zealous TSA officer nabs them at the airport security. I also have them on a watch/wallet chain (one end is attached to me), so if dropped on plane or in car, they are easily retrieved. 🙂

  60. A comment about flying and scissors. I bought a good pair of scissors that are snub-nosed and small but still very sharp. I have also used the cutter on floss boxes and precut thread in appropriate lengths and cut the extra threads off the project when I get home. As of today, the small collapsible scissors can be taken on airplanes. I already lost some when I forgot to take them from my back before we went to the airport.

  61. Mary –
    I generally take my needlework with me if I am going to take a trip. I like to have something to keep me busy. Also, I like to have the distraction from what is going on around me – I have two children who love to ask the age old question – “Are we there yet?” and I hate to admit it – but if I am on a trip to St. Louis (a two hour trip from my home) I like to have something to concentrate other than my mother’s driving – which to be honest scares the living daylights out of me…
    I have the Kingston Wooden Chest (available on http://www.herrschners.com) that I use when I am at home for my needlework – it is a beautiful chest and has nice compartments for my stitching accessories. However, it’s made of solid wood so its rather heavy and I don’t like to tote that around with me. So when I take my needlework with me on the road, I like to take it in a totebag. I am currently working on a tote bag that will have several small compartments built into it – I’m still in the early design stages and haven’t even decided on my fabrics yet. But for the tote I use now, I put my work into plastic ziplock bags and my floss into separate baggies inside a larger one. All my needles, scissors, and such go into yet another ziplock back. I like the ziplocks because that way if there is an accidental spill, my work stays clean and dry. I am debating on using a printed fabric and just embellishing the designs with beads and some stitching or whether I want to try to do an actual embroidery design on the outside of the bag. I have decided I definitely want to incorporate some compartments on both the inside, outside and outer sides of the bag so that I have plenty of options for storing my work and accessories. Taking my work with me has several benefits. Besides keeping my mind occupied while during the actual trip, I also very much enjoy stitching while visiting with my best friend – it gives me the chance to help her learn how to improve on her embroidery techniques as she is a beginner stitcher. Hope you find this somewhat helpful and I just wanted to say again how much I am enjoying your website. You have so much interesting information and I really love the video tutorials. One last thing: I am looking into purchasing a few books on embroidery and I was wondering if you might be familiar with them. The first is called “The complete DMC Enclyclopedia of Needlework” by Therea deDillmont, which features stitches, patterns, techniques and designs. The second book I am interested in is “The Beginner’s Guide to Crewel Embroidery” by Jane Rainbow. “Jacobean Embroidery” by Ada Wentworth Fitzwilliam and A. F. Morris Hands and “The Encyclopdia of Embrothery Stitches including Crewel” by Marion Norris are some of the others. I have found a lot of books on Amazon.com and I am looking forward to obtaining some of these. I am very interested in learning about some of the history of embroidery – I think it is an absolutely fascinating subject, especially since the majority of our ancestors must have spent hours and hours on their clothing even when there was so much more work to be done that required such grueling physical labor. I believe that it says a lot for the people who spent so much time creating beautiful clothing and items for their home even when they were faced with such primitive conditions that required so much physical labor. But even more amazingly, now that so many people have so much more time because of modern convenience, we have for the most part abandoned the adornments that our anestors worked so hard to perfect and I believe that many more people would feel much better about their lives were they involved in needlework. There is something so fulfuilling about drawing floss thru a fabric and managing to create beautiful designs, that stituched properly, will not only create a lovely accent for my clothing or home accessories, but will also create items to be treasured by my children, and with luck, future generations of my family. Sorry to be so long winded, but I hope that you might be able to give me some fedback regarding som of these ooks – ro someone else that might read the post, so I can get a general idea of whether these books are worth purchasing. Thanks so much and good stitching to everyone!

  62. You know that the first time you DON’T take your stitching, numerous stitching opportunities will present themselves. It’s Murphy’s Law. Take at least one thing!

  63. Dear Mary, I used to cross-stitch on the road when I was in my 30s (add 20 years to that now). I recently went on a short trip with my sister/brother-in-law and found stitching was difficult – maybe the jostling around (we were in a Suburban). When I used to stitch on the road with my ex-husband, I was in the front passenger seat, but traveling with family I’m always in the back seat. I don’t know if that’s the difference or not! I don’t have the difficulties some of the others have with carsickness thank goodness. I generally bring a handful of projects with me – a few difficult ones that take concentration for when I’m alone and a few easy ones that I can stitch on when others are around. Mostly I have to stitch when I’m alone though! It’s hard for me to concentrate when conversation is going on! I have a basic stitching kit that I bring to my EGA meetings and other stitch-ins that I take when I travel. It contains my favorite everything! I don’t know how to tell you how to overcome your block! I do know that I ALWAYS bring something to stitch no matter where I go, but I don’t always stitch though. I feel lost without my stitching around me! Donna

  64. Hello Mary,
    My travel needlework experience is similar to yours. I would take simple knitting or stitching projects ” just in case” I would need something to do during down time, especially ( before the luggage restriction)while waiting for flight connections. Not much was accomplished. I came to the conclusion that it was not worth the trouble to take needlework. There were many distractions and different things to look at such as various color combinations (on people clothing for instance) I had not thought of, the intereaction of the sky and earth colors in different area of the country. The mental process is still active.
    Having said that, I still grab a knitting project..the same one for the past 5 years. It is slowly coming along.
    Have a safe trip.
    PS: I am the driver. Knitting and driving do not mix.

  65. Like you, Mary, I too take lots of needlework on trips and rarely get to touch much of it. However, long trips do usually see me stitching something, (unless it’s an overnight flight or something equally horrid), in which case it’s counted thread things with blunt tapestry needles only. Also, something small, with few threads to change. As transportation joggles us around a bit, the simpler the better and the larger the gauges the better as well. A medium sized hardanger project is ideal, I find.=)

  66. Like you, Mary, I too take lots of needlework on trips and rarely get to touch much of it. However, long trips do usually see me stitching something, (unless it’s an overnight flight or something equally horrid), in which case it’s counted thread things with blunt tapestry needles only. Also, something small, with few threads to change. As transportation joggles us around a bit, the simpler the better and the larger the gauges the better as well. A medium sized hardanger project is ideal, I find.=)

  67. I ALWAYS take something with me. I travel frequently for business and I don’t leave home without one or two small projects.

    Often I take knitting because many hotel rooms don’t have very good lighting and I don’t need to see this quite as well as I do needlepoint or emnbroidery. Also, bamboo circular needles usually are allowed on the plane. (Straight needles are supposed to be ok, but I’m afraid to try.)

    I also take a small cross stitch kit I’ve had in progress for a couple of years because I only do it when traveling. And, I have one more small embroidery project on felt that I often put in the checked bag too. If the hotel room lighting is good enough and if I have time in the evening, I have something to pull out and work on.

    For long car trips with my husband (not as frequent as business trips, but still happens soemtimes), I have a project of some kind, sometimes knitting, sometimes needlepoint, sometimes another needlework form.

  68. Yes, I stitch on the road, especially on visits to friends and family as they are always at least ten hours in the car. I take small needlepoint projects and a small lap frame, and get tons done! We listen to a book on CD and the miles just roll by.

  69. Hi,
    Like many of the other readers on the Blog I too get motion sick. However, my daughter taught me that if I eat ginger it will help settle my stomach. She bought me a box of ultra strength ginger candies call Gin-Gins. I find they work very well for me. I do not know where she buys them but I am sure you can Google it to locate the candy.

    I always take a sewing project with me. It not only helps pass the time while traveling but it is great when I have to wait for kids, husbands or doctors! I like stamped embroidery because I do not have to follow a pattern or count.

    Have a wonderful and safe vacation.

    Colleen Lim

  70. A few years ago, my mom went into the hospital for ‘a small thing’. Over the next five months’ time, it grew to the loss of both legs, her independence, and almost her sanity and mine. I was there pretty much 24/7.

    I found that taking a plastic Sterilite shoebox with a handful of colors that appealed to me and a linen napkin or small piece of denim, a four or so inch hoop, and a few cheap needles and pair of scissors was something that kept me busy through the long hours bedside.

    Then I found that–it fits in the CAR TRUNK, and that’s where it stays for odd moments when I’m between legs of a trip (I’m with moggi, the steering wheel is just too much of a challenge), or at a conference, or just waiting for a friend.

    So I say–toss a couple of pieces of felt and a handful of fun threads in there, just what appeals to you at the moment, and stuff the box or bag under your seat until the fancy strikes you. If you use it all up, great! If you don’t use any of it, there’s no harm done–leave it there for next time.

    Relax and enjoy–you deserve it!

  71. I tried for years. I picked projects that didn’t require too much design work and weren’t too fussy (no goldwork, no stumpwork). I carefully packed lighting, magnification glasses, and stitching tools. Then at each accommodation I took the bag out of the car and into the room/cabin/whatever, where it sat there until it was time to pack up and leave. Now the only thing I’ll pack is small beadweaving projects, and only pieces where I’ve reached the point that I’m no longer designing, just adding more beads. But then, I’m addicted to beading and if I don’t have a project with me I ultimately will be driven to go out and buy something to work on.

  72. Hi MAry:-)

    I BACKPACKED EUROPE *LOL* As you have seen my little green pouch on my site it was that that i did.

    i fell in love with embroidery in Europe so much that i went out and bought some threads and a hoop, and pinched (sorry) a pillow case from a hostel to do the embroidery on.

    All i had was the hoop (which i naughtly left the embroidery in all the 6 month trip, scissors, ONE needle and a tiny paper bag of threads.

    as it was just split stitch it was easy to do. Except on the plane as the liked to take the snips and needle ???? off me???

    enjoy your trip!!


  73. Hi Mary,
    Yes I allways take somenthing to crochet, and past week I took my needle project on road, but two hours later I had a terrible headache, I think it was causes by the poor posture of my head. Moral…I will wait a while to get back on board in the car.

  74. Hi Mary

    I never work on the road. Unfortunately even before my ears gave problems, I am very motion sensitive. So my best hope for long trips is good scenery, good coompany and (at worst) a well-leaded, fully charged MP3 player 🙂 The thought of counting stitches in a car… ew.

    Maybe freestyle is better suited to travel?

  75. Hi Mary,

    Maybe small projects is what I would vote that you take along on your trip.

    I never stitch on a trip but my 10 year daughter and I crochet together on trips much to the annoyance of my husband and son!

  76. WOW! What a lot of great input! Reading through each of your comments, you’ve convinced me of the following:

    1. Take at least “something” or I’ll be sorry I didn’t. (This is Murphy’s Law – even if I wanted to test the theory, I couldn’t – if I take something, I will likely as not, not stitch a bit – but I won’t know that, unless I take something! And if I don’t take something, I will surely miss it. It’s a win-lose-win-lose or something situation!)

    2. Don’t stitch while driving. Weellllll….. I don’t know – look around at all these people who: talk on the phone, eat lunch, read maps, program their GPS, text message, etc., all while driving. I mean, really. Can stitching be that much more complicated? I’m KIDDING. I’ll try to avoid stitching and driving. On our last trip, I did most of the driving. On this trip, it may not work out that way… I might dig my heels in and REFUSE.

    3. Keep it simple – the easier projects are more likely to be touched. This is true! The idea of dragging stuff out makes it less likely that I’d stitch in the car. But if it’s just a little something, it’s more likely I might.

    4. Knit or crochet. Well, I can crochet, but the only thing I can knit is a long strip that never ends. It would be interesting to see how long a strip I could knit on a trip like this. Or to crochet one long chain stitched cord and see how long it would end up…..

    Thanks for all the input, everyone! I’ll let you know if I actually DO pack anything! 🙂


  77. I cannot stitch or read (well maps) while riding in the car. I get motion sickness almost immediately if I try.

    This started when I was 7 years old and tried to embroider a dish towel on the way to grandma’s house. It was a 45 minute ride.

    For some reason I can knit while car riding. Very often I don’t need to look at every stitch so I can glance up at the horizon and keep the vertigo away.

  78. Knitting a long strip…. hmm, sounds like a scarf to me.

    If you are feeling charitable, the Breast Center over here at Valley Medical Center in the Seattle area is running “Project Pink Scarf” where knitters are asked to donate pink scarves to people with breast cancer. http://blog.seattlepi.com/kent-pi/archives/201050.asp

    This is a great excuse to go shopping for some luscious hand-dyed yarn with a soft hand – since it is summer, you might want to try something like silk, bamboo, cotton, rayon or linen – or a blend of any of these. 🙂

    (And quite frankly, any excuse to go yarn shopping is a good excuse!)

  79. Counted cross stitch is almost impossible for me in the truck. There is one state which shall remain nameless, let’s just say the interstates are so bad that the bell on my cats collar jingles while he sleeps in the carrier. But, I always carry some sort of project with me, I think it’s a security blanket thing. I may not touch it but I have it there just in case, kinda comforting.

    There are pretty silk zippered carriers out there but they were not I wanted and they are very expensive. I use a CASE zippered binder(which also has a shoulder strap), found at Walmart, 18.00, then I use a small zippered pocket with 3 rings, clear on one side so I can see the contents, these are .25 each at Walmart. I use these to hold my threads for the project. Then I put my fabric, cross stitch pattern, needle holder with thread, etc in a plastic clear folder(found at Staples, has velcro)that has three rings. With the zippered pocket and clear folder, I can get two projects into one binder. I have one zippered 3 ring pocket that holds just the essentials, scissors, needle threaders, spare needles, this stays in the binder when I am changing out projects. This binder also has two 3-ring sets in it and it’s three inches thick. I have used this now for a year, I can organize several projects that can easily be changed around. We travel extensively and this binder hardly leaves the vehicle. I know this might sound a little confusing but it is so simple and CHEAP! I have pictures I can send if you like. The main thing I want you to take away is, that, you should think outside the box. Organize your needlework so that it works for you. This really works well for embroidery, cross stitch and silk ribbon type projects. the binder won’t work for crochet or knitting. I will say, please don’t use a large zippered bag, everything just falls to the bottom and its, frustrating.

    Motion sickness can be a problem, no matter what you are doing, be sure to look up frequently and enjoy the scenery!

    p.s. I just found your lovely website by accident last week and I love reading all of the comments, I was starting to think all needlework websites were just trying to sell me something. But you are truly teaching and sharing! It’s wonderful! You should be very proud of your work on this site, it’s inspiring!

  80. My favourite trip project is actually finger puppets for the local children’s hospital: http://tinypic.com/r/2j2b48n/6 I pre-cut all my shapes from felt, (with extra because little bits are easy to lose), and just use cotton floss; I too have a little cutter pendant as I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if I lost my nice embroidery scissors. They are bright, super fast and super easy (hard to mess up on a bumpy ride), not to mention for a good cause. It is also kind of nice to have a vacation from my WIPs hanging around at home.


  81. Yes I stitch on the road I usually don’t take what I am presently working on. I switch to a gift project such as a dish towel or something small I give for Christmas. This way I don’t have to pack so much and if I don’t do anything it won’t matter. If I do get the itch to do some needlework I have something with mwe and I feel like I have accomplished something.

  82. Was in a workshop last week and the instructor gave this hint about how she carries her threads on the road: She winds her floss on bobbins and then puts the bobbins on one of those bobbin carriers. Lightweight and compact!

  83. you may take some small and less complicated project. Do carry your needlework(whatever you decide to take) along with you. I don’t embroider or read while on road trips.My husband is avery “passionate” driver and likes to step on the accelerator at any given chance and subsiquently apply sudden brakes.My seat belt does a wonderful job holding me in one piece.We take 12 hour trips only stoping for lunch, tea and fuel and the whole time I sit with my eyes glued to the road.So you see its impossible for me to stitch anything.

    Have a nice holiday Mary.May you get all the time to embroider.

  84. Hi Mary
    My theory is you should take at least one small project with you; if you don’t, the odds are you will want to work on something. (Our family recently went away for 3 weeks and I took a couple of projects, but worked on none as we were busy morning till bedtime sightseeing, so I had no need or desire to stitch. Other trips, I’ve taken no projects and my fingers itched to embroider! LOL!)

  85. sorry i didn’t comment earlier, but the single most important item i take for trips are 100 watt light bulbs, plus my little clip-on led light. hope you have a time! trish

  86. I just couldn’t imagine going on a trip without some stitching to take along, even an hours drive I have to have something. I always have a a few projects going at the same time, lest I get bored with one and it becomes a UFO, on frames and at least one that is portable. It is the portable one that goes with me. I have finished a blackwork piece during long flights and on the holiday as well as hardangar pieces. They all have to be washable as they get pretty grimy after all that travel!

  87. I have immensely enjoyed reading the comments from everybody. It’s wonderful to know there are so many other devoted needlework people. I also want to add my word of thanks and praise for this website that you are providing. I too am tired of every site existing only for selling something although I do like to find out about new products and techniques. I found your site when I was looking for ways of embellishing clothing. Have a safe trip!

  88. I have recently started hand embroidering again. I am loving it. And when I travel, I do red work or something new for me, using henna designs as inspiration, beautiful designs, and then I embroidery in a solid dark reddish brown color. All i need is a couple needles, scissors, a needle threader my one color of floss and a way I go. It all fits into my small needle case.

  89. I have been ontheroadfor more than a year now in a very long traveling project (three years). We travel with a horse and cart, and don’t have much spacefor “creativity” luggage, which scared me very much, as I am lost without something to do. I started embroidering justbefore the trip begun, because it seemed an easy way to keep busy for hours with very little materials. It worked! I would be lost without my embroidery now! I usually concentrate on smallish projects, because I only have a small hoop, and do Crewel-style things, I say crewel-style because I use all the various mixed stitches associated to the Jacobean crewel, but I use cotton. I design my patterns myself, and source materials on the road, so the fabric isnot always a typical embroidery fabric, but more… what I can get! I’d rather not doany counted thread stuff because it takes too much concentration for me. The all thing, threads+fabric+needles+scissors+hoop+little book on crewel embroidery (I am still a begineer,after all!) fits in a small flat bag that I just keep in the larger bag where I carry also my journal etc. I have no experience workingin a car, but else I can embroider pretty much anywhere: once theproject is started, with the pattern drawnon the fabric and the colors sorted it takes very little timeto start a stitching section,and very little space.

  90. Hi,I realize this is probably too late, but … maybe for another time.
    As a member of CEG London (Canadian Embroiderers’ Guild London) I contribute embroidered die cut cards to sell as fundraisers for the Guild. The ones I usually use have a 3″ X 2 1/4″ oval opening. I also have several plastic embroidery hoops of approximately the same size. So when travelling, I carry pieces of fabric cut to fit into the hoop, and threads (either hand dyed cotton floss or variegated Sulky, plus embroidery needles and small scissors. I can stitch these up either in the car, the bus or train, or while waiting for anything, such as doctor’s appointments. I keep the assembled “kit” in plastic zipper closing samdwich bags. which are easy to put into my purse of pocket. I can whip up a design or freehand or draw something in pencil ahead of time, often dragonflies.
    Hope this is a help.

  91. I usually grab something to stitch. I prefer kits because the threads, needle and cloth are all there. I just have to remember scissors. I prefer to do something simple, without a lot of fine corners or careful stitches to be made.
    I typically also grab a couple audio books because when my husband and I go, the minimum is 2 hours, but usually involve many more hours.
    I do not always stitch, but when I am in the mood for it, I find it a soothing way to pass the hours on the Interstate.

  92. I travel in an RV and do cross stitch, needlepoint and embroidery while we travel. When we are moving, needlepoint seems to be the best option as the needles are not so sharp and I can do them frameless. Once we are parked I break out the more intricate stuff. My biggest problen is lighting. I take my magnalight with me but can never seem to get it positioned just right.

  93. I mostly travel alone by train and, yes, I do stitch there, even at a foldaway seat.
    But in a car? I can’t quite imagine fidgeting with a tiny sharp needle, when there may be a sharp braking at any moment… I could drop the needle – horrors of horrors – and would never find it again… My husband would object fiercely, to be sure, frightened of getting pricked or worse, impaled by scissors… our car isn’t overly spacious, we always rub elbows…
    Besides, as a passenger, I always feel obliged to chat lest the driver doesn’t get bored… at least he claims he would (but loves to drive all the same)… Had to laugh out loudly about the “captive audience” in one of the posts – that’s how I feel! ;D

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