
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Hangin’ Out with Needle ‘n Thread… and the Fish


Amazon Books

Today’s post is rather short and sweet – just a little internet news – but to make it worth while, I’ll throw in an updated Blackwork Fish Photo!

First of all, the Blackwork Fish – here’s a little more progress on the fellow:

Blackwork Embroidery: Fish

I want to make the fin stand away from the body a little bit, so I’ll be playing with some shading or darker fillings under the edges – we’ll see how that works!

Thank you so much for all your encouraging comments on the fish! I really didn’t know if he would go over very well, but I am having fun with him. It’s the randomness, following on the rather rigid work on the pomegranate, that I find attractive right now.

I’ve got some other projects going, including the Floral Glove Needlecase from Thistle Threads, so I’ll update you on those in the upcoming week. I haven’t started any of the Elizabethan flowers yet, but I have gathered the supplies and am ready to start stitching one of these days! And of course, there is that Lilac Breasted Roller (Elza!!). (Though I am wondering if the Kingfisher should come first…)

Website News: Changes Coming Up

Back in January, I mentioned some possible upcoming changes for Needle ‘n Thread, and they’re still coming up! Before the month of April is out, you’ll see a whole new Needle ‘n Thread. The transition will be as seamless as possible, and I’m pretty sure I’ll warn you before it happens, just in case you pop in and think you’ve arrived at the wrong website!

Hangin’ Out

If you want to connect with me and Needle ‘n Thread elsewhere on the internet, you’re welcome to! Here’s the connection info for various online haunts. Needle ‘n Thread is my “home base,” of course, but I do use some other networking sites for the occasional bits!

Facebook: Become a fan of Needle ‘n Thread

Twitter – follow tweets of little newsy bits now and then (I’m not an avid tweeter – just the occasional bit…)

Stitchin’ Fingers – not too active on here, but I do like to update and have a good browse now and then. The gallery is fantastic – lots of talented people!

Flickr – follow updates to my photo stream


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(8) Comments

  1. I think the fish is looking good, Mary. I would have been afraid of getting bored with black, too, but you are having so much fun with pattern that I don't think that is very likely!

  2. G'day Mary,

    The fish is coming along swimingly.
    Yes, making the fin stand out is good thinking and will be interesting to see it in practice.

    I went into your flickr site recently to look at the finished pomegranate. Not familiar with the extra sites so was a lovely surprise to see all the photos. I really like the patchwork doodles.

    Bye for now Mary, Kath.

  3. Dear Mary, Now whether you do the Lilac Breasted Roller or the Kingfisher first, is fine by me. You see besides having to do my Roller I also have a Kingfisher though not the same one. So glad that you are on Facebook too, expect an avalance of new fans of which I am one of course. Good luck with the new website, looking forward to it!!!
    Kind regards Elza Bester. xx

  4. Hi,
    I really like your website, although I have not explored it fully yet. I am a beginner intermediate and so I do not know when to use particular stitches and when others are best. Is there a resource that would guide me or do you give examples of when certain stitches are best for certain types of patterns. By the way, I like the fish. Ofelia, Que. Canada

  5. Hi Mary!
    I haven't commented for long! I've made an Easter break at the country, but even there I read all your posts by e-mail!
    Now I have to write that I do love that fish! I like much the embroidery with black threads – I'm working on some designs. Your fish has been very inspirational (is this word English??) – you'll see soon, I hope.
    So the great website transition will happen at April end… I think I'll not be here to follow it but I'll try to follow you wherever I'll may be, lol!
    About your Calling for Stitches post: I found most of your followers suggested a photo or picture for each stitch! I'm absolutely agree with them – that was the aim of the first multilingual glossary of stitches we did, isn't it? The picture is important for not just beginners, also not English speakers. And you know, Mary, your website is known and read all over the world!
    Have a great week! Here at last Spring has arrived!
    Happy stitching!

  6. Hi Mary,
    I have been following you for almost a year now and will look forward to the updates to your site. Thank you for all you do and I know it will be great!

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