
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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May Needlework Stash Give-Away!


Amazon Books

Ah, for the month of May, I’m giving away a nice collection of fun threads, along with a couple little needlework extras…

I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m got this fiber infatuation thing going – I just love embroidery threads! Part of the fun of these stash give-aways is that you get the opportunity to perhaps try out some threads you’ve never used before. So I’ve put together a little collection of different threads here, hoping there’s something new in the batch for your own needlework experimentation!

Needlework Give Away for May, 2009, on Needle 'n Thread

For threads, you’ll find (left to right) two skeins of Silk ‘n Colors by Thread Gatherer, Gloriana silk, Dinky Dyes silk,and two variegated cottons from Weeks Dye Works.

Needlework Give Away for May, 2009, on Needle 'n Thread

Two cards of Rainbow Gallery threads are also included.

Needlework Give Away for May, 2009, on Needle 'n Thread

And, for those who like storage solutions for beads or for needles, how about some needle tubes? These are sold as needle tubes, but I find them equally handy for seed beads. I’ve also used them for non-needlework-related stuff, like a small quantity of balm and olive oil mixed together. No leakage – perfect little tube for traveling.

Needlework Give Away for May, 2009, on Needle 'n Thread

There’s the whole collection. You’ll also notice a mesh zipper bag in the background, which is great for holding threads for a project. These mesh bags are sturdy, they don’t snag on the threads, they actually have a real zipper (not ziplock), and they breathe.

Needlework Give Away for May, 2009, on Needle 'n Thread

That’s the give-away for May!

To enter, leave a comment below (on this post on the website, not via e-mail), and in your comment, answer the following the question:

How do you store / arrange your threads for projects? Do you use little bags? Thread rings? Do you wind them on bobbins or cards? Do you loop them through holes on thread cards? What’s your solution for keeping your threads together when you start a project?

If you comment anonymously, please make sure you sign a name to your comment!

I’ll draw a winner Wednesday, May 20th, at 5:00 am CST, so get your comment in by then! The winner will also be announced on Wednesday – please make sure you check back to see if it is you!


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(169) Comments

  1. I have my threads and ribbons organized by the brand and most are in plastic mesh bags like what you showed. When I kit for a project, I put everything (fabric, thread, needles) into one of the larger mesh bags. I always use a bag with a zip so that nothing falls out. I don’t transfer my threads to thread rings or bobbin cards because I think it’s important to know the dye lot – sometimes there can be huge differences in colors between dye lots. (The downside of this is that sometimes I end up with duplicates.) If I’m working a workshop kit that only has small amounts of each thread, I’ll write the name and number of the thread on index cards and loop them through holes on the card. I’ll use plastic bags sometimes too (the small ones you find in the bead section at Michael’s).


  2. Mary, I store my threads in floss bags with the numbers on the front, when I need to make up a kit I put them on a ring. When I pull of a piece to stitch with I wind the length around my hand and put back into the bag. The bulk of my stash in in ziplock bags, which I don’t seal all the way so that they can breathe. I love your blog. I have found so many great things there. I would love to be entered into your drawing. Keep stitching, Keep smiling, always remember to ENJOY!

  3. I have my threads and ribbons organized by the brand and most are in plastic mesh bags like what you showed. When I kit for a project, I put everything (fabric, thread, needles) into one of the larger mesh bags. I always use a bag with a zip so that nothing falls out. I don’t transfer my threads to thread rings or bobbin cards because I think it’s important to know the dye lot – sometimes there can be huge differences in colors between dye lots. (The downside of this is that sometimes I end up with duplicates.) If I’m working a workshop kit that only has small amounts of each thread, I’ll write the name and number of the thread on index cards and loop them through holes on the card. I’ll use plastic bags sometimes too (the small ones you find in the bead section at Michael’s).


  4. Your give-away is great as always 🙂 Thank you very much for it. Bright Silk ‘n colors thread looks so nice… I wouldn’t be upset if I won it 😀

  5. My DMC threads are wound on bobbins and ina storage box or two. The Madeira threads are kept in a wooden thread holder and any speciality threads I get, which aren’t many are kept in an antique wooden box. When I’m doing a project, I collect all the threads I need together and keep them in a ziplock pouch until it is completed. A lot better than separate carrier bags that I used to do

  6. My DMC threads are all wind on cards. All other threads are stored in plastic ziplock bags, each brand his own bag.
    The threads for a project are stored in a drawer of a very little closet, each project has his own drawer. When I work at a project I just pull out the right drawer.

  7. Ooo I especially like this giveaway set! Lets see I usually just use ziplock baggies to keep things together they are low cost, disposable, reuseable and space efficient too. I’ll put my threads in one smaller bag and other things in another and then put those with my project in a larger size along with sissors, needles, hoop, etc.

  8. Thread storage starts out in neat little rows inside several storage containers (tupperware like)with 1-3 compartments separating things quite nicely. That lasts 10 minutes or until the first time I can’t find something. Then I make a mess “looking until I find it”…today’s lost item was the new pricey little scissors I just bought for hardanger.
    What a mess! Back to the bullion stitch I’m trying to master. After I straighten up a little 🙂

  9. I’m a newbie stitcher, so I”m still figuring out what works best for me. I’ve just started using the stitchbow system for storage, and with only a few projects under my belt I havne’t needed a more complex organizational system for individual ones. I imagine that will change, however, in the next year or two, so I’m excited to see what other people do!

  10. I keep my threads wound around a bobbin and hooked on a ring. I started embroidery only at the first of the year and that’s how I started keeping them. It wasn’t until later that I saw your other suggestions for storing…maybe when I use up my stash I’ll try another way.

    However, when I’m working on a project I like having what I need (hooked on a smaller ring) at hand.

  11. Lovely goodies, as always Mary!! To answer your storage question…my embroidery flosses are all wound on cardboard bobbins; my spools of pearl cotton are stored in a plastic container with a lid; and my silk ribbons are also in a plastic container. The containers I use are all the same and stack nicely on my shelves. Pretty much all my smaller needleworking supplies are stored that way.
    When I begin a project I go through and pull out any threads I feel I might use and they, in turn, go into another plastic container or, if it’s a smaller project, they go into a ziploc bag.

  12. I like to store them in the plastic baggies with the hole for a ring. I take the threads for a given project and “ring” them together — keeps it nice and neat.


  13. I have small drawers that fit the threads and sort them by brands or sizes and colors, it just depends how I feel. There are just so many out there. I want them all!!! I love looking through them for each project I want to do!

  14. I have my treads (DMC–but I need to be ventorous and try some other types) on tread cards, stored in plastic tread boxes, numberical order. If I have a project that has numerous treads, I will pull out and give them a miniature tread box for the project. If they don’t rate this box–then it is a little baggie!

  15. I keep my threads in baggies,and the baggies in bigger baggies, sorted by color. All the blues in one, all the greens in one, etc. When I have a project to do, I pull out the threads for that project, and keep them in a baggie with the other materials. When I’m done, I return them to their color baggie.

  16. Your stash looks lovely! I live for plastic bead bags that you can find at the craft store. All different sizes for keeping different types and sizes of threads organized. They can easily slide onto a ring for projects. Also my father’s old tackle box with all those drawers has proven to be the perfect way to organize all my little notions.


  17. I’m new at this, so I’ve cut out cards from thin cardboard (cereal boxes) for my dmc cottons. I keep them all piled in a box. For a project, I have a little patchwork basket that I keep my notions and threads in. It’s portable and accessible.

  18. I’m new to this site and think I will really enjoy it.
    I use the trusted zip lock bags or similar packaging from sheets, etc. I often take card stock or index cards, cut slits in edges and wind extra threads around and label.
    All my threads are in boxes, in envelopes, labeled and in order.

  19. What a nice set of needwork items! I store my embroidery floss wound around cards in box. I don’t really have a good solution for keeping my threads together once I start a project–everything just sort of gets piled together. I should probably come up with something a little more organized than that! You can see a picture of my thread storage on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/anodyneimages/3191210387/

  20. I usually carry mine around in a zip loc bag depending on the size; 2 gallon for a big piece, 1 gallon for a not so big piece. If I’ve got a lot of threads, I may place those in snack bags but usually, I just throw them in the zip loc bag.

  21. Hi Mary,
    I keep my threads on card bobbins with extra holes punched in them. I store the bobbins in plastic bins. When I start a project I string the bobbins together trough the top center hole. I use the other holes for holding cut strands.
    The threads in your giveaway look lovely.
    Christine in WI

  22. Hi Mary, It looks like you had a great time shopping over there!
    I keep my threads in small zip locks, with similar colors together. I found a nice small (flat) wooden box where I can keep the threads I’m using. The best part is: on the inside of the lid of this box, I attached a very thin magnet (cut to fit the top). That’s where I keep my needles. I don’t have to dig for them. I usually leave one threaded, easy to reach for, from the magnet/lid.

  23. I’m so excited I almost feel silly! Mary it is so very nice of you to be giving away, what looks like to me, several bugeted trips worth of goodie buying. The biggest thrill is the silk thread included. I’ve really wanted to try some silk thread out but the only local supplier I have is Michaels and I’ve yet to see them stock any.
    As far as my stash goes: I have a “Sterilite” (I think that is the name)3 drawer desk type organizer. One drawer houses my regular DMC just as it’s bought and I pull from the skeins until I loose the tags or I just go ahead and wrap it on cardboard bobbins of which I have one of the plastic storage containers designed to store these in particular. The second drawer houses some #3 DMC, some DMC Linen, and other metallic and misc threads. The third drawer holds a few templates, various cloth and a few WIPs. And my many other WIPs or planned projects I keep in large ziploc bags, all but the needles. As you see, I have projects that or still WIPs from almost twenty years ago. On top of this, I have three on going projects at my work area and the strewn threads show how messy I can really get.
    Thanks so much just for showing the pics, looking at eye candy is the next best thing to actually having it to hold, play with and finally getting around to putting it to use.
    Thanks again,

  24. For my cross stitch project I have my threads on a piece of cereal box that I have punched enough holes on for all the colors. I have a thread keeper made of abalone shell that holds my hand dyed threads. For a Christmas BOM I’m stitching using red, green, white and yellow I have the spools of thread in a Ghirardelli chocolate tin. The threads not in a project are stored in floss boxes. Those threads look fantastic. I would love to use them in a project or two or three.

  25. My threads were mostly inherited or thrifted (often with no identifying bands) so I have them on bobbins, sorted by type.

    My embroidery projects are usually of the “I think I’ll add a nice little something to that sewing project” so the mix of brands doesn’t matter 🙂

  26. lovely threads you are giveing away, as usual! I wind everything onto cardboard bobbins, and store them in those platic divided craft thread storage boxes in colour group rather then thread brand/type (all my dmc, silk, ribbon etc in together). i store balls of perle cotton in one of those 4 drawer stationery drawers, by colour groups. when i am doing a project all the thread i think i need are put in a plastic container in my work tray – i re-use the plastic containers salad leaves come in.

  27. I have always stored my floss in little plastic bags with the ability to write the number on the front. The bags are then put in storage boxes – I have six that store all the DMC threads and some others, and since I ran out of room for those, have scavenged some boxes that work well. When I start a project, all the threads are put on a large ring which hangs on my stand. The thing I like the most is that bits of thread that are too long to discard, go back into the baggie & I don't have to wind anything onto a bobbin!

  28. I store my regular DMC floss and pearl cotton in a couple of those plastic organizers on bobbins (purchased from an estate sale ages ago). I keep my crewel and needlepoint wool on a couple of wooden hoops.

    Also, since this is my first comment to your blog, I’d just like to let you know how helpful your video stitch library has been to me. I’ve learned a lot that I haven’t been able to from just looking at a diagram in a book.

    evangelines at gmail dot com

  29. I love this blog, just what I need. I use a small tupperware type of container at the moment to store my threads, when I use them I wrap what’s left on pieces of card with slots cut out to attached the ends.

    When I am working on a project I take out the colors I need and stash everything, including scissors, hoop, fabric, etc, in what I call my ‘project bag’. So I can take my work with me. Great competition!

  30. Oops, forgot to leave my name, my post was the one with the ‘project bag’, lol …. and my name is Rose

  31. How do you store / arrange your threads for projects?

    For a project, I use one of those storage boxes. it is about 4″ high and about 15 x 10 or so. Everything fits neatly inside

    Do you use little bags? Thread rings? Do you wind them on bobbins or cards? Do you loop them through holes on thread cards?

    I use thread rings. I am cheap, so I have 1/4″ washers, larks heard the threads on and use a sharpie to write what color or number it is. I the load all the rings onto a 2 or 3″ clasp ring.

    I use larger washers for thicker threads.

    I wash them first so there is no hint of a residue. I like them because they are cheap, easy to find and use and have smooth edges

    What’s your solution for keeping your threads together when you start a project?

    Everything in the box, LOL

    Ruth M

  32. Oooh, some lucky body’s gonna love this giveaway!
    I use stitchbows and organize different projects in empty cookie and candy tins. This may sound silly but I recycle the envelopes that come with junk mail. When I start a project I gather the threads I’m going to use and put them in the envelopes. The stitchbows fit in them perfectly and it keeps the thread from getting hooked up on the tools in the boxes.

  33. I have tried so many different ways, but what seems to work best for me is to use little snack sized ziploc bags to store my threads. They’re cheaper than the ones specifically for organizing threads, and you could probably even punch a hole in them for an interlocking ring. I can buy a box of 50 for a dollar and be set for a while.

    Please enter me in the contest, I’ve been itching to do some more embroidery again, but haven’t had much inspiration yet 🙂

  34. I store them around cards, labeled with the brand and ‘number’ they are (or name). I also have some very very old floss that is unable to be substituted for DMC, etc, so I put it in a glass jar, and it looks really pretty above my book case. (And then of course when I think I need something ‘new’ to add, I just grab one down.)

  35. Nice variety of threads that you are offering, Mary. I would be nice to try a few new to me threads. I usually put everything related to one project in a basket while I’m working on it. No special or separate winding of threads. If I stop working on it for a while, I usually put it in a ziploc bag, so I can free up the basket and keep the dust off.

  36. I have my DMC threads wound around the little cardboard cards, and my silk thread is on the long cardboard card with several holes along the side for several threads.

  37. hey
    well im pretty much im a beginer so i dont store any of my stuff hard out.
    i have a box that has lots of plastic deviders making little squares. one color goes in each little square. I also have a slightly bigger box for beads and buttons and stuff.
    i store pins and needles ect on a pin cushion in the corner of a box.


  38. What a lovely giveaway – I haven’t tried any of these threads! They look lovely. So…Hmm…how do I organise my threads for a project? Well if I’m doing cross stitch I have them all neatly arranged on a card with holes punched in it and all precut in managable lengths. But if I’m doing freehand embroidery I just have a little bag and an assortment of bobbin wound threads lined up in a small tuperware container. I also throw in some little containers of beads and a spool or two of pearl thread. Then I just pick and choose as I go.

  39. This is a lovely giveaway. I haven’t tried any of those threads so I’d be delighted to win. As for organising my thread for a project. If I am doing a cross stitch project I have all the threads precut and threaded onto a cardboard strip with punched out holes. If I am doing freehand embroidery however, I put a tuperware container filled with bobin wound thread, some small bead containers and a few spools of pearl cotton in a little bag so I can just dip in as I please.

  40. I use #10 O rings, rewind the skein to my preferred working length, then cut and thread; braid the darn thing so it stays put, slip the number band back on and do a quick through-and-knot with a needle and scrap thread so I know what I have there.

    So far, so good. All of them live in a nice little Sterilite shoebox, fabric etc lives elsewhere.

  41. Hi Mary,
    For years I used cards with holes in them for my threads. But just the last two projects I have made thread roll. I took some polar fleece, machine stitched channels in them, and using a bobbin threader,put each color of thread in a different channel. I usually make a little pocket on the end for instructions, etc.
    I used some blue painters tape and run it across one long end and mark each color. This can be easily rolled up and each thread can be pulled out very easily, no more knots, frays, etc. that make me go crazy.
    Jan Miller

  42. Another wonderful giveaway – thank you! 🙂
    As for me, I like to keep my threads on cards, labeled by number and in a plastic box with dividers, put there by color and brand. It’s only possible to get DMC and Anchor here so basically they’re divided into two and then by color. Plus a third batch of perle, though that comes in so few colors here it’s just amazing, I only have four colors of it.
    The small amount of thread available is good for organizing but it does really make me read your blog in awe, I’ve never even heard about most of the threads you use heh.
    Anyway all in all, my thread stash is small and easy to organize 🙂

  43. Hi there, I;ve tried several systems: floss bags,stitch bows(my husband even had a lovely wood cabinet made designed by me to hold all my stitch bows)… but the system i use now is Annies Keepers. It is fab, silks are stored on plastic tags (called “Keepers) and then these tags slide onto a plastic project slide. These slides can then be filed in a letter size storage box. I feel soooo organised. I can view all my threads at once. If i want to compare different shades it is so easy to do without even disturbing the threads from their storage slide. … check it out if you havn;t seen them at http://www.annieskeepers.com
    cheerio. Debbie W. (UK)

  44. I keep my threads in ziplock bags. When I have a project, I punch holes in a card and loop the threads through. Then I can keep any leftover sections or ends of thread looped in next to the original colour & scribble notes / names next to the holes. I keep the current project's threads in a big cloth pencil case for storage… though the mesh case looks handy 🙂

  45. My first real collection was probably my DMC stranded cottons – they are all wound on flat plastic bobbins and stored in a set of four boxes. Other than that, my wools are in a drawer and my silks are in a large storage box. I also have some cotton-linen and linen weaving threads which are in the plastic bag they were carrried home in.

    When I start a project I usually gather everything together and store it in a zip-lock bag or a plastic box – depending on the size of the project and whether I will be travelling with it a lot.

    Happy stitching to the lucky winner.

  46. I am very new to the CQ adventure. I have decided to use the DMC Bows. I had my own large binders that hold more than the DMC binders so I am using those.

    For my projects I actually have a small plastic see-thru box that snaps shut that I put the bows of thread in.

    In the past I had used the small bobbin cards but really didn’t like those so I am hoping this works better for me. So far it has.

  47. Hi Mary,

    Your give away is fantastic as always.

    I use plastic storage boxes for my thread, put it neatly in them.
    I never wind my threads on bobbins and cards but sometime I put them in little bags with zipper.
    I put all the project items(threads, cloths, needles) in one small zipper bag to get all the stuff at once.
    God bless u

  48. At the moment I just have everything stuffed into a bag, I’ve only just started with my embroidery and as I progress I’m starting to realise that I need a better storage system! Kim

  49. I keep my thread on little white cards. Write thread number at top of card. They go in a plastic container with sections. When I start a project I roll off what I need and that’s where the mess begins. The lose strans usally end up bunched together. I do see some great ideas from others and I thank all.

  50. I have my thread on white cards with the color number written on top of card, Filed in a plastic container box with sections. when I start a new project I unwind the floss I need and that’s where the mess begins. Seems all the unused floss than bunches together. Thanks to all the great hints.

  51. I have my thread on white cards with the color number written on top of card, Filed in a plastic container box with sections. when I start a new project I unwind the floss I need and that’s where the mess begins. Seems all the unused floss than bunches together. Thanks to all the great hints.

  52. I am wooden cigar box queen. I love boxes of all sorts and the ones that I get from the cigar shop are great. I pay less than $1each, so they are economical.

    Now the interior of the box – well, everything just gets tossed inside til I am finished.

    The only problem some of the boxes have been filled for years. Some of the boxes have been raided for other projects, so when I do go back, I have created a small problem for myself, which I now consider a design opportunity.

    It’s a good thing I am not into perfection!!

  53. I like a few of the others use zip lock baggies and occasionally a small box for my threads. Making penny rugs as I do, I have a lot of boxes in front of me as I sew. Great give away hope I win. Good Day, Jaja tjlburke at gmail dot com

  54. You are really giving away some of the stuff you just got and that to me is incredibly generous.

    As for how I store my threads… I have a drawer system which houses all my DMC floss, Perle cotton and gold work supplies in little containers in different drawers. The threads are sorted according to the colours.

    When I work on projects I have this jewellery pouch with little compartments to store different threads, scissors and my needle case. All of this goes into a wooden magazine holder which is meant only for my embroidery projects and can be carried through the house.

  55. Although I have been reading and enjoying your blog for quite some time, I have not commented before. I am not sure if it qualifies me for participation in the draw, however since I like organizing my stash very much, the question caught my eye, and I would like to offer my answer.

    I organize my threads by type and brand (floche, Danish flower, silk, etc.) I have been using my silk recently, so since my collection of silk has grown, it had to be further subdivided into colors.

    I use thread rings for threads I use frequently.

    When my collection was smaller, I did not use any labels, I could figure it out by touch. However, now I store skiens inside plastic bags (I bought several hundred of writable large jewelry ziplock bags on Ebay.)

    I generally do not group threads by project, as my organizing system (in a large box) allows me to find everything I need quickly enough.


  56. I use lots of different methods of storing threads. Most of my DMC excess is stored in a wooden display box that I bought on Ebay years ago. Those in use for various projects are wound onto cards with the number written on the card. I keep my silk threads in a separate basket, Perle thread in a drawer, etc. I’m all over the place with storage, hoping to someday come up with a universal and ideal plan.

  57. I’m new to tatting, and have had some genuine struggles with storage issues! As a beader, I kept all my fibers in a gigantic ziploc baggie, and all my thread in a wooden bowl my mom’s friend made for me.

    At first I just tossed my tatting thread in the bowl with the rest, but it isn’t as resilient as nymo or silamide:) Tangles galore! Right now I’m using an extra bead organizer I had lying around (the 8×10 milky plastic things with a dozen or so compartments inside).

  58. I wind my threads on bobbins and keep them in two plastic boxes made for the purpose. One box holds all of the reds, pinks, oranges, and yellows and the other box holds all of the greens, blues, and purples. When I start a project, I move all of the threads I expect to use to a zip lock bag.


  59. I keep threads and needles in a central location. Threads on cards and kits are cardboard. When I do a project, I get the threads and things I need and put them in a dedicated basket for that project. When the project is done, items go back into central storage.

  60. I use the “Floss.A.Way” system for floss storage. Each DMC color is in an individual storage bag with the floss number recorded on the write on area. I file the floss colors by the DMC number…and store them in shoe boxes that are numbered…1,2,3, etc. So far, I have only used DMC floss..so this sysem works well for me. When I do a project, I gather the appropriate storage bags and place them on the storage ring that comes with the bags, and keep the enire project in a Longaberger medium basket.

    I must add…you amaze me Mary. You work full-time outside your home, and are busy with the daily routines and obligations we all have. In the meantime, you have produced and maintained this wonderful web site for all of us stitchers to learn from and enjoy.


  61. What a generous prize! Thank you, Mary, for always being so thoughtful. I should probably be more organized with my projects. I tend to favor the plastic-bag or plastic-food-container method. I will sometimes think ahead to winding threads around cardboard bobbins, but sometimes I just toss the whole skein in with everything else. I find a lot of the organizing “systems” to be too fiddly for me.

  62. I have just gotten back into embroidery after about 30 years. Dare I say it? I store my threads in the bag they came from the store in. I keep them in their little skeins and just pull out a length, cut it off then divide it into the number of plies I want to work with. Not the greatest way to do it I know.
    Thanks for a wonderful website to encourage me to get back in to this wonderful art.

  63. I keep my DMC cotton threads around cards in a plastic box; for a project I use a little bag where I join everything I think I’ll need for the project.
    (thanks for the giveaway, Mary – thinking of your Family and you around your Mom :))

  64. My cotton floss is wound and stored in those handy bins made for the purpose. For projects, I use a small ziploc bag and just pull out the ones that I am using for my project (or portion of the project). If I am using a fancy thread, each one gets its own tiny baggie within the larger project bag.

  65. Another great give away that is beautiful and creative. as far as thread storage, I do a bit of “all of the above”. I wind DMC on cards and store in boxes. For projects I store in ziplock bags the individual project threads. I also have thread cards and thread rings that I use depending on the project. Thank you Mary for these give aways. They prod me into new areas.

  66. I started using the little cardstock “bobbins” years ago and find it works the best for me. I have my flosses stored in 4 boxes made for the little cards and keep them in numerical order. When I am working on a project that calls for specific colors, I pull those and keep them in a small box that I can carry with me easily because I can’t be without something to work on! My applique threads are stored in stacking plastic boxes that snap together. Those are separated by color and are labeled on two sides so I can easily find the color I am looking for. The top box contains my “tools”…needles, scissor, thimbles, etc.
    Thanks for the daily emails–I have really been enjoying them!

  67. Hi Mary

    First may I say that your post on your Mother's needlework projects was a nice tribute to her. I loved the pink & blue needlepoint.

    I have my threads handled different ways. My Brazilian embroidery ones are in plastic bags, marked with the color # and hung on a ring. they are seperated by type of thread.

    My pearl silk threads are wound on cards and kept in a two sided casess bought in the men's tool dept. at big Lots. I have two thread containers like this.

    I also have plastic boxes where I keep individual skeins of various threads.



  68. These days my projects are very free-form and I don’t pay a lot of attention to brand and number of thread. I do like to have things tidy though, so I wind my thread on plastic cards and keep my projects together in fabric drawstring bags that hold everything I need.

  69. oh how I love your blog, you always have such wonderful eye candy here. to answer your question, I store my floss in bags. I love that I can put leftovers in each separate bag. And I always cut my floss in 18″ lengths, so it’s always ready to go. my balls of pearl cotton I store in a matchbox holder. larger thread sizes on one side and the smaller thread sizes on the other. seems to work great for me!

    thanks for putting my name in the hat!

    Lorene H
    qlt7scrap at cox dot net

  70. I try to keep them on the little bobbin cards in color # order, then in boxes made especially for therm. They have a whole punched in the card that I put a big notebook ring through for my projects and keep those in a plastic baggie. Some threads/ribbons come on round cardboard spools–those I keep in little snack bags in a plastic shoe box, trying to keep in order by color. Then of course, there is always the “holding box” for new threads–a jumble of everything in a sweater sized plastic box waiting to be sotretd into their proper homes.

  71. What a wonderful giveaway! I’m new to stitching, so your site has been a fabulous find. I don’t have many threads yet so I keep them on cards in a bead craft box (lots of sections), arranged by color. Special threads are in small ziploc bags so they don’t snag on anything. When I’m working a project I put the needed cards into a larger plastic bag and then that and my other tools go into my project bag so it’s portable. Thanks for the great info.
    Rebekah D. (walimai5@hotmail.com)

  72. Hi Mary! Oooh…what gorgeous stash…I too have a weakness for threads…I often buy them just because…well, just because! I put my floss in small ‘snack’ sized baggies and then on a ring, one for each project. If I am working a kit, I use the card that often comes with it so I can label the threads with the symbol from the chart.

  73. I have a heavy strip of plastic about 200mm wide x 140mm long with slots cut in the top, I just put my threads in the slots. It keeps them tidy and the plastic never gets all sad and bent like cardboard then when I am finished my stitching for the day I just slip it all in a bag when I get it all out again I have no tangles and mess

  74. Love your Stash giveaways…I like to wind thread on expired Gift Cards, Hotel Room key cards, etc. I also recycle the zippered bags which pillow shams and other linens come in when purchased. Thanks

  75. I’m not that organized, but I put the thread in plastic bags by piece of the project in their original form. When I cut some thread off I thread the remainder on floss cards. It’s not the best of systems, but it works – mostly.

    Mary, this is another gorgeous collection. Thanks for the adventure of a chance to win a prize.
    And thanks again for all your tips and inspiration.

  76. Most of my needlework is designed as I go, making it nearly impossible to pull threads together for a kit.

    For storing my threads I use several methods. A binder with vinyl pages, like the ones used for collecting baseball cards, works well for threads that come on cards. Some of the cards may need a slight trim to fit.

    I use inexpensive plastic cases, sold at Bass Pro for storing fishing supplies, to hold my pearl cotton balls. Each case will hold 40 balls.

    I also use small storage cabinets with multiple small drawers for storing skeins of thread.

  77. I roll my dmc tread on a popsickle stick and when i get enough rolls on seperate sticks i put them in a plastic zip lock bag. it works for me.on the end of the stick i write the color of the thread.

  78. Oh wow !!! This is great… I keep my threads on plastic bobbins. I keep the bobbins in a wooden cabinet my hubby made for just that purpose. Lookin good !! My needles are kept in empty bead jars.

  79. I still have not found what I consider a great storage method. I will use the little bags with rings when I use silk on a project. Otherwise these are stored on their card (or a hand made one if they do not come on cards) flat in drawers.
    I only use bobbins with cotton dmc or anchor embroidery floss.
    When I do a project all items go in a larger baggie. Thread not on rings at that time will go into another baggie all together.
    Thank you for you informative and fun site!


  80. Hi Mary,
    I store my threads for projects on bobbin cards & sort colors into small plastic bags…either floss bags or Ziploc snack bags. 3 bobbin cards will fit nicely in a snack bag!

  81. I keep my threads wrapped around cards and in embroidery thread plastic containers. I also have a small 3 drawer plastic container that holds only thread. I have a small wooden tray that has compartments that I bought at a flea market and keep my currently using threads in it. I also have some everywhere!! lol

  82. I am a fiber addict, yes ~ I have to confess. I lover stitching fibers and collect them, having no idea when I make my purchase exactly what I will do with it. They are just to pretty to resist.
    90% of my stash is EdMar rayon thread for Brazilian Embroidery.When beginning a project – I slip the skeins into a plastic thread organizer,made for BE thread. There is place at the top for label, to remind me of the color # and thread size/weight. Other thread or floss I am going to use goes into a zip lock bag with the fabric, needles and scissors. It is ready to pickup and go anywhere; to my chair, or to work on during lunch break or waiting for an appointment.
    Put my name in for the May Stash drawing
    Sharon S

  83. What a lovely giveaway! I store my threads rather haphazardly unfortunately. My DMC threads are wound on cards and stored in numeric order in plastic bins. All other threads are stored in baskets, bins and random spots around the house. I need to get adventurous and try new threads!

  84. My DMC threads are all wound on cards. I have some small containers that I store supplies in while I work on a project so things stay together. I try to only remove what I think I will need for the project so keeping track of dye lot numbers will be eliminated. (Doesn’t always work.) I bless the day I happened up on your web site. It is such an inspiration and so enjoyable.

  85. I use thread cards. Any of you live in Michigan…there’s a frost warning for tonight, make sure you cover your plants. I love the stash…and the mesh bag is really, really cool!!!!
    Annie in Michigan

  86. For my projects I have made a case from a quilted placemat and sewed 6 ziplock plastic bags to the center with grossgrain ribbon. i made handles from the ribbon and a velcro closure, I have a pocket for thread scraps on one side and made a needlecase and pincushion on the the other side.The ziplock pockets are large enough for a 6″ embroidery hoop project, all the floss, scissors, seam ripper and other things i might need. I love your emails and look forward to them.

  87. I get my threads in great big spools from the Handweavers Studio in London. I think I now own almost every colour they do in silk!

    I’ve just organised them into freezer bags by colour group, they live in a CD box.

    I’ve got all the spools for the project I’m working on separately in another freezer bag, which lives in my workbasket.

    I got my workbasket from a friend who set up a women’s co-operative in North Ghana to make fair trade goods which she sells. It’s a lovely woven African basket in ivory and purple grasses, with a handle, and a Batik lining, with little pockets for your scissors and needles and other notions. It’s big enough for my biggest embroidery hoop on top, which then gets covered by another piece of Batik. I can keep two or three projects on the go in it!

  88. Hey Mary!!
    Well since im a college student. I am usually pretty low on funds. So when i first took up Embroidery I would just buy the floss/threads by package and just keep them in the plastic packaging they come in. Or i would just rubberband them together.

    Since then Ive bought those plastic three layer stackable boxes. Each project is divided into a layer with all the materials for that project. They are fabolous. I only buy threads when im planning a project. I hate having excess thread for no reason. When i do use the thread, i wind then on bobbins. On the bobbins i write the type of thread (DMC, DN, etc) the color name and the number. I keep my glass beads in a candy box.

    So there you have it. How i keep my stash.. stashed..lol

    Good Luck to everyone!!

  89. Mary,
    I started stitching in the early 80’s and used cards to sort my thread. Then I won a thread tree at the local needlework shop and decided to put them all on plastic bobbins. I can pick the ones I need for a project, put them on a ring and they are easy to find. I do have some silk threads stored in plastic bags and I can put them on rings. I find the bobbins much easier to handle.
    Liz in Tennessee

  90. I have my DMC cottons in the floss keeper bags, all on one ring. I’ve been taking off what I need for a project and keeping them with the rest of the supplies in a tin (a pretty kind like you put cookies in at Christmas) with the necessary sewing tools. But I really like the idea of putting the project threads on their own ring! Why I never thought of that… For bigger projects I have two plastic fiber keepers, one shaped like an artist’s palette, one smaller like a butterfly, with numbered holes for tying threads through. My mom got me those when I was doing lots of crewel projects in the 80s (yikes!). It has been a while since I’ve done a project worthy of using one, though.

  91. I’m pretty basic with project storage: I gather the threads together, tuck them in a baggie or two, then I cut a slice in the upper corner of the baggie so it will hang on the knob of my floor stand. But I really like the mesh bag idea! I may have to try to find some.

  92. Hi…here is how I handle my threads.
    My DMC floss is wound on bobbins and in 3 of the old DMC boxes found in needlework stores. I have a small amount of Kreinik threads on spools. They are just lying in one section of one of my Needlework cases (actually fishing box).
    My Needlepaint threads are hanging numerically on a ring, on a nail inside my material cabinet. My Madeira threads are the same way.

    My problem is the specialty threads. I don’t want to damage them by winding on bobbins, so I have them just laying in a box and I have to search thru them when looking for something in particular.

    Then my quilting threads are in wooden box by color.

    I think i’ve touched on all of them.

    Please include me in your drawing, I LOVE those mesh bags to help me keep projects organized by my chair.

    Joanie R.

  93. I’m embarassed to say how I store my stitching threads Mary. I have most of them still in skeins stored in shirt boxes with lids, or in a metal biscuit tin which the kids class calls the “rats’ nest” You can imagine what it looks like, I’m sure, when kids are feeling creative not careful and just pull at a skein in the bottom of the box. One mum tried to wind some onto carboard bobbins, and got about 1/10th done before she gave up. I think those little carboard bobbins kink the threads, so I don’t like them particularly. It makes for a neat box, and looks pretty, but I think you don’t want to disturb the tidyness by removing one to use. That’s my excuse, and I’m going to STICK TO IT, VBG.
    I’m sure whoever wins your draw will cherish and respect the threads and treat them kindly anyway.

  94. I wind my floss around plastic bobbins, label it, and then store it in plastic boxes with compartments. When working on a project, I take out the colors/bobbins that I need and string them together with a little chain. This system works well for me–tidy and organized.

    Mary, thank you for these wonderful giveaways, for promoting community and good ideas, and for providing this website. You’re the best.

  95. My, those are pretty threads, especially the variegated ones! “Organize my thread for a project”? I’m supposed to organize? My threads stay in skeins in their original paper bands as long as there’s enough thread left to hold onto the band, in two gallon ziplocs in a plastic shoebox. For a project, I take out the threads I’m going to use (after, usually, a lot of shuffling and mind-changng) and they sit either on the table when I’m embroidering, or sitting on the ironing board on top of the fabric between stitching sessions, or sitting on the sewing table on top of the fabric when I need to iron something . . . this has not YET led to catastrophic thread loss in the middle of a project, but someday it will. I hope to start using individual ziplocs to hold a project’s worth of threads before I suffer project meltdown because a long-discontinued color has taken a walk halfway through stitching!
    Sandy D

  96. I love colorful pretty thread!!!! I have wound my thread on to bobbin cards, and then stored them in a plastic, divided case. I keep my scissors and some needles in there too. I keep my left over and small lengths in a snack bag.

  97. I had trouble using my phone to leave a comment earlier, so I’ll try again here.
    I use ziploc bags to store my threads by color and it works pretty well. I hadn’t heard about the mesh bags, but will look for those next time I’m out shopping.

  98. My threads are stored by brand name and then color family. Each brand is in a ring binder and each color family is in a separate numbered bag.
    I do not use bobbins (I fear that they damage my floss).
    When I begin a new project, I put the necessary flosses together in a ziplock bag, or – if the project is big – in a hobby box with several compartments. I use an excel file as floss management, and I write some remark after the floss number about where it is used now.
    If two projects need the same floss, I try to finish all of that color in the smaller one, and I store that floss with the greater.
    I hope it made sense.

  99. I use little floss bags and add them to a metal ring. It’s easy to flip through and find the color that I need. I use my P-Touch and add the number or name of the color. I do recycle the bags for new projects by adding new labels on top of the old ones.

  100. Hi Mary,

    I don’t have a lot of threads yet, but most are on cardboard bobbins and the rest just nicely arranged in small cardboard boxes to fit my shelf. I must admit the threads for a project are often just bundled up together and wrapped up in the pattern I’m following. I really enjoy your videos and all the fun projects you’ve shown us. Thanks,

    Alison in Sydney Australia

  101. Thats a wonderful gift to take.
    I first select the colors of threads that I want to use for the current project and put it in a glass jar so that i can pick what I want. Also Keep papers of thread numbers etc in the same box along with the needles.

  102. Awesome giveaway!

    For storing my threads, I prefer both thread rings and cards. I have them wound around cards, though not too tight so as not to weaken the thread. Then I put them all in a small plastic box, transparent so I can always get the whole picture of colors and hue with just a glance.

    When they’re not part of a project, I store my threads in a couple of drawers, in the same fashion.

  103. I am new to the Needle ‘n Threads newsletter and am really enjoying it. thanks.

    I have all of the DMC colors. I keep them in the little plastic thread storage bags and have them in number order on large key rings. This amount of thread takes up 3 rings. All my other embroidery threads are kept in the same manner on another ring. I found another ring at Hobby Lobby that has a front and back cover – something like a school notebook. I love thread. The colors and feel of the threads are addictive.

  104. I have tried baggies, rings, cards with holes, plastic boxes with slots for plastic/cardboard bobbins and things I don’t even remember. But lately, I just dump the skeins and project into a tote and work on it when I can grab a few minutes. And I would love some of your beautiful threads to dump into whatever project I come up with next. Thanks, Lalah

  105. Wow, yet another amazing give away! Thanks for doing this, it is very encouraging and I get many great ideas.

    On to your question:
    I use the baggy system. I use the snack size plastic baggies. I use one per color and then clip them in to a notebook. This way I can see them clearly and they do not get tangled up.

    I know, all too simple, but it works well for me.

    Thanks again, Ren

  106. Hi,
    first of all I want to thank you for your blog, and your more than kind help for those of us who have lately discovered the pleasures of embroidery. I just find your site fascinating, and I thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us.
    Now, how do I store my stuff at stitching?. I place the flosses in different small and transparent bags. All of them have a post-it on them, with the floss number and the corresponding symbol. And then I attach them all with a safety pin. Sometimes I even have different needles, with their floss ready, so I can stitch whenever, even if I only have 15min for it.
    Thanks to you and your informations, I bought a week ago The New Crewel book, and I am about to receive it, so these flosses you are offering would be great to start me off with the embroidery.
    And even if I don’t win, I’ll be always happy just by visiting your site.
    Thanks for everything,

  107. Generally how I store the threads depends on the project and the threads. A monochrome (Blackwork, but not always black) project, I just carry the thread around with the project. Something with multiple threads I use baggies with the numbers or names written on them and string them up on a ring (I use the “Bag It” baggies). If the threads come on a card already (i.e. Splendour and the other Rainbow Threads products), I just keep them on those cards. Of course, sometimes I just toss everything into my current work box and root around while I’m working, especially for small projects — though I’m going to try to be better about kitting them up into zip locks, or look for these mesh bags.

    When I did a lot with DMC (I use mostly silk and wool now), I had all the colors in individual bags marked and sorted in plastic drawer containers — and when I pulled something for a project I put in a 3×5 card listing what project that color was pulled to.

  108. Mary, once again you have outdone yourself with a wonderful giveaway. So generous of you. As far as thread organization goes, I must admit that I am pretty meticulous. It drives my crazy when I can’t find what I am looking for, so I label everything, and it always goes back exactly where it came from. I begin by winding all of my thread onto the plastic bobbins, and I write all of the label information on the bobbin. They are then stored in those plastic organizers from the craft store, seperated first by type of thread (silk, metallic, cotton, etc.) and then by color. The plastic organizers stack very neatly onto shelves or cupboards keeping everything neat and organized.
    Thanks again for the wonderful giveaway.

  109. Since I am normally a very organized person, I hate to admit to this but… I have some threads over there and some this way and some are under that. When I start a project, it takes me a whole day to see what I have and what I need and I always find the thing I needed at home after I bought it again. So, after writing this, I think I will put organizing my embroidery supplies to my list of things to do. Thanks so much for you blog. I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned from you. It’s like having my own embroidery personal trainer.

    Christy S.

  110. I store mine on winded cards – in the plastic boxes. What I’ve always done with them!

    And then when I need them for a project, I put the colors I need on a ring.

    Works great for me!


  111. Lovely goodies! Like so many others, I use a variety of methods. Cards with holes, small plastic baggies, metal rings and platic drapery hooks! Most importantly, I prepare a project and put it in a portable container for a quick “on the go” project. I must admit I have had my eye on a gorgeous acorn thread keeper at nordic needle! It might just be time to “pretty up” my approach.

    Joan Jeffers

  112. I store my DMC cotton and peartl cotton on the little white cards. I have not come up with a good method to store my Caron Collection wool/silk threads, DMC Rayon, and many others. Right now they are in snack size baggies, which I know is not a good thing. I just finished making a project folder yesterday. It is made of fabric that I quilted and folds in three. I sewed on 2 large ziploc bags and one small one to hold everything. This is what I will use to store my current projects. I am in the process of making a matching tote bag, just because! LOL I love the fabric I used so I want to use it up.

  113. What a lovely give-away!
    Thinking about this question, I am realizing that my methods have been changing. I store my threads in “floss-away” bags when I’m not using them. I have a lovely wooden cabinet that holds all the DMC threads perfectly.

    I gather the bags I need into (usually) just a zip-lock bag for each project. I cut skeins and use the tag that came with the thread to loop them through so I can keep track of brands, colors, and dye-lots. I’ve also been using one of those “paco” orgaznizers to keep threaded needles for the project I’m stitching with silk. That way I don’t waste a single length.

    I’ve also been stitching Temari balls a lot, and for the pearl cotton for those, I don’t cut the skeins; they use up thread so quickly that I like to use longer lengths. I loop them through the paper “rings” so I know what color I used.

  114. Reading through all the comments so far I’m amazed by the various storage systems. I too, use a number of systems, depending upon the thread. All my standard DMC threads are stored, uncut, on thread cards in 3 LoRan thread folders [4 once I can find another], with their ‘specialty’ threads stored on stitchbows. Other specialty threads are stored in special zip-lock bags that are ringed together in sets according to type. The exception to this is the old threads I inherited from my Nana which are looped on tags with any details written on the tag and then the tags are put on a ring. The bags and ringed thread are all kept together in boxes on my craft shelves.

    When it comes to projects, if there is a card with a kit I will tend to use it but otherwise I use the LoRan cards that you can write on and reuse when done. Most of these are then layer in pretty storage boxes with the fabric and patterns until I get around to them. My WIP is usually in a project bag at the foot of my bed where it can glare at me and remind me to do some work on it.

  115. I store my hand dyed ribbon on rings. and I have a thread dresser like sharon boggin where I store thread by colour. I have been trying to get my thread wound on cards but I always getstarted and something interups me so I geuss I need to make it a priority before I wind up in a mess of knots.
    Melisa B

  116. I keep my DMC floss on little white cards, labed so that they fit in those flat boxes and can be pulled easily for a project. All of my other threads are sorted by color in ziplock bags, so that I can pull them and put them in another ziplock/mesh bag for the project. I then add my other sewing supplies in a separate bag, and all of the supplies end up in a cloth tote bag, because we travel a fair amount and I always have a project ready to go.

  117. Guess I’m not as organized as most of those who comment. My cotton floss is on bobbins in plastic boxes. Kreinik threads are also stored in a special plastic box with spindels. Weeks Dye Works are on a metal ring as are Sampler Threads. Everything else is somewhere else.


  118. The stash looks absolutely divine. For storage, I use the DMC skein holders. Just pop the ole skein on and voila, I’m good to unwind. I keep the skeins in ziplocs with their DMC numbers in sharpie on the bag. When I’m ready to embroider, I have the DMC thread bags which hold the plastic skein holders. I keep the whole project organized by slipping the whole shebang in an old plastic binder.

  119. I stuff everything into my project bag, except silk. That I tend to wrap on thread winders–either the nice ones or fabricated ones!

  120. I am the traditional sewer and I have all my threads on plastic cards and in storage boxes. Before I wind the threads onto the cards I cut the number off the DMC skein holder and stick it onto the card so I always know what number the threads are. While sewing I put my threads on cards with holes so I can see at a glance the numbers and symbols.

    Hope I can be considered for your freebie offer.

    Keep up the good work.


  121. Good Morning.. I have already entered, but wanted to ask. Where do you get the zippered mesh bags from? Do you make them or buy them? Thanks in advance for the info.

  122. Mary,
    I use the color card with the holes punched in them to begin with to get organized, and then I end up draping the threads on my cloth draped drawing board propped on an easel, sort of like an upright palette–works for me.

    Love the photography on your blog.
    Joan B

  123. Hi Mary ……..
    Your give-away always lure me….I hope one day I can get a chance to win them.
    I loop my treads through holes as well as wind then on bobbins as per my convenience.

    With lots of love,

  124. I have my threads stored in little zip-lock bags, but for a project I use little plastic ‘safety pins’ which are sold as knitting markers. The ‘safety pins’ have little stickers stuck to them to identify which thread is which – which is why I use them – and attach to a thread pallet.

  125. the flosses are tempting me like anything as they are not available in India. so usually all my projects are limited to silk threads. i arrange them shadewise in a plastic(transperent) boxes. For projects i keep the desired shades of thread in one box and little bit of thread come outside the lid so that its easy for me to pull the thread n cut the desired length.

  126. Hi Y’all,
    I had no clue there were so many different ways to store thread…I learn so much from this site..THANK-YOU Mary!! The only craft store here is Walmart so I look online but didn’t even know some of these things existed! I really love the glass jar idea!!

  127. Gosh, I wish I was as organized as some of these folks. I store my threads by type and then sort them by colour so that I have a plastic ziplock back of blue tones, green, etc. for each type of thread. When I come to do a project I pull out the hanks I want and they go into a large plastic bag with the project, scissors, needlebook etc. Depending on where I am going to sew, the plastic bag will go alone to the doctor’s waiting room where I might have 1/2 hour to sew. If I am going to babysit then I carry my amazing bag with loads of pockets that hold beads, threads, bits of lace etc. that I can choose if I need extra stuff. Talking about stuff, your giveaway stuff is wonderful, thanks for the chance to be in the draw.
    http://dianesdecoratingdiary.blogspot.com dianematheson@hotmail.com

  128. I love needle work, what a wonderful past time it is for me. I have lymphedema in my arm and neuropathy in my legs from chemo treatment. I did needle work when I was younger and did not appreciate it as I do now. But working with my finger still give me satisfaction of being able to do for myself. I have always placed my threads in plastic baggies and on thread cards in a box for them to stay organized. Love your page, you display beautiful and helpful suggestions and the patterns are great. Thank you so much for your web page. mj

  129. Mary,
    For now, I just use little bags the thread is shipped in. I have just become interested in CQ and embroidery. I do not have nuch of a “stash”. I only have one project started, a CQ Christmas stocking. I plan to pursue learning embroidery, so storage and project bags will eventually become a problem. I do not have a total plan, but as for skeins and separating threads, bobbins, mesh bags I will have to research and find the best way for me. Thanks for having a give-away.

    June Savoy

  130. When I look at the picture of these “goodies,” I think of candy…something I always want!
    When working on a project, I sort my threads by using a piece of cardboard that comes in clothing packages such as men’s t-shirts. I punch a line of holes in the cardboard and write the color name and number under each hole and then just loop the thread through the holes.

  131. I have just recently started doing embroidery work so I don’t have a lot of things except for my DMC floss. I have that stored in baggies that they sell at Jo-Ann’s other than that I am waiting to WIN some more supplies! I am reading through all the post to come up with some more storage solutions.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  132. I have only been at this about a year and intially had all the thread in a plastic container trying very hard to only take what was needed for the project from the skeen however it wasn’t working very well so I started about a month ago keeping them on the white cards and picked up a sectioned plastic container to keep them in. I leave three of the sections empty for the current projects colors and put them back in order when finished with that particular thread. This has seemed to work well for now (small projects not many threads). I see myself increasing my stash in the next year or two and looking for better ideas in this area.

  133. I just love your website and blog. It is the first thing I open in the morning. You have so many beautiful threads, patterns, etc. I am a very beginner embroider although I have done it for several years. I also quilt. I have a learned a lot about threads through your blog.

    I store my thread on the small cardboard squares you can purchase and mark them with the number and name. Recently I purchased a crafters notebook that enables me to carry thread, needles, and my work in a zipper case. I like this very much. I do recycle the plastic bags you get various things in also.
    I would love to entererd in your “giveaway”. It is such a joy to get “goodies” in the mail unexpectedly!

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and so many nice things with all of your “needling” friends!

  134. Oh, Mary, you are such a generous lady! I’m very much like you when it comes to threads. I’m like a kid in a candy store! And today we are so very lucky to have so much from which to choose. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some lovelies!

    My favorite way to store threads is in those little floss bags. You can store your leftover floss so easily that way. Wrapping them around floss cards usually results in floss that’s “kinked” where it turns the edge of the card. I store my floss bags in 2 cherry wood boxes made by Sudberry which I love, but they are no longer available. I’ve never really cared for thread palettes that you loop the thread through.

    Marilyn R. in Ledgewood, NJ

  135. I store my project threads using a kind of key tag. They are the ones with a white paper circle that you write on, attached to the key ring itself. I write the name of the thread and its number (if needed) and the project it goes to on the white paper tag. Then, I loop the thread through the ring itself and secure it with a loose knot.
    These can be hung on thread hooks near my workstation. They are very organized and ready when I am! I hope this helps others too!
    Abby Ward in PA

  136. I store my thread in plastic ziplock bags. Threads that I’m actually using, I unwind (the skeins) and rewind onto plastic bobbins after first carefully removing the ring label with the colour number on it and tying it onto one end of the skein (so that when I’m down to the last of the thread, I can re-order). I have a workbox in which I keep current project necessities, such as scissors, thread, beads, and the like. It has a pincushion for the needles, little pockets for thimbles, buttons, bead containers (such as needle tubes), and compartments, thank heavens, for the disorganized like me. Like you, I am currently suffering from a serious passion for fiber that led me to purchase several hundred dollars worth of #5 perle cotton last week. I suppose I must now find projects in which to use this beautiful thread. Nevertheless, the mere picture of this month’s giveaway fibers inspired a new flush of lust in my heart. I hope I win anyway. Thanks, Mary. Your site is a pure source of pleasure to me.

  137. I wish my stash storage system was better than it is. I have my DMC organized by color number in the floss storage bags on big rings. Other fibers tend to get thrown together by general type — silks, overdyed, etc. or sometimes by color (metallics). Then there are several boxes of miscellaneous things I don’t know what to do with.

  138. Hi Mary et al, Lovely threads and goodies! As to storage, my DMC floss is wound on cardboard bobbins and kept in plastic segmented boxes. The Trebizond buttonhole twist is in a big segmented basket. I have tins for metallics and a segmented drawer for perle coton. When I started doing bobbin lace I added a bunch more threads in different fibers and keep these in the Art Bins. Art Bins are a nice system for storage – they stack and I also use them for lots of different projects and stash ie cloth doll stuff, Medici wool, a hand applique project and more. (I always buy them on sale.) When working on a stitching project I collect what I need and put it in a little basket. I also like to loop my threads onto a little plastic butterfly holder that has holes in it for the different threads used in a project. (I like butterflies.) Storing threads so they do not get dirty and roughed up is the first important step in creating our precious gifts, treasures, heirlooms, masterpieces and sanity savers. Happy stitching everyone and thank you, Mary for your wonderful website! Best, Lynn Stiglich

  139. What a fabulous give-away! Love the needle tubes as bead holders, etc. holders idea! Thanks for all you do for the love of embroidery!

  140. Well, when I kit up a project, I try to be good and put each thread into its own floss bag, then put the bags on a ring. This is convenient because then the ring can hang on a knob on my lap stand (which I use for EVERYTHING).

    Somehow, though, it often doesn’t work out that way, especially when I purchase the threads already kitted for the project (like a class piece or a canvas-of-the-month). In these cases, I rarely get my act together to put the threads in individual bags, and usually end up working from one larger plastic zip-top bag.

    You know what they say about best intentions! 🙂

  141. My method of thread storage is far from impressive- each color thread is kept in a little plastic bag, all those go into a gallon-sized bag, and that goes into a white photo box labeled “Embroidery”. I have boxes for “Sewing”, “Pens and Pencils”, “Paints”, “Random Stuff”, “Knitting”, etc, all stacked neatly on shelves.


  142. I am new to embroidering and I have absolutely no method of organization or storing. I have found the other comments very helpful and we have to experiment and see what works for me.

    Thank you,

    Nita Carroll

  143. I am so new at embroidery I put my threads in a envelope and tag is the colors and kind. I use a ring to keep the colors apart. The project I’m working on has the threads and everything else I need to use in a basket at home, if I’m riding in the car I have a tote.

  144. Hi Mary,
    What an interesting question. I normally wind my threads on cards and store them by brand until I need them for a project. Normally I would store all of the threads and pattern in a plastic envelope whilst I am compiling them, and then when ready to start work on a project I put them all into a plastic container, very similar to the one that you are giving away. Works for me. Thanks for the wonderful site, I really enjoy reading it.
    Many thanks,

  145. I have a large plastic tackle box that has 4 plastic boxes (that are meant to hold lures) but perfectly holds my DMC thread wound on cardboard bobbins. I keep them numerically in the boxes and have a reference card with all the numbers on the top. When I take a DMC color out, I erase the checked number so next time I go for that color I can see in an instant whether it is in a box or if I need to restock it. The top of the tackle box has a large area that allows me to store my speciality threads, sissors, needles, needle threader, name tag, small reference books of stitches and my wallet. When I travel to a large seminar I take the entire tackle box. When I work on one particular project I simply move the materials I need to a smaller tackle box. It is painful for my son, who loves to fish, see me use tackle boxes in this manner – LOL. I also use clear 35mm plastic film cases to store buttons and beads. I like to recycle and reuse in creative ways.

  146. Lovely threads as usual….I take my present in a chocolate box.Its nice and handy and I can store buttons,needlebook,smal scissors et al there until I finish the project. The threads are usually the skein if I use Anchor cotton skein. i choose a chocolate/biscuit tin as per the need of the project.people traveling always bring home some chocolate or assorted biscuit tin and I have a few to choose from for the new projects.

  147. How do I arrange my threads for projects? Actually, I don’t have a system. I might put them in a plastic bag that goes into the project bag (or box, or basket), but more often than not, the threads are just loose in with the project, hoop, and tools, etc. I don’t use thread rings. Or bobbins or cards. Nor do I loop them through thread cards. I have been thinking about thread rings. Yep. I have been thinking about thread rings.


  148. Hi Mary I keep my threads by brand in little snack baggies/ This way I can see them and they are not all bunched together. And really using the snack baggies there is no extra bulk….

  149. I was so fascinated of the threads, that I haven’t seen the questions and have read about them only today… So about my tries to organise my threads, materials etc. Mostly I put all the things I need for my project to some box from the sweets (sometimes I buy some chocolates only for the box :D) Of course, sometimes it is a problem using the same thread for few projects. Commonly I buy another thread because I think that I do not have it (it is simply in one of the boxes…)But I am known as making many different projects at the same time and somehow I find the threads (but is is mistery for me how). I guess, I should try to make some order. But it is more interesting and much easier to buy another thread and to stitch (as I say: my threads do not ask to eat, so let they stay at home, one day I’ll find them and use)

  150. new skeins in a house shaped box given me when I moved here, special colors for projects to be worked in a lovely black walnut jewelry box with 6 drawers made by my father. WIP’s in a case that has pages with 8 plastic zipper spaces so the thread colors can be seen. Needles in a CQ needlecase that I received in a Swap, all other sewing items, scissors, thimble, etc. in a round sewing box, the top of which I hand painted. Projects in a small zippered case made for needlework.

  151. For me, I organize threads differently for each type of embroidery. I work mostly in perle cotton, so I tend to ball it up or leave it in the skein if I can. When working with other threads, I’m known to spool delicate threads or put them in baggies. With embroidery floss I either put on a punch card or in baggies, especially if I’m using more than a few colorways.

    I don’t like to use bobbins because it can leave such creases in your floss. I avoid that if at all possible.

  152. When I am getting ready to start a project, I organize my threads by loop tying them onto an embroidery hoop that was passed down from my great-grandmother to my grandmother to me. I have other little items of theirs: scissors, needles etc. that I use and some of their completed needle works that inspire me and bring back good memories of time spent together. I store left over threads on bobbin cards. Debbie Fair Oaks, CA

  153. I am new to embroidery. I originally cut my threads 18″ long; attached them to a 3-ring binder card that had holes down the side— and braided them. This quickly became messy, so I wound all my threads on little cards, stored in plastic boxes with dividers. This works okay for DMC, My spools of pearl cotton are in a round tin. Beads and other threads are in a rubbermaid box. I’d love to find a better organization method.
    Linda Sch…..

  154. Hi Mary. I love your blog. I read you every day. I keep my threads wound on card and stored in a plastic box. I have some gold threads and someone said I should keep them in a box lined with black. I guess this is to stop them from tarnishing. I hope you will start the pulled thread sampler again soon.
    Pam Paice UK

  155. I store all threads, regardless of type, by color in ziploc bags.

    When I start a new project, I pull from my storage places and place all supplies in a plastic container with attached lid — this keeps everything together until I’m finished with the project and then I can “re-file” it all…It’s the re-filing that trips me up every time…

  156. When I prepare for a project I collect all the threads I think I’ll use, wind them around the plastic holders (sold for embroidery floss) or around empty thread spools…My beads are in old medicine bottles, buttons and silk ribbons are put into little plastic baggies. I have active project containers (shoe boxes with flip up hold tight abilities) where I put my supples in for safe keeping..Skye

  157. I have always stored my DMC by wrapping them around empty regular sewing thread spools. Some I’ve had so long they are wrapped on wooden spools.
    Now that I’m into Brazilian Embroidery I use the 16 slot plastic tread organizer.

    When I go to a Brazlian
    Emb. meeting or class I carry my threads and other supplies in an old brief case which is great to place on a table and it opens up for easy access to my “tools”.

  158. i use biscuit or toffee tins to store the threads and the cloth. This keeps it clean and handy. the numbers are left in the thread for identification

  159. Hi
    I am only thirteen and live in England – Manchester – I have always been amazed with embroidery but never really took it to be my thing. However your website has encouraged me to such a great deal that I have persuaded my mother in letting me take embroidery classes very soon. I know that I have no chance in winning as I am only a beginner and stash all my (very few but greatly cherished and kept safe) threads in my mini pink box my grandmother once gave to me when she realized I liked to sew little bags (this was at the age of 6-7 and my grandmother is with us no more). However, although I will always use my grandmother’s gift for my most beloved possessions, I am saving up for mesh bags, tubes for my sequins and much more. In the time being they are all individually rolled onto separate colours of card (matching the colour of the thread) that I cut out at home. I hope to hear from you personally as you are my role-model in embroidery.

  160. Hi, Nasreen! Thanks for your comment! It sounds as if you are well on your way to becoming a Very Talented embroiderer! And I’m glad you’re finding it to be more “your thing”! It’s fun, isn’t it? If you have any specific questions you want to ask, or just want to strike up a conversation about needlework, feel free to contact me through the “Contact Us” form, and then I’ll send you an e-mail so you have my e-mail address.

    You’ll have to let me know how your class goes!

    I like the idea of your little treasure box from your grandmother! Good way to keep your things and to remember someone you love, all at the same time!

    Drop me a line!


  161. Wonderful giveway! I have done embroidery for a while so i have every color of DMC thread. I have used all differnt forms of organization. I finally settled on using two tackle boxes to hold all of them on plastic cards that fit right into the slots. They are then in numeric order. I am just beginning to dabble with the other threads, so they are in simalar boxes jsut not wound on bobbins. I feel they are too delicate to wind some of them. So I have in the little squares areas with the tags noting what they are. Thank you for having this drawing!I just found your site about two months ago and loving every day! Have forward to so many friends! May God continue to give you creative strenght for a very long time!

  162. When storing my stash of floss I place one skein on a bobbin with its color number then place the bobbin in a bobbin box arranging the bobbins numerically.

    When working on projects, I place the floss on a punched thread card. I keep the card, needles, pattern, and fabric together in a metal tin or plastic zipper-seal bag.

  163. Again a wonderful drawing! I noticed that my stash is kept like others, the DMC goes on flat bobbins and filed numerically in large flat boxes. For each project I sort the thread bobbins into a smaller (5×7)box with needles, scissors, pin cushion and watercolor pencil. I use a separate needle for each color and keep the needles ready for use.
    My grandmother (in 1966) taught me to wind my thread on matchbook covers with the thread label glued/stapled on a corner. Just about the same size as those DMC bobbins.

  164. I keep my stash in bins, drawers, boxes, bags, on three different desk tops. Almost every bit of space is taken up by my stash.

    I always have at least 5 projects going at one time. I like to see the colors all around me as I’m a very creative person and my mind is in 24 hour craft mode.

    I use floss, yarns, and cords, anything that adds pizzazz to my projects.

  165. I have my threads in plastic sterilite drawers, the are on a binder ring, on plastic thread cards that are wonderful, and in numerical order, so when I need a thread I pick the drawer and take out the ring, My frames are all hanging on peg board, needlepoint canvas are hanging with the threads and stitch guides in large plastic zip locks. Larger instructions are in a binder. I also have a spread sheet with my canvases listed what I will stitch for that year.
    Each project with threads are transfered into a mesh zipper bag by Walker.
    Thanks for a great give a way!

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